Codebase list jackd2 / f0323c1
Imported Upstream version 1.9.8~dfsg.4+20120529git007cdc37 Adrian Knoth 11 years ago
78 changed file(s) with 11814 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
waf less more
Binary diff not shown
0 waf-light
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: ISO8859-1
2 # Thomas Nagy, 2005-2011
4 """
5 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7 are met:
9 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
17 derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
30 """
32 import os, sys
34 VERSION="1.6.11"
36 INSTALL="x"
37 C1='x'
38 C2='x'
39 cwd = os.getcwd()
40 join = os.path.join
42 if sys.hexversion<0x206000f:
43 raise ImportError('Python >= 2.6 is required to create the waf file')
45 WAF='waf'
46 def b(x):
47 return x
48 if sys.hexversion>0x300000f:
49 WAF='waf3'
50 def b(x):
51 return x.encode()
53 def err(m):
54 print(('\033[91mError: %s\033[0m' % m))
55 sys.exit(1)
57 def unpack_wafdir(dir):
58 f = open(sys.argv[0],'rb')
59 c = 'corrupt archive (%d)'
60 while 1:
61 line = f.readline()
62 if not line: err('run waf-light from a folder containing waflib')
63 if line == b('#==>\n'):
64 txt = f.readline()
65 if not txt: err(c % 1)
66 if f.readline() != b('#<==\n'): err(c % 2)
67 break
68 if not txt: err(c % 3)
69 txt = txt[1:-1].replace(b(C1), b('\n')).replace(b(C2), b('\r'))
71 import shutil, tarfile
72 try: shutil.rmtree(dir)
73 except OSError: pass
74 try:
75 for x in ['Tools', 'extras']:
76 os.makedirs(join(dir, 'waflib', x))
77 except OSError:
78 err("Cannot unpack waf lib into %s\nMove waf into a writeable directory" % dir)
80 os.chdir(dir)
81 tmp = 't.bz2'
82 t = open(tmp,'wb')
83 t.write(txt)
84 t.close()
86 try:
87 t =
88 except:
89 try:
90 os.system('bunzip2 t.bz2')
91 t ='t')
92 tmp = 't'
93 except:
94 os.chdir(cwd)
95 try: shutil.rmtree(dir)
96 except OSError: pass
97 err("Waf cannot be unpacked, check that bzip2 support is present")
99 for x in t: t.extract(x)
100 t.close()
102 for x in ['Tools', 'extras']:
103 os.chmod(join('waflib',x), 493)
105 if sys.hexversion<0x300000f:
106 sys.path = [join(dir, 'waflib')] + sys.path
107 import fixpy2
108 fixpy2.fixdir(dir)
110 os.unlink(tmp)
111 os.chdir(cwd)
113 try: dir = unicode(dir, 'mbcs')
114 except: pass
115 try:
116 from ctypes import windll
117 windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(dir, 2)
118 except:
119 pass
121 def test(dir):
122 try:
123 os.stat(join(dir, 'waflib'))
124 return os.path.abspath(dir)
125 except OSError:
126 pass
128 def find_lib():
129 name = sys.argv[0]
130 base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name))
132 #devs use $WAFDIR
133 w=test(os.environ.get('WAFDIR', ''))
134 if w: return w
136 #waf-light
137 if name.endswith('waf-light'):
138 w = test(base)
139 if w: return w
140 err('waf-light requires waflib -> export WAFDIR=/folder')
142 dirname = '%s-%s-%s' % (WAF, VERSION, REVISION)
143 for i in [INSTALL,'/usr','/usr/local','/opt']:
144 w = test(i + '/lib/' + dirname)
145 if w: return w
147 #waf-local
148 dir = join(base, (sys.platform != 'win32' and '.' or '') + dirname)
149 w = test(dir)
150 if w: return w
152 #unpack
153 unpack_wafdir(dir)
154 return dir
156 wafdir = find_lib()
157 sys.path.insert(0, wafdir)
159 if __name__ == '__main__':
160 import waflib.extras.compat15#PRELUDE
161 from waflib import Scripting
162 Scripting.waf_entry_point(cwd, VERSION, wafdir)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,errno,re,shutil
5 try:import cPickle
6 except:import pickle as cPickle
7 from waflib import Runner,TaskGen,Utils,ConfigSet,Task,Logs,Options,Context,Errors
8 import waflib.Node
9 CACHE_DIR='c4che'
11 INSTALL=1337
12 UNINSTALL=-1337
13 SAVED_ATTRS='root node_deps raw_deps task_sigs'.split()
14 CFG_FILES='cfg_files'
18 class BuildContext(Context.Context):
19 '''executes the build'''
20 cmd='build'
21 variant=''
22 def __init__(self,**kw):
23 super(BuildContext,self).__init__(**kw)
24 self.is_install=0
25 self.top_dir=kw.get('top_dir',Context.top_dir)
26 self.run_dir=kw.get('run_dir',Context.run_dir)
27 self.post_mode=POST_AT_ONCE
28 self.out_dir=kw.get('out_dir',Context.out_dir)
29 self.cache_dir=kw.get('cache_dir',None)
30 if not self.cache_dir:
31 self.cache_dir=self.out_dir+os.sep+CACHE_DIR
32 self.all_envs={}
33 self.task_sigs={}
34 self.node_deps={}
35 self.raw_deps={}
36 self.cache_dir_contents={}
37 self.task_gen_cache_names={}
38 self.launch_dir=Context.launch_dir
40 self.targets=Options.options.targets
41 self.keep=Options.options.keep
42 self.cache_global=Options.cache_global
43 self.nocache=Options.options.nocache
44 self.progress_bar=Options.options.progress_bar
45 self.deps_man=Utils.defaultdict(list)
46 self.current_group=0
47 self.groups=[]
48 self.group_names={}
49 def get_variant_dir(self):
50 if not self.variant:
51 return self.out_dir
52 return os.path.join(self.out_dir,self.variant)
53 variant_dir=property(get_variant_dir,None)
54 def __call__(self,*k,**kw):
55 kw['bld']=self
56 ret=TaskGen.task_gen(*k,**kw)
57 self.task_gen_cache_names={}
58 self.add_to_group(ret,group=kw.get('group',None))
59 return ret
60 def __copy__(self):
61 raise Errors.WafError('build contexts are not supposed to be copied')
62 def install_files(self,*k,**kw):
63 pass
64 def install_as(self,*k,**kw):
65 pass
66 def symlink_as(self,*k,**kw):
67 pass
68 def load_envs(self):
69 node=self.root.find_node(self.cache_dir)
70 if not node:
71 raise Errors.WafError('The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!')
72 lst=node.ant_glob('**/*%s'%CACHE_SUFFIX,quiet=True)
73 if not lst:
74 raise Errors.WafError('The cache directory is empty: reconfigure the project')
75 for x in lst:
76 name=x.path_from(node).replace(CACHE_SUFFIX,'').replace('\\','/')
77 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet(x.abspath())
78 self.all_envs[name]=env
79 for f in env[CFG_FILES]:
80 newnode=self.root.find_resource(f)
81 try:
82 h=Utils.h_file(newnode.abspath())
83 except(IOError,AttributeError):
84 Logs.error('cannot find %r'%f)
85 h=Utils.SIG_NIL
86 newnode.sig=h
87 def init_dirs(self):
88 if not(os.path.isabs(self.top_dir)and os.path.isabs(self.out_dir)):
89 raise Errors.WafError('The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!')
90 self.path=self.srcnode=self.root.find_dir(self.top_dir)
91 self.bldnode=self.root.make_node(self.variant_dir)
92 self.bldnode.mkdir()
93 def execute(self):
94 self.restore()
95 if not self.all_envs:
96 self.load_envs()
97 self.execute_build()
98 def execute_build(self):
99"Waf: Entering directory `%s'"%self.variant_dir)
100 self.recurse([self.run_dir])
101 self.pre_build()
102 self.timer=Utils.Timer()
103 if self.progress_bar:
104 sys.stderr.write(Logs.colors.cursor_off)
105 try:
106 self.compile()
107 finally:
108 if self.progress_bar==1:
109 c=len(self.returned_tasks)or 1
110 self.to_log(self.progress_line(c,c,Logs.colors.BLUE,Logs.colors.NORMAL))
111 print('')
112 sys.stdout.flush()
113 sys.stderr.write(Logs.colors.cursor_on)
114"Waf: Leaving directory `%s'"%self.variant_dir)
115 self.post_build()
116 def restore(self):
117 try:
118 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet(os.path.join(self.cache_dir,''))
119 except(IOError,OSError):
120 pass
121 else:
122 if env['version']<Context.HEXVERSION:
123 raise Errors.WafError('Version mismatch! reconfigure the project')
124 for t in env['tools']:
125 self.setup(**t)
126 f=None
127 try:
128 dbfn=os.path.join(self.variant_dir,Context.DBFILE)
129 try:
130 f=open(dbfn,'rb')
131 except(IOError,EOFError):
132 Logs.debug('build: could not load the build cache %s (missing)'%dbfn)
133 else:
134 try:
135 waflib.Node.pickle_lock.acquire()
136 waflib.Node.Nod3=self.node_class
137 try:
138 data=cPickle.load(f)
139 except Exception ,e:
140 Logs.debug('build: could not pickle the build cache %s: %r'%(dbfn,e))
141 else:
142 for x in SAVED_ATTRS:
143 setattr(self,x,data[x])
144 finally:
145 waflib.Node.pickle_lock.release()
146 finally:
147 if f:
148 f.close()
149 self.init_dirs()
150 def store(self):
151 data={}
152 for x in SAVED_ATTRS:
153 data[x]=getattr(self,x)
154 db=os.path.join(self.variant_dir,Context.DBFILE)
155 try:
156 waflib.Node.pickle_lock.acquire()
157 waflib.Node.Nod3=self.node_class
158 f=None
159 try:
160 f=open(db+'.tmp','wb')
161 cPickle.dump(data,f)
162 finally:
163 if f:
164 f.close()
165 finally:
166 waflib.Node.pickle_lock.release()
167 try:
168 st=os.stat(db)
169 os.unlink(db)
170 if not Utils.is_win32:
171 os.chown(db+'.tmp',st.st_uid,st.st_gid)
172 except(AttributeError,OSError):
173 pass
174 os.rename(db+'.tmp',db)
175 def compile(self):
176 Logs.debug('build: compile()')
177 self.producer=Runner.Parallel(self,
178 self.producer.biter=self.get_build_iterator()
179 self.returned_tasks=[]
180 try:
181 self.producer.start()
182 except KeyboardInterrupt:
184 raise
185 else:
186 if self.producer.dirty:
188 if self.producer.error:
189 raise Errors.BuildError(self.producer.error)
190 def setup(self,tool,tooldir=None,funs=None):
191 if isinstance(tool,list):
192 for i in tool:self.setup(i,tooldir)
193 return
194 module=Context.load_tool(tool,tooldir)
195 if hasattr(module,"setup"):module.setup(self)
196 def get_env(self):
197 try:
198 return self.all_envs[self.variant]
199 except KeyError:
200 return self.all_envs['']
201 def set_env(self,val):
202 self.all_envs[self.variant]=val
203 env=property(get_env,set_env)
204 def add_manual_dependency(self,path,value):
205 if isinstance(path,waflib.Node.Node):
206 node=path
207 elif os.path.isabs(path):
208 node=self.root.find_resource(path)
209 else:
210 node=self.path.find_resource(path)
211 self.deps_man[id(node)].append(value)
212 def launch_node(self):
213 try:
214 return self.p_ln
215 except AttributeError:
216 self.p_ln=self.root.find_dir(self.launch_dir)
217 return self.p_ln
218 def hash_env_vars(self,env,vars_lst):
219 if not env.table:
220 env=env.parent
221 if not env:
222 return Utils.SIG_NIL
223 idx=str(id(env))+str(vars_lst)
224 try:
225 cache=self.cache_env
226 except AttributeError:
227 cache=self.cache_env={}
228 else:
229 try:
230 return self.cache_env[idx]
231 except KeyError:
232 pass
233 lst=[env[a]for a in vars_lst]
234 ret=Utils.h_list(lst)
235 Logs.debug('envhash: %s %r',Utils.to_hex(ret),lst)
236 cache[idx]=ret
237 return ret
238 def get_tgen_by_name(self,name):
239 cache=self.task_gen_cache_names
240 if not cache:
241 for g in self.groups:
242 for tg in g:
243 try:
244 cache[]=tg
245 except AttributeError:
246 pass
247 try:
248 return cache[name]
249 except KeyError:
250 raise Errors.WafError('Could not find a task generator for the name %r'%name)
251 def progress_line(self,state,total,col1,col2):
252 n=len(str(total))
253 Utils.rot_idx+=1
254 ind=Utils.rot_chr[Utils.rot_idx%4]
255 pc=(100.*state)/total
256 eta=str(self.timer)
257 fs="[%%%dd/%%%dd][%%s%%2d%%%%%%s][%s]["%(n,n,ind)
258 left=fs%(state,total,col1,pc,col2)
259 right='][%s%s%s]'%(col1,eta,col2)
260 cols=Logs.get_term_cols()-len(left)-len(right)+2*len(col1)+2*len(col2)
261 if cols<7:cols=7
262 ratio=((cols*state)//total)-1
263 bar=('='*ratio+'>').ljust(cols)
264 msg=Utils.indicator%(left,bar,right)
265 return msg
266 def declare_chain(self,*k,**kw):
267 return TaskGen.declare_chain(*k,**kw)
268 def pre_build(self):
269 for m in getattr(self,'pre_funs',[]):
270 m(self)
271 def post_build(self):
272 for m in getattr(self,'post_funs',[]):
273 m(self)
274 def add_pre_fun(self,meth):
275 try:
276 self.pre_funs.append(meth)
277 except AttributeError:
278 self.pre_funs=[meth]
279 def add_post_fun(self,meth):
280 try:
281 self.post_funs.append(meth)
282 except AttributeError:
283 self.post_funs=[meth]
284 def get_group(self,x):
285 if not self.groups:
286 self.add_group()
287 if x is None:
288 return self.groups[self.current_group]
289 if x in self.group_names:
290 return self.group_names[x]
291 return self.groups[x]
292 def add_to_group(self,tgen,group=None):
293 assert(isinstance(tgen,TaskGen.task_gen)or isinstance(tgen,Task.TaskBase))
294 tgen.bld=self
295 self.get_group(group).append(tgen)
296 def get_group_name(self,g):
297 if not isinstance(g,list):
298 g=self.groups[g]
299 for x in self.group_names:
300 if id(self.group_names[x])==id(g):
301 return x
302 return''
303 def get_group_idx(self,tg):
304 se=id(tg)
305 for i in range(len(self.groups)):
306 for t in self.groups[i]:
307 if id(t)==se:
308 return i
309 return None
310 def add_group(self,name=None,move=True):
311 if name and name in self.group_names:
312 Logs.error('add_group: name %s already present'%name)
313 g=[]
314 self.group_names[name]=g
315 self.groups.append(g)
316 if move:
317 self.current_group=len(self.groups)-1
318 def set_group(self,idx):
319 if isinstance(idx,str):
320 g=self.group_names[idx]
321 for i in range(len(self.groups)):
322 if id(g)==id(self.groups[i]):
323 self.current_group=i
324 else:
325 self.current_group=idx
326 def total(self):
327 total=0
328 for group in self.groups:
329 for tg in group:
330 try:
331 total+=len(tg.tasks)
332 except AttributeError:
333 total+=1
334 return total
335 def get_targets(self):
336 to_post=[]
337 min_grp=0
338 for name in self.targets.split(','):
339 tg=self.get_tgen_by_name(name)
340 if not tg:
341 raise Errors.WafError('target %r does not exist'%name)
342 m=self.get_group_idx(tg)
343 if m>min_grp:
344 min_grp=m
345 to_post=[tg]
346 elif m==min_grp:
347 to_post.append(tg)
348 return(min_grp,to_post)
349 def post_group(self):
350 if self.targets=='*':
351 for tg in self.groups[self.cur]:
352 try:
354 except AttributeError:
355 pass
356 else:
357 f()
358 elif self.targets:
359 if self.cur<self._min_grp:
360 for tg in self.groups[self.cur]:
361 try:
363 except AttributeError:
364 pass
365 else:
366 f()
367 else:
368 for tg in self._exact_tg:
370 else:
371 ln=self.launch_node()
372 for tg in self.groups[self.cur]:
373 try:
375 except AttributeError:
376 pass
377 else:
378 if tg.path.is_child_of(ln):
379 f()
380 def get_tasks_group(self,idx):
381 tasks=[]
382 for tg in self.groups[idx]:
383 if isinstance(tg,Task.TaskBase):
384 tasks.append(tg)
385 else:
386 tasks.extend(tg.tasks)
387 return tasks
388 def get_build_iterator(self):
389 self.cur=0
390 if self.targets and self.targets!='*':
391 (self._min_grp,self._exact_tg)=self.get_targets()
392 global lazy_post
393 if self.post_mode!=POST_LAZY:
394 while self.cur<len(self.groups):
395 self.post_group()
396 self.cur+=1
397 self.cur=0
398 while self.cur<len(self.groups):
399 if self.post_mode!=POST_AT_ONCE:
400 self.post_group()
401 tasks=self.get_tasks_group(self.cur)
402 Task.set_file_constraints(tasks)
403 Task.set_precedence_constraints(tasks)
404 self.cur_tasks=tasks
405 self.cur+=1
406 if not tasks:
407 continue
408 yield tasks
409 while 1:
410 yield[]
411 class inst(Task.Task):
412 color='CYAN'
413 def post(self):
414 buf=[]
415 for x in self.source:
416 if isinstance(x,waflib.Node.Node):
417 y=x
418 else:
419 y=self.path.find_resource(x)
420 if not y:
421 if Logs.verbose:
422 Logs.warn('Could not find %s immediately (may cause broken builds)'%x)
423 idx=self.generator.bld.get_group_idx(self)
424 for tg in self.generator.bld.groups[idx]:
425 if not isinstance(tg,inst)and id(tg)!=id(self):
427 y=self.path.find_resource(x)
428 if y:
429 break
430 else:
431 raise Errors.WafError('could not find %r in %r'%(x,self.path))
432 buf.append(y)
433 self.inputs=buf
434 def runnable_status(self):
435 ret=super(inst,self).runnable_status()
436 if ret==Task.SKIP_ME:
437 return Task.RUN_ME
438 return ret
439 def __str__(self):
440 return''
441 def run(self):
442 return self.generator.exec_task()
443 def get_install_path(self,destdir=True):
444 dest=Utils.subst_vars(self.dest,self.env)
445 dest=dest.replace('/',os.sep)
446 if destdir and Options.options.destdir:
447 dest=os.path.join(Options.options.destdir,os.path.splitdrive(dest)[1].lstrip(os.sep))
448 return dest
449 def exec_install_files(self):
450 destpath=self.get_install_path()
451 if not destpath:
452 raise Errors.WafError('unknown installation path %r'%self.generator)
453 for x,y in zip(self.source,self.inputs):
454 if self.relative_trick:
455 destfile=os.path.join(destpath,y.path_from(self.path))
456 Utils.check_dir(os.path.dirname(destfile))
457 else:
458 destfile=os.path.join(destpath,
459 self.generator.bld.do_install(y.abspath(),destfile,self.chmod)
460 def exec_install_as(self):
461 destfile=self.get_install_path()
462 self.generator.bld.do_install(self.inputs[0].abspath(),destfile,self.chmod)
463 def exec_symlink_as(self):
464 destfile=self.get_install_path()
465 self.generator.bld.do_link(,destfile)
466 class InstallContext(BuildContext):
467 '''installs the targets on the system'''
468 cmd='install'
469 def __init__(self,**kw):
470 super(InstallContext,self).__init__(**kw)
471 self.uninstall=[]
472 self.is_install=INSTALL
473 def do_install(self,src,tgt,chmod=Utils.O644):
474 d,_=os.path.split(tgt)
475 if not d:
476 raise Errors.WafError('Invalid installation given %r->%r'%(src,tgt))
477 Utils.check_dir(d)
478 srclbl=src.replace(self.srcnode.abspath()+os.sep,'')
479 if not Options.options.force:
480 try:
481 st1=os.stat(tgt)
482 st2=os.stat(src)
483 except OSError:
484 pass
485 else:
486 if st1.st_mtime+2>=st2.st_mtime and st1.st_size==st2.st_size:
487 if not self.progress_bar:
488'- install %s (from %s)'%(tgt,srclbl))
489 return False
490 if not self.progress_bar:
491'+ install %s (from %s)'%(tgt,srclbl))
492 try:
493 os.remove(tgt)
494 except OSError:
495 pass
496 try:
497 shutil.copy2(src,tgt)
498 os.chmod(tgt,chmod)
499 except IOError:
500 try:
501 os.stat(src)
502 except(OSError,IOError):
503 Logs.error('File %r does not exist'%src)
504 raise Errors.WafError('Could not install the file %r'%tgt)
505 def do_link(self,src,tgt):
506 d,_=os.path.split(tgt)
507 Utils.check_dir(d)
508 link=False
509 if not os.path.islink(tgt):
510 link=True
511 elif os.readlink(tgt)!=src:
512 link=True
513 if link:
514 try:os.remove(tgt)
515 except OSError:pass
516 if not self.progress_bar:
517'+ symlink %s (to %s)'%(tgt,src))
518 os.symlink(src,tgt)
519 else:
520 if not self.progress_bar:
521'- symlink %s (to %s)'%(tgt,src))
522 def run_task_now(self,tsk,postpone):
524 if not postpone:
525 if tsk.runnable_status()==Task.ASK_LATER:
526 raise self.WafError('cannot post the task %r'%tsk)
528 def install_files(self,dest,files,env=None,chmod=Utils.O644,relative_trick=False,cwd=None,add=True,postpone=True):
529 tsk=inst(env=env or self.env)
530 tsk.bld=self
531 tsk.path=cwd or self.path
532 tsk.chmod=chmod
533 if isinstance(files,waflib.Node.Node):
534 tsk.source=[files]
535 else:
536 tsk.source=Utils.to_list(files)
537 tsk.dest=dest
538 tsk.exec_task=tsk.exec_install_files
539 tsk.relative_trick=relative_trick
540 if add:self.add_to_group(tsk)
541 self.run_task_now(tsk,postpone)
542 return tsk
543 def install_as(self,dest,srcfile,env=None,chmod=Utils.O644,cwd=None,add=True,postpone=True):
544 tsk=inst(env=env or self.env)
545 tsk.bld=self
546 tsk.path=cwd or self.path
547 tsk.chmod=chmod
548 tsk.source=[srcfile]
549 tsk.dest=dest
550 tsk.exec_task=tsk.exec_install_as
551 if add:self.add_to_group(tsk)
552 self.run_task_now(tsk,postpone)
553 return tsk
554 def symlink_as(self,dest,src,env=None,cwd=None,add=True,postpone=True):
555 if Utils.is_win32:
556 return
557 tsk=inst(env=env or self.env)
558 tsk.bld=self
559 tsk.dest=dest
560 tsk.path=cwd or self.path
561 tsk.source=[]
563 tsk.exec_task=tsk.exec_symlink_as
564 if add:self.add_to_group(tsk)
565 self.run_task_now(tsk,postpone)
566 return tsk
567 class UninstallContext(InstallContext):
568 '''removes the targets installed'''
569 cmd='uninstall'
570 def __init__(self,**kw):
571 super(UninstallContext,self).__init__(**kw)
572 self.is_install=UNINSTALL
573 def do_install(self,src,tgt,chmod=Utils.O644):
574 if not self.progress_bar:
575'- remove %s'%tgt)
576 self.uninstall.append(tgt)
577 try:
578 os.remove(tgt)
579 except OSError ,e:
580 if e.errno!=errno.ENOENT:
581 if not getattr(self,'uninstall_error',None):
582 self.uninstall_error=True
583 Logs.warn('build: some files could not be uninstalled (retry with -vv to list them)')
584 if Logs.verbose>1:
585 Logs.warn('could not remove %s (error code %r)'%(e.filename,e.errno))
586 while tgt:
587 tgt=os.path.dirname(tgt)
588 try:
589 os.rmdir(tgt)
590 except OSError:
591 break
592 def do_link(self,src,tgt):
593 try:
594 if not self.progress_bar:
595'- unlink %s'%tgt)
596 os.remove(tgt)
597 except OSError:
598 pass
599 while tgt:
600 tgt=os.path.dirname(tgt)
601 try:
602 os.rmdir(tgt)
603 except OSError:
604 break
605 def execute(self):
606 try:
607 def runnable_status(self):
608 return Task.SKIP_ME
609 setattr(Task.Task,'runnable_status_back',Task.Task.runnable_status)
610 setattr(Task.Task,'runnable_status',runnable_status)
611 super(UninstallContext,self).execute()
612 finally:
613 setattr(Task.Task,'runnable_status',Task.Task.runnable_status_back)
614 class CleanContext(BuildContext):
615 '''cleans the project'''
616 cmd='clean'
617 def execute(self):
618 self.restore()
619 if not self.all_envs:
620 self.load_envs()
621 self.recurse([self.run_dir])
622 try:
623 self.clean()
624 finally:
626 def clean(self):
627 Logs.debug('build: clean called')
628 if self.bldnode!=self.srcnode:
629 lst=[self.root.find_or_declare(f)for f in self.env[CFG_FILES]]
630 for n in self.bldnode.ant_glob('**/*',excl='lock* *conf_check_*/** config.log c4che/*',quiet=True):
631 if n in lst:
632 continue
633 n.delete()
634 self.root.children={}
635 for v in'node_deps task_sigs raw_deps'.split():
636 setattr(self,v,{})
637 class ListContext(BuildContext):
638 '''lists the targets to execute'''
639 cmd='list'
640 def execute(self):
641 self.restore()
642 if not self.all_envs:
643 self.load_envs()
644 self.recurse([self.run_dir])
645 self.pre_build()
646 self.timer=Utils.Timer()
647 for g in self.groups:
648 for tg in g:
649 try:
651 except AttributeError:
652 pass
653 else:
654 f()
655 try:
656 self.get_tgen_by_name('')
657 except:
658 pass
659 lst=list(self.task_gen_cache_names.keys())
660 lst.sort()
661 for k in lst:
662 Logs.pprint('GREEN',k)
663 class StepContext(BuildContext):
664 '''executes tasks in a step-by-step fashion, for debugging'''
665 cmd='step'
666 def __init__(self,**kw):
667 super(StepContext,self).__init__(**kw)
668 self.files=Options.options.files
669 def compile(self):
670 if not self.files:
671 Logs.warn('Add a pattern for the debug build, for example "waf step --files=main.c,app"')
672 BuildContext.compile(self)
673 return
674 for g in self.groups:
675 for tg in g:
676 try:
678 except AttributeError:
679 pass
680 else:
681 f()
682 for pat in self.files.split(','):
683 matcher=self.get_matcher(pat)
684 for tg in g:
685 if isinstance(tg,Task.TaskBase):
686 lst=[tg]
687 else:
688 lst=tg.tasks
689 for tsk in lst:
690 do_exec=False
691 for node in getattr(tsk,'inputs',[]):
692 if matcher(node,output=False):
693 do_exec=True
694 break
695 for node in getattr(tsk,'outputs',[]):
696 if matcher(node,output=True):
697 do_exec=True
698 break
699 if do_exec:
701'%s -> exit %r'%(str(tsk),ret))
702 def get_matcher(self,pat):
703 inn=True
704 out=True
705 if pat.startswith('in:'):
706 out=False
707 pat=pat.replace('in:','')
708 elif pat.startswith('out:'):
709 inn=False
710 pat=pat.replace('out:','')
711 anode=self.root.find_node(pat)
712 pattern=None
713 if not anode:
714 if not pat.startswith('^'):
715 pat='^.+?%s'%pat
716 if not pat.endswith('$'):
717 pat='%s$'%pat
718 pattern=re.compile(pat)
719 def match(node,output):
720 if output==True and not out:
721 return False
722 if output==False and not inn:
723 return False
724 if anode:
725 return anode==node
726 else:
727 return pattern.match(node.abspath())
728 return match
730 BuildContext.restore=Utils.nogc(BuildContext.restore)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import copy,re,os
7 from waflib import Logs,Utils
8 re_imp=re.compile('^(#)*?([^#=]*?)\ =\ (.*?)$',re.M)
9 class ConfigSet(object):
10 __slots__=('table','parent')
11 def __init__(self,filename=None):
12 self.table={}
13 if filename:
14 self.load(filename)
15 def __contains__(self,key):
16 if key in self.table:return True
17 try:return self.parent.__contains__(key)
18 except AttributeError:return False
19 def keys(self):
20 keys=set()
21 cur=self
22 while cur:
23 keys.update(cur.table.keys())
24 cur=getattr(cur,'parent',None)
25 keys=list(keys)
26 keys.sort()
27 return keys
28 def __str__(self):
29 return"\n".join(["%r %r"%(x,self.__getitem__(x))for x in self.keys()])
30 def __getitem__(self,key):
31 try:
32 while 1:
33 x=self.table.get(key,None)
34 if not x is None:
35 return x
36 self=self.parent
37 except AttributeError:
38 return[]
39 def __setitem__(self,key,value):
40 self.table[key]=value
41 def __delitem__(self,key):
42 self[key]=[]
43 def __getattr__(self,name):
44 if name in self.__slots__:
45 return object.__getattr__(self,name)
46 else:
47 return self[name]
48 def __setattr__(self,name,value):
49 if name in self.__slots__:
50 object.__setattr__(self,name,value)
51 else:
52 self[name]=value
53 def __delattr__(self,name):
54 if name in self.__slots__:
55 object.__delattr__(self,name)
56 else:
57 del self[name]
58 def derive(self):
59 newenv=ConfigSet()
60 newenv.parent=self
61 return newenv
62 def detach(self):
63 tbl=self.get_merged_dict()
64 try:
65 delattr(self,'parent')
66 except AttributeError:
67 pass
68 else:
69 keys=tbl.keys()
70 for x in keys:
71 tbl[x]=copy.deepcopy(tbl[x])
72 self.table=tbl
73 def get_flat(self,key):
74 s=self[key]
75 if isinstance(s,str):return s
76 return' '.join(s)
77 def _get_list_value_for_modification(self,key):
78 try:
79 value=self.table[key]
80 except KeyError:
81 try:value=self.parent[key]
82 except AttributeError:value=[]
83 if isinstance(value,list):
84 value=value[:]
85 else:
86 value=[value]
87 else:
88 if not isinstance(value,list):
89 value=[value]
90 self.table[key]=value
91 return value
92 def append_value(self,var,val):
93 current_value=self._get_list_value_for_modification(var)
94 if isinstance(val,str):
95 val=[val]
96 current_value.extend(val)
97 def prepend_value(self,var,val):
98 if isinstance(val,str):
99 val=[val]
100 self.table[var]=val+self._get_list_value_for_modification(var)
101 def append_unique(self,var,val):
102 if isinstance(val,str):
103 val=[val]
104 current_value=self._get_list_value_for_modification(var)
105 for x in val:
106 if x not in current_value:
107 current_value.append(x)
108 def get_merged_dict(self):
109 table_list=[]
110 env=self
111 while 1:
112 table_list.insert(0,env.table)
113 try:env=env.parent
114 except AttributeError:break
115 merged_table={}
116 for table in table_list:
117 merged_table.update(table)
118 return merged_table
119 def store(self,filename):
120 try:
121 os.makedirs(os.path.split(filename)[0])
122 except OSError:
123 pass
124 f=None
125 try:
126 f=open(filename,'w')
127 merged_table=self.get_merged_dict()
128 keys=list(merged_table.keys())
129 keys.sort()
130 for k in keys:
131 if k!='undo_stack':
132 f.write('%s = %r\n'%(k,merged_table[k]))
133 finally:
134 if f:
135 f.close()
136 def load(self,filename):
137 tbl=self.table
138 code=Utils.readf(filename)
139 for m in re_imp.finditer(code):
141 tbl[g(2)]=eval(g(3))
142 Logs.debug('env: %s'%str(self.table))
143 def update(self,d):
144 for k,v in d.items():
145 self[k]=v
146 def stash(self):
147 self.undo_stack=self.undo_stack+[self.table]
148 self.table=self.table.copy()
149 def revert(self):
150 self.table=self.undo_stack.pop(-1)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,shlex,sys,time
5 from waflib import ConfigSet,Utils,Options,Logs,Context,Build,Errors
6 try:
7 from urllib import request
8 except:
9 from urllib import urlopen
10 else:
11 urlopen=request.urlopen
12 BREAK='break'
13 CONTINUE='continue'
14 WAF_CONFIG_LOG='config.log'
15 autoconfig=False
16 conf_template='''# project %(app)s configured on %(now)s by
17 # waf %(wafver)s (abi %(abi)s, python %(pyver)x on %(systype)s)
18 # using %(args)s
19 #'''
20 def download_check(node):
21 pass
22 def download_tool(tool,force=False,ctx=None):
23 for x in Utils.to_list(Context.remote_repo):
24 for sub in Utils.to_list(Context.remote_locs):
25 url='/'.join((x,sub,tool+'.py'))
26 try:
27 web=urlopen(url)
28 try:
29 if web.getcode()!=200:
30 continue
31 except AttributeError:
32 pass
33 except Exception:
34 continue
35 else:
36 tmp=ctx.root.make_node(os.sep.join((Context.waf_dir,'waflib','extras',tool+'.py')))
37 tmp.write(
38 Logs.warn('Downloaded %s from %s'%(tool,url))
39 download_check(tmp)
40 try:
41 module=Context.load_tool(tool)
42 except:
43 Logs.warn('The tool %s from %s is unusable'%(tool,url))
44 try:
45 tmp.delete()
46 except:
47 pass
48 continue
49 return module
50 raise Errors.WafError('Could not load the Waf tool')
51 class ConfigurationContext(Context.Context):
52 '''configures the project'''
53 cmd='configure'
54 error_handlers=[]
55 def __init__(self,**kw):
56 super(ConfigurationContext,self).__init__(**kw)
57 self.environ=dict(os.environ)
58 self.all_envs={}
59 self.top_dir=None
60 self.out_dir=None
62 self.hash=0
63 self.files=[]
64 self.tool_cache=[]
65 self.setenv('')
66 def setenv(self,name,env=None):
67 if name not in self.all_envs or env:
68 if not env:
69 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
70 self.prepare_env(env)
71 else:
72 env=env.derive()
73 self.all_envs[name]=env
74 self.variant=name
75 def get_env(self):
76 return self.all_envs[self.variant]
77 def set_env(self,val):
78 self.all_envs[self.variant]=val
79 env=property(get_env,set_env)
80 def init_dirs(self):
81 top=self.top_dir
82 if not top:
84 if not top:
85 top=getattr(Context.g_module,Context.TOP,None)
86 if not top:
87 top=self.path.abspath()
88 top=os.path.abspath(top)
89 self.srcnode=(os.path.isabs(top)and self.root or self.path).find_dir(top)
90 assert(self.srcnode)
91 out=self.out_dir
92 if not out:
93 out=Options.options.out
94 if not out:
95 out=getattr(Context.g_module,Context.OUT,None)
96 if not out:
97 out=Options.lockfile.replace('.lock-waf_%s_'%sys.platform,'').replace('.lock-waf','')
98 self.bldnode=(os.path.isabs(out)and self.root or self.path).make_node(out)
99 self.bldnode.mkdir()
100 if not os.path.isdir(self.bldnode.abspath()):
101 conf.fatal('could not create the build directory %s'%self.bldnode.abspath())
102 def execute(self):
103 self.init_dirs()
104 self.cachedir=self.bldnode.make_node(Build.CACHE_DIR)
105 self.cachedir.mkdir()
106 path=os.path.join(self.bldnode.abspath(),WAF_CONFIG_LOG)
107 self.logger=Logs.make_logger(path,'cfg')
108 app=getattr(Context.g_module,'APPNAME','')
109 if app:
110 ver=getattr(Context.g_module,'VERSION','')
111 if ver:
112 app="%s (%s)"%(app,ver)
113 now=time.ctime()
114 pyver=sys.hexversion
115 systype=sys.platform
116 args=" ".join(sys.argv)
117 wafver=Context.WAFVERSION
118 abi=Context.ABI
119 self.to_log(conf_template%vars())
120 self.msg('Setting top to',self.srcnode.abspath())
121 self.msg('Setting out to',self.bldnode.abspath())
122 if id(self.srcnode)==id(self.bldnode):
123 Logs.warn('Setting top == out (remember to use "update_outputs")')
124 elif id(self.path)!=id(self.srcnode):
125 if self.srcnode.is_child_of(self.path):
126 Logs.warn('Are you certain that you do not want to set top="." ?')
127 super(ConfigurationContext,self).execute()
129 Context.top_dir=self.srcnode.abspath()
130 Context.out_dir=self.bldnode.abspath()
131 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
132 env['argv']=sys.argv
133 env['options']=Options.options.__dict__
134 env.run_dir=Context.run_dir
135 env.top_dir=Context.top_dir
136 env.out_dir=Context.out_dir
137 env['hash']=self.hash
138 env['files']=self.files
139 env['environ']=dict(self.environ)
140 if not self.env.NO_LOCK_IN_RUN:
142 if not self.env.NO_LOCK_IN_TOP:
144 if not self.env.NO_LOCK_IN_OUT:
146 def prepare_env(self,env):
147 if not env.PREFIX:
148 env.PREFIX=os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(Options.options.prefix))
149 if not env.BINDIR:
150 env.BINDIR=Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/bin',env)
151 if not env.LIBDIR:
152 env.LIBDIR=Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/lib',env)
153 def store(self):
154 n=self.cachedir.make_node('')
155 n.write('version = 0x%x\ntools = %r\n'%(Context.HEXVERSION,
156 if not self.all_envs:
157 self.fatal('nothing to store in the configuration context!')
158 for key in self.all_envs:
159 tmpenv=self.all_envs[key]
161 def load(self,input,tooldir=None,funs=None,download=True):
162 tools=Utils.to_list(input)
163 if tooldir:tooldir=Utils.to_list(tooldir)
164 for tool in tools:
165 mag=(tool,id(self.env),funs)
166 if mag in self.tool_cache:
167 self.to_log('(tool %s is already loaded, skipping)'%tool)
168 continue
169 self.tool_cache.append(mag)
170 module=None
171 try:
172 module=Context.load_tool(tool,tooldir)
173 except ImportError ,e:
174 if
175 module=download_tool(tool,ctx=self)
176 if not module:
177 self.fatal('Could not load the Waf tool %r or download a suitable replacement from the repository (sys.path %r)\n%s'%(tool,sys.path,e))
178 else:
179 self.fatal('Could not load the Waf tool %r from %r (try the --download option?):\n%s'%(tool,sys.path,e))
180 except Exception ,e:
181 self.to_log('imp %r (%r & %r)'%(tool,tooldir,funs))
182 self.to_log(Utils.ex_stack())
183 raise
184 if funs is not None:
185 self.eval_rules(funs)
186 else:
187 func=getattr(module,'configure',None)
188 if func:
189 if type(func)is type(Utils.readf):func(self)
190 else:self.eval_rules(func)
192 def post_recurse(self,node):
193 super(ConfigurationContext,self).post_recurse(node)
194 self.hash=hash((self.hash,'rb')))
195 self.files.append(node.abspath())
196 def eval_rules(self,rules):
197 self.rules=Utils.to_list(rules)
198 for x in self.rules:
199 f=getattr(self,x)
200 if not f:self.fatal("No such method '%s'."%x)
201 try:
202 f()
203 except Exception ,e:
204 ret=self.err_handler(x,e)
205 if ret==BREAK:
206 break
207 elif ret==CONTINUE:
208 continue
209 else:
210 raise
211 def err_handler(self,fun,error):
212 pass
213 def conf(f):
214 def fun(*k,**kw):
215 mandatory=True
216 if'mandatory'in kw:
217 mandatory=kw['mandatory']
218 del kw['mandatory']
219 try:
220 return f(*k,**kw)
221 except Errors.ConfigurationError ,e:
222 if mandatory:
223 raise e
224 setattr(ConfigurationContext,f.__name__,fun)
225 setattr(Build.BuildContext,f.__name__,fun)
226 return f
227 def add_os_flags(self,var,dest=None):
228 try:self.env.append_value(dest or var,shlex.split(self.environ[var]))
229 except KeyError:pass
230 def cmd_to_list(self,cmd):
231 if isinstance(cmd,str)and cmd.find(' '):
232 try:
233 os.stat(cmd)
234 except OSError:
235 return shlex.split(cmd)
236 else:
237 return[cmd]
238 return cmd
239 def check_waf_version(self,mini='1.6.0',maxi='1.7.0'):
240 self.start_msg('Checking for waf version in %s-%s'%(str(mini),str(maxi)))
241 ver=Context.HEXVERSION
242 if Utils.num2ver(mini)>ver:
243 self.fatal('waf version should be at least %r (%r found)'%(Utils.num2ver(mini),ver))
244 if Utils.num2ver(maxi)<ver:
245 self.fatal('waf version should be at most %r (%r found)'%(Utils.num2ver(maxi),ver))
246 self.end_msg('ok')
247 def find_file(self,filename,path_list=[]):
248 for n in Utils.to_list(filename):
249 for d in Utils.to_list(path_list):
250 p=os.path.join(d,n)
251 if os.path.exists(p):
252 return p
253 self.fatal('Could not find %r'%filename)
254 def find_program(self,filename,**kw):
255 exts=kw.get('exts',Utils.is_win32 and'.exe,.com,.bat,.cmd'or',.sh,.pl,.py')
256 environ=kw.get('environ',os.environ)
257 ret=''
258 filename=Utils.to_list(filename)
259 var=kw.get('var','')
260 if not var:
261 var=filename[0].upper()
262 if self.env[var]:
263 ret=self.env[var]
264 elif var in environ:
265 ret=environ[var]
266 path_list=kw.get('path_list','')
267 if not ret:
268 if path_list:
269 path_list=Utils.to_list(path_list)
270 else:
271 path_list=environ.get('PATH','').split(os.pathsep)
272 if not isinstance(filename,list):
273 filename=[filename]
274 for a in exts.split(','):
275 if ret:
276 break
277 for b in filename:
278 if ret:
279 break
280 for c in path_list:
281 if ret:
282 break
283 x=os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(c,b+a))
284 if os.path.isfile(x):
285 ret=x
286 if not ret and Utils.winreg:
287 ret=Utils.get_registry_app_path(Utils.winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,filename)
288 if not ret and Utils.winreg:
289 ret=Utils.get_registry_app_path(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,filename)
290 self.msg('Checking for program '+','.join(filename),ret or False)
291 self.to_log('find program=%r paths=%r var=%r -> %r'%(filename,path_list,var,ret))
292 if not ret:
293 self.fatal(kw.get('errmsg','')or'Could not find the program %s'%','.join(filename))
294 if var:
295 self.env[var]=ret
296 return ret
297 def find_perl_program(self,filename,path_list=[],var=None,environ=None,exts=''):
298 try:
299 app=self.find_program(filename,path_list=path_list,var=var,environ=environ,exts=exts)
300 except:
301 self.find_program('perl',var='PERL')
302 app=self.find_file(filename,os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep))
303 if not app:
304 raise
305 if var:
306 self.env[var]=Utils.to_list(self.env['PERL'])+[app]
307 self.msg('Checking for %r'%filename,app)
309 conf(add_os_flags)
310 conf(cmd_to_list)
311 conf(check_waf_version)
312 conf(find_file)
313 conf(find_program)
314 conf(find_perl_program)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,imp,sys
5 from waflib import Utils,Errors,Logs
6 import waflib.Node
7 HEXVERSION=0x1060b00
8 WAFVERSION="1.6.11"
9 WAFREVISION="a7e69d6b81b04729804754c4d5214da063779a65"
10 ABI=98
11 DBFILE='.wafpickle-%d'%ABI
14 TOP='top'
15 OUT='out'
16 WSCRIPT_FILE='wscript'
17 launch_dir=''
18 run_dir=''
19 top_dir=''
20 out_dir=''
21 waf_dir=''
22 local_repo=''
23 remote_repo=''
24 remote_locs=['waflib/extras','waflib/Tools']
25 g_module=None
27 STDERR=-1
28 BOTH=0
29 classes=[]
30 def create_context(cmd_name,*k,**kw):
31 global classes
32 for x in classes:
33 if x.cmd==cmd_name:
34 return x(*k,**kw)
35 ctx=Context(*k,**kw)
37 return ctx
38 class store_context(type):
39 def __init__(cls,name,bases,dict):
40 super(store_context,cls).__init__(name,bases,dict)
41 name=cls.__name__
42 if name=='ctx'or name=='Context':
43 return
44 try:
45 cls.cmd
46 except AttributeError:
47 raise Errors.WafError('Missing command for the context class %r (cmd)'%name)
48 if not getattr(cls,'fun',None):
50 global classes
51 classes.insert(0,cls)
52 ctx=store_context('ctx',(object,),{})
53 class Context(ctx):
54 errors=Errors
55 tools={}
56 def __init__(self,**kw):
57 try:
58 rd=kw['run_dir']
59 except KeyError:
60 global run_dir
61 rd=run_dir
62 class node_class(waflib.Node.Node):
63 pass
64 self.node_class=node_class
65 self.node_class.__module__="waflib.Node"
66 self.node_class.__name__="Nod3"
67 self.node_class.ctx=self
68 self.root=self.node_class('',None)
69 self.cur_script=None
70 self.path=self.root.find_dir(rd)
71 self.stack_path=[]
72 self.exec_dict={'ctx':self,'conf':self,'bld':self,'opt':self}
73 self.logger=None
74 def __hash__(self):
75 return id(self)
76 def load(self,tool_list,*k,**kw):
77 tools=Utils.to_list(tool_list)
78 path=Utils.to_list(kw.get('tooldir',''))
79 for t in tools:
80 module=load_tool(t,path)
81 fun=getattr(module,kw.get('name',,None)
82 if fun:
83 fun(self)
84 def execute(self):
85 global g_module
86 self.recurse([os.path.dirname(g_module.root_path)])
87 def pre_recurse(self,node):
88 self.stack_path.append(self.cur_script)
89 self.cur_script=node
90 self.path=node.parent
91 def post_recurse(self,node):
92 self.cur_script=self.stack_path.pop()
93 if self.cur_script:
94 self.path=self.cur_script.parent
95 def recurse(self,dirs,name=None,mandatory=True,once=True):
96 try:
97 cache=self.recurse_cache
98 except:
99 cache=self.recurse_cache={}
100 for d in Utils.to_list(dirs):
101 if not os.path.isabs(d):
102 d=os.path.join(self.path.abspath(),d)
103 WSCRIPT=os.path.join(d,WSCRIPT_FILE)
104 WSCRIPT_FUN=WSCRIPT+'_'+(name or
105 node=self.root.find_node(WSCRIPT_FUN)
106 if node and(not once or node not in cache):
107 cache[node]=True
108 self.pre_recurse(node)
109 try:
111 exec(compile(function_code,node.abspath(),'exec'),self.exec_dict)
112 finally:
113 self.post_recurse(node)
114 elif not node:
115 node=self.root.find_node(WSCRIPT)
116 tup=(node,name or
117 if node and(not once or tup not in cache):
118 cache[tup]=True
119 self.pre_recurse(node)
120 try:
121 wscript_module=load_module(node.abspath())
122 user_function=getattr(wscript_module,(name or,None)
123 if not user_function:
124 if not mandatory:
125 continue
126 raise Errors.WafError('No function %s defined in %s'%(name or,node.abspath()))
127 user_function(self)
128 finally:
129 self.post_recurse(node)
130 elif not node:
131 if not mandatory:
132 continue
133 raise Errors.WafError('No wscript file in directory %s'%d)
134 def exec_command(self,cmd,**kw):
135 subprocess=Utils.subprocess
136 kw['shell']=isinstance(cmd,str)
137 Logs.debug('runner: %r'%cmd)
138 Logs.debug('runner_env: kw=%s'%kw)
139 try:
140 if self.logger:
142 kw['stdout']=kw['stderr']=subprocess.PIPE
143 p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,**kw)
144 (out,err)=p.communicate()
145 if out:
146 self.logger.debug('out: %s'%out.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1'))
147 if err:
148 self.logger.error('err: %s'%err.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1'))
149 return p.returncode
150 else:
151 p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,**kw)
152 return p.wait()
153 except OSError:
154 return-1
155 def cmd_and_log(self,cmd,**kw):
156 subprocess=Utils.subprocess
157 kw['shell']=isinstance(cmd,str)
158 Logs.debug('runner: %r'%cmd)
159 if'quiet'in kw:
160 quiet=kw['quiet']
161 del kw['quiet']
162 else:
163 quiet=None
164 if'output'in kw:
165 to_ret=kw['output']
166 del kw['output']
167 else:
168 to_ret=STDOUT
169 kw['stdout']=kw['stderr']=subprocess.PIPE
170 if quiet is None:
171 self.to_log(cmd)
172 try:
173 p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,**kw)
174 (out,err)=p.communicate()
175 except Exception ,e:
176 raise Errors.WafError('Execution failure: %s'%str(e),ex=e)
177 if not isinstance(out,str):
178 out=out.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1')
179 if not isinstance(err,str):
180 err=err.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1')
181 if out and quiet!=STDOUT and quiet!=BOTH:
182 self.to_log('out: %s'%out)
183 if err and quiet!=STDERR and quiet!=BOTH:
184 self.to_log('err: %s'%err)
185 if p.returncode:
186 e=Errors.WafError('Command %r returned %r'%(cmd,p.returncode))
187 e.returncode=p.returncode
188 e.stderr=err
189 e.stdout=out
190 raise e
191 if to_ret==BOTH:
192 return(out,err)
193 elif to_ret==STDERR:
194 return err
195 return out
196 def fatal(self,msg,ex=None):
197 if self.logger:
198'from %s: %s'%(self.path.abspath(),msg))
199 try:
200 msg='%s\n(complete log in %s)'%(msg,self.logger.handlers[0].baseFilename)
201 except:
202 pass
203 raise self.errors.ConfigurationError(msg,ex=ex)
204 def to_log(self,msg):
205 if not msg:
206 return
207 if self.logger:
209 else:
210 sys.stderr.write(str(msg))
211 sys.stderr.flush()
212 def msg(self,msg,result,color=None):
213 self.start_msg(msg)
214 if not isinstance(color,str):
215 color=result and'GREEN'or'YELLOW'
216 self.end_msg(result,color)
217 def start_msg(self,msg):
218 try:
219 if self.in_msg:
220 self.in_msg+=1
221 return
222 except:
223 self.in_msg=0
224 self.in_msg+=1
225 try:
226 self.line_just=max(self.line_just,len(msg))
227 except AttributeError:
228 self.line_just=max(40,len(msg))
229 for x in(self.line_just*'-',msg):
230 self.to_log(x)
231 Logs.pprint('NORMAL',"%s :"%msg.ljust(self.line_just),sep='')
232 def end_msg(self,result,color=None):
233 self.in_msg-=1
234 if self.in_msg:
235 return
236 defcolor='GREEN'
237 if result==True:
238 msg='ok'
239 elif result==False:
240 msg='not found'
241 defcolor='YELLOW'
242 else:
243 msg=str(result)
244 self.to_log(msg)
245 Logs.pprint(color or defcolor,msg)
246 def load_special_tools(self,var,ban=[]):
247 global waf_dir
248 lst=self.root.find_node(waf_dir).find_node('waflib/extras').ant_glob(var)
249 for x in lst:
250 if not in ban:
251 load_tool('.py',''))
252 cache_modules={}
253 def load_module(path):
254 try:
255 return cache_modules[path]
256 except KeyError:
257 pass
258 module=imp.new_module(WSCRIPT_FILE)
259 try:
260 code=Utils.readf(path,m='rU')
261 except(IOError,OSError):
262 raise Errors.WafError('Could not read the file %r'%path)
263 module_dir=os.path.dirname(path)
264 sys.path.insert(0,module_dir)
265 exec(compile(code,path,'exec'),module.__dict__)
266 sys.path.remove(module_dir)
267 cache_modules[path]=module
268 return module
269 def load_tool(tool,tooldir=None):
270 tool=tool.replace('++','xx')
271 tool=tool.replace('java','javaw')
272 tool=tool.replace('compiler_cc','compiler_c')
273 if tooldir:
274 assert isinstance(tooldir,list)
275 sys.path=tooldir+sys.path
276 try:
277 __import__(tool)
278 ret=sys.modules[tool]
280 return ret
281 finally:
282 for d in tooldir:
283 sys.path.remove(d)
284 else:
285 global waf_dir
286 try:
287 os.stat(os.path.join(waf_dir,'waflib','extras',tool+'.py'))
288 d='waflib.extras.%s'%tool
289 except:
290 try:
291 os.stat(os.path.join(waf_dir,'waflib','Tools',tool+'.py'))
292 d='waflib.Tools.%s'%tool
293 except:
294 d=tool
295 __import__(d)
296 ret=sys.modules[d]
298 return ret
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import traceback,sys
5 class WafError(Exception):
6 def __init__(self,msg='',ex=None):
7 self.msg=msg
8 assert not isinstance(msg,Exception)
9 self.stack=[]
10 if ex:
11 if not msg:
12 self.msg=str(ex)
13 if isinstance(ex,WafError):
14 self.stack=ex.stack
15 else:
16 self.stack=traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
17 self.stack+=traceback.extract_stack()[:-1]
18 self.verbose_msg=''.join(traceback.format_list(self.stack))
19 def __str__(self):
20 return str(self.msg)
21 class BuildError(WafError):
22 def __init__(self,error_tasks=[]):
23 self.tasks=error_tasks
24 WafError.__init__(self,self.format_error())
25 def format_error(self):
26 lst=['Build failed']
27 for tsk in self.tasks:
28 txt=tsk.format_error()
29 if txt:lst.append(txt)
30 return'\n'.join(lst)
31 class ConfigurationError(WafError):
32 pass
33 class TaskRescan(WafError):
34 pass
35 class TaskNotReady(WafError):
36 pass
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,re,traceback,sys
5 _nocolor=os.environ.get('NOCOLOR','no')not in('no','0','false')
6 try:
7 if not _nocolor:
8 import waflib.ansiterm
9 except:
10 pass
11 import logging
12 LOG_FORMAT="%(asctime)s %(c1)s%(zone)s%(c2)s %(message)s"
14 zones=''
15 verbose=0
16 colors_lst={'USE':True,'BOLD':'\x1b[01;1m','RED':'\x1b[01;31m','GREEN':'\x1b[32m','YELLOW':'\x1b[33m','PINK':'\x1b[35m','BLUE':'\x1b[01;34m','CYAN':'\x1b[36m','NORMAL':'\x1b[0m','cursor_on':'\x1b[?25h','cursor_off':'\x1b[?25l',}
17 got_tty=not os.environ.get('TERM','dumb')in['dumb','emacs']
18 if got_tty:
19 try:
20 got_tty=sys.stderr.isatty()
21 except AttributeError:
22 got_tty=False
23 if(not got_tty and os.environ.get('TERM','dumb')!='msys')or _nocolor:
24 colors_lst['USE']=False
25 def get_term_cols():
26 return 80
27 try:
28 import struct,fcntl,termios
29 except ImportError:
30 pass
31 else:
32 if got_tty:
33 def get_term_cols_real():
34 dummy_lines,cols=struct.unpack("HHHH",fcntl.ioctl(sys.stderr.fileno(),termios.TIOCGWINSZ,struct.pack("HHHH",0,0,0,0)))[:2]
35 return cols
36 try:
37 get_term_cols_real()
38 except:
39 pass
40 else:
41 get_term_cols=get_term_cols_real
42 get_term_cols.__doc__="""
