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# HTSeq


**CITATION** (please cite this new paper!): Putri et al. Analysing high-throughput sequencing data in Python with HTSeq 2.0. Bioinformatics, btac166, []( (2022).

A Python library to facilitate programmatic analysis of data
from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) experiments. A popular component of ``HTSeq``
is ``htseq-count``, a script to quantify gene expression in bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq
and similar experiments.

## Requirements

To use ``HTSeq`` you need:

-  ``Python >= 3.7`` (**note**: ``Python 2.7`` support has been dropped)
-  ``numpy``
-  ``pysam``

To manipulate BigWig files, you also need:

- ``pyBigWig``

To run the ``htseq-qa`` script, you also need:

-  ``matplotlib``

To run ``htseq-count`` and ``htseq-count-barcodes`` with custom output formats for the counts table, you need:

- ``mtx`` file: ``scipy``
- ``h5ad`` file: ``anndata``
- ``loom`` file: ``loompy``

Both **Linux** and **OSX** are supported and binaries are provided on Pypi. We
would like to support **Windows** but currently lack the expertise to do so. If
you would like to take on the Windows release and maintenance, please open an
issue and we'll try to help.

A source package which should not require ``Cython`` nor ``SWIG`` is also
provided on Pypi.

To **develop** `HTSeq` you will **also** need:

-  ``Cython >=0.29.5``
-  ``SWIG >=3.0.8``

## Installation

### PIP

To install directly from PyPI:

pip install HTSeq

To install a specific version:

pip install 'HTSeq==2.0.0'

If this fails, please install all dependencies first:

pip install matplotlib
pip install Cython
pip install pysam
pip install HTSeq

### (distutils/setuptools)

Install the dependencies with your favourite tool (``pip``, ``conda``,

To install ``HTSeq`` itself, run:

python build install

## Testing
To test locally, run


To test `htseq-count` alone, run it with the `-o` option.

A virtual environment is created in the `.venv` folder and `HTSeq` is installed inside it, including all modules and scripts.

## Authors
- 2021-: Givanna Putri ([ghar1821](
- 2016-: Fabio Zanini ([iosonofabio](
- 2010-2015: Simon Anders ([simon-anders](, Wolfgang Huber