Codebase list golang-gopkg-asn1-ber.v1 / 885f790
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.5.4' Update to upstream version '1.5.4' with Debian dir 8890f57971336a716e17dbac18bb7ea4760828cc Drew Parsons 1 year, 5 months ago
2 changed file(s) with 48 addition(s) and 39 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 name: PR
2 on:
3 pull_request:
4 branches: [ master ]
7 jobs:
8 gomod:
9 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10 strategy:
11 matrix:
12 go: [
13 '1.18',
14 '1.17',
15 '1.16',
16 '1.15',
17 '1.14',
18 '1.13',
19 ]
20 name: Go ${{ matrix.go }}.x PR Validate
21 steps:
22 - name: Checkout code
23 uses: actions/checkout@v2
24 - name: Setup Go
25 uses: actions/setup-go@v2
26 with:
27 go-version: ${{ matrix.go }}
28 - name: Version
29 run: go version
30 - name: Build and Validate
31 run: |
32 go vet .
33 go test .
34 go test -cover -race -cpu 1,2,4 .
35 go build .
37 lint:
38 name: Lint
39 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
40 steps:
41 - uses: actions/checkout@v2
42 - name: golangci-lint
43 uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v2
44 with:
45 version: v1.45
46 only-new-issues: true
.travis.yml less more
0 language: go
2 go:
3 - 1.2.x
4 - 1.6.x
5 - 1.9.x
6 - 1.10.x
7 - 1.11.x
8 - 1.12.x
9 - 1.14.x
10 - tip
12 os:
13 - linux
15 arch:
16 - amd64
18 dist: xenial
20 env:
21 - GOARCH=amd64
23 jobs:
24 include:
25 - os: windows
26 go: 1.14.x
27 - os: osx
28 go: 1.14.x
29 - os: linux
30 go: 1.14.x
31 arch: arm64
32 - os: linux
33 go: 1.14.x
34 env:
35 - GOARCH=386
37 script:
38 - go test -v -cover ./... || go test -v ./...