Codebase list hitori / 487a4fe
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.38.0' Update to upstream version '3.38.0' with Debian dir 92f6fddceaf80dd9266e19f88b68ea20196a1768 Markus Koschany 3 years ago
53 changed file(s) with 3199 addition(s) and 1086 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 Overview of changes in Hitori 3.38.0
1 ====================================
3 * Translation updates:
4 - Danish
5 - Hungarian
6 - Japanese
7 - Korean
8 - Portuguese
9 - Slovak
12 Overview of changes in Hitori 3.37.1
13 ====================================
15 * Translation updates:
16 - Chinese (China)
17 - Croatian
18 - Dutch
19 - Finnish
20 - French
21 - German
22 - Japanese
23 - Persian
24 - Portuguese (Brazil)
25 - Turkish
28 Overview of changes in Hitori 3.37.0
29 ====================================
31 * Bugs fixed:
32 - #15 In help "Paint" does not add color. "Highlight" does
33 - !26 Add F10 accelerator to primary menu
35 * Translation updates:
36 - Basque
37 - Catalan
38 - Czech
39 - Friulian
40 - Galician
41 - Indonesian
42 - Kazakh
43 - Lithuanian
44 - Romanian
45 - Serbian
46 - Slovenian
47 - Spanish
48 - Swedish
49 - Ukrainian
052 Overview of changes in Hitori 3.36.0
153 ====================================
1919 <object class="GtkShortcutsShortcut">
2020 <property name="visible">1</property>
2121 <property name="accelerator">&lt;Ctrl&gt; &lt;Shift&gt;</property>
22 <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Highlight a cell</property>
22 <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Tag a cell</property>
2323 </object>
2424 </child>
2525 <child>
5353 <child>
5454 <object class="GtkShortcutsShortcut">
5555 <property name="visible">1</property>
56 <property name="accelerator">&lt;Primary&gt;question &lt;Primary&gt;F1</property>
56 <property name="action-name"></property>
5757 <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Show Keyboard Shortcuts</property>
5858 </object>
5959 </child>
6060 <child>
6161 <object class="GtkShortcutsShortcut">
6262 <property name="visible">1</property>
63 <property name="accelerator">&lt;Ctrl&gt;Q</property>
63 <property name="action-name">app.quit</property>
6464 <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Quit</property>
65 </object>
66 </child>
67 <child>
68 <object class="GtkShortcutsShortcut">
69 <property name="visible">1</property>
70 <property name="accelerator">F10</property>
71 <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Toggle Menu</property>
6572 </object>
6673 </child>
6774 </object>
123123 <property name="can_focus">True</property>
124124 <property name="focus_on_click">False</property>
125125 <property name="menu_model">primary-menu</property>
126 <accelerator key="F10" signal="activate"/>
126127 <style>
127128 <class name="image-button" />
128129 </style>
4646 </kudos>
4747 <translation type="gettext">hitori</translation>
4848 <releases>
49 <release version="3.38.0" date="2020-09-10" type="stable">
50 <description>
51 <ul>
52 <li>Translation updates.</li>
53 </ul>
54 </description>
55 </release>
56 <release version="3.37.1" date="2020-09-03" type="development">
57 <description>
58 <ul>
59 <li>Translation updates.</li>
60 </ul>
61 </description>
62 </release>
63 <release version="3.37.0" date="2020-08-19" type="development">
64 <description>
65 <ul>
66 <li>Documentation updates.</li>
67 <li>Translation updates.</li>
68 </ul>
69 </description>
70 </release>
4971 <release version="3.36.0" date="2020-03-11" type="stable">
5072 <description>
5173 <ul>
00 <?xml version="1.0"?>
1 <page xmlns="" type="topic" id="customization">
1 <page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" id="customization">
22 <info>
33 <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
44 <include href="legal.xml" xmlns=""/>
77 <title>Customizing the Game</title>
99 <p>The game can be customized by changing the board size — boards from 5–10 cells square are allowed.</p>
10 <p>To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style="menu">Game</gui><gui style="menuitem">Board Size</gui></guiseq>.
10 <p>To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window, and select an option from <gui style="menuitem">Board Size</gui>.
1111 <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the
1212 requested board size.</p>
1313 </page>
0 <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16"><path d="M8 .031c-.4 0-.815.16-1.125.469L.5 6.875c-.62.62-.62 1.63 0 2.25L6.875 15.5c.62.62 1.63.62 2.25 0L15.5 9.125c.62-.62.62-1.63 0-2.25L9.125.5A1.604 1.604 0 008 .031zm.152 2.975a3.001 3.001 0 011.97.873 3.006 3.006 0 01.65 3.27A2.998 2.998 0 019 8.82V10H7V8a1 1 0 011-1c.407 0 .768-.24.924-.617a.994.994 0 00-.217-1.09.994.994 0 00-1.09-.217A.994.994 0 007 6H5c0-1.21.733-2.308 1.852-2.771a2.98 2.98 0 011.3-.223zM8 11a1 1 0 011 1 1 1 0 01-1 1 1 1 0 01-1-1 1 1 0 011-1z" style="marker:none" color="#bebebe" overflow="visible" fill="#2e3436"/></svg>
1 <!-- Copied from adwaita-icon-theme, licensed under LGPL-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-3.0-US. See -->
0 <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16"><path d="M5.5 6A3.515 3.515 0 002 9.5C2 11.421 3.58 13 5.5 13H6v-2h-.5C4.66 11 4 10.34 4 9.5S4.66 8 5.5 8H12V6z" style="line-height:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-position:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-alternates:normal;font-feature-settings:normal;text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#000;text-transform:none;text-orientation:mixed;shape-padding:0;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;marker:none" color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" overflow="visible" fill="#474747"/><path d="M9 3v1c0 .257.13.528.313.719L11.593 7l-2.28 2.281C9.13 9.471 9 9.743 9 10v1h1c.31 0 .552-.09.75-.281L14.406 7 10.75 3.281C10.552 3.091 10.31 3 10 3z" style="line-height:normal;-inkscape-font-specification:'Bitstream Vera Sans';text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration-line:none;text-transform:none;marker:none" color="#bebebe" font-weight="400" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" overflow="visible" fill="#474747"/></svg>
1 <!-- Copied from adwaita-icon-theme, licensed under LGPL-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-3.0-US. See -->
0 <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16"><path d="M4 6v2h6.5c.84 0 1.5.66 1.5 1.5s-.66 1.5-1.5 1.5H10v2h.5c1.921 0 3.5-1.579 3.5-3.5S12.421 6 10.5 6z" style="line-height:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-position:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-alternates:normal;font-feature-settings:normal;text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#000;text-transform:none;text-orientation:mixed;shape-padding:0;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;marker:none" color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" overflow="visible" fill="#474747"/><path d="M7 3.022v1c0 .257-.13.529-.313.719l-2.28 2.281 2.28 2.281c.183.19.313.462.313.72v1H6c-.31 0-.552-.091-.75-.282L1.594 7.022 5.25 3.303c.198-.19.44-.28.75-.28z" style="line-height:normal;-inkscape-font-specification:'Bitstream Vera Sans';text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration-line:none;text-transform:none;marker:none" color="#bebebe" font-weight="400" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" overflow="visible" fill="#474747"/></svg>
1 <!-- Copied from adwaita-icon-theme, licensed under LGPL-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-3.0-US. See -->
00 <?xml version="1.0"?>
1 <page xmlns="" type="topic" id="game">
1 <page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" id="game">
22 <info>
33 <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
44 <include href="legal.xml" xmlns=""/>
00 <?xml version="1.0"?>
1 <page xmlns="" type="guide" id="index">
1 <page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="guide" id="index">
22 <info>
33 <revision pkgversion="0.2.4" version="0.2" date="2010-07-14" status="final"/>
44 <revision pkgversion="3.31.0" version="0.3" date="2019-02-20" status="final"/>
5 <revision pkgversion="3.36.0" version="0.4" date="2020-03-11" status="final"/>
56 <credit type="author copyright">
67 <name>Philip Withnall</name>
78 <email></email>
00 <?xml version="1.0"?>
1 <page xmlns="" type="topic" id="playing">
1 <page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" id="playing">
22 <info>
33 <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
44 <include href="legal.xml" xmlns=""/>
66 </info>
77 <title>Playing a Game</title>
9 <p>To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style="menu">Game</gui><gui style="menuitem">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a
9 <p>To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window, and select <gui style="menuitem">New Game</gui>.
10 If you are already playing a
1011 game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game.</p>
1112 <p>To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When cells are painted such that none
1213 of the three rules are broken, the game will end and the board may no longer be manipulated.</p>
13 <p><app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own reference when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding
14 <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both highlight cells differently, and cells can be highlighted in
15 both manners at the same time. Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key>
14 <p><app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding
15 <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, and cells can be tagged in
16 both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key>
1617 or <key>Shift</key> again.</p>
17 <p>To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style="button">Undo</gui> or
18 <gui style="button">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as many moves as you like without
18 <p>To undo or redo a move, press <gui style="button"><media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/edit-undo-symbolic.svg"><span its:translate="yes">Undo</span></media></gui> or
19 <gui style="button"><media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/edit-redo-symbolic.svg"><span its:translate="yes">Redo</span></media></gui>
20 in the header bar. You may undo or redo as many moves as you like without
1921 restriction.</p>
20 <p>To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style="button">Hint</gui> from the toolbar. A cell
21 will be highlighted with a flashing red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or unpainted) is incorrect,
22 <p>To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style="button"><media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/dialog-question-symbolic.svg"><span its:translate="yes">Hint</span></media></gui> in the header bar. A cell
23 will be hinted with a flashing red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or unpainted) is incorrect,
2224 and should be changed for the game to be won.</p>
2325 </page>
00 <?xml version="1.0"?>
1 <page xmlns="" type="topic" id="strategy">
1 <page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" id="strategy">
22 <info>
33 <link type="guide" xref="index#tips"/>
44 <include href="legal.xml" xmlns=""/>
77 <title>Gameplay Strategies</title>
99 <p>Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use
10 <key>Shift</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to
11 highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</em>.</p>
12 <p>Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not
13 always. When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the same number in the same row and column as that cell is a good
10 <key>Shift</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to
11 tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</em>.</p>
12 <p>Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged both ways are good candidates for painting, although not
13 always. When painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same row and column as that cell is a good
1414 way to keep track of which cells are still violating <link xref="game">rule 1 of Hitori</link>.</p>
1515 <p>Always bear in mind that rule 2 of Hitori means that two adjacent cells can’t both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the
1616 cells which violate rule 2. Similarly, groups of cells which violate rule 3 by separating one or more unpainted cells from the other
1717 unpainted cells will be highlighted in red.</p>
19 <p>If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style="button">Hint</gui> from the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app>
20 to flag a cell which should be painted or unpainted to move closer to a solution.</p>
19 <p>If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style="button">Hint</gui> in the header bar for <app>Hitori</app>
20 to hint a cell which should be painted or unpainted to move closer to a solution.</p>
2121 </page>
00 # please keep this list sorted alphabetically
1 ca
12 cs
23 da
34 de
1314 ro
1415 sl
1516 sv
17 uk
0 # Catalan translation for hitori.
1 # Copyright (C) 2020 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 # Miniàngel <>, 2020.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-07 19:00+0000\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-08 15:06+0200\n"
10 "Language-Team: Catalan <>\n"
11 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
12 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
13 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
14 "Language: ca\n"
15 "Last-Translator: Miquel-Àngel Burgos i Fradeja <miquel.angel.burgos@gmail."
16 "com>\n"
17 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
19 #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
20 msgctxt "_"
21 msgid "translator-credits"
22 msgstr "Miquel-Àngel Burgos i Fradeja <>, 2020"
24 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
25 #: C/
26 msgid "Changing how the game appears and plays."
27 msgstr "Canvieu l'aparença i la mecànica del joc."
29 #. (itstool) path: page/title
30 #: C/
31 msgid "Customizing the Game"
32 msgstr "Personalització del joc"
34 #. (itstool) path: page/p
35 #: C/
36 msgid ""
37 "The game can be customized by changing the board size — boards from 5–10 "
38 "cells square are allowed."
39 msgstr ""
40 "El joc pot personalitzar-se canviant la mida del tauler —es permeten taulers "
41 "entre 5x5 i 10x10 caselles."
43 #. (itstool) path: page/p
44 #: C/
45 msgid ""
46 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
47 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
48 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
49 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
50 "size."
51 msgstr ""
52 "Per a canviar la mida del tauler, premeu el botó de menú de la cantonada "
53 "superior dreta de la finestra i seleccioneu una opció a <gui style=\"menuitem"
54 "\">Mida del tauler</gui>. L'<app>Hitori</app> us preguntarà si voleu aturar "
55 "la partida actual si n'esteu jugant una i iniciarà una nova partida amb la "
56 "mida de tauler sol·licitada."
58 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
59 #: C/
60 msgid "Introduction to the game of Hitori."
61 msgstr "Introducció al joc de l'Hitori."
63 #. (itstool) path: page/title
64 #: C/
65 msgid "Hitori the Game"
66 msgstr "El joc de l'Hitori"
68 #. (itstool) path: page/p
69 #: C/
70 msgid ""
71 "Hitori is a small logic puzzle in a similar vein to the more popular Sudoku. "
72 "In the game, the player starts with a square board of numbers, and has to "
73 "<em>paint out</em> cells until there are no duplicate numbers in each row "
74 "and column. The following rules apply:"
75 msgstr ""
76 "L'Hitori és un petit trencaclosques lògic similar al Sudoku, més popular. Al "
77 "joc, el jugador comença amb un tauler quadrat amb nombres i ha de "
78 "<em>pintar</em> les caselles fins que no hi hagi cap nombre duplicat a cada "
79 "fila i columna. Les regles són les següents:"
81 #. (itstool) path: item/p
82 #: C/
83 msgid ""
84 "There must only be one of each number in the unpainted cells in each row and "
85 "column."
86 msgstr ""
87 "Només n'hi ha d'haver un de cada nombre a les caselles sense pintar de cada "
88 "fila i columna."
90 #. (itstool) path: item/p
91 #: C/
92 msgid "No painted cell may be adjacent to another, vertically or horizontally."
93 msgstr ""
94 "Cap casella pintada no pot ser adjacent a una altra, verticalment o "
95 "horitzontal."
97 #. (itstool) path: item/p
98 #: C/
99 msgid ""
100 "All the unpainted cells must be joined together vertically and horizontally "
101 "in one group."
102 msgstr ""
103 "Totes les cel·les sense pintar s'han d'unir verticalment i horitzontal en un "
104 "grup."
106 #. (itstool) path: page/p
107 #: C/
108 msgid ""
109 "These are the only three rules of the game, and so there may well be "
110 "multiple solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
111 msgstr ""
112 "Aquestes són les tres úniques regles del joc, i, per tant, poden haver-hi "
113 "múltiples solucions per a un tauler del trencaclosques Hitori."
115 #. (itstool) path: figure/title
116 #: C/
117 msgid "Main game window"
118 msgstr "Finestra principal del joc"
120 #. (itstool) path: figure/desc
121 #: C/
122 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window"
123 msgstr "Finestra principal de l'<app>Hitori</app>"
125 #. (itstool) path: figure/media
126 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
127 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
128 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
129 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
130 #: C/
131 msgctxt "_"
132 msgid ""
133 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
134 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
135 msgstr ""
136 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
137 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
139 #. (itstool) path: media/p
140 #: C/
141 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window."
142 msgstr "Finestra principal de l'<app>Hitori</app>."
144 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
145 #: C/
146 msgid "Philip Withnall"
147 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
149 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
150 #: C/
151 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
152 msgstr "2008–2010, 2019"
154 #. (itstool) path: license/p
155 #: C/
156 msgid ""
157 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
158 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
159 "License</link>."
160 msgstr ""
161 "Aquest treball està llicenciat sota un <link href=\"http://creativecommons."
162 "org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Reconeixement-CompartirIgual 3.0 No adaptada (CC "
163 "BY-SA 3.0)</link>."
165 #. (itstool) path: page/title
166 #: C/
167 msgid "Hitori Help"
168 msgstr "Ajuda de l'Hitori"
170 #. (itstool) path: section/title
171 #: C/
172 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
173 msgstr "Instruccions del joc i normes"
175 #. (itstool) path: section/title
176 #: C/
177 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
178 msgstr "Consells i trucs"
180 #. (itstool) path: p/link
181 #: C/legal.xml:5
182 msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
183 msgstr "Reconeixement-CompartirIgual 3.0 No adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0)"
185 #. (itstool) path: license/p
186 #: C/legal.xml:4
187 msgid "This work is licensed under a <_:link-1/>."
188 msgstr "Aquesta obra està llicenciada sota una <_:link-1/>."
190 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
191 #: C/
192 msgid "Using <app>Hitori</app> to play a game."
193 msgstr "Jugueu una partida a l'<app>Hitori</app>."
195 #. (itstool) path: page/title
196 #: C/
197 msgid "Playing a Game"
198 msgstr "Jugar una partida"
200 #. (itstool) path: page/p
201 #: C/
202 msgid ""
203 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
204 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
205 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
206 "current game."
207 msgstr ""
208 "Per a començar una partida nova, premeu el botó de menú de la cantonada "
209 "superior dreta de la finestra i seleccioneu <gui style=\"menuitem\">Joc nou</"
210 "gui>. Si ja esteu jugant una partida, l'<app>Hitori</app> us demanarà si "
211 "voleu aturar-la."
213 #. (itstool) path: page/p
214 #: C/
215 msgid ""
216 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
217 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
218 "will end and the board may no longer be manipulated."
219 msgstr ""
220 "Per a pintar una casella, feu-hi clic; per a restablir-la, feu-hi clic de "
221 "nou. Quan es pintin les caselles de manera que no es trenqui cap de les tres "
222 "regles, la partida s'acabarà i el tauler no podrà manipular-se més."
224 #. (itstool) path: page/p
225 #: C/
226 msgid ""
227 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
228 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
229 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
230 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
231 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
232 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
233 msgstr ""
234 "L'<app>Hitori</app> també us permet d'etiquetar caselles com a referència "
235 "per a resoldre un tauler. Això es pot fer prement <key>Ctrl</key> o "
236 "<key>Shift</key> i fent clic en una casella alhora. Cada combinació etiqueta "
237 "de manera diferent i les caselles es poden etiquetar de les dues maneres "
238 "alhora. Les caselles etiquetades poden restablir-se fent-hi clic de nou "
239 "mentre es prem <key>Ctrl</key> o <key>Shift</key>."
241 #. (itstool) path: media/span
242 #: C/
243 msgid "Undo"
244 msgstr "Desfer"
246 #. (itstool) path: media/span
247 #: C/
248 msgid "Redo"
249 msgstr "Refer"
251 #. (itstool) path: page/p
252 #: C/
253 msgid ""
254 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
255 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
256 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
257 msgstr ""
258 "Per a desfer o refer un moviment, premeu <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></"
259 "gui> o <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> a la barra de capçalera. "
260 "Podeu desfer o refer tants moviments com vulgueu, sense cap mena de "
261 "restricció."
263 #. (itstool) path: media/span
264 #: C/
265 msgid "Hint"
266 msgstr "Consell"
268 #. (itstool) path: page/p
269 #: C/
270 msgid ""
271 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
272 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
273 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
274 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
275 msgstr ""
276 "Per a obtenir un consell sobre quines caselles pintar, premeu <gui style="
277 "\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> a la barra de capçalera. Una casella es "
278 "mostrarà amb un contorn vermell parpellejant. Això significa que l'estat "
279 "actual de la casella (pintada o no) és incorrecte i s'ha de canviar per a "
280 "guanyar la partida."
282 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
283 #: C/
284 msgid "Strategies for playing Hitori."
285 msgstr "Estratègies per a jugar a l'Hitori."
287 #. (itstool) path: page/title
288 #: C/
289 msgid "Gameplay Strategies"
290 msgstr "Estratègies del joc"
292 #. (itstool) path: page/p
293 #: C/
294 msgid ""
295 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
296 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
297 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
298 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
299 "em>."
300 msgstr ""
301 "L'Hitori és força semblant al Sudoku, ja que requereix deducció lògica per a "
302 "esbrinar quines caselles pintar. Una estratègia és utilitzar la tecla "
303 "<key>Shift</key> per a etiquetar tots els nombres repetits de cada "
304 "<em>columna</em> i la tecla <key>Ctrl</key> per a etiquetar tots els nombres "
305 "repetits de cada <em>fila</em>."
307 #. (itstool) path: page/p
308 #: C/
309 msgid ""
310 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
311 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
312 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
313 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
314 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
315 msgstr ""
316 "Una vegada fet això pertot el tauler, les caselles etiquetades de les dues "
317 "maneres són bones candidates per a pintar-les, encara que no sempre. Quan es "
318 "pinta una casella, restablir-ne les altres amb el mateix nombre de la "
319 "mateixa fila i columna és una bona manera de fer un seguiment de les cel·les "
320 "que encara estan violant <link xref=\"game\">la primera regla de l'Hitori</"
321 "link>."
323 #. (itstool) path: page/p
324 #: C/
325 msgid ""
326 "Always bear in mind that rule 2 of Hitori means that two adjacent cells "
327 "can’t both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the cells "
328 "which violate rule 2. Similarly, groups of cells which violate rule 3 by "
329 "separating one or more unpainted cells from the other unpainted cells will "
330 "be highlighted in red."
331 msgstr ""
332 "Tingueu sempre present que la segona regla de l'Hitori significa que dues "
333 "caselles adjacents no es poden pintar. L'<app>Hitori</app> ressaltarà en "
334 "vermell les caselles que violin la segona regla. De manera similar, els "
335 "grups de caselles que violin la tercera regla separant una o més caselles no "
336 "pintades de les altres es ressaltaran en vermell."
338 #. (itstool) path: page/p
339 #: C/
340 msgid ""
341 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
342 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
343 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
344 msgstr ""
345 "Si us quedeu bloquejat en cap moment, premeu <gui style=\"button\">Obtingueu "
346 "un suggeriment per al vostre proper moviment</gui> a la barra de capçalera "
347 "perquè l'<app>Hitori</app> indiqui una casella que s'hauria de pintar o "
348 "restablir per a apropar-vos a una solució."
00 # Czech translation for hitori help.
11 # Copyright (C) 2009 the author(s) of hitori.
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori help.
3 # Marek Černocký <>, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2019.
3 # Marek Černocký <>, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2019, 2020.
44 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-31 11:52+0000\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-07 16:15+0200\n"
8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-13 00:45+0200\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Marek Černocký <>\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
1212 "Language: cs\n"
4343 #. (itstool) path: page/p
4444 #: C/
4545 msgid ""
46 "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style=\"menu"
47 "\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. <app>Hitori</"
48 "app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re in the middle "
49 "of one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
50 msgstr ""
51 "Pokud chcete změnit velikost hrací desky, vyberte některou z voleb v "
52 "<guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Hra</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Velikost hrací "
53 "desky</gui></guiseq>. V případě, že máte rozehranou hru, dotáže se "
54 "<app>Hitori</app>, jestli ji má ukončit a po té spustí novou hru s "
55 "požadovanými rozměry hrací desky."
46 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
47 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
48 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
49 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
50 "size."
51 msgstr ""
52 "Pokud chcete změnit velikost hrací desky, zmáčkněte tlačítko nabídky v pravém "
53 "horním rohu okna a vyberte <gui style=\"menuitem\">Velikost hrací desky"
54 "</gui>. V případě, že máte rozehranou hru, dotáže se <app>Hitori</app>, "
55 "jestli ji má ukončit a po té spustí novou hru s požadovanými rozměry hrací "
56 "desky."
5758 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
5859 #: C/
139140 msgstr "Hlavní okno hry <app>Hitori</app>."
141142 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
142 #: C/
143 #: C/
143144 msgid "Philip Withnall"
144145 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
146147 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
147 #: C/
148 #: C/
148149 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
149150 msgstr "2008 – 2010, 2019"
151152 #. (itstool) path: license/p
152 #: C/
153 #: C/
153154 msgid ""
154155 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
155156 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
160161 "License</link>."
