Codebase list golang-github-nlopes-slack / eb27a01
Implemented Disconnect and improved error handling/stability. Michael Stewart authored 8 years ago Norberto Lopes committed 8 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 390 addition(s) and 204 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1212 // Max. It returns to Min on every call to Reset(). Used in
1313 // conjunction with the time package.
1414 type backoff struct {
15 attempts int
1516 //Factor is the multiplying factor for each increment step
16 attempts, Factor float64
17 Factor float64
1718 //Jitter eases contention by randomizing backoff steps
1819 Jitter bool
1920 //Min and Max are the minimum and maximum values of the counter
3536 b.Factor = 2
3637 }
3738 //calculate this duration
38 dur := float64(b.Min) * math.Pow(b.Factor, b.attempts)
39 dur := float64(b.Min) * math.Pow(b.Factor, float64(b.attempts))
3940 if b.Jitter == true {
4041 dur = rand.Float64()*(dur-float64(b.Min)) + float64(b.Min)
4142 }
2222 IncomingEvents chan SlackEvent
2323 outgoingMessages chan OutgoingMessage
2424 keepRunning chan bool
25 isRunning bool
25 wasIntentional bool
26 isConnected bool
2728 // Client is the main API, embedded
2829 Client
3738 func newRTM(api *Client) *RTM {
3839 return &RTM{
3940 Client: *api,
40 pings: make(map[int]time.Time),
4141 IncomingEvents: make(chan SlackEvent, 50),
4242 outgoingMessages: make(chan OutgoingMessage, 20),
43 keepRunning: make(chan bool),
44 isRunning: true,
43 pings: make(map[int]time.Time),
44 isConnected: false,
45 wasIntentional: true,
4546 }
4647 }
4849 // Disconnect and wait, blocking until a successful disconnection.
4950 func (rtm *RTM) Disconnect() error {
50 if !rtm.isRunning {
51 rtm.mutex.Lock()
52 defer rtm.mutex.Unlock()
53 if !rtm.isConnected {
5154 return errors.New("Invalid call to Disconnect - Slack API is already disconnected")
5255 }
5356 return rtm.killConnection(true)
77 type ConnectedEvent struct {
88 ConnectionCount int // 1 = first time, 2 = second time
99 Info *Info
10 }
12 type ConnectionErrorEvent struct {
13 Attempt int
14 ErrorObj error
15 }
17 func (c *ConnectionErrorEvent) Error() string {
18 return c.ErrorObj.Error()
1019 }
1221 type ConnectingEvent struct {
3140 func (u UnmarshallingErrorEvent) Error() string {
3241 return u.ErrorObj.Error()
3342 }
44 type OutgoingErrorEvent struct {
45 Message OutgoingMessage
46 ErrorObj error
47 }
49 func (o OutgoingErrorEvent) Error() string {
50 return o.ErrorObj.Error()
51 }
53 type IncomingEventError struct {
54 ErrorObj error
55 }
57 func (i *IncomingEventError) Error() string {
58 return i.ErrorObj.Error()
59 }
61 type AckErrorEvent struct {
62 ErrorObj error
63 }
65 func (a *AckErrorEvent) Error() string {
66 return a.ErrorObj.Error()
67 }
69 type SlackErrorEvent struct {
70 ErrorObj error
71 }
73 func (s SlackErrorEvent) Error() string {
74 return s.ErrorObj.Error()
75 }
22 import (
33 "encoding/json"
4 "errors"
45 "fmt"
56 "io"
6 "log"
77 "reflect"
88 "time"
1010 ""
1111 )
13 // ManageConnection is a long-running goroutine that handles
14 // reconnections and piping messages back and to `rtm.IncomingEvents`
15 // and `rtm.OutgoingMessages`.
16 //
17 // Usage would look like:
18 //
19 // bot := slack.New("my-token")
20 // rtm := bot.NewRTM() // check err
21 // setupYourHandlers(rtm.IncomingEvents, rtm.OutgoingMessages)
22 // rtm.ManageConnection()
23 //
13 // ManageConnection can be called on a Slack RTM instance returned by the
14 // NewRTM method. It will connect to the slack RTM API and handle all incoming
15 // and outgoing events. If a connection fails then it will attempt to reconnect
16 // and will notify any listeners through an error event on the IncomingEvents
17 // channel.
