Codebase list haskell-happstack-hsp / 6137ae6
haskell-hoogle: revert upstream PR 339 to fix an armhf index corruption bug Gianfranco Costamagna 2 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 73 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 haskell-hoogle ( unstable; urgency=medium
2 * Revert upstream pull request 339 (Addresses: #971832)
3 to fix an armhf corruption bug (see upstream issue #359)
5 -- Gianfranco Costamagna <> Tue, 11 May 2021 09:37:01 +0200
07 haskell-hoogle ( unstable; urgency=medium
29 * New upstream release.
0 Description: Revert to possibly fix
2 --- haskell-hoogle-
3 +++ haskell-hoogle-
4 @@ -128,15 +128,11 @@ searchFingerprintsDebug store query answ
6 data TypesNames a where TypesNames :: TypesNames (BStr0, V.Vector Name) deriving Typeable
8 --- At around 7000 packages, Word16 becomes insufficient
9 --- because there are more than 2^16 Names, so we use Word32.
10 -type NameWord = Word32
11 -
12 -- Must be a unique Name per String.
13 -- First 0-99 are variables, rest are constructors.
14 -- More popular type constructors have higher numbers.
15 -- There are currently about 14K names, so about 25% of the bit patterns are taken
16 -newtype Name = Name NameWord deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Data,Typeable,Storable,Binary)
17 +newtype Name = Name Word16 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Data,Typeable,Storable,Binary)
19 name0 = Name 0 -- use to represent _
21 @@ -154,7 +150,7 @@ prettyName x@(Name i)
22 -- | Give a name a popularity, where 0 is least popular, 1 is most popular
23 popularityName :: Name -> Double
24 popularityName (Name n) | isVar $ Name n = error "Can't call popularityName on a Var"
25 - | otherwise = fromIntegral (n - 100) / fromIntegral (maxBound - 100 :: NameWord)
26 + | otherwise = fromIntegral (n - 100) / fromIntegral (maxBound - 100 :: Word16)
28 newtype Names = Names {lookupName :: Str -> Maybe Name}
30 @@ -194,10 +190,10 @@ spreadNames [] = []
31 spreadNames (sortOn (negate . snd) -> xs@((_,limit):_)) = check $ f (99 + fromIntegral (length xs)) maxBound xs
32 where
33 check xs | all (isCon . snd) xs && length (nubOrd $ map snd xs) == length xs = xs
34 - | otherwise = error $ "Invalid spreadNames, length=" ++ show (length xs)
35 + | otherwise = error "Invalid spreadNames"
37 -- I can only assign values between mn and mx inclusive
38 - f :: NameWord -> NameWord -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Name)]
39 + f :: Word16 -> Word16 -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Name)]
40 f !mn !mx [] = []
41 f mn mx ((a,i):xs) = (a, Name real) : f (mn-1) (real-1) xs
42 where real = fromIntegral $ max mn $ min mx ideal
43 @@ -266,16 +262,14 @@ fpRaresFold :: (b -> b -> b) -> (Name ->
44 fpRaresFold g f Fingerprint{..} = f fpRare1 `g` f fpRare2 `g` f fpRare3
46 instance Storable Fingerprint where
47 - sizeOf _ = 3*sizeOf name0 + 2
48 + sizeOf _ = 64
49 alignment _ = 4
50 peekByteOff ptr i = Fingerprint
51 - <$> peekByteOff ptr (i+0) <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+1*w) <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+2*w)
52 - <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+3*w) <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+3*w + 1)
53 - where w = sizeOf name0
54 + <$> peekByteOff ptr (i+0) <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+2) <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+4)
55 + <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+6) <*> peekByteOff ptr (i+7)
56 pokeByteOff ptr i Fingerprint{..} = do
57 - pokeByteOff ptr (i+0) fpRare1 >> pokeByteOff ptr (i+1*w) fpRare2 >> pokeByteOff ptr (i+2*w) fpRare3
58 - pokeByteOff ptr (i+3*w) fpArity >> pokeByteOff ptr (i+3*w + 1) fpTerms
59 - where w = sizeOf name0
60 + pokeByteOff ptr (i+0) fpRare1 >> pokeByteOff ptr (i+2) fpRare2 >> pokeByteOff ptr (i+4) fpRare3
61 + pokeByteOff ptr (i+6) fpArity >> pokeByteOff ptr (i+7) fpTerms
63 toFingerprint :: Sig Name -> Fingerprint
64 toFingerprint sig = Fingerprint{..}
00 global_database
11 remove_embedded_copies
2 339-revert.patch