162163 #. (itstool) path: page/title
163 #: C/
164 #: C/
164165 msgid "Hitori Help"
165166 msgstr "Nápověda ke hře Hitori"
167168 #. (itstool) path: section/title
168 #: C/
169 #: C/
169170 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
170171 msgstr "Základy hraní a použití"
172173 #. (itstool) path: section/title
173 #: C/
174 #: C/
174175 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
175176 msgstr "Tipy a triky"
197198 #. (itstool) path: page/p
198199 #: C/
199200 msgid ""
200 "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style="
201 "\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a game, "
202 "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
203 msgstr ""
204 "Novou hru spustíte volbou <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Hra</gui><gui style="
205 "\"menuitem\">Nová hra</gui></guiseq>. Pokud už máte rozehranou hru, "
206 "<app>Hitori</app> se vás dotáže, jestli chcete současnou hru ukončit."
208 #. (itstool) path: page/p
209 #: C/
201 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
202 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
203 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
204 "current game."
205 msgstr ""
206 "Novou hru spustíte volbou zmáčknutím tlačítka nabídky v pravém horním rohu "
207 "okna a následným vybráním <gui style=\"menuitem\">Nová hra</gui>. Pokud už "
208 "máte rozehranou hru, <app>Hitori</app> se vás dotáže, jestli chcete současnou "
209 "hru ukončit."
211 #. (itstool) path: page/p
212 #: C/
210213 msgid ""
211214 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
212215 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
217220 "pravidel, hra končí a na hrací desce nelze nadále dělat žádné změny."
219222 #. (itstool) path: page/p
220 #: C/
221 msgid ""
222 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own reference "
223 "when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
224 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both highlight cells "
225 "differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners at the same time. "
226 "Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on them again while "
227 "holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
223 #: C/
224 msgid ""
225 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
226 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
227 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
228 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
229 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
230 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
228231 msgstr ""
229232 "<app>Hitori</app> vám také umožňuje si pro své potřeby při řešení políčka "
230233 "označovat. Dělá se to podržením klávesy <key>Ctrl</key> nebo <key>Shift</"
232235 "políčka použita i naráz. Označení zrušíte opětovným kliknutím za současného "
233236 "přidržení <key>Ctrl</key> nebo <key>Shift</key>."
235 #. (itstool) path: page/p
236 #: C/
237 msgid ""
238 "To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style=\"button\">Undo</gui> or <gui "
239 "style=\"button\">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as many "
240 "moves as you like without restriction."
241 msgstr ""
242 "Pokud chcete vrátit tah zpět nebo jej provést znovu, zvolte na nástrojové "
243 "liště <gui style=\"button\">Zpět</gui> nebo <gui style=\"button\">Znovu</"
244 "gui>.Vracet zpět a znovu provádět můžete libovolný počet tahů bez omezení."
246 #. (itstool) path: page/p
247 #: C/
248 msgid ""
249 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style=\"button"
250 "\">Hint</gui> from the toolbar. A cell will be highlighted with a flashing "
251 "red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
238 #. (itstool) path: media/span
239 #: C/
240 msgid "Undo"
241 msgstr "Zpět"
243 #. (itstool) path: media/span
244 #: C/
245 msgid "Redo"
246 msgstr "Znovu"
248 #. (itstool) path: page/p
249 #: C/
250 msgid ""
251 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
252 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
253 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
254 msgstr ""
255 "Pokud chcete vrátit tah zpět nebo jej provést znovu, zmáčkněte <gui style="
256 "\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> nebo <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> v "
257 "záhlavní liště.Vracet zpět a znovu provádět můžete libovolný počet tahů bez "
258 "omezení."
260 #. (itstool) path: media/span
261 #: C/
262 msgid "Hint"
263 msgstr "Rada"
265 #. (itstool) path: page/p
266 #: C/
267 msgid ""
268 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
269 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
270 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
252271 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
253272 msgstr ""
254 "Pokud chcete radu, které políčko zatřít, zvolte na nástrojové liště <gui "
255 "style=\"button\">Rada</gui>. Políčko se zvýrazní blikajícím červeným "
273 "Pokud chcete radu, které políčko zatřít, zmáčkněte <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
274 "media-1/></gui> v záhlavní liště. Políčko se zvýrazní blikajícím červeným "
256275 "obrysem. To naznačuje, že současný stav políčka (zatřené nebo nezatřené) je "
257276 "nesprávný a pro vítězné dokončení hry by měl být změněn."
271290 msgid ""
272291 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
273292 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
274 "clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then "
275 "use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each "
276 "<em>row</em>."
293 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
294 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
295 "em>."
277296 msgstr ""
278297 "Hra Hitori je trochu podobná Sudoku, také vyžaduje logickou dedukci k "
279298 "určení, která políčka zatřít. Jednou ze strategií je použít klikání spolu s "
284303 #. (itstool) path: page/p
285304 #: C/
286305 msgid ""
287 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been "
288 "highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. "
289 "When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the same number in "
290 "the same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which "
291 "cells are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
306 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
307 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
308 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
309 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
310 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
292311 msgstr ""
293312 "Až to uděláte na celé desce, budou některá políčka označena oběma způsoby a "
294313 "ty jsou horkými kandidáty na zatření, ale naplatí to vždy. Když políčko "
314333 #. (itstool) path: page/p
315334 #: C/
316335 msgid ""
317 "If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> from "
318 "the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be painted or "
336 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
337 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
319338 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
320339 msgstr ""
321 "Pokud budete v nějakém bodě v koncích, zvolte na nástrojové liště <gui style="
322 "\"button\">Rada</gui>, a aplikace <app>Hitori</app> vám označí políčko, "
340 "Pokud budete v nějakém bodě v koncích, zmáčkněte <gui style=\"button\">Rada"
341 "</gui> v záhlavní liště a aplikace <app>Hitori</app> vám označí políčko, "
323342 "které by se mělo zatřít nebo očistit, a tím vám pomůže přiblížit se k řešení."
0 # Danish translation for hitori-help.
1 # Copyright (C) 2009 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER.
0 # Danish translation for hitori.
1 # Copyright (C) 2009 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 # Joe Hansen <>, 2009.
4 # scootergrisen, 2015, 2020.
5 # Gennemgået (delvist) Ask Hjorth Larsen <>, 2016.
36 #
4 # Joe Hansen (, 2009.
5 # scootergrisen, 2015.
6 # Gennemgået (delvist) Ask Hjorth Larsen <>, 2016.
7 msgid ""
8 msgstr ""
9 "Project-Id-Version: hitori-help master\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-18 12:50+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-02 15:40+0200\n"
7 # scootergrisen: "paint" ~ klik på celle
8 # scootergrisen: "tag" ~ hold Ctrl og/eller Skift nede og klik på celle (bliver blå og/eller grøn i hjørnerne)
9 #
10 msgid ""
11 msgstr ""
12 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-11 14:42+0000\n"
14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-12 08:53+0200\n"
1215 "Last-Translator: scootergrisen\n"
1316 "Language-Team: Danish <>\n"
1417 "Language: da\n"
2225 msgid "translator-credits"
2326 msgstr ""
2427 "Joe Hansen <>, 2009\n"
25 "scootergrisen, 2015\n"
28 "scootergrisen <>, 2015, 2020\n"
2629 "\n"
27 "Dansk-gruppen <>\n"
28 "Mere info:"
30 "Dansk-gruppen\n"
31 "Websted\n"
32 "E-mail <>"
3034 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
3135 #: C/
3236 msgid "Changing how the game appears and plays."
33 msgstr "Ændre spillets udseende og hvordan det spilles."
35 # måske Tilpasning af spillet
37 msgstr "Ændr spillets udseende og hvordan det spilles."
3639 #. (itstool) path: page/title
3740 #: C/
3841 msgid "Customizing the Game"
39 msgstr "Tilpasse spillet"
42 msgstr "Tilpas spillet"
4144 #. (itstool) path: page/p
4245 #: C/
4447 "The game can be customized by changing the board size — boards from 5–10 "
4548 "cells square are allowed."
4649 msgstr ""
47 "Spillet kan tilpasses ved at ændre brætstørrelsen - bræt med 5-10 "
48 "cellefirkanter per række/kolonne er tilladt."
50 "Spillet kan tilpasses ved at ændre brætstørrelsen – kvadratiske bræt med 5–10 celler "
51 "er tilladt."
5053 #. (itstool) path: page/p
5154 #: C/
5255 msgid ""
53 "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui "
54 "style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. "
55 "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you're in "
56 "the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
57 msgstr ""
58 "Ændring af brætstørrelse foretages ved at vælge en af mulighederne fra "
59 "<guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Spil</gui><gui "
60 "style=\"menuitem\">Brætstørrelse</gui></guiseq>. <app>Hitori</app> vil "
61 "spørge, om du ønsker at standse det aktuelle spil, hvis du er i gang med et, "
62 "og så starte et nyt spil med den ønskede brætstørrelse."
64 #. (itstool) path: media
56 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
57 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
58 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
59 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
60 "size."
61 msgstr ""
62 "For at ændre brætstørrelsen trykkes på menuknappen i øverste højre hjørne af "
63 "vinduet og der vælges en indstilling i <gui "
64 "style=\"menuitem\">Brætstørrelse</gui>. <app>Hitori</app> spørger, om du vil "
65 "stoppe det nuværende spil, hvis du er midt i et, og så starte et nyt spil "
66 "med den ønskede brætstørrelse."
68 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
69 #: C/
70 msgid "Introduction to the game of Hitori."
71 msgstr "Introduktion til spillet Hitori."
73 #. (itstool) path: page/title
74 #: C/
75 msgid "Hitori the Game"
76 msgstr "Spillet Hitori"
78 #. (itstool) path: page/p
79 #: C/
80 msgid ""
81 "Hitori is a small logic puzzle in a similar vein to the more popular Sudoku. "
82 "In the game, the player starts with a square board of numbers, and has to "
83 "<em>paint out</em> cells until there are no duplicate numbers in each row "
84 "and column. The following rules apply:"
85 msgstr ""
86 "Hitori er en lille logisk opgave, i samme stil som det mere populære Sudoku. "
87 "I spillet starter spilleren med et kvadratisk bræt med tal, og skal så "
88 "<em>overmale</em> cellerne indtil der ikke er nogen ens tal i hver række og "
89 "kolonne. Følgende regler gælder:"
91 #. (itstool) path: item/p
92 #: C/
93 msgid ""
94 "There must only be one of each number in the unpainted cells in each row and "
95 "column."
96 msgstr ""
97 "Der må kun være ét af hvert tal i de umalede celler i hver række og kolonne."
99 #. (itstool) path: item/p
100 #: C/
101 msgid "No painted cell may be adjacent to another, vertically or horizontally."
102 msgstr ""
103 "Malede celler må ikke være ved siden af hinanden, hverken lodret eller "
104 "vandret."
106 #. (itstool) path: item/p
107 #: C/
108 msgid ""
109 "All the unpainted cells must be joined together vertically and horizontally "
110 "in one group."
111 msgstr "Alle de umalede celler skal forbindes lodret og vandret i en gruppe."
113 #. (itstool) path: page/p
114 #: C/
115 msgid ""
116 "These are the only three rules of the game, and so there may well be "
117 "multiple solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
118 msgstr ""
119 "Det er de eneste tre regler i spillet, så der kan være flere løsninger "
120 "til et Hitori-opgavebræt."
122 #. (itstool) path: figure/title
123 #: C/
124 msgid "Main game window"
125 msgstr "Spillets hovedvindue"
127 #. (itstool) path: figure/desc
128 #: C/
129 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window"
130 msgstr "Hovedvinduet i <app>Hitori</app>"
132 #. (itstool) path: figure/media
65133 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
66134 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
67135 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
70138 msgctxt "_"
71139 msgid ""
72140 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
73 "md5='b6ea3ee1ff73311d002cfdb4463032be'"
74 msgstr "[Strengen bruges ikke]"
76 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
77 #: C/
78 msgid "Introduction to the game of Hitori."
79 msgstr "Introduktion til spillet Hitori."
81 #. (itstool) path: page/title
82 #: C/
83 msgid "Hitori the Game"
84 msgstr "Spillet Hitori"
86 #. (itstool) path: page/p
87 #: C/
88 msgid ""
89 "Hitori is a small logic puzzle in a similar vein to the more popular Sudoku. "
90 "In the game, the player starts with a square board of numbers, and has to "
91 "<em>paint out</em> cells until there are no duplicate numbers in each row "
92 "and column. The following rules apply:"
93 msgstr ""
94 "Hitori er et lille logikpuslespil, der minder om det mere populære Sudoku. I "
95 "spillet starter spilleren med et firkantsbræt med tal, og skal herfra "
96 "<em>markere</em> celler indtil der ikke er ens tal i hver række og kolonne. "
97 "Følgende regler gælder:"
99 #. (itstool) path: item/p
100 #: C/
101 msgid ""
102 "There must only be one of each number in the unpainted cells in each row and "
103 "column."
104 msgstr ""
105 "Der må kun være et af hvert tal i de umarkerede celler i hver række og "
106 "kolonne."
108 #. (itstool) path: item/p
109 #: C/
110 msgid ""
111 "No painted cell may be adjacent to another, vertically or horizontally."
112 msgstr ""
113 "Ingen markerede celle må være ved siden af en anden markeret celle, hverken "
114 "vertikalt eller horisontalt."
116 #. (itstool) path: item/p
117 #: C/
118 msgid ""
119 "All the unpainted cells must be joined together vertically and horizontally "
120 "in one group."
121 msgstr ""
122 "Alle de umarkerede celler skal være forbundet vertikalt og horisontalt i en "
123 "gruppe."
125 #. (itstool) path: page/p
126 #: C/
127 msgid ""
128 "These are the only three rules of the game, and so there may well be "
129 "multiple solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
130 msgstr ""
131 "Dette er de eneste tre regler i spillet, og der kan derfor være flere "
132 "løsninger i et Hitoripuslespil."
134 #. (itstool) path: figure/title
135 #: C/
136 msgid "Main game window"
137 msgstr "Spillets hovedvindue"
139 #. (itstool) path: figure/desc
140 #: C/
141 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window"
142 msgstr "<app>Hitoris</app> hovedvindue"
141 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
142 msgstr "[billedet indeholder ikke noget som kan oversættes]"
144144 #. (itstool) path: media/p
145145 #: C/
146146 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window."
147 msgstr "<app>Hitoris</app> hovedvindue."
147 msgstr "Hovedvinduet i <app>Hitori</app>."
149149 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
150 #: C/
150 #: C/
151151 msgid "Philip Withnall"
152152 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
154154 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
155 #: C/
156 msgid "2008–2010"
157 msgstr "2008–2010"
155 #: C/
156 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
157 msgstr "2008–2010, 2019"
159159 #. (itstool) path: license/p
160 #: C/
161 msgid ""
162 "This work is licensed under a <link "
163 "href=\"\">Creative Commons "
164 "Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License</link>."
165 msgstr ""
166 "Dette værk er licenseret under <link "
167 "href=\"\">Creative Commons "
168 "Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License</link>."
170 #. (itstool) path: page/title
171 #: C/
160 #: C/
161 msgid ""
162 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
163 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
164 "License</link>."
165 msgstr ""
166 "Værket er licenseret under en <link href=\""
167 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Kreditering-Deling på samme vilkår "
168 "3.0 Ikke porteret-licens</link>."
170 #. (itstool) path: page/title
171 #: C/
172172 msgid "Hitori Help"
173173 msgstr "Hjælp til Hitori"
175175 #. (itstool) path: section/title
176 #: C/
176 #: C/
177177 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
178 msgstr "Grundlæggende spil &amp; brug"
178 msgstr "Grundlæggende gameplay og anvendelse"
180180 #. (itstool) path: section/title
181 #: C/
181 #: C/
182182 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
183 msgstr "Tips &amp; tricks"
183 msgstr "Tips og tricks"
185185 #. (itstool) path: p/link
186186 #: C/legal.xml:5
187187 msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
188 msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
188 msgstr ""
189 "Creative Commons Kreditering-Deling på samme vilkår 3.0 Ikke porteret-licens"
190191 #. (itstool) path: license/p
191192 #: C/legal.xml:4
192193 msgid "This work is licensed under a <_:link-1/>."
193 msgstr "Dette værk er licenseret under <_:link-1/>."
194 msgstr "Værket er licenseret under en <_:link-1/>."
195196 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
196197 #: C/
200201 #. (itstool) path: page/title
201202 #: C/
202203 msgid "Playing a Game"
203 msgstr "Et spil"
204 msgstr "Sådan spilles der"
205206 #. (itstool) path: page/p
206207 #: C/
207208 msgid ""
208 "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui "
209 "style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a "
210 "game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
211 msgstr ""
212 "For at starte et nyt spil vælges <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Spil</gui><gui "
213 "style=\"menuitem\">Nyt spil</gui></guiseq>. Hvis du allerede er i gang med "
214 "et spil, vil <app>Hitori</app> spørge, om du ønsker at stoppe det aktuelle "
215 "spil."
217 #. (itstool) path: page/p
218 #: C/
209 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
210 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
211 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
212 "current game."
213 msgstr ""
214 "For at starte et nyt spil trykkes på menuknappen i øverste højre hjørne af "
215 "vinduet og der vælges <gui style=\"menuitem\">Nyt spil</gui>. Hvis du "
216 "allerede er i gang med et spil, spørger <app>Hitori</app>, om du vil stoppe "
217 "det nuværende spil."
219 #. (itstool) path: page/p
220 #: C/
219221 msgid ""
220222 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
221223 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
222224 "will end and the board may no longer be manipulated."
223225 msgstr ""
224 "Klik på en celle for at markere den, fjern markeringen ved at klikke igen. "
225 "Når dine markerede celler ikke bryder nogen af de tre regler vil spillet "
226 "slutte, og brættet kan ikke længeres manipuleres."
228 #. (itstool) path: page/p
229 #: C/
230 msgid ""
231 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own reference "
232 "when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
233 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both highlight cells "
234 "differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners at the same time. "
235 "Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on them again while "
236 "holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
237 msgstr ""
238 "<app>Hitori</app> giver dig mulighed for at fremhæve celler, når du forsøger "
239 "at løse et bræt. Dette kan gøres ved at holde <key>Ctrl</key> eller "
240 "<key>Skift</key> nede og klikke på en celle. De to metoder fremhæver "
241 "cellerne på forskellig måde, og den enkelte celle kan fremhæves på begge "
242 "måder. Du kan fjerne fremhævelsen på cellerne igen ved at klikke på dem "
243 "igen, mens du holder enten <key>Ctrl</key> eller <key>Skift</key> nede."
245 #. (itstool) path: page/p
246 #: C/
247 msgid ""
248 "To undo or redo a move, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui "
249 "style=\"menuitem\">Undo</gui></guiseq> or <guiseq><gui "
250 "style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Redo</gui></guiseq>. You "
251 "may undo or redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
252 msgstr ""
253 "For at fortryde eller omgøre et træk vælges <guiseq><gui "
254 "style=\"menu\">Spil</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Fortryd</gui></guiseq> "
255 "eller <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Spil</gui><gui "
256 "style=\"menuitem\">Omgør</gui></guiseq>. Du kan fortryde eller omgøre så "
257 "mange træk, du ønsker, uden begrænsning."
259 #. (itstool) path: page/p
260 #: C/
261 msgid ""
262 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <guiseq><gui "
263 "style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Hint</gui></guiseq>. A cell "
264 "will be highlighted with a flashing red outline. This shows that the current "
265 "status of the cell (painted or unpainted) is incorrect, and should be "
266 "changed for the game to be won."
267 msgstr ""
268 "For at se fif til hvilke celler, der skal markeres, vælges <guiseq><gui "
269 "style=\"menu\">Spil</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Fif</gui></guiseq>. En "
270 "celle vil blive fremhævet med et blinkende rødt omrids. Dette viser, at den "
271 "aktuelle status på cellen (markeret eller umarkeret) er forkert, og bør "
272 "ændres for at du kan vinde spillet."
226 "Klik på en celle for at male den. Klik på den igen for at fjerne malingen. "
227 "Når cellerne er malet, så ingen af de tre regler brydes, så slutter spillet, "
228 "og brættet kan ikke længere ændres."
230 #. (itstool) path: page/p
231 #: C/
232 msgid ""
233 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
234 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
235 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
236 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
237 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
238 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
239 msgstr ""
240 "<app>Hitori</app> giver dig også mulighed for at tilføje mærkat på cellerne for at "
241 "hjælpe dig med at løse et bræt. Det kan gøres ved at holde <key>Ctrl</key> "
242 "eller <key>Skift</key> nede og klikke på en celle. De sætter forskellige mærkater på "
243 "cellerne, og cellerne kan få tilføjet mærkat på begge måder på samme "
244 "tid. Celler som har fået tilføjet mærkat på kan få fjernet deres mærkat ved at klikke på dem "
245 "igen, mens enten <key>Ctrl</key> eller <key>Skift</key> holdes nede."
247 #. (itstool) path: media/span
248 #: C/
249 msgid "Undo"
250 msgstr "Fortryd"
252 #. (itstool) path: media/span
253 #: C/
254 msgid "Redo"
255 msgstr "Omgør"
257 #. (itstool) path: page/p
258 #: C/
259 msgid ""
260 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
261 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
262 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
263 msgstr ""
264 "For at fortryde eller omgøre et træk trykkes på <gui "
265 "style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> eller <gui "
266 "style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> i hovedlinjen. Du kan fortryde "
267 "eller omgøre så mange træk, du ønsker, uden begrænsning."
269 #. (itstool) path: media/span
270 #: C/
271 msgid "Hint"
272 msgstr "Tip"
274 #. (itstool) path: page/p
275 #: C/
276 msgid ""
277 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
278 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
279 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
280 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
281 msgstr ""
282 "For at få et tip til hvilke celler, der skal overmales, trykkes på <gui "
283 "style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> i hovedlinjen. En celle indikeres med "
284 "et blinkende rødt omrids. Det viser, at cellens nuværende status (malet "
285 "eller umalet) er forkert, og bør ændres for kunne vinde spillet."
274287 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
275288 #: C/
285298 #: C/
286299 msgid ""
287300 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
288 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use "
289 "<key>Shift</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each "
290 "<em>column</em>, then use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the "
291 "repeated numbers in each <em>row</em>."
301 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
302 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
303 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
304 "em>."
292305 msgstr ""
293306 "Hitori ligner på mange måder Sudoku, da det kræver logisk omtanke at finde "
294 "ud af hvilke celler, der skal markeres. Én strategi er at bruge "
295 "<key>Skift</key>-klik til at fremhæve alle gentagne tal i hver "
296 "<em>kolonne</em>, og så bruge <key>Ctrl</key>-klik til at fremhæve alle "
297 "gentagne tal i hver <em>række</em>."
307 "ud af hvilke celler, der skal overmales. Én strategi er at bruge "
308 "<key>Skift</key>-klik for at tilføje mærkat på alle de tal som gentages i hver "
309 "<em>kolonne</em>, og så bruge <key>Ctrl</key>-klik for at tilføje mærkat på alle de "
310 "tal som gentages i hver <em>række</em>."
299312 #. (itstool) path: page/p
300313 #: C/
301314 msgid ""
302 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been "
303 "highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. "
304 "When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the same number in "
305 "the same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which "
306 "cells are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
307 msgstr ""
308 "Når dette er gjort på hele brættet, er de celler, der er blevet markeret på "
309 "begge måder, gode kandidater til markering – men ikke altid. Når en celle "
310 "markeres, og de andre celler med samme tal i den samme række eller kolonne "
311 "afmarkeres, er det en god måde at holde styr på hvilke celler, der fortsat "
312 "bryder <link xref=\"game\">Hitoris regel 1</link>."