18 //
19 // This detects failed and closed connections through the RTM's keepRunning
20 // channel. Once this channel is closed or has something sent to it, this will
21 // open a lock on the RTM's mutex and check if the disconnect was intentional
22 // or not. If it was not then it attempts to reconnect.
23 //
24 // The defined error events are located in websocket_internals.go.
2425 func (rtm *RTM) ManageConnection() {
26 var connectionCount int
27 for {
28 // open a lock - we want to close this before returning from the
29 // function so we won't defer the mutex's close therefore we MUST
30 // release the lock before returning on an error!
31 rtm.mutex.Lock()
32 connectionCount++
33 // start trying to connect
34 // the returned err is already passed onto the IncomingEvents channel
35 info, conn, err := rtm.connect(connectionCount)
36 // if err != nil then the connection is sucessful
37 // otherwise we need to send a Disconnected event
38 if err != nil {
39 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"disconnected", &DisconnectedEvent{
40 Intentional: false,
41 }}
42 rtm.mutex.Unlock()
43 return
44 }
45 = info
46 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"connected", &ConnectedEvent{
47 ConnectionCount: connectionCount,
48 Info: info,
49 }}
50 // set the connection object and unlock the mutex
51 rtm.conn = conn
52 rtm.isConnected = true
53 rtm.keepRunning = make(chan bool)
54 rtm.mutex.Unlock()
56 // we're now connected (or have failed fatally) so we can set up
57 // listeners and monitor for stopping
58 go rtm.sendKeepAlive(30 * time.Second)
59 go rtm.handleIncomingEvents()
60 go rtm.handleOutgoingMessages()
62 // should return only once we are disconnected
63 <-rtm.keepRunning
65 // after being disconnected we need to check if it was intentional
66 // if not then we should try to reconnect
67 rtm.mutex.Lock()
68 intentional := rtm.wasIntentional
69 rtm.mutex.Unlock()
70 if intentional {
71 return
72 }
73 // else continue and run the loop again to connect
74 }
75 }
77 // connect attempts to connect to the slack websocket API. It handles any
78 // errors that occur while connecting and will return once a connection
79 // has been successfully opened.
80 func (rtm *RTM) connect(connectionCount int) (*Info, *websocket.Conn, error) {
81 // used to provide exponential backoff wait time with jitter before trying
82 // to connect to slack again
2583 boff := &backoff{
2684 Min: 100 * time.Millisecond,
2785 Max: 5 * time.Minute,
2886 Factor: 2,
2987 Jitter: true,
3088 }
31 connectionCount := 0
3390 for {
34 var conn *websocket.Conn // use as first
35 var err error
36 var info *Info
38 connectionCount++
40 attempts := 1
41 boff.Reset()
42 for {
43 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"connecting", &ConnectingEvent{
44 Attempt: attempts,
45 ConnectionCount: connectionCount,
46 }}
48 info, conn, err = rtm.startRTMAndDial()
49 if err == nil {
50 break // connected
51 } else if sErr, ok := err.(*SlackWebError); ok {
52 if sErr.Error() == "invalid_auth" {
53 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"invalid_auth", &InvalidAuthEvent{}}
54 return
55 }
56 } else {
57 log.Println(err.Error())
58 }
60 dur := boff.Duration()
61 rtm.Debugf("reconnection %d failed: %s", attempts, err)
62 rtm.Debugln(" -> reconnecting in", dur)
63 attempts++
64 time.Sleep(dur)
65 }
67 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"connected", &ConnectedEvent{
91 // send connecting event
92 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"connecting", &ConnectingEvent{
93 Attempt: boff.attempts + 1,
6894 ConnectionCount: connectionCount,
69 Info: info,
70 }}
72 connErrors := make(chan error, 10) // in case we get many such errors
74 go rtm.keepalive(30*time.Second, conn, connErrors)
75 go rtm.handleIncomingEvents(conn, connErrors)
76 go rtm.handleOutgoingMessages(conn, connErrors)
78 // Here, block and await for disconnection, if it ever happens.
