Codebase list golang-gopkg-asn1-ber.v1 / cced1bf
Imported Upstream version 1.1 aviau 8 years ago
61 changed file(s) with 1246 addition(s) and 155 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
11 go:
22 - 1.2
33 - 1.3
4 - 1.4
5 - 1.5
46 - tip
7 go_import_path:
58 install:
69 - go list -f '{{range .Imports}}{{.}} {{end}}' ./... | xargs go get -v
710 - go list -f '{{range .TestImports}}{{.}} {{end}}' ./... | xargs go get -v
8 - go get
11 - go get || go get
912 - go build -v ./...
1013 script:
1114 - go test -v -cover ./...
1515 TODO:
1616 Fix all encoding / decoding to conform to ASN1 BER spec
1717 Implement Tests / Benchmarks
19 ---
21 The Go gopher was designed by Renee French. (
22 The design is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.
23 Read this article for more details:
ber.go less more
22 import (
33 "bytes"
4 "errors"
45 "fmt"
56 "io"
67 "os"
89 )
1011 type Packet struct {
11 ClassType Class
12 TagType Type
13 Tag Tag
12 Identifier
1413 Value interface{}
1514 ByteValue []byte
1615 Data *bytes.Buffer
1817 Description string
1918 }
21 type Tag uint8
20 type Identifier struct {
21 ClassType Class
22 TagType Type
23 Tag Tag
24 }
26 type Tag uint64
2328 const (
2429 TagEOC Tag = 0x00
5156 TagCharacterString Tag = 0x1d
5257 TagBMPString Tag = 0x1e
5358 TagBitmask Tag = 0x1f // xxx11111b
60 // HighTag indicates the start of a high-tag byte sequence
61 HighTag Tag = 0x1f // xxx11111b
62 // HighTagContinueBitmask indicates the high-tag byte sequence should continue
63 HighTagContinueBitmask Tag = 0x80 // 10000000b
64 // HighTagValueBitmask obtains the tag value from a high-tag byte sequence byte
65 HighTagValueBitmask Tag = 0x7f // 01111111b
66 )
68 const (
69 // LengthLongFormBitmask is the mask to apply to the length byte to see if a long-form byte sequence is used
70 LengthLongFormBitmask = 0x80
71 // LengthValueBitmask is the mask to apply to the length byte to get the number of bytes in the long-form byte sequence
72 LengthValueBitmask = 0x7f
74 // LengthIndefinite is returned from readLength to indicate an indefinite length
75 LengthIndefinite = -1
5476 )
5678 var tagMap = map[Tag]string{
171193 }
172194 }
174 func resizeBuffer(in []byte, new_size int) (out []byte) {
175 out = make([]byte, new_size)
177 copy(out, in)
179 return
180 }
196 // ReadPacket reads a single Packet from the reader
182197 func ReadPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, error) {
183 var header [2]byte
184 buf := header[:]
185 _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, buf)
198 p, _, err := readPacket(reader)
187199 if err != nil {
188200 return nil, err
189201 }
191 idx := 2
192 var datalen int
193 l := buf[1]
195 if l&0x80 == 0 {
196 // The length is encoded in the bottom 7 bits.
197 datalen = int(l & 0x7f)
198 if Debug {
199 fmt.Printf("Read: datalen = %d len(buf) = %d\n ", l, len(buf))
201 for _, b := range buf {
202 fmt.Printf("%02X ", b)
203 }
205 fmt.Printf("\n")
206 }
207 } else {
208 // Bottom 7 bits give the number of length bytes to follow.
209 numBytes := int(l & 0x7f)
210 if numBytes == 0 {
211 return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid length found")
212 }
213 idx += numBytes
214 buf = resizeBuffer(buf, 2+numBytes)
215 _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, buf[2:])
217 if err != nil {
218 return nil, err
219 }
220 datalen = 0
221 for i := 0; i < numBytes; i++ {
222 b := buf[2+i]
223 datalen <<= 8
224 datalen |= int(b)
225 }
227 if Debug {
228 fmt.Printf("Read: datalen = %d numbytes=%d len(buf) = %d\n ", datalen, numBytes, len(buf))
230 for _, b := range buf {
231 fmt.Printf("%02X ", b)
232 }
234 fmt.Printf("\n")
235 }
236 }
238 buf = resizeBuffer(buf, idx+datalen)
239 _, err = io.ReadFull(reader, buf[idx:])
241 if err != nil {
242 return nil, err
243 }
245 if Debug {
246 fmt.Printf("Read: len( buf ) = %d idx=%d datalen=%d idx+datalen=%d\n ", len(buf), idx, datalen, idx+datalen)
248 for _, b := range buf {
249 fmt.Printf("%02X ", b)
250 }
251 }
253 p, _ := decodePacket(buf)
255202 return p, nil
256203 }
305252 return
306253 }
255 // DecodePacket decodes the given bytes into a single Packet
256 // If a decode error is encountered, nil is returned.
308257 func DecodePacket(data []byte) *Packet {
309 p, _ := decodePacket(data)
258 p, _, _ := readPacket(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
311260 return p
312261 }
314 func decodePacket(data []byte) (*Packet, []byte) {
315 if Debug {
316 fmt.Printf("decodePacket: enter %d\n", len(data))
317 }
319 p := new(Packet)
321 p.ClassType = Class(data[0]) & ClassBitmask
322 p.TagType = Type(data[0]) & TypeBitmask
323 p.Tag = Tag(data[0]) & TagBitmask
325 var datalen int
326 l := data[1]
327 datapos := 2
328 if l&0x80 == 0 {
329 // The length is encoded in the bottom 7 bits.