43 Get the console width in characters.
45 :return: the number of characters per line
46 :rtype: int
47 """
48 def get_color(cl):
49 if not colors_lst['USE']:return''
50 return colors_lst.get(cl,'')
51 class color_dict(object):
52 def __getattr__(self,a):
53 return get_color(a)
54 def __call__(self,a):
55 return get_color(a)
56 colors=color_dict()
57 re_log=re.compile(r'(\w+): (.*)',re.M)
58 class log_filter(logging.Filter):
59 def __init__(self,name=None):
60 pass
61 def filter(self,rec):
62 rec.c1=colors.PINK
63 rec.c2=colors.NORMAL
65 if rec.levelno>=logging.INFO:
66 if rec.levelno>=logging.ERROR:
67 rec.c1=colors.RED
68 elif rec.levelno>=logging.WARNING:
69 rec.c1=colors.YELLOW
70 else:
71 rec.c1=colors.GREEN
72 return True
73 m=re_log.match(rec.msg)
74 if m:
77 if zones:
78 return getattr(rec,'zone','')in zones or'*'in zones
79 elif not verbose>2:
80 return False
81 return True
82 class formatter(logging.Formatter):
83 def __init__(self):
84 logging.Formatter.__init__(self,LOG_FORMAT,HOUR_FORMAT)
85 def format(self,rec):
86 if rec.levelno>=logging.WARNING or rec.levelno==logging.INFO:
87 try:
88 msg=rec.msg.decode('utf-8')
89 except:
90 msg=rec.msg
91 return'%s%s%s'%(rec.c1,msg,rec.c2)
92 return logging.Formatter.format(self,rec)
93 log=None
94 def debug(*k,**kw):
95 if verbose:
96 k=list(k)
97 k[0]=k[0].replace('\n',' ')
98 global log
99 log.debug(*k,**kw)
100 def error(*k,**kw):
101 global log
102 log.error(*k,**kw)
103 if verbose>2:
104 st=traceback.extract_stack()
105 if st:
106 st=st[:-1]
107 buf=[]
108 for filename,lineno,name,line in st:
109 buf.append(' File "%s", line %d, in %s'%(filename,lineno,name))
110 if line:
111 buf.append(' %s'%line.strip())
112 if buf:log.error("\n".join(buf))
113 def warn(*k,**kw):
114 global log
115 log.warn(*k,**kw)
116 def info(*k,**kw):
117 global log
119 def init_log():
120 global log
121 log=logging.getLogger('waflib')
122 log.handlers=[]
123 log.filters=[]
124 hdlr=logging.StreamHandler()
125 hdlr.setFormatter(formatter())
126 log.addHandler(hdlr)
127 log.addFilter(log_filter())
128 log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
129 def make_logger(path,name):
130 logger=logging.getLogger(name)
131 hdlr=logging.FileHandler(path,'w')
132 formatter=logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
133 hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
134 logger.addHandler(hdlr)
135 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
136 return logger
137 def make_mem_logger(name,to_log,size=10000):
138 from logging.handlers import MemoryHandler
139 logger=logging.getLogger(name)
140 hdlr=MemoryHandler(size,target=to_log)
141 formatter=logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
142 hdlr.setFormatter(formatter)
143 logger.addHandler(hdlr)
144 logger.memhandler=hdlr
145 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
146 return logger
147 def pprint(col,str,label='',sep='\n'):
148 sys.stderr.write("%s%s%s %s%s"%(colors(col),str,colors.NORMAL,label,sep))
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import os,re,sys,shutil
7 from waflib import Utils,Errors
8 exclude_regs='''
9 **/*~
10 **/#*#
11 **/.#*
12 **/%*%
13 **/._*
14 **/CVS
15 **/CVS/**
16 **/.cvsignore
17 **/SCCS
18 **/SCCS/**
19 **/vssver.scc
20 **/.svn
21 **/.svn/**
22 **/BitKeeper
23 **/.git
24 **/.git/**
25 **/.gitignore
26 **/.bzr
27 **/.bzrignore
28 **/.bzr/**
29 **/.hg
30 **/.hg/**
31 **/_MTN
32 **/_MTN/**
33 **/.arch-ids
34 **/{arch}
35 **/_darcs
36 **/_darcs/**
37 **/.DS_Store'''
38 def split_path(path):
39 return path.split('/')
40 def split_path_cygwin(path):
41 if path.startswith('//'):
42 ret=path.split('/')[2:]
43 ret[0]='/'+ret[0]
44 return ret
45 return path.split('/')
46 re_sp=re.compile('[/\\\\]')
47 def split_path_win32(path):
48 if path.startswith('\\\\'):
49 ret=re.split(re_sp,path)[2:]
50 ret[0]='\\'+ret[0]
51 return ret
52 return re.split(re_sp,path)
53 if sys.platform=='cygwin':
54 split_path=split_path_cygwin
55 elif Utils.is_win32:
56 split_path=split_path_win32
57 class Node(object):
58 __slots__=('name','sig','children','parent','cache_abspath','cache_isdir')
59 def __init__(self,name,parent):
61 self.parent=parent
62 if parent:
63 if name in parent.children:
64 raise Errors.WafError('node %s exists in the parent files %r already'%(name,parent))
65 parent.children[name]=self
66 def __setstate__(self,data):
68 self.parent=data[1]
69 if data[2]is not None:
70 self.children=data[2]
71 if data[3]is not None:
72 self.sig=data[3]
73 def __getstate__(self):
74 return(,self.parent,getattr(self,'children',None),getattr(self,'sig',None))
75 def __str__(self):
76 return
77 def __repr__(self):
78 return self.abspath()
79 def __hash__(self):
80 return id(self)
81 def __eq__(self,node):
82 return id(self)==id(node)
83 def __copy__(self):
84 raise Errors.WafError('nodes are not supposed to be copied')
85 def read(self,flags='r'):
86 return Utils.readf(self.abspath(),flags)
87 def write(self,data,flags='w'):
88 f=None
89 try:
90 f=open(self.abspath(),flags)
91 f.write(data)
92 finally:
93 if f:
94 f.close()
95 def chmod(self,val):
96 os.chmod(self.abspath(),val)
97 def delete(self):
98 try:
99 if getattr(self,'children',None):
100 shutil.rmtree(self.abspath())
101 else:
102 os.unlink(self.abspath())
103 except:
104 pass
105 try:
106 delattr(self,'children')
107 except:
108 pass
109 def suffix(self):
110 k=max(0,'.'))
111 return[k:]
112 def height(self):
113 d=self
114 val=-1
115 while d:
116 d=d.parent
117 val+=1
118 return val
119 def listdir(self):
120 lst=Utils.listdir(self.abspath())
121 lst.sort()
122 return lst
123 def mkdir(self):
124 if getattr(self,'cache_isdir',None):
125 return
126 try:
127 self.parent.mkdir()
128 except:
129 pass
130 if
131 try:
132 os.makedirs(self.abspath())
133 except OSError:
134 pass
135 if not os.path.isdir(self.abspath()):
136 raise Errors.WafError('Could not create the directory %s'%self.abspath())
137 try:
138 self.children
139 except:
140 self.children={}
141 self.cache_isdir=True
142 def find_node(self,lst):
143 if isinstance(lst,str):
144 lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.']
145 cur=self
146 for x in lst:
147 if x=='..':
148 cur=cur.parent or cur
149 continue
150 try:
151 if x in cur.children:
152 cur=cur.children[x]
153 continue
154 except:
155 cur.children={}
156 cur=self.__class__(x,cur)
157 try:
158 os.stat(cur.abspath())
159 except:
160 del cur.parent.children[x]
161 return None
162 ret=cur
163 try:
164 os.stat(ret.abspath())
165 except:
166 del ret.parent.children[]
167 return None
168 try:
169 while not getattr(cur.parent,'cache_isdir',None):
170 cur=cur.parent
171 cur.cache_isdir=True
172 except AttributeError:
173 pass
174 return ret
175 def make_node(self,lst):
176 if isinstance(lst,str):
177 lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.']
178 cur=self
179 for x in lst:
180 if x=='..':
181 cur=cur.parent or cur
182 continue
183 if getattr(cur,'children',{}):
184 if x in cur.children:
185 cur=cur.children[x]
186 continue
187 else:
188 cur.children={}
189 cur=self.__class__(x,cur)
190 return cur
191 def search(self,lst):
192 if isinstance(lst,str):
193 lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.']
194 cur=self
195 try:
196 for x in lst:
197 if x=='..':
198 cur=cur.parent or cur
199 else:
200 cur=cur.children[x]
201 return cur
202 except:
203 pass
204 def path_from(self,node):
205 c1=self
206 c2=node
207 c1h=c1.height()
208 c2h=c2.height()
209 lst=[]
210 up=0
211 while c1h>c2h:
212 lst.append(
213 c1=c1.parent
214 c1h-=1
215 while c2h>c1h:
216 up+=1
217 c2=c2.parent
218 c2h-=1
219 while id(c1)!=id(c2):
220 lst.append(
221 up+=1
222 c1=c1.parent
223 c2=c2.parent
224 for i in range(up):
225 lst.append('..')
226 lst.reverse()
227 return os.sep.join(lst)or'.'
228 def abspath(self):
229 try:
230 return self.cache_abspath
231 except:
232 pass
233 if os.sep=='/':
234 if not self.parent:
235 val=os.sep
236 elif not
238 else:
239 val=self.parent.abspath()
240 else:
241 if not self.parent:
242 val=''
243 elif not
245 else:
246 val=self.parent.abspath().rstrip(os.sep)
247 self.cache_abspath=val
248 return val
249 def is_child_of(self,node):
250 p=self
251 diff=self.height()-node.height()
252 while diff>0:
253 diff-=1
254 p=p.parent
255 return id(p)==id(node)
256 def ant_iter(self,accept=None,maxdepth=25,pats=[],dir=False,src=True,remove=True):
257 dircont=self.listdir()
258 dircont.sort()
259 try:
260 lst=set(self.children.keys())
261 if remove:
262 for x in lst-set(dircont):
263 del self.children[x]
264 except:
265 self.children={}
266 for name in dircont:
267 npats=accept(name,pats)
268 if npats and npats[0]:
269 accepted=[]in npats[0]
270 node=self.make_node([name])
271 isdir=os.path.isdir(node.abspath())
272 if accepted:
273 if isdir:
274 if dir:
275 yield node
276 else:
277 if src:
278 yield node
279 if getattr(node,'cache_isdir',None)or isdir:
280 node.cache_isdir=True
281 if maxdepth:
282 for k in node.ant_iter(accept=accept,maxdepth=maxdepth-1,pats=npats,dir=dir,src=src,remove=remove):
283 yield k
284 raise StopIteration
285 def ant_glob(self,*k,**kw):
286 src=kw.get('src',True)
287 dir=kw.get('dir',False)
288 excl=kw.get('excl',exclude_regs)
289 incl=k and k[0]or kw.get('incl','**')
290 def to_pat(s):
291 lst=Utils.to_list(s)
292 ret=[]
293 for x in lst:
294 x=x.replace('\\','/').replace('//','/')
295 if x.endswith('/'):
296 x+='**'
297 lst2=x.split('/')
298 accu=[]
299 for k in lst2:
300 if k=='**':
301 accu.append(k)
302 else:
303 k=k.replace('.','[.]').replace('*','.*').replace('?','.').replace('+','\\+')
304 k='^%s$'%k
305 try:
306 accu.append(re.compile(k))
307 except Exception ,e:
308 raise Errors.WafError("Invalid pattern: %s"%k,e)
309 ret.append(accu)
310 return ret
311 def filtre(name,nn):
312 ret=[]
313 for lst in nn:
314 if not lst:
315 pass
316 elif lst[0]=='**':
317 ret.append(lst)
318 if len(lst)>1:
319 if lst[1].match(name):
320 ret.append(lst[2:])
321 else:
322 ret.append([])
323 elif lst[0].match(name):
324 ret.append(lst[1:])
325 return ret
326 def accept(name,pats):
327 nacc=filtre(name,pats[0])
328 nrej=filtre(name,pats[1])
329 if[]in nrej:
330 nacc=[]
331 return[nacc,nrej]
332 ret=[x for x in self.ant_iter(accept=accept,pats=[to_pat(incl),to_pat(excl)],maxdepth=25,dir=dir,src=src,remove=kw.get('remove',True))]
333 if kw.get('flat',False):
334 return' '.join([x.path_from(self)for x in ret])
335 return ret
336 def find_nodes(self,find_dirs=True,find_files=True,match_fun=lambda x:True):
337 x="""
338 Recursively finds nodes::
340 def configure(cnf):
341 cnf.find_nodes()
343 :param find_dirs: whether to return directories
344 :param find_files: whether to return files
345 :param match_fun: matching function, taking a node as parameter
346 :rtype generator
347 :return: a generator that iterates over all the requested files
348 """
349 files=self.listdir()
350 for f in files:
351 node=self.make_node([f])
352 if os.path.isdir(node.abspath()):
353 if find_dirs and match_fun(node):
354 yield node
355 gen=node.find_nodes(find_dirs,find_files,match_fun)
356 for g in gen:
357 yield g
358 else:
359 if find_files and match_fun(node):
360 yield node
361 def is_src(self):
362 cur=self
363 x=id(self.ctx.srcnode)
364 y=id(self.ctx.bldnode)
365 while cur.parent:
366 if id(cur)==y:
367 return False
368 if id(cur)==x:
369 return True
370 cur=cur.parent
371 return False
372 def is_bld(self):
373 cur=self
374 y=id(self.ctx.bldnode)
375 while cur.parent:
376 if id(cur)==y:
377 return True
378 cur=cur.parent
379 return False
380 def get_src(self):
381 cur=self
382 x=id(self.ctx.srcnode)
383 y=id(self.ctx.bldnode)
384 lst=[]
385 while cur.parent:
386 if id(cur)==y:
387 lst.reverse()
388 return self.ctx.srcnode.make_node(lst)
389 if id(cur)==x:
390 return self
391 lst.append(
392 cur=cur.parent
393 return self
394 def get_bld(self):
395 cur=self
396 x=id(self.ctx.srcnode)
397 y=id(self.ctx.bldnode)
398 lst=[]
399 while cur.parent:
400 if id(cur)==y:
401 return self
402 if id(cur)==x:
403 lst.reverse()
404 return self.ctx.bldnode.make_node(lst)
405 lst.append(
406 cur=cur.parent
407 lst.reverse()
408 if lst and Utils.is_win32 and len(lst[0])==2 and lst[0].endswith(':'):
409 lst[0]=lst[0][0]
410 return self.ctx.bldnode.make_node(['__root__']+lst)
411 def find_resource(self,lst):
412 if isinstance(lst,str):
413 lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.']
414 node=self.get_bld().search(lst)
415 if not node:
416 self=self.get_src()
417 node=self.find_node(lst)
418 try:
419 pat=node.abspath()
420 if os.path.isdir(pat):
421 return None
422 except:
423 pass
424 return node
425 def find_or_declare(self,lst):
426 if isinstance(lst,str):
427 lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.']
428 node=self.get_bld().search(lst)
429 if node:
430 if not os.path.isfile(node.abspath()):
431 node.sig=None
432 try:
433 node.parent.mkdir()
434 except:
435 pass
436 return node
437 self=self.get_src()
438 node=self.find_node(lst)
439 if node:
440 if not os.path.isfile(node.abspath()):
441 node.sig=None
442 try:
443 node.parent.mkdir()
444 except:
445 pass
446 return node
447 node=self.get_bld().make_node(lst)
448 node.parent.mkdir()
449 return node
450 def find_dir(self,lst):
451 if isinstance(lst,str):
452 lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.']
453 node=self.find_node(lst)
454 try:
455 if not os.path.isdir(node.abspath()):
456 return None
457 except(OSError,AttributeError):
458 return None
459 return node
460 def change_ext(self,ext,ext_in=None):
462 if ext_in is None:
463 k=name.rfind('.')
464 if k>=0:
465 name=name[:k]+ext
466 else:
467 name=name+ext
468 else:
469 name=name[:-len(ext_in)]+ext
470 return self.parent.find_or_declare([name])
471 def nice_path(self,env=None):
472 return self.path_from(self.ctx.launch_node())
473 def bldpath(self):
474 return self.path_from(self.ctx.bldnode)
475 def srcpath(self):
476 return self.path_from(self.ctx.srcnode)
477 def relpath(self):
478 cur=self
479 x=id(self.ctx.bldnode)
480 while cur.parent:
481 if id(cur)==x:
482 return self.bldpath()
483 cur=cur.parent
484 return self.srcpath()
485 def bld_dir(self):
486 return self.parent.bldpath()
487 def bld_base(self):
488 s=os.path.splitext([0]
489 return self.bld_dir()+os.sep+s
490 def get_bld_sig(self):
491 try:
492 ret=self.ctx.hash_cache[id(self)]
493 except KeyError:
494 pass
495 except AttributeError:
496 self.ctx.hash_cache={}
497 else:
498 return ret
499 if not self.is_bld()or self.ctx.bldnode is self.ctx.srcnode:
500 self.sig=Utils.h_file(self.abspath())
501 self.ctx.hash_cache[id(self)]=ret=self.sig
502 return ret
503 pickle_lock=Utils.threading.Lock()
504 class Nod3(Node):
505 pass
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,tempfile,optparse,sys,re
5 from waflib import Logs,Utils,Context
6 cmds='distclean configure build install clean uninstall check dist distcheck'.split()
7 options={}
8 commands=[]
9 lockfile=os.environ.get('WAFLOCK','.lock-waf_%s_build'%sys.platform)
10 try:cache_global=os.path.abspath(os.environ['WAFCACHE'])
11 except KeyError:cache_global=''
12 platform=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
13 class opt_parser(optparse.OptionParser):
14 def __init__(self,ctx):
15 optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self,conflict_handler="resolve",version='waf %s (%s)'%(Context.WAFVERSION,Context.WAFREVISION))
16 self.formatter.width=Logs.get_term_cols()
17 p=self.add_option
18 self.ctx=ctx
20 p('-j','--jobs',dest='jobs',default=jobs,type='int',help='amount of parallel jobs (%r)'%jobs)
21 p('-k','--keep',dest='keep',default=0,action='count',help='keep running happily even if errors are found')
22 p('-v','--verbose',dest='verbose',default=0,action='count',help='verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [default: 0]')
23 p('--nocache',dest='nocache',default=False,action='store_true',help='ignore the WAFCACHE (if set)')
24 p('--zones',dest='zones',default='',action='store',help='debugging zones (task_gen, deps, tasks, etc)')
25 gr=optparse.OptionGroup(self,'configure options')
26 self.add_option_group(gr)
27 gr.add_option('-o','--out',action='store',default='',help='build dir for the project',dest='out')
28 gr.add_option('-t','--top',action='store',default='',help='src dir for the project',dest='top')
29 default_prefix=os.environ.get('PREFIX')
30 if not default_prefix:
31 if platform=='win32':
32 d=tempfile.gettempdir()
33 default_prefix=d[0].upper()+d[1:]
34 else:
35 default_prefix='/usr/local/'
36 gr.add_option('--prefix',dest='prefix',default=default_prefix,help='installation prefix [default: %r]'%default_prefix)
37 gr.add_option('--download',dest='download',default=False,action='store_true',help='try to download the tools if missing')
38 gr=optparse.OptionGroup(self,'build and install options')
39 self.add_option_group(gr)
40 gr.add_option('-p','--progress',dest='progress_bar',default=0,action='count',help='-p: progress bar; -pp: ide output')
41 gr.add_option('--targets',dest='targets',default='',action='store',help='task generators, e.g. "target1,target2"')
42 gr=optparse.OptionGroup(self,'step options')
43 self.add_option_group(gr)
44 gr.add_option('--files',dest='files',default='',action='store',help='files to process, by regexp, e.g. "*/main.c,*/test/main.o"')
45 default_destdir=os.environ.get('DESTDIR','')
46 gr=optparse.OptionGroup(self,'install/uninstall options')
47 self.add_option_group(gr)
48 gr.add_option('--destdir',help='installation root [default: %r]'%default_destdir,default=default_destdir,dest='destdir')
49 gr.add_option('-f','--force',dest='force',default=False,action='store_true',help='force file installation')
50 def get_usage(self):
51 cmds_str={}
52 for cls in Context.classes:
53 if not cls.cmd or cls.cmd=='options':
54 continue
55 s=cls.__doc__ or''
56 cmds_str[cls.cmd]=s
57 if Context.g_module:
58 for(k,v)in Context.g_module.__dict__.items():
59 if k in['options','init','shutdown']:
60 continue
61 if type(v)is type(Context.create_context):
62 if v.__doc__ and not k.startswith('_'):
63 cmds_str[k]=v.__doc__
64 just=0
65 for k in cmds_str:
66 just=max(just,len(k))
67 lst=[' %s: %s'%(k.ljust(just),v)for(k,v)in cmds_str.items()]
68 lst.sort()
69 ret='\n'.join(lst)
70 return'''waf [commands] [options]
72 Main commands (example: ./waf build -j4)
73 %s
74 '''%ret
75 class OptionsContext(Context.Context):
76 cmd='options'
77 fun='options'
78 def __init__(self,**kw):
79 super(OptionsContext,self).__init__(**kw)
80 self.parser=opt_parser(self)
81 self.option_groups={}
82 def jobs(self):
83 count=int(os.environ.get('JOBS',0))
84 if count<1:
85 if'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'in os.environ:
86 count=int(os.environ.get('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS',1))
87 else:
88 if hasattr(os,'sysconf_names'):
89 if'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN'in os.sysconf_names:
90 count=int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN'))
91 elif'SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF'in os.sysconf_names:
92 count=int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF'))
93 if not count and not in('nt','java'):
94 try:
95 tmp=self.cmd_and_log(['sysctl','-n','hw.ncpu'],quiet=0)
96 except Exception:
97 pass
98 else:
99 if re.match('^[0-9]+$',tmp):
100 count=int(tmp)
101 if count<1:
102 count=1
103 elif count>1024:
104 count=1024
105 return count
106 def add_option(self,*k,**kw):
107 self.parser.add_option(*k,**kw)
108 def add_option_group(self,*k,**kw):
109 try:
110 gr=self.option_groups[k[0]]
111 except:
112 gr=self.parser.add_option_group(*k,**kw)
113 self.option_groups[k[0]]=gr
114 return gr
115 def get_option_group(self,opt_str):
116 try:
117 return self.option_groups[opt_str]
118 except KeyError:
119 for group in self.parser.option_groups:
120 if group.title==opt_str:
121 return group
122 return None
123 def parse_args(self,_args=None):
124 global options,commands
125 (options,leftover_args)=self.parser.parse_args(args=_args)
126 commands=leftover_args
127 if options.destdir:
128 options.destdir=os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options.destdir))
129 if options.verbose>=1:
130 self.load('errcheck')
131 def execute(self):
132 super(OptionsContext,self).execute()
133 self.parse_args()
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import random,atexit
5 try:
6 from queue import Queue
7 except:
8 from Queue import Queue
9 from waflib import Utils,Task,Errors,Logs
10 GAP=10
11 class TaskConsumer(Utils.threading.Thread):
12 def __init__(self):
13 Utils.threading.Thread.__init__(self)
14 self.ready=Queue()
15 self.setDaemon(1)
16 self.start()
17 def run(self):
18 try:
19 self.loop()
20 except:
21 pass
22 def loop(self):
23 while 1:
24 tsk=self.ready.get()
25 if not isinstance(tsk,Task.TaskBase):
26 tsk(self)
27 else:
28 tsk.process()
29 pool=Queue()
30 def get_pool():
31 try:
32 return pool.get(False)
33 except:
34 return TaskConsumer()
35 def put_pool(x):
36 pool.put(x)
37 def _free_resources():
38 global pool
39 lst=[]
40 while pool.qsize():
41 lst.append(pool.get())
42 for x in lst:
43 x.ready.put(None)
44 for x in lst:
45 x.join()
46 pool=None
47 atexit.register(_free_resources)
48 class Parallel(object):
49 def __init__(self,bld,j=2):
50 self.numjobs=j
51 self.bld=bld
52 self.outstanding=[]
53 self.frozen=[]
54 self.out=Queue(0)
55 self.count=0
56 self.processed=1
57 self.stop=False
58 self.error=[]
59 self.biter=None
60 self.dirty=False
61 def get_next_task(self):
62 if not self.outstanding:
63 return None
64 return self.outstanding.pop(0)
65 def postpone(self,tsk):
66 if random.randint(0,1):
67 self.frozen.insert(0,tsk)
68 else:
69 self.frozen.append(tsk)
70 def refill_task_list(self):
71 while self.count>self.numjobs*GAP:
72 self.get_out()
73 while not self.outstanding:
74 if self.count:
75 self.get_out()
76 elif self.frozen:
77 try:
78 cond=self.deadlock==self.processed
79 except:
80 pass
81 else:
82 if cond:
83 msg='check the build order for the tasks'
84 for tsk in self.frozen:
85 if not tsk.run_after:
86 msg='check the methods runnable_status'
87 break
88 lst=[]
89 for tsk in self.frozen:
90 lst.append('%s\t-> %r'%(repr(tsk),[id(x)for x in tsk.run_after]))
91 raise Errors.WafError('Deadlock detected: %s%s'%(msg,''.join(lst)))
92 self.deadlock=self.processed
93 if self.frozen:
94 self.outstanding+=self.frozen
95 self.frozen=[]
96 elif not self.count:
97 self.outstanding.extend(
99 break
100 def add_more_tasks(self,tsk):
101 if getattr(tsk,'more_tasks',None):
102 self.outstanding+=tsk.more_tasks
104 def get_out(self):
105 tsk=self.out.get()
106 if not self.stop:
107 self.add_more_tasks(tsk)
108 self.count-=1
109 self.dirty=True
110 return tsk
111 def error_handler(self,tsk):
112 if not self.bld.keep:
113 self.stop=True
114 self.error.append(tsk)
115 def add_task(self,tsk):
116 try:
117 self.pool
118 except AttributeError:
119 self.init_task_pool()
120 self.ready.put(tsk)
121 def init_task_pool(self):
122 pool=self.pool=[get_pool()for i in range(self.numjobs)]
123 self.ready=Queue(0)
124 def setq(consumer):
125 consumer.ready=self.ready
126 for x in pool:
127 x.ready.put(setq)
128 return pool
129 def free_task_pool(self):
130 def setq(consumer):
131 consumer.ready=Queue(0)
132 self.out.put(self)
133 try:
134 pool=self.pool
135 except:
136 pass
137 else:
138 for x in pool:
139 self.ready.put(setq)
140 for x in pool:
141 self.get_out()
142 for x in pool:
143 put_pool(x)
144 self.pool=[]
145 def start(self):
147 while not self.stop:
148 self.refill_task_list()
149 tsk=self.get_next_task()
150 if not tsk:
151 if self.count:
152 continue
153 else:
154 break
155 if tsk.hasrun:
156 self.processed+=1
157 continue
158 if self.stop:
159 break
160 try:
161 st=tsk.runnable_status()
162 except Exception:
163 self.processed+=1
164 tsk.err_msg=Utils.ex_stack()
165 if not self.stop and self.bld.keep:
166 tsk.hasrun=Task.SKIPPED
167 if self.bld.keep==1:
168 if Logs.verbose>1 or not self.error:
169 self.error.append(tsk)
170 self.stop=True
171 else:
172 if Logs.verbose>1:
173 self.error.append(tsk)
174 continue
175 tsk.hasrun=Task.EXCEPTION
176 self.error_handler(tsk)
177 continue
178 if st==Task.ASK_LATER:
179 self.postpone(tsk)
180 elif st==Task.SKIP_ME:
181 self.processed+=1
182 tsk.hasrun=Task.SKIPPED
183 self.add_more_tasks(tsk)
184 else:
185 tsk.position=(self.processed,
186 self.count+=1
187 tsk.master=self
188 self.processed+=1
189 if self.numjobs==1:
190 tsk.process()
191 else:
192 self.add_task(tsk)
193 while self.error and self.count:
194 self.get_out()
195 assert(self.count==0 or self.stop)
196 self.free_task_pool()
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,shutil,traceback,errno,sys,stat
5 from waflib import Utils,Configure,Logs,Options,ConfigSet,Context,Errors,Build,Node
6 build_dir_override=None
7 no_climb_commands=['configure']
8 default_cmd="build"
9 def waf_entry_point(current_directory,version,wafdir):
10 Logs.init_log()
11 if Context.WAFVERSION!=version:
12 Logs.error('Waf script %r and library %r do not match (directory %r)'%(version,Context.WAFVERSION,wafdir))
13 sys.exit(1)
14 if'--version'in sys.argv:
15 Context.run_dir=current_directory
16 ctx=Context.create_context('options')
17 ctx.curdir=current_directory
18 ctx.parse_args()
19 sys.exit(0)
20 Context.waf_dir=wafdir
21 Context.launch_dir=current_directory
22 no_climb=os.environ.get('NOCLIMB',None)
23 if not no_climb:
24 for k in no_climb_commands:
25 if k in sys.argv:
26 no_climb=True
27 break
28 cur=current_directory
29 while cur:
30 lst=os.listdir(cur)
31 if Options.lockfile in lst:
32 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
33 try:
34 env.load(os.path.join(cur,Options.lockfile))
35 ino=os.stat(cur)[stat.ST_INO]
36 except Exception:
37 pass
38 else:
39 for x in[env.run_dir,env.top_dir,env.out_dir]:
40 if Utils.is_win32:
41 if cur==x:
42 load=True
43 break
44 else:
45 try:
46 ino2=os.stat(x)[stat.ST_INO]
47 except:
48 pass
49 else:
50 if ino==ino2:
51 load=True
52 break
53 else:
54 Logs.warn('invalid lock file in %s'%cur)
55 load=False
56 if load:
57 Context.run_dir=env.run_dir
58 Context.top_dir=env.top_dir
59 Context.out_dir=env.out_dir
60 break
61 if not Context.run_dir:
62 if Context.WSCRIPT_FILE in lst:
63 Context.run_dir=cur
64 next=os.path.dirname(cur)
65 if next==cur:
66 break
67 cur=next
68 if no_climb:
69 break
70 if not Context.run_dir:
71 if'-h'in sys.argv or'--help'in sys.argv:
72 Logs.warn('No wscript file found: the help message may be incomplete')
73 Context.run_dir=current_directory
74 ctx=Context.create_context('options')
75 ctx.curdir=current_directory
76 ctx.parse_args()
77 sys.exit(0)
78 Logs.error('Waf: Run from a directory containing a file named %r'%Context.WSCRIPT_FILE)
79 sys.exit(1)
80 try:
81 os.chdir(Context.run_dir)
82 except OSError:
83 Logs.error('Waf: The folder %r is unreadable'%Context.run_dir)
84 sys.exit(1)
85 try:
86 set_main_module(Context.run_dir+os.sep+Context.WSCRIPT_FILE)
87 except Errors.WafError ,e:
88 Logs.pprint('RED',e.verbose_msg)
89 Logs.error(str(e))
90 sys.exit(1)
91 except Exception ,e:
92 Logs.error('Waf: The wscript in %r is unreadable'%Context.run_dir,e)
93 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
94 sys.exit(2)
95 try:
96 run_commands()
97 except Errors.WafError ,e:
98 if Logs.verbose>1:
99 Logs.pprint('RED',e.verbose_msg)
100 Logs.error(e.msg)
101 sys.exit(1)
102 except Exception ,e:
103 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
104 sys.exit(2)
105 except KeyboardInterrupt:
106 Logs.pprint('RED','Interrupted')
107 sys.exit(68)
108 def set_main_module(file_path):
109 Context.g_module=Context.load_module(file_path)
110 Context.g_module.root_path=file_path
111 def set_def(obj):
112 name=obj.__name__
113 if not name in Context.g_module.__dict__:
114 setattr(Context.g_module,name,obj)
115 for k in[update,dist,distclean,distcheck,update]:
116 set_def(k)
117 if not'init'in Context.g_module.__dict__:
118 Context.g_module.init=Utils.nada
119 if not'shutdown'in Context.g_module.__dict__:
120 Context.g_module.shutdown=Utils.nada
121 if not'options'in Context.g_module.__dict__:
122 Context.g_module.options=Utils.nada
123 def parse_options():
124 Context.create_context('options').execute()
125 if not Options.commands:
126 Options.commands=[default_cmd]
127 Options.commands=[x for x in Options.commands if x!='options']
128 Logs.verbose=Options.options.verbose
129 Logs.init_log()
130 if Options.options.zones:
131 Logs.zones=Options.options.zones.split(',')
132 if not Logs.verbose:
133 Logs.verbose=1
134 elif Logs.verbose>0:
135 Logs.zones=['runner']
136 if Logs.verbose>2:
137 Logs.zones=['*']
138 def run_command(cmd_name):
139 ctx=Context.create_context(cmd_name)
140 ctx.options=Options.options
141 ctx.cmd=cmd_name
142 ctx.execute()
143 return ctx
144 def run_commands():
145 parse_options()
146 run_command('init')
147 while Options.commands:
148 cmd_name=Options.commands.pop(0)
149 timer=Utils.Timer()
150 run_command(cmd_name)
151 if not Options.options.progress_bar:
152 elapsed=' (%s)'%str(timer)
153'%r finished successfully%s'%(cmd_name,elapsed))
154 run_command('shutdown')
155 def _can_distclean(name):
156 for k in'.o .moc .exe'.split():
157 if name.endswith(k):
158 return True
159 return False
160 def distclean_dir(dirname):
161 for(root,dirs,files)in os.walk(dirname):
162 for f in files:
163 if _can_distclean(f):
164 fname=root+os.sep+f
165 try:
166 os.unlink(fname)
167 except:
168 Logs.warn('could not remove %r'%fname)
169 for x in[Context.DBFILE,'config.log']:
170 try:
171 os.unlink(x)
172 except:
173 pass
174 try:
175 shutil.rmtree('c4che')
176 except:
177 pass
178 def distclean(ctx):
179 '''removes the build directory'''
180 lst=os.listdir('.')
181 for f in lst:
182 if f==Options.lockfile:
183 try:
184 proj=ConfigSet.ConfigSet(f)
185 except:
186 Logs.warn('could not read %r'%f)
187 continue
188 if proj['out_dir']!=proj['top_dir']:
189 try:
190 shutil.rmtree(proj['out_dir'])
191 except IOError:
192 pass
193 except OSError ,e:
194 if e.errno!=errno.ENOENT:
195 Logs.warn('project %r cannot be removed'%proj[Context.OUT])
196 else:
197 distclean_dir(proj['out_dir'])
198 for k in(proj['out_dir'],proj['top_dir'],proj['run_dir']):
199 try:
200 os.remove(os.path.join(k,Options.lockfile))
201 except OSError ,e:
202 if e.errno!=errno.ENOENT:
203 Logs.warn('file %r cannot be removed'%f)
204 if f.startswith('.waf')and not Options.commands:
205 shutil.rmtree(f,ignore_errors=True)
206 class Dist(Context.Context):
207 cmd='dist'
208 fun='dist'
209 algo='tar.bz2'
210 ext_algo={}
211 def execute(self):
212 self.recurse([os.path.dirname(Context.g_module.root_path)])
213 self.archive()
214 def archive(self):
215 import tarfile
216 arch_name=self.get_arch_name()
217 try:
218 self.base_path
219 except:
220 self.base_path=self.path
221 node=self.base_path.make_node(arch_name)
222 try:
223 node.delete()
224 except:
225 pass
226 files=self.get_files()
227 if self.algo.startswith('tar.'):
229 for x in files:
230 self.add_tar_file(x,tar)
231 tar.close()
232 elif self.algo=='zip':
233 import zipfile
234 zip=zipfile.ZipFile(arch_name,'w',compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
235 for x in files:
236 archive_name=self.get_base_name()+'/'+x.path_from(self.base_path)
237 zip.write(x.abspath(),archive_name,zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
238 zip.close()
239 else:
240 self.fatal('Valid algo types are tar.bz2, tar.gz or zip')
241 try:
242 from hashlib import sha1 as sha
243 except ImportError:
244 from sha import sha
245 try:
246 digest=" (sha=%r)"%sha(
247 except:
248 digest=''
249'New archive created: %s%s'%(self.arch_name,digest))
250 def get_tar_path(self,node):
251 return node.abspath()
252 def add_tar_file(self,x,tar):
253 p=self.get_tar_path(x)
254 tinfo=tar.gettarinfo(name=p,arcname=self.get_tar_prefix()+'/'+x.path_from(self.base_path))
255 tinfo.uid=0
256 tinfo.gid=0
257 tinfo.uname='root'
258 tinfo.gname='root'
259 fu=None
260 try:
261 fu=open(p,'rb')
262 tar.addfile(tinfo,fileobj=fu)
263 finally:
264 if fu:
265 fu.close()
266 def get_tar_prefix(self):
267 try:
268 return self.tar_prefix
269 except:
270 return self.get_base_name()
271 def get_arch_name(self):
272 try:
273 self.arch_name
274 except:
275 self.arch_name=self.get_base_name()+'.'+self.ext_algo.get(self.algo,self.algo)
276 return self.arch_name
277 def get_base_name(self):
278 try:
279 self.base_name
280 except:
281 appname=getattr(Context.g_module,Context.APPNAME,'noname')
282 version=getattr(Context.g_module,Context.VERSION,'1.0')
283 self.base_name=appname+'-'+version
284 return self.base_name
285 def get_excl(self):
286 try:
287 return self.excl
288 except:
289 self.excl=Node.exclude_regs+' **/waf-1.6.* **/.waf-1.6* **/waf3-1.6.* **/.waf3-1.6* **/*~ **/*.rej **/*.orig **/*.pyc **/*.pyo **/*.bak **/*.swp **/.lock-w*'
290 nd=self.root.find_node(Context.out_dir)
291 if nd:
292 self.excl+=' '+nd.path_from(self.base_path)
293 return self.excl
294 def get_files(self):
295 try:
296 files=self.files
297 except:
298 files=self.base_path.ant_glob('**/*',excl=self.get_excl())
299 return files
300 def dist(ctx):
301 '''makes a tarball for redistributing the sources'''
302 pass
303 class DistCheck(Dist):
304 fun='distcheck'
305 cmd='distcheck'
306 def execute(self):
307 self.recurse([os.path.dirname(Context.g_module.root_path)])
308 self.archive()
309 self.check()
310 def check(self):
311 import tempfile,tarfile
312 t=None
313 try:
315 for x in t:
316 t.extract(x)
317 finally:
318 if t:
319 t.close()
320 instdir=tempfile.mkdtemp('.inst',self.get_base_name())
321 ret=Utils.subprocess.Popen([sys.argv[0],'configure','install','uninstall','--destdir='+instdir],cwd=self.get_base_name()).wait()
322 if ret:
323 raise Errors.WafError('distcheck failed with code %i'%ret)
324 if os.path.exists(instdir):
325 raise Errors.WafError('distcheck succeeded, but files were left in %s'%instdir)
326 shutil.rmtree(self.get_base_name())
327 def distcheck(ctx):
328 '''checks if the project compiles (tarball from 'dist')'''
329 pass
330 def update(ctx):
331 '''updates the plugins from the *waflib/extras* directory'''
332 lst=Options.options.files.split(',')
333 if not lst:
334 lst=[x for x in Utils.listdir(Context.waf_dir+'/waflib/extras')if x.endswith('.py')]
335 for x in lst:
336 tool=x.replace('.py','')
337 try:
338 Configure.download_tool(tool,force=True,ctx=ctx)
339 except Errors.WafError:
340 Logs.error('Could not find the tool %s in the remote repository'%x)
341 def autoconfigure(execute_method):
342 def execute(self):
343 if not Configure.autoconfig:
344 return execute_method(self)
345 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
346 do_config=False
347 try:
348 env.load(os.path.join(Context.top_dir,Options.lockfile))
349 except Exception:
350 Logs.warn('Configuring the project')
351 do_config=True
352 else:
353 if env.run_dir!=Context.run_dir:
354 do_config=True
355 else:
356 h=0
357 for f in env['files']:
358 h=hash((h,Utils.readf(f,'rb')))
359 do_config=h!=env.hash
360 if do_config:
361 Options.commands.insert(0,self.cmd)
362 Options.commands.insert(0,'configure')
363 return
364 return execute_method(self)
365 return execute
366 Build.BuildContext.execute=autoconfigure(Build.BuildContext.execute)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import os,shutil,re,tempfile
7 from waflib import Utils,Logs,Errors
15 SKIP_ME=-2
16 RUN_ME=-3
18 def f(tsk):
19 env = tsk.env
20 gen = tsk.generator
21 bld = gen.bld
22 wd = getattr(tsk, 'cwd', None)
23 p = env.get_flat
24 tsk.last_cmd = cmd = \'\'\' %s \'\'\' % s
25 return tsk.exec_command(cmd, cwd=wd, env=env.env or None)
26 '''
28 def f(tsk):
29 env = tsk.env
30 gen = tsk.generator
31 bld = gen.bld
32 wd = getattr(tsk, 'cwd', None)
33 def to_list(xx):
34 if isinstance(xx, str): return [xx]
35 return xx
36 tsk.last_cmd = lst = []
37 %s
38 lst = [x for x in lst if x]
39 return tsk.exec_command(lst, cwd=wd, env=env.env or None)
40 '''
41 def cache_outputs(cls):
43 def run(self):
44 bld=self.generator.bld
45 if bld.cache_global and not bld.nocache:
46 if self.can_retrieve_cache():
47 return 0
48 return m1(self)
50 m2=cls.post_run
51 def post_run(self):
52 bld=self.generator.bld
53 ret=m2(self)
54 if bld.cache_global and not bld.nocache:
55 self.put_files_cache()
56 return ret
57 cls.post_run=post_run
58 return cls
59 classes={}
60 class store_task_type(type):
61 def __init__(cls,name,bases,dict):
62 super(store_task_type,cls).__init__(name,bases,dict)
63 name=cls.__name__
64 if name.endswith('_task'):
65 name=name.replace('_task','')
66 if name!='evil'and name!='TaskBase':
67 global classes
68 if getattr(cls,'run_str',None):
69 (f,dvars)=compile_fun(cls.run_str,
70 cls.hcode=cls.run_str
71 cls.run_str=None
73 cls.vars=list(set(cls.vars+dvars))
74 cls.vars.sort()
75 elif getattr(cls,'run',None)and not'hcode'in cls.__dict__:
76 cls.hcode=Utils.h_fun(
77 if not getattr(cls,'nocache',None):
78 cls=cache_outputs(cls)
79 classes[name]=cls
80 evil=store_task_type('evil',(object,),{})
81 class TaskBase(evil):
82 color='GREEN'
83 ext_in=[]
84 ext_out=[]
85 before=[]
86 after=[]
87 hcode=''
88 def __init__(self,*k,**kw):
89 self.hasrun=NOT_RUN
90 try:
91 self.generator=kw['generator']
92 except KeyError:
93 self.generator=self
94 def __repr__(self):
95 return'\n\t{task %r: %s %s}'%(self.__class__.__name__,id(self),str(getattr(self,'fun','')))
96 def __str__(self):
97 if hasattr(self,'fun'):
98 return'executing: %s\n'
99 return self.__class__.__name__+'\n'
100 def __hash__(self):
101 return id(self)
102 def exec_command(self,cmd,**kw):
103 bld=self.generator.bld
104 try:
105 if not kw.get('cwd',None):
106 kw['cwd']=bld.cwd
107 except AttributeError:
108 bld.cwd=kw['cwd']=bld.variant_dir
109 return bld.exec_command(cmd,**kw)
110 def runnable_status(self):
111 return RUN_ME
112 def process(self):
113 m=self.master
114 if m.stop:
115 m.out.put(self)
116 return
117 try:
118 del self.generator.bld.task_sigs[self.uid()]
119 except:
120 pass
121 try:
122 self.generator.bld.returned_tasks.append(self)
123 self.log_display(self.generator.bld)
125 except Exception:
126 self.err_msg=Utils.ex_stack()
127 self.hasrun=EXCEPTION
128 m.error_handler(self)
129 m.out.put(self)
130 return
131 if ret:
132 self.err_code=ret
133 self.hasrun=CRASHED
134 else:
135 try:
136 self.post_run()
137 except Errors.WafError:
138 pass
139 except Exception:
140 self.err_msg=Utils.ex_stack()
141 self.hasrun=EXCEPTION
142 else:
143 self.hasrun=SUCCESS
144 if self.hasrun!=SUCCESS:
145 m.error_handler(self)
146 m.out.put(self)
147 def run(self):
148 if hasattr(self,'fun'):
149 return
150 return 0
151 def post_run(self):
152 pass
153 def log_display(self,bld):
154 bld.to_log(self.display())
155 def display(self):
156 col1=Logs.colors(self.color)
157 col2=Logs.colors.NORMAL
158 master=self.master
159 def cur():
160 tmp=-1
161 if hasattr(master,'ready'):
162 tmp-=master.ready.qsize()
163 return master.processed+tmp
164 if self.generator.bld.progress_bar==1:
165 return self.generator.bld.progress_line(cur(),,col1,col2)
166 if self.generator.bld.progress_bar==2:
167 ela=str(self.generator.bld.timer)
168 try:
169 ins=','.join([ for n in self.inputs])
170 except AttributeError:
171 ins=''
172 try:
173 outs=','.join([ for n in self.outputs])
174 except AttributeError:
175 outs=''
176 return'|Total %s|Current %s|Inputs %s|Outputs %s|Time %s|\n'%(,cur(),ins,outs,ela)
177 s=str(self)
178 if not s:
179 return None
181 n=len(str(total))
182 fs='[%%%dd/%%%dd] %%s%%s%%s'%(n,n)
183 return fs%(cur(),total,col1,s,col2)
184 def attr(self,att,default=None):
185 ret=getattr(self,att,self)
186 if ret is self:return getattr(self.__class__,att,default)
187 return ret
188 def hash_constraints(self):
189 cls=self.__class__
190 tup=(str(cls.before),str(cls.after),str(cls.ext_in),str(cls.ext_out),cls.__name__,cls.hcode)
191 h=hash(tup)
192 return h
193 def format_error(self):
194 msg=getattr(self,'last_cmd','')
195 name=getattr(self.generator,'name','')
196 if getattr(self,"err_msg",None):
197 return self.err_msg
198 elif not self.hasrun:
199 return'task in %r was not executed for some reason: %r'%(name,self)
200 elif self.hasrun==CRASHED:
201 try:
202 return' -> task in %r failed (exit status %r): %r\n%r'%(name,self.err_code,self,msg)
203 except AttributeError:
204 return' -> task in %r failed: %r\n%r'%(name,self,msg)
205 elif self.hasrun==MISSING:
206 return' -> missing files in %r: %r\n%r'%(name,self,msg)
207 else:
208 return'invalid status for task in %r: %r'%(name,self.hasrun)
209 def colon(self,var1,var2):
210 tmp=self.env[var1]
211 if isinstance(var2,str):
212 it=self.env[var2]
213 else:
214 it=var2
215 if isinstance(tmp,str):
216 return[tmp%x for x in it]
217 else:
218 if Logs.verbose and not tmp and it:
219 Logs.warn('Missing env variable %r for task %r (generator %r)'%(var1,self,self.generator))
220 lst=[]
221 for y in it:
222 lst.extend(tmp)
223 lst.append(y)
224 return lst
225 class Task(TaskBase):
226 vars=[]
227 shell=False
228 def __init__(self,*k,**kw):
229 TaskBase.__init__(self,*k,**kw)
230 self.env=kw['env']
231 self.inputs=[]
232 self.outputs=[]
233 self.dep_nodes=[]
234 self.run_after=set([])
235 def __str__(self):
236 env=self.env
237 src_str=' '.join([a.nice_path(env)for a in self.inputs])
238 tgt_str=' '.join([a.nice_path(env)for a in self.outputs])
239 if self.outputs:sep=' -> '
240 else:sep=''
241 return'%s: %s%s%s\n'%(self.__class__.__name__.replace('_task',''),src_str,sep,tgt_str)
242 def __repr__(self):
243 return"".join(['\n\t{task %r: '%id(self),self.__class__.__name__," ",",".join([ for x in self.inputs])," -> ",",".join([ for x in self.outputs]),'}'])
244 def uid(self):
245 try:
246 return self.uid_
247 except AttributeError:
248 m=Utils.md5()
249 up=m.update
250 up(self.__class__.__name__)
251 for x in self.inputs+self.outputs:
252 up(x.abspath())
253 self.uid_=m.digest()
254 return self.uid_
255 def set_inputs(self,inp):
256 if isinstance(inp,list):self.inputs+=inp
257 else:self.inputs.append(inp)
258 def set_outputs(self,out):
259 if isinstance(out,list):self.outputs+=out
260 else:self.outputs.append(out)
261 def set_run_after(self,task):
262 assert isinstance(task,TaskBase)
263 self.run_after.add(task)
264 def signature(self):
265 try:return self.cache_sig
266 except AttributeError:pass
267 self.m=Utils.md5()
268 self.m.update(self.hcode)
269 self.sig_explicit_deps()
270 self.sig_vars()
271 if self.scan:
272 try:
273 self.sig_implicit_deps()
274 except Errors.TaskRescan:
275 return self.signature()
276 ret=self.cache_sig=self.m.digest()
277 return ret
278 def runnable_status(self):
279 for t in self.run_after:
280 if not t.hasrun:
281 return ASK_LATER
282 bld=self.generator.bld
283 try:
284 new_sig=self.signature()
285 except Errors.TaskNotReady:
286 return ASK_LATER
287 key=self.uid()
288 try:
289 prev_sig=bld.task_sigs[key]
290 except KeyError:
291 Logs.debug("task: task %r must run as it was never run before or the task code changed"%self)
292 return RUN_ME
293 for node in self.outputs:
294 try:
295 if node.sig!=new_sig:
296 return RUN_ME
297 except AttributeError:
298 Logs.debug("task: task %r must run as the output nodes do not exist"%self)
299 return RUN_ME
300 if new_sig!=prev_sig:
301 return RUN_ME
302 return SKIP_ME
303 def post_run(self):
304 bld=self.generator.bld
305 sig=self.signature()
306 for node in self.outputs:
307 try:
308 os.stat(node.abspath())
309 except OSError:
310 self.hasrun=MISSING
311 self.err_msg='-> missing file: %r'%node.abspath()
312 raise Errors.WafError(self.err_msg)
313 node.sig=sig
314 bld.task_sigs[self.uid()]=self.cache_sig
315 def sig_explicit_deps(self):
316 bld=self.generator.bld
317 upd=self.m.update
318 for x in self.inputs+self.dep_nodes:
319 try:
320 upd(x.get_bld_sig())
321 except(AttributeError,TypeError):
322 raise Errors.WafError('Missing node signature for %r (required by %r)'%(x,self))
323 if bld.deps_man:
324 additional_deps=bld.deps_man
325 for x in self.inputs+self.outputs:
326 try:
327 d=additional_deps[id(x)]
328 except KeyError:
329 continue
330 for v in d:
331 if isinstance(v,bld.root.__class__):
332 try:
333 v=v.get_bld_sig()
334 except AttributeError:
335 raise Errors.WafError('Missing node signature for %r (required by %r)'%(v,self))
336 elif hasattr(v,'__call__'):
337 v=v()
338 upd(v)
339 return self.m.digest()
340 def sig_vars(self):
341 bld=self.generator.bld
342 env=self.env
343 upd=self.m.update
344 act_sig=bld.hash_env_vars(env,self.__class__.vars)
345 upd(act_sig)
346 dep_vars=getattr(self,'dep_vars',None)
347 if dep_vars:
348 upd(bld.hash_env_vars(env,dep_vars))
349 return self.m.digest()
350 scan=None
351 def sig_implicit_deps(self):
352 bld=self.generator.bld
353 key=self.uid()
354 prev=bld.task_sigs.get((key,'imp'),[])
355 if prev:
356 try:
357 if prev==self.compute_sig_implicit_deps():
358 return prev
359 except:
360 for x in bld.node_deps.get(self.uid(),[]):
361 if x.is_child_of(bld.srcnode):
362 try:
363 os.stat(x.abspath())
364 except:
365 try:
366 del x.parent.children[]
367 except:
368 pass
369 del bld.task_sigs[(key,'imp')]
370 raise Errors.TaskRescan('rescan')
371 (nodes,names)=self.scan()
372 if Logs.verbose:
373 Logs.debug('deps: scanner for %s returned %s %s'%(str(self),str(nodes),str(names)))
374 bld.node_deps[key]=nodes
375 bld.raw_deps[key]=names
376 self.are_implicit_nodes_ready()
377 try:
378 bld.task_sigs[(key,'imp')]=sig=self.compute_sig_implicit_deps()
379 except:
380 if Logs.verbose:
381 for k in bld.node_deps.get(self.uid(),[]):
382 try:
383 k.get_bld_sig()
384 except:
385 Logs.warn('Missing signature for node %r (may cause rebuilds)'%k)
386 else:
387 return sig
388 def compute_sig_implicit_deps(self):
389 upd=self.m.update
390 bld=self.generator.bld
391 self.are_implicit_nodes_ready()
392 for k in bld.node_deps.get(self.uid(),[]):
393 upd(k.get_bld_sig())
394 return self.m.digest()
395 def are_implicit_nodes_ready(self):
396 bld=self.generator.bld
397 try:
398 cache=bld.dct_implicit_nodes
399 except:
400 bld.dct_implicit_nodes=cache={}
401 try:
402 dct=cache[bld.cur]
403 except KeyError:
404 dct=cache[bld.cur]={}
405 for tsk in bld.cur_tasks:
406 for x in tsk.outputs:
407 dct[x]=tsk
408 modified=False
409 for x in bld.node_deps.get(self.uid(),[]):
410 if x in dct:
411 self.run_after.add(dct[x])
412 modified=True
413 if modified:
414 for tsk in self.run_after:
415 if not tsk.hasrun:
416 raise Errors.TaskNotReady('not ready')
417 def can_retrieve_cache(self):
418 if not getattr(self,'outputs',None):
419 return None
420 sig=self.signature()
421 ssig=Utils.to_hex(self.uid())+Utils.to_hex(sig)
422 dname=os.path.join(self.generator.bld.cache_global,ssig)
423 try:
424 t1=os.stat(dname).st_mtime
425 except OSError:
426 return None
427 for node in self.outputs:
428 orig=os.path.join(dname,
429 try:
430 shutil.copy2(orig,node.abspath())
431 os.utime(orig,None)
432 except(OSError,IOError):
433 Logs.debug('task: failed retrieving file')
434 return None
435 try:
436 t2=os.stat(dname).st_mtime
437 except OSError:
438 return None
439 if t1!=t2:
440 return None
441 for node in self.outputs:
442 node.sig=sig
443 if self.generator.bld.progress_bar<1:
444 self.generator.bld.to_log('restoring from cache %r\n'%node.abspath())
445 self.cached=True
446 return True
447 def put_files_cache(self):
448 if getattr(self,'cached',None):
449 return None
450 if not getattr(self,'outputs',None):
451 return None
452 sig=self.signature()
453 ssig=Utils.to_hex(self.uid())+Utils.to_hex(sig)
454 dname=os.path.join(self.generator.bld.cache_global,ssig)
455 tmpdir=tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.generator.bld.cache_global+os.sep+'waf')
456 try:
457 shutil.rmtree(dname)
458 except:
459 pass
460 try:
461 for node in self.outputs:
462 dest=os.path.join(tmpdir,
463 shutil.copy2(node.abspath(),dest)
464 except(OSError,IOError):
465 try:
466 shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
467 except:
468 pass
469 else:
470 try:
471 os.rename(tmpdir,dname)
472 except OSError:
473 try:
474 shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
475 except:
476 pass
477 else:
478 try:
479 os.chmod(dname,Utils.O755)
480 except:
481 pass
482 def is_before(t1,t2):
483 to_list=Utils.to_list
484 for k in to_list(t2.ext_in):
485 if k in to_list(t1.ext_out):
486 return 1
487 if t1.__class__.__name__ in to_list(t2.after):
488 return 1
489 if t2.__class__.__name__ in to_list(t1.before):
490 return 1
491 return 0
492 def set_file_constraints(tasks):
493 ins=Utils.defaultdict(set)
494 outs=Utils.defaultdict(set)
495 for x in tasks:
496 for a in getattr(x,'inputs',[])+getattr(x,'dep_nodes',[]):
497 ins[id(a)].add(x)
498 for a in getattr(x,'outputs',[]):
499 outs[id(a)].add(x)
500 links=set(ins.keys()).intersection(outs.keys())
501 for k in links:
502 for a in ins[k]:
503 a.run_after.update(outs[k])
504 def set_precedence_constraints(tasks):
505 cstr_groups=Utils.defaultdict(list)
506 for x in tasks:
507 h=x.hash_constraints()
508 cstr_groups[h].append(x)
509 keys=list(cstr_groups.keys())
510 maxi=len(keys)
511 for i in range(maxi):
512 t1=cstr_groups[keys[i]][0]
513 for j in range(i+1,maxi):
514 t2=cstr_groups[keys[j]][0]
515 if is_before(t1,t2):
516 a=i
517 b=j
518 elif is_before(t2,t1):
519 a=j
520 b=i
521 else:
522 continue
523 for x in cstr_groups[keys[b]]:
524 x.run_after.update(cstr_groups[keys[a]])
525 def funex(c):
526 dc={}
527 exec(c,dc)
528 return dc['f']
529 reg_act=re.compile(r"(?P<backslash>\\)|(?P<dollar>\$\$)|(?P<subst>\$\{(?P<var>\w+)(?P<code>.*?)\})",re.M)
530 def compile_fun_shell(line):
531 extr=[]
532 def repl(match):
534 if g('dollar'):return"$"
535 elif g('backslash'):return'\\\\'
536 elif g('subst'):extr.append((g('var'),g('code')));return"%s"
537 return None
538 line=reg_act.sub(repl,line)or line
539 parm=[]
540 dvars=[]
541 app=parm.append
542 for(var,meth)in extr:
543 if var=='SRC':
544 if meth:app('tsk.inputs%s'%meth)
545 else:app('" ".join([a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.inputs])')
546 elif var=='TGT':
547 if meth:app('tsk.outputs%s'%meth)
548 else:app('" ".join([a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.outputs])')
549 elif meth:
550 if meth.startswith(':'):
551 m=meth[1:]
552 if m=='SRC':
553 m='[a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.inputs]'
554 elif m=='TGT':
555 m='[a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.outputs]'
556 elif m[:3]not in('tsk','gen','bld'):
557 dvars.extend([var,meth[1:]])
558 m='%r'%m
559 app('" ".join(tsk.colon(%r, %s))'%(var,m))
560 else:
561 app('%s%s'%(var,meth))
562 else:
563 if not var in dvars:dvars.append(var)
564 app("p('%s')"%var)
565 if parm:parm="%% (%s) "%(',\n\t\t'.join(parm))
566 else:parm=''
567 c=COMPILE_TEMPLATE_SHELL%(line,parm)
568 Logs.debug('action: %s'%c)
569 return(funex(c),dvars)
570 def compile_fun_noshell(line):
571 extr=[]
572 def repl(match):
574 if g('dollar'):return"$"
575 elif g('subst'):extr.append((g('var'),g('code')));return"<<|@|>>"
576 return None
577 line2=reg_act.sub(repl,line)
578 params=line2.split('<<|@|>>')
579 assert(extr)
580 buf=[]
581 dvars=[]
582 app=buf.append
583 for x in range(len(extr)):
584 params[x]=params[x].strip()
585 if params[x]:
586 app("lst.extend(%r)"%params[x].split())
587 (var,meth)=extr[x]
588 if var=='SRC':
589 if meth:app('lst.append(tsk.inputs%s)'%meth)
590 else:app("lst.extend([a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.inputs])")
591 elif var=='TGT':
592 if meth:app('lst.append(tsk.outputs%s)'%meth)
593 else:app("lst.extend([a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.outputs])")
594 elif meth:
595 if meth.startswith(':'):
596 m=meth[1:]
597 if m=='SRC':
598 m='[a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.inputs]'
599 elif m=='TGT':
600 m='[a.path_from(bld.bldnode) for a in tsk.outputs]'
601 elif m[:3]not in('tsk','gen','bld'):
602 dvars.extend([var,m])
603 m='%r'%m
604 app('lst.extend(tsk.colon(%r, %s))'%(var,m))
605 else:
606 app('lst.extend(gen.to_list(%s%s))'%(var,meth))
607 else:
608 app('lst.extend(to_list(env[%r]))'%var)
609 if not var in dvars:dvars.append(var)
610 if extr:
611 if params[-1]:
612 app("lst.extend(%r)"%params[-1].split())
613 fun=COMPILE_TEMPLATE_NOSHELL%"\n\t".join(buf)
614 Logs.debug('action: %s'%fun)
615 return(funex(fun),dvars)
616 def compile_fun(line,shell=False):
617 if line.find('<')>0 or line.find('>')>0 or line.find('&&')>0:
618 shell=True
619 if shell:
620 return compile_fun_shell(line)
621 else:
622 return compile_fun_noshell(line)
623 def task_factory(name,func=None,vars=None,color='GREEN',ext_in=[],ext_out=[],before=[],after=[],shell=False,scan=None):
624 params={'vars':vars or[],'color':color,'name':name,'ext_in':Utils.to_list(ext_in),'ext_out':Utils.to_list(ext_out),'before':Utils.to_list(before),'after':Utils.to_list(after),'shell':shell,'scan':scan,}
625 if isinstance(func,str):
626 params['run_str']=func
627 else:
628 params['run']=func
629 cls=type(Task)(name,(Task,),params)
630 global classes
631 classes[name]=cls
632 return cls
633 def always_run(cls):
634 old=cls.runnable_status
635 def always(self):
636 ret=old(self)
637 if ret==SKIP_ME:
638 ret=RUN_ME
639 return ret
640 cls.runnable_status=always
641 return cls
642 def update_outputs(cls):
643 old_post_run=cls.post_run
644 def post_run(self):
645 old_post_run(self)
646 for node in self.outputs:
647 node.sig=Utils.h_file(node.abspath())
648 self.generator.bld.task_sigs[node.abspath()]=self.uid()
649 cls.post_run=post_run
650 old_runnable_status=cls.runnable_status
651 def runnable_status(self):
652 status=old_runnable_status(self)
653 if status!=RUN_ME:
654 return status
655 try:
656 bld=self.generator.bld
657 prev_sig=bld.task_sigs[self.uid()]
658 if prev_sig==self.signature():
659 for x in self.outputs:
660 if not x.sig or bld.task_sigs[x.abspath()]!=self.uid():
661 return RUN_ME
662 return SKIP_ME
663 except KeyError:
664 pass
665 except IndexError:
666 pass
667 except AttributeError:
668 pass
669 return RUN_ME
670 cls.runnable_status=runnable_status
671 return cls
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import copy,re,os
7 from waflib import Task,Utils,Logs,Errors,ConfigSet
8 feats=Utils.defaultdict(set)
9 class task_gen(object):
10 mappings={}
11 prec=Utils.defaultdict(list)
12 def __init__(self,*k,**kw):
13 self.source=''
15 self.meths=[]
16 self.prec=Utils.defaultdict(list)
17 self.mappings={}
18 self.features=[]
19 self.tasks=[]
20 if not'bld'in kw:
21 self.env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
22 self.idx=0
23 self.path=None
24 else:
25 self.bld=kw['bld']
26 self.env=self.bld.env.derive()
27 self.path=self.bld.path
28 try:
29 self.idx=self.bld.idx[id(self.path)]=self.bld.idx.get(id(self.path),0)+1
30 except AttributeError:
31 self.bld.idx={}
32 self.idx=self.bld.idx[id(self.path)]=1
33 for key,val in kw.items():
34 setattr(self,key,val)
35 def __str__(self):
36 return"<task_gen %r declared in %s>"%(,self.path.abspath())
37 def __repr__(self):
38 lst=[]
39 for x in self.__dict__.keys():
40 if x not in['env','bld','compiled_tasks','tasks']:
41 lst.append("%s=%s"%(x,repr(getattr(self,x))))
42 return"bld(%s) in %s"%(", ".join(lst),self.path.abspath())
43 def get_name(self):
44 try:
45 return self._name
46 except AttributeError:
47 if isinstance(,list):
48 lst=[str(x)for x in]
49 name=self._name=','.join(lst)
50 else:
51 name=self._name=str(
52 return name
53 def set_name(self,name):
54 self._name=name
55 name=property(get_name,set_name)
56 def to_list(self,val):
57 if isinstance(val,str):return val.split()
58 else:return val
59 def post(self):
60 if getattr(self,'posted',None):
61 return False
62 self.posted=True
63 keys=set(self.meths)
64 self.features=Utils.to_list(self.features)
65 for x in self.features+['*']:
66 st=feats[x]
67 if not st:
68 if not x in Task.classes:
69 Logs.warn('feature %r does not exist - bind at least one method to it'%x)
70 keys.update(list(st))
71 prec={}
72 prec_tbl=self.prec or task_gen.prec
73 for x in prec_tbl:
74 if x in keys:
75 prec[x]=prec_tbl[x]
76 tmp=[]
77 for a in keys:
78 for x in prec.values():
79 if a in x:break
80 else:
81 tmp.append(a)
82 out=[]
83 while tmp:
84 e=tmp.pop()
85 if e in keys:out.append(e)
86 try:
87 nlst=prec[e]
88 except KeyError:
89 pass
90 else:
91 del prec[e]
92 for x in nlst:
93 for y in prec:
94 if x in prec[y]:
95 break
96 else:
97 tmp.append(x)
98 if prec:
99 raise Errors.WafError('Cycle detected in the method execution %r'%prec)
100 out.reverse()
101 self.meths=out
102 Logs.debug('task_gen: posting %s %d'%(self,id(self)))
103 for x in out:
104 try:
105 v=getattr(self,x)
106 except AttributeError:
107 raise Errors.WafError('%r is not a valid task generator method'%x)
108 Logs.debug('task_gen: -> %s (%d)'%(x,id(self)))
109 v()
110 Logs.debug('task_gen: posted %s'
111 return True
112 def get_hook(self,node):
114 for k in self.mappings:
115 if name.endswith(k):
116 return self.mappings[k]
117 for k in task_gen.mappings:
118 if name.endswith(k):
119 return task_gen.mappings[k]
120 raise Errors.WafError("File %r has no mapping in %r (did you forget to load a waf tool?)"%(node,task_gen.mappings.keys()))
121 def create_task(self,name,src=None,tgt=None):
122 task=Task.classes[name](env=self.env.derive(),generator=self)
123 if src:
124 task.set_inputs(src)
125 if tgt:
126 task.set_outputs(tgt)
127 self.tasks.append(task)
128 return task
129 def clone(self,env):
130 newobj=self.bld()
131 for x in self.__dict__:
132 if x in['env','bld']:
133 continue
134 elif x in['path','features']:
135 setattr(newobj,x,getattr(self,x))
136 else:
137 setattr(newobj,x,copy.copy(getattr(self,x)))
138 newobj.posted=False
139 if isinstance(env,str):
140 newobj.env=self.bld.all_envs[env].derive()
141 else:
142 newobj.env=env.derive()
143 return newobj
144 def declare_chain(name='',rule=None,reentrant=None,color='BLUE',ext_in=[],ext_out=[],before=[],after=[],decider=None,scan=None,install_path=None,shell=False):
145 ext_in=Utils.to_list(ext_in)
146 ext_out=Utils.to_list(ext_out)
147 if not name:
148 name=rule
149 cls=Task.task_factory(name,rule,color=color,ext_in=ext_in,ext_out=ext_out,before=before,after=after,scan=scan,shell=shell)
150 def x_file(self,node):
151 ext=decider and decider(self,node)or cls.ext_out
152 if ext_in:
153 _ext_in=ext_in[0]
154 tsk=self.create_task(name,node)
155 cnt=0
156 keys=self.mappings.keys()+self.__class__.mappings.keys()
157 for x in ext:
158 k=node.change_ext(x,ext_in=_ext_in)
159 tsk.outputs.append(k)
160 if reentrant!=None:
161 if cnt<int(reentrant):
162 self.source.append(k)
163 else:
164 for y in keys:
165 if
166 self.source.append(k)
167 break
168 cnt+=1
169 if install_path:
170 self.bld.install_files(install_path,tsk.outputs)
171 return tsk
172 for x in cls.ext_in:
173 task_gen.mappings[x]=x_file
174 return x_file
175 def taskgen_method(func):
176 setattr(task_gen,func.__name__,func)
177 return func
178 def feature(*k):
179 def deco(func):
180 setattr(task_gen,func.__name__,func)
181 for name in k:
182 feats[name].update([func.__name__])
183 return func
184 return deco
185 def before_method(*k):
186 def deco(func):
187 setattr(task_gen,func.__name__,func)
188 for fun_name in k:
189 if not func.__name__ in task_gen.prec[fun_name]:
190 task_gen.prec[fun_name].append(func.__name__)
191 return func
192 return deco
193 before=before_method
194 def after_method(*k):
195 def deco(func):
196 setattr(task_gen,func.__name__,func)
197 for fun_name in k:
198 if not fun_name in task_gen.prec[func.__name__]:
199 task_gen.prec[func.__name__].append(fun_name)
200 return func
201 return deco
202 after=after_method
203 def extension(*k):
204 def deco(func):
205 setattr(task_gen,func.__name__,func)
206 for x in k:
207 task_gen.mappings[x]=func
208 return func
209 return deco
210 def to_nodes(self,lst,path=None):
211 tmp=[]
212 path=path or self.path
213 find=path.find_resource
214 if isinstance(lst,self.path.__class__):
215 lst=[lst]
216 for x in Utils.to_list(lst):
217 if isinstance(x,str):
218 node=find(x)
219 else:
220 node=x
221 if not node:
222 raise Errors.WafError("source not found: %r in %r"%(x,self))
223 tmp.append(node)
224 return tmp
225 def process_source(self):
226 self.source=self.to_nodes(getattr(self,'source',[]))
227 for node in self.source:
228 self.get_hook(node)(self,node)
229 def process_rule(self):
230 if not getattr(self,'rule',None):
231 return
232 name=str(getattr(self,'name',None)or or self.rule)
233 cls=Task.task_factory(name,self.rule,getattr(self,'vars',[]),shell=getattr(self,'shell',True),color=getattr(self,'color','BLUE'))
234 tsk=self.create_task(name)
235 if getattr(self,'target',None):
236 if isinstance(,str):
238 if not isinstance(,list):
240 for x in
241 if isinstance(x,str):
242 tsk.outputs.append(self.path.find_or_declare(x))
243 else:
244 x.parent.mkdir()
245 tsk.outputs.append(x)
246 if getattr(self,'install_path',None):
247 self.bld.install_files(self.install_path,tsk.outputs)
248 if getattr(self,'source',None):
249 tsk.inputs=self.to_nodes(self.source)
250 self.source=[]
251 if getattr(self,'scan',None):
252 cls.scan=self.scan
253 elif getattr(self,'deps',None):
254 def scan(self):
255 nodes=[]
256 for x in self.generator.to_list(self.generator.deps):
257 node=self.generator.path.find_resource(x)
258 if not node:
259 self.generator.bld.fatal('Could not find %r (was it declared?)'%x)
260 nodes.append(node)
261 return[nodes,[]]
262 cls.scan=scan
263 if getattr(self,'cwd',None):
264 tsk.cwd=self.cwd
265 if getattr(self,'update_outputs',None)or getattr(self,'on_results',None):
266 Task.update_outputs(cls)
267 if getattr(self,'always',None):
268 Task.always_run(cls)
269 for x in['after','before','ext_in','ext_out']:
270 setattr(cls,x,getattr(self,x,[]))
271 def sequence_order(self):
272 if self.meths and self.meths[-1]!='sequence_order':
273 self.meths.append('sequence_order')
274 return
275 if getattr(self,'seq_start',None):
276 return
277 if getattr(self.bld,'prev',None):
279 for x in self.bld.prev.tasks:
280 for y in self.tasks:
281 y.set_run_after(x)
282 self.bld.prev=self
283 re_m4=re.compile('@(\w+)@',re.M)
284 class subst_pc(Task.Task):
285 def run(self):
286 code=self.inputs[0].read()
287 code=code.replace('%','%%')
288 lst=[]
289 def repl(match):
291 if g(1):
292 lst.append(g(1))
293 return"%%(%s)s"%g(1)
294 return''
295 code=re_m4.sub(repl,code)
296 try:
297 d=self.generator.dct
298 except AttributeError:
299 d={}
300 for x in lst:
301 tmp=getattr(self.generator,x,'')or self.env.get_flat(x)or self.env.get_flat(x.upper())
302 d[x]=str(tmp)
303 self.outputs[0].write(code%d)
304 self.generator.bld.raw_deps[self.uid()]=self.dep_vars=lst
305 try:delattr(self,'cache_sig')
306 except AttributeError:pass
307 if getattr(self.generator,'chmod',None):
308 os.chmod(self.outputs[0].abspath(),self.generator.chmod)
309 def sig_vars(self):
310 bld=self.generator.bld
311 env=self.env
312 upd=self.m.update
313 vars=self.generator.bld.raw_deps.get(self.uid(),[])
314 act_sig=bld.hash_env_vars(env,vars)
315 upd(act_sig)
316 lst=[getattr(self.generator,x,'')for x in vars]
317 upd(Utils.h_list(lst))
318 return self.m.digest()
319 def add_pcfile(self,node):
320 tsk=self.create_task('subst_pc',node,node.change_ext('.pc',''))
321 self.bld.install_files(getattr(self,'install_path','${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig/'),tsk.outputs)
322 class subst(subst_pc):
323 pass
324 def process_subst(self):
325 src=self.to_nodes(getattr(self,'source',[]))
326 tgt=getattr(self,'target',[])
327 if isinstance(tgt,self.path.__class__):
328 tgt=[tgt]
329 tgt=[isinstance(x,self.path.__class__)and x or self.path.find_or_declare(x)for x in Utils.to_list(tgt)]
330 if len(src)!=len(tgt):
331 raise Errors.WafError('invalid source or target for %r'%self)
332 for x,y in zip(src,tgt):
333 if not(x and y):
334 raise Errors.WafError('invalid source or target for %r'%self)
335 tsk=self.create_task('subst',x,y)
336 for a in('after','before','ext_in','ext_out'):
337 val=getattr(self,a,None)
338 if val:
339 setattr(tsk,a,val)
340 inst_to=getattr(self,'install_path',None)
341 if inst_to:
342 self.bld.install_files(inst_to,tgt,chmod=getattr(self,'chmod',Utils.O644))
343 self.source=[]
345 taskgen_method(to_nodes)
346 feature('*')(process_source)
347 feature('*')(process_rule)
348 before_method('process_source')(process_rule)
349 feature('seq')(sequence_order)
350 extension('')(add_pcfile)
351 feature('subst')(process_subst)
352 before_method('process_source','process_rule')(process_subst)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib.Configure import conf
5 def find_ar(conf):
6 conf.load('ar')
7 def configure(conf):
8 conf.find_program('ar',var='AR')
9 conf.env.ARFLAGS='rcs'
11 conf(find_ar)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib import Task,Utils
6 import waflib.Task
7 from waflib.Tools.ccroot import link_task,stlink_task
8 from waflib.TaskGen import extension,feature
9 class asm(Task.Task):
10 color='BLUE'
11 run_str='${AS} ${ASFLAGS} ${CPPPATH_ST:INCPATHS} ${AS_SRC_F}${SRC} ${AS_TGT_F}${TGT}'
12 def asm_hook(self,node):
13 return self.create_compiled_task('asm',node)
14 class asmprogram(link_task):
16 ext_out=['.bin']
17 inst_to='${BINDIR}'
18 chmod=Utils.O755
19 class asmshlib(asmprogram):
20 inst_to='${LIBDIR}'
21 class asmstlib(stlink_task):
22 pass
24 extension('.s','.S','.asm','.ASM','.spp','.SPP')(asm_hook)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import Task
5 from waflib.TaskGen import extension
6 class bison(Task.Task):
7 color='BLUE'
8 run_str='${BISON} ${BISONFLAGS} ${SRC[0].abspath()} -o ${TGT[0].name}'
9 ext_out=['.h']
10 def big_bison(self,node):
11 has_h='-d'in self.env['BISONFLAGS']
12 outs=[]
13 if'.yc'):
14 outs.append(node.change_ext(''))
15 if has_h:
16 outs.append(node.change_ext('.tab.hh'))
17 else:
18 outs.append(node.change_ext('.tab.c'))
19 if has_h:
20 outs.append(node.change_ext('.tab.h'))
21 tsk=self.create_task('bison',node,outs)
22 tsk.cwd=node.parent.get_bld().abspath()
23 self.source.append(outs[0])
24 def configure(conf):
25 conf.find_program('bison',var='BISON')
26 conf.env.BISONFLAGS=['-d']
28 extension('.y','.yc','.yy')(big_bison)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import TaskGen,Task,Utils
5 from waflib.Tools import c_preproc
6 from waflib.Tools.ccroot import link_task,stlink_task
7 def c_hook(self,node):
8 return self.create_compiled_task('c',node)
9 class c(Task.Task):
11 vars=['CCDEPS']
12 ext_in=['.h']
13 scan=c_preproc.scan
14 Task.classes['cc']=cc=c
15 class cprogram(link_task):
17 ext_out=['.bin']
18 vars=['LINKDEPS']
19 inst_to='${BINDIR}'
20 chmod=Utils.O755
21 class cshlib(cprogram):
22 inst_to='${LIBDIR}'
23 class cstlib(stlink_task):
24 pass
26 TaskGen.extension('.c')(c_hook)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,re
5 from waflib import Utils,Build
6 from waflib.Configure import conf
7 def get_extensions(lst):
8 ret=[]
9 for x in Utils.to_list(lst):
10 try:
11 if not isinstance(x,str):
13 ret.append(x[x.rfind('.')+1:])
14 except:
15 pass
16 return ret
17 def sniff_features(**kw):
18 exts=get_extensions(kw['source'])
19 type=kw['_type']
20 feats=[]
21 if'cxx'in exts or'cpp'in exts or'c++'in exts or'cc'in exts or'C'in exts:
22 feats.append('cxx')
23 if'c'in exts or'vala'in exts:
24 feats.append('c')
25 if'd'in exts:
26 feats.append('d')
27 if'java'in exts:
28 feats.append('java')
29 if'java'in exts:
30 return'java'
31 if type in['program','shlib','stlib']:
32 for x in feats:
33 if x in['cxx','d','c']:
34 feats.append(x+type)
35 return feats
36 def set_features(kw,_type):
37 kw['_type']=_type
38 kw['features']=Utils.to_list(kw.get('features',[]))+Utils.to_list(sniff_features(**kw))
39 def program(bld,*k,**kw):
40 set_features(kw,'program')
41 return bld(*k,**kw)
42 def shlib(bld,*k,**kw):
43 set_features(kw,'shlib')
44 return bld(*k,**kw)
45 def stlib(bld,*k,**kw):
46 set_features(kw,'stlib')
47 return bld(*k,**kw)
48 def objects(bld,*k,**kw):
49 set_features(kw,'objects')
50 return bld(*k,**kw)
52 conf(program)
53 conf(shlib)
54 conf(stlib)
55 conf(objects)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import os,imp,sys,re,shlex,shutil
7 from waflib import Build,Utils,Configure,Task,Options,Logs,TaskGen,Errors,ConfigSet,Runner
8 from waflib.TaskGen import before_method,after_method,feature
9 from waflib.Configure import conf
10 WAF_CONFIG_H='config.h'
11 DEFKEYS='define_key'
12 INCKEYS='include_key'
13 cfg_ver={'atleast-version':'>=','exact-version':'==','max-version':'<=',}
15 int main() {
16 void *p;
17 p=(void*)(%s);
18 return 0;
19 }
20 '''
21 SNIP_TYPE='''
22 int main() {
23 if ((%(type_name)s *) 0) return 0;
24 if (sizeof (%(type_name)s)) return 0;
25 }
26 '''
28 int main() {
29 if (
30 }
31 '''
33 int main() {
34 return 0;
35 }
36 '''
38 int main() {
39 char *off;
40 off = (char*) &((%(type_name)s*)0)->%(field_name)s;
41 return (size_t) off < sizeof(%(type_name)s);
42 }
43 '''
44 MACRO_TO_DESTOS={'__linux__':'linux','__GNU__':'gnu','__FreeBSD__':'freebsd','__NetBSD__':'netbsd','__OpenBSD__':'openbsd','__sun':'sunos','__hpux':'hpux','__sgi':'irix','_AIX':'aix','__CYGWIN__':'cygwin','__MSYS__':'msys','_UWIN':'uwin','_WIN64':'win32','_WIN32':'win32','__ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__':'darwin','__ENVIRONMENT_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__':'darwin','__QNX__':'qnx','__native_client__':'nacl'}
45 MACRO_TO_DEST_CPU={'__x86_64__':'x86_64','__i386__':'x86','__ia64__':'ia','__mips__':'mips','__sparc__':'sparc','__alpha__':'alpha','__arm__':'arm','__hppa__':'hppa','__powerpc__':'powerpc',}
46 def parse_flags(self,line,uselib,env=None,force_static=False):
47 assert(isinstance(line,str))
48 env=env or self.env
49 app=env.append_value
50 appu=env.append_unique
51 lex=shlex.shlex(line,posix=False)
52 lex.whitespace_split=True
53 lex.commenters=''
54 lst=list(lex)
55 while lst:
56 x=lst.pop(0)
57 st=x[:2]
58 ot=x[2:]
59 if st=='-I'or st=='/I':
60 if not ot:ot=lst.pop(0)
61 appu('INCLUDES_'+uselib,[ot])
62 elif st=='-include':
63 tmp=[x,lst.pop(0)]
64 app('CFLAGS',tmp)
65 app('CXXFLAGS',tmp)
66 elif st=='-D'or(self.env.CXX_NAME=='msvc'and st=='/D'):
67 if not ot:ot=lst.pop(0)
68 app('DEFINES_'+uselib,[ot])
69 elif st=='-l':
70 if not ot:ot=lst.pop(0)
71 prefix=force_static and'STLIB_'or'LIB_'
72 appu(prefix+uselib,[ot])
73 elif st=='-L':
74 if not ot:ot=lst.pop(0)
75 appu('LIBPATH_'+uselib,[ot])
76 elif x=='-pthread'or x.startswith('+')or x.startswith('-std'):
77 app('CFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
78 app('CXXFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
79 app('LINKFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
80 elif x=='-framework':
81 appu('FRAMEWORK_'+uselib,[lst.pop(0)])
82 elif x.startswith('-F'):
83 appu('FRAMEWORKPATH_'+uselib,[x[2:]])
84 elif x.startswith('-Wl'):
85 app('LINKFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
86 elif x.startswith('-m')or x.startswith('-f')or x.startswith('-dynamic'):
87 app('CFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
88 app('CXXFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
89 elif x.startswith('-bundle'):
90 app('LINKFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
91 elif x.startswith('-undefined'):
92 arg=lst.pop(0)
93 app('LINKFLAGS_'+uselib,[x,arg])
94 elif x.startswith('-arch')or x.startswith('-isysroot'):
95 tmp=[x,lst.pop(0)]
96 app('CFLAGS_'+uselib,tmp)
97 app('CXXFLAGS_'+uselib,tmp)
98 app('LINKFLAGS_'+uselib,tmp)
99 elif x.endswith('.a')or x.endswith('.so')or x.endswith('.dylib'):
100 appu('LINKFLAGS_'+uselib,[x])
101 def ret_msg(self,f,kw):
102 if isinstance(f,str):
103 return f
104 return f(kw)
105 def validate_cfg(self,kw):
106 if not'path'in kw:
107 if not self.env.PKGCONFIG:
108 self.find_program('pkg-config',var='PKGCONFIG')
109 kw['path']=self.env.PKGCONFIG
110 if'atleast_pkgconfig_version'in kw:
111 if not'msg'in kw:
112 kw['msg']='Checking for pkg-config version >= %r'%kw['atleast_pkgconfig_version']
113 return
114 if not'okmsg'in kw:
115 kw['okmsg']='yes'
116 if not'errmsg'in kw:
117 kw['errmsg']='not found'
118 if'modversion'in kw:
119 if not'msg'in kw:
120 kw['msg']='Checking for %r version'%kw['modversion']
121 return
122 for x in cfg_ver.keys():
123 y=x.replace('-','_')
124 if y in kw:
125 if not'package'in kw:
126 raise ValueError('%s requires a package'%x)
127 if not'msg'in kw:
128 kw['msg']='Checking for %r %s %s'%(kw['package'],cfg_ver[x],kw[y])
129 return
130 if not'msg'in kw:
131 kw['msg']='Checking for %r'%(kw['package']or kw['path'])
132 def exec_cfg(self,kw):
133 if'atleast_pkgconfig_version'in kw:
134 cmd=[kw['path'],'--atleast-pkgconfig-version=%s'%kw['atleast_pkgconfig_version']]
135 self.cmd_and_log(cmd)
136 if not'okmsg'in kw:
137 kw['okmsg']='yes'
138 return
139 for x in cfg_ver:
140 y=x.replace('-','_')
141 if y in kw:
142 self.cmd_and_log([kw['path'],'--%s=%s'%(x,kw[y]),kw['package']])
143 if not'okmsg'in kw:
144 kw['okmsg']='yes'
145 self.define(self.have_define(kw.get('uselib_store',kw['package'])),1,0)
146 break
147 if'modversion'in kw:
148 version=self.cmd_and_log([kw['path'],'--modversion',kw['modversion']]).strip()
149 self.define('%s_VERSION'%Utils.quote_define_name(kw.get('uselib_store',kw['modversion'])),version)
150 return version
151 lst=[kw['path']]
152 defi=kw.get('define_variable',None)
153 if not defi:
154 defi=self.env.PKG_CONFIG_DEFINES or{}
155 for key,val in defi.items():
156 lst.append('--define-variable=%s=%s'%(key,val))
157 if kw['package']:
158 lst.extend(Utils.to_list(kw['package']))
159 if'variables'in kw:
160 env=kw.get('env',self.env)
161 uselib=kw.get('uselib_store',kw['package'].upper())
162 vars=Utils.to_list(kw['variables'])
163 for v in vars:
164 val=self.cmd_and_log(lst+['--variable='+v]).strip()
165 var='%s_%s'%(uselib,v)
166 env[var]=val
167 if not'okmsg'in kw:
168 kw['okmsg']='yes'
169 return
170 static=False
171 if'args'in kw:
172 args=Utils.to_list(kw['args'])
173 if'--static'in args or'--static-libs'in args:
174 static=True
175 lst+=args
176 ret=self.cmd_and_log(lst)
177 if not'okmsg'in kw:
178 kw['okmsg']='yes'
179 self.define(self.have_define(kw.get('uselib_store',kw['package'])),1,0)
180 self.parse_flags(ret,kw.get('uselib_store',kw['package'].upper()),kw.get('env',self.env),force_static=static)
181 return ret
182 def check_cfg(self,*k,**kw):
183 if k:
184 lst=k[0].split()
185 kw['package']=lst[0]
186 kw['args']=' '.join(lst[1:])
187 self.validate_cfg(kw)
188 if'msg'in kw:
189 self.start_msg(kw['msg'])
190 ret=None
191 try:
192 ret=self.exec_cfg(kw)
193 except self.errors.WafError ,e:
194 if'errmsg'in kw:
195 self.end_msg(kw['errmsg'],'YELLOW')
196 if Logs.verbose>1:
197 raise
198 else:
199 self.fatal('The configuration failed')
200 else:
201 kw['success']=ret
202 if'okmsg'in kw:
203 self.end_msg(self.ret_msg(kw['okmsg'],kw))
204 return ret
205 def validate_c(self,kw):
206 if not'env'in kw:
207 kw['env']=self.env.derive()
208 env=kw['env']
209 if not'compiler'in kw and not'features'in kw:
210 kw['compiler']='c'
211 if env['CXX_NAME']and Task.classes.get('cxx',None):
212 kw['compiler']='cxx'
213 if not self.env['CXX']:
214 self.fatal('a c++ compiler is required')
215 else:
216 if not self.env['CC']:
217 self.fatal('a c compiler is required')
218 if not'compile_mode'in kw:
219 kw['compile_mode']='c'
220 if'cxx'in Utils.to_list(kw.get('features',[]))or kw.get('compiler','')=='cxx':
221 kw['compile_mode']='cxx'
222 if not'type'in kw:
223 kw['type']='cprogram'
224 if not'features'in kw:
225 kw['features']=[kw['compile_mode'],kw['type']]
226 else:
227 kw['features']=Utils.to_list(kw['features'])
228 if not'compile_filename'in kw:
229 kw['compile_filename']='test.c'+((kw['compile_mode']=='cxx')and'pp'or'')
230 def to_header(dct):
231 if'header_name'in dct:
232 dct=Utils.to_list(dct['header_name'])
233 return''.join(['#include <%s>\n'%x for x in dct])
234 return''
235 if'framework_name'in kw:
236 fwkname=kw['framework_name']
237 if not'uselib_store'in kw:
238 kw['uselib_store']=fwkname.upper()
239 if not kw.get('no_header',False):
240 if not'header_name'in kw:
241 kw['header_name']=[]
242 fwk='%s/%s.h'%(fwkname,fwkname)
243 if kw.get('remove_dot_h',None):
244 fwk=fwk[:-2]
245 kw['header_name']=Utils.to_list(kw['header_name'])+[fwk]
246 kw['msg']='Checking for framework %s'%fwkname
247 kw['framework']=fwkname
248 if'function_name'in kw:
249 fu=kw['function_name']
250 if not'msg'in kw:
251 kw['msg']='Checking for function %s'%fu
252 kw['code']=to_header(kw)+SNIP_FUNCTION%fu
253 if not'uselib_store'in kw:
254 kw['uselib_store']=fu.upper()
255 if not'define_name'in kw:
256 kw['define_name']=self.have_define(fu)
257 elif'type_name'in kw:
258 tu=kw['type_name']
259 if not'header_name'in kw:
260 kw['header_name']='stdint.h'
261 if'field_name'in kw:
262 field=kw['field_name']
263 kw['code']=to_header(kw)+SNIP_FIELD%{'type_name':tu,'field_name':field}
264 if not'msg'in kw:
265 kw['msg']='Checking for field %s in %s'%(field,tu)
266 if not'define_name'in kw:
267 kw['define_name']=self.have_define((tu+'_'+field).upper())
268 else:
269 kw['code']=to_header(kw)+SNIP_TYPE%{'type_name':tu}
270 if not'msg'in kw:
271 kw['msg']='Checking for type %s'%tu
272 if not'define_name'in kw:
273 kw['define_name']=self.have_define(tu.upper())
274 elif'header_name'in kw:
275 if not'msg'in kw:
276 kw['msg']='Checking for header %s'%kw['header_name']
277 l=Utils.to_list(kw['header_name'])
278 assert len(l)>0,'list of headers in header_name is empty'
279 kw['code']=to_header(kw)+SNIP_EMPTY_PROGRAM
280 if not'uselib_store'in kw:
281 kw['uselib_store']=l[0].upper()
282 if not'define_name'in kw:
283 kw['define_name']=self.have_define(l[0])
284 if'lib'in kw:
285 if not'msg'in kw:
286 kw['msg']='Checking for library %s'%kw['lib']
287 if not'uselib_store'in kw:
288 kw['uselib_store']=kw['lib'].upper()
289 if'stlib'in kw:
290 if not'msg'in kw:
291 kw['msg']='Checking for static library %s'%kw['stlib']
292 if not'uselib_store'in kw:
293 kw['uselib_store']=kw['stlib'].upper()
294 if'fragment'in kw:
295 kw['code']=kw['fragment']
296 if not'msg'in kw:
297 kw['msg']='Checking for code snippet'
298 if not'errmsg'in kw:
299 kw['errmsg']='no'
300 for(flagsname,flagstype)in[('cxxflags','compiler'),('cflags','compiler'),('linkflags','linker')]:
301 if flagsname in kw:
302 if not'msg'in kw:
303 kw['msg']='Checking for %s flags %s'%(flagstype,kw[flagsname])
304 if not'errmsg'in kw:
305 kw['errmsg']='no'
306 if not'execute'in kw:
307 kw['execute']=False
308 if kw['execute']:
309 kw['features'].append('test_exec')
310 if not'errmsg'in kw:
311 kw['errmsg']='not found'
312 if not'okmsg'in kw:
313 kw['okmsg']='yes'
314 if not'code'in kw:
315 kw['code']=SNIP_EMPTY_PROGRAM
316 if self.env[INCKEYS]:
317 kw['code']='\n'.join(['#include <%s>'%x for x in self.env[INCKEYS]])+'\n'+kw['code']
318 if not kw.get('success'):kw['success']=None
319 if'define_name'in kw:
320 self.undefine(kw['define_name'])
321 assert'msg'in kw,'invalid parameters, read'
322 def post_check(self,*k,**kw):
323 is_success=0
324 if kw['execute']:
325 if kw['success']is not None:
326 if kw.get('define_ret',False):
327 is_success=kw['success']
328 else:
329 is_success=(kw['success']==0)
330 else:
331 is_success=(kw['success']==0)
332 if'define_name'in kw:
333 if'header_name'in kw or'function_name'in kw or'type_name'in kw or'fragment'in kw:
334 nm=kw['define_name']
335 if kw['execute']and kw.get('define_ret',None)and isinstance(is_success,str):
336 self.define(kw['define_name'],is_success,quote=kw.get('quote',1))
337 else:
338 self.define_cond(kw['define_name'],is_success)
339 else:
340 self.define_cond(kw['define_name'],is_success)
341 if'header_name'in kw:
342 if kw.get('auto_add_header_name',False):
343 self.env.append_value(INCKEYS,Utils.to_list(kw['header_name']))
344 if is_success and'uselib_store'in kw:
345 from waflib.Tools import ccroot
346 _vars=set([])
347 for x in kw['features']:
348 if x in ccroot.USELIB_VARS:
349 _vars|=ccroot.USELIB_VARS[x]
350 for k in _vars:
351 lk=k.lower()
352 if k=='INCLUDES':lk='includes'
353 if k=='DEFINES':lk='defines'
354 if lk in kw:
355 val=kw[lk]
356 if isinstance(val,str):
357 val=val.rstrip(os.path.sep)
358 self.env.append_unique(k+'_'+kw['uselib_store'],val)
359 return is_success
360 def check(self,*k,**kw):
361 self.validate_c(kw)
362 self.start_msg(kw['msg'])
363 ret=None
364 try:
365 ret=self.run_c_code(*k,**kw)
366 except self.errors.ConfigurationError ,e:
367 self.end_msg(kw['errmsg'],'YELLOW')
368 if Logs.verbose>1:
369 raise
370 else:
371 self.fatal('The configuration failed')
372 else:
373 kw['success']=ret
374 self.end_msg(self.ret_msg(kw['okmsg'],kw))
375 ret=self.post_check(*k,**kw)
376 if not ret:
377 self.fatal('The configuration failed %r'%ret)
378 return ret
379 class test_exec(Task.Task):
380 color='PINK'
381 def run(self):
382 if getattr(self.generator,'rpath',None):
383 if getattr(self.generator,'define_ret',False):
384 self.generator.bld.retval=self.generator.bld.cmd_and_log([self.inputs[0].abspath()])
385 else:
386 self.generator.bld.retval=self.generator.bld.exec_command([self.inputs[0].abspath()])
387 else:
388 env=self.env.env or{}
389 env.update(dict(os.environ))
391 env[var]=self.inputs[0].parent.abspath()+os.path.pathsep+env.get(var,'')
392 if getattr(self.generator,'define_ret',False):
393 self.generator.bld.retval=self.generator.bld.cmd_and_log([self.inputs[0].abspath()],env=env)
394 else:
395 self.generator.bld.retval=self.generator.bld.exec_command([self.inputs[0].abspath()],env=env)
396 def test_exec_fun(self):
397 self.create_task('test_exec',self.link_task.outputs[0])
400 def run_c_code(self,*k,**kw):
401 lst=[str(v)for(p,v)in kw.items()if p!='env']
402 h=Utils.h_list(lst)
403 dir=self.bldnode.abspath()+os.sep+(not Utils.is_win32 and'.'or'')+'conf_check_'+Utils.to_hex(h)
404 try:
405 os.makedirs(dir)
406 except:
407 pass
408 try:
409 os.stat(dir)
410 except:
411 self.fatal('cannot use the configuration test folder %r'%dir)
412 cachemode=getattr(Options.options,'confcache',None)
413 if cachemode==CACHE_RESULTS:
414 try:
415 proj=ConfigSet.ConfigSet(os.path.join(dir,'cache_run_c_code'))
416 ret=proj['cache_run_c_code']
417 except:
418 pass
419 else:
420 if isinstance(ret,str)and ret.startswith('Test does not build'):
421 self.fatal(ret)
422 return ret
423 bdir=os.path.join(dir,'testbuild')
424 if not os.path.exists(bdir):
425 os.makedirs(bdir)
426 self.test_bld=bld=Build.BuildContext(top_dir=dir,out_dir=bdir)
427 bld.init_dirs()
428 bld.progress_bar=0
429 bld.targets='*'
430 if kw['compile_filename']:
431 node=bld.srcnode.make_node(kw['compile_filename'])
432 node.write(kw['code'])
433 bld.logger=self.logger
434 bld.all_envs.update(self.all_envs)
435 bld.env=kw['env']
436 o=bld(features=kw['features'],source=kw['compile_filename'],target='testprog')
437 for k,v in kw.items():
438 setattr(o,k,v)
439 self.to_log("==>\n%s\n<=="%kw['code'])
440 bld.targets='*'
441 ret=-1
442 try:
443 try:
444 bld.compile()
445 except Errors.WafError:
446 ret='Test does not build: %s'%Utils.ex_stack()
447 self.fatal(ret)
448 else:
449 ret=getattr(bld,'retval',0)
450 finally:
451 proj=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
452 proj['cache_run_c_code']=ret
454 return ret
455 def check_cxx(self,*k,**kw):
456 kw['compiler']='cxx'
457 return self.check(*k,**kw)
458 def check_cc(self,*k,**kw):
459 kw['compiler']='c'
460 return self.check(*k,**kw)
461 def define(self,key,val,quote=True):
462 assert key and isinstance(key,str)
463 if isinstance(val,int)or isinstance(val,float):
464 s='%s=%s'
465 else:
466 s=quote and'%s="%s"'or'%s=%s'
467 app=s%(key,str(val))
468 ban=key+'='
469 lst=self.env['DEFINES']
470 for x in lst:
471 if x.startswith(ban):
472 lst[lst.index(x)]=app
473 break
474 else:
475 self.env.append_value('DEFINES',app)
476 self.env.append_unique(DEFKEYS,key)
477 def undefine(self,key):
478 assert key and isinstance(key,str)
479 ban=key+'='
480 lst=[x for x in self.env['DEFINES']if not x.startswith(ban)]
481 self.env['DEFINES']=lst
482 self.env.append_unique(DEFKEYS,key)
483 def define_cond(self,key,val):
484 assert key and isinstance(key,str)
485 if val:
486 self.define(key,1)
487 else:
488 self.undefine(key)
489 def is_defined(self,key):
490 assert key and isinstance(key,str)
491 ban=key+'='
492 for x in self.env['DEFINES']:
493 if x.startswith(ban):
494 return True
495 return False
496 def get_define(self,key):
497 assert key and isinstance(key,str)
498 ban=key+'='
499 for x in self.env['DEFINES']:
500 if x.startswith(ban):
501 return x[len(ban):]
502 return None
503 def have_define(self,key):
504 return self.__dict__.get('HAVE_PAT','HAVE_%s')%Utils.quote_define_name(key)
505 def write_config_header(self,configfile='',guard='',top=False,env=None,defines=True,headers=False,remove=True):
506 if not configfile:configfile=WAF_CONFIG_H
507 waf_guard=guard or'_%s_WAF'%Utils.quote_define_name(configfile)
508 node=top and self.bldnode or self.path.get_bld()
509 node=node.make_node(configfile)
510 node.parent.mkdir()
511 lst=['/* WARNING! All changes made to this file will be lost! */\n']
512 lst.append('#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n'%(waf_guard,waf_guard))
513 lst.append(self.get_config_header(defines,headers))
514 lst.append('\n#endif /* %s */\n'%waf_guard)
515 node.write('\n'.join(lst))
516 env=env or self.env
517 env.append_unique(Build.CFG_FILES,[node.abspath()])
518 if remove:
519 for key in self.env[DEFKEYS]:
520 self.undefine(key)
521 self.env[DEFKEYS]=[]
522 def get_config_header(self,defines=True,headers=False):
523 lst=[]
524 if headers:
525 for x in self.env[INCKEYS]:
526 lst.append('#include <%s>'%x)
527 if defines:
528 for x in self.env[DEFKEYS]:
529 if self.is_defined(x):
530 val=self.get_define(x)
531 lst.append('#define %s %s'%(x,val))
532 else:
533 lst.append('/* #undef %s */'%x)
534 return"\n".join(lst)
535 def cc_add_flags(conf):
536 conf.add_os_flags('CPPFLAGS','CFLAGS')
537 conf.add_os_flags('CFLAGS')
538 def cxx_add_flags(conf):
539 conf.add_os_flags('CPPFLAGS','CXXFLAGS')
540 conf.add_os_flags('CXXFLAGS')
541 def link_add_flags(conf):
542 conf.add_os_flags('LINKFLAGS')
543 conf.add_os_flags('LDFLAGS','LINKFLAGS')
544 def cc_load_tools(conf):
545 if not conf.env.DEST_OS:
546 conf.env.DEST_OS=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
547 conf.load('c')
548 def cxx_load_tools(conf):
549 if not conf.env.DEST_OS:
550 conf.env.DEST_OS=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
551 conf.load('cxx')
552 def get_cc_version(conf,cc,gcc=False,icc=False):
553 cmd=cc+['-dM','-E','-']
554 env=conf.env.env or None
555 try:
556 p=Utils.subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdin=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,stdout=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,stderr=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,env=env)
557 p.stdin.write('\n')
558 out=p.communicate()[0]
559 except:
560 conf.fatal('Could not determine the compiler version %r'%cmd)
561 if not isinstance(out,str):
562 out=out.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
563 if gcc:
564 if out.find('__INTEL_COMPILER')>=0:
565 conf.fatal('The intel compiler pretends to be gcc')
566 if out.find('__GNUC__')<0:
567 conf.fatal('Could not determine the compiler type')
568 if icc and out.find('__INTEL_COMPILER')<0:
569 conf.fatal('Not icc/icpc')
570 k={}
571 if icc or gcc:
572 out=out.split('\n')
573 for line in out:
574 lst=shlex.split(line)
575 if len(lst)>2:
576 key=lst[1]
577 val=lst[2]
578 k[key]=val
579 def isD(var):
580 return var in k
581 def isT(var):
582 return var in k and k[var]!='0'
583 if not conf.env.DEST_OS:
584 conf.env.DEST_OS=''
585 for i in MACRO_TO_DESTOS:
586 if isD(i):
587 conf.env.DEST_OS=MACRO_TO_DESTOS[i]
588 break
589 else:
590 if isD('__APPLE__')and isD('__MACH__'):
591 conf.env.DEST_OS='darwin'
592 elif isD('__unix__'):
593 conf.env.DEST_OS='generic'
594 if isD('__ELF__'):
595 conf.env.DEST_BINFMT='elf'
596 elif isD('__WINNT__')or isD('__CYGWIN__'):
597 conf.env.DEST_BINFMT='pe'
598 conf.env.LIBDIR=conf.env['PREFIX']+'/bin'
599 elif isD('__APPLE__'):
600 conf.env.DEST_BINFMT='mac-o'
601 if not conf.env.DEST_BINFMT:
602 conf.env.DEST_BINFMT=Utils.destos_to_binfmt(conf.env.DEST_OS)
603 for i in MACRO_TO_DEST_CPU:
604 if isD(i):
605 conf.env.DEST_CPU=MACRO_TO_DEST_CPU[i]
606 break
607 Logs.debug('ccroot: dest platform: '+' '.join([conf.env[x]or'?'for x in('DEST_OS','DEST_BINFMT','DEST_CPU')]))
608 if icc:
609 ver=k['__INTEL_COMPILER']
610 conf.env['CC_VERSION']=(ver[:-2],ver[-2],ver[-1])
611 else:
612 conf.env['CC_VERSION']=(k['__GNUC__'],k['__GNUC_MINOR__'],k['__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__'])
613 return k
614 def get_xlc_version(conf,cc):
615 version_re=re.compile(r"IBM XL C/C\+\+.*, V(?P<major>\d*)\.(?P<minor>\d*)",re.I).search
616 cmd=cc+['-qversion']
617 try:
618 out,err=conf.cmd_and_log(cmd,output=0)
619 except Errors.WafError:
620 conf.fatal('Could not find xlc %r'%cmd)
621 if out:match=version_re(out)
622 else:match=version_re(err)
623 if not match:
624 conf.fatal('Could not determine the XLC version.')