79 err = <-connErrors
81 rtm.Debugln("RTM connection error:", err)
82 rtm.killConnection(false)
83 }
84 }
86 func (rtm *RTM) killConnection(intentional bool) error {
87 rtm.mutex.Lock()
88 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"disconnected", &DisconnectedEvent{}}
89 close(rtm.keepRunning)
90 err := rtm.conn.Close()
91 rtm.isRunning = false
92 rtm.mutex.Unlock()
93 return err
94 }
95 }}
96 // attempt to start the connection
97 info, conn, err := rtm.startRTMAndDial()
98 if err == nil {
99 return info, conn, nil
100 }
101 // check for fatal errors - currently only invalid_auth
102 if sErr, ok := err.(*SlackWebError); ok && sErr.Error() == "invalid_auth" {
103 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"invalid_auth", &InvalidAuthEvent{}}
104 return nil, nil, sErr
105 }
106 // any other errors are treated as recoverable and we try again after
107 // sending the event along the IncomingEvents channel
108 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"connection_error", &ConnectionErrorEvent{
109 Attempt: boff.attempts,
110 ErrorObj: err,
111 }}
112 // get time we should wait before attempting to connect again
113 dur := boff.Duration()
114 rtm.Debugf("reconnection %d failed: %s", boff.attempts+1, err)
115 rtm.Debugln(" -> reconnecting in", dur)
116 time.Sleep(dur)
117 }
118 }
120 // startRTMAndDial attemps to connect to the slack websocket. It returns the
121 // full information returned by the "rtm.start" method on the slack API.
96122 func (rtm *RTM) startRTMAndDial() (*Info, *websocket.Conn, error) {
97123 info, url, err := rtm.StartRTM()
98124 if err != nil {
106132 return info, conn, err
107133 }
109 func (rtm *RTM) keepalive(interval time.Duration, conn *websocket.Conn, errors chan error) {
135 // killConnection stops the websocket connection and signals to all goroutines
136 // that they should cease listening to the connection for events.
137 //
138 // This requires that a lock on the RTM's mutex is held before being called.
139 func (rtm *RTM) killConnection(intentional bool) error {
140 rtm.Debugln("killing connection")
141 if rtm.isConnected {
142 close(rtm.keepRunning)
143 }
144 rtm.isConnected = false
145 rtm.wasIntentional = intentional
146 err := rtm.conn.Close()
147 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"disconnected", &DisconnectedEvent{intentional}}
148 return err
149 }
151 // handleOutgoingMessages listens on the outgoingMessages channel for any
152 // queued messages that have not been sent.
153 //
154 // This will stop executing once the RTM's keepRunning channel has been closed
155 // or has anything sent to it.
156 func (rtm *RTM) handleOutgoingMessages() {
157 for {
158 select {
159 // catch "stop" signal on channel close
160 case <-rtm.keepRunning:
161 return
162 // listen for messages that need to be sent
163 case msg := <-rtm.outgoingMessages:
164 rtm.sendOutgoingMessage(msg)
165 }
166 }
167 }
169 // sendOutgoingMessage sends the given OutgoingMessage to the slack websocket
170 // after acquiring a lock on the RTM's mutex.
171 //
172 // It does not currently detect if a outgoing message fails due to a disconnect
173 // and instead lets a future failed 'PING' detect the failed connection.
174 func (rtm *RTM) sendOutgoingMessage(msg OutgoingMessage) {
175 rtm.mutex.Lock()
176 defer rtm.mutex.Unlock()
177 rtm.Debugln("Sending message:", msg)
178 if !rtm.isConnected {
179 // check for race condition of connection closed after lock
180 // obtained
181 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"outgoing_error", &OutgoingErrorEvent{
182 Message: msg,
183 ErrorObj: errors.New("Cannot send message - API is not connected"),
184 }}
185 return
186 }
187 err := websocket.JSON.Send(rtm.conn, msg)
188 if err != nil {
189 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"outgoing_error", &OutgoingErrorEvent{
190 Message: msg,
191 ErrorObj: err,
192 }}
193 }
194 }
196 // sendKeepAlive is a blocking call that sends a 'PING' message once for every
197 // duration elapsed.