330 datalen = int(l & 0x7f)
331 } else {
332 // Bottom 7 bits give the number of length bytes to follow.
333 numBytes := int(l & 0x7f)
334 if numBytes == 0 {
335 return nil, nil
336 }
337 datapos += numBytes
338 datalen = 0
339 for i := 0; i < numBytes; i++ {
340 b := data[2+i]
341 datalen <<= 8
342 datalen |= int(b)
343 }
263 // DecodePacketErr decodes the given bytes into a single Packet
264 // If a decode error is encountered, nil is returned
265 func DecodePacketErr(data []byte) (*Packet, error) {
266 p, _, err := readPacket(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
267 if err != nil {
268 return nil, err
269 }
270 return p, nil
271 }
273 // readPacket reads a single Packet from the reader, returning the number of bytes read
274 func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
275 identifier, length, read, err := readHeader(reader)
276 if err != nil {
277 return nil, read, err
278 }
280 p := &Packet{
281 Identifier: identifier,
344282 }
346284 p.Data = new(bytes.Buffer)
348285 p.Children = make([]*Packet, 0, 2)
350286 p.Value = nil
352 value_data := data[datapos : datapos+datalen]
354288 if p.TagType == TypeConstructed {
355 for len(value_data) != 0 {
356 var child *Packet
358 child, value_data = decodePacket(value_data)
289 // TODO: if universal, ensure tag type is allowed to be constructed
291 // Track how much content we've read
292 contentRead := 0
293 for {
294 if length != LengthIndefinite {
295 // End if we've read what we've been told to
296 if contentRead == length {
297 break
298 }
299 // Detect if a packet boundary didn't fall on the expected length
300 if contentRead > length {
301 return nil, read, fmt.Errorf("expected to read %d bytes, read %d", length, contentRead)
302 }
303 }
305 // Read the next packet
306 child, r, err := readPacket(reader)
307 if err != nil {
308 return nil, read, err
309 }
310 contentRead += r
311 read += r
313 // Test is this is the EOC marker for our packet
314 if isEOCPacket(child) {
315 if length == LengthIndefinite {
316 break
317 }
318 return nil, read, errors.New("eoc child not allowed with definite length")
319 }
321 // Append and continue
359322 p.AppendChild(child)
360323 }
361 } else if p.ClassType == ClassUniversal {
362 p.Data.Write(data[datapos : datapos+datalen])
363 p.ByteValue = value_data
324 return p, read, nil
325 }
327 if length == LengthIndefinite {
328 return nil, read, errors.New("indefinite length used with primitive type")
329 }
331 // Read definite-length content
332 content := make([]byte, length, length)
333 if length > 0 {
334 _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, content)
335 if err != nil {
336 if err == io.EOF {
337 return nil, read, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
338 }
339 return nil, read, err
340 }
341 read += length
342 }
344 if p.ClassType == ClassUniversal {
345 p.Data.Write(content)
346 p.ByteValue = content
365348 switch p.Tag {
366349 case TagEOC:
367350 case TagBoolean:
368 val, _ := parseInt64(value_data)
351 val, _ := parseInt64(content)
370353 p.Value = val != 0
371354 case TagInteger:
372 p.Value, _ = parseInt64(value_data)
355 p.Value, _ = parseInt64(content)
373356 case TagBitString:
374357 case TagOctetString:
375358 // the actual string encoding is not known here
376 // (e.g. for LDAP value_data is already an UTF8-encoded
359 // (e.g. for LDAP content is already an UTF8-encoded
377360 // string). Return the data without further processing
378 p.Value = DecodeString(value_data)
361 p.Value = DecodeString(content)
379362 case TagNULL:
380363 case TagObjectIdentifier:
381364 case TagObjectDescriptor:
382365 case TagExternal:
383366 case TagRealFloat:
384367 case TagEnumerated:
385 p.Value, _ = parseInt64(value_data)
368 p.Value, _ = parseInt64(content)
386369 case TagEmbeddedPDV:
387370 case TagUTF8String:
371 p.Value = DecodeString(content)
388372 case TagRelativeOID:
389373 case TagSequence:
390374 case TagSet:
391375 case TagNumericString:
392376 case TagPrintableString:
393 p.Value = DecodeString(value_data)
377 p.Value = DecodeString(content)
394378 case TagT61String:
395379 case TagVideotexString:
396380 case TagIA5String:
404388 case TagBMPString:
405389 }
406390 } else {
407 p.Data.Write(data[datapos : datapos+datalen])
408 }
410 return p, data[datapos+datalen:]
391 p.Data.Write(content)
392 }
394 return p, read, nil
411395 }
413397 func (p *Packet) Bytes() []byte {
414398 var out bytes.Buffer
416 out.Write([]byte{byte(p.ClassType) | byte(p.TagType) | byte(p.Tag)})
417 packet_length := encodeInteger(int64(p.Data.Len()))
419 if p.Data.Len() > 127 || len(packet_length) > 1 {
420 out.Write([]byte{byte(len(packet_length) | 128)})
421 out.Write(packet_length)
422 } else {
423 out.Write(packet_length)
424 }
400 out.Write(encodeIdentifier(p.Identifier))
401 out.Write(encodeLength(p.Data.Len()))
426402 out.Write(p.Data.Bytes())
428404 return out.Bytes()
22 import (
33 "bytes"
4 "math"
56 "io"
67 "testing"
78 )
910 func TestEncodeDecodeInteger(t *testing.T) {
10 for _, v := range []int64{0, 10, 128, 1024, -1, -100, -128, -1024} {
11 for _, v := range []int64{0, 10, 128, 1024, math.MaxInt64, -1, -100, -128, -1024, math.MinInt64} {
1112 enc := encodeInteger(v)
1213 dec, err := parseInt64(enc)
1314 if err != nil {
8990 func TestSequenceAndAppendChild(t *testing.T) {
91 p1 := NewString(ClassUniversal, TypePrimitive, TagOctetString, "HIC SVNT LEONES", "String")
92 p2 := NewString(ClassUniversal, TypePrimitive, TagOctetString, "HIC SVNT DRACONES", "String")
93 p3 := NewString(ClassUniversal, TypePrimitive, TagOctetString, "Terra Incognita", "String")
92 values := []string{
94 "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn",
95 "Terra Incognita",
96 }
9598 sequence := NewSequence("a sequence")
