Codebase list intel-microcode / af85550
cpu-signatures.txt: Xeon nocona cores are 64-bit Signature 0x00000f34 is shared by 32-bit and 64-bit parts, move it to the Intel64 list so that it is also included in the amd64 version of the binary package. Hopefully, this error will not have affected too many people: Xeons with Nocona cores are somewhat rare nowadays, and running in 64-bit (long) mode on these early EM64T parts has never been a good idea performance-wise. Henrique de Moraes Holschuh 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5050 i686 0x00000f29 # Xeon-DP/M-P4M/P4
5151 i686 0x00000f32 # (first seen in 2004, together with P4/Celeron-D, likely step B1)
5252 i686 0x00000f33 # P4/Celeron D
53 i686 0x00000f34 # Celeron-D 32bit / Xeon 32bit
5453 i686 0x00001632 # PII overdrive processor
5554 i686 0x000106c1 # Atom z5xx/N270 32bit
5655 i686 0x00020661 # Atom z6xx 32bit
5857 # x86-64/Intel64, also capable of i686
5958 # (may match some i686-only models that share signature with x86-64 models)
59 Intel64 0x00000f34 # Celeron-D 32bit / Xeon 64bit (nocona)
6060 Intel64 0x00000f43 # Xeon 64bit
6161 Intel64 0x00000f49 # Xeon MP 64bit
6262 Intel64 0x00000f4a # Xeon 64bit