198 //
199 // This will stop executing once the RTM's keepRunning channel has been closed
200 // or has anything sent to it.
201 func (rtm *RTM) sendKeepAlive(interval time.Duration) {
110202 ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
111203 defer ticker.Stop()
113205 for {
114206 select {
207 // catch "stop" signal on channel close
115208 case <-rtm.keepRunning:
116209 return
210 // send pings on ticker interval
117211 case <-ticker.C:
118, errors)
119 }
120 }
121 }
123 func (rtm *RTM) ping(conn *websocket.Conn, errors chan error) {
212 go
213 }
214 }
215 }
217 // ping sends a 'PING' message to the RTM's websocket. If the 'PING' message
218 // fails to send then this calls killConnection to signal an unintentional
219 // websocket disconnect.
220 //
221 // This does not handle incoming 'PONG' responses but does store the time of
222 // each successful 'PING' send so latency can be detected upon a 'PONG'
223 // response.
224 func (rtm *RTM) ping() {
124225 rtm.mutex.Lock()
125226 defer rtm.mutex.Unlock()
227 rtm.Debugln("Sending PING")
228 if !rtm.isConnected {
229 // it's possible that the API has disconnected while we were waiting
230 // for a lock on the mutex
231 rtm.Debugln("Cannot send ping - API is not connected")
232 // no need to send an error event since it really isn't an error
233 return
234 }
127235 rtm.messageID++
128236 rtm.pings[rtm.messageID] = time.Now()
130 msg := &Ping{ID: rtm.messageID, Type: "ping"}
131 rtm.Debugln("Sending PING")
132 if err := websocket.JSON.Send(conn, msg); err != nil {
133 errors <- fmt.Errorf("error sending 'ping': %s", err)
134 }
135 }
137 func (rtm *RTM) handleOutgoingMessages(conn *websocket.Conn, errors chan error) {
138 // we pass "conn" in case we do a reconnection, in that case we'll
139 // have a new `conn` even though we're dealing with the same
140 // incoming and outgoing channels for messages/events.
238 msg := &Ping{Id: rtm.messageID, Type: "ping"}
239 err := websocket.JSON.Send(rtm.conn, msg)
240 if err != nil {
241 rtm.Debugf("RTM Error sending 'PING': %s", err.Error())
242 rtm.killConnection(false)
243 }
244 }
246 // handleIncomingEvents monitors the RTM's opened websocket for any incoming
247 // events.
248 //
249 // This will stop executing once the RTM's keepRunning channel has been closed
250 // or has anything sent to it.
251 func (rtm *RTM) handleIncomingEvents() {
141252 for {
253 // non-blocking listen to see if channel is closed
142254 select {
143 case <-rtm.keepRunning:
144 return
146 case msg := <-rtm.outgoingMessages:
147 rtm.Debugln("Sending message:", msg)
149 rtm.mutex.Lock()
150 err := websocket.JSON.Send(conn, msg)
151 rtm.mutex.Unlock()
152 if err != nil {
153 errors <- fmt.Errorf("error sending 'message': %s", err)
154 return
155 }
156 }
157 }
158 }
160 func (rtm *RTM) handleIncomingEvents(conn *websocket.Conn, errors chan error) {
161 for {
163 select {
255 // catch "stop" signal on channel close
164256 case <-rtm.keepRunning:
165257 return
166258 default:
167 }
169 event := json.RawMessage{}
170 err := websocket.JSON.Receive(conn, &event)
171 if err == io.EOF {
172 rtm.Debugln("GOT EOF, are we killing ??")
173 } else if err != nil {
174 errors <- err
175 return
176 }
177 if len(event) == 0 {
178 rtm.Debugln("Event Empty. WTF?")