96 sequence.AppendChild(p1)
97 sequence.AppendChild(p2)
98 sequence.AppendChild(p3)
99 for _, s := range values {
100 sequence.AppendChild(NewString(ClassUniversal, TypePrimitive, TagOctetString, s, "String"))
101 }
100 if len(sequence.Children) != 3 {
101 t.Error("wrong length for children array should be three =>", len(sequence.Children))
103 if len(sequence.Children) != len(values) {
104 t.Errorf("wrong length for children array should be %d, got %d", len(values), len(sequence.Children))
102105 }
104107 encodedSequence := sequence.Bytes()
106109 decodedSequence := DecodePacket(encodedSequence)
107 if len(decodedSequence.Children) != 3 {
108 t.Error("wrong length for children array should be three =>", len(decodedSequence.Children))
110 if len(decodedSequence.Children) != len(values) {
111 t.Errorf("wrong length for children array should be %d => %d", len(values), len(decodedSequence.Children))
109112 }
114 for i, s := range values {
115 if decodedSequence.Children[i].Value.(string) != s {
116 t.Errorf("expected %d to be %q, got %q", i, s, decodedSequence.Children[i].Value.(string))
117 }
118 }
111119 }
113121 func TestReadPacket(t *testing.T) {
139147 {v: 256, e: []byte{0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00}},
140148 {v: -128, e: []byte{0x02, 0x01, 0x80}},
141149 {v: -129, e: []byte{0x02, 0x02, 0xFF, 0x7F}},
150 {v: math.MaxInt64, e: []byte{0x02, 0x08, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
151 {v: math.MinInt64, e: []byte{0x02, 0x08, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}},
142152 }
144154 for _, d := range data {
0 package ber
2 func encodeUnsignedInteger(i uint64) []byte {
3 n := uint64Length(i)
4 out := make([]byte, n)
6 var j int
7 for ; n > 0; n-- {
8 out[j] = (byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8)))
9 j++
10 }
12 return out
13 }
15 func uint64Length(i uint64) (numBytes int) {
16 numBytes = 1
18 for i > 255 {
19 numBytes++
20 i >>= 8
21 }
23 return
24 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "errors"
4 "io"
5 )
7 func readHeader(reader io.Reader) (identifier Identifier, length int, read int, err error) {
8 if i, c, err := readIdentifier(reader); err != nil {
9 return Identifier{}, 0, read, err
10 } else {
11 identifier = i
12 read += c
13 }
15 if l, c, err := readLength(reader); err != nil {
16 return Identifier{}, 0, read, err
17 } else {
18 length = l
19 read += c
20 }
22 // Validate length type with identifier (x.600,
23 if length == LengthIndefinite && identifier.TagType == TypePrimitive {
24 return Identifier{}, 0, read, errors.New("indefinite length used with primitive type")
25 }
27 return identifier, length, read, nil
28 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "io"
5 "testing"
6 )
8 func TestReadHeader(t *testing.T) {
9 testcases := map[string]struct {
10 Data []byte
11 ExpectedIdentifier Identifier
12 ExpectedLength int
13 ExpectedBytesRead int
14 ExpectedError string
15 }{
16 "empty": {
17 Data: []byte{},
18 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{},
19 ExpectedLength: 0,
20 ExpectedBytesRead: 0,
21 ExpectedError: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error(),
22 },
24 "valid short form": {
25 Data: []byte{
26 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(TagCharacterString),
27 127,
28 },
29 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
30 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
31 TagType: TypePrimitive,
32 Tag: TagCharacterString,
33 },
34 ExpectedLength: 127,
35 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
36 ExpectedError: "",
37 },
39 "valid long form": {
40 Data: []byte{
41 // 2-byte encoding of tag
42 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(HighTag),
43 byte(TagCharacterString),
45 // 2-byte encoding of length
46 LengthLongFormBitmask | 1,
47 127,
48 },
49 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
50 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
51 TagType: TypePrimitive,
52 Tag: TagCharacterString,
53 },
54 ExpectedLength: 127,
55 ExpectedBytesRead: 4,
56 ExpectedError: "",
57 },
59 "valid indefinite length": {
60 Data: []byte{
61 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagCharacterString),
62 LengthLongFormBitmask,
63 },
64 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
65 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
66 TagType: TypeConstructed,
67 Tag: TagCharacterString,
68 },
69 ExpectedLength: LengthIndefinite,
70 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
71 ExpectedError: "",
72 },
74 "invalid indefinite length": {
75 Data: []byte{
76 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(TagCharacterString),
77 LengthLongFormBitmask,
78 },
79 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{},
80 ExpectedLength: 0,
81 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
82 ExpectedError: "indefinite length used with primitive type",
83 },
84 }
86 for k, tc := range testcases {
87 reader := bytes.NewBuffer(tc.Data)
88 identifier, length, read, err := readHeader(reader)
90 if err != nil {
91 if tc.ExpectedError == "" {
92 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v", k, err)
93 } else if err.Error() != tc.ExpectedError {
94 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, got %v", k, tc.ExpectedError, err)
95 }
96 } else if tc.ExpectedError != "" {
97 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, got none", k, tc.ExpectedError)
98 continue
99 }
101 if read != tc.ExpectedBytesRead {
102 t.Errorf("%s: expected read %d, got %d", k, tc.ExpectedBytesRead, read)
103 }
105 if identifier.ClassType != tc.ExpectedIdentifier.ClassType {
106 t.Errorf("%s: expected class type %d (%s), got %d (%s)", k,
107 tc.ExpectedIdentifier.ClassType,