315 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
316 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
317 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
318 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
319 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
320 msgstr ""
321 "Når det er gjort på hele brættet, så er de celler, der har fået tilføjet mærkat på begge måder, "
322 "gode kandidater til at blive malet – dog ikke altid. Når en "
323 "celle males, så kan du fjerne mærkaterne på de andre celler som har "
324 "det samme tal i den samme række eller kolonne. Det er en god måde til at "
325 "holde styr på hvilke celler, der stadigvæk bryder <link xref=\"game\">Hitoris "
326 "regel nummer 1</link>."
314328 #. (itstool) path: page/p
315329 #: C/
316330 msgid ""
317331 "Always bear in mind that rule 2 of Hitori means that two adjacent cells "
318 "can't both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the cells "
332 "can’t both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the cells "
319333 "which violate rule 2. Similarly, groups of cells which violate rule 3 by "
320334 "separating one or more unpainted cells from the other unpainted cells will "
321335 "be highlighted in red."
322336 msgstr ""
323 "Husk at Hitoris regel 2 betyder, at to tilstødende celler ikke begge kan "
324 "markeres. <app>Hitori</app> fremhæver celler, der bryder regel 2, med rødt. "
325 "På samme måde vil grupper af celler, der bryder regel 3 ved at adskille en "
326 "eller flere umarkerede celler fra de andre umarkerede celler, blive "
327 "fremhævet med rødt."
337 "Husk altid på at Hitoris regel nummer 2 betyder, at du ikke kan male to "
338 "celler som er ved siden af hinanden. <app>Hitori</app> fremhæver celler, der "
339 "bryder regel nummer 2, med rødt. På samme måde fremhæves grupper af celler, "
340 "der bryder regel nummer 3 ved at adskille en eller flere umalede celler fra "
341 "de andre umalede celler, med rødt."
329343 #. (itstool) path: page/p
330344 #: C/
331345 msgid ""
332 "If you get stuck at any point, choose <guiseq><gui "
333 "style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Hint</gui></guiseq> for "
334 "<app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be painted or unpainted to "
335 "move closer to a solution."
336 msgstr ""
337 "Hvis du ikke kan komme videre, så vælg <guiseq><gui "
338 "style=\"menu\">Spil</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Fif</gui></guiseq> for at "
339 "få <app>Hitori</app> til at vise en celle, der skal markeres eller "
340 "afmarkeres, for at komme tættere på en løsning."
346 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
347 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
348 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
349 msgstr ""
350 "Hvis du ikke kan komme videre, så tryk på <gui style=\"button\">Tip</gui> i "
351 "hovedlinjen for at få <app>Hitori</app> til at indikere en celle, der "
352 "skal males eller have fjernet malingen, for at komme tættere på en løsning."
00 # German translation of the Hitori manual.
11 #
2 # Mario Blättermann <>, 2009-2012, 2019.
2 # Mario Blättermann <>, 2009-2012, 2019, 2020.
33 msgid ""
44 msgstr ""
55 "Project-Id-Version: hitori help\n"
6 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-12 13:56+0000\n"
7 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-05 14:57+0200\n"
6 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
7 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-03 20:28+0200\n"
88 "Last-Translator: Mario Blättermann <>\n"
9 "Language-Team: German <>\n"
9 "Language-Team: Deutsch <>\n"
1010 "Language: de\n"
1111 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1212 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1313 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
14 "X-Generator: Lokalize 18.12.3\n"
14 "X-Generator: Lokalize 20.08.0\n"
1515 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
1717 #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
4343 #. (itstool) path: page/p
4444 #: C/
45 msgid ""
46 "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style=\"menu"
47 "\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. <app>Hitori</"
48 "app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re in the middle of "
49 "one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
50 msgstr ""
51 "Um die Spielfeldgröße zu ändern, wählen Sie eine der Optionen in <guiseq><gui "
52 "style=\"menu\">Spiel</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Spielfeldgröße</gui></"
53 "guiseq>. <app>Hitori</app> fragt Sie dann, ob Sie das gegenwärtig laufende "
54 "Spiel abbrechen wollen, falls bereits ein Spiel läuft. Dann wird ein neues "
55 "Spiel mit der gewünschten Spielfeldgröße gestartet."
45 #| msgid ""
46 #| "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style=\"menu"
47 #| "\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. "
48 #| "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re "
49 #| "in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
50 msgid ""
51 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
52 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
53 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
54 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
55 "size."
56 msgstr ""
57 "Um die Spielfeldgröße zu ändern, klicken Sie auf den Menüknopf in der rechten"
58 " oberen Ecke des Fensters wählen Sie eine der Optionen in <gui"
59 " style=\"menuitem\">Spielfeldgröße</gui>. <app>Hitori</app> fragt Sie dann,"
60 " ob Sie "
61 "das gegenwärtig laufende Spiel abbrechen wollen, falls bereits ein Spiel "
62 "läuft. Dann wird ein neues Spiel mit der gewünschten Spielfeldgröße "
63 "gestartet."
5765 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
5866 #: C/
6977 msgid ""
7078 "Hitori is a small logic puzzle in a similar vein to the more popular Sudoku. "
7179 "In the game, the player starts with a square board of numbers, and has to "
72 "<em>paint out</em> cells until there are no duplicate numbers in each row and "
73 "column. The following rules apply:"
80 "<em>paint out</em> cells until there are no duplicate numbers in each row "
81 "and column. The following rules apply:"
7482 msgstr ""
7583 "Hitori ist ein kleines Puzzlespiel, das dem bekannteren Sudoku etwas ähnelt. "
7684 "Der Spieler beginnt mit einem mit Zahlenfeldern gefüllten quadratischen "
106114 #. (itstool) path: page/p
107115 #: C/
108116 msgid ""
109 "These are the only three rules of the game, and so there may well be multiple "
110 "solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
117 "These are the only three rules of the game, and so there may well be "
118 "multiple solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
111119 msgstr ""
112120 "Es gibt nur diese drei Regeln für das Spiel, daher sind auf einem Hitori-"
113121 "Spielfeld durchaus mehrere Lösungen möglich."
140148 msgstr "Hauptfenster von <app>Hitori</app>."
142150 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
143 #: C/
151 #: C/
144152 msgid "Philip Withnall"
145153 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
147155 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
148 #: C/
156 #: C/
149157 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
150158 msgstr "2008–2010, 2019"
152160 #. (itstool) path: license/p
153 #: C/
161 #: C/
154162 msgid ""
155163 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
156164 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
161169 "Unported License</link>."
163171 #. (itstool) path: page/title
164 #: C/
172 #: C/
165173 msgid "Hitori Help"
166174 msgstr "Hitori-Hilfe"
168176 #. (itstool) path: section/title
169 #: C/
177 #: C/
170178 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
171179 msgstr "Grundlagen des Spiels und der Benutzung"
173181 #. (itstool) path: section/title
174 #: C/
182 #: C/
175183 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
176184 msgstr "Tipps und Tricks"
200208 #. (itstool) path: page/p
201209 #: C/
202 msgid ""
203 "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style="
204 "\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a game, "
205 "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
206 msgstr ""
207 "Um ein neues Spiel zu starten, wählen Sie <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Spiel</"
208 "gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Neues Spiel</gui></guiseq>. Falls bereits ein "
210 #| msgid ""
211 #| "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui "
212 #| "style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a "
213 #| "game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
214 msgid ""
215 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
216 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
217 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
218 "current game."
219 msgstr ""
220 "Um ein neues Spiel zu starten, klicken Sie auf den Menüknopf in der rechten"
221 " oberen Ecke des Fensters und wählen Sie <gui style=\"menuitem\">Neues Spiel<"
222 "/gui>. Falls bereits ein "
209223 "Spiel läuft, fragt <app>Hitori</app>, ob das aktuelle Spiel beendet werden "
210224 "soll."
212226 #. (itstool) path: page/p
213 #: C/
227 #: C/
214228 msgid ""
215229 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
216 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game will "
217 "end and the board may no longer be manipulated."
230 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
231 "will end and the board may no longer be manipulated."
218232 msgstr ""
219233 "Um ein Feld einzufärben, klicken Sie darauf. Ein erneuter Klick macht die "
220 "Färbung wieder rückgängig. Wenn die Felder so eingefärbt sind, dass keine der "
221 "drei Regeln gebrochen wurde, endet das Spiel und kann nicht mehr verändert "
222 "werden."
224 #. (itstool) path: page/p
225 #: C/
226 msgid ""
227 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own reference "
228 "when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
229 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both highlight cells "
230 "differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners at the same time. "
231 "Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on them again while "
232 "holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
234 "Färbung wieder rückgängig. Wenn die Felder so eingefärbt sind, dass keine "
235 "der drei Regeln gebrochen wurde, endet das Spiel und kann nicht mehr "
236 "verändert werden."
238 #. (itstool) path: page/p
239 #: C/
240 #| msgid ""
241 #| "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own "
242 #| "reference when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding "
243 #| "<key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both "
244 #| "highlight cells differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners "
245 #| "at the same time. Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on "
246 #| "them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
247 msgid ""
248 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
249 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
250 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
251 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
252 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
253 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
233254 msgstr ""
234255 "<app>Hitori</app> gestattet Ihnen auch, Felder als Markierungen "
235256 "hervorzuheben. Halten Sie dazu beim Anklicken eines Feldes die <key>Strg</"
236257 "key>- oder <key>Umschalt</key>-Taste gedrückt. Die beiden Tasten heben ein "
237258 "Feld unterschiedlich hervor, wobei auch ein Feld auf beide Arten "
238 "gekennzeichnet werden kann. Die Hervorhebung von Feldern kann wieder entfernt "
239 "werden, wenn Sie beim Anklicken eines Feldes wiederum die <key>Strg</key>- "
240 "oder <key>Umschalt</key>-Taste gedrückt halten."
242 #. (itstool) path: page/p
243 #: C/
244 msgid ""
245 "To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style=\"button\">Undo</gui> or <gui style="
246 "\"button\">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as many moves as "
247 "you like without restriction."
248 msgstr ""
249 "Um einen Zug rückgängig zu machen oder zu wiederholen, wählen Sie <gui style="
250 "\"button\">Rückgängig</gui> oder <gui style=\"button\">Wiederholen</gui> in "
251 "der Werkzeugleiste. Sie können ohne Einschränkungen so viele Züge rückgängig "
259 "gekennzeichnet werden kann. Die Hervorhebung von Feldern kann wieder "
260 "entfernt werden, wenn Sie beim Anklicken eines Feldes wiederum die "
261 "<key>Strg</key>- oder <key>Umschalt</key>-Taste gedrückt halten."
263 #. (itstool) path: media/span
264 #: C/
265 msgid "Undo"
266 msgstr "Rückgängig"
268 #. (itstool) path: media/span
269 #: C/
270 msgid "Redo"
271 msgstr "Wiederholen"
273 #. (itstool) path: page/p
274 #: C/
275 #| msgid ""
276 #| "To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style=\"button\">Undo</gui> or <gui "
277 #| "style=\"button\">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as "
278 #| "many moves as you like without restriction."
279 msgid ""
280 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
281 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
282 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
283 msgstr ""
284 "Um einen Zug rückgängig zu machen oder zu wiederholen, klicken Sie auf <gui"
285 " style="
286 "\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> oder <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui>"
287 " in "
288 "der Kopfleiste. Sie können ohne Einschränkungen so viele Züge rückgängig "
252289 "machen oder wiederholen, wie Sie wollen."
254 #. (itstool) path: page/p
255 #: C/
256 msgid ""
257 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</"
258 "gui> from the toolbar. A cell will be highlighted with a flashing red "
291 #. (itstool) path: media/span
292 #: C/
293 msgid "Hint"
294 msgstr "Hinweis"
296 #. (itstool) path: page/p
297 #: C/
298 #| msgid ""
299 #| "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style=\"button"
300 #| "\">Hint</gui> from the toolbar. A cell will be highlighted with a "
301 #| "flashing red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell "
302 #| "(painted or unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game "
303 #| "to be won."
304 msgid ""
305 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
306 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
259307 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
260308 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
261309 msgstr ""
262 "Um einen Hinweis darauf zu erhalten, welche Felder eingefärbt werden sollten, "
263 "wählen Sie <gui style=\"button\">Hinweis</gui> in der Werkzeugleiste. Ein "
264 "Feld wird daraufhin durch eine blinkende rote Umrandung hervorgehoben. Dies "
265 "zeigt an, dass der gegenwärtige Zustand des Feldes (eingefärbt oder nicht "
266 "eingefärbt) nicht korrekt ist und geändert werden muss, um das Spiel gewinnen "
267 "zu können."
310 "Um einen Hinweis darauf zu erhalten, welche Felder eingefärbt werden "
311 "sollten, klicken Sie auf den <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui>-Knopf"
312 " in der "
313 "Kopfleiste. Ein Feld wird daraufhin durch eine blinkende rote Umrandung "
314 "hervorgehoben. Dies zeigt an, dass der gegenwärtige Zustand des Feldes "
315 "(eingefärbt oder nicht eingefärbt) nicht korrekt ist und geändert werden "
316 "muss, um das Spiel gewinnen zu können."
269318 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
270319 #: C/
279328 #. (itstool) path: page/p
280329 #: C/
281 msgid ""
282 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to work "
283 "out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
284 "clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then "
285 "use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each "
286 "<em>row</em>."
330 #| msgid ""
331 #| "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
332 #| "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</"
333 #| "key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</"
334 #| "em>, then use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated "
335 #| "numbers in each <em>row</em>."
336 msgid ""
337 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
338 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
339 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
340 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
341 "em>."
287342 msgstr ""
288343 "Hitori ist Sudoku recht ähnlich, im Hinblick darauf, dass auf logische Weise "
289344 "herausgefunden werden muss, welche Zellen eingefärbt werden müssen. Eine "
290345 "Strategie ist, die <key>Umschalttaste</key> zu drücken, um alle mehrfach "
291 "vorkommenden Ziffern in jeder <em>Spalte</em> anzuzeigen, oder die <key>Strg</"
292 "key>-Taste, um die mehrfach vorkommenden Ziffern in jeder <em>Zeile</em> "
293 "anzuzeigen."
346 "vorkommenden Ziffern in jeder <em>Spalte</em> anzuzeigen, oder die "
347 "<key>Strg</key>-Taste, um die mehrfach vorkommenden Ziffern in jeder "
348 "<em>Zeile</em> anzuzeigen."
295350 #. (itstool) path: page/p
296351 #: C/
297 msgid ""
298 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been highlighted "
352 #| msgid ""
353 #| "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been "
354 #| "highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not "
355 #| "always. When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the "
356 #| "same number in the same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep "
357 #| "track of which cells are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of "
358 #| "Hitori</link>."
359 msgid ""
360 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
299361 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
300 "painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the same number in the "
301 "same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells "
302 "are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
362 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
363 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
364 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
303365 msgstr ""
304366 "Sobald dies für das gesamte Spielfeld geschehen ist, sind die durch beide "
305367 "Maßnahmen hervorgehobenen Zellen gute Kandidaten für das Einfärben, "
306368 "allerdings nicht immer. Wenn Sie eine Zelle einfärben, werden die Zellen mit "
307369 "der gleichen Ziffer in der gleichen Zeile und Spalte nicht mehr "
308 "hervorgehoben. Auf diese Weise finden Sie am besten heraus, welche Zellen die "
309 "<link xref=\"game\">oberste Regel von Hitori</link> noch immer brechen."
370 "hervorgehoben. Auf diese Weise finden Sie am besten heraus, welche Zellen "
371 "die <link xref=\"game\">oberste Regel von Hitori</link> noch immer brechen."
311373 #. (itstool) path: page/p
312374 #: C/
313375 msgid ""
314 "Always bear in mind that rule 2 of Hitori means that two adjacent cells can’t "
315 "both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the cells which "
316 "violate rule 2. Similarly, groups of cells which violate rule 3 by separating "
317 "one or more unpainted cells from the other unpainted cells will be "
318 "highlighted in red."
376 "Always bear in mind that rule 2 of Hitori means that two adjacent cells "
377 "can’t both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the cells "
378 "which violate rule 2. Similarly, groups of cells which violate rule 3 by "
379 "separating one or more unpainted cells from the other unpainted cells will "
380 "be highlighted in red."
319381 msgstr ""
320382 "Denken Sie immer an die zweite Hitori-Regel, welche besagt, dass zwei "
321383 "benachbarte Zellen nicht zugleich eingefärbt sein können. <app>Hitori</app> "
327389 #. (itstool) path: page/p
328390 #: C/
329 msgid ""
330 "If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> from "
331 "the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be painted or "
391 #| msgid ""
392 #| "If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> "
393 #| "from the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be "
394 #| "painted or unpainted to move closer to a solution."
395 msgid ""
396 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
397 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
332398 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
333399 msgstr ""
334 "Falls Sie an einem Punkt angelangt sind, an dem Sie nicht mehr weiter wissen, "
335 "wählen Sie <gui style=\"button\">Hinweis</gui> in der Werkzeugleiste, um "
336 "<app>Hitori</app> eine Zelle hervorheben zu lassen, welche eingefärbt werden "
337 "oder die Einfärbung zurückgenommen werden sollte, um einer Lösung näher zu "
338 "kommen."
400 "Falls Sie an einem Punkt angelangt sind, an dem Sie nicht mehr weiter "
401 "wissen, Klicken Sie auf den <gui style=\"button\">Hinweis</gui>-Knopf in der "
402 "Kopfleiste, um <app>Hitori</app> eine Zelle hervorheben zu lassen, "
403 "welche eingefärbt werden oder die Einfärbung zurückgenommen werden sollte, "
404 "um einer Lösung näher zu kommen."
00 help_media = [
1 'figures/dialog-question-symbolic.svg',
2 'figures/edit-redo-symbolic.svg',
3 'figures/edit-undo-symbolic.svg',
14 'figures/hitori_main_window.png',
25 ]
36 help_files = [
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-20 10:59+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-02 22:09+0100\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-03 15:34+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-07 12:50+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Daniel Șerbănescu <>\n"
1212 "Language-Team: Gnome Romanian Translation Team <gnomero-list@lists."
1313 ">\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1818 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==0 || (n!=1 && n%100>=1 && n"
1919 "%100<=19) ? 1 : 2);\n"
20 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
20 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
2121 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
2323 #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
2525 msgid "translator-credits"
2626 msgstr ""
2727 "Iacobescu Cristian <> 2010, 2011\n"
28 "Daniel Șerbănescu <daniel [at] serbanescu [dot] dk> 2019"
28 "Daniel Șerbănescu <daniel [at] serbanescu [dot] dk> 2019-2020"
3030 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
3131 #: C/
4343 "The game can be customized by changing the board size — boards from 5–10 "
4444 "cells square are allowed."
4545 msgstr ""
46 "Jocul poate fi personalizat prin schimbarea dimensiunii mesei - mese din "
46 "Jocul poate fi personalizat prin schimbarea dimensiunii tablei - table din "
4747 "5-10 celule pătrate sunt permise."
4949 #. (itstool) path: page/p
5050 #: C/
5151 msgid ""
52 "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style=\"menu"
53 "\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. <app>Hitori</"
54 "app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re in the middle "
55 "of one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
56 msgstr ""
57 "Pentru a modifica dimensiunea mesei alegeți o opțiune din <guiseq><gui style="
58 "\"menu\">Joc</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Mărime masă</gui></guiseq>. "
52 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
53 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
54 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
55 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
56 "size."
57 msgstr ""
58 "Pentru a modifica dimensiunea tablei, apăsați butonul meniu din dreapta sus "
59 "a ferestrei, ș selectați <gui style=\"menuitem\">Mărime tablă</gui>. "
5960 "<app>Hitori</app> va întreba dacă doriți să opriți jocul actual, dacă vă "
60 "aflați în mijlocul unuia, apoi va începe un joc nou cu dimensiunea mesei "
61 "aflați în mijlocul unuia, apoi va începe un joc nou cu dimensiunea tablei "
6162 "solicitate."
6364 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
114115 "multiple solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
115116 msgstr ""
116117 "Acestea sunt doar trei reguli de joc, și deci pot fi mai multe soluții "
117 "pentru o masă de puzzle Hitori."
118 "pentru o tablă de puzzle Hitori."
119120 #. (itstool) path: figure/title
120121 #: C/
135136 msgctxt "_"
136137 msgid ""
137138 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
138 "md5='6045ae3f9fb0fdcd0bad11bdd666d461'"
139 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
139140 msgstr ""
140141 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
141 "md5='37d4edd9d19a19ca58d0e987257a2622'"
142 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
143144 #. (itstool) path: media/p
144145 #: C/
146147 msgstr "Fereastra principală <app>Hitori</app>."
148149 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
149 #: C/
150 #: C/
150151 msgid "Philip Withnall"
151152 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
153154 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
154 #: C/
155 #: C/
155156 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
156157 msgstr "2008–2010, 2019"
158159 #. (itstool) path: license/p
159 #: C/
160 #: C/
160161 msgid ""
161162 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
162163 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
167168 "License</link>."
169170 #. (itstool) path: page/title
170 #: C/
171 #: C/
171172 msgid "Hitori Help"
172173 msgstr "Ajutor Hitori"
174175 #. (itstool) path: section/title
175 #: C/
176 #: C/
176177 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
177178 msgstr "Utilizarea și jocul rudimentar"
179180 #. (itstool) path: section/title
180 #: C/
181 #: C/
181182 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
182183 msgstr "Sfaturi și trucuri"
185186 #: C/legal.xml:5
186187 msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
187188 msgstr ""
188 "licență CreativeCommons Atribuire-Distribuire în condiții identice 3.0 Ne-"
189 "Licență CreativeCommons Atribuire-Distribuire în condiții identice 3.0 Ne-"
189190 "adaptată"
191192 #. (itstool) path: license/p
206207 #. (itstool) path: page/p
207208 #: C/
208209 msgid ""
209 "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style="
210 "\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a game, "
211 "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
212 msgstr ""
213 "Pentru a porni un nou joc, alegeți <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Joc</gui><gui "
214 "style=\"menuitem\">Joc nou</gui></guiseq>. Dacă jucați deja un alt joc, "
215 "<app>Hitori</app> vă va întreba dacă doriți să opriți jocul curent."
217 #. (itstool) path: page/p
218 #: C/
210 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
211 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
212 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
213 "current game."
214 msgstr ""
215 "Pentru a porni un nou joc, apăsați butonul meniu din colțul dreapta sus al "
216 "ferestrei, și selectați <gui style=\"menuitem\">Joc nou</gui>. Dacă jucați "
217 "deja un alt joc, <app>Hitori</app> vă va întreba dacă doriți să opriți jocul "
218 "curent."
220 #. (itstool) path: page/p
221 #: C/
219222 msgid ""
220223 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
221224 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
223226 msgstr ""
224227 "Pentru a picta o celulă, apăsați pe ea; pentru a o depicta, apăsați pe ea "
225228 "din nou. Atunci când celulele sunt pictate astfel că niciuna din cele trei "
226 "regulile nu sunt încălcate, jocul se va termina și masa nu mai poate fi "
229 "regulile nu sunt încălcate, jocul se va termina și tabla nu mai poate fi "
227230 "manipulată."
229232 #. (itstool) path: page/p
230 #: C/
231 msgid ""
232 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own reference "
233 "when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
234 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both highlight cells "
235 "differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners at the same time. "
236 "Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on them again while "
237 "holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
238 msgstr ""
239 "<app>Hitori</app> de asemenea, vă permite să evidențiați celulele de "
240 "referință pentru dumneavoastră atunci când rezolvați o masă. Acest lucru "
241 "poate fi realizat prin menținerea <key>Ctrl</key> sau <key>Shift</key> și "
242 "făcând clic pe acea celulă. Amândouă evidențiază celulele diferit și "
243 "celulele pot fi evidențiate în ambele maniere, în același timp. Celulele "
244 "evidențiate pot fi de-evidențiate, apăsând pe ele din nou, în timp ce "
245 "mențineți, fie <key>Ctrl</key> sau <key>Shift</key> din nou."
247 #. (itstool) path: page/p
248 #: C/
249 msgid ""
250 "To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style=\"button\">Undo</gui> or <gui "
251 "style=\"button\">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as many "
252 "moves as you like without restriction."
