Codebase list golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-stdlib / fresh-snapshots/main
New upstream snapshot. Debian Janitor 1 year, 4 months ago
8 changed file(s) with 455 addition(s) and 279 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
44 - 1.14.x
55 - tip
7 arch:
8 - amd64
9 - ppc64le
711 script:
812 - go test -v -cover -race ./...
0 golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-stdlib (1.0.0+git20210923.1.fec77c8-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
2 * New upstream snapshot.
4 -- Debian Janitor <> Wed, 14 Dec 2022 05:52:06 -0000
06 golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-stdlib (1.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
28 [ Debian Janitor ]
0 //go:build go1.7
01 // +build go1.7
23 package nethttp
3334 type clientOptions struct {
3435 operationName string
3536 componentName string
36 urlTagFunc func(u *url.URL) string
37 urlTagFunc func(u *url.URL) string
3738 disableClientTrace bool
3839 disableInjectSpanContext bool
3940 spanObserver func(span opentracing.Span, r *http.Request)
148149 return err
149150 }
152 type writerCloseTracker struct {
153 io.ReadWriteCloser
154 sp opentracing.Span
155 }
157 func (c writerCloseTracker) Close() error {
158 err := c.ReadWriteCloser.Close()
159 c.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "ClosedBody"))
160 c.sp.Finish()
161 return err
162 }
151164 // TracerFromRequest retrieves the Tracer from the request. If the request does
152165 // not have a Tracer it will return nil.
153166 func TracerFromRequest(req *http.Request) *Tracer {
169182 return rt.RoundTrip(req)
170183 }
172 tracer.start(req)
174 ext.HTTPMethod.Set(tracer.sp, req.Method)
175 ext.HTTPUrl.Set(tracer.sp, tracer.opts.urlTagFunc(req.URL))
176 tracer.opts.spanObserver(tracer.sp, req)
185 sp := tracer.start(req)
187 ext.HTTPMethod.Set(sp, req.Method)
188 ext.HTTPUrl.Set(sp, tracer.opts.urlTagFunc(req.URL))
189 ext.PeerAddress.Set(sp, req.URL.Host)
190 tracer.opts.spanObserver(sp, req)
178192 if !tracer.opts.disableInjectSpanContext {
179193 carrier := opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(req.Header)
180 tracer.sp.Tracer().Inject(tracer.sp.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
194 sp.Tracer().Inject(sp.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
181195 }
183197 resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
185199 if err != nil {
186 tracer.sp.Finish()
200 sp.Finish()
187201 return resp, err
188202 }
189 ext.HTTPStatusCode.Set(tracer.sp, uint16(resp.StatusCode))
203 ext.HTTPStatusCode.Set(sp, uint16(resp.StatusCode))
190204 if resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusInternalServerError {
191 ext.Error.Set(tracer.sp, true)
205 ext.Error.Set(sp, true)
192206 }
193207 if req.Method == "HEAD" {
194 tracer.sp.Finish()
208 sp.Finish()
195209 } else {
196 resp.Body = closeTracker{resp.Body, tracer.sp}
210 readWriteCloser, ok := resp.Body.(io.ReadWriteCloser)
211 if ok {
212 resp.Body = writerCloseTracker{readWriteCloser, sp}
213 } else {
214 resp.Body = closeTracker{resp.Body, sp}
215 }
197216 }
198217 return resp, nil
199218 }
222241 }
224243 ctx := h.root.Context()
225 h.sp ="HTTP "+req.Method, opentracing.ChildOf(ctx))
226 ext.SpanKindRPCClient.Set(h.sp)
244 h.sp ="HTTP "+req.Method, opentracing.ChildOf(ctx), ext.SpanKindRPCClient)
228246 componentName := h.opts.componentName
229247 if componentName == "" {
265283 }
267285 func (h *Tracer) getConn(hostPort string) {
268 ext.HTTPUrl.Set(h.sp, hostPort)
269 h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "GetConn"))
286 h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "GetConn"), log.String("hostPort", hostPort))
270287 }
272289 func (h *Tracer) gotConn(info httptrace.GotConnInfo) {
00 package nethttp
22 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "fmt"
5 "io"
36 "net/http"
