Codebase list golang-pault-go-topsort / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)


This package provides a handy interface to do a topological sort of
some data in a pretty lightweight way.


package main

import (


func main() {
	network := topsort.NewNetwork()

	network.AddNode("watch tv while eating", nil)
	network.AddNode("make dinner", nil)
	network.AddNode("clean my kitchen", nil)

	/* Right, so the order of operations is next */

	network.AddEdge("clean my kitchen", "make dinner")
	// I need to clean the kitchen before I make dinner.

	network.AddEdge("make dinner", "watch tv while eating")
	// Need to make dinner before I can eat it.

	nodes, err := network.Sort()
	if err != nil {

	for _, step := range nodes {
		fmt.Printf(" -> %s\n", step.Name)
	/* Output is:
	 * -> clean my kitchen
	 * -> make dinner
	 * -> watch tv while eating