108 ClassMap[tc.ExpectedIdentifier.ClassType],
109 identifier.ClassType,
110 ClassMap[identifier.ClassType],
111 )
112 }
113 if identifier.TagType != tc.ExpectedIdentifier.TagType {
114 t.Errorf("%s: expected tag type %d (%s), got %d (%s)", k,
115 tc.ExpectedIdentifier.TagType,
116 TypeMap[tc.ExpectedIdentifier.TagType],
117 identifier.TagType,
118 TypeMap[identifier.TagType],
119 )
120 }
121 if identifier.Tag != tc.ExpectedIdentifier.Tag {
122 t.Errorf("%s: expected tag %d (%s), got %d (%s)", k,
123 tc.ExpectedIdentifier.Tag,
124 tagMap[tc.ExpectedIdentifier.Tag],
125 identifier.Tag,
126 tagMap[identifier.Tag],
127 )
128 }
130 if length != tc.ExpectedLength {
131 t.Errorf("%s: expected length %d, got %d", k, tc.ExpectedLength, length)
132 }
133 }
134 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "errors"
4 "fmt"
5 "io"
6 "math"
7 )
9 func readIdentifier(reader io.Reader) (Identifier, int, error) {
10 identifier := Identifier{}
11 read := 0
13 // identifier byte
14 b, err := readByte(reader)
15 if err != nil {
16 if Debug {
17 fmt.Printf("error reading identifier byte: %v\n", err)
18 }
19 return Identifier{}, read, err
20 }
21 read++
23 identifier.ClassType = Class(b) & ClassBitmask
24 identifier.TagType = Type(b) & TypeBitmask
26 if tag := Tag(b) & TagBitmask; tag != HighTag {
27 // short-form tag
28 identifier.Tag = tag
29 return identifier, read, nil
30 }
32 // high-tag-number tag
33 tagBytes := 0
34 for {
35 b, err := readByte(reader)
36 if err != nil {
37 if Debug {
38 fmt.Printf("error reading high-tag-number tag byte %d: %v\n", tagBytes, err)
39 }
40 return Identifier{}, read, err
41 }
42 tagBytes++
43 read++
45 // Lowest 7 bits get appended to the tag value (x.690,
46 identifier.Tag <<= 7
47 identifier.Tag |= Tag(b) & HighTagValueBitmask
49 // First byte may not be all zeros (x.690,
50 if tagBytes == 1 && identifier.Tag == 0 {
51 return Identifier{}, read, errors.New("invalid first high-tag-number tag byte")
52 }
53 // Overflow of int64
54 // TODO: support big int tags?
55 if tagBytes > 9 {
56 return Identifier{}, read, errors.New("high-tag-number tag overflow")
57 }
59 // Top bit of 0 means this is the last byte in the high-tag-number tag (x.690,
60 if Tag(b)&HighTagContinueBitmask == 0 {
61 break
62 }
63 }
65 return identifier, read, nil
66 }
68 func encodeIdentifier(identifier Identifier) []byte {
69 b := []byte{0x0}
70 b[0] |= byte(identifier.ClassType)
71 b[0] |= byte(identifier.TagType)
73 if identifier.Tag < HighTag {
74 // Short-form
75 b[0] |= byte(identifier.Tag)
76 } else {
77 // high-tag-number
78 b[0] |= byte(HighTag)
80 tag := identifier.Tag
82 highBit := uint(63)
83 for {
84 if tag&(1<<highBit) != 0 {
85 break
86 }
87 highBit--
88 }
90 tagBytes := int(math.Ceil(float64(highBit) / 7.0))
91 for i := tagBytes - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
92 offset := uint(i) * 7
93 mask := Tag(0x7f) << offset
94 tagByte := (tag & mask) >> offset
95 if i != 0 {
96 tagByte |= 0x80
97 }
98 b = append(b, byte(tagByte))
99 }
100 }
101 return b
102 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "io"
5 "math"
6 "testing"
7 )
9 func TestReadIdentifier(t *testing.T) {
10 testcases := map[string]struct {
11 Data []byte
13 ExpectedIdentifier Identifier
14 ExpectedBytesRead int
15 ExpectedError string
16 }{
17 "empty": {
18 Data: []byte{},
19 ExpectedBytesRead: 0,
20 ExpectedError: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error(),
21 },
23 "universal primitive eoc": {
24 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(TagEOC)},
25 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
26 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
27 TagType: TypePrimitive,
28 Tag: TagEOC,
29 },
30 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
31 },
32 "universal primitive character string": {
33 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(TagCharacterString)},
34 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
35 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
36 TagType: TypePrimitive,
37 Tag: TagCharacterString,
38 },
39 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
40 },
42 "universal constructed bit string": {
43 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagBitString)},
44 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
45 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
46 TagType: TypeConstructed,
47 Tag: TagBitString,
48 },
49 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
50 },
51 "universal constructed character string": {
52 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagCharacterString)},
53 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
54 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
55 TagType: TypeConstructed,
56 Tag: TagCharacterString,
57 },
58 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
59 },
61 "application constructed object descriptor": {
62 Data: []byte{byte(ClassApplication) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagObjectDescriptor)},
63 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
64 ClassType: ClassApplication,
65 TagType: TypeConstructed,
66 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
67 },
68 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
69 },
70 "context constructed object descriptor": {
71 Data: []byte{byte(ClassContext) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagObjectDescriptor)},
72 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
73 ClassType: ClassContext,
74 TagType: TypeConstructed,
75 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
76 },
77 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
78 },
79 "private constructed object descriptor": {
80 Data: []byte{byte(ClassPrivate) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagObjectDescriptor)},