47 "net/http/httptest"
58 "net/url"
134137 }
135138 }
140 func TestWriteCloserFromRequest(t *testing.T) {
141 wait := make(chan bool, 0)
142 srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
143 defer func() {
144 wait <- true
145 }()
147 w.Header().Set("Upgrade", "websocket")
148 w.Header().Set("Connection", "Upgrade")
149 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols)
151 hijacker := w.(http.Hijacker)
152 _, rw, err := hijacker.Hijack()
154 if err != nil {
155 t.Fatal("Failed to hijack connection")
156 }
158 line, _, err := rw.ReadLine()
159 if string(line) != "ping" {
160 t.Fatalf("Expected 'ping' received %q", string(line))
161 }
163 if err != nil {
164 t.Fatal(err)
165 }
166 }))
168 var buf bytes.Buffer
169 req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", srv.URL, &buf)
170 req.Header.Set("Connection", "upgrade")
171 req.Header.Set("Upgrade", "websocket")
172 req.Proto = "HTTP/1.1"
173 req.ProtoMajor = 1
174 req.ProtoMinor = 1
175 if err != nil {
176 t.Fatal(err)
177 }
179 tr := &mocktracer.MockTracer{}
180 req, _ = TraceRequest(tr, req)
182 client := &http.Client{Transport: &Transport{}}
183 resp, err := client.Do(req)
184 if err != nil {
185 t.Fatal(err)
186 }
188 rw, ok := resp.Body.(io.ReadWriteCloser)
189 if !ok {
190 t.Fatal("resp.Body is not a io.ReadWriteCloser")
191 }
193 fmt.Fprint(rw, "ping\n")
194 <-wait
195 rw.Close()
196 }
137198 func TestInjectSpanContext(t *testing.T) {
138199 tests := []struct {
139200 name string
226287 tag string
227288 }{
228289 // These first cases fail early
229 {[]ClientOption{}, "/ok?token=a", srv.Listener.Addr().String()},
230 {[]ClientOption{URLTagFunc(fn)}, "/ok?token=c", srv.Listener.Addr().String()},
290 {[]ClientOption{}, "/ok?token=a", srv.URL + "/ok?token=a"},
291 {[]ClientOption{URLTagFunc(fn)}, "/ok?token=c", srv.URL + "/ok?token=*"},
231292 // Disable ClientTrace to fire RoundTrip
232293 {[]ClientOption{ClientTrace(false)}, "/ok?token=b", srv.URL + "/ok?token=b"},
233294 {[]ClientOption{ClientTrace(false), URLTagFunc(fn)}, "/ok?token=c", srv.URL + "/ok?token=*"},
250311 if got, want := tag, tt.tag; got != want {
251312 t.Fatalf("got %s tag name, expected %s", got, want)
252313 }
253 }
254 }
314 peerAddress, ok := clientSpan.Tags()["peer.address"]
315 if !ok {
316 t.Fatal("cannot find peer.address tag")
317 }
318 if peerAddress != srv.Listener.Addr().String() {
319 t.Fatalf("got %s want %s in peer.address tag", peerAddress, srv.Listener.Addr().String())
320 }
321 }
322 }
0 // +build go1.8
2 package nethttp
4 import (
5 "io"
6 "net/http"
7 )
9 type metricsTracker struct {
10 http.ResponseWriter
11 status int
12 size int
13 }
15 func (w *metricsTracker) WriteHeader(status int) {
16 w.status = status
17 w.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(status)
18 }
20 func (w *metricsTracker) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
21 size, err := w.ResponseWriter.Write(b)
22 w.size += size
23 return size, err
24 }
26 // wrappedResponseWriter returns a wrapped version of the original
27 // ResponseWriter and only implements the same combination of additional
28 // interfaces as the original. This implementation is based on
29 //
30 func (w *metricsTracker) wrappedResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter {
31 var (
32 hj, i0 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker)
33 cn, i1 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier)
34 pu, i2 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.Pusher)
35 fl, i3 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher)
36 rf, i4 = w.ResponseWriter.(io.ReaderFrom)
37 )
39 switch {
40 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
41 return struct {
42 http.ResponseWriter
43 }{w}
44 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
45 return struct {
46 http.ResponseWriter
47 io.ReaderFrom
48 }{w, rf}