625 k=match.groupdict()
626 conf.env['CC_VERSION']=(k['major'],k['minor'])
627 def add_as_needed(self):
628 if self.env.DEST_BINFMT=='elf'and'gcc'in(self.env.CXX_NAME,self.env.CC_NAME):
629 self.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS','--as-needed')
630 class cfgtask(Task.TaskBase):
631 def display(self):
632 return''
633 def runnable_status(self):
634 return Task.RUN_ME
635 def run(self):
636 conf=self.conf
637 bld=Build.BuildContext(top_dir=conf.srcnode.abspath(),out_dir=conf.bldnode.abspath())
638 bld.env=conf.env
639 bld.init_dirs()
640 bld.in_msg=1
641 bld.logger=self.logger
642 try:
643 bld.check(**self.args)
644 except:
645 return 1
646 def multicheck(self,*k,**kw):
647 self.start_msg(kw.get('msg','Executing %d configuration tests'%len(k)))
648 class par(object):
649 def __init__(self):
650 self.keep=False
651 self.cache_global=Options.cache_global
652 self.nocache=Options.options.nocache
653 self.returned_tasks=[]
654 def total(self):
655 return len(tasks)
656 def to_log(self,*k,**kw):
657 return
658 bld=par()
659 tasks=[]
660 for dct in k:
661 x=cfgtask(bld=bld)
662 tasks.append(x)
663 x.args=dct
664 x.bld=bld
665 x.conf=self
666 x.args=dct
667 x.logger=Logs.make_mem_logger(str(id(x)),self.logger)
668 def it():
669 yield tasks
670 while 1:
671 yield[]
672 p=Runner.Parallel(bld,
673 p.biter=it()
674 p.start()
675 for x in tasks:
676 x.logger.memhandler.flush()
677 for x in tasks:
678 if x.hasrun!=Task.SUCCESS:
679 self.end_msg(kw.get('errmsg','no'),color='YELLOW')
680 self.fatal(kw.get('fatalmsg',None)or'One of the tests has failed, see the config.log for more information')
681 self.end_msg('ok')
683 conf(parse_flags)
684 conf(ret_msg)
685 conf(validate_cfg)
686 conf(exec_cfg)
687 conf(check_cfg)
688 conf(validate_c)
689 conf(post_check)
690 conf(check)
691 feature('test_exec')(test_exec_fun)
692 after_method('apply_link')(test_exec_fun)
693 conf(run_c_code)
694 conf(check_cxx)
695 conf(check_cc)
696 conf(define)
697 conf(undefine)
698 conf(define_cond)
699 conf(is_defined)
700 conf(get_define)
701 conf(have_define)
702 conf(write_config_header)
703 conf(get_config_header)
704 conf(cc_add_flags)
705 conf(cxx_add_flags)
706 conf(link_add_flags)
707 conf(cc_load_tools)
708 conf(cxx_load_tools)
709 conf(get_cc_version)
710 conf(get_xlc_version)
711 conf(add_as_needed)
712 conf(multicheck)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,shutil,sys,platform
5 from waflib import TaskGen,Task,Build,Options,Utils,Errors
6 from waflib.TaskGen import taskgen_method,feature,after_method,before_method
7 app_info='''
8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9 <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
10 <plist version="0.9">
11 <dict>
12 <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
13 <string>APPL</string>
14 <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
15 <string>Created by Waf</string>
16 <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
17 <string>????</string>
18 <key>NOTE</key>
20 <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
21 <string>%s</string>
22 </dict>
23 </plist>
24 '''
25 def set_macosx_deployment_target(self):
28 elif'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'not in os.environ:
29 if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()=='darwin':
30 os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET']='.'.join(platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.')[:2])
31 def create_bundle_dirs(self,name,out):
32 bld=self.bld
33 dir=out.parent.find_or_declare(name)
34 dir.mkdir()
35 macos=dir.find_or_declare(['Contents','MacOS'])
36 macos.mkdir()
37 return dir
38 def bundle_name_for_output(out):
40 k=name.rfind('.')
41 if k>=0:
42 name=name[:k]+'.app'
43 else:
44 name=name+'.app'
45 return name
46 def create_task_macapp(self):
47 if self.env['MACAPP']or getattr(self,'mac_app',False):
48 out=self.link_task.outputs[0]
49 name=bundle_name_for_output(out)
50 dir=self.create_bundle_dirs(name,out)
51 n1=dir.find_or_declare(['Contents','MacOS',])
52 self.apptask=self.create_task('macapp',self.link_task.outputs,n1)
53 inst_to=getattr(self,'install_path','/Applications')+'/%s/Contents/MacOS/'%name
54 self.bld.install_files(inst_to,n1,chmod=Utils.O755)
55 if getattr(self,'mac_resources',None):
56 res_dir=n1.parent.parent.make_node('Resources')
57 inst_to=getattr(self,'install_path','/Applications')+'/%s/Resources'%name
58 for x in self.to_list(self.mac_resources):
59 node=self.path.find_node(x)
60 if not node:
61 raise Errors.WafError('Missing mac_resource %r in %r'%(x,self))
62 parent=node.parent
63 if os.path.isdir(node.abspath()):
64 nodes=node.ant_glob('**')
65 else:
66 nodes=[node]
67 for node in nodes:
68 rel=node.path_from(parent)
69 tsk=self.create_task('macapp',node,res_dir.make_node(rel))
70 self.bld.install_as(inst_to+'/%s'%rel,node)
71 if getattr(self.bld,'is_install',None):
72 self.install_task.hasrun=Task.SKIP_ME
73 def create_task_macplist(self):
74 if self.env['MACAPP']or getattr(self,'mac_app',False):
75 out=self.link_task.outputs[0]
76 name=bundle_name_for_output(out)
77 dir=self.create_bundle_dirs(name,out)
78 n1=dir.find_or_declare(['Contents','Info.plist'])
79 self.plisttask=plisttask=self.create_task('macplist',[],n1)
80 if getattr(self,'mac_plist',False):
81 node=self.path.find_resource(self.mac_plist)
82 if node:
83 plisttask.inputs.append(node)
84 else:
85 plisttask.code=self.mac_plist
86 else:
87 plisttask.code=app_info%self.link_task.outputs[0].name
88 inst_to=getattr(self,'install_path','/Applications')+'/%s/Contents/'%name
89 self.bld.install_files(inst_to,n1)
90 def apply_bundle(self):
91 if self.env['MACBUNDLE']or getattr(self,'mac_bundle',False):
92 self.env['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=self.env['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=[]
93 self.env['cshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['macbundle_PATTERN']
94 use=self.use=self.to_list(getattr(self,'use',[]))
95 if not'MACBUNDLE'in use:
96 use.append('MACBUNDLE')
97 app_dirs=['Contents','Contents/MacOS','Contents/Resources']
98 class macapp(Task.Task):
99 color='PINK'
100 def run(self):
101 self.outputs[0].parent.mkdir()
102 shutil.copy2(self.inputs[0].srcpath(),self.outputs[0].abspath())
103 class macplist(Task.Task):
104 color='PINK'
105 ext_in=['.bin']
106 def run(self):
107 if getattr(self,'code',None):
108 txt=self.code
109 else:
110 txt=self.inputs[0].read()
111 self.outputs[0].write(txt)
113 feature('c','cxx')(set_macosx_deployment_target)
114 taskgen_method(create_bundle_dirs)
115 feature('cprogram','cxxprogram')(create_task_macapp)
116 after_method('apply_link')(create_task_macapp)
117 feature('cprogram','cxxprogram')(create_task_macplist)
118 after_method('apply_link')(create_task_macplist)
119 feature('cshlib','cxxshlib')(apply_bundle)
120 before_method('apply_link','propagate_uselib_vars')(apply_bundle)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import re,sys,os,string,traceback
7 from waflib import Logs,Build,Utils,Errors
8 from waflib.Logs import debug,error
9 class PreprocError(Errors.WafError):
10 pass
11 POPFILE='-'
12 recursion_limit=150
13 go_absolute=False
14 standard_includes=['/usr/include']
15 if Utils.is_win32:
16 standard_includes=[]
17 use_trigraphs=0
18 strict_quotes=0
19 g_optrans={'not':'!','and':'&&','bitand':'&','and_eq':'&=','or':'||','bitor':'|','or_eq':'|=','xor':'^','xor_eq':'^=','compl':'~',}
20 re_lines=re.compile('^[ \t]*(#|%:)[ \t]*(ifdef|ifndef|if|else|elif|endif|include|import|define|undef|pragma)[ \t]*(.*)\r*$',re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
21 re_mac=re.compile("^[a-zA-Z_]\w*")
22 re_fun=re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[(]')
23 re_pragma_once=re.compile('^\s*once\s*',re.IGNORECASE)
24 re_nl=re.compile('\\\\\r*\n',re.MULTILINE)
25 re_cpp=re.compile(r"""(/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)|//[^\n]*|("(\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|.[^/"'\\]*)""",re.MULTILINE)
26 trig_def=[('??'+a,b)for a,b in zip("=-/!'()<>",r'#~\|^[]{}')]
27 chr_esc={'0':0,'a':7,'b':8,'t':9,'n':10,'f':11,'v':12,'r':13,'\\':92,"'":39}
28 NUM='i'
29 OP='O'
30 IDENT='T'
31 STR='s'
32 CHAR='c'
33 tok_types=[NUM,STR,IDENT,OP]
34 exp_types=[r"""0[xX](?P<hex>[a-fA-F0-9]+)(?P<qual1>[uUlL]*)|L*?'(?P<char>(\\.|[^\\'])+)'|(?P<n1>\d+)[Ee](?P<exp0>[+-]*?\d+)(?P<float0>[fFlL]*)|(?P<n2>\d*\.\d+)([Ee](?P<exp1>[+-]*?\d+))?(?P<float1>[fFlL]*)|(?P<n4>\d+\.\d*)([Ee](?P<exp2>[+-]*?\d+))?(?P<float2>[fFlL]*)|(?P<oct>0*)(?P<n0>\d+)(?P<qual2>[uUlL]*)""",r'L?"([^"\\]|\\.)*"',r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*',r'%:%:|<<=|>>=|\.\.\.|<<|<%|<:|<=|>>|>=|\+\+|\+=|--|->|-=|\*=|/=|%:|%=|%>|==|&&|&=|\|\||\|=|\^=|:>|!=|##|[\(\)\{\}\[\]<>\?\|\^\*\+&=:!#;,%/\-\?\~\.]',]
35 re_clexer=re.compile('|'.join(["(?P<%s>%s)"%(name,part)for name,part in zip(tok_types,exp_types)]),re.M)
36 accepted='a'
37 ignored='i'
38 undefined='u'
39 skipped='s'
40 def repl(m):
42 if s:
43 return' '
44 return''
45 def filter_comments(filename):
46 code=Utils.readf(filename)
47 if use_trigraphs:
48 for(a,b)in trig_def:code=code.split(a).join(b)
49 code=re_nl.sub('',code)
50 code=re_cpp.sub(repl,code)
51 return[(, m in re.finditer(re_lines,code)]
52 prec={}
53 ops=['* / %','+ -','<< >>','< <= >= >','== !=','& | ^','&& ||',',']
54 for x in range(len(ops)):
55 syms=ops[x]
56 for u in syms.split():
57 prec[u]=x
58 def trimquotes(s):
59 if not s:return''
60 s=s.rstrip()
61 if s[0]=="'"and s[-1]=="'":return s[1:-1]
62 return s
63 def reduce_nums(val_1,val_2,val_op):
64 try:a=0+val_1
65 except TypeError:a=int(val_1)
66 try:b=0+val_2
67 except TypeError:b=int(val_2)
68 d=val_op
69 if d=='%':c=a%b
70 elif d=='+':c=a+b
71 elif d=='-':c=a-b
72 elif d=='*':c=a*b
73 elif d=='/':c=a/b
74 elif d=='^':c=a^b
75 elif d=='|':c=a|b
76 elif d=='||':c=int(a or b)
77 elif d=='&':c=a&b
78 elif d=='&&':c=int(a and b)
79 elif d=='==':c=int(a==b)
80 elif d=='!=':c=int(a!=b)
81 elif d=='<=':c=int(a<=b)
82 elif d=='<':c=int(a<b)
83 elif d=='>':c=int(a>b)
84 elif d=='>=':c=int(a>=b)
85 elif d=='^':c=int(a^b)
86 elif d=='<<':c=a<<b
87 elif d=='>>':c=a>>b
88 else:c=0
89 return c
90 def get_num(lst):
91 if not lst:raise PreprocError("empty list for get_num")
92 (p,v)=lst[0]
93 if p==OP:
94 if v=='(':
95 count_par=1
96 i=1
97 while i<len(lst):
98 (p,v)=lst[i]
99 if p==OP:
100 if v==')':
101 count_par-=1
102 if count_par==0:
103 break
104 elif v=='(':
105 count_par+=1
106 i+=1
107 else:
108 raise PreprocError("rparen expected %r"%lst)
109 (num,_)=get_term(lst[1:i])
110 return(num,lst[i+1:])
111 elif v=='+':
112 return get_num(lst[1:])
113 elif v=='-':
114 num,lst=get_num(lst[1:])
115 return(reduce_nums('-1',num,'*'),lst)
116 elif v=='!':
117 num,lst=get_num(lst[1:])
118 return(int(not int(num)),lst)
119 elif v=='~':
120 return(~int(num),lst)
121 else:
122 raise PreprocError("Invalid op token %r for get_num"%lst)
123 elif p==NUM:
124 return v,lst[1:]
125 elif p==IDENT:
126 return 0,lst[1:]
127 else:
128 raise PreprocError("Invalid token %r for get_num"%lst)
129 def get_term(lst):
130 if not lst:raise PreprocError("empty list for get_term")
131 num,lst=get_num(lst)
132 if not lst:
133 return(num,[])
134 (p,v)=lst[0]
135 if p==OP:
136 if v=='&&'and not num:
137 return(num,[])
138 elif v=='||'and num:
139 return(num,[])
140 elif v==',':
141 return get_term(lst[1:])
142 elif v=='?':
143 count_par=0
144 i=1
145 while i<len(lst):
146 (p,v)=lst[i]
147 if p==OP:
148 if v==')':
149 count_par-=1
150 elif v=='(':
151 count_par+=1
152 elif v==':':
153 if count_par==0:
154 break
155 i+=1
156 else:
157 raise PreprocError("rparen expected %r"%lst)
158 if int(num):
159 return get_term(lst[1:i])
160 else:
161 return get_term(lst[i+1:])
162 else:
163 num2,lst=get_num(lst[1:])
164 if not lst:
165 num2=reduce_nums(num,num2,v)
166 return get_term([(NUM,num2)]+lst)
167 p2,v2=lst[0]
168 if p2!=OP:
169 raise PreprocError("op expected %r"%lst)
170 if prec[v2]>=prec[v]:
171 num2=reduce_nums(num,num2,v)
172 return get_term([(NUM,num2)]+lst)
173 else:
174 num3,lst=get_num(lst[1:])
175 num3=reduce_nums(num2,num3,v2)
176 return get_term([(NUM,num),(p,v),(NUM,num3)]+lst)
177 raise PreprocError("cannot reduce %r"%lst)
178 def reduce_eval(lst):
179 num,lst=get_term(lst)
180 return(NUM,num)
181 def stringize(lst):
182 lst=[str(v2)for(p2,v2)in lst]
183 return"".join(lst)
184 def paste_tokens(t1,t2):
185 p1=None
186 if t1[0]==OP and t2[0]==OP:
187 p1=OP
188 elif t1[0]==IDENT and(t2[0]==IDENT or t2[0]==NUM):
189 p1=IDENT
190 elif t1[0]==NUM and t2[0]==NUM:
191 p1=NUM
192 if not p1:
193 raise PreprocError('tokens do not make a valid paste %r and %r'%(t1,t2))
194 return(p1,t1[1]+t2[1])
195 def reduce_tokens(lst,defs,ban=[]):
196 i=0
197 while i<len(lst):
198 (p,v)=lst[i]
199 if p==IDENT and v=="defined":
200 del lst[i]
201 if i<len(lst):
202 (p2,v2)=lst[i]
203 if p2==IDENT:
204 if v2 in defs:
205 lst[i]=(NUM,1)
206 else:
207 lst[i]=(NUM,0)
208 elif p2==OP and v2=='(':
209 del lst[i]
210 (p2,v2)=lst[i]
211 del lst[i]
212 if v2 in defs:
213 lst[i]=(NUM,1)
214 else:
215 lst[i]=(NUM,0)
216 else:
217 raise PreprocError("Invalid define expression %r"%lst)
218 elif p==IDENT and v in defs:
219 if isinstance(defs[v],str):
220 a,b=extract_macro(defs[v])
221 defs[v]=b
222 macro_def=defs[v]
223 to_add=macro_def[1]
224 if isinstance(macro_def[0],list):
225 del lst[i]
226 for x in range(len(to_add)):
227 lst.insert(i,to_add[x])
228 i+=1
229 else:
230 args=[]
231 del lst[i]
232 if i>=len(lst):
233 raise PreprocError("expected '(' after %r (got nothing)"%v)
234 (p2,v2)=lst[i]
235 if p2!=OP or v2!='(':
236 raise PreprocError("expected '(' after %r"%v)
237 del lst[i]
238 one_param=[]
239 count_paren=0
240 while i<len(lst):
241 p2,v2=lst[i]
242 del lst[i]
243 if p2==OP and count_paren==0:
244 if v2=='(':
245 one_param.append((p2,v2))
246 count_paren+=1
247 elif v2==')':
248 if one_param:args.append(one_param)
249 break
250 elif v2==',':
251 if not one_param:raise PreprocError("empty param in funcall %s"%p)
252 args.append(one_param)
253 one_param=[]
254 else:
255 one_param.append((p2,v2))
256 else:
257 one_param.append((p2,v2))
258 if v2=='(':count_paren+=1
259 elif v2==')':count_paren-=1
260 else:
261 raise PreprocError('malformed macro')
262 accu=[]
263 arg_table=macro_def[0]
264 j=0
265 while j<len(to_add):
266 (p2,v2)=to_add[j]
267 if p2==OP and v2=='#':
268 if j+1<len(to_add)and to_add[j+1][0]==IDENT and to_add[j+1][1]in arg_table:
269 toks=args[arg_table[to_add[j+1][1]]]
270 accu.append((STR,stringize(toks)))
271 j+=1
272 else:
273 accu.append((p2,v2))
274 elif p2==OP and v2=='##':
275 if accu and j+1<len(to_add):
276 t1=accu[-1]
277 if to_add[j+1][0]==IDENT and to_add[j+1][1]in arg_table:
278 toks=args[arg_table[to_add[j+1][1]]]
279 if toks:
280 accu[-1]=paste_tokens(t1,toks[0])
281 accu.extend(toks[1:])
282 else:
283 accu.append((p2,v2))
284 accu.extend(toks)
285 elif to_add[j+1][0]==IDENT and to_add[j+1][1]=='__VA_ARGS__':
286 va_toks=[]
287 st=len(macro_def[0])
288 pt=len(args)
289 for x in args[pt-st+1:]:
290 va_toks.extend(x)
291 va_toks.append((OP,','))
292 if va_toks:va_toks.pop()
293 if len(accu)>1:
294 (p3,v3)=accu[-1]
295 (p4,v4)=accu[-2]
296 if v3=='##':
297 accu.pop()
298 if v4==','and pt<st:
299 accu.pop()
300 accu+=va_toks
301 else:
302 accu[-1]=paste_tokens(t1,to_add[j+1])
303 j+=1
304 else:
305 accu.append((p2,v2))
306 elif p2==IDENT and v2 in arg_table:
307 toks=args[arg_table[v2]]
308 reduce_tokens(toks,defs,ban+[v])
309 accu.extend(toks)
310 else:
311 accu.append((p2,v2))
312 j+=1
313 reduce_tokens(accu,defs,ban+[v])
314 for x in range(len(accu)-1,-1,-1):
315 lst.insert(i,accu[x])
316 i+=1
317 def eval_macro(lst,defs):
318 reduce_tokens(lst,defs,[])
319 if not lst:raise PreprocError("missing tokens to evaluate")
320 (p,v)=reduce_eval(lst)
321 return int(v)!=0
322 def extract_macro(txt):
323 t=tokenize(txt)
324 if
325 p,name=t[0]
326 p,v=t[1]
327 if p!=OP:raise PreprocError("expected open parenthesis")
328 i=1
329 pindex=0
330 params={}
331 prev='('
332 while 1:
333 i+=1
334 p,v=t[i]
335 if prev=='(':
336 if p==IDENT:
337 params[v]=pindex
338 pindex+=1
339 prev=p
340 elif p==OP and v==')':
341 break
342 else:
343 raise PreprocError("unexpected token (3)")
344 elif prev==IDENT:
345 if p==OP and v==',':
346 prev=v
347 elif p==OP and v==')':
348 break
349 else:
350 raise PreprocError("comma or ... expected")
351 elif prev==',':
352 if p==IDENT:
353 params[v]=pindex
354 pindex+=1
355 prev=p
356 elif p==OP and v=='...':
357 raise PreprocError("not implemented (1)")
358 else:
359 raise PreprocError("comma or ... expected (2)")
360 elif prev=='...':
361 raise PreprocError("not implemented (2)")
362 else:
363 raise PreprocError("unexpected else")
364 return(name,[params,t[i+1:]])
365 else:
366 (p,v)=t[0]
367 return(v,[[],t[1:]])
368 re_include=re.compile('^\s*(<(?P<a>.*)>|"(?P<b>.*)")')
369 def extract_include(txt,defs):
371 if m:
372 if'a'):return'<','a')
373 if'b'):return'"','b')
374 toks=tokenize(txt)
375 reduce_tokens(toks,defs,['waf_include'])
376 if not toks:
377 raise PreprocError("could not parse include %s"%txt)
378 if len(toks)==1:
379 if toks[0][0]==STR:
380 return'"',toks[0][1]
381 else:
382 if toks[0][1]=='<'and toks[-1][1]=='>':
383 return stringize(toks).lstrip('<').rstrip('>')
384 raise PreprocError("could not parse include %s."%txt)
385 def parse_char(txt):
386 if not txt:raise PreprocError("attempted to parse a null char")
387 if txt[0]!='\\':
388 return ord(txt)
389 c=txt[1]
390 if c=='x':
391 if len(txt)==4 and txt[3]in string.hexdigits:return int(txt[2:],16)
392 return int(txt[2:],16)
393 elif c.isdigit():
394 if c=='0'and len(txt)==2:return 0
395 for i in 3,2,1:
396 if len(txt)>i and txt[1:1+i].isdigit():
397 return(1+i,int(txt[1:1+i],8))
398 else:
399 try:return chr_esc[c]
400 except KeyError:raise PreprocError("could not parse char literal '%s'"%txt)
401 def tokenize(s):
402 ret=[]
403 for match in re_clexer.finditer(s):
405 for name in tok_types:
406 v=m(name)
407 if v:
408 if name==IDENT:
409 try:v=g_optrans[v];name=OP
410 except KeyError:
411 if v.lower()=="true":
412 v=1
413 name=NUM
414 elif v.lower()=="false":
415 v=0
416 name=NUM
417 elif name==NUM:
418 if m('oct'):v=int(v,8)
419 elif m('hex'):v=int(m('hex'),16)
420 elif m('n0'):v=m('n0')
421 else:
422 v=m('char')
423 if v:v=parse_char(v)
424 else:v=m('n2')or m('n4')
425 elif name==OP:
426 if v=='%:':v='#'
427 elif v=='%:%:':v='##'
428 elif name==STR:
429 v=v[1:-1]
430 ret.append((name,v))
431 break
432 return ret
433 def define_name(line):
434 return re_mac.match(line).group(0)
435 class c_parser(object):
436 def __init__(self,nodepaths=None,defines=None):
437 self.lines=[]
438 if defines is None:
439 self.defs={}
440 else:
441 self.defs=dict(defines)
442 self.state=[]
443 self.count_files=0
444 self.currentnode_stack=[]
445 self.nodepaths=nodepaths or[]
446 self.nodes=[]
447 self.names=[]
448 self.curfile=''
449 self.ban_includes=set([])
450 def cached_find_resource(self,node,filename):
451 try:
452 nd=node.ctx.cache_nd
453 except:
454 nd=node.ctx.cache_nd={}
455 tup=(node,filename)
456 try:
457 return nd[tup]
458 except KeyError:
459 ret=node.find_resource(filename)
460 if ret:
461 if getattr(ret,'children',None):
462 ret=None
463 elif ret.is_child_of(node.ctx.bldnode):
465 if tmp and getattr(tmp,'children',None):
466 ret=None
467 nd[tup]=ret
468 return ret
469 def tryfind(self,filename):
470 self.curfile=filename
471 found=self.cached_find_resource(self.currentnode_stack[-1],filename)
472 for n in self.nodepaths:
473 if found:
474 break
475 found=self.cached_find_resource(n,filename)
476 if found:
477 self.nodes.append(found)
478 if filename[-4:]!='.moc':
479 self.addlines(found)
480 else:
481 if not filename in self.names:
482 self.names.append(filename)
483 return found
484 def addlines(self,node):
485 self.currentnode_stack.append(node.parent)
486 filepath=node.abspath()
487 self.count_files+=1
488 if self.count_files>recursion_limit:
489 raise PreprocError("recursion limit exceeded")
490 pc=self.parse_cache
491 debug('preproc: reading file %r',filepath)
492 try:
493 lns=pc[filepath]
494 except KeyError:
495 pass
496 else:
497 self.lines.extend(lns)
498 return
499 try:
500 lines=filter_comments(filepath)
501 lines.append((POPFILE,''))
502 lines.reverse()
503 pc[filepath]=lines
504 self.lines.extend(lines)
505 except IOError:
506 raise PreprocError("could not read the file %s"%filepath)
507 except Exception:
508 if Logs.verbose>0:
509 error("parsing %s failed"%filepath)
510 traceback.print_exc()
511 def start(self,node,env):
512 debug('preproc: scanning %s (in %s)',,
513 bld=node.ctx
514 try:
515 self.parse_cache=bld.parse_cache
516 except AttributeError:
517 bld.parse_cache={}
518 self.parse_cache=bld.parse_cache
519 self.addlines(node)
520 if env['DEFINES']:
521 try:
522 lst=['%s %s'%(x[0],trimquotes('='.join(x[1:])))for x in[y.split('=')for y in env['DEFINES']]]
523 lst.reverse()
524 self.lines.extend([('define',x)for x in lst])
525 except AttributeError:
526 pass
527 while self.lines:
528 (token,line)=self.lines.pop()
529 if token==POPFILE:
530 self.count_files-=1
531 self.currentnode_stack.pop()
532 continue
533 try:
534 ve=Logs.verbose
535 if ve:debug('preproc: line is %s - %s state is %s',token,line,self.state)
536 state=self.state
537 if token[:2]=='if':
538 state.append(undefined)
539 elif token=='endif':
540 state.pop()
541 if token[0]!='e':
542 if skipped in self.state or ignored in self.state:
543 continue
544 if token=='if':
545 ret=eval_macro(tokenize(line),self.defs)
546 if ret:state[-1]=accepted
547 else:state[-1]=ignored
548 elif token=='ifdef':
549 m=re_mac.match(line)
550 if m and self.defs:state[-1]=accepted
551 else:state[-1]=ignored
552 elif token=='ifndef':
553 m=re_mac.match(line)
554 if m and self.defs:state[-1]=ignored
555 else:state[-1]=accepted
556 elif token=='include'or token=='import':
557 (kind,inc)=extract_include(line,self.defs)
558 if inc in self.ban_includes:
559 continue
560 if token=='import':self.ban_includes.add(inc)
561 if ve:debug('preproc: include found %s (%s) ',inc,kind)
562 if kind=='"'or not strict_quotes:
563 self.tryfind(inc)
564 elif token=='elif':
565 if state[-1]==accepted:
566 state[-1]=skipped
567 elif state[-1]==ignored:
568 if eval_macro(tokenize(line),self.defs):
569 state[-1]=accepted
570 elif token=='else':
571 if state[-1]==accepted:state[-1]=skipped
572 elif state[-1]==ignored:state[-1]=accepted
573 elif token=='define':
574 try:
575 self.defs[define_name(line)]=line
576 except:
577 raise PreprocError("Invalid define line %s"%line)
578 elif token=='undef':
579 m=re_mac.match(line)
580 if m and self.defs:
581 self.defs.__delitem__(
582 elif token=='pragma':
583 if re_pragma_once.match(line.lower()):
584 self.ban_includes.add(self.curfile)
585 except Exception ,e:
586 if Logs.verbose:
587 debug('preproc: line parsing failed (%s): %s %s',e,line,Utils.ex_stack())
588 def scan(task):
589 global go_absolute
590 try:
591 incn=task.generator.includes_nodes
592 except AttributeError:
593 raise Errors.WafError('%r is missing a feature such as "c", "cxx" or "includes": '%task.generator)
594 if go_absolute:
595 nodepaths=incn+standard_includes
596 else:
597 nodepaths=[x for x in incn if x.is_child_of(x.ctx.srcnode)or x.is_child_of(x.ctx.bldnode)]
598 tmp=c_parser(nodepaths)
599 tmp.start(task.inputs[0],task.env)
600 if Logs.verbose:
601 debug('deps: deps for %r: %r; unresolved %r'%(task.inputs,tmp.nodes,tmp.names))
602 return(tmp.nodes,tmp.names)
604 Utils.run_once(tokenize)
605 Utils.run_once(define_name)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import Task
5 from waflib.Configure import conf
6 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method,after_method
7 import sys
8 LIB_CODE='''
9 #ifdef _MSC_VER
10 #define testEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
11 #else
12 #define testEXPORT
13 #endif
14 testEXPORT int lib_func(void) { return 9; }
15 '''
16 MAIN_CODE='''
17 #ifdef _MSC_VER
18 #define testEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
19 #else
20 #define testEXPORT
21 #endif
22 testEXPORT int lib_func(void);
23 int main(void) {return !(lib_func() == 9);}
24 '''
25 def link_lib_test_fun(self):
26 def write_test_file(task):
27 task.outputs[0].write(task.generator.code)
28 rpath=[]
29 if getattr(self,'add_rpath',False):
30 rpath=[self.bld.path.get_bld().abspath()]
31 mode=self.mode
32 m='%s %s'%(mode,mode)
33 ex=self.test_exec and'test_exec'or''
34 bld=self.bld
35 bld(rule=write_test_file,target='test.'+mode,code=LIB_CODE)
36 bld(rule=write_test_file,target='main.'+mode,code=MAIN_CODE)
37 bld(features='%sshlib'%m,source='test.'+mode,target='test')
38 bld(features='%sprogram %s'%(m,ex),source='main.'+mode,target='app',use='test',rpath=rpath)
39 def check_library(self,mode=None,test_exec=True):
40 if not mode:
41 mode='c'
42 if self.env.CXX:
43 mode='cxx'
44 self.check(compile_filename=[],features='link_lib_test',msg='Checking for libraries',mode=mode,test_exec=test_exec,)
46 typedef int foo_t;
47 static %s foo_t static_foo () {return 0; }
48 %s foo_t foo () {
49 return 0;
50 }
51 '''
52 INLINE_VALUES=['inline','__inline__','__inline']
53 def check_inline(self,**kw):
54 self.start_msg('Checking for inline')
55 if not'define_name'in kw:
56 kw['define_name']='INLINE_MACRO'
57 if not'features'in kw:
58 if self.env.CXX:
59 kw['features']=['cxx']
60 else:
61 kw['features']=['c']
62 for x in INLINE_VALUES:
63 kw['fragment']=INLINE_CODE%(x,x)
64 try:
65 self.check(**kw)
66 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
67 continue
68 else:
69 self.end_msg(x)
70 if x!='inline':
71 self.define('inline',x,quote=False)
72 return x
73 self.fatal('could not use inline functions')
74 LARGE_FRAGMENT='#include <unistd.h>\nint main() { return !(sizeof(off_t) >= 8); }\n'
75 def check_large_file(self,**kw):
76 if not'define_name'in kw:
77 kw['define_name']='HAVE_LARGEFILE'
78 if not'execute'in kw:
79 kw['execute']=True
80 if not'features'in kw:
81 if self.env.CXX:
82 kw['features']=['cxx','cxxprogram']
83 else:
84 kw['features']=['c','cprogram']
85 kw['fragment']=LARGE_FRAGMENT
86 kw['msg']='Checking for large file support'
87 ret=True
88 try:
89 if self.env.DEST_BINFMT!='pe':
90 ret=self.check(**kw)
91 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
92 pass
93 else:
94 if ret:
95 return True
96 kw['msg']='Checking for -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'
97 kw['defines']=['_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']
98 try:
99 ret=self.check(**kw)
100 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
101 pass
102 else:
103 self.define('_FILE_OFFSET_BITS',64)
104 return ret
105 self.fatal('There is no support for large files')
107 short int ascii_mm[] = { 0x4249, 0x4765, 0x6E44, 0x6961, 0x6E53, 0x7953, 0 };
108 short int ascii_ii[] = { 0x694C, 0x5454, 0x656C, 0x6E45, 0x6944, 0x6E61, 0 };
109 int use_ascii (int i) {
110 return ascii_mm[i] + ascii_ii[i];
111 }
112 short int ebcdic_ii[] = { 0x89D3, 0xE3E3, 0x8593, 0x95C5, 0x89C4, 0x9581, 0 };
113 short int ebcdic_mm[] = { 0xC2C9, 0xC785, 0x95C4, 0x8981, 0x95E2, 0xA8E2, 0 };
114 int use_ebcdic (int i) {
115 return ebcdic_mm[i] + ebcdic_ii[i];
116 }
117 extern int foo;
118 '''
119 class grep_for_endianness(Task.Task):
120 color='PINK'
121 def run(self):
122 txt=self.inputs[0].read(flags='rb').decode('iso8859-1')
123 if txt.find('LiTTleEnDian')>-1:
124 self.generator.tmp.append('little')
125 elif txt.find('BIGenDianSyS')>-1:
126 self.generator.tmp.append('big')
127 else:
128 return-1
129 def grep_for_endianness_fun(self):
130 self.create_task('grep_for_endianness',self.compiled_tasks[0].outputs[0])
131 def check_endianness(self):
132 tmp=[]
133 def check_msg(self):
134 return tmp[0]
135 self.check(fragment=ENDIAN_FRAGMENT,features='c grep_for_endianness',msg="Checking for endianness",define='ENDIANNESS',tmp=tmp,okmsg=check_msg)
136 return tmp[0]
138 feature('link_lib_test')(link_lib_test_fun)
139 before_method('process_source')(link_lib_test_fun)
140 conf(check_library)
141 conf(check_inline)
142 conf(check_large_file)
143 feature('grep_for_endianness')(grep_for_endianness_fun)
144 after_method('process_source')(grep_for_endianness_fun)
145 conf(check_endianness)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import os,sys,re
7 from waflib import TaskGen,Task,Utils,Logs,Build,Options,Node,Errors
8 from waflib.Logs import error,debug,warn
9 from waflib.TaskGen import after_method,before_method,feature,taskgen_method,extension
10 from waflib.Tools import c_aliases,c_preproc,c_config,c_osx,c_tests
11 from waflib.Configure import conf
12 USELIB_VARS=Utils.defaultdict(set)
18 USELIB_VARS['cstlib']=USELIB_VARS['cxxstlib']=set(['ARFLAGS','LINKDEPS'])
21 USELIB_VARS['dstlib']=set(['ARFLAGS','LINKDEPS'])
22 USELIB_VARS['go']=set(['GOCFLAGS'])
23 USELIB_VARS['goprogram']=set(['GOLFLAGS'])
24 USELIB_VARS['asm']=set(['ASFLAGS'])
25 def create_compiled_task(self,name,node):
26 out='%s.%d.o'%(,self.idx)
27 task=self.create_task(name,node,node.parent.find_or_declare(out))
28 try:
29 self.compiled_tasks.append(task)
30 except AttributeError:
31 self.compiled_tasks=[task]
32 return task
33 def to_incnodes(self,inlst):
34 lst=[]
35 seen=set([])
36 for x in self.to_list(inlst):
37 if x in seen or not x:
38 continue
39 seen.add(x)
40 if isinstance(x,Node.Node):
41 lst.append(x)
42 else:
43 if os.path.isabs(x):
44 lst.append(self.bld.root.make_node(x)or x)
45 else:
46 if x[0]=='#':
47 p=self.bld.bldnode.make_node(x[1:])
48 v=self.bld.srcnode.make_node(x[1:])
49 else:
50 p=self.path.get_bld().make_node(x)
51 v=self.path.make_node(x)
52 if p.is_child_of(self.bld.bldnode):
53 p.mkdir()
54 lst.append(p)
55 lst.append(v)
56 return lst
57 def apply_incpaths(self):
58 lst=self.to_incnodes(self.to_list(getattr(self,'includes',[]))+self.env['INCLUDES'])
59 self.includes_nodes=lst
60 self.env['INCPATHS']=[x.abspath()for x in lst]
61 class link_task(Task.Task):
62 color='YELLOW'
63 inst_to=None
64 chmod=Utils.O644
65 def add_target(self,target):
66 if isinstance(target,str):
67 pattern=self.env[self.__class__.__name__+'_PATTERN']
68 if not pattern:
69 pattern='%s'
70 folder,name=os.path.split(target)
71 if self.__class__.__name__.find('shlib')>0:
72 if self.env.DEST_BINFMT=='pe'and getattr(self.generator,'vnum',None):
73 name=name+'-'+self.generator.vnum.split('.')[0]
74 tmp=folder+os.sep+pattern%name
75 target=self.generator.path.find_or_declare(tmp)
76 self.set_outputs(target)
77 class stlink_task(link_task):
78 run_str='${AR} ${ARFLAGS} ${AR_TGT_F}${TGT} ${AR_SRC_F}${SRC}'
79 def rm_tgt(cls):
81 def wrap(self):
82 try:os.remove(self.outputs[0].abspath())
83 except OSError:pass
84 return old(self)
85 setattr(cls,'run',wrap)
86 rm_tgt(stlink_task)
87 def apply_link(self):
88 for x in self.features:
89 if x=='cprogram'and'cxx'in self.features:
90 x='cxxprogram'
91 elif x=='cshlib'and'cxx'in self.features:
92 x='cxxshlib'
93 if x in Task.classes:
94 if issubclass(Task.classes[x],link_task):
95 link=x
96 break
97 else:
98 return
99 objs=[t.outputs[0]for t in getattr(self,'compiled_tasks',[])]
100 self.link_task=self.create_task(link,objs)
101 self.link_task.add_target(
102 try:
103 inst_to=self.install_path
104 except AttributeError:
105 inst_to=self.link_task.__class__.inst_to
106 if inst_to:
107 self.install_task=self.bld.install_files(inst_to,self.link_task.outputs[:],env=self.env,chmod=self.link_task.chmod)
108 def use_rec(self,name,**kw):
109 if name in self.tmp_use_not or name in self.tmp_use_seen:
110 return
111 try:
112 y=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(name)
113 except Errors.WafError:
114 self.uselib.append(name)
115 self.tmp_use_not.add(name)
116 return
117 self.tmp_use_seen.append(name)
119 y.tmp_use_objects=objects=kw.get('objects',True)
120 y.tmp_use_stlib=stlib=kw.get('stlib',True)
121 try:
122 link_task=y.link_task
123 except AttributeError:
124 y.tmp_use_var=''
125 else:
126 objects=False
127 if not isinstance(y.link_task,stlink_task):
128 stlib=False
129 y.tmp_use_var='LIB'
130 else:
131 y.tmp_use_var='STLIB'
132 p=self.tmp_use_prec
133 for x in self.to_list(getattr(y,'use',[])):
134 try:
135 p[x].append(name)
136 except:
137 p[x]=[name]
138 self.use_rec(x,objects=objects,stlib=stlib)
139 def process_use(self):
140 use_not=self.tmp_use_not=set([])
141 use_seen=self.tmp_use_seen=[]
142 use_prec=self.tmp_use_prec={}
143 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
144 self.includes=self.to_list(getattr(self,'includes',[]))
145 names=self.to_list(getattr(self,'use',[]))
146 for x in names:
147 self.use_rec(x)
148 for x in use_not:
149 if x in use_prec:
150 del use_prec[x]
151 out=[]
152 tmp=[]
153 for x in self.tmp_use_seen:
154 for k in use_prec.values():
155 if x in k:
156 break
157 else:
158 tmp.append(x)
159 while tmp:
160 e=tmp.pop()
161 out.append(e)
162 try:
163 nlst=use_prec[e]
164 except KeyError:
165 pass
166 else:
167 del use_prec[e]
168 for x in nlst:
169 for y in use_prec:
170 if x in use_prec[y]:
171 break
172 else:
173 tmp.append(x)
174 if use_prec:
175 raise Errors.WafError('Cycle detected in the use processing %r'%use_prec)
176 out.reverse()
177 link_task=getattr(self,'link_task',None)
178 for x in out:
179 y=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(x)
180 var=y.tmp_use_var
181 if var and link_task:
182 if var=='LIB'or y.tmp_use_stlib:
183 self.env.append_value(var,[[]])
184 self.link_task.dep_nodes.extend(y.link_task.outputs)
185 tmp_path=y.link_task.outputs[0].parent.path_from(self.bld.bldnode)
186 self.env.append_value(var+'PATH',[tmp_path])
187 else:
188 if y.tmp_use_objects:
189 self.add_objects_from_tgen(y)
190 if getattr(y,'export_includes',None):
191 self.includes.extend(y.to_incnodes(y.export_includes))
192 for x in names:
193 try:
194 y=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(x)
195 except:
196 if not self.env['STLIB_'+x]and not x in self.uselib:
197 self.uselib.append(x)
198 else:
199 for k in self.to_list(getattr(y,'uselib',[])):
200 if not self.env['STLIB_'+k]and not k in self.uselib:
201 self.uselib.append(k)
202 def add_objects_from_tgen(self,tg):
203 try:
204 link_task=self.link_task
205 except AttributeError:
206 pass
207 else:
208 for tsk in getattr(tg,'compiled_tasks',[]):
209 for x in tsk.outputs:
210 if'.o')or'.obj'):
211 link_task.inputs.append(x)
212 def get_uselib_vars(self):
213 _vars=set([])
214 for x in self.features:
215 if x in USELIB_VARS:
216 _vars|=USELIB_VARS[x]
217 return _vars
218 def propagate_uselib_vars(self):
219 _vars=self.get_uselib_vars()
220 env=self.env
221 for x in _vars:
222 y=x.lower()
223 env.append_unique(x,self.to_list(getattr(self,y,[])))
224 for x in self.features:
225 for var in _vars:
226 compvar='%s_%s'%(var,x)
227 env.append_value(var,env[compvar])
228 for x in self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[])):
229 for v in _vars:
230 env.append_value(v,env[v+'_'+x])
231 def apply_implib(self):
232 if not self.env.DEST_BINFMT=='pe':
233 return
234 dll=self.link_task.outputs[0]
235 if isinstance(,Node.Node):
237 else:
238 name=os.path.split([1]
239 implib=self.env['implib_PATTERN']%name
240 implib=dll.parent.find_or_declare(implib)
241 self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS',self.env['IMPLIB_ST']%implib.bldpath())
242 self.link_task.outputs.append(implib)
243 if getattr(self,'defs',None)and self.env.DEST_BINFMT=='pe':
244 node=self.path.find_resource(self.defs)
245 if not node:
246 raise Errors.WafError('invalid def file %r'%self.defs)
247 if'msvc'in(self.env.CC_NAME,self.env.CXX_NAME):
248 self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS','/def:%s'%node.path_from(self.bld.bldnode))
249 self.link_task.dep_nodes.append(node)
250 else:
251 self.link_task.inputs.append(node)
252 try:
253 inst_to=self.install_path
254 except AttributeError:
255 inst_to=self.link_task.__class__.inst_to
256 if not inst_to:
257 return
258 self.implib_install_task=self.bld.install_as('${PREFIX}/lib/%s',implib,self.env)
259 def apply_vnum(self):
260 if not getattr(self,'vnum','')or!='posix'or self.env.DEST_BINFMT not in('elf','mac-o'):
261 return
262 link=self.link_task
263 nums=self.vnum.split('.')
264 node=link.outputs[0]
266 if libname.endswith('.dylib'):
267 name3=libname.replace('.dylib','.%s.dylib'%self.vnum)
268 name2=libname.replace('.dylib','.%s.dylib'%nums[0])
269 else:
270 name3=libname+'.'+self.vnum
271 name2=libname+'.'+nums[0]
272 if self.env.SONAME_ST:
273 v=self.env.SONAME_ST%name2
274 self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS',v.split())
275 tsk=self.create_task('vnum',node,[node.parent.find_or_declare(name2),node.parent.find_or_declare(name3)])
276 if getattr(self.bld,'is_install',None):
277 self.install_task.hasrun=Task.SKIP_ME
278 bld=self.bld
279 path=self.install_task.dest
280 t1=bld.install_as(path+os.sep+name3,node,env=self.env,chmod=self.link_task.chmod)
281 t2=bld.symlink_as(path+os.sep+name2,name3)
282 t3=bld.symlink_as(path+os.sep+libname,name3)
283 self.vnum_install_task=(t1,t2,t3)
284 if'-dynamiclib'in self.env['LINKFLAGS']and getattr(self,'install_task',None):
285 path=os.path.join(self.install_task.get_install_path(),self.link_task.outputs[0].name)
286 self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['-install_name',path])
287 class vnum(Task.Task):
288 color='CYAN'
289 quient=True
290 ext_in=['.bin']
291 def run(self):
292 for x in self.outputs:
293 path=x.abspath()
294 try:
295 os.remove(path)
296 except OSError:
297 pass
298 try:
299 os.symlink(self.inputs[0].name,path)
300 except OSError:
301 return 1
302 class fake_shlib(link_task):
303 def runnable_status(self):
304 for t in self.run_after:
305 if not t.hasrun:
306 return Task.ASK_LATER
307 for x in self.outputs:
308 x.sig=Utils.h_file(x.abspath())
309 return Task.SKIP_ME
310 class fake_stlib(stlink_task):
311 def runnable_status(self):
312 for t in self.run_after:
313 if not t.hasrun:
314 return Task.ASK_LATER
315 for x in self.outputs:
316 x.sig=Utils.h_file(x.abspath())
317 return Task.SKIP_ME
318 def read_shlib(self,name,paths=[]):
319 return self(name=name,features='fake_lib',lib_paths=paths,lib_type='shlib')
320 def read_stlib(self,name,paths=[]):
321 return self(name=name,features='fake_lib',lib_paths=paths,lib_type='stlib')
322 lib_patterns={'shlib':['','','lib%s.dll','%s.dll'],'stlib':['lib%s.a','%s.a','lib%s.dll','%s.dll','lib%s.lib','%s.lib'],}
323 def process_lib(self):
324 node=None
325 names=[ for x in lib_patterns[self.lib_type]]
326 for x in self.lib_paths+[self.path,'/usr/lib64','/usr/lib','/usr/local/lib64','/usr/local/lib']:
327 if not isinstance(x,Node.Node):
328 x=self.bld.root.find_node(x)or self.path.find_node(x)
329 if not x:
330 continue
331 for y in names:
332 node=x.find_node(y)
333 if node:
334 node.sig=Utils.h_file(node.abspath())
335 break
336 else:
337 continue
338 break
339 else:
340 raise Errors.WafError('could not find library %r'
341 self.link_task=self.create_task('fake_%s'%self.lib_type,[],[node])
343 class fake_o(Task.Task):
344 def runnable_status(self):
345 return Task.SKIP_ME
346 def add_those_o_files(self,node):
347 tsk=self.create_task('fake_o',[],node)
348 try:
349 self.compiled_tasks.append(tsk)
350 except AttributeError:
351 self.compiled_tasks=[tsk]
353 taskgen_method(create_compiled_task)
354 taskgen_method(to_incnodes)
355 feature('c','cxx','d','go','asm','fc','includes')(apply_incpaths)
356 after_method('propagate_uselib_vars','process_source')(apply_incpaths)
357 feature('c','cxx','d','go','fc','asm')(apply_link)
358 after_method('process_source')(apply_link)
359 taskgen_method(use_rec)
360 feature('c','cxx','d','use','fc')(process_use)
361 before_method('apply_incpaths','propagate_uselib_vars')(process_use)
362 after_method('apply_link','process_source')(process_use)
363 taskgen_method(add_objects_from_tgen)
364 taskgen_method(get_uselib_vars)
365 feature('c','cxx','d','fc','javac','cs','uselib')(propagate_uselib_vars)
366 after_method('process_use')(propagate_uselib_vars)
367 feature('cshlib','cxxshlib','fcshlib')(apply_implib)
368 after_method('apply_link')(apply_implib)
369 feature('cshlib','cxxshlib','dshlib','fcshlib','vnum')(apply_vnum)
370 after_method('apply_link')(apply_vnum)
371 conf(read_shlib)
372 conf(read_stlib)
373 feature('fake_lib')(process_lib)
374 extension('.o','.obj')(add_those_o_files)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,imp,types
5 from waflib.Tools import ccroot
6 from waflib import Utils,Configure
7 from waflib.Logs import debug
8 c_compiler={'win32':['msvc','gcc'],'cygwin':['gcc'],'darwin':['gcc'],'aix':['xlc','gcc'],'linux':['gcc','icc'],'sunos':['suncc','gcc'],'irix':['gcc','irixcc'],'hpux':['gcc'],'gnu':['gcc'],'java':['gcc','msvc','icc'],'default':['gcc'],}
9 def configure(conf):
10 try:test_for_compiler=conf.options.check_c_compiler
11 except AttributeError:conf.fatal("Add options(opt): opt.load('compiler_c')")
12 for compiler in test_for_compiler.split():
13 conf.env.stash()
14 conf.start_msg('Checking for %r (c compiler)'%compiler)
15 try:
16 conf.load(compiler)
17 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError ,e:
18 conf.env.revert()
19 conf.end_msg(False)
20 debug('compiler_c: %r'%e)
21 else:
22 if conf.env['CC']:
23 conf.end_msg(conf.env.get_flat('CC'))
24 conf.env['COMPILER_CC']=compiler
25 break
26 conf.end_msg(False)
27 else:
28 conf.fatal('could not configure a c compiler!')
29 def options(opt):
30 opt.load_special_tools('c_*.py',ban=[''])
31 global c_compiler
32 build_platform=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
33 possible_compiler_list=c_compiler[build_platform in c_compiler and build_platform or'default']
34 test_for_compiler=' '.join(possible_compiler_list)
35 cc_compiler_opts=opt.add_option_group("C Compiler Options")
36 cc_compiler_opts.add_option('--check-c-compiler',default="%s"%test_for_compiler,help='On this platform (%s) the following C-Compiler will be checked by default: "%s"'%(build_platform,test_for_compiler),dest="check_c_compiler")
37 for x in test_for_compiler.split():
38 opt.load('%s'%x)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,imp,types
5 from waflib.Tools import ccroot
6 from waflib import Utils,Configure
7 from waflib.Logs import debug
8 cxx_compiler={'win32':['msvc','g++'],'cygwin':['g++'],'darwin':['g++'],'aix':['xlc++','g++'],'linux':['g++','icpc'],'sunos':['sunc++','g++'],'irix':['g++'],'hpux':['g++'],'gnu':['g++'],'java':['g++','msvc','icpc'],'default':['g++']}
9 def configure(conf):
10 try:test_for_compiler=conf.options.check_cxx_compiler
11 except AttributeError:conf.fatal("Add options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx')")
12 for compiler in test_for_compiler.split():
13 conf.env.stash()
14 conf.start_msg('Checking for %r (c++ compiler)'%compiler)
15 try:
16 conf.load(compiler)
17 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError ,e:
18 conf.env.revert()
19 conf.end_msg(False)
20 debug('compiler_cxx: %r'%e)
21 else:
22 if conf.env['CXX']:
23 conf.end_msg(conf.env.get_flat('CXX'))
24 conf.env['COMPILER_CXX']=compiler
25 break
26 conf.end_msg(False)
27 else:
28 conf.fatal('could not configure a c++ compiler!')
29 def options(opt):
30 opt.load_special_tools('cxx_*.py')
31 global cxx_compiler
32 build_platform=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
33 possible_compiler_list=cxx_compiler[build_platform in cxx_compiler and build_platform or'default']
34 test_for_compiler=' '.join(possible_compiler_list)
35 cxx_compiler_opts=opt.add_option_group('C++ Compiler Options')
36 cxx_compiler_opts.add_option('--check-cxx-compiler',default="%s"%test_for_compiler,help='On this platform (%s) the following C++ Compiler will be checked by default: "%s"'%(build_platform,test_for_compiler),dest="check_cxx_compiler")
37 for x in test_for_compiler.split():
38 opt.load('%s'%x)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,imp,types
5 from waflib import Utils,Configure,Options,Logs
6 def configure(conf):
7 for compiler in conf.options.dcheck.split(','):
8 conf.env.stash()
9 conf.start_msg('Checking for %r (d compiler)'%compiler)
10 try:
11 conf.load(compiler)
12 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError ,e:
13 conf.env.revert()
14 conf.end_msg(False)
15 Logs.debug('compiler_cxx: %r'%e)
16 else:
17 if conf.env.D:
18 conf.end_msg(conf.env.get_flat('D'))
19 conf.env['COMPILER_D']=compiler
20 conf.env.D_COMPILER=conf.env.D
21 break
22 conf.end_msg(False)
23 else:
24 conf.fatal('no suitable d compiler was found')
25 def options(opt):
26 d_compiler_opts=opt.add_option_group('D Compiler Options')
27 d_compiler_opts.add_option('--check-d-compiler',default='gdc,dmd',action='store',help='check for the compiler [Default:gdc,dmd]',dest='dcheck')
28 for d_compiler in['gdc','dmd']:
29 opt.load('%s'%d_compiler)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,imp,types
5 from waflib import Utils,Configure,Options,Logs,Errors
6 from waflib.Tools import fc
7 fc_compiler={'win32':['gfortran','ifort'],'darwin':['gfortran','g95','ifort'],'linux':['gfortran','g95','ifort'],'java':['gfortran','g95','ifort'],'default':['gfortran'],'aix':['gfortran']}
8 def __list_possible_compiler(platform):
9 try:
10 return fc_compiler[platform]
11 except KeyError:
12 return fc_compiler["default"]
13 def configure(conf):
14 try:test_for_compiler=conf.options.check_fc
15 except AttributeError:conf.fatal("Add options(opt): opt.load('compiler_fc')")
16 for compiler in test_for_compiler.split():
17 conf.env.stash()
18 conf.start_msg('Checking for %r (fortran compiler)'%compiler)
19 try:
20 conf.load(compiler)
21 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError ,e:
22 conf.env.revert()
23 conf.end_msg(False)
24 Logs.debug('compiler_fortran: %r'%e)
25 else:
26 if conf.env['FC']:
27 conf.end_msg(conf.env.get_flat('FC'))
28 conf.env.COMPILER_FORTRAN=compiler
29 break
30 conf.end_msg(False)
31 else:
32 conf.fatal('could not configure a fortran compiler!')
