Codebase list golang-github-vbatts-go-mtree / ad35cae
compare: always diff "xattr" keys Because of how xattr works (it will not be set on all files, but it's possible for it to be added to a file without changing any other key) it's necessary that we _always_ compute a diff when we hit an inode that has xattr keys set. Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai <> Aleksa Sarai 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
191191 for _, kv := range oldKeys {
192192 key := kv.Keyword()
193193 // only add this diff if the new keys has this keyword
194 if key != "tar_time" && key != "time" && HasKeyword(newKeys, key) == emptyKV {
194 if key != "tar_time" && key != "time" && key != "xattr" && HasKeyword(newKeys, key) == emptyKV {
195195 continue
196196 }
210210 for _, kv := range newKeys {
211211 key := kv.Keyword()
212212 // only add this diff if the old keys has this keyword
213 if key != "tar_time" && key != "time" && HasKeyword(oldKeys, key) == emptyKV {
213 if key != "tar_time" && key != "time" && key != "xattr" && HasKeyword(oldKeys, key) == emptyKV {
214214 continue
215215 }