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# Jakarta Bean Validation API

This repository contains the Java Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 API.

Jakarta Bean Validation defines a metadata model and API for JavaBean and method validation.

You can learn more about it here:
* Official website: <>
* Latest draft of the spec: <>
* Reference implementation: <>

## System requirements

JDK 8.

## Licensing

The Jakarta Bean Validation API is provided and distributed under the Apache Software License 2.0.
Refer to [license.txt]( for more information.

## Build from Source

You can build the Jakarta Bean Validation API from source by cloning the git repository
You will also need a JDK 8 and Maven 3 (>= 3.0.3). With these prerequisites in place you can compile the source via:

    mvn clean install

## Contribute

Want to join us? You can find all the relevant information about contributing to Jakarta Bean Validation on the [website](

## Continuous Integration

The official Continuous Integration service for the project is hosted on [](

## Publishing the Schemas
The schema files should be published to the website repository by following the
procedure described at The location for
the schema files in the repsitory is the static/xml/ns/validation directory.