179 continue
180 }
182 rtm.Debugln("Incoming event:", string(event[:]))
184 rtm.handleEvent(event)
186 // FIXME: please I hope we don't need to sleep!!!
187 //time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
188 }
189 }
191 func (rtm *RTM) handleEvent(event json.RawMessage) {
192 em := Event{}
193 err := json.Unmarshal(event, &em)
194 if err != nil {
195 rtm.Debugln("RTM Error unmarshalling event:", err)
196 rtm.Debugln(" -> Erroneous event:", string(event))
197 return
198 }
200 switch em.Type {
259 rtm.receiveIncomingEvent()
260 }
261 }
262 }
264 // receiveIncomingEvent attempts to receive an event from the RTM's websocket.
265 // This will block until a frame is available from the websocket.
266 func (rtm *RTM) receiveIncomingEvent() {
267 event := json.RawMessage{}
268 err := websocket.JSON.Receive(rtm.conn, &event)
269 if err == io.EOF {
270 // EOF's don't seem to signify a failed connection so instead we ignore
271 // them here and detect a failed connection upon attempting to send a
272 // 'PING' message
274 // trigger a 'PING' to detect pontential websocket disconnect
275 go
276 return
277 } else if err != nil {
278 // TODO detect if this is a fatal error
279 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"incoming_error", &IncomingEventError{
280 ErrorObj: err,
281 }}
282 return
283 } else if len(event) == 0 {
284 rtm.Debugln("Received empty event")
285 return
286 }
287 rtm.Debugln("Incoming Event:", string(event[:]))
288 rtm.handleRawEvent(event)
289 }
291 // handleEOF should be called after receiving an EOF on the RTM's websocket.
292 // It calls the internal killConnection method if the RTM was still considered
293 // to be connected. If it is not considered connected then it is because
294 // the killConnection method has already been called elsewhere.
295 func (rtm *RTM) handleEOF() {
296 rtm.Debugln("Received EOF on websocket")
297 // we need a lock in order to access isConnected and to call killConnection
298 rtm.mutex.Lock()
299 defer rtm.mutex.Unlock()
300 // if isConnected is true then we didn't expect the EOF event
301 // so for it to be intentional we need to have it be false
302 if rtm.isConnected {
303 // try to kill the connection - this should fail silently if the
304 // API has already disconnected
305 _ = rtm.killConnection(false)
306 }
307 }
309 // handleRawEvent takes a raw JSON message received from the slack websocket
310 // and handles the encoded event.
311 func (rtm *RTM) handleRawEvent(rawEvent json.RawMessage) {
312 event := &Event{}
313 err := json.Unmarshal(rawEvent, event)
314 if err != nil {
315 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"unmarshalling_error", &UnmarshallingErrorEvent{err}}
316 return
317 }
318 switch event.Type {
201319 case "":
202 // try ok
203 ack := AckMessage{}
204 if err = json.Unmarshal(event, &ack); err != nil {
205 rtm.Debugln("RTM Error unmarshalling 'ack' event:", err)
206 rtm.Debugln(" -> Erroneous 'ack' event:", string(event))
207 return
208 }
210 if ack.Ok {
211 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"ack", ack}
212 } else {
213 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"error", ack.Error}
214 }
320 rtm.handleAck(rawEvent)
216321 case "hello":
217322 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"hello", &HelloEvent{}}
219323 case "pong":
220 pong := Pong{}
221 if err = json.Unmarshal(event, &pong); err != nil {
222 rtm.Debugln("RTM Error unmarshalling 'pong' event:", err)
223 rtm.Debugln(" -> Erroneous 'ping' event:", string(event))
224 return
225 }
227 rtm.mutex.Lock()
228 latency := time.Since(rtm.pings[pong.ReplyTo])
229 rtm.mutex.Unlock()
231 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"latency-report", &LatencyReport{Value: latency}}
324 rtm.handlePong(rawEvent)
233325 default:
234 if v, ok := eventMapping[em.Type]; ok {
235 t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
236 recvEvent := reflect.New(t).Interface()
238 err := json.Unmarshal(event, recvEvent)
239 if err != nil {
240 rtm.Debugf("RTM Error unmarshalling %q event: %s", em.Type, err)
241 rtm.Debugf(" -> Erroneous %q event: %s", em.Type, string(event))
242 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"unmarshalling-error", &UnmarshallingErrorEvent{err}}
243 return
244 }
246 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{em.Type, recvEvent}
247 } else {
248 rtm.Debugf("RTM Error, received unmapped event %q: %s\n", em.Type, string(event))
249 err := fmt.Errorf("RTM Error, received unmapped event %q: %s\n", em.Type, string(event))
250 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"unmarshalling-error", &UnmarshallingErrorEvent{err}}
251 }
252 }
253 }
326 rtm.handleEvent(event.Type, rawEvent)
327 }
328 }
330 // handleAck handles an incoming 'ACK' message.
