Codebase list kodi-pvr-argustv / e862e68c-e400-4d10-bb21-a410d7eb8b7f/main
New upstream release. Debian Janitor 2 years ago
85 changed file(s) with 675 addition(s) and 145 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 name: Build and run tests
1 on: [push, pull_request]
2 env:
3 app_id: pvr.argustv
5 jobs:
6 build:
7 runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
8 strategy:
9 fail-fast: false
10 matrix:
11 include:
12 - name: "Debian package test"
13 os: ubuntu-18.04
14 CC: gcc
15 CXX: g++
17 #- os: ubuntu-18.04
18 #CC: gcc
19 #CXX: g++
20 #- os: ubuntu-18.04
21 #CC: clang
22 #CXX: clang++
23 #- os: macos-10.15
24 steps:
25 - name: Install needed ubuntu depends
26 env:
28 run: |
29 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD == true ]]; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:team-xbmc/ppa; fi
30 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD == true ]]; then sudo apt-get update; fi
31 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD == true ]]; then sudo apt-get install fakeroot; fi
32 - name: Checkout Kodi repo
33 uses: actions/checkout@v2
34 with:
35 repository: xbmc/xbmc
36 ref: Matrix
37 path: xbmc
38 - name: Checkout pvr.argustv repo
39 uses: actions/checkout@v2
40 with:
41 path: ${{ env.app_id }}
42 - name: Configure
43 env:
44 CC: ${{ matrix.CC }}
45 CXX: ${{ matrix.CXX }}
47 run: |
48 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD != true ]]; then cd ${app_id} && mkdir -p build && cd build; fi
49 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD != true ]]; then cmake -DADDONS_TO_BUILD=${app_id} -DADDON_SRC_PREFIX=${{ github.workspace }} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{ github.workspace }}/xbmc/addons -DPACKAGE_ZIP=1 ${{ github.workspace }}/xbmc/cmake/addons; fi
50 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD == true ]]; then wget && chmod +x ./; fi
51 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD == true ]]; then sudo apt-get build-dep ${{ github.workspace }}/${app_id}; fi
52 - name: Build
53 env:
54 CC: ${{ matrix.CC }}
55 CXX: ${{ matrix.CXX }}
57 run: |
58 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD != true ]]; then cd ${app_id}/build; fi
59 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD != true ]]; then make; fi
60 if [[ $DEBIAN_BUILD == true ]]; then ./ ${{ github.workspace }}/${app_id}; fi
0 name: Changelog and Release
1 # Update the changelog and news(optionally), bump the version, and create a release
2 #
3 # The release is created on the given branch, release and tag name format will be <version>-<branch> and
4 # the body of the release will be created from the changelog.txt or news element in the
5 #
6 # options:
7 # - version_type: 'minor' / 'micro' # whether to do a minor or micro version bump
8 # - changelog_text: string to add to the changelog and news
9 # - update_news: 'true' / 'false' # whether to update the news in the
10 # - add_date: 'true' / 'false' # Add date to version number in changelog and news. ie. v1.0.1 (2021-7-17)
12 on:
13 workflow_dispatch:
14 inputs:
15 version_type:
16 description: 'Create a ''minor'' or ''micro'' release?'
17 required: true
18 default: 'minor'
19 changelog_text:
20 description: 'Input the changes you''d like to add to the changelogs. Your text should be encapsulated in "''s with line feeds represented by literal \n''s. ie. "This is the first change\nThis is the second change"'
21 required: true
22 default: ''
23 update_news:
24 description: 'Update news in [true|false]'
25 required: true
26 default: 'true'
27 add_date:
28 description: 'Add date to version number in changelog and news. ie. "v1.0.1 (2021-7-17)" [true|false]'
29 required: true
30 default: 'false'
32 jobs:
33 default:
34 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
35 name: Changelog and Release
37 steps:
39 # Checkout the current repository into a directory (repositories name)
40 - name: Checkout Repository
41 uses: actions/checkout@v2
42 with:
43 fetch-depth: 0
44 path: ${{ }}
46 # Checkout the required scripts from kodi-pvr/pvr-scripts into the 'scripts' directory
47 - name: Checkout Scripts
48 uses: actions/checkout@v2
49 with:
50 fetch-depth: 0
51 repository: kodi-pvr/pvr-scripts
52 path: scripts
54 # Install all dependencies required by the following steps
55 # - libxml2-utils, xmlstarlet: reading news and version from
56 - name: Install dependencies
57 run: |
58 sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils xmlstarlet
60 # Setup python version 3.9
61 - name: Set up Python
62 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
63 with:
64 python-version: '3.9'
66 # Run the python script to increment the version, changelog and news
67 - name: Increment version and update changelogs
68 run: |
69 arguments=
70 if [[ ${{ github.event.inputs.update_news }} == true ]] ;
71 then
72 arguments=$(echo $arguments && echo --update-news)
73 fi
74 if [[ ${{ github.event.inputs.add_date }} == true ]] ;
75 then
76 arguments=$(echo $arguments && echo --add-date)
77 fi
78 python3 ../scripts/ ${{ github.event.inputs.version_type }} ${{ github.event.inputs.changelog_text }} $arguments
79 working-directory: ${{ }}
81 # Create the variables required by the following steps
82 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.changes: latest entry in the changelog.txt (if exists), or news element
83 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.version: version element from
84 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.branch: branch of the triggering ref
85 # - today's date in format '%Y-%m-%d'
86 - name: Get required variables
87 id: required-variables
88 run: |
89 changes=$(cat "$(find . -name changelog.txt)" | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
90 if [ -z "$changes" ] ;
91 then
92 changes=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/extension/news)' | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
93 fi
94 changes="${changes//'%'/'%25'}"
95 changes="${changes//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
96 changes="${changes//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
97 changes="${changes//$'\\n'/'%0A'}"
98 changes="${changes//$'\\r'/'%0D'}"
99 echo ::set-output name=changes::$changes
100 version=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/@version)')
101 echo ::set-output name=version::$version
102 branch=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})
103 echo ::set-output name=branch::$branch
104 echo ::set-output name=today::$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
105 working-directory: ${{ }}
107 # Create a commit of the incremented version and changelog, news changes
108 # Commit message (add_date=false): changelog and version v{steps.required-variables.outputs.version}
109 # Commit message (add_date=true): changelog and version v{steps.required-variables.outputs.version} ({})
110 - name: Commit changes
111 run: |
112 git config --local "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
113 git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
114 commit_message="changelog and version v${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}"
115 if [[ ${{ github.event.inputs.add_date }} == true ]] ;
116 then
117 commit_message="$commit_message (${{ }})"
118 fi
119 git commit -m "$commit_message" -a
120 working-directory: ${{ }}
122 # Push the commit(s) created above to the triggering branch
123 - name: Push changes
124 uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
125 with:
126 branch: ${{ github.ref }}
127 directory: ${{ }}
129 # Sleep for 60 seconds to allow for any delays in the push
130 - name: Sleep for 60 seconds
131 run: sleep 60s
132 shell: bash
134 # Create a release at {steps.required-variables.outputs.branch}
135 # - tag and release name format: {steps.required-variables.outputs.version}-{steps.required-variables.outputs.branch} ie. 1.0.0-Matrix
136 # - release body: {steps.required-variables.outputs.changes}
137 - name: Create Release
138 id: create-release
139 uses: actions/create-release@v1
140 env:
141 GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
142 with:
143 tag_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
144 release_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
145 body: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.changes }}
146 draft: false
147 prerelease: false
148 commitish: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
0 name: Increment version when languages are updated
2 on:
3 push:
4 branches: [ Matrix, Nexus ]
5 paths:
6 - '**resource.language.**strings.po'
8 jobs:
9 default:
10 if: github.repository == 'kodi-pvr/pvr.argustv'
11 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
12 name: Increment add-on version when languages are updated
14 steps:
16 - name: Checkout Repository
17 uses: actions/checkout@v2
18 with:
19 fetch-depth: 0
20 path: ${{ }}
22 - name: Checkout Scripts
23 uses: actions/checkout@v2
24 with:
25 fetch-depth: 0
26 repository: xbmc/weblate-supplementary-scripts
27 path: scripts
29 - name: Set up Python
30 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
31 with:
32 python-version: '3.9'
34 - name: Get changed files
35 uses: trilom/file-changes-action@v1.2.4
37 - name: Increment add-on version
38 run: |
39 python3 ../scripts/binary/ $HOME/files.json -c -n
40 working-directory: ${{ }}
42 - name: Install dependencies
43 run: |
44 sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils xmlstarlet
46 - name: Get required variables
47 id: required-variables
48 run: |
49 version=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/@version)')
50 echo ::set-output name=version::$version
51 working-directory: ${{ }}
53 - name: Create PR for incrementing add-on versions
54 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3.10.0
55 with:
56 commit-message: Add-on version incremented to ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }} from Weblate
57 title: Add-on version incremented to ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }} from Weblate
58 body: Add-on version incremented triggered by ${{ github.sha }}
59 branch: inc-ver
60 delete-branch: true
61 path: ./${{ }}
0 name: Make Release
1 # Create a release on the given branch
2 # Release and tag name format will be <version>-<branch>
3 # The body of the release will be created from the changelog.txt or news element in the
5 on: workflow_dispatch
7 jobs:
8 default:
9 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10 name: Make Release
12 steps:
14 # Checkout the current repository into a directory (repositories name)
15 - name: Checkout Repository
16 uses: actions/checkout@v2
17 with:
18 fetch-depth: 0
19 path: ${{ }}
21 # Install all dependencies required by the following steps
22 # - libxml2-utils, xmlstarlet: reading news and version from
23 - name: Install dependencies
24 run: |
25 sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils xmlstarlet
27 # Create the variables required by the following steps
28 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.changes: latest entry in the changelog.txt (if exists), or news element
29 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.version: version element from
30 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.branch: branch of the triggering ref
31 - name: Get required variables
32 id: required-variables
33 run: |
34 changes=$(cat "$(find . -name changelog.txt)" | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
35 if [ -z "$changes" ] ;
36 then
37 changes=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/extension/news)' | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
38 fi
39 changes="${changes//'%'/'%25'}"
40 changes="${changes//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
41 changes="${changes//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
42 changes="${changes//$'\\n'/'%0A'}"
43 changes="${changes//$'\\r'/'%0D'}"
44 echo ::set-output name=changes::$changes
45 version=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/@version)')
46 echo ::set-output name=version::$version
47 branch=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})
48 echo ::set-output name=branch::$branch
49 working-directory: ${{ }}
51 # Create a release at {steps.required-variables.outputs.branch}
52 # - tag and release name format: {steps.required-variables.outputs.version}-{steps.required-variables.outputs.branch} ie. 1.0.0-Matrix
53 # - release body: {steps.required-variables.outputs.changes}
54 - name: Create Release
55 id: create-release
56 uses: actions/create-release@v1
57 env:
58 GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
59 with:
60 tag_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
61 release_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
62 body: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.changes }}
63 draft: false
64 prerelease: false
65 commitish: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
0 name: Sync addon metadata translations
2 on:
3 push:
4 branches: [ Matrix, Nexus ]
5 paths:
6 - '**'
7 - '**resource.language.**strings.po'
9 jobs:
10 default:
11 if: github.repository == 'kodi-pvr/pvr.argustv'
12 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
14 strategy:
16 fail-fast: false
17 matrix:
18 python-version: [ 3.9 ]
20 steps:
22 - name: Checkout repository
23 uses: actions/checkout@v2
24 with:
25 path: project
27 - name: Checkout sync_addon_metadata_translations repository
28 uses: actions/checkout@v2
29 with:
30 repository: xbmc/sync_addon_metadata_translations
31 path: sync_addon_metadata_translations
33 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
34 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
35 with:
36 python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
38 - name: Install dependencies
39 run: |
40 python -m pip install --upgrade pip
41 python -m pip install sync_addon_metadata_translations/
43 - name: Run sync-addon-metadata-translations
44 run: |
45 sync-addon-metadata-translations
46 working-directory: ./project
48 - name: Create PR for sync-addon-metadata-translations changes
49 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3.10.0
50 with:
51 commit-message: Sync of addon metadata translations
52 title: Sync of addon metadata translations
53 body: Sync of addon metadata translations triggered by ${{ github.sha }}
54 branch: amt-sync
55 delete-branch: true
56 path: ./project
0 # build artifacts
1 build/
2 pvr.*/addon.xml
4 # Debian build files
5 debian/changelog
6 debian/files
7 debian/*.log
8 debian/*.substvars
9 debian/.debhelper/
10 debian/tmp/
11 debian/kodi-pvr-*/
12 obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/
14 # commonly used editors
15 # vim
16 *.swp
18 # Eclipse
19 *.project
20 *.cproject
21 .classpath
22 *.sublime-*
23 .settings/
25 # KDevelop 4
26 *.kdev4
28 # gedit
29 *~
31 # CLion
32 /.idea
34 # clion
35 .idea/
37 # to prevent add after a "git format-patch VALUE" and "git add ." call
38 /*.patch
40 # Visual Studio Code
41 .vscode
43 # to prevent add if project code opened by Visual Studio over CMake file
44 .vs/
46 # General MacOS
47 .DS_Store
48 .AppleDouble
49 .LSOverride
0 kodi-pvr-argustv (19.2.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
2 * New upstream release.
4 -- Debian Janitor <> Thu, 10 Mar 2022 16:19:00 -0000
06 kodi-pvr-argustv (19.0.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
28 * New upstream version 19.0.0+ds1
00 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11 <addon
22 id="pvr.argustv"
3 version="19.0.0"
3 version="19.2.1"
44 name="ARGUS TV client"
55 provider-name="Fred Hoogduin, Marcel Groothuis">
66 <requires>@ADDON_DEPENDS@</requires>
7777 <description lang="ca_ES">Frontal del PVR ARGUS TV. És compatible amb les transmissions en línia de TV en directe i enregistraments, escolta d'emissores de ràdio, guia electrònica de programació (EPG) i programacions.</description>
7878 <description lang="cs_CZ">Rozhraní ARGUS TV PVR. Podporuje streamování živého vysílání a nahrávání, poslech kanálů rádia, televizní program a plánování.</description>
7979 <description lang="cy_GB">Pen blaen ARGUS TV PVR. Mae'n cynnal ffrydio Teledu Byw a Recordiadau, gwrando ar sianeli Radio ac Amserlenni Rhaglenni Electronig.</description>
80 <description lang="da_DK">ARGUS TV PVR frontend'en understøtter streaming af direkte tv og optagelser, lytning til radiokanaler, EPG og tidsplaner.</description>
80 <description lang="da_DK">ARGUS TV PVR frontend understøtter streaming af direkte tv og optagelser, radiokanaler, EPG og tidsplaner.</description>
8181 <description lang="de_DE">ARGUS TV PVR Oberfläche. Unterstützt Live TV &amp; Aufnahmen, Radiokanäle, EPG und Aufnahmepläne.</description>
8282 <description lang="el_GR">Frontend για το ARGUS TV PVR. Υποστηρίζει ροές Live TV &amp; Εγγραφές, ακρόαση Ραδιοφώνου, EPG και προγραμματισμό.</description>
8383 <description lang="en_AU">ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules.</description>
128128 <description lang="zh_CN">ARGUS TV PVR 前端。支持直播电视和录像流媒体、收听电台、电子节目单及计划任务功能。</description>
129129 <description lang="zh_TW">ARGUS TV PVR 前端。支援的串流媒體包括有:電視直播和節目錄影,收聽廣播頻道,電子節目表和時間表。</description>
130130 <disclaimer lang="af_ZA">Hierdie is onstabiele sagteware! Die outeurs is op geen manier verantwoordelik vir gefaalde opnames, inkorrekte tydhouers, gemorsde ure, of enige ander ongewensde effekte.</disclaimer>
131 <disclaimer lang="be_BY">Гэта нестабільнае праграмнае забеспячэнне! Аўтары не нясуць адказнасці за няўдалыя запісы, хібныя таймеры, змарнаваны час і іншае.</disclaimer>
132131 <disclaimer lang="bg_BG">Тази програма е нестабилна! Авторите не носят отговорност за неуспешно записване, некоректни броячи, пропиляно време и други нежелани ефекти.</disclaimer>
133132 <disclaimer lang="ca_ES">Aquest és programari inestable! Els autors no són de cap manera responsables dels enregistraments que fallin, temporitzadors incorrectes, hores perdudes, o qualsevol altre efecte indesitjat.</disclaimer>
134133 <disclaimer lang="cs_CZ">Tento software není stabilní! Autoři nejsou žádným způsobem zodpovědní za neúspěšná nahrávání, chybné časovače, ztracený čas nebo jakékoliv jiné nežádoucí výsledky…</disclaimer>
135134 <disclaimer lang="cy_GB">Mae'r feddalwedd hon yn ansefydlog! Nid yw'r awduron yn gyfrifol mewn unrhyw ffordd am fethu recordio, amseru gwallus, oriau wedi eu gwastraffu, nac effeithiau annymunol eraill.</disclaimer>
136 <disclaimer lang="da_DK">Dette er ustabil software! Ophavsmændene er på ingen måde ansvarlige for mislykkede optagelser, fejlagtige timere, spildte timer, eller andre uønskede konsekvenser.</disclaimer>
135 <disclaimer lang="da_DK">Denne software er ustabil. Udviklerne er på ingen måde ansvarlige for mislykkede optagelser, fejlagtige timere, spildte timer eller andre uønskede konsekvenser.</disclaimer>
137136 <disclaimer lang="de_DE">Dies ist instabile Software! Die Autoren sind in keiner Weise verantwortlich für fehlgeschlagene Aufnahmen, falsche Timer, verschwendete Zeit oder andere ungewünschte Effekte.</disclaimer>
138137 <disclaimer lang="el_GR">Ασταθές πρόγραμμα! Οι δημιουργοί δεν είναι σε καμία περίπτωση υπεύθυνοι για αποτυχημένες εγγραφές, λανθασμένους χρονοδιακόπτες, χαμένες ώρες, ή κάθε είδους ανεπιθύμητα αποτελέσματα.</disclaimer>
139138 <disclaimer lang="en_AU">This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects.</disclaimer>
142141 <disclaimer lang="en_US">This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects.</disclaimer>
143142 <disclaimer lang="es_AR">¡Este software es inestable! Los autores no se responsabilizan por grabaciones fallidas, temporizadores incorrectos, horas perdidas, o cualquier otro efecto no deseado.</disclaimer>
144143 <disclaimer lang="es_ES">¡Este software es aún inestable! Los autores no son responsables en forma alguna por grabaciones fallidas, temporizaciones incorrectas, tiempo perdido o ningún otro efecto no deseado.</disclaimer>
145 <disclaimer lang="es_MX">¡Esto es software inestable! Los autores no son de ninguna manera responsables por grabaciones fallidas, temporizadores incorrectos, horas perdidas o cualquier otro efecto no deseado.</disclaimer>
144 <disclaimer lang="es_MX">¡Esto es software inestable! Los autores no son responsables de ninguna forma por grabaciones fallidas, temporizadores incorrectos, horas perdidas, o cualquier otro efecto no deseado.</disclaimer>
146145 <disclaimer lang="et_EE">See on ebastabiilne tarkvara! Autorid ei ole kuidagi moodi vastutavad nurjunud salvestiste, vale taimeri, raisatud aja ega muude soovimatute asjade eest.</disclaimer>
147146 <disclaimer lang="eu_ES">Software hau ezegonkorra da! Egilea ez da arduratzen grabazio-erroreetaz, kronometro-erroreetaz, ordu galduetaz edo beste edozein ondorio ezerosoetaz.</disclaimer>