49 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
50 return struct {
51 http.ResponseWriter
52 http.Flusher
53 }{w, fl}
54 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
55 return struct {
56 http.ResponseWriter
57 http.Flusher
58 io.ReaderFrom
59 }{w, fl, rf}
60 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
61 return struct {
62 http.ResponseWriter
63 http.Pusher
64 }{w, pu}
65 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
66 return struct {
67 http.ResponseWriter
68 http.Pusher
69 io.ReaderFrom
70 }{w, pu, rf}
71 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
72 return struct {
73 http.ResponseWriter
74 http.Pusher
75 http.Flusher
76 }{w, pu, fl}
77 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
78 return struct {
79 http.ResponseWriter
80 http.Pusher
81 http.Flusher
82 io.ReaderFrom
83 }{w, pu, fl, rf}
84 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
85 return struct {
86 http.ResponseWriter
87 http.CloseNotifier
88 }{w, cn}
89 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
90 return struct {
91 http.ResponseWriter
92 http.CloseNotifier
93 io.ReaderFrom
94 }{w, cn, rf}
95 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
96 return struct {
97 http.ResponseWriter
98 http.CloseNotifier
99 http.Flusher
100 }{w, cn, fl}
101 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
102 return struct {
103 http.ResponseWriter
104 http.CloseNotifier
105 http.Flusher
106 io.ReaderFrom
107 }{w, cn, fl, rf}
108 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
109 return struct {
110 http.ResponseWriter
111 http.CloseNotifier
112 http.Pusher
113 }{w, cn, pu}
114 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
115 return struct {
116 http.ResponseWriter
117 http.CloseNotifier
118 http.Pusher
119 io.ReaderFrom
120 }{w, cn, pu, rf}
121 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
122 return struct {
123 http.ResponseWriter
124 http.CloseNotifier
125 http.Pusher
126 http.Flusher
127 }{w, cn, pu, fl}
128 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
129 return struct {
130 http.ResponseWriter
131 http.CloseNotifier
132 http.Pusher
133 http.Flusher
134 io.ReaderFrom
135 }{w, cn, pu, fl, rf}
136 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
137 return struct {
138 http.ResponseWriter
139 http.Hijacker
140 }{w, hj}
141 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
142 return struct {
143 http.ResponseWriter
144 http.Hijacker
145 io.ReaderFrom
146 }{w, hj, rf}
147 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
148 return struct {
149 http.ResponseWriter
150 http.Hijacker
151 http.Flusher
152 }{w, hj, fl}
153 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
154 return struct {
155 http.ResponseWriter
156 http.Hijacker
157 http.Flusher
158 io.ReaderFrom
159 }{w, hj, fl, rf}
160 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
161 return struct {
162 http.ResponseWriter
163 http.Hijacker
164 http.Pusher
165 }{w, hj, pu}
166 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
167 return struct {
168 http.ResponseWriter
169 http.Hijacker
170 http.Pusher
171 io.ReaderFrom
172 }{w, hj, pu, rf}
173 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
174 return struct {
175 http.ResponseWriter
176 http.Hijacker
177 http.Pusher
178 http.Flusher
179 }{w, hj, pu, fl}
180 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
181 return struct {
182 http.ResponseWriter
183 http.Hijacker
184 http.Pusher
185 http.Flusher
186 io.ReaderFrom
187 }{w, hj, pu, fl, rf}
188 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
189 return struct {
190 http.ResponseWriter
191 http.Hijacker
192 http.CloseNotifier
193 }{w, hj, cn}
194 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
195 return struct {
196 http.ResponseWriter
197 http.Hijacker
198 http.CloseNotifier
199 io.ReaderFrom
200 }{w, hj, cn, rf}
