Codebase list jquery-colorbox / 4a3e672
Import upstream version 1.6.4+git20200918.fa1c078, md5 b8451d6f15b8f851eb39b207f55e61c1 Debian Janitor 3 years ago
10 changed file(s) with 125 addition(s) and 109 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
438438 * Added 'innerWidth' and 'innerHeight' options to allow people to easily set the size dimensions for Colorbox, without having to anticipate the size of the borders and buttons.
439439 * Renamed 'scrollbars' option to 'scrolling' to be in keeping with the existing HTML attribute. The option now also applies to iframes.
440 * Bug fix: In Safari, positioning occassionally incorrect when using '100%' dimensions.
440 * Bug fix: In Safari, positioning occasionally incorrect when using '100%' dimensions.
441441 * Bug fix: In IE6, the background overlay is briefly not full size when first viewing.
442442 * Bug fix: In Firefox, opening Colorbox causes a split second shift with a small minority of webpage layouts.
443443 * Simplified code in a few areas.
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Persian (Farsi)
3 translated by: Mahdi Jaberzadeh Ansari (MJZSoft)
4 site:
5 email: mahdijaberzadehansari (at)
6 Please note : Persian language is right to left like arabic.
7 */
8 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
9 current: "تصویر {current} از {total}",
10 previous: "قبلی",
11 next: "بعدی",
12 close: "بستن",
13 xhrError: "متاسفانه محتویات مورد نظر قابل نمایش نیست.",
14 imgError: "متاسفانه بارگذاری این عکس با مشکل مواجه شده است.",
15 slideshowStart: "آغاز نمایش خودکار",
16 slideshowStop: "توقف نمایش خودکار"
17 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Persian (Farsi)
3 translated by: Mahdi Jaberzadeh Ansari (MJZSoft)
4 site:
5 email: mahdijaberzadehansari (at)
6 Please note : Persian language is right to left like arabic.
7 */
8 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
9 current: "تصویر {current} از {total}",
10 previous: "قبلی",
11 next: "بعدی",
12 close: "بستن",
13 xhrError: "متاسفانه محتویات مورد نظر قابل نمایش نیست.",
14 imgError: "متاسفانه بارگذاری این عکس با مشکل مواجه شده است.",
15 slideshowStart: "آغاز نمایش خودکار",
16 slideshowStop: "توقف نمایش خودکار"
17 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Croatian (hr)
3 translated by: Mladen Bicanic (
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "Slika {current} od {total}",
7 previous: "Prethodna",
8 next: "Sljedeća",
9 close: "Zatvori",
10 xhrError: "Neuspješno učitavanje sadržaja.",
11 imgError: "Neuspješno učitavanje slike.",
12 slideshowStart: "Pokreni slideshow",
13 slideshowStop: "Zaustavi slideshow"
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Croatian (hr)
3 translated by: Mladen Bicanic (
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "Slika {current} od {total}",
7 previous: "Prethodna",
8 next: "Sljedeća",
9 close: "Zatvori",
10 xhrError: "Neuspješno učitavanje sadržaja.",
11 imgError: "Neuspješno učitavanje slike.",
12 slideshowStart: "Pokreni slideshow",
13 slideshowStop: "Zaustavi slideshow"
1414 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Japanaese (ja)
3 translated by: Hajime Fujimoto
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "{total}枚中{current}枚目",
7 previous: "前",
8 next: "次",
9 close: "閉じる",
10 xhrError: "コンテンツの読み込みに失敗しました",
11 imgError: "画像の読み込みに失敗しました",
12 slideshowStart: "スライドショー開始",
13 slideshowStop: "スライドショー終了"
14 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Japanaese (ja)
3 translated by: Hajime Fujimoto
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "{total}枚中{current}枚目",
7 previous: "前",
8 next: "次",
9 close: "閉じる",
10 xhrError: "コンテンツの読み込みに失敗しました",
11 imgError: "画像の読み込みに失敗しました",
12 slideshowStart: "スライドショー開始",
13 slideshowStop: "スライドショー終了"
14 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Polski (pl)
3 translated by: Tomasz Wasiński
4 site:
5 */
6 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
7 current: "{current}. obrazek z {total}",
8 previous: "Poprzedni",
9 next: "Następny",
10 close: "Zamknij",
11 xhrError: "Nie udało się załadować treści.",
12 imgError: "Nie udało się załadować obrazka.",
13 slideshowStart: "rozpocznij pokaz slajdów",
14 slideshowStop: "zatrzymaj pokaz slajdów"
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Polski (pl)
