Codebase list golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth / ddea9d65-557c-40da-aae2-791c19be175d/v0.0.12
Fix narrow width: Added StrictEmojiNarrow Yasuhiro Matsumoto 3 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 179 addition(s) and 80 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 var benchSink int
9 //
10 // RuneWidth
11 //
13 func benchRuneWidth(b *testing.B, eastAsianWidth bool, start, stop rune, want int) int {
14 n := 0
15 got := -1
16 c := NewCondition()
17 c.EastAsianWidth = eastAsianWidth
18 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
19 got = n
20 for r := start; r < stop; r++ {
21 n += c.RuneWidth(r)
22 }
23 got = n - got
24 }
25 if want != 0 && got != want { // some extra checks
26 b.Errorf("got %d, want %d\n", got, want)
27 }
28 return n
29 }
30 func BenchmarkRuneWidthAll(b *testing.B) {
31 benchSink = benchRuneWidth(b, false, 0, utf8.MaxRune+1, 1293932)
32 }
33 func BenchmarkRuneWidth768(b *testing.B) {
34 benchSink = benchRuneWidth(b, false, 0, 0x300, 702)
35 }
36 func BenchmarkRuneWidthAllEastAsian(b *testing.B) {
37 benchSink = benchRuneWidth(b, true, 0, utf8.MaxRune+1, 1432558)
38 }
39 func BenchmarkRuneWidth768EastAsian(b *testing.B) {
40 benchSink = benchRuneWidth(b, true, 0, 0x300, 794)
41 }
43 //
44 // String1Width - strings which consist of a single rune
45 //
47 func benchString1Width(b *testing.B, eastAsianWidth bool, start, stop rune, want int) int {
48 n := 0
49 got := -1
50 c := NewCondition()
51 c.EastAsianWidth = eastAsianWidth
52 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
53 got = n
54 for r := start; r < stop; r++ {
55 s := string(r)
56 n += c.StringWidth(s)
57 }
58 got = n - got
59 }
60 if want != 0 && got != want { // some extra checks
61 b.Errorf("got %d, want %d\n", got, want)
62 }
63 return n
64 }
65 func BenchmarkString1WidthAll(b *testing.B) {
66 benchSink = benchString1Width(b, false, 0, utf8.MaxRune+1, 1295980)
67 }
68 func BenchmarkString1Width768(b *testing.B) {
69 benchSink = benchString1Width(b, false, 0, 0x300, 702)
70 }
71 func BenchmarkString1WidthAllEastAsian(b *testing.B) {
72 benchSink = benchString1Width(b, true, 0, utf8.MaxRune+1, 1436654)
73 }
74 func BenchmarkString1Width768EastAsian(b *testing.B) {
75 benchSink = benchString1Width(b, true, 0, 0x300, 794)
76 }
78 //
79 // tables
80 //
981 func benchTable(b *testing.B, tbl table) int {
1082 n := 0
1183 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
1111 // EastAsianWidth will be set true if the current locale is CJK
1212 EastAsianWidth bool
14 // StrictEmojiNeutral should be set false if handle broken fonts
15 StrictEmojiNeutral bool = true
1417 // DefaultCondition is a condition in current locale
15 DefaultCondition = &Condition{}
18 DefaultCondition = &Condition{
19 EastAsianWidth: false,
20 StrictEmojiNeutral: true,
21 }
1622 )
1824 func init() {
8389 // Condition have flag EastAsianWidth whether the current locale is CJK or not.
8490 type Condition struct {
85 EastAsianWidth bool
91 EastAsianWidth bool
92 StrictEmojiNeutral bool
8693 }
8895 // NewCondition return new instance of Condition which is current locale.
8996 func NewCondition() *Condition {
9097 return &Condition{
91 EastAsianWidth: EastAsianWidth,
98 EastAsianWidth: EastAsianWidth,
99 StrictEmojiNeutral: StrictEmojiNeutral,
92100 }
93101 }
95103 // RuneWidth returns the number of cells in r.