201 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
202 return struct {
203 http.ResponseWriter
204 http.Hijacker
205 http.CloseNotifier
206 http.Flusher
207 }{w, hj, cn, fl}
208 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
209 return struct {
210 http.ResponseWriter
211 http.Hijacker
212 http.CloseNotifier
213 http.Flusher
214 io.ReaderFrom
215 }{w, hj, cn, fl, rf}
216 case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
217 return struct {
218 http.ResponseWriter
219 http.Hijacker
220 http.CloseNotifier
221 http.Pusher
222 }{w, hj, cn, pu}
223 case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
224 return struct {
225 http.ResponseWriter
226 http.Hijacker
227 http.CloseNotifier
228 http.Pusher
229 io.ReaderFrom
230 }{w, hj, cn, pu, rf}
231 case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
232 return struct {
233 http.ResponseWriter
234 http.Hijacker
235 http.CloseNotifier
236 http.Pusher
237 http.Flusher
238 }{w, hj, cn, pu, fl}
239 case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
240 return struct {
241 http.ResponseWriter
242 http.Hijacker
243 http.CloseNotifier
244 http.Pusher
245 http.Flusher
246 io.ReaderFrom
247 }{w, hj, cn, pu, fl, rf}
248 default:
249 return struct {
250 http.ResponseWriter
251 }{w}
252 }
253 }
88 opentracing ""
99 ""
1010 )
12 var responseSizeKey = "http.response_size"
1214 type mwOptions struct {
1315 opNameFunc func(r *http.Request) string
125127 ext.Component.Set(sp, componentName)
126128 opts.spanObserver(sp, r)
128 sct := &statusCodeTracker{ResponseWriter: w}
130 mt := &metricsTracker{ResponseWriter: w}
129131 r = r.WithContext(opentracing.ContextWithSpan(r.Context(), sp))
131133 defer func() {
132134 panicErr := recover()
133135 didPanic := panicErr != nil
135 if sct.status == 0 && !didPanic {
137 if mt.status == 0 && !didPanic {
136138 // Standard behavior of http.Server is to assume status code 200 if one was not written by a handler that returned successfully.
137139 //
138 sct.status = 200
140 mt.status = 200
139141 }
140 if sct.status > 0 {
141 ext.HTTPStatusCode.Set(sp, uint16(sct.status))
142 if mt.status > 0 {
143 ext.HTTPStatusCode.Set(sp, uint16(mt.status))
142144 }
143 if sct.status >= http.StatusInternalServerError || didPanic {
145 if mt.size > 0 {
146 sp.SetTag(responseSizeKey, mt.size)
147 }
148 if mt.status >= http.StatusInternalServerError || didPanic {
144149 ext.Error.Set(sp, true)
145150 }
146151 sp.Finish()
150155 }
151156 }()
153 h(sct.wrappedResponseWriter(), r)
158 h(mt.wrappedResponseWriter(), r)
154159 }
155160 return http.HandlerFunc(fn)
156161 }
9898 t.Fatalf("got %s operation name, expected %s", got, want)
9999 }
101 defaultLength := 5
101 defaultLength := 6
102102 if len(spans[0].Tags()) != len(testCase.Tags)+defaultLength {
103103 t.Fatalf("got tag length %d, expected %d", len(spans[0].Tags()), len(testCase.Tags))
104104 }
265265 }
266266 }
268 func TestSpanResponseSize(t *testing.T) {
269 mux := http.NewServeMux()
270 mux.HandleFunc("/with-body", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
271 w.WriteHeader(200)
272 w.Write([]byte("12345"))
273 })
274 mux.HandleFunc("/no-body", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
275 w.WriteHeader(200)
276 })
279 expBodySize := map[string]interface{}{"http.response_size": 5}
281 tests := []struct {
282 url string
283 tags map[string]interface{}
284 }{
285 {url: "/with-body", tags: expBodySize},
286 {url: "/no-body", tags: map[string]interface{}{}},
287 }
289 for _, tt := range tests {
290 testCase := tt
291 t.Run(testCase.url, func(t *testing.T) {
292 tr := &mocktracer.MockTracer{}
293 mw := Middleware(tr, mux)
294 srv := httptest.NewServer(mw)
295 defer srv.Close()
297 _, err := http.Get(srv.URL + testCase.url)
298 if err != nil {
299 t.Fatalf("server returned error: %v", err)
300 }
302 spans := tr.FinishedSpans()
303 if got, want := len(spans), 1; got != want {