253 msgstr ""
254 "Pentru a anula sau a reface o mișcare alegeți <gui style=\"button"
255 "\">Anulează</gui><gui style=\"button\">Refă</gui> din bara de unelte. Puteți "
256 "anula sau a reface, atâtea mutări câte doriți fără nici o restricție."
258 #. (itstool) path: page/p
259 #: C/
260 msgid ""
261 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style=\"button"
262 "\">Hint</gui> from the toolbar. A cell will be highlighted with a flashing "
263 "red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
233 #: C/
234 msgid ""
235 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
236 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
237 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
238 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
239 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
240 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
241 msgstr ""
242 "<app>Hitori</app> de asemenea, vă permite să etichetați celule pentru "
243 "referința dumneavoastră atunci când rezolvați o tablă. Acest lucru poate fi "
244 "realizat prin menținerea <key>Ctrl</key> sau <key>Shift</key> și apăsând "
245 "clic pe acea celulă. Amândouă etichetează celulele diferit și celulele pot "
246 "fi etichetate în ambele maniere, în același timp. Celulele etichetate pot fi "
247 "de-etichetate, apăsând pe ele din nou, în timp ce mențineți, fie <key>Ctrl</"
248 "key> sau <key>Shift</key> din nou."
250 #. (itstool) path: media/span
251 #: C/
252 msgid "Undo"
253 msgstr "Anulează"
255 #. (itstool) path: media/span
256 #: C/
257 msgid "Redo"
258 msgstr "Refă"
260 #. (itstool) path: page/p
261 #: C/
262 msgid ""
263 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
264 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
265 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
266 msgstr ""
267 "Pentru a anula sau a reface o mișcare alegeți <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
268 "media-1/></gui><gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> din bara de unelte. "
269 "Puteți anula sau a reface, atâtea mutări câte doriți fără nici o restricție."
271 #. (itstool) path: media/span
272 #: C/
273 msgid "Hint"
274 msgstr "Indiciu"
276 #. (itstool) path: page/p
277 #: C/
278 msgid ""
279 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
280 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
281 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
264282 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
265283 msgstr ""
266284 "Pentru a obține un indiciu despre care celule trebuiesc pictate, selectați "
267 "<gui style=\"button\">Indiciu</gui>. O celulă va fi evidențiată cu un contur "
268 "roșu intermitent. Acest lucru arată că starea actuală a acelei celule "
285 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui>. O celulă va fi etichetată cu un "
286 "contur roșu intermitent. Acest lucru arată că starea actuală a acelei celule "
269287 "(pictată sau nu) este incorectă și ar trebui să fie schimbată pentru ca "
270288 "jocul să fie câștigat."
284302 msgid ""
285303 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
286304 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
287 "clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then "
288 "use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each "
289 "<em>row</em>."
305 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
306 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
307 "em>."
290308 msgstr ""
291309 "Hitori este destul de similar cu Sudoku, în care este nevoie de deducție "
292310 "logică pentru a determina care celule trebuiesc pictate. O strategie este de "
293 "a utiliza <key>Shift</key>-clic pentru a evidenția toate numerele ce se "
311 "a utiliza <key>Shift</key>-clic pentru a eticheta toate numerele ce se "
294312 "repetă în fiecare <em>coloană</em>, apoi utilizați <key>Ctrl</key>-clic "
295 "pentru a evidenția toate numerele ce se repetă în fiecare <em>rând</em>."
313 "pentru a eticheta toate numerele ce se repetă în fiecare <em>rând</em>."
297315 #. (itstool) path: page/p
298316 #: C/
299317 msgid ""
300 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been "
301 "highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. "
302 "When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the same number in "
303 "the same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which "
304 "cells are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
305 msgstr ""
306 "Odată ce acest lucru se face pentru întreaga masă, celulele care au fost "
307 "evidențiate în ambele sensuri sunt bune candidate pentru pictare, deși nu "
308 "întotdeauna. Când o celulă este pictată, neevidențierea altor celule cu "
318 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
319 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
320 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
321 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
322 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
323 msgstr ""
324 "Odată ce acest lucru se face pentru întreaga tablă, celulele care au fost "
325 "etichetate în ambele sensuri sunt bune candidate pentru pictare, deși nu "
326 "întotdeauna. Când o celulă este pictată, neetichetarea altor celule cu "
309327 "același număr în același rând și coloană ca acea celula este o modalitate "
310328 "bună de a urmări care celulele încă încalcă <link xref=\"game\">regula 1 din "
311329 "Hitori</link>."
328346 #. (itstool) path: page/p
329347 #: C/
330348 msgid ""
331 "If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> from "
332 "the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be painted or "
349 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
350 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
333351 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
334352 msgstr ""
335 "Dacă rămâneți blocat în orice moment, alegeți <gui style=\"button\">Indiciu</"
336 "gui> din bara de unelte ca <app>Hitori</app> să semnalizeze o celulă care ar "
337 "trebui să fie pictată sau depictată, pentru a se apropia de o soluție."
353 "Dacă rămâneți blocat în orice moment, apăsați <gui style=\"button\">Indiciu</"
354 "gui> din bara de unelte ca <app>Hitori</app> să evidențieze o celulă care ar "
355 "trebui să fie pictată sau depictată, pentru a vă apropia de o soluție."
339357 #~ msgid "Legal information."
340358 #~ msgstr "Informații legale."
00 # Daniel Nylander <>, 2009.
1 # Erik Sköldås <>, 2015.
1 # Erik Sköldås <>, 2015, 2020.
22 # Anders Jonsson <>, 2019.
33 #
44 msgid ""
55 msgstr ""
66 "Project-Id-Version: Hitori-Doc\n"
7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-12 13:56+0000\n"
8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-15 16:59+0100\n"
9 "Last-Translator: Anders Jonsson <>\n"
7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-29 12:49+0000\n"
8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-08 19:45+0200\n"
9 "Last-Translator: Erik Sköldås <>\n"
1010 "Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
1111 "Language: sv\n"
1212 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1313 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1414 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1515 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
16 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
1818 #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
1919 msgctxt "_"
2020 msgid "translator-credits"
2121 msgstr ""
2222 "Daniel Nylander <>, 2009\n"
23 "Erik Sköldås <>, 2015\n"
23 "Erik Sköldås <>, 2015, 2020\n"
2424 "\n"
2525 "Skicka synpunkter på översättningen till\n"
2626 "<>"
4747 #. (itstool) path: page/p
4848 #: C/
4949 msgid ""
50 "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style=\"menu"
51 "\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. <app>Hitori</"
52 "app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re in the middle "
53 "of one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
54 msgstr ""
55 "För att ändra brädstorleken, välj ett alternativ från <guiseq><gui style="
56 "\"menu\">Spel</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Brädstorlek</gui></guiseq>. "
57 "<app>Hitori</app> kommer att fråga om du vill avbryta det pågående spelet, "
58 "för att sedan starta ett nytt spel med den begärda brädstorleken."
50 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
51 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
52 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
53 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
54 "size."
55 msgstr ""
56 "För att ändra brädstorleken, klicka på menyknappen i fönstrets övre högra "
57 "hörn och välj ett av alternativen från <gui style=\"menuitem\">Brädstorlek</"
58 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> kommer att fråga om du vill avbryta det pågående "
59 "spelet, om du är mitt i ett spel, för att sedan starta ett nytt spel med den "
60 "begärda brädstorleken."
6062 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
6163 #: C/
130132 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
131133 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
132134 #: C/
133 #| msgctxt "_"
134 #| msgid ""
135 #| "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
136 #| "md5='6045ae3f9fb0fdcd0bad11bdd666d461'"
137135 msgctxt "_"
138136 msgid ""
139137 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
148146 msgstr "Huvudfönster för <app>Hitori</app>."
150148 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
151 #: C/
149 #: C/
152150 msgid "Philip Withnall"
153151 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
155153 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
156 #: C/
154 #: C/
157155 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
158156 msgstr "2008–2010, 2019"
160158 #. (itstool) path: license/p
161 #: C/
159 #: C/
162160 msgid ""
163161 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
164162 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
169167 "DelaLika 3.0 Unported</link>."
171169 #. (itstool) path: page/title
172 #: C/
170 #: C/
173171 msgid "Hitori Help"
174172 msgstr "Hjälp för Hitori"
176174 #. (itstool) path: section/title
177 #: C/
175 #: C/
178176 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
179177 msgstr "Grundläggande idé &amp; användning"
181179 #. (itstool) path: section/title
182 #: C/
180 #: C/
183181 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
184182 msgstr "Tips &amp; tricks"
206204 #. (itstool) path: page/p
207205 #: C/
208206 msgid ""
209 "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui style="
210 "\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a game, "
211 "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
212 msgstr ""
213 "För att starta ett nytt spel, välj <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Spel</"
214 "gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Nytt spel</gui></guiseq>. Om du redan spelar ett "
215 "spel, kommer <app>Hitori</app> att fråga om du vill avbryta det pågående "
207 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
208 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
209 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
210 "current game."
211 msgstr ""
212 "För att starta ett nytt spel, klicka på menyknappen i fönstrets övre högra "
213 "hörn och välj <gui style=\"menuitem\">Nytt spel</gui>. Om du redan spelar "
214 "ett spel kommer <app>Hitori</app> att fråga om du vill avbryta det pågående "
216215 "spelet."
218217 #. (itstool) path: page/p
219 #: C/
218 #: C/
220219 msgid ""
221220 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
222221 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
227226 "reglerna bryts, är spelet slut och brädet kan inte längre manipuleras."
229228 #. (itstool) path: page/p
230 #: C/
231 msgid ""
232 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own reference "
233 "when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
234 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both highlight cells "
235 "differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners at the same time. "
236 "Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on them again while "
237 "holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
238 msgstr ""
239 "<app>Hitori</app> låter dig också markera celler för egen referens när du "
229 #: C/
230 msgid ""
231 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
232 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
233 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
234 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
235 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
236 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
237 msgstr ""
238 "<app>Hitori</app> låter dig också tagga celler för egen referens när du "
240239 "löser pusslet. Detta kan åstadkommas genom att trycka <key>Ctrl</key> eller "
241 "<key>Skift</key> och klicka på en cell. De markerar celler på olika sätt, "
242 "celler kan markeras på båda sätt samtidigt. Markerade celler kan avmarkeras "
243 "genom att klicka på dem igen samtidigt som du trycker antingen <key>Ctrl</"
244 "key> eller <key>Shift</key> återigen."
246 #. (itstool) path: page/p
247 #: C/
248 msgid ""
249 "To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style=\"button\">Undo</gui> or <gui "
250 "style=\"button\">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as many "
251 "moves as you like without restriction."
252 msgstr ""
253 "För att ångra eller göra om ett drag, välj <gui style=\"button\">Ångra</gui> "
254 "eller <gui style=\"button\">Gör om</gui> från verktygsfältet. Du kan ångra "
255 "eller göra om så många drag som du vill utan begränsningar."
257 #. (itstool) path: page/p
258 #: C/
259 msgid ""
260 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style=\"button"
261 "\">Hint</gui> from the toolbar. A cell will be highlighted with a flashing "
262 "red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
240 "<key>Skift</key> och klicka på en cell. De taggar båda cellen på olika sätt, "
241 "och cellen kan markeras på båda sätten samtidigt. Taggade celler kan "
242 "avtaggas genom att klicka på dem igen samtidigt som du återigen håller ned "
243 "<key>Ctrl</key> eller <key>Skift</key>."
245 #. (itstool) path: media/span
246 #: C/
247 msgid "Undo"
248 msgstr "Ångra"
250 #. (itstool) path: media/span
251 #: C/
252 msgid "Redo"
253 msgstr "Gör om"
255 #. (itstool) path: page/p
256 #: C/
257 msgid ""
258 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
259 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
260 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
261 msgstr ""
262 "För att ångra eller göra om ett drag, klicka på <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
263 "media-1/></gui> eller <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> i "
264 "rubrikraden. Du kan ångra eller göra om så många drag som du vill utan "
265 "begränsningar."
267 #. (itstool) path: media/span
268 #: C/
269 msgid "Hint"
270 msgstr "Tips"
272 #. (itstool) path: page/p
273 #: C/
274 msgid ""
275 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
276 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
277 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
263278 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
264279 msgstr ""
265 "För att få ett tips om vilken cell man kan tona ner, välj <gui style=\"button"
266 "\">Tips</gui> i verktygsfältet. En cell kommer att markeras med blinkande "
267 "röd kontur. Detta visar att den aktuella statusen för cellen (nedtonad eller "
268 "icke-nedtonad) är felaktig, och bör ändras för att pusslet ska gå ut."
280 "För att få ett tips om vilken cell man kan tona ner, klicka på <gui style="
281 "\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> i rubrikraden. En cell kommer att markeras med "
282 "blinkande röd kontur. Detta visar att den aktuella statusen för cellen "
283 "(nedtonad eller icke-nedtonad) är felaktig, och bör ändras för att pusslet "
284 "ska gå ut."
270286 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
271287 #: C/
282298 msgid ""
283299 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
284300 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
285 "clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then "
286 "use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each "
287 "<em>row</em>."
301 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
302 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
303 "em>."
288304 msgstr ""
289305 "Hitori är ganska likt spelet Sudoku, genom att det krävs logisk slutledning "
290 "för att räkna ut vilka celler att tona ner. En strategi är att använda "
291 "<key>Skift</key>-klickning för att markera alla de upprepade siffrorna i "
292 "varje <em>kolumn</em>, och sedan använda <key>Ctrl</key>-klickning för att "
293 "markera alla de upprepade siffrorna i varje <em>rad</em>."
306 "för att räkna ut vilka celler att tona ner. En strategi är att <key>Skift</"
307 "key>-klicka för att tagga alla upprepade siffror i varje <em>kolumn</em> och "
308 "sedan <key>Ctrl</key>-klicka för att tagga alla upprepade siffror i varje "
309 "<em>rad</em>."
295311 #. (itstool) path: page/p
296312 #: C/
297313 msgid ""
298 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been "
299 "highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. "
300 "When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the same number in "
301 "the same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which "
302 "cells are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
303 msgstr ""
304 "När detta är gjort för hela brädet, är de celler som har blivit markerade i "
314 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
315 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
316 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
317 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
318 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
319 msgstr ""
320 "När detta är gjort för hela brädet, är de celler som har blivit taggade i "
305321 "båda riktningarna goda kandidater för att tonas ned, men inte alltid. När "
306 "man tonar ned en cell, avmarkeras de andra cellerna med samma nummer i samma "
307 "rad och kolumn som den cellen, vilket är ett bra sätt att hålla reda på de "
308 "celler som fortfarande bryter mot <link xref=\"game\">regel 1 i Hitori</"
322 "man tonar ned en cell, är att ta bort taggarna från cellerna med samma "
323 "nummer i samma rad och kolumn som den cellen ett bra sätt att hålla reda på "
324 "de celler som fortfarande bryter mot <link xref=\"game\">regel 1 i Hitori</"
309325 "link>."
311327 #. (itstool) path: page/p
326342 #. (itstool) path: page/p
327343 #: C/
328344 msgid ""
329 "If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> from "
330 "the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be painted or "
345 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
346 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
331347 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
332348 msgstr ""
333 "Om du fastnar på något ställe, välj <gui style=\"button\">Tips</gui> från "
334 "verktygsfältet för att <app>Hitori</app> ska flagga en cell som ska tonas "
335 "ned eller där en nedtoning behöver tas bort för att komma närmare en lösning."
349 "Om du fastnar på något ställe, klicka på <gui style=\"button\">Tips</gui> i "
350 "rubrikraden för att <app>Hitori</app> ska visa en cell som ska tonas ned "
351 "eller där en nedtoning behöver tas bort för att komma närmare en lösning."
0 # Ukrainian translation for hitori.
1 # Copyright (C) 2020 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 #
4 # Yuri Chornoivan <>, 2020.
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: hitori gnome-3-36\n"
8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-15 17:44+0000\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-15 20:55+0300\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
12 "Language: uk\n"
13 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
14 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
15 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
17 "%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
18 "X-Generator: Lokalize 20.07.70\n"
20 #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
21 msgctxt "_"
22 msgid "translator-credits"
23 msgstr "Юрій Чорноіван <>, 2020"
25 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
26 #: C/
27 msgid "Changing how the game appears and plays."
28 msgstr "Зміна параметрів вигляду та ігрового процесу."
30 #. (itstool) path: page/title
31 #: C/
32 msgid "Customizing the Game"
33 msgstr "Налаштовування гри"
35 #. (itstool) path: page/p
36 #: C/
37 msgid ""
38 "The game can be customized by changing the board size — boards from 5–10 "
39 "cells square are allowed."
40 msgstr ""
41 "Гру можна налаштувати зміною розмірів дошки — можна грати на квадратних "
42 "дошках від 5 до 10 комірок на сторону."
44 #. (itstool) path: page/p
45 #: C/
46 #| msgid ""
47 #| "To change the board size, choose an option from <guiseq><gui style=\"menu"
48 #| "\">Game</gui><gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</gui></guiseq>. "
49 #| "<app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if you’re "
50 #| "in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board size."
51 msgid ""
52 "To change the board size, press the menu button in the top-right corner of "
53 "the window, and select an option from <gui style=\"menuitem\">Board Size</"
54 "gui>. <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game if "
55 "you’re in the middle of one, then start a new game with the requested board "
56 "size."
57 msgstr ""
58 "Щоб змінити розмір дошки, натисніть кнопку меню у верхньому правому куті"
59 " вікна програми і виберіть відповідний пункт у списку <gui style=\"menuitem\""
60 ">Розмір дошки</gui>. <app>Хіторі</app> спитає вас, чи хочете ви припинити"
61 " поточну "
62 "гру, якщо ви вже граєте у гру, а потім запустить нову гру на дошці вибраного "
63 "вами розміру."
65 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
66 #: C/
67 msgid "Introduction to the game of Hitori."
68 msgstr "Вступ до гри «Хіторі»."
70 #. (itstool) path: page/title
71 #: C/
72 msgid "Hitori the Game"
73 msgstr "Гра у «Хіторі»"
75 #. (itstool) path: page/p
76 #: C/
77 msgid ""
78 "Hitori is a small logic puzzle in a similar vein to the more popular Sudoku. "
79 "In the game, the player starts with a square board of numbers, and has to "
80 "<em>paint out</em> cells until there are no duplicate numbers in each row "
81 "and column. The following rules apply:"
82 msgstr ""
83 "«Хіторі» мала логічна гра дещо подібна до популярнішої гри у судоку. Гравець "
84 "починає на квадратній дошці із числами. Гравцеві слід <em>розфарбовувати</"
85 "em> комірки, аж доки у кожному з рядків і стовпчиків не лишиться дублікатів "
86 "чисел. Застосовуються такі правила:"
88 #. (itstool) path: item/p
89 #: C/
90 msgid ""
91 "There must only be one of each number in the unpainted cells in each row and "
92 "column."
93 msgstr ""
94 "У незафарбованих комірках у кожному рядку і у кожному стовпчику має бути "
95 "лише по одному з чисел."
97 #. (itstool) path: item/p
98 #: C/
99 msgid "No painted cell may be adjacent to another, vertically or horizontally."
100 msgstr ""
101 "Жодна з зафарбованих комірок не може розташовуватися поруч із іншою "
102 "розфарбованою коміркою, вертикально або горизонтально."
104 #. (itstool) path: item/p
105 #: C/
106 msgid ""
107 "All the unpainted cells must be joined together vertically and horizontally "
108 "in one group."
109 msgstr ""
110 "Усі незафарбовані комірки має бути з'єднано вертикально і горизонтально у "
111 "одну групу."
113 #. (itstool) path: page/p
114 #: C/
115 msgid ""
116 "These are the only three rules of the game, and so there may well be "
117 "multiple solutions to a Hitori puzzle board."
118 msgstr ""
119 "У грі лише три правила, тому у грі «Хіторі» може бути декілька розв'язків."
121 #. (itstool) path: figure/title
122 #: C/
123 msgid "Main game window"
124 msgstr "Головне вікно гри"
126 #. (itstool) path: figure/desc
127 #: C/
128 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window"
129 msgstr "Головне вікно <app>Хіторі</app>"
131 #. (itstool) path: figure/media
132 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
133 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
134 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
135 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
136 #: C/
137 msgctxt "_"
138 msgid ""
139 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
140 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
141 msgstr ""
142 "external ref='figures/hitori_main_window.png' "
143 "md5='7aa0ef330099fdc2b2d9b93b19393033'"
145 #. (itstool) path: media/p
146 #: C/
147 msgid "<app>Hitori</app> main window."
148 msgstr "Головне вікно <app>Хіторі</app>."
150 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
151 #: C/
152 msgid "Philip Withnall"
153 msgstr "Philip Withnall"
155 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
156 #: C/
157 msgid "2008–2010, 2019"
158 msgstr "2008–2010, 2019"
160 #. (itstool) path: license/p
161 #: C/
162 msgid ""
163 "This work is licensed under a <link href=\""
164 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
165 "License</link>."
166 msgstr ""
167 "Цю роботу ліцензовано за умовами <link href=\""
168 "licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported "
169 "License</link>."
171 #. (itstool) path: page/title
172 #: C/
173 msgid "Hitori Help"
174 msgstr "Довідка з «Хіторі»"
176 #. (itstool) path: section/title
177 #: C/
178 msgid "Basic Gameplay &amp; Usage"
179 msgstr "Базові прийоми гри та користування"
181 #. (itstool) path: section/title
182 #: C/
183 msgid "Tips &amp; Tricks"
184 msgstr "Підказки та поради"
186 #. (itstool) path: p/link
187 #: C/legal.xml:5
188 msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
189 msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
191 #. (itstool) path: license/p
192 #: C/legal.xml:4
193 msgid "This work is licensed under a <_:link-1/>."
194 msgstr "Ця робота розповсюджується за умов дотримання <_:link-1/>."
196 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
197 #: C/
198 msgid "Using <app>Hitori</app> to play a game."
199 msgstr "Користування <app>Хіторі</app> для гри."
201 #. (itstool) path: page/title
202 #: C/
203 msgid "Playing a Game"
204 msgstr "Граємо у гру"
206 #. (itstool) path: page/p
207 #: C/
208 #| msgid ""
209 #| "To start a new game, choose <guiseq><gui style=\"menu\">Game</gui><gui "
210 #| "style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui></guiseq>. If you are already playing a "
211 #| "game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the current game."
212 msgid ""
213 "To start a new game, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the "
214 "window, and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">New Game</gui>. If you are "
215 "already playing a game, <app>Hitori</app> will ask if you want to stop the "
216 "current game."
217 msgstr ""
218 "Щоб розпочати нову гру, натисніть кнопку меню у верхньому правому куті вікна"
219 " програм і виберіть пункт <gui style=\"menuitem\">Нова гра</gui>. Якщо ви вже"
220 " граєте в "
221 "гру, <app>Хіторі</app> запитає вас, чи хочете ви припинити поточну гру."
223 #. (itstool) path: page/p
224 #: C/
225 msgid ""
226 "To paint a cell, click on it; to unpaint it again, click on it again. When "
227 "cells are painted such that none of the three rules are broken, the game "
228 "will end and the board may no longer be manipulated."
229 msgstr ""
230 "Щоб зафарбувати комірку, клацніть на ній. Щоб зняти розфарбування, клацніть "
231 "на комірці ще раз. Якщо усі комірки розфарбовано так, що не одне з трьох "
232 "правил не порушено, га вважається завершеною — подальші дії із дошкою "
233 "стануть неможливими."
235 #. (itstool) path: page/p
236 #: C/
237 #| msgid ""
238 #| "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to highlight cells for your own "
239 #| "reference when solving a board. This can be achieved by holding "
240 #| "<key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both "
241 #| "highlight cells differently, and cells can be highlighted in both manners "
242 #| "at the same time. Highlighted cells can be de-highlighted by clicking on "
243 #| "them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> or <key>Shift</key> again."