96104 // See
97105 func (c *Condition) RuneWidth(r rune) int {
98 switch {
99 case r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || inTables(r, nonprint, combining):
100 return 0
101 case inTables(r, narrow):
102 return 1
103 case (c.EastAsianWidth && IsAmbiguousWidth(r)) || inTables(r, doublewidth, neutral):
104 return 2
105 default:
106 return 1
106 // optimized version, verified by TestRuneWidthChecksums()
107 if !c.EastAsianWidth {
108 switch {
109 case r < 0x20 || r > 0x10FFFF:
110 return 0
111 case (r >= 0x7F && r <= 0x9F) || r == 0xAD: // nonprint
112 return 0
113 case r < 0x300:
114 return 1
115 case inTable(r, narrow):
116 return 1
117 case inTables(r, nonprint, combining):
118 return 0
119 case inTable(r, doublewidth):
120 return 2
121 default:
122 return 1
123 }
124 } else {
125 switch {
126 case r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || inTables(r, nonprint, combining):
127 return 0
128 case inTable(r, narrow):
129 return 1
130 case inTables(r, ambiguous, doublewidth):
131 return 2
132 case !c.StrictEmojiNeutral && inTables(r, ambiguous, emoji, narrow):
133 return 2
134 default:
135 return 1
136 }
107137 }
108138 }
6464 }
6565 }
67 func TestRuneWidthChecksums(t *testing.T) {
68 var testcases = []struct {
69 name string
70 eastAsianWidth bool
71 wantSHA string
72 }{
73 {"ea-no", false, "4eb632b105d3b2c800dda9141381d0b8a95250a3a5c7f1a5ca2c4d4daaa85234"},
74 {"ea-yes", true, "c2ddc3bdf42d81d4c23050e21eda46eb639b38b15322d35e8eb6c26f3b83ce92"},
75 }
77 for _, testcase := range testcases {
78 c := NewCondition()
79 c.EastAsianWidth = testcase.eastAsianWidth
80 buf := make([]byte, utf8.MaxRune+1)
81 for r := rune(0); r <= utf8.MaxRune; r++ {
82 buf[r] = byte(c.RuneWidth(r))
83 }
84 gotSHA := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256(buf))
85 if gotSHA != testcase.wantSHA {
86 t.Errorf("TestRuneWidthChecksums = %s,\n\tsha256 = %s want %s",
87, gotSHA, testcase.wantSHA)
88 }
89 }
90 }
6792 func checkInterval(first, last rune) bool {
6893 return first >= 0 && first <= utf8.MaxRune &&
6994 last >= 0 && last <= utf8.MaxRune &&
86111 return true
87112 }
89 // This is a utility function in case that a table has changed.