304 t.Fatalf("got %d spans, expected %d", got, want)
305 }
307 for k, v := range testCase.tags {
308 if tag := spans[0].Tag(k); !reflect.DeepEqual(tag, v) {
309 t.Fatalf("tag %s: got %v, expected %v", k, tag, v)
310 }
311 }
312 })
313 }
314 }
268316 func BenchmarkStatusCodeTrackingOverhead(b *testing.B) {
269317 mux := http.NewServeMux()
270318 mux.HandleFunc("/root", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {})
319 tr := &mocktracer.MockTracer{}
320 mw := Middleware(tr, mux)
321 srv := httptest.NewServer(mw)
322 defer srv.Close()
324 b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
325 for pb.Next() {
326 resp, err := http.Get(srv.URL)
327 if err != nil {
328 b.Fatalf("server returned error: %v", err)
329 }
330 err = resp.Body.Close()
331 if err != nil {
332 b.Fatalf("failed to close response: %v", err)
333 }
334 }
335 })
336 }
338 func BenchmarkResponseSizeTrackingOverhead(b *testing.B) {
339 mux := http.NewServeMux()
340 mux.HandleFunc("/root", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
341 w.WriteHeader(200)
342 w.Write([]byte("12345"))
343 })
271344 tr := &mocktracer.MockTracer{}
272345 mw := Middleware(tr, mux)
273346 srv := httptest.NewServer(mw)
nethttp/status-code-tracker.go less more
0 // +build go1.8
2 package nethttp
4 import (
5 "io"
6 "net/http"
7 )
9 type statusCodeTracker struct {
10 http.ResponseWriter
11 status int
12 }
14 func (w *statusCodeTracker) WriteHeader(status int) {
15 w.status = status
16 w.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(status)
17 }
19 func (w *statusCodeTracker) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
20 return w.ResponseWriter.Write(b)
21 }
23 // wrappedResponseWriter returns a wrapped version of the original
24 // ResponseWriter and only implements the same combination of additional
25 // interfaces as the original. This implementation is based on
26 //
27 func (w *statusCodeTracker) wrappedResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter {
28 var (
29 hj, i0 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker)
30 cn, i1 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier)
31 pu, i2 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.Pusher)
32 fl, i3 = w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher)
33 rf, i4 = w.ResponseWriter.(io.ReaderFrom)
34 )
36 switch {
37 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
38 return struct {
39 http.ResponseWriter
40 }{w}
41 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
42 return struct {
43 http.ResponseWriter
44 io.ReaderFrom
45 }{w, rf}
46 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
47 return struct {
48 http.ResponseWriter
49 http.Flusher
50 }{w, fl}
51 case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
52 return struct {
53 http.ResponseWriter
54 http.Flusher
55 io.ReaderFrom
56 }{w, fl, rf}
57 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
58 return struct {
59 http.ResponseWriter
60 http.Pusher
61 }{w, pu}
62 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
63 return struct {
64 http.ResponseWriter
65 http.Pusher
66 io.ReaderFrom
67 }{w, pu, rf}
68 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
69 return struct {
70 http.ResponseWriter
71 http.Pusher
72 http.Flusher
73 }{w, pu, fl}
74 case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
75 return struct {
76 http.ResponseWriter
77 http.Pusher
78 http.Flusher
79 io.ReaderFrom
80 }{w, pu, fl, rf}
81 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
82 return struct {
83 http.ResponseWriter
84 http.CloseNotifier
85 }{w, cn}
86 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
87 return struct {
88 http.ResponseWriter
89 http.CloseNotifier
90 io.ReaderFrom
91 }{w, cn, rf}
92 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
93 return struct {
94 http.ResponseWriter
95 http.CloseNotifier
96 http.Flusher