244 msgid ""
245 "<app>Hitori</app> also allows you to tag cells for your own reference when "
246 "solving a board. This can be achieved by holding <key>Ctrl</key> or "
247 "<key>Shift</key> and clicking on a cell. They both tag cells differently, "
248 "and cells can be tagged in both manners at the same time. Tagged cells can "
249 "be un-tagged by clicking on them again while holding either <key>Ctrl</key> "
250 "or <key>Shift</key> again."
251 msgstr ""
252 "У <app>Хіторі</app> можливим є позначення комірок для полегшення "
253 "розв'язання головоломки. Для позначення натисніть і утримуйте натиснутою "
254 "клавішу <key>Ctrl</key> або <key>Shift</key> і клацніть на комірці. "
255 "Натискання різних клавіш підсвічує комірки по-різному, комірки можна "
256 "позначати обома способами одночасно. Підсвічування комірок можна зняти "
257 "повторним клацанням на них із одночасним утриманням натиснутою клавіші "
258 "<key>Ctrl</key> або <key>Shift</key>."
260 #. (itstool) path: media/span
261 #: C/
262 msgid "Undo"
263 msgstr "Вернути"
265 #. (itstool) path: media/span
266 #: C/
267 msgid "Redo"
268 msgstr "Повторити"
270 #. (itstool) path: page/p
271 #: C/
272 #| msgid ""
273 #| "To undo or redo a move, choose <gui style=\"button\">Undo</gui> or <gui "
274 #| "style=\"button\">Redo</gui> from the toolbar. You may undo or redo as "
275 #| "many moves as you like without restriction."
276 msgid ""
277 "To undo or redo a move, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-1/></gui> or "
278 "<gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> in the header bar. You may undo or "
279 "redo as many moves as you like without restriction."
280 msgstr ""
281 "Щоб скасувати або повторити хід, скористайтеся кнопкою <gui style=\"button\""
282 "><_:media-1/></gui> або <gui style=\"button\"><_:media-2/></gui> на панелі "
283 "заголовка вікна програми. Ви можете скасовувати або повторювати довільну "
284 "кількість ходів, без обмежень."
286 #. (itstool) path: media/span
287 #: C/
288 msgid "Hint"
289 msgstr "Підказка"
291 #. (itstool) path: page/p
292 #: C/
293 #| msgid ""
294 #| "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, choose <gui style=\"button"
295 #| "\">Hint</gui> from the toolbar. A cell will be highlighted with a "
296 #| "flashing red outline. This shows that the current status of the cell "
297 #| "(painted or unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game "
298 #| "to be won."
299 msgid ""
300 "To get a hint on which cells to paint out, press <gui style=\"button\"><_:"
301 "media-1/></gui> in the header bar. A cell will be hinted with a flashing red "
302 "outline. This shows that the current status of the cell (painted or "
303 "unpainted) is incorrect, and should be changed for the game to be won."
304 msgstr ""
305 "Щоб отримати підказку щодо зафарбовування комірок, натисніть кнопку <gui"
306 " style=\"button\"><_:"
307 "media-1/></gui> на панелі заголовка вікна програми. "
308 "Комірку буде позначено червоною рамкою, яка блиматиме. Це показуватиме, що "
309 "поточний стан комірки (розфарбованої або нерозфарбованої) є помилковим, його "
310 "слід змінити, щоб виграти гру."
312 #. (itstool) path: info/desc
313 #: C/
314 msgid "Strategies for playing Hitori."
315 msgstr "Стратегії гри у «Хіторі»."
317 #. (itstool) path: page/title
318 #: C/
319 msgid "Gameplay Strategies"
320 msgstr "Стратегії гри"
322 #. (itstool) path: page/p
323 #: C/
324 #| msgid ""
325 #| "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
326 #| "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</"
327 #| "key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</"
328 #| "em>, then use <key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to highlight all the repeated "
329 #| "numbers in each <em>row</em>."
330 msgid ""
331 "Hitori is quite similar to Sudoku, in that it takes logical deduction to "
332 "work out which cells to paint out. One strategy is to use <key>Shift</key>-"
333 "clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>column</em>, then use "
334 "<key>Ctrl</key>-clicking to tag all the repeated numbers in each <em>row</"
335 "em>."
336 msgstr ""
337 "«Хіторі» дуже подібна до судоку у тому, що у ній слід скористатися логічною "
338 "дедукцією для визначення комірок, які слід розфарбувати. Одна зі стратегій "
339 "полягає у використанні <key>Shift</key> із клацанням для позначення усіх "
340 "повторюваних чисел у кожному зі <em>стовпчиків</em>, а потім скористатися "
341 "<key>Ctrl</key> із клацанням для позначення усіх повторюваних чисел у "
342 "кожному з <em>рядків</em>."
344 #. (itstool) path: page/p
345 #: C/
346 #| msgid ""
347 #| "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been "
348 #| "highlighted both ways are good candidates for painting, although not "
349 #| "always. When painting a cell, unhighlighting the other cells with the "
350 #| "same number in the same row and column as that cell is a good way to keep "
351 #| "track of which cells are still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of "
352 #| "Hitori</link>."
353 msgid ""
354 "Once this is done for the entire board, the cells which have been tagged "
355 "both ways are good candidates for painting, although not always. When "
356 "painting a cell, un-tagging the other cells with the same number in the same "
357 "row and column as that cell is a good way to keep track of which cells are "
358 "still violating <link xref=\"game\">rule 1 of Hitori</link>."
359 msgstr ""
360 "Коли все це буде зроблено на усій дошці, комірки, які було позначено обома "
361 "способами, є кандидатами на розфарбовування, хоча не завжди абсолютно "
362 "надійними. Після зафарбовування комірки, зніміть позначення з усіх інших "
363 "комірок із тим самим числом у рядку і стовпчику розфарбованої комірки, "
364 "оскільки ця комірка є добрим індикатором того, які з комірок усе ще "
365 "порушують <link xref=\"game\">правило 1 «Хіторі»</link>."
367 #. (itstool) path: page/p
368 #: C/
369 msgid ""
370 "Always bear in mind that rule 2 of Hitori means that two adjacent cells "
371 "can’t both be painted. <app>Hitori</app> will highlight in red the cells "
372 "which violate rule 2. Similarly, groups of cells which violate rule 3 by "
373 "separating one or more unpainted cells from the other unpainted cells will "
374 "be highlighted in red."
375 msgstr ""
376 "Завжди майте на увазі, що правило 2 «Хіторі» означає, що сусідні комірки не "
377 "можуть бути розфарбованими одночасно. <app>Хіторі</app> підсвічуватиме "
378 "червоним комірки, які порушуватимуть правило 2. Так само, групи комірок, які "
379 "порушують правило 3, відокремлюючи одну або декілька нерозфарбованих комірок "
380 "від інших нерозфарбованих комірок, буде підсвічено червоним."
382 #. (itstool) path: page/p
383 #: C/
384 #| msgid ""
385 #| "If you get stuck at any point, choose <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> "
386 #| "from the toolbar for <app>Hitori</app> to flag a cell which should be "
387 #| "painted or unpainted to move closer to a solution."
388 msgid ""
389 "If you get stuck at any point, press <gui style=\"button\">Hint</gui> in the "
390 "header bar for <app>Hitori</app> to hint a cell which should be painted or "
391 "unpainted to move closer to a solution."
392 msgstr ""
393 "Якщо на певному етапі ви не зможете вибрати правильного ходу, скористайтеся "
394 "кнопкою <gui style=\"button\">Підказка</gui> на панелі заголовка вікна "
395 "програми, щоб <app>Хіторі</app> підказала комірку, яку слід розфарбувати або "
396 "з якої слід зняти розфарбування, щоб просунутися у розв'язку."
2626 <programming-language>C</programming-language>
2727 <maintainer>
2828 <foaf:Person>
29 <foaf:name>Michael Catanzaro</foaf:name>
30 <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />
31 <gnome:userid>mcatanzaro</gnome:userid>
32 </foaf:Person>
33 </maintainer>
34 <maintainer>
35 <foaf:Person>
3629 <foaf:name>Philip Withnall</foaf:name>
3730 <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />
3831 <gnome:userid>pwithnall</gnome:userid>
00 project('hitori', 'c',
1 version: '3.36.0',
1 version: '3.38.0',
22 meson_version : '>= 0.48.0',
33 license: 'GPLv3+',
44 default_options : [
2525 hu
2626 id
2727 it
28 ja
29 kk
2830 ko
2931 lv
3032 lt
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: Hitori\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
1111 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-19 07:56+0200\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Gil Forcada <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Catalan <>\n"
2222 msgid "Hitori"
2323 msgstr "Hitori"
25 #. Translators: the brief summary of the application as it appears in a software center.
25 #. Translators: the brief summary of the application as it appears in a
26 #. software center.
2627 #: data/ data/
2728 msgid "Play the Hitori puzzle game"
2829 msgstr "Jugueu al trencaclosques Hitori"
30 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
31 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or
32 #. localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
3133 #: data/
3234 msgid "puzzle;game;logic;grid;"
3335 msgstr "trencaclosques;puzle;joc;lògica;graella;"
3739 msgid "GNOME Hitori"
3840 msgstr "GNOME Hitori"
40 #. Translators: These are the application description paragraphs in the AppData file.
42 #. Translators: These are the application description paragraphs in the
43 #. AppData file.
4144 #: data/
4245 msgid "Hitori is a logic game similar to the popular game of Sudoku."
4346 msgstr "L'Hitori és un joc de lògica similar al popular Sukodu."
4649 msgid ""
4750 "You play the game against the clock, aiming to eliminate all the duplicate "
4851 "numbers in each row and column in the fastest time. Multiple sizes of game "
49 "board are supported, and you can place markers on cells to help work out the "
50 "solution. If you get stuck, the game can give you a hint."
52 "board are supported, and you can place markers on cells to help work out the"
53 " solution. If you get stuck, the game can give you a hint."
5154 msgstr ""
52 "Jugueu contra rellotge, amb l'objectiu d'eliminar tots els nombres duplicats "
53 "a cada fila i columna en el menor temps possible. Es pot jugar a taulers de "
54 "diferent mida, i podeu posar els marcadors a les cel·les per ajudar-vos a "
55 "Jugueu contra rellotge, amb l'objectiu d'eliminar tots els nombres duplicats"
56 " a cada fila i columna en el menor temps possible. Es pot jugar a taulers de"
57 " diferent mida, i podeu posar els marcadors a les cel·les per ajudar-vos a "
5558 "trobar la solució. Si us quedeu bloquejat, el joc us pot donar una pista."
5760 #: data/
6669 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6770 msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgstr "Ressalta una cel·la"
71 msgid "Tag a cell"
72 msgstr "Etiqueta una cel·la"
7174 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7275 msgctxt "shortcut window"
97100 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98101 msgid "Quit"
99102 msgstr "Surt"
104 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
105 msgctxt "shortcut window"
106 msgid "Toggle Menu"
107 msgstr "Commuta el menú"
101109 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
102110 msgid "_New Game"
150158 msgid "Redo a move"
151159 msgstr "Torna a fer el moviment"
153 #: data/hitori.ui:150
161 #: data/hitori.ui:151
154162 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
155163 msgstr "Obtingueu un suggeriment per al vostre proper moviment"
269277 msgid "Enable debug mode"
270278 msgstr "Habilita mode de depuració"
272 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
280 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number
281 #. generation used when creating a board
273282 #: src/main.c:256
274283 msgid "Seed the board generation"
275284 msgstr "Llavor pel generador de taulers"
293302 msgid "Keep _Playing"
294303 msgstr "_Continua jugant"
296 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
305 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have
306 #. elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
297307 #. * the number of seconds.
298308 #: src/rules.c:267
299309 #, c-format
307317 #: src/rules.c:273
308318 msgid "_Play Again"
309319 msgstr "Jug_a de nou"
00 # Czech translation for hitori.
11 # Copyright (C) 2009 the author(s) of hitori.
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 # Marek Černocký <>, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019.
3 # Marek Černocký <>, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020.
44 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori\n"
88 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-16 19:04+0200\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-13 00:43+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Marek Černocký <>\n"
1212 "Language-Team: čeština <>\n"
1313 "Language: cs\n"
6767 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6868 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Zvýraznit políčko"
69 msgid "Tag a cell"
70 msgstr "Označit políčko"
7272 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7373 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9898 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgid "Quit"
100100 msgstr "Ukončit"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "Otevřít/zavřít nabídku"
102107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103108 msgid "_New Game"
151156 msgid "Redo a move"
152157 msgstr "Znovu provést poslední vrácený tah"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
159 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155160 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156161 msgstr "Získat radu k příštímu tahu"
308313 #: src/rules.c:273
309314 msgid "_Play Again"
310315 msgstr "H_rát znovu"
312 #~ msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
313 #~ msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
315 #~ msgid "5×5"
316 #~ msgstr "5×5"
318 #~ msgid "6×6"
319 #~ msgstr "6×6"
321 #~ msgid "7×7"
322 #~ msgstr "7×7"
324 #~ msgid "8×8"
325 #~ msgstr "8×8"
327 #~ msgid "9×9"
328 #~ msgstr "9×9"
330 #~ msgid "_About"
331 #~ msgstr "O _aplikaci"
333 #~ msgid "UI file “%s” could not be loaded"
334 #~ msgstr "Nelze načíst soubor „%s“ s uživatelským rozhraním."
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-27 14:54+0000\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
1111 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-05 14:01+0200\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: scootergrisen\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Danish <>\n"
5151 "Du spiller mod uret, mens du forsøger at eliminere alle de ens tal i hver "
5252 "række og kolonne på hurtigst mulig tid. Der understøttes flere "
5353 "brætstørrelser, og du kan placere markører på cellerne for at hjælpe med at "
54 "finde løsningen. Hvis du sidder fast, kan du få fif."
54 "finde løsningen. Hvis du sidder fast, kan du få et tip."
5656 #: data/
5757 msgid "The GNOME Project"
6363 msgstr "Start et nyt spil"
6565 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
66 msgctxt "shortcut window"
67 msgid "Highlight a cell"
68 msgstr "Fremhæv en celle"
66 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
67 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
68 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Tag a cell"
70 msgstr "Tilføj mærkat på en celle"
7072 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7173 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8082 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
8183 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8284 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
83 msgstr "Få et fif til dit næste træk"
85 msgstr "Få et tip til dit næste træk"
8587 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
8688 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9698 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9799 msgid "Quit"
98100 msgstr "Afslut"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "Menu til/fra"
100107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
101108 msgid "_New Game"
149156 msgid "Redo a move"
150157 msgstr "Omgør et træk"
152 #: data/hitori.ui:150
159 #: data/hitori.ui:151
153160 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
154 msgstr "Få et fif til dit næste træk"
161 msgstr "Få et tip til dit næste træk"
156163 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:6
157164 msgid "Board size"
312319 #: src/rules.c:273
313320 msgid "_Play Again"
314 msgstr "_Nyt spil"
321 msgstr "_Spil igen"
00 # German translation of Hitori.
1 # Mario Blättermann <>, 2009-2012, 2016.
1 #
2 # Mario Blättermann <>, 2009-2012, 2016, 2020.
23 # Bernd Homuth <>, 2015.
34 # Tim Sabsch <>, 2019.
4 #
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
88 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-11 21:19+0200\n"
11 "Last-Translator: Tim Sabsch <>\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-31 20:54+0200\n"
11 "Last-Translator: Mario Blättermann <>\n"
1212 "Language-Team: Deutsch <>\n"
1313 "Language: de\n"
1414 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1515 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1616 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
17 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
17 "X-Generator: Lokalize 20.08.0\n"
1818 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
2020 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
6464 msgstr "Eine neue Spielpartie beginnen"
6666 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
67 msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgstr "Eine Zelle hervorheben"
67 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 msgid "Tag a cell"
71 msgstr "Eine Zelle markieren"
7173 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7274 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9799 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98100 msgid "Quit"
99101 msgstr "Beenden"
103 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
104 msgctxt "shortcut window"
105 msgid "Toggle Menu"
106 msgstr "Menü ein-/ausblenden"
101108 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
102109 msgid "_New Game"
150157 msgid "Redo a move"
151158 msgstr "Den letzten Zug wiederholen"
153 #: data/hitori.ui:150
160 #: data/hitori.ui:151
154161 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
155162 msgstr "Für den nächsten Zug einen Tipp bekommen"
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
33 # Jorge González <>, 2009, 2010.
4 # Daniel Mustieles <>, 2012-2019.
4 # Daniel Mustieles <>, 2012-2020.
55 #
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori.master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-13 15:08+0200\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-25 07:06+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-28 12:50+0200\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Daniel Mustieles <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: es <>\n"
1414 "Language: es\n"
1515 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.32.0\n"
18 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
1919 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
2121 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
6464 msgstr "Iniciar un juego nuevo"
6666 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
67 msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgstr "Resaltar una casilla"
67 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 msgid "Tag a cell"
71 msgstr "Etiquetar una casilla"
7173 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
72 #| msgid "Undo your last move"
7374 msgctxt "shortcut window"
7475 msgid "Undo your last move"
7576 msgstr "Deshacer el último movimiento"
7778 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
78 #| msgid "Redo a move"
7979 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8080 msgid "Redo a move"
8181 msgstr "Rehacer un movimiento"
8383 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
84 #| msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
8584 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8685 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
8786 msgstr "Obtener una pista para el siguiente movimiento"
9796 msgstr "Mostrar atajos del teclado"
9998 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
100 #| msgid "_Quit"
10199 msgctxt "shortcut window"
102100 msgid "Quit"
103101 msgstr "Salir"
103 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
104 msgctxt "shortcut window"
105 msgid "Toggle Menu"
106 msgstr "Conmutar menú"
105108 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
106109 msgid "_New Game"
154157 msgid "Redo a move"
155158 msgstr "Rehacer un movimiento"
157 #: data/hitori.ui:150
160 #: data/hitori.ui:151
158161 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
159162 msgstr "Obtener una pista para el siguiente movimiento"
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
33 #
44 # Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2014, 2015, 2017.
5 # Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>, 2019.
5 # Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>, 2019, 2020.
66 #
77 msgid ""
88 msgstr "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 10:00+0100\n"
12 "Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-11 10:00+0100\n"
12 "Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
1414 "Language: eu\n"
1515 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
6161 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6262 msgctxt "shortcut window"
63 msgid "Highlight a cell"
64 msgstr "Nabarmendu gelaxka bat"
63 msgid "Tag a cell"
64 msgstr "Etiketatu gelaxka bat"
6666 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
6767 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9292 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9393 msgid "Quit"
9494 msgstr "Irten"
96 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
97 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98 msgid "Toggle Menu"
99 msgstr "Txandakatu menua"
96101 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
97102 msgid "_New Game"
145150 msgid "Redo a move"
146151 msgstr "Berregin mugimendua"
148 #: data/hitori.ui:150
153 #: data/hitori.ui:151
149154 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
150155 msgstr "Hurrengo mugimendua iradokitzen du"
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
3 # Danial Behzadi <>, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019.
3 # Danial Behzadi <>, 2012, 2014-2020.
44 # Arash Mousavi <>, 2016, 2017.
55 #
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-26 13:30+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-29 13:39+0000\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-03 15:34+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-31 06:48+0000\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Danial Behzadi <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: \n"
1414 "Language: fa\n"
1515 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
1919 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
2121 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
6767 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6868 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgid "Tag a cell"
7070 msgstr "نشانه‌گذاری یک خانه"
7272 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
9898 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgid "Quit"
100100 msgstr "خروج"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "تغییر وضعیت فهرست"
102107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103108 msgid "_New Game"
151156 msgid "Redo a move"
152157 msgstr "انجام دوباره حرکت"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
159 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155160 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156161 msgstr "یک راهنمایی در مورد حرکت بعدی خود بگیرید"
257262 #: src/interface.c:747
258263 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
259 msgstr "یک بازی پازل منطق که در ابتدا توسط Nikoli ساخته شده است"
264 msgstr "یک بازی پازل منطقی که نخستین بار به دست نیکولی ساخته شد"
261266 #: src/interface.c:749
262267 msgid "translator-credits"
263 msgstr "آرش موسوی <>"
268 msgstr ""
269 "دانیال بهزادی <>\n"
270 "آرش موسوی <>"
265272 #: src/interface.c:753
266273 msgid "Hitori Website"
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-17 16:36+0300\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-23 10:09+0300\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Jiri Grönroos <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: suomi <>\n"
1414 "Language: fi\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1818 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.6\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
2121 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2222 msgid "Hitori"
6666 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6767 msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgstr "Korosta solu"
68 msgid "Tag a cell"
69 msgstr "Merkitse solu"
7171 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7272 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9797 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9898 msgid "Quit"
9999 msgstr "Lopeta"
101 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
102 msgctxt "shortcut window"
103 msgid "Toggle Menu"
104 msgstr "Avaa tai sulje valikko"
101106 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
102107 msgid "_New Game"
127132 msgstr "_9×9"
129134 #: data/hitori.ui:41
130 #| msgid "10×10"
131135 msgid "_10×10"
132136 msgstr "_10×10"
151155 msgid "Redo a move"
152156 msgstr "Tee uudelleen siirto"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
158 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155159 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156160 msgstr "Pyydä vihje seuraavaa siirtoa varten"
44 # laurent coudeur <>, 2009.
55 # Bruno Brouard <>, 2009.
66 # Gérard Baylard <>, 2010.
7 # Charles Monzat <>, 2018-2019.
87 # Julien Humbert <>, 2019.
8 # Charles Monzat <>, 2018-2020.
99 #
1010 msgid ""
1111 msgstr ""
1212 "Project-Id-Version: hitori.HEAD\n"
1313 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
14 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-18 08:17+0000\n"
15 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-25 11:05+0200\n"
16 "Last-Translator: Julien Humbert <>\n"
14 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
15 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-27 10:15+0200\n"
16 "Last-Translator: Charles Monzat <>\n"
1717 "Language-Team: GNOME French Team <>\n"
1818 "Language: fr\n"
1919 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
2020 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
2121 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2222 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
23 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
23 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
2525 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2626 msgid "Hitori"
6969 msgstr "Commencer une nouvelle partie"
7171 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
72 msgctxt "shortcut window"
73 msgid "Highlight a cell"
74 msgstr "Mettre la cellule en surbrillance"
72 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
73 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
74 msgctxt "shortcut window"
75 msgid "Tag a cell"
76 msgstr "Baliser une cellule"
7678 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7779 msgctxt "shortcut window"
102104 msgctxt "shortcut window"
103105 msgid "Quit"
104106 msgstr "Quitter"
108 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
109 msgctxt "shortcut window"
110 msgid "Toggle Menu"
111 msgstr "Basculer le menu"
106113 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
107114 msgid "_New Game"
155162 msgid "Redo a move"
156163 msgstr "Refaire un mouvement"
158 #: data/hitori.ui:150
165 #: data/hitori.ui:151
159166 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
160167 msgstr "Obtenir un indice pour votre prochain mouvement"
268275 "Laurent Coudeur <>, 2009\n"
269276 "Bruno Brouard <>, 2009\n"
270277 "Géode<Gé>,2010\n"
271 "Julien Humbert <>, 2019"
278 "Julien Humbert <>, 2019\n"
279 "Charles Monzat <>, 2020"
273281 #: src/interface.c:753
274282 msgid "Hitori Website"
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
88 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 07:34+0200\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-14 12:58+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Fabio Tomat <>\n"
1212 "Language-Team: Friulian <>\n"
1313 "Language: fur\n"
1414 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1515 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1616 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
17 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
17 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
1919 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2020 msgid "Hitori"
6363 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6464 msgctxt "shortcut window"
65 msgid "Highlight a cell"
66 msgstr "Evidenzie une cele"
65 msgid "Tag a cell"
66 msgstr "Segne une cele"
6868 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
6969 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9494 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9595 msgid "Quit"
9696 msgstr "Jes"
98 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
99 msgctxt "shortcut window"
100 msgid "Toggle Menu"
101 msgstr "Comute il menù"
98103 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
99104 msgid "_New Game"
147152 msgid "Redo a move"
148153 msgstr "Ripet une mosse"
150 #: data/hitori.ui:150
155 #: data/hitori.ui:151
151156 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
152157 msgstr "Sugjeriment pe prossime mosse"
11 # Copyright (C) 2009 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 # Fran Diéguez <>, 2009, 2010.
