Codebase list ido-ubiquitous / a8664d0
New upstream version 4.13 Lev Lamberov 4 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 26 addition(s) and 19 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
99 - EMACS_VERSION=emacs-25.2
1010 - EMACS_VERSION=emacs-25.3
1111 - EMACS_VERSION=emacs-26.1
12 # For some reason emac-git-snapshot hangs forever
13 # - EMACS_VERSION=emacs-git-snapshot
12 - EMACS_VERSION=emacs-git-snapshot
1413 - EMACS_VERSION=remacs-git-snapshot
1615 matrix:
4241 - make compile
4342 # Don't send redundant coverage info
4443 - UNDERCOVER_CONFIG='((:send-report nil))' make test
45 - make test-with-flx
44 # For some reason emacs-git-snapshot hangs forever on this step
45 - if [ "$EMACS_VERSION" != emacs-git-snapshot ]; then make test-with-flx; fi
0 2019-07-18 Ryan C. Thompson <>
2 * ido-completing-read+.el (ido-completing-read+): Disable
3 workaround for Emacs bug #27807 in Emacs 27.1 and higher
05 2018-06-27 Ryan C. Thompson <>
27 * ido-completing-read+.el (ido-cr+-function-blacklist): Disable
1717 merged into ido-completing-read+, which now provides all the features
1818 of both packages. The distinction between "new" and "old" default
1919 selection styles has been eliminated and replaced by a new variable
20 `ido-cr+-no-default-action` (see [FAQ][1] for details), and the
21 override system has been accordingly simplified into just a blacklist
22 and a whitelist. If you have previously customized any ido-ubiquitous
23 options, be sure to check out
20 `ido-cr+-nil-def-alternate-behavior-list` (see [FAQ][1] for details),
21 and the override system has been accordingly simplified into just a
22 blacklist and a whitelist. If you have previously customized any
23 ido-ubiquitous options, be sure to check out
2525 `M-x customize-group ido-completing-read+`
2727 after updating to 4.0 and make sure the new settings are to your
2828 liking.
30 This short-lived ido-describe-fns package has likewise been subsumed
30 The short-lived ido-describe-fns package has likewise been subsumed
3131 into this one.
3333 [1]: #why-does-ret-sometimes-not-select-the-first-completion-on-the-list--why-is-there-an-empty-entry-at-the-beginning-of-the-completion-list--what-happened-to-old-style-default-selection
162162 one mode, and the no-default case is handled by acting as if the empty
163163 string was specified as the default, which more closely matches the
164164 behavior of standard emacs completion. Since you, the user, have no
165 way of knowing how `completing-read' was called, you can tell when
165 way of knowing how `completing-read` was called, you can tell when
166166 this is occurring by watching for the appearance of an empty
167167 completion at the front of the list. Compare:
44 ;; Filename: ido-completing-read+.el
55 ;; Author: Ryan Thompson
66 ;; Created: Sat Apr 4 13:41:20 2015 (-0700)
7 ;; Version: 4.12
7 ;; Version: 4.13
88 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (cl-lib "0.5") (s "0.1") (memoize "1.1"))
99 ;; URL:
1010 ;; Keywords: ido, completion, convenience
7676 ;;
7777 ;;; Code:
79 (defconst ido-completing-read+-version "4.12"
79 (defconst ido-completing-read+-version "4.13"
8080 "Currently running version of ido-completing-read+.
8282 Note that when you update ido-completing-read+, this variable may
299299 ;;
300300 ffap-read-file-or-url
301301 ffap-read-file-or-url-internal
302 ;;
303 sly-read-symbol-name
302304 )
303305 "Functions & commands for which ido-cr+ should be disabled.
692694 (signal 'ido-cr+-fallback
693695 '("ido cannot handle the empty string as an option when `ido-enable-dot-prefix' is non-nil; see")))
695 ;; Fix ido handling of cons-style INITIAL-INPUT. TODO add a
696 ;; version check after this bug is fixed:
697 ;;
698 (when (consp initial-input)
697 ;; Fix ido's broken handling of cons-style INITIAL-INPUT on
698 ;; Emacsen older than 27.1.
699 (when (and (consp initial-input)
700 (version< emacs-version "27.1"))
699701 ;; `completing-read' uses 0-based index while
700702 ;; `read-from-minibuffer' uses 1-based index.
701703 (cl-incf (cdr initial-input)))
11821184 (new-entries (cl-set-difference defval curval :test #'equal)))
11831185 (if new-entries
11841186 (if (eq ido-cr+-auto-update-blacklist 'notify)
1185 (display-warning 'ido-completing-read+ "There are %s new blacklist entries available. Use `M-x ido-cr+-update-blacklist' to install them. (See `ido-cr+-auto-update-blacklist' for more information.)")
1187 (display-warning 'ido-completing-read+ (format "There are %s new blacklist entries available. Use `M-x ido-cr+-update-blacklist' to install them. (See `ido-cr+-auto-update-blacklist' for more information.)" (length new-entries)))
11861188 (ido-cr+--debug-message "Initiating blacklist update.")
11871189 (ido-cr+-update-blacklist t))
11881190 (ido-cr+--debug-message "No blacklist updates available.")))
44 ;; Author: Ryan C. Thompson
55 ;; URL:
6 ;; Version: 4.12
6 ;; Version: 4.13
77 ;; Created: 2011-09-01
88 ;; Keywords: convenience, completion, ido
99 ;; EmacsWiki: InteractivelyDoThings
10 ;; Package-Requires: ((ido-completing-read+ "4.12") (cl-lib "0.5"))
10 ;; Package-Requires: ((ido-completing-read+ "4.13") (cl-lib "0.5"))
1111 ;; Filename: ido-ubiquitous.el
1313 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
3838 ;;
3939 ;;; Code:
41 (defconst ido-ubiquitous-version "4.12"
41 (defconst ido-ubiquitous-version "4.13"
4242 "Currently running version of ido-ubiquitous.
4444 Note that when you update ido-ubiquitous, this variable may not