Codebase list golang-github-shiena-ansicolor / f72f3578-dcc1-4400-beb5-3ff0d53e9614/main
Remove constraints unnecessary since stretch * Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on dh-golang. Changes-By: deb-scrub-obsolete Debian Janitor 3 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
66 Martín Ferrari <>,
77 Tim Potter <>,
88 Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
9 dh-golang (>= 1.10~),
10 golang-any,
9 dh-golang,
10 golang-any
1111 Homepage:
1212 Vcs-Browser:
1313 Vcs-Git: