Codebase list jupyter-console / HEAD

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# Jupyter Console
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A terminal-based console frontend for Jupyter kernels.
This code is based on the single-process IPython terminal.

Install with pip:

    pip install jupyter-console

Install with conda:

    conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_console


    jupyter console


    jupyter console -h

Jupyter Console allows for console-based interaction with non-python 
Jupyter kernels such as IJulia, IRKernel.

To start the console with a particular kernel, ask for it by name::

    jupyter console --kernel=julia-0.4

A list of available kernels can be seen with::

    jupyter kernelspec list

### Release build:

$ pip install pep517
$ python -m .

## Resources
- [Project Jupyter website](
- [Documentation for Jupyter Console]( [[PDF](]
- [Documentation for Project Jupyter]( [[PDF](]
- [Issues](
- [Technical support - Jupyter Google Group](!forum/jupyter)

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# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.