33 def options(opt):
34 opt.load_special_tools('fc_*.py')
35 build_platform=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
36 detected_platform=Options.platform
37 possible_compiler_list=__list_possible_compiler(detected_platform)
38 test_for_compiler=' '.join(possible_compiler_list)
39 fortran_compiler_opts=opt.add_option_group("Fortran Compiler Options")
40 fortran_compiler_opts.add_option('--check-fortran-compiler',default="%s"%test_for_compiler,help='On this platform (%s) the following Fortran Compiler will be checked by default: "%s"'%(detected_platform,test_for_compiler),dest="check_fc")
41 for compiler in test_for_compiler.split():
42 opt.load('%s'%compiler)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 from waflib import Utils,Task,Options,Logs,Errors
7 from waflib.TaskGen import before_method,after_method,feature
8 from waflib.Tools import ccroot
9 from waflib.Configure import conf
11 ccroot.lib_patterns['csshlib']=['%s']
12 def apply_cs(self):
13 cs_nodes=[]
14 no_nodes=[]
15 for x in self.to_nodes(self.source):
16 if'.cs'):
17 cs_nodes.append(x)
18 else:
19 no_nodes.append(x)
20 self.source=no_nodes
21 bintype=getattr(self,'type',self.gen.endswith('.dll')and'library'or'exe')
22 self.cs_task=tsk=self.create_task('mcs',cs_nodes,self.path.find_or_declare(self.gen))
23 tsk.env.CSTYPE='/target:%s'%bintype
24 tsk.env.OUT='/out:%s'%tsk.outputs[0].abspath()
25 inst_to=getattr(self,'install_path',bintype=='exe'and'${BINDIR}'or'${LIBDIR}')
26 if inst_to:
27 mod=getattr(self,'chmod',bintype=='exe'and Utils.O755 or Utils.O644)
28 self.install_task=self.bld.install_files(inst_to,self.cs_task.outputs[:],env=self.env,chmod=mod)
29 def use_cs(self):
30 names=self.to_list(getattr(self,'use',[]))
31 get=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name
32 for x in names:
33 try:
34 y=get(x)
35 except Errors.WafError:
36 self.cs_task.env.append_value('CSFLAGS','/reference:%s'%x)
37 continue
39 tsk=getattr(y,'cs_task',None)or getattr(y,'link_task',None)
40 if not tsk:
41 self.bld.fatal('cs task has no link task for use %r'%self)
42 self.cs_task.dep_nodes.extend(tsk.outputs)
43 self.cs_task.set_run_after(tsk)
44 self.cs_task.env.append_value('CSFLAGS','/reference:%s'%tsk.outputs[0].abspath())
45 def debug_cs(self):
46 csdebug=getattr(self,'csdebug',self.env.CSDEBUG)
47 if not csdebug:
48 return
49 node=self.cs_task.outputs[0]
50 if self.env.CS_NAME=='mono':
51 out=node.parent.find_or_declare('.mdb')
52 else:
53 out=node.change_ext('.pdb')
54 self.cs_task.outputs.append(out)
55 try:
56 self.install_task.source.append(out)
57 except AttributeError:
58 pass
59 if csdebug=='pdbonly':
60 val=['/debug+','/debug:pdbonly']
61 elif csdebug=='full':
62 val=['/debug+','/debug:full']
63 else:
64 val=['/debug-']
65 self.cs_task.env.append_value('CSFLAGS',val)
66 class mcs(Task.Task):
67 color='YELLOW'
69 def configure(conf):
70 csc=getattr(Options.options,'cscbinary',None)
71 if csc:
72 conf.env.MCS=csc
73 conf.find_program(['csc','mcs','gmcs'],var='MCS')
74 conf.env.ASS_ST='/r:%s'
75 conf.env.RES_ST='/resource:%s'
76 conf.env.CS_NAME='csc'
77 if str(conf.env.MCS).lower().find('mcs')>-1:
78 conf.env.CS_NAME='mono'
79 def options(opt):
80 opt.add_option('--with-csc-binary',type='string',dest='cscbinary')
81 class fake_csshlib(Task.Task):
82 color='YELLOW'
83 inst_to=None
84 def runnable_status(self):
85 for x in self.outputs:
86 x.sig=Utils.h_file(x.abspath())
87 return Task.SKIP_ME
88 def read_csshlib(self,name,paths=[]):
89 return self(name=name,features='fake_lib',lib_paths=paths,lib_type='csshlib')
91 feature('cs')(apply_cs)
92 before_method('process_source')(apply_cs)
93 feature('cs')(use_cs)
94 after_method('apply_cs')(use_cs)
95 feature('cs')(debug_cs)
96 after_method('apply_cs','use_cs')(debug_cs)
97 conf(read_csshlib)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import TaskGen,Task,Utils
5 from waflib.Tools import c_preproc
6 from waflib.Tools.ccroot import link_task,stlink_task
7 def cxx_hook(self,node):
8 return self.create_compiled_task('cxx',node)
9 TaskGen.extension('.cpp','.cc','.cxx','.C','.c++')(cxx_hook)
10 if not'.c'in TaskGen.task_gen.mappings:
11 TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.c']=TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.cpp']
12 class cxx(Task.Task):
14 vars=['CXXDEPS']
15 ext_in=['.h']
16 scan=c_preproc.scan
17 class cxxprogram(link_task):
19 vars=['LINKDEPS']
20 ext_out=['.bin']
21 inst_to='${BINDIR}'
22 chmod=Utils.O755
23 class cxxshlib(cxxprogram):
24 inst_to='${LIBDIR}'
25 class cxxstlib(stlink_task):
26 pass
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import Utils,Task,Errors
5 from waflib.TaskGen import taskgen_method,feature,extension
6 from waflib.Tools import d_scan,d_config
7 from waflib.Tools.ccroot import link_task,stlink_task
8 class d(Task.Task):
9 color='GREEN'
10 run_str='${D} ${DFLAGS} ${DINC_ST:INCPATHS} ${D_SRC_F:SRC} ${D_TGT_F:TGT}'
11 scan=d_scan.scan
12 class d_with_header(d):
13 run_str='${D} ${DFLAGS} ${DINC_ST:INCPATHS} ${D_HDR_F:tgt.outputs[1].bldpath()} ${D_SRC_F:SRC} ${D_TGT_F:tgt.outputs[0].bldpath()}'
14 class d_header(Task.Task):
15 color='BLUE'
16 run_str='${D} ${D_HEADER} ${SRC}'
17 class dprogram(link_task):
19 inst_to='${BINDIR}'
20 chmod=Utils.O755
21 class dshlib(dprogram):
22 inst_to='${LIBDIR}'
23 class dstlib(stlink_task):
24 pass
25 def d_hook(self,node):
26 ext=Utils.destos_to_binfmt(self.env.DEST_OS)=='pe'and'obj'or'o'
27 out='%s.%d.%s'%(,self.idx,ext)
28 def create_compiled_task(self,name,node):
29 task=self.create_task(name,node,node.parent.find_or_declare(out))
30 try:
31 self.compiled_tasks.append(task)
32 except AttributeError:
33 self.compiled_tasks=[task]
34 return task
35 if getattr(self,'generate_headers',None):
36 tsk=create_compiled_task(self,'d_with_header',node)
37 tsk.outputs.append(node.change_ext(self.env['DHEADER_ext']))
38 else:
39 tsk=create_compiled_task(self,'d',node)
40 return tsk
41 def generate_header(self,filename,install_path=None):
42 try:
43 self.header_lst.append([filename,install_path])
44 except AttributeError:
45 self.header_lst=[[filename,install_path]]
46 def process_header(self):
47 for i in getattr(self,'header_lst',[]):
48 node=self.path.find_resource(i[0])
49 if not node:
50 raise Errors.WafError('file %r not found on d obj'%i[0])
51 self.create_task('d_header',node,node.change_ext('.di'))
53 extension('.d','.di','.D')(d_hook)
54 taskgen_method(generate_header)
55 feature('d')(process_header)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import Utils
5 from waflib.Configure import conf
6 def d_platform_flags(self):
7 v=self.env
8 if not v.DEST_OS:
9 v.DEST_OS=Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
10 if Utils.destos_to_binfmt(self.env.DEST_OS)=='pe':
11 v['dprogram_PATTERN']='%s.exe'
12 v['dshlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dll'
13 v['dstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
14 else:
15 v['dprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
16 v['dshlib_PATTERN']=''
17 v['dstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
18 DLIB='''
19 version(D_Version2) {
20 import std.stdio;
21 int main() {
22 writefln("phobos2");
23 return 0;
24 }
25 } else {
26 version(Tango) {
27 import tango.stdc.stdio;
28 int main() {
29 printf("tango");
30 return 0;
31 }
32 } else {
33 import std.stdio;
34 int main() {
35 writefln("phobos1");
36 return 0;
37 }
38 }
39 }
40 '''
41 def check_dlibrary(self):
42 ret=self.check_cc(features='d dprogram',fragment=DLIB,compile_filename='test.d',execute=True,define_ret=True)
43 self.env.DLIBRARY=ret.strip()
45 conf(d_platform_flags)
46 conf(check_dlibrary)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import re
5 from waflib import Utils,Logs
6 def filter_comments(filename):
7 txt=Utils.readf(filename)
8 i=0
9 buf=[]
10 max=len(txt)
11 begin=0
12 while i<max:
13 c=txt[i]
14 if c=='"'or c=="'":
15 buf.append(txt[begin:i])
16 delim=c
17 i+=1
18 while i<max:
19 c=txt[i]
20 if c==delim:break
21 elif c=='\\':
22 i+=1
23 i+=1
24 i+=1
25 begin=i
26 elif c=='/':
27 buf.append(txt[begin:i])
28 i+=1
29 if i==max:break
30 c=txt[i]
31 if c=='+':
32 i+=1
33 nesting=1
34 c=None
35 while i<max:
36 prev=c
37 c=txt[i]
38 if prev=='/'and c=='+':
39 nesting+=1
40 c=None
41 elif prev=='+'and c=='/':
42 nesting-=1
43 if nesting==0:break
44 c=None
45 i+=1
46 elif c=='*':
47 i+=1
48 c=None
49 while i<max:
50 prev=c
51 c=txt[i]
52 if prev=='*'and c=='/':break
53 i+=1
54 elif c=='/':
55 i+=1
56 while i<max and txt[i]!='\n':
57 i+=1
58 else:
59 begin=i-1
60 continue
61 i+=1
62 begin=i
63 buf.append(' ')
64 else:
65 i+=1
66 buf.append(txt[begin:])
67 return buf
68 class d_parser(object):
69 def __init__(self,env,incpaths):
70 self.allnames=[]
71 self.re_module=re.compile("module\s+([^;]+)")
72 self.re_import=re.compile("import\s+([^;]+)")
73 self.re_import_bindings=re.compile("([^:]+):(.*)")
74 self.re_import_alias=re.compile("[^=]+=(.+)")
75 self.env=env
76 self.nodes=[]
77 self.names=[]
78 self.incpaths=incpaths
79 def tryfind(self,filename):
80 found=0
81 for n in self.incpaths:
82 found=n.find_resource(filename.replace('.','/')+'.d')
83 if found:
84 self.nodes.append(found)
85 self.waiting.append(found)
86 break
87 if not found:
88 if not filename in self.names:
89 self.names.append(filename)
90 def get_strings(self,code):
91 self.module=''
92 lst=[]
94 if mod_name:
95 self.module=re.sub('\s+','',
96 import_iterator=self.re_import.finditer(code)
97 if import_iterator:
98 for import_match in import_iterator:
99 import_match_str=re.sub('\s+','',
100 bindings_match=self.re_import_bindings.match(import_match_str)
101 if bindings_match:
103 matches=import_match_str.split(',')
104 for match in matches:
105 alias_match=self.re_import_alias.match(match)
106 if alias_match:
108 lst.append(match)
109 return lst
110 def start(self,node):
111 self.waiting=[node]
112 while self.waiting:
113 nd=self.waiting.pop(0)
114 self.iter(nd)
115 def iter(self,node):
116 path=node.abspath()
117 code="".join(filter_comments(path))
118 names=self.get_strings(code)
119 for x in names:
120 if x in self.allnames:continue
121 self.allnames.append(x)
122 self.tryfind(x)
123 def scan(self):
124 env=self.env
125 gruik=d_parser(env,self.generator.includes_nodes)
126 node=self.inputs[0]
127 gruik.start(node)
128 nodes=gruik.nodes
129 names=gruik.names
130 if Logs.verbose:
131 Logs.debug('deps: deps for %s: %r; unresolved %r'%(str(node),nodes,names))
132 return(nodes,names)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import Task,Errors
5 from waflib.TaskGen import taskgen_method,before_method
6 def add_dbus_file(self,filename,prefix,mode):
7 if not hasattr(self,'dbus_lst'):
8 self.dbus_lst=[]
9 if not'process_dbus'in self.meths:
10 self.meths.append('process_dbus')
11 self.dbus_lst.append([filename,prefix,mode])
12 def process_dbus(self):
13 for filename,prefix,mode in getattr(self,'dbus_lst',[]):
14 node=self.path.find_resource(filename)
15 if not node:
16 raise Errors.WafError('file not found '+filename)
17 tsk=self.create_task('dbus_binding_tool',node,node.change_ext('.h'))
18 tsk.env.DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_PREFIX=prefix
19 tsk.env.DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_MODE=mode
20 class dbus_binding_tool(Task.Task):
21 color='BLUE'
22 ext_out=['.h']
23 run_str='${DBUS_BINDING_TOOL} --prefix=${DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_PREFIX} --mode=${DBUS_BINDING_TOOL_MODE} --output=${TGT} ${SRC}'
24 shell=True
25 def configure(conf):
26 dbus_binding_tool=conf.find_program('dbus-binding-tool',var='DBUS_BINDING_TOOL')
28 taskgen_method(add_dbus_file)
29 before_method('apply_core')(process_dbus)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 from waflib.Tools import ar,d
6 from waflib.Configure import conf
7 def find_dmd(conf):
8 conf.find_program(['dmd','ldc'],var='D')
9 def common_flags_ldc(conf):
10 v=conf.env
11 v['DFLAGS']=['-d-version=Posix']
12 v['LINKFLAGS']=[]
13 v['DFLAGS_dshlib']=['-relocation-model=pic']
14 def common_flags_dmd(conf):
15 v=conf.env
16 v['D_SRC_F']=['-c']
17 v['D_TGT_F']='-of%s'
18 v['D_LINKER']=v['D']
19 v['DLNK_SRC_F']=''
20 v['DLNK_TGT_F']='-of%s'
21 v['DINC_ST']='-I%s'
23 v['DSTLIB_ST']=v['DSHLIB_ST']='-L-l%s'
25 v['LINKFLAGS_dprogram']=['-quiet']
26 v['DFLAGS_dshlib']=['-fPIC']
27 v['LINKFLAGS_dshlib']=['-L-shared']
28 v['DHEADER_ext']='.di'
29 v.DFLAGS_d_with_header=['-H','-Hf']
30 v['D_HDR_F']='%s'
31 def configure(conf):
32 conf.find_dmd()
33 if sys.platform=='win32':
34 out=conf.cmd_and_log([conf.env.D,'--help'])
35 if out.find("D Compiler v2.")>-1:
36 conf.fatal('dmd2 on Windows is not supported, use gdc or ldc instead')
37 conf.load('ar')
38 conf.load('d')
39 conf.common_flags_dmd()
40 conf.d_platform_flags()
41 if str(conf.env.D).find('ldc')>-1:
42 conf.common_flags_ldc()
44 conf(find_dmd)
45 conf(common_flags_ldc)
46 conf(common_flags_dmd)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 typos={'feature':'features','sources':'source','targets':'target','include':'includes','export_include':'export_includes','define':'defines','importpath':'includes','installpath':'install_path',}
7 meths_typos=['__call__','program','shlib','stlib','objects']
8 from waflib import Logs,Build,Node,Task,TaskGen,ConfigSet,Errors,Utils
9 import waflib.Tools.ccroot
10 def check_same_targets(self):
11 mp=Utils.defaultdict(list)
12 uids={}
13 def check_task(tsk):
14 if not isinstance(tsk,Task.Task):
15 return
16 for node in tsk.outputs:
17 mp[node].append(tsk)
18 try:
19 uids[tsk.uid()].append(tsk)
20 except:
21 uids[tsk.uid()]=[tsk]
22 for g in self.groups:
23 for tg in g:
24 try:
25 for tsk in tg.tasks:
26 check_task(tsk)
27 except AttributeError:
28 check_task(tg)
29 dupe=False
30 for(k,v)in mp.items():
31 if len(v)>1:
32 dupe=True
33 msg='* Node %r is created by more than once%s. The task generators are:'%(k,Logs.verbose==1 and" (full message on 'waf -v -v')"or"")
34 Logs.error(msg)
35 for x in v:
36 if Logs.verbose>1:
37 Logs.error(' %d. %r'%(1+v.index(x),x.generator))
38 else:
39 Logs.error(' %d. %r in %r'%(1+v.index(x),,getattr(x.generator,'path',None)))
40 if not dupe:
41 for(k,v)in uids.items():
42 if len(v)>1:
43 Logs.error('* Several tasks use the same identifier. Please check the information on\n')
44 for tsk in v:
45 Logs.error(' - object %r (%r) defined in %r'%(tsk.__class__.__name__,tsk,tsk.generator))
46 def check_invalid_constraints(self):
47 feat=set([])
48 for x in list(TaskGen.feats.values()):
49 feat.union(set(x))
50 for(x,y)in TaskGen.task_gen.prec.items():
51 feat.add(x)
52 feat.union(set(y))
53 ext=set([])
54 for x in TaskGen.task_gen.mappings.values():
55 ext.add(x.__name__)
56 invalid=ext&feat
57 if invalid:
58 Logs.error('The methods %r have invalid annotations: @extension <-> @feature/@before_method/@after_method'%list(invalid))
59 for cls in list(Task.classes.values()):
60 for x in('before','after'):
61 for y in Utils.to_list(getattr(cls,x,[])):
62 if not Task.classes.get(y,None):
63 Logs.error('Erroneous order constraint %r=%r on task class %r'%(x,y,cls.__name__))
64 if getattr(cls,'rule',None):
65 Logs.error('Erroneous attribute "rule" on task class %r (rename to "run_str")'%cls.__name__)
66 def replace(m):
67 oldcall=getattr(Build.BuildContext,m)
68 def call(self,*k,**kw):
69 ret=oldcall(self,*k,**kw)
70 for x in typos:
71 if x in kw:
72 err=True
73 Logs.error('Fix the typo %r -> %r on %r'%(x,typos[x],ret))
74 return ret
75 setattr(Build.BuildContext,m,call)
76 def enhance_lib():
77 for m in meths_typos:
78 replace(m)
79 def ant_glob(self,*k,**kw):
80 if k:
81 lst=Utils.to_list(k[0])
82 for pat in lst:
83 if'..'in pat.split('/'):
84 Logs.error("In ant_glob pattern %r: '..' means 'two dots', not 'parent directory'"%k[0])
85 if kw.get('remove',True):
86 try:
87 if self.is_child_of(self.ctx.bldnode)and not kw.get('quiet',False):
88 Logs.error('Using ant_glob on the build folder (%r) is dangerous (quiet=True to disable this warning)'%self)
89 except AttributeError:
90 pass
91 return self.old_ant_glob(*k,**kw)
92 Node.Node.old_ant_glob=Node.Node.ant_glob
93 Node.Node.ant_glob=ant_glob
94 old=Task.is_before
95 def is_before(t1,t2):
96 ret=old(t1,t2)
97 if ret and old(t2,t1):
98 Logs.error('Contradictory order constraints in classes %r %r'%(t1,t2))
99 return ret
100 Task.is_before=is_before
101 def check_err_features(self):
102 lst=self.to_list(self.features)
103 if'shlib'in lst:
104 Logs.error('feature shlib -> cshlib, dshlib or cxxshlib')
105 for x in('c','cxx','d','fc'):
106 if not x in lst and lst and lst[0]in[x+y for y in('program','shlib','stlib')]:
107 Logs.error('%r features is probably missing %r'%(self,x))
108 TaskGen.feature('*')(check_err_features)
109 def check_err_order(self):
110 if not hasattr(self,'rule'):
111 for x in('before','after','ext_in','ext_out'):
112 if hasattr(self,x):
113 Logs.warn('Erroneous order constraint %r on non-rule based task generator %r'%(x,self))
114 else:
115 for x in('before','after'):
116 for y in self.to_list(getattr(self,x,[])):
117 if not Task.classes.get(y,None):
118 Logs.error('Erroneous order constraint %s=%r on %r'%(x,y,self))
119 TaskGen.feature('*')(check_err_order)
120 def check_compile(self):
121 check_invalid_constraints(self)
122 try:
123 ret=self.orig_compile()
124 finally:
125 check_same_targets(self)
126 return ret
127 Build.BuildContext.orig_compile=Build.BuildContext.compile
128 Build.BuildContext.compile=check_compile
129 def use_rec(self,name,**kw):
130 try:
131 y=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(name)
132 except Errors.WafError:
133 pass
134 else:
135 idx=self.bld.get_group_idx(self)
136 odx=self.bld.get_group_idx(y)
137 if odx>idx:
138 msg="Invalid 'use' across build groups:"
139 if Logs.verbose>1:
140 msg+='\n target %r\n uses:\n %r'%(self,y)
141 else:
142 msg+=" %r uses %r (try 'waf -v -v' for the full error)"%(,name)
143 raise Errors.WafError(msg)
144 self.orig_use_rec(name,**kw)
145 TaskGen.task_gen.orig_use_rec=TaskGen.task_gen.use_rec
146 TaskGen.task_gen.use_rec=use_rec
147 def getattri(self,name,default=None):
148 if name=='append'or name=='add':
149 raise Errors.WafError('env.append and env.add do not exist: use env.append_value/env.append_unique')
150 elif name=='prepend':
151 raise Errors.WafError('env.prepend does not exist: use env.prepend_value')
152 if name in self.__slots__:
153 return object.__getattr__(self,name,default)
154 else:
155 return self[name]
156 ConfigSet.ConfigSet.__getattr__=getattri
157 def options(opt):
158 enhance_lib()
159 def configure(conf):
160 pass
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import re
7 from waflib import Utils,Task,TaskGen,Logs
8 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,fc_config,fc_scan
9 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method,after_method,extension
10 from waflib.Configure import conf
11 ccroot.USELIB_VARS['fc']=set(['FCFLAGS','DEFINES','INCLUDES'])
12 ccroot.USELIB_VARS['fcprogram_test']=ccroot.USELIB_VARS['fcprogram']=set(['LIB','STLIB','LIBPATH','STLIBPATH','LINKFLAGS','RPATH','LINKDEPS'])
14 ccroot.USELIB_VARS['fcstlib']=set(['ARFLAGS','LINKDEPS'])
15 def dummy(self):
16 pass
17 def fc_hook(self,node):
18 return self.create_compiled_task('fc',node)
19 def modfile(conf,name):
20 return{'lower':name.lower()+'.mod','lower.MOD':name.upper()+'.MOD','UPPER.mod':name.upper()+'.mod','UPPER':name.upper()+'.MOD'}[conf.env.FC_MOD_CAPITALIZATION or'lower']
21 def get_fortran_tasks(tsk):
22 bld=tsk.generator.bld
23 tasks=bld.get_tasks_group(bld.get_group_idx(tsk.generator))
24 return[x for x in tasks if isinstance(x,fc)and not getattr(x,'nomod',None)and not getattr(x,'mod_fortran_done',None)]
25 class fc(Task.Task):
26 color='GREEN'
27 run_str='${FC} ${FCFLAGS} ${FCINCPATH_ST:INCPATHS} ${FCDEFINES_ST:DEFINES} ${_FCMODOUTFLAGS} ${FC_TGT_F}${TGT[0].abspath()} ${FC_SRC_F}${SRC[0].abspath()}'
29 def scan(self):
30 tmp=fc_scan.fortran_parser(self.generator.includes_nodes)
31 tmp.task=self
32 tmp.start(self.inputs[0])
33 if Logs.verbose:
34 Logs.debug('deps: deps for %r: %r; unresolved %r'%(self.inputs,tmp.nodes,tmp.names))
35 return(tmp.nodes,tmp.names)
36 def runnable_status(self):
37 if getattr(self,'mod_fortran_done',None):
38 return super(fc,self).runnable_status()
39 bld=self.generator.bld
40 lst=get_fortran_tasks(self)
41 for tsk in lst:
42 tsk.mod_fortran_done=True
43 for tsk in lst:
44 ret=tsk.runnable_status()
45 if ret==Task.ASK_LATER:
46 for x in lst:
47 x.mod_fortran_done=None
48 return Task.ASK_LATER
49 ins=Utils.defaultdict(set)
50 outs=Utils.defaultdict(set)
51 for tsk in lst:
52 key=tsk.uid()
53 for x in bld.raw_deps[key]:
54 if x.startswith('MOD@'):
55 name=bld.modfile(x.replace('MOD@',''))
56 node=bld.srcnode.find_or_declare(name)
57 tsk.set_outputs(node)
58 outs[id(node)].add(tsk)
59 for tsk in lst:
60 key=tsk.uid()
61 for x in bld.raw_deps[key]:
62 if x.startswith('USE@'):
63 name=bld.modfile(x.replace('USE@',''))
64 node=bld.srcnode.find_resource(name)
65 if node and node not in tsk.outputs:
66 if not node in bld.node_deps[key]:
67 bld.node_deps[key].append(node)
68 ins[id(node)].add(tsk)
69 for k in ins.keys():
70 for a in ins[k]:
71 a.run_after.update(outs[k])
72 tmp=[]
73 for t in outs[k]:
74 tmp.extend(t.outputs)
75 a.dep_nodes.extend(tmp)
76 try:
77 a.dep_nodes.sort(key=lambda x:x.abspath())
78 except:
79 a.dep_nodes.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(x.abspath(),y.abspath()))
80 for tsk in lst:
81 try:
82 delattr(tsk,'cache_sig')
83 except AttributeError:
84 pass
85 return super(fc,self).runnable_status()
86 class fcprogram(ccroot.link_task):
87 color='YELLOW'
89 inst_to='${BINDIR}'
90 chmod=Utils.O755
91 class fcshlib(fcprogram):
92 inst_to='${LIBDIR}'
93 class fcprogram_test(fcprogram):
94 def can_retrieve_cache(self):
95 return False
96 def runnable_status(self):
97 ret=super(fcprogram_test,self).runnable_status()
98 if ret==Task.SKIP_ME:
99 ret=Task.RUN_ME
100 return ret
101 def exec_command(self,cmd,**kw):
102 bld=self.generator.bld
103 kw['shell']=isinstance(cmd,str)
104 kw['stdout']=kw['stderr']=Utils.subprocess.PIPE
105 kw['cwd']=bld.variant_dir
106 bld.out=bld.err=''
107 bld.to_log('command: %s\n'%cmd)
108 kw['output']=0
109 try:
110 (bld.out,bld.err)=bld.cmd_and_log(cmd,**kw)
111 except Exception ,e:
112 return-1
113 if bld.out:
114 bld.to_log("out: %s\n"%bld.out)
115 if bld.err:
116 bld.to_log("err: %s\n"%bld.err)
117 class fcstlib(ccroot.stlink_task):
118 pass
120 feature('fcprogram','fcshlib','fcstlib','fcprogram_test')(dummy)
121 extension('.f','.f90','.F','.F90','.for','.FOR')(fc_hook)
122 conf(modfile)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import re,shutil,os,sys,string,shlex
5 from waflib.Configure import conf
6 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,after_method,before_method
7 from waflib import Build,Utils
8 FC_FRAGMENT=' program main\n end program main\n'
10 def fc_flags(conf):
11 v=conf.env
12 v['FC_SRC_F']=[]
13 v['FC_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
14 v['FCINCPATH_ST']='-I%s'
15 v['FCDEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
16 if not v['LINK_FC']:v['LINK_FC']=v['FC']
17 v['FCLNK_SRC_F']=[]
18 v['FCLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
19 v['FCFLAGS_fcshlib']=['-fpic']
20 v['LINKFLAGS_fcshlib']=['-shared']
21 v['fcshlib_PATTERN']=''
22 v['fcstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
23 v['FCLIB_ST']='-l%s'
24 v['FCLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
25 v['FCSTLIB_ST']='-l%s'
26 v['FCSTLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
27 v['FCSTLIB_MARKER']='-Wl,-Bstatic'
28 v['FCSHLIB_MARKER']='-Wl,-Bdynamic'
29 v['SONAME_ST']='-Wl,-h,%s'
30 def check_fortran(self,*k,**kw):
31 self.check_cc(fragment=FC_FRAGMENT,compile_filename='test.f',features='fc fcprogram',msg='Compiling a simple fortran app')
32 def check_fc(self,*k,**kw):
33 kw['compiler']='fc'
34 if not'compile_mode'in kw:
35 kw['compile_mode']='fc'
36 if not'type'in kw:
37 kw['type']='fcprogram'
38 if not'compile_filename'in kw:
39 kw['compile_filename']='test.f90'
40 if not'code'in kw:
41 kw['code']=FC_FRAGMENT
42 return self.check(*k,**kw)
43 def fortran_modifier_darwin(conf):
44 v=conf.env
45 v['FCFLAGS_fcshlib']=['-fPIC','-compatibility_version','1','-current_version','1']
46 v['LINKFLAGS_fcshlib']=['-dynamiclib']
47 v['fcshlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dylib'
49 v['FRAMEWORK_ST']='-framework %s'
50 v['LINKFLAGS_fcstlib']=[]
53 v['SONAME_ST']=''
54 def fortran_modifier_win32(conf):
55 v=conf.env
56 v['fcprogram_PATTERN']=v['fcprogram_test_PATTERN']='%s.exe'
57 v['fcshlib_PATTERN']='%s.dll'
58 v['implib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dll.a'
59 v['IMPLIB_ST']='-Wl,--out-implib,%s'
60 v['FCFLAGS_fcshlib']=[]
61 v.append_value('FCFLAGS_fcshlib',['-DDLL_EXPORT'])
62 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['-Wl,--enable-auto-import'])
63 def fortran_modifier_cygwin(conf):
64 fortran_modifier_win32(conf)
65 v=conf.env
66 v['fcshlib_PATTERN']='cyg%s.dll'
67 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS_fcshlib',['-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base'])
68 v['FCFLAGS_fcshlib']=[]
69 def check_fortran_dummy_main(self,*k,**kw):
70 if not self.env.CC:
71 self.fatal('A c compiler is required for check_fortran_dummy_main')
72 lst=['MAIN__','__MAIN','_MAIN','MAIN_','MAIN']
73 lst.extend([m.lower()for m in lst])
74 lst.append('')
75 self.start_msg('Detecting whether we need a dummy main')
76 for main in lst:
77 kw['fortran_main']=main
78 try:
79 self.check_cc(fragment='int %s() { return 0; }\n'%(main or'test'),features='c fcprogram',mandatory=True)
80 if not main:
81 self.env.FC_MAIN=-1
82 self.end_msg('no')
83 else:
84 self.env.FC_MAIN=main
85 self.end_msg('yes %s'%main)
86 break
87 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
88 pass
89 else:
90 self.end_msg('not found')
91 self.fatal('could not detect whether fortran requires a dummy main, see the config.log')
92 GCC_DRIVER_LINE=re.compile('^Driving:')
93 POSIX_STATIC_EXT=re.compile('\S+\.a')
94 POSIX_LIB_FLAGS=re.compile('-l\S+')
95 def is_link_verbose(self,txt):
96 assert isinstance(txt,str)
97 for line in txt.splitlines():
98 if not
99 if
100 return True
101 return False
102 def check_fortran_verbose_flag(self,*k,**kw):
103 self.start_msg('fortran link verbose flag')
104 for x in['-v','--verbose','-verbose','-V']:
105 try:
106 self.check_cc(features='fc fcprogram_test',fragment=FC_FRAGMENT2,compile_filename='test.f',linkflags=[x],mandatory=True)
107 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
108 pass
109 else:
110 if self.is_link_verbose(self.test_bld.err)or self.is_link_verbose(self.test_bld.out):
111 self.end_msg(x)
112 break
113 else:
114 self.end_msg('failure')
115 self.fatal('Could not obtain the fortran link verbose flag (see config.log)')
116 self.env.FC_VERBOSE_FLAG=x
117 return x
118 LINKFLAGS_IGNORED=[r'-lang*',r'-lcrt[a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\.o',r'-lc$',r'-lSystem',r'-libmil',r'-LIST:*',r'-LNO:*']
119 if'nt':
120 LINKFLAGS_IGNORED.extend([r'-lfrt*',r'-luser32',r'-lkernel32',r'-ladvapi32',r'-lmsvcrt',r'-lshell32',r'-lmingw',r'-lmoldname'])
121 else:
122 LINKFLAGS_IGNORED.append(r'-lgcc*')
124 def _match_ignore(line):
126 if i.match(line):
127 return True
128 return False
129 def parse_fortran_link(lines):
130 final_flags=[]
131 for line in lines:
132 if not GCC_DRIVER_LINE.match(line):
133 _parse_flink_line(line,final_flags)
134 return final_flags
135 SPACE_OPTS=re.compile('^-[LRuYz]$')
136 NOSPACE_OPTS=re.compile('^-[RL]')
137 def _parse_flink_line(line,final_flags):
138 lexer=shlex.shlex(line,posix=True)
139 lexer.whitespace_split=True
140 t=lexer.get_token()
141 tmp_flags=[]
142 while t:
143 def parse(token):
144 if _match_ignore(token):
145 pass
146 elif token.startswith('-lkernel32')and sys.platform=='cygwin':
147 tmp_flags.append(token)
148 elif SPACE_OPTS.match(token):
149 t=lexer.get_token()
150 if t.startswith('P,'):
151 t=t[2:]
152 for opt in t.split(os.pathsep):
153 tmp_flags.append('-L%s'%opt)
154 elif NOSPACE_OPTS.match(token):
155 tmp_flags.append(token)
156 elif POSIX_LIB_FLAGS.match(token):
157 tmp_flags.append(token)
158 else:
159 pass
160 t=lexer.get_token()
161 return t
162 t=parse(t)
163 final_flags.extend(tmp_flags)
164 return final_flags
165 def check_fortran_clib(self,autoadd=True,*k,**kw):
166 if not self.env.FC_VERBOSE_FLAG:
167 self.fatal('env.FC_VERBOSE_FLAG is not set: execute check_fortran_verbose_flag?')
168 self.start_msg('Getting fortran runtime link flags')
169 try:
170 self.check_cc(fragment=FC_FRAGMENT2,compile_filename='test.f',features='fc fcprogram_test',linkflags=[self.env.FC_VERBOSE_FLAG])
171 except:
172 self.end_msg(False)
173 if kw.get('mandatory',True):
174 conf.fatal('Could not find the c library flags')
175 else:
176 out=self.test_bld.err
177 flags=parse_fortran_link(out.splitlines())
178 self.end_msg('ok (%s)'%' '.join(flags))
179 self.env.LINKFLAGS_CLIB=flags
180 return flags
181 return[]
182 def getoutput(conf,cmd,stdin=False):
183 if stdin:
184 stdin=Utils.subprocess.PIPE
185 else:
186 stdin=None
187 env=conf.env.env or None
188 try:
189 p=Utils.subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdin=stdin,stdout=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,stderr=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,env=env)
190 if stdin:
191 p.stdin.write('\n')
192 stdout,stderr=p.communicate()
193 except:
194 conf.fatal('could not determine the compiler version %r'%cmd)
195 else:
196 if not isinstance(stdout,str):
197 stdout=stdout.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
198 if not isinstance(stderr,str):
199 stderr=stderr.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
200 return stdout,stderr
202 subroutine foobar()
203 return
204 end
205 subroutine foo_bar()
206 return
207 end
208 """
209 MAIN_CODE="""
210 void %(dummy_func_nounder)s(void);
211 void %(dummy_func_under)s(void);
212 int %(main_func_name)s() {
213 %(dummy_func_nounder)s();
214 %(dummy_func_under)s();
215 return 0;
216 }
217 """
218 def link_main_routines_tg_method(self):
219 def write_test_file(task):
220 task.outputs[0].write(task.generator.code)
221 bld=self.bld
222 bld(rule=write_test_file,target='main.c',code=MAIN_CODE%self.__dict__)
223 bld(rule=write_test_file,target='test.f',code=ROUTINES_CODE)
224 bld(features='fc fcstlib',source='test.f',target='test')
225 bld(features='c fcprogram',source='main.c',target='app',use='test')
226 def mangling_schemes():
227 for u in['_','']:
228 for du in['','_']:
229 for c in["lower","upper"]:
230 yield(u,du,c)
231 def mangle_name(u,du,c,name):
232 return getattr(name,c)()+u+(name.find('_')!=-1 and du or'')
233 def check_fortran_mangling(self,*k,**kw):
234 if not self.env.CC:
235 self.fatal('A c compiler is required for link_main_routines')
236 if not self.env.FC:
237 self.fatal('A fortran compiler is required for link_main_routines')
238 if not self.env.FC_MAIN:
239 self.fatal('Checking for mangling requires self.env.FC_MAIN (execute "check_fortran_dummy_main" first?)')
240 self.start_msg('Getting fortran mangling scheme')
241 for(u,du,c)in mangling_schemes():
242 try:
243 self.check_cc(compile_filename=[],features='link_main_routines_func',msg='nomsg',errmsg='nomsg',mandatory=True,dummy_func_nounder=mangle_name(u,du,c,"foobar"),dummy_func_under=mangle_name(u,du,c,"foo_bar"),main_func_name=self.env.FC_MAIN)
244 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
245 pass
246 else:
247 self.end_msg("ok ('%s', '%s', '%s-case')"%(u,du,c))
248 self.env.FORTRAN_MANGLING=(u,du,c)
249 break
250 else:
251 self.end_msg(False)
252 self.fatal('mangler not found')
253 return(u,du,c)
254 def set_lib_pat(self):
255 self.env['fcshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['pyext_PATTERN']
256 def detect_openmp(self):
257 for x in['-fopenmp','-openmp','-mp','-xopenmp','-omp','-qsmp=omp']:
258 try:
259 self.check_fc(msg='Checking for OpenMP flag %s'%x,fragment='program main\n call omp_get_num_threads()\nend program main',fcflags=x,linkflags=x,uselib_store='OPENMP')
260 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
261 pass
262 else:
263 break
264 else:
265 self.fatal('Could not find OpenMP')
267 conf(fc_flags)
268 conf(check_fortran)
269 conf(check_fc)
270 conf(fortran_modifier_darwin)
271 conf(fortran_modifier_win32)
272 conf(fortran_modifier_cygwin)
273 conf(check_fortran_dummy_main)
274 conf(is_link_verbose)
275 conf(check_fortran_verbose_flag)
276 conf(check_fortran_clib)
277 feature('link_main_routines_func')(link_main_routines_tg_method)
278 before_method('process_source')(link_main_routines_tg_method)
279 conf(check_fortran_mangling)
280 feature('pyext')(set_lib_pat)
281 before_method('propagate_uselib_vars','apply_link')(set_lib_pat)
282 conf(detect_openmp)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import re
5 from waflib import Utils,Task,TaskGen,Logs
6 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method,after_method,extension
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 INC_REGEX="""(?:^|['">]\s*;)\s*INCLUDE\s+(?:\w+_)?[<"'](.+?)(?=["'>])"""
9 USE_REGEX="""(?:^|;)\s*USE(?:\s+|(?:(?:\s*,\s*(?:NON_)?INTRINSIC)?\s*::))\s*(\w+)"""
10 MOD_REGEX="""(?:^|;)\s*MODULE(?!\s*PROCEDURE)(?:\s+|(?:(?:\s*,\s*(?:NON_)?INTRINSIC)?\s*::))\s*(\w+)"""
11 re_inc=re.compile(INC_REGEX,re.I)
12 re_use=re.compile(USE_REGEX,re.I)
13 re_mod=re.compile(MOD_REGEX,re.I)
14 class fortran_parser(object):
15 def __init__(self,incpaths):
16 self.seen=[]
17 self.nodes=[]
18 self.names=[]
19 self.incpaths=incpaths
20 def find_deps(self,node):
22 incs=[]
23 uses=[]
24 mods=[]
25 for line in txt.splitlines():
27 if m:
28 incs.append(
30 if m:
31 uses.append(
33 if m:
34 mods.append(
35 return(incs,uses,mods)
36 def start(self,node):
37 self.waiting=[node]
38 while self.waiting:
39 nd=self.waiting.pop(0)
40 self.iter(nd)
41 def iter(self,node):
42 path=node.abspath()
43 incs,uses,mods=self.find_deps(node)
44 for x in incs:
45 if x in self.seen:
46 continue
47 self.seen.append(x)
48 self.tryfind_header(x)
49 for x in uses:
50 name="USE@%s"%x
51 if not name in self.names:
52 self.names.append(name)
53 for x in mods:
54 name="MOD@%s"%x
55 if not name in self.names:
56 self.names.append(name)
57 def tryfind_header(self,filename):
58 found=None
59 for n in self.incpaths:
60 found=n.find_resource(filename)
61 if found:
62 self.nodes.append(found)
63 self.waiting.append(found)
64 break
65 if not found:
66 if not filename in self.names:
67 self.names.append(filename)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import waflib.TaskGen
5 def decide_ext(self,node):
6 if'cxx'in self.features:
7 return['']
8 return['.lex.c']
9 def flexfun(tsk):
10 env=tsk.env
11 bld=tsk.generator.bld
12 wd=bld.variant_dir
13 def to_list(xx):
14 if isinstance(xx,str):return[xx]
15 return xx
16 tsk.last_cmd=lst=[]
17 lst.extend(to_list(env['FLEX']))
18 lst.extend(to_list(env['FLEXFLAGS']))
19 lst.extend([a.path_from(bld.bldnode)for a in tsk.inputs])
20 lst=[x for x in lst if x]
21 txt=bld.cmd_and_log(lst,cwd=wd,env=env.env or None,quiet=0)
22 tsk.outputs[0].write(txt)
23 waflib.TaskGen.declare_chain(name='flex',rule=flexfun,ext_in='.l',decider=decide_ext,)
24 def configure(conf):
25 conf.find_program('flex',var='FLEX')
26 conf.env.FLEXFLAGS=['-t']
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import re
5 from waflib import Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import fc,fc_config,fc_scan
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_g95(conf):
9 fc=conf.find_program('g95',var='FC')
10 fc=conf.cmd_to_list(fc)
11 conf.get_g95_version(fc)
12 conf.env.FC_NAME='G95'
13 def g95_flags(conf):
14 v=conf.env
15 v['FCFLAGS_fcshlib']=['-fPIC']
16 v['FORTRANMODFLAG']=['-fmod=','']
17 v['FCFLAGS_DEBUG']=['-Werror']
18 def g95_modifier_win32(conf):
19 fc_config.fortran_modifier_win32(conf)
20 def g95_modifier_cygwin(conf):
21 fc_config.fortran_modifier_cygwin(conf)
22 def g95_modifier_darwin(conf):
23 fc_config.fortran_modifier_darwin(conf)
24 def g95_modifier_platform(conf):
25 dest_os=conf.env['DEST_OS']or Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
26 g95_modifier_func=getattr(conf,'g95_modifier_'+dest_os,None)
27 if g95_modifier_func:
28 g95_modifier_func()
29 def get_g95_version(conf,fc):
30 version_re=re.compile(r"g95\s*(?P<major>\d*)\.(?P<minor>\d*)").search
31 cmd=fc+['--version']
32 out,err=fc_config.getoutput(conf,cmd,stdin=False)
33 if out:
34 match=version_re(out)
35 else:
36 match=version_re(err)
37 if not match:
38 conf.fatal('cannot determine g95 version')
39 k=match.groupdict()
40 conf.env['FC_VERSION']=(k['major'],k['minor'])
41 def configure(conf):
42 conf.find_g95()
43 conf.find_ar()
44 conf.fc_flags()
45 conf.g95_flags()
46 conf.g95_modifier_platform()
48 conf(find_g95)
49 conf(g95_flags)
50 conf(g95_modifier_win32)
51 conf(g95_modifier_cygwin)
52 conf(g95_modifier_darwin)
53 conf(g95_modifier_platform)
54 conf(get_g95_version)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import waflib.Tools.asm
5 from waflib.Tools import ar
6 def configure(conf):
7 conf.find_program(['gas','as','gcc'],var='AS')
8 conf.env.AS_TGT_F=['-o']
9 conf.env.ASLNK_TGT_F=['-o']
10 conf.find_ar()
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib import Configure,Options,Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_gcc(conf):
9 cc=conf.find_program(['gcc','cc'],var='CC')
10 cc=conf.cmd_to_list(cc)
11 conf.get_cc_version(cc,gcc=True)
12 conf.env.CC_NAME='gcc'
13 conf.env.CC=cc
14 def gcc_common_flags(conf):
15 v=conf.env
16 v['CC_SRC_F']=[]
17 v['CC_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
18 if not v['LINK_CC']:v['LINK_CC']=v['CC']
19 v['CCLNK_SRC_F']=[]
20 v['CCLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
21 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
22 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
23 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
24 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
25 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
26 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
27 v['RPATH_ST']='-Wl,-rpath,%s'
28 v['SONAME_ST']='-Wl,-h,%s'
29 v['SHLIB_MARKER']='-Wl,-Bdynamic'
30 v['STLIB_MARKER']='-Wl,-Bstatic'
31 v['cprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
32 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=['-fPIC']
33 v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=['-shared']
34 v['cshlib_PATTERN']=''
35 v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib']=['-Wl,-Bstatic']
36 v['cstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
37 v['LINKFLAGS_MACBUNDLE']=['-bundle','-undefined','dynamic_lookup']
39 v['macbundle_PATTERN']='%s.bundle'
40 def gcc_modifier_win32(conf):
41 v=conf.env
42 v['cprogram_PATTERN']='%s.exe'
43 v['cshlib_PATTERN']='%s.dll'
44 v['implib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dll.a'
45 v['IMPLIB_ST']='-Wl,--out-implib,%s'
46 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=[]
47 v.append_value('CFLAGS_cshlib',['-DDLL_EXPORT'])
48 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['-Wl,--enable-auto-import'])
49 def gcc_modifier_cygwin(conf):
50 gcc_modifier_win32(conf)
51 v=conf.env
52 v['cshlib_PATTERN']='cyg%s.dll'
53 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS_cshlib',['-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base'])
54 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=[]
55 def gcc_modifier_darwin(conf):
56 v=conf.env
57 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=['-fPIC','-compatibility_version','1','-current_version','1']
58 v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=['-dynamiclib']
59 v['cshlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dylib'
61 v['FRAMEWORK_ST']=['-framework']
62 v['ARCH_ST']=['-arch']
63 v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib']=[]
64 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
65 v['STLIB_MARKER']=[]
66 v['SONAME_ST']=[]
67 def gcc_modifier_aix(conf):
68 v=conf.env
69 v['LINKFLAGS_cprogram']=['-Wl,-brtl']
70 v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=['-shared','-Wl,-brtl,-bexpfull']
71 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
72 def gcc_modifier_hpux(conf):
73 v=conf.env
74 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
75 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=['-fPIC','-DPIC']
76 v['cshlib_PATTERN']=''
77 def gcc_modifier_platform(conf):
78 gcc_modifier_func=getattr(conf,'gcc_modifier_'+conf.env.DEST_OS,None)
79 if gcc_modifier_func:
80 gcc_modifier_func()
81 def configure(conf):
82 conf.find_gcc()
83 conf.find_ar()
84 conf.gcc_common_flags()
85 conf.gcc_modifier_platform()
86 conf.cc_load_tools()
87 conf.cc_add_flags()
88 conf.link_add_flags()
90 conf(find_gcc)
91 conf(gcc_common_flags)
92 conf(gcc_modifier_win32)
93 conf(gcc_modifier_cygwin)
94 conf(gcc_modifier_darwin)
95 conf(gcc_modifier_aix)
96 conf(gcc_modifier_hpux)
97 conf(gcc_modifier_platform)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 from waflib.Tools import ar,d
6 from waflib.Configure import conf
7 def find_gdc(conf):
8 conf.find_program('gdc',var='D')
9 def common_flags_gdc(conf):
10 v=conf.env
11 v['DFLAGS']=[]
12 v['D_SRC_F']=['-c']
13 v['D_TGT_F']='-o%s'
14 v['D_LINKER']=v['D']
15 v['DLNK_SRC_F']=''
16 v['DLNK_TGT_F']='-o%s'
17 v['DINC_ST']='-I%s'
19 v['DSTLIB_ST']=v['DSHLIB_ST']='-l%s'
21 v['LINKFLAGS_dshlib']=['-shared']
22 v['DHEADER_ext']='.di'
23 v.DFLAGS_d_with_header='-fintfc'
24 v['D_HDR_F']='-fintfc-file=%s'
25 def configure(conf):
26 conf.find_gdc()
27 conf.load('ar')
28 conf.load('d')
29 conf.common_flags_gdc()
30 conf.d_platform_flags()
32 conf(find_gdc)
33 conf(common_flags_gdc)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import re
5 from waflib import Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import fc,fc_config,fc_scan
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_gfortran(conf):
9 fc=conf.find_program(['gfortran','g77'],var='FC')
10 fc=conf.cmd_to_list(fc)
11 conf.get_gfortran_version(fc)
12 conf.env.FC_NAME='GFORTRAN'
13 def gfortran_flags(conf):
14 v=conf.env
15 v['FCFLAGS_fcshlib']=['-fPIC']
16 v['FORTRANMODFLAG']=['-J','']
17 v['FCFLAGS_DEBUG']=['-Werror']
18 def gfortran_modifier_win32(conf):
19 fc_config.fortran_modifier_win32(conf)
20 def gfortran_modifier_cygwin(conf):
21 fc_config.fortran_modifier_cygwin(conf)
22 def gfortran_modifier_darwin(conf):
23 fc_config.fortran_modifier_darwin(conf)
24 def gfortran_modifier_platform(conf):
25 dest_os=conf.env['DEST_OS']or Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
26 gfortran_modifier_func=getattr(conf,'gfortran_modifier_'+dest_os,None)
27 if gfortran_modifier_func:
28 gfortran_modifier_func()
29 def get_gfortran_version(conf,fc):
30 version_re=re.compile(r"GNU\s*Fortran",re.I).search
31 cmd=fc+['--version']
32 out,err=fc_config.getoutput(conf,cmd,stdin=False)
33 if out:match=version_re(out)
34 else:match=version_re(err)
35 if not match:
36 conf.fatal('Could not determine the compiler type')
37 cmd=fc+['-dM','-E','-']
38 out,err=fc_config.getoutput(conf,cmd,stdin=True)
39 if out.find('__GNUC__')<0:
40 conf.fatal('Could not determine the compiler type')
41 k={}
42 out=out.split('\n')
43 import shlex
44 for line in out:
45 lst=shlex.split(line)
46 if len(lst)>2:
47 key=lst[1]
48 val=lst[2]
49 k[key]=val
50 def isD(var):
51 return var in k
52 def isT(var):
53 return var in k and k[var]!='0'
54 conf.env['FC_VERSION']=(k['__GNUC__'],k['__GNUC_MINOR__'],k['__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__'])
55 def configure(conf):
56 conf.find_gfortran()
57 conf.find_ar()
58 conf.fc_flags()
59 conf.gfortran_flags()
60 conf.gfortran_modifier_platform()
62 conf(find_gfortran)
63 conf(gfortran_flags)
64 conf(gfortran_modifier_win32)
65 conf(gfortran_modifier_cygwin)
66 conf(gfortran_modifier_darwin)
67 conf(gfortran_modifier_platform)
68 conf(get_gfortran_version)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Task,Utils,Options,Errors,Logs
6 from waflib.TaskGen import taskgen_method,before_method,after_method,feature
7 def add_marshal_file(self,filename,prefix):
8 if not hasattr(self,'marshal_list'):
9 self.marshal_list=[]
10 self.meths.append('process_marshal')
11 self.marshal_list.append((filename,prefix))
12 def process_marshal(self):
13 for f,prefix in getattr(self,'marshal_list',[]):
14 node=self.path.find_resource(f)
15 if not node:
16 raise Errors.WafError('file not found %r'%f)
17 h_node=node.change_ext('.h')
18 c_node=node.change_ext('.c')
19 task=self.create_task('glib_genmarshal',node,[h_node,c_node])
20 task.env.GLIB_GENMARSHAL_PREFIX=prefix
21 self.source=self.to_nodes(getattr(self,'source',[]))
22 self.source.append(c_node)
23 class glib_genmarshal(Task.Task):
24 def run(self):
25 bld=self.inputs[0].__class__.ctx
26 get=self.env.get_flat
27 cmd1="%s %s --prefix=%s --header > %s"%(get('GLIB_GENMARSHAL'),self.inputs[0].srcpath(),get('GLIB_GENMARSHAL_PREFIX'),self.outputs[0].abspath())
28 ret=bld.exec_command(cmd1)
29 if ret:return ret
30 c='''#include "%s"\n'''%self.outputs[0].name
31 self.outputs[1].write(c)
32 cmd2="%s %s --prefix=%s --body >> %s"%(get('GLIB_GENMARSHAL'),self.inputs[0].srcpath(),get('GLIB_GENMARSHAL_PREFIX'),self.outputs[1].abspath())
33 return bld.exec_command(cmd2)
35 color='BLUE'
36 ext_out=['.h']
37 def add_enums_from_template(self,source='',target='',template='',comments=''):
38 if not hasattr(self,'enums_list'):
39 self.enums_list=[]
40 self.meths.append('process_enums')
41 self.enums_list.append({'source':source,'target':target,'template':template,'file-head':'','file-prod':'','file-tail':'','enum-prod':'','value-head':'','value-prod':'','value-tail':'','comments':comments})
42 def add_enums(self,source='',target='',file_head='',file_prod='',file_tail='',enum_prod='',value_head='',value_prod='',value_tail='',comments=''):
43 if not hasattr(self,'enums_list'):
44 self.enums_list=[]
45 self.meths.append('process_enums')
46 self.enums_list.append({'source':source,'template':'','target':target,'file-head':file_head,'file-prod':file_prod,'file-tail':file_tail,'enum-prod':enum_prod,'value-head':value_head,'value-prod':value_prod,'value-tail':value_tail,'comments':comments})
47 def process_enums(self):
48 for enum in getattr(self,'enums_list',[]):
49 task=self.create_task('glib_mkenums')
50 env=task.env
51 inputs=[]
52 source_list=self.to_list(enum['source'])
53 if not source_list:
54 raise Errors.WafError('missing source '+str(enum))
55 source_list=[self.path.find_resource(k)for k in source_list]
56 inputs+=source_list
57 env['GLIB_MKENUMS_SOURCE']=[k.abspath()for k in source_list]
58 if not enum['target']:
59 raise Errors.WafError('missing target '+str(enum))
60 tgt_node=self.path.find_or_declare(enum['target'])
61 if'.c'):
62 self.source.append(tgt_node)
63 env['GLIB_MKENUMS_TARGET']=tgt_node.abspath()
64 options=[]
65 if enum['template']:
66 template_node=self.path.find_resource(enum['template'])
67 options.append('--template %s'%(template_node.abspath()))
68 inputs.append(template_node)
69 params={'file-head':'--fhead','file-prod':'--fprod','file-tail':'--ftail','enum-prod':'--eprod','value-head':'--vhead','value-prod':'--vprod','value-tail':'--vtail','comments':'--comments'}
70 for param,option in params.items():
71 if enum[param]:
72 options.append('%s %r'%(option,enum[param]))
73 env['GLIB_MKENUMS_OPTIONS']=' '.join(options)
74 task.set_inputs(inputs)
75 task.set_outputs(tgt_node)
76 class glib_mkenums(Task.Task):
78 color='PINK'
79 ext_out=['.h']
80 def add_settings_schemas(self,filename_list):
81 if not hasattr(self,'settings_schema_files'):
82 self.settings_schema_files=[]
83 if not isinstance(filename_list,list):
84 filename_list=[filename_list]
85 self.settings_schema_files.extend(filename_list)
86 def add_settings_enums(self,namespace,filename_list):
87 if hasattr(self,'settings_enum_namespace'):
88 raise Errors.WafError("Tried to add gsettings enums to '%s' more than once"
89 self.settings_enum_namespace=namespace
90 if type(filename_list)!='list':
91 filename_list=[filename_list]
92 self.settings_enum_files=filename_list
93 def r_change_ext(self,ext):
95 k=name.rfind('.')
