Codebase list java-classpath-clojure / 5b6a17a
CLASSPATH-4: Use io/as-file instead of treating URL as file path Signed-off-by: Stuart Sierra <> Tim McCormack authored 11 years ago Stuart Sierra committed 11 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4949 "Returns a sequence of File paths from a classloader."
5050 [loader]
5151 (when (instance? loader)
52 (map
53 #( (.getPath ^ %))
54 (.getURLs ^ loader))))
52 (map io/as-file (.getURLs ^ loader))))
5654 (defn classpath
5755 "Returns a sequence of File objects of the elements on the classpath."