81 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
82 ClassType: ClassPrivate,
83 TagType: TypeConstructed,
84 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
85 },
86 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
87 },
89 "high-tag-number tag missing bytes": {
90 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag)},
91 ExpectedError: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error(),
92 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
93 },
94 "high-tag-number tag invalid first byte": {
95 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag), 0x0},
96 ExpectedError: "invalid first high-tag-number tag byte",
97 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
98 },
99 "high-tag-number tag invalid first byte with continue bit": {
100 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag), byte(HighTagContinueBitmask)},
101 ExpectedError: "invalid first high-tag-number tag byte",
102 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
103 },
104 "high-tag-number tag continuation missing bytes": {
105 Data: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag), byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1)},
106 ExpectedError: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error(),
107 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
108 },
109 "high-tag-number tag overflow": {
110 Data: []byte{
111 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag),
112 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
113 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
114 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
115 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
116 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
117 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
118 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
119 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
120 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x1),
121 byte(0x1),
122 },
123 ExpectedError: "high-tag-number tag overflow",
124 ExpectedBytesRead: 11,
125 },
126 "max high-tag-number tag": {
127 Data: []byte{
128 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag),
129 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
130 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
131 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
132 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
133 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
134 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
135 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
136 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
137 byte(0x7f),
138 },
139 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
140 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
141 TagType: TypeConstructed,
142 Tag: Tag(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), // 01111111...(63)...11111b
143 },
144 ExpectedBytesRead: 10,
145 },
146 "high-tag-number encoding of low-tag value": {
147 Data: []byte{
148 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag),
149 byte(TagObjectDescriptor),
150 },
151 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
152 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
153 TagType: TypeConstructed,
154 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
155 },
156 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
157 },
158 "max high-tag-number tag ignores extra data": {
159 Data: []byte{
160 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag),
161 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
162 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
163 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
164 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
165 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
166 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
167 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
168 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
169 byte(0x7f),
170 byte(0x01), // extra data, shouldn't be read
171 byte(0x02), // extra data, shouldn't be read
172 byte(0x03), // extra data, shouldn't be read
173 },
174 ExpectedIdentifier: Identifier{
175 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
176 TagType: TypeConstructed,
177 Tag: Tag(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), // 01111111...(63)...11111b
178 },
179 ExpectedBytesRead: 10,
180 },
181 }
183 for k, tc := range testcases {
184 reader := bytes.NewBuffer(tc.Data)
185 identifier, read, err := readIdentifier(reader)
187 if err != nil {
188 if tc.ExpectedError == "" {
189 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v", k, err)
190 } else if err.Error() != tc.ExpectedError {
191 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, got %v", k, tc.ExpectedError, err)
192 }
193 } else if tc.ExpectedError != "" {
194 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, got none", k, tc.ExpectedError)
195 continue
196 }
198 if read != tc.ExpectedBytesRead {
199 t.Errorf("%s: expected read %d, got %d", k, tc.ExpectedBytesRead, read)
200 }
202 if identifier.ClassType != tc.ExpectedIdentifier.ClassType {
203 t.Errorf("%s: expected class type %d (%s), got %d (%s)", k,
204 tc.ExpectedIdentifier.ClassType,
205 ClassMap[tc.ExpectedIdentifier.ClassType],
206 identifier.ClassType,
207 ClassMap[identifier.ClassType],
208 )
209 }
210 if identifier.TagType != tc.ExpectedIdentifier.TagType {
211 t.Errorf("%s: expected tag type %d (%s), got %d (%s)", k,
212 tc.ExpectedIdentifier.TagType,
213 TypeMap[tc.ExpectedIdentifier.TagType],
214 identifier.TagType,
215 TypeMap[identifier.TagType],
216 )
217 }
218 if identifier.Tag != tc.ExpectedIdentifier.Tag {