96 if k>=0:
97 name=name[:k]+ext
98 else:
99 name=name+ext
100 return self.parent.find_or_declare([name])
101 def process_settings(self):
102 enums_tgt_node=[]
103 install_files=[]
104 settings_schema_files=getattr(self,'settings_schema_files',[])
105 if settings_schema_files and not self.env['GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS']:
106 raise Errors.WafError("Unable to process GSettings schemas - glib-compile-schemas was not found during configure")
107 if hasattr(self,'settings_enum_files'):
108 enums_task=self.create_task('glib_mkenums')
109 source_list=self.settings_enum_files
110 source_list=[self.path.find_resource(k)for k in source_list]
111 enums_task.set_inputs(source_list)
112 enums_task.env['GLIB_MKENUMS_SOURCE']=[k.abspath()for k in source_list]
113 target=self.settings_enum_namespace+'.enums.xml'
114 tgt_node=self.path.find_or_declare(target)
115 enums_task.set_outputs(tgt_node)
116 enums_task.env['GLIB_MKENUMS_TARGET']=tgt_node.abspath()
117 enums_tgt_node=[tgt_node]
118 install_files.append(tgt_node)
119 options='--comments "<!-- @comment@ -->" --fhead "<schemalist>" --vhead " <@type@ id=\\"%s.@EnumName@\\">" --vprod " <value nick=\\"@valuenick@\\" value=\\"@valuenum@\\"/>" --vtail " </@type@>" --ftail "</schemalist>" '%(self.settings_enum_namespace)
120 enums_task.env['GLIB_MKENUMS_OPTIONS']=options
121 for schema in settings_schema_files:
122 schema_task=self.create_task('glib_validate_schema')
123 schema_node=self.path.find_resource(schema)
124 if not schema_node:
125 raise Errors.WafError("Cannot find the schema file '%s'"%schema)
126 install_files.append(schema_node)
127 source_list=enums_tgt_node+[schema_node]
128 schema_task.set_inputs(source_list)
129 schema_task.env['GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS_OPTIONS']=[("--schema-file="+k.abspath())for k in source_list]
130 target_node=r_change_ext(schema_node,'.xml.valid')
131 schema_task.set_outputs(target_node)
132 schema_task.env['GLIB_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_OUTPUT']=target_node.abspath()
133 def compile_schemas_callback(bld):
134 if not bld.is_install:return
135 Logs.pprint('YELLOW','Updating GSettings schema cache')
136 command=Utils.subst_vars("${GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS} ${GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR}",bld.env)
137 ret=self.bld.exec_command(command)
138 if self.bld.is_install:
139 if not self.env['GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR']:
140 raise Errors.WafError('GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR not defined (should have been set up automatically during configure)')
141 if install_files:
142 self.bld.install_files(self.env['GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR'],install_files)
143 if not hasattr(self.bld,'_compile_schemas_registered'):
144 self.bld.add_post_fun(compile_schemas_callback)
145 self.bld._compile_schemas_registered=True
146 class glib_validate_schema(Task.Task):
148 color='PINK'
149 def configure(conf):
150 conf.find_program('glib-genmarshal',var='GLIB_GENMARSHAL')
151 conf.find_perl_program('glib-mkenums',var='GLIB_MKENUMS')
152 conf.find_program('glib-compile-schemas',var='GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS',mandatory=False)
153 def getstr(varname):
154 return getattr(Options.options,varname,getattr(conf.env,varname,''))
155 gsettingsschemadir=getstr('GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR')
156 if not gsettingsschemadir:
157 datadir=getstr('DATADIR')
158 if not datadir:
159 prefix=conf.env['PREFIX']
160 datadir=os.path.join(prefix,'share')
161 gsettingsschemadir=os.path.join(datadir,'glib-2.0','schemas')
162 conf.env['GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR']=gsettingsschemadir
163 def options(opt):
164 opt.add_option('--gsettingsschemadir',help='GSettings schema location [Default: ${datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas]',default='',dest='GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR')
166 taskgen_method(add_marshal_file)
167 before_method('process_source')(process_marshal)
168 taskgen_method(add_enums_from_template)
169 taskgen_method(add_enums)
170 before_method('process_source')(process_enums)
171 taskgen_method(add_settings_schemas)
172 taskgen_method(add_settings_enums)
173 feature('glib2')(process_settings)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Utils,Options,Context
6 _options=[x.split(', ')for x in'''
7 bindir, user executables, ${EXEC_PREFIX}/bin
8 sbindir, system admin executables, ${EXEC_PREFIX}/sbin
9 libexecdir, program executables, ${EXEC_PREFIX}/libexec
10 sysconfdir, read-only single-machine data, ${PREFIX}/etc
11 sharedstatedir, modifiable architecture-independent data, ${PREFIX}/com
12 localstatedir, modifiable single-machine data, ${PREFIX}/var
13 libdir, object code libraries, ${EXEC_PREFIX}/lib
14 includedir, C header files, ${PREFIX}/include
15 oldincludedir, C header files for non-gcc, /usr/include
16 datarootdir, read-only arch.-independent data root, ${PREFIX}/share
17 datadir, read-only architecture-independent data, ${DATAROOTDIR}
18 infodir, info documentation, ${DATAROOTDIR}/info
19 localedir, locale-dependent data, ${DATAROOTDIR}/locale
20 mandir, man documentation, ${DATAROOTDIR}/man
21 docdir, documentation root, ${DATAROOTDIR}/doc/${PACKAGE}
22 htmldir, html documentation, ${DOCDIR}
23 dvidir, dvi documentation, ${DOCDIR}
24 pdfdir, pdf documentation, ${DOCDIR}
25 psdir, ps documentation, ${DOCDIR}
26 '''.split('\n')if x]
27 def configure(conf):
28 def get_param(varname,default):
29 return getattr(Options.options,varname,'')or default
30 env=conf.env
31 conf.env.LIBDIR=conf.env.BINDIR=[]
32 env['EXEC_PREFIX']=get_param('EXEC_PREFIX',env['PREFIX'])
33 env['PACKAGE']=getattr(Context.g_module,'APPNAME',None)or env['PACKAGE']
34 complete=False
35 iter=0
36 while not complete and iter<len(_options)+1:
37 iter+=1
38 complete=True
39 for name,help,default in _options:
40 name=name.upper()
41 if not env[name]:
42 try:
43 env[name]=Utils.subst_vars(get_param(name,default).replace('/',os.sep),env)
44 except TypeError:
45 complete=False
46 if not complete:
47 lst=[name for name,_,_ in _options if not env[name.upper()]]
48 raise conf.errors.WafError('Variable substitution failure %r'%lst)
49 def options(opt):
50 inst_dir=opt.add_option_group('Installation directories','By default, "waf install" will put the files in\
51 "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/lib" etc. An installation prefix other\
52 than "/usr/local" can be given using "--prefix", for example "--prefix=$HOME"')
53 for k in('--prefix','--destdir'):
54 option=opt.parser.get_option(k)
55 if option:
56 opt.parser.remove_option(k)
57 inst_dir.add_option(option)
58 inst_dir.add_option('--exec-prefix',help='installation prefix [Default: ${PREFIX}]',default='',dest='EXEC_PREFIX')
59 dirs_options=opt.add_option_group('Pre-defined installation directories','')
60 for name,help,default in _options:
61 option_name='--'+name
62 str_default=default
63 str_help='%s [Default: %s]'%(help,str_default)
64 dirs_options.add_option(option_name,help=str_help,default='',dest=name.upper())
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib import Configure,Options,Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_gxx(conf):
9 cxx=conf.find_program(['g++','c++'],var='CXX')
10 cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx)
11 conf.get_cc_version(cxx,gcc=True)
12 conf.env.CXX_NAME='gcc'
13 conf.env.CXX=cxx
14 def gxx_common_flags(conf):
15 v=conf.env
16 v['CXX_SRC_F']=[]
17 v['CXX_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
18 if not v['LINK_CXX']:v['LINK_CXX']=v['CXX']
19 v['CXXLNK_SRC_F']=[]
20 v['CXXLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
21 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
22 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
23 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
24 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
25 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
26 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
27 v['RPATH_ST']='-Wl,-rpath,%s'
28 v['SONAME_ST']='-Wl,-h,%s'
29 v['SHLIB_MARKER']='-Wl,-Bdynamic'
30 v['STLIB_MARKER']='-Wl,-Bstatic'
31 v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
32 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-fPIC']
33 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-shared']
34 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=''
35 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxstlib']=['-Wl,-Bstatic']
36 v['cxxstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
37 v['LINKFLAGS_MACBUNDLE']=['-bundle','-undefined','dynamic_lookup']
39 v['macbundle_PATTERN']='%s.bundle'
40 def gxx_modifier_win32(conf):
41 v=conf.env
42 v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s.exe'
43 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']='%s.dll'
44 v['implib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dll.a'
45 v['IMPLIB_ST']='-Wl,--out-implib,%s'
46 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=[]
47 v.append_value('CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib',['-DDLL_EXPORT'])
48 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['-Wl,--enable-auto-import'])
49 def gxx_modifier_cygwin(conf):
50 gxx_modifier_win32(conf)
51 v=conf.env
52 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']='cyg%s.dll'
53 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib',['-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base'])
54 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=[]
55 def gxx_modifier_darwin(conf):
56 v=conf.env
57 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-fPIC','-compatibility_version','1','-current_version','1']
58 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-dynamiclib']
59 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.dylib'
61 v['FRAMEWORK_ST']=['-framework']
62 v['ARCH_ST']=['-arch']
63 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxstlib']=[]
64 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
65 v['STLIB_MARKER']=[]
66 v['SONAME_ST']=[]
67 def gxx_modifier_aix(conf):
68 v=conf.env
69 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxprogram']=['-Wl,-brtl']
70 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-shared','-Wl,-brtl,-bexpfull']
71 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
72 def gxx_modifier_hpux(conf):
73 v=conf.env
74 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
75 v['CFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-fPIC','-DPIC']
76 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=''
77 def gxx_modifier_platform(conf):
78 gxx_modifier_func=getattr(conf,'gxx_modifier_'+conf.env.DEST_OS,None)
79 if gxx_modifier_func:
80 gxx_modifier_func()
81 def configure(conf):
82 conf.find_gxx()
83 conf.find_ar()
84 conf.gxx_common_flags()
85 conf.gxx_modifier_platform()
86 conf.cxx_load_tools()
87 conf.cxx_add_flags()
88 conf.link_add_flags()
90 conf(find_gxx)
91 conf(gxx_common_flags)
92 conf(gxx_modifier_win32)
93 conf(gxx_modifier_cygwin)
94 conf(gxx_modifier_darwin)
95 conf(gxx_modifier_aix)
96 conf(gxx_modifier_hpux)
97 conf(gxx_modifier_platform)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar,gcc
6 from waflib.Configure import conf
7 def find_icc(conf):
8 if sys.platform=='cygwin':
9 conf.fatal('The Intel compiler does not work on Cygwin')
10 v=conf.env
11 cc=None
12 if v['CC']:cc=v['CC']
13 elif'CC'in conf.environ:cc=conf.environ['CC']
14 if not cc:cc=conf.find_program('icc',var='CC')
15 if not cc:cc=conf.find_program('ICL',var='CC')
16 if not cc:conf.fatal('Intel C Compiler (icc) was not found')
17 cc=conf.cmd_to_list(cc)
18 conf.get_cc_version(cc,icc=True)
19 v['CC']=cc
20 v['CC_NAME']='icc'
21 def configure(conf):
22 conf.find_icc()
23 conf.find_ar()
24 conf.gcc_common_flags()
25 conf.gcc_modifier_platform()
26 conf.cc_load_tools()
27 conf.cc_add_flags()
28 conf.link_add_flags()
30 conf(find_icc)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar,gxx
6 from waflib.Configure import conf
7 def find_icpc(conf):
8 if sys.platform=='cygwin':
9 conf.fatal('The Intel compiler does not work on Cygwin')
10 v=conf.env
11 cxx=None
12 if v['CXX']:cxx=v['CXX']
13 elif'CXX'in conf.environ:cxx=conf.environ['CXX']
14 if not cxx:cxx=conf.find_program('icpc',var='CXX')
15 if not cxx:conf.fatal('Intel C++ Compiler (icpc) was not found')
16 cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx)
17 conf.get_cc_version(cxx,icc=True)
18 v['CXX']=cxx
19 v['CXX_NAME']='icc'
20 def configure(conf):
21 conf.find_icpc()
22 conf.find_ar()
23 conf.gxx_common_flags()
24 conf.gxx_modifier_platform()
25 conf.cxx_load_tools()
26 conf.cxx_add_flags()
27 conf.link_add_flags()
29 conf(find_icpc)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import re
5 from waflib import Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import fc,fc_config,fc_scan
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_ifort(conf):
9 fc=conf.find_program('ifort',var='FC')
10 fc=conf.cmd_to_list(fc)
11 conf.get_ifort_version(fc)
12 conf.env.FC_NAME='IFORT'
13 def ifort_modifier_cygwin(conf):
14 raise NotImplementedError("Ifort on cygwin not yet implemented")
15 def ifort_modifier_win32(conf):
16 fc_config.fortran_modifier_win32(conf)
17 def ifort_modifier_darwin(conf):
18 fc_config.fortran_modifier_darwin(conf)
19 def ifort_modifier_platform(conf):
20 dest_os=conf.env['DEST_OS']or Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
21 ifort_modifier_func=getattr(conf,'ifort_modifier_'+dest_os,None)
22 if ifort_modifier_func:
23 ifort_modifier_func()
24 def get_ifort_version(conf,fc):
25 version_re=re.compile(r"ifort\s*\(IFORT\)\s*(?P<major>\d*)\.(?P<minor>\d*)",re.I).search
26 cmd=fc+['--version']
27 out,err=fc_config.getoutput(conf,cmd,stdin=False)
28 if out:
29 match=version_re(out)
30 else:
31 match=version_re(err)
32 if not match:
33 conf.fatal('cannot determine ifort version.')
34 k=match.groupdict()
35 conf.env['FC_VERSION']=(k['major'],k['minor'])
36 def configure(conf):
37 conf.find_ifort()
38 conf.find_program('xiar',var='AR')
39 conf.env.ARFLAGS='rcs'
40 conf.fc_flags()
41 conf.ifort_modifier_platform()
43 conf(find_ifort)
44 conf(ifort_modifier_cygwin)
45 conf(ifort_modifier_win32)
46 conf(ifort_modifier_darwin)
47 conf(ifort_modifier_platform)
48 conf(get_ifort_version)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,re
5 from waflib import Configure,TaskGen,Task,Utils,Runner,Options,Build,Logs
6 import waflib.Tools.ccroot
7 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method
8 from waflib.Logs import error
9 def apply_intltool_in_f(self):
10 try:self.meths.remove('process_source')
11 except ValueError:pass
12 if not self.env.LOCALEDIR:
13 self.env.LOCALEDIR=self.env.PREFIX+'/share/locale'
14 for i in self.to_list(self.source):
15 node=self.path.find_resource(i)
16 podir=getattr(self,'podir','po')
17 podirnode=self.path.find_dir(podir)
18 if not podirnode:
19 error("could not find the podir %r"%podir)
20 continue
21 cache=getattr(self,'intlcache','.intlcache')
22 self.env['INTLCACHE']=os.path.join(self.path.bldpath(),podir,cache)
23 self.env['INTLPODIR']=podirnode.bldpath()
24 self.env['INTLFLAGS']=getattr(self,'flags',['-q','-u','-c'])
25 task=self.create_task('intltool',node,node.change_ext(''))
26 inst=getattr(self,'install_path','${LOCALEDIR}')
27 if inst:
28 self.bld.install_files(inst,task.outputs)
29 def apply_intltool_po(self):
30 try:self.meths.remove('process_source')
31 except ValueError:pass
32 if not self.env.LOCALEDIR:
33 self.env.LOCALEDIR=self.env.PREFIX+'/share/locale'
34 appname=getattr(self,'appname','set_your_app_name')
35 podir=getattr(self,'podir','')
36 inst=getattr(self,'install_path','${LOCALEDIR}')
37 linguas=self.path.find_node(os.path.join(podir,'LINGUAS'))
38 if linguas:
39 file=open(linguas.abspath())
40 langs=[]
41 for line in file.readlines():
42 if not line.startswith('#'):
43 langs+=line.split()
44 file.close()
45 re_linguas=re.compile('[-a-zA-Z_@.]+')
46 for lang in langs:
47 if re_linguas.match(lang):
48 node=self.path.find_resource(os.path.join(podir,re_linguas.match(lang).group()+'.po'))
49 task=self.create_task('po',node,node.change_ext('.mo'))
50 if inst:
51 filename=task.outputs[0].name
52 (langname,ext)=os.path.splitext(filename)
53 inst_file=inst+os.sep+langname+os.sep+'LC_MESSAGES'+os.sep+appname+'.mo'
54 self.bld.install_as(inst_file,task.outputs[0],chmod=getattr(self,'chmod',Utils.O644),env=task.env)
55 else:
56 Logs.pprint('RED',"Error no LINGUAS file found in po directory")
57 class po(Task.Task):
58 run_str='${MSGFMT} -o ${TGT} ${SRC}'
59 color='BLUE'
60 class intltool(Task.Task):
62 color='BLUE'
63 def configure(conf):
64 conf.find_program('msgfmt',var='MSGFMT')
65 conf.find_perl_program('intltool-merge',var='INTLTOOL')
66 prefix=conf.env.PREFIX
67 datadir=conf.env.DATADIR
68 if not datadir:
69 datadir=os.path.join(prefix,'share')
70 conf.define('LOCALEDIR',os.path.join(datadir,'locale').replace('\\','\\\\'))
71 conf.define('DATADIR',datadir.replace('\\','\\\\'))
72 if conf.env.CC or conf.env.CXX:
73 conf.check(header_name='locale.h')
75 before_method('process_source')(apply_intltool_in_f)
76 feature('intltool_in')(apply_intltool_in_f)
77 feature('intltool_po')(apply_intltool_po)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_irixcc(conf):
9 v=conf.env
10 cc=None
11 if v['CC']:cc=v['CC']
12 elif'CC'in conf.environ:cc=conf.environ['CC']
13 if not cc:cc=conf.find_program('cc',var='CC')
14 if not cc:conf.fatal('irixcc was not found')
15 cc=conf.cmd_to_list(cc)
16 try:
17 conf.cmd_and_log(cc+['-version'])
18 except:
19 conf.fatal('%r -version could not be executed'%cc)
20 v['CC']=cc
21 v['CC_NAME']='irix'
22 def irixcc_common_flags(conf):
23 v=conf.env
24 v['CC_SRC_F']=''
25 v['CC_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
26 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
27 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
28 if not v['LINK_CC']:v['LINK_CC']=v['CC']
29 v['CCLNK_SRC_F']=''
30 v['CCLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
31 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
32 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
33 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
34 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
35 v['cprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
36 v['cshlib_PATTERN']=''
37 v['cstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
38 def configure(conf):
39 conf.find_irixcc()
40 conf.find_cpp()
41 conf.find_ar()
42 conf.irixcc_common_flags()
43 conf.cc_load_tools()
44 conf.cc_add_flags()
45 conf.link_add_flags()
47 conf(find_irixcc)
48 conf(irixcc_common_flags)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import os,re,tempfile,shutil
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 from waflib import TaskGen,Task,Utils,Options,Build,Errors,Node,Logs
9 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method,after_method
10 from waflib.Tools import ccroot
11 ccroot.USELIB_VARS['javac']=set(['CLASSPATH','JAVACFLAGS'])
12 SOURCE_RE='**/*.java'
13 JAR_RE='**/*'
14 class_check_source='''
15 public class Test {
16 public static void main(String[] argv) {
17 Class lib;
18 if (argv.length < 1) {
19 System.err.println("Missing argument");
20 System.exit(77);
21 }
22 try {
23 lib = Class.forName(argv[0]);
24 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
25 System.err.println("ClassNotFoundException");
26 System.exit(1);
27 }
28 lib = null;
29 System.exit(0);
30 }
31 }
32 '''
33 def apply_java(self):
34 Utils.def_attrs(self,jarname='',classpath='',sourcepath='.',srcdir='.',jar_mf_attributes={},jar_mf_classpath=[])
35 nodes_lst=[]
36 outdir=getattr(self,'outdir',None)
37 if outdir:
38 if not isinstance(outdir,Node.Node):
39 outdir=self.path.get_bld().make_node(self.outdir)
40 else:
41 outdir=self.path.get_bld()
42 outdir.mkdir()
43 self.outdir=outdir
44 self.env['OUTDIR']=outdir.abspath()
45 self.javac_task=tsk=self.create_task('javac')
46 tmp=[]
47 srcdir=getattr(self,'srcdir','')
48 if isinstance(srcdir,Node.Node):
49 srcdir=[srcdir]
50 for x in Utils.to_list(srcdir):
51 if isinstance(x,Node.Node):
52 y=x
53 else:
54 y=self.path.find_dir(x)
55 if not y:
56 self.bld.fatal('Could not find the folder %s from %s'%(x,self.path))
57 tmp.append(y)
58 tsk.srcdir=tmp
59 if getattr(self,'compat',None):
60 tsk.env.append_value('JAVACFLAGS',['-source',self.compat])
61 if hasattr(self,'sourcepath'):
62 fold=[isinstance(x,Node.Node)and x or self.path.find_dir(x)for x in self.to_list(self.sourcepath)]
63 names=os.pathsep.join([x.srcpath()for x in fold])
64 else:
65 names=[x.srcpath()for x in tsk.srcdir]
66 if names:
67 tsk.env.append_value('JAVACFLAGS',['-sourcepath',names])
68 def use_javac_files(self):
69 lst=[]
70 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
71 names=self.to_list(getattr(self,'use',[]))
72 get=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name
73 for x in names:
74 try:
75 y=get(x)
76 except:
77 self.uselib.append(x)
78 else:
80 lst.append(y.jar_task.outputs[0].abspath())
81 self.javac_task.set_run_after(y.jar_task)
82 if lst:
83 self.env.append_value('CLASSPATH',lst)
84 def set_classpath(self):
85 self.env.append_value('CLASSPATH',getattr(self,'classpath',[]))
86 for x in self.tasks:
87 x.env.CLASSPATH=os.pathsep.join(self.env.CLASSPATH)+os.pathsep
88 def jar_files(self):
89 destfile=getattr(self,'destfile','test.jar')
90 jaropts=getattr(self,'jaropts',[])
91 manifest=getattr(self,'manifest',None)
92 basedir=getattr(self,'basedir',None)
93 if basedir:
94 if not isinstance(self.basedir,Node.Node):
95 basedir=self.path.get_bld().make_node(basedir)
96 else:
97 basedir=self.path.get_bld()
98 if not basedir:
99 self.bld.fatal('Could not find the basedir %r for %r'%(self.basedir,self))
100 self.jar_task=tsk=self.create_task('jar_create')
101 if manifest:
102 jarcreate=getattr(self,'jarcreate','cfm')
103 node=self.path.find_node(manifest)
104 tsk.dep_nodes.append(node)
105 jaropts.insert(0,node.abspath())
106 else:
107 jarcreate=getattr(self,'jarcreate','cf')
108 if not isinstance(destfile,Node.Node):
109 destfile=self.path.find_or_declare(destfile)
110 if not destfile:
111 self.bld.fatal('invalid destfile %r for %r'%(destfile,self))
112 tsk.set_outputs(destfile)
113 tsk.basedir=basedir
114 jaropts.append('-C')
115 jaropts.append(basedir.bldpath())
116 jaropts.append('.')
117 tsk.env['JAROPTS']=jaropts
118 tsk.env['JARCREATE']=jarcreate
119 if getattr(self,'javac_task',None):
120 tsk.set_run_after(self.javac_task)
121 def use_jar_files(self):
122 lst=[]
123 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
124 names=self.to_list(getattr(self,'use',[]))
125 get=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name
126 for x in names:
127 try:
128 y=get(x)
129 except:
130 self.uselib.append(x)
131 else:
133 self.jar_task.run_after.update(y.tasks)
134 class jar_create(Task.Task):
135 color='GREEN'
136 run_str='${JAR} ${JARCREATE} ${TGT} ${JAROPTS}'
137 def runnable_status(self):
138 for t in self.run_after:
139 if not t.hasrun:
140 return Task.ASK_LATER
141 if not self.inputs:
142 global JAR_RE
143 try:
144 self.inputs=[x for x in self.basedir.ant_glob(JAR_RE,remove=False)if id(x)!=id(self.outputs[0])]
145 except:
146 raise Errors.WafError('Could not find the basedir %r for %r'%(self.basedir,self))
147 return super(jar_create,self).runnable_status()
148 class javac(Task.Task):
149 color='BLUE'
150 nocache=True
152 def runnable_status(self):
153 for t in self.run_after:
154 if not t.hasrun:
155 return Task.ASK_LATER
156 if not self.inputs:
157 global SOURCE_RE
158 self.inputs=[]
159 for x in self.srcdir:
160 self.inputs.extend(x.ant_glob(SOURCE_RE,remove=False))
161 return super(javac,self).runnable_status()
162 def run(self):
163 env=self.env
164 gen=self.generator
165 bld=gen.bld
166 wd=bld.bldnode.abspath()
167 def to_list(xx):
168 if isinstance(xx,str):return[xx]
169 return xx
170 cmd=[]
171 cmd.extend(to_list(env['JAVAC']))
172 cmd.extend(['-classpath'])
173 cmd.extend(to_list(env['CLASSPATH']))
174 cmd.extend(['-d'])
175 cmd.extend(to_list(env['OUTDIR']))
176 cmd.extend(to_list(env['JAVACFLAGS']))
177 files=[a.path_from(bld.bldnode)for a in self.inputs]
178 tmp=None
179 try:
180 if len(str(files))+len(str(cmd))>8192:
181 (fd,tmp)=tempfile.mkstemp(dir=bld.bldnode.abspath())
182 try:
183 os.write(fd,'\n'.join(files))
184 finally:
185 if tmp:
186 os.close(fd)
187 if Logs.verbose:
188 Logs.debug('runner: %r'%(cmd+files))
189 cmd.append('@'+tmp)
190 else:
191 cmd+=files
192 ret=self.exec_command(cmd,cwd=wd,env=env.env or None)
193 finally:
194 if tmp:
195 os.unlink(tmp)
196 return ret
197 def post_run(self):
198 for n in self.generator.outdir.ant_glob('**/*.class'):
199 n.sig=Utils.h_file(n.abspath())
200 self.generator.bld.task_sigs[self.uid()]=self.cache_sig
201 def configure(self):
202 java_path=self.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
203 v=self.env
204 if'JAVA_HOME'in self.environ:
205 java_path=[os.path.join(self.environ['JAVA_HOME'],'bin')]+java_path
206 self.env['JAVA_HOME']=[self.environ['JAVA_HOME']]
207 for x in'javac java jar'.split():
208 self.find_program(x,var=x.upper(),path_list=java_path)
209 self.env[x.upper()]=self.cmd_to_list(self.env[x.upper()])
210 if'CLASSPATH'in self.environ:
211 v['CLASSPATH']=self.environ['CLASSPATH']
212 if not v['JAR']:self.fatal('jar is required for making java packages')
213 if not v['JAVAC']:self.fatal('javac is required for compiling java classes')
214 v['JARCREATE']='cf'
215 v['JAVACFLAGS']=[]
216 def check_java_class(self,classname,with_classpath=None):
217 javatestdir='.waf-javatest'
218 classpath=javatestdir
219 if self.env['CLASSPATH']:
220 classpath+=os.pathsep+self.env['CLASSPATH']
221 if isinstance(with_classpath,str):
222 classpath+=os.pathsep+with_classpath
223 shutil.rmtree(javatestdir,True)
224 os.mkdir(javatestdir)
225 java_file=open(os.path.join(javatestdir,''),'w')
226 java_file.write(class_check_source)
227 java_file.close()
228 self.exec_command(self.env['JAVAC']+[os.path.join(javatestdir,'')],shell=False)
229 cmd=self.env['JAVA']+['-cp',classpath,'Test',classname]
230 self.to_log("%s\n"%str(cmd))
231 found=self.exec_command(cmd,shell=False)
232 self.msg('Checking for java class %s'%classname,not found)
233 shutil.rmtree(javatestdir,True)
234 return found
235 def check_jni_headers(conf):
236 if not conf.env.CC_NAME and not conf.env.CXX_NAME:
237 conf.fatal('load a compiler first (gcc, g++, ..)')
238 if not conf.env.JAVA_HOME:
239 conf.fatal('set JAVA_HOME in the system environment')
240 javaHome=conf.env['JAVA_HOME'][0]
241 dir=conf.root.find_dir(conf.env.JAVA_HOME[0]+'/include')
242 if dir is None:
243 conf.fatal('JAVA_HOME does not seem to be set properly')
244 f=dir.ant_glob('**/(jni|jni_md).h')
245 incDirs=[x.parent.abspath()for x in f]
246 dir=conf.root.find_dir(conf.env.JAVA_HOME[0])
247 f=dir.ant_glob('**/*jvm.(so|dll|dylib)')
248 libDirs=[x.parent.abspath()for x in f]or[javaHome]
249 f=dir.ant_glob('**/*jvm.(lib)')
250 if f:
251 libDirs=[[x,y.parent.abspath()]for x in libDirs for y in f]
252 for d in libDirs:
253 try:
254 conf.check(header_name='jni.h',define_name='HAVE_JNI_H',lib='jvm',libpath=d,includes=incDirs,uselib_store='JAVA',uselib='JAVA')
255 except:
256 pass
257 else:
258 break
259 else:
260 conf.fatal('could not find lib jvm in %r (see config.log)'%libDirs)
262 feature('javac')(apply_java)
263 before_method('process_source')(apply_java)
264 feature('javac')(use_javac_files)
265 after_method('apply_java')(use_javac_files)
266 feature('javac')(set_classpath)
267 after_method('apply_java','propagate_uselib_vars','use_javac_files')(set_classpath)
268 feature('jar')(jar_files)
269 after_method('apply_java','use_javac_files')(jar_files)
270 before_method('process_source')(jar_files)
271 feature('jar')(use_jar_files)
272 after_method('jar_files')(use_jar_files)
273 conf(check_java_class)
274 conf(check_jni_headers)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,re
5 from waflib import Options,TaskGen,Task,Utils
6 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,after_method
7 def apply_msgfmt(self):
8 for lang in self.to_list(self.langs):
9 node=self.path.find_resource(lang+'.po')
10 task=self.create_task('msgfmt',node,node.change_ext('.mo'))
11 langname=lang.split('/')
12 langname=langname[-1]
13 inst=getattr(self,'install_path','${KDE4_LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}')
14 self.bld.install_as(inst+os.sep+langname+os.sep+'LC_MESSAGES'+os.sep+getattr(self,'appname','set_your_appname')+'.mo',task.outputs[0],chmod=getattr(self,'chmod',Utils.O644))
15 class msgfmt(Task.Task):
16 color='BLUE'
17 run_str='${MSGFMT} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}'
18 def configure(self):
19 kdeconfig=self.find_program('kde4-config')
20 prefix=self.cmd_and_log('%s --prefix'%kdeconfig).strip()
21 fname='%s/share/apps/cmake/modules/KDELibsDependencies.cmake'%prefix
22 try:os.stat(fname)
23 except OSError:
24 fname='%s/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/KDELibsDependencies.cmake'%prefix
25 try:os.stat(fname)
26 except OSError:self.fatal('could not open %s'%fname)
27 try:
28 txt=Utils.readf(fname)
29 except(OSError,IOError):
30 self.fatal('could not read %s'%fname)
31 txt=txt.replace('\\\n','\n')
32 fu=re.compile('#(.*)\n')
33 txt=fu.sub('',txt)
34 setregexp=re.compile('([sS][eE][tT]\s*\()\s*([^\s]+)\s+\"([^"]+)\"\)')
35 found=setregexp.findall(txt)
36 for(_,key,val)in found:
37 self.env[key]=val
38 self.env['LIB_KDECORE']=['kdecore']
39 self.env['LIB_KDEUI']=['kdeui']
40 self.env['LIB_KIO']=['kio']
41 self.env['LIB_KHTML']=['khtml']
42 self.env['LIB_KPARTS']=['kparts']
43 self.env['LIBPATH_KDECORE']=[self.env['KDE4_LIB_INSTALL_DIR']]
44 self.env['INCLUDES_KDECORE']=[self.env['KDE4_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR']]
45 self.env.append_value('INCLUDES_KDECORE',[self.env['KDE4_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR']+os.sep+'KDE'])
46 self.find_program('msgfmt',var='MSGFMT')
48 feature('msgfmt')(apply_msgfmt)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib.TaskGen import extension
5 from waflib import Task,Utils
6 def add_lua(self,node):
7 tsk=self.create_task('luac',node,node.change_ext('.luac'))
8 inst_to=getattr(self,'install_path',self.env.LUADIR and'${LUADIR}'or None)
9 if inst_to:
10 self.bld.install_files(inst_to,tsk.outputs)
11 return tsk
12 class luac(Task.Task):
13 run_str='${LUAC} -s -o ${TGT} ${SRC}'
14 color='PINK'
15 def configure(conf):
16 conf.find_program('luac',var='LUAC')
18 extension('.lua')(add_lua)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,re,tempfile
5 try:
6 import _winreg
7 except:
8 try:
9 import winreg as _winreg
10 except:
11 _winreg=None
12 from waflib import Utils,TaskGen,Runner,Configure,Task,Options
13 from waflib.Logs import debug,info,warn,error
14 from waflib.TaskGen import after_method,before_method,feature
15 from waflib.Configure import conf
16 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,c,cxx,ar,winres
17 g_msvc_systemlibs='''
18 aclui activeds ad1 adptif adsiid advapi32 asycfilt authz bhsupp bits bufferoverflowu cabinet
19 cap certadm certidl ciuuid clusapi comctl32 comdlg32 comsupp comsuppd comsuppw comsuppwd comsvcs
20 credui crypt32 cryptnet cryptui d3d8thk daouuid dbgeng dbghelp dciman32 ddao35 ddao35d
21 ddao35u ddao35ud delayimp dhcpcsvc dhcpsapi dlcapi dnsapi dsprop dsuiext dtchelp
22 faultrep fcachdll fci fdi framedyd framedyn gdi32 gdiplus glauxglu32 gpedit gpmuuid
23 gtrts32w gtrtst32hlink htmlhelp httpapi icm32 icmui imagehlp imm32 iphlpapi iprop
24 kernel32 ksguid ksproxy ksuser libcmt libcmtd libcpmt libcpmtd loadperf lz32 mapi
25 mapi32 mgmtapi minidump mmc mobsync mpr mprapi mqoa mqrt msacm32 mscms mscoree
26 msdasc msimg32 msrating mstask msvcmrt msvcurt msvcurtd mswsock msxml2 mtx mtxdm
27 netapi32 nmapinmsupp npptools ntdsapi ntdsbcli ntmsapi ntquery odbc32 odbcbcp
28 odbccp32 oldnames ole32 oleacc oleaut32 oledb oledlgolepro32 opends60 opengl32
29 osptk parser pdh penter pgobootrun pgort powrprof psapi ptrustm ptrustmd ptrustu
30 ptrustud qosname rasapi32 rasdlg rassapi resutils riched20 rpcndr rpcns4 rpcrt4 rtm
31 rtutils runtmchk scarddlg scrnsave scrnsavw secur32 sensapi setupapi sfc shell32
32 shfolder shlwapi sisbkup snmpapi sporder srclient sti strsafe svcguid tapi32 thunk32
33 traffic unicows url urlmon user32 userenv usp10 uuid uxtheme vcomp vcompd vdmdbg
34 version vfw32 wbemuuid webpost wiaguid wininet winmm winscard winspool winstrm
35 wintrust wldap32 wmiutils wow32 ws2_32 wsnmp32 wsock32 wst wtsapi32 xaswitch xolehlp
36 '''.split()
37 all_msvc_platforms=[('x64','amd64'),('x86','x86'),('ia64','ia64'),('x86_amd64','amd64'),('x86_ia64','ia64')]
38 all_wince_platforms=[('armv4','arm'),('armv4i','arm'),('mipsii','mips'),('mipsii_fp','mips'),('mipsiv','mips'),('mipsiv_fp','mips'),('sh4','sh'),('x86','cex86')]
39 all_icl_platforms=[('intel64','amd64'),('em64t','amd64'),('ia32','x86'),('Itanium','ia64')]
40 def options(opt):
41 opt.add_option('--msvc_version',type='string',help='msvc version, eg: "msvc 10.0,msvc 9.0"',default='')
42 opt.add_option('--msvc_targets',type='string',help='msvc targets, eg: "x64,arm"',default='')
43 def setup_msvc(conf,versions):
44 platforms=getattr(Options.options,'msvc_targets','').split(',')
45 if platforms==['']:
46 platforms=Utils.to_list(conf.env['MSVC_TARGETS'])or[i for i,j in all_msvc_platforms+all_icl_platforms+all_wince_platforms]
47 desired_versions=getattr(Options.options,'msvc_version','').split(',')
48 if desired_versions==['']:
49 desired_versions=conf.env['MSVC_VERSIONS']or[v for v,_ in versions][::-1]
50 versiondict=dict(versions)
51 for version in desired_versions:
52 try:
53 targets=dict(versiondict[version])
54 for target in platforms:
55 try:
56 arch,(p1,p2,p3)=targets[target]
57 compiler,revision=version.rsplit(' ',1)
58 return compiler,revision,p1,p2,p3
59 except KeyError:continue
60 except KeyError:continue
61 conf.fatal('msvc: Impossible to find a valid architecture for building (in setup_msvc)')
62 def get_msvc_version(conf,compiler,version,target,vcvars):
63 debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r',compiler,version,target)
64 batfile=conf.bldnode.make_node('waf-print-msvc.bat')
65 batfile.write("""@echo off
66 set INCLUDE=
67 set LIB=
68 call "%s" %s
69 echo PATH=%%PATH%%
71 echo LIB=%%LIB%%
72 """%(vcvars,target))
73 sout=conf.cmd_and_log(['cmd','/E:on','/V:on','/C',batfile.abspath()])
74 lines=sout.splitlines()
75 if not lines[0]:lines=lines[1:]
76 for x in('Setting environment','Setting SDK environment','Intel(R) C++ Compiler','Intel Parallel Studio'):
77 if lines[0].find(x)!=-1:
78 break
79 else:
80 debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> not found',compiler,version,target)
81 conf.fatal('msvc: Impossible to find a valid architecture for building (in get_msvc_version)')
82 for line in lines[1:]:
83 if line.startswith('PATH='):
84 path=line[5:]
85 MSVC_PATH=path.split(';')
86 elif line.startswith('INCLUDE='):
87 MSVC_INCDIR=[i for i in line[8:].split(';')if i]
88 elif line.startswith('LIB='):
89 MSVC_LIBDIR=[i for i in line[4:].split(';')if i]
90 env={}
91 env.update(os.environ)
92 env.update(PATH=path)
93 compiler_name,linker_name,lib_name=_get_prog_names(conf,compiler)
94 cxx=conf.find_program(compiler_name,path_list=MSVC_PATH)
95 cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx)
96 if'CL'in env:
97 del(env['CL'])
98 try:
99 try:
100 conf.cmd_and_log(cxx+['/help'],env=env)
101 except Exception ,e:
102 debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> failure'%(compiler,version,target))
103 debug(str(e))
104 conf.fatal('msvc: cannot run the compiler (in get_msvc_version)')
105 else:
106 debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> OK',compiler,version,target)
107 finally:
108 conf.env[compiler_name]=''
110 def gather_wsdk_versions(conf,versions):
111 version_pattern=re.compile('^v..?.?\...?.?')
112 try:
113 all_versions=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows')
114 except WindowsError:
115 try:
116 all_versions=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows')
117 except WindowsError:
118 return
119 index=0
120 while 1:
121 try:
122 version=_winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index)
123 except WindowsError:
124 break
125 index=index+1
126 if not version_pattern.match(version):
127 continue
128 try:
129 msvc_version=_winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version)
130 path,type=_winreg.QueryValueEx(msvc_version,'InstallationFolder')
131 except WindowsError:
132 continue
133 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,'bin','SetEnv.cmd')):
134 targets=[]
135 for target,arch in all_msvc_platforms:
136 try:
137 targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('wsdk',version,'/'+target,os.path.join(path,'bin','SetEnv.cmd')))))
138 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
139 pass
140 versions.append(('wsdk '+version[1:],targets))
141 def gather_wince_supported_platforms():
142 supported_wince_platforms=[]
143 try:
144 ce_sdk=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Tools\\SDKs')
145 except WindowsError:
146 try:
147 ce_sdk=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Tools\\SDKs')
148 except WindowsError:
149 ce_sdk=''
150 if not ce_sdk:
151 return supported_wince_platforms
152 ce_index=0
153 while 1:
154 try:
155 sdk_device=_winreg.EnumKey(ce_sdk,ce_index)
156 except WindowsError:
157 break
158 ce_index=ce_index+1
159 sdk=_winreg.OpenKey(ce_sdk,sdk_device)
160 try:
161 path,type=_winreg.QueryValueEx(sdk,'SDKRootDir')
162 except WindowsError:
163 try:
164 path,type=_winreg.QueryValueEx(sdk,'SDKInformation')
165 path,xml=os.path.split(path)
166 except WindowsError:
167 continue
168 path=str(path)
169 path,device=os.path.split(path)
170 if not device:
171 path,device=os.path.split(path)
172 for arch,compiler in all_wince_platforms:
173 platforms=[]
174 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,device,'Lib',arch)):
175 platforms.append((arch,compiler,os.path.join(path,device,'Include',arch),os.path.join(path,device,'Lib',arch)))
176 if platforms:
177 supported_wince_platforms.append((device,platforms))
178 return supported_wince_platforms
179 def gather_msvc_detected_versions():
180 version_pattern=re.compile('^(\d\d?\.\d\d?)(Exp)?$')
181 detected_versions=[]
182 for vcver,vcvar in[('VCExpress','Exp'),('VisualStudio','')]:
183 try:
184 prefix='SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\'+vcver
185 all_versions=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,prefix)
186 except WindowsError:
187 try:
188 prefix='SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\'+vcver
189 all_versions=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,prefix)
190 except WindowsError:
191 continue
192 index=0
193 while 1:
194 try:
195 version=_winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index)
196 except WindowsError:
197 break
198 index=index+1
199 match=version_pattern.match(version)
200 if not match:
201 continue
202 else:
203 versionnumber=float(
204 detected_versions.append((versionnumber,version+vcvar,prefix+"\\"+version))
205 def fun(tup):
206 return tup[0]
207 try:
208 detected_versions.sort(key=fun)
209 except:
210 detected_versions.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(x[0],y[0]))
211 return detected_versions
212 def gather_msvc_targets(conf,versions,version,vc_path):
213 targets=[]
214 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path,'vcvarsall.bat')):
215 for target,realtarget in all_msvc_platforms[::-1]:
216 try:
217 targets.append((target,(realtarget,conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,target,os.path.join(vc_path,'vcvarsall.bat')))))
218 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
219 pass
220 elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path,'Common7','Tools','vsvars32.bat')):
221 try:
222 targets.append(('x86',('x86',conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,'x86',os.path.join(vc_path,'Common7','Tools','vsvars32.bat')))))
223 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
224 pass
225 elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path,'Bin','vcvars32.bat')):
226 try:
227 targets.append(('x86',('x86',conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,'',os.path.join(vc_path,'Bin','vcvars32.bat')))))
228 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
229 pass
230 versions.append(('msvc '+version,targets))
231 def gather_wince_targets(conf,versions,version,vc_path,vsvars,supported_platforms):
232 for device,platforms in supported_platforms:
233 cetargets=[]
234 for platform,compiler,include,lib in platforms:
235 winCEpath=os.path.join(vc_path,'ce')
236 if not os.path.isdir(winCEpath):
237 continue
238 try:
239 common_bindirs,_1,_2=conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,'x86',vsvars)
240 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
241 continue
242 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(winCEpath,'lib',platform)):
243 bindirs=[os.path.join(winCEpath,'bin',compiler),os.path.join(winCEpath,'bin','x86_'+compiler)]+common_bindirs
244 incdirs=[os.path.join(winCEpath,'include'),os.path.join(winCEpath,'atlmfc','include'),include]
245 libdirs=[os.path.join(winCEpath,'lib',platform),os.path.join(winCEpath,'atlmfc','lib',platform),lib]
246 cetargets.append((platform,(platform,(bindirs,incdirs,libdirs))))
247 if cetargets:
248 versions.append((device+' '+version,cetargets))
249 def gather_msvc_versions(conf,versions):
250 vc_paths=[]
251 for(v,version,reg)in gather_msvc_detected_versions():
252 try:
253 try:
254 msvc_version=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,reg+"\\Setup\\VC")
255 except WindowsError:
256 msvc_version=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,reg+"\\Setup\\Microsoft Visual C++")
257 path,type=_winreg.QueryValueEx(msvc_version,'ProductDir')
258 vc_paths.append((version,os.path.abspath(str(path))))
259 except WindowsError:
260 continue
261 wince_supported_platforms=gather_wince_supported_platforms()
262 for version,vc_path in vc_paths:
263 vs_path=os.path.dirname(vc_path)
264 vsvars=os.path.join(vs_path,'Common7','Tools','vsvars32.bat')
265 if wince_supported_platforms and os.path.isfile(vsvars):
266 conf.gather_wince_targets(versions,version,vc_path,vsvars,wince_supported_platforms)
267 for version,vc_path in vc_paths:
268 vs_path=os.path.dirname(vc_path)
269 conf.gather_msvc_targets(versions,version,vc_path)
270 def gather_icl_versions(conf,versions):
271 version_pattern=re.compile('^...?.?\....?.?')
272 try:
273 all_versions=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Intel\\Compilers\\C++')
274 except WindowsError:
275 try:
276 all_versions=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Compilers\\C++')
277 except WindowsError:
278 return
279 index=0
280 while 1:
281 try:
282 version=_winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index)
283 except WindowsError:
284 break
285 index=index+1
286 if not version_pattern.match(version):
287 continue
288 targets=[]
289 for target,arch in all_icl_platforms:
290 try:
291 if target=='intel64':targetDir='EM64T_NATIVE'
292 else:targetDir=target
293 _winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+targetDir)
294 icl_version=_winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version)
295 path,type=_winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir')
296 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat')):
297 try:
298 targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat')))))
299 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
300 pass
301 except WindowsError:
302 pass
303 for target,arch in all_icl_platforms:
304 try:
305 icl_version=_winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+target)
306 path,type=_winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir')
307 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat')):
308 try:
309 targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat')))))
310 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
311 pass
312 except WindowsError:
313 continue
314 major=version[0:2]
315 versions.append(('intel '+major,targets))
316 def get_msvc_versions(conf):
317 if not conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']:
318 lst=[]
319 conf.gather_icl_versions(lst)
320 conf.gather_wsdk_versions(lst)
321 conf.gather_msvc_versions(lst)
322 conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']=lst
323 return conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']
324 def print_all_msvc_detected(conf):
325 for version,targets in conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']:
326 info(version)
327 for target,l in targets:
328 info("\t"+target)
329 def detect_msvc(conf):
330 versions=get_msvc_versions(conf)
331 return setup_msvc(conf,versions)
332 def find_lt_names_msvc(self,libname,is_static=False):
333 lt_names=[''%libname,''%libname,]
334 for path in self.env['LIBPATH']:
335 for la in lt_names:
336 laf=os.path.join(path,la)
337 dll=None
338 if os.path.exists(laf):
339 ltdict=Utils.read_la_file(laf)
340 lt_libdir=None
341 if ltdict.get('libdir',''):
342 lt_libdir=ltdict['libdir']
343 if not is_static and ltdict.get('library_names',''):
344 dllnames=ltdict['library_names'].split()
345 dll=dllnames[0].lower()
346 dll=re.sub('\.dll$','',dll)
347 return(lt_libdir,dll,False)
348 elif ltdict.get('old_library',''):
349 olib=ltdict['old_library']
350 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,olib)):
351 return(path,olib,True)
352 elif lt_libdir!=''and os.path.exists(os.path.join(lt_libdir,olib)):
353 return(lt_libdir,olib,True)
354 else:
355 return(None,olib,True)
356 else:
357 raise self.errors.WafError('invalid libtool object file: %s'%laf)
358 return(None,None,None)
359 def libname_msvc(self,libname,is_static=False):
360 lib=libname.lower()
361 lib=re.sub('\.lib$','',lib)
362 if lib in g_msvc_systemlibs:
363 return lib
364 lib=re.sub('^lib','',lib)
365 if lib=='m':
366 return None
367 (lt_path,lt_libname,lt_static)=self.find_lt_names_msvc(lib,is_static)
368 if lt_path!=None and lt_libname!=None:
369 if lt_static==True:
370 return os.path.join(lt_path,lt_libname)
371 if lt_path!=None:
372 _libpaths=[lt_path]+self.env['LIBPATH']
373 else:
374 _libpaths=self.env['LIBPATH']
375 static_libs=['lib%ss.lib'%lib,'lib%s.lib'%lib,'%ss.lib'%lib,'%s.lib'%lib,]
376 dynamic_libs=['lib%s.dll.lib'%lib,'lib%s.dll.a'%lib,'%s.dll.lib'%lib,'%s.dll.a'%lib,'lib%s_d.lib'%lib,'%s_d.lib'%lib,'%s.lib'%lib,]
377 libnames=static_libs
378 if not is_static:
379 libnames=dynamic_libs+static_libs
380 for path in _libpaths:
381 for libn in libnames:
382 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,libn)):
383 debug('msvc: lib found: %s'%os.path.join(path,libn))
384 return re.sub('\.lib$','',libn)
385 self.fatal("The library %r could not be found"%libname)
386 return re.sub('\.lib$','',libname)
387 def check_lib_msvc(self,libname,is_static=False,uselib_store=None):
388 libn=self.libname_msvc(libname,is_static)
389 if not uselib_store:
390 uselib_store=libname.upper()
391 if False and is_static:
392 self.env['STLIB_'+uselib_store]=[libn]
393 else:
394 self.env['LIB_'+uselib_store]=[libn]
395 def check_libs_msvc(self,libnames,is_static=False):
396 for libname in Utils.to_list(libnames):
397 self.check_lib_msvc(libname,is_static)
398 def configure(conf):
399 conf.autodetect()
400 conf.find_msvc()
401 conf.msvc_common_flags()
402 conf.cc_load_tools()
403 conf.cxx_load_tools()
404 conf.cc_add_flags()
405 conf.cxx_add_flags()
406 conf.link_add_flags()
407 conf.visual_studio_add_flags()
408 def no_autodetect(conf):
409 conf.env.NO_MSVC_DETECT=1
410 configure(conf)
411 def autodetect(conf):
412 v=conf.env
413 if v.NO_MSVC_DETECT:
414 return
415 compiler,version,path,includes,libdirs=conf.detect_msvc()
416 v['PATH']=path
417 v['INCLUDES']=includes
418 v['LIBPATH']=libdirs
419 v['MSVC_COMPILER']=compiler
420 try:
421 v['MSVC_VERSION']=float(version)
422 except:
423 v['MSVC_VERSION']=float(version[:-3])
424 def _get_prog_names(conf,compiler):
425 if compiler=='intel':
426 compiler_name='ICL'
427 linker_name='XILINK'
428 lib_name='XILIB'
429 else:
430 compiler_name='CL'
431 linker_name='LINK'
432 lib_name='LIB'
433 return compiler_name,linker_name,lib_name
434 def find_msvc(conf):
435 if sys.platform=='cygwin':
436 conf.fatal('MSVC module does not work under cygwin Python!')