4 # Fran Dieguez <>, 2012-2019.
4 # Fran Dieguez <>, 2012-2020.
55 #
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-26 10:34+0200\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-13 01:00+0200\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Fran Dieguez <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Galician <>\n"
1414 "Language: gl\n"
1515 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
19 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
2020 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
2222 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
6565 msgstr "Iniciar un novo xogo"
6767 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
68 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Realzar unha cela"
68 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgctxt "shortcut window"
71 msgid "Tag a cell"
72 msgstr "Etiquetar unha cela"
7274 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7375 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98100 msgctxt "shortcut window"
99101 msgid "Quit"
100102 msgstr "Saír"
104 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
105 msgctxt "shortcut window"
106 msgid "Toggle Menu"
107 msgstr "Trocar menú"
102109 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103110 msgid "_New Game"
128135 msgstr "_9×9"
130137 #: data/hitori.ui:41
131 #| msgid "10×10"
132138 msgid "_10×10"
133139 msgstr "_10×10"
152158 msgid "Redo a move"
153159 msgstr "Refacer un movemento"
155 #: data/hitori.ui:150
161 #: data/hitori.ui:151
156162 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
157163 msgstr "Obter unha suxestión para o seu novo movemento"
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
88 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-22 18:18+0200\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-23 21:13+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: gogo <>\n"
1212 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
1313 "Language: hr\n"
1616 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1717 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
1818 "%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
2121 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2222 msgid "Hitori"
6666 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6767 msgctxt "shortcut window"
68 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 msgstr "Istakni ćeliju"
68 msgid "Tag a cell"
69 msgstr "Označi ćeliju"
7171 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7272 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9797 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9898 msgid "Quit"
9999 msgstr "Zatvori"
101 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
102 msgctxt "shortcut window"
103 msgid "Toggle Menu"
104 msgstr "Uklj/Isklj izbornik"
101106 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
102107 msgid "_New Game"
150155 msgid "Redo a move"
151156 msgstr "Ponovi posljednji potez"
153 #: data/hitori.ui:150
158 #: data/hitori.ui:151
154159 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
155160 msgstr "Dobijte savjet za svoj sljedeći potez"
88 msgstr ""
99 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
1010 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 13:41+0000\n"
12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-23 21:41+0200\n"
11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-06 17:56+0200\n"
1313 "Last-Translator: Meskó Balázs <>\n"
1414 "Language-Team: Hungarian <gnome-hu-list at gnome dot org>\n"
1515 "Language: hu\n"
1616 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1717 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1818 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
2020 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
2222 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
6767 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6868 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Cella kiemelése"
69 msgid "Tag a cell"
70 msgstr "Cella címkézése"
7272 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7373 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9898 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgid "Quit"
100100 msgstr "Kilépés"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "Menü be/ki"
102107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103108 msgid "_New Game"
151156 msgid "Redo a move"
152157 msgstr "Visszavont lépés végrehajtása mégis"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
159 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155160 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156161 msgstr "Javaslat a következő lépéshez"
262267 msgid "translator-credits"
263268 msgstr ""
264269 "Kelemen Gábor <kelemeng at gnome dot hu>\n"
265 "Meskó Balázs <mesko.balazs at fsf dot hu>\n"
270 "Meskó Balázs <mesko dot balazs at fsf dot hu>\n"
266271 "Németh Tamás <ntomasz at uhuklub dot hu>"
268273 #: src/interface.c:753
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 # Imam Musthaqim <>, 2009.
44 # Andika Triwidada <>, 2012, 2014.
5 # Kukuh Syafaat <>, 2017, 2018, 2019.
5 # Kukuh Syafaat <>, 2017-2020.
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-31 12:38+0700\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-15 17:44+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-31 13:32+0700\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Kukuh Syafaat <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: INDONESIA <>\n"
1414 "Language: id\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1818 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural= n!=1;\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
2121 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2222 msgid "Hitori"
6767 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6868 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Sorot sel"
69 msgid "Tag a cell"
70 msgstr "Tandai sel"
7272 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7373 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9898 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgid "Quit"
100100 msgstr "Keluar"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "Jungkitkan Menu"
102107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103108 msgid "_New Game"
151156 msgid "Redo a move"
152157 msgstr "Ulangi langkah"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
159 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155160 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156161 msgstr "Dapatkan petunjuk untuk langkah berikutnya"
263268 msgstr ""
264269 "Imam Musthaqim <>, 2009\n"
265270 "Andika Triwidada <>, 2012, 2014\n"
266 "Kukuh Syafaat <>, 2017, 2018, 2019."
271 "Kukuh Syafaat <>, 2017-2020."
268273 #: src/interface.c:753
269274 msgid "Hitori Website"
0 # Japanese translation for hitori.
1 # Copyright (C) 2020 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 # linuxmetel <>, 2020.
4 # sicklylife <>, 2020.
5 #
6 msgid ""
7 msgstr ""
8 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-22 15:40+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-04 23:00+0900\n"
12 "Last-Translator: sicklylife <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
14 "Language: ja\n"
15 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
16 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
17 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
20 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
21 msgid "Hitori"
22 msgstr "Hitori"
24 #. Translators: the brief summary of the application as it appears in a software center.
25 #: data/ data/
26 msgid "Play the Hitori puzzle game"
27 msgstr "Hitori (ひとりにしてくれ) をプレイします"
29 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
30 #: data/
31 msgid "puzzle;game;logic;grid;"
32 msgstr "puzzle;game;logic;grid;パズル;ゲーム;ロジック;論理;グリッド;格子;"
34 #. Translators: the name of the application as it appears in a software center
35 #: data/
36 msgid "GNOME Hitori"
37 msgstr "GNOME Hitori"
39 #. Translators: These are the application description paragraphs in the AppData file.
40 #: data/
41 msgid "Hitori is a logic game similar to the popular game of Sudoku."
42 msgstr "Hitori (ひとりにしてくれ) は数独に似た論理ゲームです。"
44 #: data/
45 msgid ""
46 "You play the game against the clock, aiming to eliminate all the duplicate "
47 "numbers in each row and column in the fastest time. Multiple sizes of game "
48 "board are supported, and you can place markers on cells to help work out the "
49 "solution. If you get stuck, the game can give you a hint."
50 msgstr ""
51 "できるだけ早く、各行と各列から重複した数字を取り除いてください。ゲーム盤の大"
52 "きさは複数用意されており、パズルを解く補助としてマス目にマークを付けることも"
53 "できます。行き詰まったときのためにヒントも用意されています。"
55 #: data/
56 msgid "The GNOME Project"
57 msgstr "The GNOME Project"
59 #: data/help-overlay.ui:16
60 msgctxt "shortcut window"
61 msgid "Start a new game"
62 msgstr "新しいゲームを開始する"
64 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
65 msgctxt "shortcut window"
66 msgid "Tag a cell"
67 msgstr "マス目にタグ付けする"
69 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
70 msgctxt "shortcut window"
71 msgid "Undo your last move"
72 msgstr "最後の操作を元に戻す"
74 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
75 msgctxt "shortcut window"
76 msgid "Redo a move"
77 msgstr "操作をやり直す"
79 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
80 msgctxt "shortcut window"
81 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
82 msgstr "次の一手のヒントを表示する"
84 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
85 msgctxt "shortcut window"
86 msgid "Show Help"
87 msgstr "へルプを表示する"
89 #: data/help-overlay.ui:58
90 msgctxt "shortcut window"
91 msgid "Show Keyboard Shortcuts"
92 msgstr "キーボードショートカットを表示する"
94 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
95 msgctxt "shortcut window"
96 msgid "Quit"
97 msgstr "終了する"
99 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
100 msgctxt "shortcut window"
101 msgid "Toggle Menu"
102 msgstr "メニューの表示を切り替える"
104 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
105 msgid "_New Game"
106 msgstr "新しいゲーム(_N)"
108 #: data/hitori.ui:12
109 msgid "Board _Size"
110 msgstr "盤の大きさ(_S)"
112 #: data/hitori.ui:16
113 msgid "_5×5"
114 msgstr "_5×5"
116 #: data/hitori.ui:21
117 msgid "_6×6"
118 msgstr "_6×6"
120 #: data/hitori.ui:26
121 msgid "_7×7"
122 msgstr "_7×7"
124 #: data/hitori.ui:31
125 msgid "_8×8"
126 msgstr "_8×8"
128 #: data/hitori.ui:36
129 msgid "_9×9"
130 msgstr "_9×9"
132 #: data/hitori.ui:41
133 msgid "_10×10"
134 msgstr "_10×10"
136 #: data/hitori.ui:49
137 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
138 msgstr "キーボードショートカット(_K)"
140 #: data/hitori.ui:54
141 msgid "_Help"
142 msgstr "ヘルプ(_H)"
144 #: data/hitori.ui:58
145 msgid "_About Hitori"
146 msgstr "Hitori について(_A)"
148 #: data/hitori.ui:84
149 msgid "Undo your last move"
150 msgstr "最後の操作を元に戻します"
152 #: data/hitori.ui:105
153 msgid "Redo a move"
154 msgstr "操作をやり直します"
156 #: data/hitori.ui:151
157 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
158 msgstr "次の一手のヒントを表示します"
160 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:6
161 msgid "Board size"
162 msgstr "盤の大きさ"
164 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:7
165 msgid "The size of the board, in cells."
166 msgstr "盤のマス目の数です。"
168 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:11
169 msgid "Window maximized state"
170 msgstr "ウィンドウの最大化状態"
172 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:12
173 msgid "Whether the window is maximized."
174 msgstr "ウィンドウを最大化しているかどうかです。"
176 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:16
177 msgid "Window position"
178 msgstr "ウィンドウの位置"
180 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:17
181 msgid "Window position (x and y)."
182 msgstr "ウィンドウの位置 (X 軸と Y 軸) です。"
184 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:21
185 msgid "Window size"
186 msgstr "ウィンドウのサイズ"
188 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:22
189 msgid "Window size (width and height)."
190 msgstr "ウィンドウのサイズ (幅と高さ) です。"
192 #. Translators: This is a digit rendered in a cell on the game board.
193 #. * Translate it to your locale’s number system if you wish the game
194 #. * board to be rendered in those digits. Otherwise, leave the digits as
195 #. * Arabic numerals.
196 #: src/interface.c:194
197 msgctxt "Board cell"
198 msgid "1"
199 msgstr "1"
201 #: src/interface.c:195
202 msgctxt "Board cell"
203 msgid "2"
204 msgstr "2"
206 #: src/interface.c:196
207 msgctxt "Board cell"
208 msgid "3"
209 msgstr "3"
211 #: src/interface.c:197
212 msgctxt "Board cell"
213 msgid "4"
214 msgstr "4"
216 #: src/interface.c:198
217 msgctxt "Board cell"
218 msgid "5"
219 msgstr "5"
221 #: src/interface.c:199
222 msgctxt "Board cell"
223 msgid "6"
224 msgstr "6"
226 #: src/interface.c:200
227 msgctxt "Board cell"
228 msgid "7"
229 msgstr "7"
231 #: src/interface.c:201
232 msgctxt "Board cell"
233 msgid "8"
234 msgstr "8"
236 #: src/interface.c:202
237 msgctxt "Board cell"
238 msgid "9"
239 msgstr "9"
241 #: src/interface.c:203
242 msgctxt "Board cell"
243 msgid "10"
244 msgstr "10"
246 #: src/interface.c:204
247 msgctxt "Board cell"
248 msgid "11"
249 msgstr "11"
251 #: src/interface.c:722
252 msgid "The help contents could not be displayed"
253 msgstr "ヘルプの内容を表示できませんでした"
255 #: src/interface.c:746
256 msgid "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
257 msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
259 #: src/interface.c:747
260 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
261 msgstr "ニコリによって生み出された論理パズルです"
263 #: src/interface.c:749
264 msgid "translator-credits"
265 msgstr ""
266 "linuxmetel <>\n"
267 "sicklylife <>"
269 #: src/interface.c:753
270 msgid "Hitori Website"
271 msgstr "Hitori のウェブサイト"
273 #: src/main.c:254
274 msgid "Enable debug mode"
275 msgstr "デバッグモードを有効にする"
277 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
278 #: src/main.c:256
279 msgid "Seed the board generation"
280 msgstr "盤面生成のシード値を設定する"
282 #. Options
283 #: src/main.c:270
284 msgid "- Play a game of Hitori"
285 msgstr "- Hitori (ひとりにしてくれ) をプレイします"
287 #. Print an error
288 #: src/main.c:280
289 #, c-format
290 msgid "Command line options could not be parsed: %s\n"
291 msgstr "コマンドラインオプションを解析できませんでした: %s\n"
293 #: src/main.c:346
294 msgid "Do you want to stop the current game?"
295 msgstr "現在のゲームを中止しますか?"
297 #: src/main.c:349
298 msgid "Keep _Playing"
299 msgstr "プレイを続行(_P)"
301 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
302 #. * the number of seconds.
303 #: src/rules.c:267
304 #, c-format
305 msgid "You’ve won in a time of %02u:%02u!"
306 msgstr "%02u:%02u で解きました!"
308 #: src/rules.c:272
309 msgid "_Quit"
310 msgstr "終了(_Q)"
312 #: src/rules.c:273
313 msgid "_Play Again"
314 msgstr "再挑戦(_P)"
0 # Kazakh translation for hitori.
1 # Copyright (C) 2020 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
2 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 # Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <>, 2020.
4 #
5 msgid ""
6 msgstr ""
7 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-03 15:34+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-07 09:16+0500\n"
11 "Language-Team: Kazakh <>\n"
12 "Language: kk\n"
13 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
14 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
15 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
16 "Last-Translator: Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <>\n"
17 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
19 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
20 msgid "Hitori"
21 msgstr "Хитори"
23 #. Translators: the brief summary of the application as it appears in a software center.
24 #: data/ data/
25 msgid "Play the Hitori puzzle game"
26 msgstr "Хитори жұмбақ ойынын ойнату"
28 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
29 #: data/
30 msgid "puzzle;game;logic;grid;"
31 msgstr "puzzle;game;logic;grid;жұмбақ;ойын;логика;тор;"
33 #. Translators: the name of the application as it appears in a software center
34 #: data/
35 msgid "GNOME Hitori"
36 msgstr "GNOME Хитори ойыны"
38 #. Translators: These are the application description paragraphs in the AppData file.
39 #: data/
40 msgid "Hitori is a logic game similar to the popular game of Sudoku."
41 msgstr "Хитори — әйгілі Судоку ойынына ұқсас логикалық ойыны."
43 #: data/
44 msgid ""
45 "You play the game against the clock, aiming to eliminate all the duplicate "
46 "numbers in each row and column in the fastest time. Multiple sizes of game "
47 "board are supported, and you can place markers on cells to help work out the "
48 "solution. If you get stuck, the game can give you a hint."
49 msgstr ""
50 "Ойынды сағатқа қарсы ойнайсыз, ең аз уақытта әр жол мен бағандағы барлық "
51 "қайталанатын сандарды жою керек. Ойынның тақтаның бірнеше өлшеміне қолдауы "
52 "бар және шешімді пысықтауға көмектесу үшін ұяшықтарға маркерлерді "
53 "орналастыруға болады. Егер тұрып қалсаңыз, ойын тұспалды бере алады."
55 #: data/
56 msgid "The GNOME Project"
57 msgstr "GNOME жобасы"
59 #: data/help-overlay.ui:16
60 msgctxt "shortcut window"
61 msgid "Start a new game"
62 msgstr "Жаңа ойынды бастау"
64 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
65 msgctxt "shortcut window"
66 msgid "Tag a cell"
67 msgstr "Ұяшықты белгілеу"
69 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
70 msgctxt "shortcut window"
71 msgid "Undo your last move"
72 msgstr "Соңғы әрекетті болдырмау"
74 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
75 msgctxt "shortcut window"
76 msgid "Redo a move"
77 msgstr "Жылжытуды қайталау"
79 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
80 msgctxt "shortcut window"
81 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
82 msgstr "Келесі жылжыту үшін тұспал алу"
84 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
85 msgctxt "shortcut window"
86 msgid "Show Help"
87 msgstr "Көмекті көрсету"
89 #: data/help-overlay.ui:58
90 msgctxt "shortcut window"
91 msgid "Show Keyboard Shortcuts"
92 msgstr "Пернетақта жарлықтарын көрсету"
94 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
95 msgctxt "shortcut window"
96 msgid "Quit"
97 msgstr "Шығу"
99 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
100 msgctxt "shortcut window"
101 msgid "Toggle Menu"
102 msgstr "Мәзірді көрсету/жасыру"
104 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
105 msgid "_New Game"
106 msgstr "Ж_аңа ойын"
108 #: data/hitori.ui:12
109 msgid "Board _Size"
110 msgstr "Тақта ө_лшемі"
112 #: data/hitori.ui:16
113 msgid "_5×5"
114 msgstr "_5×5"
116 #: data/hitori.ui:21
117 msgid "_6×6"
118 msgstr "_6×6"
120 #: data/hitori.ui:26
121 msgid "_7×7"
122 msgstr "_7×7"
124 #: data/hitori.ui:31
125 msgid "_8×8"
126 msgstr "_8×8"
128 #: data/hitori.ui:36
129 msgid "_9×9"
130 msgstr "_9×9"
132 #: data/hitori.ui:41
133 msgid "_10×10"
134 msgstr "_10×10"
136 #: data/hitori.ui:49
137 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
138 msgstr "П_ернетақта жарлықтары"
140 #: data/hitori.ui:54
141 msgid "_Help"
142 msgstr "_Көмек"
144 #: data/hitori.ui:58
145 msgid "_About Hitori"
146 msgstr "Хитори т_уралы"
148 #: data/hitori.ui:84
149 msgid "Undo your last move"
150 msgstr "Соңғы әрекетті болдырмау"
152 #: data/hitori.ui:105
153 msgid "Redo a move"
154 msgstr "Жылжытуды қайталау"
156 #: data/hitori.ui:151
157 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
158 msgstr "Келесі жылжыту үшін тұспал алу"
160 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:6
161 msgid "Board size"
162 msgstr "Тақта өлшемі"
164 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:7
165 msgid "The size of the board, in cells."
166 msgstr "Тақта өлшемі, ұяшық есебімен."
168 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:11
169 msgid "Window maximized state"
170 msgstr "Терезе максималды күйі"
172 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:12
173 msgid "Whether the window is maximized."
174 msgstr "Терезе жазық етілген бе."
176 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:16
177 msgid "Window position"
178 msgstr "Терезе орны"
180 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:17
181 msgid "Window position (x and y)."
182 msgstr "Терезе орны (x және y)."
184 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:21
185 msgid "Window size"
186 msgstr "Терезе өлшемі"
188 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:22
189 msgid "Window size (width and height)."
190 msgstr "Терезе өлшемі (ені мен биіктігі)."
192 #. Translators: This is a digit rendered in a cell on the game board.
193 #. * Translate it to your locale’s number system if you wish the game
194 #. * board to be rendered in those digits. Otherwise, leave the digits as
195 #. * Arabic numerals.
196 #: src/interface.c:194
197 msgctxt "Board cell"
198 msgid "1"
199 msgstr "1"
201 #: src/interface.c:195
202 msgctxt "Board cell"
203 msgid "2"
204 msgstr "2"
206 #: src/interface.c:196
207 msgctxt "Board cell"
208 msgid "3"
209 msgstr "3"
211 #: src/interface.c:197
212 msgctxt "Board cell"
213 msgid "4"
214 msgstr "4"
216 #: src/interface.c:198
217 msgctxt "Board cell"
218 msgid "5"
219 msgstr "5"
221 #: src/interface.c:199
222 msgctxt "Board cell"
223 msgid "6"
224 msgstr "6"
226 #: src/interface.c:200
227 msgctxt "Board cell"
228 msgid "7"
229 msgstr "6"
231 #: src/interface.c:201
232 msgctxt "Board cell"
233 msgid "8"
234 msgstr "8"
236 #: src/interface.c:202
237 msgctxt "Board cell"
238 msgid "9"
239 msgstr "9"
241 #: src/interface.c:203
242 msgctxt "Board cell"
243 msgid "10"
244 msgstr "10"
246 #: src/interface.c:204
247 msgctxt "Board cell"
248 msgid "11"
249 msgstr "11"
251 #: src/interface.c:722
252 msgid "The help contents could not be displayed"
253 msgstr "Көмек мазмұның көрсету мүмкін емес"
255 #: src/interface.c:746
256 msgid "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
257 msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
259 #: src/interface.c:747
260 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
261 msgstr "Бастапқыда Николи жасаған логикалық жұмбақтар ойыны"
263 #: src/interface.c:749
264 msgid "translator-credits"
265 msgstr "Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <>"
267 #: src/interface.c:753
268 msgid "Hitori Website"
269 msgstr "Хитори веб-сайты"
271 #: src/main.c:254
272 msgid "Enable debug mode"
273 msgstr "Жөндеу режімін іске қосу"
275 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
276 #: src/main.c:256
277 msgid "Seed the board generation"
278 msgstr "Тақтаны генерациялау үшін бастапқы мәні"
280 #. Options
281 #: src/main.c:270
282 msgid "- Play a game of Hitori"
283 msgstr "- Хитори ойынын ойнау"
285 #. Print an error
286 #: src/main.c:280
287 #, c-format
288 msgid "Command line options could not be parsed: %s\n"
289 msgstr "Команда жол параметрлерін талдау мүмкін емес: %s\n"
291 #: src/main.c:346
292 msgid "Do you want to stop the current game?"
293 msgstr "Ағымдағы ойынды тоқтатқыңыз келе ме?"
295 #: src/main.c:349
296 msgid "Keep _Playing"
297 msgstr "О_йнауды жалғастыру"
299 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
300 #. * the number of seconds.
301 #: src/rules.c:267
302 #, c-format
303 msgid "You’ve won in a time of %02u:%02u!"
304 msgstr "Сіз %02u:%02u уақытпен жеңдіңіз!"
306 #: src/rules.c:272
307 msgid "_Quit"
308 msgstr "_Шығу"
310 #: src/rules.c:273
311 msgid "_Play Again"
312 msgstr "Қайта о_йнау"
44 #
55 # Changwoo Ryu <>, 2014-2015.
66 # Junyoul Lim <>, 2017.
7 # Seong-ho Cho <>, 2019.
7 # Seong-ho Cho <>, 2019-2020.
88 #
99 msgid ""
1010 msgstr ""
1111 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
1212 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-02 09:58+0900\n"
13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-07 21:08+0900\n"
1515 "Last-Translator: Seong-ho Cho <>\n"
1616 "Language-Team: GNOME Korea <>\n"
1717 "Language: ko\n"
1919 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
2020 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2121 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
22 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
22 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
2424 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2525 msgid "Hitori"
6868 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6969 msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 msgid "Highlight a cell"
71 msgstr "칸 강조 표시"
70 msgid "Tag a cell"
71 msgstr "칸 태깅"
7373 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7474 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgctxt "shortcut window"
100100 msgid "Quit"
101101 msgstr "끝내기"
103 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
104 msgctxt "shortcut window"
105 msgid "Toggle Menu"
106 msgstr "메뉴 전환"
103108 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
104109 msgid "_New Game"
129134 msgstr "_9×9"
131136 #: data/hitori.ui:41
132 #| msgid "10×10"
133137 msgid "_10×10"
134138 msgstr "_10×10"
153157 msgid "Redo a move"
154158 msgstr "움직임을 다시 실행합니다"
156 #: data/hitori.ui:150
160 #: data/hitori.ui:151
157161 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
158162 msgstr "다음 움직임에 대한 힌트를 봅니다"
314318 #: src/rules.c:273
315319 msgid "_Play Again"
316320 msgstr "다시 플레이(_P)"
11 # Copyright (C) 2014 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
4 # Aurimas Černius <>, 2014-2019.