219 t.Errorf("%s: expected tag %d (%s), got %d (%s)", k,
220 tc.ExpectedIdentifier.Tag,
221 tagMap[tc.ExpectedIdentifier.Tag],
222 identifier.Tag,
223 tagMap[identifier.Tag],
224 )
225 }
226 }
227 }
229 func TestEncodeIdentifier(t *testing.T) {
230 testcases := map[string]struct {
231 Identifier Identifier
232 ExpectedBytes []byte
233 }{
234 "universal primitive eoc": {
235 Identifier: Identifier{
236 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
237 TagType: TypePrimitive,
238 Tag: TagEOC,
239 },
240 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(TagEOC)},
241 },
242 "universal primitive character string": {
243 Identifier: Identifier{
244 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
245 TagType: TypePrimitive,
246 Tag: TagCharacterString,
247 },
248 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypePrimitive) | byte(TagCharacterString)},
249 },
251 "universal constructed bit string": {
252 Identifier: Identifier{
253 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
254 TagType: TypeConstructed,
255 Tag: TagBitString,
256 },
257 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagBitString)},
258 },
259 "universal constructed character string": {
260 Identifier: Identifier{
261 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
262 TagType: TypeConstructed,
263 Tag: TagCharacterString,
264 },
265 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagCharacterString)},
266 },
268 "application constructed object descriptor": {
269 Identifier: Identifier{
270 ClassType: ClassApplication,
271 TagType: TypeConstructed,
272 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
273 },
274 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassApplication) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagObjectDescriptor)},
275 },
276 "context constructed object descriptor": {
277 Identifier: Identifier{
278 ClassType: ClassContext,
279 TagType: TypeConstructed,
280 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
281 },
282 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassContext) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagObjectDescriptor)},
283 },
284 "private constructed object descriptor": {
285 Identifier: Identifier{
286 ClassType: ClassPrivate,
287 TagType: TypeConstructed,
288 Tag: TagObjectDescriptor,
289 },
290 ExpectedBytes: []byte{byte(ClassPrivate) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagObjectDescriptor)},
291 },
293 "max low-tag-number tag": {
294 Identifier: Identifier{
295 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
296 TagType: TypeConstructed,
297 Tag: TagBMPString,
298 },
299 ExpectedBytes: []byte{
300 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(TagBMPString),
301 },
302 },
304 "min high-tag-number tag": {
305 Identifier: Identifier{
306 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
307 TagType: TypeConstructed,
308 Tag: TagBMPString + 1,
309 },
310 ExpectedBytes: []byte{
311 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag),
312 byte(TagBMPString + 1),
313 },
314 },
316 "max high-tag-number tag": {
317 Identifier: Identifier{
318 ClassType: ClassUniversal,
319 TagType: TypeConstructed,
320 Tag: Tag(math.MaxInt64),
321 },
322 ExpectedBytes: []byte{
323 byte(ClassUniversal) | byte(TypeConstructed) | byte(HighTag),
324 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
325 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
326 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
327 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
328 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
329 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
330 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
331 byte(HighTagContinueBitmask | 0x7f),
332 byte(0x7f),
333 },
334 },
335 }
337 for k, tc := range testcases {
338 b := encodeIdentifier(tc.Identifier)
339 if bytes.Compare(tc.ExpectedBytes, b) != 0 {
340 t.Errorf("%s: Expected\n\t%#v\ngot\n\t%#v", k, tc.ExpectedBytes, b)
341 }
342 }
343 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "errors"
4 "fmt"
5 "io"
6 )
8 func readLength(reader io.Reader) (length int, read int, err error) {
9 // length byte
10 b, err := readByte(reader)
11 if err != nil {
12 if Debug {
13 fmt.Printf("error reading length byte: %v\n", err)
14 }
15 return 0, 0, err
16 }
17 read++
19 switch {
20 case b == 0xFF:
21 // Invalid 0xFF (x.600,
22 return 0, read, errors.New("invalid length byte 0xff")
24 case b == LengthLongFormBitmask:
25 // Indefinite form, we have to decode packets until we encounter an EOC packet (x.600,
26 length = LengthIndefinite
28 case b&LengthLongFormBitmask == 0:
29 // Short definite form, extract the length from the bottom 7 bits (x.600,
30 length = int(b) & LengthValueBitmask
32 case b&LengthLongFormBitmask != 0:
33 // Long definite form, extract the number of length bytes to follow from the bottom 7 bits (x.600,
34 lengthBytes := int(b) & LengthValueBitmask
35 // Protect against overflow
36 // TODO: support big int length?
37 if lengthBytes > 8 {
38 return 0, read, errors.New("long-form length overflow")
39 }
40 for i := 0; i < lengthBytes; i++ {
41 b, err = readByte(reader)
42 if err != nil {
43 if Debug {
44 fmt.Printf("error reading long-form length byte %d: %v\n", i, err)
45 }
46 return 0, read, err
47 }
48 read++
50 // x.600,
51 length <<= 8
52 length |= int(b)
53 }
55 default:
56 return 0, read, errors.New("invalid length byte")
57 }
59 return length, read, nil
60 }
62 func encodeLength(length int) []byte {
63 length_bytes := encodeUnsignedInteger(uint64(length))
64 if length > 127 || len(length_bytes) > 1 {
65 longFormBytes := []byte{(LengthLongFormBitmask | byte(len(length_bytes)))}
66 longFormBytes = append(longFormBytes, length_bytes...)
