Codebase list ilisp / fc27db4
Check that the ilisp-output-sink buffer exists before trying to bury it, in lisp-pop-to-buffer. I don't know why this should be necessary, and it could just be papering over the "real" bug, but the extra check avoids some "no such buffer" errors for the buffer " *Output*" (note the space). rgrjr authored 21 years ago Barak A. Pearlmutter committed 14 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
88 ;;; Please refer to the file ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS for an (incomplete) list
99 ;;; of present and past contributors.
1010 ;;;
11 ;;; $Id: ilisp-out.el,v 1.14 2003/02/16 02:49:27 rgrjr Exp $
11 ;;; $Id: ilisp-out.el,v 1.15 2003/03/26 03:22:47 rgrjr Exp $
1313 ;;; Old history log.
1414 ;;;
875875 (get-buffer-window buffer t)))
876876 (frame (when window (window-frame window))))
877877 (cond ((not window)
878 (when ilisp-output-sink
878 (when (and ilisp-output-sink
879 (get-buffer (ilisp-output-sink-buffer ilisp-output-sink)))
879880 ;; is this necessary?
880881 (ilisp-bury-output-internal ilisp-output-sink))
881882 (pop-to-buffer buffer))