437 v=conf.env
438 path=v['PATH']
439 compiler=v['MSVC_COMPILER']
440 version=v['MSVC_VERSION']
441 compiler_name,linker_name,lib_name=_get_prog_names(conf,compiler)
442 v.MSVC_MANIFEST=(compiler=='msvc'and version>=8)or(compiler=='wsdk'and version>=6)or(compiler=='intel'and version>=11)
443 cxx=None
444 if v['CXX']:cxx=v['CXX']
445 elif'CXX'in conf.environ:cxx=conf.environ['CXX']
446 cxx=conf.find_program(compiler_name,var='CXX',path_list=path)
447 cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx)
448 env=dict(conf.environ)
449 if path:env.update(PATH=';'.join(path))
450 if not conf.cmd_and_log(cxx+['/nologo','/help'],env=env):
451 conf.fatal('the msvc compiler could not be identified')
452 v['CC']=v['CXX']=cxx
453 v['CC_NAME']=v['CXX_NAME']='msvc'
454 if not v['LINK_CXX']:
455 link=conf.find_program(linker_name,path_list=path)
456 if link:v['LINK_CXX']=link
457 else:conf.fatal('%s was not found (linker)'%linker_name)
458 v['LINK']=link
459 if not v['LINK_CC']:
460 v['LINK_CC']=v['LINK_CXX']
461 if not v['AR']:
462 stliblink=conf.find_program(lib_name,path_list=path,var='AR')
463 if not stliblink:return
464 v['ARFLAGS']=['/NOLOGO']
466 mt=conf.find_program('MT',path_list=path,var='MT')
467 v['MTFLAGS']=['/NOLOGO']
468 conf.load('winres')
469 if not conf.env['WINRC']:
470 warn('Resource compiler not found. Compiling resource file is disabled')
471 def visual_studio_add_flags(self):
472 v=self.env
473 try:v.prepend_value('INCLUDES',self.environ['INCLUDE'].split(';'))
474 except:pass
475 try:v.prepend_value('LIBPATH',self.environ['LIB'].split(';'))
476 except:pass
477 def msvc_common_flags(conf):
478 v=conf.env
479 v['DEST_BINFMT']='pe'
480 v.append_value('CFLAGS',['/nologo'])
481 v.append_value('CXXFLAGS',['/nologo'])
482 v['DEFINES_ST']='/D%s'
483 v['CC_SRC_F']=''
484 v['CC_TGT_F']=['/c','/Fo']
485 if v['MSVC_VERSION']>=8:
486 v['CC_TGT_F']=['/FC']+v['CC_TGT_F']
487 v['CXX_SRC_F']=''
488 v['CXX_TGT_F']=['/c','/Fo']
489 if v['MSVC_VERSION']>=8:
490 v['CXX_TGT_F']=['/FC']+v['CXX_TGT_F']
491 v['CPPPATH_ST']='/I%s'
492 v['AR_TGT_F']=v['CCLNK_TGT_F']=v['CXXLNK_TGT_F']='/OUT:'
502 v['LIB_ST']='%s.lib'
503 v['LIBPATH_ST']='/LIBPATH:%s'
504 v['STLIB_ST']='lib%s.lib'
506 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['/NOLOGO'])
507 if v['MSVC_MANIFEST']:
508 v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['/MANIFEST'])
509 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=[]
510 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=[]
511 v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['/DLL']
512 v['cshlib_PATTERN']=v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']='%s.dll'
513 v['implib_PATTERN']='%s.lib'
514 v['IMPLIB_ST']='/IMPLIB:%s'
515 v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib']=[]
516 v['cstlib_PATTERN']=v['cxxstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.lib'
517 v['cprogram_PATTERN']=v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s.exe'
518 def apply_flags_msvc(self):
519 if self.env.CC_NAME!='msvc'or not getattr(self,'link_task',None):
520 return
521 is_static=isinstance(self.link_task,ccroot.stlink_task)
522 subsystem=getattr(self,'subsystem','')
523 if subsystem:
524 subsystem='/subsystem:%s'%subsystem
525 flags=is_static and'ARFLAGS'or'LINKFLAGS'
526 self.env.append_value(flags,subsystem)
527 if not is_static:
528 for f in self.env.LINKFLAGS:
529 d=f.lower()
530 if d[1:]=='debug':
531 pdbnode=self.link_task.outputs[0].change_ext('.pdb')
532 self.link_task.outputs.append(pdbnode)
533 try:
534 self.install_task.source.append(pdbnode)
535 except AttributeError:
536 pass
537 break
538 def apply_manifest(self):
539 if self.env.CC_NAME=='msvc'and self.env.MSVC_MANIFEST and getattr(self,'link_task',None):
540 out_node=self.link_task.outputs[0]
541 man_node=out_node.parent.find_or_declare('.manifest')
542 self.link_task.outputs.append(man_node)
543 self.link_task.do_manifest=True
544 def exec_mf(self):
545 env=self.env
546 mtool=env['MT']
547 if not mtool:
548 return 0
549 self.do_manifest=False
550 outfile=self.outputs[0].abspath()
551 manifest=None
552 for out_node in self.outputs:
553 if'.manifest'):
554 manifest=out_node.abspath()
555 break
556 if manifest is None:
557 return 0
558 mode=''
559 if'cprogram'in self.generator.features or'cxxprogram'in self.generator.features:
560 mode='1'
561 elif'cshlib'in self.generator.features or'cxxshlib'in self.generator.features:
562 mode='2'
563 debug('msvc: embedding manifest in mode %r'%mode)
564 lst=[]
565 lst.append(env['MT'])
566 lst.extend(Utils.to_list(env['MTFLAGS']))
567 lst.extend(['-manifest',manifest])
568 lst.append('-outputresource:%s;%s'%(outfile,mode))
569 lst=[lst]
570 return self.exec_command(*lst)
571 def quote_response_command(self,flag):
572 if flag.find(' ')>-1:
573 for x in('/LIBPATH:','/IMPLIB:','/OUT:','/I'):
574 if flag.startswith(x):
575 flag='%s"%s"'%(x,flag[len(x):])
576 break
577 else:
578 flag='"%s"'%flag
579 return flag
580 def exec_response_command(self,cmd,**kw):
581 try:
582 tmp=None
583 if sys.platform.startswith('win')and isinstance(cmd,list)and len(' '.join(cmd))>=8192:
584 program=cmd[0]
585 cmd=[self.quote_response_command(x)for x in cmd]
586 (fd,tmp)=tempfile.mkstemp()
587 os.write(fd,'\r\n'.join(i.replace('\\','\\\\')for i in cmd[1:]))
588 os.close(fd)
589 cmd=[program,'@'+tmp]
590 ret=self.generator.bld.exec_command(cmd,**kw)
591 finally:
592 if tmp:
593 try:
594 os.remove(tmp)
595 except:
596 pass
597 return ret
598 def exec_command_msvc(self,*k,**kw):
599 if self.env['CC_NAME']=='msvc':
600 if isinstance(k[0],list):
601 lst=[]
602 carry=''
603 for a in k[0]:
604 if a=='/Fo'or a=='/doc'or a[-1]==':':
605 carry=a
606 else:
607 lst.append(carry+a)
608 carry=''
609 k=[lst]
610 if self.env['PATH']:
611 env=dict(os.environ)
612 env.update(PATH=';'.join(self.env['PATH']))
613 kw['env']=env
614 bld=self.generator.bld
615 try:
616 if not kw.get('cwd',None):
617 kw['cwd']=bld.cwd
618 except AttributeError:
619 bld.cwd=kw['cwd']=bld.variant_dir
620 ret=self.exec_response_command(k[0],**kw)
621 if not ret and getattr(self,'do_manifest',None):
622 ret=self.exec_mf()
623 return ret
624 for k in'c cxx cprogram cxxprogram cshlib cxxshlib cstlib cxxstlib'.split():
625 cls=Task.classes.get(k,None)
626 if cls:
627 cls.exec_command=exec_command_msvc
628 cls.exec_response_command=exec_response_command
629 cls.quote_response_command=quote_response_command
630 cls.exec_mf=exec_mf
632 conf(get_msvc_version)
633 conf(gather_wsdk_versions)
634 conf(gather_msvc_targets)
635 conf(gather_wince_targets)
636 conf(gather_msvc_versions)
637 conf(gather_icl_versions)
638 conf(get_msvc_versions)
639 conf(print_all_msvc_detected)
640 conf(detect_msvc)
641 conf(find_lt_names_msvc)
642 conf(libname_msvc)
643 conf(check_lib_msvc)
644 conf(check_libs_msvc)
645 conf(no_autodetect)
646 conf(autodetect)
647 conf(find_msvc)
648 conf(visual_studio_add_flags)
649 conf(msvc_common_flags)
650 after_method('apply_link')(apply_flags_msvc)
651 feature('c','cxx')(apply_flags_msvc)
652 feature('cprogram','cshlib','cxxprogram','cxxshlib')(apply_manifest)
653 after_method('apply_link')(apply_manifest)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import waflib.Tools.asm
5 from waflib.TaskGen import feature
6 def apply_nasm_vars(self):
7 self.env.append_value('ASFLAGS',self.to_list(getattr(self,'nasm_flags',[])))
8 def configure(conf):
9 nasm=conf.find_program(['nasm','yasm'],var='AS')
10 conf.env.AS_TGT_F=['-o']
11 conf.env.ASLNK_TGT_F=['-o']
13 feature('asm')(apply_nasm_vars)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Task,Options,Utils
6 from waflib.Configure import conf
7 from waflib.TaskGen import extension,feature,before_method
8 def init_perlext(self):
9 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
10 if not'PERLEXT'in self.uselib:self.uselib.append('PERLEXT')
11 self.env['cshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['perlext_PATTERN']
12 def xsubpp_file(self,node):
13 outnode=node.change_ext('.c')
14 self.create_task('xsubpp',node,outnode)
15 self.source.append(outnode)
16 class xsubpp(Task.Task):
17 run_str='${PERL} ${XSUBPP} -noprototypes -typemap ${EXTUTILS_TYPEMAP} ${SRC} > ${TGT}'
18 color='BLUE'
19 ext_out=['.h']
20 def check_perl_version(self,minver=None):
21 res=True
22 if minver:
23 cver='.'.join(map(str,minver))
24 else:
25 cver=''
26 self.start_msg('Checking for minimum perl version %s'%cver)
27 perl=getattr(Options.options,'perlbinary',None)
28 if not perl:
29 perl=self.find_program('perl',var='PERL')
30 if not perl:
31 self.end_msg("Perl not found",color="YELLOW")
32 return False
33 self.env['PERL']=perl
34 version=self.cmd_and_log([perl,"-e",'printf \"%vd\", $^V'])
35 if not version:
36 res=False
37 version="Unknown"
38 elif not minver is None:
39 ver=tuple(map(int,version.split(".")))
40 if ver<minver:
41 res=False
42 self.end_msg(version,color=res and"GREEN"or"YELLOW")
43 return res
44 def check_perl_module(self,module):
45 cmd=[self.env['PERL'],'-e','use %s'%module]
46 self.start_msg('perl module %s'%module)
47 try:
48 r=self.cmd_and_log(cmd)
49 except:
50 self.end_msg(False)
51 return None
52 self.end_msg(r or True)
53 return r
54 def check_perl_ext_devel(self):
55 env=self.env
56 perl=env.PERL
57 if not perl:
58 self.fatal('find perl first')
59 def read_out(cmd):
60 return Utils.to_list(self.cmd_and_log(perl+cmd))
61 env['LINKFLAGS_PERLEXT']=read_out(" -MConfig -e'print $Config{lddlflags}'")
62 env['INCLUDES_PERLEXT']=read_out(" -MConfig -e'print \"$Config{archlib}/CORE\"'")
63 env['CFLAGS_PERLEXT']=read_out(" -MConfig -e'print \"$Config{ccflags} $Config{cccdlflags}\"'")
64 env['XSUBPP']=read_out(" -MConfig -e'print \"$Config{privlib}/ExtUtils/xsubpp$Config{exe_ext}\"'")
65 env['EXTUTILS_TYPEMAP']=read_out(" -MConfig -e'print \"$Config{privlib}/ExtUtils/typemap\"'")
66 if not getattr(Options.options,'perlarchdir',None):
67 env['ARCHDIR_PERL']=self.cmd_and_log(perl+" -MConfig -e'print $Config{sitearch}'")
68 else:
69 env['ARCHDIR_PERL']=getattr(Options.options,'perlarchdir')
70 env['perlext_PATTERN']='%s.'+self.cmd_and_log(perl+" -MConfig -e'print $Config{dlext}'")
71 def options(opt):
72 opt.add_option('--with-perl-binary',type='string',dest='perlbinary',help='Specify alternate perl binary',default=None)
73 opt.add_option('--with-perl-archdir',type='string',dest='perlarchdir',help='Specify directory where to install arch specific files',default=None)
75 before_method('apply_incpaths','apply_link','propagate_uselib_vars')(init_perlext)
76 feature('perlext')(init_perlext)
77 extension('.xs')(xsubpp_file)
78 conf(check_perl_version)
79 conf(check_perl_module)
80 conf(check_perl_ext_devel)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib import Utils,Options,Errors
6 from waflib.Logs import debug,warn,info,error
7 from waflib.TaskGen import extension,before_method,after_method,feature
8 from waflib.Configure import conf
9 FRAG='''
10 #include <Python.h>
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 extern "C" {
13 #endif
14 void Py_Initialize(void);
15 void Py_Finalize(void);
16 #ifdef __cplusplus
17 }
18 #endif
19 int main()
20 {
21 Py_Initialize();
22 Py_Finalize();
23 return 0;
24 }
25 '''
26 INST='''
27 import sys, py_compile
28 py_compile.compile(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
29 '''
30 DISTUTILS_IMP=['from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var, get_python_lib']
31 def process_py(self,node):
32 try:
33 if not self.bld.is_install:
34 return
35 except:
36 return
37 try:
38 if not self.install_path:
39 return
40 except AttributeError:
41 self.install_path='${PYTHONDIR}'
42 def inst_py(ctx):
43 install_from=getattr(self,'install_from',None)
44 if install_from:
45 install_from=self.path.find_dir(install_from)
46 install_pyfile(self,node,install_from)
47 self.bld.add_post_fun(inst_py)
48 def install_pyfile(self,node,install_from=None):
49 from_node=install_from or node.parent
50 tsk=self.bld.install_as(self.install_path+'/'+node.path_from(from_node),node,postpone=False)
51 path=tsk.get_install_path()
52 if self.bld.is_install<0:
53 info("+ removing byte compiled python files")
54 for x in'co':
55 try:
56 os.remove(path+x)
57 except OSError:
58 pass
59 if self.bld.is_install>0:
60 try:
61 st1=os.stat(path)
62 except:
63 error('The python file is missing, this should not happen')
64 for x in['c','o']:
65 do_inst=self.env['PY'+x.upper()]
66 try:
67 st2=os.stat(path+x)
68 except OSError:
69 pass
70 else:
71 if st1.st_mtime<=st2.st_mtime:
72 do_inst=False
73 if do_inst:
74 lst=(x=='o')and[self.env['PYFLAGS_OPT']]or[]
75 (a,b,c)=(path,path+x,tsk.get_install_path(destdir=False)+x)
76 argv=self.env['PYTHON']+lst+['-c',INST,a,b,c]
77 info('+ byte compiling %r'%(path+x))
78 env=self.env.env or None
79 ret=Utils.subprocess.Popen(argv,env=env).wait()
80 if ret:
81 raise Errors.WafError('py%s compilation failed %r'%(x,path))
82 def feature_py(self):
83 pass
84 def init_pyext(self):
85 try:
86 if not self.install_path:
87 return
88 except AttributeError:
89 self.install_path='${PYTHONARCHDIR}'
90 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
91 if not'PYEXT'in self.uselib:
92 self.uselib.append('PYEXT')
93 self.env['cshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['macbundle_PATTERN']=self.env['pyext_PATTERN']
94 def set_bundle(self):
95 if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()=='darwin':
96 self.mac_bundle=True
97 def init_pyembed(self):
98 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
99 if not'PYEMBED'in self.uselib:
100 self.uselib.append('PYEMBED')
101 def get_python_variables(self,variables,imports=None):
102 if not imports:
103 try:
104 imports=self.python_imports
105 except AttributeError:
106 imports=DISTUTILS_IMP
107 program=list(imports)
108 program.append('')
109 for v in variables:
110 program.append("print(repr(%s))"%v)
111 os_env=dict(os.environ)
112 try:
114 except KeyError:
115 pass
116 try:
117 out=self.cmd_and_log(self.env.PYTHON+['-c','\n'.join(program)],env=os_env)
118 except Errors.WafError:
119 self.fatal('The distutils module is unusable: install "python-devel"?')
120 return_values=[]
121 for s in out.split('\n'):
122 s=s.strip()
123 if not s:
124 continue
125 if s=='None':
126 return_values.append(None)
127 elif s[0]=="'"and s[-1]=="'":
128 return_values.append(s[1:-1])
129 elif s[0].isdigit():
130 return_values.append(int(s))
131 else:break
132 return return_values
133 def check_python_headers(conf):
134 if not conf.env['CC_NAME']and not conf.env['CXX_NAME']:
135 conf.fatal('load a compiler first (gcc, g++, ..)')
136 if not conf.env['PYTHON_VERSION']:
137 conf.check_python_version()
138 env=conf.env
139 pybin=conf.env.PYTHON
140 if not pybin:
141 conf.fatal('could not find the python executable')
143 try:
144 lst=conf.get_python_variables(["get_config_var('%s') or ''"%x for x in v])
145 except RuntimeError:
146 conf.fatal("Python development headers not found (-v for details).")
147 vals=['%s = %r'%(x,y)for(x,y)in zip(v,lst)]
148 conf.to_log("Configuration returned from %r:\n%r\n"%(pybin,'\n'.join(vals)))
149 dct=dict(zip(v,lst))
151 if dct[x]:
152 conf.env[x]=conf.environ[x]=dct[x]
153 env['pyext_PATTERN']='%s'+dct['SO']
154 all_flags=dct['LDFLAGS']+' '+dct['CFLAGS']
155 conf.parse_flags(all_flags,'PYEMBED')
156 all_flags=dct['LDFLAGS']+' '+dct['LDSHARED']+' '+dct['CFLAGS']
157 conf.parse_flags(all_flags,'PYEXT')
158 result=None
159 for name in('python'+env['PYTHON_VERSION'],'python'+env['PYTHON_VERSION'].replace('.','')):
160 if not result and env['LIBPATH_PYEMBED']:
161 path=env['LIBPATH_PYEMBED']
162 conf.to_log("\n\n# Trying default LIBPATH_PYEMBED: %r\n"%path)
163 result=conf.check(lib=name,uselib='PYEMBED',libpath=path,mandatory=False,msg='Checking for library %s in LIBPATH_PYEMBED'%name)
164 if not result and dct['LIBDIR']:
165 path=[dct['LIBDIR']]
166 conf.to_log("\n\n# try again with -L$python_LIBDIR: %r\n"%path)
167 result=conf.check(lib=name,uselib='PYEMBED',libpath=path,mandatory=False,msg='Checking for library %s in LIBDIR'%name)
168 if not result and dct['LIBPL']:
169 path=[dct['LIBPL']]
170 conf.to_log("\n\n# try again with -L$python_LIBPL (some systems don't install the python library in $prefix/lib)\n")
171 result=conf.check(lib=name,uselib='PYEMBED',libpath=path,mandatory=False,msg='Checking for library %s in python_LIBPL'%name)
172 if not result:
173 path=[os.path.join(dct['prefix'],"libs")]
174 conf.to_log("\n\n# try again with -L$prefix/libs, and pythonXY name rather than pythonX.Y (win32)\n")
175 result=conf.check(lib=name,uselib='PYEMBED',libpath=path,mandatory=False,msg='Checking for library %s in $prefix/libs'%name)
176 if result:
177 break
178 if result:
179 env['LIBPATH_PYEMBED']=path
180 env.append_value('LIB_PYEMBED',[name])
181 else:
182 conf.to_log("\n\n### LIB NOT FOUND\n")
183 if(Utils.is_win32 or sys.platform.startswith('os2')or dct['Py_ENABLE_SHARED']):
185 env['LIB_PYEXT']=env['LIB_PYEMBED']
186 num='.'.join(env['PYTHON_VERSION'].split('.')[:2])
187 conf.find_program(['python%s-config'%num,'python-config-%s'%num,'python%sm-config'%num],var='PYTHON_CONFIG',mandatory=False)
188 includes=[]
189 if conf.env.PYTHON_CONFIG:
190 for incstr in conf.cmd_and_log([conf.env.PYTHON_CONFIG,'--includes']).strip().split():
191 if(incstr.startswith('-I')or incstr.startswith('/I')):
192 incstr=incstr[2:]
193 if incstr not in includes:
194 includes.append(incstr)
195 conf.to_log("Include path for Python extensions (found via python-config --includes): %r\n"%(includes,))
196 env['INCLUDES_PYEXT']=includes
197 env['INCLUDES_PYEMBED']=includes
198 else:
199 conf.to_log("Include path for Python extensions ""(found via distutils module): %r\n"%(dct['INCLUDEPY'],))
200 env['INCLUDES_PYEXT']=[dct['INCLUDEPY']]
202 if env['CC_NAME']=='gcc':
203 env.append_value('CFLAGS_PYEMBED',['-fno-strict-aliasing'])
204 env.append_value('CFLAGS_PYEXT',['-fno-strict-aliasing'])
205 if env['CXX_NAME']=='gcc':
206 env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_PYEMBED',['-fno-strict-aliasing'])
207 env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_PYEXT',['-fno-strict-aliasing'])
208 if env.CC_NAME=="msvc":
209 from distutils.msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler
210 dist_compiler=MSVCCompiler()
211 dist_compiler.initialize()
212 env.append_value('CFLAGS_PYEXT',dist_compiler.compile_options)
213 env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_PYEXT',dist_compiler.compile_options)
214 env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_PYEXT',dist_compiler.ldflags_shared)
215 try:
216 conf.check(header_name='Python.h',define_name='HAVE_PYTHON_H',uselib='PYEMBED',fragment=FRAG,errmsg='Could not find the python development headers')
217 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
218 conf.check_cfg(path=conf.env.PYTHON_CONFIG,package='',uselib_store='PYEMBED',args=['--cflags','--libs'])
219 conf.check(header_name='Python.h',define_name='HAVE_PYTHON_H',msg='Getting the python flags from python-config',uselib='PYEMBED',fragment=FRAG,errmsg='Could not find the python development headers elsewhere')
220 def check_python_version(conf,minver=None):
221 assert minver is None or isinstance(minver,tuple)
222 pybin=conf.env['PYTHON']
223 if not pybin:
224 conf.fatal('could not find the python executable')
225 cmd=pybin+['-c','import sys\nfor x in sys.version_info: print(str(x))']
226 debug('python: Running python command %r'%cmd)
227 lines=conf.cmd_and_log(cmd).split()
228 assert len(lines)==5,"found %i lines, expected 5: %r"%(len(lines),lines)
229 pyver_tuple=(int(lines[0]),int(lines[1]),int(lines[2]),lines[3],int(lines[4]))
230 result=(minver is None)or(pyver_tuple>=minver)
231 if result:
232 pyver='.'.join([str(x)for x in pyver_tuple[:2]])
233 conf.env['PYTHON_VERSION']=pyver
234 if'PYTHONDIR'in conf.environ:
235 pydir=conf.environ['PYTHONDIR']
236 else:
237 if Utils.is_win32:
238 (python_LIBDEST,pydir)=conf.get_python_variables(["get_config_var('LIBDEST') or ''","get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, prefix=%r) or ''"%conf.env['PREFIX']])
239 else:
240 python_LIBDEST=None
241 (pydir,)=conf.get_python_variables(["get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, prefix=%r) or ''"%conf.env['PREFIX']])
242 if python_LIBDEST is None:
243 if conf.env['LIBDIR']:
244 python_LIBDEST=os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'],"python"+pyver)
245 else:
246 python_LIBDEST=os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'],"lib","python"+pyver)
247 if'PYTHONARCHDIR'in conf.environ:
248 pyarchdir=conf.environ['PYTHONARCHDIR']
249 else:
250 (pyarchdir,)=conf.get_python_variables(["get_python_lib(plat_specific=1, standard_lib=0, prefix=%r) or ''"%conf.env['PREFIX']])
251 if not pyarchdir:
252 pyarchdir=pydir
253 if hasattr(conf,'define'):
254 conf.define('PYTHONDIR',pydir)
255 conf.define('PYTHONARCHDIR',pyarchdir)
256 conf.env['PYTHONDIR']=pydir
257 conf.env['PYTHONARCHDIR']=pyarchdir
258 pyver_full='.'.join(map(str,pyver_tuple[:3]))
259 if minver is None:
260 conf.msg('Checking for python version',pyver_full)
261 else:
262 minver_str='.'.join(map(str,minver))
263 conf.msg('Checking for python version',pyver_tuple,">= %s"%(minver_str,)and'GREEN'or'YELLOW')
264 if not result:
265 conf.fatal('The python version is too old, expecting %r'%(minver,))
267 import %s as current_module
268 version = getattr(current_module, '__version__', None)
269 if version is not None:
270 print(str(version))
271 else:
272 print('unknown version')
273 '''
274 def check_python_module(conf,module_name,condition=''):
275 msg='Python module %s'%module_name
276 if condition:
277 msg='%s (%s)'%(msg,condition)
278 conf.start_msg(msg)
279 try:
280 ret=conf.cmd_and_log(conf.env['PYTHON']+['-c',PYTHON_MODULE_TEMPLATE%module_name])
281 except Exception:
282 conf.end_msg(False)
283 conf.fatal('Could not find the python module %r'%module_name)
284 ret=ret.strip()
285 if condition:
286 conf.end_msg(ret)
287 if ret=='unknown version':
288 conf.fatal('Could not check the %s version'%module_name)
289 from distutils.version import LooseVersion
290 def num(*k):
291 if isinstance(k[0],int):
292 return LooseVersion('.'.join([str(x)for x in k]))
293 else:
294 return LooseVersion(k[0])
295 d={'num':num,'ver':LooseVersion(ret)}
296 ev=eval(condition,{},d)
297 if not ev:
298 conf.fatal('The %s version does not satisfy the requirements'%module_name)
299 else:
300 if ret=='unknown version':
301 conf.end_msg(True)
302 else:
303 conf.end_msg(ret)
304 def configure(conf):
305 try:
306 conf.find_program('python',var='PYTHON')
307 except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
308 warn("could not find a python executable, setting to sys.executable '%s'"%sys.executable)
309 conf.env.PYTHON=sys.executable
310 if conf.env.PYTHON!=sys.executable:
311 warn("python executable '%s' different from sys.executable '%s'"%(conf.env.PYTHON,sys.executable))
312 conf.env.PYTHON=conf.cmd_to_list(conf.env.PYTHON)
313 v=conf.env
314 v['PYCMD']='"import sys, py_compile;py_compile.compile(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])"'
315 v['PYFLAGS']=''
316 v['PYFLAGS_OPT']='-O'
317 v['PYC']=getattr(Options.options,'pyc',1)
318 v['PYO']=getattr(Options.options,'pyo',1)
319 def options(opt):
320 opt.add_option('--nopyc',action='store_false',default=1,help='Do not install bytecode compiled .pyc files (configuration) [Default:install]',dest='pyc')
321 opt.add_option('--nopyo',action='store_false',default=1,help='Do not install optimised compiled .pyo files (configuration) [Default:install]',dest='pyo')
323 extension('.py')(process_py)
324 feature('py')(feature_py)
325 feature('pyext')(init_pyext)
326 before_method('propagate_uselib_vars','apply_link')(init_pyext)
327 after_method('apply_bundle')(init_pyext)
328 feature('pyext')(set_bundle)
329 before_method('apply_link','apply_bundle')(set_bundle)
330 before_method('propagate_uselib_vars')(init_pyembed)
331 feature('pyembed')(init_pyembed)
332 conf(get_python_variables)
333 conf(check_python_headers)
334 conf(check_python_version)
335 conf(check_python_module)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 try:
7 from xml.sax import make_parser
8 from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
9 except ImportError:
10 has_xml=False
11 ContentHandler=object
12 else:
13 has_xml=True
14 import os,sys
15 from waflib.Tools import c_preproc,cxx
16 from waflib import Task,Utils,Options,Errors
17 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,after_method,extension
18 from waflib.Configure import conf
19 from waflib import Logs
20 MOC_H=['.h','.hpp','.hxx','.hh']
21 EXT_RCC=['.qrc']
22 EXT_UI=['.ui']
23 EXT_QT4=['.cpp','.cc','.cxx','.C']
24 QT4_LIBS="QtCore QtGui QtUiTools QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtXml QtXmlPatterns QtWebKit Qt3Support QtHelp QtScript QtDeclarative"
25 class qxx(cxx.cxx):
26 def __init__(self,*k,**kw):
27 Task.Task.__init__(self,*k,**kw)
28 self.moc_done=0
29 def scan(self):
30 (nodes,names)=c_preproc.scan(self)
31 for x in nodes:
32 if'.moc'):
33 nodes.remove(x)
34 names.append(x.path_from(self.inputs[0].parent.get_bld()))
35 return(nodes,names)
36 def runnable_status(self):
37 if self.moc_done:
38 return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
39 else:
40 for t in self.run_after:
41 if not t.hasrun:
42 return Task.ASK_LATER
43 self.add_moc_tasks()
44 return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
45 def add_moc_tasks(self):
46 node=self.inputs[0]
47 bld=self.generator.bld
48 try:
49 self.signature()
50 except KeyError:
51 pass
52 else:
53 delattr(self,'cache_sig')
54 moctasks=[]
55 mocfiles=[]
56 try:
57 tmp_lst=bld.raw_deps[self.uid()]
58 bld.raw_deps[self.uid()]=[]
59 except KeyError:
60 tmp_lst=[]
61 for d in tmp_lst:
62 if not d.endswith('.moc'):
63 continue
64 if d in mocfiles:
65 Logs.error("paranoia owns")
66 continue
67 mocfiles.append(d)
68 h_node=None
69 try:ext=Options.options.qt_header_ext.split()
70 except AttributeError:pass
71 if not ext:ext=MOC_H
72 base2=d[:-4]
73 for x in[node.parent]+self.generator.includes_nodes:
74 for e in ext:
75 h_node=x.find_node(base2+e)
76 if h_node:
77 break
78 if h_node:
79 m_node=h_node.change_ext('.moc')
80 break
81 else:
82 for k in EXT_QT4:
83 if base2.endswith(k):
84 for x in[node.parent]+self.generator.includes_nodes:
85 h_node=x.find_node(base2)
86 if h_node:
87 break
88 if h_node:
89 m_node=h_node.change_ext(k+'.moc')
90 break
91 if not h_node:
92 raise Errors.WafError('no header found for %r which is a moc file'%d)
93 bld.node_deps[(self.inputs[0].parent.abspath(),]=h_node
94 task=Task.classes['moc'](env=self.env,generator=self.generator)
95 task.set_inputs(h_node)
96 task.set_outputs(m_node)
97 gen=bld.producer
98 gen.outstanding.insert(0,task)
100 moctasks.append(task)
101 tmp_lst=bld.raw_deps[self.uid()]=mocfiles
102 lst=bld.node_deps.get(self.uid(),())
103 for d in lst:
105 if name.endswith('.moc'):
106 task=Task.classes['moc'](env=self.env,generator=self.generator)
107 task.set_inputs(bld.node_deps[(self.inputs[0].parent.abspath(),name)])
108 task.set_outputs(d)
109 gen=bld.producer
110 gen.outstanding.insert(0,task)
112 moctasks.append(task)
113 self.run_after.update(set(moctasks))
114 self.moc_done=1
115 run=Task.classes['cxx'].__dict__['run']
116 class trans_update(Task.Task):
117 run_str='${QT_LUPDATE} ${SRC} -ts ${TGT}'
118 color='BLUE'
119 Task.update_outputs(trans_update)
120 class XMLHandler(ContentHandler):
121 def __init__(self):
122 self.buf=[]
123 self.files=[]
124 def startElement(self,name,attrs):
125 if name=='file':
126 self.buf=[]
127 def endElement(self,name):
128 if name=='file':
129 self.files.append(str(''.join(self.buf)))
130 def characters(self,cars):
131 self.buf.append(cars)
132 def create_rcc_task(self,node):
133 rcnode=node.change_ext('_rc.cpp')
134 rcctask=self.create_task('rcc',node,rcnode)
135 cpptask=self.create_task('cxx',rcnode,rcnode.change_ext('.o'))
136 try:
137 self.compiled_tasks.append(cpptask)
138 except AttributeError:
139 self.compiled_tasks=[cpptask]
140 return cpptask
141 def create_uic_task(self,node):
142 uictask=self.create_task('ui4',node)
143 uictask.outputs=[self.path.find_or_declare(self.env['ui_PATTERN'][:-3])]
144 def add_lang(self,node):
145 self.lang=self.to_list(getattr(self,'lang',[]))+[node]
146 def apply_qt4(self):
147 if getattr(self,'lang',None):
148 qmtasks=[]
149 for x in self.to_list(self.lang):
150 if isinstance(x,str):
151 x=self.path.find_resource(x+'.ts')
152 qmtasks.append(self.create_task('ts2qm',x,x.change_ext('.qm')))
153 if getattr(self,'update',None)and Options.options.trans_qt4:
154 cxxnodes=[a.inputs[0]for a in self.compiled_tasks]+[a.inputs[0]for a in self.tasks if getattr(a,'inputs',None)and a.inputs[0].name.endswith('.ui')]
155 for x in qmtasks:
156 self.create_task('trans_update',cxxnodes,x.inputs)
157 if getattr(self,'langname',None):
158 qmnodes=[x.outputs[0]for x in qmtasks]
159 rcnode=self.langname
160 if isinstance(rcnode,str):
161 rcnode=self.path.find_or_declare(rcnode+'.qrc')
162 t=self.create_task('qm2rcc',qmnodes,rcnode)
163 k=create_rcc_task(self,t.outputs[0])
164 self.link_task.inputs.append(k.outputs[0])
165 lst=[]
166 for flag in self.to_list(self.env['CXXFLAGS']):
167 if len(flag)<2:continue
168 f=flag[0:2]
169 if f in['-D','-I','/D','/I']:
170 if(f[0]=='/'):
171 lst.append('-'+flag[1:])
172 else:
173 lst.append(flag)
174 self.env['MOC_FLAGS']=lst
175 def cxx_hook(self,node):
176 return self.create_compiled_task('qxx',node)
177 class rcc(Task.Task):
178 color='BLUE'
179 run_str='${QT_RCC} -name ${SRC[0].name} ${SRC[0].abspath()} ${RCC_ST} -o ${TGT}'
180 ext_out=['.h']
181 def scan(self):
182 node=self.inputs[0]
183 if not has_xml:
184 Logs.error('no xml support was found, the rcc dependencies will be incomplete!')
185 return([],[])
186 parser=make_parser()
187 curHandler=XMLHandler()
188 parser.setContentHandler(curHandler)
189 fi=open(self.inputs[0].abspath())
190 parser.parse(fi)
191 fi.close()
192 nodes=[]
193 names=[]
194 root=self.inputs[0].parent
195 for x in curHandler.files:
196 nd=root.find_resource(x)
197 if nd:nodes.append(nd)
198 else:names.append(x)
199 return(nodes,names)
200 class moc(Task.Task):
201 color='BLUE'
203 class ui4(Task.Task):
204 color='BLUE'
205 run_str='${QT_UIC} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}'
206 ext_out=['.h']
207 class ts2qm(Task.Task):
208 color='BLUE'
209 run_str='${QT_LRELEASE} ${QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS} ${SRC} -qm ${TGT}'
210 class qm2rcc(Task.Task):
211 color='BLUE'
212 after='ts2qm'
213 def run(self):
214 txt='\n'.join(['<file>%s</file>'%k.path_from(self.outputs[0].parent)for k in self.inputs])
215 code='<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">\n<qresource>\n%s\n</qresource>\n</RCC>'%txt
216 self.outputs[0].write(code)
217 def configure(self):
218 self.find_qt4_binaries()
219 self.set_qt4_libs_to_check()
220 self.find_qt4_libraries()
221 self.add_qt4_rpath()
222 self.simplify_qt4_libs()
223 def find_qt4_binaries(self):
224 env=self.env
225 opt=Options.options
226 qtdir=getattr(opt,'qtdir','')
227 qtbin=getattr(opt,'qtbin','')
228 paths=[]
229 if qtdir:
230 qtbin=os.path.join(qtdir,'bin')
231 if not qtdir:
232 qtdir=self.environ.get('QT4_ROOT','')
233 qtbin=os.path.join(qtdir,'bin')
234 if qtbin:
235 paths=[qtbin]
236 if not qtdir:
237 paths=os.environ.get('PATH','').split(os.pathsep)
238 paths.append('/usr/share/qt4/bin/')
239 try:
240 lst=Utils.listdir('/usr/local/Trolltech/')
241 except OSError:
242 pass
243 else:
244 if lst:
245 lst.sort()
246 lst.reverse()
247 qtdir='/usr/local/Trolltech/%s/'%lst[0]
248 qtbin=os.path.join(qtdir,'bin')
249 paths.append(qtbin)
250 cand=None
251 prev_ver=['4','0','0']
252 for qmk in['qmake-qt4','qmake4','qmake']:
253 try:
254 qmake=self.find_program(qmk,path_list=paths)
255 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
256 pass
257 else:
258 try:
259 version=self.cmd_and_log([qmake,'-query','QT_VERSION']).strip()
260 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
261 pass
262 else:
263 if version:
264 new_ver=version.split('.')
265 if new_ver>prev_ver:
266 cand=qmake
267 prev_ver=new_ver
268 if cand:
269 self.env.QMAKE=cand
270 else:
271 self.fatal('Could not find qmake for qt4')
272 qtbin=self.cmd_and_log([self.env.QMAKE,'-query','QT_INSTALL_BINS']).strip()+os.sep
273 def find_bin(lst,var):
274 for f in lst:
275 try:
276 ret=self.find_program(f,path_list=paths)
277 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
278 pass
279 else:
280 env[var]=ret
281 break
282 find_bin(['uic-qt3','uic3'],'QT_UIC3')
283 find_bin(['uic-qt4','uic'],'QT_UIC')
284 if not env['QT_UIC']:
285 self.fatal('cannot find the uic compiler for qt4')
286 try:
287 uicver=self.cmd_and_log(env['QT_UIC']+" -version 2>&1").strip()
288 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
289 self.fatal('this uic compiler is for qt3, add uic for qt4 to your path')
290 uicver=uicver.replace('Qt User Interface Compiler ','').replace('User Interface Compiler for Qt','')
291 self.msg('Checking for uic version','%s'%uicver)
292 if uicver.find(' 3.')!=-1:
293 self.fatal('this uic compiler is for qt3, add uic for qt4 to your path')
294 find_bin(['moc-qt4','moc'],'QT_MOC')
295 find_bin(['rcc'],'QT_RCC')
296 find_bin(['lrelease-qt4','lrelease'],'QT_LRELEASE')
297 find_bin(['lupdate-qt4','lupdate'],'QT_LUPDATE')
298 env['UIC3_ST']='%s -o %s'
299 env['UIC_ST']='%s -o %s'
300 env['MOC_ST']='-o'
301 env['ui_PATTERN']='ui_%s.h'
302 env['QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS']=['-silent']
303 env.MOCCPPPATH_ST='-I%s'
304 env.MOCDEFINES_ST='-D%s'
305 def find_qt4_libraries(self):
306 qtlibs=getattr(Options.options,'qtlibs','')
307 if not qtlibs:
308 try:
309 qtlibs=self.cmd_and_log([self.env.QMAKE,'-query','QT_INSTALL_LIBS']).strip()
310 except Errors.WafError:
311 qtdir=self.cmd_and_log([self.env.QMAKE,'-query','QT_INSTALL_PREFIX']).strip()+os.sep
312 qtlibs=os.path.join(qtdir,'lib')
313 self.msg('Found the Qt4 libraries in',qtlibs)
314 qtincludes=self.cmd_and_log([self.env.QMAKE,'-query','QT_INSTALL_HEADERS']).strip()
315 env=self.env
316 if not'PKG_CONFIG_PATH'in os.environ:
317 os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']='%s:%s/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt4/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/qt4/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt4/lib:/opt/qt4/lib'%(qtlibs,qtlibs)
318 try:
319 self.check_cfg(atleast_pkgconfig_version='0.1')
320 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
321 for i in self.qt4_vars:
322 uselib=i.upper()
323 if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()=="darwin":
324 frameworkName=i+".framework"
325 qtDynamicLib=os.path.join(qtlibs,frameworkName,i)
326 if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib):
327 env.append_unique('FRAMEWORK_'+uselib,i)
328 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,qtDynamicLib,'GREEN')
329 else:
330 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW')
331 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtlibs,frameworkName,'Headers'))
332 elif sys.platform!="win32":
333 qtDynamicLib=os.path.join(qtlibs,"lib"+i+".so")
334 qtStaticLib=os.path.join(qtlibs,"lib"+i+".a")
335 if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib):
336 env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i)
337 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,qtDynamicLib,'GREEN')
338 elif os.path.exists(qtStaticLib):
339 env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i)
340 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,qtStaticLib,'GREEN')
341 else:
342 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW')
343 env.append_unique('LIBPATH_'+uselib,qtlibs)
344 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,qtincludes)
345 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtincludes,i))
346 else:
347 for k in("lib%s.a","lib%s4.a","%s.lib","%s4.lib"):
348 lib=os.path.join(qtlibs,k%i)
349 if os.path.exists(lib):
350 env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i+k[k.find("%s")+2:k.find('.')])
351 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,lib,'GREEN')
352 break
353 else:
354 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW')
355 env.append_unique('LIBPATH_'+uselib,qtlibs)
356 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,qtincludes)
357 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtincludes,i))
358 uselib=i.upper()+"_debug"
359 for k in("lib%sd.a","lib%sd4.a","%sd.lib","%sd4.lib"):
360 lib=os.path.join(qtlibs,k%i)
361 if os.path.exists(lib):
362 env.append_unique('LIB_'+uselib,i+k[k.find("%s")+2:k.find('.')])
363 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,lib,'GREEN')
364 break
365 else:
366 self.msg('Checking for %s'%i,False,'YELLOW')
367 env.append_unique('LIBPATH_'+uselib,qtlibs)
368 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,qtincludes)
369 env.append_unique('INCLUDES_'+uselib,os.path.join(qtincludes,i))
370 else:
371 for i in self.qt4_vars_debug+self.qt4_vars:
372 self.check_cfg(package=i,args='--cflags --libs',mandatory=False)
373 def simplify_qt4_libs(self):
374 env=self.env
375 def process_lib(vars_,coreval):
376 for d in vars_:
377 var=d.upper()
378 if var=='QTCORE':
379 continue
380 value=env['LIBPATH_'+var]
381 if value:
382 core=env[coreval]
383 accu=[]
384 for lib in value:
385 if lib in core:
386 continue
387 accu.append(lib)
388 env['LIBPATH_'+var]=accu
389 process_lib(self.qt4_vars,'LIBPATH_QTCORE')
390 process_lib(self.qt4_vars_debug,'LIBPATH_QTCORE_DEBUG')
391 def add_qt4_rpath(self):
392 env=self.env
393 if Options.options.want_rpath:
394 def process_rpath(vars_,coreval):
395 for d in vars_:
396 var=d.upper()
397 value=env['LIBPATH_'+var]
398 if value:
399 core=env[coreval]
400 accu=[]
401 for lib in value:
402 if var!='QTCORE':
403 if lib in core:
404 continue
405 accu.append('-Wl,--rpath='+lib)
406 env['RPATH_'+var]=accu
407 process_rpath(self.qt4_vars,'LIBPATH_QTCORE')
408 process_rpath(self.qt4_vars_debug,'LIBPATH_QTCORE_DEBUG')
409 def set_qt4_libs_to_check(self):
410 if not hasattr(self,'qt4_vars'):
411 self.qt4_vars=QT4_LIBS
412 self.qt4_vars=Utils.to_list(self.qt4_vars)
413 if not hasattr(self,'qt4_vars_debug'):
414 self.qt4_vars_debug=[a+'_debug'for a in self.qt4_vars]
415 self.qt4_vars_debug=Utils.to_list(self.qt4_vars_debug)
416 def options(opt):
417 opt.add_option('--want-rpath',action='store_true',default=False,dest='want_rpath',help='enable the rpath for qt libraries')
418 opt.add_option('--header-ext',type='string',default='',help='header extension for moc files',dest='qt_header_ext')
419 for i in'qtdir qtbin qtlibs'.split():
420 opt.add_option('--'+i,type='string',default='',dest=i)
421 opt.add_option('--translate',action="store_true",help="collect translation strings",dest="trans_qt4",default=False)
423 extension(*EXT_RCC)(create_rcc_task)
424 extension(*EXT_UI)(create_uic_task)
425 extension('.ts')(add_lang)
426 feature('qt4')(apply_qt4)
427 after_method('apply_link')(apply_qt4)
428 extension(*EXT_QT4)(cxx_hook)
429 conf(find_qt4_binaries)
430 conf(find_qt4_libraries)
431 conf(simplify_qt4_libs)
432 conf(add_qt4_rpath)
433 conf(set_qt4_libs_to_check)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Task,Options,Utils
6 from waflib.TaskGen import before_method,feature,after_method,Task,extension
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def init_rubyext(self):
9 self.install_path='${ARCHDIR_RUBY}'
10 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',''))
11 if not'RUBY'in self.uselib:
12 self.uselib.append('RUBY')
13 if not'RUBYEXT'in self.uselib:
14 self.uselib.append('RUBYEXT')
15 def apply_ruby_so_name(self):
16 self.env['cshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=self.env['rubyext_PATTERN']
17 def check_ruby_version(self,minver=()):
18 if Options.options.rubybinary:
19 self.env.RUBY=Options.options.rubybinary
20 else:
21 self.find_program('ruby',var='RUBY')
22 ruby=self.env.RUBY
23 try:
24 version=self.cmd_and_log([ruby,'-e','puts defined?(VERSION) ? VERSION : RUBY_VERSION']).strip()
25 except:
26 self.fatal('could not determine ruby version')
27 self.env.RUBY_VERSION=version
28 try:
29 ver=tuple(map(int,version.split(".")))
30 except:
31 self.fatal('unsupported ruby version %r'%version)
32 cver=''
33 if minver:
34 if ver<minver:
35 self.fatal('ruby is too old %r'%ver)
36 cver='.'.join([str(x)for x in minver])
37 else:
38 cver=ver
39 self.msg('Checking for ruby version %s'%str(minver or''),cver)
40 def check_ruby_ext_devel(self):
41 if not self.env.RUBY:
42 self.fatal('ruby detection is required first')
43 if not self.env.CC_NAME and not self.env.CXX_NAME:
44 self.fatal('load a c/c++ compiler first')
45 version=tuple(map(int,self.env.RUBY_VERSION.split(".")))