67 length_bytes = longFormBytes
68 }
69 return length_bytes
70 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "io"
5 "math"
6 "testing"
7 )
9 func TestReadLength(t *testing.T) {
10 testcases := map[string]struct {
11 Data []byte
13 ExpectedLength int
14 ExpectedBytesRead int
15 ExpectedError string
16 }{
17 "empty": {
18 Data: []byte{},
19 ExpectedBytesRead: 0,
20 ExpectedError: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error(),
21 },
22 "invalid first byte": {
23 Data: []byte{0xFF},
24 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
25 ExpectedError: "invalid length byte 0xff",
26 },
28 "indefinite form": {
29 Data: []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask},
30 ExpectedLength: LengthIndefinite,
31 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
32 },
34 "short-definite-form zero length": {
35 Data: []byte{0},
36 ExpectedLength: 0,
37 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
38 },
39 "short-definite-form length 1": {
40 Data: []byte{1},
41 ExpectedLength: 1,
42 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
43 },
44 "short-definite-form max length": {
45 Data: []byte{127},
46 ExpectedLength: 127,
47 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
48 },
50 "long-definite-form missing bytes": {
51 Data: []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask | 1},
52 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
53 ExpectedError: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error(),
54 },
55 "long-definite-form overflow": {
56 Data: []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask | 9},
57 ExpectedBytesRead: 1,
58 ExpectedError: "long-form length overflow",
59 },
60 "long-definite-form zero length": {
61 Data: []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask | 1, 0x0},
62 ExpectedLength: 0,
63 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
64 },
65 "long-definite-form length 127": {
66 Data: []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask | 1, 127},
67 ExpectedLength: 127,
68 ExpectedBytesRead: 2,
69 },
70 "long-definite-form max length": {
71 Data: []byte{
72 LengthLongFormBitmask | 8,
73 0x7F,
74 0xFF,
75 0xFF,
76 0xFF,
77 0xFF,
78 0xFF,
79 0xFF,
80 0xFF,
81 },
82 ExpectedLength: math.MaxInt64,
83 ExpectedBytesRead: 9,
84 },
85 }
87 for k, tc := range testcases {
88 reader := bytes.NewBuffer(tc.Data)
89 length, read, err := readLength(reader)
91 if err != nil {
92 if tc.ExpectedError == "" {
93 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v", k, err)
94 } else if err.Error() != tc.ExpectedError {
95 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, got %v", k, tc.ExpectedError, err)
96 }
97 } else if tc.ExpectedError != "" {
98 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %v, got none", k, tc.ExpectedError)
99 continue
100 }
102 if read != tc.ExpectedBytesRead {
103 t.Errorf("%s: expected read %d, got %d", k, tc.ExpectedBytesRead, read)
104 }
106 if length != tc.ExpectedLength {
107 t.Errorf("%s: expected length %d, got %d", k, tc.ExpectedLength, length)
108 }
109 }
110 }
112 func TestEncodeLength(t *testing.T) {
113 testcases := map[string]struct {
114 Length int
115 ExpectedBytes []byte
116 }{
117 "0": {
118 Length: 0,
119 ExpectedBytes: []byte{0},
120 },
121 "1": {
122 Length: 1,
123 ExpectedBytes: []byte{1},
124 },
126 "max short-form length": {
127 Length: 127,
128 ExpectedBytes: []byte{127},
129 },
130 "min long-form length": {
131 Length: 128,
132 ExpectedBytes: []byte{LengthLongFormBitmask | 1, 128},
133 },
135 "max long-form length": {
136 Length: math.MaxInt64,
137 ExpectedBytes: []byte{
138 LengthLongFormBitmask | 8,
139 0x7F,
140 0xFF,
141 0xFF,
142 0xFF,
143 0xFF,
144 0xFF,
145 0xFF,
146 0xFF,
147 },
148 },
149 }
151 for k, tc := range testcases {
152 b := encodeLength(tc.Length)
153 if bytes.Compare(tc.ExpectedBytes, b) != 0 {
154 t.Errorf("%s: Expected\n\t%#v\ngot\n\t%#v", k, tc.ExpectedBytes, b)
155 }
156 }
157 }
0 package ber
2 import (
3 "bytes"
4 "io"
5 "io/ioutil"
6 "testing"
7 )
9 var errEOF = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error()
11 // Tests from
12 // Source files and descriptions at
13 var testcases = []struct {
14 // File contains the path to the BER-encoded file
15 File string
16 // Error indicates whether a decoding error is expected
17 Error string
18 // AbnormalEncoding indicates whether a normalized re-encoding is expected to differ from the original source
19 AbnormalEncoding bool
20 // IndefiniteEncoding indicates the source file used indefinite-length encoding, so the re-encoding is expected to differ (since the length is known)
21 IndefiniteEncoding bool
22 }{
23 // Common blocks
24 {File: "tests/tc1.ber", Error: "high-tag-number tag overflow"},
25 {File: "tests/tc2.ber", Error: errEOF},
26 {File: "tests/tc3.ber", Error: errEOF},
27 {File: "tests/tc4.ber", Error: "invalid length byte 0xff"},
28 {File: "tests/tc5.ber", Error: "", AbnormalEncoding: true},
29 // Real numbers (some expected failures are disabled until support is added)
30 {File: "tests/tc6.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "REAL value +0 must be encoded with zero-length value block"},
31 {File: "tests/tc7.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "REAL value -0 must be encoded as a special value"},
32 {File: "tests/tc8.ber", Error: ""},
33 {File: "tests/tc9.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Bits 6 and 5 of information octet for REAL are equal to 11"
34 {File: "tests/tc10.ber", Error: ""},
35 {File: "tests/tc11.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Incorrect NR form"
36 {File: "tests/tc12.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Encoding of "special value" not from ASN.1 standard"
37 {File: "tests/tc13.ber", Error: errEOF},
38 {File: "tests/tc14.ber", Error: errEOF},
39 {File: "tests/tc15.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Too big value of exponent"
40 {File: "tests/tc16.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Too big value of mantissa"
41 {File: "tests/tc17.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Too big values for exponent and mantissa + using of "scaling factor" value"