4 # Aurimas Černius <>, 2014-2020.
55 #
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-20 12:46+0300\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-13 16:21+0300\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Aurimas Černius <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Lietuvių <>\n"
1414 "Language: lt\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1818 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n"
1919 "%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
20 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.32.1\n"
20 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
2222 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2323 msgid "Hitori"
6666 msgstr "Pradėti naują žaidimą"
6868 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
69 msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 msgid "Highlight a cell"
69 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
71 msgctxt "shortcut window"
72 msgid "Tag a cell"
7173 msgstr "Paryškinti langelį"
7375 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
74 #| msgid "Undo your last move"
7576 msgctxt "shortcut window"
7677 msgid "Undo your last move"
7778 msgstr "Atšaukti paskutinį ėjimą"
7980 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
80 #| msgid "Redo a move"
8181 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8282 msgid "Redo a move"
8383 msgstr "Pakartoti ėjimą"
8585 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
86 #| msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
8786 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8887 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
8988 msgstr "Gauti patarimą kitam ėjimui"
9998 msgstr "Rodyti klaviatūros trumpinius"
101100 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
102 #| msgid "_Quit"
103101 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104102 msgid "Quit"
105103 msgstr "Išeiti"
105 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
106 msgctxt "shortcut window"
107 msgid "Toggle Menu"
108 msgstr "Perjungti meniu"
107110 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
108111 msgid "_New Game"
133136 msgstr "_9×9"
135138 #: data/hitori.ui:41
136 #| msgid "10×10"
137139 msgid "_10×10"
138140 msgstr "_10×10"
157159 msgid "Redo a move"
158160 msgstr "Pakartoti ėjimą"
160 #: data/hitori.ui:150
162 #: data/hitori.ui:151
161163 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
162164 msgstr "Gauti patarimą kitam ėjimui"
00 # Dutch translation for hitori.
11 # Copyright (C) 2015 hitori's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
3 # Nathan Follens <>, 2015, 2017, 2019.
3 # Nathan Follens <>, 2015, 2017, 2019-2020.
44 # Justin van Steijn <>, 2016.
55 #
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-18 10:15+0200\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-25 14:46+0200\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Nathan Follens <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Dutch <>\n"
1414 "Language: nl\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1818 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
2121 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2222 msgid "Hitori"
6767 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6868 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Een cel markeren"
69 msgid "Tag a cell"
70 msgstr "Een cel labelen"
7272 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7373 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9898 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgid "Quit"
100100 msgstr "Afsluiten"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "Menu in-/uitschakelen"
102107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103108 msgid "_New Game"
151156 msgid "Redo a move"
152157 msgstr "Doe een zet opnieuw"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
159 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155160 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156161 msgstr "Krijg een hint voor je volgende zet"
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
33 # Pedro Albuquerque <>, 2015.
44 # Sérgio Cardeira <>, 2016.
5 # Juliano Camargo <>, 2020.
56 #
67 msgid ""
78 msgstr ""
89 "Project-Id-Version: Hitori\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:"
10 "product=hitori\n"
11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-02 09:08+0100\n"
12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-02 10:02+0000\n"
13 "Last-Translator: Tiago Santos <>\n"
14 "Language-Team: Português <>\n"
10 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-09 01:11+0100\n"
13 "Last-Translator: Juliano Camargo <>\n"
14 "Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
1515 "Language: pt\n"
1616 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1717 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1818 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
19 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
20 "X-Generator: Poedit\n"
19 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
20 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
2121 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
23 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:12 src/main.c:101
23 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2424 msgid "Hitori"
2525 msgstr "Hitori"
2929 msgid "Play the Hitori puzzle game"
3030 msgstr "Jogue os puzzles Hitori"
32 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
3233 #: data/
3334 msgid "puzzle;game;logic;grid;"
3435 msgstr "puzzle;jogo;lógica;grelha;"
36 #: data/
37 msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
38 msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
4037 #. Translators: the name of the application as it appears in a software center
4138 #: data/
5956 "tabuleiro e pode colocar marcadores em células para o ajudar a descobrir a "
6057 "solução. Se ficar encravado, o jogo dá-lhe uma dica."
62 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:8 src/main.c:305
59 #: data/
60 msgid "The GNOME Project"
61 msgstr "Projeto GNOME"
63 #: data/help-overlay.ui:16
64 msgctxt "shortcut window"
65 msgid "Start a new game"
66 msgstr "Iniciar um novo jogo"
68 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
69 msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 msgid "Tag a cell"
71 msgstr "Marca uma célula"
73 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
74 #| msgid "Undo your last move"
75 msgctxt "shortcut window"
76 msgid "Undo your last move"
77 msgstr "Desfazer a última jogada"
79 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
80 #| msgid "Redo a move"
81 msgctxt "shortcut window"
82 msgid "Redo a move"
83 msgstr "Refazer uma jogada"
85 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
86 #| msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
87 msgctxt "shortcut window"
88 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
89 msgstr "Obter um dica para a jogada seguinte"
91 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
92 msgctxt "shortcut window"
93 msgid "Show Help"
94 msgstr "Ver ajuda"
96 #: data/help-overlay.ui:58
97 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98 msgid "Show Keyboard Shortcuts"
99 msgstr "Ver atalhos de teclado"
101 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
102 #| msgid "_Quit"
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Quit"
105 msgstr "Sair"
107 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
108 msgctxt "shortcut window"
109 msgid "Toggle Menu"
110 msgstr "Alternar menu"
112 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
63113 msgid "_New Game"
64114 msgstr "_Novo jogo"
66 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:12
116 #: data/hitori.ui:12
67117 msgid "Board _Size"
68118 msgstr "_Tamanho do tabuleiro"
70 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:16
71 msgid "5×5"
72 msgstr "5×5"
74 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:21
75 msgid "6×6"
76 msgstr "6×6"
78 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:26
79 msgid "7×7"
80 msgstr "7×7"
82 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:31
83 msgid "8×8"
84 msgstr "8×8"
86 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:36
87 msgid "9×9"
88 msgstr "9×9"
90 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:41
91 msgid "10×10"
92 msgstr "10×10"
94 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:50
120 #: data/hitori.ui:16
121 msgid "_5×5"
122 msgstr "_5×5"
124 #: data/hitori.ui:21
125 msgid "_6×6"
126 msgstr "_6×6"
128 #: data/hitori.ui:26
129 msgid "_7×7"
130 msgstr "_7×7"
132 #: data/hitori.ui:31
133 msgid "_8×8"
134 msgstr "_8×8"
136 #: data/hitori.ui:36
137 msgid "_9×9"
138 msgstr "_9×9"
140 #: data/hitori.ui:41
141 #| msgid "10×10"
142 msgid "_10×10"
143 msgstr "_10×10"
145 #: data/hitori.ui:49
146 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
147 msgstr "_Atalhos de teclado"
149 #: data/hitori.ui:54
95150 msgid "_Help"
96151 msgstr "A_juda"
98 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:55
99 msgid "_About"
100 msgstr "_Sobre"
102 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:59 src/rules.c:272
103 msgid "_Quit"
104 msgstr "_Sair"
106 #: data/hitori.ui:29
153 #: data/hitori.ui:58
154 #| msgid "Hitori"
155 msgid "_About Hitori"
156 msgstr "_Sobre Hitori"
158 #: data/hitori.ui:84
107159 msgid "Undo your last move"
108160 msgstr "Desfazer a última jogada"
110 #: data/hitori.ui:51
162 #: data/hitori.ui:105
111163 msgid "Redo a move"
112164 msgstr "Refazer uma jogada"
114 #: data/hitori.ui:75
166 #: data/hitori.ui:151
115167 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
116168 msgstr "Obter um dica para a jogada seguinte"
123175 msgid "The size of the board, in cells."
124176 msgstr "O tamanho do tabuleiro, em células."
126 #: src/interface.c:649
178 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:11
179 msgid "Window maximized state"
180 msgstr "Estado da janela maximizada"
182 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:12
183 msgid "Whether the window is maximized."
184 msgstr "Se a janela está maximizada ou não."
186 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:16
187 msgid "Window position"
188 msgstr "Posição da janela"
190 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:17
191 msgid "Window position (x and y)."
192 msgstr "Posição da janela (x e y)."
194 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:21
195 msgid "Window size"
196 msgstr "Tamanho da janela"
198 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:22
199 msgid "Window size (width and height)."
200 msgstr "Tamanho da janela (altura e largura)."
202 #. Translators: This is a digit rendered in a cell on the game board.
203 #. * Translate it to your locale’s number system if you wish the game
204 #. * board to be rendered in those digits. Otherwise, leave the digits as
205 #. * Arabic numerals.
206 #: src/interface.c:194
207 msgctxt "Board cell"
208 msgid "1"
209 msgstr "1"
211 #: src/interface.c:195
212 msgctxt "Board cell"
213 msgid "2"
214 msgstr "2"
216 #: src/interface.c:196
217 msgctxt "Board cell"
218 msgid "3"
219 msgstr "3"
221 #: src/interface.c:197
222 msgctxt "Board cell"
223 msgid "4"
224 msgstr "4"
226 #: src/interface.c:198
227 msgctxt "Board cell"
228 msgid "5"
229 msgstr "5"
231 #: src/interface.c:199
232 msgctxt "Board cell"
233 msgid "6"
234 msgstr "6"
236 #: src/interface.c:200
237 msgctxt "Board cell"
238 msgid "7"
239 msgstr "7"
241 #: src/interface.c:201
242 msgctxt "Board cell"
243 msgid "8"
244 msgstr "8"
246 #: src/interface.c:202
247 msgctxt "Board cell"
248 msgid "9"
249 msgstr "9"
251 #: src/interface.c:203
252 msgctxt "Board cell"
253 msgid "10"
254 msgstr "10"
256 #: src/interface.c:204
257 msgctxt "Board cell"
258 msgid "11"
259 msgstr "11"
261 #: src/interface.c:722
127262 msgid "The help contents could not be displayed"
128263 msgstr "Impossível mostrar o conteúdo da ajuda"
130 #: src/interface.c:673
265 #: src/interface.c:746
131266 msgid "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
132267 msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
134 #: src/interface.c:674
269 #: src/interface.c:747
135270 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
136271 msgstr "Um jogo de lógica originalmente desenhado por Nikoli"
138 #: src/interface.c:676
273 #: src/interface.c:749
139274 msgid "translator-credits"
140 msgstr "Pedro Albuquerque <>"
142 #: src/interface.c:680
275 msgstr ""
276 "Pedro Albuquerque <>\n"
277 "Juliano S. Camargo <>"
279 #: src/interface.c:753
143280 msgid "Hitori Website"
144281 msgstr "Página Web do Hitori"
146 #: src/main.c:209
283 #: src/main.c:254
147284 msgid "Enable debug mode"
148285 msgstr "Ativar modo de depuração"
150 #: src/main.c:211
287 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
288 #: src/main.c:256
151289 msgid "Seed the board generation"
152290 msgstr "Semente de geração do tabuleiro"
154 #: src/main.c:225
292 #. Options
293 #: src/main.c:270
155294 msgid "- Play a game of Hitori"
156295 msgstr "- jogar um jogo de Hitori"
158 #: src/main.c:235
297 #. Print an error
298 #: src/main.c:280
159299 #, c-format
160300 msgid "Command line options could not be parsed: %s\n"
161301 msgstr "Impossível processar as opções da linha de comando: %s\n"
163 #: src/main.c:301
303 #: src/main.c:346
164304 msgid "Do you want to stop the current game?"
165305 msgstr "Quer parar o jogo atual?"
167 #: src/main.c:304
307 #: src/main.c:349
168308 msgid "Keep _Playing"
169309 msgstr "_Continuar a jogar"
311 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
312 #. * the number of seconds.
171313 #: src/rules.c:267
172314 #, c-format
173315 msgid "You’ve won in a time of %02u:%02u!"
174316 msgstr "Ganhou em %02u:%02u!"
318 #: src/rules.c:272
319 msgid "_Quit"
320 msgstr "_Sair"
176322 #: src/rules.c:273
177323 msgid "_Play Again"
178324 msgstr "_Jogar novamente"
326 #~ msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
327 #~ msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
329 #~ msgid "5×5"
330 #~ msgstr "5×5"
332 #~ msgid "6×6"
333 #~ msgstr "6×6"
335 #~ msgid "7×7"
336 #~ msgstr "7×7"
338 #~ msgid "8×8"
339 #~ msgstr "8×8"
341 #~ msgid "9×9"
342 #~ msgstr "9×9"
344 #~ msgid "_About"
345 #~ msgstr "_Sobre"
33 # Og Maciel <>, 2009.
44 # Flamarion Jorge <>, 2010.
55 # Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2013, 2015.
6 # Rafael Fontenelle <>, 2013-2019.
6 # Rafael Fontenelle <>, 2013-2020.
77 #
88 msgid ""
99 msgstr ""
1010 "Project-Id-Version: hitori\n"
1111 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
12 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
13 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-22 01:17-0300\n"
12 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-26 12:23+0000\n"
13 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-26 10:27-0300\n"
1414 "Last-Translator: Rafael Fontenelle <>\n"
1515 "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <>\n"
1616 "Language: pt_BR\n"
1818 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1919 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
2020 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
21 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.32.0\n"
21 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
2222 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
2424 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
7070 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
7171 msgctxt "shortcut window"
72 msgid "Highlight a cell"
73 msgstr "Destaca uma célula"
72 msgid "Tag a cell"
73 msgstr "Marca uma célula"
7575 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
76 #| msgid "Undo your last move"
7776 msgctxt "shortcut window"
7877 msgid "Undo your last move"
7978 msgstr "Desfaz seu último movimento"
8180 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
82 #| msgid "Redo a move"
8381 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8482 msgid "Redo a move"
8583 msgstr "Refaz um movimento"
8785 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
88 #| msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
8986 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9087 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
9188 msgstr "Obtém uma dica para seu próximo movimento"
10198 msgstr "Mostra os atalhos de teclado"
103100 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
104 #| msgid "_Quit"
105101 msgctxt "shortcut window"
106102 msgid "Quit"
107103 msgstr "Sai"
105 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
106 msgctxt "shortcut window"
107 msgid "Toggle Menu"
108 msgstr "Acessa o menu"
109110 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
110111 msgid "_New Game"
135136 msgstr "_9×9"
137138 #: data/hitori.ui:41
138 #| msgid "10×10"
139139 msgid "_10×10"
140140 msgstr "_10×10"
159159 msgid "Redo a move"
160160 msgstr "Refaz um movimento"
162 #: data/hitori.ui:150
162 #: data/hitori.ui:151
163163 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
164164 msgstr "Obtém uma dica para seu próximo movimento"
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori.master\n"
88 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-04 14:55+0300\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-25 07:06+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-03 14:56+0300\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Florentina Mușat <florentina.musat.28 [at] gmail [dot] "
1212 "com>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Echipa de traducere în limba română Gnome România <gnomero-"
1818 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1919 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < "
2020 "20)) ? 1 : 2);;\n"
21 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
21 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
2222 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
2424 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
7070 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
7171 msgctxt "shortcut window"
72 msgid "Highlight a cell"
73 msgstr "Evidențiază o celulă"
72 msgid "Tag a cell"
73 msgstr "Etichetează o celulă"
7575 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7676 msgctxt "shortcut window"
101101 msgctxt "shortcut window"
102102 msgid "Quit"
103103 msgstr "Ieșire"
105 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
106 msgctxt "shortcut window"
107 msgid "Toggle Menu"
108 msgstr "Comută meniul"
105110 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
106111 msgid "_New Game"
154159 msgid "Redo a move"
155160 msgstr "Refă o mutare"
157 #: data/hitori.ui:150
162 #: data/hitori.ui:151
158163 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
159164 msgstr "Obțineți un indiciu pentru mutarea următoare"
265270 msgid "translator-credits"
266271 msgstr ""
267272 "Cristian Buzdugă <>\n"
268 "Florentina Mușat <florentina.musat.28 [at] gmail [dot] com>, 2019"
273 "Florentina Mușat <emryslokadottir [at] gmail [dot] com>, 2019-2020"
270275 #: src/interface.c:753
271276 msgid "Hitori Website"
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
88 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-29 13:41+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-27 11:39+0100\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-03 15:34+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-06 17:42+0200\n"
1111 "Last-Translator: Dušan Kazik <>\n"
1212 "Language-Team: Slovak <>\n"
1313 "Language: sk\n"
1515 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1616 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1717 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 1 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 2 : 0;\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.4\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
2020 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2121 msgid "Hitori"
6565 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6666 msgctxt "shortcut window"
67 msgid "Highlight a cell"
68 msgstr "Zvýraznenie bunky"
67 msgid "Tag a cell"
68 msgstr "Označenie bunky"
7070 # tooltip
7171 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
9898 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 msgid "Quit"
100100 msgstr "Ukončenie"
102 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
103 msgctxt "shortcut window"
104 msgid "Toggle Menu"
105 msgstr "Prepnutie ponuky"
102107 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103108 msgid "_New Game"
128133 msgstr "_9×9"
130135 #: data/hitori.ui:41
131 #| msgid "10×10"
132136 msgid "_10×10"
133137 msgstr "_10×10"
154158 msgid "Redo a move"
155159 msgstr "Zopakuje ťah"
157 #: data/hitori.ui:150
161 #: data/hitori.ui:151
158162 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
159163 msgstr "Poskytne radu pre váš ďalší ťah"
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 #
44 # Andrej Žnidaršič <>, 2009–2010.
5 # Matej Urbančič <>, 2013–2019.
5 # Matej Urbančič <>, 2013–2020.
66 #
77 msgid ""
88 msgstr ""
99 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
1010 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-27 15:42+0000\n"
12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-02 19:01+0200\n"
11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-01 15:26+0200\n"
1313 "Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič <>\n"
1414 "Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team <>\n"
1515 "Language: sl_SI\n"
1919 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
2020 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
2121 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
22 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
22 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
2424 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2525 msgid "Hitori"
6969 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
7070 msgctxt "shortcut window"
71 msgid "Highlight a cell"
71 msgid "Tag a cell"
7272 msgstr "Poudari celico"
7474 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
8484 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
8585 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8686 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
87 msgstr "Namig za naslednjo potezo"
87 msgstr "Vrne namig za naslednjo potezo"
8989 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
9090 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9999 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
100100 msgctxt "shortcut window"
101101 msgid "Quit"
102 msgstr "Končaj"
102 msgstr "Konča program"
104 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
105 msgctxt "shortcut window"
106 msgid "Toggle Menu"
107 msgstr "Preklopi meni"
104109 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
105110 msgid "_New Game"
130135 msgstr "_9×9"
132137 #: data/hitori.ui:41
133 #| msgid "10×10"
134138 msgid "_10×10"
135139 msgstr "_10×10"
154158 msgid "Redo a move"
155159 msgstr "Ponovi potezo"
157 #: data/hitori.ui:150
161 #: data/hitori.ui:151
158162 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
159163 msgstr "Namig za naslednjo potezo"
260264 #: src/interface.c:747
261265 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
262 msgstr "Miselna igra, ki jo je zasnoval Nikoli. "
266 msgstr "Miselna igra, ki jo je zasnoval Nikoli."
264268 #: src/interface.c:749
265269 msgid "translator-credits"
11 # Courtesy of team ( -- 2012—2017.
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 # Мирослав Николић <>, 2012—2017.
4 # Марко М. Костић <>, 2020.
5 #
46 msgid ""
57 msgstr ""
68 "Project-Id-Version: hitori\n"
79 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-14 09:37+0200\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-19 07:35+0200\n"
1012 "Last-Translator: Марко М. Костић <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Serbian <(nothing)>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Serbian <>\n"
1214 "Language: sr\n"
1315 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1416 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1517 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1618 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
17 "%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
19 "%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2\n"
1820 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
19 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
21 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 3.36.0\n"
2123 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2224 msgid "Hitori"
6567 msgstr "Покрени нову игру"
6769 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
68 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Истакни поље"
70 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
71 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
72 msgctxt "shortcut window"
73 msgid "Tag a cell"
74 msgstr "Означи поље"
7276 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7377 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98102 msgctxt "shortcut window"
99103 msgid "Quit"
100104 msgstr "Излазак"
106 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
107 msgctxt "shortcut window"
108 msgid "Toggle Menu"
109 msgstr "Промени стање менија"
102111 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103112 msgid "_New Game"
151160 msgid "Redo a move"
152161 msgstr "Вратите потез"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
163 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155164 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156165 msgstr "Потражите савет за следећи потез"
00 # Swedish translation for hitori.
1 # Copyright © 2009-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1 # Copyright © 2009-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 # Daniel Nylander <>, 2009, 2010.
4 # Anders Jonsson <>, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019.
4 # Anders Jonsson <>, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020.
55 #
66 msgid ""
77 msgstr ""
88 "Project-Id-Version: hitori\n"
99 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-13 11:46+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-27 17:37+0200\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-03 13:53+0200\n"
1212 "Last-Translator: Anders Jonsson <>\n"
1313 "Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
1414 "Language: sv\n"
1515 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
2020 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2121 msgid "Hitori"
6565 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6666 msgctxt "shortcut window"
67 msgid "Highlight a cell"
68 msgstr "Färgmarkera en cell"
67 msgid "Tag a cell"
68 msgstr "Tagga en cell"
7070 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7171 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9696 msgctxt "shortcut window"
9797 msgid "Quit"
9898 msgstr "Avsluta"
100 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
101 msgctxt "shortcut window"
102 msgid "Toggle Menu"
103 msgstr "Öppna/stäng meny"
100105 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
101106 msgid "_New Game"
126131 msgstr "_9×9"
128133 #: data/hitori.ui:41
129 #| msgid "10×10"
130134 msgid "_10×10"
131135 msgstr "_10×10"
150154 msgid "Redo a move"
151155 msgstr "Gör om ett drag"
153 #: data/hitori.ui:150
157 #: data/hitori.ui:151
154158 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
155159 msgstr "Få ett tips angående ditt nästa drag"
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 # Necdet Yücel <>, 2014.
44 # Muhammet Kara <>, 2014, 2015, 2017.
5 # Sabri Ünal <>, 2019.
6 # Emin Tufan Çetin <>, 2020.
57 #
68 msgid ""
79 msgstr ""
810 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
911 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-04 13:00+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-06 22:07+0300\n"
12 "Last-Translator: Sabri Ünal <>\n"
12 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-31 06:33+0000\n"
13 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-19 13:07+0300\n"
14 "Last-Translator: Emin Tufan Çetin <>\n"
1315 "Language-Team: Turkish <>\n"
1416 "Language: tr\n"
1517 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
4143 #. Translators: These are the application description paragraphs in the AppData file.
4244 #: data/
4345 msgid "Hitori is a logic game similar to the popular game of Sudoku."
44 msgstr "Hitori, Sudoku'ya benzer bir mantık oyunudur."
46 msgstr "Hitori, gözde Sudoku oyununa benzer mantık oyunudur."
4648 #: data/
4749 msgid ""
5052 "board are supported, and you can place markers on cells to help work out the "
5153 "solution. If you get stuck, the game can give you a hint."
5254 msgstr ""
53 "Oyunu her bir satır ve sütunda tekrarlanan sayıları ortadan kaldırmak "
55 "Oyunu her satır ve sütunda yinelenen sayıları ortadan kaldırmak "
5456 "amacıyla zamana karşı oynarsınız. Oyun tahtasının çoklu boyutları "
5557 "desteklenir ve hücrelere çözümü bulmaya yardımcı işaretler koyabilirsiniz. "
5658 "Takıldığınız yerde oyun size ipucu verebilir."