46 def read_out(cmd):
47 return Utils.to_list(self.cmd_and_log([self.env.RUBY,'-rrbconfig','-e',cmd]))
48 def read_config(key):
49 return read_out('puts Config::CONFIG[%r]'%key)
50 ruby=self.env['RUBY']
51 archdir=read_config('archdir')
52 cpppath=archdir
53 if version>=(1,9,0):
54 ruby_hdrdir=read_config('rubyhdrdir')
55 cpppath+=ruby_hdrdir
56 cpppath+=[os.path.join(ruby_hdrdir[0],read_config('arch')[0])]
57 self.check(header_name='ruby.h',includes=cpppath,errmsg='could not find ruby header file')
58 self.env.LIBPATH_RUBYEXT=read_config('libdir')
59 self.env.LIBPATH_RUBYEXT+=archdir
60 self.env.INCLUDES_RUBYEXT=cpppath
61 self.env.CFLAGS_RUBYEXT=read_config('CCDLFLAGS')
62 self.env.rubyext_PATTERN='%s.'+read_config('DLEXT')[0]
63 flags=read_config('LDSHARED')
64 while flags and flags[0][0]!='-':
65 flags=flags[1:]
66 if len(flags)>1 and flags[1]=="ppc":
67 flags=flags[2:]
68 self.env.LINKFLAGS_RUBYEXT=flags
69 self.env.LINKFLAGS_RUBYEXT+=read_config('LIBS')
71 if Options.options.rubyarchdir:
72 self.env.ARCHDIR_RUBY=Options.options.rubyarchdir
73 else:
74 self.env.ARCHDIR_RUBY=read_config('sitearchdir')[0]
75 if Options.options.rubylibdir:
76 self.env.LIBDIR_RUBY=Options.options.rubylibdir
77 else:
78 self.env.LIBDIR_RUBY=read_config('sitelibdir')[0]
79 def check_ruby_module(self,module_name):
80 self.start_msg('Ruby module %s'%module_name)
81 try:
82 self.cmd_and_log([self.env['RUBY'],'-e','require \'%s\';puts 1'%module_name])
83 except:
84 self.end_msg(False)
85 self.fatal('Could not find the ruby module %r'%module_name)
86 self.end_msg(True)
87 def process(self,node):
88 tsk=self.create_task('run_ruby',node)
89 class run_ruby(Task.Task):
90 run_str='${RUBY} ${RBFLAGS} -I ${SRC[0].parent.abspath()} ${SRC}'
91 def options(opt):
92 opt.add_option('--with-ruby-archdir',type='string',dest='rubyarchdir',help='Specify directory where to install arch specific files')
93 opt.add_option('--with-ruby-libdir',type='string',dest='rubylibdir',help='Specify alternate ruby library path')
94 opt.add_option('--with-ruby-binary',type='string',dest='rubybinary',help='Specify alternate ruby binary')
96 feature('rubyext')(init_rubyext)
97 before_method('apply_incpaths','apply_lib_vars','apply_bundle','apply_link')(init_rubyext)
98 feature('rubyext')(apply_ruby_so_name)
99 before_method('apply_link','propagate_uselib')(apply_ruby_so_name)
100 conf(check_ruby_version)
101 conf(check_ruby_ext_devel)
102 conf(check_ruby_module)
103 extension('.rb')(process)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_scc(conf):
9 v=conf.env
10 cc=None
11 if v['CC']:cc=v['CC']
12 elif'CC'in conf.environ:cc=conf.environ['CC']
13 if not cc:cc=conf.find_program('cc',var='CC')
14 if not cc:conf.fatal('Could not find a Sun C compiler')
15 cc=conf.cmd_to_list(cc)
16 try:
17 conf.cmd_and_log(cc+['-flags'])
18 except:
19 conf.fatal('%r is not a Sun compiler'%cc)
20 v['CC']=cc
21 v['CC_NAME']='sun'
22 def scc_common_flags(conf):
23 v=conf.env
24 v['CC_SRC_F']=[]
25 v['CC_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
26 if not v['LINK_CC']:v['LINK_CC']=v['CC']
27 v['CCLNK_SRC_F']=''
28 v['CCLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
29 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
30 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
31 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
32 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
33 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
34 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
35 v['SONAME_ST']='-Wl,-h,%s'
36 v['SHLIB_MARKER']='-Bdynamic'
37 v['STLIB_MARKER']='-Bstatic'
38 v['cprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
39 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=['-Kpic','-DPIC']
40 v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=['-G']
41 v['cshlib_PATTERN']=''
42 v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib']=['-Bstatic']
43 v['cstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
44 def configure(conf):
45 conf.find_scc()
46 conf.find_ar()
47 conf.scc_common_flags()
48 conf.cc_load_tools()
49 conf.cc_add_flags()
50 conf.link_add_flags()
52 conf(find_scc)
53 conf(scc_common_flags)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 from waflib import Utils
6 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 def find_sxx(conf):
9 v=conf.env
10 cc=None
11 if v['CXX']:cc=v['CXX']
12 elif'CXX'in conf.environ:cc=conf.environ['CXX']
13 if not cc:cc=conf.find_program('CC',var='CXX')
14 if not cc:cc=conf.find_program('c++',var='CXX')
15 if not cc:conf.fatal('Could not find a Sun C++ compiler')
16 cc=conf.cmd_to_list(cc)
17 try:
18 conf.cmd_and_log(cc+['-flags'])
19 except:
20 conf.fatal('%r is not a Sun compiler'%cc)
21 v['CXX']=cc
22 v['CXX_NAME']='sun'
23 def sxx_common_flags(conf):
24 v=conf.env
25 v['CXX_SRC_F']=[]
26 v['CXX_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
27 if not v['LINK_CXX']:v['LINK_CXX']=v['CXX']
28 v['CXXLNK_SRC_F']=[]
29 v['CXXLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
30 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
31 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
32 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
33 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
34 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
35 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
36 v['SONAME_ST']='-Wl,-h,%s'
37 v['SHLIB_MARKER']='-Bdynamic'
38 v['STLIB_MARKER']='-Bstatic'
39 v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
40 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-Kpic','-DPIC']
41 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-G']
42 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=''
43 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxstlib']=['-Bstatic']
44 v['cxxstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
45 def configure(conf):
46 conf.find_sxx()
47 conf.find_ar()
48 conf.sxx_common_flags()
49 conf.cxx_load_tools()
50 conf.cxx_add_flags()
51 conf.link_add_flags()
53 conf(find_sxx)
54 conf(sxx_common_flags)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,re
5 from waflib import Utils,Task,Errors
6 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method
7 from waflib.Logs import error,warn,debug
8 re_bibunit=re.compile(r'\\(?P<type>putbib)\[(?P<file>[^\[\]]*)\]',re.M)
9 def bibunitscan(self):
10 node=self.inputs[0]
11 nodes=[]
12 if not node:return nodes
13 code=Utils.readf(node.abspath())
14 for match in re_bibunit.finditer(code):
16 if path:
17 for k in['','.bib']:
18 debug('tex: trying %s%s'%(path,k))
19 fi=node.parent.find_resource(path+k)
20 if fi:
21 nodes.append(fi)
22 else:
23 debug('tex: could not find %s'%path)
24 debug("tex: found the following bibunit files: %s"%nodes)
25 return nodes
26 exts_deps_tex=['','.ltx','.tex','.bib','.pdf','.png','.eps','.ps']
27 exts_tex=['.ltx','.tex']
28 re_tex=re.compile(r'\\(?P<type>include|bibliography|putbib|includegraphics|input|import|bringin|lstinputlisting)(\[[^\[\]]*\])?{(?P<file>[^{}]*)}',re.M)
29 g_bibtex_re=re.compile('bibdata',re.M)
30 class tex(Task.Task):
31 bibtex_fun,_=Task.compile_fun('${BIBTEX} ${BIBTEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}',shell=False)
32 bibtex_fun.__doc__="""
33 Execute the program **bibtex**
34 """
35 makeindex_fun,_=Task.compile_fun('${MAKEINDEX} ${MAKEINDEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}',shell=False)
36 makeindex_fun.__doc__="""
37 Execute the program **makeindex**
38 """
39 def scan_aux(self,node):
40 nodes=[node]
41 re_aux=re.compile(r'\\@input{(?P<file>[^{}]*)}',re.M)
42 def parse_node(node):
44 for match in re_aux.finditer(code):
46 found=node.parent.find_or_declare(path)
47 if found and found not in nodes:
48 debug('tex: found aux node '+found.abspath())
49 nodes.append(found)
50 parse_node(found)
51 parse_node(node)
52 return nodes
53 def scan(self):
54 node=self.inputs[0]
55 nodes=[]
56 names=[]
57 seen=[]
58 if not node:return(nodes,names)
59 def parse_node(node):
60 if node in seen:
61 return
62 seen.append(node)
64 global re_tex
65 for match in re_tex.finditer(code):
66 for path in'file').split(','):
67 if path:
68 add_name=True
69 found=None
70 for k in exts_deps_tex:
71 debug('tex: trying %s%s'%(path,k))
72 found=node.parent.find_resource(path+k)
73 if found and not found in self.outputs:
74 nodes.append(found)
75 add_name=False
76 for ext in exts_tex:
77 if
78 parse_node(found)
79 break
80 if add_name:
81 names.append(path)
82 parse_node(node)
83 for x in nodes:
84 x.parent.get_bld().mkdir()
85 debug("tex: found the following : %s and names %s"%(nodes,names))
86 return(nodes,names)
87 def check_status(self,msg,retcode):
88 if retcode!=0:
89 raise Errors.WafError("%r command exit status %r"%(msg,retcode))
90 def bibfile(self):
91 need_bibtex=False
92 try:
93 for aux_node in self.aux_nodes:
95 if g_bibtex_re.findall(ct):
96 need_bibtex=True
97 break
98 except(OSError,IOError):
99 error('error bibtex scan')
100 else:
101 if need_bibtex:
102 warn('calling bibtex')
103 self.env.env={}
104 self.env.env.update(os.environ)
105 self.env.env.update({'BIBINPUTS':self.TEXINPUTS,'BSTINPUTS':self.TEXINPUTS})
106 self.env.SRCFILE=self.aux_nodes[0].name[:-4]
107 self.check_status('error when calling bibtex',self.bibtex_fun())
108 def bibunits(self):
109 try:
110 bibunits=bibunitscan(self)
111 except FSError:
112 error('error bibunitscan')
113 else:
114 if bibunits:
115 fn=['bu'+str(i)for i in xrange(1,len(bibunits)+1)]
116 if fn:
117 warn('calling bibtex on bibunits')
118 for f in fn:
119 self.env.env={'BIBINPUTS':self.TEXINPUTS,'BSTINPUTS':self.TEXINPUTS}
120 self.env.SRCFILE=f
121 self.check_status('error when calling bibtex',self.bibtex_fun())
122 def makeindex(self):
123 try:
124 idx_path=self.idx_node.abspath()
125 os.stat(idx_path)
126 except OSError:
127 warn('index file %s absent, not calling makeindex'%idx_path)
128 else:
129 warn('calling makeindex')
131 self.env.env={}
132 self.check_status('error when calling makeindex %s'%idx_path,self.makeindex_fun())
133 def run(self):
134 env=self.env
135 if not env['PROMPT_LATEX']:
136 env.append_value('LATEXFLAGS','-interaction=batchmode')
137 env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS','-interaction=batchmode')
138 env.append_value('XELATEXFLAGS','-interaction=batchmode')
139 fun=self.texfun
140 node=self.inputs[0]
141 srcfile=node.abspath()
142 texinputs=self.env.TEXINPUTS or''
143 self.TEXINPUTS=node.parent.get_bld().abspath()+os.pathsep+node.parent.get_src().abspath()+os.pathsep+texinputs+os.pathsep
144 self.aux_node=node.change_ext('.aux')
145 self.cwd=self.inputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
146 warn('first pass on %s'%self.__class__.__name__)
147 self.env.env={}
148 self.env.env.update(os.environ)
149 self.env.env.update({'TEXINPUTS':self.TEXINPUTS})
150 self.env.SRCFILE=srcfile
151 self.check_status('error when calling latex',fun())
152 self.aux_nodes=self.scan_aux(node.change_ext('.aux'))
153 self.idx_node=node.change_ext('.idx')
154 self.bibfile()
155 self.bibunits()
156 self.makeindex()
157 hash=''
158 for i in range(10):
159 prev_hash=hash
160 try:
161 hashes=[Utils.h_file(x.abspath())for x in self.aux_nodes]
162 hash=Utils.h_list(hashes)
163 except(OSError,IOError):
164 error('could not read aux.h')
165 pass
166 if hash and hash==prev_hash:
167 break
168 warn('calling %s'%self.__class__.__name__)
169 self.env.env={}
170 self.env.env.update(os.environ)
171 self.env.env.update({'TEXINPUTS':self.TEXINPUTS})
172 self.env.SRCFILE=srcfile
173 self.check_status('error when calling %s'%self.__class__.__name__,fun())
174 class latex(tex):
175 texfun,vars=Task.compile_fun('${LATEX} ${LATEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}',shell=False)
176 class pdflatex(tex):
177 texfun,vars=Task.compile_fun('${PDFLATEX} ${PDFLATEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}',shell=False)
178 class xelatex(tex):
179 texfun,vars=Task.compile_fun('${XELATEX} ${XELATEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}',shell=False)
180 class dvips(Task.Task):
181 run_str='${DVIPS} ${DVIPSFLAGS} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}'
182 color='BLUE'
183 after=['latex','pdflatex','xelatex']
184 class dvipdf(Task.Task):
185 run_str='${DVIPDF} ${DVIPDFFLAGS} ${SRC} ${TGT}'
186 color='BLUE'
187 after=['latex','pdflatex','xelatex']
188 class pdf2ps(Task.Task):
189 run_str='${PDF2PS} ${PDF2PSFLAGS} ${SRC} ${TGT}'
190 color='BLUE'
191 after=['latex','pdflatex','xelatex']
192 def apply_tex(self):
193 if not getattr(self,'type',None)in['latex','pdflatex','xelatex']:
194 self.type='pdflatex'
195 tree=self.bld
196 outs=Utils.to_list(getattr(self,'outs',[]))
197 self.env['PROMPT_LATEX']=getattr(self,'prompt',1)
198 deps_lst=[]
199 if getattr(self,'deps',None):
200 deps=self.to_list(self.deps)
201 for filename in deps:
202 n=self.path.find_resource(filename)
203 if not n in deps_lst:deps_lst.append(n)
204 for node in self.to_nodes(self.source):
205 if self.type=='latex':
206 task=self.create_task('latex',node,node.change_ext('.dvi'))
207 elif self.type=='pdflatex':
208 task=self.create_task('pdflatex',node,node.change_ext('.pdf'))
209 elif self.type=='xelatex':
210 task=self.create_task('xelatex',node,node.change_ext('.pdf'))
211 task.env=self.env
212 if deps_lst:
213 try:
214 lst=tree.node_deps[task.uid()]
215 for n in deps_lst:
216 if not n in lst:
217 lst.append(n)
218 except KeyError:
219 tree.node_deps[task.uid()]=deps_lst
220 if self.type=='latex':
221 if'ps'in outs:
222 tsk=self.create_task('dvips',task.outputs,node.change_ext('.ps'))
223 tsk.env.env={'TEXINPUTS':node.parent.abspath()+os.pathsep+self.path.abspath()+os.pathsep+self.path.get_bld().abspath()}
224 if'pdf'in outs:
225 tsk=self.create_task('dvipdf',task.outputs,node.change_ext('.pdf'))
226 tsk.env.env={'TEXINPUTS':node.parent.abspath()+os.pathsep+self.path.abspath()+os.pathsep+self.path.get_bld().abspath()}
227 elif self.type=='pdflatex':
228 if'ps'in outs:
229 self.create_task('pdf2ps',task.outputs,node.change_ext('.ps'))
230 self.source=[]
231 def configure(self):
232 v=self.env
233 for p in'tex latex pdflatex xelatex bibtex dvips dvipdf ps2pdf makeindex pdf2ps'.split():
234 try:
235 self.find_program(p,var=p.upper())
236 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
237 pass
238 v['DVIPSFLAGS']='-Ppdf'
240 feature('tex')(apply_tex)
241 before_method('process_source')(apply_tex)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os.path,shutil,re
5 from waflib import Context,Task,Utils,Logs,Options,Errors
6 from waflib.TaskGen import extension
7 from waflib.Configure import conf
8 class valac(Task.Task):
10 ext_out=['.h']
11 def run(self):
12 env=self.env
13 cmd=[env['VALAC'],'-C','--quiet']
14 cmd.extend(Utils.to_list(env['VALAFLAGS']))
15 if self.threading:
16 cmd.append('--thread')
17 if self.profile:
18 cmd.append('--profile=%s'%self.profile)
19 if self.target_glib:
20 cmd.append('--target-glib=%s'%self.target_glib)
21 if self.is_lib:
22 cmd.append('--library='
23 for x in self.outputs:
24 if'.h'):
25 cmd.append('--header='
26 if self.gir:
27 cmd.append('--gir=%s.gir'%self.gir)
28 for vapi_dir in self.vapi_dirs:
29 cmd.append('--vapidir=%s'%vapi_dir)
30 for package in self.packages:
31 cmd.append('--pkg=%s'%package)
32 for package in self.packages_private:
33 cmd.append('--pkg=%s'%package)
34 for define in self.vala_defines:
35 cmd.append('--define=%s'%define)
36 cmd.extend([a.abspath()for a in self.inputs])
37 ret=self.exec_command(cmd,cwd=self.outputs[0].parent.abspath())
38 if ret:
39 return ret
40 for x in self.outputs:
41 if id(x.parent)!=id(self.outputs[0].parent):
42 shutil.move(self.outputs[0].parent.abspath(),x.abspath())
43 if self.packages and getattr(self,'deps_node',None):
44 self.deps_node.write('\n'.join(self.packages))
45 return ret
46 def vala_file(self,node):
47 valatask=getattr(self,"valatask",None)
48 if not valatask:
49 def _get_api_version():
50 api_version='1.0'
51 if hasattr(Context.g_module,'API_VERSION'):
52 version=Context.g_module.API_VERSION.split(".")
53 if version[0]=="0":
54 api_version="0."+version[1]
55 else:
56 api_version=version[0]+".0"
57 return api_version
58 valatask=self.create_task('valac')
59 self.valatask=valatask
60 self.includes=Utils.to_list(getattr(self,'includes',[]))
61 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
62 valatask.packages=[]
63 valatask.packages_private=Utils.to_list(getattr(self,'packages_private',[]))
64 valatask.vapi_dirs=[]
66 valatask.threading=False
67 valatask.install_path=getattr(self,'install_path','')
68 valatask.profile=getattr(self,'profile','gobject')
69 valatask.vala_defines=getattr(self,'vala_defines',[])
70 valatask.target_glib=None
71 valatask.gir=getattr(self,'gir',None)
72 valatask.gir_path=getattr(self,'gir_path','${DATAROOTDIR}/gir-1.0')
73 valatask.vapi_path=getattr(self,'vapi_path','${DATAROOTDIR}/vala/vapi')
74 valatask.pkg_name=getattr(self,'pkg_name',self.env['PACKAGE'])
75 valatask.header_path=getattr(self,'header_path','${INCLUDEDIR}/%s-%s'%(valatask.pkg_name,_get_api_version()))
76 valatask.install_binding=getattr(self,'install_binding',True)
77 valatask.is_lib=False
78 if not'cprogram'in self.features:
79 valatask.is_lib=True
80 packages=Utils.to_list(getattr(self,'packages',[]))
81 vapi_dirs=Utils.to_list(getattr(self,'vapi_dirs',[]))
82 includes=[]
83 if hasattr(self,'use'):
84 local_packages=Utils.to_list(self.use)[:]
85 seen=[]
86 while len(local_packages)>0:
87 package=local_packages.pop()
88 if package in seen:
89 continue
90 seen.append(package)
91 try:
92 package_obj=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(package)
93 except Errors.WafError:
94 continue
96 package_node=package_obj.path
97 package_dir=package_node.path_from(self.path)
98 for task in package_obj.tasks:
99 for output in task.outputs:
100 if".vapi":
101 valatask.set_run_after(task)
102 if package_name not in packages:
103 packages.append(package_name)
104 if package_dir not in vapi_dirs:
105 vapi_dirs.append(package_dir)
106 if package_dir not in includes:
107 includes.append(package_dir)
108 if hasattr(package_obj,'use'):
109 lst=self.to_list(package_obj.use)
110 lst.reverse()
111 local_packages=[pkg for pkg in lst if pkg not in seen]+local_packages
112 valatask.packages=packages
113 for vapi_dir in vapi_dirs:
114 try:
115 valatask.vapi_dirs.append(self.path.find_dir(vapi_dir).abspath())
116 valatask.vapi_dirs.append(self.path.find_dir(vapi_dir).get_bld().abspath())
117 except AttributeError:
118 Logs.warn("Unable to locate Vala API directory: '%s'"%vapi_dir)
119 self.includes.append(self.bld.srcnode.abspath())
120 self.includes.append(self.bld.bldnode.abspath())
121 for include in includes:
122 try:
123 self.includes.append(self.path.find_dir(include).abspath())
124 self.includes.append(self.path.find_dir(include).get_bld().abspath())
125 except AttributeError:
126 Logs.warn("Unable to locate include directory: '%s'"%include)
127 if valatask.profile=='gobject':
128 if hasattr(self,'target_glib'):
129 Logs.warn('target_glib on vala tasks is not supported --vala-target-glib=MAJOR.MINOR from the vala tool options')
130 if getattr(Options.options,'vala_target_glib',None):
131 valatask.target_glib=Options.options.vala_target_glib
132 if not'GOBJECT'in self.uselib:
133 self.uselib.append('GOBJECT')
134 if hasattr(self,'threading'):
135 if valatask.profile=='gobject':
136 valatask.threading=self.threading
137 if not'GTHREAD'in self.uselib:
138 self.uselib.append('GTHREAD')
139 else:
140 Logs.warn("Profile %s does not have threading support"%valatask.profile)
141 if valatask.is_lib:
142 valatask.outputs.append(self.path.find_or_declare('%s.h'
143 valatask.outputs.append(self.path.find_or_declare('%s.vapi'
144 if valatask.gir:
145 valatask.outputs.append(self.path.find_or_declare('%s.gir'%self.gir))
146 if valatask.packages:
147 d=self.path.find_or_declare('%s.deps'
148 valatask.outputs.append(d)
149 valatask.deps_node=d
150 valatask.inputs.append(node)
151 c_node=node.change_ext('.c')
152 valatask.outputs.append(c_node)
153 self.source.append(c_node)
154 if valatask.is_lib and valatask.install_binding:
155 headers_list=[o for o in valatask.outputs if o.suffix()==".h"]
156 try:
157 self.install_vheader.source=headers_list
158 except AttributeError:
159 self.install_vheader=self.bld.install_files(valatask.header_path,headers_list,self.env)
160 vapi_list=[o for o in valatask.outputs if(o.suffix()in(".vapi",".deps"))]
161 try:
162 self.install_vapi.source=vapi_list
163 except AttributeError:
164 self.install_vapi=self.bld.install_files(valatask.vapi_path,vapi_list,self.env)
165 gir_list=[o for o in valatask.outputs if o.suffix()==".gir"]
166 try:
167 self.install_gir.source=gir_list
168 except AttributeError:
169 self.install_gir=self.bld.install_files(valatask.gir_path,gir_list,self.env)
170 valac=Task.update_outputs(valac)
171 def find_valac(self,valac_name,min_version):
172 valac=self.find_program(valac_name,var='VALAC')
173 try:
174 output=self.cmd_and_log(valac+' --version')
175 except Exception:
176 valac_version=None
177 else:
179 valac_version=tuple([int(x)for x in ver])
180 self.msg('Checking for %s version >= %r'%(valac_name,min_version),valac_version,valac_version and valac_version>=min_version)
181 if valac and valac_version<min_version:
182 self.fatal("%s version %r is too old, need >= %r"%(valac_name,valac_version,min_version))
183 self.env['VALAC_VERSION']=valac_version
184 return valac
185 def check_vala(self,min_version=(0,8,0),branch=None):
186 if not branch:
187 branch=min_version[:2]
188 try:
189 find_valac(self,'valac-%d.%d'%(branch[0],branch[1]),min_version)
190 except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
191 find_valac(self,'valac',min_version)
192 def check_vala_deps(self):
193 if not self.env['HAVE_GOBJECT']:
194 pkg_args={'package':'gobject-2.0','uselib_store':'GOBJECT','args':'--cflags --libs'}
195 if getattr(Options.options,'vala_target_glib',None):
196 pkg_args['atleast_version']=Options.options.vala_target_glib
197 self.check_cfg(**pkg_args)
198 if not self.env['HAVE_GTHREAD']:
199 pkg_args={'package':'gthread-2.0','uselib_store':'GTHREAD','args':'--cflags --libs'}
200 if getattr(Options.options,'vala_target_glib',None):
201 pkg_args['atleast_version']=Options.options.vala_target_glib
202 self.check_cfg(**pkg_args)
203 def configure(self):
204 self.load('gnu_dirs')
205 self.check_vala_deps()
206 self.check_vala()
207 def options(opt):
208 opt.load('gnu_dirs')
209 valaopts=opt.add_option_group('Vala Compiler Options')
210 valaopts.add_option('--vala-target-glib',default=None,dest='vala_target_glib',metavar='MAJOR.MINOR',help='Target version of glib for Vala GObject code generation')
212 extension('.vala','.gs')(vala_file)
213 conf(find_valac)
214 conf(check_vala)
215 conf(check_vala_deps)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys
5 from waflib.TaskGen import feature,after_method
6 from waflib import Utils,Task,Logs,Options
7 testlock=Utils.threading.Lock()
8 def make_test(self):
9 if getattr(self,'link_task',None):
10 self.create_task('utest',self.link_task.outputs)
11 class utest(Task.Task):
12 color='PINK'
13 after=['vnum','inst']
14 vars=[]
15 def runnable_status(self):
16 ret=super(utest,self).runnable_status()
17 if ret==Task.SKIP_ME:
18 if getattr(Options.options,'all_tests',False):
19 return Task.RUN_ME
20 return ret
21 def run(self):
22 filename=self.inputs[0].abspath()
23 self.ut_exec=getattr(self,'ut_exec',[filename])
24 if getattr(self.generator,'ut_fun',None):
25 self.generator.ut_fun(self)
26 try:
27 fu=getattr(self.generator.bld,'all_test_paths')
28 except AttributeError:
29 fu=os.environ.copy()
30 self.generator.bld.all_test_paths=fu
31 lst=[]
32 for g in self.generator.bld.groups:
33 for tg in g:
34 if getattr(tg,'link_task',None):
35 lst.append(tg.link_task.outputs[0].parent.abspath())
36 def add_path(dct,path,var):
37 dct[var]=os.pathsep.join(Utils.to_list(path)+[os.environ.get(var,'')])
38 if Utils.is_win32:
39 add_path(fu,lst,'PATH')
40 elif Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()=='darwin':
41 add_path(fu,lst,'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH')
42 add_path(fu,lst,'LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
43 else:
44 add_path(fu,lst,'LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
45 cwd=getattr(self.generator,'ut_cwd','')or self.inputs[0].parent.abspath()
46 proc=Utils.subprocess.Popen(self.ut_exec,cwd=cwd,env=fu,stderr=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,stdout=Utils.subprocess.PIPE)
47 (stdout,stderr)=proc.communicate()
48 tup=(filename,proc.returncode,stdout,stderr)
49 self.generator.utest_result=tup
50 testlock.acquire()
51 try:
52 bld=self.generator.bld
53 Logs.debug("ut: %r",tup)
54 try:
55 bld.utest_results.append(tup)
56 except AttributeError:
57 bld.utest_results=[tup]
58 finally:
59 testlock.release()
60 def summary(bld):
61 lst=getattr(bld,'utest_results',[])
62 if lst:
63 Logs.pprint('CYAN','execution summary')
64 total=len(lst)
65 tfail=len([x for x in lst if x[1]])
66 Logs.pprint('CYAN',' tests that pass %d/%d'%(total-tfail,total))
67 for(f,code,out,err)in lst:
68 if not code:
69 Logs.pprint('CYAN',' %s'%f)
70 Logs.pprint('CYAN',' tests that fail %d/%d'%(tfail,total))
71 for(f,code,out,err)in lst:
72 if code:
73 Logs.pprint('CYAN',' %s'%f)
74 def options(opt):
75 opt.add_option('--alltests',action='store_true',default=False,help='Exec all unit tests',dest='all_tests')
77 feature('test')(make_test)
78 after_method('apply_link')(make_test)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib import Task
5 from waflib.TaskGen import extension
6 def rc_file(self,node):
7 obj_ext='.rc.o'
8 if self.env['WINRC_TGT_F']=='/fo':
9 obj_ext='.res'
10 rctask=self.create_task('winrc',node,node.change_ext(obj_ext))
11 try:
12 self.compiled_tasks.append(rctask)
13 except AttributeError:
14 self.compiled_tasks=[rctask]
15 class winrc(Task.Task):
17 color='BLUE'
18 def configure(conf):
19 v=conf.env
20 v['WINRC_TGT_F']='-o'
21 v['WINRC_SRC_F']='-i'
22 if not conf.env.WINRC:
23 if v.CC_NAME=='msvc':
24 conf.find_program('RC',var='WINRC',path_list=v['PATH'])
25 v['WINRC_TGT_F']='/fo'
26 v['WINRC_SRC_F']=''
27 else:
28 conf.find_program('windres',var='WINRC',path_list=v['PATH'])
29 if not conf.env.WINRC:
30 conf.fatal('winrc was not found!')
31 v['WINRCFLAGS']=[]
33 extension('.rc')(rc_file)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
5 from waflib.Configure import conf
6 def find_xlc(conf):
7 cc=conf.find_program(['xlc_r','xlc'],var='CC')
8 cc=conf.cmd_to_list(cc)
9 conf.get_xlc_version(cc)
10 conf.env.CC_NAME='xlc'
11 conf.env.CC=cc
12 def xlc_common_flags(conf):
13 v=conf.env
14 v['CC_SRC_F']=[]
15 v['CC_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
16 if not v['LINK_CC']:v['LINK_CC']=v['CC']
17 v['CCLNK_SRC_F']=[]
18 v['CCLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
19 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
20 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
21 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
22 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
23 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
24 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
25 v['RPATH_ST']='-Wl,-rpath,%s'
26 v['SONAME_ST']=[]
27 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
28 v['STLIB_MARKER']=[]
29 v['LINKFLAGS_cprogram']=['-Wl,-brtl']
30 v['cprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
31 v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=['-fPIC']
32 v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=['-G','-Wl,-brtl,-bexpfull']
33 v['cshlib_PATTERN']=''
34 v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib']=[]
35 v['cstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
36 def configure(conf):
37 conf.find_xlc()
38 conf.find_ar()
39 conf.xlc_common_flags()
40 conf.cc_load_tools()
41 conf.cc_add_flags()
42 conf.link_add_flags()
44 conf(find_xlc)
45 conf(xlc_common_flags)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar
5 from waflib.Configure import conf
6 def find_xlcxx(conf):
7 cxx=conf.find_program(['xlc++_r','xlc++'],var='CXX')
8 cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx)
9 conf.get_xlc_version(cxx)
10 conf.env.CXX_NAME='xlc++'
11 conf.env.CXX=cxx
12 def xlcxx_common_flags(conf):
13 v=conf.env
14 v['CXX_SRC_F']=[]
15 v['CXX_TGT_F']=['-c','-o']
16 if not v['LINK_CXX']:v['LINK_CXX']=v['CXX']
17 v['CXXLNK_SRC_F']=[]
18 v['CXXLNK_TGT_F']=['-o']
19 v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s'
20 v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s'
21 v['LIB_ST']='-l%s'
22 v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
23 v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s'
24 v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s'
25 v['RPATH_ST']='-Wl,-rpath,%s'
26 v['SONAME_ST']=[]
27 v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[]
28 v['STLIB_MARKER']=[]
29 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxprogram']=['-Wl,-brtl']
30 v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s'
31 v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-fPIC']
32 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-G','-Wl,-brtl,-bexpfull']
33 v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']=''
34 v['LINKFLAGS_cxxstlib']=[]
35 v['cxxstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a'
36 def configure(conf):
37 conf.find_xlcxx()
38 conf.find_ar()
39 conf.xlcxx_common_flags()
40 conf.cxx_load_tools()
41 conf.cxx_add_flags()
42 conf.link_add_flags()
44 conf(find_xlcxx)
45 conf(xlcxx_common_flags)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os,sys,errno,traceback,inspect,re,shutil,datetime,gc
5 try:
6 import subprocess
7 except:
8 try:
9 import waflib.extras.subprocess as subprocess
10 except:
11 print("The subprocess module is missing (python2.3?):\n try calling 'waf update --files=subprocess'\n or add a copy of to the python libraries")
12 try:
13 from collections import deque
14 except ImportError:
15 class deque(list):
16 def popleft(self):
17 return self.pop(0)
18 try:
19 import _winreg as winreg
20 except:
21 try:
22 import winreg
23 except:
24 winreg=None
25 from waflib import Errors
26 try:
27 from collections import UserDict
28 except:
29 from UserDict import UserDict
30 try:
31 from hashlib import md5
32 except:
33 try:
34 from md5 import md5
35 except:
36 pass
37 try:
38 import threading
39 except:
40 class threading(object):
41 pass
42 class Lock(object):
43 def acquire(self):
44 pass
45 def release(self):
46 pass
47 threading.Lock=threading.Thread=Lock
48 else:
50 def run(*args,**kwargs):
51 try:
52 run_old(*args,**kwargs)
53 except(KeyboardInterrupt,SystemExit):
54 raise
55 except:
56 sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
58 SIG_NIL='iluvcuteoverload'
59 O644=420
60 O755=493
61 rot_chr=['\\','|','/','-']
62 rot_idx=0
63 try:
64 from collections import defaultdict
65 except ImportError:
66 class defaultdict(dict):
67 def __init__(self,default_factory):
68 super(defaultdict,self).__init__()
69 self.default_factory=default_factory
70 def __getitem__(self,key):
71 try:
72 return super(defaultdict,self).__getitem__(key)
73 except KeyError:
74 value=self.default_factory()
75 self[key]=value
76 return value
77 is_win32=sys.platform in('win32','cli')
78 indicator='\x1b[K%s%s%s\r'
79 if is_win32 and'NOCOLOR'in os.environ:
80 indicator='%s%s%s\r'
81 def readf(fname,m='r'):
82 f=open(fname,m)
83 try:
85 finally:
86 f.close()
87 return txt
88 def h_file(filename):
89 f=open(filename,'rb')
90 m=md5()
91 try:
92 while filename:
94 m.update(filename)
95 finally:
96 f.close()
97 return m.digest()
98 try:
99 x=''.encode('hex')
100 except:
101 import binascii
102 def to_hex(s):
103 ret=binascii.hexlify(s)
104 if not isinstance(ret,str):
105 ret=ret.decode('utf-8')
106 return ret
107 else:
108 def to_hex(s):
109 return s.encode('hex')
110 to_hex.__doc__="""
111 Return the hexadecimal representation of a string
113 :param s: string to convert
114 :type s: string
115 """
116 listdir=os.listdir
117 if is_win32:
118 def listdir_win32(s):
119 if not s:
120 try:
121 import ctypes
122 except:
123 return[x+':\\'for x in list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')]
124 else:
125 dlen=4
126 maxdrives=26
127 buf=ctypes.create_string_buffer(maxdrives*dlen)
128 ndrives=ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDriveStringsA(maxdrives,ctypes.byref(buf))
129 return[buf.raw[4*i:4*i+3].decode('ascii')for i in range(int(ndrives/dlen))]
130 if len(s)==2 and s[1]==":":
131 s+=os.sep
132 if not os.path.isdir(s):
133 e=OSError()
134 e.errno=errno.ENOENT
135 raise e
136 return os.listdir(s)
137 listdir=listdir_win32
138 def num2ver(ver):
139 if isinstance(ver,str):
140 ver=tuple(ver.split('.'))
141 if isinstance(ver,tuple):
142 ret=0
143 for i in range(4):
144 if i<len(ver):
145 ret+=256**(3-i)*int(ver[i])
146 return ret
147 return ver
148 def ex_stack():
149 exc_type,exc_value,tb=sys.exc_info()
150 exc_lines=traceback.format_exception(exc_type,exc_value,tb)
151 return''.join(exc_lines)
152 def to_list(sth):
153 if isinstance(sth,str):
154 return sth.split()
155 else:
156 return sth
157 re_nl=re.compile('\r*\n',re.M)
158 def str_to_dict(txt):
159 tbl={}
160 lines=re_nl.split(txt)
161 for x in lines:
162 x=x.strip()
163 if not x or x.startswith('#')or x.find('=')<0:
164 continue
165 tmp=x.split('=')
166 tbl[tmp[0].strip()]='='.join(tmp[1:]).strip()
167 return tbl
168 def split_path(path):
169 return path.split('/')
170 def split_path_cygwin(path):
171 if path.startswith('//'):
172 ret=path.split('/')[2:]
173 ret[0]='/'+ret[0]
174 return ret
175 return path.split('/')
176 re_sp=re.compile('[/\\\\]')
177 def split_path_win32(path):
178 if path.startswith('\\\\'):
179 ret=re.split(re_sp,path)[2:]
180 ret[0]='\\'+ret[0]
181 return ret
182 return re.split(re_sp,path)
183 if sys.platform=='cygwin':
184 split_path=split_path_cygwin
185 elif is_win32:
186 split_path=split_path_win32
187 split_path.__doc__="""
188 Split a path by / or \\. This function is not like os.path.split
190 :type path: string
191 :param path: path to split
192 :return: list of strings
193 """
194 def check_dir(path):
195 if not os.path.isdir(path):
196 try:
197 os.makedirs(path)
198 except OSError ,e:
199 if not os.path.isdir(path):
200 raise Errors.WafError('Cannot create the folder %r'%path,ex=e)
201 def def_attrs(cls,**kw):
202 for k,v in kw.items():
203 if not hasattr(cls,k):
204 setattr(cls,k,v)
205 def quote_define_name(s):
206 fu=re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").sub("_",s)
207 fu=fu.upper()
208 return fu
209 def h_list(lst):
210 m=md5()
211 m.update(str(lst))
212 return m.digest()
213 def h_fun(fun):
214 try:
215 return fun.code
216 except AttributeError:
217 try:
218 h=inspect.getsource(fun)
219 except IOError:
220 h="nocode"
221 try:
222 fun.code=h
223 except AttributeError:
224 pass
225 return h
226 reg_subst=re.compile(r"(\\\\)|(\$\$)|\$\{([^}]+)\}")
227 def subst_vars(expr,params):
228 def repl_var(m):
229 if
230 return'\\'
231 if
232 return'$'
233 try:
234 return params.get_flat(
235 except AttributeError:
236 return params[]
237 return reg_subst.sub(repl_var,expr)
238 def destos_to_binfmt(key):
239 if key=='darwin':
240 return'mac-o'
241 elif key in('win32','cygwin','uwin','msys'):
242 return'pe'
243 return'elf'
244 def unversioned_sys_platform():
245 s=sys.platform
246 if s=='java':
247 from java.lang import System
248 s=System.getProperty('')
249 if s=='Mac OS X':
250 return'darwin'
251 elif s.startswith('Windows '):
252 return'win32'
253 elif s=='OS/2':
254 return'os2'
255 elif s=='HP-UX':
256 return'hpux'
257 elif s in('SunOS','Solaris'):
258 return'sunos'
259 else:s=s.lower()
260 if s=='powerpc':
261 return'darwin'
262 if s=='win32'or s.endswith('os2')and s!='sunos2':return s
263 return re.split('\d+$',s)[0]
264 def nada(*k,**kw):
265 pass
266 class Timer(object):
267 def __init__(self):
268 self.start_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow()
269 def __str__(self):
270 delta=datetime.datetime.utcnow()-self.start_time
271 days=int(delta.days)
272 hours=delta.seconds//3600
273 minutes=(delta.seconds-hours*3600)//60
274 seconds=delta.seconds-hours*3600-minutes*60+float(delta.microseconds)/1000/1000
275 result=''
276 if days:
277 result+='%dd'%days
278 if days or hours:
279 result+='%dh'%hours
280 if days or hours or minutes:
281 result+='%dm'%minutes
282 return'%s%.3fs'%(result,seconds)
283 if is_win32:
284 old=shutil.copy2
285 def copy2(src,dst):
286 old(src,dst)
287 shutil.copystat(src,dst)
288 setattr(shutil,'copy2',copy2)
289 if'java':
290 try:
291 gc.disable()
292 gc.enable()
293 except NotImplementedError:
294 gc.disable=gc.enable
295 def read_la_file(path):
296 sp=re.compile(r'^([^=]+)=\'(.*)\'$')
297 dc={}
298 for line in readf(path).splitlines():
299 try:
300 _,left,right,_=sp.split(line.strip())
301 dc[left]=right
302 except ValueError:
303 pass
304 return dc
305 def nogc(fun):
306 def f(*k,**kw):
307 try:
308 gc.disable()
309 ret=fun(*k,**kw)
310 finally:
311 gc.enable()
312 return ret
313 f.__doc__=fun.__doc__
314 return f
315 def run_once(fun):
316 cache={}
317 def wrap(k):
318 try:
319 return cache[k]
320 except KeyError:
321 ret=fun(k)
322 cache[k]=ret
323 return ret
324 wrap.__cache__=cache
325 return wrap
326 def get_registry_app_path(key,filename):
327 if not winreg:
328 return None
329 try:
330 result=winreg.QueryValue(key,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\%s.exe"%filename[0])
331 except WindowsError:
332 pass
333 else:
334 if os.path.isfile(result):
335 return result
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys,os
5 try:
6 if not(sys.stderr.isatty()and sys.stdout.isatty()):
7 raise ValueError('not a tty')
8 from ctypes import*
9 class COORD(Structure):
10 _fields_=[("X",c_short),("Y",c_short)]
11 class SMALL_RECT(Structure):
12 _fields_=[("Left",c_short),("Top",c_short),("Right",c_short),("Bottom",c_short)]
14 _fields_=[("Size",COORD),("CursorPosition",COORD),("Attributes",c_short),("Window",SMALL_RECT),("MaximumWindowSize",COORD)]
15 class CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(Structure):
16 _fields_=[('dwSize',c_ulong),('bVisible',c_int)]
19 hconsole=windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11)
20 windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hconsole,byref(sbinfo))
21 if sbinfo.Size.X<9 or sbinfo.Size.Y<9:raise ValueError('small console')
22 windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hconsole,byref(csinfo))
23 except Exception:
24 pass
25 else:
26 import re,threading
27 is_vista=getattr(sys,"getwindowsversion",None)and sys.getwindowsversion()[0]>=6
28 try:
29 _type=unicode
30 except:
31 _type=str
32 to_int=lambda number,default:number and int(number)or default
33 wlock=threading.Lock()
36 class AnsiTerm(object):
37 def __init__(self):
38 self.encoding=sys.stdout.encoding
39 self.hconsole=windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
40 self.cursor_history=[]
41 self.orig_sbinfo=CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO()
42 self.orig_csinfo=CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO()
43 windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole,byref(self.orig_sbinfo))
44 windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hconsole,byref(self.orig_csinfo))
45 def screen_buffer_info(self):
47 windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole,byref(sbinfo))
48 return sbinfo
49 def clear_line(self,param):
50 mode=param and int(param)or 0
51 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
52 if mode==1:
53 line_start=COORD(0,sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y)
54 line_length=sbinfo.Size.X
55 elif mode==2:
56 line_start=COORD(sbinfo.CursorPosition.X,sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y)
57 line_length=sbinfo.Size.X-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X
58 else:
59 line_start=sbinfo.CursorPosition
60 line_length=sbinfo.Size.X-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X
61 chars_written=c_int()
62 windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(self.hconsole,c_wchar(' '),line_length,line_start,byref(chars_written))
63 windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hconsole,sbinfo.Attributes,line_length,line_start,byref(chars_written))
64 def clear_screen(self,param):
65 mode=to_int(param,0)
66 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
67 if mode==1:
68 clear_start=COORD(0,0)
69 clear_length=sbinfo.CursorPosition.X*sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y
70 elif mode==2:
71 clear_start=COORD(0,0)
72 clear_length=sbinfo.Size.X*sbinfo.Size.Y
73 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,clear_start)
74 else:
75 clear_start=sbinfo.CursorPosition
76 clear_length=((sbinfo.Size.X-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X)+sbinfo.Size.X*(sbinfo.Size.Y-sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y))
77 chars_written=c_int()
78 windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(self.hconsole,c_wchar(' '),clear_length,clear_start,byref(chars_written))
79 windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hconsole,sbinfo.Attributes,clear_length,clear_start,byref(chars_written))
80 def push_cursor(self,param):
81 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
82 self.cursor_history.append(sbinfo.CursorPosition)
83 def pop_cursor(self,param):
84 if self.cursor_history:
85 old_pos=self.cursor_history.pop()
86 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,old_pos)
87 def set_cursor(self,param):
88 y,sep,x=param.partition(';')
89 x=to_int(x,1)-1
90 y=to_int(y,1)-1
91 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
92 new_pos=COORD(min(max(0,x),sbinfo.Size.X),min(max(0,y),sbinfo.Size.Y))
93 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,new_pos)
94 def set_column(self,param):
95 x=to_int(param,1)-1
96 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
97 new_pos=COORD(min(max(0,x),sbinfo.Size.X),sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y)
98 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,new_pos)
99 def move_cursor(self,x_offset=0,y_offset=0):
100 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
101 new_pos=COORD(min(max(0,sbinfo.CursorPosition.X+x_offset),sbinfo.Size.X),min(max(0,sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y+y_offset),sbinfo.Size.Y))
102 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,new_pos)
103 def move_up(self,param):
104 self.move_cursor(y_offset=-to_int(param,1))
105 def move_down(self,param):
106 self.move_cursor(y_offset=to_int(param,1))
107 def move_left(self,param):
108 self.move_cursor(x_offset=-to_int(param,1))
109 def move_right(self,param):
110 self.move_cursor(x_offset=to_int(param,1))
111 def next_line(self,param):
112 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
113 self.move_cursor(x_offset=-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X,y_offset=to_int(param,1))
114 def prev_line(self,param):
115 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info()
116 self.move_cursor(x_offset=-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X,y_offset=-to_int(param,1))
117 def rgb2bgr(self,c):
118 return((c&1)<<2)|(c&2)|((c&4)>>2)
119 def set_color(self,param):
120 cols=param.split(';')
122 windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole,byref(sbinfo))
123 attr=sbinfo.Attributes
124 for c in cols:
125 if is_vista:
126 c=int(c)
127 else:
128 c=to_int(c,0)
129 if c in range(30,38):
130 attr=(attr&0xfff0)|self.rgb2bgr(c-30)
131 elif c in range(40,48):
132 attr=(attr&0xff0f)|(self.rgb2bgr(c-40)<<4)
133 elif c==0:
134 attr=self.orig_sbinfo.Attributes
135 elif c==1:
136 attr|=0x08
137 elif c==4:
138 attr|=0x80
139 elif c==7:
140 attr=(attr&0xff88)|((attr&0x70)>>4)|((attr&0x07)<<4)
141 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self.hconsole,attr)
142 def show_cursor(self,param):
143 csinfo.bVisible=1
144 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo(self.hconsole,byref(csinfo))
145 def hide_cursor(self,param):
146 csinfo.bVisible=0
147 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo(self.hconsole,byref(csinfo))
148 ansi_command_table={'A':move_up,'B':move_down,'C':move_right,'D':move_left,'E':next_line,'F':prev_line,'G':set_column,'H':set_cursor,'f':set_cursor,'J':clear_screen,'K':clear_line,'h':show_cursor,'l':hide_cursor,'m':set_color,'s':push_cursor,'u':pop_cursor,}
149 ansi_tokens=re.compile('(?:\x1b\[([0-9?;]*)([a-zA-Z])|([^\x1b]+))')
150 def write(self,text):
151 try:
152 wlock.acquire()
153 for param,cmd,txt in self.ansi_tokens.findall(text):
154 if cmd:
155 cmd_func=self.ansi_command_table.get(cmd)
156 if cmd_func:
157 cmd_func(self,param)
158 else:
159 self.writeconsole(txt)
160 finally:
161 wlock.release()
162 def writeconsole(self,txt):
163 chars_written=c_int()
164 writeconsole=windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleA
165 if isinstance(txt,_type):
166 writeconsole=windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleW
167 TINY_STEP=3000
168 for x in range(0,len(txt),TINY_STEP):
169 tiny=txt[x:x+TINY_STEP]
170 writeconsole(self.hconsole,tiny,len(tiny),byref(chars_written),None)
171 def flush(self):
172 pass
173 def isatty(self):
174 return True
175 sys.stderr=sys.stdout=AnsiTerm()
176 os.environ['TERM']='vt100'
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import sys
5 if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: from sets import Set as set
6 import sys
7 from waflib import ConfigSet,Logs,Options,Scripting,Task,Build,Configure,Node,Runner,TaskGen,Utils,Errors,Context
8 sys.modules['Environment']=ConfigSet
9 ConfigSet.Environment=ConfigSet.ConfigSet
10 sys.modules['Logs']=Logs
11 sys.modules['Options']=Options
12 sys.modules['Scripting']=Scripting
13 sys.modules['Task']=Task
14 sys.modules['Build']=Build
15 sys.modules['Configure']=Configure
16 sys.modules['Node']=Node
17 sys.modules['Runner']=Runner
18 sys.modules['TaskGen']=TaskGen
19 sys.modules['Utils']=Utils
20 from waflib.Tools import c_preproc
21 sys.modules['preproc']=c_preproc
22 from waflib.Tools import c_config
23 sys.modules['config_c']=c_config
24 ConfigSet.ConfigSet.copy=ConfigSet.ConfigSet.derive
25 ConfigSet.ConfigSet.set_variant=Utils.nada
26 Build.BuildContext.add_subdirs=Build.BuildContext.recurse
27 Build.BuildContext.new_task_gen=Build.BuildContext.__call__
28 Build.BuildContext.is_install=0
29 Node.Node.relpath_gen=Node.Node.path_from
30 def name_to_obj(self,s,env=None):
31 Logs.warn('compat: change "name_to_obj(name, env)" by "get_tgen_by_name(name)"')
32 return self.get_tgen_by_name(s)
33 Build.BuildContext.name_to_obj=name_to_obj
34 def env_of_name(self,name):
35 try:
36 return self.all_envs[name]
37 except KeyError:
38 Logs.error('no such environment: '+name)
39 return None
40 Build.BuildContext.env_of_name=env_of_name
41 def set_env_name(self,name,env):
42 self.all_envs[name]=env
43 return env
44 Configure.ConfigurationContext.set_env_name=set_env_name
45 def retrieve(self,name,fromenv=None):
46 try:
47 env=self.all_envs[name]
48 except KeyError:
49 env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
50 self.prepare_env(env)
51 self.all_envs[name]=env
52 else:
53 if fromenv:Logs.warn("The environment %s may have been configured already"%name)
54 return env
55 Configure.ConfigurationContext.retrieve=retrieve
56 Configure.ConfigurationContext.sub_config=Configure.ConfigurationContext.recurse
57 Configure.ConfigurationContext.check_tool=Configure.ConfigurationContext.load
58 Configure.conftest=Configure.conf
59 Configure.ConfigurationError=Errors.ConfigurationError
60 Options.OptionsContext.sub_options=Options.OptionsContext.recurse
61 Options.OptionsContext.tool_options=Context.Context.load
62 Options.Handler=Options.OptionsContext
63 Task.simple_task_type=Task.task_type_from_func=Task.task_factory
64 Task.TaskBase.classes=Task.classes
65 def setitem(self,key,value):
66 if key.startswith('CCFLAGS'):
67 key=key[1:]
68 self.table[key]=value
69 ConfigSet.ConfigSet.__setitem__=setitem
70 def old_importpaths(self):
71 if getattr(self,'importpaths',[]):
72 self.includes=self.importpaths
73 from waflib import Context
74 eld=Context.load_tool
75 def load_tool(*k,**kw):
76 ret=eld(*k,**kw)
77 if'set_options'in ret.__dict__:
78 Logs.warn('compat: rename "set_options" to options')
79 ret.options=ret.set_options
80 if'detect'in ret.__dict__:
81 Logs.warn('compat: rename "detect" to "configure"')
82 ret.configure=ret.detect
83 return ret
84 Context.load_tool=load_tool
85 rev=Context.load_module
86 def load_module(path):
87 ret=rev(path)
88 if'set_options'in ret.__dict__:
89 Logs.warn('compat: rename "set_options" to "options" (%r)'%path)
90 ret.options=ret.set_options
91 if'srcdir'in ret.__dict__:
92 Logs.warn('compat: rename "srcdir" to "top" (%r)'%path)
94 if'blddir'in ret.__dict__:
95 Logs.warn('compat: rename "blddir" to "out" (%r)'%path)
96 ret.out=ret.blddir
97 return ret
98 Context.load_module=load_module
100 def post(self):
101 self.features=self.to_list(self.features)
102 if'cc'in self.features:
103 Logs.warn('compat: the feature cc does not exist anymore (use "c")')
104 self.features.remove('cc')
105 self.features.append('c')
106 if'cstaticlib'in self.features:
107 Logs.warn('compat: the feature cstaticlib does not exist anymore (use "cstlib" or "cxxstlib")')
108 self.features.remove('cstaticlib')
109 self.features.append(('cxx'in self.features)and'cxxstlib'or'cstlib')
110 if getattr(self,'ccflags',None):
111 Logs.warn('compat: "ccflags" was renamed to "cflags"')
112 self.cflags=self.ccflags
113 return old_post(self)
115 def waf_version(*k,**kw):
116 Logs.warn('wrong version (waf_version was removed in waf 1.6)')
117 Utils.waf_version=waf_version
118 import os
119 def apply_uselib_local(self):
120 env=self.env
121 from waflib.Tools.ccroot import stlink_task
122 self.uselib=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib',[]))
123 self.includes=self.to_list(getattr(self,'includes',[]))
124 names=self.to_list(getattr(self,'uselib_local',[]))
125 get=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name
126 seen=set([])
127 tmp=Utils.deque(names)
128 if tmp:
129 Logs.warn('compat: "uselib_local" is deprecated, replace by "use"')
130 while tmp:
131 lib_name=tmp.popleft()
132 if lib_name in seen:
133 continue
134 y=get(lib_name)
136 seen.add(lib_name)
137 if getattr(y,'uselib_local',None):
138 for x in self.to_list(getattr(y,'uselib_local',[])):
139 obj=get(x)
141 if getattr(obj,'link_task',None):
142 if not isinstance(obj.link_task,stlink_task):
143 tmp.append(x)
144 if getattr(y,'link_task',None):
146 if isinstance(y.link_task,stlink_task):
147 env.append_value('STLIB',[link_name])
148 else:
149 env.append_value('LIB',[link_name])
150 self.link_task.set_run_after(y.link_task)
151 self.link_task.dep_nodes+=y.link_task.outputs
152 tmp_path=y.link_task.outputs[0].parent.bldpath()
153 if not tmp_path in env['LIBPATH']:
154 env.prepend_value('LIBPATH',[tmp_path])
155 for v in self.to_list(getattr(y,'uselib',[])):
156 if not env['STLIB_'+v]:
157 if not v in self.uselib:
158 self.uselib.insert(0,v)
159 if getattr(y,'export_includes',None):
160 self.includes.extend(y.to_incnodes(y.export_includes))
161 def apply_objdeps(self):
162 names=getattr(self,'add_objects',[])
163 if not names:
164 return
165 names=self.to_list(names)
166 get=self.bld.get_tgen_by_name
167 seen=[]
168 while names:
169 x=names[0]
170 if x in seen:
171 names=names[1:]
172 continue
173 y=get(x)
174 if getattr(y,'add_objects',None):
175 added=0
176 lst=y.to_list(y.add_objects)
177 lst.reverse()
178 for u in lst:
179 if u in seen:continue
180 added=1
181 names=[u]+names
182 if added:continue
184 seen.append(x)
185 for t in getattr(y,'compiled_tasks',[]):
186 self.link_task.inputs.extend(t.outputs)
187 def process_obj_files(self):
188 if not hasattr(self,'obj_files'):
189 return
190 for x in self.obj_files:
191 node=self.path.find_resource(x)
192 self.link_task.inputs.append(node)
193 def add_obj_file(self,file):
194 if not hasattr(self,'obj_files'):self.obj_files=[]
195 if not'process_obj_files'in self.meths:self.meths.append('process_obj_files')
196 self.obj_files.append(file)
197 old_define=Configure.ConfigurationContext.__dict__['define']
198 def define(self,key,val,quote=True):
199 old_define(self,key,val,quote)
200 if key.startswith('HAVE_'):
201 self.env[key]=1
202 old_undefine=Configure.ConfigurationContext.__dict__['undefine']
203 def undefine(self,key):
204 old_undefine(self,key)
205 if key.startswith('HAVE_'):
206 self.env[key]=0
207 def set_incdirs(self,val):
208 Logs.warn('compat: change "export_incdirs" by "export_includes"')
209 self.export_includes=val
210 TaskGen.task_gen.export_incdirs=property(None,set_incdirs)
212 TaskGen.feature('d')(old_importpaths)
213 TaskGen.before('apply_incpaths')(old_importpaths)
214 TaskGen.feature('c','cxx','d')(apply_uselib_local)
215 TaskGen.before('apply_incpaths','propagate_uselib_vars')(apply_uselib_local)
216 TaskGen.after('apply_link','process_source')(apply_uselib_local)
217 TaskGen.feature('cprogram','cxxprogram','cstlib','cxxstlib','cshlib','cxxshlib','dprogram','dstlib','dshlib')(apply_objdeps)
218 TaskGen.after('apply_link')(apply_objdeps)
219 TaskGen.after('apply_link')(process_obj_files)
220 TaskGen.taskgen_method(add_obj_file)
221 Configure.conf(define)
222 Configure.conf(undefine)
0 #! /usr/bin/env python
1 # encoding: utf-8
2 # WARNING! Do not edit!
4 import os
5 all_modifs={}
6 def fixdir(dir):
7 global all_modifs
8 for k in all_modifs:
9 for v in all_modifs[k]:
10 modif(os.path.join(dir,'waflib'),k,v)
11 def modif(dir,name,fun):
12 if name=='*':
13 lst=[]
14 for y in'. Tools extras'.split():
15 for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(dir,y)):
16 if x.endswith('.py'):
17 lst.append(y+os.sep+x)
18 for x in lst:
19 modif(dir,x,fun)
20 return
21 filename=os.path.join(dir,name)
22 f=open(filename,'r')
24 f.close()
25 txt=fun(txt)
26 f=open(filename,'w')
27 f.write(txt)
28 f.close()
29 def subst(*k):
30 def do_subst(fun):
31 global all_modifs
32 for x in k:
33 try:
34 all_modifs[x].append(fun)
35 except KeyError:
36 all_modifs[x]=[fun]
37 return fun
38 return do_subst
39 def r1(code):
40 code=code.replace(',e:',',e:')
41 code=code.replace("",'')
42 code=code.replace('','')
43 return code
44 def r4(code):
45 code=code.replace('next(self.biter)','')
46 return code
48 subst('*')(r1)
49 subst('')(r4)