Codebase list kodi-pvr-vuplus / 31df8f11-b8b5-414d-bb19-0198b621c060/upstream
Import upstream version 7.4.3+ds1+git20210724.1.0334601 Debian Janitor 2 years ago
88 changed file(s) with 86029 addition(s) and 926 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 name: Changelog and Release
1 # Update the changelog and news(optionally), bump the version, and create a release
2 #
3 # The release is created on the given branch, release and tag name format will be <version>-<branch> and
4 # the body of the release will be created from the changelog.txt or news element in the
5 #
6 # options:
7 # - version_type: 'minor' / 'micro' # whether to do a minor or micro version bump
8 # - changelog_text: string to add to the changelog and news
9 # - update_news: 'true' / 'false' # whether to update the news in the
10 # - add_date: 'true' / 'false' # Add date to version number in changelog and news. ie. v1.0.1 (2021-7-17)
12 on:
13 workflow_dispatch:
14 inputs:
15 version_type:
16 description: 'Create a ''minor'' or ''micro'' release?'
17 required: true
18 default: 'minor'
19 changelog_text:
20 description: 'Input the changes you''d like to add to the changelogs. Your text should be encapsulated in "''s with line feeds represented by literal \n''s. ie. "This is the first change\nThis is the second change"'
21 required: true
22 default: ''
23 update_news:
24 description: 'Update news in [true|false]'
25 required: true
26 default: 'true'
27 add_date:
28 description: 'Add date to version number in changelog and news. ie. "v1.0.1 (2021-7-17)" [true|false]'
29 required: true
30 default: 'false'
32 jobs:
33 default:
34 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
35 name: Changelog and Release
37 steps:
39 # Checkout the current repository into a directory (repositories name)
40 - name: Checkout Repository
41 uses: actions/checkout@v2
42 with:
43 fetch-depth: 0
44 path: ${{ }}
46 # Checkout the required scripts from kodi-pvr/pvr-scripts into the 'scripts' directory
47 - name: Checkout Scripts
48 uses: actions/checkout@v2
49 with:
50 fetch-depth: 0
51 repository: kodi-pvr/pvr-scripts
52 path: scripts
54 # Install all dependencies required by the following steps
55 # - libxml2-utils, xmlstarlet: reading news and version from
56 - name: Install dependencies
57 run: |
58 sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils xmlstarlet
60 # Setup python version 3.9
61 - name: Set up Python
62 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
63 with:
64 python-version: '3.9'
66 # Run the python script to increment the version, changelog and news
67 - name: Increment version and update changelogs
68 run: |
69 arguments=
70 if [[ ${{ github.event.inputs.update_news }} == true ]] ;
71 then
72 arguments=$(echo $arguments && echo --update-news)
73 fi
74 if [[ ${{ github.event.inputs.add_date }} == true ]] ;
75 then
76 arguments=$(echo $arguments && echo --add-date)
77 fi
78 python3 ../scripts/ ${{ github.event.inputs.version_type }} ${{ github.event.inputs.changelog_text }} $arguments
79 working-directory: ${{ }}
81 # Create the variables required by the following steps
82 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.changes: latest entry in the changelog.txt (if exists), or news element
83 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.version: version element from
84 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.branch: branch of the triggering ref
85 # - today's date in format '%Y-%m-%d'
86 - name: Get required variables
87 id: required-variables
88 run: |
89 changes=$(cat "$(find . -name changelog.txt)" | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
90 if [ -z "$changes" ] ;
91 then
92 changes=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/extension/news)' | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
93 fi
94 changes="${changes//'%'/'%25'}"
95 changes="${changes//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
96 changes="${changes//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
97 changes="${changes//$'\\n'/'%0A'}"
98 changes="${changes//$'\\r'/'%0D'}"
99 echo ::set-output name=changes::$changes
100 version=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/@version)')
101 echo ::set-output name=version::$version
102 branch=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})
103 echo ::set-output name=branch::$branch
104 echo ::set-output name=today::$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
105 working-directory: ${{ }}
107 # Create a commit of the incremented version and changelog, news changes
108 # Commit message (add_date=false): changelog and version v{steps.required-variables.outputs.version}
109 # Commit message (add_date=true): changelog and version v{steps.required-variables.outputs.version} ({})
110 - name: Commit changes
111 run: |
112 git config --local "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
113 git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
114 commit_message="changelog and version v${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}"
115 if [[ ${{ github.event.inputs.add_date }} == true ]] ;
116 then
117 commit_message="$commit_message (${{ }})"
118 fi
119 git commit -m "$commit_message" -a
120 working-directory: ${{ }}
122 # Push the commit(s) created above to the triggering branch
123 - name: Push changes
124 uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
125 with:
126 branch: ${{ github.ref }}
127 directory: ${{ }}
129 # Sleep for 60 seconds to allow for any delays in the push
130 - name: Sleep for 60 seconds
131 run: sleep 60s
132 shell: bash
134 # Create a release at {steps.required-variables.outputs.branch}
135 # - tag and release name format: {steps.required-variables.outputs.version}-{steps.required-variables.outputs.branch} ie. 1.0.0-Matrix
136 # - release body: {steps.required-variables.outputs.changes}
137 - name: Create Release
138 id: create-release
139 uses: actions/create-release@v1
140 env:
141 GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
142 with:
143 tag_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
144 release_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
145 body: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.changes }}
146 draft: false
147 prerelease: false
148 commitish: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
0 name: Increment version when languages are updated
2 on:
3 push:
4 branches: [ Matrix, Nexus ]
5 paths:
6 - '**resource.language.**strings.po'
8 jobs:
9 default:
10 if: github.repository == 'kodi-pvr/pvr.vuplus'
11 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
12 name: Increment add-on version when languages are updated
14 steps:
16 - name: Checkout Repository
17 uses: actions/checkout@v2
18 with:
19 fetch-depth: 0
20 path: ${{ }}
22 - name: Checkout Scripts
23 uses: actions/checkout@v2
24 with:
25 fetch-depth: 0
26 repository: xbmc/weblate-supplementary-scripts
27 path: scripts
29 - name: Set up Python
30 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
31 with:
32 python-version: '3.9'
34 - name: Get changed files
35 uses: trilom/file-changes-action@v1.2.4
37 - name: Increment add-on version
38 run: |
39 python3 ../scripts/binary/ $HOME/files.json -c -n
40 working-directory: ${{ }}
42 - name: Install dependencies
43 run: |
44 sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils xmlstarlet
46 - name: Get required variables
47 id: required-variables
48 run: |
49 version=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/@version)')
50 echo ::set-output name=version::$version
51 working-directory: ${{ }}
53 - name: Create PR for incrementing add-on versions
54 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3.10.0
55 with:
56 commit-message: Add-on version incremented to ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }} from Weblate
57 title: Add-on version incremented to ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }} from Weblate
58 body: Add-on version incremented triggered by ${{ github.sha }}
59 branch: inc-ver
60 delete-branch: true
61 path: ./${{ }}
0 name: Make Release
1 # Create a release on the given branch
2 # Release and tag name format will be <version>-<branch>
3 # The body of the release will be created from the changelog.txt or news element in the
5 on: workflow_dispatch
7 jobs:
8 default:
9 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10 name: Make Release
12 steps:
14 # Checkout the current repository into a directory (repositories name)
15 - name: Checkout Repository
16 uses: actions/checkout@v2
17 with:
18 fetch-depth: 0
19 path: ${{ }}
21 # Install all dependencies required by the following steps
22 # - libxml2-utils, xmlstarlet: reading news and version from
23 - name: Install dependencies
24 run: |
25 sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils xmlstarlet
27 # Create the variables required by the following steps
28 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.changes: latest entry in the changelog.txt (if exists), or news element
29 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.version: version element from
30 # - steps.required-variables.outputs.branch: branch of the triggering ref
31 - name: Get required variables
32 id: required-variables
33 run: |
34 changes=$(cat "$(find . -name changelog.txt)" | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
35 if [ -z "$changes" ] ;
36 then
37 changes=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/extension/news)' | awk -v RS= 'NR==1')
38 fi
39 changes="${changes//'%'/'%25'}"
40 changes="${changes//$'\n'/'%0A'}"
41 changes="${changes//$'\r'/'%0D'}"
42 changes="${changes//$'\\n'/'%0A'}"
43 changes="${changes//$'\\r'/'%0D'}"
44 echo ::set-output name=changes::$changes
45 version=$(xmlstarlet fo -R "$(find . -name" | xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'string(/addon/@version)')
46 echo ::set-output name=version::$version
47 branch=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})
48 echo ::set-output name=branch::$branch
49 working-directory: ${{ }}
51 # Create a release at {steps.required-variables.outputs.branch}
52 # - tag and release name format: {steps.required-variables.outputs.version}-{steps.required-variables.outputs.branch} ie. 1.0.0-Matrix
53 # - release body: {steps.required-variables.outputs.changes}
54 - name: Create Release
55 id: create-release
56 uses: actions/create-release@v1
57 env:
58 GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
59 with:
60 tag_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
61 release_name: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.version }}-${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
62 body: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.changes }}
63 draft: false
64 prerelease: false
65 commitish: ${{ steps.required-variables.outputs.branch }}
0 name: Sync addon metadata translations
2 on:
3 push:
4 branches: [ Matrix, Nexus ]
5 paths:
6 - '**'
7 - '**resource.language.**strings.po'
9 jobs:
10 default:
11 if: github.repository == 'kodi-pvr/pvr.vuplus'
12 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
14 strategy:
16 fail-fast: false
17 matrix:
18 python-version: [ 3.9 ]
20 steps:
22 - name: Checkout repository
23 uses: actions/checkout@v2
24 with:
25 path: project
27 - name: Checkout sync_addon_metadata_translations repository
28 uses: actions/checkout@v2
29 with:
30 repository: xbmc/sync_addon_metadata_translations
31 path: sync_addon_metadata_translations
33 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
34 uses: actions/setup-python@v2
35 with:
36 python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
38 - name: Install dependencies
39 run: |
40 python -m pip install --upgrade pip
41 python -m pip install sync_addon_metadata_translations/
43 - name: Run sync-addon-metadata-translations
44 run: |
45 sync-addon-metadata-translations
46 working-directory: ./project
48 - name: Create PR for sync-addon-metadata-translations changes
49 uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3.10.0
50 with:
51 commit-message: Sync of addon metadata translations
52 title: Sync of addon metadata translations
53 body: Sync of addon metadata translations triggered by ${{ github.sha }}
54 branch: amt-sync
55 delete-branch: true
56 path: ./project
0 # build artifacts
1 build/
2 pvr.*/addon.xml
4 # Debian build files
5 debian/changelog
6 debian/files
7 debian/*.log
8 debian/*.substvars
9 debian/.debhelper/
10 debian/tmp/
11 debian/kodi-pvr-*/
12 obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/
14 # commonly used editors
15 # vim
16 *.swp
18 # Eclipse
19 *.project
20 *.cproject
21 .classpath
22 *.sublime-*
23 .settings/
25 # KDevelop 4
26 *.kdev4
28 # gedit
29 *~
31 # CLion
32 /.idea
34 # clion
35 .idea/
37 # to prevent add after a "git format-patch VALUE" and "git add ." call
38 /*.patch
40 # Visual Studio Code
41 .vscode
43 # to prevent add if project code opened by Visual Studio over CMake file
44 .vs/
46 # General MacOS
47 .DS_Store
48 .AppleDouble
49 .LSOverride
0 80c45b090e40bf3d7a7f2a6e9f36206d3ff710acfa8d8cc1f8c763bb3075e22e
0 nlohmann-json
0 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
1 project(tinyxml)
3 set(SOURCES src/tinystr.cpp
4 src/tinyxml.cpp
5 src/tinyxmlerror.cpp
6 src/tinyxmlparser.cpp)
8 if(WIN32)
9 add_definitions(-DWIN32 -D_LIB)
10 endif()
11 add_definitions(-DTIXML_USE_STL)
13 add_library(tinyxml ${SOURCES})
15 include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
17 set(HEADERS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/tinystr.h
18 ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/tinyxml.h)
0 8164c9ad48b9028667768a584d62f7760cfbfb90d0dd6214ad174403058da10c
0 tinyxml
00 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11 <addon
22 id="pvr.vuplus"
3 version="7.4.3"
3 version="7.4.9"
44 name="Enigma2 Client"
55 provider-name="Joerg Dembski and Ross Nicholson">
66 <requires>@ADDON_DEPENDS@
182182 <icon>icon.png</icon>
183183 </assets>
184184 <news>
185 v7.4.9
186 - Automation test
188 v7.4.8
189 - Automation test relesae
191 v7.4.7
192 - Update: Release bump
194 v7.4.6
195 - Fixed: Add missing radio service type for channels
197 v7.4.5
198 - Translations updates from Weblate
199 - da_dk
201 v7.4.4
202 - Language update from Weblate
185204 v7.4.3
186205 - Fixed: Use OpenWebIfs internal MovieList to avoid memory leak on some images
0 v7.4.9
1 - Automation test
3 v7.4.8
4 - Automation test relesae
6 v7.4.7
7 - Update: Release bump
9 v7.4.6
10 - Fixed: Add missing radio service type for channels
12 v7.4.5
13 - Translations updates from Weblate
14 - da_dk
16 v7.4.4
17 - Language update from Weblate
019 v7.4.3
120 - Fixed: Use OpenWebIfs internal MovieList to avoid memory leak on some images
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Afrikaans (South Africa) (\n"
12 "Language: af_ZA\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: af_ZA\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 gasheernaam of IP adres"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Stroom poort"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Wagwoord"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Verbinding"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Ikone"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Ikoon pad"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Opdateer Interval"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Automatiese tydhouerlys skoonmaak"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Webkoppelvlak poort"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Zap voor kanaal verander (d.w.s. vir enkel stemmer bokse)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Opdateer interval"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Gebruik slegs die DVB boks se huidige opneem pad"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Algemeen"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Kanale"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Gevorderde"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Opname vouer op die ontvanger"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "Stuur kragtoestand modus met byvoegsel uit gaan"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "TV boeket gaan haal modus"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "Gaan haal picons vanaf web koppelvlak"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "Gebruik secure HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "Stel outomatiese konfigurasie in staat vir lewendige strome"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Behou gids struktuur vir rekords"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "Seisoene en Episodes"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "Onttrek seisoen, episode en jaar inligting waar moontlik"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "Stel outotydhouers in staat"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "Gebruik lêer formaat"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "Stel genereer herhaal tydhouers in staat"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "Log ontbrekende genre teks karterings"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Webkoppelvlak"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "Stroom"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "Plaas oorsig (bv. onderskrif) voor plot"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "Stroom lees stuk grootte"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "Nooit"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "Slegs in EPG"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "Slegs in opnames"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "Altyd"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "Onttrek vertoning inligting lêer"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Rytec genre teks karterings"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "Stel Rytec genre teks karterings in staat"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Rytec genre teks karterings lêer"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "Pasgemaakte lewendige TV tydverstreke (0 om verstek te gebruik)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "Teken in"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "Diverse"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "Genre ID Karterings"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "Stel genre ID Karterings in staat"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "Genre ID karterings lêer"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "Radio boeket gaan haal modus"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "Tydskuif"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "Stel tydskuif in staat"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "Tydskuif buffer pad"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "Af"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "Met terugspeel"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "Met pouseer"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "Gebruik secure HTTP (https) vir strome"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "Gebruik inteken vir strome"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "Gaan haal TV gunstelinge boeket"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "Gaan haal radio gunstelinge boeket"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "Opnames"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "Opnames"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "Tydhouers"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "Hoeveelheid herhaal tydhouers om te genereer"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "Alle boekette"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "As eerste boeket"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "As laaste boeket"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "Gunstelinge (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "Gunstelinge (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "onbekend"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr "(Nie gekonnekteer!)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "byvoegsel fout"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "Agterkant"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "Opname Opstop"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "Globale begin opstop"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "Globale einde opstop"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "Toestel Inligting"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "Weblf weergawe"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334478 msgctxt "#30092"
335479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336480 msgstr "OutoTydhouer etiket in tydhouer etikette"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338483 msgctxt "#30093"
339484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340485 msgstr "OutoTydhouer naam in tydhouer etikette"
487 #. application: Admin
342488 msgctxt "#30094"
343489 msgid "N/A"
344490 msgstr "NVT"
492 #. application: Admin
346493 msgctxt "#30095"
347494 msgid "True"
348495 msgstr "Waar"
497 #. application: Admin
350498 msgctxt "#30096"
351499 msgid "False"
352500 msgstr "Vals"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354503 msgctxt "#30097"
355504 msgid "Standby"
356505 msgstr "Bystand"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358508 msgctxt "#30098"
359509 msgid "Deep standby"
360510 msgstr "Diep bystand"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362513 msgctxt "#30099"
363514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364515 msgstr "Waak, dan bystand"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
366518 msgctxt "#30100"
367519 msgid "Update mode"
368520 msgstr "Opdateer modus"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370523 msgctxt "#30101"
371524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372525 msgstr "Tydhouers en opnames"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374528 msgctxt "#30102"
375529 msgid "Timers only"
376530 msgstr "Slegs tydhouers"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378533 msgctxt "#30103"
379534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380535 msgstr "Gebruik OpenWeblf picon pad"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382538 msgctxt "#30104"
383539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384540 msgstr "Stel naspeur loghouding in staat in ontfout modus"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386543 msgctxt "#30105"
387544 msgid "Other"
388545 msgstr "Ander"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390548 msgctxt "#30106"
391549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392550 msgstr "EPG opdateer vertraging per kanaal"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394553 msgctxt "#30107"
395554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396555 msgstr "Opname RBLs (Redigeer Besluit Lyste)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398558 msgctxt "#30108"
399559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400560 msgstr "Stel RBLs ondersteuning in staat"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402563 msgctxt "#30109"
403564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404565 msgstr "RBL begin tyd opstop"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406568 msgctxt "#30110"
407569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408570 msgstr "RBL stop tyd opstop"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410573 msgctxt "#30111"
411574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412575 msgstr "Stel ontfout log in staat in normale modus"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
414578 msgctxt "#30112"
415579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416580 msgstr "Laaste Geskandeer (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
418583 msgctxt "#30113"
419584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420585 msgstr "Laaste Geskandeer (Radio)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422589 msgctxt "#30114"
423590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424591 msgstr "Sluit laaste geskandeerde boeket uit"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426594 msgctxt "#30115"
427595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428596 msgstr "Slaan Aanvanklike EPG Laai Oor"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430599 msgctxt "#30116"
431600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
432601 msgstr "Kanale en groepe opdateer modus"
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
434604 msgctxt "#30117"
435605 msgid "Disabled"
436606 msgstr "Nie in staat gestel"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
438609 msgctxt "#30118"
439610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
440611 msgstr "Stel in kennis op UI en Log"
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
442614 msgctxt "#30119"
443615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
444616 msgstr "Herlaai Kanale en Groepe"
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
446619 msgctxt "#30120"
447620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
448621 msgstr "Kanale en groepe opdateer uur (24h)"
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
450624 msgctxt "#30121"
451625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
452626 msgstr "Verbinding nagaan tydverstreke"
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
454629 msgctxt "#30122"
455630 msgid "Connection check interval"
456631 msgstr "Verbinding nagaan interval"
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
458634 msgctxt "#30123"
459635 msgid "Autotimers"
460636 msgstr "Outotydhouers"
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
462664 msgctxt "#30129"
463665 msgid "Kodi instances"
464666 msgstr "Kodi gevalle"
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
466669 msgctxt "#30130"
467670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
468671 msgstr "Kodi/E2 gevalle"
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
470813 msgctxt "#30410"
471814 msgid "Automatic"
472815 msgstr "Outomaties"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
474857 msgctxt "#30430"
475858 msgid "Disabled"
476859 msgstr "Nie in staat gestel"
861 #. application: Timers
478862 msgctxt "#30431"
479863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
480864 msgstr "Neem op as EPG titel verskil"
866 #. application: Timers
482867 msgctxt "#30432"
483868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
484869 msgstr "Neem op as EPG titel en kort beskrywing verskil"
871 #. application: Timers
486872 msgctxt "#30433"
487873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
488874 msgstr "Neem op as EPG titel en alle beskrywings verskil"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
490880 msgctxt "#30514"
491881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
492882 msgstr "Tydskuif buffer pad bestaan nie"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
494885 msgctxt "#30515"
495886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
496887 msgstr "Enigma2: Kon nie web koppelvlak bereik nie"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
498890 msgctxt "#30516"
499891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
500892 msgstr "Enigma2: Geen kanale groepe gevind nie"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
502895 msgctxt "#30517"
503896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
504897 msgstr "Enigma2: Geen kanale gevind nie"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
506971 msgctxt "#30608"
507972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
508973 msgstr "Gebruik https om aan strome te verbind."
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
510976 msgctxt "#30609"
511977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
512978 msgstr "Gebruik die inteken gebruikersnaam en wagwoord vir strome."
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Gebruik slegs die DVB boks se huidige opneem pad"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Opname vouer op die ontvanger"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Behou gids struktuur vir rekords"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Amharic (Ethiopia) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Amharic (Ethiopia) <>\n"
12 "Language: am_et\n"
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15 "Language: am_ET\n"
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16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
20 msgstr "የተጠቃሚ ስም "
36 msgstr "የተጠቃሚ ስም"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "የመግቢያ ቃል"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
28 msgstr "ግንኙነት "
46 msgstr "ግንኙነት"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
32 msgstr "ምልክቶች "
51 msgstr "ምልክቶች"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
3490 msgctxt "#30015"
3591 msgid "Update interval"
3692 msgstr "የ ማሻሻያ ክፍተት"
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
100 msgctxt "#30017"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
38106 msgctxt "#30018"
39107 msgid "General"
40108 msgstr "ባጠቃላይ"
110 #. label-category: channels
42111 msgctxt "#30019"
43112 msgid "Channels"
44113 msgstr "ጣቢያዎች"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
46117 msgctxt "#30020"
47118 msgid "Advanced"
48119 msgstr "የረቀቀ"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
128 msgctxt "#30023"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
158 msgctxt "#30029"
159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
160 msgstr ""
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
163 msgctxt "#30030"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
173 msgctxt "#30032"
174 msgid "EPG"
175 msgstr ""
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50223 msgctxt "#30042"
51224 msgid "Never"
52 msgstr "በፍጹም "
225 msgstr "በፍጹም"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
228 msgctxt "#30043"
229 msgid "In EPG only"
230 msgstr ""
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
233 msgctxt "#30044"
234 msgid "In recordings only"
235 msgstr ""
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
54238 msgctxt "#30045"
55239 msgid "Always"
56240 msgstr "ሁልጊዜ"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
58268 msgctxt "#30051"
59269 msgid "Login"
60270 msgstr "መግቢያ"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
62273 msgctxt "#30052"
63274 msgid "Misc"
64 msgstr "የተለያዩ "
275 msgstr "የተለያዩ"
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
66293 msgctxt "#30056"
67294 msgid "TV"
68 msgstr "ቲቪ "
295 msgstr "ቲቪ"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
70298 msgctxt "#30057"
71299 msgid "Radio"
72 msgstr "ራዲዮ "
300 msgstr "ራዲዮ"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
314 msgctxt "#30060"
315 msgid "Timeshift"
316 msgstr ""
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
324 msgctxt "#30062"
325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
326 msgstr ""
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
74329 msgctxt "#30063"
75330 msgid "Off"
76 msgstr "ማጥፊያ "
331 msgstr "ማጥፊያ"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
334 msgctxt "#30064"
335 msgid "On playback"
336 msgstr ""
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
78364 msgctxt "#30070"
79365 msgid "Recordings"
80 msgstr "መቅረጫ "
366 msgstr "መቅረጫ"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
82369 msgctxt "#30071"
83370 msgid "Recordings"
84 msgstr "መቅረጫ "
371 msgstr "መቅረጫ"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
86375 msgctxt "#30072"
87376 msgid "Timers"
88377 msgstr "መቁጠሪያ"
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
491 msgctxt "#30094"
492 msgid "N/A"
493 msgstr ""
495 #. application: Admin
90496 msgctxt "#30095"
91497 msgid "True"
92498 msgstr "እውነት"
500 #. application: Admin
94501 msgctxt "#30096"
95502 msgid "False"
96503 msgstr "ሀሰት"
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
546 msgctxt "#30105"
547 msgid "Other"
548 msgstr ""
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
98607 msgctxt "#30117"
99608 msgid "Disabled"
100 msgstr "ተሰናክሏል "
609 msgstr "ተሰናክሏል"
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
813 #. ##############
814 #. application #
815 #. ##############
816 #. application: Timers
817 msgctxt "#30410"
818 msgid "Automatic"
819 msgstr ""
821 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
822 #. application: Timers
823 msgctxt "#30420"
824 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
825 msgstr ""
827 #. application: Timers
828 msgctxt "#30421"
829 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
830 msgstr ""
832 #. application: Timers
833 msgctxt "#30422"
834 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
835 msgstr ""
837 #. application: Timers
838 msgctxt "#30423"
839 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
840 msgstr ""
842 #. application: Timers
843 msgctxt "#30424"
844 msgid "One time guide-based"
845 msgstr ""
847 #. application: Timers
848 msgctxt "#30425"
849 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
850 msgstr ""
852 #. application: Timers
853 msgctxt "#30426"
854 msgid "Auto guide-based"
855 msgstr ""
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
102861 msgctxt "#30430"
103862 msgid "Disabled"
104 msgstr "ተሰናክሏል "
863 msgstr "ተሰናክሏል"
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (\n"
12 "Language: ar_SA\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ar_SA\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "اسم المستخدم"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "كلمة المرور"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "رموز"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "عام"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "محطات"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
38116 msgctxt "#30020"
39117 msgid "Advanced"
40118 msgstr "منقدم"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42222 msgctxt "#30042"
43223 msgid "Never"
44224 msgstr "أبداً"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46237 msgctxt "#30045"
47238 msgid "Always"
48239 msgstr "دائما"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
50267 msgctxt "#30051"
51268 msgid "Login"
52269 msgstr "تسجيل الدخول"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
54292 msgctxt "#30056"
55293 msgid "TV"
56294 msgstr "تلفاز"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
58297 msgctxt "#30057"
59298 msgid "Radio"
60299 msgstr "إذاعة"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
62328 msgctxt "#30063"
63329 msgid "Off"
64330 msgstr "تعطيل"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
66363 msgctxt "#30070"
67364 msgid "Recordings"
68365 msgstr "التسجيلات"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
70368 msgctxt "#30071"
71369 msgid "Recordings"
72370 msgstr "التسجيلات"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
74495 msgctxt "#30095"
75496 msgid "True"
76497 msgstr "صحيح"
499 #. application: Admin
78500 msgctxt "#30096"
79501 msgid "False"
80502 msgstr "خطأ"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
82606 msgctxt "#30117"
83607 msgid "Disabled"
84608 msgstr "معطلة"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
86860 msgctxt "#30430"
87861 msgid "Disabled"
88862 msgstr "معطلة"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan) (\n"
12 "Language: az_AZ\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: az_AZ\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
33 msgctxt "#30003"
34 msgid "Username"
35 msgstr ""
37 #. label: Connection - pass
38 msgctxt "#30004"
39 msgid "Password"
40 msgstr ""
42 #. label-category: connection
1843 msgctxt "#30005"
1944 msgid "Connection"
2045 msgstr "Qoşulma"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2248 msgctxt "#30006"
2349 msgid "Icons"
2450 msgstr "Piktoqramlar"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
26105 msgctxt "#30018"
27106 msgid "General"
28107 msgstr "Ümumi"
109 #. label-category: channels
30110 msgctxt "#30019"
31111 msgid "Channels"
32112 msgstr "Kanallar"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
222 msgctxt "#30042"
223 msgid "Never"
224 msgstr ""
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
34237 msgctxt "#30045"
35238 msgid "Always"
36239 msgstr "Həmişə"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
38292 msgctxt "#30056"
39293 msgid "TV"
40294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
328 msgctxt "#30063"
329 msgid "Off"
330 msgstr ""
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
606 msgctxt "#30117"
607 msgid "Disabled"
608 msgstr ""
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 # empty strings from id 30427 to 30429
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
861 msgctxt "#30430"
862 msgid "Disabled"
863 msgstr ""
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Belarusian (Belarus) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Belarusian <>\n"
12 "Language: be_by\n"
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17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
20 msgstr "Username"
36 msgstr "Карыстальнік"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "Пароль"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
2846 msgstr "Злучэньне"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
3251 msgstr "Значкі"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
3490 msgctxt "#30015"
3591 msgid "Update interval"
3692 msgstr "Прамежак паміж абнаўленнямі"
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
38100 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
42106 msgctxt "#30018"
43107 msgid "General"
44108 msgstr "Агульныя"
110 #. label-category: channels
46111 msgctxt "#30019"
47112 msgid "Channels"
48 msgstr "Channels"
113 msgstr "Каналы"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50117 msgctxt "#30020"
51118 msgid "Advanced"
52 msgstr "Advanced"
119 msgstr "Пашыраны"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54128 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
158 msgctxt "#30029"
159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
160 msgstr ""
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
163 msgctxt "#30030"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
173 msgctxt "#30032"
174 msgid "EPG"
175 msgstr ""
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58223 msgctxt "#30042"
59224 msgid "Never"
60225 msgstr "Ніколі"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
228 msgctxt "#30043"
229 msgid "In EPG only"
230 msgstr ""
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
233 msgctxt "#30044"
234 msgid "In recordings only"
235 msgstr ""
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62238 msgctxt "#30045"
63239 msgid "Always"
64240 msgstr "Заўжды"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
66268 msgctxt "#30051"
67269 msgid "Login"
68270 msgstr "Login"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
273 msgctxt "#30052"
274 msgid "Misc"
275 msgstr ""
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
70293 msgctxt "#30056"
71294 msgid "TV"
72295 msgstr "ТВ"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
74298 msgctxt "#30057"
75299 msgid "Radio"
76300 msgstr "Радыё"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
314 msgctxt "#30060"
315 msgid "Timeshift"
316 msgstr ""
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
78324 msgctxt "#30062"
79325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
80326 msgstr "Шлях да буферу таймшыфт"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
82329 msgctxt "#30063"
83330 msgid "Off"
84331 msgstr "Не"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
334 msgctxt "#30064"
335 msgid "On playback"
336 msgstr ""
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
86364 msgctxt "#30070"
87365 msgid "Recordings"
88 msgstr "Recordings"
366 msgstr "Запісы"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
90369 msgctxt "#30071"
91370 msgid "Recordings"
92 msgstr "Recordings"
371 msgstr "Запісы"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
94375 msgctxt "#30072"
95376 msgid "Timers"
96377 msgstr "Таймеры"
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
98491 msgctxt "#30094"
99492 msgid "N/A"
100493 msgstr "Недаступна"
495 #. application: Admin
102496 msgctxt "#30095"
103497 msgid "True"
104498 msgstr "True"
500 #. application: Admin
106501 msgctxt "#30096"
107502 msgid "False"
108503 msgstr "False"
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
110546 msgctxt "#30105"
111547 msgid "Other"
112548 msgstr "Іншыя"
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
114607 msgctxt "#30117"
115608 msgid "Disabled"
116609 msgstr "Забаронена"
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
118816 msgctxt "#30410"
119817 msgid "Automatic"
120 msgstr "Аўтаматычна "
818 msgstr "Аўтаматычна"
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
122860 msgctxt "#30430"
123861 msgid "Disabled"
124862 msgstr "Забаронена"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
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11 "Language-Team: Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Bulgarian <>\n"
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17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Име на сървър или IP адрес на Enigma2"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Порт за поточно излъчване"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Потребител"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Парола"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Връзка"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Иконки"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Път до иконките"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Интервал на обновяване"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Автоматично почистване на броячите"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Порт на уеб интерфейса"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Нулиране преди превключване на канал (за устройства с един тунер)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Интервал на обновление"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Използване само на текущия път за запис на устройствата"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Основни"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Канали"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Допълнителни"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Папка за записите на приемника"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Изпращане на инф. за режима на захранване при изход на добавката"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "Режим на изтегляне на ТВ-букет"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96148 msgstr "Получаване на логата на каналите от уеб интерфейса"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100153 msgstr "Ползване на HTTPS"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Автоматична настройка на потоците на живо"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Запазване на структурата на папките за записите"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Сезони и епизоди"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "Справочник"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120178 msgstr "Извличане на инф. за сезона, епизода и годината, когато е възможно"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Включване на авт. броячи"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Използване на файловия форма на"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Включване на създаването на повтарящи се броячи"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Извеждане на неуспешните текстови съвпадения за липсващи жанрове в журнала"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Уеб интерфейс"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Поточно излъчване"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Показване на резюмето (напр. субтитри) преди сюжета"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Размер на частите на потока за четене"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Никога"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "Само в справочника"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Само в записите"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Винаги"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Извличане на файл с инф. за предаването"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Текстови съвпадения на жанровете от Rytec"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Включване на текстовите съвпадения на жанровете от Rytec"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Файл с текстови съвпадения на жанровете от Rytec"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Персонализирано време за изчакване на ТВ на живо (0 = по подразбиране)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Влизане"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Разни"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Съвпадения на ид. на жанровете"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204283 msgstr "Включване на съвпаденията на ид. на жанровете"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Файл със съвпадения на ид. на жанровете"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "ТЕЛЕВИЗИЯ"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Радио"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Режим на изтегляне на радио-букет"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Изместване във времето"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Изместване във времето"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232324 msgstr "Път до буфера за изместване във времето"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Изкл."
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "При възпроизвеждане"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "На пауза"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Ползване на HTTPS за потоците"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Използване на потребителско име и парола за потоците"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256354 msgstr "Изтегляне на букет с любими ТВ"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260359 msgstr "Изтегляне на букет с любими радиа"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Записи"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Записи"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272 msgstr " Броячи"
375 msgstr "Броячи"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "Брой повтарящи се броячи, които да се създадат"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Всички букети"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "При първия букет"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "При последния букет"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Любими (ТВ)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Любими (Радио)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "неизвестно"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr "(Няма връзка!)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "грешка в добавката"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Сървър"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Допълване на записа"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Глобално допълване в началото"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Глобално допълване в края"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Информация за устройството"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "Версия на „WebIf“"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "Етикет за авт. брояч в етикетите на броячите"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "Име на авт. брояч в етикетите на броячите"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "Няма"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Правилно"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Грешно"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Готовност"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Дълбоко състояние на готовност"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Събуждане, след това преминаване в състояние на готовност"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Режим на обновяване"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Броячи и записи"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Само броячи"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Използване на пътя за picon на OpenWebIf"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Включване на съобщенията от ниво „проследяване“ в журнала, в режим на дебъгване."
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Други"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390549 msgctxt "#30106"
391550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392551 msgstr "Забавяне на обновяването на справочника поотделно за всеки канал"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394554 msgctxt "#30107"
395555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396556 msgstr "Записване на СМР (Списък с монтажни решения)"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398559 msgctxt "#30108"
399560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400561 msgstr "Поддръжка на СМР"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402564 msgctxt "#30109"
403565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404566 msgstr "Допълнително време в началото за СМР"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406569 msgctxt "#30110"
407570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408571 msgstr "Допълнително време в края за СМР"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410574 msgctxt "#30111"
411575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412576 msgstr "Включване на журнала за дебъгване в нормалния режим"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
414579 msgctxt "#30112"
415580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416581 msgstr "Последно сканиране (ТВ)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
418584 msgctxt "#30113"
419585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420586 msgstr "Последно сканиране (Радио)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422590 msgctxt "#30114"
423591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424592 msgstr "Изключване на последно сканирания букет"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426595 msgctxt "#30115"
427596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428597 msgstr "Пропускане на началното зареждане на справочника"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430600 msgctxt "#30116"
431601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
432602 msgstr "Режим на обновяване на каналите и групите"
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
434605 msgctxt "#30117"
435606 msgid "Disabled"
436607 msgstr "Изключено"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
610 msgctxt "#30118"
611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
612 msgstr ""
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
438615 msgctxt "#30119"
439616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
440617 msgstr "Презареждане на каналите и групите"
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
442620 msgctxt "#30120"
443621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
444622 msgstr "Час за обновяване на каналите и групите (24ч)"
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
446625 msgctxt "#30121"
447626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
448627 msgstr "Време на изчакване при проверка на връзката"
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
450630 msgctxt "#30122"
451631 msgid "Connection check interval"
452632 msgstr "Интервал за проверка на връзката"
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
454635 msgctxt "#30123"
455636 msgid "Autotimers"
456637 msgstr "Автоматични броячи"
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
665 msgctxt "#30129"
666 msgid "Kodi instances"
667 msgstr ""
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
670 msgctxt "#30130"
671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
672 msgstr ""
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
458814 msgctxt "#30410"
459815 msgid "Automatic"
460816 msgstr "Автоматично"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
462835 msgctxt "#30423"
463836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
464837 msgstr "Повтаряемо, основано на време/канал"
839 #. application: Timers
466840 msgctxt "#30424"
467841 msgid "One time guide-based"
468842 msgstr "Еднократно, основано на справочника"
844 #. application: Timers
470845 msgctxt "#30425"
471846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
472847 msgstr "Повтаряемо, основано на справочника"
849 #. application: Timers
474850 msgctxt "#30426"
475851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
476852 msgstr "Автоматично, основано на справочника"
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
478858 msgctxt "#30430"
479859 msgid "Disabled"
480860 msgstr "Изключено"
862 #. application: Timers
482863 msgctxt "#30431"
483864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
484865 msgstr "Запис само, ако заглавието в справочника е различно"
867 #. application: Timers
486868 msgctxt "#30432"
487869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
488870 msgstr "Запис само, ако заглавието и краткото описание в справочника са различни"
872 #. application: Timers
490873 msgctxt "#30433"
491874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
492875 msgstr "Запис само, ако заглавието и всички описания в справочника са различни"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
494881 msgctxt "#30514"
495882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
496883 msgstr "Пътят до буфера за изместване във времето не съществува"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
498886 msgctxt "#30515"
499887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
500888 msgstr "Enigma2: Уеб-интерфейсът е недостъпен"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
502891 msgctxt "#30516"
503892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
504893 msgstr "Enigma2: Няма намерени групи от канали"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
506896 msgctxt "#30517"
507897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
508898 msgstr "Enigma2: Няма намерени канали"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
906 msgctxt "#30519"
907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 msgstr ""
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
912 msgctxt "#30520"
913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
914 msgstr ""
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
937 msgctxt "#30601"
938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
939 msgstr ""
941 #. help: Connection - webport
942 msgctxt "#30602"
943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
944 msgstr ""
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
947 msgctxt "#30603"
948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
949 msgstr ""
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
972 msgctxt "#30608"
973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
974 msgstr ""
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
992 #. help info - General
993 #. help-category: general
994 msgctxt "#30620"
995 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
996 msgstr ""
998 #. help: General - onlinepicons
999 msgctxt "#30621"
1000 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1004 msgctxt "#30622"
1005 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1009 msgctxt "#30623"
1010 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #. help: General - iconpath
1014 msgctxt "#30624"
1015 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #. help: General - updateint
1019 msgctxt "#30625"
1020 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #. help: General - updatemode
1024 msgctxt "#30626"
1025 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1029 msgctxt "#30627"
1030 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1034 msgctxt "#30628"
1035 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1039 msgctxt "#30629"
1040 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1041 msgstr ""
1043 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1044 #. help info - Channels
1045 #. help-category: channels
1046 msgctxt "#30640"
1047 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1048 msgstr ""
1050 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1051 msgctxt "#30641"
1052 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - zap
1056 msgctxt "#30642"
1057 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1061 msgctxt "#30643"
1062 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1070 msgctxt "#30644"
1071 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1075 msgctxt "#30645"
1076 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1077 msgstr ""
1079 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1080 msgctxt "#30646"
1081 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1085 msgctxt "#30647"
1086 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1087 msgstr ""
1089 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1094 msgctxt "#30648"
1095 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1099 msgctxt "#30649"
1100 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1104 msgctxt "#30650"
1105 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1109 msgctxt "#30651"
1110 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1114 msgctxt "#30652"
1115 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1119 msgctxt "#30653"
1120 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1124 msgctxt "#30654"
1125 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1129 msgctxt "#30655"
1130 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1134 msgctxt "#30656"
1135 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1136 msgstr ""
1138 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1139 #. help info - EPG
1140 #. help-category: epg
1141 msgctxt "#30660"
1142 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1146 msgctxt "#30661"
1147 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1151 msgctxt "#30662"
1152 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1156 msgctxt "#30663"
1157 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1161 msgctxt "#30664"
1162 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1163 msgstr ""
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1166 msgctxt "#30665"
1167 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1168 msgstr ""
1170 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1171 msgctxt "#30666"
1172 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1176 msgctxt "#30667"
1177 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1178 msgstr ""
1180 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1181 msgctxt "#30668"
1182 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1183 msgstr ""
1185 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1186 msgctxt "#30669"
1187 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1188 msgstr ""
1190 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1191 #. help info - Recordings
1192 #. help-category: recordings
1193 msgctxt "#30680"
1194 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1195 msgstr ""
1197 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1198 msgctxt "#30681"
1199 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1203 msgctxt "#30682"
1204 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1205 msgstr ""
1207 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1208 msgctxt "#30683"
1209 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1210 msgstr ""
1212 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1213 msgctxt "#30684"
1214 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1218 msgctxt "#30685"
1219 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1220 msgstr ""
1222 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1223 msgctxt "#30686"
1224 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1228 msgctxt "#30687"
1229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1230 msgstr ""
1232 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1233 msgctxt "#30688"
1234 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1238 msgctxt "#30689"
1239 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1243 msgctxt "#30690"
1244 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1248 msgctxt "#30691"
1249 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1250 msgstr ""
1252 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1253 #. help info - Timers
1254 #. help-category: timers
1255 msgctxt "#30700"
1256 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1257 msgstr ""
1259 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1260 msgctxt "#30701"
1261 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1262 msgstr ""
1264 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1265 msgctxt "#30702"
1266 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1267 msgstr ""
1269 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1270 msgctxt "#30703"
1271 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1272 msgstr ""
1274 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1275 msgctxt "#30704"
1276 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1277 msgstr ""
1279 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1280 msgctxt "#30705"
1281 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1282 msgstr ""
1284 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1285 msgctxt "#30706"
1286 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1287 msgstr ""
1289 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1290 #. help info - Timeshift
1291 #. help-category: timeshift
1292 msgctxt "#30720"
1293 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1294 msgstr ""
1296 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1297 msgctxt "#30721"
1298 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1299 msgstr ""
1301 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1302 msgctxt "#30722"
1303 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1304 msgstr ""
1306 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1307 msgctxt "#30723"
1308 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1309 msgstr ""
1311 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1312 msgctxt "#30724"
1313 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1314 msgstr ""
1316 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1317 msgctxt "#30725"
1318 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1319 msgstr ""
1321 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1322 msgctxt "#30726"
1323 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1324 msgstr ""
1326 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1327 msgctxt "#30727"
1328 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1329 msgstr ""
1331 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1332 msgctxt "#30728"
1333 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1334 msgstr ""
1336 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1337 #. help info - Advanced
1338 #. help-category: advanced
1339 msgctxt "#30740"
1340 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1344 msgctxt "#30741"
1345 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1346 msgstr ""
1348 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1349 msgctxt "#30742"
1350 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1354 msgctxt "#30743"
1355 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1359 msgctxt "#30744"
1360 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1361 msgstr ""
1363 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1364 msgctxt "#30745"
1365 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1366 msgstr ""
1368 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1369 msgctxt "#30746"
1370 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1371 msgstr ""
1373 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1374 msgctxt "#30747"
1375 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1376 msgstr ""
1378 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1379 #. help info - Backend
1380 #. help-category: backend
1381 msgctxt "#30760"
1382 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1383 msgstr ""
1385 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1386 msgctxt "#30761"
1387 msgid "webifversion"
1388 msgstr ""
1390 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1391 msgctxt "#30762"
1392 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1396 msgctxt "#30763"
1397 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1401 msgctxt "#30764"
1402 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1406 msgctxt "#30765"
1407 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1408 msgstr ""
1410 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1411 msgctxt "#30766"
1412 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1413 msgstr ""
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1416 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1417 #~ msgstr "Използване само на текущия път за запис на устройствата"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1420 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1421 #~ msgstr "Папка за записите на приемника"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1424 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1425 #~ msgstr "Запазване на структурата на папките за записите"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (\n"
12 "Language: bs_BA\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: bs_BA\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Korisničko ime"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Lozinka"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Ikone"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "Opšte"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "Kanali"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
38222 msgctxt "#30042"
39223 msgid "Never"
40224 msgstr "Nikada"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42237 msgctxt "#30045"
43238 msgid "Always"
44239 msgstr "Uvijek"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
46292 msgctxt "#30056"
47293 msgid "TV"
48294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
50297 msgctxt "#30057"
51298 msgid "Radio"
52299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
54328 msgctxt "#30063"
55329 msgid "Off"
56330 msgstr "Isklj."
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
58363 msgctxt "#30070"
59364 msgid "Recordings"
60365 msgstr "Snimci"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
62368 msgctxt "#30071"
63369 msgid "Recordings"
64370 msgstr "Snimci"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
66495 msgctxt "#30095"
67496 msgid "True"
68497 msgstr "Ispravno"
499 #. application: Admin
70500 msgctxt "#30096"
71501 msgid "False"
72502 msgstr "Netačno"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
74606 msgctxt "#30117"
75607 msgid "Disabled"
76608 msgstr "Onemogućeno"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
78860 msgctxt "#30430"
79861 msgid "Disabled"
80862 msgstr "Onemogućeno"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Catalan (Spain) (\n"
12 "Language: ca_ES\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ca_ES\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Nom d'usuari"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Contrasenya"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Connexió"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Icones"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Interval d'actualització"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Utilitza únicament el camí a l'enregistrament actual de l'aparell DVB"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "General"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Canals"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Avançat"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Carpeta d'enregistrament en el receptor"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
58172 msgctxt "#30032"
59173 msgid "EPG"
60174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62222 msgctxt "#30042"
63223 msgid "Never"
64224 msgstr "Mai"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66227 msgctxt "#30043"
67228 msgid "In EPG only"
68229 msgstr "Solament a l'EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70232 msgctxt "#30044"
71233 msgid "In recordings only"
72234 msgstr "Solament als enregistraments"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74237 msgctxt "#30045"
75238 msgid "Always"
76239 msgstr "Sempre"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
78267 msgctxt "#30051"
79268 msgid "Login"
80269 msgstr "Autenticació"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
82272 msgctxt "#30052"
83273 msgid "Misc"
84274 msgstr "Altres"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86292 msgctxt "#30056"
87293 msgid "TV"
88294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90297 msgctxt "#30057"
91298 msgid "Radio"
92299 msgstr "Ràdio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94313 msgctxt "#30060"
95314 msgid "Timeshift"
96315 msgstr "Salts en el temps"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98323 msgctxt "#30062"
99324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100325 msgstr "Camí a la memòria intermèdia dels salts en el temps"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102328 msgctxt "#30063"
103329 msgid "Off"
104330 msgstr "Apagat"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
106333 msgctxt "#30064"
107334 msgid "On playback"
108335 msgstr "Amb la reproducció"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110338 msgctxt "#30065"
111339 msgid "On pause"
112340 msgstr "Amb la pausa"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
114363 msgctxt "#30070"
115364 msgid "Recordings"
116365 msgstr "Enregistraments"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
118368 msgctxt "#30071"
119369 msgid "Recordings"
120370 msgstr "Enregistraments"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
122374 msgctxt "#30072"
123375 msgid "Timers"
124376 msgstr "Temporitzadors"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
126490 msgctxt "#30094"
127491 msgid "N/A"
128492 msgstr "N/D"
494 #. application: Admin
130495 msgctxt "#30095"
131496 msgid "True"
132497 msgstr "Cert"
499 #. application: Admin
134500 msgctxt "#30096"
135501 msgid "False"
136502 msgstr "Fals"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
138545 msgctxt "#30105"
139546 msgid "Other"
140547 msgstr "Altres"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
142606 msgctxt "#30117"
143607 msgid "Disabled"
144608 msgstr "Inhabilitat"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
146815 msgctxt "#30410"
147816 msgid "Automatic"
148817 msgstr "Automàtic"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
150859 msgctxt "#30430"
151860 msgid "Disabled"
152861 msgstr "Inhabilitat"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Utilitza únicament el camí a l'enregistrament actual de l'aparell DVB"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Carpeta d'enregistrament en el receptor"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
12 "Language: cs_cz\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: cs_CZ\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Název hostitele nebo IP adresa Enigma2"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Port streamování"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Uživatelské jméno"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Heslo"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Spojení"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Ikony"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Cesta k ikoně"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Interval aktualizace"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Automatické čištění seznamu časovačů"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Port webového rozhraní"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Přepnout před přepnutím kanálu (např. pro jednotunerové přijímače)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Interval aktualizace"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Používat pouze aktuální cestu nahrávání přijímače DVB"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Obecné"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Kanály"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Rozšířené"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Složka s nahrávkami na přijímači"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Při ukončení doplňku poslat režim stavu napájení"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "Mód pro přenos TV buketů"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96148 msgstr "Načíst ikony kanálů z webového rozhraní"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100153 msgstr "Použít zabezpečené HTTP (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Povolit automatickou konfiguraci pro živé datové proudy"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Zachovat strukturu složky pro nahrávky"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Sezóny a epizody"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "Televizní program"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120178 msgstr "Extrahovat informaci o sezóně, epizodě a roku, kde je to možné"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Povolit automatické časovače"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Používat formát souboru"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Povolit generování opakujících se časovačů"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Loguj chybějící mapování žánru na text"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Webové rozhraní"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Streamování"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Umístit stručné shrnutí (např. titulky) před obsah děje"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Velikost bloku dat čtení streamu"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Nikdy"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "Pouze v televizním programu"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Pouze v nahrávkách"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Vždy"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Extrahovat show info soubor"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Rytec žánr text mapování"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Povolit Rytec žánr text mapování"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Soubor pro Rytec žánr text mapování"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Vlastní časový limit živého vysílání (0 pro použití výchozího)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Přihlášení"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Různé"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Mapování ID žánru"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204283 msgstr "Povolit mapování ID žánru"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Soubor mapování ID žánru"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "Televize"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Rádio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Mód pro přenos rádio buketů"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Časový posun"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Povolit časový posun"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232324 msgstr "Cesta k vyrovnávací paměti časového posunu"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Vypnout"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "Při přehrávání"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "Při pozastavení"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Použít zabezpečené HTTP (https) pro streamy"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Použít přihlášení pro streamy"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256354 msgstr "Načíst Oblíbené TV bukety"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260359 msgstr "Načíst Oblíbené rádio bukety"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Nahrávky"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Nahrávky"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272375 msgstr "Časovače"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "Počet opakování časovačů ke generování"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Všechny bukety"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "Jako první buket"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "Jako poslední buket"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Oblíbené (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Oblíbené (rádio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "neznámé"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr "(Nepřipojeno!)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "chyba doplňku"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Podpůrná vrstva"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Zarovnání nahrávání"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Globální zarovnání začátku"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Globální zarovnání konce"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Informace o zařízení"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "Verze WebIf"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "Štítek automatického časovače v štítcích časovačů"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "Název automatického časovače v štítcích časovačů"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "Nezadáno"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Pravda"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Nepravda"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Pohotovostní režim"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Pohotovostní režim s nižší spotřebou"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Probudit, pak pohotovostní režim"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Režim aktualizace"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Časovače a nahrávání"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Pouze časovače"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Použij OpenWebIf cestu k pikonám"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Povolit protokolování trasování v režimu ladění"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Jiné"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390549 msgctxt "#30106"
391550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392551 msgstr "Zpoždění aktualizace EPG na kanál"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394554 msgctxt "#30107"
395555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396 msgstr " EDL (Edit Decision Lists) pro záznamy"
556 msgstr "EDL (Edit Decision Lists) pro záznamy"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398559 msgctxt "#30108"
399560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400561 msgstr "Povolit podporu EDL"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402564 msgctxt "#30109"
403565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404566 msgstr "Rezerva pro startovací čas EDL"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406569 msgctxt "#30110"
407570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408571 msgstr "Rezerva pro koncový čas EDL"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410574 msgctxt "#30111"
411575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412576 msgstr "Povolit protokolování ladících informací v normální režimu"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
414579 msgctxt "#30112"
415580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416581 msgstr "Naposledy skanované(TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
418584 msgctxt "#30113"
419585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420586 msgstr "Naposledy skanované(Rádio)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422590 msgctxt "#30114"
423591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424 msgstr "Nezahrnovat buket Naposledy skanované"
592 msgstr "Nezahrnovat buket Naposledy skanované"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426595 msgctxt "#30115"
427596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428597 msgstr "Přeskočit úvodní načtení televizního programu"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430600 msgctxt "#30116"
431601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
432602 msgstr "Režim aktualizace kanálů a skupin"
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
434605 msgctxt "#30117"
435606 msgid "Disabled"
436607 msgstr "Zakázáno"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
438610 msgctxt "#30118"
439611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
440612 msgstr "Oznámit v uživatelském rozhraní a zaznamenat"
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
442615 msgctxt "#30119"
443616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
444617 msgstr "Znovu načíst kanály a skupiny"
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
446620 msgctxt "#30120"
447621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
448622 msgstr "Hodina aktualizace kanálů a skupin (24h formát)"
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
450625 msgctxt "#30121"
451626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
452627 msgstr "Časový limit kontroly připojení"
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
454630 msgctxt "#30122"
455631 msgid "Connection check interval"
456632 msgstr "Interval kontroly připojen"
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
458635 msgctxt "#30123"
459636 msgid "Autotimers"
460637 msgstr "Automatické časovače"
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
462645 msgctxt "#30125"
463646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
464647 msgstr "Omezit na skupiny původního EPG kanálu"
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
466660 msgctxt "#30128"
467661 msgid "Share last played across:"
468662 msgstr "Sdílet minule přehráváno napříč:"
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
470665 msgctxt "#30129"
471666 msgid "Kodi instances"
472667 msgstr "Instance Kodi"
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
474670 msgctxt "#30130"
475671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
476672 msgstr "Instance Kodi/E2"
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
478814 msgctxt "#30410"
479815 msgid "Automatic"
480816 msgstr "Automatické"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
482835 msgctxt "#30423"
483836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
484837 msgstr "Opakující se na základě času/kanálu"
839 #. application: Timers
486840 msgctxt "#30424"
487841 msgid "One time guide-based"
488842 msgstr "Jednorázový podle EPG"
844 #. application: Timers
490845 msgctxt "#30425"
491846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
492847 msgstr "Opakující se podle EPG"
849 #. application: Timers
494850 msgctxt "#30426"
495851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
496852 msgstr "Automatický podle názvu v EPG"
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
498858 msgctxt "#30430"
499859 msgid "Disabled"
500860 msgstr "Zakázáno"
862 #. application: Timers
502863 msgctxt "#30431"
503864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
504865 msgstr "Nahrávat, pokud se liší název televizního programu"
867 #. application: Timers
506868 msgctxt "#30432"
507869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
508870 msgstr "Nahrávat, pokud se liší název a krátký popis televizního programu"
872 #. application: Timers
510873 msgctxt "#30433"
511874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
512875 msgstr "Nahrávat, pokud se liší název a všechny popisy televizního programu"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
514881 msgctxt "#30514"
515882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
516883 msgstr "Cesta k vyrovnávací paměti časového posunu neexistuje"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
518886 msgctxt "#30515"
519887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
520888 msgstr "Enigma2: Nemohu se spojit s webovým rozhraním"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
522891 msgctxt "#30516"
523892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
524893 msgstr "Enigma2: Nenalezeny skupiny kanálů"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
526896 msgctxt "#30517"
527897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
528898 msgstr "Enigma2: Nenalezeny kanály"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
530906 msgctxt "#30519"
531907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
532908 msgstr "Enigma2: Zjištěny změny kanálu, pro jejich načtení restartujte"
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
534912 msgctxt "#30520"
535913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
536914 msgstr "Neplatný kanál"
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
937 msgctxt "#30601"
938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
939 msgstr ""
941 #. help: Connection - webport
538942 msgctxt "#30602"
539943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
540944 msgstr "Port sloužící pro připojení se k webovému rozhraní."
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
542947 msgctxt "#30603"
543948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
544949 msgstr "Použít pro připojení k webovému rozhraní https."
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
972 msgctxt "#30608"
973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
974 msgstr ""
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
546993 msgctxt "#30620"
547994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
548995 msgstr "Tato kategorie obsahuje nastavení, která je obecně třeba nastavit uživatelem"
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help info - Recordings
1190 #. help-category: recordings
5501191 msgctxt "#30680"
5511192 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
5521193 msgstr "Tato kategorie obsahuje nastavení pro nahrávání"
1195 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1196 msgctxt "#30681"
1197 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1201 msgctxt "#30682"
1202 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1206 msgctxt "#30683"
1207 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1211 msgctxt "#30684"
1212 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1216 msgctxt "#30685"
1217 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1221 msgctxt "#30686"
1222 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1226 msgctxt "#30687"
1227 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1231 msgctxt "#30688"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1236 msgctxt "#30689"
1237 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1241 msgctxt "#30690"
1242 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1246 msgctxt "#30691"
1247 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help info - Timers
1251 #. help-category: timers
5541252 msgctxt "#30700"
5551253 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
5561254 msgstr "Tato kategorie obsahuje nastavení pro časovače (běžné a automatické)"
1256 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1257 msgctxt "#30701"
1258 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
5581262 msgctxt "#30702"
5591263 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
5601264 msgstr "Počet časovačů, které v Kodi PVR vytvořit."
1266 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1267 msgctxt "#30703"
1268 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1272 msgctxt "#30704"
1273 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30705"
1278 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1282 msgctxt "#30706"
1283 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1287 #. help info - Timeshift
1288 #. help-category: timeshift
1289 msgctxt "#30720"
1290 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30721"
1295 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1299 msgctxt "#30722"
1300 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1304 msgctxt "#30723"
1305 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1309 msgctxt "#30724"
1310 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1314 msgctxt "#30725"
1315 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1319 msgctxt "#30726"
1320 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1324 msgctxt "#30727"
1325 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30728"
1330 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help info - Advanced
1334 #. help-category: advanced
5621335 msgctxt "#30740"
5631336 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
5641337 msgstr "Tato kategorie obsahuje pokročilá/expertní nastavení"
1339 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1340 msgctxt "#30741"
1341 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1342 msgstr ""
1344 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1345 msgctxt "#30742"
1346 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1347 msgstr ""
1349 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1350 msgctxt "#30743"
1351 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1352 msgstr ""
1354 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1355 msgctxt "#30744"
1356 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1357 msgstr ""
1359 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1360 msgctxt "#30745"
1361 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1362 msgstr ""
1364 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1365 msgctxt "#30746"
1366 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1367 msgstr ""
1369 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1370 msgctxt "#30747"
1371 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1372 msgstr ""
1374 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1375 #. help info - Backend
1376 #. help-category: backend
5661377 msgctxt "#30760"
567 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
568 msgstr "Tato kategorie obsahuje pokročilá/expertní nastavení"
1378 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1382 msgctxt "#30761"
1383 msgid "webifversion"
1384 msgstr ""
1386 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1387 msgctxt "#30762"
1388 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1389 msgstr ""
1391 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1392 msgctxt "#30763"
1393 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1394 msgstr ""
1396 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1397 msgctxt "#30764"
1398 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1399 msgstr ""
1401 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1402 msgctxt "#30765"
1403 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1404 msgstr ""
1406 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1407 msgctxt "#30766"
1408 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1409 msgstr ""
1411 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1412 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1413 #~ msgstr "Používat pouze aktuální cestu nahrávání přijímače DVB"
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1416 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1417 #~ msgstr "Složka s nahrávkami na přijímači"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1420 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1421 #~ msgstr "Zachovat strukturu složky pro nahrávky"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1424 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1425 #~ msgstr "Tato kategorie obsahuje pokročilá/expertní nastavení"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Welsh (United Kingdom) (\n"
12 "Language: cy_GB\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: cy_GB\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Enw defnyddiwr"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Cyfrinair"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Cysylltiad"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Eiconau"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3499 msgctxt "#30017"
35 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
36 msgstr "Defnyddio llwybr recordio cyfredol y blwch DVB"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
38105 msgctxt "#30018"
39106 msgid "General"
40107 msgstr "Cyffredinol"
109 #. label-category: channels
42110 msgctxt "#30019"
43111 msgid "Channels"
44112 msgstr "Sianeli"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
46116 msgctxt "#30020"
47117 msgid "Advanced"
48118 msgstr "Uwch"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
50127 msgctxt "#30023"
51 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
52 msgstr "Ffolder recordio ar y derbynnydd"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
54157 msgctxt "#30029"
55158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
56159 msgstr "Galluogi ffurfweddu awtomatig ar gyfer ffrydio'n fyw"
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
58162 msgctxt "#30030"
59 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
60 msgstr "Cadw strwythur y ffolderi ar gyfer recordiadau"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62222 msgctxt "#30042"
63223 msgid "Never"
64224 msgstr "Byth"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66237 msgctxt "#30045"
67238 msgid "Always"
68239 msgstr "Bob tro"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
70267 msgctxt "#30051"
71268 msgid "Login"
72269 msgstr "Mewngofnodi"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
74292 msgctxt "#30056"
75293 msgid "TV"
76294 msgstr "Teledu"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
78297 msgctxt "#30057"
79298 msgid "Radio"
80299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
82323 msgctxt "#30062"
83324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
84325 msgstr "Llwybr byffro Symud Amser"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
86328 msgctxt "#30063"
87329 msgid "Off"
88330 msgstr "Diffodd"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
90363 msgctxt "#30070"
91364 msgid "Recordings"
92365 msgstr "Recordiadau"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
94368 msgctxt "#30071"
95369 msgid "Recordings"
96370 msgstr "Recordiadau"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
98490 msgctxt "#30094"
99491 msgid "N/A"
100492 msgstr "Dim ar Gael"
494 #. application: Admin
102495 msgctxt "#30095"
103496 msgid "True"
104497 msgstr "Gwir"
499 #. application: Admin
106500 msgctxt "#30096"
107501 msgid "False"
108502 msgstr "Gau"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
110545 msgctxt "#30105"
111546 msgid "Other"
112547 msgstr "Arall"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
114606 msgctxt "#30117"
115607 msgid "Disabled"
116608 msgstr "Analluogwyd"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
118860 msgctxt "#30430"
119861 msgid "Disabled"
120862 msgstr "Analluogwyd"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Defnyddio llwybr recordio cyfredol y blwch DVB"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Ffolder recordio ar y derbynnydd"
1426 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1427 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1428 #~ msgstr "Cadw strwythur y ffolderi ar gyfer recordiadau"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Danish (Denmark) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-04 21:11+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Danish <>\n"
12 "Language: da_dk\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: da_DK\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7.1\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Enigma2-værtsnavn eller IP-adresse"
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
2234 msgctxt "#30003"
2335 msgid "Username"
2436 msgstr "Brugernavn"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2639 msgctxt "#30004"
2740 msgid "Password"
2841 msgstr "Adgangskode"
43 #. label-category: connection
3044 msgctxt "#30005"
3145 msgid "Connection"
3246 msgstr "Forbindelse"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3449 msgctxt "#30006"
3550 msgid "Icons"
3651 msgstr "Ikoner"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
3859 msgctxt "#30008"
3960 msgid "Icon path"
4061 msgstr "Ikonsti"
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4264 msgctxt "#30009"
4365 msgid "Update Interval"
4466 msgstr "Opdateringsinterval"
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
4669 msgctxt "#30011"
4770 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
4871 msgstr "Automatisk oprydning af timerliste"
73 #. label: Connection - webport
5074 msgctxt "#30012"
5175 msgid "Web interface port"
5276 msgstr "Port for netgrænseflade"
78 #. label: Channels - zap
5479 msgctxt "#30013"
5580 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
5681 msgstr "Zap før kanalskift (dvs. for single tuner-bokse)"
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
5889 msgctxt "#30015"
5990 msgid "Update interval"
6091 msgstr "Opdateringsinterval"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6299 msgctxt "#30017"
63 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
64 msgstr "Brug kun DVB-boksens nuværende sti til optagelser"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
66105 msgctxt "#30018"
67106 msgid "General"
68107 msgstr "Generelt"
109 #. label-category: channels
70110 msgctxt "#30019"
71111 msgid "Channels"
72112 msgstr "Kanaler"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
74116 msgctxt "#30020"
75117 msgid "Advanced"
76118 msgstr "Avanceret"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
78127 msgctxt "#30023"
79 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
80 msgstr "Optagelsesmappe på modtageren"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
82152 msgctxt "#30028"
83153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
84154 msgstr "Brug sikker HTTP (https)"
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
86157 msgctxt "#30029"
87158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
88159 msgstr "Aktiver automatisk konfiguration for live udsendelser"
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
90162 msgctxt "#30030"
91 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
92164 msgstr "Gem mappestruktur for optagelser"
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
94167 msgctxt "#30031"
95168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
96169 msgstr "Sæsoner og episoder"
171 #. label-category: epg
98172 msgctxt "#30032"
99173 msgid "EPG"
100174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr "Aktiver automatiske timeroptagelser"
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
102187 msgctxt "#30035"
103188 msgid "Use file format"
104189 msgstr "Brug"
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
106207 msgctxt "#30039"
107208 msgid "Streaming"
108209 msgstr "Streaming"
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr "Vis resumé (fx. undettitel) før plottet"
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
110222 msgctxt "#30042"
111223 msgid "Never"
112224 msgstr "Aldrig"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
114227 msgctxt "#30043"
115228 msgid "In EPG only"
116229 msgstr "Kun i EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
118232 msgctxt "#30044"
119233 msgid "In recordings only"
120234 msgstr "Kun i optagelser"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
122237 msgctxt "#30045"
123238 msgid "Always"
124239 msgstr "Altid"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
126267 msgctxt "#30051"
127268 msgid "Login"
128269 msgstr "Brugernavn"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
130272 msgctxt "#30052"
131273 msgid "Misc"
132274 msgstr "Diverse"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
134292 msgctxt "#30056"
135293 msgid "TV"
136294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
138297 msgctxt "#30057"
139298 msgid "Radio"
140299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
142313 msgctxt "#30060"
143314 msgid "Timeshift"
144315 msgstr "Tidsforskydning"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
146323 msgctxt "#30062"
147324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
148325 msgstr "Stien til tidsforskydningsbuffer"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
150328 msgctxt "#30063"
151329 msgid "Off"
152330 msgstr "Fra"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
154338 msgctxt "#30065"
155339 msgid "On pause"
156340 msgstr "Sat på pause"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
158363 msgctxt "#30070"
159364 msgid "Recordings"
160365 msgstr "Optagelser"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
162368 msgctxt "#30071"
163369 msgid "Recordings"
164370 msgstr "Optagelser"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
166374 msgctxt "#30072"
167375 msgid "Timers"
168376 msgstr "Timeroptagelser"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
170435 msgctxt "#30083"
171436 msgid "addon error"
172437 msgstr "udvidelsesfejl"
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
174450 msgctxt "#30086"
175451 msgid "Backend"
176452 msgstr "Motor"
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
178455 msgctxt "#30087"
179456 msgid "Recording Padding"
180457 msgstr "Optagelsesmellemrum"
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
182470 msgctxt "#30090"
183471 msgid "Device Info"
184472 msgstr "Enhedsinfo"
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
186475 msgctxt "#30091"
187476 msgid "WebIf version"
188477 msgstr "Weblf-version"
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
190490 msgctxt "#30094"
191491 msgid "N/A"
192492 msgstr "N/A"
494 #. application: Admin
194495 msgctxt "#30095"
195496 msgid "True"
196497 msgstr "Sandt"
499 #. application: Admin
198500 msgctxt "#30096"
199501 msgid "False"
200502 msgstr "Falsk"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
202520 msgctxt "#30100"
203521 msgid "Update mode"
204522 msgstr "Opdateringstilstand"
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
206525 msgctxt "#30101"
207526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
208527 msgstr "Timere og optagelser"
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
210530 msgctxt "#30102"
211531 msgid "Timers only"
212532 msgstr "Kun timere"
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
214545 msgctxt "#30105"
215546 msgid "Other"
216547 msgstr "Anden"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
218580 msgctxt "#30112"
219581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
220582 msgstr "Sidst skannet (tv)"
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
222585 msgctxt "#30113"
223586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
224587 msgstr "Sidst skannet (radio)"
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
226606 msgctxt "#30117"
227607 msgid "Disabled"
228608 msgstr "Deaktiveret"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
230666 msgctxt "#30129"
231667 msgid "Kodi instances"
232668 msgstr "Kodi-instanser"
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
234671 msgctxt "#30130"
235672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
236673 msgstr "Kodi/E2-instanser"
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
238815 msgctxt "#30410"
239816 msgid "Automatic"
240817 msgstr "Automatisk"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
242859 msgctxt "#30430"
243860 msgid "Disabled"
244861 msgstr "Deaktiveret"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
2461388 msgctxt "#30761"
2471389 msgid "webifversion"
2481390 msgstr "webifversion"
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Brug kun DVB-boksens nuværende sti til optagelser"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Optagelsesmappe på modtageren"
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1426 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1427 #~ msgstr "Gem mappestruktur for optagelser"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
12 "Language: de_DE\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: de_DE\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Benutzername"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Passwort"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Verbindung"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Symbole"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
3463 msgctxt "#30009"
3564 msgid "Update Interval"
3665 msgstr "Aktualisierungsintervall"
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3889 msgctxt "#30015"
3990 msgid "Update interval"
4091 msgstr "Aktualisierungsintervall"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
4299 msgctxt "#30017"
43 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
44 msgstr "Nur den aktuellen Box-Aufnahmenpfad nutzen"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
46105 msgctxt "#30018"
47106 msgid "General"
48107 msgstr "Allgemein"
109 #. label-category: channels
50110 msgctxt "#30019"
51111 msgid "Channels"
52112 msgstr "Sender"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
54116 msgctxt "#30020"
55117 msgid "Advanced"
56118 msgstr "Erweitert"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
58127 msgctxt "#30023"
59 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
60 msgstr "Aufnahmeverzeichnis auf dem Receiver"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
62157 msgctxt "#30029"
63158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
64159 msgstr "Aktiviere die Autokonfiguration für Liveübertragungen"
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
66162 msgctxt "#30030"
67 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
68 msgstr "Behalte die Ordnerstruktur für Einträge"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
70172 msgctxt "#30032"
71173 msgid "EPG"
72174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
74187 msgctxt "#30035"
75188 msgid "Use file format"
76189 msgstr " Dateiformat verwenden"
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
78207 msgctxt "#30039"
79208 msgid "Streaming"
80209 msgstr "Streaming"
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
82222 msgctxt "#30042"
83223 msgid "Never"
84224 msgstr "Nie"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
86227 msgctxt "#30043"
87228 msgid "In EPG only"
88229 msgstr "Nur im EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
90232 msgctxt "#30044"
91233 msgid "In recordings only"
92234 msgstr "Nur in Aufnahmen"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
94237 msgctxt "#30045"
95238 msgid "Always"
96239 msgstr "Immer"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
98267 msgctxt "#30051"
99268 msgid "Login"
100269 msgstr "Anmeldung"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
102272 msgctxt "#30052"
103273 msgid "Misc"
104274 msgstr "verschiedenes"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
106292 msgctxt "#30056"
107293 msgid "TV"
108294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
110297 msgctxt "#30057"
111298 msgid "Radio"
112299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
114313 msgctxt "#30060"
115314 msgid "Timeshift"
116315 msgstr "Timeshift"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
118323 msgctxt "#30062"
119324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
120325 msgstr "Timeshift Puffer-Pfad"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
122328 msgctxt "#30063"
123329 msgid "Off"
124330 msgstr "Inaktiv"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
126333 msgctxt "#30064"
127334 msgid "On playback"
128335 msgstr "Beim Abspielen"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
130338 msgctxt "#30065"
131339 msgid "On pause"
132340 msgstr "Während der Pause"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
134363 msgctxt "#30070"
135364 msgid "Recordings"
136365 msgstr "Aufnahmen"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
138368 msgctxt "#30071"
139369 msgid "Recordings"
140370 msgstr "Aufnahmen"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
142374 msgctxt "#30072"
143375 msgid "Timers"
144376 msgstr "Timer"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
146490 msgctxt "#30094"
147491 msgid "N/A"
148492 msgstr "N/A"
494 #. application: Admin
150495 msgctxt "#30095"
151496 msgid "True"
152497 msgstr "Richtig"
499 #. application: Admin
154500 msgctxt "#30096"
155501 msgid "False"
156502 msgstr "Falsch"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
158545 msgctxt "#30105"
159546 msgid "Other"
160547 msgstr "Sonstiges"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
162606 msgctxt "#30117"
163607 msgid "Disabled"
164608 msgstr "Ausschalten"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
166815 msgctxt "#30410"
167816 msgid "Automatic"
168817 msgstr "Automatisch"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
170859 msgctxt "#30430"
171860 msgid "Disabled"
172861 msgstr "Ausschalten"
863 #. application: Timers
174864 msgctxt "#30431"
175865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
176866 msgstr "Aufnahme bei abweichenden EPG-Titel"
868 #. application: Timers
178869 msgctxt "#30432"
179870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
180871 msgstr "Aufnahme, wenn EPG-Titel und Kurzbeschreibung voneinander abweichen."
873 #. application: Timers
182874 msgctxt "#30433"
183875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
184876 msgstr "Aufnahme, wenn EPG-Titel und alle Beschreibung voneinander abweichen."
