Codebase list golang-gopkg-editorconfig-editorconfig-core-go.v1 / HEAD

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# Editorconfig Core Go

A [Editorconfig][editorconfig] file parser and manipulator for Go.

> This package is already working, but still under testing.

## Installing

We recommend the use of [][gopkg] for this package:

go get -u

Import by the same path. Tha package name you will use to access it is

import (

## Usage

### Parse from file

editorConfig, err := editorconfig.ParseFile("path/to/.editorconfig")
if err != nil {

### Parse from slice of bytes

data := []byte("...")
editorConfig, err := editorconfig.ParseBytes(data)
if err != nil {

### Get definition to a given filename

This method builds a definition to a given filename.
This definition is a merge of the properties with selectors that matched the
given filename.
The lasts sections of the file have preference over the priors.

def := editorConfig.GetDefinitionForFilename("my/file.go")

This definition have the following properties:

type Definition struct {
	Selector string

	Charset                string
	IndentStyle            string
	IndentSize             string
	TabWidth               int
	EndOfLine              string
	TrimTrailingWhitespace bool
	InsertFinalNewline     bool

#### Automatic search for `.editorconfig` files

If you want a definition of a file without having to manually
parse the `.editorconfig` files, you can then use the static version
of `GetDefinitionForFilename`:

def, err := editorconfig.GetDefinitionForFilename("foo/bar/baz/my-file.go")

In the example above, the package will automatically search for
`.editorconfig` files on:

- `foo/bar/baz/.editorconfig`
- `foo/baz/.editorconfig`
- `foo/.editorconfig`

Until it reaches a file with `root = true` or the root of the filesystem.

### Generating a .editorconfig file

You can easily convert a Editorconfig struct to a compatible INI file:

// serialize to slice of bytes
data, err := editorConfig.Serialize()
if err != nil {

// save directly to file
err := editorConfig.Save("path/to/.editorconfig")
if err != nil {

## Contributing

To run the tests:

go test -v
