Codebase list hub / HEAD

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)

hub is a command line tool that wraps `git` in order to extend it with extra
features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.

This repository and its issue tracker is **not for reporting problems with** web interface. If you have a problem with GitHub itself, please
[contact Support](


``` sh
$ hub clone rtomayko/tilt
#=> git clone git://

# if you prefer HTTPS to git/SSH protocols:
$ git config --global hub.protocol https
$ hub clone rtomayko/tilt
#=> git clone

See [usage examples]( or the [full reference
documentation]( to see all available commands
and flags.

hub can also be used to make shell scripts that [directly interact with the
GitHub API](

hub can be safely [aliased](#aliasing) as `git`, so you can type `$ git
<command>` in the shell and have it expanded with `hub` features.


The `hub` executable has no dependencies, but since it was designed to wrap
`git`, it's recommended to have at least **git 1.7.3** or newer.

platform | manager | command to run
macOS, Linux | [Homebrew]( | `brew install hub`
Windows | [Scoop]( | `scoop install hub`
Windows | [Chocolatey]( | `choco install hub`
Fedora Linux | [DNF]( | `sudo dnf install hub`
Arch Linux | [pacman]( | `sudo pacman -S hub`
FreeBSD | [pkg(8)]( | `pkg install hub`
Debian | [apt(8)]( | `sudo apt install hub`
Ubuntu | [Snap]( | `snap install hub --classic`

Packages other than Homebrew are community-maintained (thank you!) and they
are not guaranteed to match the [latest hub release][latest]. Check `hub
version` after installing a community package.

#### Standalone

`hub` can be easily installed as an executable. Download the [latest
binary][latest] for your system and put it anywhere in your executable path.

#### GitHub Actions

hub can be used for automation through [GitHub Actions][] workflows:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: hub example
  shell: bash
  run: |
    curl -fsSL | bash -s 2.14.1
    bin/hub pr list  # list pull requests in the current repo
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Note that the default GITHUB_TOKEN will only work for API operations within _the
same repo that runs this workflow_. If you need to access or write to other
repositories, [generate a Personal Access Token][pat] with `repo` scope and add
it to your [repository secrets][].

[github actions]:
[repository secrets]:

#### Source

Prerequisites for building from source are:

* `make`
* [Go 1.11+](

Clone this repository and run `make install`:

git clone \
  --config transfer.fsckobjects=false \
  --config receive.fsckobjects=false \
  --config fetch.fsckobjects=false \

cd hub
make install prefix=/usr/local


Some hub features feel best when it's aliased as `git`. This is not dangerous; your
_normal git commands will all work_. hub merely adds some sugar.

`hub alias` displays instructions for the current shell. With the `-s` flag, it
outputs a script suitable for `eval`.

You should place this command in your `.bash_profile` or other startup script:

``` sh
eval "$(hub alias -s)"

#### PowerShell

If you're using PowerShell, you can set an alias for `hub` by placing the
following in your PowerShell profile (usually

``` sh
Set-Alias git hub

A simple way to do this is to run the following from the PowerShell prompt:

``` sh
Add-Content $PROFILE "`nSet-Alias git hub"

Note: You'll need to restart your PowerShell console in order for the changes to be picked up.

If your PowerShell profile doesn't exist, you can create it by running the following:

``` sh
New-Item -Type file -Force $PROFILE

### Shell tab-completion

hub repository contains [tab-completion scripts](./etc) for bash, zsh and fish.
These scripts complement existing completion scripts that ship with git.


* Bugs: <>
* Authors: <>
* Our [Code of Conduct](