878 #. ################
879 #. notifications #
880 #. ################
881 #. notification: Client
186882 msgctxt "#30514"
187883 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
188884 msgstr "Pfad für den Zeitversatz Puffer existiert nicht"
886 #. notification: Enigma2
887 msgctxt "#30515"
888 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
889 msgstr ""
891 #. notification: Enigma2
892 msgctxt "#30516"
893 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
894 msgstr ""
896 #. notification: Enigma2
897 msgctxt "#30517"
898 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
899 msgstr ""
901 #. notification: Enigma2
902 msgctxt "#30518"
903 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
904 msgstr ""
906 #. notification: Enigma2
907 msgctxt "#30519"
908 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
909 msgstr ""
911 #. application: AutoTimer
912 #. application: Timer
913 msgctxt "#30520"
914 msgid "Invalid Channel"
915 msgstr ""
917 #. notification: Enigma2
918 msgctxt "#30521"
919 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
920 msgstr ""
922 #. notification: Enigma2
923 msgctxt "#30522"
924 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
925 msgstr ""
927 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
928 #. ############
929 #. help info #
930 #. ############
931 #. help info - Connection
932 #. help-category: connection
933 msgctxt "#30600"
934 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
935 msgstr ""
937 #. help: Connection - host
938 msgctxt "#30601"
939 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
940 msgstr ""
942 #. help: Connection - webport
943 msgctxt "#30602"
944 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
945 msgstr ""
947 #. help: Connection - use_secure
948 msgctxt "#30603"
949 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
950 msgstr ""
952 #. help: Connection - user
953 msgctxt "#30604"
954 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
955 msgstr ""
957 #. help: Connection - pass
958 msgctxt "#30605"
959 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
960 msgstr ""
962 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
963 msgctxt "#30606"
964 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
965 msgstr ""
967 #. help: Connection - streamport
968 msgctxt "#30607"
969 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
970 msgstr ""
972 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
973 msgctxt "#30608"
974 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
975 msgstr ""
977 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
978 msgctxt "#30609"
979 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
980 msgstr ""
982 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
983 msgctxt "#30610"
984 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
985 msgstr ""
987 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
988 msgctxt "#30611"
989 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
990 msgstr ""
992 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
993 #. help info - General
994 #. help-category: general
995 msgctxt "#30620"
996 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
997 msgstr ""
999 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1000 msgctxt "#30621"
1001 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1002 msgstr ""
1004 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1005 msgctxt "#30622"
1006 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1007 msgstr ""
1009 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1010 msgctxt "#30623"
1011 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1012 msgstr ""
1014 #. help: General - iconpath
1015 msgctxt "#30624"
1016 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1017 msgstr ""
1019 #. help: General - updateint
1020 msgctxt "#30625"
1021 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1022 msgstr ""
1024 #. help: General - updatemode
1025 msgctxt "#30626"
1026 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1027 msgstr ""
1029 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1030 msgctxt "#30627"
1031 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1032 msgstr ""
1034 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1035 msgctxt "#30628"
1036 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1037 msgstr ""
1039 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1040 msgctxt "#30629"
1041 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1042 msgstr ""
1044 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1045 #. help info - Channels
1046 #. help-category: channels
1047 msgctxt "#30640"
1048 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1049 msgstr ""
1051 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1052 msgctxt "#30641"
1053 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1054 msgstr ""
1056 #. help: Channels - zap
1057 msgctxt "#30642"
1058 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1059 msgstr ""
1061 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1062 msgctxt "#30643"
1063 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1064 msgstr ""
1066 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1071 msgctxt "#30644"
1072 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1073 msgstr ""
1075 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1076 msgctxt "#30645"
1077 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1078 msgstr ""
1080 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1081 msgctxt "#30646"
1082 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1083 msgstr ""
1085 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1086 msgctxt "#30647"
1087 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1088 msgstr ""
1090 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1095 msgctxt "#30648"
1096 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1097 msgstr ""
1099 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1100 msgctxt "#30649"
1101 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1102 msgstr ""
1104 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1105 msgctxt "#30650"
1106 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1107 msgstr ""
1109 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1110 msgctxt "#30651"
1111 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1112 msgstr ""
1114 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1115 msgctxt "#30652"
1116 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1117 msgstr ""
1119 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1120 msgctxt "#30653"
1121 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1122 msgstr ""
1124 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1125 msgctxt "#30654"
1126 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1127 msgstr ""
1129 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1130 msgctxt "#30655"
1131 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1132 msgstr ""
1134 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1135 msgctxt "#30656"
1136 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1137 msgstr ""
1139 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1140 #. help info - EPG
1141 #. help-category: epg
1142 msgctxt "#30660"
1143 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1144 msgstr ""
1146 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1147 msgctxt "#30661"
1148 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1149 msgstr ""
1151 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1152 msgctxt "#30662"
1153 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1154 msgstr ""
1156 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1157 msgctxt "#30663"
1158 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1159 msgstr ""
1161 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1162 msgctxt "#30664"
1163 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1164 msgstr ""
1166 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1167 msgctxt "#30665"
1168 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1169 msgstr ""
1171 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1172 msgctxt "#30666"
1173 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1174 msgstr ""
1176 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1177 msgctxt "#30667"
1178 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1179 msgstr ""
1181 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1182 msgctxt "#30668"
1183 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1184 msgstr ""
1186 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1187 msgctxt "#30669"
1188 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1189 msgstr ""
1191 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1192 #. help info - Recordings
1193 #. help-category: recordings
1194 msgctxt "#30680"
1195 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1196 msgstr ""
1198 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1199 msgctxt "#30681"
1200 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1201 msgstr ""
1203 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1204 msgctxt "#30682"
1205 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1206 msgstr ""
1208 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1209 msgctxt "#30683"
1210 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1211 msgstr ""
1213 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1214 msgctxt "#30684"
1215 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1216 msgstr ""
1218 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1219 msgctxt "#30685"
1220 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1221 msgstr ""
1223 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1224 msgctxt "#30686"
1225 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1226 msgstr ""
1228 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1229 msgctxt "#30687"
1230 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1231 msgstr ""
1233 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1234 msgctxt "#30688"
1235 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1236 msgstr ""
1238 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1239 msgctxt "#30689"
1240 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1241 msgstr ""
1243 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1244 msgctxt "#30690"
1245 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1246 msgstr ""
1248 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1249 msgctxt "#30691"
1250 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1251 msgstr ""
1253 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1254 #. help info - Timers
1255 #. help-category: timers
1256 msgctxt "#30700"
1257 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1258 msgstr ""
1260 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1261 msgctxt "#30701"
1262 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1263 msgstr ""
1265 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1266 msgctxt "#30702"
1267 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1268 msgstr ""
1270 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1271 msgctxt "#30703"
1272 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1273 msgstr ""
1275 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1276 msgctxt "#30704"
1277 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1278 msgstr ""
1280 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1281 msgctxt "#30705"
1282 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1283 msgstr ""
1285 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1286 msgctxt "#30706"
1287 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1288 msgstr ""
1290 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1291 #. help info - Timeshift
1292 #. help-category: timeshift
1293 msgctxt "#30720"
1294 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1295 msgstr ""
1297 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1298 msgctxt "#30721"
1299 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1300 msgstr ""
1302 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1303 msgctxt "#30722"
1304 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1305 msgstr ""
1307 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1308 msgctxt "#30723"
1309 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1310 msgstr ""
1312 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1313 msgctxt "#30724"
1314 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1315 msgstr ""
1317 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1318 msgctxt "#30725"
1319 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1320 msgstr ""
1322 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1323 msgctxt "#30726"
1324 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1325 msgstr ""
1327 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1328 msgctxt "#30727"
1329 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1330 msgstr ""
1332 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1333 msgctxt "#30728"
1334 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1335 msgstr ""
1337 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1338 #. help info - Advanced
1339 #. help-category: advanced
1340 msgctxt "#30740"
1341 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1342 msgstr ""
1344 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1345 msgctxt "#30741"
1346 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1347 msgstr ""
1349 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1350 msgctxt "#30742"
1351 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1352 msgstr ""
1354 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1355 msgctxt "#30743"
1356 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1357 msgstr ""
1359 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1360 msgctxt "#30744"
1361 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1362 msgstr ""
1364 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1365 msgctxt "#30745"
1366 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1367 msgstr ""
1369 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1370 msgctxt "#30746"
1371 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1372 msgstr ""
1374 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1375 msgctxt "#30747"
1376 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1377 msgstr ""
1379 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1380 #. help info - Backend
1381 #. help-category: backend
1382 msgctxt "#30760"
1383 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1384 msgstr ""
1386 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1387 msgctxt "#30761"
1388 msgid "webifversion"
1389 msgstr ""
1391 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1392 msgctxt "#30762"
1393 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1394 msgstr ""
1396 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1397 msgctxt "#30763"
1398 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1399 msgstr ""
1401 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1402 msgctxt "#30764"
1403 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1404 msgstr ""
1406 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1407 msgctxt "#30765"
1408 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1409 msgstr ""
1411 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1412 msgctxt "#30766"
1413 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1414 msgstr ""
1416 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1417 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1418 #~ msgstr "Nur den aktuellen Box-Aufnahmenpfad nutzen"
1420 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1421 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1422 #~ msgstr "Aufnahmeverzeichnis auf dem Receiver"
1424 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1425 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1426 #~ msgstr "Behalte die Ordnerstruktur für Einträge"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Greek (Greece) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Greek <>\n"
12 "Language: el_gr\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: el_GR\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
2036 msgstr "Όνομα χρήστη"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "Κωδικός πρόσβασης"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
2846 msgstr "Σύνδεση"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
3251 msgstr "Εικονίδια"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
3490 msgctxt "#30015"
3591 msgid "Update interval"
36 msgstr "Διάστημα ενημέρωσης "
92 msgstr "Διάστημα ενημέρωσης"
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
38100 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Χρήση μόνο της τρέχουσας διαδρομής εγγραφών του DVB"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
42106 msgctxt "#30018"
43107 msgid "General"
44108 msgstr "Γενικά"
110 #. label-category: channels
46111 msgctxt "#30019"
47112 msgid "Channels"
48113 msgstr "Κανάλια"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50117 msgctxt "#30020"
51118 msgid "Advanced"
52119 msgstr "Για προχωρημένους"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54128 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Φάκελος εγγραφών στο δέκτη"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
158 msgctxt "#30029"
159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
160 msgstr ""
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
163 msgctxt "#30030"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
58173 msgctxt "#30032"
59174 msgid "EPG"
60175 msgstr "EPG"
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62223 msgctxt "#30042"
63224 msgid "Never"
64225 msgstr "Ποτέ"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66228 msgctxt "#30043"
67229 msgid "In EPG only"
68230 msgstr "Μόνο στο EPG"
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70233 msgctxt "#30044"
71234 msgid "In recordings only"
72235 msgstr "Μόνο στις εγγραφές"
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74238 msgctxt "#30045"
75239 msgid "Always"
76240 msgstr "Πάντα"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
78268 msgctxt "#30051"
79269 msgid "Login"
80270 msgstr "Σύνδεση"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
82273 msgctxt "#30052"
83274 msgid "Misc"
84275 msgstr "Διάφορα"
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86293 msgctxt "#30056"
87294 msgid "TV"
88295 msgstr "Τηλεόραση"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90298 msgctxt "#30057"
91299 msgid "Radio"
92300 msgstr "Ραδιόφωνο"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94314 msgctxt "#30060"
95315 msgid "Timeshift"
96316 msgstr "Timeshift"
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98324 msgctxt "#30062"
99325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100326 msgstr "Διαδρομή προσωρινής αποθήκευσης Timeshift"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102329 msgctxt "#30063"
103330 msgid "Off"
104331 msgstr "Ανενεργή"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
334 msgctxt "#30064"
335 msgid "On playback"
336 msgstr ""
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
106364 msgctxt "#30070"
107365 msgid "Recordings"
108366 msgstr "Εγγραφές"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
110369 msgctxt "#30071"
111370 msgid "Recordings"
112371 msgstr "Εγγραφές"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
114375 msgctxt "#30072"
115376 msgid "Timers"
116377 msgstr "Χρονοδιακόπτες"
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
118491 msgctxt "#30094"
119492 msgid "N/A"
120493 msgstr "Α/Α"
495 #. application: Admin
122496 msgctxt "#30095"
123497 msgid "True"
124498 msgstr "Αληθές"
500 #. application: Admin
126501 msgctxt "#30096"
127502 msgid "False"
128503 msgstr "Ψευδές"
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
130546 msgctxt "#30105"
131547 msgid "Other"
132548 msgstr "Άλλα"
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
134607 msgctxt "#30117"
135608 msgid "Disabled"
136609 msgstr "Ανενεργή"
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
813 #. ##############
814 #. application #
815 #. ##############
816 #. application: Timers
817 msgctxt "#30410"
818 msgid "Automatic"
819 msgstr ""
821 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
822 #. application: Timers
823 msgctxt "#30420"
824 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
825 msgstr ""
827 #. application: Timers
828 msgctxt "#30421"
829 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
830 msgstr ""
832 #. application: Timers
833 msgctxt "#30422"
834 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
835 msgstr ""
837 #. application: Timers
838 msgctxt "#30423"
839 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
840 msgstr ""
842 #. application: Timers
843 msgctxt "#30424"
844 msgid "One time guide-based"
845 msgstr ""
847 #. application: Timers
848 msgctxt "#30425"
849 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
850 msgstr ""
852 #. application: Timers
853 msgctxt "#30426"
854 msgid "Auto guide-based"
855 msgstr ""
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
138861 msgctxt "#30430"
139862 msgid "Disabled"
140863 msgstr "Ανενεργή"
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1420 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1421 #~ msgstr "Χρήση μόνο της τρέχουσας διαδρομής εγγραφών του DVB"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1424 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1425 #~ msgstr "Φάκελος εγγραφών στο δέκτη"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: English (Australia) (\n"
12 "Language: en_AU\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: en_AU\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Username"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Password"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Connection"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Icons"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3499 msgctxt "#30017"
35 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
36 msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
38105 msgctxt "#30018"
39106 msgid "General"
40107 msgstr "General"
109 #. label-category: channels
42110 msgctxt "#30019"
43111 msgid "Channels"
44112 msgstr "Channels"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
46116 msgctxt "#30020"
47117 msgid "Advanced"
48118 msgstr "Advanced"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
50127 msgctxt "#30023"
51 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
52 msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
54222 msgctxt "#30042"
55223 msgid "Never"
56224 msgstr "Never"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58237 msgctxt "#30045"
59238 msgid "Always"
60239 msgstr "Always"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
62267 msgctxt "#30051"
63268 msgid "Login"
64269 msgstr "Login"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
66292 msgctxt "#30056"
67293 msgid "TV"
68294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
70297 msgctxt "#30057"
71298 msgid "Radio"
72299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
74323 msgctxt "#30062"
75324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
76325 msgstr "Timeshift buffer path"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
78328 msgctxt "#30063"
79329 msgid "Off"
80330 msgstr "Off"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
82363 msgctxt "#30070"
83364 msgid "Recordings"
84365 msgstr "Recordings"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
86368 msgctxt "#30071"
87369 msgid "Recordings"
88370 msgstr "Recordings"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
90495 msgctxt "#30095"
91496 msgid "True"
92497 msgstr "True"
499 #. application: Admin
94500 msgctxt "#30096"
95501 msgid "False"
96502 msgstr "False"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
98606 msgctxt "#30117"
99607 msgid "Disabled"
100608 msgstr "Disabled"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
102860 msgctxt "#30430"
103861 msgid "Disabled"
104862 msgstr "Disabled"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: English (New Zealand) (\n"
12 "Language: en_NZ\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: en_NZ\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Streaming port"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Username"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Password"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Connection"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Icons"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Icon path"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Update Interval"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Web interface port"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Update interval"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "General"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Channels"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Advanced"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Keep folder structure for records"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "Seasons and Episodes"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "Enable autotimers"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "Use file format"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Web Interface"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "Streaming"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "Stream read chunk size"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "Never"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "In EPG only"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "In recordings only"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "Always"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "Extract show info file"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "Login"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "Misc"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "Genre ID Mappings"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "Genre ID mappings file"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "Timeshift"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "Enable timeshift"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "Timeshift buffer path"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "Off"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "On playback"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "On pause"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "Use login for streams"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "Recordings"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "Recordings"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "Timers"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "All bouquets"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "As first bouquet"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "As last bouquet"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "Favourites (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "Favourites (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "unknown"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr " (Not connected!)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "addon error"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "Backend"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "Recording Padding"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "Global start padding"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "Global end padding"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "Device Info"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "WebIf version"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334478 msgctxt "#30092"
335479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336480 msgstr "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338483 msgctxt "#30093"
339484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340485 msgstr "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 #. application: Admin
342488 msgctxt "#30094"
343489 msgid "N/A"
344490 msgstr "N/A"
492 #. application: Admin
346493 msgctxt "#30095"
347494 msgid "True"
348495 msgstr "True"
497 #. application: Admin
350498 msgctxt "#30096"
351499 msgid "False"
352500 msgstr "False"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354503 msgctxt "#30097"
355504 msgid "Standby"
356505 msgstr "Standby"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358508 msgctxt "#30098"
359509 msgid "Deep standby"
360510 msgstr "Deep standby"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362513 msgctxt "#30099"
363514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364515 msgstr "Wakeup, then standby"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
366518 msgctxt "#30100"
367519 msgid "Update mode"
368520 msgstr "Update mode"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370523 msgctxt "#30101"
371524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372525 msgstr "Timers and recordings"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374528 msgctxt "#30102"
375529 msgid "Timers only"
376530 msgstr "Timers only"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378533 msgctxt "#30103"
379534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380535 msgstr "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382538 msgctxt "#30104"
383539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384540 msgstr "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386543 msgctxt "#30105"
387544 msgid "Other"
388545 msgstr "Other"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390548 msgctxt "#30106"
391549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392550 msgstr "EPG update delay per channel"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394553 msgctxt "#30107"
395554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396555 msgstr "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398558 msgctxt "#30108"
399559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400560 msgstr "Enable EDLs support"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402563 msgctxt "#30109"
403564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404565 msgstr "EDL start time padding"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406568 msgctxt "#30110"
407569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408570 msgstr "EDL stop time padding"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410573 msgctxt "#30111"
411574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412575 msgstr "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
414578 msgctxt "#30112"
415579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416580 msgstr "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
418583 msgctxt "#30113"
419584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420585 msgstr "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422589 msgctxt "#30114"
423590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424591 msgstr "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426594 msgctxt "#30115"
427595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428596 msgstr "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430604 msgctxt "#30117"
431605 msgid "Disabled"
432606 msgstr "Disabled"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
434813 msgctxt "#30410"
435814 msgid "Automatic"
436815 msgstr "Automatic"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
438834 msgctxt "#30423"
439835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
440836 msgstr "Repeating time/channel based"
838 #. application: Timers
442839 msgctxt "#30424"
443840 msgid "One time guide-based"
444841 msgstr "One time guide-based"
843 #. application: Timers
446844 msgctxt "#30425"
447845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
448846 msgstr "Repeating guide-based"
848 #. application: Timers
450849 msgctxt "#30426"
451850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
452851 msgstr "Auto guide-based"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
454857 msgctxt "#30430"
455858 msgid "Disabled"
456859 msgstr "Disabled"
861 #. application: Timers
458862 msgctxt "#30431"
459863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
460864 msgstr "Record if EPG title differs"
866 #. application: Timers
462867 msgctxt "#30432"
463868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
464869 msgstr "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 #. application: Timers
466872 msgctxt "#30433"
467873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
468874 msgstr "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
470880 msgctxt "#30514"
471881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
472882 msgstr "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
474885 msgctxt "#30515"
475886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
476887 msgstr "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
478890 msgctxt "#30516"
479891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
480892 msgstr "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
482895 msgctxt "#30517"
483896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
484897 msgstr "Enigma2: No channels found"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Keep folder structure for records"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: English (United States) (\n"
12 "Language: en_US\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: en_US\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Streaming port"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Username"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Password"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Connection"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Icons"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4252 msgctxt "#30007"
4353 msgid "Program Streams"
4454 msgstr "Program Streams"
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4657 msgctxt "#30008"
4758 msgid "Icon path"
4859 msgstr "Icon path"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5062 msgctxt "#30009"
5163 msgid "Update Interval"
5264 msgstr "Update Interval"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5467 msgctxt "#30011"
5568 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5669 msgstr "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5872 msgctxt "#30012"
5973 msgid "Web interface port"
6074 msgstr "Web interface port"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
6277 msgctxt "#30013"
6378 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6479 msgstr "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6682 msgctxt "#30014"
6783 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6884 msgstr "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 #. label: General - updateint
7087 msgctxt "#30015"
7188 msgid "Update interval"
7289 msgstr "Update interval"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
7492 msgctxt "#30016"
7593 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
7694 msgstr "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7897 msgctxt "#30017"
79 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
80 msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
82103 msgctxt "#30018"
83104 msgid "General"
84105 msgstr "General"
107 #. label-category: channels
86108 msgctxt "#30019"
87109 msgid "Channels"
88110 msgstr "Channels"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
90114 msgctxt "#30020"
91115 msgid "Advanced"
92116 msgstr "Advanced"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
94125 msgctxt "#30023"
95 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
96 msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
98130 msgctxt "#30024"
99131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
100132 msgstr "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
102135 msgctxt "#30025"
103136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
104137 msgstr "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
106140 msgctxt "#30026"
107141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
108142 msgstr "TV bouquet 1"
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
110145 msgctxt "#30027"
111146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
112147 msgstr "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
114150 msgctxt "#30028"
115151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
116152 msgstr "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
118155 msgctxt "#30029"
119156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
120157 msgstr "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
122160 msgctxt "#30030"
123 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
124 msgstr "Keep folder structure for records"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
126165 msgctxt "#30031"
127166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
128167 msgstr "Seasons and Episodes"
169 #. label-category: epg
130170 msgctxt "#30032"
131171 msgid "EPG"
132172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
134175 msgctxt "#30033"
135176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
136177 msgstr "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
138180 msgctxt "#30034"
139181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
140182 msgstr "Enable autotimers"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
142185 msgctxt "#30035"
143186 msgid "Use file format"
144187 msgstr "Use file format"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
146190 msgctxt "#30036"
147191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
148192 msgstr "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
150195 msgctxt "#30037"
151196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
152197 msgstr "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
154200 msgctxt "#30038"
155201 msgid "Web Interface"
156202 msgstr "Web Interface"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
158205 msgctxt "#30039"
159206 msgid "Streaming"
160207 msgstr "Streaming"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
162210 msgctxt "#30040"
163211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
164212 msgstr "Put outline (e.g. subtitle) before plot"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
166215 msgctxt "#30041"
167216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
168217 msgstr "Stream read chunk size"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
170220 msgctxt "#30042"
171221 msgid "Never"
172222 msgstr "Never"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
174225 msgctxt "#30043"
175226 msgid "In EPG only"
176227 msgstr "In EPG only"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
178230 msgctxt "#30044"
179231 msgid "In recordings only"
180232 msgstr "In recordings only"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
182235 msgctxt "#30045"
183236 msgid "Always"
184237 msgstr "Always"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
186240 msgctxt "#30046"
187241 msgid "Extract show info file"
188242 msgstr "Extract show info file"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
190245 msgctxt "#30047"
191246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
192247 msgstr "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
194250 msgctxt "#30048"
195251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
196252 msgstr "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
198255 msgctxt "#30049"
199256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
200257 msgstr "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
202260 msgctxt "#30050"
203261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
204262 msgstr "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
206265 msgctxt "#30051"
207266 msgid "Login"
208267 msgstr "Login"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
210270 msgctxt "#30052"
211271 msgid "Misc"
212272 msgstr "Misc"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
214275 msgctxt "#30053"
215276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
216277 msgstr "Genre ID Mappings"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
218280 msgctxt "#30054"
219281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
220282 msgstr "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
222285 msgctxt "#30055"
223286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
224287 msgstr "Genre ID mappings file"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
226290 msgctxt "#30056"
227291 msgid "TV"
228292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
230295 msgctxt "#30057"
231296 msgid "Radio"
232297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
234300 msgctxt "#30058"
235301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
236302 msgstr "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
238305 msgctxt "#30059"
239306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
240307 msgstr "Radio bouquet 1"
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
242311 msgctxt "#30060"
243312 msgid "Timeshift"
244313 msgstr "Timeshift"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
246316 msgctxt "#30061"
247317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
248318 msgstr "Enable timeshift"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
250321 msgctxt "#30062"
251322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
252323 msgstr "Timeshift buffer path"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
254326 msgctxt "#30063"
255327 msgid "Off"
256328 msgstr "Off"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
258331 msgctxt "#30064"
259332 msgid "On playback"
260333 msgstr "On playback"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
262336 msgctxt "#30065"
263337 msgid "On pause"
264338 msgstr "On pause"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
266341 msgctxt "#30066"
267342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
268343 msgstr "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
270346 msgctxt "#30067"
271347 msgid "Use login for streams"
272348 msgstr "Use login for streams"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
274351 msgctxt "#30068"
275352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
276353 msgstr "Fetch TV favorites bouquet"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
278356 msgctxt "#30069"
279357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
280358 msgstr "Fetch radio favorites bouquet"
360 #. label-category: recordings
282361 msgctxt "#30070"
283362 msgid "Recordings"
284363 msgstr "Recordings"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
286366 msgctxt "#30071"
287367 msgid "Recordings"
288368 msgstr "Recordings"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
290372 msgctxt "#30072"
291373 msgid "Timers"
292374 msgstr "Timers"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
294377 msgctxt "#30073"
295378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
296379 msgstr "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
298383 msgctxt "#30074"
299384 msgid "All bouquets"
300385 msgstr "All bouquets"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
302389 msgctxt "#30075"
303390 msgid "Some bouquets"
304391 msgstr "Some bouquets"
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
306395 msgctxt "#30076"
307396 msgid "As first bouquet"
308397 msgstr "As first bouquet"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
310401 msgctxt "#30077"
311402 msgid "As last bouquet"
312403 msgstr "As last bouquet"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
314407 msgctxt "#30078"
315408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
316409 msgstr "Favorites bouquet"
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
318412 msgctxt "#30079"
319413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
320414 msgstr "Favorites (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
322417 msgctxt "#30080"
323418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
324419 msgstr "Favorites (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
326423 msgctxt "#30081"
327424 msgid "unknown"
328425 msgstr "unknown"
427 #. application: Client
330428 msgctxt "#30082"
331429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
332430 msgstr " (Not connected!)"
432 #. application: Client
334433 msgctxt "#30083"
335434 msgid "addon error"
336435 msgstr "addon error"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
338448 msgctxt "#30086"
339449 msgid "Backend"
340450 msgstr "Backend"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
342453 msgctxt "#30087"
343454 msgid "Recording Padding"
344455 msgstr "Recording Padding"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
346458 msgctxt "#30088"
347459 msgid "Global start padding"
348460 msgstr "Global start padding"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
350463 msgctxt "#30089"
351464 msgid "Global end padding"
352465 msgstr "Global end padding"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
354468 msgctxt "#30090"
355469 msgid "Device Info"
356470 msgstr "Device Info"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
358473 msgctxt "#30091"
359474 msgid "WebIf version"
360475 msgstr "WebIf version"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
362478 msgctxt "#30092"
363479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
364480 msgstr "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
366483 msgctxt "#30093"
367484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
368485 msgstr "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 #. application: Admin
370488 msgctxt "#30094"
371489 msgid "N/A"
372490 msgstr "N/A"
492 #. application: Admin
374493 msgctxt "#30095"
375494 msgid "True"
376495 msgstr "True"
497 #. application: Admin
378498 msgctxt "#30096"
379499 msgid "False"
380500 msgstr "False"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
382503 msgctxt "#30097"
383504 msgid "Standby"
384505 msgstr "Standby"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
386508 msgctxt "#30098"
387509 msgid "Deep standby"
388510 msgstr "Deep standby"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
390513 msgctxt "#30099"
391514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
392515 msgstr "Wakeup, then standby"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
394518 msgctxt "#30100"
395519 msgid "Update mode"
396520 msgstr "Update mode"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
398523 msgctxt "#30101"
399524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
400525 msgstr "Timers and recordings"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
402528 msgctxt "#30102"
403529 msgid "Timers only"
404530 msgstr "Timers only"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
406533 msgctxt "#30103"
407534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
408535 msgstr "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
410538 msgctxt "#30104"
411539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
412540 msgstr "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
414543 msgctxt "#30105"
415544 msgid "Other"
416545 msgstr "Other"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
418548 msgctxt "#30106"
419549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
420550 msgstr "EPG update delay per channel"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
422553 msgctxt "#30107"
423554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
424555 msgstr "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
426558 msgctxt "#30108"
427559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
428560 msgstr "Enable EDLs support"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
430563 msgctxt "#30109"
431564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
432565 msgstr "EDL start time padding"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
434568 msgctxt "#30110"
435569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
436570 msgstr "EDL stop time padding"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
438573 msgctxt "#30111"
439574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
440575 msgstr "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
442578 msgctxt "#30112"
443579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
444580 msgstr "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
446583 msgctxt "#30113"
447584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
448585 msgstr "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
450589 msgctxt "#30114"
451590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
452591 msgstr "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
454594 msgctxt "#30115"
455595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
456596 msgstr "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
458599 msgctxt "#30116"
459600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
460601 msgstr "Channels and groups update mode"
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
462604 msgctxt "#30117"
463605 msgid "Disabled"
464606 msgstr "Disabled"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
466609 msgctxt "#30118"
467610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
468611 msgstr "Notify on UI and Log"
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
470614 msgctxt "#30119"
471615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
472616 msgstr "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
474619 msgctxt "#30120"
475620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
476621 msgstr "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
478624 msgctxt "#30121"
479625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
480626 msgstr "Connection check timeout"
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
482629 msgctxt "#30122"
483630 msgid "Connection check interval"
484631 msgstr "Connection check interval"
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
486634 msgctxt "#30123"
487635 msgid "Autotimers"
488636 msgstr "Autotimers"
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
490639 msgctxt "#30124"
491640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
492641 msgstr "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
494644 msgctxt "#30125"
495645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
496646 msgstr "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
498649 msgctxt "#30126"
499650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
500651 msgstr "Use standard channel service reference"
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
502654 msgctxt "#30127"
503655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
504656 msgstr "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
506659 msgctxt "#30128"
507660 msgid "Share last played across:"
508661 msgstr "Share last played across:"
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
510664 msgctxt "#30129"
511665 msgid "Kodi instances"
512666 msgstr "Kodi instances"
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
514669 msgctxt "#30130"
515670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
516671 msgstr "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
518675 msgctxt "#30131"
519676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
520677 msgstr "Custom bouquets"
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
522680 msgctxt "#30132"
523681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
524682 msgstr "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
526685 msgctxt "#30133"
527686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
528687 msgstr "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
530690 msgctxt "#30134"
531691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
532692 msgstr "Number of TV bouquets"
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
534695 msgctxt "#30135"
535696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
536697 msgstr "TV bouquet 2"
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
538700 msgctxt "#30136"
539701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
540702 msgstr "TV bouquet 3"
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
542705 msgctxt "#30137"
543706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
544707 msgstr "TV bouquet 4"
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
546710 msgctxt "#30138"
547711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
548712 msgstr "TV bouquet 5"
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
550715 msgctxt "#30139"
551716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
552717 msgstr "Number of radio bouquets"
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
554720 msgctxt "#30140"
555721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
556722 msgstr "Radio bouquet 2"
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
558725 msgctxt "#30141"
559726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
560727 msgstr "Radio bouquet 3"
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
562730 msgctxt "#30142"
563731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
564732 msgstr "Radio bouquet 4"
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
566735 msgctxt "#30143"
567736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
568737 msgstr "Radio bouquet 5"
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
570740 msgctxt "#30144"
571741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
572742 msgstr "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
574813 msgctxt "#30410"
575814 msgid "Automatic"
576815 msgstr "Automatic"
817 #. application: Timers
578818 msgctxt "#30420"
579819 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
580820 msgstr "Once off timer (auto)"
822 #. application: Timers
582823 msgctxt "#30421"
583824 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
584825 msgstr "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 #. application: Timers
586828 msgctxt "#30422"
587829 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
588830 msgstr "Once off timer (channel)"
832 #. application: Timers
590833 msgctxt "#30423"
591834 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
592835 msgstr "Repeating time/channel based"
837 #. application: Timers
594838 msgctxt "#30424"
595839 msgid "One time guide-based"
596840 msgstr "One time guide-based"
842 #. application: Timers
598843 msgctxt "#30425"
599844 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
600845 msgstr "Repeating guide-based"
847 #. application: Timers
602848 msgctxt "#30426"
603849 msgid "Auto guide-based"
604850 msgstr "Auto guide-based"
852 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
853 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
855 #. application: Timers
606856 msgctxt "#30430"
607857 msgid "Disabled"
608858 msgstr "Disabled"
860 #. application: Timers
610861 msgctxt "#30431"
611862 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
612863 msgstr "Record if EPG title differs"
865 #. application: Timers
614866 msgctxt "#30432"
615867 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
616868 msgstr "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
870 #. application: Timers
618871 msgctxt "#30433"
619872 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
620873 msgstr "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
875 #. ################
876 #. notifications #
877 #. ################
878 #. notification: Client
622879 msgctxt "#30514"
623880 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
624881 msgstr "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
883 #. notification: Enigma2
626884 msgctxt "#30515"
627885 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
628886 msgstr "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
888 #. notification: Enigma2
630889 msgctxt "#30516"
631890 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
632891 msgstr "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
893 #. notification: Enigma2
634894 msgctxt "#30517"
635895 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
636896 msgstr "Enigma2: No channels found"
898 #. notification: Enigma2
638899 msgctxt "#30518"
639900 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
640901 msgstr "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 #. notification: Enigma2
642904 msgctxt "#30519"
643905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
644906 msgstr "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 #. application: AutoTimer
909 #. application: Timer
646910 msgctxt "#30520"
647911 msgid "Invalid Channel"
648912 msgstr "Invalid Channel"
914 #. notification: Enigma2
650915 msgctxt "#30521"
651916 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
652917 msgstr "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 #. notification: Enigma2
654920 msgctxt "#30522"
655921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
656922 msgstr "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 #. ############
925 #. help info #
926 #. ############
927 #. help info - Connection
928 #. help-category: connection
658929 msgctxt "#30600"
659930 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
660931 msgstr "This category contains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 #. help: Connection - host
662934 msgctxt "#30601"
663935 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
664936 msgstr "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 #. help: Connection - webport
666939 msgctxt "#30602"
667940 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
668941 msgstr "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 #. help: Connection - use_secure
670944 msgctxt "#30603"
671945 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
672946 msgstr "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 #. help: Connection - user
674949 msgctxt "#30604"
675950 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
676951 msgstr "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 #. help: Connection - pass
678954 msgctxt "#30605"
679955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
680956 msgstr "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
682959 msgctxt "#30606"
683960 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
684961 msgstr "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enabled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 #. help: Connection - streamport
686964 msgctxt "#30607"
687965 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
688966 msgstr "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
690969 msgctxt "#30608"
691970 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
692971 msgstr "Use https to connect to streams."
973 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
694974 msgctxt "#30609"
695975 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
696976 msgstr "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
698979 msgctxt "#30610"
699980 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
700981 msgstr "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
702984 msgctxt "#30611"
703985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
704986 msgstr "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 #. help info - General
989 #. help-category: general
706990 msgctxt "#30620"
707991 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
708992 msgstr "This category contains the settings which generally need to be set by the user"
994 #. help: General - onlinepicons
710995 msgctxt "#30621"
711996 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
712997 msgstr "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
999 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
7141000 msgctxt "#30622"
7151001 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
7161002 msgstr "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1004 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
7181005 msgctxt "#30623"
7191006 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
7201007 msgstr "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1009 #. help: General - iconpath
7221010 msgctxt "#30624"
7231011 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
7241012 msgstr "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1014 #. help: General - updateint
7261015 msgctxt "#30625"
7271016 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
7281017 msgstr "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1019 #. help: General - updatemode
7301020 msgctxt "#30626"
731 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
732 msgstr "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1021 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1022 msgstr ""
1024 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
7341025 msgctxt "#30627"
735 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
736 msgstr "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1026 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1027 msgstr ""
1029 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
7381030 msgctxt "#30628"
7391031 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
7401032 msgstr "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1034 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
7421035 msgctxt "#30629"
7431036 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
7441037 msgstr "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1039 #. help info - Channels
1040 #. help-category: channels
7461041 msgctxt "#30640"
7471042 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
7481043 msgstr "This category contains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1045 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
7501046 msgctxt "#30641"
7511047 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
7521048 msgstr "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behavior. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1050 #. help: Channels - zap
7541051 msgctxt "#30642"
755 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
756 msgstr "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1052 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
7581056 msgctxt "#30643"
759 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
760 msgstr "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favorites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favorites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1057 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1061 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1062 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1063 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
7621065 msgctxt "#30644"
763 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
764 msgstr "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favorites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1066 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
7661070 msgctxt "#30645"
767 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
768 msgstr "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favorites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favorites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1071 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
7701075 msgctxt "#30646"
7711076 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
7721077 msgstr "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1079 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
7741080 msgctxt "#30647"
775 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
776 msgstr "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favorites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favorites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1081 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1085 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1086 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1087 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
7781089 msgctxt "#30648"
779 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
780 msgstr "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favorites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1090 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
7821094 msgctxt "#30649"
783 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
784 msgstr "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favorites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favorites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1095 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
7861099 msgctxt "#30650"
7871100 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
7881101 msgstr "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1103 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
7901104 msgctxt "#30651"
7911105 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
7921106 msgstr "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1108 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
7941109 msgctxt "#30652"
7951110 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
7961111 msgstr "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1113 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
7981114 msgctxt "#30653"
7991115 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8001116 msgstr "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1118 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
8021119 msgctxt "#30654"
8031120 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8041121 msgstr "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
8061124 msgctxt "#30655"
8071125 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
8081126 msgstr "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurrence when loaded)."
1128 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1129 msgctxt "#30656"
1130 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help info - EPG
1134 #. help-category: epg
8101135 msgctxt "#30660"
8111136 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
8121137 msgstr "This category contains the settings for EPG (Electronic Program Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1139 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
8141140 msgctxt "#30661"
8151141 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
8161142 msgstr "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addition can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
8181145 msgctxt "#30662"
8191146 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
8201147 msgstr "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1149 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
8221150 msgctxt "#30663"
8231151 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
8241152 msgstr "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky U.K. for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre coloring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
8261155 msgctxt "#30664"
8271156 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
8281157 msgstr "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1159 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
8301160 msgctxt "#30665"
8311161 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
8321162 msgstr "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
8341165 msgctxt "#30666"
8351166 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
8361167 msgstr "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1169 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
8381170 msgctxt "#30667"
839 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
840 msgstr "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a period (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1171 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
8421175 msgctxt "#30668"
8431176 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
8441177 msgstr "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1179 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
8461180 msgctxt "#30669"
8471181 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
8481182 msgstr "Ignore the initial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1184 #. help info - Recordings
1185 #. help-category: recordings
8501186 msgctxt "#30680"
8511187 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
8521188 msgstr "This category contains the settings for recordings"
1190 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
8541191 msgctxt "#30681"
8551192 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
8561193 msgstr "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1195 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
8581196 msgctxt "#30682"
859 msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
860 msgstr "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1197 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
8621201 msgctxt "#30683"
8631202 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
8641203 msgstr "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1205 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
8661206 msgctxt "#30684"
8671207 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
8681208 msgstr "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1210 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
8701211 msgctxt "#30685"
871 msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
872 msgstr "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1212 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
8741216 msgctxt "#30686"
8751217 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
8761218 msgstr "EDLs are used to define commercials etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1220 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
8781221 msgctxt "#30687"
8791222 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
8801223 msgstr "Padding to use at an EDL stop. i.e. Use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1225 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
8821226 msgctxt "#30688"
8831227 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
8841228 msgstr "Padding to use at an EDL stop. i.e. Use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1230 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1231 msgctxt "#30689"
1232 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1236 msgctxt "#30690"
1237 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1241 msgctxt "#30691"
1242 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help info - Timers
1246 #. help-category: timers
8861247 msgctxt "#30700"
8871248 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
8881249 msgstr "This category contains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1251 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
8901252 msgctxt "#30701"
8911253 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
8921254 msgstr "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1256 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
8941257 msgctxt "#30702"
8951258 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
8961259 msgstr "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1261 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
8981262 msgctxt "#30703"
8991263 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
9001264 msgstr "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1266 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
9021267 msgctxt "#30704"
9031268 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
9041269 msgstr "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1271 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
9061272 msgctxt "#30705"
9071273 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
9081274 msgstr "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1276 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
9101277 msgctxt "#30706"
9111278 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
9121279 msgstr "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1281 #. help info - Timeshift
1282 #. help-category: timeshift
9141283 msgctxt "#30720"
9151284 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
9161285 msgstr "This category contains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1287 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
9181288 msgctxt "#30721"
919 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
920 msgstr "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1289 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
9221293 msgctxt "#30722"
9231294 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
9241295 msgstr "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1297 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1298 msgctxt "#30723"
1299 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1300 msgstr ""
1302 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1303 msgctxt "#30724"
1304 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1305 msgstr ""
1307 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1308 msgctxt "#30725"
1309 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1310 msgstr ""
1312 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1313 msgctxt "#30726"
1314 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1315 msgstr ""
1317 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1318 msgctxt "#30727"
1319 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1320 msgstr ""
1322 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1323 msgctxt "#30728"
1324 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1325 msgstr ""
1327 #. help info - Advanced
1328 #. help-category: advanced
9261329 msgctxt "#30740"
9271330 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
9281331 msgstr "This category contains advanced/expert settings"
1333 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
9301334 msgctxt "#30741"
9311335 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
9321336 msgstr "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1338 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
9341339 msgctxt "#30742"
935 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
936 msgstr "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1340 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
9381344 msgctxt "#30743"
9391345 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
9401346 msgstr "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1348 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
9421349 msgctxt "#30744"
943 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
944 msgstr "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1350 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
9461354 msgctxt "#30745"
9471355 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9481356 msgstr "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1358 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
9501359 msgctxt "#30746"
9511360 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9521361 msgstr "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1363 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
9541364 msgctxt "#30747"
9551365 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
9561366 msgstr "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1368 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1369 #. help info - Backend
1370 #. help-category: backend
9581371 msgctxt "#30760"
959 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
960 msgstr "This category contains advanced/expert settings"
1372 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Backend - webifversion
9621376 msgctxt "#30761"
9631377 msgid "webifversion"
9641378 msgstr "webifversion"
1380 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
9661381 msgctxt "#30762"
9671382 msgid "autotimertagintags"
9681383 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1385 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
9701386 msgctxt "#30763"
9711387 msgid "autotimernameintags"
9721388 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1390 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
9741391 msgctxt "#30764"
975 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
976 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1392 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
9781396 msgctxt "#30765"
979 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
980 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1397 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1401 msgctxt "#30766"
1402 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1406 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1407 #~ msgstr "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1409 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1410 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1411 #~ msgstr "Recording folder on the receiver"
1413 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1414 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1415 #~ msgstr "Keep folder structure for records"
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30626"
1418 #~ msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1419 #~ msgstr "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30627"
1422 #~ msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1423 #~ msgstr "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30642"
1426 #~ msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1427 #~ msgstr "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1429 #~ msgctxt "#30643"
1430 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1431 #~ msgstr "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favorites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favorites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1433 #~ msgctxt "#30644"
1434 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1435 #~ msgstr "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favorites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1437 #~ msgctxt "#30645"
1438 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1439 #~ msgstr "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favorites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favorites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1441 #~ msgctxt "#30647"
1442 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1443 #~ msgstr "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favorites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favorites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1445 #~ msgctxt "#30648"
1446 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1447 #~ msgstr "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favorites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1449 #~ msgctxt "#30649"
1450 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1451 #~ msgstr "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favorites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favorites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1453 #~ msgctxt "#30667"
1454 #~ msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1455 #~ msgstr "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a period (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1457 #~ msgctxt "#30682"
1458 #~ msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1459 #~ msgstr "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1461 #~ msgctxt "#30685"
1462 #~ msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1463 #~ msgstr "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1465 #~ msgctxt "#30721"
1466 #~ msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1467 #~ msgstr "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1469 #~ msgctxt "#30742"
1470 #~ msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1471 #~ msgstr "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1473 #~ msgctxt "#30744"
1474 #~ msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1475 #~ msgstr "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1477 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1478 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1479 #~ msgstr "This category contains advanced/expert settings"
1481 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1482 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1483 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1485 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1486 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1487 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Esperanto (\n"
12 "Language: eo\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: eo\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Uzulonomo"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "pasvorto"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
48 msgctxt "#30006"
49 msgid "Icons"
50 msgstr ""
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
26105 msgctxt "#30018"
27106 msgid "General"
28107 msgstr "Generalo"
109 #. label-category: channels
110 msgctxt "#30019"
111 msgid "Channels"
112 msgstr ""
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
30222 msgctxt "#30042"
31223 msgid "Never"
32224 msgstr "Never"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
237 msgctxt "#30045"
238 msgid "Always"
239 msgstr ""
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
292 msgctxt "#30056"
293 msgid "TV"
294 msgstr ""
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
34328 msgctxt "#30063"
35329 msgid "Off"
36330 msgstr "Off"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
38606 msgctxt "#30117"
39607 msgid "Disabled"
40608 msgstr "Disabled"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
42860 msgctxt "#30430"
43861 msgid "Disabled"
44862 msgstr "Disabled"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Spanish (Argentina) (\n"
12 "Language: es_AR\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: es_AR\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Usuario"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Contraseña"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Conexión"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Iconos"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Utilice sólo ruta de grabación actual de los cuadros DVB"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "General"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Canales"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Avanzado"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Carpeta de grabaciones en el receptor"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58222 msgctxt "#30042"
59223 msgid "Never"
60224 msgstr "Nunca"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62227 msgctxt "#30043"
63228 msgid "In EPG only"
64229 msgstr "Sólo en EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66232 msgctxt "#30044"
67233 msgid "In recordings only"
68234 msgstr "Sólo en grabaciones"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70237 msgctxt "#30045"
71238 msgid "Always"
72239 msgstr "Siempre"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
74267 msgctxt "#30051"
75268 msgid "Login"
76269 msgstr "Ingresar"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
78292 msgctxt "#30056"
79293 msgid "TV"
80294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
82297 msgctxt "#30057"
83298 msgid "Radio"
84299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
86313 msgctxt "#30060"
87314 msgid "Timeshift"
88315 msgstr "Timeshift"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
90323 msgctxt "#30062"
91324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
92325 msgstr "Ruta del buffer de Timeshift"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
94328 msgctxt "#30063"
95329 msgid "Off"
96330 msgstr "Desactivado"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
98363 msgctxt "#30070"
99364 msgid "Recordings"
100365 msgstr "Grabaciones"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
102368 msgctxt "#30071"
103369 msgid "Recordings"
104370 msgstr "Grabaciones"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
106374 msgctxt "#30072"
107375 msgid "Timers"
108376 msgstr "Temporizadores"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
110495 msgctxt "#30095"
111496 msgid "True"
112497 msgstr "Sí"
499 #. application: Admin
114500 msgctxt "#30096"
115501 msgid "False"
116502 msgstr "Falso"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
118545 msgctxt "#30105"
119546 msgid "Other"
120547 msgstr "Otro"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
122606 msgctxt "#30117"
123607 msgid "Disabled"
124608 msgstr "Deshabilitado"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
126815 msgctxt "#30410"
127816 msgid "Automatic"
128817 msgstr "Automático"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
130859 msgctxt "#30430"
131860 msgid "Disabled"
132861 msgstr "Deshabilitado"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Utilice sólo ruta de grabación actual de los cuadros DVB"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Carpeta de grabaciones en el receptor"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Spanish (Spain) (\n"
12 "Language: es_ES\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: es_ES\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Dirección IP o nombre de equipo Enigma2"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Puerto de emisión"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Usuario"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Contraseña"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Conexión"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Iconos"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4252 msgctxt "#30007"
4353 msgid "Program Streams"
4454 msgstr "Emisiones de Programa"
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4657 msgctxt "#30008"
4758 msgid "Icon path"
4859 msgstr "Ruta de icono"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5062 msgctxt "#30009"
5163 msgid "Update Interval"
5264 msgstr "Intervalo de Actualización"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5467 msgctxt "#30011"
5568 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5669 msgstr "Limpiar automáticamente la lista de programaciones"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5872 msgctxt "#30012"
5973 msgid "Web interface port"
6074 msgstr "Puerto de la interfaz web"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
6277 msgctxt "#30013"
6378 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6479 msgstr "Zap antes de cambio de canal (p.e. para sintonizadores únicos)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6682 msgctxt "#30014"
6783 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6884 msgstr "Ajusta el id de programa para un canal en directo o para emisiones grabadas."
86 #. label: General - updateint
7087 msgctxt "#30015"
7188 msgid "Update interval"
7289 msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
7492 msgctxt "#30016"
7593 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
7694 msgstr "Usar números de canales específicos del paquete según servidor"
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7897 msgctxt "#30017"
79 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
80 msgstr "Utilice sólo la ruta de grabación actual de los sintonizadores DVB"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
82103 msgctxt "#30018"
83104 msgid "General"
84105 msgstr "General"
107 #. label-category: channels
86108 msgctxt "#30019"
87109 msgid "Channels"
88110 msgstr "Canales"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
90114 msgctxt "#30020"
91115 msgid "Advanced"
92116 msgstr "Avanzado"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
94125 msgctxt "#30023"
95 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
96 msgstr "Carpeta de grabaciones en el receptor"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
98130 msgctxt "#30024"
99131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
100132 msgstr "Enviar apagar al salir del add-on"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
102135 msgctxt "#30025"
103136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
104137 msgstr "Modo de conseguir paquete de TV"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
106140 msgctxt "#30026"
107141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
108142 msgstr "Paquete TV 1"
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
110145 msgctxt "#30027"
111146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
112147 msgstr "Conseguir picons de la interfaz web"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
114150 msgctxt "#30028"
115151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
116152 msgstr "Usar HTTP Seguro (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
118155 msgctxt "#30029"
119156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
120157 msgstr "Actviar configuración automática para emisiones en directo"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
122160 msgctxt "#30030"
123 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
124 msgstr "Mantener estructura de carpetas para las grabaciones"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
126165 msgctxt "#30031"
127166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
128167 msgstr "Temporadas y Capítulos"
169 #. label-category: epg
130170 msgctxt "#30032"
131171 msgid "EPG"
132172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
134175 msgctxt "#30033"
135176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
136177 msgstr "Extraer información de temporada, episodio y año cuando sea posible"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
138180 msgctxt "#30034"
139181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
140182 msgstr "Activar programaciones automáticas"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
142185 msgctxt "#30035"
143186 msgid "Use file format"
144187 msgstr "Usar formato de archivo"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
146190 msgctxt "#30036"
147191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
148192 msgstr "Activar generación de programaciones repetidas"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
150195 msgctxt "#30037"
151196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
152197 msgstr "Registrar cuando género esté vacío"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
154200 msgctxt "#30038"
155201 msgid "Web Interface"
156202 msgstr "Interfaz Web"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
158205 msgctxt "#30039"
159206 msgid "Streaming"
160207 msgstr "Streaming"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
162210 msgctxt "#30040"
163211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
164212 msgstr "Poner frase (p.e. subtítulo) antes del argumento"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
166215 msgctxt "#30041"
167216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
168217 msgstr "Tamaño de fragmento de lectura de emisión"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
170220 msgctxt "#30042"
171221 msgid "Never"
172222 msgstr "Nunca"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
174225 msgctxt "#30043"
175226 msgid "In EPG only"
176227 msgstr "Solo con EPG"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
178230 msgctxt "#30044"
179231 msgid "In recordings only"
180232 msgstr "Solo gravaciones"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
182235 msgctxt "#30045"
183236 msgid "Always"
184237 msgstr "Siempre"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
186240 msgctxt "#30046"
187241 msgid "Extract show info file"
188242 msgstr "Extraer archivo de información del programa"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
190245 msgctxt "#30047"
191246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
192247 msgstr "Mapas Rytec para género"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
194250 msgctxt "#30048"
195251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
196252 msgstr "Activa los mapeados de Rytec para el género"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
198255 msgctxt "#30049"
199256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
200257 msgstr "Archivo de mapas Rytec para género"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
202260 msgctxt "#30050"
203261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
204262 msgstr "Apagado de TV en directo personalizado (0 por defecto)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
206265 msgctxt "#30051"
207266 msgid "Login"
208267 msgstr "Inicio de sesión"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
210270 msgctxt "#30052"
211271 msgid "Misc"
212272 msgstr "Otros"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
214275 msgctxt "#30053"
215276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
216277 msgstr "Mapas de ID Género"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
218280 msgctxt "#30054"
219281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
220282 msgstr "Activa los mapeados ID para el género"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
222285 msgctxt "#30055"
223286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
224287 msgstr "Archivo de mapas ID para género"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
226290 msgctxt "#30056"
227291 msgid "TV"
228292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
230295 msgctxt "#30057"
231296 msgid "Radio"
232297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
234300 msgctxt "#30058"
235301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
236302 msgstr "Modo de conseguir paquete de radio"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
238305 msgctxt "#30059"
239306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
240307 msgstr "Paquete Radio 1"
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
242311 msgctxt "#30060"
243312 msgid "Timeshift"
244313 msgstr "Timeshift"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
246316 msgctxt "#30061"
247317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
248318 msgstr "Activar timeshift"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
250321 msgctxt "#30062"
251322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
252323 msgstr "Ruta del buffer de Timeshift"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
254326 msgctxt "#30063"
255327 msgid "Off"
256328 msgstr "Desactivado"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
258331 msgctxt "#30064"
259332 msgid "On playback"
260333 msgstr "Reproduciendo"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
262336 msgctxt "#30065"
263337 msgid "On pause"
264338 msgstr "Pausado"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
266341 msgctxt "#30066"
267342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
268343 msgstr "Usar HTTP seguro (https) para las emisiones"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
270346 msgctxt "#30067"
271347 msgid "Use login for streams"
272348 msgstr "Usar usuario para las emisiones"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
274351 msgctxt "#30068"
275352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
276353 msgstr "Conseguir paquete de favoritos de TV"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
278356 msgctxt "#30069"
279357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
280358 msgstr "Conseguir paquete de favoritos de radio"
360 #. label-category: recordings
282361 msgctxt "#30070"
283362 msgid "Recordings"
284363 msgstr "Grabaciones"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
286366 msgctxt "#30071"
287367 msgid "Recordings"
288368 msgstr "Grabaciones"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
290372 msgctxt "#30072"
291373 msgid "Timers"
292374 msgstr "Programaciones"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
294377 msgctxt "#30073"
295378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
296379 msgstr "Número de repeticiones de programación a generar"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
298383 msgctxt "#30074"
299384 msgid "All bouquets"
300385 msgstr "Todos los paquetes"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
302389 msgctxt "#30075"
303390 msgid "Some bouquets"
304391 msgstr "Algunos paquetes"
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
306395 msgctxt "#30076"
307396 msgid "As first bouquet"
308397 msgstr "Como primer paquete"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
310401 msgctxt "#30077"
311402 msgid "As last bouquet"
312403 msgstr "Como último paquete"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
314407 msgctxt "#30078"
315408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
316409 msgstr "Paquete favoritos"
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
318412 msgctxt "#30079"
319413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
320414 msgstr "Favoritos (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
322417 msgctxt "#30080"
323418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
324419 msgstr "Favoritos (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
326423 msgctxt "#30081"
327424 msgid "unknown"
328425 msgstr "desconocido"
427 #. application: Client
330428 msgctxt "#30082"
331429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
332430 msgstr "(¡No conectado!)"
432 #. application: Client
334433 msgctxt "#30083"
335434 msgid "addon error"
336435 msgstr "error de add-on"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
338448 msgctxt "#30086"
339449 msgid "Backend"
340450 msgstr "Servidor"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
342453 msgctxt "#30087"
343454 msgid "Recording Padding"
344455 msgstr "Relleno de Grabación"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
346458 msgctxt "#30088"
347459 msgid "Global start padding"
348460 msgstr "Relleno global al empezar"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
350463 msgctxt "#30089"
351464 msgid "Global end padding"
352465 msgstr "Relleno global al terminar"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
354468 msgctxt "#30090"
355469 msgid "Device Info"
356470 msgstr "Info Dispositivo"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
358473 msgctxt "#30091"
359474 msgid "WebIf version"
360475 msgstr "Version WebIf"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
362478 msgctxt "#30092"
363479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
364480 msgstr "Etiqueta AutoTimer en etiquetas de programas"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
366483 msgctxt "#30093"
367484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
368485 msgstr "Nombre AutoTimer en etiquetas de programas"
487 #. application: Admin
370488 msgctxt "#30094"
371489 msgid "N/A"
372490 msgstr "N/D"
492 #. application: Admin
374493 msgctxt "#30095"
375494 msgid "True"
376495 msgstr "Sí"
497 #. application: Admin
378498 msgctxt "#30096"
379499 msgid "False"
380500 msgstr "Falso"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
382503 msgctxt "#30097"
383504 msgid "Standby"
384505 msgstr "Modo de espera"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
386508 msgctxt "#30098"
387509 msgid "Deep standby"
388510 msgstr "Modo de espera profundo"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
390513 msgctxt "#30099"
391514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
392515 msgstr "Despertar, después modo de espera"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
394518 msgctxt "#30100"
395519 msgid "Update mode"
396520 msgstr "Modo de actualización"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
398523 msgctxt "#30101"
399524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
400525 msgstr "Programas y grabaciones"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
402528 msgctxt "#30102"
403529 msgid "Timers only"
404530 msgstr "Solo programas"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
406533 msgctxt "#30103"
407534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
408535 msgstr "Usar ruta OpenWebIf"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
410538 msgctxt "#30104"
411539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
412540 msgstr "Activar registro de trazas en el modo depuración"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
414543 msgctxt "#30105"
415544 msgid "Other"
416545 msgstr "Otros"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
418548 msgctxt "#30106"
419549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
420550 msgstr "Retardo de actualización de EPG por canal"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
422553 msgctxt "#30107"
423554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
424555 msgstr "Grabando EDLs (Listas de Decisiones de Edición)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
426558 msgctxt "#30108"
427559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
428560 msgstr "Activar soporte EDLs"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
430563 msgctxt "#30109"
431564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
432565 msgstr "Tiempo añadido al inicio EDL"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
434568 msgctxt "#30110"
435569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
436570 msgstr "Tiempo añadido al final EDL"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
438573 msgctxt "#30111"
439574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
440575 msgstr "Activar registro de depuración en modo normal"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
442578 msgctxt "#30112"
443579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
444580 msgstr "Últimos Escaneados (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
446583 msgctxt "#30113"
447584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
448585 msgstr "Últimos Escaneados (Radio)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
450589 msgctxt "#30114"
451590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
452591 msgstr "Excluir paquete Últimos Escaneados"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
454594 msgctxt "#30115"
455595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
456596 msgstr "Saltar Carga Inicial EPG"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
458599 msgctxt "#30116"
459600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
460601 msgstr "Modo de actualización de canales y grupos"
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
462604 msgctxt "#30117"
463605 msgid "Disabled"
464606 msgstr "Desactivado"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
466609 msgctxt "#30118"
467610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
468611 msgstr "Notificar en UI y Log"
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
470614 msgctxt "#30119"
471615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
472616 msgstr "Recargar Canales y Grupos"
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
474619 msgctxt "#30120"
475620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
476621 msgstr "Hora de actualización de canales y grupos (24h)"
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
478624 msgctxt "#30121"
479625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
480626 msgstr "Tiempo de espera para comprobar conexión"
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
482629 msgctxt "#30122"
483630 msgid "Connection check interval"
484631 msgstr "Intervalo entre pruebas de conexión"
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
486634 msgctxt "#30123"
487635 msgid "Autotimers"
488636 msgstr "Autograbaciones"
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
490639 msgctxt "#30124"
491640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
492641 msgstr "Limitar autograbaciones de 'Cualquier Canal' a TV o Radio"
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
494644 msgctxt "#30125"
495645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
496646 msgstr "Limitar a grupos de canales originales EPG"
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
498649 msgctxt "#30126"
499650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
500651 msgstr "Usar referencias de servicio de canales estándar"
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
502654 msgctxt "#30127"
503655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
504656 msgstr "Guardar contador de último visto en el servidor"
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
506659 msgctxt "#30128"
507660 msgid "Share last played across:"
508661 msgstr "Compartir último visto en:"
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
510664 msgctxt "#30129"
511665 msgid "Kodi instances"
512666 msgstr "Instancias Kodi"
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
514669 msgctxt "#30130"
515670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
516671 msgstr "Instancias Kodi/E2"
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
518675 msgctxt "#30131"
519676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
520677 msgstr "Paquetes personalizados"
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
522680 msgctxt "#30132"
523681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
524682 msgstr "Archivo de paquete personalizado TV"
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
526685 msgctxt "#30133"
527686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
528687 msgstr "Archivo de paquete personalizado Radio"
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
530690 msgctxt "#30134"
531691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
532692 msgstr "Número de paquetes de TV"
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
534695 msgctxt "#30135"
535696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
536697 msgstr "Paquete TV 2"
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
538700 msgctxt "#30136"
539701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
540702 msgstr "Paquete TV 3"
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
542705 msgctxt "#30137"
543706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
544707 msgstr "Paquete TV 4"
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
546710 msgctxt "#30138"
547711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
548712 msgstr "Paquete TV 5"
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
550715 msgctxt "#30139"
551716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
552717 msgstr "Número de paquetes de Radio"
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
554720 msgctxt "#30140"
555721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
556722 msgstr "Paquete Radio 2"
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
558725 msgctxt "#30141"
559726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
560727 msgstr "Paquete Radio 3"
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
562730 msgctxt "#30142"
563731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
564732 msgstr "Paquete Radio 4"
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
566735 msgctxt "#30143"
567736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
568737 msgstr "Paquete Radio 5"
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
570740 msgctxt "#30144"
571741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
572742 msgstr "No hay registro de trazas de add-on en el modo depuración de Kodi"
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
574813 msgctxt "#30410"
575814 msgid "Automatic"
576815 msgstr "Automático"
817 #. application: Timers
578818 msgctxt "#30420"
579819 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
580820 msgstr "Programación Una vez (auto)"
822 #. application: Timers
582823 msgctxt "#30421"
583824 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
584825 msgstr "Programación Una vez (repetida)"
827 #. application: Timers
586828 msgctxt "#30422"
587829 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
588830 msgstr "Programación Una vez (canal)"
832 #. application: Timers
590833 msgctxt "#30423"
591834 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
592835 msgstr "Grabar reiteradamente/basado en canal"
837 #. application: Timers
594838 msgctxt "#30424"
595839 msgid "One time guide-based"
596840 msgstr "Una vez basado en guía"
842 #. application: Timers
598843 msgctxt "#30425"
599844 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
600845 msgstr "Repetidamente basado en guía"
847 #. application: Timers
602848 msgctxt "#30426"
603849 msgid "Auto guide-based"
604850 msgstr "Automáticamente basado en guía"
852 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
853 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
855 #. application: Timers
606856 msgctxt "#30430"
607857 msgid "Disabled"
608858 msgstr "Desactivado"
860 #. application: Timers
610861 msgctxt "#30431"
611862 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
612863 msgstr "Grabar si el título en EPG difiere"
865 #. application: Timers
614866 msgctxt "#30432"
615867 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
616868 msgstr "Grabar aunque el título y la descripción corta en EPG difiera"
870 #. application: Timers
618871 msgctxt "#30433"
619872 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
620873 msgstr "Grabar aunque el título y cualquier descripción en EPG difiera"
875 #. ################
876 #. notifications #
877 #. ################
878 #. notification: Client
622879 msgctxt "#30514"
623880 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
624881 msgstr "La ruta para el buffer de timeshift no existe"
883 #. notification: Enigma2
626884 msgctxt "#30515"
627885 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
628886 msgstr "Enigma2: Interfaz web inalcanzable"
888 #. notification: Enigma2
630889 msgctxt "#30516"
631890 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
632891 msgstr "Enigma2: Ningún grupo de canales encontrado"
893 #. notification: Enigma2
634894 msgctxt "#30517"
635895 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
636896 msgstr "Enigma2: Ningún canal encontrado"
898 #. notification: Enigma2
638899 msgctxt "#30518"
639900 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
640901 msgstr "Enigma2: Detectados cambios en los grupos de canales. Por favor, reinicia para cargar los cambios"
903 #. notification: Enigma2
642904 msgctxt "#30519"
643905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
644906 msgstr "Enigma2: Detectados cambios en los canales. Por favor, reinicia para cargar los cambios"
908 #. application: AutoTimer
909 #. application: Timer
646910 msgctxt "#30520"
647911 msgid "Invalid Channel"
648912 msgstr "Canal no válido"
914 #. notification: Enigma2
650915 msgctxt "#30521"
651916 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
652917 msgstr "Enigma2: Detectados cambios en los grupos de canales. Recargando..."
919 #. notification: Enigma2
654920 msgctxt "#30522"
655921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
656922 msgstr "Enigma2: Detectados cambios en los canales. Recargando..."
924 #. ############
925 #. help info #
926 #. ############
927 #. help info - Connection
928 #. help-category: connection
658929 msgctxt "#30600"
659930 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
660931 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes para conectar a un dispositivo Enigma2"
933 #. help: Connection - host
662934 msgctxt "#30601"
663935 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
664936 msgstr "La dirección IP o nombre de host del set-top box basado en Enigma2."
938 #. help: Connection - webport
666939 msgctxt "#30602"
667940 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
668941 msgstr "El puerto usado para conectar a la interfaz web."
943 #. help: Connection - use_secure
670944 msgctxt "#30603"
671945 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
672946 msgstr "Usar HTTPS para conectar a la interfaz web."
948 #. help: Connection - user
674949 msgctxt "#30604"
675950 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
676951 msgstr "Si la interfaz web del set-top box esta protegida con usuario/contraseña necesita informarse en esta opción"
953 #. help: Connection - pass
678954 msgctxt "#30605"
679955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
680956 msgstr "Si la interfaz web del set-top box esta protegida con usuario/contraseña necesita informarse en esta opción"
958 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
682959 msgctxt "#30606"
683960 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
684961 msgstr "Si se activa, la URL de la emisión se leerá de un archivo M3U8. Si se desactiva, se construirá en referencia al servicio del canal. Esta opción rara vez es requerida y no se debe activar a no ser que sea un caso especial. Esta opción no tiene efecto en los canales que emitan IPTV ."
963 #. help: Connection - streamport
686964 msgctxt "#30607"
687965 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
688966 msgstr "Esta opcion define el puerto de emisión que usa el set-top box para ver TV en directo. Por defecto es 8001 y suele ser correcto si el usuario no ha definido otro dentro de la interfaz web."
968 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
690969 msgctxt "#30608"
691970 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
692971 msgstr "Usar HTTPS para conectar a las emisiones."
973 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
694974 msgctxt "#30609"
695975 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
696976 msgstr "Usar el usuario y contraseña de acceso para las emisiones."
978 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
698979 msgctxt "#30610"
699980 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
700981 msgstr "Número de segundos de espera para verificar una conexión completa antes de considerarla fallida. Útil para sintonizadores antiguos Enigma2. Nota: este ajuste es necesario cambiarlo rara vez. Seguramente el ajuste 'Intervalo de comprobación de conexión' sea mas apropiado. Por defecto son 30 segundos."
983 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
702984 msgctxt "#30611"
703985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
704986 msgstr "El numero de segundos de espera entre comprobaciones de conexión. Útil para sintonizadores Enigma2 antiguos. Por defecto son 10 segundos."
988 #. help info - General
989 #. help-category: general
706990 msgctxt "#30620"
707991 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
708992 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes generales que suelen establecer el usuario"
994 #. help: General - onlinepicons
710995 msgctxt "#30621"
711996 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
712997 msgstr "Obtener los picons directamente del set-top box Enigma2."
999 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
7141000 msgctxt "#30622"
7151001 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
7161002 msgstr "Obtener el picon de OpenWebIf en lugar de construirlo con ServiceRef. Requiere OpenWebIf 1.3.5 o superior. No tiene efecto si se usa una versión inferior."
1004 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
7181005 msgctxt "#30623"
7191006 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
7201007 msgstr "Asumir que todos los picons que se han obtenido del set-top box empiezan con '1_1_1_' y terminan con '0_0_0'."
1009 #. help: General - iconpath
7221010 msgctxt "#30624"
7231011 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
7241012 msgstr "Para que Kodi muestre los logos de los canales, debes copiar los picons del set-top box en tu maquina Kodi. Luego debes especificar la ruta en esta propiedad."
1014 #. help: General - updateint
7261015 msgctxt "#30625"
7271016 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
7281017 msgstr "Como el set-top box también puede modificar grabaciones, borrarlas, etc y no notifica a Kodi, este add-on tiene que comprobar regularmente si hay cambios (nuevos canales, grabaciones, etc) Esta propiedad define cada cuanto comprueba los cambios. Es importante saber que actualizar esto frecuentemente puede evitar que el disco duro del receptor entre en reposo automáticamente."
1019 #. help: General - updatemode
7301020 msgctxt "#30626"
731 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
732 msgstr "Modo usado cuando el intervalo de actualización se supera. Ten en cuenta que si se detecta algún cambio de grabaciones siempre se hará independientemente del modo de actualización. Se puede elegir entre dos modos: [Programaciones y Grabaciones] Actualiza todas las grabaciones y las programaciones; [Solo Programaciones] Sólo actualiza las programaciones. Si es importante no hacer funcionar el HDD del STB se debe usar esta opción. El HDD solo funcionará cuando haya una programación."
1021 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1022 msgstr ""
1024 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
7341025 msgctxt "#30627"
735 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
736 msgstr "Modo usado cuando llega la hora definida en los ajustes. Se puede elegir entre tres modos; [Desactivado] Nunca comprueba cambios; [Notificar en UI y Log] Muesrta una notificación en la pantalla y registra el hecho de que hay cambios;[Recargar Canales y Grupos] Desconecta y reconecta con el dispositivo E2 para recargar los canales solo si se detecta algún cambio."
1026 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1027 msgstr ""
1029 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
7381030 msgctxt "#30628"
7391031 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
7401032 msgstr "La hora del día que se debe comprobar si hay cambios de canales. Por defecto es 4h, ya que el Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) en el dispositivo E2 lo hace a las 3AM."
1034 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
7421035 msgctxt "#30629"
7431036 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
7441037 msgstr "Algunos proveedores de TV (p. ej. Nos - Portugal) usan MPTS para enviar información extra del programa. Ajustar el id de programa correctamente permite a Kodi elegir la emision correcta y hacer la grabación reproducible. Nota: Si esto esta activo, hará que se tarde aproximadamente un 33% mas en abrir cualquier emisión."
1039 #. help info - Channels
1040 #. help-category: channels
7461041 msgctxt "#30640"
7471042 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
7481043 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes para los canales. Cuando cambian los paquetes es necesario borrar la caché de canales para que se haga efectivo. Se puede hacer eso en los ajustes de Kodi: 'Ajustes->PVR y TV en directo->General->Borrar cache'"
1045 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
7501046 msgctxt "#30641"
7511047 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
7521048 msgstr "Normalmente la referencia de servicio para los canales están en formato estándar '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. Algunas veces, dependiendo del proveedor, pueden incluir algún texto como 1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' o '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. Si esta opción esta activada, todo se leerá como la referencia del servicio. Es el comportamiento por defecto. Funcionalidades como las autograbaciones siempre se convierten a referencia de servicio."
1050 #. help: Channels - zap
7541051 msgctxt "#30642"
755 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
756 msgstr "Cuando se usa este add-on con un dispositivo con un solo sintonizador es necesario que el add-on pueda ser capaz de cambiar de canal en el set-top box. Si esta opción esta activada cada cambio de canal en Kodi implicará cambio de canal en el set-top box. La opción \"Permitir cambio de canal\" en la interfaz web del set-top box tiene que estar activada."
1052 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
7581056 msgctxt "#30643"
759 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
760 msgstr "Se puede elegir entre tres modos: [Todos los paquetes] Obtiene todos los paquetes de TV del set-top box; [Algunos paquetes] Solo obtiene los paquete especificados en la siguiente opción; [Grupo de Favoritos] Solo obtiene el paquete Favoritos de TV del sistema; [Grupo personalizado] Obtiene un conjunto de paquetes del STB cuyos nombres se leen desde un archivo XML."
1057 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1061 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1062 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1063 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
7621065 msgctxt "#30644"
763 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
764 msgstr "Si la opción anterior esta puesta en 'Algunos paquetes' se deben especificar qué paquetes de TV se tienen que coger del set-top box. El nombre tiene que ser tal y como aparece en el set-top box (P. ej. 'Favoritos (TV)'). Es sensible a mayúsculas."
1066 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
7661070 msgctxt "#30645"
767 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
768 msgstr "Si el modo de obtención es 'Todos los paquetes' o 'Algunos paquetes' depende de la imagen de Enigma2 si tienes que especificar también los favoritos si los necesitaras. Las opciones son: [Desactivado] No obtiene los favoritos de TV; [Como primer paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como primer paquete; [Como último paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como último paquete."
1071 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
7701075 msgctxt "#30646"
7711076 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
7721077 msgstr "Últimos escaneados es un paquete de sistema que contiene todos los canales de TV y Radio encontrados nuevos en el último escaneo. Cualquier canal de TV encontrado en el paquete Últimos Escaneados se puede mostrar en un grupo llamado 'Últimos Escaneados (TV)' en Kodi. En la TV este grupo es excluido por defecto. Desactivando esta opción excluirá este grupo. Si no hubiera otros grupos cargados, el grupo Últimos Escaneados de la TV se cargará por defecto independientemente de este ajuste."
1079 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
7741080 msgctxt "#30647"
775 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
776 msgstr "Se puede elegir entre tres modos: [Todos los paquetes] Obtiene todos los paquetes de Radio del set-top box; [Algunos paquetes] Solo obtiene los paquetes especificados en la siguiente opción; [Grupo de Favoritos] Solo obtiene el paquete Favoritos de Radio del sistema; [Grupo personalizado] Obtiene un conjunto de paquetes del STB cuyos nombres se leen desde un archivo XML."
1081 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1085 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1086 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1087 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
7781089 msgctxt "#30648"
779 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
780 msgstr "Si la opción anterior esta puesta en 'Algunos paquetes' se deben especificar qué paquetes de Radio se tienen que coger del set-top box. El nombre tiene que ser tal y como aparece en el set-top box (P. ej. 'Favoritos (Radio)'). Es sensible a mayúsculas."
1090 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
7821094 msgctxt "#30649"
783 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
784 msgstr "Si el modo de obtención es 'Todos los paquetes' o 'Algunos paquetes' depende de la imagen de Enigma2 si tienes que especificar también los favoritos si los necesitaras. Las opciones son: [Desactivado] No obtiene los favoritos de Radio; [Como primer paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como primer paquete; [Como último paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como último paquete."
1095 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
7861099 msgctxt "#30650"
7871100 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
7881101 msgstr "Últimos escaneados es un paquete de sistema que contiene todos los canales de TV y Radio encontrados nuevos en el último escaneo. Cualquier canal de Radio encontrado en el paquete Últimos Escaneados se puede mostrar en un grupo llamado 'Últimos Escaneados (Radio)' en Kodi. En Radio este grupo es excluido por defecto. Desactivando esta opción mostrará este grupo."
1103 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
7901104 msgctxt "#30651"
7911105 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
7921106 msgstr "El archivo usado para cargar los paquetes personalizados de TV (grupos). Si no hay ningún grupo coincidente, la lista de canales cambiará a 'Últimos Escaneados (TV)'. El archivo por defecto es 'customTVGroups-example.xml'."
1108 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
7941109 msgctxt "#30652"
7951110 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
7961111 msgstr "El archivo usado para cargar los paquetes personalizados de Radio (grupos). Si no hay ningún grupo coincidente, la lista de canales cambiará a 'Últimos Escaneados (Radio)'. El archivo por defecto es 'customRadioGroups-example.xml'."
1113 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
7981114 msgctxt "#30653"
7991115 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8001116 msgstr "Número de paquetes de TV a cargar cuando se elige 'Algunos paquetes'. Se pueden elegir hasta 5. Si se necesitan mas de 5, se debe usar la opción 'Paquetes personalizados'."
1118 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
8021119 msgctxt "#30654"
8031120 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8041121 msgstr "Número de paquetes de Radio a cargar cuando se elige 'Algunos paquetes'. Se pueden elegir hasta 5. Si se necesitan mas de 5, se debe usar la opción 'Paquetes personalizados'."
1123 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
8061124 msgctxt "#30655"
8071125 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
8081126 msgstr "Si esta opción se activa cada grupo en kodi se corresponderá exactamente con los números de canal usados en los paquetes del servidor. Si se desactiva (por defecto) cada canal tendrá solo un numero de canal en el servidor (el primero que cargue)."
1128 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1129 msgctxt "#30656"
1130 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help info - EPG
1134 #. help-category: epg
8101135 msgctxt "#30660"
8111136 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
8121137 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes para la EPG (Guía Electrónica de Programación). Excluir registrar campos de género vacíos que afecten a otras opciones necesitará de una limpieza de cache para que tenga efecto. Esto puede hacerse en 'Ajustes->PVR y TV en directo->Guía->Borrar cache' en Kodi tras reiniciar el add-on."
1139 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
8141140 msgctxt "#30661"
8151141 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
8161142 msgstr "Comprueba los campos descriptivos en los datos EPG e intenta sacar la información de temporada, episodio y año cuando sea posible. También puede sacar datos como nuevo, en directo o preestreno."
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
8181145 msgctxt "#30662"
8191146 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
8201147 msgstr "Configuración usada para extraer la información de temporada, episodio y año. El archivo por defecto es 'English-ShowInfo.xml'."
1149 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
8221150 msgctxt "#30663"
8231151 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
8241152 msgstr "Si el ID de género enviado en los datos EPG por el set-top box no usa el estándar DVB, convierte eso a los ID estándar DVB. Por ejemplo, Sky UK usa OpenTV. En ese caso, sin esta opción los colores y textos en Kodi serían incorrectos."
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
8261155 msgctxt "#30664"
8271156 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
8281157 msgstr "Configuración usada para convertir IDs de género EPG del set-top box al estandar DVB. El archivo por defecto es 'Sky-UK.xml'"
1159 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
8301160 msgctxt "#30665"
8311161 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
8321162 msgstr "Si se usan datos EPG Rytec XMLTV se puede usar esta opción para convertir el texto de género en IDs estándar de DVB."
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
8341165 msgctxt "#30666"
8351166 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
8361167 msgstr "Configuración usada para convertir textos de género Rytec al IDs DVB. El archivo por defecto es 'Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml'"
1169 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
8381170 msgctxt "#30667"
839 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
840 msgstr "Si quiere registrar los campos de género vacíos para informarlo hay que activar esta opción. Nota: Cualquier género encontrado que no tenga un equivalente será extraído y enviado a Kodi como texto. Actualmente estos géneros se pueden buscar como texto entre corchetes, p. ej. [Drama TV], o para subgrupos usando un punto (.) para separarlos [Drama TV. Culebrón]"
1171 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
8421175 msgctxt "#30668"
8431176 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
8441177 msgstr "En los dispositivos Enigma2 antiguos la actualización de EPG puede afectar a la calidad de emisión (cortes). Se puede introducir un retardo entre 250ms y 5000ms para mejorar la calidad. Solo se recomienda para dispositivos antiguos. Indica el valor mínimo para que no tenga cortes."
1179 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
8461180 msgctxt "#30669"
8471181 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
8481182 msgstr "Ignora la carga inicial de EPG (ahora y siguiente). Activado por defecto para prevenir problemas de cuelgues en LibreElec/CoreElec."
1184 #. help info - Recordings
1185 #. help-category: recordings
8501186 msgctxt "#30680"
8511187 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
8521188 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes de las grabaciones"
1190 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
8541191 msgctxt "#30681"
8551192 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
8561193 msgstr "Guardar la posición de la última reproducción en el servidor para poder compartirla entre varias instancias de Kodi. Solo soportado con OpenWebIf versión 1.3.6+."
1195 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
8581196 msgctxt "#30682"
859 msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
860 msgstr "Las opciones son: [Instancias Kodi] Solo se usa el valor en Kodi y no afecta al dispositivo E2; [Instancias Kodi/E2] Informa el valor entre Kodi y E2 para permanecer sincronizados. Se sincronizará con el dispositivo E2 una vez cada 5-10 minutos por cada grabación si se estan usando los menúes PVR. Nota: solo puede haber una instancia Kodi para activar esta opción."
1197 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
8621201 msgctxt "#30683"
8631202 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
8641203 msgstr "Por defecto, el add-on no tiene especificada ninguna carpeta para las nuevas grabaciones, así que se usar por defecto la del set-top box. Si se quiere usar otra carpeta (p. ej. tener las grabaciones de Kodi por separado) se debe ajustar en esta opción."
1205 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
8661206 msgctxt "#30684"
8671207 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
8681208 msgstr "Si esta opción no esta ajustada, el add-on obtendrá todas las grabaciones disponibles de todas las rutas configuradas en el set-top box. Si se ajusta esta opción solo mostrará las grabaciones almacenadas en la 'ruta actual de grabaciones' del set-top box."
1210 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
8701211 msgctxt "#30685"
871 msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
872 msgstr "Si se activa no hay que especificar ruta. Si esta desactivado (por defecto) hay que comprobar si la grabación tiene su propia carpeta o esta en la raíz de la ruta de grabaciones."
1212 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
8741216 msgctxt "#30686"
8751217 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
8761218 msgstr "Los EDL se usan para definir anuncios, etc, en las grabaciones. Si se usa una herramienta como Comskip para generar archivos EDL esto permitirá a Kodi usarla. P. ej. si hay un archivo llamado 'mi grabacion.ts' el archivo EDL debe llamarse 'mi grabacion.edl'. Nota: Activar esta opción no tiene efecto si los archivos no existen."
1220 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
8781221 msgctxt "#30687"
8791222 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
8801223 msgstr "Margen a usar en arranque EDL. Un numero negativo cortará antes y un positivo cortará después. Por defecto es 0."
1225 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
8821226 msgctxt "#30688"
8831227 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
8841228 msgstr "Margen a usar en parada EDL. Un numero negativo terminará de cortar antes y un positivo terminará de cortar después. Por defecto es 0."
1230 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1231 msgctxt "#30689"
1232 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1236 msgctxt "#30690"
1237 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1241 msgctxt "#30691"
1242 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help info - Timers
1246 #. help-category: timers
8861247 msgctxt "#30700"
8871248 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
8881249 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes para las programaciones (normales y automáticas)"
1251 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
8901252 msgctxt "#30701"
8911253 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
8921254 msgstr "Grabaciones repetitivas se mostrarán como grabaciones programadas. Activar esto hará que Kodi genere grabaciones programadas según las repeticiones para que la UI pueda mostrar en la agenda las grabaciones y cada repetición."
1256 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
8941257 msgctxt "#30702"
8951258 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
8961259 msgstr "Número de grabaciones programadas Kodi PVR a generar."
1261 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
8981262 msgctxt "#30703"
8991263 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
9001264 msgstr "Si se ajusta esta opción el add-on enviará la orden de borrar las grabaciones completadas desde el set-top box después de cada actualización."
1266 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
9021267 msgctxt "#30704"
9031268 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
9041269 msgstr "Cuando se activa esta opción es necesario ajustar algunas cosas en el set-top box para activar el enlace de AutoGrabaciones (Reglas de Grabaciones) a las Grabaciones en Kodi. Este add-on intenta ajustar esto automáticamente al arrancar."
1271 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
9061272 msgctxt "#30705"
9071273 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
9081274 msgstr "Si los grupos Últimos Escaneados están excluidos intenta limitar las nuevas autograbaciones a cada TV o Radio (dependiendo del canal usado para crear la autograbación). Si los grupos Últimos Escaneados no están excluidos este ajuste será ignorado."
1276 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
9101277 msgctxt "#30706"
9111278 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
9121279 msgstr "Para cada canal usado para crear la autograbación, limitar a los grupos de canales del que es miembro ese canal."
1281 #. help info - Timeshift
1282 #. help-category: timeshift
9141283 msgctxt "#30720"
9151284 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
9161285 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes para el TimeShift. TimeShift permite pausar la TV en directo y rebobinar y avanzar como si fuera una grabación. El buffer se limpiará cada vez que se cambie de canal o se deje de reproducir."
1287 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
9181288 msgctxt "#30721"
919 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
920 msgstr "Opciones de TimeShift: [Desactivado] Sin TimeShift; [Al Pausar] TimeShift empieza cuando se para una emisión en directo. P.ej, cuando se continúa desde donde estaba cuando se pausó; [Al Reproducir] TimeShift empieza al reproducir el canal. P.ej, cuando se quiere rebobinar a cualquier punto desde que se empezó a ver."
1289 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
9221293 msgctxt "#30722"
9231294 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
9241295 msgstr "Ruta para almacenar buffer de TimeShift. Por defecto es 'addon_data/pvr.vuplus' dentro de la carpeta userdata."
1297 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1298 msgctxt "#30723"
1299 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1300 msgstr ""
1302 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1303 msgctxt "#30724"
1304 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1305 msgstr ""
1307 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1308 msgctxt "#30725"
1309 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1310 msgstr ""
1312 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1313 msgctxt "#30726"
1314 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1315 msgstr ""
1317 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1318 msgctxt "#30727"
1319 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1320 msgstr ""
1322 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1323 msgctxt "#30728"
1324 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1325 msgstr ""
1327 #. help info - Advanced
1328 #. help-category: advanced
9261329 msgctxt "#30740"
9271330 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
9281331 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene ajustes avanzados/experto"
1333 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
9301334 msgctxt "#30741"
9311335 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
9321336 msgstr "Por defecto, la frase resumen (descripción corta en Enigma2) no se muestra en la UI. Puede mostrarse en la EPG, Grabaciones o ambas. Tras cambiar este ajuste se debe limpiar la cache en 'Ajustes->PVR y TV en directo->Guia->Borrar cache' para que tenga efecto."
1338 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
9341339 msgctxt "#30742"
935 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
936 msgstr "Si esta opción tiene un valor distinto a 'Desactivar', el add-on enviará una orden de Estado de alimentación al set-top box cuando Kodi se cierre (o se desactive el add-on): [Desactivado] No se envía ninguna orden; [En Espera] Manda la orden standby al salir; [En Espera Profunda] Manda la orden deep standby. Nota: El set-top box no responderá a Kodi tras esta orden; [Despierta y luego En Espera] Parecido a En Espera pero primero manda la orden Despierta. Es útil para asegurar que todas las emisiones se han parado. Nota: Si se usa CEC provocará que se encienda la TV. "
1340 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
9381344 msgctxt "#30743"
9391345 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
9401346 msgstr "Tiempo de espera para intentar leer una emisión en directo. Por defecto para directo es 0. Por defecto para TimeShift es 10 segundos."
1348 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
9421349 msgctxt "#30744"
943 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
944 msgstr "Tamaño de pedazo de video usado para las emisiones en Kodi. Por defecto 0, que permite a Kodi decidirlo."
1350 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
9461354 msgctxt "#30745"
9471355 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9481356 msgstr "Las opciones de registro de depuración se mostrarán para el add-on aunque el registro de depuración en Kodi no este activo. Nota: todos los registros se mostrarán con nivel NOTICE."
1358 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
9501359 msgctxt "#30746"
9511360 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9521361 msgstr "Se mostrarán registros muy detallados y precisos ademas del registro de depuración estandar. Si se activa junto a 'Activar registro de depuración en modo normal' ambas trazas y registros se mostrarán sin activar el registro de depuración. En este caso, ambos registros y trazas se mostrarán con nivel NOTICE."
1363 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
9541364 msgctxt "#30747"
9551365 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
9561366 msgstr "Las opciones de registro de depuración no se mostrarán para el add-on aunque el registro de depuración en Kodi esté activo. Es útil cuando se intenta depurar un error en Kodi que no esta relacionado con los add-ons."
1368 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1369 #. help info - Backend
1370 #. help-category: backend
9581371 msgctxt "#30760"
959 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
960 msgstr "Esta categoría contiene ajustes avanzados/experto"
1372 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Backend - webifversion
9621376 msgctxt "#30761"
9631377 msgid "webifversion"
9641378 msgstr "webifversion"
1380 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
9661381 msgctxt "#30762"
9671382 msgid "autotimertagintags"
9681383 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1385 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
9701386 msgctxt "#30763"
9711387 msgid "autotimernameintags"
9721388 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1390 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
9741391 msgctxt "#30764"
975 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
976 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1392 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
9781396 msgctxt "#30765"
979 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
980 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1397 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1401 msgctxt "#30766"
1402 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1406 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1407 #~ msgstr "Utilice sólo la ruta de grabación actual de los sintonizadores DVB"
1409 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1410 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1411 #~ msgstr "Carpeta de grabaciones en el receptor"
1413 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1414 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1415 #~ msgstr "Mantener estructura de carpetas para las grabaciones"
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30626"
1418 #~ msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1419 #~ msgstr "Modo usado cuando el intervalo de actualización se supera. Ten en cuenta que si se detecta algún cambio de grabaciones siempre se hará independientemente del modo de actualización. Se puede elegir entre dos modos: [Programaciones y Grabaciones] Actualiza todas las grabaciones y las programaciones; [Solo Programaciones] Sólo actualiza las programaciones. Si es importante no hacer funcionar el HDD del STB se debe usar esta opción. El HDD solo funcionará cuando haya una programación."
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30627"
1422 #~ msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1423 #~ msgstr "Modo usado cuando llega la hora definida en los ajustes. Se puede elegir entre tres modos; [Desactivado] Nunca comprueba cambios; [Notificar en UI y Log] Muesrta una notificación en la pantalla y registra el hecho de que hay cambios;[Recargar Canales y Grupos] Desconecta y reconecta con el dispositivo E2 para recargar los canales solo si se detecta algún cambio."
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30642"
1426 #~ msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1427 #~ msgstr "Cuando se usa este add-on con un dispositivo con un solo sintonizador es necesario que el add-on pueda ser capaz de cambiar de canal en el set-top box. Si esta opción esta activada cada cambio de canal en Kodi implicará cambio de canal en el set-top box. La opción \"Permitir cambio de canal\" en la interfaz web del set-top box tiene que estar activada."
1429 #~ msgctxt "#30643"
1430 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1431 #~ msgstr "Se puede elegir entre tres modos: [Todos los paquetes] Obtiene todos los paquetes de TV del set-top box; [Algunos paquetes] Solo obtiene los paquete especificados en la siguiente opción; [Grupo de Favoritos] Solo obtiene el paquete Favoritos de TV del sistema; [Grupo personalizado] Obtiene un conjunto de paquetes del STB cuyos nombres se leen desde un archivo XML."
1433 #~ msgctxt "#30644"
1434 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1435 #~ msgstr "Si la opción anterior esta puesta en 'Algunos paquetes' se deben especificar qué paquetes de TV se tienen que coger del set-top box. El nombre tiene que ser tal y como aparece en el set-top box (P. ej. 'Favoritos (TV)'). Es sensible a mayúsculas."
1437 #~ msgctxt "#30645"
1438 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1439 #~ msgstr "Si el modo de obtención es 'Todos los paquetes' o 'Algunos paquetes' depende de la imagen de Enigma2 si tienes que especificar también los favoritos si los necesitaras. Las opciones son: [Desactivado] No obtiene los favoritos de TV; [Como primer paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como primer paquete; [Como último paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como último paquete."
1441 #~ msgctxt "#30647"
1442 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1443 #~ msgstr "Se puede elegir entre tres modos: [Todos los paquetes] Obtiene todos los paquetes de Radio del set-top box; [Algunos paquetes] Solo obtiene los paquetes especificados en la siguiente opción; [Grupo de Favoritos] Solo obtiene el paquete Favoritos de Radio del sistema; [Grupo personalizado] Obtiene un conjunto de paquetes del STB cuyos nombres se leen desde un archivo XML."
1445 #~ msgctxt "#30648"
1446 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1447 #~ msgstr "Si la opción anterior esta puesta en 'Algunos paquetes' se deben especificar qué paquetes de Radio se tienen que coger del set-top box. El nombre tiene que ser tal y como aparece en el set-top box (P. ej. 'Favoritos (Radio)'). Es sensible a mayúsculas."
1449 #~ msgctxt "#30649"
1450 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1451 #~ msgstr "Si el modo de obtención es 'Todos los paquetes' o 'Algunos paquetes' depende de la imagen de Enigma2 si tienes que especificar también los favoritos si los necesitaras. Las opciones son: [Desactivado] No obtiene los favoritos de Radio; [Como primer paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como primer paquete; [Como último paquete] Explícitamente lo obtiene como último paquete."
1453 #~ msgctxt "#30667"
1454 #~ msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1455 #~ msgstr "Si quiere registrar los campos de género vacíos para informarlo hay que activar esta opción. Nota: Cualquier género encontrado que no tenga un equivalente será extraído y enviado a Kodi como texto. Actualmente estos géneros se pueden buscar como texto entre corchetes, p. ej. [Drama TV], o para subgrupos usando un punto (.) para separarlos [Drama TV. Culebrón]"
1457 #~ msgctxt "#30682"
1458 #~ msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1459 #~ msgstr "Las opciones son: [Instancias Kodi] Solo se usa el valor en Kodi y no afecta al dispositivo E2; [Instancias Kodi/E2] Informa el valor entre Kodi y E2 para permanecer sincronizados. Se sincronizará con el dispositivo E2 una vez cada 5-10 minutos por cada grabación si se estan usando los menúes PVR. Nota: solo puede haber una instancia Kodi para activar esta opción."
1461 #~ msgctxt "#30685"
1462 #~ msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1463 #~ msgstr "Si se activa no hay que especificar ruta. Si esta desactivado (por defecto) hay que comprobar si la grabación tiene su propia carpeta o esta en la raíz de la ruta de grabaciones."
1465 #~ msgctxt "#30721"
1466 #~ msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1467 #~ msgstr "Opciones de TimeShift: [Desactivado] Sin TimeShift; [Al Pausar] TimeShift empieza cuando se para una emisión en directo. P.ej, cuando se continúa desde donde estaba cuando se pausó; [Al Reproducir] TimeShift empieza al reproducir el canal. P.ej, cuando se quiere rebobinar a cualquier punto desde que se empezó a ver."
1469 #~ msgctxt "#30742"
1470 #~ msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1471 #~ msgstr "Si esta opción tiene un valor distinto a 'Desactivar', el add-on enviará una orden de Estado de alimentación al set-top box cuando Kodi se cierre (o se desactive el add-on): [Desactivado] No se envía ninguna orden; [En Espera] Manda la orden standby al salir; [En Espera Profunda] Manda la orden deep standby. Nota: El set-top box no responderá a Kodi tras esta orden; [Despierta y luego En Espera] Parecido a En Espera pero primero manda la orden Despierta. Es útil para asegurar que todas las emisiones se han parado. Nota: Si se usa CEC provocará que se encienda la TV. "
1473 #~ msgctxt "#30744"
1474 #~ msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1475 #~ msgstr "Tamaño de pedazo de video usado para las emisiones en Kodi. Por defecto 0, que permite a Kodi decidirlo."
1477 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1478 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1479 #~ msgstr "Esta categoría contiene ajustes avanzados/experto"
1481 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1482 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1483 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1485 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1486 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1487 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Spanish (Mexico) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Spanish (Mexico) <>\n"
12 "Language: es_mx\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: es_MX\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Nombre de host o dirección IP de Enigma2"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Puerto de steaming"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Usuario"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Contraseña"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Conexión"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Iconos"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Ruta del icono"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
5074 msgctxt "#30012"
5175 msgid "Web interface port"
5276 msgstr "Puerto para interface web"
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
5489 msgctxt "#30015"
5590 msgid "Update interval"
5691 msgstr "Intervalo de actualización."
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
5899 msgctxt "#30017"
59 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
60 msgstr "Use sólo la ruta de grabación actual de las cajas DVB"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
62105 msgctxt "#30018"
63106 msgid "General"
64107 msgstr "General"
109 #. label-category: channels
66110 msgctxt "#30019"
67111 msgid "Channels"
68112 msgstr "Canales"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
70116 msgctxt "#30020"
71117 msgid "Advanced"
72118 msgstr "Avanzado"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
74127 msgctxt "#30023"
75 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
76 msgstr "Carpeta de grabación en el receptor"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
78132 msgctxt "#30024"
79133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
80134 msgstr "Envía mode powerstate sobre la salida del complemento"
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
82152 msgctxt "#30028"
83153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
84154 msgstr "Usa HTTP seguro (https)"
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
86157 msgctxt "#30029"
87158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
88159 msgstr "Activa configuración automática para live streams"
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
90162 msgctxt "#30030"
91 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
92 msgstr "Mantiene estructura de carpetas para grabaciones"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
94167 msgctxt "#30031"
95168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
96169 msgstr "Temporadas y Episodios"
171 #. label-category: epg
98172 msgctxt "#30032"
99173 msgid "EPG"
100174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
102177 msgctxt "#30033"
103178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
104179 msgstr "Extrae temporada, episodio e información del año donde sea posible"
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
106187 msgctxt "#30035"
107188 msgid "Use file format"
108189 msgstr "Usa formato de archivo"
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
110202 msgctxt "#30038"
111203 msgid "Web Interface"
112204 msgstr "Interface web"
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
114207 msgctxt "#30039"
115208 msgid "Streaming"
116209 msgstr "Streaming"
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
118222 msgctxt "#30042"
119223 msgid "Never"
120224 msgstr "Nunca"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
122227 msgctxt "#30043"
123228 msgid "In EPG only"
124229 msgstr "Sólo en EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
126232 msgctxt "#30044"
127233 msgid "In recordings only"
128234 msgstr "solo en grabaciones"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
130237 msgctxt "#30045"
131238 msgid "Always"
132239 msgstr "Siempre"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
134242 msgctxt "#30046"
135243 msgid "Extract show info file"
136 msgstr "Extrae información de la serie del archivo"
244 msgstr "Extrae información de la serie del archivo"
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
138267 msgctxt "#30051"
139268 msgid "Login"
140269 msgstr "iniciar sesión"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
142272 msgctxt "#30052"
143273 msgid "Misc"
144274 msgstr "Misc"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
146292 msgctxt "#30056"
147293 msgid "TV"
148294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
150297 msgctxt "#30057"
151298 msgid "Radio"
152299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
154313 msgctxt "#30060"
155314 msgid "Timeshift"
156315 msgstr "Cambio de hora"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
158323 msgctxt "#30062"
159324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
160325 msgstr "Ruta del buffer de TimeShift"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
162328 msgctxt "#30063"
163329 msgid "Off"
164330 msgstr "apagado"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
166333 msgctxt "#30064"
167334 msgid "On playback"
168335 msgstr "En reproducción"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
170338 msgctxt "#30065"
171339 msgid "On pause"
172340 msgstr "En pausa"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
174343 msgctxt "#30066"
175344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
176345 msgstr "Usa HTTPS seguro (https) para streams"
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
178348 msgctxt "#30067"
179349 msgid "Use login for streams"
180350 msgstr "Usa login para streams"
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
182363 msgctxt "#30070"
183364 msgid "Recordings"
184365 msgstr "Grabaciones"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
186368 msgctxt "#30071"
187369 msgid "Recordings"
188370 msgstr "Grabaciones"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
190374 msgctxt "#30072"
191375 msgid "Timers"
192376 msgstr "Temporizadores"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
194414 msgctxt "#30079"
195415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
196416 msgstr "Favoritos (TV)"
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
198419 msgctxt "#30080"
199420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
200421 msgstr "Favoritos (Radio)"
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
202425 msgctxt "#30081"
203426 msgid "unknown"
204427 msgstr "desconocido"
429 #. application: Client
206430 msgctxt "#30082"
207431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
208432 msgstr "(No conectado!)"
434 #. application: Client
210435 msgctxt "#30083"
211436 msgid "addon error"
212437 msgstr "Error de complemento"
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
214470 msgctxt "#30090"
215471 msgid "Device Info"
216472 msgstr "Información del dispositivo"
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
218475 msgctxt "#30091"
219476 msgid "WebIf version"
220477 msgstr "Versión Weblf"
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
222490 msgctxt "#30094"
223491 msgid "N/A"
224492 msgstr "N/A"
494 #. application: Admin
226495 msgctxt "#30095"
227496 msgid "True"
228497 msgstr "Sí"
499 #. application: Admin
230500 msgctxt "#30096"
231501 msgid "False"
232502 msgstr "Falso"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
234505 msgctxt "#30097"
235506 msgid "Standby"
236507 msgstr "En espera"
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
238510 msgctxt "#30098"
239511 msgid "Deep standby"
240512 msgstr "Espera profunda"
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
242515 msgctxt "#30099"
243516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
244517 msgstr "Despertar, entonces en espera"
519 #. label: General - updatemode
246520 msgctxt "#30100"
247521 msgid "Update mode"
248522 msgstr "Modo de actualización"
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
250545 msgctxt "#30105"
251546 msgid "Other"
252547 msgstr "Otro"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
254606 msgctxt "#30117"
255607 msgid "Disabled"
256608 msgstr "Deshabilitado"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
258815 msgctxt "#30410"
259816 msgid "Automatic"
260817 msgstr "Automático"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
262859 msgctxt "#30430"
263860 msgid "Disabled"
264861 msgstr "Deshabilitado"
863 #. application: Timers
266864 msgctxt "#30431"
267865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
268866 msgstr "Graba si los títulos son diferentes"
868 #. application: Timers
270869 msgctxt "#30432"
271870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
272871 msgstr "Graba si el titulo y la descripción corta del EPG son diferentes"
873 #. application: Timers
274874 msgctxt "#30433"
275875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
276876 msgstr "Graba si el título y todas las descripciones del EPG son diferentes"
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Use sólo la ruta de grabación actual de las cajas DVB"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Carpeta de grabación en el receptor"
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1426 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1427 #~ msgstr "Mantiene estructura de carpetas para grabaciones"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (\n"
12 "Language: et_EE\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: et_EE\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Kasutajanimi"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Salasõna"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Ühendus"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Ikoonid"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Uuendamise vahemik"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Kasutage ainult praeguse DVB boksi salvestamisasukohta"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Üldine"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Kanalid"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Põhjalikumad seaded"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Salvestus kaust vastuvõtjas"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58222 msgctxt "#30042"
59223 msgid "Never"
60224 msgstr "Mitte kunagi"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62237 msgctxt "#30045"
63238 msgid "Always"
64239 msgstr "Alati"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
66267 msgctxt "#30051"
67268 msgid "Login"
68269 msgstr "Logi sisse"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
70292 msgctxt "#30056"
71293 msgid "TV"
72294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
74297 msgctxt "#30057"
75298 msgid "Radio"
76299 msgstr "Raadio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
78323 msgctxt "#30062"
79324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
80325 msgstr "Ajanihke puhverduse rada"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
82328 msgctxt "#30063"
83329 msgid "Off"
84330 msgstr "Väljas"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
86363 msgctxt "#30070"
87364 msgid "Recordings"
88365 msgstr "Salvestused"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
90368 msgctxt "#30071"
91369 msgid "Recordings"
92370 msgstr "Salvestused"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
94374 msgctxt "#30072"
95375 msgid "Timers"
96376 msgstr "Taimerid"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
98495 msgctxt "#30095"
99496 msgid "True"
100497 msgstr "Nüüd saate lõõgastuda"
499 #. application: Admin
102500 msgctxt "#30096"
103501 msgid "False"
104502 msgstr "Ei ole"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
106545 msgctxt "#30105"
107546 msgid "Other"
108547 msgstr "Muu"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
110606 msgctxt "#30117"
111607 msgid "Disabled"
112608 msgstr "Keelatud"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
114860 msgctxt "#30430"
115861 msgid "Disabled"
116862 msgstr "Keelatud"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Kasutage ainult praeguse DVB boksi salvestamisasukohta"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Salvestus kaust vastuvõtjas"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Basque (Spain) (\n"
12 "Language: eu_ES\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: eu_ES\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Pasahitza"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Ikonoak"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3089 msgctxt "#30015"
3190 msgid "Update interval"
3291 msgstr "Eguneraketa denbora-tartea"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
34105 msgctxt "#30018"
35106 msgid "General"
36107 msgstr "Orokorra"
109 #. label-category: channels
38110 msgctxt "#30019"
39111 msgid "Channels"
40112 msgstr "Kateak"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
42116 msgctxt "#30020"
43117 msgid "Advanced"
44118 msgstr "Aurreratua"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46222 msgctxt "#30042"
47223 msgid "Never"
48224 msgstr "Inoiz ez"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50237 msgctxt "#30045"
51238 msgid "Always"
52239 msgstr "Beti"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
54267 msgctxt "#30051"
55268 msgid "Login"
56269 msgstr "Hasi saioa"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
58292 msgctxt "#30056"
59293 msgid "TV"
60294 msgstr "TB"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
62297 msgctxt "#30057"
63298 msgid "Radio"
64299 msgstr "Irratia"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
66313 msgctxt "#30060"
67314 msgid "Timeshift"
68315 msgstr "Denbora aldaketa"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
70328 msgctxt "#30063"
71329 msgid "Off"
72330 msgstr "Desgaituta"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
74363 msgctxt "#30070"
75364 msgid "Recordings"
76365 msgstr "Grabazioak"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
78368 msgctxt "#30071"
79369 msgid "Recordings"
80370 msgstr "Grabazioak"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
82374 msgctxt "#30072"
83375 msgid "Timers"
84376 msgstr "Programazioak"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
86495 msgctxt "#30095"
87496 msgid "True"
88497 msgstr "Egia"
499 #. application: Admin
90500 msgctxt "#30096"
91501 msgid "False"
92502 msgstr "Gezurra"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
94545 msgctxt "#30105"
95546 msgid "Other"
96547 msgstr "Bestelakoak"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
98606 msgctxt "#30117"
99607 msgid "Disabled"
100608 msgstr "Desgaituta"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
102815 msgctxt "#30410"
103816 msgid "Automatic"
104817 msgstr "Automatikoa"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
106859 msgctxt "#30430"
107860 msgid "Disabled"
108861 msgstr "Desgaituta"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Persian (Afghanistan) (\n"
12 "Language: fa_AF\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: fa_AF\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "نام کاربری"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "کلمه عبور"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "اتصال"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
48 msgctxt "#30006"
49 msgid "Icons"
50 msgstr ""
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "عمومی"
109 #. label-category: channels
110 msgctxt "#30019"
111 msgid "Channels"
112 msgstr ""
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
34116 msgctxt "#30020"
35117 msgid "Advanced"
36118 msgstr "پیشرفته"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
38222 msgctxt "#30042"
39223 msgid "Never"
40224 msgstr "هرگز"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42237 msgctxt "#30045"
43238 msgid "Always"
44239 msgstr "همیشه"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
46292 msgctxt "#30056"
47293 msgid "TV"
48294 msgstr "تلوزیون"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
50328 msgctxt "#30063"
51329 msgid "Off"
52330 msgstr "خاموش"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
54606 msgctxt "#30117"
55607 msgid "Disabled"
56608 msgstr "غیرفعال"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
58860 msgctxt "#30430"
59861 msgid "Disabled"
60862 msgstr "غیرفعال"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Persian (Iran) (\n"
12 "Language: fa_IR\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: fa_IR\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "نام کاربری"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "رمز عبور"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "آیکون"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "عمومی"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "کانال ها"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
38116 msgctxt "#30020"
39117 msgid "Advanced"
40118 msgstr "پیشرفته"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42222 msgctxt "#30042"
43223 msgid "Never"
44224 msgstr "هرگز"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46237 msgctxt "#30045"
47238 msgid "Always"
48239 msgstr "همیشه"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
50267 msgctxt "#30051"
51268 msgid "Login"
52269 msgstr "ورود"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
54292 msgctxt "#30056"
55293 msgid "TV"
56294 msgstr "تلویزیون"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
58297 msgctxt "#30057"
59298 msgid "Radio"
60299 msgstr "رادیو"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
62328 msgctxt "#30063"
63329 msgid "Off"
64330 msgstr "خاموش"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
66363 msgctxt "#30070"
67364 msgid "Recordings"
68365 msgstr "ضبط شده ها"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
70368 msgctxt "#30071"
71369 msgid "Recordings"
72370 msgstr "ضبط شده ها"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
74495 msgctxt "#30095"
75496 msgid "True"
76497 msgstr "درست"
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
78545 msgctxt "#30105"
79546 msgid "Other"
80547 msgstr "دیگر"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
82606 msgctxt "#30117"
83607 msgid "Disabled"
84608 msgstr "غیر فعال"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
86860 msgctxt "#30430"
87861 msgid "Disabled"
88862 msgstr "غیر فعال"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Finnish (Finland) (\n"
12 "Language: fi_FI\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: fi_FI\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2-palvelimen nimi tai ip-osoite"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Suoratoistoportti"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Käyttäjänimi"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Salasana"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Yhteys"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Logot"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Kanavalogojen sijainti"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Päivitysväli"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Ajastuslistan automaattinen puhdistus"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Web-käyttöliittymän portti"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Zap ennen kanavan vaihtoa (yhden virittimen bokseille)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Päivitysväli"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Käytä ainoastaan digiboksin nykyistä tallennuspolkua"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Yleiset"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Kanavat"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Lisäasetukset"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Vastaanottimen tallennuskansio"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "Lähetä virranhallintakäsky, kun lisäosa suljetaan"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "Tv-kanavaryhmien (bouquet) noutotapa"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "Nouda kanavalogot (picons) web-käyttöliittymästä"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "Käytä suojattua HTTP:tä (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "Käytä tv-lähetysten automaattiasetuksia"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Säilytä tallenteiden kansiorakenne"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "Kaudet ja jaksot"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "Ohjelmaopas"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "Kerää kausi-, jakso- ja vuositiedot, jos mahdollista"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "Käytä automaattiajastuksia"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "Käytä tiedostomuotoa"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "Käytä toistuvia ajastuksia"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "Kirjaa puuttuvat määritykset lokitiedostoon"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Web-käyttöliittymä"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "Suoratoisto"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "Laita juonitiivistelmä juonen eteen"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "Suoratoiston pakettikoko"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "Ei koskaan"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "Vain ohjelmaoppaassa"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "Vain tallenteissa"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "Aina"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "Extract show info -tiedosto"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Rytecin genremääritykset"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "Käytä Rytecin genremäärityksiä"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Rytecin genremääritysten tiedosto"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "Tv-lähetyksen aikakatkaisu (0 on oletusarvo)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "Muut"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "Genre ID -määritykset"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "Käytä genre ID -määrityksiä"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "Genre ID -määritysten tiedosto"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "Tv"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "Radion kanavaryhmien (bouquet) noutotapa"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "Ajansiirto"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "Käytä ajansiirtoa"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "Ajansiirtopuskurin polku"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "Pois päältä"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "Toiston aikana"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "Tauon aikana"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "Käytä suojattua HTTP:tä (https) suoratoistoon"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "Suojaa suoratoisto käyttäjätunnuksilla"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "Nouda tv:n suosikkiryhmä"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "Nouda radion suosikkiryhmä"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "Tallenteet"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "Tallenteet"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "Ajastukset"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "Toistuvien ajastusten määrä"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "Kaikki"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "Aseta ensimmäiseksi"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "Aseta viimeiseksi"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "Suosikit (Tv)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "Suosikit (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "tuntematon"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr "(Ei yhteyttä)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "lisäosavirhe"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "Taustaosa"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "Ajastuksen lisäaika"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "Alkuun lisättävä aika"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "Loppuun lisättävä aika"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "Laitetiedot"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "Web-käyttöliittymän versio"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
478 msgctxt "#30092"
479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
480 msgstr ""
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
483 msgctxt "#30093"
484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
485 msgstr ""
487 #. application: Admin
488 msgctxt "#30094"
489 msgid "N/A"
490 msgstr ""
492 #. application: Admin
334493 msgctxt "#30095"
335494 msgid "True"
336495 msgstr "On"
497 #. application: Admin
338498 msgctxt "#30096"
339499 msgid "False"
340500 msgstr "Ei ole"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
342503 msgctxt "#30097"
343504 msgid "Standby"
344505 msgstr "Valmiustila"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
346508 msgctxt "#30098"
347509 msgid "Deep standby"
348510 msgstr "Horrostila"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
350513 msgctxt "#30099"
351514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
352515 msgstr "Herätys, jonka jälkeen lepotila"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
354518 msgctxt "#30100"
355519 msgid "Update mode"
356520 msgstr "Päivitystapa"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
358523 msgctxt "#30101"
359524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
360525 msgstr "Ajastukset ja tallenteet"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
362528 msgctxt "#30102"
363529 msgid "Timers only"
364530 msgstr "Vain ajastukset"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
366533 msgctxt "#30103"
367534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
368535 msgstr "Käytä OpenWebIf:n picon-polkua"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
538 msgctxt "#30104"
539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
540 msgstr ""
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
370543 msgctxt "#30105"
371544 msgid "Other"
372545 msgstr "Muu"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
548 msgctxt "#30106"
549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
550 msgstr ""
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
374604 msgctxt "#30117"
375605 msgid "Disabled"
376606 msgstr "Ei käytössä"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
378813 msgctxt "#30410"
379814 msgid "Automatic"
380815 msgstr "Automaattinen"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
382857 msgctxt "#30430"
383858 msgid "Disabled"
384859 msgstr "Ei käytössä"
861 #. application: Timers
386862 msgctxt "#30431"
387863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
388864 msgstr "Tallenna, jos on eri ohjelmanimi"
866 #. application: Timers
390867 msgctxt "#30432"
391868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
392869 msgstr "Tallenna, jos ohjelman nimi ja jakso eroavat"
871 #. application: Timers
394872 msgctxt "#30433"
395873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
396874 msgstr "Tallenna, jos ohjelman nimi, jakso ja juoni eroavat"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
398880 msgctxt "#30514"
399881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
400882 msgstr "Ajansiirtopuskurin polkua ei ole olemassa"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
402885 msgctxt "#30515"
403886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
404887 msgstr "Enigma2: Web-käyttöliittymään ei saatu yhteyttä"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
406890 msgctxt "#30516"
407891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
408892 msgstr "Enigma2: Kanavaryhmiä ei löytynyt"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
410895 msgctxt "#30517"
411896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
412897 msgstr "Enigma2: Kanavia ei löytynyt"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Käytä ainoastaan digiboksin nykyistä tallennuspolkua"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Vastaanottimen tallennuskansio"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Säilytä tallenteiden kansiorakenne"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Faroese (Faroe Islands) (\n"
12 "Language: fo_FO\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: fo_FO\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Brúkaranavn"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Loyniorð"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Ímyndir"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "Vanligt"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "Rás"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
38222 msgctxt "#30042"
39223 msgid "Never"
40224 msgstr "Ongantíð"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42237 msgctxt "#30045"
43238 msgid "Always"
44239 msgstr "Altíð"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
46292 msgctxt "#30056"
47293 msgid "TV"
48294 msgstr "Sjónvarp"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
50297 msgctxt "#30057"
51298 msgid "Radio"
52299 msgstr "Útvarp"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
54328 msgctxt "#30063"
55329 msgid "Off"
56330 msgstr "Sløkk"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
58363 msgctxt "#30070"
59364 msgid "Recordings"
60365 msgstr "Upptøkur"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
62368 msgctxt "#30071"
63369 msgid "Recordings"
64370 msgstr "Upptøkur"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
66495 msgctxt "#30095"
67496 msgid "True"
68497 msgstr "Satt"
499 #. application: Admin
70500 msgctxt "#30096"
71501 msgid "False"
72502 msgstr "Skeivt"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
74606 msgctxt "#30117"
75607 msgid "Disabled"
76608 msgstr "Sløkt"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
78860 msgctxt "#30430"
79861 msgid "Disabled"
80862 msgstr "Sløkt"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: French (Canada) (\n"
12 "Language: fr_CA\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: fr_CA\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Non d’hôte ou adresse IP d’Enigma2"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Port de diffusion en continu"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Nom d’utilisateur"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Mot de passe"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Connexion"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Icônes"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Chemin des icônes"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Intervalle de mise à jour"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Nettoyage automatique de la liste des minuteries"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Port de l’interface Web"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Passer les chaînes avant le changement effectif (c.-à-d. pour les boîtiers syntoniseurs simples)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Intervalle de mise à jour"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Utiliser seulement le chemin d’enregistrement actuel du boîtier DVB"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Général"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Chaînes"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Avancé"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Dossier d’enregistrement du récepteur"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "Envoyer le mode d’alimentation en quittant l’addiciel"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "Mode de récupération du bouquet télé"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "Récupérer les picônes de l’interface Web"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "Utiliser le HTTP sécurisé (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "Activer la configuration automatique des diffusions en direct"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Conserver la structure de dossier pour les enregistrements"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "Saisons et épisodes"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "GÉP"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "Extraire les renseignements de saison, d’épisode et d’année si possible"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "Activer les minuteries automatiques"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "Utiliser le format de fichier"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "Activer la génération de minuteries de répétition"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "Les mappages genre texte sont absents du journal"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Interface Web"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "Diffusion en continu"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "Mettre le contour (p. ex. les sous-titres) avant l’intrigue"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "Taille des fragments de lecture du flux"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "Jamais"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "Dans le GÉP seulement"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "Dans les enregistrements seulement"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "Toujours"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "Extraire le fichier d’informations sur l’émission"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Mappages genre texte de Rytec"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "Activer les mappages genre texte de Rytec"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Fichier des mappages genre texte de Rytec"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "Temporisation personnalisée de la télé en direct (0 pour la valeur par défaut)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "Connexion"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "Divers"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "Mappages genre ID"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "Activer les mappages genre ID"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "Fichier des mappages genre ID"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "Télé"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "Mode de récupération du bouquet radio"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "Décalage temporel"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "Activer le décalage temporel"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "Chemin du tampon de décalage temporel"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "Arrêt"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "Lecture"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "Pause"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "Utiliser le HTTP sécurisé (https) pour les flux"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "Utiliser la connexion pour les flux"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "Récupérer le bouquet des favoris télé"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "Récupérer le bouquet des favoris radio"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "Enregistrements"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "Enregistrements"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "Minuteries"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "Nombre de minuteries de répétition à générer"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "Tous les bouquets"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "Comme premier bouquet"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "Comme dernier bouquet"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "Favoris (télé)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "Favoris (radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "inconnu"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr "(Non connecté)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "Erreur d’addiciel"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "Dorsale"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "Début/fin de l’enregistrement avant/après la diffusion prévue"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "Global — Début de l’enregistrement avant la diffusion prévue"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "Global — Fin de l’enregistrement après la diffusion prévue"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "Informations sur le périphérique"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "Version de WebIf"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334478 msgctxt "#30092"
335479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336480 msgstr "Étiquette de la minuterie automatique dans les étiquettes de minuterie"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338483 msgctxt "#30093"
339484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340485 msgstr "Nom de la minuterie automatique dans les étiquettes de minuterie"
487 #. application: Admin
342488 msgctxt "#30094"
343489 msgid "N/A"
344490 msgstr "ND"
492 #. application: Admin
346493 msgctxt "#30095"
347494 msgid "True"
348495 msgstr "Vrai"
497 #. application: Admin
350498 msgctxt "#30096"
351499 msgid "False"
352500 msgstr "Faux"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354503 msgctxt "#30097"
355504 msgid "Standby"
356505 msgstr "Veille"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358508 msgctxt "#30098"
359509 msgid "Deep standby"
360510 msgstr "Veille prolongée"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362513 msgctxt "#30099"
363514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364515 msgstr "Réveil, puis mise en veille"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
366518 msgctxt "#30100"
367519 msgid "Update mode"
368520 msgstr "Mode de mise à jour"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370523 msgctxt "#30101"
371524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372525 msgstr "Minuteries et enregistrements"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374528 msgctxt "#30102"
375529 msgid "Timers only"
376530 msgstr "Minuteries seulement"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378533 msgctxt "#30103"
379534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380535 msgstr "Utiliser le chemin des picônes d’OpenWebIf"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382538 msgctxt "#30104"
383539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384540 msgstr "Activer la journalisation des traces en mode de débogage"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386543 msgctxt "#30105"
387544 msgid "Other"
388545 msgstr "Autre"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390548 msgctxt "#30106"
391549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392550 msgstr "Délai d’attente par chaîne de la mise à jour du GÉP"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
394604 msgctxt "#30117"
395605 msgid "Disabled"
396606 msgstr "Désactivé"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
398813 msgctxt "#30410"
399814 msgid "Automatic"
400815 msgstr "Automatiques"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
402857 msgctxt "#30430"
403858 msgid "Disabled"
404859 msgstr "Désactivées"
861 #. application: Timers
406862 msgctxt "#30431"
407863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
408864 msgstr "Enregistrer si le titre du GÉP diffère"
866 #. application: Timers
410867 msgctxt "#30432"
411868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
412869 msgstr "Enregistrer si le titre et la description courte du GÉP diffèrent"
871 #. application: Timers
414872 msgctxt "#30433"
415873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
416874 msgstr "Enregistrer si le titre et toutes les descriptions du GÉP diffèrent"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
418880 msgctxt "#30514"
419881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
420882 msgstr "Le chemin du tampon de décalage temporel n’existe pas"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
422885 msgctxt "#30515"
423886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
424887 msgstr "Enigma2 : l’interface Web est inaccessible"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
426890 msgctxt "#30516"
427891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
428892 msgstr "Enigma2 : aucun groupe de chaînes n’a été trouvé"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
430895 msgctxt "#30517"
431896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
432897 msgstr "Enigma2 : aucune chaîne n’a été trouvée"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Utiliser seulement le chemin d’enregistrement actuel du boîtier DVB"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Dossier d’enregistrement du récepteur"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Conserver la structure de dossier pour les enregistrements"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: French (France) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: French (France) <>\n"
12 "Language: fr_fr\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: fr_FR\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Nom d'hôte Enigma2 ou adresse IP"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Port du flux de diffusion"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Mot de passe"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Connexion"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Icônes"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Chemin d'accès de l'icône"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Intervalle de mise à jour"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Nettoyage automatique de la liste de programmation"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Port de l'interface Web"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Zapper avant le changement de chaîne (par ex. pour les appareils à tuner unique)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Intervalle de mise à jour"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Utiliser seulement le chemin d'enregistrement des périphériques DVB"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Général"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76 msgstr "Chaînes "
111 msgstr "Chaînes"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Avancé"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Dossier d'enregistrement du récepteur"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Envoyer le mode « powerstate » quand une extension quitte"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "Mode de récupération du bouquet TV"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96 msgstr "Récupérer les icônes depuis l'interface Web "
148 msgstr "Récupérer les icônes depuis l'interface Web"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100153 msgstr "Utiliser le HTTP sécurisé (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Activer la configuration automatique pour les flux en direct"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Conserver la structure des dossiers pour les enregistrements"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Saisons et épisodes"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "Guide électronique des programmes TV"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120178 msgstr "Extraire les infos de saison, d'épisode et d'année si possible"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Activer les programmations auto."
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Utiliser le format de fichier"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Activer la génération des programmations répétées"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Journaliser les mappages manquant de textes de genres"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Interface Web"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Diffusion par flux"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Placer le résumé (par ex. les sous-titres) avant l'intrigue"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Taille des blocs de flux de lecture diffusé"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Jamais"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "Dans le guide des programmes seulement"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Dans les enregistrements seulement"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Toujours"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Extraire les informations de fichier"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Mappage de textes de genres Rytec"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Activer le mappage de textes de genres Rytec"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Fichier de mappage de textes de genres Rytec"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Temporisation personnalisée pour la TV en direct (0 pour la valeur prédéfinie)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Identification"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Divers"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Mappage des ID de genres"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204283 msgstr "Activer le mappage des ID de genres"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Fichier de mappage des ID de genres"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Radio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Mode de récupération du bouquet radio"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Différé"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Activer le différé"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232324 msgstr "Chemin du tampon pour le différé"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Non"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "En lecture"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "En pause"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Utiliser le HTTP sécurisé (https) pour la diffusion par flux"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Utiliser la connexion pour la diffusion par flux"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256354 msgstr "Récupérer le bouquet des favoris TV"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260359 msgstr "Récupérer le bouquet des favoris radio"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Enregistrements"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Enregistrements"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272375 msgstr "Programmations"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "Nombre de programmations répétées à générer"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Tous les bouquets"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "Comme premier bouquet"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "Comme dernier bouquet"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Favoris (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Favoris (radio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "inconnu"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr "(Non connecté)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "erreur de l'extension"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Serveur"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Remplissage de l'enregistrement"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Remplissage global de début"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Remplissage global de fin"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Infos sur le phériphérique"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "Version WebIf"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "Balise AutoTimer dans les balises de programmation"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "Nom AutoTimer dans les balises de programmation"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "N/D"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Vrai"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Faux"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Mise en attente"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Mise en attente profonde"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Réveil puis mise en attendre"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Mode de mise à jour"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Programmations et enregistrements"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Programmations seules"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Utiliser le chemin des picon OpenWebIf"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Activer la journalisation du suivi en mode de débogage"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Autres"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390549 msgctxt "#30106"
391550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392551 msgstr "Délai de mise à jour du guide (EPG) par chaîne"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394554 msgctxt "#30107"
395555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396556 msgstr "Listes de décision d'édition (EDL) des enregistrements"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398559 msgctxt "#30108"
399560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400561 msgstr "Activer la prise en charge des EDL"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402564 msgctxt "#30109"
403565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404566 msgstr "Ajustement du temps de départ EDL"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406569 msgctxt "#30110"
407570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408571 msgstr "Ajustement du temps de fin EDL"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410574 msgctxt "#30111"
411575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412576 msgstr "Activer la journalisation du débogage en mode normal"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
414579 msgctxt "#30112"
415580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416581 msgstr "Dernière analyse (TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
418584 msgctxt "#30113"
419585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420586 msgstr "Dernière analyse (radio)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422590 msgctxt "#30114"
423591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424592 msgstr "Exclure le dernier bouquet analysé"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426595 msgctxt "#30115"
427596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428597 msgstr "Ignorer le chargement initial du guide"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
600 msgctxt "#30116"
601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
602 msgstr ""
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430605 msgctxt "#30117"
431606 msgid "Disabled"
432607 msgstr "Désactivé"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
610 msgctxt "#30118"
611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
612 msgstr ""
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
615 msgctxt "#30119"
616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
617 msgstr ""
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
620 msgctxt "#30120"
621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
622 msgstr ""
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
625 msgctxt "#30121"
626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
627 msgstr ""
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
434630 msgctxt "#30122"
435631 msgid "Connection check interval"
436632 msgstr "Intervalle de vérification de connexion"
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
635 msgctxt "#30123"
636 msgid "Autotimers"
637 msgstr ""
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
438665 msgctxt "#30129"
439666 msgid "Kodi instances"
440667 msgstr "Instances de Kodi"
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
442670 msgctxt "#30130"
443671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
444672 msgstr "Instances de Kodi/E2"
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
446814 msgctxt "#30410"
447815 msgid "Automatic"
448816 msgstr "Automatique"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
450835 msgctxt "#30423"
451836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
452837 msgstr "Basé sur le temps/chaîne, répété"
839 #. application: Timers
454840 msgctxt "#30424"
455841 msgid "One time guide-based"
456842 msgstr "Basé sur le guide, une fois"
844 #. application: Timers
458845 msgctxt "#30425"
459846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
460847 msgstr "Basé sur le guide, répété"
849 #. application: Timers
462850 msgctxt "#30426"
463851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
464852 msgstr "Basé sur le guide, auto."
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
466858 msgctxt "#30430"
467859 msgid "Disabled"
468860 msgstr "Désactivé"
862 #. application: Timers
470863 msgctxt "#30431"
471864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
472865 msgstr "Enregistrer si le titre du guide (EPG) diffère"
867 #. application: Timers
474868 msgctxt "#30432"
475869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
476870 msgstr "Enregistrer si le titre et la description courte du guide (EPG) diffèrent"
872 #. application: Timers
478873 msgctxt "#30433"
479874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
480875 msgstr "Enregistrer si le titre et toutes les descriptions du guide (EPG) diffèrent"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
482881 msgctxt "#30514"
483882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
484883 msgstr "Le chemin du tampon pour le différé n'existe pas"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
486886 msgctxt "#30515"
487887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
488888 msgstr "Enigma2 : interface Web introuvable"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
490891 msgctxt "#30516"
491892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
492893 msgstr "Enigma2 : aucun groupe de chaînes trouvé"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
494896 msgctxt "#30517"
495897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
496898 msgstr "Enigma2 : aucune chaîne trouvée"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
906 msgctxt "#30519"
907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 msgstr ""
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
912 msgctxt "#30520"
913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
914 msgstr ""
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
937 msgctxt "#30601"
938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
939 msgstr ""
941 #. help: Connection - webport
942 msgctxt "#30602"
943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
944 msgstr ""
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
498947 msgctxt "#30603"
499948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
500949 msgstr "Utiliser HTTPS pour se connecter à l'interface Web."
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
502972 msgctxt "#30608"
503973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
504974 msgstr "Utilise HTTPS pour se connecter aux flux."
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
992 #. help info - General
993 #. help-category: general
994 msgctxt "#30620"
995 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
996 msgstr ""
998 #. help: General - onlinepicons
999 msgctxt "#30621"
1000 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1004 msgctxt "#30622"
1005 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1009 msgctxt "#30623"
1010 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #. help: General - iconpath
1014 msgctxt "#30624"
1015 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #. help: General - updateint
1019 msgctxt "#30625"
1020 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #. help: General - updatemode
1024 msgctxt "#30626"
1025 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1029 msgctxt "#30627"
1030 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1034 msgctxt "#30628"
1035 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1039 msgctxt "#30629"
1040 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1041 msgstr ""
1043 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1044 #. help info - Channels
1045 #. help-category: channels
1046 msgctxt "#30640"
1047 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1048 msgstr ""
1050 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1051 msgctxt "#30641"
1052 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - zap
1056 msgctxt "#30642"
1057 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1061 msgctxt "#30643"
1062 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1070 msgctxt "#30644"
1071 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1075 msgctxt "#30645"
1076 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1077 msgstr ""
1079 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1080 msgctxt "#30646"
1081 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1085 msgctxt "#30647"
1086 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1087 msgstr ""
1089 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1094 msgctxt "#30648"
1095 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1099 msgctxt "#30649"
1100 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1104 msgctxt "#30650"
1105 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1109 msgctxt "#30651"
1110 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1114 msgctxt "#30652"
1115 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1119 msgctxt "#30653"
1120 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1124 msgctxt "#30654"
1125 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1129 msgctxt "#30655"
1130 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1134 msgctxt "#30656"
1135 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1136 msgstr ""
1138 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1139 #. help info - EPG
1140 #. help-category: epg
1141 msgctxt "#30660"
1142 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1146 msgctxt "#30661"
1147 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1151 msgctxt "#30662"
1152 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1156 msgctxt "#30663"
1157 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1161 msgctxt "#30664"
1162 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1163 msgstr ""
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1166 msgctxt "#30665"
1167 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1168 msgstr ""
1170 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1171 msgctxt "#30666"
1172 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1176 msgctxt "#30667"
1177 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1178 msgstr ""
1180 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1181 msgctxt "#30668"
1182 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1183 msgstr ""
1185 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1186 msgctxt "#30669"
1187 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1188 msgstr ""
1190 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1191 #. help info - Recordings
1192 #. help-category: recordings
1193 msgctxt "#30680"
1194 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1195 msgstr ""
1197 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1198 msgctxt "#30681"
1199 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1203 msgctxt "#30682"
1204 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1205 msgstr ""
1207 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1208 msgctxt "#30683"
1209 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1210 msgstr ""
1212 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1213 msgctxt "#30684"
1214 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1218 msgctxt "#30685"
1219 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1220 msgstr ""
1222 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1223 msgctxt "#30686"
1224 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1228 msgctxt "#30687"
1229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1230 msgstr ""
1232 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1233 msgctxt "#30688"
1234 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1238 msgctxt "#30689"
1239 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1243 msgctxt "#30690"
1244 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1248 msgctxt "#30691"
1249 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1250 msgstr ""
1252 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1253 #. help info - Timers
1254 #. help-category: timers
1255 msgctxt "#30700"
1256 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1257 msgstr ""
1259 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1260 msgctxt "#30701"
1261 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1262 msgstr ""
1264 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1265 msgctxt "#30702"
1266 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1267 msgstr ""
1269 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1270 msgctxt "#30703"
1271 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1272 msgstr ""
1274 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1275 msgctxt "#30704"
1276 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1277 msgstr ""
1279 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1280 msgctxt "#30705"
1281 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1282 msgstr ""
1284 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1285 msgctxt "#30706"
1286 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1287 msgstr ""
1289 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1290 #. help info - Timeshift
1291 #. help-category: timeshift
1292 msgctxt "#30720"
1293 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1294 msgstr ""
1296 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1297 msgctxt "#30721"
1298 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1299 msgstr ""
1301 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1302 msgctxt "#30722"
1303 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1304 msgstr ""
1306 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1307 msgctxt "#30723"
1308 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1309 msgstr ""
1311 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1312 msgctxt "#30724"
1313 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1314 msgstr ""
1316 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1317 msgctxt "#30725"
1318 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1319 msgstr ""
1321 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1322 msgctxt "#30726"
1323 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1324 msgstr ""
1326 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1327 msgctxt "#30727"
1328 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1329 msgstr ""
1331 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1332 msgctxt "#30728"
1333 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1334 msgstr ""
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
5061338 msgctxt "#30740"
5071339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
5081340 msgstr "Cette catégorie contient les paramètres avancés/experts."
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
5101380 msgctxt "#30760"
511 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
512 msgstr "Cette catégorie contient les paramètres avancés/experts."
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
5141385 msgctxt "#30761"
5151386 msgid "webifversion"
5161387 msgstr "webifversion"
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
5181395 msgctxt "#30763"
5191396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
5201397 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
5221400 msgctxt "#30764"
523 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
524 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Utiliser seulement le chemin d'enregistrement des périphériques DVB"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Dossier d'enregistrement du récepteur"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Conserver la structure des dossiers pour les enregistrements"
1426 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1427 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1428 #~ msgstr "Cette catégorie contient les paramètres avancés/experts."
1430 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1431 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1432 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Galician (Spain) (\n"
12 "Language: gl_ES\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: gl_ES\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Nome de host ou enderezo IP de Enigma2"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Porto de transmisión"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Nome de usuario"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Contrasinal"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Conexión"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Iconas"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
57 msgctxt "#30008"
58 msgid "Icon path"
59 msgstr ""
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4262 msgctxt "#30009"
4363 msgid "Update Interval"
4464 msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
66 # empty string with id 30010
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
68 msgctxt "#30011"
69 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
70 msgstr ""
72 #. label: Connection - webport
4673 msgctxt "#30012"
4774 msgid "Web interface port"
4875 msgstr "Porto da interface web"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
78 msgctxt "#30013"
79 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
80 msgstr ""
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
5088 msgctxt "#30015"
5189 msgid "Update interval"
5290 msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
5498 msgctxt "#30017"
55 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
56 msgstr "Utilizar só o camiño actual das gravacións das caixas DVB"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
58104 msgctxt "#30018"
59105 msgid "General"
60106 msgstr "Xeral"
108 #. label-category: channels
62109 msgctxt "#30019"
63110 msgid "Channels"
64111 msgstr "Canles"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
66115 msgctxt "#30020"
67116 msgid "Advanced"
68117 msgstr "Avanzado"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
70126 msgctxt "#30023"
71 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
72 msgstr "Cartafol de gravacións no receptor"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
131 msgctxt "#30024"
132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
133 msgstr ""
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
136 msgctxt "#30025"
137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
138 msgstr ""
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
146 msgctxt "#30027"
147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
148 msgstr ""
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
74151 msgctxt "#30028"
75152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
76153 msgstr "Usar HTTP Seguro (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
156 msgctxt "#30029"
157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
158 msgstr ""
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
161 msgctxt "#30030"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
78166 msgctxt "#30031"
79167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
80168 msgstr "Tempadas e Episodios"
170 #. label-category: epg
82171 msgctxt "#30032"
83172 msgid "EPG"
84173 msgstr "Guía"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
86176 msgctxt "#30033"
87177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
88178 msgstr "Extraer info. da tempada, episodio e ano onde sexa posíbel"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
181 msgctxt "#30034"
182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
183 msgstr ""
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
186 msgctxt "#30035"
187 msgid "Use file format"
188 msgstr ""
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
191 msgctxt "#30036"
192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
193 msgstr ""
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
196 msgctxt "#30037"
197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
198 msgstr ""
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
90201 msgctxt "#30038"
91202 msgid "Web Interface"
92203 msgstr "Interface web"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
94206 msgctxt "#30039"
95207 msgid "Streaming"
96208 msgstr "Fluxo"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
211 msgctxt "#30040"
212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
213 msgstr ""
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
216 msgctxt "#30041"
217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
218 msgstr ""
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
98221 msgctxt "#30042"
99222 msgid "Never"
100223 msgstr "Nunca"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
102226 msgctxt "#30043"
103227 msgid "In EPG only"
104228 msgstr "Só na Guía"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
106231 msgctxt "#30044"
107232 msgid "In recordings only"
108233 msgstr "Só nas gravacións"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
110236 msgctxt "#30045"
111237 msgid "Always"
112238 msgstr "Sempre"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
114241 msgctxt "#30046"
115242 msgid "Extract show info file"
116243 msgstr "Extraer info. do ficheiro da serie"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
246 msgctxt "#30047"
247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
248 msgstr ""
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
251 msgctxt "#30048"
252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
253 msgstr ""
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
256 msgctxt "#30049"
257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
258 msgstr ""
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
261 msgctxt "#30050"
262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
263 msgstr ""
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
118266 msgctxt "#30051"
119267 msgid "Login"
120268 msgstr "Usuario"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
122271 msgctxt "#30052"
123272 msgid "Misc"
124273 msgstr "Miscelánea"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
276 msgctxt "#30053"
277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
278 msgstr ""
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
281 msgctxt "#30054"
282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
283 msgstr ""
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
286 msgctxt "#30055"
287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
288 msgstr ""
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
126291 msgctxt "#30056"
127292 msgid "TV"
128293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
130296 msgctxt "#30057"
131297 msgid "Radio"
132298 msgstr "Radio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
301 msgctxt "#30058"
302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
303 msgstr ""
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
134312 msgctxt "#30060"
135313 msgid "Timeshift"
136314 msgstr "Timeshift"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
317 msgctxt "#30061"
318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
319 msgstr ""
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
138322 msgctxt "#30062"
139323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
140324 msgstr "Ruta do búfer do Timeshift"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
142327 msgctxt "#30063"
143328 msgid "Off"
144329 msgstr "Apagado"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
146332 msgctxt "#30064"
147333 msgid "On playback"
148334 msgstr "En reprodución"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
150337 msgctxt "#30065"
151338 msgid "On pause"
152339 msgstr "En Pausa"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
342 msgctxt "#30066"
343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
344 msgstr ""
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
347 msgctxt "#30067"
348 msgid "Use login for streams"
349 msgstr ""
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
352 msgctxt "#30068"
353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
354 msgstr ""
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
357 msgctxt "#30069"
358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
359 msgstr ""
361 #. label-category: recordings
154362 msgctxt "#30070"
155363 msgid "Recordings"
156364 msgstr "Gravacións"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
158367 msgctxt "#30071"
159368 msgid "Recordings"
160369 msgstr "Gravacións"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
162373 msgctxt "#30072"
163374 msgid "Timers"
164375 msgstr "Temporizadores"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
378 msgctxt "#30073"
379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
380 msgstr ""
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
384 msgctxt "#30074"
385 msgid "All bouquets"
386 msgstr ""
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
396 msgctxt "#30076"
397 msgid "As first bouquet"
398 msgstr ""
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
402 msgctxt "#30077"
403 msgid "As last bouquet"
404 msgstr ""
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
166413 msgctxt "#30079"
167414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
168415 msgstr "Favoritos (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
170418 msgctxt "#30080"
171419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
172420 msgstr "Favoritos (Radio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
174424 msgctxt "#30081"
175425 msgid "unknown"
176426 msgstr "descoñecido"
428 #. application: Client
178429 msgctxt "#30082"
179430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
180431 msgstr "(Sen conexión!)"
433 #. application: Client
182434 msgctxt "#30083"
183435 msgid "addon error"
184436 msgstr "erro no complemento"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
186449 msgctxt "#30086"
187450 msgid "Backend"
188451 msgstr "Motor"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
454 msgctxt "#30087"
455 msgid "Recording Padding"
456 msgstr ""
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
459 msgctxt "#30088"
460 msgid "Global start padding"
461 msgstr ""
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
464 msgctxt "#30089"
465 msgid "Global end padding"
466 msgstr ""
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
190469 msgctxt "#30090"
191470 msgid "Device Info"
192471 msgstr "Info. do dispositivo"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
474 msgctxt "#30091"
475 msgid "WebIf version"
476 msgstr ""
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
479 msgctxt "#30092"
480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
481 msgstr ""
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
484 msgctxt "#30093"
485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
486 msgstr ""
488 #. application: Admin
194489 msgctxt "#30094"
195490 msgid "N/A"
196491 msgstr "N/D"
493 #. application: Admin
198494 msgctxt "#30095"
199495 msgid "True"
200496 msgstr "Verdadeiro"
498 #. application: Admin
202499 msgctxt "#30096"
203500 msgid "False"
204501 msgstr "Falso"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
504 msgctxt "#30097"
505 msgid "Standby"
506 msgstr ""
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
509 msgctxt "#30098"
510 msgid "Deep standby"
511 msgstr ""
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
514 msgctxt "#30099"
515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
516 msgstr ""
518 #. label: General - updatemode
519 msgctxt "#30100"
520 msgid "Update mode"
521 msgstr ""
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
206524 msgctxt "#30101"
207525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
208526 msgstr "Temporizadores e gravacións"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
210529 msgctxt "#30102"
211530 msgid "Timers only"
212531 msgstr "Só temporizadores"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
534 msgctxt "#30103"
535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
536 msgstr ""
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
539 msgctxt "#30104"
540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
541 msgstr ""
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
214544 msgctxt "#30105"
215545 msgid "Other"
216546 msgstr "Outros"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
549 msgctxt "#30106"
550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
551 msgstr ""
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
554 msgctxt "#30107"
555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
556 msgstr ""
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
559 msgctxt "#30108"
560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
561 msgstr ""
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
564 msgctxt "#30109"
565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
566 msgstr ""
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
569 msgctxt "#30110"
570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
571 msgstr ""
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
574 msgctxt "#30111"
575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
576 msgstr ""
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
579 msgctxt "#30112"
580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
581 msgstr ""
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
584 msgctxt "#30113"
585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
586 msgstr ""
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
590 msgctxt "#30114"
591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
592 msgstr ""
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
595 msgctxt "#30115"
596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
597 msgstr ""
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
600 msgctxt "#30116"
601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
602 msgstr ""
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
218605 msgctxt "#30117"
219606 msgid "Disabled"
220607 msgstr "Desactivado"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
610 msgctxt "#30118"
611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
612 msgstr ""
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
615 msgctxt "#30119"
616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
617 msgstr ""
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
620 msgctxt "#30120"
621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
622 msgstr ""
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
625 msgctxt "#30121"
626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
627 msgstr ""
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
630 msgctxt "#30122"
631 msgid "Connection check interval"
632 msgstr ""
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
635 msgctxt "#30123"
636 msgid "Autotimers"
637 msgstr ""
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
665 msgctxt "#30129"
666 msgid "Kodi instances"
667 msgstr ""
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
670 msgctxt "#30130"
671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
672 msgstr ""
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
222814 msgctxt "#30410"
223815 msgid "Automatic"
224816 msgstr "Automático"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
835 msgctxt "#30423"
836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
837 msgstr ""
839 #. application: Timers
840 msgctxt "#30424"
841 msgid "One time guide-based"
842 msgstr ""
844 #. application: Timers
845 msgctxt "#30425"
846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
847 msgstr ""
849 #. application: Timers
850 msgctxt "#30426"
851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
852 msgstr ""
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
226858 msgctxt "#30430"
227859 msgid "Disabled"
228860 msgstr "Desactivado"
862 #. application: Timers
863 msgctxt "#30431"
864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
865 msgstr ""
867 #. application: Timers
868 msgctxt "#30432"
869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
870 msgstr ""
872 #. application: Timers
873 msgctxt "#30433"
874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
875 msgstr ""
877 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
878 #. ################
879 #. notifications #
880 #. ################
881 #. notification: Client
882 msgctxt "#30514"
883 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
884 msgstr ""
886 #. notification: Enigma2
887 msgctxt "#30515"
888 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
889 msgstr ""
891 #. notification: Enigma2
892 msgctxt "#30516"
893 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
894 msgstr ""
896 #. notification: Enigma2
897 msgctxt "#30517"
898 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
899 msgstr ""
901 #. notification: Enigma2
902 msgctxt "#30518"
903 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
904 msgstr ""
906 #. notification: Enigma2
907 msgctxt "#30519"
908 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
909 msgstr ""
911 #. application: AutoTimer
912 #. application: Timer
913 msgctxt "#30520"
914 msgid "Invalid Channel"
915 msgstr ""
917 #. notification: Enigma2
918 msgctxt "#30521"
919 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
920 msgstr ""
922 #. notification: Enigma2
923 msgctxt "#30522"
924 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
925 msgstr ""
927 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
928 #. ############
929 #. help info #
930 #. ############
931 #. help info - Connection
932 #. help-category: connection
933 msgctxt "#30600"
934 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
935 msgstr ""
937 #. help: Connection - host
938 msgctxt "#30601"
939 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
940 msgstr ""
942 #. help: Connection - webport
943 msgctxt "#30602"
944 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
945 msgstr ""
947 #. help: Connection - use_secure
948 msgctxt "#30603"
949 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
950 msgstr ""
952 #. help: Connection - user
953 msgctxt "#30604"
954 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
955 msgstr ""
957 #. help: Connection - pass
958 msgctxt "#30605"
959 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
960 msgstr ""
962 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
963 msgctxt "#30606"
964 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
965 msgstr ""
967 #. help: Connection - streamport
968 msgctxt "#30607"
969 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
970 msgstr ""
972 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
973 msgctxt "#30608"
974 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
975 msgstr ""
977 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
978 msgctxt "#30609"
979 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
980 msgstr ""
982 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
983 msgctxt "#30610"
984 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
985 msgstr ""
987 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
988 msgctxt "#30611"
989 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
990 msgstr ""
992 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
993 #. help info - General
994 #. help-category: general
995 msgctxt "#30620"
996 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
997 msgstr ""
999 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1000 msgctxt "#30621"
1001 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1002 msgstr ""
1004 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1005 msgctxt "#30622"
1006 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1007 msgstr ""
1009 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1010 msgctxt "#30623"
1011 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1012 msgstr ""
1014 #. help: General - iconpath
1015 msgctxt "#30624"
1016 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1017 msgstr ""
1019 #. help: General - updateint
1020 msgctxt "#30625"
1021 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1022 msgstr ""
1024 #. help: General - updatemode
1025 msgctxt "#30626"
1026 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1027 msgstr ""
1029 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1030 msgctxt "#30627"
1031 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1032 msgstr ""
1034 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1035 msgctxt "#30628"
1036 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1037 msgstr ""
1039 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1040 msgctxt "#30629"
1041 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1042 msgstr ""
1044 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1045 #. help info - Channels
1046 #. help-category: channels
1047 msgctxt "#30640"
1048 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1049 msgstr ""
1051 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1052 msgctxt "#30641"
1053 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1054 msgstr ""
1056 #. help: Channels - zap
1057 msgctxt "#30642"
1058 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1059 msgstr ""
1061 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1062 msgctxt "#30643"
1063 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1064 msgstr ""
1066 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1071 msgctxt "#30644"
1072 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1073 msgstr ""
1075 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1076 msgctxt "#30645"
1077 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1078 msgstr ""
1080 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1081 msgctxt "#30646"
1082 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1083 msgstr ""
1085 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1086 msgctxt "#30647"
1087 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1088 msgstr ""
1090 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1095 msgctxt "#30648"
1096 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1097 msgstr ""
1099 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1100 msgctxt "#30649"
1101 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1102 msgstr ""
1104 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1105 msgctxt "#30650"
1106 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1107 msgstr ""
1109 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1110 msgctxt "#30651"
1111 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1112 msgstr ""
1114 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1115 msgctxt "#30652"
1116 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1117 msgstr ""
1119 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1120 msgctxt "#30653"
1121 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1122 msgstr ""
1124 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1125 msgctxt "#30654"
1126 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1127 msgstr ""
1129 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1130 msgctxt "#30655"
1131 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1132 msgstr ""
1134 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1135 msgctxt "#30656"
1136 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1137 msgstr ""
1139 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1140 #. help info - EPG
1141 #. help-category: epg
1142 msgctxt "#30660"
1143 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1144 msgstr ""
1146 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1147 msgctxt "#30661"
1148 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1149 msgstr ""
1151 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1152 msgctxt "#30662"
1153 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1154 msgstr ""
1156 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1157 msgctxt "#30663"
1158 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1159 msgstr ""
1161 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1162 msgctxt "#30664"
1163 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1164 msgstr ""
1166 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1167 msgctxt "#30665"
1168 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1169 msgstr ""
1171 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1172 msgctxt "#30666"
1173 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1174 msgstr ""
1176 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1177 msgctxt "#30667"
1178 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1179 msgstr ""
1181 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1182 msgctxt "#30668"
1183 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1184 msgstr ""
1186 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1187 msgctxt "#30669"
1188 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1189 msgstr ""
1191 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1192 #. help info - Recordings
1193 #. help-category: recordings
1194 msgctxt "#30680"
1195 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1196 msgstr ""
1198 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1199 msgctxt "#30681"
1200 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1201 msgstr ""
1203 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1204 msgctxt "#30682"
1205 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1206 msgstr ""
1208 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1209 msgctxt "#30683"
1210 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1211 msgstr ""
1213 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1214 msgctxt "#30684"
1215 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1216 msgstr ""
1218 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1219 msgctxt "#30685"
1220 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1221 msgstr ""
1223 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1224 msgctxt "#30686"
1225 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1226 msgstr ""
1228 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1229 msgctxt "#30687"
1230 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1231 msgstr ""
1233 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1234 msgctxt "#30688"
1235 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1236 msgstr ""
1238 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1239 msgctxt "#30689"
1240 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1241 msgstr ""
1243 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1244 msgctxt "#30690"
1245 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1246 msgstr ""
1248 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1249 msgctxt "#30691"
1250 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1251 msgstr ""
1253 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1254 #. help info - Timers
1255 #. help-category: timers
1256 msgctxt "#30700"
1257 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1258 msgstr ""
1260 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1261 msgctxt "#30701"
1262 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1263 msgstr ""
1265 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1266 msgctxt "#30702"
1267 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1268 msgstr ""
1270 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1271 msgctxt "#30703"
1272 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1273 msgstr ""
1275 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1276 msgctxt "#30704"
1277 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1278 msgstr ""
1280 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1281 msgctxt "#30705"
1282 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1283 msgstr ""
1285 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1286 msgctxt "#30706"
1287 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1288 msgstr ""
1290 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1291 #. help info - Timeshift
1292 #. help-category: timeshift
1293 msgctxt "#30720"
1294 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1295 msgstr ""
1297 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1298 msgctxt "#30721"
1299 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1300 msgstr ""
1302 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1303 msgctxt "#30722"
1304 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1305 msgstr ""
1307 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1308 msgctxt "#30723"
1309 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1310 msgstr ""
1312 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1313 msgctxt "#30724"
1314 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1315 msgstr ""
1317 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1318 msgctxt "#30725"
1319 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1320 msgstr ""
1322 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1323 msgctxt "#30726"
1324 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1325 msgstr ""
1327 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1328 msgctxt "#30727"
1329 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1330 msgstr ""
1332 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1333 msgctxt "#30728"
1334 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1335 msgstr ""
1337 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1338 #. help info - Advanced
1339 #. help-category: advanced
1340 msgctxt "#30740"
1341 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1342 msgstr ""
1344 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1345 msgctxt "#30741"
1346 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1347 msgstr ""
1349 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1350 msgctxt "#30742"
1351 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1352 msgstr ""
1354 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1355 msgctxt "#30743"
1356 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1357 msgstr ""
1359 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1360 msgctxt "#30744"
1361 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1362 msgstr ""
1364 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1365 msgctxt "#30745"
1366 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1367 msgstr ""
1369 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1370 msgctxt "#30746"
1371 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1372 msgstr ""
1374 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1375 msgctxt "#30747"
1376 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1377 msgstr ""
1379 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1380 #. help info - Backend
1381 #. help-category: backend
1382 msgctxt "#30760"
1383 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1384 msgstr ""
1386 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1387 msgctxt "#30761"
1388 msgid "webifversion"
1389 msgstr ""
1391 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1392 msgctxt "#30762"
1393 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1394 msgstr ""
1396 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1397 msgctxt "#30763"
1398 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1399 msgstr ""
1401 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1402 msgctxt "#30764"
1403 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1404 msgstr ""
1406 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1407 msgctxt "#30765"
1408 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1409 msgstr ""
1411 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1412 msgctxt "#30766"
1413 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1414 msgstr ""
1416 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1417 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1418 #~ msgstr "Utilizar só o camiño actual das gravacións das caixas DVB"
1420 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1421 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1422 #~ msgstr "Cartafol de gravacións no receptor"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Hebrew (Israel) (\n"
12 "Language: he_IL\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: he_IL\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "שם משתמש"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "סיסמה"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "חיבור"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "סמלים"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "מרווח זמני עדכונים"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "שימוש בנתיב הקלטה נוכחי של מכשיר ה־DVB בלבד"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "כללי"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "ערוצים"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "מתקדם"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "תיקיית הקלטות בשרת אחורי"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
58157 msgctxt "#30029"
59158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
60159 msgstr "הפעל תצורה אוטומטית עבור הזרמת שידורים חיים"
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
62162 msgctxt "#30030"
63 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
64 msgstr "שמור על מבנה התיקיות עבור הרשומות"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
66172 msgctxt "#30032"
67173 msgid "EPG"
68174 msgstr "לוח שידורים"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70222 msgctxt "#30042"
71223 msgid "Never"
72224 msgstr "אף פעם"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74227 msgctxt "#30043"
75228 msgid "In EPG only"
76229 msgstr "בלוח שידורים בלבד"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
78232 msgctxt "#30044"
79233 msgid "In recordings only"
80234 msgstr "בהקלטות בלבד"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
82237 msgctxt "#30045"
83238 msgid "Always"
84239 msgstr "תמיד"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
86267 msgctxt "#30051"
87268 msgid "Login"
88269 msgstr "שם משתמש"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
90272 msgctxt "#30052"
91273 msgid "Misc"
92274 msgstr "שונות"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
94292 msgctxt "#30056"
95293 msgid "TV"
96294 msgstr "טלוויזיה"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
98297 msgctxt "#30057"
99298 msgid "Radio"
100299 msgstr "רדיו"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
102313 msgctxt "#30060"
103314 msgid "Timeshift"
104315 msgstr "הסט זמן"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
106323 msgctxt "#30062"
107324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
108325 msgstr "נתיב חוצץ טיימשיפט"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110328 msgctxt "#30063"
111329 msgid "Off"
112330 msgstr "כבוי"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
114333 msgctxt "#30064"
115334 msgid "On playback"
116335 msgstr "עם נגינה"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
118338 msgctxt "#30065"
119339 msgid "On pause"
120340 msgstr "עם השהיה"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
122363 msgctxt "#30070"
123364 msgid "Recordings"
124365 msgstr "הקלטות"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
126368 msgctxt "#30071"
127369 msgid "Recordings"
128370 msgstr "הקלטות"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
130374 msgctxt "#30072"
131375 msgid "Timers"
132376 msgstr "תזמונים"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
134490 msgctxt "#30094"
135491 msgid "N/A"
136492 msgstr "לא זמין"
494 #. application: Admin
138495 msgctxt "#30095"
139496 msgid "True"
140497 msgstr "אמת"
499 #. application: Admin
142500 msgctxt "#30096"
143501 msgid "False"
144502 msgstr "שקר"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
146545 msgctxt "#30105"
147546 msgid "Other"
148547 msgstr "אחר"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
150606 msgctxt "#30117"
151607 msgid "Disabled"
152608 msgstr "מנוטרל"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
154815 msgctxt "#30410"
155816 msgid "Automatic"
156817 msgstr "אוטומטי"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
158859 msgctxt "#30430"
159860 msgid "Disabled"
160861 msgstr "מנוטרל"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "שימוש בנתיב הקלטה נוכחי של מכשיר ה־DVB בלבד"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "תיקיית הקלטות בשרת אחורי"
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1426 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1427 #~ msgstr "שמור על מבנה התיקיות עבור הרשומות"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Hindi (India) (\n"
12 "Language: hi_IN\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: hi_IN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "उपयोगकर्ता नाम"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
38 msgctxt "#30004"
39 msgid "Password"
40 msgstr ""
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2248 msgctxt "#30006"
2349 msgid "Icons"
2450 msgstr "प्रतीक"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
26105 msgctxt "#30018"
27106 msgid "General"
28107 msgstr "सामान्य"
109 #. label-category: channels
110 msgctxt "#30019"
111 msgid "Channels"
112 msgstr ""
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
30116 msgctxt "#30020"
31117 msgid "Advanced"
32118 msgstr "उन्नत"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
222 msgctxt "#30042"
223 msgid "Never"
224 msgstr ""
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
237 msgctxt "#30045"
238 msgid "Always"
239 msgstr ""
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
292 msgctxt "#30056"
293 msgid "TV"
294 msgstr ""
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
34328 msgctxt "#30063"
35329 msgid "Off"
36330 msgstr "से"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
38606 msgctxt "#30117"
39607 msgid "Disabled"
40608 msgstr "विकलांग"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
42860 msgctxt "#30430"
43861 msgid "Disabled"
44862 msgstr "विकलांग"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Croatian (Croatia) (\n"
12 "Language: hr_HR\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: hr_HR\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 naziv računala ili IP adresa"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Ulaz stremanja"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Korisničko ime"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Lozinka"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Povezivanje"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Ikone"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Putanja ikone"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Razdoblje nadopune"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Automatsko čišćenje popisa zadanih snimanja"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Ulaz web sučelja"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Isključi prije promjene programa (za uređaje s jednim prijemnikom)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Razdoblje nadopune"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Koristi samo za DVB uređaje, trenutna putanja snimanja"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Općenito"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Programi"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Napredno"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Mapa snimanja na prijemniku"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "Pošalji način stanja energije pri zatvaranju dodatka"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "Način dohvata TV buketa"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "Dohvati ikone iz web sučelja"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "Koristi sigurni HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "Omogući automatsko podešavanje za strujanja s programom uživo"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Zadrži strukturu mapa za snimke"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "Sezone i epizode"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "EPG vodič"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "Izdvoji informacije sezone, epizode i godinu gdje je moguće"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "Omogući automatska zakazana snimanja"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "Koristi datotečni format"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "Omogući stvaranje ponavljajućih zakazanih snimanja"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "Zapisuj tekstna mapiranja žanra koji nedostaje"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Web sučelje"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "Strujanje"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "Postavi obris (npr. podnaslovi) prije sadržaja"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "Veličina čitanja dijela strujanja"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "Nikada"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "Samo u EPG-u"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "Samo u snimkama"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "Uvijek"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "Izdvoji informacije emisije iz datoteka"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Rytec izvorno mapiranje teksta"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "Omogući Rytec izvorno mapiranje teksta"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Datoteka Rytec izvornog mapiranja teksta"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "Prilagođeno vrijeme čekanja emitiranja uživo (0 je zadano)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "Prijava"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "Ostalo"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "Izvorno ID mapiranje"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "Omogući izvorno ID mapiranje"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "Datoteka izvornog ID mapiranja teksta"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "Televizija"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "Način dohvata radio buketa"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "Vremensko premotavanje"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "Omogući vremensko premotavanje"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "Putanja međuspremnika premotavanja u vremenu"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "Isključeno"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "Pri reprodukciji"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "Pri pauzi"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "Koristi sigurni HTTP (https) za strujanje"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "Koristi prijavu za strujanje"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "Dohvati buket TV omiljenih"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "Dohvati buket Radio omiljenih"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "Snimke"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "Snimke"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "Zakazana snimanja"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "Broj stvaranja ponavljajućih zakazanih snimanja"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "Svi buketi"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "Kao prvi buket"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "Kao posljednji buket"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "Omiljeni (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "Omiljeni (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "nepoznato"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr "(Nije povezan!)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "greška dodatka"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
448 msgctxt "#30086"
449 msgid "Backend"
450 msgstr ""
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
453 msgctxt "#30087"
454 msgid "Recording Padding"
455 msgstr ""
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
458 msgctxt "#30088"
459 msgid "Global start padding"
460 msgstr ""
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
463 msgctxt "#30089"
464 msgid "Global end padding"
465 msgstr ""
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
310468 msgctxt "#30090"
311469 msgid "Device Info"
312470 msgstr "Informacije uređaja"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
314473 msgctxt "#30091"
315474 msgid "WebIf version"
316475 msgstr "WebIf inačica"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
478 msgctxt "#30092"
479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
480 msgstr ""
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
483 msgctxt "#30093"
484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
485 msgstr ""
487 #. application: Admin
318488 msgctxt "#30094"
319489 msgid "N/A"
320490 msgstr "N/D"
492 #. application: Admin
322493 msgctxt "#30095"
323494 msgid "True"
324495 msgstr "Istina"
497 #. application: Admin
326498 msgctxt "#30096"
327499 msgid "False"
328500 msgstr "Laž"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
503 msgctxt "#30097"
504 msgid "Standby"
505 msgstr ""
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
508 msgctxt "#30098"
509 msgid "Deep standby"
510 msgstr ""
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
513 msgctxt "#30099"
514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
515 msgstr ""
517 #. label: General - updatemode
518 msgctxt "#30100"
519 msgid "Update mode"
520 msgstr ""
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
523 msgctxt "#30101"
524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
525 msgstr ""
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
528 msgctxt "#30102"
529 msgid "Timers only"
530 msgstr ""
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
533 msgctxt "#30103"
534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
535 msgstr ""
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
538 msgctxt "#30104"
539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
540 msgstr ""
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
330543 msgctxt "#30105"
331544 msgid "Other"
332545 msgstr "Ostalo"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
548 msgctxt "#30106"
549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
550 msgstr ""
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
334604 msgctxt "#30117"
335605 msgid "Disabled"
336606 msgstr "Onemogućeno"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
338813 msgctxt "#30410"
339814 msgid "Automatic"
340815 msgstr "Automatski"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
342857 msgctxt "#30430"
343858 msgid "Disabled"
344859 msgstr "Onemogućeno"
861 #. application: Timers
346862 msgctxt "#30431"
347863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
348864 msgstr "Snimi ako se EPG naslov razlikuje"
866 #. application: Timers
867 msgctxt "#30432"
868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
869 msgstr ""
871 #. application: Timers
872 msgctxt "#30433"
873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
874 msgstr ""
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
350880 msgctxt "#30514"
351881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
352882 msgstr "Putanja međuspremnika premotavanja u vremenu ne postoji"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
885 msgctxt "#30515"
886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30516"
891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30517"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Koristi samo za DVB uređaje, trenutna putanja snimanja"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Mapa snimanja na prijemniku"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Zadrži strukturu mapa za snimke"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
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19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Enigma2 gazdanév vagy IP cím"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Streaming port"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Felhasználónév"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Jelszó"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Kapcsolat"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Ikon"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Ikon útvonal"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Frissítési intervallum"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Automatikus időzítő lista törlése"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Webes felület port"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Törölje csatornaváltás előtt (vagyis egytuneres dobozok esetében)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Frissítési intervallum"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Csak a DVB box aktuális felvételi útvonalát használja"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Általános"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Csatornák"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Haladó"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Felvételi mappa a vevőn"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Energiaellátási mód küldése kiegészítő kilépésekor"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "TV-csokor letöltési mód"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96148 msgstr "Vegye le a piconokat a webes felületről"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100153 msgstr "Használjon biztonságos HTTP-t (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Automatikus konfigurálás engedélyezése élő adásokhoz"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Felvételek mappaszerkezetének megtartása"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Évadok és epizódok"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120178 msgstr "Másolja ki az évad, epizód és az év adatait, ha lehetséges"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Engedélyezze az automatikus időzítőt"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Használja a fájlformátumot"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Engedélyezze az ismétlődő időzítők létrehozását"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Naplózó: hiányzik a műfaj szövegének leképezése"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Webes felület"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Adatfolyam"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Vázlat (pl. sub-title) felvétele a megjelenés előtt"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Stream olvasott darab méret"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Soha"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "csak az EPG-ben"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Csak a felvételekben"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Mindig"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Műsorinfo fájl kimásolása"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Rytec műfaj szöveg leképezések"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Engedélyezze a Rytec műfaj szövegének leképezését"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Rytec műfaj szöveg leképezés fájl"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Egyéni élő TV időtúllépés (0 az alapértelmezett használatához)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Bejelentkezés"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Egyéb"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Műfajazonosító leképezések"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204283 msgstr "Engedélyezze a műfajazonosító leképezését"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Műfajazonosító leképezés fájl"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Rádió"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Rádió csokor letöltési mód"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Csúsztatott felvétel"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Engedélyezze az időcsúsztatást"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232324 msgstr "Csúsztatott élőkép tároló útvonala"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Ki"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "Lejátszáskor"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "Szüneteltetéskor"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Használjon biztonságos HTTP (https) protokollokat"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Jelentkezzen be a streamekhez"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256354 msgstr "Töltse le a TV-kedvencek csokorát"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260359 msgstr "Töltse le a rádió kedvencek csokorát"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Felvételek"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Felvételek"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272375 msgstr "Időzítők"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "A létrehozandó ismétlődő időzítők száma"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Összes csokor"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "Az első csokor"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "Utolsó csokor"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Kedvencek (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Kedvencek (Rádió)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "ismeretlen"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr " (Nincs csatlakoztatva)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "Kiegészítő hiba"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Háttér"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Rögzítés"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Globális kezdeti kitöltés"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Globális végső kitöltés"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Eszköz információ"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "WebIf verzió"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "Automatikus időzítő címke az időzítő címkékben"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "Automatikus időzítő neve időzítő címkékben"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "Nem elérhető"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Igaz"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Hamis"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Készenléti állapot"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Mély készenléti állapot"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Ébrestés, majd készenléti állapot"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Frissítési mód"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Időzítők és felvételek"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Csak időzítők"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Használja az OpenWebIf picon útvonalát"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Debug módban követés logolás engedélyezése"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Más"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390549 msgctxt "#30106"
391550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392551 msgstr "Csatornánkénti EPG frissítés késletetés"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394554 msgctxt "#30107"
395555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396 msgstr "EDL rögzítése (Döntéslista szerkesztése) "
556 msgstr "EDL rögzítése (Döntéslista szerkesztése)"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398559 msgctxt "#30108"
399560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400561 msgstr "EDL támogatás engedélyezése"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402564 msgctxt "#30109"
403565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404566 msgstr "EDL kezdési idő kitöltése"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406569 msgctxt "#30110"
407570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408571 msgstr "EDL befejezési idő kitöltése"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410574 msgctxt "#30111"
411575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412576 msgstr "A hibakeresés engedélyezése normál üzemmódban"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
414579 msgctxt "#30112"
415580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416581 msgstr "Utolsó szkennelés (TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
418584 msgctxt "#30113"
419585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420586 msgstr "Utolsó szkennelés (rádió)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422590 msgctxt "#30114"
423591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424592 msgstr "Kizárja az utolsó szkennelt csokort"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426595 msgctxt "#30115"
427596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428597 msgstr "Indítsa el az EPG első terhelését"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430600 msgctxt "#30116"
431601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
432602 msgstr "Csatornák és csoportok frissítési módja"
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
434605 msgctxt "#30117"
435606 msgid "Disabled"
436607 msgstr "Letiltva"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
438610 msgctxt "#30118"
439611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
440612 msgstr "Értesítés a felületen és a naplóban"
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
442615 msgctxt "#30119"
443616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
444617 msgstr "Csatornák és csoportok újratöltése"
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
620 msgctxt "#30120"
621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
622 msgstr ""
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
625 msgctxt "#30121"
626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
627 msgstr ""
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
630 msgctxt "#30122"
631 msgid "Connection check interval"
632 msgstr ""
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
635 msgctxt "#30123"
636 msgid "Autotimers"
637 msgstr ""
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
665 msgctxt "#30129"
666 msgid "Kodi instances"
667 msgstr ""
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
670 msgctxt "#30130"
671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
672 msgstr ""
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
446814 msgctxt "#30410"
447815 msgid "Automatic"
448816 msgstr "Automatikus"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
450835 msgctxt "#30423"
451836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
452837 msgstr "Ismétlődő idő/csatorna"
839 #. application: Timers
454840 msgctxt "#30424"
455841 msgid "One time guide-based"
456842 msgstr "Egyszeri útmutató"
844 #. application: Timers
458845 msgctxt "#30425"
459846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
460847 msgstr "Ismétlődő útmutató"
849 #. application: Timers
462850 msgctxt "#30426"
463851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
464852 msgstr "Automatikus útmutató"
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
466858 msgctxt "#30430"
467859 msgid "Disabled"
468860 msgstr "Letiltva"
862 #. application: Timers
470863 msgctxt "#30431"
471864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
472865 msgstr "Felvétel ha az EPG cím eltér"
867 #. application: Timers
474868 msgctxt "#30432"
475869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
476870 msgstr "Felvétel ha az EPG cím és a rövid leírás eltér egymástól"
872 #. application: Timers
478873 msgctxt "#30433"
479874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
480875 msgstr "Felvétel ha az EPG cím és az összes leírás eltér egymástól"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
482881 msgctxt "#30514"
483882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
484883 msgstr "A Timeshift pufferút nem létezik"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
486886 msgctxt "#30515"
487887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
488888 msgstr "Enigma2: Nem sikerült elérni a webes felületet"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
490891 msgctxt "#30516"
491892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
492893 msgstr "Enigma2: Nincsenek csatornacsoportok"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
494896 msgctxt "#30517"
495897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
496898 msgstr "Enigma2: Csatorna nem található"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
906 msgctxt "#30519"
907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 msgstr ""
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
498912 msgctxt "#30520"
499913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
500914 msgstr "Érvénytelen csatorna"
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
502937 msgctxt "#30601"
503938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
504939 msgstr "Az enigma2 alapú set-top box IP címe."
941 #. help: Connection - webport
942 msgctxt "#30602"
943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
944 msgstr ""
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
947 msgctxt "#30603"
948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
949 msgstr ""
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
972 msgctxt "#30608"
973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
974 msgstr ""
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
992 #. help info - General
993 #. help-category: general
994 msgctxt "#30620"
995 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
996 msgstr ""
998 #. help: General - onlinepicons
999 msgctxt "#30621"
1000 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1004 msgctxt "#30622"
1005 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1009 msgctxt "#30623"
1010 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #. help: General - iconpath
1014 msgctxt "#30624"
1015 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #. help: General - updateint
1019 msgctxt "#30625"
1020 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #. help: General - updatemode
1024 msgctxt "#30626"
1025 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1029 msgctxt "#30627"
1030 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1034 msgctxt "#30628"
1035 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1039 msgctxt "#30629"
1040 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1041 msgstr ""
1043 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1044 #. help info - Channels
1045 #. help-category: channels
1046 msgctxt "#30640"
1047 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1048 msgstr ""
1050 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1051 msgctxt "#30641"
1052 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - zap
1056 msgctxt "#30642"
1057 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1061 msgctxt "#30643"
1062 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1070 msgctxt "#30644"
1071 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1075 msgctxt "#30645"
1076 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1077 msgstr ""
1079 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1080 msgctxt "#30646"
1081 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1085 msgctxt "#30647"
1086 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1087 msgstr ""
1089 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1094 msgctxt "#30648"
1095 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1099 msgctxt "#30649"
1100 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1104 msgctxt "#30650"
1105 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1109 msgctxt "#30651"
1110 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1114 msgctxt "#30652"
1115 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1119 msgctxt "#30653"
1120 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1124 msgctxt "#30654"
1125 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1129 msgctxt "#30655"
1130 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1134 msgctxt "#30656"
1135 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1136 msgstr ""
1138 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1139 #. help info - EPG
1140 #. help-category: epg
1141 msgctxt "#30660"
1142 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1146 msgctxt "#30661"
1147 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1151 msgctxt "#30662"
1152 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1156 msgctxt "#30663"
1157 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1161 msgctxt "#30664"
1162 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1163 msgstr ""
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1166 msgctxt "#30665"
1167 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1168 msgstr ""
1170 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1171 msgctxt "#30666"
1172 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1176 msgctxt "#30667"
1177 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1178 msgstr ""
1180 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1181 msgctxt "#30668"
1182 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1183 msgstr ""
1185 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1186 msgctxt "#30669"
1187 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1188 msgstr ""
1190 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1191 #. help info - Recordings
1192 #. help-category: recordings
1193 msgctxt "#30680"
1194 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1195 msgstr ""
1197 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1198 msgctxt "#30681"
1199 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1203 msgctxt "#30682"
1204 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1205 msgstr ""
1207 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1208 msgctxt "#30683"
1209 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1210 msgstr ""
1212 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1213 msgctxt "#30684"
1214 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1218 msgctxt "#30685"
1219 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1220 msgstr ""
1222 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1223 msgctxt "#30686"
1224 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1228 msgctxt "#30687"
1229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1230 msgstr ""
1232 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1233 msgctxt "#30688"
1234 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1238 msgctxt "#30689"
1239 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1243 msgctxt "#30690"
1244 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1248 msgctxt "#30691"
1249 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1250 msgstr ""
1252 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1253 #. help info - Timers
1254 #. help-category: timers
1255 msgctxt "#30700"
1256 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1257 msgstr ""
1259 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1260 msgctxt "#30701"
1261 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1262 msgstr ""
1264 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1265 msgctxt "#30702"
1266 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1267 msgstr ""
1269 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1270 msgctxt "#30703"
1271 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1272 msgstr ""
1274 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1275 msgctxt "#30704"
1276 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1277 msgstr ""
1279 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1280 msgctxt "#30705"
1281 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1282 msgstr ""
1284 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1285 msgctxt "#30706"
1286 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1287 msgstr ""
1289 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1290 #. help info - Timeshift
1291 #. help-category: timeshift
1292 msgctxt "#30720"
1293 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1294 msgstr ""
1296 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1297 msgctxt "#30721"
1298 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1299 msgstr ""
1301 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1302 msgctxt "#30722"
1303 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1304 msgstr ""
1306 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1307 msgctxt "#30723"
1308 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1309 msgstr ""
1311 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1312 msgctxt "#30724"
1313 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1314 msgstr ""
1316 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1317 msgctxt "#30725"
1318 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1319 msgstr ""
1321 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1322 msgctxt "#30726"
1323 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1324 msgstr ""
1326 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1327 msgctxt "#30727"
1328 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1329 msgstr ""
1331 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1332 msgctxt "#30728"
1333 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1334 msgstr ""
1336 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1337 #. help info - Advanced
1338 #. help-category: advanced
1339 msgctxt "#30740"
1340 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1344 msgctxt "#30741"
1345 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1346 msgstr ""
1348 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1349 msgctxt "#30742"
1350 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1354 msgctxt "#30743"
1355 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1359 msgctxt "#30744"
1360 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1361 msgstr ""
1363 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1364 msgctxt "#30745"
1365 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1366 msgstr ""
1368 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1369 msgctxt "#30746"
1370 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1371 msgstr ""
1373 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1374 msgctxt "#30747"
1375 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1376 msgstr ""
1378 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1379 #. help info - Backend
1380 #. help-category: backend
1381 msgctxt "#30760"
1382 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1383 msgstr ""
1385 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1386 msgctxt "#30761"
1387 msgid "webifversion"
1388 msgstr ""
1390 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1391 msgctxt "#30762"
1392 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1396 msgctxt "#30763"
1397 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1401 msgctxt "#30764"
1402 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1406 msgctxt "#30765"
1407 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1408 msgstr ""
1410 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1411 msgctxt "#30766"
1412 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1413 msgstr ""
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1416 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1417 #~ msgstr "Csak a DVB box aktuális felvételi útvonalát használja"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1420 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1421 #~ msgstr "Felvételi mappa a vevőn"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1424 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1425 #~ msgstr "Felvételek mappaszerkezetének megtartása"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Armenian (Armenia) (\n"
12 "Language: hy_AM\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: hy_AM\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
33 msgctxt "#30003"
34 msgid "Username"
35 msgstr ""
37 #. label: Connection - pass
1838 msgctxt "#30004"
1939 msgid "Password"
2040 msgstr "Գաղտնաբառ"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2248 msgctxt "#30006"
2349 msgid "Icons"
2450 msgstr "Նշաններ"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
26105 msgctxt "#30018"
27106 msgid "General"
28107 msgstr "Գլխավոր"
109 #. label-category: channels
110 msgctxt "#30019"
111 msgid "Channels"
112 msgstr ""
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
222 msgctxt "#30042"
223 msgid "Never"
224 msgstr ""
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
237 msgctxt "#30045"
238 msgid "Always"
239 msgstr ""
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
30267 msgctxt "#30051"
31268 msgid "Login"
32269 msgstr "Մուտք"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
292 msgctxt "#30056"
293 msgid "TV"
294 msgstr ""
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
34328 msgctxt "#30063"
35329 msgid "Off"
36330 msgstr "Անջատել"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
606 msgctxt "#30117"
607 msgid "Disabled"
608 msgstr ""
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 # empty strings from id 30427 to 30429
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
861 msgctxt "#30430"
862 msgid "Disabled"
863 msgstr ""
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Indonesian (Indonesia) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Indonesian <>\n"
12 "Language: id_id\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: id_ID\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
2036 msgstr "NamaPengguna"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "Password"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
2846 msgstr "Koneksi"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
3251 msgstr "Ikon"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
3490 msgctxt "#30015"
3591 msgid "Update interval"
3692 msgstr "Interval update"
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
38100 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Hanya gunakan path rekaman DVB yang digunakan saat ini"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
42106 msgctxt "#30018"
43107 msgid "General"
44108 msgstr "Umum"
110 #. label-category: channels
46111 msgctxt "#30019"
47112 msgid "Channels"
48113 msgstr "Saluran"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50117 msgctxt "#30020"
51118 msgid "Advanced"
52119 msgstr "Tingkat Lanjut"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54128 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Folder rekaman di penerima"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
158 msgctxt "#30029"
159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
160 msgstr ""
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
163 msgctxt "#30030"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
58173 msgctxt "#30032"
59174 msgid "EPG"
60 msgstr "EPG "
175 msgstr "EPG"
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62223 msgctxt "#30042"
63224 msgid "Never"
64225 msgstr "Tidak Pernah"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66228 msgctxt "#30043"
67229 msgid "In EPG only"
68230 msgstr "di EPG saja"
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70233 msgctxt "#30044"
71234 msgid "In recordings only"
72235 msgstr "Di perekaman saja"
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74238 msgctxt "#30045"
75239 msgid "Always"
76240 msgstr "Selalu"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
78268 msgctxt "#30051"
79269 msgid "Login"
80270 msgstr "Masuk"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
82273 msgctxt "#30052"
83274 msgid "Misc"
84275 msgstr "Misc"
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86293 msgctxt "#30056"
87294 msgid "TV"
88295 msgstr "TV"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90298 msgctxt "#30057"
91299 msgid "Radio"
92300 msgstr "Radio"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94314 msgctxt "#30060"
95315 msgid "Timeshift"
96316 msgstr "Pergeseran waktu"
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98324 msgctxt "#30062"
99325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100326 msgstr "Path penyangga Timeshift"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102329 msgctxt "#30063"
103330 msgid "Off"
104331 msgstr "Matikan"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
334 msgctxt "#30064"
335 msgid "On playback"
336 msgstr ""
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
106364 msgctxt "#30070"
107365 msgid "Recordings"
108366 msgstr "Perekaman"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
110369 msgctxt "#30071"
111370 msgid "Recordings"
112371 msgstr "Perekaman"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
375 msgctxt "#30072"
376 msgid "Timers"
377 msgstr ""
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
491 msgctxt "#30094"
492 msgid "N/A"
493 msgstr ""
495 #. application: Admin
114496 msgctxt "#30095"
115497 msgid "True"
116498 msgstr "Ya"
500 #. application: Admin
118501 msgctxt "#30096"
119502 msgid "False"
120503 msgstr "Salah"
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
546 msgctxt "#30105"
547 msgid "Other"
548 msgstr ""
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
122607 msgctxt "#30117"
123608 msgid "Disabled"
124609 msgstr "Non Aktif"
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
813 #. ##############
814 #. application #
815 #. ##############
816 #. application: Timers
817 msgctxt "#30410"
818 msgid "Automatic"
819 msgstr ""
821 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
822 #. application: Timers
823 msgctxt "#30420"
824 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
825 msgstr ""
827 #. application: Timers
828 msgctxt "#30421"
829 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
830 msgstr ""
832 #. application: Timers
833 msgctxt "#30422"
834 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
835 msgstr ""
837 #. application: Timers
838 msgctxt "#30423"
839 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
840 msgstr ""
842 #. application: Timers
843 msgctxt "#30424"
844 msgid "One time guide-based"
845 msgstr ""
847 #. application: Timers
848 msgctxt "#30425"
849 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
850 msgstr ""
852 #. application: Timers
853 msgctxt "#30426"
854 msgid "Auto guide-based"
855 msgstr ""
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
126861 msgctxt "#30430"
127862 msgid "Disabled"
128863 msgstr "Non Aktif"
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1420 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1421 #~ msgstr "Hanya gunakan path rekaman DVB yang digunakan saat ini"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1424 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1425 #~ msgstr "Folder rekaman di penerima"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Icelandic (Iceland) (\n"
12 "Language: is_IS\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: is_IS\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Nafn eða IP-vistfang á Enigma2"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Gátt streymis"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Notandanafn"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Lykilorð"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Tenging"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Tákn"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Slóð táknmynda"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Bið milli uppfærslna"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Sjálfvirk hreinsun á tímatökulista"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Gátt vefviðmóts"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Bið á milli rásaskipta (þ.e. fyrir box með einum móttakara)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Bið milli uppfærslna"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Nota aðeins núverandi upptökuslóð upptökutækja"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Almennt"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Rásir"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Ítarlegt"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Upptökumappa á móttakaranum"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
130 msgctxt "#30024"
131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
132 msgstr ""
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
135 msgctxt "#30025"
136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
137 msgstr ""
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
86145 msgctxt "#30027"
87146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
88147 msgstr "Sækja 'picon' frá vefviðmóti"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
90150 msgctxt "#30028"
91151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
92152 msgstr "Nota öruggara HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
94155 msgctxt "#30029"
95156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
96157 msgstr "Virkja sjálfvirka uppsetningu á beinu streymi"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
98160 msgctxt "#30030"
99 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
100 msgstr "Halda möppuskipulagi fyrir plötur"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
102165 msgctxt "#30031"
103166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
104167 msgstr "Þáttaraðir og þættir"
169 #. label-category: epg
106170 msgctxt "#30032"
107171 msgid "EPG"
108172 msgstr "Rafrænn EPG-sjónvarpsvísir"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
175 msgctxt "#30033"
176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
177 msgstr ""
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
180 msgctxt "#30034"
181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
182 msgstr ""
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
185 msgctxt "#30035"
186 msgid "Use file format"
187 msgstr ""
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
190 msgctxt "#30036"
191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
192 msgstr ""
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
195 msgctxt "#30037"
196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
197 msgstr ""
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
110200 msgctxt "#30038"
111201 msgid "Web Interface"
112202 msgstr "Vefviðmót"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
114205 msgctxt "#30039"
115206 msgid "Streaming"
116207 msgstr "Streymi"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
118210 msgctxt "#30040"
119211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
120212 msgstr "Setja upplýsingar (t.d. skjátexta) á undan söguþræði"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
122215 msgctxt "#30041"
123216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
124217 msgstr "Stærð lesbúts streymis"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
126220 msgctxt "#30042"
127221 msgid "Never"
128222 msgstr "Aldrei"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
130225 msgctxt "#30043"
131226 msgid "In EPG only"
132227 msgstr "Aðeins í rafrænum EPG-dagskrárvísum"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
134230 msgctxt "#30044"
135231 msgid "In recordings only"
136232 msgstr "Aðeins í upptökum"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
138235 msgctxt "#30045"
139236 msgid "Always"
140237 msgstr "Alltaf"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
142240 msgctxt "#30046"
143241 msgid "Extract show info file"
144242 msgstr "Veiða upplýsingar um myndskeið úr skrá"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
245 msgctxt "#30047"
246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
247 msgstr ""
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
250 msgctxt "#30048"
251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
252 msgstr ""
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
255 msgctxt "#30049"
256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
257 msgstr ""
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
146260 msgctxt "#30050"
147261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
148262 msgstr "Sérsniðin tímamörk beinnar sjónvarpsútsendingar (0 til að nota sjálfgefið)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
150265 msgctxt "#30051"
151266 msgid "Login"
152267 msgstr "Innskrá"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
154270 msgctxt "#30052"
155271 msgid "Misc"
156272 msgstr "Ýmislegt"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
275 msgctxt "#30053"
276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
277 msgstr ""
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
280 msgctxt "#30054"
281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
282 msgstr ""
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
285 msgctxt "#30055"
286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
287 msgstr ""
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
158290 msgctxt "#30056"
159291 msgid "TV"
160292 msgstr "Sjónvarp"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
162295 msgctxt "#30057"
163296 msgid "Radio"
164297 msgstr "Útvarp"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
300 msgctxt "#30058"
301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
302 msgstr ""
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
166311 msgctxt "#30060"
167312 msgid "Timeshift"
168313 msgstr "Tímaflakk"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
170316 msgctxt "#30061"
171317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
172318 msgstr "Virkja tímaflakk"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
174321 msgctxt "#30062"
175322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
176323 msgstr "Slóð á biðminni tímahliðrunar"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
178326 msgctxt "#30063"
179327 msgid "Off"
180328 msgstr "Slökkt"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
182331 msgctxt "#30064"
183332 msgid "On playback"
184333 msgstr "Við afspilun"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
186336 msgctxt "#30065"
187337 msgid "On pause"
188338 msgstr "Við bið"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
190341 msgctxt "#30066"
191342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
192343 msgstr "Nota öruggara HTTP (https) fyrir streymi"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
194346 msgctxt "#30067"
195347 msgid "Use login for streams"
196348 msgstr "Nota innskráningu fyrir streymi"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
198351 msgctxt "#30068"
199352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
200353 msgstr "Sækja knippi af sjónvarpseftirlætum"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
202356 msgctxt "#30069"
203357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
204358 msgstr "Sækja knippi af útvarpseftirlætum"
360 #. label-category: recordings
206361 msgctxt "#30070"
207362 msgid "Recordings"
208363 msgstr "Upptökur"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
210366 msgctxt "#30071"
211367 msgid "Recordings"
212368 msgstr "Upptökur"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
214372 msgctxt "#30072"
215373 msgid "Timers"
216374 msgstr "Tímatökur"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
377 msgctxt "#30073"
378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
379 msgstr ""
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
218383 msgctxt "#30074"
219384 msgid "All bouquets"
220385 msgstr "Öll knippi"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
222395 msgctxt "#30076"
223396 msgid "As first bouquet"
224397 msgstr "Sem fyrsta knippi"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
226401 msgctxt "#30077"
227402 msgid "As last bouquet"
228403 msgstr "Sem síðasta knippi"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
230412 msgctxt "#30079"
231413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
232414 msgstr "Eftirlæti (sjónvarp)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
234417 msgctxt "#30080"
235418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
236419 msgstr "Eftirlæti (útvarp)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
238423 msgctxt "#30081"
239424 msgid "unknown"
240425 msgstr "óþekkt"
427 #. application: Client
242428 msgctxt "#30082"
243429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
244430 msgstr "(Engin tenging!)"
432 #. application: Client
246433 msgctxt "#30083"
247434 msgid "addon error"
248435 msgstr "villa í viðbót"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
250448 msgctxt "#30086"
251449 msgid "Backend"
252450 msgstr "Bakendi"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
453 msgctxt "#30087"
454 msgid "Recording Padding"
455 msgstr ""
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
458 msgctxt "#30088"
459 msgid "Global start padding"
460 msgstr ""
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
463 msgctxt "#30089"
464 msgid "Global end padding"
465 msgstr ""
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
254468 msgctxt "#30090"
255469 msgid "Device Info"
256470 msgstr "Upplýsingar um tæki"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
258473 msgctxt "#30091"
259474 msgid "WebIf version"
260475 msgstr "Útgáfa WebIf"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
478 msgctxt "#30092"
479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
480 msgstr ""
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
483 msgctxt "#30093"
484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
485 msgstr ""
487 #. application: Admin
262488 msgctxt "#30094"
263489 msgid "N/A"
264490 msgstr "E/T"
492 #. application: Admin
266493 msgctxt "#30095"
267494 msgid "True"
268495 msgstr "Satt"
497 #. application: Admin
270498 msgctxt "#30096"
271499 msgid "False"
272500 msgstr "Ósatt"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
274503 msgctxt "#30097"
275504 msgid "Standby"
276505 msgstr "Biðstaða"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
508 msgctxt "#30098"
509 msgid "Deep standby"
510 msgstr ""
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
513 msgctxt "#30099"
514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
515 msgstr ""
517 #. label: General - updatemode
518 msgctxt "#30100"
519 msgid "Update mode"
520 msgstr ""
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
523 msgctxt "#30101"
524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
525 msgstr ""
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
528 msgctxt "#30102"
529 msgid "Timers only"
530 msgstr ""
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
533 msgctxt "#30103"
534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
535 msgstr ""
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
538 msgctxt "#30104"
539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
540 msgstr ""
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
278543 msgctxt "#30105"
279544 msgid "Other"
280545 msgstr "Annað"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
548 msgctxt "#30106"
549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
550 msgstr ""
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
282604 msgctxt "#30117"
283605 msgid "Disabled"
284606 msgstr "Óvirkt"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
286813 msgctxt "#30410"
287814 msgid "Automatic"
288815 msgstr "Sjálfvirkt"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
290857 msgctxt "#30430"
291858 msgid "Disabled"
292859 msgstr "Óvirkt"
861 #. application: Timers
294862 msgctxt "#30431"
295863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
296864 msgstr "Taka upp ef titill í EPG-dagskrárvísi er öðruvísi"
866 #. application: Timers
298867 msgctxt "#30432"
299868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
300869 msgstr "Taka upp ef mismunur er á titli og lýsingu í EPG-dagskrárvísi"
871 #. application: Timers
302872 msgctxt "#30433"
303873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
304874 msgstr "Taka upp ef mismunur er á titli og lýsingum í EPG-dagskrárvísi"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
306880 msgctxt "#30514"
307881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
308882 msgstr "Slóð á biðminni tímahliðrunar er ekki til"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
885 msgctxt "#30515"
886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30516"
891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30517"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Nota aðeins núverandi upptökuslóð upptökutækja"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Upptökumappa á móttakaranum"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Halda möppuskipulagi fyrir plötur"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Italian (Italy) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Italian <>\n"
12 "Language: it_it\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: it_IT\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
2036 msgstr "Nome utente"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "Password"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
2846 msgstr "Connessione"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
3251 msgstr "Icone"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
3490 msgctxt "#30015"
3591 msgid "Update interval"
3692 msgstr "Intervallo aggiornamento"
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
38100 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Usa solo il percorso di registrazione corrente del dispositivo DVB"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
42106 msgctxt "#30018"
43107 msgid "General"
44108 msgstr "Generale"
110 #. label-category: channels
46111 msgctxt "#30019"
47112 msgid "Channels"
48113 msgstr "Canali"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50117 msgctxt "#30020"
51118 msgid "Advanced"
52119 msgstr "Avanzate"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54128 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Cartella per le registrazioni del ricevitore"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
58158 msgctxt "#30029"
59159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
60 msgstr "Abilita configurazione automatica per trasmissioni in diretta"
160 msgstr "Abilita configurazione automatica per trasmissioni in diretta"
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
62163 msgctxt "#30030"
63 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
64 msgstr "Mantieni la struttura delle cartelle per i record"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
66173 msgctxt "#30032"
67174 msgid "EPG"
68175 msgstr "EPG"
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70223 msgctxt "#30042"
71224 msgid "Never"
72225 msgstr "Mai"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74228 msgctxt "#30043"
75229 msgid "In EPG only"
76230 msgstr "Solo in EPG"
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
78233 msgctxt "#30044"
79234 msgid "In recordings only"
80235 msgstr "Solo in registrazione"
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
82238 msgctxt "#30045"
83239 msgid "Always"
84240 msgstr "Sempre"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
86268 msgctxt "#30051"
87269 msgid "Login"
88270 msgstr "Login"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
90273 msgctxt "#30052"
91274 msgid "Misc"
92275 msgstr "Varie"
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
94293 msgctxt "#30056"
95294 msgid "TV"
96295 msgstr "TV"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
98298 msgctxt "#30057"
99299 msgid "Radio"
100300 msgstr "Radio"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
102314 msgctxt "#30060"
103315 msgid "Timeshift"
104316 msgstr "Timeshift"
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
106324 msgctxt "#30062"
107325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
108326 msgstr "Path per il buffer del timeshift"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110329 msgctxt "#30063"
111330 msgid "Off"
112331 msgstr "Off"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
114334 msgctxt "#30064"
115335 msgid "On playback"
116336 msgstr "In riproduzione"
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
118339 msgctxt "#30065"
119340 msgid "On pause"
120341 msgstr "In pausa"
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
122364 msgctxt "#30070"
123365 msgid "Recordings"
124366 msgstr "Registrazioni"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
126369 msgctxt "#30071"
127370 msgid "Recordings"
128371 msgstr "Registrazioni"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
130375 msgctxt "#30072"
131376 msgid "Timers"
132377 msgstr "Timer"
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
134491 msgctxt "#30094"
135492 msgid "N/A"
136493 msgstr "N.D"
495 #. application: Admin
138496 msgctxt "#30095"
139497 msgid "True"
140498 msgstr "Vero"
500 #. application: Admin
142501 msgctxt "#30096"
143502 msgid "False"
144503 msgstr "Falso"
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
146546 msgctxt "#30105"
147547 msgid "Other"
148548 msgstr "Altro"
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
150607 msgctxt "#30117"
151608 msgid "Disabled"
152609 msgstr "Disabilitato"
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
154816 msgctxt "#30410"
155817 msgid "Automatic"
156818 msgstr "Automatico"
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
158860 msgctxt "#30430"
159861 msgid "Disabled"
160862 msgstr "Disabilitato"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Usa solo il percorso di registrazione corrente del dispositivo DVB"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Cartella per le registrazioni del ricevitore"
1426 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1427 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1428 #~ msgstr "Mantieni la struttura delle cartelle per i record"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
12 "Language: ja_JP\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ja_JP\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "ユーザー名"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "パスワード"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "接続"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "アイコン"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "更新間隔"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "DVB ボックスの現在の録画パスのみ使用"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "一般"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "チャンネル"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "高度な設定"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "レシーバーの録画フォルダー"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
58172 msgctxt "#30032"
59173 msgid "EPG"
60174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62222 msgctxt "#30042"
63223 msgid "Never"
64224 msgstr "使用しない"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66227 msgctxt "#30043"
67228 msgid "In EPG only"
68229 msgstr "EPGのみ"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70232 msgctxt "#30044"
71233 msgid "In recordings only"
72234 msgstr "録画のみ"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74237 msgctxt "#30045"
75238 msgid "Always"
76239 msgstr "常に"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
78267 msgctxt "#30051"
79268 msgid "Login"
80269 msgstr "ログイン"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
82272 msgctxt "#30052"
83273 msgid "Misc"
84274 msgstr "その他"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86292 msgctxt "#30056"
87293 msgid "TV"
88294 msgstr "テレビ"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90297 msgctxt "#30057"
91298 msgid "Radio"
92299 msgstr "ラジオ"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94313 msgctxt "#30060"
95314 msgid "Timeshift"
96315 msgstr "タイムシフト"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98323 msgctxt "#30062"
99324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100325 msgstr "タイムシフト用バッファのパス"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102328 msgctxt "#30063"
103329 msgid "Off"
104330 msgstr "オフ"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
106333 msgctxt "#30064"
107334 msgid "On playback"
108335 msgstr "再生中"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110338 msgctxt "#30065"
111339 msgid "On pause"
112340 msgstr "一時停止中"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
114363 msgctxt "#30070"
115364 msgid "Recordings"
116365 msgstr "録音"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
118368 msgctxt "#30071"
119369 msgid "Recordings"
120370 msgstr "録音"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
122374 msgctxt "#30072"
123375 msgid "Timers"
124376 msgstr "タイマー"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
126490 msgctxt "#30094"
127491 msgid "N/A"
128492 msgstr "N/A"
494 #. application: Admin
130495 msgctxt "#30095"
131496 msgid "True"
132497 msgstr "True"
499 #. application: Admin
134500 msgctxt "#30096"
135501 msgid "False"
136502 msgstr "False"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
138545 msgctxt "#30105"
139546 msgid "Other"
140547 msgstr "その他"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
142606 msgctxt "#30117"
143607 msgid "Disabled"
144608 msgstr "無効"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
146815 msgctxt "#30410"
147816 msgid "Automatic"
148817 msgstr "自動"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
150859 msgctxt "#30430"
151860 msgid "Disabled"
152861 msgstr "無効"
863 #. application: Timers
154864 msgctxt "#30431"
155865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
156866 msgstr "EPGタイトルが異なる場合は録画"
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "DVB ボックスの現在の録画パスのみ使用"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "レシーバーの録画フォルダー"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Korean (Korea) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Korean <>\n"
12 "Language: ko_kr\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ko_KR\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Enigma2 호스트명이나 IP 주소"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "스트리밍 포트"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "사용자명"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "비밀번호"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "연결"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "아이콘"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4253 msgctxt "#30007"
4354 msgid "Program Streams"
4455 msgstr "프로그램 스트림"
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4658 msgctxt "#30008"
4759 msgid "Icon path"
4860 msgstr "아이콘 경로"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5063 msgctxt "#30009"
5164 msgid "Update Interval"
5265 msgstr "간격 업데이트"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5468 msgctxt "#30011"
5569 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5670 msgstr "자동 타이머 항목 지움"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5873 msgctxt "#30012"
5974 msgid "Web interface port"
6075 msgstr "웹 인터페이스 포트"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
6278 msgctxt "#30013"
6379 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6480 msgstr "채널 변경 전에 빠르게 변경 (하나의 튜너 박스의 경우)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6683 msgctxt "#30014"
6784 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6885 msgstr "라이브 채널이나 녹화된 스트림의 프로그램 ID 설정"
87 #. label: General - updateint
7088 msgctxt "#30015"
7189 msgid "Update interval"
7290 msgstr "업데이트 주기"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
7493 msgctxt "#30016"
7594 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
7695 msgstr "백엔드의 특정 묶음 채널 사용"
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7898 msgctxt "#30017"
79 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
80 msgstr "DVB 박스의 현재 녹화 경로만 사용"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
82104 msgctxt "#30018"
83105 msgid "General"
84106 msgstr "일반"
108 #. label-category: channels
86109 msgctxt "#30019"
87110 msgid "Channels"
88111 msgstr "채널"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
90115 msgctxt "#30020"
91116 msgid "Advanced"
92117 msgstr "고급"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
94126 msgctxt "#30023"
95 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
96 msgstr "리시버 녹화 폴더"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
98131 msgctxt "#30024"
99132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
100133 msgstr "애드온을 나갈 때 전원 상태 모드 보내기"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
102136 msgctxt "#30025"
103137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
104138 msgstr "TV 묶음 가져오기 모드"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
106141 msgctxt "#30026"
107142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
108143 msgstr "TV 묶음 1"
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
110146 msgctxt "#30027"
111147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
112148 msgstr "웹 인터페이스에서 picons 가져오기"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
114151 msgctxt "#30028"
115152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
116153 msgstr "안전한 HTTP (https) 사용"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
118156 msgctxt "#30029"
119157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
120158 msgstr "라이브 스트림에 자동 설정 사용"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
122161 msgctxt "#30030"
123 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
124 msgstr "녹화에 폴더 구조 유지"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
126166 msgctxt "#30031"
127167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
128168 msgstr "시즌과 에피소드"
170 #. label-category: epg
130171 msgctxt "#30032"
131172 msgid "EPG"
132173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
134176 msgctxt "#30033"
135177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
136178 msgstr "시즌, 에피소드와 가능하면 연도 정보 추출"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
138181 msgctxt "#30034"
139182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
140183 msgstr "자동 타이머 사용"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
142186 msgctxt "#30035"
143187 msgid "Use file format"
144188 msgstr " 파일 포맷 사용"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
146191 msgctxt "#30036"
147192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
148193 msgstr "반복 타이머 생성 사용"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
150196 msgctxt "#30037"
151197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
152198 msgstr "장르 텍스트 매핑 로그 없음"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
154201 msgctxt "#30038"
155202 msgid "Web Interface"
156203 msgstr "웹 인터페이스"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
158206 msgctxt "#30039"
159207 msgid "Streaming"
160208 msgstr "스트리밍"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
162211 msgctxt "#30040"
163212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
164213 msgstr "줄거리 앞에 개요 (예. 부제) 넣기"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
166216 msgctxt "#30041"
167217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
168218 msgstr "스트림 읽기 청크 크기"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
170221 msgctxt "#30042"
171222 msgid "Never"
172223 msgstr "사용 안 함"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
174226 msgctxt "#30043"
175227 msgid "In EPG only"
176228 msgstr "EPG에서만"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
178231 msgctxt "#30044"
179232 msgid "In recordings only"
180233 msgstr "녹화 중에만"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
182236 msgctxt "#30045"
183237 msgid "Always"
184238 msgstr "항상"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
186241 msgctxt "#30046"
187242 msgid "Extract show info file"
188243 msgstr "쇼 정보 파일 추출"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
190246 msgctxt "#30047"
191247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
192248 msgstr "Rytec 장르 텍스트 매핑"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
194251 msgctxt "#30048"
195252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
196253 msgstr "Rytec 장르 텍스트 매핑 사용"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
198256 msgctxt "#30049"
199257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
200258 msgstr "Rytec 장르 텍스트 매핑 파일"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
202261 msgctxt "#30050"
203262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
204263 msgstr "사용자 라이브 TV 마침 (0은 기본 값)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
206266 msgctxt "#30051"
207267 msgid "Login"
208268 msgstr "로그인"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
210271 msgctxt "#30052"
211272 msgid "Misc"
212273 msgstr "기타"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
214276 msgctxt "#30053"
215277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
216278 msgstr "장르 ID 매핑"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
218281 msgctxt "#30054"
219282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
220283 msgstr "장르 ID 매핑 사용"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
222286 msgctxt "#30055"
223287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
224288 msgstr "장르 ID 매핑 파일"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
226291 msgctxt "#30056"
227292 msgid "TV"
228293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
230296 msgctxt "#30057"
231297 msgid "Radio"
232298 msgstr "라디오"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
234301 msgctxt "#30058"
235302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
236303 msgstr "라디오 묶음 가져오기 모드"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
238306 msgctxt "#30059"
239307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
240308 msgstr "라디오 묶음 1"
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
242312 msgctxt "#30060"
243313 msgid "Timeshift"
244314 msgstr "타임시프트"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
246317 msgctxt "#30061"
247318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
248319 msgstr "시간차 시청 사용"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
250322 msgctxt "#30062"
251323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
252324 msgstr "타임시프트 버퍼 경로"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
254327 msgctxt "#30063"
255328 msgid "Off"
256329 msgstr "끔"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
258332 msgctxt "#30064"
259333 msgid "On playback"
260334 msgstr "재생 중"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
262337 msgctxt "#30065"
263338 msgid "On pause"
264339 msgstr "중지"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
266342 msgctxt "#30066"
267343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
268344 msgstr "스트림에 안전한 HTTP (https) 사용"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
270347 msgctxt "#30067"
271348 msgid "Use login for streams"
272349 msgstr "스트림에 로그인 사용"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
274352 msgctxt "#30068"
275353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
276354 msgstr "TV 즐겨찾기 묶음 가져오기"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
278357 msgctxt "#30069"
279358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
280359 msgstr "라디오 즐겨찾기 묶음 가져오기"
361 #. label-category: recordings
282362 msgctxt "#30070"
283363 msgid "Recordings"
284364 msgstr "녹화"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
286367 msgctxt "#30071"
287368 msgid "Recordings"
288369 msgstr "녹화"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
290373 msgctxt "#30072"
291374 msgid "Timers"
292375 msgstr "녹화 예약"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
294378 msgctxt "#30073"
295379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
296380 msgstr "생성할 반복 타이머 숫자"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
298384 msgctxt "#30074"
299385 msgid "All bouquets"
300386 msgstr "모든 묶음"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
302390 msgctxt "#30075"
303391 msgid "Some bouquets"
304392 msgstr "일부 묶음"
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
306396 msgctxt "#30076"
307397 msgid "As first bouquet"
308398 msgstr "처음 묶음으로"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
310402 msgctxt "#30077"
311403 msgid "As last bouquet"
312404 msgstr "마지막 묶음으로"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
314408 msgctxt "#30078"
315409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
316410 msgstr "즐겨찾기 묶음"
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
318413 msgctxt "#30079"
319414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
320415 msgstr "즐겨찾기 (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
322418 msgctxt "#30080"
323419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
324420 msgstr "즐겨찾기 (라디오)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
326424 msgctxt "#30081"
327425 msgid "unknown"
328426 msgstr "알 수 없음"
428 #. application: Client
330429 msgctxt "#30082"
331430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
332431 msgstr "(연결 안됨!)"
433 #. application: Client
334434 msgctxt "#30083"
335435 msgid "addon error"
336436 msgstr "애드온 오류"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
338449 msgctxt "#30086"
339450 msgid "Backend"
340451 msgstr "백엔드"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
342454 msgctxt "#30087"
343455 msgid "Recording Padding"
344456 msgstr "녹화 붙이기"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
346459 msgctxt "#30088"
347460 msgid "Global start padding"
348461 msgstr "전체 시작 붙이기"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
350464 msgctxt "#30089"
351465 msgid "Global end padding"
352466 msgstr "전체 종료 붙이기"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
354469 msgctxt "#30090"
355470 msgid "Device Info"
356471 msgstr "장치 정보"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
358474 msgctxt "#30091"
359475 msgid "WebIf version"
360476 msgstr "WebIf 버전"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
362479 msgctxt "#30092"
363480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
364481 msgstr "타이머 태그의 자동 타이머 태그"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
366484 msgctxt "#30093"
367485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
368486 msgstr "타이머 태그의 자동 타이머 이름"
488 #. application: Admin
370489 msgctxt "#30094"
371490 msgid "N/A"
372491 msgstr "사용할 수 없음"
493 #. application: Admin
374494 msgctxt "#30095"
375495 msgid "True"
376496 msgstr "사실"
498 #. application: Admin
378499 msgctxt "#30096"
379500 msgid "False"
380501 msgstr "없음"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
382504 msgctxt "#30097"
383505 msgid "Standby"
384506 msgstr "대기 모드"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
386509 msgctxt "#30098"
387510 msgid "Deep standby"
388511 msgstr "깊은 대기 모드"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
390514 msgctxt "#30099"
391515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
392516 msgstr "기동하고 대기 모드"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
394519 msgctxt "#30100"
395520 msgid "Update mode"
396521 msgstr "업데이트 모드"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
398524 msgctxt "#30101"
399525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
400526 msgstr "타이머와 녹화"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
402529 msgctxt "#30102"
403530 msgid "Timers only"
404531 msgstr "타이머만"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
406534 msgctxt "#30103"
407535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
408536 msgstr "OpenWebIf picon 경로 사용"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
410539 msgctxt "#30104"
411540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
412541 msgstr "디버그 모드에서 로그 추적"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
414544 msgctxt "#30105"
415545 msgid "Other"
416546 msgstr "기타"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
418549 msgctxt "#30106"
419550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
420551 msgstr "EPG 채널별 지연 업데이트"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
422554 msgctxt "#30107"
423555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
424556 msgstr "EDLs (Edit Decision Lists) 녹화"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
426559 msgctxt "#30108"
427560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
428561 msgstr "EDLs 지원 사용"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
430564 msgctxt "#30109"
431565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
432566 msgstr "EDL 시작 시간 덧붙임"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
434569 msgctxt "#30110"
435570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
436571 msgstr "EDL 종료 시간 덧붙임"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
438574 msgctxt "#30111"
439575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
440576 msgstr "일반 모드에서 디버그 로그 사용"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
442579 msgctxt "#30112"
443580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
444581 msgstr "마지막 검색 (TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
446584 msgctxt "#30113"
447585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
448586 msgstr "마지막 검색 (라디오)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
450590 msgctxt "#30114"
451591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
452592 msgstr "마지막 검색 묶음 제외"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
454595 msgctxt "#30115"
455596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
456597 msgstr "초기 EPG 읽기 건너뜀"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
458600 msgctxt "#30116"
459601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
460602 msgstr "채널과 그룹 업데이트 모드"
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
462605 msgctxt "#30117"
463606 msgid "Disabled"
464607 msgstr "사용 안 함"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
466610 msgctxt "#30118"
467611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
468612 msgstr "사용자 인터페이스와 로그에 알림"
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
470615 msgctxt "#30119"
471616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
472617 msgstr "채널과 그룹 다시 읽기"
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
474620 msgctxt "#30120"
475621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
476622 msgstr "채널과 그룹 업데이트 시간 (24시)"
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
478625 msgctxt "#30121"
479626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
480627 msgstr "연결 확인 시간 제한"
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
482630 msgctxt "#30122"
483631 msgid "Connection check interval"
484632 msgstr "연결 확인 간격"
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
486635 msgctxt "#30123"
487636 msgid "Autotimers"
488637 msgstr "자동 타이머"
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
490640 msgctxt "#30124"
491641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
492642 msgstr "'모든 채널' 자동 타이머를 TV나 라디오로 제한"
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
494645 msgctxt "#30125"
495646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
496647 msgstr "원본 EPG 채널의 그룹으로 제한"
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
498650 msgctxt "#30126"
499651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
500652 msgstr "표준 채널 서비스 참조 사용"
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
502655 msgctxt "#30127"
503656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
504657 msgstr "백엔드에 마지막 재생 회수 저장"
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
506660 msgctxt "#30128"
507661 msgid "Share last played across:"
508662 msgstr "마지막 재생 공유:"
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
510665 msgctxt "#30129"
511666 msgid "Kodi instances"
512667 msgstr "Kodi 사례"
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
514670 msgctxt "#30130"
515671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
516672 msgstr "Kodi/E2 사례"
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
518676 msgctxt "#30131"
519677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
520678 msgstr "사용자 묶음"
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
522681 msgctxt "#30132"
523682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
524683 msgstr "사용자 TV 묶음 파일"
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
526686 msgctxt "#30133"
527687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
528688 msgstr "사용자 라디오 묶음 파일"
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
530691 msgctxt "#30134"
531692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
532693 msgstr "TV 묶음 개수"
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
534696 msgctxt "#30135"
535697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
536698 msgstr "TV 묶음 2"
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
538701 msgctxt "#30136"
539702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
540703 msgstr "TV 묶음 3"
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
542706 msgctxt "#30137"
543707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
544708 msgstr "TV 묶음 4"
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
546711 msgctxt "#30138"
547712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
548713 msgstr "TV 묶음 5"
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
550716 msgctxt "#30139"
551717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
552718 msgstr "라디오 묶음 개수"
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
554721 msgctxt "#30140"
555722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
556723 msgstr "라디오 묶음 2"
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
558726 msgctxt "#30141"
559727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
560728 msgstr "라디오 묶음 3"
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
562731 msgctxt "#30142"
563732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
564733 msgstr "라디오 묶음 4"
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
566736 msgctxt "#30143"
567737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
568738 msgstr "라디오 묶음 5"
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
570741 msgctxt "#30144"
571742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
572743 msgstr "Kodi 디버그 모드의 애드온 디버그 로그 없음"
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
574814 msgctxt "#30410"
575815 msgid "Automatic"
576816 msgstr "자동"
818 #. application: Timers
578819 msgctxt "#30420"
579820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
580821 msgstr "한 번 꺼짐 타이머 (자동)"
823 #. application: Timers
582824 msgctxt "#30421"
583825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
584826 msgstr "한 번 꺼짐 타이머 (반복)"
828 #. application: Timers
586829 msgctxt "#30422"
587830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
588831 msgstr "한 번 꺼짐 타이머 (채널)"
833 #. application: Timers
590834 msgctxt "#30423"
591835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
592836 msgstr "반복 타이머/채널 기반"
838 #. application: Timers
594839 msgctxt "#30424"
595840 msgid "One time guide-based"
596841 msgstr "한 번만 편성표 기반"
843 #. application: Timers
598844 msgctxt "#30425"
599845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
600846 msgstr "반복 편성표 기반"
848 #. application: Timers
602849 msgctxt "#30426"
603850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
604851 msgstr "자동 편성표 기반"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
606857 msgctxt "#30430"
607858 msgid "Disabled"
608859 msgstr "사용 안 함"
861 #. application: Timers
610862 msgctxt "#30431"
611863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
612864 msgstr "EPG 제목이 다르면 녹화"
866 #. application: Timers
614867 msgctxt "#30432"
615868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
616869 msgstr "EPG 제목과 간략한 개요가 다르면 녹화"
871 #. application: Timers
618872 msgctxt "#30433"
619873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
620874 msgstr "EPG 제목과 전체 개요가 다르면 녹화"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
622880 msgctxt "#30514"
623881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
624882 msgstr "시간차 시청 버퍼 경로가 없습니다"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
626885 msgctxt "#30515"
627886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
628887 msgstr "Enigma2: 웹 인터페이스에 연결할 수 없음"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
630890 msgctxt "#30516"
631891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
632892 msgstr "Enigma2: 채널 그룹 없음"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
634895 msgctxt "#30517"
635896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
636897 msgstr "Enigma2: 채널 없음"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
638900 msgctxt "#30518"
639901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
640902 msgstr "Enigma2: 변경된 채널 그룹을 반영하려면 다시 시작합니다"
904 #. notification: Enigma2
642905 msgctxt "#30519"
643906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
644907 msgstr "Enigma2: 변경된 채널을 반영하려면 다시 시작합니다"
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
646911 msgctxt "#30520"
647912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
648913 msgstr "틀린 채널"
915 #. notification: Enigma2
650916 msgctxt "#30521"
651917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
652918 msgstr "Enigma2: 채널 그룹이 변경되어 다시 읽음..."
920 #. notification: Enigma2
654921 msgctxt "#30522"
655922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
656923 msgstr "Enigma2: 채널이 변경되어 다시 읽음..."
925 #. ############
926 #. help info #
927 #. ############
928 #. help info - Connection
929 #. help-category: connection
658930 msgctxt "#30600"
659931 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
660932 msgstr "Enigma2 장치에 연결할 설정 그룹입니다."
934 #. help: Connection - host
662935 msgctxt "#30601"
663936 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
664937 msgstr "enigma2 기반 셋톱박스의 IP 주소나 호스트명."
939 #. help: Connection - webport
666940 msgctxt "#30602"
667941 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
668942 msgstr "웹 인터페이스에 연결할 포트."
944 #. help: Connection - use_secure
670945 msgctxt "#30603"
671946 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
672947 msgstr "웹 인터페이스 연결에 https 사용."
949 #. help: Connection - user
674950 msgctxt "#30604"
675951 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
676952 msgstr "셋톱박스의 웹 인터페이스가 사용자명/비밀번호로 보호된다면, 이 옵션을 설정해야 합니다."
954 #. help: Connection - pass
678955 msgctxt "#30605"
679956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
680957 msgstr "셋톱박스의 웹 인터페이스가 사용자명/비밀번호로 보호된다면, 이 옵션을 설정해야 합니다."
959 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
682960 msgctxt "#30606"
683961 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
684962 msgstr "사용하면 M3U8 파일에서 스트림 URL을 읽고, 아니면 채널의 서비스 참조에 따라 구성합니다. 이 옵션은 거의 필요하지 않으며 특별한 경우가 아니면 사용하지 않아야 합니다. IPTV 스트림을 본다면, 이 옵션은 그 채널에 적용되지 않습니다."
964 #. help: Connection - streamport
686965 msgctxt "#30607"
687966 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
688967 msgstr "이 옵션은 라이브 tv 스트림을 전송할 셋톱박스의 스트리밍 포트를 정합니다. 웹 인터페이스의 사용자 포트를 정하지 않으면 기본값인 8001입니다."
969 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
690970 msgctxt "#30608"
691971 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
692972 msgstr "스트림 연결에 https 사용."
974 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
694975 msgctxt "#30609"
695976 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
696977 msgstr "스트림에 사용자명과 비밀번호 사용."
979 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
698980 msgctxt "#30610"
699981 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
700982 msgstr "이 값은 실패까지 연결을 기다릴 초 시간입니다. 구형 Enigma2 장치를 조율하는 데에 유용합니다. 참고로 이 설정은 거의 바꿀 필요가 없습니다. 대게 `연결 확인 간격` 설정이 바람직합니다. 기본은 30초입니다."
984 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
702985 msgctxt "#30611"
703986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
704987 msgstr "이 값은 연결 확인 간에 기다릴 초 시간입니다. 구형 Enigma2 장치를 조율하는 데에 유용합니다. 기본은 10초입니다."
989 #. help info - General
990 #. help-category: general
706991 msgctxt "#30620"
707992 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
708993 msgstr "사용자가 설정한 값을 갖습니다"
995 #. help: General - onlinepicons
710996 msgctxt "#30621"
711997 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
712998 msgstr "Enigma2 셋톱박스로부터 직접 picons을 가져옵니다."
1000 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
7141001 msgctxt "#30622"
7151002 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
7161003 msgstr "ServiceRef을 대신해 OpenWeblf로부터 picon 경로를 가져옵니다. OpenWeblf 1.3.5 이상이 필요합니다. 낮은 OpenWeblf 버전을 사용하면 효과가 없습니다."
1005 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
7181006 msgctxt "#30623"
7191007 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
7201008 msgstr "셋톱박스의 '1_1_1_'에서 시작해서 '_0_0_0'까지 가져온 모든 picons 파일을 취합니다."
1010 #. help: General - iconpath
7221011 msgctxt "#30624"
7231012 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
7241013 msgstr "Kodi 디스플레이 채널 로고를 사용하려면 셋톱박스의 picons를 OpenELEC 장치로 복사해야 합니다. 그리고 항목에서 경로를 설정해야 합니다."
1015 #. help: General - updateint
7261016 msgctxt "#30625"
7271017 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
7281018 msgstr "셋톱박스도 타이머를 수정하거나 녹화를 지울 수 있고, Kodi 설치를 알리지 않아서, 애드온은 정기적으로 업데이트(신규 채널, 타이머 신규/변경/삭제, 녹화 삭제 등) 를 확인해야 합니다. 이 항목은 애드온 업데이트를 얼마나 자주 확인할지 정합니다. 녹화 간격을 자주 업데이트하면 수신기나 하드디스크가 대기 모드로 자동 진입하는 것을 막을 수 있습니다."
1020 #. help: General - updatemode
7301021 msgctxt "#30626"
731 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
732 msgstr "이 모드는 업데이트가 도래하면 쓰입니다. 업데이트 모드에 상관없이 녹화 업데이트를 감지한 모든 타이머가 변경됩니다. 아래 두 모드 중에서 고릅니다: [타이머와 녹화] 모든 타이머와 녹화 업데이트; [타이머만] 타이머만 업데이트. 셋톱박스 HDD 가동이 중요하다면 이 옵션을 사용하시기 바랍니다. 이때 타이머 이벤트가 있을 때만 HDD가 가동됩니다."
1022 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
7341026 msgctxt "#30627"
735 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
736 msgstr "이 모드는 다음 설정이 도달하면 쓰입니다. 아래 세 모드 중에서 고릅니다: [사용 안 함] 채널과 그룹 변경 확인 안 함; [사용자 인터페이스와 로그에 알림] 변경되면 사용자 인터페이스와 로그에 알림 표시; [채널과 그룹 다시 읽기] 변경되면 채널을 다시 읽을 E2 장치를 끊고 다시 연결."
1027 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
7381031 msgctxt "#30628"
7391032 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
7401033 msgstr "새 채널을 확인할 시간. 기본은 4시인데, E2 장치의 Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM)가 오전 3시이기 때문입니다."
1035 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
7421036 msgctxt "#30629"
7431037 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
7441038 msgstr "어떤 MPTS를 사용하는 TV 제공자(예. Nos- 포르투갈)는 따로 프로그램 스트림 정보를 보냅니다. 프로그램 ID를 설정하면 정확한 스트림를 선택해서 채널과 녹화가 가능합니다. 이 옵션을 사용한 다른 스트림을 여는 것보다 약 33% 더 오래 겁립니다."
1040 #. help info - Channels
1041 #. help-category: channels
7461042 msgctxt "#30640"
7471043 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
7481044 msgstr "채널 설정 그룹입니다. 묶음을 바꾸려면 채널 캐시를 지워야 설정이 반영될 수 있습니다. 이것은 아래 Kodi 설정에서 할 수 있습니다: '설정->PVR과 Live TV->일반->캐시 삭제'"
1046 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
7501047 msgctxt "#30641"
7511048 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
7521049 msgstr "대부분의 채널 서비스 참조는 '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:' 같은 표준 포맷 형식입니다. 제공자에 따라 '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' 이나 '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1' 같은 문자로 확장될 수 있습니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 모든 서비스 참조를 표준으로 읽습니다. 이것이 기본입니다. 자동타이머 같은 기능은 항상 기본 참조로 바뀝니다."
1051 #. help: Channels - zap
7541052 msgctxt "#30642"
755 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
756 msgstr "단일 튜너 박스에 애드온을 사용하면 셋톱박스의 다른 채널을 바꿀 필요가 있습니다. 이 옵션으로 Kodi의 채널을 변경하면 셋톱박스의 채널이 변경됩니다. 셋톱박스 웹 인터페이스의 \"채널 변경 허용\"을 사용해야 합니다."
1053 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1054 msgstr ""
1056 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
7581057 msgctxt "#30643"
759 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
760 msgstr "아래 세 모드 중에 고릅니다: [모든 묶음] 셋톱박스로부터 모든 TV 묶음 읽기; [일부 묶음] 다음 옵션에서 지정된 묶음만 읽기; [즐겨찾기 그룹] 즐겨찾는 TV의 시스템 묶음만 읽기; [사용자 그룹] XML 파일로부터 읽은 셋톱박스의 한 묶음 세트만 읽기."
1058 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1059 msgstr ""
1061 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1062 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1063 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
7621066 msgctxt "#30644"
763 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
764 msgstr "이전 옵션으로 '일부 묶음'을 설정하면, 셋톱박스로부터 읽을 TV 묶음을 지정해야 합니다. 셋톱박스에서 보일 묶음 이름입니다 (즉, '즐겨찾기 (TV)'). 대소문자를 구분합니다."
1067 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1068 msgstr ""
1070 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
7661071 msgctxt "#30645"
767 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
768 msgstr "읽을 모드가 '모든 묶음'이나 '일부 묶음'이면, Enigma2 이미지에 따라 즐겨찾기를 지정해야 합니다. 옵션은: [사용 안 함] TV 즐겨찾기 읽지 않음; [첫 묶음으로] 첫 묶음 읽음; [마지막 묶음으로] 마지막 묶음 읽음."
1072 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1073 msgstr ""
1075 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
7701076 msgctxt "#30646"
7711077 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
7721078 msgstr "마지막 검색은 마지막 검색에서 찾은 TV와 라디오를 포함한 시스템 묶음입니다. 마지막 검색된 묶음에서 찾은 모든 TV 채널은 Kodi의 '마지막 검색(TV)' 그룹에 보입니다. TV에서 이 그룹은 기본으로 제외됩니다. 이 옵션을 사용하지 않으면 이 그룹을 사용하지 않습니다. TV 그룹을 읽지 않으면 설정에 상관없이 기본으로 마지막 검색된 그룹을 읽습니다."
1080 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
7741081 msgctxt "#30647"
775 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
776 msgstr "아래 세 모드 중에 고릅니다: [모든 묶음] 셋톱박스로부터 모든 라디오 묶음 읽기; [일부 묶음] 다음 옵션에서 지정된 묶음만 읽기; [즐겨찾기 그룹] 즐겨찾는 라디오의 시스템 묶음만 읽기; [사용자 그룹] XML 파일로부터 읽은 셋톱박스의 한 묶음 세트만 읽기."
1082 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1083 msgstr ""
1085 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1086 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1087 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
7781090 msgctxt "#30648"
779 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
780 msgstr "이전 옵션으로 '일부 묶음'을 설정하면, 셋톱박스로부터 읽을 라디오 묶음을 지정해야 합니다. 셋톱박스에서 보일 묶음 이름입니다 (즉, '즐겨찾기 (라디오)'). 대소문자를 구분합니다. "
1091 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1092 msgstr ""
1094 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
7821095 msgctxt "#30649"
783 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
784 msgstr "읽을 모드가 '모든 묶음'이나 '일부 묶음'이면, Enigma2 이미지에 따라 즐겨찾기를 지정해야 합니다. 옵션은: [사용 안 함] 라디오 즐겨찾기 읽지 않음; [첫 묶음으로] 첫 묶음 읽음; [마지막 묶음으로] 마지막 묶음 읽음."
1096 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1097 msgstr ""
1099 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
7861100 msgctxt "#30650"
7871101 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
788 msgstr "마지막 검색은 마지막 검색에서 찾은 TV와 라디오를 포함한 시스템 묶음입니다. 마지막 검색된 묶음에서 찾은 모든 라디오 채널은 Kodi의 '마지막 검색(라디오)' 그룹에 보입니다. 라디오에서 이 그룹은 기본으로 제외됩니다. 이 옵션을 사용하지 않으면 이 그룹을 사용하지 않습니다. 라디오 그룹을 읽지 않으면 설정에 상관없이 기본으로 마지막 검색된 그룹을 읽습니다. "
1102 msgstr "마지막 검색은 마지막 검색에서 찾은 TV와 라디오를 포함한 시스템 묶음입니다. 마지막 검색된 묶음에서 찾은 모든 라디오 채널은 Kodi의 '마지막 검색(라디오)' 그룹에 보입니다. 라디오에서 이 그룹은 기본으로 제외됩니다. 이 옵션을 사용하지 않으면 이 그룹을 사용하지 않습니다. 라디오 그룹을 읽지 않으면 설정에 상관없이 기본으로 마지막 검색된 그룹을 읽습니다."
1104 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
7901105 msgctxt "#30651"
7911106 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
7921107 msgstr "이 파일은 사용자 TV 묶음(그룹)을 읽는 데에 쓰입니다. 그룹이 채널 리스트에 없으면 '이전 검색(TV)'이 기본입니다. 기본 파일은 `customTVGroups-example.xml`입니다."
1109 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
7941110 msgctxt "#30652"
7951111 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
7961112 msgstr "이 파일은 사용자 라디오 묶음(그룹)을 읽는 데에 쓰입니다. 그룹이 채널 리스트에 없으면 '이전 검색(라디오)'이 기본입니다. 기본 파일은 `customRadioGroups-example.xml`입니다."
1114 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
7981115 msgctxt "#30653"
7991116 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8001117 msgstr "읽기 모드에서 `일부 묶음`이 선택되면 읽을 TV 묶음 개수입니다. 5까지 선택할 수 있습니다. 5개 이상이면 '사용자 묶음' 읽기 모드가 쓰여야 합니다."
1119 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
8021120 msgctxt "#30654"
8031121 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8041122 msgstr "읽기 모드에서 `일부 묶음`이 선택되면 읽을 라디오 묶음 개수입니다. 5까지 선택할 수 있습니다. 5개 이상이면 '사용자 묶음' 읽기 모드가 쓰여야 합니다."
1124 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
8061125 msgctxt "#30655"
8071126 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
8081127 msgstr "이 옵션을 사용하면 각 그룹은 백엔드 묶음에서 사용되는 정확한 채널 번호와 일치합니다. 사용하지 않으면 (기본) 각 그룹은 단일 백엔드 채널 번호만 가집니다 (읽고 처음 맞는)."
1129 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1130 msgctxt "#30656"
1131 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1132 msgstr ""
1134 #. help info - EPG
1135 #. help-category: epg
8101136 msgctxt "#30660"
8111137 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
8121138 msgstr "EPG (Electronic Programme Guide)의 설정 그룹입니다. 모든 옵션이 반영되려면 EPG 캐시를 지워야 합니다. 이것은 애드온을 다시 시작하고 Kodi의 '설정->PVR과 Live TV->편성표->캐시 삭제'에서 할 수 있습니다."
1140 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
8141141 msgctxt "#30661"
8151142 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
8161143 msgstr "EPG 데이터의 설명을 확인하고 시즌, 에피소드와 가능하면 연도 정보를 추출합니다. 더해서 신규, 생방송, 개봉 정보 등을 추출합니다."
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
8181146 msgctxt "#30662"
8191147 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
8201148 msgstr "시즌, 에피소드와 연도 정보를 추출할 설정. 기본 파일은 `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1150 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
8221151 msgctxt "#30663"
8231152 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
8241153 msgstr "셋톱박스의 EPG 데이터와 보내진 장르 ID가 DVB 표준을 따르지 않으면, DVB 표준 ID에 넣습니다. 예로 Sky UK는 OpenTV를 쓰는데, 이 옵션이 없으면 Kodi의 장르 색상이나 글자가 틀릴 수 있습니다."
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
8261156 msgctxt "#30664"
8271157 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
8281158 msgstr "이 설정은 셋톱박스 EPG 장르 ID를 DVB 표준 ID에 넣습니다. 기본 파일은 `Sky-UK.xml`."
1160 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
8301161 msgctxt "#30665"
8311162 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
8321163 msgstr "Rytec XMLTV EPG 데이터를 사용하면, 이 옵션은 글자 장르를 DVB 표준 ID에 넣습니다."
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
8341166 msgctxt "#30666"
8351167 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
8361168 msgstr "이 설정은 Rytec Genre Text를 DVB ID에 넣습니다. 기본 파일은 `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1170 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
8381171 msgctxt "#30667"
839 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
840 msgstr "없는 장르 매핑의 로그를 사용하려면 이 옵션을 사용할 수 있습니다. 참고: 매핑이 없는 모든 장르는 여전히 추출하고 Kodi에 문자열로 보냅니다. 현재 장르는 꺾쇠괄호 사이의 문자를 추출하거나, 예. [TV 드라마], 점(.)을 구분자로 주, 부 장르를 나눕니다 예. [TV 드라마. Soap Opera]."
1172 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
8421176 msgctxt "#30668"
8431177 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
8441178 msgstr "구형 Enigma2 장치의 EPG 업데이트는 스트리밍 품질 (버퍼 시간 제한 같은)에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 250ms와 5000ms 사이의 지연은 품질을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 구형 장치만 권장합니다. 버퍼 시간 제한을 피하는 최소값을 선택합니다."
1180 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
8461181 msgctxt "#30669"
8471182 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
8481183 msgstr "초기 EPG(지금과 다음) 읽지 않음. LibreElec/CoreElec에서 충돌을 방지합니다."
1185 #. help info - Recordings
1186 #. help-category: recordings
8501187 msgctxt "#30680"
8511188 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
8521189 msgstr "녹화 설정 그룹입니다."
1191 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
8541192 msgctxt "#30681"
8551193 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
8561194 msgstr "백엔드에서 마지막 재생 위치와 회수를 저장하여 kodi에서 공유합니다. OpenWeblf 버전 1.3.6+에서만 지원합니다."
1196 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
8581197 msgctxt "#30682"
859 msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
860 msgstr "옵션: [Kodi 사례] kodi에서만 사용하고 E2 장치의 마지막 재생에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다; [Kodi/E2 사례] kodi와 E2 장치 모두에 사용하여 일치됩니다. PVR 메뉴를 사용하면, E2 장치의 마지막 재생은 매 녹화에서 5-10분에만 일치됩니다. kodi 한 사례로도 이 옵션 사용합니다."
1198 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
8621202 msgctxt "#30683"
8631203 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
8641204 msgstr "기본으로 애드온은 새로 생성된 타이머의 녹화 폴더를 지정하지 않으므로, 셋톱박스의 기본값이 사용됩니다. 다른 폴더를 지정하려면 (즉, 모든 녹화를 Kodi를 통해서 각각의 폴더에 저장하려면), 이 옵션을 설정합니다."
1206 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
8661207 msgctxt "#30684"
8671208 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
8681209 msgstr "이 옵션이 없으면, 애드온이 셋톱박스에 설정된 경로의 모든 녹화를 읽습니다. 이 옵션이 있으면, 셋톱박스의 '현재 녹화 경로'에 저장된 녹화만 올립니다."
1211 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
8701212 msgctxt "#30685"
871 msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
872 msgstr "사용하면 녹화 폴더를 지정하지 않고, (기본으로) 사용하지 않으면 녹화가 해당 폴더나 녹화 경로의 맨 위에 있는지 확인합니다."
1213 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
8741217 msgctxt "#30686"
8751218 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
8761219 msgstr "EDL은 녹화에서 광고 등을 지정합니다. EDL 파일을 생성하는 Comskip 같은 도구가 사용되면, Kodi PVR이 이를 사용합니다. 예. 'my recording.ts' 파일이 있으면 EDL 파일은 'my recording.edl'이 됩니다. 참고: 파일이 없으면 이 설정은 효과가 없습니다."
1221 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
8781222 msgctxt "#30687"
8791223 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
8801224 msgstr "EDL 정지에 사용할 덪붙임. 즉, 음수를 사용해서 이전을 자르고 양수로 이후를 자름. 기본 0."
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
8821227 msgctxt "#30688"
8831228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
8841229 msgstr "EDL 정지에 사용할 덪붙임. 즉, 음수를 사용해서 이전을 자르지 않고 양수로 이후를 자르지 않음. 기본 0."
1231 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1232 msgctxt "#30689"
1233 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1237 msgctxt "#30690"
1238 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1242 msgctxt "#30691"
1243 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help info - Timers
1247 #. help-category: timers
8861248 msgctxt "#30700"
8871249 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
8881250 msgstr "타이머 설정 (일반과 자동) 그룹입니다"
1252 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
8901253 msgctxt "#30701"
8911254 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
8921255 msgstr "반복 타이머는 타이머 규칙을 나타냅니다. 사용하면 Kodi가 반복 타이머 규칙에 맞는 일반 타이머를 생성해서 사용자 인터페이스가 각 반복 타이머의 예약과 현재 녹화를 보여줍니다."
1257 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
8941258 msgctxt "#30702"
8951259 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
8961260 msgstr "생성할 Kodi PVR 타이머 숫자"
1262 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
8981263 msgctxt "#30703"
8991264 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
9001265 msgstr "이 옵션을 사용하면 애드온이 매 업데이트 주기마다 셋톱박스의 완료된 타이머를 삭제하는 명령어를 보냅니다."
1267 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
9021268 msgctxt "#30704"
9031269 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
9041270 msgstr "사용하면 셋톱박스를 AutoTimers(타이머 규칙)을 Kodi 사용자 인터페이스의 타이머에 연결하기 위한 설정이 있습니다. 이 애드온은 부팅 시에 이를 자동으로 설정합니다."
1272 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
9061273 msgctxt "#30705"
9071274 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
9081275 msgstr "마지막으로 검색한 그룹이 제외되면, TV나 라디오에 (자동 타이머를 생성하기 위한 채널에 따라) 새로운 자동 타이머를 제한합니다. 마지막 검색 그룹이 사용되면, 이는 가능하지 않고 설정은 무시됩니다."
1277 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
9101278 msgctxt "#30706"
9111279 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
9121280 msgstr "이 채널이 속한 채널 그룹에 자동 타이머를 제한하기 위해 만드는 채널"
1282 #. help info - Timeshift
1283 #. help-category: timeshift
9141284 msgctxt "#30720"
9151285 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
9161286 msgstr "시간 이동을 위한 설정 그룹입니다. 시간 이동으로 녹화를 재생하는 것처럼 라이브 TV를 정지하거나 현재 위치에서 뒤나 앞으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 버퍼는 채널이 바뀌거나 정지할 때마다 삭제됩니다."
1288 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
9181289 msgctxt "#30721"
919 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
920 msgstr "시간 이동 옵션 선택: [사용 안 함] 시간 이동 없음; [정지 시] 라이브 스트림이 정지될 때 시간 이동을 시작함. 예. 정지한 다음 거기에서 시작하고 싶을 때; [재생 중] 라이브 스트림 중일 때 시간 이동을 시작함. 예. 스트림을 시작한 다음 어떤 지점에도 갈 수 있음. "
1290 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
9221294 msgctxt "#30722"
9231295 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
9241296 msgstr "시간 이동 버퍼를 저장할 경로, 기본은 userdata의 `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` 폴더."
1298 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1299 msgctxt "#30723"
1300 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1304 msgctxt "#30724"
1305 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1309 msgctxt "#30725"
1310 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1314 msgctxt "#30726"
1315 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1319 msgctxt "#30727"
1320 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1324 msgctxt "#30728"
1325 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help info - Advanced
1329 #. help-category: advanced
9261330 msgctxt "#30740"
9271331 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
9281332 msgstr "고급/전문가 설정 그룹입니다"
1334 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
9301335 msgctxt "#30741"
9311336 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
9321337 msgstr "기본으로 줄거리 요약(Enigma2의 짧은 설명)은 사용자 인터페이스에 보이지 않습니다. EPG와 녹화에는 모두 보입니다. 사용하려면 이 옵션을 바꾸고 '설정->PVR과 Live TV->편성표->캐시 삭제'에서 EPG 캐시를 지우면 됩니다."
1339 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
9341340 msgctxt "#30742"
935 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
936 msgstr "이 옵션이 `사용 안 함`이외의 값이면 Kodi가 닫히거나 이 애드온이 비 활성화될 때 셋톱박스에 Powerstate 명령어를 보냅니다: [사용 안 함] 이 애드온을 나가면 명령어를 보내지 않음; [대기] 나가면 대기 명령어 보냄; [최대 절전] 나가면 최대 절전 명령어 보냄. 참고, 이 명령어를 보내면 셋톱박스가 Kodi에 더 이상 응답하지 않음; [깨우기와 대기] 대기와 비슷하지만 먼저 깨우기 명령어를 보냄. 모든 스트림이 정지되었는지 확인할 때 유용함. 참고: CEC를 사용하면 TV 깨우기를 할 수 있음."
1341 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1342 msgstr ""
1344 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
9381345 msgctxt "#30743"
9391346 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
9401347 msgstr "라이브 스트림을 읽을 때 사용하는 시간 제한. 기본 라이브 스트림은 0. 기본 시간 이동은 10초."
1349 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
9421350 msgctxt "#30744"
943 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
944 msgstr "Kodi 스트림에 쓰이는 단위 데이터 크기. 기본 0은 Kodi가 결정."
1351 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1352 msgstr ""
1354 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
9461355 msgctxt "#30745"
9471356 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9481357 msgstr "Kodi에 디버그 로그가 설정되지 않아도 로그 내역이 애드온에 표시됩니다. 모든 디버그 로그 내역은 NOTICE 레벨로 표시됩니다."
1359 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
9501360 msgctxt "#30746"
9511361 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9521362 msgstr "기본 로그에 더해 상세하고 자세한 로그 내역이 표시됩니다. '기본 모드에서 디버그 로그 사용'과 더불어 사용하면 디버그 사용없이 추적과 디버그가 표시됩니다. 이 경우 디버그와 추적 로그는 NOTICE 레벨로 나타납니다."
1364 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
9541365 msgctxt "#30747"
9551366 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
9561367 msgstr "Kodi에 디버그 로그가 설정되어도 로그 내역이 애드온에 표시되지 않습니다. 애드온에 상관없는 문제를 디버그할 때 유용합니다."
1369 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1370 #. help info - Backend
1371 #. help-category: backend
9581372 msgctxt "#30760"
959 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
960 msgstr "고급/전문가 설정 그룹입니다"
1373 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Backend - webifversion
9621377 msgctxt "#30761"
9631378 msgid "webifversion"
9641379 msgstr "webifversion"
1381 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
9661382 msgctxt "#30762"
9671383 msgid "autotimertagintags"
9681384 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1386 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
9701387 msgctxt "#30763"
9711388 msgid "autotimernameintags"
9721389 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1391 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
9741392 msgctxt "#30764"
975 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
976 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1393 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1394 msgstr ""
1396 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
9781397 msgctxt "#30765"
979 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
980 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1398 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1399 msgstr ""
1401 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1402 msgctxt "#30766"
1403 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1404 msgstr ""
1406 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1407 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1408 #~ msgstr "DVB 박스의 현재 녹화 경로만 사용"
1410 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1411 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1412 #~ msgstr "리시버 녹화 폴더"
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1415 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1416 #~ msgstr "녹화에 폴더 구조 유지"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30626"
1419 #~ msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1420 #~ msgstr "이 모드는 업데이트가 도래하면 쓰입니다. 업데이트 모드에 상관없이 녹화 업데이트를 감지한 모든 타이머가 변경됩니다. 아래 두 모드 중에서 고릅니다: [타이머와 녹화] 모든 타이머와 녹화 업데이트; [타이머만] 타이머만 업데이트. 셋톱박스 HDD 가동이 중요하다면 이 옵션을 사용하시기 바랍니다. 이때 타이머 이벤트가 있을 때만 HDD가 가동됩니다."
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30627"
1423 #~ msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1424 #~ msgstr "이 모드는 다음 설정이 도달하면 쓰입니다. 아래 세 모드 중에서 고릅니다: [사용 안 함] 채널과 그룹 변경 확인 안 함; [사용자 인터페이스와 로그에 알림] 변경되면 사용자 인터페이스와 로그에 알림 표시; [채널과 그룹 다시 읽기] 변경되면 채널을 다시 읽을 E2 장치를 끊고 다시 연결."
1426 #~ msgctxt "#30642"
1427 #~ msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1428 #~ msgstr "단일 튜너 박스에 애드온을 사용하면 셋톱박스의 다른 채널을 바꿀 필요가 있습니다. 이 옵션으로 Kodi의 채널을 변경하면 셋톱박스의 채널이 변경됩니다. 셋톱박스 웹 인터페이스의 \"채널 변경 허용\"을 사용해야 합니다."
1430 #~ msgctxt "#30643"
1431 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1432 #~ msgstr "아래 세 모드 중에 고릅니다: [모든 묶음] 셋톱박스로부터 모든 TV 묶음 읽기; [일부 묶음] 다음 옵션에서 지정된 묶음만 읽기; [즐겨찾기 그룹] 즐겨찾는 TV의 시스템 묶음만 읽기; [사용자 그룹] XML 파일로부터 읽은 셋톱박스의 한 묶음 세트만 읽기."
1434 #~ msgctxt "#30644"
1435 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1436 #~ msgstr "이전 옵션으로 '일부 묶음'을 설정하면, 셋톱박스로부터 읽을 TV 묶음을 지정해야 합니다. 셋톱박스에서 보일 묶음 이름입니다 (즉, '즐겨찾기 (TV)'). 대소문자를 구분합니다."
1438 #~ msgctxt "#30645"
1439 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1440 #~ msgstr "읽을 모드가 '모든 묶음'이나 '일부 묶음'이면, Enigma2 이미지에 따라 즐겨찾기를 지정해야 합니다. 옵션은: [사용 안 함] TV 즐겨찾기 읽지 않음; [첫 묶음으로] 첫 묶음 읽음; [마지막 묶음으로] 마지막 묶음 읽음."
1442 #~ msgctxt "#30647"
1443 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1444 #~ msgstr "아래 세 모드 중에 고릅니다: [모든 묶음] 셋톱박스로부터 모든 라디오 묶음 읽기; [일부 묶음] 다음 옵션에서 지정된 묶음만 읽기; [즐겨찾기 그룹] 즐겨찾는 라디오의 시스템 묶음만 읽기; [사용자 그룹] XML 파일로부터 읽은 셋톱박스의 한 묶음 세트만 읽기."
1446 #~ msgctxt "#30648"
1447 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1448 #~ msgstr "이전 옵션으로 '일부 묶음'을 설정하면, 셋톱박스로부터 읽을 라디오 묶음을 지정해야 합니다. 셋톱박스에서 보일 묶음 이름입니다 (즉, '즐겨찾기 (라디오)'). 대소문자를 구분합니다. "
1450 #~ msgctxt "#30649"
1451 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1452 #~ msgstr "읽을 모드가 '모든 묶음'이나 '일부 묶음'이면, Enigma2 이미지에 따라 즐겨찾기를 지정해야 합니다. 옵션은: [사용 안 함] 라디오 즐겨찾기 읽지 않음; [첫 묶음으로] 첫 묶음 읽음; [마지막 묶음으로] 마지막 묶음 읽음."
1454 #~ msgctxt "#30667"
1455 #~ msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1456 #~ msgstr "없는 장르 매핑의 로그를 사용하려면 이 옵션을 사용할 수 있습니다. 참고: 매핑이 없는 모든 장르는 여전히 추출하고 Kodi에 문자열로 보냅니다. 현재 장르는 꺾쇠괄호 사이의 문자를 추출하거나, 예. [TV 드라마], 점(.)을 구분자로 주, 부 장르를 나눕니다 예. [TV 드라마. Soap Opera]."
1458 #~ msgctxt "#30682"
1459 #~ msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1460 #~ msgstr "옵션: [Kodi 사례] kodi에서만 사용하고 E2 장치의 마지막 재생에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다; [Kodi/E2 사례] kodi와 E2 장치 모두에 사용하여 일치됩니다. PVR 메뉴를 사용하면, E2 장치의 마지막 재생은 매 녹화에서 5-10분에만 일치됩니다. kodi 한 사례로도 이 옵션 사용합니다."
1462 #~ msgctxt "#30685"
1463 #~ msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1464 #~ msgstr "사용하면 녹화 폴더를 지정하지 않고, (기본으로) 사용하지 않으면 녹화가 해당 폴더나 녹화 경로의 맨 위에 있는지 확인합니다."
1466 #~ msgctxt "#30721"
1467 #~ msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1468 #~ msgstr "시간 이동 옵션 선택: [사용 안 함] 시간 이동 없음; [정지 시] 라이브 스트림이 정지될 때 시간 이동을 시작함. 예. 정지한 다음 거기에서 시작하고 싶을 때; [재생 중] 라이브 스트림 중일 때 시간 이동을 시작함. 예. 스트림을 시작한 다음 어떤 지점에도 갈 수 있음. "
1470 #~ msgctxt "#30742"
1471 #~ msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1472 #~ msgstr "이 옵션이 `사용 안 함`이외의 값이면 Kodi가 닫히거나 이 애드온이 비 활성화될 때 셋톱박스에 Powerstate 명령어를 보냅니다: [사용 안 함] 이 애드온을 나가면 명령어를 보내지 않음; [대기] 나가면 대기 명령어 보냄; [최대 절전] 나가면 최대 절전 명령어 보냄. 참고, 이 명령어를 보내면 셋톱박스가 Kodi에 더 이상 응답하지 않음; [깨우기와 대기] 대기와 비슷하지만 먼저 깨우기 명령어를 보냄. 모든 스트림이 정지되었는지 확인할 때 유용함. 참고: CEC를 사용하면 TV 깨우기를 할 수 있음."
1474 #~ msgctxt "#30744"
1475 #~ msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1476 #~ msgstr "Kodi 스트림에 쓰이는 단위 데이터 크기. 기본 0은 Kodi가 결정."
1478 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1479 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1480 #~ msgstr "고급/전문가 설정 그룹입니다"
1482 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1483 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1484 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1486 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1487 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1488 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (\n"
12 "Language: lt_LT\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: lt_LT\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 kompiuterio vardas arba IP adresas"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Srauto prievadas"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Slaptažodis"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Prijungimas"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Piktogramos"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4252 msgctxt "#30007"
4353 msgid "Program Streams"
4454 msgstr "Programos srautai"
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4657 msgctxt "#30008"
4758 msgid "Icon path"
4859 msgstr "Piktogramos kelias"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5062 msgctxt "#30009"
5163 msgid "Update Interval"
5264 msgstr "Atnaujinimo intervalas"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5467 msgctxt "#30011"
5568 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5669 msgstr "Automatinis laikmačio sąrašo išvalymas"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5872 msgctxt "#30012"
5973 msgid "Web interface port"
6074 msgstr "Žiniatinklio sąsajos prievadas"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
6277 msgctxt "#30013"
6378 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6479 msgstr "Uždaryti prieš kanalo perjungimą (pvz., vieno imtuvo priedėliams)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6682 msgctxt "#30014"
6783 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6884 msgstr "Nustatyti programos id transliuojamam kanalui ar įrašytiems srautams"
86 #. label: General - updateint
7087 msgctxt "#30015"
7188 msgid "Update interval"
7289 msgstr "Atnaujinimo intervalas"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7497 msgctxt "#30017"
75 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
76 msgstr "Naudokite tik DVB neužpildyti langeliai 'Esamasis įrašymo kelias'"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
78103 msgctxt "#30018"
79104 msgid "General"
80105 msgstr "Pagrindinis"
107 #. label-category: channels
82108 msgctxt "#30019"
83109 msgid "Channels"
84110 msgstr "Kanalai"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
86114 msgctxt "#30020"
87115 msgid "Advanced"
88116 msgstr "Išplėstinis"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
90125 msgctxt "#30023"
91 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
92 msgstr "Įrašymo aplankas į imtuvą"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
94130 msgctxt "#30024"
95131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
96132 msgstr "Siųsti maitinimo būsenos režimą išjungiant priedą"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
98135 msgctxt "#30025"
99136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
100137 msgstr "TV puokštės gavimo būdas"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
102140 msgctxt "#30026"
103141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
104142 msgstr "TV puokštė 1"
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
106145 msgctxt "#30027"
107146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
108147 msgstr "Įkelti piktogramas iš žiniatinklio sąsajos"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
110150 msgctxt "#30028"
111151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
112152 msgstr "Naudoti saugų HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
114155 msgctxt "#30029"
115156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
116157 msgstr "Įjungti automatinę vaizdo transliacijų konfigūraciją"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
118160 msgctxt "#30030"
119 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
120 msgstr "Išlaikyti aplanko struktūrą įrašams"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
122165 msgctxt "#30031"
123166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
124167 msgstr "Sezonai ir epizodai"
169 #. label-category: epg
126170 msgctxt "#30032"
127171 msgid "EPG"
128172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
130175 msgctxt "#30033"
131176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
132177 msgstr "Išgauti sezono, epizodo ir metų informaciją, jei įmanoma"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
134180 msgctxt "#30034"
135181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
136182 msgstr "Įjungti automatinius laikmačius"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
138185 msgctxt "#30035"
139186 msgid "Use file format"
140187 msgstr "Naudoti failo formatą"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
142190 msgctxt "#30036"
143191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
144192 msgstr "Įjungti pakartotinių laikmačių generavimą"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
146195 msgctxt "#30037"
147196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
148197 msgstr "Įrašyti į žurnalą trūkstamų žanrų teksto sužymėjimą"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
150200 msgctxt "#30038"
151201 msgid "Web Interface"
152202 msgstr "Žiniatinklio sąsaja"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
154205 msgctxt "#30039"
155206 msgid "Streaming"
156207 msgstr "Transliuojama"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
158210 msgctxt "#30040"
159211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
160212 msgstr "Įdėti pagrindinę informaciją (pvz., subtitrus) prieš siužetą"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
162215 msgctxt "#30041"
163216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
164217 msgstr "Srauto skaitymo dalies dydis"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166220 msgctxt "#30042"
167221 msgid "Never"
168222 msgstr "Niekada"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
170225 msgctxt "#30043"
171226 msgid "In EPG only"
172227 msgstr "Tik EPG lange"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
174230 msgctxt "#30044"
175231 msgid "In recordings only"
176232 msgstr "Tik įrašymuose"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
178235 msgctxt "#30045"
179236 msgid "Always"
180237 msgstr "Visada"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
182240 msgctxt "#30046"
183241 msgid "Extract show info file"
184242 msgstr "Išgauti laidos informacijos failą"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
186245 msgctxt "#30047"
187246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
188247 msgstr "Rytec žanrų teksto sužymėjimas"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
190250 msgctxt "#30048"
191251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
192252 msgstr "Įjungti Rytec žanrų teksto sužymėjimą"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
194255 msgctxt "#30049"
195256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
196257 msgstr "Rytec žanrų teksto sužymėjimo failas"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
198260 msgctxt "#30050"
199261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
200262 msgstr "Savas televizijos laukimo laikas (0 norint naudoti numatytąjį)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
202265 msgctxt "#30051"
203266 msgid "Login"
204267 msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
206270 msgctxt "#30052"
207271 msgid "Misc"
208272 msgstr "Įvairūs"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
210275 msgctxt "#30053"
211276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
212277 msgstr "Žanrų ID sužymėjimas"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
214280 msgctxt "#30054"
215281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
216282 msgstr "Įjungti žanrų ID sužymėjimą"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
218285 msgctxt "#30055"
219286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
220287 msgstr "Žanrų ID sužymėjimo failas"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
222290 msgctxt "#30056"
223291 msgid "TV"
224292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
226295 msgctxt "#30057"
227296 msgid "Radio"
228297 msgstr "Radijas"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
230300 msgctxt "#30058"
231301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
232302 msgstr "Radijo puokštės gavimo būdas"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
234305 msgctxt "#30059"
235306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
236307 msgstr "Radijo puokštė 1"
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
238311 msgctxt "#30060"
239312 msgid "Timeshift"
240313 msgstr "Laiko poslinkis"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242316 msgctxt "#30061"
243317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
244318 msgstr "Įjungti laiko poslinkį"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
246321 msgctxt "#30062"
247322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
248323 msgstr "Laiko poslinkio buferio kelias"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
250326 msgctxt "#30063"
251327 msgid "Off"
252328 msgstr "Išjungta"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
254331 msgctxt "#30064"
255332 msgid "On playback"
256333 msgstr "Atkuriant"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
258336 msgctxt "#30065"
259337 msgid "On pause"
260338 msgstr "Pristabdžius"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
262341 msgctxt "#30066"
263342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
264343 msgstr "Naudoti saugų HTTP (https) srautams"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
266346 msgctxt "#30067"
267347 msgid "Use login for streams"
268348 msgstr "Naudoti prisijungimą srautams"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
270351 msgctxt "#30068"
271352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
272353 msgstr "Gauti TV mėgstamiausiųjų puokštę"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
274356 msgctxt "#30069"
275357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
276358 msgstr "Gauti radijo mėgstamiausiųjų puokštę"
360 #. label-category: recordings
278361 msgctxt "#30070"
279362 msgid "Recordings"
280363 msgstr "Įrašai"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
282366 msgctxt "#30071"
283367 msgid "Recordings"
284368 msgstr "Įrašai"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
286372 msgctxt "#30072"
287373 msgid "Timers"
288374 msgstr "Laikmačiai"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
290377 msgctxt "#30073"
291378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
292379 msgstr "Kartojimo laikmačių skaičius generavimui"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
294383 msgctxt "#30074"
295384 msgid "All bouquets"
296385 msgstr "Visos puokštės"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
298389 msgctxt "#30075"
299390 msgid "Some bouquets"
300391 msgstr "Kai kurios puokštės"
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
302395 msgctxt "#30076"
303396 msgid "As first bouquet"
304397 msgstr "Kaip pirma puokštė"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
306401 msgctxt "#30077"
307402 msgid "As last bouquet"
308403 msgstr "Kaip paskutinė puokštė"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
310407 msgctxt "#30078"
311408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
312409 msgstr "Mėgstamiausios puokštės"
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
314412 msgctxt "#30079"
315413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
316414 msgstr "Mėgstamiausieji (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
318417 msgctxt "#30080"
319418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
320419 msgstr "Mėgstamiausieji (radijas)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
322423 msgctxt "#30081"
323424 msgid "unknown"
324425 msgstr "nežinomas"
427 #. application: Client
326428 msgctxt "#30082"
327429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
328430 msgstr "(Neprisijungta!)"
432 #. application: Client
330433 msgctxt "#30083"
331434 msgid "addon error"
332435 msgstr "priedo klaida"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
334448 msgctxt "#30086"
335449 msgid "Backend"
336450 msgstr "Posistemė"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
338453 msgctxt "#30087"
339454 msgid "Recording Padding"
340455 msgstr "Įrašo paraštė"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
342458 msgctxt "#30088"
343459 msgid "Global start padding"
344460 msgstr "Globali pradžios paraštė"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
346463 msgctxt "#30089"
347464 msgid "Global end padding"
348465 msgstr "Globali pabaigos paraštė"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
350468 msgctxt "#30090"
351469 msgid "Device Info"
352470 msgstr "Įrenginio informacija"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
354473 msgctxt "#30091"
355474 msgid "WebIf version"
356475 msgstr "WebIf versija"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
358478 msgctxt "#30092"
359479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
360480 msgstr "Automatinio laikmačio žymė laikmačio žymėse"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
362483 msgctxt "#30093"
363484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
364485 msgstr "Automatinio laikmačio pavadinimas laikmačio žymėse"
487 #. application: Admin
366488 msgctxt "#30094"
367489 msgid "N/A"
368490 msgstr "N/A"
492 #. application: Admin
370493 msgctxt "#30095"
371494 msgid "True"
372495 msgstr "Taip"
497 #. application: Admin
374498 msgctxt "#30096"
375499 msgid "False"
376500 msgstr "Ne"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
378503 msgctxt "#30097"
379504 msgid "Standby"
380505 msgstr "Budėjimo režimas"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
382508 msgctxt "#30098"
383509 msgid "Deep standby"
384510 msgstr "Gilus budėjimo režimas"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
386513 msgctxt "#30099"
387514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
388515 msgstr "Pažadinti, tada pereiti į budėjimo režimą"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
390518 msgctxt "#30100"
391519 msgid "Update mode"
392520 msgstr "Atnaujinimo režimas"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
394523 msgctxt "#30101"
395524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
396525 msgstr "Laikmačiai ir įrašai"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
398528 msgctxt "#30102"
399529 msgid "Timers only"
400530 msgstr "Tik laikmačiai"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
402533 msgctxt "#30103"
403534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
404535 msgstr "Naudoti OpenWebIf piktogramos kelią"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
406538 msgctxt "#30104"
407539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
408540 msgstr "Įjungti sekimo registravimą derinimo režimu"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
410543 msgctxt "#30105"
411544 msgid "Other"
412545 msgstr "Kita"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
414548 msgctxt "#30106"
415549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
416550 msgstr "EPG atnaujinimo uždelsimas kanalui"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
418553 msgctxt "#30107"
419554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
420555 msgstr "Įrašymų EDL (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
422558 msgctxt "#30108"
423559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
424560 msgstr "Įjungti EDL palaikymą"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
426563 msgctxt "#30109"
427564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
428565 msgstr "EDL pradžios laiko paraštė"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
430568 msgctxt "#30110"
431569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
432570 msgstr "EDL pabaigos laiko paraštė"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
434573 msgctxt "#30111"
435574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
436575 msgstr "Įjungti žurnalo rašymą normaliame režime"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
438578 msgctxt "#30112"
439579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
440580 msgstr "Paskutinis nuskaitymas (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
442583 msgctxt "#30113"
443584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
444585 msgstr "Paskutinis nuskaitymas (Radijas)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
446589 msgctxt "#30114"
447590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
448591 msgstr "Išskirti paskutinę nuskaitytą puokštę"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
450594 msgctxt "#30115"
451595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
452596 msgstr "Praleisti pradinį EPG įkėlimą"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
454599 msgctxt "#30116"
455600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
456601 msgstr "Kanalų ir grupių atnaujinimo būdas"
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
458604 msgctxt "#30117"
459605 msgid "Disabled"
460606 msgstr "Atjungta"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
462609 msgctxt "#30118"
463610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
464611 msgstr "Pranešti vartotojo sąsajoje ir žurnale"
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
466614 msgctxt "#30119"
467615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
468616 msgstr "Iš naujo įkelti kanalus ir grupes"
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
470619 msgctxt "#30120"
471620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
472621 msgstr "Kanalų ir grupių atnaujinimo valanda (24h)"
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
474624 msgctxt "#30121"
475625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
476626 msgstr "Ryšio tikrinimo laukimo laikas"
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
478629 msgctxt "#30122"
479630 msgid "Connection check interval"
480631 msgstr "Ryšio tikrinimo intervalas"
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
482634 msgctxt "#30123"
483635 msgid "Autotimers"
484636 msgstr "Automatiniai laikmačiai"
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
486639 msgctxt "#30124"
487640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
488641 msgstr "Leisti 'Bet kurio kanalo' automatinius laikmačius tik televizijai ir radijui"
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
490664 msgctxt "#30129"
491665 msgid "Kodi instances"
492666 msgstr "Kodi egzemploriai"
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
494669 msgctxt "#30130"
495670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
496671 msgstr "Kodi/E2 egzemplioriai"
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
498675 msgctxt "#30131"
499676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
500677 msgstr "Savos puokštės"
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
502680 msgctxt "#30132"
503681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
504682 msgstr "Savų TV puokščių failas"
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
506685 msgctxt "#30133"
507686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
508687 msgstr "Savų radijo puokščių failas"
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
510690 msgctxt "#30134"
511691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
512692 msgstr "TV puokščių skaičius"
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
514695 msgctxt "#30135"
515696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
516697 msgstr "TV puokštė 2"
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
518700 msgctxt "#30136"
519701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
520702 msgstr "TV puokštė 3"
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
522705 msgctxt "#30137"
523706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
524707 msgstr "TV puokštė 4"
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
526710 msgctxt "#30138"
527711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
528712 msgstr "TV puokštė 5"
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
530715 msgctxt "#30139"
531716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
532717 msgstr "Radijo puokščių skaičius"
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
534720 msgctxt "#30140"
535721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
536722 msgstr "Radijo puokštė 2"
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
538725 msgctxt "#30141"
539726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
540727 msgstr "Radijo puokštė 3"
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
542730 msgctxt "#30142"
543731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
544732 msgstr "Radijo puokštė 4"
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
546735 msgctxt "#30143"
547736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
548737 msgstr "Radijo puokštė 5"
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
550813 msgctxt "#30410"
551814 msgid "Automatic"
552815 msgstr "Automatiškai"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
554834 msgctxt "#30423"
555835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
556836 msgstr "Pasikartojantis paremtas laiku/kanalu"
838 #. application: Timers
558839 msgctxt "#30424"
559840 msgid "One time guide-based"
560841 msgstr "Vienkartinis paremtas gidu"
843 #. application: Timers
562844 msgctxt "#30425"
563845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
564846 msgstr "Pasikartojantis paremtas gidu"
848 #. application: Timers
566849 msgctxt "#30426"
567850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
568851 msgstr "Automatinis paremtas gidu"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
570857 msgctxt "#30430"
571858 msgid "Disabled"
572859 msgstr "Atjungta"
861 #. application: Timers
574862 msgctxt "#30431"
575863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
576864 msgstr "Įrašyti, jei skiriasi EPG pavadinimas"
866 #. application: Timers
578867 msgctxt "#30432"
579868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
580869 msgstr "Įrašyti jei EPG pavadinimas ir trumpas aprašymas skiriasi"
871 #. application: Timers
582872 msgctxt "#30433"
583873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
584874 msgstr "Įrašyti jei EPG pavadinimas ir visi aprašymai skiriasi"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
586880 msgctxt "#30514"
587881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
588882 msgstr "Laiko poslinkio buferio kelias neegzistuoja"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
590885 msgctxt "#30515"
591886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
592887 msgstr "Enigma2: neįmanoma pasiekti žiniatinklio sąsajos"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
594890 msgctxt "#30516"
595891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
596892 msgstr "Enigma2: kanalų grupių nerasta"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
598895 msgctxt "#30517"
599896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
600897 msgstr "Enigma2: kanalų nerasta"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
602900 msgctxt "#30518"
603901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
604902 msgstr "Enigma2: aptikti kanalų grupių pasikeitimai, paleiskite iš naujo norėdami įkelti pakeitimus"
904 #. notification: Enigma2
606905 msgctxt "#30519"
607906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
608907 msgstr "Enigma2: aptikti kanalų pasikeitimai, paleiskite iš naujo norėdami įkelti pakeitimus"
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
610911 msgctxt "#30520"
611912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
612913 msgstr "Klaidingas kanalas"
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. ############
926 #. help info #
927 #. ############
928 #. help info - Connection
929 #. help-category: connection
614930 msgctxt "#30600"
615931 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
616932 msgstr "Šioje kategorijoje yra nustatymai, skirti prisijungimui prie Enigma2 įrenginio"
934 #. help: Connection - host
618935 msgctxt "#30601"
619936 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
620937 msgstr "Jūsų Enigma2 priedėlio IP adresas arba įrenginio vardas."
939 #. help: Connection - webport
622940 msgctxt "#30602"
623941 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
624942 msgstr "Prievadas prisijungimui prie žiniatinklio sąsajos."
944 #. help: Connection - use_secure
626945 msgctxt "#30603"
627946 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
628947 msgstr "Naudoti https prisijungimui prie žiniatinklio sąsajos."
949 #. help: Connection - user
950 msgctxt "#30604"
951 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - pass
955 msgctxt "#30605"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
960 msgctxt "#30606"
961 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - streamport
965 msgctxt "#30607"
966 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
630970 msgctxt "#30608"
631971 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
632972 msgstr "Naudoti https prisijungimui prie srautų."
974 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
975 msgctxt "#30609"
976 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
980 msgctxt "#30610"
981 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
985 msgctxt "#30611"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
990 #. help info - General
991 #. help-category: general
992 msgctxt "#30620"
993 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
994 msgstr ""
996 #. help: General - onlinepicons
997 msgctxt "#30621"
998 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1002 msgctxt "#30622"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1007 msgctxt "#30623"
1008 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - iconpath
1012 msgctxt "#30624"
1013 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - updateint
1017 msgctxt "#30625"
1018 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updatemode
1022 msgctxt "#30626"
1023 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30627"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1032 msgctxt "#30628"
1033 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1037 msgctxt "#30629"
1038 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1042 #. help info - Channels
1043 #. help-category: channels
1044 msgctxt "#30640"
1045 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1046 msgstr ""
1048 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1049 msgctxt "#30641"
1050 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - zap
1054 msgctxt "#30642"
1055 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1059 msgctxt "#30643"
1060 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1068 msgctxt "#30644"
1069 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1070 msgstr ""
1072 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1073 msgctxt "#30645"
1074 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1078 msgctxt "#30646"
1079 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1083 msgctxt "#30647"
1084 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1092 msgctxt "#30648"
1093 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1094 msgstr ""
1096 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1097 msgctxt "#30649"
1098 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1102 msgctxt "#30650"
1103 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1107 msgctxt "#30651"
1108 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30652"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1117 msgctxt "#30653"
1118 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1122 msgctxt "#30654"
1123 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1127 msgctxt "#30655"
1128 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1132 msgctxt "#30656"
1133 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1137 #. help info - EPG
1138 #. help-category: epg
1139 msgctxt "#30660"
1140 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1141 msgstr ""
1143 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1144 msgctxt "#30661"
1145 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1149 msgctxt "#30662"
1150 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1154 msgctxt "#30663"
1155 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1159 msgctxt "#30664"
1160 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1164 msgctxt "#30665"
1165 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1169 msgctxt "#30666"
1170 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1174 msgctxt "#30667"
1175 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1179 msgctxt "#30668"
1180 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1184 msgctxt "#30669"
1185 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1189 #. help info - Recordings
1190 #. help-category: recordings
1191 msgctxt "#30680"
1192 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1193 msgstr ""
1195 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1196 msgctxt "#30681"
1197 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1201 msgctxt "#30682"
1202 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1206 msgctxt "#30683"
1207 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1211 msgctxt "#30684"
1212 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1216 msgctxt "#30685"
1217 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1221 msgctxt "#30686"
1222 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1226 msgctxt "#30687"
1227 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1231 msgctxt "#30688"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1236 msgctxt "#30689"
1237 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1241 msgctxt "#30690"
1242 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1246 msgctxt "#30691"
1247 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1251 #. help info - Timers
1252 #. help-category: timers
1253 msgctxt "#30700"
1254 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1255 msgstr ""
1257 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1258 msgctxt "#30701"
1259 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30702"
1264 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1268 msgctxt "#30703"
1269 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1273 msgctxt "#30704"
1274 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30705"
1279 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1283 msgctxt "#30706"
1284 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1288 #. help info - Timeshift
1289 #. help-category: timeshift
1290 msgctxt "#30720"
1291 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1292 msgstr ""
1294 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30721"
1296 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1300 msgctxt "#30722"
1301 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1305 msgctxt "#30723"
1306 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1310 msgctxt "#30724"
1311 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1315 msgctxt "#30725"
1316 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1320 msgctxt "#30726"
1321 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1325 msgctxt "#30727"
1326 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30728"
1331 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1335 #. help info - Advanced
1336 #. help-category: advanced
1337 msgctxt "#30740"
1338 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1339 msgstr ""
1341 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1342 msgctxt "#30741"
1343 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1347 msgctxt "#30742"
1348 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1352 msgctxt "#30743"
1353 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1357 msgctxt "#30744"
1358 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1362 msgctxt "#30745"
1363 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1367 msgctxt "#30746"
1368 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1372 msgctxt "#30747"
1373 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1377 #. help info - Backend
1378 #. help-category: backend
1379 msgctxt "#30760"
1380 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1381 msgstr ""
1383 #. help: Backend - webifversion
6341384 msgctxt "#30761"
6351385 msgid "webifversion"
6361386 msgstr "webifversion"
1388 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
6381389 msgctxt "#30762"
6391390 msgid "autotimertagintags"
6401391 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
6421394 msgctxt "#30763"
6431395 msgid "autotimernameintags"
6441396 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1398 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
6461399 msgctxt "#30764"
647 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
648 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1400 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
6501404 msgctxt "#30765"
651 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
652 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1409 msgctxt "#30766"
1410 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1414 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1415 #~ msgstr "Naudokite tik DVB neužpildyti langeliai 'Esamasis įrašymo kelias'"
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1418 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1419 #~ msgstr "Įrašymo aplankas į imtuvą"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1422 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1423 #~ msgstr "Išlaikyti aplanko struktūrą įrašams"
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1426 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1427 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1429 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1430 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1431 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Latvian (Latvia) (\n"
12 "Language: lv_LV\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: lv_LV\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "LIetotājs"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Parole"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Pieslēgums"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Ikonas"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Atjauninājuma intervāls"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Izmantot tikai DVB pierīces pašreizējo ierakstīšanas ceļu"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Vispārīgi"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Kanāli"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Papildus"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Ierakstīšanas mape atskaņotājā"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58222 msgctxt "#30042"
59223 msgid "Never"
60224 msgstr "Nekad"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62227 msgctxt "#30043"
63228 msgid "In EPG only"
64229 msgstr "Tikai EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66232 msgctxt "#30044"
67233 msgid "In recordings only"
68234 msgstr "Tikai ierakstos"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70237 msgctxt "#30045"
71238 msgid "Always"
72239 msgstr "Vienmēr"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
74267 msgctxt "#30051"
75268 msgid "Login"
76269 msgstr "Pieteikšanās"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
78292 msgctxt "#30056"
79293 msgid "TV"
80294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
82297 msgctxt "#30057"
83298 msgid "Radio"
84299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
86323 msgctxt "#30062"
87324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
88325 msgstr "Laika nobīdes bufera ceļš"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
90328 msgctxt "#30063"
91329 msgid "Off"
92330 msgstr "Izslēgts"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
94363 msgctxt "#30070"
95364 msgid "Recordings"
96365 msgstr "Ieraksti"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
98368 msgctxt "#30071"
99369 msgid "Recordings"
100370 msgstr "Ieraksti"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
102374 msgctxt "#30072"
103375 msgid "Timers"
104376 msgstr "Taimeri"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
106490 msgctxt "#30094"
107491 msgid "N/A"
108492 msgstr "N/P"
494 #. application: Admin
110495 msgctxt "#30095"
111496 msgid "True"
112497 msgstr "Patiess"
499 #. application: Admin
114500 msgctxt "#30096"
115501 msgid "False"
116502 msgstr "Nepatiess"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
118606 msgctxt "#30117"
119607 msgid "Disabled"
120608 msgstr "Izslēgts"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
122815 msgctxt "#30410"
123816 msgid "Automatic"
124817 msgstr "Automātiski"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
126859 msgctxt "#30430"
127860 msgid "Disabled"
128861 msgstr "Izslēgts"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Izmantot tikai DVB pierīces pašreizējo ierakstīšanas ceļu"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Ierakstīšanas mape atskaņotājā"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Maori (\n"
12 "Language: mi\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: mi\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Ingoa kaiwhakamahi"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Kupuhipa"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Ata"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "Āhuawhānui"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "Ngā hongere"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
38116 msgctxt "#30020"
39117 msgid "Advanced"
40118 msgstr "Arā Atu Anō"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42222 msgctxt "#30042"
43223 msgid "Never"
44224 msgstr "Kore rawa"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46237 msgctxt "#30045"
47238 msgid "Always"
48239 msgstr "Tonu"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
50292 msgctxt "#30056"
51293 msgid "TV"
52294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
54297 msgctxt "#30057"
55298 msgid "Radio"
56299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
58328 msgctxt "#30063"
59329 msgid "Off"
60330 msgstr "Weto"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
62363 msgctxt "#30070"
63364 msgid "Recordings"
64365 msgstr "Ngā pūhopu"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
66368 msgctxt "#30071"
67369 msgid "Recordings"
68370 msgstr "Ngā pūhopu"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
70495 msgctxt "#30095"
71496 msgid "True"
72497 msgstr "Pono"
499 #. application: Admin
74500 msgctxt "#30096"
75501 msgid "False"
76502 msgstr "Teka"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
78606 msgctxt "#30117"
79607 msgid "Disabled"
80608 msgstr "Kua mono"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
82860 msgctxt "#30430"
83861 msgid "Disabled"
84862 msgstr "Kua mono"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Macedonian (Macedonia) (\n"
12 "Language: mk_MK\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: mk_MK\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Корисничко име"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Лозинка"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Конекција"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Икони"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Период на освежување"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Користи ја патеката за снимање од DVB уредот"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Општо"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Канали"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Напредно"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Папка за снимање на ресиверот"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58222 msgctxt "#30042"
59223 msgid "Never"
60224 msgstr "Никогаш"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62227 msgctxt "#30043"
63228 msgid "In EPG only"
64229 msgstr "Само во EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66232 msgctxt "#30044"
67233 msgid "In recordings only"
68234 msgstr "Само во снимките"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70237 msgctxt "#30045"
71238 msgid "Always"
72239 msgstr "Секогаш"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
74267 msgctxt "#30051"
75268 msgid "Login"
76269 msgstr "Најави се"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
78292 msgctxt "#30056"
79293 msgid "TV"
80294 msgstr "ТВ"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
82297 msgctxt "#30057"
83298 msgid "Radio"
84299 msgstr "Радио"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
86323 msgctxt "#30062"
87324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
88325 msgstr "Пат за Timeshift buffer-от"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
90328 msgctxt "#30063"
91329 msgid "Off"
92330 msgstr "Искл."
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
94363 msgctxt "#30070"
95364 msgid "Recordings"
96365 msgstr "Снимки"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
98368 msgctxt "#30071"
99369 msgid "Recordings"
100370 msgstr "Снимки"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
102374 msgctxt "#30072"
103375 msgid "Timers"
104376 msgstr "Бројачи"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
106495 msgctxt "#30095"
107496 msgid "True"
108497 msgstr "Вистина"
499 #. application: Admin
110500 msgctxt "#30096"
111501 msgid "False"
112502 msgstr "Неактивно"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
114545 msgctxt "#30105"
115546 msgid "Other"
116547 msgstr "Други"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
118606 msgctxt "#30117"
119607 msgid "Disabled"
120608 msgstr "Исклучено"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
122860 msgctxt "#30430"
123861 msgid "Disabled"
124862 msgstr "Исклучено"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Користи ја патеката за снимање од DVB уредот"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Папка за снимање на ресиверот"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Malayalam (India) (\n"
12 "Language: ml_IN\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ml_IN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
33 msgctxt "#30003"
34 msgid "Username"
35 msgstr ""
37 #. label: Connection - pass
38 msgctxt "#30004"
39 msgid "Password"
40 msgstr ""
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
48 msgctxt "#30006"
49 msgid "Icons"
50 msgstr ""
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
18105 msgctxt "#30018"
19106 msgid "General"
20107 msgstr "പോതുവായത്"
109 #. label-category: channels
110 msgctxt "#30019"
111 msgid "Channels"
112 msgstr ""
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
222 msgctxt "#30042"
223 msgid "Never"
224 msgstr ""
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
237 msgctxt "#30045"
238 msgid "Always"
239 msgstr ""
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
292 msgctxt "#30056"
293 msgid "TV"
294 msgstr ""
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
328 msgctxt "#30063"
329 msgid "Off"
330 msgstr ""
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
606 msgctxt "#30117"
607 msgid "Disabled"
608 msgstr ""
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 # empty strings from id 30427 to 30429
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
861 msgctxt "#30430"
862 msgid "Disabled"
863 msgstr ""
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Mongolian (Mongolia) (\n"
12 "Language: mn_MN\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: mn_MN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Хэрэглэгчийн нэр"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Нууц үг"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
48 msgctxt "#30006"
49 msgid "Icons"
50 msgstr ""
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
26105 msgctxt "#30018"
27106 msgid "General"
28107 msgstr "Ерөнхий"
109 #. label-category: channels
30110 msgctxt "#30019"
31111 msgid "Channels"
32112 msgstr "Сувгууд"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
222 msgctxt "#30042"
223 msgid "Never"
224 msgstr ""
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
237 msgctxt "#30045"
238 msgid "Always"
239 msgstr ""
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
34292 msgctxt "#30056"
35293 msgid "TV"
36294 msgstr "ТВ"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
38297 msgctxt "#30057"
39298 msgid "Radio"
40299 msgstr "Радио"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
42328 msgctxt "#30063"
43329 msgid "Off"
44330 msgstr "Хаах"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
46363 msgctxt "#30070"
47364 msgid "Recordings"
48365 msgstr "Бичлэгүүд"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
50368 msgctxt "#30071"
51369 msgid "Recordings"
52370 msgstr "Бичлэгүүд"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
54374 msgctxt "#30072"
55375 msgid "Timers"
56376 msgstr "Цагалбарууд"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
58606 msgctxt "#30117"
59607 msgid "Disabled"
60608 msgstr "Идвэхгүй болсон"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
62860 msgctxt "#30430"
63861 msgid "Disabled"
64862 msgstr "Идвэхгүй болсон"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (\n"
12 "Language: ms_MY\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ms_MY\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Namahos atau alamat IP Enigma2 "
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Port penstriman"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Nama Pengguna"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Kata Laluan"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Sambungan"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Ikon"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4252 msgctxt "#30007"
4353 msgid "Program Streams"
4454 msgstr "Strim Program"
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4657 msgctxt "#30008"
4758 msgid "Icon path"
4859 msgstr "Laluan ikon"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5062 msgctxt "#30009"
5163 msgid "Update Interval"
5264 msgstr "Kemaskini Sela"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5467 msgctxt "#30011"
5568 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5669 msgstr "Pembersihan senarai pemasa berautomatik"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5872 msgctxt "#30012"
5973 msgid "Web interface port"
6074 msgstr "Port antaramuka sesawang"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
6277 msgctxt "#30013"
6378 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6479 msgstr "Zap sebelum tukar saluran (cth. kotak penala tunggal)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6682 msgctxt "#30014"
6783 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6884 msgstr "Tetapkan id program untuk saluran langsung atau strim terakam"
86 #. label: General - updateint
7087 msgctxt "#30015"
7188 msgid "Update interval"
7289 msgstr "Kemaskini sela"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7497 msgctxt "#30017"
75 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
76 msgstr "Hanya guna laluan rakaman semasa kotak DVB"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
78103 msgctxt "#30018"
79104 msgid "General"
80105 msgstr "Am"
107 #. label-category: channels
82108 msgctxt "#30019"
83109 msgid "Channels"
84110 msgstr "Saluran"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
86114 msgctxt "#30020"
87115 msgid "Advanced"
88116 msgstr "Lanjutan"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
90125 msgctxt "#30023"
91 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
92 msgstr "Folder rakaman pada penerima"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
94130 msgctxt "#30024"
95131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
96132 msgstr "Hantar mod keadaan kuasa ketika keluar dari tambahan"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
98135 msgctxt "#30025"
99136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
100137 msgstr "Mod dapatkan jambak TV"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
102140 msgctxt "#30026"
103141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
104142 msgstr "Jambak TV 1"
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
106145 msgctxt "#30027"
107146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
108147 msgstr "Dapatkan picon dari antaramuka sesawang"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
110150 msgctxt "#30028"
111151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
112152 msgstr "Guna HTTP selamat (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
114155 msgctxt "#30029"
115156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
116157 msgstr "Benarkan konfigurasi automatik untuk strim langsung"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
118160 msgctxt "#30030"
119 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
120 msgstr "Kekalkan struktur folder untuk rekod"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
122165 msgctxt "#30031"
123166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
124167 msgstr "Musim dan Episod"
169 #. label-category: epg
126170 msgctxt "#30032"
127171 msgid "EPG"
128172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
130175 msgctxt "#30033"
131176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
132177 msgstr "Ekstrak maklumat musim, episod dan tahun jika ada"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
134180 msgctxt "#30034"
135181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
136182 msgstr "Benarkan autopemasa"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
138185 msgctxt "#30035"
139186 msgid "Use file format"
140187 msgstr "Guna format fail"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
142190 msgctxt "#30036"
143191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
144192 msgstr "Benarkan jana pemasa berulang"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
146195 msgctxt "#30037"
147196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
148197 msgstr "Log pemetaan teks genre yang hilang"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
150200 msgctxt "#30038"
151201 msgid "Web Interface"
152202 msgstr "Antaramuka Sesawang"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
154205 msgctxt "#30039"
155206 msgid "Streaming"
156207 msgstr "Penstriman"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
158210 msgctxt "#30040"
159211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
160212 msgstr "Letak garis-luar (cth. sarikata) sebelum plot"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
162215 msgctxt "#30041"
163216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
164217 msgstr "Saiz cebisan baca strim"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166220 msgctxt "#30042"
167221 msgid "Never"
168222 msgstr "Tidak sesekali"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
170225 msgctxt "#30043"
171226 msgid "In EPG only"
172227 msgstr "Dalam EPG sahaja"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
174230 msgctxt "#30044"
175231 msgid "In recordings only"
176232 msgstr "Hanya dalam rakaman"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
178235 msgctxt "#30045"
179236 msgid "Always"
180237 msgstr "Sentiasa"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
182240 msgctxt "#30046"
183241 msgid "Extract show info file"
184242 msgstr "Ekstrak fail maklumat rancangan"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
186245 msgctxt "#30047"
187246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
188247 msgstr "Pemetaan teks genre Rytec"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
190250 msgctxt "#30048"
191251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
192252 msgstr "Benarkan pemetaan teks genre Rytec"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
194255 msgctxt "#30049"
195256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
196257 msgstr "Fail pemetaan teks genre Rytec"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
198260 msgctxt "#30050"
199261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
200262 msgstr "Had masa tamat TV langsung suai (0 untuk guna lalai)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
202265 msgctxt "#30051"
203266 msgid "Login"
204267 msgstr "Daftar Masuk"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
206270 msgctxt "#30052"
207271 msgid "Misc"
208272 msgstr "Pelbagai"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
210275 msgctxt "#30053"
211276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
212277 msgstr "Pemetaan ID Genre"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
214280 msgctxt "#30054"
215281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
216282 msgstr "Benarkan Pemetaan ID Genre"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
218285 msgctxt "#30055"
219286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
220287 msgstr "Fail pemetaan ID Genre"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
222290 msgctxt "#30056"
223291 msgid "TV"
224292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
226295 msgctxt "#30057"
227296 msgid "Radio"
228297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
230300 msgctxt "#30058"
231301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
232302 msgstr "Mod dapatkan jambak radio"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
234305 msgctxt "#30059"
235306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
236307 msgstr "Jambak Radio 1"
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
238311 msgctxt "#30060"
239312 msgid "Timeshift"
240313 msgstr "Anjak Masa"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242316 msgctxt "#30061"
243317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
244318 msgstr "Benarkan anjak masa"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
246321 msgctxt "#30062"
247322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
248323 msgstr "Laluan penimbal Anjak Masa"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
250326 msgctxt "#30063"
251327 msgid "Off"
252328 msgstr "Mati"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
254331 msgctxt "#30064"
255332 msgid "On playback"
256333 msgstr "Ketika main balik"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
258336 msgctxt "#30065"
259337 msgid "On pause"
260338 msgstr "Ketika dijeda"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
262341 msgctxt "#30066"
263342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
264343 msgstr "Guna HTTP Selamat (https) untuk strim"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
266346 msgctxt "#30067"
267347 msgid "Use login for streams"
268348 msgstr "Guna daftar masuk untuk strim"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
270351 msgctxt "#30068"
271352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
272353 msgstr "Dapatkan jambak kegemaran TV"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
274356 msgctxt "#30069"
275357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
276358 msgstr "Dapatkan jambak kegemaran radio"
360 #. label-category: recordings
278361 msgctxt "#30070"
279362 msgid "Recordings"
280363 msgstr "Rakaman"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
282366 msgctxt "#30071"
283367 msgid "Recordings"
284368 msgstr "Rakaman"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
286372 msgctxt "#30072"
287373 msgid "Timers"
288374 msgstr "Pemasa"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
290377 msgctxt "#30073"
291378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
292379 msgstr "Bilangan pemasa ulang untuk dijana"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
294383 msgctxt "#30074"
295384 msgid "All bouquets"
296385 msgstr "Semua jambak"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
298389 msgctxt "#30075"
299390 msgid "Some bouquets"
300391 msgstr "Beberapa jambak"
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
302395 msgctxt "#30076"
303396 msgid "As first bouquet"
304397 msgstr "Sebagai jambak pertama"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
306401 msgctxt "#30077"
307402 msgid "As last bouquet"
308403 msgstr "Sebagai jambak terakhir"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
310407 msgctxt "#30078"
311408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
312409 msgstr "Jambak kegemaran"
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
314412 msgctxt "#30079"
315413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
316414 msgstr "Kegemaran (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
318417 msgctxt "#30080"
319418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
320419 msgstr "Kegemaran (Radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
322423 msgctxt "#30081"
323424 msgid "unknown"
324425 msgstr "tidak diketahui"
427 #. application: Client
326428 msgctxt "#30082"
327429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
328430 msgstr "(Tidak bersambung)"
432 #. application: Client
330433 msgctxt "#30083"
331434 msgid "addon error"
332435 msgstr "ralat tambahan"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
334448 msgctxt "#30086"
335449 msgid "Backend"
336450 msgstr "Bahagian belakang"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
338453 msgctxt "#30087"
339454 msgid "Recording Padding"
340455 msgstr "Pemadatan Rakaman"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
342458 msgctxt "#30088"
343459 msgid "Global start padding"
344460 msgstr "Pemadatan mula sejagat"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
346463 msgctxt "#30089"
347464 msgid "Global end padding"
348465 msgstr "Pemadatan tamat sejagat"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
350468 msgctxt "#30090"
351469 msgid "Device Info"
352470 msgstr "Maklumat Peranti"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
354473 msgctxt "#30091"
355474 msgid "WebIf version"
356475 msgstr "Versi Webif"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
358478 msgctxt "#30092"
359479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
360480 msgstr "Tag AutoPemasa dalam tag pemasa"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
362483 msgctxt "#30093"
363484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
364485 msgstr "Nama AutoPemasa dalam tag pemasa"
487 #. application: Admin
366488 msgctxt "#30094"
367489 msgid "N/A"
368490 msgstr "T/A"
492 #. application: Admin
370493 msgctxt "#30095"
371494 msgid "True"
372495 msgstr "Benar"
497 #. application: Admin
374498 msgctxt "#30096"
375499 msgid "False"
376500 msgstr "Palsu"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
378503 msgctxt "#30097"
379504 msgid "Standby"
380505 msgstr "Sedia"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
382508 msgctxt "#30098"
383509 msgid "Deep standby"
384510 msgstr "Sedia mendalam"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
386513 msgctxt "#30099"
387514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
388515 msgstr "Bangun, kemudian sedia"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
390518 msgctxt "#30100"
391519 msgid "Update mode"
392520 msgstr "Mod kemaskini"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
394523 msgctxt "#30101"
395524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
396525 msgstr "Pemasa dan rakaman"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
398528 msgctxt "#30102"
399529 msgid "Timers only"
400530 msgstr "Pemasa sahaja"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
402533 msgctxt "#30103"
403534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
404535 msgstr "Guna laluan picon OpenWebif"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
406538 msgctxt "#30104"
407539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
408540 msgstr "Benarkan pengelogan surih dalam mod nyahpepijat"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
410543 msgctxt "#30105"
411544 msgid "Other"
412545 msgstr "Lain-lain"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
414548 msgctxt "#30106"
415549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
416550 msgstr "Lengah kemaskini EPG per saluran"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
418553 msgctxt "#30107"
419554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
420555 msgstr "Merakam EDL (Senarai Keputusan Sunting)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
422558 msgctxt "#30108"
423559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
424560 msgstr "Benarkan sokongan EDL"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
426563 msgctxt "#30109"
427564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
428565 msgstr "Pemadatan masa mula EDL"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
430568 msgctxt "#30110"
431569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
432570 msgstr "Pemadatan masa henti EDL"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
434573 msgctxt "#30111"
435574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
436575 msgstr "Benarkan pengelogan nyahpepijat dalam mod biasa"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
438578 msgctxt "#30112"
439579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
440580 msgstr "Terakhir Diimbas (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
442583 msgctxt "#30113"
443584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
444585 msgstr "Terakhir Diimbas (Radio)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
446589 msgctxt "#30114"
447590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
448591 msgstr "Asingkan jambangan terakhir diimbas"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
450594 msgctxt "#30115"
451595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
452596 msgstr "Langkau Muat EPG Awalan"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
454599 msgctxt "#30116"
455600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
456601 msgstr "Mod kemaskini saluran dan kumpulan"
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
458604 msgctxt "#30117"
459605 msgid "Disabled"
460606 msgstr "Dilumpuhkan"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
462609 msgctxt "#30118"
463610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
464611 msgstr "Maklum dalam UI dan Log"
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
466614 msgctxt "#30119"
467615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
468616 msgstr "Muat semula Saluran dan Kumpulan"
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
470619 msgctxt "#30120"
471620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
472621 msgstr "Jam kemaskini saluran dan kumpulan (24j)"
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
474624 msgctxt "#30121"
475625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
476626 msgstr "Tamat masa semakan sambungan"
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
478629 msgctxt "#30122"
479630 msgid "Connection check interval"
480631 msgstr "Sel semakan sambungan"
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
482634 msgctxt "#30123"
483635 msgid "Autotimers"
484636 msgstr "Autopemasa"
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
486639 msgctxt "#30124"
487640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
488641 msgstr "Had autopemasa 'Mana-Mana Saluran' pada TV atau Radio"
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
490644 msgctxt "#30125"
491645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
492646 msgstr "Hadkan kumpulan bagi saluran EPG asal"
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
494649 msgctxt "#30126"
495650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
496651 msgstr "Guna rujukan perkhidmatan saluran piawai"
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
498654 msgctxt "#30127"
499655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
500656 msgstr "Simpan kiraan telah dimainkan/main pada bahagian belakang"
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
502659 msgctxt "#30128"
503660 msgid "Share last played across:"
504661 msgstr "Kongsi terakhir dimainkan merentasi:"
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
506664 msgctxt "#30129"
507665 msgid "Kodi instances"
508666 msgstr "Kejadian Kodi"
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
510669 msgctxt "#30130"
511670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
512671 msgstr "Kejadian Kodi/E2"
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
514675 msgctxt "#30131"
515676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
516677 msgstr "Jambak suai"
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
518680 msgctxt "#30132"
519681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
520682 msgstr "Fail jambak TV suai"
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
522685 msgctxt "#30133"
523686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
524687 msgstr "Fail jambak Radio suai"
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
526690 msgctxt "#30134"
527691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
528692 msgstr "Bilangan jambak TV"
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
530695 msgctxt "#30135"
531696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
532697 msgstr "Jambak TV 2"
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
534700 msgctxt "#30136"
535701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
536702 msgstr "Jambak TV 3"
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
538705 msgctxt "#30137"
539706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
540707 msgstr "Jambak TV 4"
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
542710 msgctxt "#30138"
543711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
544712 msgstr "Jambak TV 5"
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
546715 msgctxt "#30139"
547716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
548717 msgstr "Bilangan jambak radio"
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
550720 msgctxt "#30140"
551721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
552722 msgstr "Jambak Radio 2"
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
554725 msgctxt "#30141"
555726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
556727 msgstr "Jambak Radio 3"
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
558730 msgctxt "#30142"
559731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
560732 msgstr "Jambak Radio 4"
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
562735 msgctxt "#30143"
563736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
564737 msgstr "Jambak Radio 5"
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
566740 msgctxt "#30144"
567741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
568742 msgstr "Tiada pengelogan nyahpepijat tambahan dalam mod nyahpepijat Kodi"
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
570813 msgctxt "#30410"
571814 msgid "Automatic"
572815 msgstr "Automatik"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
574834 msgctxt "#30423"
575835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
576836 msgstr "Pengulangan berasaskan masa/saluran"
838 #. application: Timers
578839 msgctxt "#30424"
579840 msgid "One time guide-based"
580841 msgstr "Sekali sahaja berasaskan-panduan"
843 #. application: Timers
582844 msgctxt "#30425"
583845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
584846 msgstr "Pengulangan berasaskan-panduan"
848 #. application: Timers
586849 msgctxt "#30426"
587850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
588851 msgstr "Auto berasaskan-panduan"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
590857 msgctxt "#30430"
591858 msgid "Disabled"
592859 msgstr "Dilumpuhkan"
861 #. application: Timers
594862 msgctxt "#30431"
595863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
596864 msgstr "Rakam jika tajuk EPG berbeza"
866 #. application: Timers
598867 msgctxt "#30432"
599868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
600869 msgstr "Rakam jika tajuk EPG dan keterangan pendek berlainan"
871 #. application: Timers
602872 msgctxt "#30433"
603873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
604874 msgstr "Rakam jika tajuk EPG dan semua keterangan berlainan"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
606880 msgctxt "#30514"
607881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
608882 msgstr "Laluan penimbal anjak masa tidak wujud"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
610885 msgctxt "#30515"
611886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
612887 msgstr "Enigma2: Tidak dapat capai antaramuka sesawang"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
614890 msgctxt "#30516"
615891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
616892 msgstr "Enigma2: Tiada kumpulan saluran ditemui"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
618895 msgctxt "#30517"
619896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
620897 msgstr "Enigma2: Tiada saluran ditemuichannels found"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
622900 msgctxt "#30518"
623901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
624902 msgstr "Enigma2: Perubahan kumpulan saluran dikesan, sila mulakan semula untuk memuatkan perubahan tersebut"
904 #. notification: Enigma2
626905 msgctxt "#30519"
627906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
628907 msgstr "Enigma2: Perubahan saluran dikesan, sila mulakan semula untuk memuatkan perubahan tersebut"
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
630911 msgctxt "#30520"
631912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
632913 msgstr "Saluran Tidak Sah"
915 #. notification: Enigma2
634916 msgctxt "#30521"
635917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
636918 msgstr "Enigma2: Perubahan kumpulan saluran dikesan, mulakan semula..."
920 #. notification: Enigma2
638921 msgctxt "#30522"
639922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
640923 msgstr "Enigma2: Perubahan saluran dikesan, mulakan semula..."
925 #. ############
926 #. help info #
927 #. ############
928 #. help info - Connection
929 #. help-category: connection
642930 msgctxt "#30600"
643931 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
644932 msgstr "Kategori ini mengandungi tetapan untuk penyambungan ke peranti Enigma2"
934 #. help: Connection - host
646935 msgctxt "#30601"
647936 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
648937 msgstr "Alamat IP atau nama hos bagi peranti berasaskan-enigma2 anda."
939 #. help: Connection - webport
650940 msgctxt "#30602"
651941 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
652942 msgstr "Port yang digunakan untuk menyambung ke antaramuka sesawang."
944 #. help: Connection - use_secure
654945 msgctxt "#30603"
655946 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
656947 msgstr "Guna https untuk bersambung dengan antaramuka sesawang."
949 #. help: Connection - user
658950 msgctxt "#30604"
659951 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
660952 msgstr "Jika antaramuka sesawang bagi kotak set-top dilindungi dengan gabungan namapengguna/katalaluan ia perlu ditetapkan dalam pilihan ini."
954 #. help: Connection - pass
662955 msgctxt "#30605"
663956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
664957 msgstr "Jika antaramuka sesawang bagi kotak set-top dilindungi dengan gabungan namapengguna/katalaluan ia perlu ditetapkan dalam pilihan ini."
959 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
666960 msgctxt "#30606"
667961 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
668962 msgstr "Bila dibenarkan URL strim akan membaca dari fail M3U8. Bila dilumpuhkan ia dibina berdasarkan rujukan perkhidmatan saluran. Pilihan ini jarang diperlukan dan tidak perlu dibenarkan melainkan anda ada situasi penggunaan tertentu. Jika melihat Strim IPTV dengan pilihan ini tidak memberi kesan terhadap saluran tersebut."
964 #. help: Connection - streamport
670965 msgctxt "#30607"
671966 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
672967 msgstr "Pilihan ini mentakrifkan port kotak set-top yang digunakan untuk strimkan tv langsung. Lalai ialah 8001 yang mana sesuai jika pengguna tidak mentakrif port suai di dalam antaramuka sesawang."
969 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
674970 msgctxt "#30608"
675971 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
676972 msgstr "Guna https untuk bersambung dengan strim."
974 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
678975 msgctxt "#30609"
679976 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
680977 msgstr "Guna nama pengguna dan kata laluan untuk strim."
979 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
682980 msgctxt "#30610"
683981 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
684982 msgstr "Nilai dalam saat untuk menunggu semakan sambungan selesai sebelum gagal. Berguna untuk menala peranti-peranti Enigma2 yang lebih lama. Perhatian, tetapan ini jarang diubah. Ia serupa dengan kesan tetapan 'Sela semakan sambungan'. Lalai ialah 30 saat."
984 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
686985 msgctxt "#30611"
687986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
688987 msgstr "Nilai dalam saat untuk menunggu antara semakan sambungan. Berguna untuk menala peranti-peranti Enigma2 yang lebih lama. Lalai ialah 10 saat."
989 #. help info - General
990 #. help-category: general
690991 msgctxt "#30620"
691992 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
692993 msgstr "Kategori ini mengandungi tetapan yang biasanya perlu ditetapkan oleh pengguna"
995 #. help: General - onlinepicons
694996 msgctxt "#30621"
695997 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
696998 msgstr "Dapatkan picon terus menerusi kotak set-top Enigma 2."
1000 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
6981001 msgctxt "#30622"
6991002 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
7001003 msgstr "Dapatkan laluan picon menerusi OpenWebIf selain dari membina daripada ServiceRef. Perlukan OpenWebIf 1.3.5 atau yang lebih tinggi. Tiada kesan sekiranya menggunakan versi OpenWebIf yang lebih rendah."
1005 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
7021006 msgctxt "#30623"
7031007 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
7041008 msgstr "Anggap semua fail picon diperoleh melalui kotak set-top bermula dengan '1_1_1_' dan berakhir dengan '_0_0_0'."
1010 #. help: General - iconpath
1011 msgctxt "#30624"
1012 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - updateint
1016 msgctxt "#30625"
1017 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updatemode
1021 msgctxt "#30626"
1022 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30627"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1031 msgctxt "#30628"
1032 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1036 msgctxt "#30629"
1037 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1041 #. help info - Channels
1042 #. help-category: channels
1043 msgctxt "#30640"
1044 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1048 msgctxt "#30641"
1049 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - zap
1053 msgctxt "#30642"
1054 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1058 msgctxt "#30643"
1059 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1063 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1067 msgctxt "#30644"
1068 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1069 msgstr ""
1071 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1072 msgctxt "#30645"
1073 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1077 msgctxt "#30646"
1078 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1082 msgctxt "#30647"
1083 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1087 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1091 msgctxt "#30648"
1092 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1093 msgstr ""
1095 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1096 msgctxt "#30649"
1097 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1101 msgctxt "#30650"
1102 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1106 msgctxt "#30651"
1107 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30652"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1116 msgctxt "#30653"
1117 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1121 msgctxt "#30654"
1122 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1126 msgctxt "#30655"
1127 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1131 msgctxt "#30656"
1132 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1136 #. help info - EPG
1137 #. help-category: epg
1138 msgctxt "#30660"
1139 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1143 msgctxt "#30661"
1144 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1148 msgctxt "#30662"
1149 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1153 msgctxt "#30663"
1154 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1158 msgctxt "#30664"
1159 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1163 msgctxt "#30665"
1164 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1168 msgctxt "#30666"
1169 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1173 msgctxt "#30667"
1174 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1178 msgctxt "#30668"
1179 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1183 msgctxt "#30669"
1184 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1188 #. help info - Recordings
1189 #. help-category: recordings
1190 msgctxt "#30680"
1191 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1192 msgstr ""
1194 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1195 msgctxt "#30681"
1196 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1200 msgctxt "#30682"
1201 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1205 msgctxt "#30683"
1206 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1210 msgctxt "#30684"
1211 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1215 msgctxt "#30685"
1216 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1220 msgctxt "#30686"
1221 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1225 msgctxt "#30687"
1226 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1230 msgctxt "#30688"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1235 msgctxt "#30689"
1236 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1240 msgctxt "#30690"
1241 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1245 msgctxt "#30691"
1246 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1250 #. help info - Timers
1251 #. help-category: timers
1252 msgctxt "#30700"
1253 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1254 msgstr ""
1256 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1257 msgctxt "#30701"
1258 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30702"
1263 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1267 msgctxt "#30703"
1268 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1272 msgctxt "#30704"
1273 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30705"
1278 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1282 msgctxt "#30706"
1283 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1287 #. help info - Timeshift
1288 #. help-category: timeshift
1289 msgctxt "#30720"
1290 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30721"
1295 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1299 msgctxt "#30722"
1300 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1304 msgctxt "#30723"
1305 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1309 msgctxt "#30724"
1310 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1314 msgctxt "#30725"
1315 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1319 msgctxt "#30726"
1320 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1324 msgctxt "#30727"
1325 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30728"
1330 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help info - Advanced
1334 #. help-category: advanced
7061335 msgctxt "#30740"
7071336 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
7081337 msgstr "Kategori ini mengandungi tetapi lajutan/mahir"
1339 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1340 msgctxt "#30741"
1341 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1342 msgstr ""
1344 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1345 msgctxt "#30742"
1346 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1347 msgstr ""
1349 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1350 msgctxt "#30743"
1351 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1352 msgstr ""
1354 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1355 msgctxt "#30744"
1356 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1357 msgstr ""
1359 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1360 msgctxt "#30745"
1361 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1362 msgstr ""
1364 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1365 msgctxt "#30746"
1366 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1367 msgstr ""
1369 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1370 msgctxt "#30747"
1371 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1372 msgstr ""
1374 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1375 #. help info - Backend
1376 #. help-category: backend
7101377 msgctxt "#30760"
711 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
712 msgstr "Kategori ini mengandungi tetapi lajutan/mahir"
1378 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 #. help: Backend - webifversion
7141382 msgctxt "#30761"
7151383 msgid "webifversion"
7161384 msgstr "webifversion"
1386 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
7181387 msgctxt "#30762"
7191388 msgid "autotimertagintags"
7201389 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1391 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
7221392 msgctxt "#30763"
7231393 msgid "autotimernameintags"
7241394 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1396 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
7261397 msgctxt "#30764"
727 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
728 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1398 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1399 msgstr ""
1401 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
7301402 msgctxt "#30765"
731 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
732 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1403 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1404 msgstr ""
1406 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1407 msgctxt "#30766"
1408 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1409 msgstr ""
1411 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1412 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1413 #~ msgstr "Hanya guna laluan rakaman semasa kotak DVB"
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1416 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1417 #~ msgstr "Folder rakaman pada penerima"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1420 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1421 #~ msgstr "Kekalkan struktur folder untuk rekod"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1424 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1425 #~ msgstr "Kategori ini mengandungi tetapi lajutan/mahir"
1427 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1428 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1429 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1431 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1432 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1433 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Maltese (Malta) (\n"
12 "Language: mt_MT\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: mt_MT\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==0 || ( n%100>1 && n%100<11) ? 1 : (n%100>10 && n%100<20 ) ? 2 : 3);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Username"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Sigriet"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Ajkons"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3089 msgctxt "#30015"
3190 msgid "Update interval"
3291 msgstr "Il-ħin bejn l-aġġornamenti"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
34105 msgctxt "#30018"
35106 msgid "General"
36107 msgstr "Ġenerali"
109 #. label-category: channels
38110 msgctxt "#30019"
39111 msgid "Channels"
40112 msgstr "Stazzjonijiet"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
42116 msgctxt "#30020"
43117 msgid "Advanced"
44118 msgstr "Avvanzat"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46222 msgctxt "#30042"
47223 msgid "Never"
48224 msgstr "Qatt"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50227 msgctxt "#30043"
51228 msgid "In EPG only"
52229 msgstr "Fl-EPG biss"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
54232 msgctxt "#30044"
55233 msgid "In recordings only"
56234 msgstr "Fir-rekordings biss"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58237 msgctxt "#30045"
59238 msgid "Always"
60239 msgstr "Dejjem"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
62292 msgctxt "#30056"
63293 msgid "TV"
64294 msgstr "Televixin"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
66297 msgctxt "#30057"
67298 msgid "Radio"
68299 msgstr "Radju"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
70323 msgctxt "#30062"
71324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
72325 msgstr "Il-Buffer path tat-timeshift"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
74328 msgctxt "#30063"
75329 msgid "Off"
76330 msgstr "Xejn"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
78363 msgctxt "#30070"
79364 msgid "Recordings"
80365 msgstr "Recordings"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
82368 msgctxt "#30071"
83369 msgid "Recordings"
84370 msgstr "Recordings"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
86495 msgctxt "#30095"
87496 msgid "True"
88497 msgstr "Veru"
499 #. application: Admin
90500 msgctxt "#30096"
91501 msgid "False"
92502 msgstr "Falz"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
94606 msgctxt "#30117"
95607 msgid "Disabled"
96608 msgstr "Mhux attiv"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
98860 msgctxt "#30430"
99861 msgid "Disabled"
100862 msgstr "Mhux attiv"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Burmese (Myanmar) (\n"
12 "Language: my_MM\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: my_MM\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "အသုံးပြုသူအမည်"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "စကားဝှက်"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "ကွန်နက်ရှင်"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Icons"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
34105 msgctxt "#30018"
35106 msgid "General"
36107 msgstr "ယေဘုယျ"
109 #. label-category: channels
38110 msgctxt "#30019"
39111 msgid "Channels"
40112 msgstr "Channel များ"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
42116 msgctxt "#30020"
43117 msgid "Advanced"
44118 msgstr "အဆင့်မြင့်သော"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46222 msgctxt "#30042"
47223 msgid "Never"
48224 msgstr "ဘယ်တော့မှ"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50237 msgctxt "#30045"
51238 msgid "Always"
52239 msgstr "အမြဲတမ်း"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
54267 msgctxt "#30051"
55268 msgid "Login"
56269 msgstr "ဝင်ရန်"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
58292 msgctxt "#30056"
59293 msgid "TV"
60294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
62297 msgctxt "#30057"
63298 msgid "Radio"
64299 msgstr "ရေဒီယို"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
66328 msgctxt "#30063"
67329 msgid "Off"
68330 msgstr "ပိတ်"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
70363 msgctxt "#30070"
71364 msgid "Recordings"
72365 msgstr "အသံသွင်းခြင်း"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
74368 msgctxt "#30071"
75369 msgid "Recordings"
76370 msgstr "အသံသွင်းခြင်း"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
78495 msgctxt "#30095"
79496 msgid "True"
80497 msgstr "မှန်၏"
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
82606 msgctxt "#30117"
83607 msgid "Disabled"
84608 msgstr "ပိတ်ထားမည်"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
86860 msgctxt "#30430"
87861 msgid "Disabled"
88862 msgstr "ပိတ်ထားမည်"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (\n"
12 "Language: nb_NO\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: nb_NO\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Brukernavn"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Passord"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Tilkobling"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Ikoner"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Oppdateringsintervall"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Bruk bare DVB boksens nåværende opptakssti"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Generelt"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Kanaler"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Avansert"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Opptaksmappe på mottaker"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
58157 msgctxt "#30029"
59158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
60159 msgstr "Skru på automatisk oppsett for sanntids-strømmer"
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
62162 msgctxt "#30030"
63 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
64 msgstr "Behold mappestruktur for opptak"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
66172 msgctxt "#30032"
67173 msgid "EPG"
68174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70222 msgctxt "#30042"
71223 msgid "Never"
72224 msgstr "Aldri"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74227 msgctxt "#30043"
75228 msgid "In EPG only"
76229 msgstr "Kun i EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
78232 msgctxt "#30044"
79233 msgid "In recordings only"
80234 msgstr "Kun i opptak"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
82237 msgctxt "#30045"
83238 msgid "Always"
84239 msgstr "Alltid"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
86267 msgctxt "#30051"
87268 msgid "Login"
88269 msgstr "Innlogging"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
90272 msgctxt "#30052"
91273 msgid "Misc"
92274 msgstr "Diverse"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
94292 msgctxt "#30056"
95293 msgid "TV"
96294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
98297 msgctxt "#30057"
99298 msgid "Radio"
100299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
102313 msgctxt "#30060"
103314 msgid "Timeshift"
104315 msgstr "Tdsforskyvning"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
106323 msgctxt "#30062"
107324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
108325 msgstr "Sti for tidsforskyvningbuffer"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110328 msgctxt "#30063"
111329 msgid "Off"
112330 msgstr "Av"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
114333 msgctxt "#30064"
115334 msgid "On playback"
116335 msgstr "Ved avspilling"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
118338 msgctxt "#30065"
119339 msgid "On pause"
120340 msgstr "På pause"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
122363 msgctxt "#30070"
123364 msgid "Recordings"
124365 msgstr "Opptak"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
126368 msgctxt "#30071"
127369 msgid "Recordings"
128370 msgstr "Opptak"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
130374 msgctxt "#30072"
131375 msgid "Timers"
132376 msgstr "Tidsur"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
134490 msgctxt "#30094"
135491 msgid "N/A"
136492 msgstr "Ikke Tilgjengelig"
494 #. application: Admin
138495 msgctxt "#30095"
139496 msgid "True"
140497 msgstr "Sant"
499 #. application: Admin
142500 msgctxt "#30096"
143501 msgid "False"
144502 msgstr "Usann"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
146545 msgctxt "#30105"
147546 msgid "Other"
148547 msgstr "Annet"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
150606 msgctxt "#30117"
151607 msgid "Disabled"
152608 msgstr "Deaktivert"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
154815 msgctxt "#30410"
155816 msgid "Automatic"
156817 msgstr "Automatisk"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
158859 msgctxt "#30430"
159860 msgid "Disabled"
160861 msgstr "Deaktivert"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Bruk bare DVB boksens nåværende opptakssti"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Opptaksmappe på mottaker"
1425 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1426 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1427 #~ msgstr "Behold mappestruktur for opptak"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Dutch (Netherlands) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Dutch <>\n"
12 "Language: nl_nl\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: nl_NL\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Enigma2 hostnaam of IP-adres"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Doorvoerpoort"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Wachtwoord"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Verbinding"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Iconen"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Iconenpad"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Update-interval"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Automatisch opschonen van de timerlijst"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Webinterface-poort"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Zap vóór kanaalwissel (d.w.z. voor enkele tunerboxen)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Updatefrequentie"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Gebruik alleen het huidig opnamepad van de DVB box"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Algemeen"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Kanalen"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Geavanceerd"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Opnamemap op de ontvanger"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
131 msgctxt "#30024"
132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
133 msgstr ""
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
136 msgctxt "#30025"
137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
138 msgstr ""
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
86146 msgctxt "#30027"
87147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
88148 msgstr "Picons ophalen van de web-interface"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
90151 msgctxt "#30028"
91152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
92153 msgstr "Gebruik beveiligd HTTP (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
94156 msgctxt "#30029"
95157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
96158 msgstr "Activeer automatische configuratie voor live streams"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
98161 msgctxt "#30030"
99 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
100 msgstr "Behoud folder structuur voor opnamen"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
102166 msgctxt "#30031"
103167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
104168 msgstr "Seizoenen en afleveringen"
170 #. label-category: epg
106171 msgctxt "#30032"
107172 msgid "EPG"
108173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
110176 msgctxt "#30033"
111177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
112178 msgstr "Seizoen-, afleverings- en jaarinformatie ophalen wanneer mogelijk"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
114181 msgctxt "#30034"
115182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
116183 msgstr "Inschakelen van autotimers"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
118186 msgctxt "#30035"
119187 msgid "Use file format"
120188 msgstr "Gebruik"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
122191 msgctxt "#30036"
123192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
124193 msgstr "Activeren van gegenereerde herhaaltimers"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
126196 msgctxt "#30037"
127197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
128198 msgstr "Log de afwezige genre-tekstmappings"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
130201 msgctxt "#30038"
131202 msgid "Web Interface"
132203 msgstr "Webinterface"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
134206 msgctxt "#30039"
135207 msgid "Streaming"
136208 msgstr "Streaming"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
138211 msgctxt "#30040"
139212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
140213 msgstr "Schets het verhaal (bijv. 2e titel) voor de plot"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
216 msgctxt "#30041"
217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
218 msgstr ""
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
142221 msgctxt "#30042"
143222 msgid "Never"
144223 msgstr "Nooit"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
146226 msgctxt "#30043"
147227 msgid "In EPG only"
148228 msgstr "Alleen in EPG"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
150231 msgctxt "#30044"
151232 msgid "In recordings only"
152233 msgstr "Alleen in opnames"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154236 msgctxt "#30045"
155237 msgid "Always"
156238 msgstr "Altijd"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
158241 msgctxt "#30046"
159242 msgid "Extract show info file"
160243 msgstr "TV-show-informatiebestand ophalen"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
246 msgctxt "#30047"
247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
248 msgstr ""
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
251 msgctxt "#30048"
252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
253 msgstr ""
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
256 msgctxt "#30049"
257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
258 msgstr ""
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
261 msgctxt "#30050"
262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
263 msgstr ""
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
162266 msgctxt "#30051"
163267 msgid "Login"
164268 msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
166271 msgctxt "#30052"
167272 msgid "Misc"
168 msgstr " Divers"
273 msgstr "Divers"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
276 msgctxt "#30053"
277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
278 msgstr ""
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
281 msgctxt "#30054"
282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
283 msgstr ""
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
286 msgctxt "#30055"
287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
288 msgstr ""
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
170291 msgctxt "#30056"
171292 msgid "TV"
172293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
174296 msgctxt "#30057"
175297 msgid "Radio"
176298 msgstr "Radio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
301 msgctxt "#30058"
302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
303 msgstr ""
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
178312 msgctxt "#30060"
179313 msgid "Timeshift"
180314 msgstr "Timeshift"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
182317 msgctxt "#30061"
183318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
184319 msgstr "Timeshift inschakelen"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
186322 msgctxt "#30062"
187323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
188324 msgstr "Tijdsprong bufferlocatie"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
190327 msgctxt "#30063"
191328 msgid "Off"
192329 msgstr "Uit"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
194332 msgctxt "#30064"
195333 msgid "On playback"
196334 msgstr "Tijdens afspelen"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
198337 msgctxt "#30065"
199338 msgid "On pause"
200339 msgstr "tijdens Pauze"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
202342 msgctxt "#30066"
203343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
204344 msgstr "Gebruik beveiligde HTTP (https) voor streams"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
347 msgctxt "#30067"
348 msgid "Use login for streams"
349 msgstr ""
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
352 msgctxt "#30068"
353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
354 msgstr ""
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
357 msgctxt "#30069"
358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
359 msgstr ""
361 #. label-category: recordings
206362 msgctxt "#30070"
207363 msgid "Recordings"
208364 msgstr "Opnames"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
210367 msgctxt "#30071"
211368 msgid "Recordings"
212369 msgstr "Opnames"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
214373 msgctxt "#30072"
215374 msgid "Timers"
216375 msgstr "Timers"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
218378 msgctxt "#30073"
219379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
220380 msgstr "Aantal herhaaltimers te genereren"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
222384 msgctxt "#30074"
223385 msgid "All bouquets"
224386 msgstr "Alle bouquets"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
226396 msgctxt "#30076"
227397 msgid "As first bouquet"
228398 msgstr "Als eerste bouquet"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
230402 msgctxt "#30077"
231403 msgid "As last bouquet"
232404 msgstr "Als laatste bouquet"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
234413 msgctxt "#30079"
235414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
236415 msgstr "Bladwijzers (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
238418 msgctxt "#30080"
239419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
240420 msgstr "Bladwijzers (Radio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
242424 msgctxt "#30081"
243425 msgid "unknown"
244426 msgstr "onbekend"
428 #. application: Client
246429 msgctxt "#30082"
247430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
248431 msgstr "(Niet verbonden!)"
433 #. application: Client
250434 msgctxt "#30083"
251435 msgid "addon error"
252436 msgstr "Fout in add-on"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
254449 msgctxt "#30086"
255450 msgid "Backend"
256451 msgstr "Backend"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
258454 msgctxt "#30087"
259455 msgid "Recording Padding"
260456 msgstr "Opname-opvulling"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
262459 msgctxt "#30088"
263460 msgid "Global start padding"
264461 msgstr "Globale startopvulling"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
266464 msgctxt "#30089"
267465 msgid "Global end padding"
268466 msgstr "Globale eindopvulling"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
270469 msgctxt "#30090"
271470 msgid "Device Info"
272471 msgstr "Apparaatinformatie"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
274474 msgctxt "#30091"
275475 msgid "WebIf version"
276476 msgstr "WebIf-versie"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
479 msgctxt "#30092"
480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
481 msgstr ""
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
484 msgctxt "#30093"
485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
486 msgstr ""
488 #. application: Admin
278489 msgctxt "#30094"
279490 msgid "N/A"
280491 msgstr "N/B"
493 #. application: Admin
282494 msgctxt "#30095"
283495 msgid "True"
284496 msgstr "Waar"
498 #. application: Admin
286499 msgctxt "#30096"
287500 msgid "False"
288501 msgstr "Onwaar"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
504 msgctxt "#30097"
505 msgid "Standby"
506 msgstr ""
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
509 msgctxt "#30098"
510 msgid "Deep standby"
511 msgstr ""
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
514 msgctxt "#30099"
515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
516 msgstr ""
518 #. label: General - updatemode
290519 msgctxt "#30100"
291520 msgid "Update mode"
292521 msgstr "Update-modus"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
294524 msgctxt "#30101"
295525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
296526 msgstr "Timers en opnames"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
298529 msgctxt "#30102"
299530 msgid "Timers only"
300531 msgstr "Alleen timers"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
534 msgctxt "#30103"
535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
536 msgstr ""
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
539 msgctxt "#30104"
540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
541 msgstr ""
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
302544 msgctxt "#30105"
303545 msgid "Other"
304546 msgstr "Overig"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
549 msgctxt "#30106"
550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
551 msgstr ""
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
554 msgctxt "#30107"
555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
556 msgstr ""
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
559 msgctxt "#30108"
560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
561 msgstr ""
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
564 msgctxt "#30109"
565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
566 msgstr ""
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
569 msgctxt "#30110"
570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
571 msgstr ""
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
574 msgctxt "#30111"
575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
576 msgstr ""
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
579 msgctxt "#30112"
580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
581 msgstr ""
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
584 msgctxt "#30113"
585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
586 msgstr ""
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
590 msgctxt "#30114"
591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
592 msgstr ""
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
595 msgctxt "#30115"
596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
597 msgstr ""
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
600 msgctxt "#30116"
601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
602 msgstr ""
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
306605 msgctxt "#30117"
307606 msgid "Disabled"
308607 msgstr "Uitgeschakeld"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
610 msgctxt "#30118"
611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
612 msgstr ""
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
615 msgctxt "#30119"
616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
617 msgstr ""
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
620 msgctxt "#30120"
621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
622 msgstr ""
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
625 msgctxt "#30121"
626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
627 msgstr ""
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
630 msgctxt "#30122"
631 msgid "Connection check interval"
632 msgstr ""
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
635 msgctxt "#30123"
636 msgid "Autotimers"
637 msgstr ""
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
665 msgctxt "#30129"
666 msgid "Kodi instances"
667 msgstr ""
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
310670 msgctxt "#30130"
311671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
312672 msgstr "Kodi/E2-voorbeelden"
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
314814 msgctxt "#30410"
315815 msgid "Automatic"
316816 msgstr "Automatisch"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
835 msgctxt "#30423"
836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
837 msgstr ""
839 #. application: Timers
840 msgctxt "#30424"
841 msgid "One time guide-based"
842 msgstr ""
844 #. application: Timers
845 msgctxt "#30425"
846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
847 msgstr ""
849 #. application: Timers
850 msgctxt "#30426"
851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
852 msgstr ""
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
318858 msgctxt "#30430"
319859 msgid "Disabled"
320860 msgstr "Uitgeschakeld"
862 #. application: Timers
322863 msgctxt "#30431"
323864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
324865 msgstr "Opname indien EPG-titel afwijkt"
867 #. application: Timers
326868 msgctxt "#30432"
327869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
328870 msgstr "Opnemen indien er verschillen in de EPG-titel en de korte omschrijving zijn"
872 #. application: Timers
330873 msgctxt "#30433"
331874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
332875 msgstr "Opnemen indien er verschillen in de EPG-titel en alle korte omschrijvingen zijn"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
334881 msgctxt "#30514"
335882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
336883 msgstr "Tijdshift-bufferpad bestaat niet"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
886 msgctxt "#30515"
887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
888 msgstr ""
890 #. notification: Enigma2
891 msgctxt "#30516"
892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
893 msgstr ""
895 #. notification: Enigma2
896 msgctxt "#30517"
897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
898 msgstr ""
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
906 msgctxt "#30519"
907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 msgstr ""
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
912 msgctxt "#30520"
913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
914 msgstr ""
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
937 msgctxt "#30601"
938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
939 msgstr ""
941 #. help: Connection - webport
942 msgctxt "#30602"
943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
944 msgstr ""
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
947 msgctxt "#30603"
948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
949 msgstr ""
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
972 msgctxt "#30608"
973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
974 msgstr ""
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
992 #. help info - General
993 #. help-category: general
994 msgctxt "#30620"
995 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
996 msgstr ""
998 #. help: General - onlinepicons
999 msgctxt "#30621"
1000 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1004 msgctxt "#30622"
1005 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1009 msgctxt "#30623"
1010 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #. help: General - iconpath
1014 msgctxt "#30624"
1015 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #. help: General - updateint
1019 msgctxt "#30625"
1020 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #. help: General - updatemode
1024 msgctxt "#30626"
1025 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1029 msgctxt "#30627"
1030 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1034 msgctxt "#30628"
1035 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1039 msgctxt "#30629"
1040 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1041 msgstr ""
1043 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1044 #. help info - Channels
1045 #. help-category: channels
1046 msgctxt "#30640"
1047 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1048 msgstr ""
1050 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1051 msgctxt "#30641"
1052 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - zap
1056 msgctxt "#30642"
1057 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1061 msgctxt "#30643"
1062 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1070 msgctxt "#30644"
1071 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1075 msgctxt "#30645"
1076 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1077 msgstr ""
1079 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1080 msgctxt "#30646"
1081 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1085 msgctxt "#30647"
1086 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1087 msgstr ""
1089 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1094 msgctxt "#30648"
1095 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1099 msgctxt "#30649"
1100 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1104 msgctxt "#30650"
1105 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1109 msgctxt "#30651"
1110 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1114 msgctxt "#30652"
1115 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1119 msgctxt "#30653"
1120 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1124 msgctxt "#30654"
1125 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1129 msgctxt "#30655"
1130 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1134 msgctxt "#30656"
1135 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1136 msgstr ""
1138 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1139 #. help info - EPG
1140 #. help-category: epg
1141 msgctxt "#30660"
1142 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1146 msgctxt "#30661"
1147 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1151 msgctxt "#30662"
1152 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1156 msgctxt "#30663"
1157 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1161 msgctxt "#30664"
1162 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1163 msgstr ""
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1166 msgctxt "#30665"
1167 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1168 msgstr ""
1170 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1171 msgctxt "#30666"
1172 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1176 msgctxt "#30667"
1177 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1178 msgstr ""
1180 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1181 msgctxt "#30668"
1182 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1183 msgstr ""
1185 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1186 msgctxt "#30669"
1187 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1188 msgstr ""
1190 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1191 #. help info - Recordings
1192 #. help-category: recordings
1193 msgctxt "#30680"
1194 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1195 msgstr ""
1197 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1198 msgctxt "#30681"
1199 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1203 msgctxt "#30682"
1204 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1205 msgstr ""
1207 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1208 msgctxt "#30683"
1209 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1210 msgstr ""
1212 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1213 msgctxt "#30684"
1214 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1218 msgctxt "#30685"
1219 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1220 msgstr ""
1222 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1223 msgctxt "#30686"
1224 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1228 msgctxt "#30687"
1229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1230 msgstr ""
1232 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1233 msgctxt "#30688"
1234 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1238 msgctxt "#30689"
1239 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1243 msgctxt "#30690"
1244 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1248 msgctxt "#30691"
1249 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1250 msgstr ""
1252 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1253 #. help info - Timers
1254 #. help-category: timers
1255 msgctxt "#30700"
1256 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1257 msgstr ""
1259 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1260 msgctxt "#30701"
1261 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1262 msgstr ""
1264 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1265 msgctxt "#30702"
1266 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1267 msgstr ""
1269 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1270 msgctxt "#30703"
1271 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1272 msgstr ""
1274 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1275 msgctxt "#30704"
1276 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1277 msgstr ""
1279 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1280 msgctxt "#30705"
1281 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1282 msgstr ""
1284 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1285 msgctxt "#30706"
1286 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1287 msgstr ""
1289 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1290 #. help info - Timeshift
1291 #. help-category: timeshift
1292 msgctxt "#30720"
1293 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1294 msgstr ""
1296 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1297 msgctxt "#30721"
1298 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1299 msgstr ""
1301 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1302 msgctxt "#30722"
1303 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1304 msgstr ""
1306 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1307 msgctxt "#30723"
1308 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1309 msgstr ""
1311 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1312 msgctxt "#30724"
1313 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1314 msgstr ""
1316 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1317 msgctxt "#30725"
1318 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1319 msgstr ""
1321 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1322 msgctxt "#30726"
1323 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1324 msgstr ""
1326 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1327 msgctxt "#30727"
1328 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1329 msgstr ""
1331 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1332 msgctxt "#30728"
1333 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1334 msgstr ""
1336 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1337 #. help info - Advanced
1338 #. help-category: advanced
1339 msgctxt "#30740"
1340 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1344 msgctxt "#30741"
1345 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1346 msgstr ""
1348 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1349 msgctxt "#30742"
1350 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1354 msgctxt "#30743"
1355 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1359 msgctxt "#30744"
1360 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1361 msgstr ""
1363 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1364 msgctxt "#30745"
1365 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1366 msgstr ""
1368 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1369 msgctxt "#30746"
1370 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1371 msgstr ""
1373 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1374 msgctxt "#30747"
1375 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1376 msgstr ""
1378 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1379 #. help info - Backend
1380 #. help-category: backend
1381 msgctxt "#30760"
1382 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1383 msgstr ""
1385 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1386 msgctxt "#30761"
1387 msgid "webifversion"
1388 msgstr ""
1390 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1391 msgctxt "#30762"
1392 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1396 msgctxt "#30763"
1397 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1401 msgctxt "#30764"
1402 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1406 msgctxt "#30765"
1407 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1408 msgstr ""
1410 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1411 msgctxt "#30766"
1412 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1413 msgstr ""
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1416 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1417 #~ msgstr "Gebruik alleen het huidig opnamepad van de DVB box"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1420 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1421 #~ msgstr "Opnamemap op de ontvanger"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1424 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1425 #~ msgstr "Behoud folder structuur voor opnamen"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Polish (Poland) (\n"
12 "Language: pl_PL\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: pl_PL\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Nazwa lub adres IP Enigma2"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Port transmisji"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Użytkownik"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Hasło"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Połączenie"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Plakaty"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Folder z ikonami"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Częstotliwość aktualizacji"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Automatyczne czyszczenie harmonogramu nagrań"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Port interfejsu webowego"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Przełączaj na dany kanał (np. dla dekoderów z jednym tunerem)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Częstotliwość aktualizacji"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Używaj tylko bieżącego folderu nagrywania dekodera"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Ogólne"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Kanały"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Zaawansowane"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Folder nagrywania na dekoderze"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
130 msgctxt "#30024"
131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
132 msgstr ""
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
86135 msgctxt "#30025"
87136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
88137 msgstr "Tryb pobierania bukietu telewizyjnego"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
90145 msgctxt "#30027"
91146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
92147 msgstr "Pobieraj loga kanałów przez interfejs webowy"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
94150 msgctxt "#30028"
95151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
96152 msgstr "Używaj zabezpieczonego HTTP (HTTPS)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
98155 msgctxt "#30029"
99156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
100157 msgstr "Konfiguruj transmisje na żywo automatycznie"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
102160 msgctxt "#30030"
103 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
104 msgstr "Zachowuj strukturę folderów nagrań"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
106165 msgctxt "#30031"
107166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
108167 msgstr "Sezony i odcinki"
169 #. label-category: epg
110170 msgctxt "#30032"
111171 msgid "EPG"
112172 msgstr "Przewodnik"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
175 msgctxt "#30033"
176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
177 msgstr ""
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
180 msgctxt "#30034"
181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
182 msgstr ""
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
185 msgctxt "#30035"
186 msgid "Use file format"
187 msgstr ""
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
190 msgctxt "#30036"
191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
192 msgstr ""
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
195 msgctxt "#30037"
196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
197 msgstr ""
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
114200 msgctxt "#30038"
115201 msgid "Web Interface"
116202 msgstr "Interfejs webowy"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
118205 msgctxt "#30039"
119206 msgid "Streaming"
120207 msgstr "Strumieniowanie"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
122210 msgctxt "#30040"
123211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
124212 msgstr "Używaj zarysu (np. podtytuły) przed fabułą"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
126215 msgctxt "#30041"
127216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
128217 msgstr "Rozmiar odczytywanej porcji strumienia"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
130220 msgctxt "#30042"
131221 msgid "Never"
132222 msgstr "Nigdy"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
134225 msgctxt "#30043"
135226 msgid "In EPG only"
136227 msgstr "W przewodniku"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
138230 msgctxt "#30044"
139231 msgid "In recordings only"
140232 msgstr "W nagraniach"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
142235 msgctxt "#30045"
143236 msgid "Always"
144237 msgstr "Zawsze"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
240 msgctxt "#30046"
241 msgid "Extract show info file"
242 msgstr ""
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
245 msgctxt "#30047"
246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
247 msgstr ""
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
250 msgctxt "#30048"
251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
252 msgstr ""
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
255 msgctxt "#30049"
256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
257 msgstr ""
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
260 msgctxt "#30050"
261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
262 msgstr ""
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
146265 msgctxt "#30051"
147266 msgid "Login"
148267 msgstr "Użytkownik"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
150270 msgctxt "#30052"
151271 msgid "Misc"
152272 msgstr "Dodatkowe"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
275 msgctxt "#30053"
276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
277 msgstr ""
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
280 msgctxt "#30054"
281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
282 msgstr ""
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
285 msgctxt "#30055"
286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
287 msgstr ""
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
154290 msgctxt "#30056"
155291 msgid "TV"
156292 msgstr "TELEWIZJA"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
158295 msgctxt "#30057"
159296 msgid "Radio"
160297 msgstr "Radio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
162300 msgctxt "#30058"
163301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
164302 msgstr "Tryb pobierania bukietu radiowego"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
166311 msgctxt "#30060"
167312 msgid "Timeshift"
168313 msgstr "Przesunięcie czasowe"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
170316 msgctxt "#30061"
171317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
172318 msgstr "Aktywuj funkcję przesunięcia czasowego"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
174321 msgctxt "#30062"
175322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
176323 msgstr "Folderu bufora przesunięcia czasowego"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
178326 msgctxt "#30063"
179327 msgid "Off"
180328 msgstr "Nieaktywne"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
182331 msgctxt "#30064"
183332 msgid "On playback"
184333 msgstr "Po rozpoczęciu odtwarzania"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
186336 msgctxt "#30065"
187337 msgid "On pause"
188338 msgstr "Po wstrzymaniu odtwarzania"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
341 msgctxt "#30066"
342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
343 msgstr ""
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
346 msgctxt "#30067"
347 msgid "Use login for streams"
348 msgstr ""
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
351 msgctxt "#30068"
352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
353 msgstr ""
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
356 msgctxt "#30069"
357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
358 msgstr ""
360 #. label-category: recordings
190361 msgctxt "#30070"
191362 msgid "Recordings"
192363 msgstr "Nagrania"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
194366 msgctxt "#30071"
195367 msgid "Recordings"
196368 msgstr "Nagrania"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
198372 msgctxt "#30072"
199373 msgid "Timers"
200374 msgstr "Zadania"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
377 msgctxt "#30073"
378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
379 msgstr ""
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
202383 msgctxt "#30074"
203384 msgid "All bouquets"
204385 msgstr "Wszystkie bukiety"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
206395 msgctxt "#30076"
207396 msgid "As first bouquet"
208397 msgstr "Jako pierwszy bukiet"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
210401 msgctxt "#30077"
211402 msgid "As last bouquet"
212403 msgstr "Jako ostatni bukiet"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
214412 msgctxt "#30079"
215413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
216414 msgstr "Ulubione (telewizja)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
218417 msgctxt "#30080"
219418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
220419 msgstr "Ulubione (radio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
222423 msgctxt "#30081"
223424 msgid "unknown"
224425 msgstr "nieznany"
427 #. application: Client
226428 msgctxt "#30082"
227429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
228430 msgstr "(Nie połączony!)"
432 #. application: Client
230433 msgctxt "#30083"
231434 msgid "addon error"
232435 msgstr "błąd dodatku"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
234448 msgctxt "#30086"
235449 msgid "Backend"
236450 msgstr "Serwer"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
453 msgctxt "#30087"
454 msgid "Recording Padding"
455 msgstr ""
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
458 msgctxt "#30088"
459 msgid "Global start padding"
460 msgstr ""
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
463 msgctxt "#30089"
464 msgid "Global end padding"
465 msgstr ""
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
238468 msgctxt "#30090"
239469 msgid "Device Info"
240470 msgstr "O urządzeniu"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
473 msgctxt "#30091"
474 msgid "WebIf version"
475 msgstr ""
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
478 msgctxt "#30092"
479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
480 msgstr ""
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
483 msgctxt "#30093"
484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
485 msgstr ""
487 #. application: Admin
242488 msgctxt "#30094"
243489 msgid "N/A"
244490 msgstr "Brak"
492 #. application: Admin
246493 msgctxt "#30095"
247494 msgid "True"
248495 msgstr "Prawda"
497 #. application: Admin
250498 msgctxt "#30096"
251499 msgid "False"
252500 msgstr "Fałsz"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
254503 msgctxt "#30097"
255504 msgid "Standby"
256505 msgstr "Uśpienie"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
258508 msgctxt "#30098"
259509 msgid "Deep standby"
260510 msgstr "Głębokie uśpienie"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
513 msgctxt "#30099"
514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
515 msgstr ""
517 #. label: General - updatemode
518 msgctxt "#30100"
519 msgid "Update mode"
520 msgstr ""
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
523 msgctxt "#30101"
524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
525 msgstr ""
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
528 msgctxt "#30102"
529 msgid "Timers only"
530 msgstr ""
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
533 msgctxt "#30103"
534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
535 msgstr ""
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
538 msgctxt "#30104"
539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
540 msgstr ""
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
262543 msgctxt "#30105"
263544 msgid "Other"
264545 msgstr "Inne"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
266548 msgctxt "#30106"
267549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
268550 msgstr "Opóźnienie aktualizacji przewodnika na kanał"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
270604 msgctxt "#30117"
271605 msgid "Disabled"
272606 msgstr "Nieaktywny"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
274813 msgctxt "#30410"
275814 msgid "Automatic"
276815 msgstr "Automat"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
278857 msgctxt "#30430"
279858 msgid "Disabled"
280859 msgstr "Nieaktywny"
861 #. application: Timers
282862 msgctxt "#30431"
283863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
284864 msgstr "Nagrywaj, gdy tytuł w przewodniku się różni"
866 #. application: Timers
286867 msgctxt "#30432"
287868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
288869 msgstr "Nagrywaj jeśli tytuł i krótkie strzeszczenie w przewodniku różnią się"
871 #. application: Timers
290872 msgctxt "#30433"
291873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
292874 msgstr "Nagrywaj jeśli tytuł i wszystkie opisy w przewodniku różnią się"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
294880 msgctxt "#30514"
295881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
296882 msgstr "Folderu bufora przesunięcia czasowego nie istnieje"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
298885 msgctxt "#30515"
299886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
300887 msgstr "Enigma2: interfejs webowy jest niedostępny"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
302890 msgctxt "#30516"
303891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
304892 msgstr "Enigma2: nie znaleziono grup kanałów"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
306895 msgctxt "#30517"
307896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
308897 msgstr "Enigma2: nie znaleziono kanału"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Używaj tylko bieżącego folderu nagrywania dekodera"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Folder nagrywania na dekoderze"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Zachowuj strukturę folderów nagrań"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) <>\n"
12 "Language: pt_br\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: pt_BR\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Nome de servidor Enigma2 ou endereço IP"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Porta de transmissão"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Nome de utilizador"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Senha"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Ligação"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Ícones"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4253 msgctxt "#30007"
4354 msgid "Program Streams"
4455 msgstr "Streams do programa"
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4658 msgctxt "#30008"
4759 msgid "Icon path"
4860 msgstr "Caminho do ícone"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5063 msgctxt "#30009"
5164 msgid "Update Interval"
52 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização "
65 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5468 msgctxt "#30011"
5569 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5670 msgstr "Limpeza automática da Timerlist"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5873 msgctxt "#30012"
5974 msgid "Web interface port"
6075 msgstr "Porta da interface web"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
6278 msgctxt "#30013"
6379 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6480 msgstr "Zap antes de mudar de canal (útil para caixas só com um sintonizador)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6683 msgctxt "#30014"
6784 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6885 msgstr "Defina o ID do programa para canais ao vivo ou fluxos gravados"
87 #. label: General - updateint
7088 msgctxt "#30015"
7189 msgid "Update interval"
72 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização "
90 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
7493 msgctxt "#30016"
7594 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
7695 msgstr "Use números de canais específicos de buquê no backend"
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7898 msgctxt "#30017"
79 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
80 msgstr "Utilizar apenas o caminho de gravação atual da caixa DVB"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
82104 msgctxt "#30018"
83105 msgid "General"
84106 msgstr "Geral"
108 #. label-category: channels
86109 msgctxt "#30019"
87110 msgid "Channels"
88111 msgstr "Canais"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
90115 msgctxt "#30020"
91116 msgid "Advanced"
92117 msgstr "Avançado"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
94126 msgctxt "#30023"
95 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
96 msgstr "Pasta de gravação no recetor"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
98131 msgctxt "#30024"
99132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
100133 msgstr "Enviar para o modo de energia ao sair do add-on"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
102136 msgctxt "#30025"
103137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
104138 msgstr "Modo de obtenção de pacotes TV"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
106141 msgctxt "#30026"
107142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
108143 msgstr "TV bouquê 1"
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
110146 msgctxt "#30027"
111147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
112148 msgstr "Obter ícones da interface web"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
114151 msgctxt "#30028"
115152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
116153 msgstr "Utilizar HTTP seguro (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
118156 msgctxt "#30029"
119157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
120158 msgstr "Ativar configuração automática para transmissões ao vivo"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
122161 msgctxt "#30030"
123 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
124 msgstr "Manter estrutura das pastas para registos"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
126166 msgctxt "#30031"
127167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
128168 msgstr "Temporadas e Episódios"
170 #. label-category: epg
130171 msgctxt "#30032"
131172 msgid "EPG"
132173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
134176 msgctxt "#30033"
135177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
136178 msgstr "Extrair informação de temporada, episódio e ano quando possível"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
138181 msgctxt "#30034"
139182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
140183 msgstr "Ativar temporizadores automáticos"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
142186 msgctxt "#30035"
143187 msgid "Use file format"
144188 msgstr "Usar formato de ficheiro"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
146191 msgctxt "#30036"
147192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
148193 msgstr "Ativar gerar temporizadores repetitivos"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
150196 msgctxt "#30037"
151197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
152198 msgstr "Registo de mapeamento de géneros em texto em falta"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
154201 msgctxt "#30038"
155202 msgid "Web Interface"
156203 msgstr "Interface da Web"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
158206 msgctxt "#30039"
159207 msgid "Streaming"
160208 msgstr "Transmissão"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
162211 msgctxt "#30040"
163212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
164213 msgstr "Colocar online (ex. legendas) antes de iniciar"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
166216 msgctxt "#30041"
167217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
168218 msgstr "Tamanho do pacote de leitura para transmissão"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
170221 msgctxt "#30042"
171222 msgid "Never"
172223 msgstr "Nunca"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
174226 msgctxt "#30043"
175227 msgid "In EPG only"
176228 msgstr "Apenas em EPG"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
178231 msgctxt "#30044"
179232 msgid "In recordings only"
180233 msgstr "Apenas em gravações"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
182236 msgctxt "#30045"
183237 msgid "Always"
184238 msgstr "Sempre"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
186241 msgctxt "#30046"
187242 msgid "Extract show info file"
188243 msgstr "Extrair ficheiro contendo informação da série"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
190246 msgctxt "#30047"
191247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
192248 msgstr "Mapeamento de géneros em texto Rytec"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
194251 msgctxt "#30048"
195252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
196253 msgstr "Ativar mapeamento de géneros em texto Rytec"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
198256 msgctxt "#30049"
199257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
200258 msgstr "Ficheiro de mapeamento de géneros em texto Rytec"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
202261 msgctxt "#30050"
203262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
204263 msgstr "Esgotamento por inação da TV em Direto personalizado (0 para padrão)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
206266 msgctxt "#30051"
207267 msgid "Login"
208268 msgstr "Iniciar sessão"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
210271 msgctxt "#30052"
211272 msgid "Misc"
212273 msgstr "Outras"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
214276 msgctxt "#30053"
215277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
216278 msgstr "Mapeamento de identificação dos géneros"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
218281 msgctxt "#30054"
219282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
220283 msgstr "Ativar mapeamento de identificação dos géneros"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
222286 msgctxt "#30055"
223287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
224288 msgstr "Ficheiro de mapeamento de identificação dos géneros"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
226291 msgctxt "#30056"
227292 msgid "TV"
228293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
230296 msgctxt "#30057"
231297 msgid "Radio"
232298 msgstr "Rádio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
234301 msgctxt "#30058"
235302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
236303 msgstr "Modo de obtenção de pacotes Rádio"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
238306 msgctxt "#30059"
239307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
240308 msgstr "Rádio bouquê 1"
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
242312 msgctxt "#30060"
243313 msgid "Timeshift"
244314 msgstr "Ver Mais Tarde"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
246317 msgctxt "#30061"
247318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
248319 msgstr "Ativar Ver mais tarde"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
250322 msgctxt "#30062"
251323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
252324 msgstr "Localização do buffer para 'Ver Mais Tarde'"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
254327 msgctxt "#30063"
255328 msgid "Off"
256329 msgstr "Desligado"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
258332 msgctxt "#30064"
259333 msgid "On playback"
260334 msgstr "Ao reproduzir"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
262337 msgctxt "#30065"
263338 msgid "On pause"
264339 msgstr "Ao pausar"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
266342 msgctxt "#30066"
267343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
268344 msgstr "Utilizar HTTP seguro (https) para transmissões"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
270347 msgctxt "#30067"
271348 msgid "Use login for streams"
272349 msgstr "Usar login para transmissões"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
274352 msgctxt "#30068"
275353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
276354 msgstr "Obter pacote de favoritos TV"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
278357 msgctxt "#30069"
279358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
280359 msgstr "Obter pacote de favoritos Rádio"
361 #. label-category: recordings
282362 msgctxt "#30070"
283363 msgid "Recordings"
284364 msgstr "Gravações"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
286367 msgctxt "#30071"
287368 msgid "Recordings"
288369 msgstr "Gravações"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
290373 msgctxt "#30072"
291374 msgid "Timers"
292375 msgstr "Temporizadores"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
294378 msgctxt "#30073"
295379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
296380 msgstr "Número de temporizadores repetitivos a gerar"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
298384 msgctxt "#30074"
299385 msgid "All bouquets"
300386 msgstr "Todos os pacotes"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
302390 msgctxt "#30075"
303391 msgid "Some bouquets"
304392 msgstr "Alguns bouquês"
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
306396 msgctxt "#30076"
307397 msgid "As first bouquet"
308398 msgstr "Como primeiro pacote"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
310402 msgctxt "#30077"
311403 msgid "As last bouquet"
312404 msgstr "Como último pacote"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
314408 msgctxt "#30078"
315409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
316410 msgstr "Bouquê de favoritos"
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
318413 msgctxt "#30079"
319414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
320415 msgstr "Favoritos (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
322418 msgctxt "#30080"
323419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
324420 msgstr "Favoritos (Rádio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
326424 msgctxt "#30081"
327425 msgid "unknown"
328426 msgstr "desconhecido"
428 #. application: Client
330429 msgctxt "#30082"
331430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
332431 msgstr "(Desligado)"
433 #. application: Client
334434 msgctxt "#30083"
335435 msgid "addon error"
336436 msgstr "erro de add-on"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
338449 msgctxt "#30086"
339450 msgid "Backend"
340451 msgstr "Infraestrutura"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
342454 msgctxt "#30087"
343455 msgid "Recording Padding"
344456 msgstr "Margem de gravação"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
346459 msgctxt "#30088"
347460 msgid "Global start padding"
348461 msgstr "Margem inicial global"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
350464 msgctxt "#30089"
351465 msgid "Global end padding"
352466 msgstr "Margem final global"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
354469 msgctxt "#30090"
355470 msgid "Device Info"
356471 msgstr "Informação do dispositivo"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
358474 msgctxt "#30091"
359475 msgid "WebIf version"
360476 msgstr "Versão Weblf"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
362479 msgctxt "#30092"
363480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
364481 msgstr "Etiqueta automática nas etiquetas de temporizador"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
366484 msgctxt "#30093"
367485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
368486 msgstr "Nome automático nas etiquetas de temporizador"
488 #. application: Admin
370489 msgctxt "#30094"
371490 msgid "N/A"
372491 msgstr "N/D"
493 #. application: Admin
374494 msgctxt "#30095"
375495 msgid "True"
376496 msgstr "Verdadeiro"
498 #. application: Admin
378499 msgctxt "#30096"
379500 msgid "False"
380501 msgstr "Falso"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
382504 msgctxt "#30097"
383505 msgid "Standby"
384506 msgstr "Modo de espera"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
386509 msgctxt "#30098"
387510 msgid "Deep standby"
388511 msgstr "Modo de espera profundo"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
390514 msgctxt "#30099"
391515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
392516 msgstr "Despertar, e colocar em modo de espera"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
394519 msgctxt "#30100"
395520 msgid "Update mode"
396521 msgstr "Modo de atualização"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
398524 msgctxt "#30101"
399525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
400526 msgstr "Temporizadores e gravações"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
402529 msgctxt "#30102"
403530 msgid "Timers only"
404531 msgstr "Apenas temporizadores"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
406534 msgctxt "#30103"
407535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
408536 msgstr "Usar o caminho picon OpenWebIf"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
410539 msgctxt "#30104"
411540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
412541 msgstr "Ativar registo de rastreio no modo de depuração"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
414544 msgctxt "#30105"
415545 msgid "Other"
416546 msgstr "Outras"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
418549 msgctxt "#30106"
419550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
420551 msgstr "Atraso na atualização do EPG por canal"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
422554 msgctxt "#30107"
423555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
424556 msgstr "A gravar EDLs (Editor de Listas de Decisão)"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
426559 msgctxt "#30108"
427560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
428561 msgstr "Ativar suporte EDL"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
430564 msgctxt "#30109"
431565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
432566 msgstr "Margem de início de EDL"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
434569 msgctxt "#30110"
435570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
436571 msgstr "Margem de fim de EDL"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
438574 msgctxt "#30111"
439575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
440576 msgstr "Ativar registo de depuração em modo normal"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
442579 msgctxt "#30112"
443580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
444581 msgstr "Último analisado (TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
446584 msgctxt "#30113"
447585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
448586 msgstr "Último analisado (Rádio)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
450590 msgctxt "#30114"
451591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
452592 msgstr "Excluir o último pacote analisado"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
454595 msgctxt "#30115"
455596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
456597 msgstr "Pular o carregamento incial de EPG"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
458600 msgctxt "#30116"
459601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
460602 msgstr "Modo de atualização de canais e grupos"
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
462605 msgctxt "#30117"
463606 msgid "Disabled"
464607 msgstr "Desativado"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
466610 msgctxt "#30118"
467611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
468612 msgstr "Notificar no sistema e no registo"
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
470615 msgctxt "#30119"
471616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
472617 msgstr "Recarregar Canais e Grupos"
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
474620 msgctxt "#30120"
475621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
476622 msgstr "Hora de atualização de canais e grupos (24h)"
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
478625 msgctxt "#30121"
479626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
480627 msgstr "Tempo limite de verificação da conexão excedido"
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
482630 msgctxt "#30122"
483631 msgid "Connection check interval"
484632 msgstr "Intervalo do limite de verificação da conexão"
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
486635 msgctxt "#30123"
487636 msgid "Autotimers"
488637 msgstr "Temporizadores automáticos"
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
490640 msgctxt "#30124"
491641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
492642 msgstr "Limitar temporizadores automáticos de 'Qualquer canal' a TV e Rádio"
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
494645 msgctxt "#30125"
495646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
496647 msgstr "Limitar a grupos do canal EPG original"
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
498650 msgctxt "#30126"
499651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
500652 msgstr "Usar referência de serviço padrão do canal"
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
502655 msgctxt "#30127"
503656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
504657 msgstr "Armazenar último reproduzido/contagem de visualizações na infraestrutura"
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
506660 msgctxt "#30128"
507661 msgid "Share last played across:"
508662 msgstr "Partilhar último reproduzido através de:"
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
510665 msgctxt "#30129"
511666 msgid "Kodi instances"
512667 msgstr "Instâncias do Kodi"
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
514670 msgctxt "#30130"
515671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
516672 msgstr "Instâncias do Kodi/E2"
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
518676 msgctxt "#30131"
519677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
520678 msgstr "Bouquês customizados"
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
522681 msgctxt "#30132"
523682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
524683 msgstr "Arquivo de buquês de TV personalizados"
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
526686 msgctxt "#30133"
527687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
528688 msgstr "Arquivo de buquês de Rádio personalizados"
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
530691 msgctxt "#30134"
531692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
532693 msgstr "Número de bouquês de TV"
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
534696 msgctxt "#30135"
535697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
536698 msgstr "TV bouquê 2"
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
538701 msgctxt "#30136"
539702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
540703 msgstr "TV bouquê 3"
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
542706 msgctxt "#30137"
543707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
544708 msgstr "TV bouquê 4"
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
546711 msgctxt "#30138"
547712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
548713 msgstr "TV bouquê 5"
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
550716 msgctxt "#30139"
551717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
552718 msgstr "Número de bouquês de Rádio"
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
554721 msgctxt "#30140"
555722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
556723 msgstr "Rádio bouquê 2"
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
558726 msgctxt "#30141"
559727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
560728 msgstr "Rádio bouquê 3"
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
562731 msgctxt "#30142"
563732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
564733 msgstr "Rádio bouquê 4"
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
566736 msgctxt "#30143"
567737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
568738 msgstr "Rádio bouquê 5"
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
570741 msgctxt "#30144"
571742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
572743 msgstr "Nenhum log de depuração de complemento no modo de depuração do Kodi"
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
574814 msgctxt "#30410"
575815 msgid "Automatic"
576816 msgstr "Automático"
818 #. application: Timers
578819 msgctxt "#30420"
579820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
580821 msgstr "Temporizador único (automático)"
823 #. application: Timers
582824 msgctxt "#30421"
583825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
584826 msgstr "Temporizador único (repetindo)"
828 #. application: Timers
586829 msgctxt "#30422"
587830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
588831 msgstr "Temporizador único (canal)"
833 #. application: Timers
590834 msgctxt "#30423"
591835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
592836 msgstr "Repetitivo baseado em tempo/canal"
838 #. application: Timers
594839 msgctxt "#30424"
595840 msgid "One time guide-based"
596841 msgstr "Uma vez baseado no guia"
843 #. application: Timers
598844 msgctxt "#30425"
599845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
600846 msgstr "Repetição baseada no guia"
848 #. application: Timers
602849 msgctxt "#30426"
603850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
604851 msgstr "Automático baseado no guia"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
606857 msgctxt "#30430"
607858 msgid "Disabled"
608859 msgstr "Desativado"
861 #. application: Timers
610862 msgctxt "#30431"
611863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
612864 msgstr "Gravar se o título do EPG for diferente"
866 #. application: Timers
614867 msgctxt "#30432"
615868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
616869 msgstr "Gravar se o título e a breve descrição do EPG for diferente"
871 #. application: Timers
618872 msgctxt "#30433"
619873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
620874 msgstr "Gravar se o título e todas as descrições do EPG forem diferentes"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
622880 msgctxt "#30514"
623881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
624882 msgstr "Caminho do buffer de timeshift não existe"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
626885 msgctxt "#30515"
627886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
628887 msgstr "Enigma2: Impossível alcançar o interface da web"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
630890 msgctxt "#30516"
631891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
632892 msgstr "Enigma2: Não foram encontrados grupos de canais"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
634895 msgctxt "#30517"
635896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
636897 msgstr "Enigma2: Não foram encontrados canais"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
638900 msgctxt "#30518"
639901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
640902 msgstr "Enigma2: Alterações ao grupo de canais detetadas, por favor reinicie para carregar as mesmas"
904 #. notification: Enigma2
642905 msgctxt "#30519"
643906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
644907 msgstr "Enigma2: Alterações aos canais detetadas, por favor reinicie para carregar as mesmas"
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
646911 msgctxt "#30520"
647912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
648913 msgstr "Canal inválido"
915 #. notification: Enigma2
650916 msgctxt "#30521"
651917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
652918 msgstr "Enigma2: Alterações no grupo de canais detectadas, recarregando ..."
920 #. notification: Enigma2
654921 msgctxt "#30522"
655922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
656923 msgstr "Enigma2: Alterações no grupo de canais detectados, recarregando ..."
925 #. ############
926 #. help info #
927 #. ############
928 #. help info - Connection
929 #. help-category: connection
658930 msgctxt "#30600"
659931 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
660932 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições para ligar um dispositivo Enigma2"
934 #. help: Connection - host
662935 msgctxt "#30601"
663936 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
664937 msgstr "O nome de servidor ou endereço IP do seu descodificador baseado em Enigma2."
939 #. help: Connection - webport
666940 msgctxt "#30602"
667941 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
668942 msgstr "A porta usada para ligar ao interface da web."
944 #. help: Connection - use_secure
670945 msgctxt "#30603"
671946 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
672947 msgstr "Use https para se ligar ao interface da web."
949 #. help: Connection - user
674950 msgctxt "#30604"
675951 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
676952 msgstr "Se o interface da web do descodificador se encontrar protegido com uma combinação de nome de utilizador/password, é necessário indicar o mesmo nesta opção."
954 #. help: Connection - pass
678955 msgctxt "#30605"
679956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
680957 msgstr "Se o interface da web do descodificador se encontrar protegido com uma combinação de nome de utilizador/password, é necessário indicar o mesmo nesta opção."
959 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
682960 msgctxt "#30606"
683961 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
684962 msgstr "Quando ativado, o URL do fluxo será lido a partir de um arquivo M3U8. Quando desativado, é construído com base na referência de serviço do canal. Essa opção raramente é necessária e não deve ser ativada, a menos que você tenha um caso de uso especial. Se estiver visualizando um fluxo de IPTV, esta opção não terá efeito nesses canais."
964 #. help: Connection - streamport
686965 msgctxt "#30607"
687966 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
688967 msgstr "Esta opção define a porta de transmissão usada pelo descodificador para transmitir TV em Direto. Por defeito é 8001 o que deve funcionar se o utilizador não tiver definido uma porta personalizada no interface da web."
969 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
690970 msgctxt "#30608"
691971 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
692972 msgstr "Use https para se ligar a transmissões."
974 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
694975 msgctxt "#30609"
695976 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
696977 msgstr "Use o nome de utilizador e a password de login para transmissões"
979 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
698980 msgctxt "#30610"
699981 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
700982 msgstr "O valor em segundos para aguardar a conclusão de uma verificação de conexão antes da falha. Útil para sintonizar em dispositivos Enigma2 mais antigos. Observe que essa configuração raramente precisa ser alterada. É mais provável que a configuração \"Intervalo de verificação da conexão\" tenha o efeito desejado. O padrão é 30 segundos."
984 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
702985 msgctxt "#30611"
703986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
704987 msgstr "O valor em segundos para aguardar entre as verificações de conexão. Útil para sintonizar em dispositivos Enigma2 mais antigos. O padrão é 10 segundos."
989 #. help info - General
990 #. help-category: general
706991 msgctxt "#30620"
707992 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
708993 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições que geralmente devem ser definidas pelo utilizador"
995 #. help: General - onlinepicons
710996 msgctxt "#30621"
711997 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
712998 msgstr "Obter os ficheiros picon diretamente do descodificador Enigma2"
1000 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
7141001 msgctxt "#30622"
7151002 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
7161003 msgstr "Obter o caminho picon do OpenWeblf em vez de contruir do ServiceRef. Requer OpenWeblf 1.3.5 ou superior. Não há alterações se usada uma versão anterior do OpenWeblf."
1005 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
7181006 msgctxt "#30623"
7191007 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
7201008 msgstr "Assumir que todos os fiheiros picon obtidos do descodificador começam com '1_1_1_' e terminam com '_0_0_0'."
1010 #. help: General - iconpath
7221011 msgctxt "#30624"
7231012 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
7241013 msgstr "Para que o Kodi mostre os logotipos dos canais tem de copiar os picons do seu descodificador para a sua máquina OpenELEC. Depois é necessário especificar o caminho para os encontrar."
1015 #. help: General - updateint
7261016 msgctxt "#30625"
7271017 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
728 msgstr "Como o decodificador também pode ser usado para modificar agendamentos, excluir gravações etc. o decodificador não notifica a instalação no Kodi, o add-on precisa verificar regularmente se há atualizações (novos canais, Agendamentos novos/alterados/excluídos, gravações excluídas, etc.) Essa propriedade define com que frequência o add-on verifica se há atualizações. Observe que a atualização das gravações com muita freqüência pode impedir que o seu receptor e o disco rígido entrem no modo de espera automaticamente."
1018 msgstr "Como o decodificador também pode ser usado para modificar agendamentos, excluir gravações etc. o decodificador não notifica a instalação no Kodi, o add-on precisa verificar regularmente se há atualizações (novos canais, Agendamentos novos/alterados/excluídos, gravações excluídas, etc.) Essa propriedade define com que frequência o add-on verifica se há atualizações. Observe que a atualização das gravações com muita freqüência pode impedir que o seu receptor e o disco rígido entrem no modo de espera automaticamente."
1020 #. help: General - updatemode
7301021 msgctxt "#30626"
731 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
732 msgstr "O modo usado quando o intervalo de atualização é atingido. Observe que, se houver alguma alteração no cronômetro detectada, uma atualização de gravações sempre ocorrerá, independentemente do modo de atualização. Escolha um dos dois modos a seguir: [Agendamentos e Gravações] Atualize todos os agendamentos e gravações; [Somente temporizadores] Atualize apenas os temporizadores. Se for importante não ativar o disco rígido no seu STB, use esta opção. O disco rígido deve ser ativado apenas quando ocorre um evento de timer."
1022 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
7341026 msgctxt "#30627"
735 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
736 msgstr "O modo usado quando a hora nas próximas configurações é atingida. Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Desativado] Nunca verificar se há alterações de canal e grupo; [Notificar na interface do utilizador e no registo] Exibir um aviso na interface do utilizador e registar o fato de que uma alteração foi detetada]; [Recarregar canais e grupos] Desconete e reconete com o dispositivo E2 para recarregar canais somente se uma alteração for detetada."
1027 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
7381031 msgctxt "#30628"
7391032 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
7401033 msgstr "A hora do dia em que a verificação de novos canais deve ocorrer. O padrão é 4h, pois o Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) no padrão do dispositivo E2 é 3AM."
1035 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
7421036 msgctxt "#30629"
7431037 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
7441038 msgstr "Alguns fornecedores de TV (por exemplo, n º - Portugal) que usam MPTS enviam informações adicionais sobre o fluxo de programas. A definição do ID do programa permite ao kodi selecionar o fluxo correto e, portanto, torna o canal / gravação reproduzível. Observe que leva aproximadamente 33% mais tempo para abrir qualquer fluxo com esta opção ativada."
1040 #. help info - Channels
1041 #. help-category: channels
7461042 msgctxt "#30640"
7471043 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
7481044 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições dos canais. Ao alterar os pacotes pode necessitar de limpar a cache de canais para as definições produzirem efeito. Pode fazê-lo nas definições do Kodi: 'Definições->PVR & Live TV->Geral->Limpar a cache'."
1046 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
7501047 msgctxt "#30641"
7511048 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
7521049 msgstr "Normalmente, as referências de serviço para os canais estão num formato padrão como \"1: 0: 1: 27F6: 806: 2: 11A0000: 0: 0: 0: '. Ocasionalmente, dependendo do provedor, eles podem ser estendidos com algum texto, por ex. '1: 0: 1: 27F6: 806: 2: 11A0000: 0: 0: 0 :: UTV' ou '1: 0: 1: 27F6: 806: 2: 11A0000: 0: 0: 0 :: UTV + 1 '. Se esta opção estiver ativada, todas as referências de serviço de leitura serão lidas como padrão. Esse é o comportamento padrão. Funcionalidades como temporizadores automáticos sempre serão convertidas numa referência padrão."
1051 #. help: Channels - zap
7541052 msgctxt "#30642"
755 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
756 msgstr "Ao usar o add-on com um descodificador de sintonizador único, pode ser necessário que o add-on precise mudar para outro canal no aparelho. Se esta opção for ativada, cada mudança de canal no Kodi também resultará em uma troca de canal no descodificador. Observe que \"permitir troca de canal\" precisa ser ativado na interface da web no aparelho."
1053 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1054 msgstr ""
1056 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
7581057 msgctxt "#30643"
759 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
760 msgstr "Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Todos os buquês] Busque todos os buquês de TV no decodificador; [Alguns buquês] Busque apenas os buquês especificados nas próximas opções; [Grupo Favoritos] Busque apenas o buquê do sistema para os favoritos da TV; [Grupos personalizados] Busque um conjunto de buquês no decodificador cujos nomes são carregados de um arquivo XML."
1058 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1059 msgstr ""
1061 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1062 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1063 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
7621066 msgctxt "#30644"
763 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
764 msgstr "Se a opção anterior tiver sido definida como 'Alguns buquês', é necessário especificar um buquê de TV a ser buscado no decodificador. Não é esse o nome do buquê, como mostrado na set-top box (ou seja, 'Favoritos (TV)'). Essa configuração diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas."
1067 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1068 msgstr ""
1070 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
7661071 msgctxt "#30645"
767 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
768 msgstr "Se o modo de busca for 'Todos os buquês' ou 'Alguns buquês', dependendo da sua imagem do Enigma2, talvez seja necessário buscar explicitamente os favoritos, se você precisar deles. As opções são: [Desativado] Não busque explicitamente os favoritos da TV; [Como primeiro buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o primeiro buquê; [Como último buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o último buquê."
1072 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1073 msgstr ""
1075 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
7701076 msgctxt "#30646"
7711077 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
7721078 msgstr "A última análise resultou num pacote do sistema que contém todos os canais de TV e rádio encontrados. Todos os canais de TV encontrados no último pacote digitalizado podem ser mostrados como um grupo chamado \"Última análise (TV)\" no Kodi. Para a TV, este grupo é excluído por padrão. Desative esta opção para excluir este grupo. Observe que se nenhum grupo de TV for carregado, o último grupo verificado para TV será carregado por padrão, independentemente dessa configuração."
1080 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
7741081 msgctxt "#30647"
775 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
776 msgstr "Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Todos os buquês] Busque todos os buquês de rádio no decodificador]; [Alguns buquês] Busque apenas os buquês especificados nas próximas opções; [Grupo Favoritos] Busque apenas o buquê do sistema para os favoritos do Rádio; [Grupos personalizados] Busque um conjunto de buquês no decodificador cujos nomes são carregados de um arquivo XML."
1082 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1083 msgstr ""
1085 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1086 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1087 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
7781090 msgctxt "#30648"
779 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
780 msgstr "Se a opção anterior tiver sido definida como 'Alguns buquês', é necessário especificar um buquê de rádio a ser buscado no decodificador. Este é o nome do buquê, conforme mostrado na caixa do conversor (ou seja, 'Favoritos (Rádio)'). Essa configuração diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas."
1091 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1092 msgstr ""
1094 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
7821095 msgctxt "#30649"
783 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
784 msgstr "Se o modo de busca for 'Todos os buquês' ou 'Alguns buquês', dependendo da sua imagem do Enigma2, talvez seja necessário buscar explicitamente os favoritos, se você precisar deles. As opções são: [Desativado] Não busque explicitamente os favoritos do rádio; [Como primeiro buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o primeiro buquê; [Como último buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o último buquê."
1096 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1097 msgstr ""
1099 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
7861100 msgctxt "#30650"
7871101 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
7881102 msgstr "A última análise resultou num pacote do sistema que contém todos os canais de TV e rádio encontrados. Todos os canais de rádio encontrados no último pacote digitalizado podem ser mostrados como um grupo chamado \"Última análise (Rádio)\" no Kodi. Para Rádio, este grupo é excluído por padrão. Desative esta opção para mostrar este grupo."
1104 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
7901105 msgctxt "#30651"
7911106 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
7921107 msgstr "O arquivo usado para carregar os buquês de TV personalizados (grupos). Se nenhum grupo puder ser correspondido, a lista de canais será padronizada como 'Última varredura (TV)'. O arquivo padrão é `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1109 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
7941110 msgctxt "#30652"
7951111 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
7961112 msgstr "O arquivo usado para carregar os buquês de rádio personalizados (grupos). Se nenhum grupo puder ser correspondido, a lista de canais será padronizada como 'último escaneado (Rádio)'. O arquivo padrão é `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1114 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
7981115 msgctxt "#30653"
7991116 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8001117 msgstr "O número de buquês de TV a serem carregados quando \"Alguns buquês\" é o modo de busca selecionado. Até 5 podem ser escolhidos. Se mais de 5 forem necessários, o modo de busca 'Buquês personalizados' deve ser usado."
1119 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
8021120 msgctxt "#30654"
8031121 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
8041122 msgstr "O número de buquês de rádio a serem carregados quando \"Alguns buquês\" é o modo de busca selecionado. Até 5 podem ser escolhidos. Se mais de 5 forem necessários, o modo de busca 'Buquês personalizados' deve ser usado."
1124 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
8061125 msgctxt "#30655"
8071126 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
808 msgstr "Se essa opção estiver ativada, cada grupo no kodi corresponderá aos números exatos dos canais usados ​​nos buquês de backend. Se desativado (padrão), cada canal terá apenas um único número de canal de backend (primeira ocorrência quando carregado)."
1127 msgstr "Se essa opção estiver ativada, cada grupo no kodi corresponderá aos números exatos dos canais usados nos buquês de backend. Se desativado (padrão), cada canal terá apenas um único número de canal de backend (primeira ocorrência quando carregado)."
1129 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1130 msgctxt "#30656"
1131 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1132 msgstr ""
1134 #. help info - EPG
1135 #. help-category: epg
8101136 msgctxt "#30660"
8111137 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
8121138 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as configurações do EPG (Electronic Program Guide - Guia de programação eletrônica). Excluindo o registo de mapeamentos de texto de gêneros ausentes, todas as outras opções exigirão que o cache do EPG seja limpo. Isso pode ser feito indo em 'Configurações-> PVR & Live TV-> Guia-> Limpar a cache' no Kodi depois do add-on ser reiniciado."
1140 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
8141141 msgctxt "#30661"
8151142 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
8161143 msgstr "Verifique os campos de descrição nos dados do EPG e tente extrair informações de temporada, episódio e ano sempre que possível. Além disso, também é possível extrair propriedades como informações novas, ao vivo e de estreia."
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
8181146 msgctxt "#30662"
8191147 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
8201148 msgstr "Esta configuração serve para extrair informação sobre a temporada, episódio e ano. O ficheiro padrão é `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1150 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
8221151 msgctxt "#30663"
8231152 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
8241153 msgstr "Se os identificadores do género enviados com dados EPG do seu descodificador não usarem o padrão DVB, mapeie-os para os identificadores padrão do DVB. O Sky UK, por exemplo, usa o OpenTV; nesse caso, sem essa opção, a cor do género e o texto ficariam incorretos no Kodi."
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
8261156 msgctxt "#30664"
8271157 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
8281158 msgstr "Esta configuração é usada para mapear os identificadores do género do guia EPG para os identificadores padrão do DVB. O ficheiro padrão é `Sky-UK.xml`."
1160 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
8301161 msgctxt "#30665"
8311162 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
8321163 msgstr "Se usar dados Rytec XMLTV EPG esta opção pode ser usada para mapear os textos de género para os identificadores padrão do DVB."
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
8341166 msgctxt "#30666"
8351167 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
8361168 msgstr "Esta configuração é usada para mapear os textos de género Rytec para identificadores DVB. O ficheiro padrão é `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1170 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
8381171 msgctxt "#30667"
839 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
840 msgstr "Se quiser que os mapeamentos de gênero sejam registrados para que possa relacioná-los, ative esta opção. Nota: quaisquer géneros encontrados que não tenham um mapeamento ainda serão extraídos e enviados para o Kodi como linhas de texto. Atualmente, os géneros são extraídos procurando texto entre parentesis, por exemplo. [TV Drama], ou para géneros maiores e menores usando um ponto (.) para separar [Drama de TV. Novela]"
1172 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
8421176 msgctxt "#30668"
8431177 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
8441178 msgstr "Para dispositivos Enigma2 mais antigos, as atualizações de EPG podem afetar a qualidade da transmissão (como tempos limite de buffer). Um atraso entre 250ms e 5000ms pode ser introduzido para melhorar a qualidade. Recomendado apenas para dispositivos mais antigos. Escolha o valor mais baixo que evita tempos limite do buffer."
1180 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
8461181 msgctxt "#30669"
8471182 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
8481183 msgstr "Ignorar o carregamento inicial do EPG (agora e depois). Ativado por defeito para prevenir problemas de quebra no LibreElec/CoreElec."
1185 #. help info - Recordings
1186 #. help-category: recordings
8501187 msgctxt "#30680"
8511188 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
8521189 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições das gravações."
1191 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
8541192 msgctxt "#30681"
8551193 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
856 msgstr "Armazenar a posição da última reprodução e da contagem na infraestrutura para ser partilhada com as instâncias do Kodi. Suportado apenas na versão 1.3.6+ do OpenWeblf. "
1194 msgstr "Armazenar a posição da última reprodução e da contagem na infraestrutura para ser partilhada com as instâncias do Kodi. Suportado apenas na versão 1.3.6+ do OpenWeblf."
1196 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
8581197 msgctxt "#30682"
859 msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
860 msgstr "As opções são: [instâncias Kodi] Utilize apenas o valor no Kodi e não afetará a última reprodução no dispositivo E2; [Instâncias Kodi / E2] Use o valor no Kodi e no dispositivo E2 para que eles permaneçam em sincronia. A última reprodução será sincronizada com o dispositivo E2 uma vez a cada 5-10 minutos por gravação, se os menus PVR estiverem em uso. Observe que apenas uma única instância do Kodi é necessária para que essa opção seja ativada."
1198 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
8621202 msgctxt "#30683"
8631203 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
8641204 msgstr "Por padrão, o add-on não especifica a pasta de gravação em temporizadores recém-criados, portanto, o conjunto padrão no descodificador será usado. Se quiser especificar uma pasta diferente (ou seja, porque deseja que todas as gravações agendadas via Kodi sejam armazenadas numa pasta separada), será necessário definir essa opção."
1206 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
8661207 msgctxt "#30684"
8671208 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
8681209 msgstr "Se esta opção não estiver definida, o add-on procura em todas as gravações disponíveis de todos os caminhos configurados a partir do descodificador. Se esta opção estiver configurada, listará apenas as gravações armazenadas no 'caminho de gravação atual' no descodificador."
1211 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
8701212 msgctxt "#30685"
871 msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
872 msgstr "Se ativo, não especifique uma pasta de gravação, quando inativo (padrão), verifique se a gravação está na sua própria pasta ou na raiz do caminho de gravação."
1213 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
8741217 msgctxt "#30686"
8751218 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
8761219 msgstr "EDLs são usados para definir publicidade, etc. em gravações. Se uma ferramenta como o Comskip for usada para gerar arquivos EDL, isso permitirá que o Kodi PVR os use. Por exemplo. se houver um arquivo chamado 'my recording.ts', o arquivo EDL deve chamar-se 'my recording.edl'. Nota: ativar esta configuração não terá efeito se os arquivos não estiverem presentes."
1221 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
8781222 msgctxt "#30687"
8791223 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
8801224 msgstr "Margem para usar numa paragem do EDL. Ou seja use um número negativo para iniciar o corte antes e positivo para iniciar o corte mais tarde. Padrão 0"
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
8821227 msgctxt "#30688"
8831228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
8841229 msgstr "Margem para usar numa paragem do EDL. Ou seja use um número negativo para iniciar o corte antes e positivo para iniciar o corte mais tarde. Padrão 0"
1231 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1232 msgctxt "#30689"
1233 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1237 msgctxt "#30690"
1238 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1242 msgctxt "#30691"
1243 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help info - Timers
1247 #. help-category: timers
8861248 msgctxt "#30700"
8871249 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
8881250 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições dos temporizadores (normais e automáticos)"
1252 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
8901253 msgctxt "#30701"
8911254 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
8921255 msgstr "Os temporizadores de repetição serão mostrados como regras do temporizador. Ativar esta opção fará com que o Kodi gere temporizadores regulares para corresponder às regras do temporizador de repetição, para que a interface do utilizador possa mostrar o que está programado e gravando atualmente para cada temporizador de repetição."
1257 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
8941258 msgctxt "#30702"
8951259 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
8961260 msgstr "Número de temporizadores do PVR do Kodi a gerar"
1262 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
8981263 msgctxt "#30703"
8991264 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
9001265 msgstr "Se esta opção estiver configurada, o add-on envia o comando para excluir os temporizadores concluídos do descodificador após cada intervalo de atualização."
1267 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
9021268 msgctxt "#30704"
9031269 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
9041270 msgstr "Quando ativo, há algumas configurações necessárias no descodificador para permitir a vinculação de Temporizadores Automáticos (Regras de Temporizador) a temporizadores na interface de utilizador do Kodi. O add-on tenta configurá-los automaticamente ao iniciar."
1272 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
9061273 msgctxt "#30705"
9071274 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
9081275 msgstr "Se os últimos grupos analisados forem excluídos, tente limitar as novas seleções automáticas à TV ou ao Rádio (dependendo do canal usado para criar o temporizador automático). Observe que, se os últimos grupos analisados estiverem ativados, tal não será possível e a configuração será ignorada."
1277 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
9101278 msgctxt "#30706"
9111279 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
9121280 msgstr "Para o canal usado para criar o limite de temporizador automático para os grupos de canais dos quais este canal é membro."
1282 #. help info - Timeshift
1283 #. help-category: timeshift
9141284 msgctxt "#30720"
9151285 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
9161286 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as configurações para Ver mais tarde. O Ver mais tarde permite pausar a TV em Direto, bem como andar para trás e para a frente a partir da sua posição atual, semelhante a reproduzir uma gravação. O buffer é excluído cada vez que um canal é alterado ou parado."
1288 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
9181289 msgctxt "#30721"
919 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
920 msgstr "Que opção de Ver mais tarde deseja: [Desativado] Sem deslocamento de tempo; [Em Pausa] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é pausada. Por exemplo. quando quer continuar de onde estava depois de pausar; [Na reprodução] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é aberta. Por exemplo, pode ir para qualquer ponto no fluxo desde que foi aberto."
1290 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
9221294 msgctxt "#30722"
9231295 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
9241296 msgstr "O caminho usado para armazenar o buffer de Ver mais tarde. O padrão é a pasta `addon_data / pvr.vuplus` no 'userdata'."
1298 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1299 msgctxt "#30723"
1300 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1304 msgctxt "#30724"
1305 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1309 msgctxt "#30725"
1310 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1314 msgctxt "#30726"
1315 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1319 msgctxt "#30727"
1320 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1324 msgctxt "#30728"
1325 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help info - Advanced
1329 #. help-category: advanced
9261330 msgctxt "#30740"
9271331 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
9281332 msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições avançadas/experientes."
1334 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
9301335 msgctxt "#30741"
9311336 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
9321337 msgstr "Por defeito, o enredo curto (breve descrição no Enigma2) não é mostrado na interface de utilizador. Pode ser mostrado no EPG, gravações ou ambos. Depois de alterar esta opção, é necessário limpar a cache do EPG `Configurações-> PVR & Live TV-> Guia-> Limpar a cache` para que ele tenha efeito."
1339 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
9341340 msgctxt "#30742"
935 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
936 msgstr "Se esta opção estiver configurada para um valor diferente de `Inativo', o add-on envia um comando Powerstate para o descodificador quando o Kodi for fechado (ou o add-on será desativado): [Inativo] Nenhum comando enviado quando sai do add-on; [Em espera] Envia o comando em espera ao sair; [Espera profunda] Envia o comando de espera profunda ao sair. Note que o descodificador não responderá ao Kodi depois deste comando ser enviado; [Despertar, depois espera] Semelhante ao modo de espera, mas primeiro envia um comando de ativação. Pode ser útil se quiser garantir que todas as transmissões tenham parado. Nota: se usar o CEC, isso pode fazer com que a sua TV desperte."
1341 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1342 msgstr ""
1344 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
9381345 msgctxt "#30743"
9391346 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
9401347 msgstr "O tempo limite a ser usado ao tentar ler transmissões ao vivo. O padrão para transmissões ao vivo é 0. O padrão para o Ver mais tarde é de 10 segundos."
1349 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
9421350 msgctxt "#30744"
943 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
944 msgstr "O tamanho do pacote usado pelo Kodi para transmissões. Padrão 0 para deixar o Kodi decidir."
1351 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1352 msgstr ""
1354 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
9461355 msgctxt "#30745"
9471356 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9481357 msgstr "As instruções do registo de depuração serão mostradas para o add-on, embora o registo de depuração possa não estar ativado no Kodi. Observe que todas as instruções do registo de depuração serão mostradas ao nível de AVISO."
1359 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
9501360 msgctxt "#30746"
9511361 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
9521362 msgstr "Instruções de registo muito detalhadas e detalhadas serão mostradas além das instruções de depuração padrão. Se habilitado junto com o `Ativar o registo de depuração no modo normal`, ambos os rastreios e depuração serão mostrados sem o registro de depuração ativo. Nesse caso, as instruções de registo de depuração e rastreio serão exibidas ao nível de AVISO."
1364 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
9541365 msgctxt "#30747"
9551366 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
9561367 msgstr "As instruções do log de depuração não serão exibidas para o complemento, mesmo que o log de depuração esteja ativado no Kodi. Isso pode ser útil ao tentar depurar um problema no Kodi que não esteja relacionado ao add-on."
1369 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1370 #. help info - Backend
1371 #. help-category: backend
9581372 msgctxt "#30760"
959 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
960 msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições avançadas/experientes."
1373 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Backend - webifversion
9621377 msgctxt "#30761"
9631378 msgid "webifversion"
9641379 msgstr "webifversion"
1381 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
9661382 msgctxt "#30762"
9671383 msgid "autotimertagintags"
9681384 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1386 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
9701387 msgctxt "#30763"
9711388 msgid "autotimernameintags"
9721389 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1391 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
9741392 msgctxt "#30764"
975 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
976 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1393 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1394 msgstr ""
1396 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
9781397 msgctxt "#30765"
979 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
980 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1398 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1399 msgstr ""
1401 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1402 msgctxt "#30766"
1403 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1404 msgstr ""
1406 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1407 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1408 #~ msgstr "Utilizar apenas o caminho de gravação atual da caixa DVB"
1410 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1411 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1412 #~ msgstr "Pasta de gravação no recetor"
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1415 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1416 #~ msgstr "Manter estrutura das pastas para registos"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30626"
1419 #~ msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [Timers and Recordings] Update all timers and recordings; [Timers only] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1420 #~ msgstr "O modo usado quando o intervalo de atualização é atingido. Observe que, se houver alguma alteração no cronômetro detectada, uma atualização de gravações sempre ocorrerá, independentemente do modo de atualização. Escolha um dos dois modos a seguir: [Agendamentos e Gravações] Atualize todos os agendamentos e gravações; [Somente temporizadores] Atualize apenas os temporizadores. Se for importante não ativar o disco rígido no seu STB, use esta opção. O disco rígido deve ser ativado apenas quando ocorre um evento de timer."
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30627"
1423 #~ msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1424 #~ msgstr "O modo usado quando a hora nas próximas configurações é atingida. Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Desativado] Nunca verificar se há alterações de canal e grupo; [Notificar na interface do utilizador e no registo] Exibir um aviso na interface do utilizador e registar o fato de que uma alteração foi detetada]; [Recarregar canais e grupos] Desconete e reconete com o dispositivo E2 para recarregar canais somente se uma alteração for detetada."
1426 #~ msgctxt "#30642"
1427 #~ msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1428 #~ msgstr "Ao usar o add-on com um descodificador de sintonizador único, pode ser necessário que o add-on precise mudar para outro canal no aparelho. Se esta opção for ativada, cada mudança de canal no Kodi também resultará em uma troca de canal no descodificador. Observe que \"permitir troca de canal\" precisa ser ativado na interface da web no aparelho."
1430 #~ msgctxt "#30643"
1431 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1432 #~ msgstr "Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Todos os buquês] Busque todos os buquês de TV no decodificador; [Alguns buquês] Busque apenas os buquês especificados nas próximas opções; [Grupo Favoritos] Busque apenas o buquê do sistema para os favoritos da TV; [Grupos personalizados] Busque um conjunto de buquês no decodificador cujos nomes são carregados de um arquivo XML."
1434 #~ msgctxt "#30644"
1435 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1436 #~ msgstr "Se a opção anterior tiver sido definida como 'Alguns buquês', é necessário especificar um buquê de TV a ser buscado no decodificador. Não é esse o nome do buquê, como mostrado na set-top box (ou seja, 'Favoritos (TV)'). Essa configuração diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas."
1438 #~ msgctxt "#30645"
1439 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1440 #~ msgstr "Se o modo de busca for 'Todos os buquês' ou 'Alguns buquês', dependendo da sua imagem do Enigma2, talvez seja necessário buscar explicitamente os favoritos, se você precisar deles. As opções são: [Desativado] Não busque explicitamente os favoritos da TV; [Como primeiro buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o primeiro buquê; [Como último buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o último buquê."
1442 #~ msgctxt "#30647"
1443 #~ msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [All bouquets] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box]; [Some bouquets] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [Favourites group] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [Custom groups] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1444 #~ msgstr "Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Todos os buquês] Busque todos os buquês de rádio no decodificador]; [Alguns buquês] Busque apenas os buquês especificados nas próximas opções; [Grupo Favoritos] Busque apenas o buquê do sistema para os favoritos do Rádio; [Grupos personalizados] Busque um conjunto de buquês no decodificador cujos nomes são carregados de um arquivo XML."
1446 #~ msgctxt "#30648"
1447 #~ msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1448 #~ msgstr "Se a opção anterior tiver sido definida como 'Alguns buquês', é necessário especificar um buquê de rádio a ser buscado no decodificador. Este é o nome do buquê, conforme mostrado na caixa do conversor (ou seja, 'Favoritos (Rádio)'). Essa configuração diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas."
1450 #~ msgctxt "#30649"
1451 #~ msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [Disabled] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [As first bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [As last bouquet] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1452 #~ msgstr "Se o modo de busca for 'Todos os buquês' ou 'Alguns buquês', dependendo da sua imagem do Enigma2, talvez seja necessário buscar explicitamente os favoritos, se você precisar deles. As opções são: [Desativado] Não busque explicitamente os favoritos do rádio; [Como primeiro buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o primeiro buquê; [Como último buquê] Busque-os explicitamente como o último buquê."
1454 #~ msgctxt "#30667"
1455 #~ msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1456 #~ msgstr "Se quiser que os mapeamentos de gênero sejam registrados para que possa relacioná-los, ative esta opção. Nota: quaisquer géneros encontrados que não tenham um mapeamento ainda serão extraídos e enviados para o Kodi como linhas de texto. Atualmente, os géneros são extraídos procurando texto entre parentesis, por exemplo. [TV Drama], ou para géneros maiores e menores usando um ponto (.) para separar [Drama de TV. Novela]"
1458 #~ msgctxt "#30682"
1459 #~ msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1460 #~ msgstr "As opções são: [instâncias Kodi] Utilize apenas o valor no Kodi e não afetará a última reprodução no dispositivo E2; [Instâncias Kodi / E2] Use o valor no Kodi e no dispositivo E2 para que eles permaneçam em sincronia. A última reprodução será sincronizada com o dispositivo E2 uma vez a cada 5-10 minutos por gravação, se os menus PVR estiverem em uso. Observe que apenas uma única instância do Kodi é necessária para que essa opção seja ativada."
1462 #~ msgctxt "#30685"
1463 #~ msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1464 #~ msgstr "Se ativo, não especifique uma pasta de gravação, quando inativo (padrão), verifique se a gravação está na sua própria pasta ou na raiz do caminho de gravação."
1466 #~ msgctxt "#30721"
1467 #~ msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1468 #~ msgstr "Que opção de Ver mais tarde deseja: [Desativado] Sem deslocamento de tempo; [Em Pausa] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é pausada. Por exemplo. quando quer continuar de onde estava depois de pausar; [Na reprodução] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é aberta. Por exemplo, pode ir para qualquer ponto no fluxo desde que foi aberto."
1470 #~ msgctxt "#30742"
1471 #~ msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1472 #~ msgstr "Se esta opção estiver configurada para um valor diferente de `Inativo', o add-on envia um comando Powerstate para o descodificador quando o Kodi for fechado (ou o add-on será desativado): [Inativo] Nenhum comando enviado quando sai do add-on; [Em espera] Envia o comando em espera ao sair; [Espera profunda] Envia o comando de espera profunda ao sair. Note que o descodificador não responderá ao Kodi depois deste comando ser enviado; [Despertar, depois espera] Semelhante ao modo de espera, mas primeiro envia um comando de ativação. Pode ser útil se quiser garantir que todas as transmissões tenham parado. Nota: se usar o CEC, isso pode fazer com que a sua TV desperte."
1474 #~ msgctxt "#30744"
1475 #~ msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1476 #~ msgstr "O tamanho do pacote usado pelo Kodi para transmissões. Padrão 0 para deixar o Kodi decidir."
1478 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1479 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1480 #~ msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições avançadas/experientes."
1482 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1483 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1484 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1486 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1487 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1488 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) <>\n"
12 "Language: pt_pt\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: pt_PT\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Nome de servidor Enigma2 ou endereço IP"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Porta de transmissão"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Nome de utilizador"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Palavra-passe"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Ligação"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Ícones"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Caminho do ícone"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
48 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização "
65 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Limpeza automática da Timerlist"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Porta da interface web"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Zap antes de mudar de canal (útil para caixas só com um sintonizador)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
64 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização "
90 msgstr "Intervalo de atualização"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Utilizar apenas o caminho de gravação atual da caixa DVB"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Geral"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Canais"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Avançado"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Pasta de gravação no recetor"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Enviar para o modo de energia ao sair do add-on"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "Modo de obtenção de pacotes TV"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96148 msgstr "Obter ícones da interface web"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100153 msgstr "Utilizar HTTP seguro (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Ativar configuração automática para transmissões ao vivo"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Manter estrutura das pastas para registos"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Temporadas e Episódios"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120178 msgstr "Extrair informação de temporada, episódio e ano quando possível"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Ativar temporizadores automáticos"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Usar formato de ficheiro"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Ativar gerar temporizadores repetitivos"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Registo de mapeamento de géneros em texto em falta"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Interface da Web"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Transmissão"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Colocar online (ex. legendas) antes de iniciar"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Tamanho do pacote de leitura para transmissão"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Nunca"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "Apenas em EPG"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Apenas em gravações"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Sempre"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Extrair ficheiro contendo informação da série"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Mapeamento de géneros em texto Rytec"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Ativar mapeamento de géneros em texto Rytec"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Ficheiro de mapeamento de géneros em texto Rytec"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Esgotamento por inação da TV em Direto personalizado (0 para padrão)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Iniciar sessão"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Outras"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Mapeamento de identificação dos géneros"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204283 msgstr "Ativar mapeamento de identificação dos géneros"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Ficheiro de mapeamento de identificação dos géneros"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Rádio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Modo de obtenção de pacotes Rádio"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Ver Mais Tarde"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Ativar Ver mais tarde"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232324 msgstr "Localização do buffer para 'Ver Mais Tarde'"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Desligado"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "Ao reproduzir"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "Ao pausar"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Utilizar HTTP seguro (https) para transmissões"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Usar login para transmissões"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256354 msgstr "Obter pacote de favoritos TV"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260359 msgstr "Obter pacote de favoritos Rádio"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Gravações"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Gravações"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272375 msgstr "Temporizadores"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "Número de temporizadores repetitivos a gerar"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Todos os pacotes"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "Como primeiro pacote"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "Como último pacote"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Favoritos (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Favoritos (Rádio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "desconhecido"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr "(Desligado)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "erro de add-on"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Infraestrutura"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Margem de gravação"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Margem inicial global"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Margem final global"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Informação do dispositivo"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "Versão Weblf"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "Etiqueta automática nas etiquetas de temporizador"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "Nome automático nas etiquetas de temporizador"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "N/D"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Verdadeiro"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Falso"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Modo de espera"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Modo de espera profundo"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Despertar, e colocar em modo de espera"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Modo de atualização"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Temporizadores e gravações"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Apenas temporizadores"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Usar o caminho picon OpenWebIf"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Ativar registo de rastreio no modo de depuração"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Outras"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390549 msgctxt "#30106"
391550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392551 msgstr "Atraso na atualização do EPG por canal"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394554 msgctxt "#30107"
395555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396556 msgstr "A gravar EDLs (Editor de Listas de Decisão)"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398559 msgctxt "#30108"
399560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400561 msgstr "Ativar suporte EDL"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402564 msgctxt "#30109"
403565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404566 msgstr "Margem de início de EDL"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406569 msgctxt "#30110"
407570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408571 msgstr "Margem de fim de EDL"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410574 msgctxt "#30111"
411575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412576 msgstr "Ativar registo de depuração em modo normal"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
414579 msgctxt "#30112"
415580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416581 msgstr "Último analisado (TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
418584 msgctxt "#30113"
419585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420586 msgstr "Último analisado (Rádio)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422590 msgctxt "#30114"
423591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424592 msgstr "Excluir o último pacote analisado"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426595 msgctxt "#30115"
427596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428597 msgstr "Pular o carregamento incial de EPG"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430600 msgctxt "#30116"
431601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
432602 msgstr "Modo de atualização de canais e grupos"
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
434605 msgctxt "#30117"
435606 msgid "Disabled"
436607 msgstr "Desativado"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
438610 msgctxt "#30118"
439611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
440612 msgstr "Notificar no sistema e no registo"
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
442615 msgctxt "#30119"
443616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
444617 msgstr "Recarregar Canais e Grupos"
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
446620 msgctxt "#30120"
447621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
448622 msgstr "Hora de atualização de canais e grupos (24h)"
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
450625 msgctxt "#30121"
451626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
452627 msgstr "Tempo limite de verificação da conexão excedido"
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
454630 msgctxt "#30122"
455631 msgid "Connection check interval"
456632 msgstr "Intervalo do limite de verificação da conexão"
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
458635 msgctxt "#30123"
459636 msgid "Autotimers"
460637 msgstr "Temporizadores automáticos"
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
462640 msgctxt "#30124"
463641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
464642 msgstr "Limitar temporizadores automáticos de 'Qualquer canal' a TV e Rádio"
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
466645 msgctxt "#30125"
467646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
468647 msgstr "Limitar a grupos do canal EPG original"
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
470650 msgctxt "#30126"
471651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
472652 msgstr "Usar referência de serviço padrão do canal"
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
474655 msgctxt "#30127"
475656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
476657 msgstr "Armazenar último reproduzido/contagem de visualizações na infraestrutura"
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
478660 msgctxt "#30128"
479661 msgid "Share last played across:"
480662 msgstr "Partilhar último reproduzido através de:"
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
482665 msgctxt "#30129"
483666 msgid "Kodi instances"
484667 msgstr "Instâncias do Kodi"
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
486670 msgctxt "#30130"
487671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
488672 msgstr "Instâncias do Kodi/E2"
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
490814 msgctxt "#30410"
491815 msgid "Automatic"
492816 msgstr "Automático"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
494835 msgctxt "#30423"
495836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
496837 msgstr "Repetitivo baseado em tempo/canal"
839 #. application: Timers
498840 msgctxt "#30424"
499841 msgid "One time guide-based"
500842 msgstr "Uma vez baseado no guia"
844 #. application: Timers
502845 msgctxt "#30425"
503846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
504847 msgstr "Repetição baseada no guia"
849 #. application: Timers
506850 msgctxt "#30426"
507851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
508852 msgstr "Automático baseado no guia"
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
510858 msgctxt "#30430"
511859 msgid "Disabled"
512860 msgstr "Desativado"
862 #. application: Timers
514863 msgctxt "#30431"
515864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
516865 msgstr "Gravar se o título do EPG for diferente"
867 #. application: Timers
518868 msgctxt "#30432"
519869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
520870 msgstr "Gravar se o título e a breve descrição do EPG for diferente"
872 #. application: Timers
522873 msgctxt "#30433"
523874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
524875 msgstr "Gravar se o título e todas as descrições do EPG forem diferentes"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
526881 msgctxt "#30514"
527882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
528883 msgstr "Caminho do buffer de timeshift não existe"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
530886 msgctxt "#30515"
531887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
532888 msgstr "Enigma2: Impossível alcançar o interface da web"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
534891 msgctxt "#30516"
535892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
536893 msgstr "Enigma2: Não foram encontrados grupos de canais"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
538896 msgctxt "#30517"
539897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
540898 msgstr "Enigma2: Não foram encontrados canais"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
542901 msgctxt "#30518"
543902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
544903 msgstr "Enigma2: Alterações ao grupo de canais detetadas, por favor reinicie para carregar as mesmas"
905 #. notification: Enigma2
546906 msgctxt "#30519"
547907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
548908 msgstr "Enigma2: Alterações aos canais detetadas, por favor reinicie para carregar as mesmas"
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
550912 msgctxt "#30520"
551913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
552914 msgstr "Canal inválido"
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
554931 msgctxt "#30600"
555932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
556933 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições para ligar um dispositivo Enigma2"
935 #. help: Connection - host
558936 msgctxt "#30601"
559937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
560938 msgstr "O nome de servidor ou endereço IP do seu descodificador baseado em Enigma2."
940 #. help: Connection - webport
562941 msgctxt "#30602"
563942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
564943 msgstr "A porta usada para ligar ao interface da web."
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
566946 msgctxt "#30603"
567947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
568948 msgstr "Use https para se ligar ao interface da web."
950 #. help: Connection - user
570951 msgctxt "#30604"
571952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
572953 msgstr "Se o interface da web do descodificador se encontrar protegido com uma combinação de nome de utilizador/password, é necessário indicar o mesmo nesta opção."
955 #. help: Connection - pass
574956 msgctxt "#30605"
575957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
576958 msgstr "Se o interface da web do descodificador se encontrar protegido com uma combinação de nome de utilizador/password, é necessário indicar o mesmo nesta opção."
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
578966 msgctxt "#30607"
579967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
580968 msgstr "Esta opção define a porta de transmissão usada pelo descodificador para transmitir TV em Direto. Por defeito é 8001 o que deve funcionar se o utilizador não tiver definido uma porta personalizada no interface da web."
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
582971 msgctxt "#30608"
583972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
584973 msgstr "Use https para se ligar a transmissões."
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
586976 msgctxt "#30609"
587977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
588978 msgstr "Use o nome de utilizador e a password de login para transmissões"
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help info - General
991 #. help-category: general
590992 msgctxt "#30620"
591993 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
592994 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições que geralmente devem ser definidas pelo utilizador"
996 #. help: General - onlinepicons
594997 msgctxt "#30621"
595998 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
596999 msgstr "Obter os ficheiros picon diretamente do descodificador Enigma2"
1001 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
5981002 msgctxt "#30622"
5991003 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
6001004 msgstr "Obter o caminho picon do OpenWeblf em vez de contruir do ServiceRef. Requer OpenWeblf 1.3.5 ou superior. Não há alterações se usada uma versão anterior do OpenWeblf."
1006 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
6021007 msgctxt "#30623"
6031008 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
6041009 msgstr "Assumir que todos os fiheiros picon obtidos do descodificador começam com '1_1_1_' e terminam com '_0_0_0'."
1011 #. help: General - iconpath
6061012 msgctxt "#30624"
6071013 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
6081014 msgstr "Para que o Kodi mostre os logotipos dos canais tem de copiar os picons do seu descodificador para a sua máquina OpenELEC. Depois é necessário especificar o caminho para os encontrar."
1016 #. help: General - updateint
1017 msgctxt "#30625"
1018 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updatemode
1022 msgctxt "#30626"
1023 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
6101027 msgctxt "#30627"
611 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
612 msgstr "O modo usado quando a hora nas próximas configurações é atingida. Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Desativado] Nunca verificar se há alterações de canal e grupo; [Notificar na interface do utilizador e no registo] Exibir um aviso na interface do utilizador e registar o fato de que uma alteração foi detetada]; [Recarregar canais e grupos] Desconete e reconete com o dispositivo E2 para recarregar canais somente se uma alteração for detetada."
1028 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
6141032 msgctxt "#30628"
6151033 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
6161034 msgstr "A hora do dia em que a verificação de novos canais deve ocorrer. O padrão é 4h, pois o Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) no padrão do dispositivo E2 é 3AM."
1036 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1037 msgctxt "#30629"
1038 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help info - Channels
1042 #. help-category: channels
6181043 msgctxt "#30640"
6191044 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
6201045 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições dos canais. Ao alterar os pacotes pode necessitar de limpar a cache de canais para as definições produzirem efeito. Pode fazê-lo nas definições do Kodi: 'Definições->PVR & Live TV->Geral->Limpar a cache'."
1047 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
6221048 msgctxt "#30641"
6231049 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
6241050 msgstr "Normalmente, as referências de serviço para os canais estão num formato padrão como \"1: 0: 1: 27F6: 806: 2: 11A0000: 0: 0: 0: '. Ocasionalmente, dependendo do provedor, eles podem ser estendidos com algum texto, por ex. '1: 0: 1: 27F6: 806: 2: 11A0000: 0: 0: 0 :: UTV' ou '1: 0: 1: 27F6: 806: 2: 11A0000: 0: 0: 0 :: UTV + 1 '. Se esta opção estiver ativada, todas as referências de serviço de leitura serão lidas como padrão. Esse é o comportamento padrão. Funcionalidades como temporizadores automáticos sempre serão convertidas numa referência padrão."
1052 #. help: Channels - zap
6261053 msgctxt "#30642"
627 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
628 msgstr "Ao usar o add-on com um descodificador de sintonizador único, pode ser necessário que o add-on precise mudar para outro canal no aparelho. Se esta opção for ativada, cada mudança de canal no Kodi também resultará em uma troca de canal no descodificador. Observe que \"permitir troca de canal\" precisa ser ativado na interface da web no aparelho."
1054 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1058 msgctxt "#30643"
1059 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1063 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1064 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1067 msgctxt "#30644"
1068 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1069 msgstr ""
1071 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1072 msgctxt "#30645"
1073 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
6301077 msgctxt "#30646"
6311078 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
6321079 msgstr "A última análise resultou num pacote do sistema que contém todos os canais de TV e rádio encontrados. Todos os canais de TV encontrados no último pacote digitalizado podem ser mostrados como um grupo chamado \"Última análise (TV)\" no Kodi. Para a TV, este grupo é excluído por padrão. Desative esta opção para excluir este grupo. Observe que se nenhum grupo de TV for carregado, o último grupo verificado para TV será carregado por padrão, independentemente dessa configuração."
1081 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1082 msgctxt "#30647"
1083 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1087 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1088 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1091 msgctxt "#30648"
1092 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1093 msgstr ""
1095 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1096 msgctxt "#30649"
1097 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
6341101 msgctxt "#30650"
6351102 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
6361103 msgstr "A última análise resultou num pacote do sistema que contém todos os canais de TV e rádio encontrados. Todos os canais de rádio encontrados no último pacote digitalizado podem ser mostrados como um grupo chamado \"Última análise (Rádio)\" no Kodi. Para Rádio, este grupo é excluído por padrão. Desative esta opção para mostrar este grupo."
1105 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1106 msgctxt "#30651"
1107 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30652"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1116 msgctxt "#30653"
1117 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1121 msgctxt "#30654"
1122 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1126 msgctxt "#30655"
1127 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1131 msgctxt "#30656"
1132 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help info - EPG
1136 #. help-category: epg
6381137 msgctxt "#30660"
6391138 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
6401139 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as configurações do EPG (Electronic Program Guide - Guia de programação eletrônica). Excluindo o registo de mapeamentos de texto de gêneros ausentes, todas as outras opções exigirão que o cache do EPG seja limpo. Isso pode ser feito indo em 'Configurações-> PVR & Live TV-> Guia-> Limpar a cache' no Kodi depois do add-on ser reiniciado."
1141 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1142 msgctxt "#30661"
1143 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1144 msgstr ""
1146 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
6421147 msgctxt "#30662"
6431148 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
6441149 msgstr "Esta configuração serve para extrair informação sobre a temporada, episódio e ano. O ficheiro padrão é `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1151 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
6461152 msgctxt "#30663"
6471153 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
6481154 msgstr "Se os identificadores do género enviados com dados EPG do seu descodificador não usarem o padrão DVB, mapeie-os para os identificadores padrão do DVB. O Sky UK, por exemplo, usa o OpenTV; nesse caso, sem essa opção, a cor do género e o texto ficariam incorretos no Kodi."
1156 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
6501157 msgctxt "#30664"
6511158 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
6521159 msgstr "Esta configuração é usada para mapear os identificadores do género do guia EPG para os identificadores padrão do DVB. O ficheiro padrão é `Sky-UK.xml`."
1161 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
6541162 msgctxt "#30665"
6551163 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
6561164 msgstr "Se usar dados Rytec XMLTV EPG esta opção pode ser usada para mapear os textos de género para os identificadores padrão do DVB."
1166 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
6581167 msgctxt "#30666"
6591168 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
6601169 msgstr "Esta configuração é usada para mapear os textos de género Rytec para identificadores DVB. O ficheiro padrão é `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1171 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
6621172 msgctxt "#30667"
663 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
664 msgstr "Se quiser que os mapeamentos de gênero sejam registrados para que possa relacioná-los, ative esta opção. Nota: quaisquer géneros encontrados que não tenham um mapeamento ainda serão extraídos e enviados para o Kodi como linhas de texto. Atualmente, os géneros são extraídos procurando texto entre parentesis, por exemplo. [TV Drama], ou para géneros maiores e menores usando um ponto (.) para separar [Drama de TV. Novela]"
1173 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1174 msgstr ""
1176 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
6661177 msgctxt "#30668"
6671178 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
6681179 msgstr "Para dispositivos Enigma2 mais antigos, as atualizações de EPG podem afetar a qualidade da transmissão (como tempos limite de buffer). Um atraso entre 250ms e 5000ms pode ser introduzido para melhorar a qualidade. Recomendado apenas para dispositivos mais antigos. Escolha o valor mais baixo que evita tempos limite do buffer."
1181 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
6701182 msgctxt "#30669"
6711183 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
6721184 msgstr "Ignorar o carregamento inicial do EPG (agora e depois). Ativado por defeito para prevenir problemas de quebra no LibreElec/CoreElec."
1186 #. help info - Recordings
1187 #. help-category: recordings
6741188 msgctxt "#30680"
6751189 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
6761190 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições das gravações."
1192 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
6781193 msgctxt "#30681"
6791194 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
680 msgstr "Armazenar a posição da última reprodução e da contagem na infraestrutura para ser partilhada com as instâncias do Kodi. Suportado apenas na versão 1.3.6+ do OpenWeblf. "
1195 msgstr "Armazenar a posição da última reprodução e da contagem na infraestrutura para ser partilhada com as instâncias do Kodi. Suportado apenas na versão 1.3.6+ do OpenWeblf."
1197 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
6821198 msgctxt "#30682"
683 msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
684 msgstr "As opções são: [instâncias Kodi] Utilize apenas o valor no Kodi e não afetará a última reprodução no dispositivo E2; [Instâncias Kodi / E2] Use o valor no Kodi e no dispositivo E2 para que eles permaneçam em sincronia. A última reprodução será sincronizada com o dispositivo E2 uma vez a cada 5-10 minutos por gravação, se os menus PVR estiverem em uso. Observe que apenas uma única instância do Kodi é necessária para que essa opção seja ativada."
1199 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
6861203 msgctxt "#30683"
6871204 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
6881205 msgstr "Por padrão, o add-on não especifica a pasta de gravação em temporizadores recém-criados, portanto, o conjunto padrão no descodificador será usado. Se quiser especificar uma pasta diferente (ou seja, porque deseja que todas as gravações agendadas via Kodi sejam armazenadas numa pasta separada), será necessário definir essa opção."
1207 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
6901208 msgctxt "#30684"
6911209 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
6921210 msgstr "Se esta opção não estiver definida, o add-on procura em todas as gravações disponíveis de todos os caminhos configurados a partir do descodificador. Se esta opção estiver configurada, listará apenas as gravações armazenadas no 'caminho de gravação atual' no descodificador."
1212 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
6941213 msgctxt "#30685"
695 msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
696 msgstr "Se ativo, não especifique uma pasta de gravação, quando inativo (padrão), verifique se a gravação está na sua própria pasta ou na raiz do caminho de gravação."
1214 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
6981218 msgctxt "#30686"
6991219 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
7001220 msgstr "EDLs são usados para definir publicidade, etc. em gravações. Se uma ferramenta como o Comskip for usada para gerar arquivos EDL, isso permitirá que o Kodi PVR os use. Por exemplo. se houver um arquivo chamado 'my recording.ts', o arquivo EDL deve chamar-se 'my recording.edl'. Nota: ativar esta configuração não terá efeito se os arquivos não estiverem presentes."
1222 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
7021223 msgctxt "#30687"
7031224 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
7041225 msgstr "Margem para usar numa paragem do EDL. Ou seja use um número negativo para iniciar o corte antes e positivo para iniciar o corte mais tarde. Padrão 0"
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
7061228 msgctxt "#30688"
7071229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
7081230 msgstr "Margem para usar numa paragem do EDL. Ou seja use um número negativo para iniciar o corte antes e positivo para iniciar o corte mais tarde. Padrão 0"
1232 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1233 msgctxt "#30689"
1234 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1238 msgctxt "#30690"
1239 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1243 msgctxt "#30691"
1244 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help info - Timers
1248 #. help-category: timers
7101249 msgctxt "#30700"
7111250 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
7121251 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as definições dos temporizadores (normais e automáticos)"
1253 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
7141254 msgctxt "#30701"
7151255 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
7161256 msgstr "Os temporizadores de repetição serão mostrados como regras do temporizador. Ativar esta opção fará com que o Kodi gere temporizadores regulares para corresponder às regras do temporizador de repetição, para que a interface do utilizador possa mostrar o que está programado e gravando atualmente para cada temporizador de repetição."
1258 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
7181259 msgctxt "#30702"
7191260 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
7201261 msgstr "Número de temporizadores do PVR do Kodi a gerar"
1263 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
7221264 msgctxt "#30703"
7231265 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
7241266 msgstr "Se esta opção estiver configurada, o add-on envia o comando para excluir os temporizadores concluídos do descodificador após cada intervalo de atualização."
1268 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
7261269 msgctxt "#30704"
7271270 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
7281271 msgstr "Quando ativo, há algumas configurações necessárias no descodificador para permitir a vinculação de Temporizadores Automáticos (Regras de Temporizador) a temporizadores na interface de utilizador do Kodi. O add-on tenta configurá-los automaticamente ao iniciar."
1273 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
7301274 msgctxt "#30705"
7311275 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
7321276 msgstr "Se os últimos grupos analisados forem excluídos, tente limitar as novas seleções automáticas à TV ou ao Rádio (dependendo do canal usado para criar o temporizador automático). Observe que, se os últimos grupos analisados estiverem ativados, tal não será possível e a configuração será ignorada."
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
7341279 msgctxt "#30706"
7351280 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
7361281 msgstr "Para o canal usado para criar o limite de temporizador automático para os grupos de canais dos quais este canal é membro."
1283 #. help info - Timeshift
1284 #. help-category: timeshift
7381285 msgctxt "#30720"
7391286 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
7401287 msgstr "Esta categoria contém as configurações para Ver mais tarde. O Ver mais tarde permite pausar a TV em Direto, bem como andar para trás e para a frente a partir da sua posição atual, semelhante a reproduzir uma gravação. O buffer é excluído cada vez que um canal é alterado ou parado."
1289 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
7421290 msgctxt "#30721"
743 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
744 msgstr "Que opção de Ver mais tarde deseja: [Desativado] Sem deslocamento de tempo; [Em Pausa] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é pausada. Por exemplo. quando quer continuar de onde estava depois de pausar; [Na reprodução] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é aberta. Por exemplo, pode ir para qualquer ponto no fluxo desde que foi aberto."
1291 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1292 msgstr ""
1294 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
7461295 msgctxt "#30722"
7471296 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
7481297 msgstr "O caminho usado para armazenar o buffer de Ver mais tarde. O padrão é a pasta `addon_data / pvr.vuplus` no 'userdata'."
1299 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1300 msgctxt "#30723"
1301 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1305 msgctxt "#30724"
1306 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1310 msgctxt "#30725"
1311 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1315 msgctxt "#30726"
1316 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1320 msgctxt "#30727"
1321 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1325 msgctxt "#30728"
1326 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help info - Advanced
1330 #. help-category: advanced
7501331 msgctxt "#30740"
7511332 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
7521333 msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições avançadas/experientes."
1335 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
7541336 msgctxt "#30741"
7551337 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
7561338 msgstr "Por defeito, o enredo curto (breve descrição no Enigma2) não é mostrado na interface de utilizador. Pode ser mostrado no EPG, gravações ou ambos. Depois de alterar esta opção, é necessário limpar a cache do EPG `Configurações-> PVR & Live TV-> Guia-> Limpar a cache` para que ele tenha efeito."
1340 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
7581341 msgctxt "#30742"
759 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
760 msgstr "Se esta opção estiver configurada para um valor diferente de `Inativo', o add-on envia um comando Powerstate para o descodificador quando o Kodi for fechado (ou o add-on será desativado): [Inativo] Nenhum comando enviado quando sai do add-on; [Em espera] Envia o comando em espera ao sair; [Espera profunda] Envia o comando de espera profunda ao sair. Note que o descodificador não responderá ao Kodi depois deste comando ser enviado; [Despertar, depois espera] Semelhante ao modo de espera, mas primeiro envia um comando de ativação. Pode ser útil se quiser garantir que todas as transmissões tenham parado. Nota: se usar o CEC, isso pode fazer com que a sua TV desperte."
1342 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
7621346 msgctxt "#30743"
7631347 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
7641348 msgstr "O tempo limite a ser usado ao tentar ler transmissões ao vivo. O padrão para transmissões ao vivo é 0. O padrão para o Ver mais tarde é de 10 segundos."
1350 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
7661351 msgctxt "#30744"
767 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
768 msgstr "O tamanho do pacote usado pelo Kodi para transmissões. Padrão 0 para deixar o Kodi decidir."
1352 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
7701356 msgctxt "#30745"
7711357 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
7721358 msgstr "As instruções do registo de depuração serão mostradas para o add-on, embora o registo de depuração possa não estar ativado no Kodi. Observe que todas as instruções do registo de depuração serão mostradas ao nível de AVISO."
1360 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
7741361 msgctxt "#30746"
7751362 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
7761363 msgstr "Instruções de registo muito detalhadas e detalhadas serão mostradas além das instruções de depuração padrão. Se habilitado junto com o `Ativar o registo de depuração no modo normal`, ambos os rastreios e depuração serão mostrados sem o registro de depuração ativo. Nesse caso, as instruções de registo de depuração e rastreio serão exibidas ao nível de AVISO."
1365 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1366 msgctxt "#30747"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1371 #. help info - Backend
1372 #. help-category: backend
7781373 msgctxt "#30760"
779 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
780 msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições avançadas/experientes."
1374 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Backend - webifversion
7821378 msgctxt "#30761"
7831379 msgid "webifversion"
7841380 msgstr "webifversion"
1382 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
7861383 msgctxt "#30762"
7871384 msgid "autotimertagintags"
7881385 msgstr "autotimertagintags"
1387 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
7901388 msgctxt "#30763"
7911389 msgid "autotimernameintags"
7921390 msgstr "autotimernameintags"
1392 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
7941393 msgctxt "#30764"
795 msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
796 msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1394 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
7981398 msgctxt "#30765"
799 msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
800 msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
1399 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1403 msgctxt "#30766"
1404 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1408 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1409 #~ msgstr "Utilizar apenas o caminho de gravação atual da caixa DVB"
1411 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1412 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1413 #~ msgstr "Pasta de gravação no recetor"
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1416 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1417 #~ msgstr "Manter estrutura das pastas para registos"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30627"
1420 #~ msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [Disabled] Never check for channel and group changes; [Notify on UI and Log] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd]; [Reload Channels and Groups] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1421 #~ msgstr "O modo usado quando a hora nas próximas configurações é atingida. Escolha um dos três modos a seguir: [Desativado] Nunca verificar se há alterações de canal e grupo; [Notificar na interface do utilizador e no registo] Exibir um aviso na interface do utilizador e registar o fato de que uma alteração foi detetada]; [Recarregar canais e grupos] Desconete e reconete com o dispositivo E2 para recarregar canais somente se uma alteração for detetada."
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30642"
1424 #~ msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that \"allow channel switching\" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1425 #~ msgstr "Ao usar o add-on com um descodificador de sintonizador único, pode ser necessário que o add-on precise mudar para outro canal no aparelho. Se esta opção for ativada, cada mudança de canal no Kodi também resultará em uma troca de canal no descodificador. Observe que \"permitir troca de canal\" precisa ser ativado na interface da web no aparelho."
1427 #~ msgctxt "#30667"
1428 #~ msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]"
1429 #~ msgstr "Se quiser que os mapeamentos de gênero sejam registrados para que possa relacioná-los, ative esta opção. Nota: quaisquer géneros encontrados que não tenham um mapeamento ainda serão extraídos e enviados para o Kodi como linhas de texto. Atualmente, os géneros são extraídos procurando texto entre parentesis, por exemplo. [TV Drama], ou para géneros maiores e menores usando um ponto (.) para separar [Drama de TV. Novela]"
1431 #~ msgctxt "#30682"
1432 #~ msgid "The options are: [Kodi instances] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [Kodi/E2 instances] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1433 #~ msgstr "As opções são: [instâncias Kodi] Utilize apenas o valor no Kodi e não afetará a última reprodução no dispositivo E2; [Instâncias Kodi / E2] Use o valor no Kodi e no dispositivo E2 para que eles permaneçam em sincronia. A última reprodução será sincronizada com o dispositivo E2 uma vez a cada 5-10 minutos por gravação, se os menus PVR estiverem em uso. Observe que apenas uma única instância do Kodi é necessária para que essa opção seja ativada."
1435 #~ msgctxt "#30685"
1436 #~ msgid "If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path."
1437 #~ msgstr "Se ativo, não especifique uma pasta de gravação, quando inativo (padrão), verifique se a gravação está na sua própria pasta ou na raiz do caminho de gravação."
1439 #~ msgctxt "#30721"
1440 #~ msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [Disabled] No timeshifting; [On Pause] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [On Playback] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1441 #~ msgstr "Que opção de Ver mais tarde deseja: [Desativado] Sem deslocamento de tempo; [Em Pausa] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é pausada. Por exemplo. quando quer continuar de onde estava depois de pausar; [Na reprodução] O Ver mais tarde começa quando uma transmissão ao vivo é aberta. Por exemplo, pode ir para qualquer ponto no fluxo desde que foi aberto."
1443 #~ msgctxt "#30742"
1444 #~ msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [Disabled] No command sent when the addon exits; [Standby] Send the standby command on exit; [Deep standby] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [Wakeup, then standby] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1445 #~ msgstr "Se esta opção estiver configurada para um valor diferente de `Inativo', o add-on envia um comando Powerstate para o descodificador quando o Kodi for fechado (ou o add-on será desativado): [Inativo] Nenhum comando enviado quando sai do add-on; [Em espera] Envia o comando em espera ao sair; [Espera profunda] Envia o comando de espera profunda ao sair. Note que o descodificador não responderá ao Kodi depois deste comando ser enviado; [Despertar, depois espera] Semelhante ao modo de espera, mas primeiro envia um comando de ativação. Pode ser útil se quiser garantir que todas as transmissões tenham parado. Nota: se usar o CEC, isso pode fazer com que a sua TV desperte."
1447 #~ msgctxt "#30744"
1448 #~ msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide."
1449 #~ msgstr "O tamanho do pacote usado pelo Kodi para transmissões. Padrão 0 para deixar o Kodi decidir."
1451 #~ msgctxt "#30760"
1452 #~ msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1453 #~ msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições avançadas/experientes."
