Codebase list gradle-jflex-plugin / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)

# gradle-jflex-plugin

## Status


## Overview

A Gradle plugin for [JFlex](, a scanner generator.

## Usage

First, install the plugin to your local repository using `gradle install`.
(I'll get this puppy up on Maven Central sometime soon.)


    apply plugin: 'java'
    apply plugin: 'jflex'

    buildscript {
        repositories {

        dependencies {
            classpath 'co.tomlee.gradle.plugins:gradle-jflex-plugin:0.0.1'

    dependencies {
        jflex 'de.jflex:jflex:1.6.0'

Once everything's wired up, Gradle will look for your JFlex specs in

## License

Apache 2.0

## Support

Please log defects and feature requests using the issue tracker on [github](

## About

gradle-jflex-plugin was written by [Tom Lee](

Follow me on [Twitter]( or