148147 <disclaimer lang="fi_FI">Tämä on epävakaa ohjelma! Sen tekijät eivät ole millään muotoa vastuussa epäonnistuneista tallennuksista, virheellisistä ajastuksista, haaskatusta ajasta, verenpaineen noususta tai mistään muusta epäsuotuisasta vaikutuksesta.</disclaimer>
154153 <disclaimer lang="hu_HU">Ez nem stabil szoftver! A készítők nem vállalnak felelősséget, a hibás felvételért, rossz időzítésért, elvesztegetett időért.</disclaimer>
155154 <disclaimer lang="hy_AM">Սա անկայուն ծրագրային ապահովում է: Հեղինակները պատասխանատու չեն վատ ձայնագրումների, սխալ ժամանակացույցերի, կորած ժամանակի կամ այլ ոչ ցանկալի երևույթների համար:</disclaimer>
156155 <disclaimer lang="id_ID">Ini merupakan software yang tidak stabil! Penulis tidak bertanggung jawab untuk rekaman gagal, timer salah, waktu terbuang, atau efek tak diinginkan lainnya.</disclaimer>
157 <disclaimer lang="is_IS">Þetta er óstöðugur hugbúnaður! Höfundarnir eru á engan hátt ábyrgir fyrir misheppnuðum upptökum, röngum upptökutímum, klukkustundum sem að fóru í súginn eða nokkrum öðrum óæskilegum áhrifum.</disclaimer>
156 <disclaimer lang="is_IS">Þetta er óstöðugur hugbúnaður! Höfundar eru á engann hátt ábyrgir fyrir mistökum í upptöku, röngum tíma, klukkustundum sem fara í súginn, eða nokkru öðrum óæskilegum hegðunum.</disclaimer>
158157 <disclaimer lang="it_IT">Questo software è instabile! Gli autori non sono in alcun modo responsabili per registrazioni fallite, timers incorretti, ore perse, o qualsiasi altro effetto indesiderato.</disclaimer>
159158 <disclaimer lang="ja_JP">これは不安定なソフトウェアです!本プログラムの作者は、録画の失敗、正確に作動しなかったタイマー、無駄にした時間、その他あらゆる好ましくない結果について責任を負わないものとします。</disclaimer>
160159 <disclaimer lang="ko_KR">완성되지 않은 소프트웨어입니다! 개발자는 녹화와 예약의 실패, 시간 허비나 다른 의도하지 않은 결과에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.</disclaimer>
161 <disclaimer lang="lt_LT">Tai yra nestabili programinė įranga! Autorius jokiu būdu neatsakingas už nepavykusius įrašus, neteisingus laikmačius, iššvaistytas valandas, ar nutikus kitiems nepageidaujamiems poveikiams ...[COLOR=red]( siūlo/rekomenduoja testuojant šį priedą persijungti į Anglų [orinali] kalbą)[/COLOR]</disclaimer>
160 <disclaimer lang="lt_LT">Tai nestabili programinė įranga! Autoriai jokiu būdu neatsako už nepavykusius įrašus, neteisingus laikmačius, sugaištas valandas ar bet kokius kitus nepageidaujamus padarinius.</disclaimer>
162161 <disclaimer lang="lv_LV">Šī ir nestabila programmatūra! Autori nav atbildīgi par nesanākušiem ierakstiem, nepareiziem taimeriem, iztērētām stundām vai jebkādiem citiem nevēlamiem efektiem.</disclaimer>
163162 <disclaimer lang="mk_MK">Ова е нестабилен софтвер! Авторите на ниту еден начин не одговараат за неуспешни снимки, неточни тајмери, потрошени часови, или било кои други несакани ефекти.</disclaimer>
164163 <disclaimer lang="mn_MN">Тус програм нь гүйцэд хийгдэж дуусаагүй! Зохиогч нь алдаатай бичлэг, цагийн буруу хөтлөлт, алдагдсан цаг хугацаа эсвэл бусад ямар нэгэн хүсээгүй үр дүнд хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.</disclaimer>
165164 <disclaimer lang="ms_MY">Ini merupakan perisian tidak stabil! Pengarang tidak bertanggungjawab atas kegagalan rakaman, pemasa tidak betul, masa yang dibazirkan, atau apa jua kesan yang tidak dikehendaki.</disclaimer>
166165 <disclaimer lang="mt_MT">Dan il-programm mhuwiex stabbli! L-Awturi m'humiex responsabbli bl-ebda mod għal rekordings li ma jirnexxewx, arloġġi żbaljati, siegħat moħlija, jew kwalunkwe effett ieħor mhux mixtieq.</disclaimer>
167 <disclaimer lang="nb_NO">Dette er ustabil programvare! Skaperne har på ingen måte ansvar for ødelagte opptak, feilstilte tidsur, bortkastede timer, eller andre uønskede effekter…</disclaimer>
166 <disclaimer lang="nb_NO">Dette er ustabil programvare! Forfatterne er på ingen måte ansvarlige for feilaktig opptak, uriktige tidsur, bortkastet tid, eller alle andre uønskede følger.</disclaimer>
168167 <disclaimer lang="nl_NL">Dit is instabiele software! De auteurs zijn op geen enkele wijze verantwoordelijk voor mislukte opnames, onjuiste timers, verspilde uren of andere ongewenste effecten .</disclaimer>
169168 <disclaimer lang="pl_PL">Oprogramowanie nadal jest w fazie rozwoju i jest niestabilne! Autorzy w żaden sposób nie są odpowiedzialni za nieudane nagrania, błędy w harmonogramie nagrań, zmarnowany czas ani jakiekolwiek inne niepożądane efekty.</disclaimer>
170169 <disclaimer lang="pt_BR">Este é um software instável! Os autores não são responsáveis por falhas nas gravações, agendamentos incorretos, horas desperdiçadas, ou quaisquer outros efeitos indesejáveis.</disclaimer>
0 v19.2.1
1 - Don't set series and episode unless one of them has a value greater than zero
3 v19.2.0
4 - Update and standardize recording fields
5 - Add series number
6 - Add episode number
7 - Add episode name
8 - Remove episode name from title
9 - Remove episode name from plot outline
11 v19.1.1
12 - Add EDL support for Recordings
14 v19.0.1
15 - Translations updates from Weblate
017 v19.0.0
118 - Update jsoncpp on depends to version 1.9.4
219 - Translations updates from Weblate
2020 msgstr "Kodi voorprogram vir die ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR voorprogram. Ondersteun stroom van Lewendige TV &amp; Opnames, luister na Radio kanale, EPG en skedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR voorprogram. Ondersteun stroom van Lewendige TV & Opnames, luister na Radio kanale, EPG en skedules."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Belarusian (Belarus) (\n"
12 "Language: be_BY\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-25 08:30+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Belarusian <>\n"
12 "Language: be_by\n"
1313 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.8\n"
1819 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
1920 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2021 msgstr "Інтэрфейс Kodi для ARGUS TV PVR"
2223 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2425 msgstr "Інтэрфейс для ARGUS TV PVR. Падтрымліваецца прагляд струменевага ТБ і відэазапісаў, праслухоўванне радыёканалаў і праца з тэлегідам."
2627 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2728 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
28 msgstr "Гэта нестабільнае праграмнае забеспячэнне! Аўтары не нясуць адказнасці за няўдалыя запісы, хібныя таймеры, змарнаваны час і іншае."
29 msgstr ""
3031 msgctxt "#30000"
3132 msgid "ARGUS TV Hostname"
2020 msgstr "Клиент за ПВР „ARGUS TV“ –"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Клиент за ПВР „ARGUS TV“. Поддържа телевизия на живо и записване, слушане на радио канали, електронен програмен справочник и графици."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Frontal de Kodi per al PVR ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Frontal del PVR ARGUS TV. És compatible amb les transmissions en línia de TV en directe i enregistraments, escolta d'emissores de ràdio, guia electrònica de programació (EPG) i programacions."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Rozhraní Kodi pro nahrávač videa ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Rozhraní ARGUS TV PVR. Podporuje streamování živého vysílání a nahrávání, poslech kanálů rádia, televizní program a plánování."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Pen blaen Kodi ar gyfer ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Pen blaen ARGUS TV PVR. Mae'n cynnal ffrydio Teledu Byw a Recordiadau, gwrando ar sianeli Radio ac Amserlenni Rhaglenni Electronig."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-28 22:29+0000\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-14 14:13+0000\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Danish <>\n"
1212 "Language: da_dk\n"
1414 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1515 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7.2\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.9\n"
1919 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
2020 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2121 msgstr "Kodi frontend til ARGUS TV PVR"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
25 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend'en understøtter streaming af direkte tv og optagelser, lytning til radiokanaler, EPG og tidsplaner."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
25 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend understøtter streaming af direkte tv og optagelser, radiokanaler, EPG og tidsplaner."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2828 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
29 msgstr "Dette er ustabil software! Ophavsmændene er på ingen måde ansvarlige for mislykkede optagelser, fejlagtige timere, spildte timer, eller andre uønskede konsekvenser."
29 msgstr "Denne software er ustabil. Udviklerne er på ingen måde ansvarlige for mislykkede optagelser, fejlagtige timere, spildte timer eller andre uønskede konsekvenser."
3131 msgctxt "#30000"
3232 msgid "ARGUS TV Hostname"
2121 msgstr "Kodi Oberfläche für ARGUS TV PVR"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
25 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR Oberfläche. Unterstützt Live TV &amp; Aufnahmen, Radiokanäle, EPG und Aufnahmepläne."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
25 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR Oberfläche. Unterstützt Live TV & Aufnahmen, Radiokanäle, EPG und Aufnahmepläne."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2828 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Frontend του Kodi για το ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Frontend για το ARGUS TV PVR. Υποστηρίζει ροές Live TV &amp; Εγγραφές, ακρόαση Ραδιοφώνου, EPG και προγραμματισμό."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Frontend για το ARGUS TV PVR. Υποστηρίζει ροές Live TV & Εγγραφές, ακρόαση Ραδιοφώνου, EPG και προγραμματισμό."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Frontend de Kodi para ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Frontend de ARGUS TV PVR. Soporta transmisiones de TV en Vivo y Grabaciones, escuchar canales de Radio, Guía Electrónica de Programas (GEP) y temporizadores."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Frontend de Kodi para ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Frontend de ARGUS TV PVR. Soporta transmisiones de TV en Vivo y Grabaciones, escuchar canales de Radio, Guía Electrónica de Programas (EPG) y temporizadores."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Spanish (Mexico) (\n"
12 "Language: es_MX\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-15 05:13+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Edson Armando <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Spanish (Mexico) <>\n"
12 "Language: es_mx\n"
1313 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1414 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1515 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.9.1\n"
1819 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
1920 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2021 msgstr "Frontend de Kodi para ARGUS TV PVR"
2223 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2425 msgstr "Frontend de ARGUS TV PVR. Soporta transmisiones de TV en vivo y grabaciones, escuchar canales de Radio, Guía Electrónica de Programas y temporizadores."
2627 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2728 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
28 msgstr "¡Esto es software inestable! Los autores no son de ninguna manera responsables por grabaciones fallidas, temporizadores incorrectos, horas perdidas o cualquier otro efecto no deseado."
29 msgstr "¡Esto es software inestable! Los autores no son responsables de ninguna forma por grabaciones fallidas, temporizadores incorrectos, horas perdidas, o cualquier otro efecto no deseado."
3031 msgctxt "#30000"
3132 msgid "ARGUS TV Hostname"
2020 msgstr "Kodi liides ARGUS TV PVR'ile"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR'i liides. Toetab telekanalite striimimist ja salvestamist, raadio kuulamist ja elektroonilist saatekava."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodiren interfazea ARGUS TV PVRrako"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR interfazea. Ondokoa ahalbidetzen du: zuzeneko telebistaren streaming-a eta grabazioak, irrati kateak entzutea, PGEa eta programatzeko egutegiak."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodin ARGUS TV -asiakasohjelma http:/"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV -asiakasohjelma. Tukee suoria tv-lähetyksiä, tallentamista, radiokanavia ja ohjelmaopasta."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Frontale Kodi pour le numériscope ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Frontale de numériscope pour ARGUS TV, prenant en charge la diffusion en continu des télés en direct et les enregistrements, l’écoute de chaînes radio, le GÉP et les horaires."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Interface logicielle pour l'enregistreur vidéo (PVR) ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Interface logicielle pour l'enregistreur vidéo (PVR) ARGUS TV. Gère la diffusion de la TV en direct, l'enregistrement, l'écoute de radios, le guide électronique des programmes TV et les programmations."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Interface de Kodi para o PRV de ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Interface do PVR de ARGUS TV. Soporta transmisión de TV en directo e Gravacións, escoita de canles de radio, Guía e programacións."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "לקוח טלוויזיה חיה עבור ARGUS TV מהכתובת"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "לקוח טלוויזיה חיה של ARGUS TV PVR. תומך בהזרמת שידורים חיים והקלטות, האזנה לרדיו, הצגת לוח שידורים ותזמון הקלטות."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi pozadinski softver za ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR pozadinski softver. Podržava stremanje televizije i snimanje, slušanje radio programa, EPG i zakazano snimanje."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi előtét az ARGUS TV-hez"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR előtét. Élő adások, felvételek és rádiócsatornák támogatása, EPG-vel és időzítésekkel."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi արտաքին տեսքը ARGUS TV PVR համար"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR արտաքին տեսքը: TV հիմա, Ձայնագրություններ, Ռադիո ալիքների ունկնդրում, EPG և ժամանակացույցի հնարավորություն:"
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Antarmuka Kodi untuk ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Antarmuka PVR ARGUS TV. Mendukung streaming TV dan Rekaman langsung, mendengarkan kanal radio, EPG dan jadwal."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Icelandic (Iceland) (\n"
12 "Language: is_IS\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-25 08:30+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Icelandic <>\n"
12 "Language: is_is\n"
1313 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1414 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1515 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.8\n"
1819 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
1920 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2021 msgstr "Kodi framendi fyrir ARGUS TV upptökutæki (PVR)"
2223 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2425 msgstr "ARGUS TV framendi; styður streymingu á beinum útsendingum og upptökum, hlustun á útvarpsstöðvar sjónvarpsvísum (EGP) og dagskráryfirlitum."
2627 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2728 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
28 msgstr "Þetta er óstöðugur hugbúnaður! Höfundarnir eru á engan hátt ábyrgir fyrir misheppnuðum upptökum, röngum upptökutímum, klukkustundum sem að fóru í súginn eða nokkrum öðrum óæskilegum áhrifum."
29 msgstr "Þetta er óstöðugur hugbúnaður! Höfundar eru á engann hátt ábyrgir fyrir mistökum í upptöku, röngum tíma, klukkustundum sem fara í súginn, eða nokkru öðrum óæskilegum hegðunum."
3031 msgctxt "#30000"
3132 msgid "ARGUS TV Hostname"
2121 msgstr "Frontend Kodi di ARGUS TV PVR"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2525 msgstr "Frontend ARGUS TV PVR. Supporta lo streaming e la registrazione di Live TV, l'ascolto dei canali radio, la guida ai programmi e gli orari."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR 用 Kodi フロントエンド"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR フロントエンドです。テレビ放送のストリーミング、録画、ラジオチャンネルの視聴、EPG、録画予約をサポートしています。"
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
44 msgid ""
55 msgstr ""
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-16 06:42+0000\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Minho Park <>\n"
2121 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR을 위한 Kodi 프론트엔드"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2525 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR 프론트엔드. 라이브 TV 스트리밍과 녹화, 라디오 청취, EPG와 예약 지원."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (\n"
12 "Language: lt_LT\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-15 05:13+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Raimondas Dužinskas <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Lithuanian <>\n"
12 "Language: lt_lt\n"
1313 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1414 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1515 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.9.1\n"
1819 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
1920 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2021 msgstr "Kodi sąsaja su ARGUS TV PVR"
2223 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2425 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Palaiko transliaciją ir įrašus iš Live TV. Klausykite radijo kanalus ir derinkite EPG tvarkaraščius."
2627 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2728 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
28 msgstr "Tai yra nestabili programinė įranga! Autorius jokiu būdu neatsakingas už nepavykusius įrašus, neteisingus laikmačius, iššvaistytas valandas, ar nutikus kitiems nepageidaujamiems poveikiams ...[COLOR=red]( siūlo/rekomenduoja testuojant šį priedą persijungti į Anglų [orinali] kalbą)[/COLOR]"
29 msgstr "Tai nestabili programinė įranga! Autoriai jokiu būdu neatsako už nepavykusius įrašus, neteisingus laikmačius, sugaištas valandas ar bet kokius kitus nepageidaujamus padarinius."