1455 #~ msgctxt "#30764"
1456 #~ msgid "globalstartpaddingstb"
1457 #~ msgstr "globalstartpaddingstb"
1459 #~ msgctxt "#30765"
1460 #~ msgid "globalendpaddingstb"
1461 #~ msgstr "globalendpaddingstb"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Romanian (Romania) (\n"
12 "Language: ro_RO\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ro_RO\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Utilizator"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Parolă"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Conexiune"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Imagini"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
3458 msgctxt "#30008"
3559 msgid "Icon path"
3660 msgstr "Cale pictogramă"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
3863 msgctxt "#30009"
3964 msgid "Update Interval"
4065 msgstr "Interval actualizare"
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
4274 msgctxt "#30012"
4375 msgid "Web interface port"
4476 msgstr "Port interfață Web"
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
4689 msgctxt "#30015"
4790 msgid "Update interval"
4891 msgstr "Interval actualizare"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
5099 msgctxt "#30017"
51 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
52 msgstr "Utilizează pentru înregistrare doar adresa decodorului DVB"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
54105 msgctxt "#30018"
55106 msgid "General"
56107 msgstr "General"
109 #. label-category: channels
58110 msgctxt "#30019"
59111 msgid "Channels"
60112 msgstr "Canale"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
62116 msgctxt "#30020"
63117 msgid "Advanced"
64118 msgstr "Avansat"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
66127 msgctxt "#30023"
67 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
68 msgstr "Dosarul de înregistrari în decodor"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
70172 msgctxt "#30032"
71173 msgid "EPG"
72174 msgstr "Ghid program electronic"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
74202 msgctxt "#30038"
75203 msgid "Web Interface"
76204 msgstr "Interfață Web"
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
78207 msgctxt "#30039"
79208 msgid "Streaming"
80209 msgstr "Difuzare în flux"
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
82222 msgctxt "#30042"
83223 msgid "Never"
84224 msgstr "Niciodată"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
86227 msgctxt "#30043"
87228 msgid "In EPG only"
88229 msgstr "Doar în ghidul tv"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
90232 msgctxt "#30044"
91233 msgid "In recordings only"
92234 msgstr "Doar în înregistrări"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
94237 msgctxt "#30045"
95238 msgid "Always"
96239 msgstr "Întotdeauna"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
98267 msgctxt "#30051"
99268 msgid "Login"
100269 msgstr "Autentificare"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
102272 msgctxt "#30052"
103273 msgid "Misc"
104274 msgstr "Diverse"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
106292 msgctxt "#30056"
107293 msgid "TV"
108294 msgstr "Televizor"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
110297 msgctxt "#30057"
111298 msgid "Radio"
112299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
114313 msgctxt "#30060"
115314 msgid "Timeshift"
116315 msgstr "Decalaj temporal"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
118323 msgctxt "#30062"
119324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
120325 msgstr "Calea buffer-ului de înregistrare"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
122328 msgctxt "#30063"
123329 msgid "Off"
124330 msgstr "Oprită"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
126333 msgctxt "#30064"
127334 msgid "On playback"
128335 msgstr "La redare"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
130338 msgctxt "#30065"
131339 msgid "On pause"
132340 msgstr "La pauzare"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
134363 msgctxt "#30070"
135364 msgid "Recordings"
136365 msgstr "Înregistrări"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
138368 msgctxt "#30071"
139369 msgid "Recordings"
140370 msgstr "Înregistrări"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
142374 msgctxt "#30072"
143375 msgid "Timers"
144376 msgstr "Cronometre"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
146425 msgctxt "#30081"
147426 msgid "unknown"
148427 msgstr "necunoscut"
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
150435 msgctxt "#30083"
151436 msgid "addon error"
152437 msgstr "eroare suplimente"
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
154470 msgctxt "#30090"
155471 msgid "Device Info"
156472 msgstr "Informații dispozitiv"
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
158490 msgctxt "#30094"
159491 msgid "N/A"
160492 msgstr "Nedisponibil"
494 #. application: Admin
162495 msgctxt "#30095"
163496 msgid "True"
164497 msgstr "Adevărat"
499 #. application: Admin
166500 msgctxt "#30096"
167501 msgid "False"
168502 msgstr "Fals"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
170545 msgctxt "#30105"
171546 msgid "Other"
172547 msgstr "Altele"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
174606 msgctxt "#30117"
175607 msgid "Disabled"
176608 msgstr "Dezactivat"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
178815 msgctxt "#30410"
179816 msgid "Automatic"
180817 msgstr "Automat"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
182859 msgctxt "#30430"
183860 msgid "Disabled"
184861 msgstr "Dezactivat"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Utilizează pentru înregistrare doar adresa decodorului DVB"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Dosarul de înregistrari în decodor"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Russian <>\n"
12 "Language: ru_ru\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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15 "Language: ru_RU\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Имя Enigma2 хоста или IP-адрес"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Порт видео-потока"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Пользователь"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Пароль"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Соединение"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Значки"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Путь к значкам"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Интервал обновления"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Авто-очистка таймеров"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Порт веб-интерфейса"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Сброс перед переключением канала (для одно-тюнерных устройств)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Интервал обновления"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Использовать для записи только заданный в DVB путь"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Основное"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Каналы"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Дополнительно"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Папка для записей на ресивере"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Отправить режим PowerState при выходе из аддона"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "Режим получения ТВ-букета"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96148 msgstr "Брать лого каналов из вебинтерфейса"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100 msgstr "Использовать защищенный HTTP протокол (https) "
153 msgstr "Использовать защищенный HTTP протокол (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Включить автоматическую настройку для прямых трансляций"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Хранить структуру папок для записей"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Сезоны и серии"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120 msgstr "Извлекайте информацию о сезоне, эпизоде ​​и году, где это возможно"
178 msgstr "Извлекайте информацию о сезоне, эпизоде и году, где это возможно"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Включить автотаймеры"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Использовать файлы в формате"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Включить генерацию повторных таймеров"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Журнал пропущенных текстовых отображений жанра"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Веб-интерфейс"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Видео-поток"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Расположение надписей (например, субтитров) перед описанием"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Размер блока для потока"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Никогда"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "Только в EPG"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Только в записях"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Всегда"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Извлечь файл info шоу"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Rytec жанровый текст преобразование"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Включить отображение текста в жанре Rytec"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Файл текстовых сопоставлений жанров Rytec"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Пользовательский тайм-аут в прямом эфире (по умолчанию 0)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Логин"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Разное"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Отображать Жанр ID"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204 msgstr "Включить отображение жанр ID "
283 msgstr "Включить отображение жанр ID"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Файл Отображения Жанр ID"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "ТВ"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Радио"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Радиоканал режим выбора мода"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Таймшифт"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Включить сдвиг по времени"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232324 msgstr "Путь к буферу таймшифт"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Выкл."
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "Воспроизводится"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "На паузе"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Используйте безопасный HTTP (https) для стримов"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Использовать логин для потоков"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256 msgstr "Принеси ТВ каналы в избранное "
354 msgstr "Принеси ТВ каналы в избранное"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260 msgstr "Принеси радио каналы в избранное "
359 msgstr "Принеси радио каналы в избранное"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Записи"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Записи"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272375 msgstr "Таймеры"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "Количество повторяющихся таймеров для генерации"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Все о каналах"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "Как первый канал"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "Как последний канал"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Избранное (ТВ)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Избранное (Радио)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "неизвестно"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr "(Не подключено!)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "ошибка дополнения"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Серверная часть"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Записывать записи"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Глобальный старт записи"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Глобальное завершение записи"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Информация об устройстве"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "WebIf версия"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "Автоматический таймер теги в тегах таймера"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "Имя автоматического таймера в тегах таймера"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "Не доступно"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Да"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Нет"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Режим ожидания"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Глубокий режим ожидания"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Пробуждение, затем режим ожидания"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Режим обновления"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Таймеры и записи"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Только таймеры"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Использовать OpenWebIf путь к картинке"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Включить ведение журнала трассировки в режиме отладки"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Другое"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390549 msgctxt "#30106"
391550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392551 msgstr "Задержка обновления EPG на канал"
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394554 msgctxt "#30107"
395555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396556 msgstr "Запись EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398559 msgctxt "#30108"
399560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400561 msgstr "Включить поддержку EDLs"
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402564 msgctxt "#30109"
403565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404566 msgstr "EDLs время начала записей"
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406569 msgctxt "#30110"
407570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408571 msgstr "EDLs время окончания записей"
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410574 msgctxt "#30111"
411575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412576 msgstr "Включить режим отладки ведение логов в нормальном режиме"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
414579 msgctxt "#30112"
415580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416581 msgstr "Последнее сканирование (ТВ)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
418584 msgctxt "#30113"
419585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420586 msgstr "Последнее сканирование (радио)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422590 msgctxt "#30114"
423591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424592 msgstr "Исключить последний отсканированный каналы"
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426595 msgctxt "#30115"
427596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428597 msgstr "Пропустить начальную загрузку EPG"
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
600 msgctxt "#30116"
601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
602 msgstr ""
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430605 msgctxt "#30117"
431606 msgid "Disabled"
432607 msgstr "Откл."
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
610 msgctxt "#30118"
611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
612 msgstr ""
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
615 msgctxt "#30119"
616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
617 msgstr ""
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
620 msgctxt "#30120"
621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
622 msgstr ""
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
625 msgctxt "#30121"
626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
627 msgstr ""
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
630 msgctxt "#30122"
631 msgid "Connection check interval"
632 msgstr ""
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
635 msgctxt "#30123"
636 msgid "Autotimers"
637 msgstr ""
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
665 msgctxt "#30129"
666 msgid "Kodi instances"
667 msgstr ""
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
670 msgctxt "#30130"
671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
672 msgstr ""
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
434814 msgctxt "#30410"
435815 msgid "Automatic"
436816 msgstr "Автоматически"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
438835 msgctxt "#30423"
439836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
440837 msgstr "Повторять время / канал на основе"
839 #. application: Timers
442840 msgctxt "#30424"
443841 msgid "One time guide-based"
444842 msgstr "Один раз на основе гида"
844 #. application: Timers
446845 msgctxt "#30425"
447846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
448847 msgstr "Повторение, на основе гида"
849 #. application: Timers
450850 msgctxt "#30426"
451851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
452852 msgstr "Авто на основе гида"
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
454858 msgctxt "#30430"
455859 msgid "Disabled"
456860 msgstr "Откл."
862 #. application: Timers
458863 msgctxt "#30431"
459864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
460865 msgstr "Записывать, даже если название телепередачи не совпадает"
867 #. application: Timers
462868 msgctxt "#30432"
463869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
464870 msgstr "Записывать, даже если не совпадает название и краткое описание телепередачи"
872 #. application: Timers
466873 msgctxt "#30433"
467874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
468875 msgstr "Записывать, даже если не совпадает название и описание телепередачи"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
470881 msgctxt "#30514"
471882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
472883 msgstr "Отсутствует путь для буферизации отложенного просмотра"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
474886 msgctxt "#30515"
475887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
476888 msgstr "Enigma2: Нет соединения с веб-интерфейсом"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
478891 msgctxt "#30516"
479892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
480893 msgstr "Enigma2: Группы каналов не найдены"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
482896 msgctxt "#30517"
483897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
484898 msgstr "Enigma2: Каналы не найдены"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
906 msgctxt "#30519"
907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 msgstr ""
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
912 msgctxt "#30520"
913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
914 msgstr ""
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
937 msgctxt "#30601"
938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
939 msgstr ""
941 #. help: Connection - webport
942 msgctxt "#30602"
943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
944 msgstr ""
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
947 msgctxt "#30603"
948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
949 msgstr ""
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
972 msgctxt "#30608"
973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
974 msgstr ""
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
992 #. help info - General
993 #. help-category: general
994 msgctxt "#30620"
995 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
996 msgstr ""
998 #. help: General - onlinepicons
999 msgctxt "#30621"
1000 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1004 msgctxt "#30622"
1005 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1009 msgctxt "#30623"
1010 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #. help: General - iconpath
1014 msgctxt "#30624"
1015 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #. help: General - updateint
1019 msgctxt "#30625"
1020 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #. help: General - updatemode
1024 msgctxt "#30626"
1025 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1029 msgctxt "#30627"
1030 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1034 msgctxt "#30628"
1035 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1039 msgctxt "#30629"
1040 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1041 msgstr ""
1043 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1044 #. help info - Channels
1045 #. help-category: channels
1046 msgctxt "#30640"
1047 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1048 msgstr ""
1050 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1051 msgctxt "#30641"
1052 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - zap
1056 msgctxt "#30642"
1057 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1061 msgctxt "#30643"
1062 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1070 msgctxt "#30644"
1071 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1075 msgctxt "#30645"
1076 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1077 msgstr ""
1079 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1080 msgctxt "#30646"
1081 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1085 msgctxt "#30647"
1086 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1087 msgstr ""
1089 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1094 msgctxt "#30648"
1095 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1099 msgctxt "#30649"
1100 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1104 msgctxt "#30650"
1105 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1109 msgctxt "#30651"
1110 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1114 msgctxt "#30652"
1115 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1119 msgctxt "#30653"
1120 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1124 msgctxt "#30654"
1125 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1129 msgctxt "#30655"
1130 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1134 msgctxt "#30656"
1135 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1136 msgstr ""
1138 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1139 #. help info - EPG
1140 #. help-category: epg
1141 msgctxt "#30660"
1142 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1146 msgctxt "#30661"
1147 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1151 msgctxt "#30662"
1152 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1156 msgctxt "#30663"
1157 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1161 msgctxt "#30664"
1162 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1163 msgstr ""
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1166 msgctxt "#30665"
1167 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1168 msgstr ""
1170 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1171 msgctxt "#30666"
1172 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1176 msgctxt "#30667"
1177 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1178 msgstr ""
1180 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1181 msgctxt "#30668"
1182 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1183 msgstr ""
1185 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1186 msgctxt "#30669"
1187 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1188 msgstr ""
1190 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1191 #. help info - Recordings
1192 #. help-category: recordings
1193 msgctxt "#30680"
1194 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1195 msgstr ""
1197 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1198 msgctxt "#30681"
1199 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1203 msgctxt "#30682"
1204 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1205 msgstr ""
1207 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1208 msgctxt "#30683"
1209 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1210 msgstr ""
1212 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1213 msgctxt "#30684"
1214 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1218 msgctxt "#30685"
1219 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1220 msgstr ""
1222 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1223 msgctxt "#30686"
1224 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1228 msgctxt "#30687"
1229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1230 msgstr ""
1232 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1233 msgctxt "#30688"
1234 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1238 msgctxt "#30689"
1239 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1243 msgctxt "#30690"
1244 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1248 msgctxt "#30691"
1249 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1250 msgstr ""
1252 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1253 #. help info - Timers
1254 #. help-category: timers
1255 msgctxt "#30700"
1256 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1257 msgstr ""
1259 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1260 msgctxt "#30701"
1261 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1262 msgstr ""
1264 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1265 msgctxt "#30702"
1266 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1267 msgstr ""
1269 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1270 msgctxt "#30703"
1271 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1272 msgstr ""
1274 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1275 msgctxt "#30704"
1276 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1277 msgstr ""
1279 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1280 msgctxt "#30705"
1281 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1282 msgstr ""
1284 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1285 msgctxt "#30706"
1286 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1287 msgstr ""
1289 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1290 #. help info - Timeshift
1291 #. help-category: timeshift
1292 msgctxt "#30720"
1293 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1294 msgstr ""
1296 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1297 msgctxt "#30721"
1298 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1299 msgstr ""
1301 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1302 msgctxt "#30722"
1303 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1304 msgstr ""
1306 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1307 msgctxt "#30723"
1308 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1309 msgstr ""
1311 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1312 msgctxt "#30724"
1313 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1314 msgstr ""
1316 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1317 msgctxt "#30725"
1318 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1319 msgstr ""
1321 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1322 msgctxt "#30726"
1323 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1324 msgstr ""
1326 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1327 msgctxt "#30727"
1328 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1329 msgstr ""
1331 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1332 msgctxt "#30728"
1333 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1334 msgstr ""
1336 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1337 #. help info - Advanced
1338 #. help-category: advanced
1339 msgctxt "#30740"
1340 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1344 msgctxt "#30741"
1345 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1346 msgstr ""
1348 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1349 msgctxt "#30742"
1350 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1354 msgctxt "#30743"
1355 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1359 msgctxt "#30744"
1360 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1361 msgstr ""
1363 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1364 msgctxt "#30745"
1365 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1366 msgstr ""
1368 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1369 msgctxt "#30746"
1370 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1371 msgstr ""
1373 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1374 msgctxt "#30747"
1375 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1376 msgstr ""
1378 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1379 #. help info - Backend
1380 #. help-category: backend
1381 msgctxt "#30760"
1382 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1383 msgstr ""
1385 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1386 msgctxt "#30761"
1387 msgid "webifversion"
1388 msgstr ""
1390 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1391 msgctxt "#30762"
1392 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1396 msgctxt "#30763"
1397 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1401 msgctxt "#30764"
1402 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1406 msgctxt "#30765"
1407 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1408 msgstr ""
1410 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1411 msgctxt "#30766"
1412 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1413 msgstr ""
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1416 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1417 #~ msgstr "Использовать для записи только заданный в DVB путь"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1420 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1421 #~ msgstr "Папка для записей на ресивере"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1424 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1425 #~ msgstr "Хранить структуру папок для записей"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Sinhala (Sri Lanka) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Sinhala (Sri Lanka) <>\n"
12 "Language: si_lk\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: si_LK\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
2036 msgstr "පරිශීලක නම"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "මුරපදය"
43 #. label-category: connection
44 msgctxt "#30005"
45 msgid "Connection"
46 msgstr ""
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
2649 msgctxt "#30006"
2750 msgid "Icons"
28 msgstr "සුරුවම් "
51 msgstr "සුරුවම්"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
90 msgctxt "#30015"
91 msgid "Update interval"
92 msgstr ""
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
100 msgctxt "#30017"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
30106 msgctxt "#30018"
31107 msgid "General"
32108 msgstr "සාමාන්‍ය"
110 #. label-category: channels
111 msgctxt "#30019"
112 msgid "Channels"
113 msgstr ""
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
34117 msgctxt "#30020"
35118 msgid "Advanced"
36119 msgstr "උසස්"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
128 msgctxt "#30023"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
158 msgctxt "#30029"
159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
160 msgstr ""
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
163 msgctxt "#30030"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
173 msgctxt "#30032"
174 msgid "EPG"
175 msgstr ""
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
38223 msgctxt "#30042"
39224 msgid "Never"
40 msgstr "කිසි විටෙකත් නැති "
225 msgstr "කිසි විටෙකත් නැති"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
228 msgctxt "#30043"
229 msgid "In EPG only"
230 msgstr ""
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
233 msgctxt "#30044"
234 msgid "In recordings only"
235 msgstr ""
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
238 msgctxt "#30045"
239 msgid "Always"
240 msgstr ""
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
268 msgctxt "#30051"
269 msgid "Login"
270 msgstr ""
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
273 msgctxt "#30052"
274 msgid "Misc"
275 msgstr ""
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
293 msgctxt "#30056"
294 msgid "TV"
295 msgstr ""
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
298 msgctxt "#30057"
299 msgid "Radio"
300 msgstr ""
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
314 msgctxt "#30060"
315 msgid "Timeshift"
316 msgstr ""
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
42324 msgctxt "#30062"
43325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
44326 msgstr "කාල සාරු අවරෝධක පෙත"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
46329 msgctxt "#30063"
47330 msgid "Off"
48331 msgstr "වහනවා"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
334 msgctxt "#30064"
335 msgid "On playback"
336 msgstr ""
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
50364 msgctxt "#30070"
51365 msgid "Recordings"
52366 msgstr "පටිගතකිරීම්"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
54369 msgctxt "#30071"
55370 msgid "Recordings"
56371 msgstr "පටිගතකිරීම්"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
375 msgctxt "#30072"
376 msgid "Timers"
377 msgstr ""
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
491 msgctxt "#30094"
492 msgid "N/A"
493 msgstr ""
495 #. application: Admin
496 msgctxt "#30095"
497 msgid "True"
498 msgstr ""
500 #. application: Admin
501 msgctxt "#30096"
502 msgid "False"
503 msgstr ""
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
546 msgctxt "#30105"
547 msgid "Other"
548 msgstr ""
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
58607 msgctxt "#30117"
59608 msgid "Disabled"
60609 msgstr "අක්‍රිය කර ඇත."
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
813 #. ##############
814 #. application #
815 #. ##############
816 #. application: Timers
817 msgctxt "#30410"
818 msgid "Automatic"
819 msgstr ""
821 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
822 #. application: Timers
823 msgctxt "#30420"
824 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
825 msgstr ""
827 #. application: Timers
828 msgctxt "#30421"
829 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
830 msgstr ""
832 #. application: Timers
833 msgctxt "#30422"
834 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
835 msgstr ""
837 #. application: Timers
838 msgctxt "#30423"
839 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
840 msgstr ""
842 #. application: Timers
843 msgctxt "#30424"
844 msgid "One time guide-based"
845 msgstr ""
847 #. application: Timers
848 msgctxt "#30425"
849 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
850 msgstr ""
852 #. application: Timers
853 msgctxt "#30426"
854 msgid "Auto guide-based"
855 msgstr ""
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
62861 msgctxt "#30430"
63862 msgid "Disabled"
64863 msgstr "අක්‍රිය කර ඇත."
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Slovak (Slovakia) (\n"
12 "Language: sk_SK\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: sk_SK\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Názov hostiteľa alebo IP adresa Enigma2 zariadenia"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Port pre streamovanie"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Meno používateľa"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Heslo"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Pripojenie"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Ikony"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "Cesta k ikonám"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "Interval aktualizácie"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "Automatické čistenie zoznamu časovačov"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Port webového rozhrania"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "Vypnúť aktuálny kanál pred prepnutím kanálu (napr. pre jednotunerové prijímače)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "Interval aktualizácie"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Použiť iba aktuálnu cestu pre nahrávky DVB prijímača"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "Všeobecné"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "Kanály"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "Rozšírené"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Priečinok s nahrávkami v prijímači"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "Pri ukončení doplnku poslať režim stavu napájania"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "Režim pre prenos skupín TV kanálov"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "Načítať ikony kanálov z webového rozhrania"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "Použiť zabezpečené HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "Povoliť automatickú konfiguráciu pre streamy TV vysielania"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Zachovať štruktúru priečinka pre nahrávky"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "Série a epizódy"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "Televízny program"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "Extrahovať informáciu o sérii, epizóde a roku tam, kde je to možné"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "Povoliť automatické časovače"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "Používať formát súboru"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "Povoliť generovanie opakujúcich sa časovačov"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "Zaprotokolovať chýbajúce namapovania žánru na text"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Webové rozhranie"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "Streamovanie"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "Umiestniť stručné zhrnutie (napr. podtitul) pred obsah deja"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "Veľkosť bloku dát pre čítanie streamu"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "Nikdy"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "Iba v televíznom programe"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "Iba v nahrávkach"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "Vždy"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "Extrahovať súbor s informáciami o seriáli"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Mapovania žánru na text Rytec"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "Povoliť mapovania žánru na text Rytec"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Súbor s mapovaniami žánru na text Rytec"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "Vlastný časový limit živého TV vysielania (0 pre použitie predvoleného)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "Prihlásenie"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "Rôzne"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "Mapovania ID žánru"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "Povoliť mapovania ID žánru"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "Súbor s mapovaniami ID žánru"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "Rádio"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "Režim pre prenos skupín rádií"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "Časový posun"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "Povoliť časový posun"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "Cesta k zásobníku časového posunu"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "Vypnuté"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "Pri prehrávaní"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "Pri pozastavení"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "Použiť zabezpečené HTTP (https) pre streamy"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "Použiť prihlásenie pre streamy"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "Načítať skupinu obľúbených TV kanálov"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "Načítať skupinu obľúbených rádií"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "Nahrávky"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "Nahrávky"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "Časovače"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "Počet opakujúcich sa časovačov pre vygenerovanie"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "Všetky skupiny kanálov"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "Ako prvá skupina kanálov"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "Ako posledná skupina kanálov"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "Obľúbené (TV)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "Obľúbené (rádio)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "neznáme"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr " (Nepripojené!)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "chyba doplnku"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "Backend"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "Rezerva nahrávania"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "Globálna rezerva na začiatku"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "Globálna rezerva na konci"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "Informácie o zariadení"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "Verzia webového rozhrania"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334478 msgctxt "#30092"
335479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336480 msgstr "Štítok automatického časovača v štítkoch časovačov"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338483 msgctxt "#30093"
339484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340485 msgstr "Názov automatického časovača v štítkoch časovačov"
487 #. application: Admin
342488 msgctxt "#30094"
343489 msgid "N/A"
344490 msgstr "Nezadané"
492 #. application: Admin
346493 msgctxt "#30095"
347494 msgid "True"
348495 msgstr "Pravda"
497 #. application: Admin
350498 msgctxt "#30096"
351499 msgid "False"
352500 msgstr "Nepravda"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354503 msgctxt "#30097"
355504 msgid "Standby"
356505 msgstr "Pohotovostný režim"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358508 msgctxt "#30098"
359509 msgid "Deep standby"
360510 msgstr "Pohotovostný režim s nižšou spotrebou"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362513 msgctxt "#30099"
363514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364515 msgstr "Prebudiť, potom pohotovostný režim"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
366518 msgctxt "#30100"
367519 msgid "Update mode"
368520 msgstr "Režim aktualizácie"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370523 msgctxt "#30101"
371524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372525 msgstr "Časovače a nahrávania"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374528 msgctxt "#30102"
375529 msgid "Timers only"
376530 msgstr "Iba časovače"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378533 msgctxt "#30103"
379534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380535 msgstr "Použiť cestu k ikonam kanálov z OpenWebIf"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382538 msgctxt "#30104"
383539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384540 msgstr "Povoliť protokolovanie trasovania v režime ladenia"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386543 msgctxt "#30105"
387544 msgid "Other"
388545 msgstr "Iné"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390548 msgctxt "#30106"
391549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392550 msgstr "Oneskorenie aktualizácie EPG na kanál"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394553 msgctxt "#30107"
395554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396555 msgstr "EDL (Edit Decision Lists) pre nahrávky"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398558 msgctxt "#30108"
399559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400560 msgstr "Povoliť podporu pre EDL"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402563 msgctxt "#30109"
403564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404565 msgstr "Rezerva pre čas začiatku EDL"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406568 msgctxt "#30110"
407569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408570 msgstr "Rezerva pre čas konca EDL"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410573 msgctxt "#30111"
411574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412575 msgstr "Povoliť protokolovanie ladiacich informácií v normálnom režime"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
414578 msgctxt "#30112"
415579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416580 msgstr "Naposledy nájdené (TV)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
418583 msgctxt "#30113"
419584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420585 msgstr "Naposledy nájdené (rádio)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422589 msgctxt "#30114"
423590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424591 msgstr "Nezahrnúť skupinu naposledy nájdených kanálov"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426594 msgctxt "#30115"
427595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428596 msgstr "Vynechať počiatočné načítanie televízneho programu"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430604 msgctxt "#30117"
431605 msgid "Disabled"
432606 msgstr "Zakázané"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
434813 msgctxt "#30410"
435814 msgid "Automatic"
436815 msgstr "Automatické"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
438834 msgctxt "#30423"
439835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
440836 msgstr "Opakujúci sa na základe času/kanálu"
838 #. application: Timers
442839 msgctxt "#30424"
443840 msgid "One time guide-based"
444841 msgstr "Jednorazový podľa EPG"
843 #. application: Timers
446844 msgctxt "#30425"
447845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
448846 msgstr "Opakujúci sa podľa EPG"
848 #. application: Timers
450849 msgctxt "#30426"
451850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
452851 msgstr "Automatický podľa názvu v EPG"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
454857 msgctxt "#30430"
455858 msgid "Disabled"
456859 msgstr "Zakázané"
861 #. application: Timers
458862 msgctxt "#30431"
459863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
460864 msgstr "Nahrávať, pokiaľ sa líši názov v televíznom programe"
866 #. application: Timers
462867 msgctxt "#30432"
463868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
464869 msgstr "Nahrávať, pokiaľ sa líši názov a krátky popis v televíznom programe"
871 #. application: Timers
466872 msgctxt "#30433"
467873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
468874 msgstr "Nahrávať, pokiaľ sa líši názov a všetky popisy v televíznom programe"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
470880 msgctxt "#30514"
471881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
472882 msgstr "Cesta k zásobníku časového posunu neexistuje"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
474885 msgctxt "#30515"
475886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
476887 msgstr "Enigma2: Nie je možné sa pripojiť k webovému rozhraniu"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
478890 msgctxt "#30516"
479891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
480892 msgstr "Enigma2: Nenašli sa žiadne skupiny kanálov"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
482895 msgctxt "#30517"
483896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
484897 msgstr "Enigma2: Nenašli sa žiadne kanály"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Použiť iba aktuálnu cestu pre nahrávky DVB prijímača"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Priečinok s nahrávkami v prijímači"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "Zachovať štruktúru priečinka pre nahrávky"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Slovenian (Slovenia) (\n"
12 "Language: sl_SI\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: sl_SI\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Uporabniško ime"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Geslo"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Povezava"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Ikone"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Interval posodabljanja"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Uporabi le sprejemnikovo trenutno pot snemanja"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Splošno"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Programi"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Napredno"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Mapa snemanja na sprejemniku"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
58172 msgctxt "#30032"
59173 msgid "EPG"
60174 msgstr "EPV"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62222 msgctxt "#30042"
63223 msgid "Never"
64224 msgstr "Nikoli"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66227 msgctxt "#30043"
67228 msgid "In EPG only"
68229 msgstr "Samo v EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70232 msgctxt "#30044"
71233 msgid "In recordings only"
72234 msgstr "Samo v posnetkih"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74237 msgctxt "#30045"
75238 msgid "Always"
76239 msgstr "Vedno"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
78267 msgctxt "#30051"
79268 msgid "Login"
80269 msgstr "Prijava"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
82272 msgctxt "#30052"
83273 msgid "Misc"
84274 msgstr "Razno"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86292 msgctxt "#30056"
87293 msgid "TV"
88294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90297 msgctxt "#30057"
91298 msgid "Radio"
92299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94313 msgctxt "#30060"
95314 msgid "Timeshift"
96315 msgstr "Časovni zamik"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98323 msgctxt "#30062"
99324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100325 msgstr "Pot medpomnenja časovnega zamika"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102328 msgctxt "#30063"
103329 msgid "Off"
104330 msgstr "Izključeno"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
106333 msgctxt "#30064"
107334 msgid "On playback"
108335 msgstr "Ob predvajanju"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110338 msgctxt "#30065"
111339 msgid "On pause"
112340 msgstr "Ob prekinitvi"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
114363 msgctxt "#30070"
115364 msgid "Recordings"
116365 msgstr "Posnetki"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
118368 msgctxt "#30071"
119369 msgid "Recordings"
120370 msgstr "Posnetki"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
122495 msgctxt "#30095"
123496 msgid "True"
124497 msgstr "Drži"
499 #. application: Admin
126500 msgctxt "#30096"
127501 msgid "False"
128502 msgstr "Nepravilno"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
130545 msgctxt "#30105"
131546 msgid "Other"
132547 msgstr "Drugo"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
134606 msgctxt "#30117"
135607 msgid "Disabled"
136608 msgstr "Onemogočeno"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
138815 msgctxt "#30410"
139816 msgid "Automatic"
140817 msgstr "Samodejno"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
142859 msgctxt "#30430"
143860 msgid "Disabled"
144861 msgstr "Onemogočeno"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Uporabi le sprejemnikovo trenutno pot snemanja"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Mapa snemanja na sprejemniku"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Albanian (Albania) (\n"
12 "Language: sq_AL\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: sq_AL\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Emër-përdoruesi"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Fjalëkalimi"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Ikona"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3099 msgctxt "#30017"
31 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
32 msgstr "Përdorni vendndodhjen aktual për regjistrimet të DVB box'it"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
34105 msgctxt "#30018"
35106 msgid "General"
36107 msgstr "I përgjithsëm"
109 #. label-category: channels
38110 msgctxt "#30019"
39111 msgid "Channels"
40112 msgstr "Kanalet"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
42116 msgctxt "#30020"
43117 msgid "Advanced"
44118 msgstr "Të shtuar"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
46127 msgctxt "#30023"
47 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
48 msgstr "Regjistër i regjistrimeve në resiverin"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50222 msgctxt "#30042"
51223 msgid "Never"
52224 msgstr "Kurrë"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
54237 msgctxt "#30045"
55238 msgid "Always"
56239 msgstr "Gjithnjë"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
58292 msgctxt "#30056"
59293 msgid "TV"
60294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
62297 msgctxt "#30057"
63298 msgid "Radio"
64299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
66328 msgctxt "#30063"
67329 msgid "Off"
68330 msgstr "Hequr"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
70363 msgctxt "#30070"
71364 msgid "Recordings"
72365 msgstr "Rregjistrime"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
74368 msgctxt "#30071"
75369 msgid "Recordings"
76370 msgstr "Rregjistrime"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
78495 msgctxt "#30095"
79496 msgid "True"
80497 msgstr "Vërtetë"
499 #. application: Admin
82500 msgctxt "#30096"
83501 msgid "False"
84502 msgstr "I pavërtetë"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
86606 msgctxt "#30117"
87607 msgid "Disabled"
88608 msgstr "Deaktivuar"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
90860 msgctxt "#30430"
91861 msgid "Disabled"
92862 msgstr "Deaktivuar"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Përdorni vendndodhjen aktual për regjistrimet të DVB box'it"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Regjistër i regjistrimeve në resiverin"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Serbian (Serbia) (\n"
12 "Language: sr_RS\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: sr_RS\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Корисничко име"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Лозинка"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Веза"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Иконе"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Интервал ажурирања"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Користи само тренутну путању снимања DVB кутија"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Опште"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Канали"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Напредно"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Фасцикла за снимање на пријемнику"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
58172 msgctxt "#30032"
59173 msgid "EPG"
60174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
62207 msgctxt "#30039"
63208 msgid "Streaming"
64209 msgstr "Стримовање"
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66222 msgctxt "#30042"
67223 msgid "Never"
68224 msgstr "Никада"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70227 msgctxt "#30043"
71228 msgid "In EPG only"
72229 msgstr "Само у EPG-у"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74232 msgctxt "#30044"
75233 msgid "In recordings only"
76234 msgstr "Само у снимцима"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
78237 msgctxt "#30045"
79238 msgid "Always"
80239 msgstr "Увек"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
82267 msgctxt "#30051"
83268 msgid "Login"
84269 msgstr "Пријава"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
86272 msgctxt "#30052"
87273 msgid "Misc"
88274 msgstr "Остало"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
90292 msgctxt "#30056"
91293 msgid "TV"
92294 msgstr "ТВ"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
94297 msgctxt "#30057"
95298 msgid "Radio"
96299 msgstr "Радио"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
98313 msgctxt "#30060"
99314 msgid "Timeshift"
100315 msgstr "Померај времена"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
102323 msgctxt "#30062"
103324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
104325 msgstr "Путања међумеморије помераја времена"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
106328 msgctxt "#30063"
107329 msgid "Off"
108330 msgstr "Искључено"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110333 msgctxt "#30064"
111334 msgid "On playback"
112335 msgstr "При започињању репродукције"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
114338 msgctxt "#30065"
115339 msgid "On pause"
116340 msgstr "При паузирању"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
118363 msgctxt "#30070"
119364 msgid "Recordings"
120365 msgstr "Снимци"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
122368 msgctxt "#30071"
123369 msgid "Recordings"
124370 msgstr "Снимци"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
126374 msgctxt "#30072"
127375 msgid "Timers"
128376 msgstr "Тајмери"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
130495 msgctxt "#30095"
131496 msgid "True"
132497 msgstr "Исправно"
499 #. application: Admin
134500 msgctxt "#30096"
135501 msgid "False"
136502 msgstr "Нетачно"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
138545 msgctxt "#30105"
139546 msgid "Other"
140547 msgstr "Остало"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
142606 msgctxt "#30117"
143607 msgid "Disabled"
144608 msgstr "Онемогућено"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
146815 msgctxt "#30410"
147816 msgid "Automatic"
148817 msgstr "Аутоматски"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
150859 msgctxt "#30430"
151860 msgid "Disabled"
152861 msgstr "Онемогућено"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Користи само тренутну путању снимања DVB кутија"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Фасцикла за снимање на пријемнику"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (Serbia) (\n"
12 "Language: sr_RS@latin\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: sr_RS@latin\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Korisničko ime"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Lozinka"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Veza"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Ikone"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Interval ažuriranja"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Koristi samo trenutnu putanju snimanja DVB kutija"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Opšte"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Kanali"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Napredno"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Fascikla za snimanje na prijemniku"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
58172 msgctxt "#30032"
59173 msgid "EPG"
60174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
62207 msgctxt "#30039"
63208 msgid "Streaming"
64209 msgstr "Strimovanje"
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66222 msgctxt "#30042"
67223 msgid "Never"
68224 msgstr "Nikada"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70227 msgctxt "#30043"
71228 msgid "In EPG only"
72229 msgstr "Samo u EPG-u"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74232 msgctxt "#30044"
75233 msgid "In recordings only"
76234 msgstr "Samo u snimcima"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
78237 msgctxt "#30045"
79238 msgid "Always"
80239 msgstr "Uvek"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
82267 msgctxt "#30051"
83268 msgid "Login"
84269 msgstr "Prijava"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
86272 msgctxt "#30052"
87273 msgid "Misc"
88274 msgstr "Ostalo"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
90292 msgctxt "#30056"
91293 msgid "TV"
92294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
94297 msgctxt "#30057"
95298 msgid "Radio"
96299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
98313 msgctxt "#30060"
99314 msgid "Timeshift"
100315 msgstr "Pomeraj vremena"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
102323 msgctxt "#30062"
103324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
104325 msgstr "Putanja međumemorije pomeraja vremena"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
106328 msgctxt "#30063"
107329 msgid "Off"
108330 msgstr "Isključeno"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
110333 msgctxt "#30064"
111334 msgid "On playback"
112335 msgstr "Pri započinjanju reprodukcije"
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
114338 msgctxt "#30065"
115339 msgid "On pause"
116340 msgstr "Pri pauziranju"
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
118363 msgctxt "#30070"
119364 msgid "Recordings"
120365 msgstr "Snimci"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
122368 msgctxt "#30071"
123369 msgid "Recordings"
124370 msgstr "Snimci"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
126374 msgctxt "#30072"
127375 msgid "Timers"
128376 msgstr "Tajmeri"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
130495 msgctxt "#30095"
131496 msgid "True"
132497 msgstr "Ispravno"
499 #. application: Admin
134500 msgctxt "#30096"
135501 msgid "False"
136502 msgstr "Netačno"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
138545 msgctxt "#30105"
139546 msgid "Other"
140547 msgstr "Ostalo"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
142606 msgctxt "#30117"
143607 msgid "Disabled"
144608 msgstr "Onemogućeno"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
146815 msgctxt "#30410"
147816 msgid "Automatic"
148817 msgstr "Automatski"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
150859 msgctxt "#30430"
151860 msgid "Disabled"
152861 msgstr "Onemogućeno"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Koristi samo trenutnu putanju snimanja DVB kutija"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Fascikla za snimanje na prijemniku"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
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11 "Language-Team: Swedish (Sweden) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
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17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
1823 msgctxt "#30000"
1924 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2025 msgstr "Enigma2 värdnamn eller IP-adress"
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
2228 msgctxt "#30002"
2329 msgid "Streaming port"
2430 msgstr "Strömningsport"
32 #. label: Connection - user
2633 msgctxt "#30003"
2734 msgid "Username"
2835 msgstr "Användarnamn"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
3038 msgctxt "#30004"
3139 msgid "Password"
3240 msgstr "Lösenord"
42 #. label-category: connection
3443 msgctxt "#30005"
3544 msgid "Connection"
3645 msgstr "Anslutning"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3848 msgctxt "#30006"
3949 msgid "Icons"
4050 msgstr "Ikoner"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
4258 msgctxt "#30008"
4359 msgid "Icon path"
4460 msgstr "Ikonsökväg"
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4663 msgctxt "#30009"
4764 msgid "Update Interval"
4865 msgstr "Uppdateringsintervall"
67 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5068 msgctxt "#30011"
5169 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5270 msgstr "Automatisk upprensning av timerlista"
72 #. label: Connection - webport
5473 msgctxt "#30012"
5574 msgid "Web interface port"
5675 msgstr "Port för webbgränssnitt"
77 #. label: Channels - zap
5878 msgctxt "#30013"
5979 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6080 msgstr "Zappa innan kanalbyte (t.ex. för enskilda mottagarboxar)"
82 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
83 msgctxt "#30014"
84 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
85 msgstr ""
87 #. label: General - updateint
6288 msgctxt "#30015"
6389 msgid "Update interval"
6490 msgstr "Uppdateringsintervall"
92 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
93 msgctxt "#30016"
94 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
95 msgstr ""
97 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6698 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "Använd endast DVB-boxens nuvarande inspelningssökväg"
99 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
100 msgstr ""
102 #. label-category: general
103 #. label-group: Channels
70104 msgctxt "#30018"
71105 msgid "General"
72106 msgstr "Allmänt"
108 #. label-category: channels
74109 msgctxt "#30019"
75110 msgid "Channels"
76111 msgstr "Kanaler"
113 #. label-category: advanced
114 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78115 msgctxt "#30020"
79116 msgid "Advanced"
80117 msgstr "Avancerad"
119 # empty string with id 30021
120 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
121 msgctxt "#30022"
122 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
123 msgstr ""
125 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82126 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "Inspelningsmapp på mottagaren"
127 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
128 msgstr ""
130 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86131 msgctxt "#30024"
87132 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88133 msgstr "Sänd energisparläge vid avslutande av tillägget"
135 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90136 msgctxt "#30025"
91137 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92138 msgstr "TV-bukett hämtningsläge"
140 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
141 msgctxt "#30026"
142 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
143 msgstr ""
145 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94146 msgctxt "#30027"
95147 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96148 msgstr "Hämta 'picons' från webbgränssnittet"
150 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98151 msgctxt "#30028"
99152 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100153 msgstr "Använd säker HTTP (https)"
155 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102156 msgctxt "#30029"
103157 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104158 msgstr "Aktivera automatisk konfiguration för direktsända strömmar"
160 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106161 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "Behåll mappstruktur för inspelningar"
162 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
163 msgstr ""
165 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110166 msgctxt "#30031"
111167 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112168 msgstr "Säsonger och Avsnitt"
170 #. label-category: epg
114171 msgctxt "#30032"
115172 msgid "EPG"
116173 msgstr "EPG"
175 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118176 msgctxt "#30033"
119177 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120178 msgstr "Extrahera säsonger, avsnitt och årinformation där det är möjligt"
180 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122181 msgctxt "#30034"
123182 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124183 msgstr "Aktivera automatisk timer"
185 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126186 msgctxt "#30035"
127187 msgid "Use file format"
128188 msgstr "Använd filformat"
190 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130191 msgctxt "#30036"
131192 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132193 msgstr "Aktivera generera repetitionstimer"
195 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134196 msgctxt "#30037"
135197 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136198 msgstr "Logg saknar genre textmappningar"
200 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138201 msgctxt "#30038"
139202 msgid "Web Interface"
140203 msgstr "Webbgränssnitt"
205 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142206 msgctxt "#30039"
143207 msgid "Streaming"
144208 msgstr "Strömning"
210 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146211 msgctxt "#30040"
147212 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148213 msgstr "Sätt översikt (t.ex. underrubrik) före handling"
215 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150216 msgctxt "#30041"
151217 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152218 msgstr "Segmentstorlek på strömläsningar"
220 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154221 msgctxt "#30042"
155222 msgid "Never"
156223 msgstr "Aldrig"
225 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158226 msgctxt "#30043"
159227 msgid "In EPG only"
160228 msgstr "Endast i EPGn"
230 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162231 msgctxt "#30044"
163232 msgid "In recordings only"
164233 msgstr "Endast i inspelningar"
235 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166236 msgctxt "#30045"
167237 msgid "Always"
168238 msgstr "Alltid"
240 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170241 msgctxt "#30046"
171242 msgid "Extract show info file"
172243 msgstr "Extrahera show-infofil"
245 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174246 msgctxt "#30047"
175247 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176248 msgstr "Rytec genre textmappning"
250 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178251 msgctxt "#30048"
179252 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180253 msgstr "Aktivera Rytec genre textmappningar"
255 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182256 msgctxt "#30049"
183257 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184258 msgstr "Rytec genre textmappningsfil"
260 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186261 msgctxt "#30050"
187262 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188263 msgstr "Anpassad Live-TV-timeout (0 för att använda standard)"
265 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190266 msgctxt "#30051"
191267 msgid "Login"
192268 msgstr "Logga in"
270 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194271 msgctxt "#30052"
195272 msgid "Misc"
196273 msgstr "Övrigt"
275 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198276 msgctxt "#30053"
199277 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200278 msgstr "Genre ID-mappningar"
280 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202281 msgctxt "#30054"
203282 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204283 msgstr "Aktivera genre ID-mappningar"
285 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206286 msgctxt "#30055"
207287 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208288 msgstr "Genre ID-mappningsfil"
290 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210291 msgctxt "#30056"
211292 msgid "TV"
212293 msgstr "TV"
295 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214296 msgctxt "#30057"
215297 msgid "Radio"
216298 msgstr "Radio"
300 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218301 msgctxt "#30058"
219302 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220303 msgstr "Radio bukett hämtningsläge"
305 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
306 msgctxt "#30059"
307 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
308 msgstr ""
310 #. label-category: timeshift
311 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222312 msgctxt "#30060"
223313 msgid "Timeshift"
224314 msgstr "Tidsskifte"
316 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226317 msgctxt "#30061"
227318 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228319 msgstr "Aktivera tidsskifte"
321 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230322 msgctxt "#30062"
231323 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232 msgstr "Buffertsökväg för Timeshift "
324 msgstr "Buffertsökväg för Timeshift"
326 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234327 msgctxt "#30063"
235328 msgid "Off"
236329 msgstr "Av"
331 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238332 msgctxt "#30064"
239333 msgid "On playback"
240334 msgstr "Vid uppspelning"
336 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242337 msgctxt "#30065"
243338 msgid "On pause"
244339 msgstr "Vid paus"
341 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246342 msgctxt "#30066"
247343 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248344 msgstr "Använd säker HTTP (https) för strömmar"
346 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250347 msgctxt "#30067"
251348 msgid "Use login for streams"
252349 msgstr "Använd inloggning för strömmar"
351 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254352 msgctxt "#30068"
255353 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256354 msgstr "Hämta TV-favoriter bukett"
356 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258357 msgctxt "#30069"
259358 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260359 msgstr "Hämta radio-favoriter bukett"
361 #. label-category: recordings
262362 msgctxt "#30070"
263363 msgid "Recordings"
264364 msgstr "Inspelningar"
366 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266367 msgctxt "#30071"
267368 msgid "Recordings"
268369 msgstr "Inspelningar"
371 #. label-category: timers
372 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270373 msgctxt "#30072"
271374 msgid "Timers"
272375 msgstr "Timers"
377 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274378 msgctxt "#30073"
275379 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276380 msgstr "Antalet av repetitionstimers att generera"
382 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
383 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278384 msgctxt "#30074"
279385 msgid "All bouquets"
280386 msgstr "Alla buketter"
388 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
389 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
390 msgctxt "#30075"
391 msgid "Some bouquets"
392 msgstr ""
394 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
395 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282396 msgctxt "#30076"
283397 msgid "As first bouquet"
284398 msgstr "Som första bukett"
400 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
401 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286402 msgctxt "#30077"
287403 msgid "As last bouquet"
288404 msgstr "Som sista bukett"
406 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
407 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
408 msgctxt "#30078"
409 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
410 msgstr ""
412 #. application: ChannelGroups
290413 msgctxt "#30079"
291414 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292415 msgstr "Favoriter (TV)"
417 #. application: ChannelGroups
294418 msgctxt "#30080"
295419 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296420 msgstr "Favoriter (Radio)"
422 #. application: Client
423 #. application: Admin
298424 msgctxt "#30081"
299425 msgid "unknown"
300426 msgstr "okänd"
428 #. application: Client
302429 msgctxt "#30082"
303430 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304431 msgstr "(Ej ansluten!)"
433 #. application: Client
306434 msgctxt "#30083"
307435 msgid "addon error"
308436 msgstr "tilläggsfel"
438 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
439 msgctxt "#30084"
440 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
441 msgstr ""
443 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
444 msgctxt "#30085"
445 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
446 msgstr ""
448 #. label-category: backend
310449 msgctxt "#30086"
311450 msgid "Backend"
312451 msgstr "Backend"
453 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314454 msgctxt "#30087"
315455 msgid "Recording Padding"
316456 msgstr "Inspelningsutfyllnad"
458 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318459 msgctxt "#30088"
319460 msgid "Global start padding"
320461 msgstr "Global startutfyllnad"
463 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322464 msgctxt "#30089"
323465 msgid "Global end padding"
324466 msgstr "Global slututfyllnad"
468 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326469 msgctxt "#30090"
327470 msgid "Device Info"
328471 msgstr "Enhetsinfo"
473 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330474 msgctxt "#30091"
331475 msgid "WebIf version"
332476 msgstr "WebIf version"
478 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334479 msgctxt "#30092"
335480 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336481 msgstr "AutoTimer tagg i timertaggar"
483 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338484 msgctxt "#30093"
339485 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340486 msgstr "AutoTimer namn i timertaggar"
488 #. application: Admin
342489 msgctxt "#30094"
343490 msgid "N/A"
344491 msgstr "N/A"
493 #. application: Admin
346494 msgctxt "#30095"
347495 msgid "True"
348496 msgstr "Sant"
498 #. application: Admin
350499 msgctxt "#30096"
351500 msgid "False"
352501 msgstr "Falskt"
503 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354504 msgctxt "#30097"
355505 msgid "Standby"
356506 msgstr "Standby"
508 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358509 msgctxt "#30098"
359510 msgid "Deep standby"
360511 msgstr "Djup standby"
513 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362514 msgctxt "#30099"
363515 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364516 msgstr "Väck, sedan standby"
518 #. label: General - updatemode
366519 msgctxt "#30100"
367520 msgid "Update mode"
368521 msgstr "Uppdateringsläge"
523 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370524 msgctxt "#30101"
371525 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372526 msgstr "Timers och inspelningar"
528 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374529 msgctxt "#30102"
375530 msgid "Timers only"
376531 msgstr "Endast timer"
533 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378534 msgctxt "#30103"
379535 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380536 msgstr "Använd OpenWebIf picon sökväg"
538 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382539 msgctxt "#30104"
383540 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384541 msgstr "Aktivera spårloggning i felsökningsläge"
543 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386544 msgctxt "#30105"
387545 msgid "Other"
388546 msgstr "Annat"
548 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
549 msgctxt "#30106"
550 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
551 msgstr ""
553 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
554 msgctxt "#30107"
555 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
556 msgstr ""
558 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
559 msgctxt "#30108"
560 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
561 msgstr ""
563 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
564 msgctxt "#30109"
565 msgid "EDL start time padding"
566 msgstr ""
568 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
569 msgctxt "#30110"
570 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
571 msgstr ""
573 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
390574 msgctxt "#30111"
391575 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
392576 msgstr "Aktivera felsökningsloggning i normalt läge"
578 #. application: ChannelGroups
394579 msgctxt "#30112"
395580 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
396581 msgstr "Senast skannad (TV)"
583 #. application: ChannelGroups
398584 msgctxt "#30113"
399585 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
400586 msgstr "Senast skannad (radio)"
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
590 msgctxt "#30114"
591 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
592 msgstr ""
594 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
595 msgctxt "#30115"
596 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
597 msgstr ""
599 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
600 msgctxt "#30116"
601 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
602 msgstr ""
604 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
402605 msgctxt "#30117"
403606 msgid "Disabled"
404607 msgstr "Avaktiverad"
609 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
610 msgctxt "#30118"
611 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
612 msgstr ""
614 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
615 msgctxt "#30119"
616 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
617 msgstr ""
619 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
620 msgctxt "#30120"
621 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
622 msgstr ""
624 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
625 msgctxt "#30121"
626 msgid "Connection check timeout"
627 msgstr ""
629 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
630 msgctxt "#30122"
631 msgid "Connection check interval"
632 msgstr ""
634 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
635 msgctxt "#30123"
636 msgid "Autotimers"
637 msgstr ""
639 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
640 msgctxt "#30124"
641 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
642 msgstr ""
644 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
645 msgctxt "#30125"
646 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
647 msgstr ""
649 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
650 msgctxt "#30126"
651 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
652 msgstr ""
654 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
655 msgctxt "#30127"
656 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
657 msgstr ""
659 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
660 msgctxt "#30128"
661 msgid "Share last played across:"
662 msgstr ""
664 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
665 msgctxt "#30129"
666 msgid "Kodi instances"
667 msgstr ""
669 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
670 msgctxt "#30130"
671 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
672 msgstr ""
674 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
675 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
676 msgctxt "#30131"
677 msgid "Custom bouquets"
678 msgstr ""
680 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
681 msgctxt "#30132"
682 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
683 msgstr ""
685 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
686 msgctxt "#30133"
687 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
688 msgstr ""
690 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
691 msgctxt "#30134"
692 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
693 msgstr ""
695 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
696 msgctxt "#30135"
697 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
698 msgstr ""
700 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
701 msgctxt "#30136"
702 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
703 msgstr ""
705 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
706 msgctxt "#30137"
707 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
708 msgstr ""
710 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
711 msgctxt "#30138"
712 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
713 msgstr ""
715 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
716 msgctxt "#30139"
717 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
718 msgstr ""
720 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
721 msgctxt "#30140"
722 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
723 msgstr ""
725 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
726 msgctxt "#30141"
727 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
728 msgstr ""
730 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
731 msgctxt "#30142"
732 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
733 msgstr ""
735 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
736 msgctxt "#30143"
737 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
738 msgstr ""
740 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
741 msgctxt "#30144"
742 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
743 msgstr ""
745 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
746 msgctxt "#30145"
747 msgid "Power Settings"
748 msgstr ""
750 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
751 msgctxt "#30146"
752 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
753 msgstr ""
755 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
756 msgctxt "#30147"
757 msgid "IPTV"
758 msgstr ""
760 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
761 msgctxt "#30148"
762 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
763 msgstr ""
765 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
766 msgctxt "#30149"
767 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
768 msgstr ""
770 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
771 msgctxt "#30150"
772 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
773 msgstr ""
775 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
776 msgctxt "#30151"
777 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
778 msgstr ""
780 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
781 msgctxt "#30152"
782 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
783 msgstr ""
785 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
786 msgctxt "#30153"
787 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
788 msgstr ""
790 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
791 msgctxt "#30154"
792 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
793 msgstr ""
795 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
796 msgctxt "#30155"
797 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
798 msgstr ""
800 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
801 msgctxt "#30157"
802 msgid "Recording Paths"
803 msgstr ""
805 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
806 msgctxt "#30158"
807 msgid "Recording Locations"
808 msgstr ""
810 #. ##############
811 #. application #
812 #. ##############
813 #. application: Timers
406814 msgctxt "#30410"
407815 msgid "Automatic"
408816 msgstr "Automatisk"
818 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
819 #. application: Timers
820 msgctxt "#30420"
821 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
822 msgstr ""
824 #. application: Timers
825 msgctxt "#30421"
826 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
827 msgstr ""
829 #. application: Timers
830 msgctxt "#30422"
831 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
832 msgstr ""
834 #. application: Timers
835 msgctxt "#30423"
836 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
837 msgstr ""
839 #. application: Timers
840 msgctxt "#30424"
841 msgid "One time guide-based"
842 msgstr ""
844 #. application: Timers
845 msgctxt "#30425"
846 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
847 msgstr ""
849 #. application: Timers
850 msgctxt "#30426"
851 msgid "Auto guide-based"
852 msgstr ""
854 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
857 #. application: Timers
410858 msgctxt "#30430"
411859 msgid "Disabled"
412860 msgstr "Avaktiverad"
862 #. application: Timers
414863 msgctxt "#30431"
415864 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
416865 msgstr "Spela in om EPG-titeln skiljer sig åt"
867 #. application: Timers
418868 msgctxt "#30432"
419869 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
420870 msgstr "Spela in om EPG-titeln och den korta beskrivningen skiljer sig åt"
872 #. application: Timers
422873 msgctxt "#30433"
423874 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
424875 msgstr "Spela in om EPG-titeln och alla beskrivningar skiljer sig åt"
877 #. ################
878 #. notifications #
879 #. ################
880 #. notification: Client
426881 msgctxt "#30514"
427882 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
428883 msgstr "Sökvägen för Tidsskifte-buffert existerar inte"
885 #. notification: Enigma2
430886 msgctxt "#30515"
431887 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
432888 msgstr "Enigma2: Kunde inte nå webbgränssnitt"
890 #. notification: Enigma2
434891 msgctxt "#30516"
435892 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
436893 msgstr "Enigma2: Inga kanalgrupper funna"
895 #. notification: Enigma2
438896 msgctxt "#30517"
439897 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
440898 msgstr "Enigma2: Inga kanaler funna"
900 #. notification: Enigma2
901 msgctxt "#30518"
902 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
903 msgstr ""
905 #. notification: Enigma2
906 msgctxt "#30519"
907 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
908 msgstr ""
910 #. application: AutoTimer
911 #. application: Timer
912 msgctxt "#30520"
913 msgid "Invalid Channel"
914 msgstr ""
916 #. notification: Enigma2
917 msgctxt "#30521"
918 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
919 msgstr ""
921 #. notification: Enigma2
922 msgctxt "#30522"
923 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
924 msgstr ""
926 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
927 #. ############
928 #. help info #
929 #. ############
930 #. help info - Connection
931 #. help-category: connection
932 msgctxt "#30600"
933 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
934 msgstr ""
936 #. help: Connection - host
937 msgctxt "#30601"
938 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
939 msgstr ""
941 #. help: Connection - webport
942 msgctxt "#30602"
943 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
944 msgstr ""
946 #. help: Connection - use_secure
947 msgctxt "#30603"
948 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
949 msgstr ""
951 #. help: Connection - user
952 msgctxt "#30604"
953 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
954 msgstr ""
956 #. help: Connection - pass
957 msgctxt "#30605"
958 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
959 msgstr ""
961 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
962 msgctxt "#30606"
963 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
964 msgstr ""
966 #. help: Connection - streamport
967 msgctxt "#30607"
968 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
969 msgstr ""
971 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
972 msgctxt "#30608"
973 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
974 msgstr ""
976 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
977 msgctxt "#30609"
978 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
979 msgstr ""
981 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
982 msgctxt "#30610"
983 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
984 msgstr ""
986 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
987 msgctxt "#30611"
988 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
989 msgstr ""
991 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
992 #. help info - General
993 #. help-category: general
994 msgctxt "#30620"
995 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
996 msgstr ""
998 #. help: General - onlinepicons
999 msgctxt "#30621"
1000 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1001 msgstr ""
1003 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1004 msgctxt "#30622"
1005 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1006 msgstr ""
1008 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1009 msgctxt "#30623"
1010 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1011 msgstr ""
1013 #. help: General - iconpath
1014 msgctxt "#30624"
1015 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1016 msgstr ""
1018 #. help: General - updateint
1019 msgctxt "#30625"
1020 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1021 msgstr ""
1023 #. help: General - updatemode
1024 msgctxt "#30626"
1025 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1026 msgstr ""
1028 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1029 msgctxt "#30627"
1030 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1031 msgstr ""
1033 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1034 msgctxt "#30628"
1035 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1036 msgstr ""
1038 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1039 msgctxt "#30629"
1040 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1041 msgstr ""
1043 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1044 #. help info - Channels
1045 #. help-category: channels
1046 msgctxt "#30640"
1047 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1048 msgstr ""
1050 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1051 msgctxt "#30641"
1052 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1053 msgstr ""
1055 #. help: Channels - zap
1056 msgctxt "#30642"
1057 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1058 msgstr ""
1060 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1061 msgctxt "#30643"
1062 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1063 msgstr ""
1065 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1070 msgctxt "#30644"
1071 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1072 msgstr ""
1074 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1075 msgctxt "#30645"
1076 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1077 msgstr ""
1079 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1080 msgctxt "#30646"
1081 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1082 msgstr ""
1084 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1085 msgctxt "#30647"
1086 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1087 msgstr ""
1089 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1094 msgctxt "#30648"
1095 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1096 msgstr ""
1098 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1099 msgctxt "#30649"
1100 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1101 msgstr ""
1103 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1104 msgctxt "#30650"
1105 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1106 msgstr ""
1108 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1109 msgctxt "#30651"
1110 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1111 msgstr ""
1113 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1114 msgctxt "#30652"
1115 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1116 msgstr ""
1118 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1119 msgctxt "#30653"
1120 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1121 msgstr ""
1123 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1124 msgctxt "#30654"
1125 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1126 msgstr ""
1128 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1129 msgctxt "#30655"
1130 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1131 msgstr ""
1133 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1134 msgctxt "#30656"
1135 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1136 msgstr ""
1138 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1139 #. help info - EPG
1140 #. help-category: epg
1141 msgctxt "#30660"
1142 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1143 msgstr ""
1145 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1146 msgctxt "#30661"
1147 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1148 msgstr ""
1150 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1151 msgctxt "#30662"
1152 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1153 msgstr ""
1155 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1156 msgctxt "#30663"
1157 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1158 msgstr ""
1160 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1161 msgctxt "#30664"
1162 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1163 msgstr ""
1165 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1166 msgctxt "#30665"
1167 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1168 msgstr ""
1170 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1171 msgctxt "#30666"
1172 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1173 msgstr ""
1175 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1176 msgctxt "#30667"
1177 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1178 msgstr ""
1180 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1181 msgctxt "#30668"
1182 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1183 msgstr ""
1185 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1186 msgctxt "#30669"
1187 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1188 msgstr ""
1190 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1191 #. help info - Recordings
1192 #. help-category: recordings
1193 msgctxt "#30680"
1194 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1195 msgstr ""
1197 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1198 msgctxt "#30681"
1199 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1200 msgstr ""
1202 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1203 msgctxt "#30682"
1204 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1205 msgstr ""
1207 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1208 msgctxt "#30683"
1209 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1210 msgstr ""
1212 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1213 msgctxt "#30684"
1214 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1215 msgstr ""
1217 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1218 msgctxt "#30685"
1219 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1220 msgstr ""
1222 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1223 msgctxt "#30686"
1224 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1225 msgstr ""
1227 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1228 msgctxt "#30687"
1229 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1230 msgstr ""
1232 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1233 msgctxt "#30688"
1234 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1235 msgstr ""
1237 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1238 msgctxt "#30689"
1239 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1240 msgstr ""
1242 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1243 msgctxt "#30690"
1244 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1245 msgstr ""
1247 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1248 msgctxt "#30691"
1249 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1250 msgstr ""
1252 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1253 #. help info - Timers
1254 #. help-category: timers
1255 msgctxt "#30700"
1256 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1257 msgstr ""
1259 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1260 msgctxt "#30701"
1261 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1262 msgstr ""
1264 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1265 msgctxt "#30702"
1266 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1267 msgstr ""
1269 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1270 msgctxt "#30703"
1271 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1272 msgstr ""
1274 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1275 msgctxt "#30704"
1276 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1277 msgstr ""
1279 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1280 msgctxt "#30705"
1281 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1282 msgstr ""
1284 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1285 msgctxt "#30706"
1286 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1287 msgstr ""
1289 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1290 #. help info - Timeshift
1291 #. help-category: timeshift
1292 msgctxt "#30720"
1293 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1294 msgstr ""
1296 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1297 msgctxt "#30721"
1298 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1299 msgstr ""
1301 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1302 msgctxt "#30722"
1303 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1304 msgstr ""
1306 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1307 msgctxt "#30723"
1308 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1309 msgstr ""
1311 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1312 msgctxt "#30724"
1313 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1314 msgstr ""
1316 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1317 msgctxt "#30725"
1318 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1319 msgstr ""
1321 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1322 msgctxt "#30726"
1323 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1324 msgstr ""
1326 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1327 msgctxt "#30727"
1328 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1329 msgstr ""
1331 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1332 msgctxt "#30728"
1333 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1334 msgstr ""
1336 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1337 #. help info - Advanced
1338 #. help-category: advanced
1339 msgctxt "#30740"
1340 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1341 msgstr ""
1343 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1344 msgctxt "#30741"
1345 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1346 msgstr ""
1348 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1349 msgctxt "#30742"
1350 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1351 msgstr ""
1353 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1354 msgctxt "#30743"
1355 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1356 msgstr ""
1358 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1359 msgctxt "#30744"
1360 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1361 msgstr ""
1363 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1364 msgctxt "#30745"
1365 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1366 msgstr ""
1368 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1369 msgctxt "#30746"
1370 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1371 msgstr ""
1373 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1374 msgctxt "#30747"
1375 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1376 msgstr ""
1378 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1379 #. help info - Backend
1380 #. help-category: backend
1381 msgctxt "#30760"
1382 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1383 msgstr ""
1385 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1386 msgctxt "#30761"
1387 msgid "webifversion"
1388 msgstr ""
1390 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1391 msgctxt "#30762"
1392 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1393 msgstr ""
1395 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1396 msgctxt "#30763"
1397 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1398 msgstr ""
1400 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1401 msgctxt "#30764"
1402 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1403 msgstr ""
1405 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1406 msgctxt "#30765"
1407 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1408 msgstr ""
1410 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1411 msgctxt "#30766"
1412 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1413 msgstr ""
1415 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1416 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1417 #~ msgstr "Använd endast DVB-boxens nuvarande inspelningssökväg"
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1420 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1421 #~ msgstr "Inspelningsmapp på mottagaren"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1424 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1425 #~ msgstr "Behåll mappstruktur för inspelningar"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Silesian (\n"
12 "Language: szl\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: szl\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Miano ôd używŏcza"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Hasło"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "Skuplowanie"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "Ikōny"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "Interwał ôdnŏwianiŏ"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
3899 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Używej ino terŏźnygo folderu nagrowaniŏ dekodera"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
42105 msgctxt "#30018"
43106 msgid "General"
44107 msgstr "Głōwnŏ"
109 #. label-category: channels
46110 msgctxt "#30019"
47111 msgid "Channels"
48112 msgstr "Kanały"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50116 msgctxt "#30020"
51117 msgid "Advanced"
52118 msgstr "Zaawansowane"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54127 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Folder nagrowaniŏ na dekoderze"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
58172 msgctxt "#30032"
59173 msgid "EPG"
60174 msgstr "EPG"
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62222 msgctxt "#30042"
63223 msgid "Never"
64224 msgstr "nigdy"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
66227 msgctxt "#30043"
67228 msgid "In EPG only"
68229 msgstr "Ino w EPG"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70232 msgctxt "#30044"
71233 msgid "In recordings only"
72234 msgstr "Ino w nagraniach"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74237 msgctxt "#30045"
75238 msgid "Always"
76239 msgstr "dycki"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
78267 msgctxt "#30051"
79268 msgid "Login"
80269 msgstr "Wloguj"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
82272 msgctxt "#30052"
83273 msgid "Misc"
84274 msgstr "Roztōmajte"
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86292 msgctxt "#30056"
87293 msgid "TV"
88294 msgstr "Telewizyjŏ"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90297 msgctxt "#30057"
91298 msgid "Radio"
92299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94313 msgctxt "#30060"
95314 msgid "Timeshift"
96315 msgstr "Timeshift"
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98323 msgctxt "#30062"
99324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100325 msgstr "Cesta bufora timeshift"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102328 msgctxt "#30063"
103329 msgid "Off"
104330 msgstr "Zastawiōne"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
106363 msgctxt "#30070"
107364 msgid "Recordings"
108365 msgstr "Spamiyntania"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
110368 msgctxt "#30071"
111369 msgid "Recordings"
112370 msgstr "Spamiyntania"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
114374 msgctxt "#30072"
115375 msgid "Timers"
116376 msgstr "Auftragi"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
118495 msgctxt "#30095"
119496 msgid "True"
120497 msgstr "Prŏwda"
499 #. application: Admin
122500 msgctxt "#30096"
123501 msgid "False"
124502 msgstr "Fałsz"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
126545 msgctxt "#30105"
127546 msgid "Other"
128547 msgstr "Inksze"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
130606 msgctxt "#30117"
131607 msgid "Disabled"
132608 msgstr "Zastawiōne"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
134815 msgctxt "#30410"
135816 msgid "Automatic"
136817 msgstr "Autōmat"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
138859 msgctxt "#30430"
139860 msgid "Disabled"
140861 msgstr "Zastawiōne"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
1417 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1418 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1419 #~ msgstr "Używej ino terŏźnygo folderu nagrowaniŏ dekodera"
1421 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1422 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1423 #~ msgstr "Folder nagrowaniŏ na dekoderze"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Tamil (India) (\n"
12 "Language: ta_IN\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: ta_IN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "பயனர்பெயர்"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "அடையாளச் சொல்"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "சின்னங்கள்"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3089 msgctxt "#30015"
3190 msgid "Update interval"
3291 msgstr "இடைவேளையை மெருகேற்று"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
34105 msgctxt "#30018"
35106 msgid "General"
36107 msgstr "பொதுவானது"
109 #. label-category: channels
38110 msgctxt "#30019"
39111 msgid "Channels"
40112 msgstr "சேனல்கள்"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
42116 msgctxt "#30020"
43117 msgid "Advanced"
44118 msgstr "மேம்பட்ட"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46222 msgctxt "#30042"
47223 msgid "Never"
48224 msgstr "ஒருபோதும் இல்லை"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50237 msgctxt "#30045"
51238 msgid "Always"
52239 msgstr "எப்போதும்"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
54267 msgctxt "#30051"
55268 msgid "Login"
56269 msgstr "புகுபதிகை"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
58292 msgctxt "#30056"
59293 msgid "TV"
60294 msgstr "தொலைக்காட்சி"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
62297 msgctxt "#30057"
63298 msgid "Radio"
64299 msgstr "வானொலி"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
66328 msgctxt "#30063"
67329 msgid "Off"
68330 msgstr "நிறுத்து"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
70363 msgctxt "#30070"
71364 msgid "Recordings"
72365 msgstr "பதிவகள்"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
74368 msgctxt "#30071"
75369 msgid "Recordings"
76370 msgstr "பதிவகள்"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
78495 msgctxt "#30095"
79496 msgid "True"
80497 msgstr "உண்மை"
499 #. application: Admin
82500 msgctxt "#30096"
83501 msgid "False"
84502 msgstr "தவறு"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
86606 msgctxt "#30117"
87607 msgid "Disabled"
88608 msgstr "முடக்கப்பட்டன"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
90860 msgctxt "#30430"
91861 msgid "Disabled"
92862 msgstr "முடக்கப்பட்டன"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Telugu (India) (\n"
12 "Language: te_IN\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: te_IN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "వాడుకరి పేరు"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "సంకేతపదం"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
48 msgctxt "#30006"
49 msgid "Icons"
50 msgstr ""
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
26105 msgctxt "#30018"
27106 msgid "General"
28107 msgstr "సాధారణం"
109 #. label-category: channels
110 msgctxt "#30019"
111 msgid "Channels"
112 msgstr ""
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
222 msgctxt "#30042"
223 msgid "Never"
224 msgstr ""
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
237 msgctxt "#30045"
238 msgid "Always"
239 msgstr ""
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
267 msgctxt "#30051"
268 msgid "Login"
269 msgstr ""
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
292 msgctxt "#30056"
293 msgid "TV"
294 msgstr ""
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
297 msgctxt "#30057"
298 msgid "Radio"
299 msgstr ""
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
328 msgctxt "#30063"
329 msgid "Off"
330 msgstr ""
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
606 msgctxt "#30117"
607 msgid "Disabled"
608 msgstr ""
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 # empty strings from id 30427 to 30429
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
861 msgctxt "#30430"
862 msgid "Disabled"
863 msgstr ""
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Tajik (Tajikistan) (\n"
12 "Language: tg_TJ\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: tg_TJ\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Номи корбар"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Парол"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Нишонаҳо"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "Умумӣ"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "Шабакаҳо"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
38116 msgctxt "#30020"
39117 msgid "Advanced"
40118 msgstr "Иловагӣ"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42222 msgctxt "#30042"
43223 msgid "Never"
44224 msgstr "Ҳеҷ гоҳ"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
46237 msgctxt "#30045"
47238 msgid "Always"
48239 msgstr "Ҳамеша"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
50267 msgctxt "#30051"
51268 msgid "Login"
52269 msgstr "Вуруд"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
54292 msgctxt "#30056"
55293 msgid "TV"
56294 msgstr "ТВ"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
58297 msgctxt "#30057"
59298 msgid "Radio"
60299 msgstr "Радио"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
62328 msgctxt "#30063"
63329 msgid "Off"
64330 msgstr "Хомӯш"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
66363 msgctxt "#30070"
67364 msgid "Recordings"
68365 msgstr "Сабтҳо"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
70368 msgctxt "#30071"
71369 msgid "Recordings"
72370 msgstr "Сабтҳо"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
74495 msgctxt "#30095"
75496 msgid "True"
76497 msgstr "Фаъол"
499 #. application: Admin
78500 msgctxt "#30096"
79501 msgid "False"
80502 msgstr "Ғайрифаъол"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
82545 msgctxt "#30105"
83546 msgid "Other"
84547 msgstr "Ва ғайра"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
86606 msgctxt "#30117"
87607 msgid "Disabled"
88608 msgstr "Ғайрифаъол"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
90860 msgctxt "#30430"
91861 msgid "Disabled"
92862 msgstr "Ғайрифаъол"
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (\n"
12 "Language: th_TH\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: th_TH\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "รหัสผ่าน"
42 #. label-category: connection
2643 msgctxt "#30005"
2744 msgid "Connection"
2845 msgstr "การเชื่อมต่อ"
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
3048 msgctxt "#30006"
3149 msgid "Icons"
3250 msgstr "ไอคอน"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
3489 msgctxt "#30015"
3590 msgid "Update interval"
3691 msgstr "ช่วงเวลาการปรับปรุง"
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
38105 msgctxt "#30018"
39106 msgid "General"
40107 msgstr "ทั่วไป"
109 #. label-category: channels
42110 msgctxt "#30019"
43111 msgid "Channels"
44112 msgstr "ช่องสัญญาณ"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
46116 msgctxt "#30020"
47117 msgid "Advanced"
48118 msgstr "ขั้นสูง"
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
50222 msgctxt "#30042"
51223 msgid "Never"
52224 msgstr "ไม่เลย"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
54227 msgctxt "#30043"
55228 msgid "In EPG only"
56229 msgstr "ใน EPG เท่านั้น"
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58232 msgctxt "#30044"
59233 msgid "In recordings only"
60234 msgstr "ในการบันทึกเท่านั้น"
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
62237 msgctxt "#30045"
63238 msgid "Always"
64239 msgstr "เสมอ"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
66267 msgctxt "#30051"
67268 msgid "Login"
68269 msgstr "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
70292 msgctxt "#30056"
71293 msgid "TV"
72294 msgstr "ทีวี"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
74297 msgctxt "#30057"
75298 msgid "Radio"
76299 msgstr "วิทยุ"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
78323 msgctxt "#30062"
79324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
80325 msgstr "เส้นทางบัฟเฟอร์ของ Timeshift"
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
82328 msgctxt "#30063"
83329 msgid "Off"
84330 msgstr "ปิด"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
86363 msgctxt "#30070"
87364 msgid "Recordings"
88365 msgstr "กำลังบันทึก"
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
90368 msgctxt "#30071"
91369 msgid "Recordings"
92370 msgstr "กำลังบันทึก"
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
94374 msgctxt "#30072"
95375 msgid "Timers"
96376 msgstr "ตั้งเวลา"
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
98495 msgctxt "#30095"
99496 msgid "True"
100497 msgstr "จริง"
499 #. application: Admin
102500 msgctxt "#30096"
103501 msgid "False"
104502 msgstr "ไม่จริง"
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
106545 msgctxt "#30105"
107546 msgid "Other"
108547 msgstr "อื่นๆ"
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
110606 msgctxt "#30117"
111607 msgid "Disabled"
112608 msgstr "ปิดการใช้งาน"
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 #. ##############
812 #. application #
813 #. ##############
814 #. application: Timers
114815 msgctxt "#30410"
115816 msgid "Automatic"
116817 msgstr "อัตโนมัติ"
819 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
820 #. application: Timers
821 msgctxt "#30420"
822 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
823 msgstr ""
825 #. application: Timers
826 msgctxt "#30421"
827 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
828 msgstr ""
830 #. application: Timers
831 msgctxt "#30422"
832 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
833 msgstr ""
835 #. application: Timers
836 msgctxt "#30423"
837 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
838 msgstr ""
840 #. application: Timers
841 msgctxt "#30424"
842 msgid "One time guide-based"
843 msgstr ""
845 #. application: Timers
846 msgctxt "#30425"
847 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
848 msgstr ""
850 #. application: Timers
851 msgctxt "#30426"
852 msgid "Auto guide-based"
853 msgstr ""
855 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
856 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
858 #. application: Timers
118859 msgctxt "#30430"
119860 msgid "Disabled"
120861 msgstr "ปิดการใช้งาน"
863 #. application: Timers
864 msgctxt "#30431"
865 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
866 msgstr ""
868 #. application: Timers
869 msgctxt "#30432"
870 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
871 msgstr ""
873 #. application: Timers
874 msgctxt "#30433"
875 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
876 msgstr ""
878 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
879 #. ################
880 #. notifications #
881 #. ################
882 #. notification: Client
883 msgctxt "#30514"
884 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
885 msgstr ""
887 #. notification: Enigma2
888 msgctxt "#30515"
889 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
890 msgstr ""
892 #. notification: Enigma2
893 msgctxt "#30516"
894 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
895 msgstr ""
897 #. notification: Enigma2
898 msgctxt "#30517"
899 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
900 msgstr ""
902 #. notification: Enigma2
903 msgctxt "#30518"
904 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
905 msgstr ""
907 #. notification: Enigma2
908 msgctxt "#30519"
909 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
910 msgstr ""
912 #. application: AutoTimer
913 #. application: Timer
914 msgctxt "#30520"
915 msgid "Invalid Channel"
916 msgstr ""
918 #. notification: Enigma2
919 msgctxt "#30521"
920 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
921 msgstr ""
923 #. notification: Enigma2
924 msgctxt "#30522"
925 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
926 msgstr ""
928 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
929 #. ############
930 #. help info #
931 #. ############
932 #. help info - Connection
933 #. help-category: connection
934 msgctxt "#30600"
935 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
936 msgstr ""
938 #. help: Connection - host
939 msgctxt "#30601"
940 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
941 msgstr ""
943 #. help: Connection - webport
944 msgctxt "#30602"
945 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
946 msgstr ""
948 #. help: Connection - use_secure
949 msgctxt "#30603"
950 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
951 msgstr ""
953 #. help: Connection - user
954 msgctxt "#30604"
955 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
956 msgstr ""
958 #. help: Connection - pass
959 msgctxt "#30605"
960 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
961 msgstr ""
963 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
964 msgctxt "#30606"
965 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
966 msgstr ""
968 #. help: Connection - streamport
969 msgctxt "#30607"
970 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
971 msgstr ""
973 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
974 msgctxt "#30608"
975 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
976 msgstr ""
978 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
979 msgctxt "#30609"
980 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
981 msgstr ""
983 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
984 msgctxt "#30610"
985 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
986 msgstr ""
988 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
989 msgctxt "#30611"
990 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
991 msgstr ""
993 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
994 #. help info - General
995 #. help-category: general
996 msgctxt "#30620"
997 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
998 msgstr ""
1000 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1001 msgctxt "#30621"
1002 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1003 msgstr ""
1005 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1006 msgctxt "#30622"
1007 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1008 msgstr ""
1010 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1011 msgctxt "#30623"
1012 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1013 msgstr ""
1015 #. help: General - iconpath
1016 msgctxt "#30624"
1017 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1018 msgstr ""
1020 #. help: General - updateint
1021 msgctxt "#30625"
1022 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1023 msgstr ""
1025 #. help: General - updatemode
1026 msgctxt "#30626"
1027 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1028 msgstr ""
1030 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1031 msgctxt "#30627"
1032 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1033 msgstr ""
1035 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1036 msgctxt "#30628"
1037 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1038 msgstr ""
1040 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1041 msgctxt "#30629"
1042 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1043 msgstr ""
1045 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1046 #. help info - Channels
1047 #. help-category: channels
1048 msgctxt "#30640"
1049 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1050 msgstr ""
1052 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1053 msgctxt "#30641"
1054 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1055 msgstr ""
1057 #. help: Channels - zap
1058 msgctxt "#30642"
1059 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1060 msgstr ""
1062 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1063 msgctxt "#30643"
1064 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1065 msgstr ""
1067 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1072 msgctxt "#30644"
1073 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1074 msgstr ""
1076 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1077 msgctxt "#30645"
1078 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1079 msgstr ""
1081 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1082 msgctxt "#30646"
1083 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1084 msgstr ""
1086 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1087 msgctxt "#30647"
1088 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1089 msgstr ""
1091 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1096 msgctxt "#30648"
1097 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1098 msgstr ""
1100 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1101 msgctxt "#30649"
1102 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1103 msgstr ""
1105 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1106 msgctxt "#30650"
1107 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1108 msgstr ""
1110 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1111 msgctxt "#30651"
1112 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1113 msgstr ""
1115 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1116 msgctxt "#30652"
1117 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1118 msgstr ""
1120 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1121 msgctxt "#30653"
1122 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1123 msgstr ""
1125 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1126 msgctxt "#30654"
1127 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1128 msgstr ""
1130 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1131 msgctxt "#30655"
1132 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1133 msgstr ""
1135 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1136 msgctxt "#30656"
1137 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1138 msgstr ""
1140 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1141 #. help info - EPG
1142 #. help-category: epg
1143 msgctxt "#30660"
1144 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1145 msgstr ""
1147 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1148 msgctxt "#30661"
1149 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1150 msgstr ""
1152 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1153 msgctxt "#30662"
1154 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1155 msgstr ""
1157 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1158 msgctxt "#30663"
1159 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1160 msgstr ""
1162 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1163 msgctxt "#30664"
1164 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1165 msgstr ""
1167 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1168 msgctxt "#30665"
1169 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1170 msgstr ""
1172 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1173 msgctxt "#30666"
1174 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1175 msgstr ""
1177 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1178 msgctxt "#30667"
1179 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1180 msgstr ""
1182 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1183 msgctxt "#30668"
1184 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1185 msgstr ""
1187 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1188 msgctxt "#30669"
1189 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1190 msgstr ""
1192 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1193 #. help info - Recordings
1194 #. help-category: recordings
1195 msgctxt "#30680"
1196 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1197 msgstr ""
1199 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1200 msgctxt "#30681"
1201 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1202 msgstr ""
1204 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1205 msgctxt "#30682"
1206 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1207 msgstr ""
1209 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1210 msgctxt "#30683"
1211 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1212 msgstr ""
1214 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1215 msgctxt "#30684"
1216 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1217 msgstr ""
1219 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1220 msgctxt "#30685"
1221 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1222 msgstr ""
1224 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1225 msgctxt "#30686"
1226 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1227 msgstr ""
1229 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1230 msgctxt "#30687"
1231 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1232 msgstr ""
1234 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1235 msgctxt "#30688"
1236 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1237 msgstr ""
1239 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1240 msgctxt "#30689"
1241 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1242 msgstr ""
1244 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1245 msgctxt "#30690"
1246 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1247 msgstr ""
1249 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1250 msgctxt "#30691"
1251 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1252 msgstr ""
1254 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1255 #. help info - Timers
1256 #. help-category: timers
1257 msgctxt "#30700"
1258 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1259 msgstr ""
1261 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1262 msgctxt "#30701"
1263 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1264 msgstr ""
1266 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1267 msgctxt "#30702"
1268 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1269 msgstr ""
1271 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1272 msgctxt "#30703"
1273 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1274 msgstr ""
1276 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1277 msgctxt "#30704"
1278 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1279 msgstr ""
1281 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1282 msgctxt "#30705"
1283 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1284 msgstr ""
1286 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1287 msgctxt "#30706"
1288 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1289 msgstr ""
1291 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1292 #. help info - Timeshift
1293 #. help-category: timeshift
1294 msgctxt "#30720"
1295 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1296 msgstr ""
1298 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1299 msgctxt "#30721"
1300 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1301 msgstr ""
1303 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1304 msgctxt "#30722"
1305 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1306 msgstr ""
1308 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1309 msgctxt "#30723"
1310 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1311 msgstr ""
1313 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1314 msgctxt "#30724"
1315 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1316 msgstr ""
1318 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1319 msgctxt "#30725"
1320 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1321 msgstr ""
1323 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1324 msgctxt "#30726"
1325 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1326 msgstr ""
1328 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1329 msgctxt "#30727"
1330 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1331 msgstr ""
1333 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1334 msgctxt "#30728"
1335 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1336 msgstr ""
1338 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1339 #. help info - Advanced
1340 #. help-category: advanced
1341 msgctxt "#30740"
1342 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1343 msgstr ""
1345 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1346 msgctxt "#30741"
1347 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1348 msgstr ""
1350 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1351 msgctxt "#30742"
1352 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1353 msgstr ""
1355 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1356 msgctxt "#30743"
1357 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1358 msgstr ""
1360 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1361 msgctxt "#30744"
1362 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1363 msgstr ""
1365 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1366 msgctxt "#30745"
1367 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1368 msgstr ""
1370 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1371 msgctxt "#30746"
1372 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1373 msgstr ""
1375 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1376 msgctxt "#30747"
1377 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1378 msgstr ""
1380 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1381 #. help info - Backend
1382 #. help-category: backend
1383 msgctxt "#30760"
1384 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1385 msgstr ""
1387 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1388 msgctxt "#30761"
1389 msgid "webifversion"
1390 msgstr ""
1392 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1393 msgctxt "#30762"
1394 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1395 msgstr ""
1397 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1398 msgctxt "#30763"
1399 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1400 msgstr ""
1402 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1403 msgctxt "#30764"
1404 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1405 msgstr ""
1407 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1408 msgctxt "#30765"
1409 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1410 msgstr ""
1412 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1413 msgctxt "#30766"
1414 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1415 msgstr ""
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Turkish (Turkey) (\n"
12 "Language: tr_TR\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: tr_TR\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 ana bilgisayar adı veya IP adresi"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "Akış portu"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "Kullanıcı adı"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "Parola"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "Bağlantı"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "Simgeler"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
4252 msgctxt "#30007"
4353 msgid "Program Streams"
4454 msgstr "Program Akışları"
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4657 msgctxt "#30008"
4758 msgid "Icon path"
4859 msgstr "Simge yolu"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
5062 msgctxt "#30009"
5163 msgid "Update Interval"
5264 msgstr "Güncelleme Aralığı"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5467 msgctxt "#30011"
5568 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5669 msgstr "Otomatik zamanlayıcı listesi temizle"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5872 msgctxt "#30012"
5973 msgid "Web interface port"
6074 msgstr "Web arayüzü portu"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
77 msgctxt "#30013"
78 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
79 msgstr ""
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
6282 msgctxt "#30014"
6383 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
6484 msgstr "Canlı kanal veya kayıtlı akışlar için program kimliğini ayarla"
86 #. label: General - updateint
6687 msgctxt "#30015"
6788 msgid "Update interval"
6889 msgstr "Güncelleme aralığı"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
7097 msgctxt "#30017"
71 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
72 msgstr "Sadece DVB kutularının geçerli kayıt yolunu kullan"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
74103 msgctxt "#30018"
75104 msgid "General"
76105 msgstr "Genel"
107 #. label-category: channels
78108 msgctxt "#30019"
79109 msgid "Channels"
80110 msgstr "Kanallar"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
82114 msgctxt "#30020"
83115 msgid "Advanced"
84116 msgstr "Gelişmiş"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
86125 msgctxt "#30023"
87 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
88 msgstr "Alıcıdaki kayıt klasörü"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
90130 msgctxt "#30024"
91131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
92132 msgstr "Eklenti çıkışında güç durumu kipini gönder"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
135 msgctxt "#30025"
136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
137 msgstr ""
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
145 msgctxt "#30027"
146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
147 msgstr ""
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
150 msgctxt "#30028"
151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
152 msgstr ""
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
155 msgctxt "#30029"
156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
157 msgstr ""
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
160 msgctxt "#30030"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
165 msgctxt "#30031"
166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
167 msgstr ""
169 #. label-category: epg
94170 msgctxt "#30032"
95171 msgid "EPG"
96172 msgstr "EPG"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
98175 msgctxt "#30033"
99176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
100177 msgstr "Sezon, bölüm ve yıl bilgilerini mümkün olduğunca çıkar"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
180 msgctxt "#30034"
181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
182 msgstr ""
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
185 msgctxt "#30035"
186 msgid "Use file format"
187 msgstr ""
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
102190 msgctxt "#30036"
103191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
104192 msgstr "Tekrar zamanlayıcıları oluşturmayı etkinleştir"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
195 msgctxt "#30037"
196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
197 msgstr ""
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
106200 msgctxt "#30038"
107201 msgid "Web Interface"
108202 msgstr "Web Arayüzü"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
110205 msgctxt "#30039"
111206 msgid "Streaming"
112207 msgstr "Akış"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
210 msgctxt "#30040"
211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
212 msgstr ""
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
114215 msgctxt "#30041"
115216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
116217 msgstr "Akış okuma yığın boyutu"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
118220 msgctxt "#30042"
119221 msgid "Never"
120222 msgstr "Asla"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
122225 msgctxt "#30043"
123226 msgid "In EPG only"
124227 msgstr "Sadece EPG içinde"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
126230 msgctxt "#30044"
127231 msgid "In recordings only"
128232 msgstr "Sadece kayıtlarda"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
130235 msgctxt "#30045"
131236 msgid "Always"
132237 msgstr "Her zaman"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
240 msgctxt "#30046"
241 msgid "Extract show info file"
242 msgstr ""
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
245 msgctxt "#30047"
246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
247 msgstr ""
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
250 msgctxt "#30048"
251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
252 msgstr ""
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
255 msgctxt "#30049"
256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
257 msgstr ""
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
260 msgctxt "#30050"
261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
262 msgstr ""
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
134265 msgctxt "#30051"
135266 msgid "Login"
136267 msgstr "Oturum Aç"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
138270 msgctxt "#30052"
139271 msgid "Misc"
140272 msgstr "Çeşitli"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
275 msgctxt "#30053"
276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
277 msgstr ""
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
280 msgctxt "#30054"
281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
282 msgstr ""
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
285 msgctxt "#30055"
286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
287 msgstr ""
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
142290 msgctxt "#30056"
143291 msgid "TV"
144292 msgstr "TV"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
146295 msgctxt "#30057"
147296 msgid "Radio"
148297 msgstr "Radyo"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
300 msgctxt "#30058"
301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
302 msgstr ""
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
150311 msgctxt "#30060"
151312 msgid "Timeshift"
152313 msgstr "Zaman Kaydırma"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
316 msgctxt "#30061"
317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
318 msgstr ""
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
154321 msgctxt "#30062"
155322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
156323 msgstr "Zaman kaydırma arabellek yolu"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
158326 msgctxt "#30063"
159327 msgid "Off"
160328 msgstr "Kapalı"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
162331 msgctxt "#30064"
163332 msgid "On playback"
164333 msgstr "Oynatma sırasında"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
166336 msgctxt "#30065"
167337 msgid "On pause"
168338 msgstr "Duraklama sırasında"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
341 msgctxt "#30066"
342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
343 msgstr ""
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
346 msgctxt "#30067"
347 msgid "Use login for streams"
348 msgstr ""
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
351 msgctxt "#30068"
352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
353 msgstr ""
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
356 msgctxt "#30069"
357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
358 msgstr ""
360 #. label-category: recordings
170361 msgctxt "#30070"
171362 msgid "Recordings"
172363 msgstr "Kayıtlar"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
174366 msgctxt "#30071"
175367 msgid "Recordings"
176368 msgstr "Kayıtlar"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
178372 msgctxt "#30072"
179373 msgid "Timers"
180374 msgstr "Zamanlayıcılar"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
377 msgctxt "#30073"
378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
379 msgstr ""
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
383 msgctxt "#30074"
384 msgid "All bouquets"
385 msgstr ""
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
395 msgctxt "#30076"
396 msgid "As first bouquet"
397 msgstr ""
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
401 msgctxt "#30077"
402 msgid "As last bouquet"
403 msgstr ""
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
412 msgctxt "#30079"
413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
414 msgstr ""
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
417 msgctxt "#30080"
418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
419 msgstr ""
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
182423 msgctxt "#30081"
183424 msgid "unknown"
184425 msgstr "bilinmeyen"
427 #. application: Client
186428 msgctxt "#30082"
187429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
188430 msgstr " (Bağlı değil!)"