331 func (rtm *RTM) handleAck(event json.RawMessage) {
332 ack := &AckMessage{}
333 if err := json.Unmarshal(event, ack); err != nil {
334 rtm.Debugln("RTM Error unmarshalling 'ack' event:", err)
335 rtm.Debugln(" -> Erroneous 'ack' event:", string(event))
336 return
337 }
338 if ack.Ok {
339 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"ack", ack}
340 } else {
341 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"ack_error", &AckErrorEvent{ack.Error}}
342 }
343 }
345 // handlePong handles an incoming 'PONG' message which should be in response to
346 // a previously sent 'PING' message. This is then used to compute the
347 // connection's latency.
348 func (rtm *RTM) handlePong(event json.RawMessage) {
349 pong := &Pong{}
350 if err := json.Unmarshal(event, pong); err != nil {
351 rtm.Debugln("RTM Error unmarshalling 'pong' event:", err)
352 rtm.Debugln(" -> Erroneous 'ping' event:", string(event))
353 return
354 }
355 rtm.mutex.Lock()
356 defer rtm.mutex.Unlock()
357 if pingTime, exists := rtm.pings[pong.ReplyTo]; exists {
358 latency := time.Since(pingTime)
359 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"latency_report", &LatencyReport{Value: latency}}
360 delete(rtm.pings, pong.ReplyTo)
361 } else {
362 rtm.Debugln("RTM Error - unmatched 'pong' event:", string(event))
363 }
364 }
366 // handleEvent is the "default" response to an event that does not have a
367 // special case. It matches the command's name to a mapping of defined events
368 // and then sends the corresponding event struct to the IncomingEvents channel.
369 // If the event type is not found or the event cannot be unmarshalled into the
370 // correct struct then this sends an UnmarshallingErrorEvent to the
371 // IncomingEvents channel.
372 func (rtm *RTM) handleEvent(typeStr string, event json.RawMessage) {
373 v, exists := eventMapping[typeStr]
374 if !exists {
375 rtm.Debugf("RTM Error, received unmapped event %q: %s\n", typeStr, string(event))
376 err := fmt.Errorf("RTM Error: Received unmapped event %q: %s\n", typeStr, string(event))
377 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"unmarshalling_error", &UnmarshallingErrorEvent{err}}
378 return
379 }
380 t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
381 recvEvent := reflect.New(t).Interface()
382 err := json.Unmarshal(event, recvEvent)
383 if err != nil {
384 rtm.Debugf("RTM Error, received unmapped event %q: %s\n", typeStr, string(event))
385 err := fmt.Errorf("RTM Error: Could not unmarshall event %q: %s\n", typeStr, string(event))
386 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{"unmarshalling_error", &UnmarshallingErrorEvent{err}}
387 return
388 }
389 rtm.IncomingEvents <- SlackEvent{typeStr, recvEvent}
390 }
392 // eventMapping holds a mapping of event names to their corresponding struct
393 // implementations. The structs should be instances of the unmarshalling
394 // target for the matching event type.
255395 var eventMapping = map[string]interface{}{
256396 "message": MessageEvent{},
257397 "presence_change": PresenceChangeEvent{},