3031 msgctxt "#30000"
3132 msgid "ARGUS TV Hostname"
2020 msgstr "Kodi galasistēma ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR galasistēma. Atbalsta tiešraides TV un ierakstu straumēšanu, radio kanālu klausīšanos, EPG un plānotāju."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi интерфејс за ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR интерфејс. Подржува стриминг на Live TV &amp; Снимки, слушање на радио канали, EPG и планирања."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR интерфејс. Подржува стриминг на Live TV & Снимки, слушање на радио канали, EPG и планирања."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Bahagian hadapan Kodi untuk PVR ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Bahagian hadapan PVR ARGUS TV; menyokong penstirman TV Langsung &amp; Rakaman, mendengar saluran Radio, EPG dan jadual."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Bahagian hadapan PVR ARGUS TV; menyokong penstirman TV Langsung & Rakaman, mendengar saluran Radio, EPG dan jadual."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Faċċata tal-Kodi għall- ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Faċċata tal- ARGUS TV PVR. Jiflaħ għal streaming ta' TV Lajv u Rekordings, smiegħ ta' stazzjonijiet tar- Radju, EPG u skedi."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (\n"
12 "Language: nb_NO\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-25 08:30+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <>\n"
12 "Language: nb_no\n"
1313 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1414 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1515 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.8\n"
1819 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
1920 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
2021 msgstr "Kodi-grenseflate til ARGUS TV-PVR"
2223 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2425 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR-klientdel Støtter visning av direkte-TV, opptak, lytting til radiokanaler, EPG og tidsopptak."
2627 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2728 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
28 msgstr "Dette er ustabil programvare! Skaperne har på ingen måte ansvar for ødelagte opptak, feilstilte tidsur, bortkastede timer, eller andre uønskede effekter…"
29 msgstr "Dette er ustabil programvare! Forfatterne er på ingen måte ansvarlige for feilaktig opptak, uriktige tidsur, bortkastet tid, eller alle andre uønskede følger."
3031 msgctxt "#30000"
3132 msgid "ARGUS TV Hostname"
44 msgid ""
55 msgstr ""
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-16 06:52+0000\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Klojum <>\n"
2121 msgstr "Kodi frontend voor het ARGUS-TV PVR"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2525 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Ondersteunt het bekijken van Live-TV en opnames, het beluisteren van radiozenders, het tonen van de EPG en het inplannen/beheren van nieuwe opnames (Timers)."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Klient telewizji dla ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Klient telewizji dla ARGUS TV obsługuje transmisję kanałów radiowych i telewizyjnych, nagrywanie i harmonogram nagrań oraz funkcje przewodnika telewizyjnego."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Frontend do Kodi para o PVR ARGUS TV"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Frontend do PVR ARGUS TV. Suporta streaming de TV Local &amp; Gravações, sintonização de canais de Rádio, guia de programação eletrônica (GPE) e agendamento."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Frontend do PVR ARGUS TV. Suporta streaming de TV Local & Gravações, sintonização de canais de Rádio, guia de programação eletrônica (GPE) e agendamento."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Interface Kodi para ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Interface ARGUS TV PVR. Suporta transmissão e gravação de TV em direto, audição de estações de rádio, EPG e agendamentos."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2121 msgstr "Interfața Kodi pentru PVR-ul ARGUS TV"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2525 msgstr "Frontend PVR ARGUS TV. Suportă difuzare în flux pentru televiziune în direct și pentru înregistrări, ascultarea canalelor radio, EPG și planificări."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Интерфейс Kodi для ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Интерфейс для ARGUS TV PVR. Поддерживает просмотр потокового ТВ и видеозаписей, прослушивание радиоканалов и работу с электронным телегидом и расписаниями."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2121 msgstr "TV PVR ආරක්ෂාව සඳහා Kodi ඉදිරි කොන"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2525 msgstr "ආරක්ෂක TV PVR ඉදිරිකොන. සජීව රූපවාහිනී සහ පටිගත කිරීම්, ගුවන් විදුලි නාලිකාවට සවන් දීම, EPG සහ උපලේඛණ සඳහා ප්‍රවාහන උදව් ලබා දීම."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi rozhranie pre ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR rozhranie. Podporuje streamovanie živého TV vysielania a nahrávanie, počúvanie rozhlasových kanálov, EPG a naplánované nahrávanie."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodijev vmesnik za ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Vmesnik za ARGUS TV PVR; podpira pretakanje televizije v živo &amp; posnetkov, poslušanje radia, EPG in časovnike."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "Vmesnik za ARGUS TV PVR; podpira pretakanje televizije v živo & posnetkov, poslušanje radia, EPG in časovnike."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
1818 msgctxt "Addon Summary"
1919 msgid "Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR"
20 msgstr "Kodi frontend për ARGUS TV PVR &amp;"
20 msgstr "Kodi frontend për ARGUS TV PVR &"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Përkrah transmetimin e Live TV's &amp; Regjistrime, dëgjim në radio-kanale, EPG dhe orare."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Përkrah transmetimin e Live TV's & Regjistrime, dëgjim në radio-kanale, EPG dhe orare."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Kodi интерфејс за ARGUS ТВ PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS ТВ PVR интерфејс. Подржава стримовање ТВ Уживо &amp; Снимака, слушање Радио канала, EPG и распореде."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS ТВ PVR интерфејс. Подржава стримовање ТВ Уживо & Снимака, слушање Радио канала, EPG и распореде."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Kodi interfejs za ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR interfejs. Podržava strimovanje TV Uživo &amp; Snimaka, slušanje Radio kanala, EPG i rasporede."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR interfejs. Podržava strimovanje TV Uživo & Snimaka, slušanje Radio kanala, EPG i rasporede."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Kodi frontend för ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Stödjer strömmning av Live-TV &amp; inspelningar, lyssna på radiokanaler, EPG och schemaläggning."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Stödjer strömmning av Live-TV & inspelningar, lyssna på radiokanaler, EPG och schemaläggning."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2727 msgid "This is unstable software! The authors are in no way responsible for failed recordings, incorrect timers, wasted hours, or any other undesirable effects."