3 translated by: Tomasz Wasiński
4 site:
5 */
6 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
7 current: "{current}. obrazek z {total}",
8 previous: "Poprzedni",
9 next: "Następny",
10 close: "Zamknij",
11 xhrError: "Nie udało się załadować treści.",
12 imgError: "Nie udało się załadować obrazka.",
13 slideshowStart: "rozpocznij pokaz slajdów",
14 slideshowStop: "zatrzymaj pokaz slajdów"
1515 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Russian (ru)
3 translated by: Marfa
4 site:
5 */
6 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
7 current: "изображение {current} из {total}",
8 previous: "назад",
9 next: "вперёд",
10 close: "закрыть",
11 xhrError: "Не удалось загрузить содержимое.",
12 imgError: "Не удалось загрузить изображение.",
13 slideshowStart: "начать слайд-шоу",
14 slideshowStop: "остановить слайд-шоу"
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Russian (ru)
3 translated by: Marfa
4 site:
5 */
6 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
7 current: "изображение {current} из {total}",
8 previous: "назад",
9 next: "вперёд",
10 close: "закрыть",
11 xhrError: "Не удалось загрузить содержимое.",
12 imgError: "Не удалось загрузить изображение.",
13 slideshowStart: "начать слайд-шоу",
14 slideshowStop: "остановить слайд-шоу"
1515 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Slovenian (si)
3 translated by: Boštjan Pišler (
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "Slika {current} od {total}",
7 previous: "Prejšnja",
8 next: "Naslednja",
9 close: "Zapri",
10 xhrError: "Vsebine ni bilo mogoče naložiti.",
11 imgError: "Slike ni bilo mogoče naložiti.",
12 slideshowStart: "Zaženi prezentacijo",
13 slideshowStop: "Zaustavi prezentacijo"
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Slovenian (si)
3 translated by: Boštjan Pišler (
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "Slika {current} od {total}",
7 previous: "Prejšnja",
8 next: "Naslednja",
9 close: "Zapri",
10 xhrError: "Vsebine ni bilo mogoče naložiti.",
11 imgError: "Slike ni bilo mogoče naložiti.",
12 slideshowStart: "Zaženi prezentacijo",
13 slideshowStop: "Zaustavi prezentacijo"
1414 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Turkmen (tk)
3 translated by: N'Bayramberdiyev
4 site:
5 */
6 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
7 current: "Surat {current} / {total}",
8 previous: "Öňki",
9 next: "Soňky",
10 close: "Ýap",
11 xhrError: "Ýüklenýärkä näsazlyk ýüze çykdy.",
12 imgError: "Ýüklenýärkä näsazlyk ýüze çykdy.",
13 slideshowStart: "Slaýdy Başlat",
14 slideshowStop: "Slaýdy Duruz"
15 });
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Chinese Simplified (zh-CN)
3 translated by: zhao weiming
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "当前图像 {current} 总共 {total}",
7 previous: "前一页",
8 next: "后一页",
9 close: "关闭",
10 xhrError: "此内容无法加载",
11 imgError: "此图片无法加载",
12 slideshowStart: "开始播放幻灯片",
13 slideshowStop: "停止播放幻灯片"
0 /*
1 jQuery Colorbox language configuration
2 language: Chinese Simplified (zh-CN)
3 translated by: zhao weiming
4 */
5 jQuery.extend(jQuery.colorbox.settings, {
6 current: "当前图像 {current} 总共 {total}",
7 previous: "前一页",
8 next: "后一页",
9 close: "关闭",
10 xhrError: "此内容无法加载",
11 imgError: "此图片无法加载",
12 slideshowStart: "开始播放幻灯片",
13 slideshowStop: "停止播放幻灯片"
1414 });
7979 return this.rel;
8080 },
8181 href: function() {
82 // using this.href would give the absolute url, when the href may have been inteded as a selector (e.g. '#container')
82 // using this.href would give the absolute url, when the href may have been intended as a selector (e.g. '#container')
8383 return $(this).attr('href');
8484 },
8585 title: function() {
154154 $prev,
155155 $close,
156156 $groupControls,
157 $events = $('<a/>'), // $({}) would be prefered, but there is an issue with jQuery 1.4.2
157 $events = $('<a/>'), // $({}) would be preferred, but there is an issue with jQuery 1.4.2
159159 // Variables for cached values or use across multiple functions
160160 settings,
981981 return;
982982 }
984 // A small pause because some browsers will occassionaly report a
984 // A small pause because some browsers will occasionally report a
985985 // img.width and img.height of zero immediately after the img.onload fires
986986 setTimeout(function(){
987987 var percent;