6769 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
6870 msgctxt "shortcut window"
69 msgid "Highlight a cell"
70 msgstr "Hücreyi vurgula"
71 msgid "Tag a cell"
72 msgstr "Hücreyi etiketle"
7274 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
7375 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8284 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
8385 msgctxt "shortcut window"
8486 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
85 msgstr "Bir sonraki hamle için ipucu al"
87 msgstr "Sonraki hamle için ipucu al"
8789 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
8890 msgctxt "shortcut window"
98100 msgctxt "shortcut window"
99101 msgid "Quit"
100102 msgstr "Çık"
104 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
105 msgctxt "shortcut window"
106 msgid "Toggle Menu"
107 msgstr "Menüyü aç veya kapat"
102109 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
103110 msgid "_New Game"
151158 msgid "Redo a move"
152159 msgstr "Hareketi yinele"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:150
161 #: data/hitori.ui:151
155162 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
156 msgstr "Bir sonraki hamle için ipucu al"
163 msgstr "Sonraki hamle için ipucu al"
158165 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:6
159166 msgid "Board size"
162169 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:7
163170 msgid "The size of the board, in cells."
164 msgstr "Hücre cinsinden tahtanın boyutu."
171 msgstr "Hücre türünden tahtanın boyutu."
166173 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:11
167174 msgid "Window maximized state"
257264 #: src/interface.c:747
258265 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
259 msgstr "Nikoli tarafından tasarlanan bir mantık bulmacası"
266 msgstr "Nikoli tarafından tasarlanan mantık bulmacası"
261268 #: src/interface.c:749
262269 msgid "translator-credits"
263270 msgstr ""
264271 "Necdet Yücel <>\n"
265272 "Muhammet Kara <>\n"
266 "Sabri Ünal <>"
273 "Sabri Ünal <>\n"
274 "Emin Tufan Çetin <>"
268276 #: src/interface.c:753
269277 msgid "Hitori Website"
276284 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
277285 #: src/main.c:256
278286 msgid "Seed the board generation"
279 msgstr "Tahta oluşumu için bir başlatıcı girin"
287 msgstr "Tahta oluşumu için sayı gir"
281289 #. Options
282290 #: src/main.c:270
283291 msgid "- Play a game of Hitori"
284 msgstr "- Bir Hitori oyunu oyna"
292 msgstr "- Hitori oyunu oyna"
286294 #. Print an error
287295 #: src/main.c:280
296304 #: src/main.c:349
297305 msgid "Keep _Playing"
298 msgstr "Oynamaya _Devam Et"
306 msgstr "Oynamayı _Sürdür"
300308 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
301309 #. * the number of seconds.
311319 #: src/rules.c:273
312320 msgid "_Play Again"
313 msgstr "_Tekrar Oyna"
321 msgstr "Yeniden _Oyna"
315323 #~ msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
316324 #~ msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
po/uk.po less more
22 # This file is distributed under the same license as the hitori package.
33 # Koljan1970 <>, 2013.
44 # Daniel Korostil <>, 2014, 2015, 2017.
5 # Yuri Chornoivan <>, 2020.
56 msgid ""
67 msgstr ""
78 "Project-Id-Version: hitori master\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:"
9 "product=hitori\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-02 09:08+0100\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-22 09:22+0300\n"
12 "Last-Translator: Daniel Korostil <>\n"
13 "Language-Team:\n"
9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-16 19:44+0000\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-25 10:04+0300\n"
12 "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <>\n"
13 "Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
1414 "Language: uk\n"
1515 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1616 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1717 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
19 "%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
20 "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
19 "=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
20 "X-Generator: Lokalize 20.07.70\n"
2121 "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
23 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:12 src/main.c:101
23 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2424 msgid "Hitori"
25 msgstr "Hitori"
25 msgstr "Хіторі"
2727 #. Translators: the brief summary of the application as it appears in a software center.
2828 #: data/ data/
2929 msgid "Play the Hitori puzzle game"
3030 msgstr "Зіграти головоломка Hitori"
32 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
3233 #: data/
3334 msgid "puzzle;game;logic;grid;"
3435 msgstr "головоломка;гра;логічна;сітка;"
36 #: data/
37 msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
38 msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
4037 #. Translators: the name of the application as it appears in a software center
4138 #: data/
5956 "залишати мітки на комірках, щоб легше знайти розв'язок. Якщо застрягнете, "
6057 "гра може дати підказку."
62 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:8 src/main.c:305
59 #: data/
60 msgid "The GNOME Project"
61 msgstr "Проєкт GNOME"
63 #: data/help-overlay.ui:16
64 msgctxt "shortcut window"
65 msgid "Start a new game"
66 msgstr "Розпочати нову гру"
68 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
69 #| msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 #| msgid "Highlight a cell"
71 msgctxt "shortcut window"
72 msgid "Tag a cell"
73 msgstr "Позначити комірку"
75 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
76 msgctxt "shortcut window"
77 msgid "Undo your last move"
78 msgstr "Повернути останній хід"
80 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
81 msgctxt "shortcut window"
82 msgid "Redo a move"
83 msgstr "Повторити хід"
85 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
86 msgctxt "shortcut window"
87 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
88 msgstr "Отримати підказку наступного ходу"
90 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
91 msgctxt "shortcut window"
92 msgid "Show Help"
93 msgstr "Показати довідку"
95 #: data/help-overlay.ui:58
96 msgctxt "shortcut window"
97 msgid "Show Keyboard Shortcuts"
98 msgstr "Показати клавіатурні скорочення"
100 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
101 msgctxt "shortcut window"
102 msgid "Quit"
103 msgstr "Вийти"
105 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
106 msgctxt "shortcut window"
107 msgid "Toggle Menu"
108 msgstr "Перемкнути меню"
110 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
63111 msgid "_New Game"
64112 msgstr "_Нова гра"
66 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:12
114 #: data/hitori.ui:12
67115 msgid "Board _Size"
68116 msgstr "_Розмір дошки"
70 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:16
71 msgid "5×5"
72 msgstr "5×5"
74 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:21
75 msgid "6×6"
76 msgstr "6×6"
78 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:26
79 msgid "7×7"
80 msgstr "7×7"
82 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:31
83 msgid "8×8"
84 msgstr "8×8"
86 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:36
87 msgid "9×9"
88 msgstr "9×9"
90 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:41
91 msgid "10×10"
92 msgstr "10×10"
94 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:50
118 #: data/hitori.ui:16
119 msgid "_5×5"
120 msgstr "_5×5"
122 #: data/hitori.ui:21
123 msgid "_6×6"
124 msgstr "_6×6"
126 #: data/hitori.ui:26
127 msgid "_7×7"
128 msgstr "_7×7"
130 #: data/hitori.ui:31
131 msgid "_8×8"
132 msgstr "_8×8"
134 #: data/hitori.ui:36
135 msgid "_9×9"
136 msgstr "_9×9"
138 #: data/hitori.ui:41
139 msgid "_10×10"
140 msgstr "_10×10"
142 #: data/hitori.ui:49
143 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
144 msgstr "_Клавіатурні скорочення"
146 #: data/hitori.ui:54
95147 msgid "_Help"
96148 msgstr "_Довідка"
98 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:55
99 msgid "_About"
100 msgstr "_Про програму"
102 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:59 src/rules.c:272
103 msgid "_Quit"
104 msgstr "В_ийти"
106 #: data/hitori.ui:29
150 #: data/hitori.ui:58
151 msgid "_About Hitori"
152 msgstr "_Про «Хіторі»"
154 #: data/hitori.ui:84
107155 msgid "Undo your last move"
108156 msgstr "Вернути останній хід"
110 #: data/hitori.ui:51
158 #: data/hitori.ui:105
111159 msgid "Redo a move"
112160 msgstr "Повторити хід"
114 #: data/hitori.ui:75
162 #: data/hitori.ui:151
115163 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
116164 msgstr "Отримати підказку наступного ходу"
123171 msgid "The size of the board, in cells."
124172 msgstr "Розмір дошки, у комірках."
126 #: src/interface.c:649
174 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:11
175 msgid "Window maximized state"
176 msgstr "Стан розгорнутого вікна"
178 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:12
179 msgid "Whether the window is maximized."
180 msgstr "Чи вікно розгорнуте."
182 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:16
183 msgid "Window position"
184 msgstr "Розташування вікна"
186 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:17
187 msgid "Window position (x and y)."
188 msgstr "Розташування вікна (x та y)."
190 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:21
191 msgid "Window size"
192 msgstr "Розмір вікна"
194 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:22
195 msgid "Window size (width and height)."
196 msgstr "Розмір вікна (ширина і висота)."
198 #. Translators: This is a digit rendered in a cell on the game board.
199 #. * Translate it to your locale’s number system if you wish the game
200 #. * board to be rendered in those digits. Otherwise, leave the digits as
201 #. * Arabic numerals.
202 #: src/interface.c:194
203 msgctxt "Board cell"
204 msgid "1"
205 msgstr "1"
207 #: src/interface.c:195
208 msgctxt "Board cell"
209 msgid "2"
210 msgstr "2"
212 #: src/interface.c:196
213 msgctxt "Board cell"
214 msgid "3"
215 msgstr "3"
217 #: src/interface.c:197
218 msgctxt "Board cell"
219 msgid "4"
220 msgstr "4"
222 #: src/interface.c:198
223 msgctxt "Board cell"
224 msgid "5"
225 msgstr "5"
227 #: src/interface.c:199
228 msgctxt "Board cell"
229 msgid "6"
230 msgstr "6"
232 #: src/interface.c:200
233 msgctxt "Board cell"
234 msgid "7"
235 msgstr "7"
237 #: src/interface.c:201
238 msgctxt "Board cell"
239 msgid "8"
240 msgstr "8"
242 #: src/interface.c:202
243 msgctxt "Board cell"
244 msgid "9"
245 msgstr "9"
247 #: src/interface.c:203
248 msgctxt "Board cell"
249 msgid "10"
250 msgstr "10"
252 #: src/interface.c:204
253 msgctxt "Board cell"
254 msgid "11"
255 msgstr "11"
257 #: src/interface.c:722
127258 msgid "The help contents could not be displayed"
128259 msgstr "Неможливо показати вміст довідки"
130 #: src/interface.c:673
261 #: src/interface.c:746
131262 msgid "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
132263 msgstr "© 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
134 #: src/interface.c:674
265 #: src/interface.c:747
135266 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
136267 msgstr "Логічна головоломка, яку придумав Nikoli"
138 #: src/interface.c:676
269 #: src/interface.c:749
139270 msgid "translator-credits"
140271 msgstr "Микола Ткач <>, 2013."
142 #: src/interface.c:680
273 #: src/interface.c:753
143274 msgid "Hitori Website"
144275 msgstr "Сайт Hitori"
146 #: src/main.c:209
277 #: src/main.c:254
147278 msgid "Enable debug mode"
148279 msgstr "Увімкнути зневадження"
150 #: src/main.c:211
281 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
282 #: src/main.c:256
151283 msgid "Seed the board generation"
152284 msgstr "Засіяти дошку навмання"
154 #: src/main.c:225
286 #. Options
287 #: src/main.c:270
155288 msgid "- Play a game of Hitori"
156289 msgstr "— Грати у Hitori"
158 #: src/main.c:235
291 #. Print an error
292 #: src/main.c:280
159293 #, c-format
160294 msgid "Command line options could not be parsed: %s\n"
161295 msgstr "Не вдалося розібрати параметри командного рядка: %s\n"
163 #: src/main.c:301
297 #: src/main.c:346
164298 msgid "Do you want to stop the current game?"
165299 msgstr "Зупинити поточну гру?"
167 #: src/main.c:304
301 #: src/main.c:349
168302 msgid "Keep _Playing"
169303 msgstr "_Далі грати"
305 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
306 #. * the number of seconds.
171307 #: src/rules.c:267
172308 #, c-format
173309 msgid "You’ve won in a time of %02u:%02u!"
174310 msgstr "Ви здобули перемогу за %02u:%02u!"
312 #: src/rules.c:272
313 msgid "_Quit"
314 msgstr "В_ийти"
176316 #: src/rules.c:273
177317 msgid "_Play Again"
178318 msgstr "_Зіграти ще раз"
180 #~ msgid "UI file “%s” could not be loaded"
181 #~ msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити файл інтерфейсу «%s»"
183 #~ msgid "%02u∶‎%02u"
184 #~ msgstr "%02u∶‎%02u"
186 #~ msgid "_Game"
187 #~ msgstr "Гра"
189 #~ msgid "_Hint"
190 #~ msgstr "Підказка"
192 #~ msgid "_Undo"
193 #~ msgstr "Відмінити"
195 #~ msgid "_Redo"
196 #~ msgstr "Повернути"
198 #~ msgid ""
199 #~ "Hitori is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under "
200 #~ "the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
201 #~ "Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) "
202 #~ "any later version."
203 #~ msgstr ""
204 #~ "Hitori - вільне програмне забезпечення. Ви можете розповсюджувати чи "
205 #~ "змінювати його на умовах GNU General Public License, опублікованою "
206 #~ "FreeSoftware Foundation, або ліцензії версії 3, або (на ваш розсуд) будь-"
207 #~ "якої пізнішої версії."
209 #~ msgid ""
210 #~ "Hitori is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY "
211 #~ "WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS "
212 #~ "FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more "
213 #~ "details."
214 #~ msgstr ""
215 #~ "Цей додаток розповсюджується з надією на те, що додаток буде корисним, "
216 #~ "але БЕЗ БУДЬ_ЯКИХ ГАРАНТІЙ; не гарантується навіть ПРИДАТНІСТЬ чи "
219 #~ msgid ""
220 #~ "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along "
221 #~ "with Hitori. If not, see <>."
222 #~ msgstr ""
223 #~ "Ви повинні отримати копію GNU General Public License разом з додатком. "
224 #~ "Hitori. Якщо цього не сталося, див. <>."
226 #~ msgid "Time: %02u:%02u"
227 #~ msgstr "Час: %02u:%02u"
55 msgid ""
66 msgstr ""
77 "Project-Id-Version: GNOME\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:"
9 "product=hitori\n"
10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-02 09:08+0100\n"
11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-09 00:13+0800\n"
8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-12 23:02+0000\n"
10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-24 17:08-0400\n"
1211 "Last-Translator: Mandy Wang <>\n"
1312 "Language-Team: Chinese/Simplified <>\n"
1413 "Language: zh_CN\n"
1514 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1615 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1716 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18 "X-Generator: Poedit\n"
20 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:12 src/main.c:101
17 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
19 #: data/ data/hitori.ui:68 src/main.c:101
2120 msgid "Hitori"
2221 msgstr "Hitori"
2625 msgid "Play the Hitori puzzle game"
2726 msgstr "玩 Hitori 益智游戏"
28 #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localise the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
2929 #: data/
3030 msgid "puzzle;game;logic;grid;"
3131 msgstr "puzzle;game;logic;grid;解谜;游戏;逻辑;网格;"
33 #: data/
34 msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
35 msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
3733 #. Translators: the name of the application as it appears in a software center
3834 #: data/
5551 "个游戏还支持多种面板尺寸,你也可以在每一格里做一些方便解决问题的标注。如果你"
5652 "一时无法解决,游戏还可以给你一些提示。"
58 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:8 src/main.c:305
54 #: data/
55 msgid "The GNOME Project"
56 msgstr "GNOME 项目"
58 #: data/help-overlay.ui:16
59 msgctxt "shortcut window"
60 msgid "Start a new game"
61 msgstr "开始新游戏"
63 #: data/help-overlay.ui:23
64 msgctxt "shortcut window"
65 msgid "Tag a cell"
66 msgstr "标记单元格"
68 #: data/help-overlay.ui:30
69 msgctxt "shortcut window"
70 msgid "Undo your last move"
71 msgstr "撤消最后一步"
73 #: data/help-overlay.ui:37
74 msgctxt "shortcut window"
75 msgid "Redo a move"
76 msgstr "重做移动"
78 #: data/help-overlay.ui:44
79 msgctxt "shortcut window"
80 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
81 msgstr "获得一次游戏提示"
83 #: data/help-overlay.ui:51
84 msgctxt "shortcut window"
85 msgid "Show Help"
86 msgstr "显示帮助"
88 #: data/help-overlay.ui:58
89 msgctxt "shortcut window"
90 msgid "Show Keyboard Shortcuts"
91 msgstr "显示键盘快捷键"
93 #: data/help-overlay.ui:65
94 msgctxt "shortcut window"
95 msgid "Quit"
96 msgstr "退出"
98 #: data/help-overlay.ui:72
99 msgctxt "shortcut window"
100 msgid "Toggle Menu"
101 msgstr "切换菜单"
103 #: data/hitori.ui:9 src/main.c:350
59104 msgid "_New Game"
60105 msgstr "新游戏(_N)"
62 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:12
107 #: data/hitori.ui:12
63108 msgid "Board _Size"
64109 msgstr "面板大小(_S)"
66 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:16
67 msgid "5×5"
68 msgstr "5×5"
70 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:21
71 msgid "6×6"
72 msgstr "6×6"
74 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:26
75 msgid "7×7"
76 msgstr "7×7"
78 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:31
79 msgid "8×8"
80 msgstr "8×8"
82 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:36
83 msgid "9×9"
84 msgstr "9×9"
86 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:41
87 msgid "10×10"
88 msgstr "10×10"
90 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:50
111 #: data/hitori.ui:16
112 msgid "_5×5"
113 msgstr "_5×5"
115 #: data/hitori.ui:21
116 msgid "_6×6"
117 msgstr "_6×6"
119 #: data/hitori.ui:26
120 msgid "_7×7"
121 msgstr "_7×7"
123 #: data/hitori.ui:31
124 msgid "_8×8"
125 msgstr "_8×8"
127 #: data/hitori.ui:36
128 msgid "_9×9"
129 msgstr "_9×9"
131 #: data/hitori.ui:41
132 msgid "_10×10"
133 msgstr "_10×10"
135 #: data/hitori.ui:49
136 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
137 msgstr "键盘快捷键(_K)"
139 #: data/hitori.ui:54
91140 msgid "_Help"
92141 msgstr "帮助(_H)"
94 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:55
95 msgid "_About"
96 msgstr "关于(_A)"
98 #: data/hitori-menus.ui:59 src/rules.c:272
99 msgid "_Quit"
100 msgstr "退出(_Q)"
102 #: data/hitori.ui:29
143 #: data/hitori.ui:58
144 msgid "_About Hitori"
145 msgstr "关于 Hitori(_A)"
147 #: data/hitori.ui:84
103148 msgid "Undo your last move"
104149 msgstr "撤销你前一次的移动"
106 #: data/hitori.ui:51
151 #: data/hitori.ui:105
107152 msgid "Redo a move"
108153 msgstr "重做移动"
110 #: data/hitori.ui:75
155 #: data/hitori.ui:151
111156 msgid "Get a hint for your next move"
112157 msgstr "获得一次游戏提示"
119164 msgid "The size of the board, in cells."
120165 msgstr "面板大小,也就是格数。"
122 #: src/interface.c:649
167 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:11
168 msgid "Window maximized state"
169 msgstr "窗口最大化状态"
171 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:12
172 msgid "Whether the window is maximized."
173 msgstr "窗口是否已最大化。"
175 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:16
176 msgid "Window position"
177 msgstr "窗口位置"
179 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:17
180 msgid "Window position (x and y)."
181 msgstr "窗口位置(水平和竖直)。"
183 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:21
184 msgid "Window size"
185 msgstr "窗口大小"
187 #: data/org.gnome.hitori.gschema.xml:22
188 msgid "Window size (width and height)."
189 msgstr "窗口大小(宽度与高度)。"
191 #. Translators: This is a digit rendered in a cell on the game board.
192 #. * Translate it to your locale’s number system if you wish the game
193 #. * board to be rendered in those digits. Otherwise, leave the digits as
194 #. * Arabic numerals.
195 #: src/interface.c:194
196 msgctxt "Board cell"
197 msgid "1"
198 msgstr "1"
200 #: src/interface.c:195
201 msgctxt "Board cell"
202 msgid "2"
203 msgstr "2"
205 #: src/interface.c:196
206 msgctxt "Board cell"
207 msgid "3"
208 msgstr "3"
210 #: src/interface.c:197
211 msgctxt "Board cell"
212 msgid "4"
213 msgstr "4"
215 #: src/interface.c:198
216 msgctxt "Board cell"
217 msgid "5"
218 msgstr "5"
220 #: src/interface.c:199
221 msgctxt "Board cell"
222 msgid "6"
223 msgstr "6"
225 #: src/interface.c:200
226 msgctxt "Board cell"
227 msgid "7"
228 msgstr "7"
230 #: src/interface.c:201
231 msgctxt "Board cell"
232 msgid "8"
233 msgstr "8"
235 #: src/interface.c:202
236 msgctxt "Board cell"
237 msgid "9"
238 msgstr "9"
240 #: src/interface.c:203
241 msgctxt "Board cell"
242 msgid "10"
243 msgstr "10"
245 #: src/interface.c:204
246 msgctxt "Board cell"
247 msgid "11"
248 msgstr "11"
250 #: src/interface.c:722
123251 msgid "The help contents could not be displayed"
124252 msgstr "帮助内容无法显示"
126 #: src/interface.c:673
254 #: src/interface.c:746
127255 msgid "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
128256 msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2010 Philip Withnall"
130 #: src/interface.c:674
258 #: src/interface.c:747
131259 msgid "A logic puzzle originally designed by Nikoli"
132260 msgstr "原先由 Nikoli 所作的一个逻辑益智游戏"
134 #: src/interface.c:676
262 #: src/interface.c:749
135263 msgid "translator-credits"
136264 msgstr ""
137265 "Zhang Miao <>, 2009.\n"
138 "Tong Hui <>, 2014."
140 #: src/interface.c:680
266 "Tong Hui <>, 2014.\n"
267 "Weiyi Xu <>, 2020."
269 #: src/interface.c:753
141270 msgid "Hitori Website"
142271 msgstr "Hitori 网站"
144 #: src/main.c:209
273 #: src/main.c:254
145274 msgid "Enable debug mode"
146275 msgstr "启用调试模式"
148 #: src/main.c:211
277 #. Translators: This means to choose a number as the "seed" for random number generation used when creating a board
278 #: src/main.c:256
149279 msgid "Seed the board generation"
150280 msgstr "设置面板生成所用的种子"
152 #: src/main.c:225
282 #. Options
283 #: src/main.c:270
153284 msgid "- Play a game of Hitori"
154285 msgstr "- 进行一次 Hitori 游戏"
156 #: src/main.c:235
287 #. Print an error
288 #: src/main.c:280
157289 #, c-format
158290 msgid "Command line options could not be parsed: %s\n"
159291 msgstr "命令行选项无法被解析:%s\n"
161 #: src/main.c:301
293 #: src/main.c:346
162294 msgid "Do you want to stop the current game?"
163295 msgstr "您要停止当前游戏么?"
165 #: src/main.c:304
297 #: src/main.c:349
166298 msgid "Keep _Playing"
167299 msgstr "继续(_P)"
301 #. Translators: The first parameter is the number of minutes which have elapsed since the start of the game; the second parameter is
302 #. * the number of seconds.
169303 #: src/rules.c:267
170304 #, c-format
171305 msgid "You’ve won in a time of %02u:%02u!"
172 msgstr "你在 %02u:%02u 时间内赢得比赛! "
306 msgstr "你在 %02u:%02u 时间内赢得比赛!"
308 #: src/rules.c:272
309 msgid "_Quit"
310 msgstr "退出(_Q)"
174312 #: src/rules.c:273
175313 msgid "_Play Again"
176314 msgstr "再玩一遍(_P)"
316 #~ msgid "org.gnome.Hitori"
317 #~ msgstr "org.gnome.Hitori"
319 #~ msgid "5×5"
320 #~ msgstr "5×5"
322 #~ msgid "6×6"
323 #~ msgstr "6×6"
325 #~ msgid "7×7"
326 #~ msgstr "7×7"
328 #~ msgid "8×8"
329 #~ msgstr "8×8"
331 #~ msgid "9×9"
332 #~ msgstr "9×9"
334 #~ msgid "_About"
335 #~ msgstr "关于(_A)"
178337 #~ msgid "UI file “%s” could not be loaded"
179338 #~ msgstr "UI 文件“%s”无法载入"