97 }{w, cn, fl}
98 case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
99 return struct {
100 http.ResponseWriter
101 http.CloseNotifier
102 http.Flusher
103 io.ReaderFrom
104 }{w, cn, fl, rf}
105 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
106 return struct {
107 http.ResponseWriter
108 http.CloseNotifier
109 http.Pusher
110 }{w, cn, pu}
111 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
112 return struct {
113 http.ResponseWriter
114 http.CloseNotifier
115 http.Pusher
116 io.ReaderFrom
117 }{w, cn, pu, rf}
118 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
119 return struct {
120 http.ResponseWriter
121 http.CloseNotifier
122 http.Pusher
123 http.Flusher
124 }{w, cn, pu, fl}
125 case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
126 return struct {
127 http.ResponseWriter
128 http.CloseNotifier
129 http.Pusher
130 http.Flusher
131 io.ReaderFrom
132 }{w, cn, pu, fl, rf}
133 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
134 return struct {
135 http.ResponseWriter
136 http.Hijacker
137 }{w, hj}
138 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
139 return struct {
140 http.ResponseWriter
141 http.Hijacker
142 io.ReaderFrom
143 }{w, hj, rf}
144 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
145 return struct {
146 http.ResponseWriter
147 http.Hijacker
148 http.Flusher
149 }{w, hj, fl}
150 case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
151 return struct {
152 http.ResponseWriter
153 http.Hijacker
154 http.Flusher
155 io.ReaderFrom
156 }{w, hj, fl, rf}
157 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
158 return struct {
159 http.ResponseWriter
160 http.Hijacker
161 http.Pusher
162 }{w, hj, pu}
163 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
164 return struct {
165 http.ResponseWriter
166 http.Hijacker
167 http.Pusher
168 io.ReaderFrom
169 }{w, hj, pu, rf}
170 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
171 return struct {
172 http.ResponseWriter
173 http.Hijacker
174 http.Pusher
175 http.Flusher
176 }{w, hj, pu, fl}
177 case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
178 return struct {
179 http.ResponseWriter
180 http.Hijacker
181 http.Pusher
182 http.Flusher
183 io.ReaderFrom
184 }{w, hj, pu, fl, rf}
185 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
186 return struct {
187 http.ResponseWriter
188 http.Hijacker
189 http.CloseNotifier
190 }{w, hj, cn}
191 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
192 return struct {
193 http.ResponseWriter
194 http.Hijacker
195 http.CloseNotifier
196 io.ReaderFrom
197 }{w, hj, cn, rf}
198 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
199 return struct {
200 http.ResponseWriter
201 http.Hijacker
202 http.CloseNotifier
203 http.Flusher
204 }{w, hj, cn, fl}
205 case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
206 return struct {
207 http.ResponseWriter
208 http.Hijacker
209 http.CloseNotifier
210 http.Flusher
211 io.ReaderFrom
212 }{w, hj, cn, fl, rf}
213 case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
214 return struct {
215 http.ResponseWriter
216 http.Hijacker
217 http.CloseNotifier
218 http.Pusher
219 }{w, hj, cn, pu}
220 case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
221 return struct {
222 http.ResponseWriter
223 http.Hijacker
224 http.CloseNotifier
225 http.Pusher
226 io.ReaderFrom
227 }{w, hj, cn, pu, rf}
228 case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
229 return struct {
230 http.ResponseWriter
231 http.Hijacker
232 http.CloseNotifier
233 http.Pusher
234 http.Flusher
235 }{w, hj, cn, pu, fl}
236 case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
237 return struct {
238 http.ResponseWriter
239 http.Hijacker
240 http.CloseNotifier
241 http.Pusher
242 http.Flusher
243 io.ReaderFrom
244 }{w, hj, cn, pu, fl, rf}
245 default:
246 return struct {
247 http.ResponseWriter
248 }{w}
249 }
250 }