2020 msgstr "Klijynt dlŏ ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Klijynt telewizyjny dlŏ ARGUS TV PVR podpiyrŏ szpricowanie kanałōw radyjowych i telewizyjnych, nagrowanie aji funkcyje EPG."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR için Kodi ön ucu"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR ön ucu. Canlı TV akışı ve kayıt yapabilme, radyo kanalları dinleme, EPG ve zamanlayıcıları destekler."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2121 msgstr "Накладка Kodi для ARGUS TV PVR"
2323 msgctxt "Addon Description"
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
24 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2525 msgstr "Накладка для ARGUS TV. Підтримує потокове Live TV і запис, прослуховування радіо каналів, телегід та планування."
2727 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr ""
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr ""
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Giao tiếp Kodi cho ARGUS TV PVR"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "Giao tiếp PVR cho ARGUS TV. Hỗ trợ trực tuyến của Live TV và Recordings, nghe Đài phát thanh (Radio), EPG và lịch trình (Schedules)."
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "Kodi 的 ARGUS TV PVR 前端"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR 前端。支持直播电视和录像流媒体、收听电台、电子节目单及计划任务功能。"
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR '' 可使用的 Kodi 前端"
2222 msgctxt "Addon Description"
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV &amp; Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
23 msgid "ARGUS TV PVR frontend. Supports streaming of Live TV & Recordings, listening to Radio channels, EPG and schedules."
2424 msgstr "ARGUS TV PVR 前端。支援的串流媒體包括有:電視直播和節目錄影,收聽廣播頻道,電子節目表和時間表。"
2626 msgctxt "Addon Disclaimer"
2020 #include "utils.h"
2222 #include <kodi/General.h>
23 #include <kodi/tools/StringUtils.h>
2324 #include <chrono>
2425 #include <map>
2526 #include <thread>
8788 capabilities.SetSupportsRecordingsRename(true);
8889 capabilities.SetSupportsRecordingsLifetimeChange(false);
8990 capabilities.SetSupportsDescrambleInfo(false);
91 capabilities.SetSupportsRecordingEdl(true);
9193 return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
9294 }
705707 {
706708 kodi::addon::PVRRecording tag;
710 //There may be cases where series and/or episode are populated withe 0 by default
711 //if neither value is more than 0, there is no value to use or show them
712 if(recording.SeriesNumber() > 0 || recording.EpisodeNumber() > 0)
713 {
714 tag.SetSeriesNumber(recording.SeriesNumber());
715 tag.SetEpisodeNumber(recording.EpisodeNumber());
716 }
711718 tag.SetRecordingId(recording.RecordingId());
712719 tag.SetChannelName(recording.ChannelDisplayName());
717724 tag.SetPlot(recording.Description());
718725 tag.SetPlayCount(recording.FullyWatchedCount());
719726 tag.SetLastPlayedPosition(recording.LastWatchedPosition());
727 tag.SetTitle(recording.Title());
728 tag.SetEpisodeName(recording.SubTitle());
720729 if (nrOfRecordings > 1 || m_base.GetSettings().UseFolder())
721 {
722 recording.Transform(true);
723 tag.SetDirectory(
724 recordinggroup
725 .ProgramTitle()); //used in Kodi as directory structure below "Server X - hostname"
726 }
727 else
728 {
729 recording.Transform(false);
730 tag.SetDirectory("");
731 }
732 tag.SetTitle(recording.Title());
733 tag.SetPlotOutline(recording.SubTitle());
730 tag.SetDirectory(recording.Title());
735732 m_RecordingsMap[tag.GetRecordingId()] = recording.RecordingFileName();
864861 }
866863 return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
864 }
866 // GetRecordingEdl source borrowed from pvr.wmc
867 PVR_ERROR cPVRClientArgusTV::GetRecordingEdl(const kodi::addon::PVRRecording& recording,
868 std::vector<kodi::addon::PVREDLEntry>& edl)
869 {
870 std::string streamFileName; // the name of the stream file
871 if (!FindRecEntry(recording.GetRecordingId(), streamFileName))
874 if (!streamFileName.empty()) // read the edl for the current stream file
875 {
876 // see if edl file for currently streaming recording exists
877 std::string theEdlFile = streamFileName;
878 // swap .wtv extension for .edl
879 std::string::size_type result = theEdlFile.find_last_of('.');
880 if (std::string::npos != result)
881 theEdlFile.erase(result);
882 else
883 {
884 kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "File extender error: '%s'", theEdlFile.c_str());
885 return PVR_ERROR_FAILED;
886 }
887 theEdlFile.append(".edl");
889 kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "Opening EDL file: '%s'", theEdlFile.c_str());
891 kodi::vfs::CFile fileHandle;
892 if (fileHandle.OpenFile(theEdlFile))
893 {
894 std::string svals;
895 while (fileHandle.ReadLine(svals))
896 {
897 size_t nidx = svals.find_last_not_of("\r");
898 svals.erase(svals.npos == nidx ? 0 : ++nidx); // trim windows /r if its there
900 std::vector<std::string> vals = kodi::tools::StringUtils::Split(svals, "\t"); // split on tabs
901 if (vals.size() == 3)
902 {
903 kodi::addon::PVREDLEntry entry;
904 entry.SetStart(static_cast<int64_t>(std::strtod(vals[0].c_str(), nullptr) *
905 1000)); // convert s to ms
906 entry.SetEnd(static_cast<int64_t>(std::strtod(vals[1].c_str(), nullptr) * 1000));
907 entry.SetType(PVR_EDL_TYPE(atoi(vals[2].c_str())));
908 edl.emplace_back(entry);
909 }
910 }
911 if (!edl.empty())
912 kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "EDL data found.");
913 else
914 kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "No EDL data found.");
915 return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
916 }
917 else
918 kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "No EDL file found.");
919 }
920 return PVR_ERROR_FAILED;
867921 }
7474 int& position) override;
7575 PVR_ERROR SetRecordingPlayCount(const kodi::addon::PVRRecording& recinfo, int playcount) override;
77 // comm skip
78 PVR_ERROR GetRecordingEdl(const kodi::addon::PVRRecording& recording,
79 std::vector<kodi::addon::PVREDLEntry>& edl) override;
7781 /* Timer handling */
7882 PVR_ERROR GetTimersAmount(int& amount) override;
7983 PVR_ERROR GetTimers(kodi::addon::PVRTimersResultSet& results) override;