42 // Integers
43 {File: "tests/tc18.ber", Error: ""},
44 {File: "tests/tc19.ber", Error: errEOF},
45 {File: "tests/tc20.ber", Error: ""},
46 // Object identifiers
47 {File: "tests/tc21.ber", Error: ""},
48 {File: "tests/tc22.ber", Error: ""},
49 {File: "tests/tc23.ber", Error: errEOF},
50 {File: "tests/tc24.ber", Error: ""},
51 // Booleans
52 {File: "tests/tc25.ber", Error: ""},
53 {File: "tests/tc26.ber", Error: ""},
54 {File: "tests/tc27.ber", Error: errEOF},
55 {File: "tests/tc28.ber", Error: ""},
56 {File: "tests/tc29.ber", Error: ""},
57 // Null
58 {File: "tests/tc30.ber", Error: ""},
59 {File: "tests/tc31.ber", Error: errEOF},
60 {File: "tests/tc32.ber", Error: ""},
61 // Bitstring (some expected failures are disabled until support is added)
62 {File: "tests/tc33.ber", Error: ""}, // Error: "Too big value for "unused bits""
63 {File: "tests/tc34.ber", Error: errEOF},
64 {File: "tests/tc35.ber", Error: "", IndefiniteEncoding: true}, // Error: "Using of different from BIT STRING types as internal types for constructive encoding"
65 {File: "tests/tc36.ber", Error: "", IndefiniteEncoding: true}, // Error: "Using of "unused bits" in internal BIT STRINGs with constructive form of encoding"
66 {File: "tests/tc37.ber", Error: ""},
67 {File: "tests/tc38.ber", Error: "", IndefiniteEncoding: true},
68 {File: "tests/tc39.ber", Error: ""},
69 {File: "tests/tc40.ber", Error: ""},
70 // Octet string (some expected failures are disabled until support is added)
71 {File: "tests/tc41.ber", Error: "", IndefiniteEncoding: true}, // Error: "Using of different from OCTET STRING types as internal types for constructive encoding"
72 {File: "tests/tc42.ber", Error: errEOF},
73 {File: "tests/tc43.ber", Error: errEOF},
74 {File: "tests/tc44.ber", Error: ""},
75 {File: "tests/tc45.ber", Error: ""},
76 // Bitstring
77 {File: "tests/tc46.ber", Error: "indefinite length used with primitive type"},
78 {File: "tests/tc47.ber", Error: "eoc child not allowed with definite length"},
79 {File: "tests/tc48.ber", Error: "", IndefiniteEncoding: true}, // Error: "Using of more than 7 "unused bits" in BIT STRING with constrictive encoding form"
80 }
82 func TestSuiteDecodePacket(t *testing.T) {
83 // Debug = true
84 for _, tc := range testcases {
85 file := tc.File
87 dataIn, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
88 if err != nil {
89 t.Errorf("%s: %v", file, err)
90 continue
91 }
93 // fmt.Printf("%s: decode %d\n", file, len(dataIn))
94 packet, err := DecodePacketErr(dataIn)
95 if err != nil {
96 if tc.Error == "" {
97 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error during DecodePacket: %v", file, err)
98 } else if tc.Error != err.Error() {
99 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %q during DecodePacket, got %q", file, tc.Error, err)
100 }
101 continue
102 }
103 if tc.Error != "" {
104 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %q, got none", file, tc.Error)
105 continue
106 }
108 dataOut := packet.Bytes()
109 if tc.AbnormalEncoding || tc.IndefiniteEncoding {
110 // Abnormal encodings and encodings that used indefinite length should re-encode differently
111 if bytes.Equal(dataOut, dataIn) {
112 t.Errorf("%s: data should have been re-encoded differently", file)
113 }
114 } else if !bytes.Equal(dataOut, dataIn) {
115 // Make sure the serialized data matches the source
116 t.Errorf("%s: data should be the same", file)
117 }
119 packet, err = DecodePacketErr(dataOut)
120 if err != nil {
121 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v", file, err)
122 continue
123 }
125 // Make sure the re-serialized data matches our original serialization
126 dataOut2 := packet.Bytes()
127 if !bytes.Equal(dataOut, dataOut2) {
128 t.Errorf("%s: data should be the same", file)
129 }
130 }
131 }
133 func TestSuiteReadPacket(t *testing.T) {
134 for _, tc := range testcases {
135 file := tc.File
137 dataIn, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
138 if err != nil {
139 t.Errorf("%s: %v", file, err)
140 continue
141 }
143 buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(dataIn)
144 packet, err := ReadPacket(buffer)
145 if err != nil {
146 if tc.Error == "" {
147 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error during ReadPacket: %v", file, err)
148 } else if tc.Error != err.Error() {
149 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %q during ReadPacket, got %q", file, tc.Error, err)
150 }
151 continue
152 }
153 if tc.Error != "" {
154 t.Errorf("%s: expected error %q, got none", file, tc.Error)
155 continue
156 }
158 dataOut := packet.Bytes()
159 if tc.AbnormalEncoding || tc.IndefiniteEncoding {
160 // Abnormal encodings and encodings that used indefinite length should re-encode differently
161 if bytes.Equal(dataOut, dataIn) {
162 t.Errorf("%s: data should have been re-encoded differently", file)
163 }
164 } else if !bytes.Equal(dataOut, dataIn) {
165 // Make sure the serialized data matches the source
166 t.Errorf("%s: data should be the same", file)
167 }
169 packet, err = DecodePacketErr(dataOut)
170 if err != nil {
171 t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v", file, err)
172 continue
173 }
175 // Make sure the re-serialized data matches our original serialization
176 dataOut2 := packet.Bytes()
177 if !bytes.Equal(dataOut, dataOut2) {
178 t.Errorf("%s: data should be the same", file)
179 }
180 }
181 }
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Binary diff not shown
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Binary diff not shown
0 Ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Binary diff not shown
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0 package ber
2 import "io"
4 func readByte(reader io.Reader) (byte, error) {
5 bytes := make([]byte, 1, 1)
6 _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, bytes)
7 if err != nil {
8 if err == io.EOF {
9 return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
10 }
11 return 0, err
12 }
13 return bytes[0], nil
14 }
16 func isEOCPacket(p *Packet) bool {
17 return p != nil &&
18 p.Tag == TagEOC &&
19 p.ClassType == ClassUniversal &&
20 p.TagType == TypePrimitive &&
21 len(p.ByteValue) == 0 &&
22 len(p.Children) == 0
23 }