90 func printCompactTable(tbl table) {
91 counter := 0
92 printEntry := func(first, last rune) {
93 if counter%3 == 0 {
94 fmt.Printf("\t")
95 }
96 fmt.Printf("{0x%04X, 0x%04X},", first, last)
97 if (counter+1)%3 == 0 {
98 fmt.Printf("\n")
99 } else {
100 fmt.Printf(" ")
101 }
102 counter++
103 }
105 sort.Sort(&tbl) // just in case
106 first := rune(-1)
107 for i := range tbl {
108 e := tbl[i]
109 if !checkInterval(e.first, e.last) { // sanity check
110 panic("invalid table")
111 }
112 if first < 0 {
113 first = e.first
114 }
115 if i+1 < len(tbl) && e.last+1 >= tbl[i+1].first { // can be combined into one entry
116 continue
117 }
118 printEntry(first, e.last)
119 first = -1
120 }
121 fmt.Printf("\n\n")
122 }
124114 func TestSorted(t *testing.T) {
125115 for _, ti := range tables {
126116 if !sort.IsSorted(&ti.tbl) {
128118 }
129119 if !isCompact(t, &ti) {
130120 t.Errorf("table not compact: %s",
131 //printCompactTable(ti.tbl)
132121 }
133122 }
134123 }
136125 var runewidthtests = []struct {
137 in rune
138 out int
139 eaout int
126 in rune
127 out int
128 eaout int
129 nseout int
140130 }{
141 {'世', 2, 2},
142 {'界', 2, 2},
143 {'セ', 1, 1},
144 {'カ', 1, 1},
145 {'イ', 1, 1},
146 {'☆', 1, 2}, // double width in ambiguous
147 {'☺', 1, 1},
148 {'☻', 1, 1},
149 {'♥', 1, 2},
150 {'♦', 1, 1},
151 {'♣', 1, 2},
152 {'♠', 1, 2},
153 {'♂', 1, 2},
154 {'♀', 1, 2},
155 {'♪', 1, 2},
156 {'♫', 1, 1},
157 {'☼', 1, 1},
158 {'↕', 1, 2},
159 {'‼', 1, 1},
160 {'↔', 1, 2},
161 {'\x00', 0, 0},
162 {'\x01', 0, 0},
163 {'\u0300', 0, 0},
164 {'\u2028', 0, 0},
165 {'\u2029', 0, 0},
166 {'a', 1, 1}, // ASCII classified as "na" (narrow)
167 {'⟦', 1, 1}, // non-ASCII classified as "na" (narrow)
131 {'世', 2, 2, 2},
132 {'界', 2, 2, 2},
133 {'セ', 1, 1, 1},
134 {'カ', 1, 1, 1},
135 {'イ', 1, 1, 1},
136 {'☆', 1, 2, 2}, // double width in ambiguous
137 {'☺', 1, 1, 2},
138 {'☻', 1, 1, 2},
139 {'♥', 1, 2, 2},
140 {'♦', 1, 1, 2},
141 {'♣', 1, 2, 2},
142 {'♠', 1, 2, 2},
143 {'♂', 1, 2, 2},
144 {'♀', 1, 2, 2},
145 {'♪', 1, 2, 2},
146 {'♫', 1, 1, 2},
147 {'☼', 1, 1, 2},
148 {'↕', 1, 2, 2},
149 {'‼', 1, 1, 2},
150 {'↔', 1, 2, 2},
151 {'\x00', 0, 0, 0},
152 {'\x01', 0, 0, 0},
153 {'\u0300', 0, 0, 0},
154 {'\u2028', 0, 0, 0},
155 {'\u2029', 0, 0, 0},
156 {'a', 1, 1, 1}, // ASCII classified as "na" (narrow)
157 {'⟦', 1, 1, 1}, // non-ASCII classified as "na" (narrow)
158 {'👁', 1, 1, 2},
168159 }
170161 func TestRuneWidth(t *testing.T) {
172163 c.EastAsianWidth = false
173164 for _, tt := range runewidthtests {
174165 if out := c.RuneWidth(; out != tt.out {
175 t.Errorf("RuneWidth(%q) = %d, want %d",, out, tt.out)
166 t.Errorf("RuneWidth(%q) = %d, want %d (EastAsianWidth=false)",, out, tt.out)
176167 }
177168 }
178169 c.EastAsianWidth = true
179170 for _, tt := range runewidthtests {
180171 if out := c.RuneWidth(; out != tt.eaout {
181 t.Errorf("RuneWidth(%q) = %d, want %d",, out, tt.eaout)
172 t.Errorf("RuneWidth(%q) = %d, want %d (EastAsianWidth=true)",, out, tt.eaout)
173 }
174 }
175 c.StrictEmojiNeutral = false
176 for _, tt := range runewidthtests {
177 if out := c.RuneWidth(; out != tt.nseout {
178 t.Errorf("RuneWidth(%q) = %d, want %d (StrictEmojiNeutral=false)",, out, tt.eaout)
182179 }
183180 }
184181 }