432 #. application: Client
190433 msgctxt "#30083"
191434 msgid "addon error"
192435 msgstr "eklenti hatası"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
448 msgctxt "#30086"
449 msgid "Backend"
450 msgstr ""
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
453 msgctxt "#30087"
454 msgid "Recording Padding"
455 msgstr ""
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
458 msgctxt "#30088"
459 msgid "Global start padding"
460 msgstr ""
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
463 msgctxt "#30089"
464 msgid "Global end padding"
465 msgstr ""
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
194468 msgctxt "#30090"
195469 msgid "Device Info"
196470 msgstr "Aygıt Bilgisi"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
198473 msgctxt "#30091"
199474 msgid "WebIf version"
200475 msgstr "WebIf sürümü"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
478 msgctxt "#30092"
479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
480 msgstr ""
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
483 msgctxt "#30093"
484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
485 msgstr ""
487 #. application: Admin
202488 msgctxt "#30094"
203489 msgid "N/A"
204490 msgstr "Yok"
492 #. application: Admin
206493 msgctxt "#30095"
207494 msgid "True"
208495 msgstr "Doğru"
497 #. application: Admin
210498 msgctxt "#30096"
211499 msgid "False"
212500 msgstr "Yanlış"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
503 msgctxt "#30097"
504 msgid "Standby"
505 msgstr ""
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
508 msgctxt "#30098"
509 msgid "Deep standby"
510 msgstr ""
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
214513 msgctxt "#30099"
215514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
216515 msgstr "Uyandır, ardından bekle"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
518 msgctxt "#30100"
519 msgid "Update mode"
520 msgstr ""
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
523 msgctxt "#30101"
524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
525 msgstr ""
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
528 msgctxt "#30102"
529 msgid "Timers only"
530 msgstr ""
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
533 msgctxt "#30103"
534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
535 msgstr ""
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
538 msgctxt "#30104"
539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
540 msgstr ""
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
218543 msgctxt "#30105"
219544 msgid "Other"
220545 msgstr "Diğer"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
548 msgctxt "#30106"
549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
550 msgstr ""
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
222604 msgctxt "#30117"
223605 msgid "Disabled"
224606 msgstr "Devre dışı"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
226813 msgctxt "#30410"
227814 msgid "Automatic"
228815 msgstr "Otomatik"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
230857 msgctxt "#30430"
231858 msgid "Disabled"
232859 msgstr "Devre dışı"
861 #. application: Timers
234862 msgctxt "#30431"
235863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
236864 msgstr "EPG başlığı farklıysa kaydet"
866 #. application: Timers
867 msgctxt "#30432"
868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
869 msgstr ""
871 #. application: Timers
238872 msgctxt "#30433"
239873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
240874 msgstr "EPG başlığı ve tüm açıklamalar farklıysa kaydet"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
242880 msgctxt "#30514"
243881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
244882 msgstr "Timeshift arabellek yolu mevcut değil"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
885 msgctxt "#30515"
886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30516"
891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30517"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
246911 msgctxt "#30520"
247912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
248913 msgstr "Geçersiz Kanal"
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "Sadece DVB kutularının geçerli kayıt yolunu kullan"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "Alıcıdaki kayıt klasörü"
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Ukrainian (Ukraine) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
12 "Language: uk_ua\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: uk_UA\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
16 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
2036 msgstr "Ім'я користувача"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "Пароль"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
2846 msgstr "Зв’язок"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
3251 msgstr "Піктограми"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
3490 msgctxt "#30015"
3591 msgid "Update interval"
3692 msgstr "Інтервал оновлень"
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
38100 msgctxt "#30017"
39 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
40 msgstr "Використовувати тільки поточний шлях запису з DVB пристрою"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
42106 msgctxt "#30018"
43107 msgid "General"
44108 msgstr "Загальні"
110 #. label-category: channels
46111 msgctxt "#30019"
47112 msgid "Channels"
48113 msgstr "Канали"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
50117 msgctxt "#30020"
51118 msgid "Advanced"
52119 msgstr "Більше"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
54128 msgctxt "#30023"
55 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
56 msgstr "Тека записів на ресівері"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
58158 msgctxt "#30029"
59159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
60160 msgstr "Увімкнути автоматичну конфігурацію для прямих трансляцій"
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
62163 msgctxt "#30030"
63 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
64 msgstr "Зберігати структуру папок для записів"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
66173 msgctxt "#30032"
67174 msgid "EPG"
68175 msgstr "EPG"
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
70223 msgctxt "#30042"
71224 msgid "Never"
72225 msgstr "Ніколи"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
74228 msgctxt "#30043"
75229 msgid "In EPG only"
76230 msgstr "Тільки в EPG"
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
233 msgctxt "#30044"
234 msgid "In recordings only"
235 msgstr ""
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
78238 msgctxt "#30045"
79239 msgid "Always"
80240 msgstr "Завжди"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
82268 msgctxt "#30051"
83269 msgid "Login"
84 msgstr " Логін"
270 msgstr "Логін"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
273 msgctxt "#30052"
274 msgid "Misc"
275 msgstr ""
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
86293 msgctxt "#30056"
87294 msgid "TV"
88295 msgstr "ТБ"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
90298 msgctxt "#30057"
91299 msgid "Radio"
92300 msgstr "Радіо"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
94314 msgctxt "#30060"
95315 msgid "Timeshift"
96316 msgstr "Зрушення в часі"
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
98324 msgctxt "#30062"
99325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
100326 msgstr "Шлях до буферу зсуву у часі"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
102329 msgctxt "#30063"
103330 msgid "Off"
104331 msgstr "Вимкн."
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
106334 msgctxt "#30064"
107335 msgid "On playback"
108336 msgstr "Під час відтворення"
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
110364 msgctxt "#30070"
111365 msgid "Recordings"
112366 msgstr "Записи"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
114369 msgctxt "#30071"
115370 msgid "Recordings"
116371 msgstr "Записи"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
118375 msgctxt "#30072"
119376 msgid "Timers"
120377 msgstr "Таймери"
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
122491 msgctxt "#30094"
123492 msgid "N/A"
124493 msgstr "Н/Д"
495 #. application: Admin
126496 msgctxt "#30095"
127497 msgid "True"
128498 msgstr "Так"
500 #. application: Admin
130501 msgctxt "#30096"
131502 msgid "False"
132503 msgstr "Ні"
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
134546 msgctxt "#30105"
135547 msgid "Other"
136548 msgstr "Інше"
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
138607 msgctxt "#30117"
139608 msgid "Disabled"
140609 msgstr "Вимкн."
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
142816 msgctxt "#30410"
143817 msgid "Automatic"
144818 msgstr "Автоматично"
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
857 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
859 #. application: Timers
146860 msgctxt "#30430"
147861 msgid "Disabled"
148862 msgstr "Вимкн."
864 #. application: Timers
865 msgctxt "#30431"
866 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
867 msgstr ""
869 #. application: Timers
870 msgctxt "#30432"
871 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
872 msgstr ""
874 #. application: Timers
875 msgctxt "#30433"
876 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
877 msgstr ""
879 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
880 #. ################
881 #. notifications #
882 #. ################
883 #. notification: Client
884 msgctxt "#30514"
885 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
886 msgstr ""
888 #. notification: Enigma2
889 msgctxt "#30515"
890 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
891 msgstr ""
893 #. notification: Enigma2
894 msgctxt "#30516"
895 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
896 msgstr ""
898 #. notification: Enigma2
899 msgctxt "#30517"
900 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
901 msgstr ""
903 #. notification: Enigma2
904 msgctxt "#30518"
905 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
906 msgstr ""
908 #. notification: Enigma2
909 msgctxt "#30519"
910 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
911 msgstr ""
913 #. application: AutoTimer
914 #. application: Timer
915 msgctxt "#30520"
916 msgid "Invalid Channel"
917 msgstr ""
919 #. notification: Enigma2
920 msgctxt "#30521"
921 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
922 msgstr ""
924 #. notification: Enigma2
925 msgctxt "#30522"
926 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
927 msgstr ""
929 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
930 #. ############
931 #. help info #
932 #. ############
933 #. help info - Connection
934 #. help-category: connection
935 msgctxt "#30600"
936 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
937 msgstr ""
939 #. help: Connection - host
940 msgctxt "#30601"
941 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
942 msgstr ""
944 #. help: Connection - webport
945 msgctxt "#30602"
946 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
947 msgstr ""
949 #. help: Connection - use_secure
950 msgctxt "#30603"
951 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
952 msgstr ""
954 #. help: Connection - user
955 msgctxt "#30604"
956 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
957 msgstr ""
959 #. help: Connection - pass
960 msgctxt "#30605"
961 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
962 msgstr ""
964 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
965 msgctxt "#30606"
966 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
967 msgstr ""
969 #. help: Connection - streamport
970 msgctxt "#30607"
971 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
972 msgstr ""
974 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
975 msgctxt "#30608"
976 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
977 msgstr ""
979 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
980 msgctxt "#30609"
981 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
982 msgstr ""
984 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
985 msgctxt "#30610"
986 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
987 msgstr ""
989 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
990 msgctxt "#30611"
991 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
992 msgstr ""
994 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
995 #. help info - General
996 #. help-category: general
997 msgctxt "#30620"
998 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
999 msgstr ""
1001 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1002 msgctxt "#30621"
1003 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1004 msgstr ""
1006 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1007 msgctxt "#30622"
1008 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1009 msgstr ""
1011 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1012 msgctxt "#30623"
1013 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1014 msgstr ""
1016 #. help: General - iconpath
1017 msgctxt "#30624"
1018 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1019 msgstr ""
1021 #. help: General - updateint
1022 msgctxt "#30625"
1023 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1024 msgstr ""
1026 #. help: General - updatemode
1027 msgctxt "#30626"
1028 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1029 msgstr ""
1031 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1032 msgctxt "#30627"
1033 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1034 msgstr ""
1036 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1037 msgctxt "#30628"
1038 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1039 msgstr ""
1041 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1042 msgctxt "#30629"
1043 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1044 msgstr ""
1046 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1047 #. help info - Channels
1048 #. help-category: channels
1049 msgctxt "#30640"
1050 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1051 msgstr ""
1053 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1054 msgctxt "#30641"
1055 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1056 msgstr ""
1058 #. help: Channels - zap
1059 msgctxt "#30642"
1060 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1061 msgstr ""
1063 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1064 msgctxt "#30643"
1065 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1066 msgstr ""
1068 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1069 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1073 msgctxt "#30644"
1074 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1075 msgstr ""
1077 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1078 msgctxt "#30645"
1079 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1080 msgstr ""
1082 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1083 msgctxt "#30646"
1084 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1085 msgstr ""
1087 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1088 msgctxt "#30647"
1089 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1090 msgstr ""
1092 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1093 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1097 msgctxt "#30648"
1098 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1099 msgstr ""
1101 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1102 msgctxt "#30649"
1103 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1104 msgstr ""
1106 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1107 msgctxt "#30650"
1108 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1109 msgstr ""
1111 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1112 msgctxt "#30651"
1113 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1114 msgstr ""
1116 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1117 msgctxt "#30652"
1118 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1119 msgstr ""
1121 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1122 msgctxt "#30653"
1123 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1124 msgstr ""
1126 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1127 msgctxt "#30654"
1128 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1129 msgstr ""
1131 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1132 msgctxt "#30655"
1133 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1134 msgstr ""
1136 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1137 msgctxt "#30656"
1138 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1139 msgstr ""
1141 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1142 #. help info - EPG
1143 #. help-category: epg
1144 msgctxt "#30660"
1145 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1146 msgstr ""
1148 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1149 msgctxt "#30661"
1150 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1151 msgstr ""
1153 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1154 msgctxt "#30662"
1155 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1156 msgstr ""
1158 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1159 msgctxt "#30663"
1160 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1161 msgstr ""
1163 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1164 msgctxt "#30664"
1165 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1166 msgstr ""
1168 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1169 msgctxt "#30665"
1170 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1171 msgstr ""
1173 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1174 msgctxt "#30666"
1175 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1176 msgstr ""
1178 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1179 msgctxt "#30667"
1180 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1181 msgstr ""
1183 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1184 msgctxt "#30668"
1185 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1186 msgstr ""
1188 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1189 msgctxt "#30669"
1190 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1191 msgstr ""
1193 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1194 #. help info - Recordings
1195 #. help-category: recordings
1196 msgctxt "#30680"
1197 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1198 msgstr ""
1200 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1201 msgctxt "#30681"
1202 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1203 msgstr ""
1205 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1206 msgctxt "#30682"
1207 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1208 msgstr ""
1210 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1211 msgctxt "#30683"
1212 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1213 msgstr ""
1215 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1216 msgctxt "#30684"
1217 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1218 msgstr ""
1220 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1221 msgctxt "#30685"
1222 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1223 msgstr ""
1225 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1226 msgctxt "#30686"
1227 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1228 msgstr ""
1230 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1231 msgctxt "#30687"
1232 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1233 msgstr ""
1235 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1236 msgctxt "#30688"
1237 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1238 msgstr ""
1240 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1241 msgctxt "#30689"
1242 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1243 msgstr ""
1245 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1246 msgctxt "#30690"
1247 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1248 msgstr ""
1250 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1251 msgctxt "#30691"
1252 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1253 msgstr ""
1255 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1256 #. help info - Timers
1257 #. help-category: timers
1258 msgctxt "#30700"
1259 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1260 msgstr ""
1262 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1263 msgctxt "#30701"
1264 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1265 msgstr ""
1267 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1268 msgctxt "#30702"
1269 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1270 msgstr ""
1272 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1273 msgctxt "#30703"
1274 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1275 msgstr ""
1277 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1278 msgctxt "#30704"
1279 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1280 msgstr ""
1282 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1283 msgctxt "#30705"
1284 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1285 msgstr ""
1287 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1288 msgctxt "#30706"
1289 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1290 msgstr ""
1292 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1293 #. help info - Timeshift
1294 #. help-category: timeshift
1295 msgctxt "#30720"
1296 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1297 msgstr ""
1299 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1300 msgctxt "#30721"
1301 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1302 msgstr ""
1304 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1305 msgctxt "#30722"
1306 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1307 msgstr ""
1309 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1310 msgctxt "#30723"
1311 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1312 msgstr ""
1314 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1315 msgctxt "#30724"
1316 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1317 msgstr ""
1319 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1320 msgctxt "#30725"
1321 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1322 msgstr ""
1324 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1325 msgctxt "#30726"
1326 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1327 msgstr ""
1329 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1330 msgctxt "#30727"
1331 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1332 msgstr ""
1334 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1335 msgctxt "#30728"
1336 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1337 msgstr ""
1339 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1340 #. help info - Advanced
1341 #. help-category: advanced
1342 msgctxt "#30740"
1343 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1344 msgstr ""
1346 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1347 msgctxt "#30741"
1348 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1349 msgstr ""
1351 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1352 msgctxt "#30742"
1353 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1354 msgstr ""
1356 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1357 msgctxt "#30743"
1358 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1359 msgstr ""
1361 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1362 msgctxt "#30744"
1363 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1364 msgstr ""
1366 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1367 msgctxt "#30745"
1368 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1369 msgstr ""
1371 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1372 msgctxt "#30746"
1373 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1374 msgstr ""
1376 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1377 msgctxt "#30747"
1378 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1379 msgstr ""
1381 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1382 #. help info - Backend
1383 #. help-category: backend
1384 msgctxt "#30760"
1385 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1386 msgstr ""
1388 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1389 msgctxt "#30761"
1390 msgid "webifversion"
1391 msgstr ""
1393 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1394 msgctxt "#30762"
1395 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1396 msgstr ""
1398 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1399 msgctxt "#30763"
1400 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1401 msgstr ""
1403 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1404 msgctxt "#30764"
1405 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1406 msgstr ""
1408 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1409 msgctxt "#30765"
1410 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1411 msgstr ""
1413 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1414 msgctxt "#30766"
1415 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1416 msgstr ""
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1419 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1420 #~ msgstr "Використовувати тільки поточний шлях запису з DVB пристрою"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1423 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1424 #~ msgstr "Тека записів на ресівері"
1426 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1427 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1428 #~ msgstr "Зберігати структуру папок для записів"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Uzbek (Uzbekistan) (\n"
12 "Language: uz_UZ\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: uz_UZ\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
22 msgctxt "#30000"
23 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
24 msgstr ""
26 # empty string with id 30001
27 #. label: Connection - streamport
28 msgctxt "#30002"
29 msgid "Streaming port"
30 msgstr ""
32 #. label: Connection - user
1833 msgctxt "#30003"
1934 msgid "Username"
2035 msgstr "Foydalanuvchi nomi"
37 #. label: Connection - pass
2238 msgctxt "#30004"
2339 msgid "Password"
2440 msgstr "Maxfiy so'z"
42 #. label-category: connection
43 msgctxt "#30005"
44 msgid "Connection"
45 msgstr ""
47 #. label-group: General - Icons
2648 msgctxt "#30006"
2749 msgid "Icons"
2850 msgstr "Nishonchalar"
52 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
53 msgctxt "#30007"
54 msgid "Program Streams"
55 msgstr ""
57 #. label: General - iconpath
58 msgctxt "#30008"
59 msgid "Icon path"
60 msgstr ""
62 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
63 msgctxt "#30009"
64 msgid "Update Interval"
65 msgstr ""
67 # empty string with id 30010
68 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
69 msgctxt "#30011"
70 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
71 msgstr ""
73 #. label: Connection - webport
74 msgctxt "#30012"
75 msgid "Web interface port"
76 msgstr ""
78 #. label: Channels - zap
79 msgctxt "#30013"
80 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
81 msgstr ""
83 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
84 msgctxt "#30014"
85 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
86 msgstr ""
88 #. label: General - updateint
89 msgctxt "#30015"
90 msgid "Update interval"
91 msgstr ""
93 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
94 msgctxt "#30016"
95 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
96 msgstr ""
98 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
99 msgctxt "#30017"
100 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
101 msgstr ""
103 #. label-category: general
104 #. label-group: Channels
30105 msgctxt "#30018"
31106 msgid "General"
32107 msgstr "Umumiy"
109 #. label-category: channels
34110 msgctxt "#30019"
35111 msgid "Channels"
36112 msgstr "Kanallar"
114 #. label-category: advanced
115 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
116 msgctxt "#30020"
117 msgid "Advanced"
118 msgstr ""
120 # empty string with id 30021
121 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
122 msgctxt "#30022"
123 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
124 msgstr ""
126 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
127 msgctxt "#30023"
128 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
129 msgstr ""
131 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
132 msgctxt "#30024"
133 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
134 msgstr ""
136 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
137 msgctxt "#30025"
138 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
139 msgstr ""
141 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
142 msgctxt "#30026"
143 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
144 msgstr ""
146 #. label: General - onlinepicons
147 msgctxt "#30027"
148 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
149 msgstr ""
151 #. label: Connection - use_secure
152 msgctxt "#30028"
153 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
154 msgstr ""
156 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
157 msgctxt "#30029"
158 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
159 msgstr ""
161 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
162 msgctxt "#30030"
163 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
164 msgstr ""
166 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
167 msgctxt "#30031"
168 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
169 msgstr ""
171 #. label-category: epg
172 msgctxt "#30032"
173 msgid "EPG"
174 msgstr ""
176 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
177 msgctxt "#30033"
178 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
179 msgstr ""
181 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
182 msgctxt "#30034"
183 msgid "Enable autotimers"
184 msgstr ""
186 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
187 msgctxt "#30035"
188 msgid "Use file format"
189 msgstr ""
191 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
192 msgctxt "#30036"
193 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
194 msgstr ""
196 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
197 msgctxt "#30037"
198 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
199 msgstr ""
201 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
202 msgctxt "#30038"
203 msgid "Web Interface"
204 msgstr ""
206 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
207 msgctxt "#30039"
208 msgid "Streaming"
209 msgstr ""
211 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
212 msgctxt "#30040"
213 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
214 msgstr ""
216 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
217 msgctxt "#30041"
218 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
219 msgstr ""
221 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
38222 msgctxt "#30042"
39223 msgid "Never"
40224 msgstr "Hech qachon"
226 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
227 msgctxt "#30043"
228 msgid "In EPG only"
229 msgstr ""
231 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
232 msgctxt "#30044"
233 msgid "In recordings only"
234 msgstr ""
236 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
42237 msgctxt "#30045"
43238 msgid "Always"
44239 msgstr "Doim"
241 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
242 msgctxt "#30046"
243 msgid "Extract show info file"
244 msgstr ""
246 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
247 msgctxt "#30047"
248 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
249 msgstr ""
251 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
252 msgctxt "#30048"
253 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
254 msgstr ""
256 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
257 msgctxt "#30049"
258 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
259 msgstr ""
261 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
262 msgctxt "#30050"
263 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
264 msgstr ""
266 #. label-group: Connection - Login
46267 msgctxt "#30051"
47268 msgid "Login"
48269 msgstr "Kirish"
271 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
272 msgctxt "#30052"
273 msgid "Misc"
274 msgstr ""
276 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
277 msgctxt "#30053"
278 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
279 msgstr ""
281 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
282 msgctxt "#30054"
283 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
284 msgstr ""
286 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
287 msgctxt "#30055"
288 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
289 msgstr ""
291 #. label-group: Channels - TV
50292 msgctxt "#30056"
51293 msgid "TV"
52294 msgstr "TV"
296 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
54297 msgctxt "#30057"
55298 msgid "Radio"
56299 msgstr "Radio"
301 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
302 msgctxt "#30058"
303 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
304 msgstr ""
306 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
307 msgctxt "#30059"
308 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
309 msgstr ""
311 #. label-category: timeshift
312 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
313 msgctxt "#30060"
314 msgid "Timeshift"
315 msgstr ""
317 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
318 msgctxt "#30061"
319 msgid "Enable timeshift"
320 msgstr ""
322 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
323 msgctxt "#30062"
324 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
325 msgstr ""
327 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
58328 msgctxt "#30063"
59329 msgid "Off"
60330 msgstr "O'chirilgan"
332 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
333 msgctxt "#30064"
334 msgid "On playback"
335 msgstr ""
337 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
338 msgctxt "#30065"
339 msgid "On pause"
340 msgstr ""
342 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
343 msgctxt "#30066"
344 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
345 msgstr ""
347 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
348 msgctxt "#30067"
349 msgid "Use login for streams"
350 msgstr ""
352 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
353 msgctxt "#30068"
354 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
355 msgstr ""
357 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
358 msgctxt "#30069"
359 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
360 msgstr ""
362 #. label-category: recordings
363 msgctxt "#30070"
364 msgid "Recordings"
365 msgstr ""
367 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
368 msgctxt "#30071"
369 msgid "Recordings"
370 msgstr ""
372 #. label-category: timers
373 #. label-group: Timers - timers
374 msgctxt "#30072"
375 msgid "Timers"
376 msgstr ""
378 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
379 msgctxt "#30073"
380 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
381 msgstr ""
383 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
384 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
385 msgctxt "#30074"
386 msgid "All bouquets"
387 msgstr ""
389 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
390 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
391 msgctxt "#30075"
392 msgid "Some bouquets"
393 msgstr ""
395 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
396 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
397 msgctxt "#30076"
398 msgid "As first bouquet"
399 msgstr ""
401 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
402 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
403 msgctxt "#30077"
404 msgid "As last bouquet"
405 msgstr ""
407 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
408 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
409 msgctxt "#30078"
410 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
411 msgstr ""
413 #. application: ChannelGroups
414 msgctxt "#30079"
415 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
416 msgstr ""
418 #. application: ChannelGroups
419 msgctxt "#30080"
420 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
421 msgstr ""
423 #. application: Client
424 #. application: Admin
425 msgctxt "#30081"
426 msgid "unknown"
427 msgstr ""
429 #. application: Client
430 msgctxt "#30082"
431 msgid " (Not connected!)"
432 msgstr ""
434 #. application: Client
435 msgctxt "#30083"
436 msgid "addon error"
437 msgstr ""
439 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
440 msgctxt "#30084"
441 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
442 msgstr ""
444 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
445 msgctxt "#30085"
446 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
447 msgstr ""
449 #. label-category: backend
450 msgctxt "#30086"
451 msgid "Backend"
452 msgstr ""
454 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
455 msgctxt "#30087"
456 msgid "Recording Padding"
457 msgstr ""
459 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
460 msgctxt "#30088"
461 msgid "Global start padding"
462 msgstr ""
464 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
465 msgctxt "#30089"
466 msgid "Global end padding"
467 msgstr ""
469 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
470 msgctxt "#30090"
471 msgid "Device Info"
472 msgstr ""
474 #. label: Backend - webifversion
475 msgctxt "#30091"
476 msgid "WebIf version"
477 msgstr ""
479 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
480 msgctxt "#30092"
481 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
482 msgstr ""
484 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
485 msgctxt "#30093"
486 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
487 msgstr ""
489 #. application: Admin
490 msgctxt "#30094"
491 msgid "N/A"
492 msgstr ""
494 #. application: Admin
495 msgctxt "#30095"
496 msgid "True"
497 msgstr ""
499 #. application: Admin
500 msgctxt "#30096"
501 msgid "False"
502 msgstr ""
504 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
505 msgctxt "#30097"
506 msgid "Standby"
507 msgstr ""
509 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
510 msgctxt "#30098"
511 msgid "Deep standby"
512 msgstr ""
514 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
515 msgctxt "#30099"
516 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
517 msgstr ""
519 #. label: General - updatemode
520 msgctxt "#30100"
521 msgid "Update mode"
522 msgstr ""
524 #. label-option: General - updatemode
525 msgctxt "#30101"
526 msgid "Timers and recordings"
527 msgstr ""
529 #. label-option: General - updatemode
530 msgctxt "#30102"
531 msgid "Timers only"
532 msgstr ""
534 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
535 msgctxt "#30103"
536 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
537 msgstr ""
539 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
540 msgctxt "#30104"
541 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
542 msgstr ""
544 #. label-group - EPG - Other
545 msgctxt "#30105"
546 msgid "Other"
547 msgstr ""
549 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
550 msgctxt "#30106"
551 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
552 msgstr ""
554 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
555 msgctxt "#30107"
556 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
557 msgstr ""
559 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
560 msgctxt "#30108"
561 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
562 msgstr ""
564 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
565 msgctxt "#30109"
566 msgid "EDL start time padding"
567 msgstr ""
569 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
570 msgctxt "#30110"
571 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
572 msgstr ""
574 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
575 msgctxt "#30111"
576 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
577 msgstr ""
579 #. application: ChannelGroups
580 msgctxt "#30112"
581 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
582 msgstr ""
584 #. application: ChannelGroups
585 msgctxt "#30113"
586 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
587 msgstr ""
589 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
591 msgctxt "#30114"
592 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
593 msgstr ""
595 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
596 msgctxt "#30115"
597 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
598 msgstr ""
600 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
601 msgctxt "#30116"
602 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
603 msgstr ""
605 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
606 msgctxt "#30117"
607 msgid "Disabled"
608 msgstr ""
610 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
611 msgctxt "#30118"
612 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
613 msgstr ""
615 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
616 msgctxt "#30119"
617 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
618 msgstr ""
620 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
621 msgctxt "#30120"
622 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
623 msgstr ""
625 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
626 msgctxt "#30121"
627 msgid "Connection check timeout"
628 msgstr ""
630 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
631 msgctxt "#30122"
632 msgid "Connection check interval"
633 msgstr ""
635 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
636 msgctxt "#30123"
637 msgid "Autotimers"
638 msgstr ""
640 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
641 msgctxt "#30124"
642 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
643 msgstr ""
645 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
646 msgctxt "#30125"
647 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
648 msgstr ""
650 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
651 msgctxt "#30126"
652 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
653 msgstr ""
655 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
656 msgctxt "#30127"
657 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
658 msgstr ""
660 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
661 msgctxt "#30128"
662 msgid "Share last played across:"
663 msgstr ""
665 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
666 msgctxt "#30129"
667 msgid "Kodi instances"
668 msgstr ""
670 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
671 msgctxt "#30130"
672 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
673 msgstr ""
675 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
676 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
677 msgctxt "#30131"
678 msgid "Custom bouquets"
679 msgstr ""
681 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
682 msgctxt "#30132"
683 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
684 msgstr ""
686 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
687 msgctxt "#30133"
688 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
689 msgstr ""
691 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
692 msgctxt "#30134"
693 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
694 msgstr ""
696 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
697 msgctxt "#30135"
698 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
699 msgstr ""
701 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
702 msgctxt "#30136"
703 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
704 msgstr ""
706 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
707 msgctxt "#30137"
708 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
709 msgstr ""
711 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
712 msgctxt "#30138"
713 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
714 msgstr ""
716 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
717 msgctxt "#30139"
718 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
719 msgstr ""
721 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
722 msgctxt "#30140"
723 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
724 msgstr ""
726 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
727 msgctxt "#30141"
728 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
729 msgstr ""
731 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
732 msgctxt "#30142"
733 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
734 msgstr ""
736 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
737 msgctxt "#30143"
738 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
739 msgstr ""
741 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
742 msgctxt "#30144"
743 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
744 msgstr ""
746 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
747 msgctxt "#30145"
748 msgid "Power Settings"
749 msgstr ""
751 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
752 msgctxt "#30146"
753 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
754 msgstr ""
756 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
757 msgctxt "#30147"
758 msgid "IPTV"
759 msgstr ""
761 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
762 msgctxt "#30148"
763 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
764 msgstr ""
766 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
767 msgctxt "#30149"
768 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
769 msgstr ""
771 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
772 msgctxt "#30150"
773 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
774 msgstr ""
776 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
777 msgctxt "#30151"
778 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
779 msgstr ""
781 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
782 msgctxt "#30152"
783 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
784 msgstr ""
786 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
787 msgctxt "#30153"
788 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
789 msgstr ""
791 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
792 msgctxt "#30154"
793 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
794 msgstr ""
796 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
797 msgctxt "#30155"
798 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
799 msgstr ""
801 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
802 msgctxt "#30157"
803 msgid "Recording Paths"
804 msgstr ""
806 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
807 msgctxt "#30158"
808 msgid "Recording Locations"
809 msgstr ""
811 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
812 #. ##############
813 #. application #
814 #. ##############
815 #. application: Timers
816 msgctxt "#30410"
817 msgid "Automatic"
818 msgstr ""
820 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
821 #. application: Timers
822 msgctxt "#30420"
823 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
824 msgstr ""
826 #. application: Timers
827 msgctxt "#30421"
828 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
829 msgstr ""
831 #. application: Timers
832 msgctxt "#30422"
833 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
834 msgstr ""
836 #. application: Timers
837 msgctxt "#30423"
838 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
839 msgstr ""
841 #. application: Timers
842 msgctxt "#30424"
843 msgid "One time guide-based"
844 msgstr ""
846 #. application: Timers
847 msgctxt "#30425"
848 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
849 msgstr ""
851 #. application: Timers
852 msgctxt "#30426"
853 msgid "Auto guide-based"
854 msgstr ""
856 # empty strings from id 30427 to 30429
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
861 msgctxt "#30430"
862 msgid "Disabled"
863 msgstr ""
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
66 "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
77 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
88 "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
11 "Language-Team: Vietnamese (Viet Nam) (\n"
9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-28 08:29+0000\n"
10 "Last-Translator: Christian Gade <>\n"
11 "Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
12 "Language: vi_vn\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: vi_VN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
17 "X-Generator: Weblate 4.7\n"
19 #. ##################
20 #. settings labels #
21 #. ##################
22 #. label: Connection - host
23 msgctxt "#30000"
24 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
25 msgstr ""
27 # empty string with id 30001
28 #. label: Connection - streamport
29 msgctxt "#30002"
30 msgid "Streaming port"
31 msgstr ""
33 #. label: Connection - user
1834 msgctxt "#30003"
1935 msgid "Username"
2036 msgstr "Tên truy cập"
38 #. label: Connection - pass
2239 msgctxt "#30004"
2340 msgid "Password"
2441 msgstr "Mật khẩu"
43 #. label-category: connection
2644 msgctxt "#30005"
2745 msgid "Connection"
2846 msgstr "Kết nối"
48 #. label-group: General - Icons
3049 msgctxt "#30006"
3150 msgid "Icons"
3251 msgstr "Biểu tượng"
53 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
54 msgctxt "#30007"
55 msgid "Program Streams"
56 msgstr ""
58 #. label: General - iconpath
59 msgctxt "#30008"
60 msgid "Icon path"
61 msgstr ""
63 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
64 msgctxt "#30009"
65 msgid "Update Interval"
66 msgstr ""
68 # empty string with id 30010
69 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
70 msgctxt "#30011"
71 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
72 msgstr ""
74 #. label: Connection - webport
75 msgctxt "#30012"
76 msgid "Web interface port"
77 msgstr ""
79 #. label: Channels - zap
80 msgctxt "#30013"
81 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
82 msgstr ""
84 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
85 msgctxt "#30014"
86 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
87 msgstr ""
89 #. label: General - updateint
90 msgctxt "#30015"
91 msgid "Update interval"
92 msgstr ""
94 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
95 msgctxt "#30016"
96 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
97 msgstr ""
99 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
34100 msgctxt "#30017"
35 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
36 msgstr "Chỉ sử dụng đương dẫn lưu hiện tại của DVB box"
101 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
102 msgstr ""
104 #. label-category: general
105 #. label-group: Channels
38106 msgctxt "#30018"
39107 msgid "General"
40108 msgstr "Tổng Quan"
110 #. label-category: channels
42111 msgctxt "#30019"
43112 msgid "Channels"
44113 msgstr "Kênh"
115 #. label-category: advanced
116 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
46117 msgctxt "#30020"
47118 msgid "Advanced"
48119 msgstr "Nâng cao"
121 # empty string with id 30021
122 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
123 msgctxt "#30022"
124 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
125 msgstr ""
127 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
50128 msgctxt "#30023"
51 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
52 msgstr "Thư mục lưu trên thiết bị"
129 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
130 msgstr ""
132 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
133 msgctxt "#30024"
134 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
135 msgstr ""
137 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
138 msgctxt "#30025"
139 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
140 msgstr ""
142 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
143 msgctxt "#30026"
144 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
145 msgstr ""
147 #. label: General - onlinepicons
148 msgctxt "#30027"
149 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
150 msgstr ""
152 #. label: Connection - use_secure
153 msgctxt "#30028"
154 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
155 msgstr ""
157 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
158 msgctxt "#30029"
159 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
160 msgstr ""
162 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
163 msgctxt "#30030"
164 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
165 msgstr ""
167 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
168 msgctxt "#30031"
169 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
170 msgstr ""
172 #. label-category: epg
173 msgctxt "#30032"
174 msgid "EPG"
175 msgstr ""
177 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
178 msgctxt "#30033"
179 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
180 msgstr ""
182 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
183 msgctxt "#30034"
184 msgid "Enable autotimers"
185 msgstr ""
187 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
188 msgctxt "#30035"
189 msgid "Use file format"
190 msgstr ""
192 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
193 msgctxt "#30036"
194 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
195 msgstr ""
197 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
198 msgctxt "#30037"
199 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
200 msgstr ""
202 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
203 msgctxt "#30038"
204 msgid "Web Interface"
205 msgstr ""
207 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
208 msgctxt "#30039"
209 msgid "Streaming"
210 msgstr ""
212 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
213 msgctxt "#30040"
214 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
215 msgstr ""
217 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
218 msgctxt "#30041"
219 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
220 msgstr ""
222 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
54223 msgctxt "#30042"
55224 msgid "Never"
56225 msgstr "Không bao giờ"
227 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
228 msgctxt "#30043"
229 msgid "In EPG only"
230 msgstr ""
232 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
233 msgctxt "#30044"
234 msgid "In recordings only"
235 msgstr ""
237 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
58238 msgctxt "#30045"
59239 msgid "Always"
60240 msgstr "Luôn luôn"
242 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
243 msgctxt "#30046"
244 msgid "Extract show info file"
245 msgstr ""
247 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
248 msgctxt "#30047"
249 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
250 msgstr ""
252 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
253 msgctxt "#30048"
254 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
255 msgstr ""
257 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
258 msgctxt "#30049"
259 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
260 msgstr ""
262 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
263 msgctxt "#30050"
264 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
265 msgstr ""
267 #. label-group: Connection - Login
62268 msgctxt "#30051"
63269 msgid "Login"
64270 msgstr "Đăng nhập"
272 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
273 msgctxt "#30052"
274 msgid "Misc"
275 msgstr ""
277 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
278 msgctxt "#30053"
279 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
280 msgstr ""
282 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
283 msgctxt "#30054"
284 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
285 msgstr ""
287 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
288 msgctxt "#30055"
289 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
290 msgstr ""
292 #. label-group: Channels - TV
66293 msgctxt "#30056"
67294 msgid "TV"
68295 msgstr "TV"
297 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
70298 msgctxt "#30057"
71299 msgid "Radio"
72300 msgstr "Radio"
302 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
303 msgctxt "#30058"
304 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
305 msgstr ""
307 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
308 msgctxt "#30059"
309 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
310 msgstr ""
312 #. label-category: timeshift
313 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
314 msgctxt "#30060"
315 msgid "Timeshift"
316 msgstr ""
318 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
319 msgctxt "#30061"
320 msgid "Enable timeshift"
321 msgstr ""
323 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
74324 msgctxt "#30062"
75325 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
76326 msgstr "Đường dẫn bộ đệm Timeshift"
328 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
78329 msgctxt "#30063"
79330 msgid "Off"
80331 msgstr "Tắt"
333 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
334 msgctxt "#30064"
335 msgid "On playback"
336 msgstr ""
338 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
339 msgctxt "#30065"
340 msgid "On pause"
341 msgstr ""
343 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
344 msgctxt "#30066"
345 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
346 msgstr ""
348 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
349 msgctxt "#30067"
350 msgid "Use login for streams"
351 msgstr ""
353 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
354 msgctxt "#30068"
355 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
356 msgstr ""
358 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
359 msgctxt "#30069"
360 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
361 msgstr ""
363 #. label-category: recordings
82364 msgctxt "#30070"
83365 msgid "Recordings"
84366 msgstr "Các bản ghi"
368 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
86369 msgctxt "#30071"
87370 msgid "Recordings"
88371 msgstr "Các bản ghi"
373 #. label-category: timers
374 #. label-group: Timers - timers
375 msgctxt "#30072"
376 msgid "Timers"
377 msgstr ""
379 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
380 msgctxt "#30073"
381 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
382 msgstr ""
384 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
385 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
386 msgctxt "#30074"
387 msgid "All bouquets"
388 msgstr ""
390 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
391 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
392 msgctxt "#30075"
393 msgid "Some bouquets"
394 msgstr ""
396 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
397 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
398 msgctxt "#30076"
399 msgid "As first bouquet"
400 msgstr ""
402 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
403 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
404 msgctxt "#30077"
405 msgid "As last bouquet"
406 msgstr ""
408 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
409 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
410 msgctxt "#30078"
411 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
412 msgstr ""
414 #. application: ChannelGroups
415 msgctxt "#30079"
416 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
417 msgstr ""
419 #. application: ChannelGroups
420 msgctxt "#30080"
421 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
422 msgstr ""
424 #. application: Client
425 #. application: Admin
426 msgctxt "#30081"
427 msgid "unknown"
428 msgstr ""
430 #. application: Client
431 msgctxt "#30082"
432 msgid " (Not connected!)"
433 msgstr ""
435 #. application: Client
436 msgctxt "#30083"
437 msgid "addon error"
438 msgstr ""
440 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
441 msgctxt "#30084"
442 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
443 msgstr ""
445 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
446 msgctxt "#30085"
447 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
448 msgstr ""
450 #. label-category: backend
451 msgctxt "#30086"
452 msgid "Backend"
453 msgstr ""
455 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
456 msgctxt "#30087"
457 msgid "Recording Padding"
458 msgstr ""
460 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
461 msgctxt "#30088"
462 msgid "Global start padding"
463 msgstr ""
465 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
466 msgctxt "#30089"
467 msgid "Global end padding"
468 msgstr ""
470 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
471 msgctxt "#30090"
472 msgid "Device Info"
473 msgstr ""
475 #. label: Backend - webifversion
476 msgctxt "#30091"
477 msgid "WebIf version"
478 msgstr ""
480 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
481 msgctxt "#30092"
482 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
483 msgstr ""
485 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
486 msgctxt "#30093"
487 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
488 msgstr ""
490 #. application: Admin
491 msgctxt "#30094"
492 msgid "N/A"
493 msgstr ""
495 #. application: Admin
90496 msgctxt "#30095"
91497 msgid "True"
92498 msgstr "Đúng"
500 #. application: Admin
501 msgctxt "#30096"
502 msgid "False"
503 msgstr ""
505 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
506 msgctxt "#30097"
507 msgid "Standby"
508 msgstr ""
510 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
511 msgctxt "#30098"
512 msgid "Deep standby"
513 msgstr ""
515 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
516 msgctxt "#30099"
517 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
518 msgstr ""
520 #. label: General - updatemode
521 msgctxt "#30100"
522 msgid "Update mode"
523 msgstr ""
525 #. label-option: General - updatemode
526 msgctxt "#30101"
527 msgid "Timers and recordings"
528 msgstr ""
530 #. label-option: General - updatemode
531 msgctxt "#30102"
532 msgid "Timers only"
533 msgstr ""
535 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
536 msgctxt "#30103"
537 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
538 msgstr ""
540 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
541 msgctxt "#30104"
542 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
543 msgstr ""
545 #. label-group - EPG - Other
546 msgctxt "#30105"
547 msgid "Other"
548 msgstr ""
550 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
551 msgctxt "#30106"
552 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
553 msgstr ""
555 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
556 msgctxt "#30107"
557 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
558 msgstr ""
560 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
561 msgctxt "#30108"
562 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
563 msgstr ""
565 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
566 msgctxt "#30109"
567 msgid "EDL start time padding"
568 msgstr ""
570 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
571 msgctxt "#30110"
572 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
573 msgstr ""
575 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
576 msgctxt "#30111"
577 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
578 msgstr ""
580 #. application: ChannelGroups
581 msgctxt "#30112"
582 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
583 msgstr ""
585 #. application: ChannelGroups
586 msgctxt "#30113"
587 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
588 msgstr ""
590 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
591 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
592 msgctxt "#30114"
593 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
594 msgstr ""
596 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
597 msgctxt "#30115"
598 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
599 msgstr ""
601 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
602 msgctxt "#30116"
603 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
604 msgstr ""
606 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
94607 msgctxt "#30117"
95608 msgid "Disabled"
96609 msgstr "Đã tắt"
611 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
612 msgctxt "#30118"
613 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
614 msgstr ""
616 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
617 msgctxt "#30119"
618 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
619 msgstr ""
621 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
622 msgctxt "#30120"
623 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
624 msgstr ""
626 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
627 msgctxt "#30121"
628 msgid "Connection check timeout"
629 msgstr ""
631 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
632 msgctxt "#30122"
633 msgid "Connection check interval"
634 msgstr ""
636 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
637 msgctxt "#30123"
638 msgid "Autotimers"
639 msgstr ""
641 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
642 msgctxt "#30124"
643 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
644 msgstr ""
646 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
647 msgctxt "#30125"
648 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
649 msgstr ""
651 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
652 msgctxt "#30126"
653 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
654 msgstr ""
656 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
657 msgctxt "#30127"
658 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
659 msgstr ""
661 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
662 msgctxt "#30128"
663 msgid "Share last played across:"
664 msgstr ""
666 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
667 msgctxt "#30129"
668 msgid "Kodi instances"
669 msgstr ""
671 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
672 msgctxt "#30130"
673 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
674 msgstr ""
676 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
677 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
678 msgctxt "#30131"
679 msgid "Custom bouquets"
680 msgstr ""
682 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
683 msgctxt "#30132"
684 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
685 msgstr ""
687 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
688 msgctxt "#30133"
689 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
690 msgstr ""
692 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
693 msgctxt "#30134"
694 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
695 msgstr ""
697 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
698 msgctxt "#30135"
699 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
700 msgstr ""
702 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
703 msgctxt "#30136"
704 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
705 msgstr ""
707 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
708 msgctxt "#30137"
709 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
710 msgstr ""
712 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
713 msgctxt "#30138"
714 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
715 msgstr ""
717 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
718 msgctxt "#30139"
719 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
720 msgstr ""
722 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
723 msgctxt "#30140"
724 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
725 msgstr ""
727 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
728 msgctxt "#30141"
729 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
730 msgstr ""
732 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
733 msgctxt "#30142"
734 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
735 msgstr ""
737 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
738 msgctxt "#30143"
739 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
740 msgstr ""
742 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
743 msgctxt "#30144"
744 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
745 msgstr ""
747 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
748 msgctxt "#30145"
749 msgid "Power Settings"
750 msgstr ""
752 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
753 msgctxt "#30146"
754 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
755 msgstr ""
757 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
758 msgctxt "#30147"
759 msgid "IPTV"
760 msgstr ""
762 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
763 msgctxt "#30148"
764 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
765 msgstr ""
767 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
768 msgctxt "#30149"
769 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
770 msgstr ""
772 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
773 msgctxt "#30150"
774 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
775 msgstr ""
777 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
778 msgctxt "#30151"
779 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
780 msgstr ""
782 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
783 msgctxt "#30152"
784 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
785 msgstr ""
787 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
788 msgctxt "#30153"
789 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
790 msgstr ""
792 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
793 msgctxt "#30154"
794 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
795 msgstr ""
797 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
798 msgctxt "#30155"
799 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
800 msgstr ""
802 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
803 msgctxt "#30157"
804 msgid "Recording Paths"
805 msgstr ""
807 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
808 msgctxt "#30158"
809 msgid "Recording Locations"
810 msgstr ""
812 # empty strings from id 30159 to 30409
813 #. ##############
814 #. application #
815 #. ##############
816 #. application: Timers
817 msgctxt "#30410"
818 msgid "Automatic"
819 msgstr "Tự động"
821 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
822 #. application: Timers
823 msgctxt "#30420"
824 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
825 msgstr ""
827 #. application: Timers
828 msgctxt "#30421"
829 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
830 msgstr ""
832 #. application: Timers
833 msgctxt "#30422"
834 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
835 msgstr ""
837 #. application: Timers
838 msgctxt "#30423"
839 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
840 msgstr ""
842 #. application: Timers
843 msgctxt "#30424"
844 msgid "One time guide-based"
845 msgstr ""
847 #. application: Timers
848 msgctxt "#30425"
849 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
850 msgstr ""
852 #. application: Timers
853 msgctxt "#30426"
854 msgid "Auto guide-based"
855 msgstr ""
857 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
858 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
859 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
860 #. application: Timers
98861 msgctxt "#30430"
99862 msgid "Disabled"
100863 msgstr "Đã tắt"
865 #. application: Timers
866 msgctxt "#30431"
867 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
868 msgstr ""
870 #. application: Timers
871 msgctxt "#30432"
872 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
873 msgstr ""
875 #. application: Timers
876 msgctxt "#30433"
877 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
878 msgstr ""
880 # empty strings from id 30434 to 30513
881 #. ################
882 #. notifications #
883 #. ################
884 #. notification: Client
885 msgctxt "#30514"
886 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
887 msgstr ""
889 #. notification: Enigma2
890 msgctxt "#30515"
891 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
892 msgstr ""
894 #. notification: Enigma2
895 msgctxt "#30516"
896 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
897 msgstr ""
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30517"
901 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30518"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. notification: Enigma2
910 msgctxt "#30519"
911 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
912 msgstr ""
914 #. application: AutoTimer
915 #. application: Timer
916 msgctxt "#30520"
917 msgid "Invalid Channel"
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30521"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 #. notification: Enigma2
926 msgctxt "#30522"
927 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
928 msgstr ""
930 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
931 #. ############
932 #. help info #
933 #. ############
934 #. help info - Connection
935 #. help-category: connection
936 msgctxt "#30600"
937 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - host
941 msgctxt "#30601"
942 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - webport
946 msgctxt "#30602"
947 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - use_secure
951 msgctxt "#30603"
952 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - user
956 msgctxt "#30604"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - pass
961 msgctxt "#30605"
962 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
966 msgctxt "#30606"
967 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - streamport
971 msgctxt "#30607"
972 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
976 msgctxt "#30608"
977 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
981 msgctxt "#30609"
982 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
986 msgctxt "#30610"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
991 msgctxt "#30611"
992 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
993 msgstr ""
995 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
996 #. help info - General
997 #. help-category: general
998 msgctxt "#30620"
999 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - onlinepicons
1003 msgctxt "#30621"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1008 msgctxt "#30622"
1009 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1013 msgctxt "#30623"
1014 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - iconpath
1018 msgctxt "#30624"
1019 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updateint
1023 msgctxt "#30625"
1024 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - updatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30626"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1033 msgctxt "#30627"
1034 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1038 msgctxt "#30628"
1039 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1043 msgctxt "#30629"
1044 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1045 msgstr ""
1047 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1048 #. help info - Channels
1049 #. help-category: channels
1050 msgctxt "#30640"
1051 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1055 msgctxt "#30641"
1056 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - zap
1060 msgctxt "#30642"
1061 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1065 msgctxt "#30643"
1066 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1067 msgstr ""
1069 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1070 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1071 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1072 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1073 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1074 msgctxt "#30644"
1075 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1079 msgctxt "#30645"
1080 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1084 msgctxt "#30646"
1085 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1089 msgctxt "#30647"
1090 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1091 msgstr ""
1093 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1094 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1095 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1096 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1097 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1098 msgctxt "#30648"
1099 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1103 msgctxt "#30649"
1104 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1108 msgctxt "#30650"
1109 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30651"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1118 msgctxt "#30652"
1119 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1123 msgctxt "#30653"
1124 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1128 msgctxt "#30654"
1129 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1133 msgctxt "#30655"
1134 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1138 msgctxt "#30656"
1139 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1140 msgstr ""
1142 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1143 #. help info - EPG
1144 #. help-category: epg
1145 msgctxt "#30660"
1146 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1150 msgctxt "#30661"
1151 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1155 msgctxt "#30662"
1156 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1160 msgctxt "#30663"
1161 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1165 msgctxt "#30664"
1166 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1170 msgctxt "#30665"
1171 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1175 msgctxt "#30666"
1176 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1180 msgctxt "#30667"
1181 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1185 msgctxt "#30668"
1186 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1190 msgctxt "#30669"
1191 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1192 msgstr ""
1194 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1195 #. help info - Recordings
1196 #. help-category: recordings
1197 msgctxt "#30680"
1198 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1202 msgctxt "#30681"
1203 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1207 msgctxt "#30682"
1208 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1212 msgctxt "#30683"
1213 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1217 msgctxt "#30684"
1218 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1222 msgctxt "#30685"
1223 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1227 msgctxt "#30686"
1228 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1232 msgctxt "#30687"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1237 msgctxt "#30688"
1238 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1242 msgctxt "#30689"
1243 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1247 msgctxt "#30690"
1248 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1252 msgctxt "#30691"
1253 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1254 msgstr ""
1256 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1257 #. help info - Timers
1258 #. help-category: timers
1259 msgctxt "#30700"
1260 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30701"
1265 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1269 msgctxt "#30702"
1270 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1274 msgctxt "#30703"
1275 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30704"
1280 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1284 msgctxt "#30705"
1285 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1289 msgctxt "#30706"
1290 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1291 msgstr ""
1293 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1294 #. help info - Timeshift
1295 #. help-category: timeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30720"
1297 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1301 msgctxt "#30721"
1302 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1306 msgctxt "#30722"
1307 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1311 msgctxt "#30723"
1312 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1316 msgctxt "#30724"
1317 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1321 msgctxt "#30725"
1322 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1326 msgctxt "#30726"
1327 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30727"
1332 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1336 msgctxt "#30728"
1337 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1338 msgstr ""
1340 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1341 #. help info - Advanced
1342 #. help-category: advanced
1343 msgctxt "#30740"
1344 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1348 msgctxt "#30741"
1349 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1353 msgctxt "#30742"
1354 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1358 msgctxt "#30743"
1359 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1363 msgctxt "#30744"
1364 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1368 msgctxt "#30745"
1369 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1373 msgctxt "#30746"
1374 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1378 msgctxt "#30747"
1379 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1380 msgstr ""
1382 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1383 #. help info - Backend
1384 #. help-category: backend
1385 msgctxt "#30760"
1386 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1390 msgctxt "#30761"
1391 msgid "webifversion"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1395 msgctxt "#30762"
1396 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1400 msgctxt "#30763"
1401 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30764"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1410 msgctxt "#30765"
1411 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1415 msgctxt "#30766"
1416 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1417 msgstr ""
1419 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1420 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1421 #~ msgstr "Chỉ sử dụng đương dẫn lưu hiện tại của DVB box"
1423 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1424 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1425 #~ msgstr "Thư mục lưu trên thiết bị"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
12 "Language: zh_CN\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: zh_CN\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 机器名或 IP 地址"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "流端口"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "用户名"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "密码"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "连接"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "图标"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "图标路径"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "更新间隔"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "自动清除定时器列表"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "Web 界面端口"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "频道切换前清屏(如单调谐器机顶盒)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "更新间隔"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "仅使用 DVB 机顶盒的当前录像路径"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "常用"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "频道"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "高级"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "接收器上的录像文件夹"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "在插件退出时发送电源状态模式"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "电视频道组获取模式"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "从 Web 界面获取 picons"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "使用安全连接(https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "启用直播流自动设置"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "保留录像文件夹结构"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "季和集"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "电子节目单"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "可能的情况下提取季、集和年信息"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "启用自动定时器"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "使用 文件格式"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "启用生成重复定时器"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "记录缺少的类型文本映射"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "Web 界面"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "串流中"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "将摘要(如小标题)放在剧情前"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "流读取块大小"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "从不"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "仅电子节目单中"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "仅录像中"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "总是"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "提取显示信息文件"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Rytec 类型文本映射"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "启用 Rytec 类型文本映射"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Rytec 类型文本映射文件"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "自定义直播电视超时(0为默认值)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "登录"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "杂项"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "类型 ID 映射"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "启用类型 ID 映射"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "类型 ID 映射文件"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "电视"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "电台"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "电台列表获取模式"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "时光平移"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "启用时光平移"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "时光平移缓存路径"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "关"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "播放中"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "暂停中"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "为流使用安全连接(https)"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "登录使用流"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "获取电视收藏列表"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "获取电台收藏列表"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "录像"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "录像"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "定时器"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "生成的重复定时器数目"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "全部频道组"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "作为第一个列表"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "作为最后一个列表"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "收藏夹(电视)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "收藏夹(电台)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "未知"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr "(未连接!)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "插件错误"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "后端"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "录像去头尾"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "全局头部跳过"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "全局尾部跳过"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "设备信息"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "WebIf 版本"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334478 msgctxt "#30092"
335479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336480 msgstr "定时器标签中的自动定时器标签"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338483 msgctxt "#30093"
339484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340485 msgstr "定时器标签中的自动定时器名称"
487 #. application: Admin
342488 msgctxt "#30094"
343489 msgid "N/A"
344490 msgstr "不可用"
492 #. application: Admin
346493 msgctxt "#30095"
347494 msgid "True"
348495 msgstr "真"
497 #. application: Admin
350498 msgctxt "#30096"
351499 msgid "False"
352500 msgstr "假"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354503 msgctxt "#30097"
355504 msgid "Standby"
356505 msgstr "待机"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358508 msgctxt "#30098"
359509 msgid "Deep standby"
360510 msgstr "深度待机"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362513 msgctxt "#30099"
363514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364515 msgstr "唤醒,然后待机"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
366518 msgctxt "#30100"
367519 msgid "Update mode"
368520 msgstr "更新模式"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370523 msgctxt "#30101"
371524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372525 msgstr "定时器和录像"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374528 msgctxt "#30102"
375529 msgid "Timers only"
376530 msgstr "仅限定时器"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378533 msgctxt "#30103"
379534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380535 msgstr "使用 OpenWebIf picon 路径"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382538 msgctxt "#30104"
383539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384540 msgstr "启用调试模式下的跟踪日志记录"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386543 msgctxt "#30105"
387544 msgid "Other"
388545 msgstr "其它"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390548 msgctxt "#30106"
391549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392550 msgstr "电子节目更新每频道单延时"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
394553 msgctxt "#30107"
395554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
396555 msgstr "录制 EDL(编辑决策列表)"
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
398558 msgctxt "#30108"
399559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
400560 msgstr "启用 EDL 支持"
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
402563 msgctxt "#30109"
403564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
404565 msgstr "EDL 开始跳过时间"
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
406568 msgctxt "#30110"
407569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
408570 msgstr "EDL 停止跳过时间"
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
410573 msgctxt "#30111"
411574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
412575 msgstr "启用正常模式下的调试日志记录"
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
414578 msgctxt "#30112"
415579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
416580 msgstr "最后扫描(电视)"
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
418583 msgctxt "#30113"
419584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
420585 msgstr "最后扫描(电台)"
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
422589 msgctxt "#30114"
423590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
424591 msgstr "排除最后扫描的频道组"
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
426594 msgctxt "#30115"
427595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
428596 msgstr "跳过初始电子节目单载入"
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
430604 msgctxt "#30117"
431605 msgid "Disabled"
432606 msgstr "已禁用"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
434813 msgctxt "#30410"
435814 msgid "Automatic"
436815 msgstr "自动"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
438834 msgctxt "#30423"
439835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
440836 msgstr "重复时间/基于频道"
838 #. application: Timers
442839 msgctxt "#30424"
443840 msgid "One time guide-based"
444841 msgstr "一次 基于指南"
843 #. application: Timers
446844 msgctxt "#30425"
447845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
448846 msgstr "重复 基于指南"
848 #. application: Timers
450849 msgctxt "#30426"
451850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
452851 msgstr "自动 基于指南"
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
454857 msgctxt "#30430"
455858 msgid "Disabled"
456859 msgstr "已禁用"
861 #. application: Timers
458862 msgctxt "#30431"
459863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
460864 msgstr "录制电子节目单标题不同的"
866 #. application: Timers
462867 msgctxt "#30432"
463868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
464869 msgstr "录制电子节目单标题和简介不同的"
871 #. application: Timers
466872 msgctxt "#30433"
467873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
468874 msgstr "录制电子节目单标题和全面介绍不同的"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
470880 msgctxt "#30514"
471881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
472882 msgstr "时光平移缓存路径不存在"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
474885 msgctxt "#30515"
475886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
476887 msgstr "Enigma2:无法访问网页界面"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
478890 msgctxt "#30516"
479891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
480892 msgstr "Enigma2:找不到频道组"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
482895 msgctxt "#30517"
483896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
484897 msgstr "Enigma2:找不到频道"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "仅使用 DVB 机顶盒的当前录像路径"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "接收器上的录像文件夹"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "保留录像文件夹结构"
99 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
1010 "Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
1111 "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (\n"
12 "Language: zh_TW\n"
1213 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
1314 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
1415 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 "Language: zh_TW\n"
1616 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
18 #. ##################
19 #. settings labels #
20 #. ##################
21 #. label: Connection - host
1822 msgctxt "#30000"
1923 msgid "Enigma2 hostname or IP address"
2024 msgstr "Enigma2 主機名稱或 IP 位址"
26 #. label: Connection - streamport
2227 msgctxt "#30002"
2328 msgid "Streaming port"
2429 msgstr "串流端口"
31 #. label: Connection - user
2632 msgctxt "#30003"
2733 msgid "Username"
2834 msgstr "帳號"
36 #. label: Connection - pass
3037 msgctxt "#30004"
3138 msgid "Password"
3239 msgstr "密碼"
41 #. label-category: connection
3442 msgctxt "#30005"
3543 msgid "Connection"
3644 msgstr "連接"
46 #. label-group: General - Icons
3847 msgctxt "#30006"
3948 msgid "Icons"
4049 msgstr "圖示"
51 #. label-group: General - Program Streams
52 msgctxt "#30007"
53 msgid "Program Streams"
54 msgstr ""
56 #. label: General - iconpath
4257 msgctxt "#30008"
4358 msgid "Icon path"
4459 msgstr "圖示路徑"
61 #. label-group: General - Update Interval
4662 msgctxt "#30009"
4763 msgid "Update Interval"
4864 msgstr "更新間隔"
66 #. label: Timers - timerlistcleanup
5067 msgctxt "#30011"
5168 msgid "Automatic timerlist cleanup"
5269 msgstr "自動定時器清單"
71 #. label: Connection - webport
5472 msgctxt "#30012"
5573 msgid "Web interface port"
5674 msgstr "網路界面端口"
76 #. label: Channels - zap
5877 msgctxt "#30013"
5978 msgid "Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for single tuner boxes)"
6079 msgstr "通道開關前的 Zap (即用於單個調諧器盒)"
81 #. label: Channels - setprogramid
82 msgctxt "#30014"
83 msgid "Set program id for live channel or recorded streams"
84 msgstr ""
86 #. label: General - updateint
6287 msgctxt "#30015"
6388 msgid "Update interval"
6489 msgstr "更新間隔"
91 #. label: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
92 msgctxt "#30016"
93 msgid "Use bouquet specific channel numbers from backend"
94 msgstr ""
96 #. label: Recordings - onlycurrent
6697 msgctxt "#30017"
67 msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
68 msgstr "只使用DVB數位機上盒目前的錄影路徑"
98 msgid "Only use current recording path from backend"
99 msgstr ""
101 #. label-category: general
102 #. label-group: Channels
70103 msgctxt "#30018"
71104 msgid "General"
72105 msgstr "一般設定"
107 #. label-category: channels
74108 msgctxt "#30019"
75109 msgid "Channels"
76110 msgstr "頻道"
112 #. label-category: advanced
113 #. label-group: Connection - Advanced
78114 msgctxt "#30020"
79115 msgid "Advanced"
80116 msgstr "進階"
118 # empty string with id 30021
119 #. label: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
120 msgctxt "#30022"
121 msgid "Use recursive listing for recording locations"
122 msgstr ""
124 #. label: Timers - recordingpath
82125 msgctxt "#30023"
83 msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
84 msgstr "接收器上的錄影資料夾"
126 msgid "New timer default recording folder"
127 msgstr ""
129 #. label: Advanced - powerstatemode
86130 msgctxt "#30024"
87131 msgid "Send powerstate mode on addon exit"
88132 msgstr "在附加元件出口上發送電源狀態模式"
134 #. label: Channels - tvgroupmode
90135 msgctxt "#30025"
91136 msgid "TV bouquet fetch mode"
92137 msgstr "電視發放獲取模式"
139 #. label: Channels - onetvgroup
140 msgctxt "#30026"
141 msgid "TV bouquet 1"
142 msgstr ""
144 #. label: General - onlinepicons
94145 msgctxt "#30027"
95146 msgid "Fetch picons from web interface"
96147 msgstr "從網頁介面來獲取圖片"
149 #. label: Connection - use_secure
98150 msgctxt "#30028"
99151 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https)"
100152 msgstr "使用安全 HTTP (https)"
154 #. label: Connection - autoconfig
102155 msgctxt "#30029"
103156 msgid "Enable automatic configuration for live streams"
104157 msgstr "開啟即時串流的自動配置"
159 #. label: Recordings - keepfolders
106160 msgctxt "#30030"
107 msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
108 msgstr "保留錄影的資料夾架構"
161 msgid "Keep folder structure for recordings"
162 msgstr ""
164 #. label-group: EPG - Seasons and Episodes
110165 msgctxt "#30031"
111166 msgid "Seasons and Episodes"
112167 msgstr "季節和事件"
169 #. label-category: epg
114170 msgctxt "#30032"
115171 msgid "EPG"
116172 msgstr "電子節目表"
174 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
118175 msgctxt "#30033"
119176 msgid "Extract season, episode and year info where possible"
120177 msgstr "提取季節、劇集和年份資訊 (如有可能)"
179 #. label: Timers - enableautotimers
122180 msgctxt "#30034"
123181 msgid "Enable autotimers"
124182 msgstr "啟用自動定時"
184 #. label: General - usepiconseuformat
126185 msgctxt "#30035"
127186 msgid "Use file format"
128187 msgstr "使用 picons. eu 檔案格式"
189 #. label: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
130190 msgctxt "#30036"
131191 msgid "Enable generate repeat timers"
132192 msgstr "啟用生成重複定時器"
194 #. label: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
134195 msgctxt "#30037"
135196 msgid "Log missing genre text mappings"
136197 msgstr "記錄缺少的類型文本映射"
199 #. label-group: Connection - Web Interface
138200 msgctxt "#30038"
139201 msgid "Web Interface"
140202 msgstr "網路介面"
204 #. label-group: Connection - Streaming
142205 msgctxt "#30039"
143206 msgid "Streaming"
144207 msgstr "串流"
209 #. label: Advanced - prependoutline
146210 msgctxt "#30040"
147211 msgid "Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot"
148212 msgstr "在情節之前放置略述 (例如: 副標題)"
214 #. label: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
150215 msgctxt "#30041"
151216 msgid "Stream read chunk size"
152217 msgstr "串流讀取塊大小"
219 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
154220 msgctxt "#30042"
155221 msgid "Never"
156222 msgstr "永不"
224 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
158225 msgctxt "#30043"
159226 msgid "In EPG only"
160227 msgstr "僅限有在電子節目表中的"
229 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
162230 msgctxt "#30044"
163231 msgid "In recordings only"
164232 msgstr "僅限有在錄影檔中的"
234 #. label - Advanced - prependoutline
166235 msgctxt "#30045"
167236 msgid "Always"
168237 msgstr "總是"
239 #. label: EPG - extractshowinfofile
170240 msgctxt "#30046"
171241 msgid "Extract show info file"
172242 msgstr "提取顯示資訊檔"
244 #. label-group: EPG - Rytec genre text Mappings
174245 msgctxt "#30047"
175246 msgid "Rytec genre text Mappings"
176247 msgstr "Rytec 類型文本映射"
249 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
178250 msgctxt "#30048"
179251 msgid "Enable Rytec genre text mappings"
180252 msgstr "啟用 Rytec 類型文本映射"
254 #. label: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
182255 msgctxt "#30049"
183256 msgid "Rytec genre text mappings file"
184257 msgstr "Rytec 類型文本映射檔案"
259 #. label: Advanced - readtimeout
186260 msgctxt "#30050"
187261 msgid "Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default)"
188262 msgstr "自訂 Live 直播電視延遲 (0 表示為使用預設值)"
264 #. label-group: Connection - Login
190265 msgctxt "#30051"
191266 msgid "Login"
192267 msgstr "登入"
269 #. label-group: Advanced - Misc
194270 msgctxt "#30052"
195271 msgid "Misc"
196272 msgstr "雜項"
274 #. label-group: EPG - Genre ID Mappings
198275 msgctxt "#30053"
199276 msgid "Genre ID Mappings"
200277 msgstr "類型 ID 映射"
279 #. label: EPG - genreidmapenabled
202280 msgctxt "#30054"
203281 msgid "Enable genre ID Mappings"
204282 msgstr "啟用類型 ID 映射"
284 #. label: EPG - genreidmapfile
206285 msgctxt "#30055"
207286 msgid "Genre ID mappings file"
208287 msgstr "類型 ID 映射"
289 #. label-group: Channels - TV
210290 msgctxt "#30056"
211291 msgid "TV"
212292 msgstr "電視"
294 #. label-group: Channels - Radio
214295 msgctxt "#30057"
215296 msgid "Radio"
216297 msgstr "無線電廣播"
299 #. label: Channels - radiogroupmode
218300 msgctxt "#30058"
219301 msgid "Radio bouquet fetch mode"
220302 msgstr "廣播發放獲取模式"
304 #. label: Channels - oneradiogroup
305 msgctxt "#30059"
306 msgid "Radio bouquet 1"
307 msgstr ""
309 #. label-category: timeshift
310 #. label-group: Timeshift - Timeshift
222311 msgctxt "#30060"
223312 msgid "Timeshift"
224313 msgstr "時間平移"
315 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
226316 msgctxt "#30061"
227317 msgid "Enable timeshift"
228318 msgstr "啟用時間管理"
320 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
230321 msgctxt "#30062"
231322 msgid "Timeshift buffer path"
232323 msgstr "時間平移緩衝路徑"
325 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
234326 msgctxt "#30063"
235327 msgid "Off"
236328 msgstr "關閉"
330 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
238331 msgctxt "#30064"
239332 msgid "On playback"
240333 msgstr "當播放中"
335 #. label-option: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
242336 msgctxt "#30065"
243337 msgid "On pause"
244338 msgstr "當暫停中"
340 #. label: Connection - use_secure_stream
246341 msgctxt "#30066"
247342 msgid "Use secure HTTP (https) for streams"
248343 msgstr "對串流使用安全 HTTP (https)"
345 #. label: Connection - use_login_stream
250346 msgctxt "#30067"
251347 msgid "Use login for streams"
252348 msgstr "使用串流登錄"
350 #. label: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
254351 msgctxt "#30068"
255352 msgid "Fetch TV favourites bouquet"
256353 msgstr "獲取電視我的最愛的發放"
355 #. label: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
258356 msgctxt "#30069"
259357 msgid "Fetch radio favourites bouquet"
260358 msgstr "獲取廣播我的最愛的發放"
360 #. label-category: recordings
262361 msgctxt "#30070"
263362 msgid "Recordings"
264363 msgstr "錄影檔"
365 #. label-group: Recordings - Recordings
266366 msgctxt "#30071"
267367 msgid "Recordings"
268368 msgstr "錄影檔"
370 #. label-category: timers
371 #. label-group: Timers - timers
270372 msgctxt "#30072"
271373 msgid "Timers"
272374 msgstr "定時"
376 #. label: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
274377 msgctxt "#30073"
275378 msgid "Number of repeat timers to generate"
276379 msgstr "要生成的重複定時器的數量"
381 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
382 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
278383 msgctxt "#30074"
279384 msgid "All bouquets"
280385 msgstr "所有發放"
387 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
388 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
389 msgctxt "#30075"
390 msgid "Some bouquets"
391 msgstr ""
393 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
394 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
282395 msgctxt "#30076"
283396 msgid "As first bouquet"
284397 msgstr "作為第一個發放"
399 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
400 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
286401 msgctxt "#30077"
287402 msgid "As last bouquet"
288403 msgstr "作為最後一個發放"
405 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
406 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
407 msgctxt "#30078"
408 msgid "Favourites bouquet"
409 msgstr ""
411 #. application: ChannelGroups
290412 msgctxt "#30079"
291413 msgid "Favourites (TV)"
292414 msgstr "我的最愛 (電視)"
416 #. application: ChannelGroups
294417 msgctxt "#30080"
295418 msgid "Favourites (Radio)"
296419 msgstr "我的最愛 (廣播)"
421 #. application: Client
422 #. application: Admin
298423 msgctxt "#30081"
299424 msgid "unknown"
300425 msgstr "未知"
427 #. application: Client
302428 msgctxt "#30082"
303429 msgid " (Not connected!)"
304430 msgstr "(尚未連接!)"
432 #. application: Client
306433 msgctxt "#30083"
307434 msgid "addon error"
308435 msgstr "附加元件錯誤"
437 #. label: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
438 msgctxt "#30084"
439 msgid "Omit location path from recording directory"
440 msgstr ""
442 #. label: Recordings - virtualfolders
443 msgctxt "#30085"
444 msgid "Group recordings into folders by title"
445 msgstr ""
447 #. label-category: backend
310448 msgctxt "#30086"
311449 msgid "Backend"
312450 msgstr "後端"
452 #. label-group: Backend - Recording Padding
314453 msgctxt "#30087"
315454 msgid "Recording Padding"
316455 msgstr "錄製填補"
457 #. label: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
318458 msgctxt "#30088"
319459 msgid "Global start padding"
320460 msgstr "全域開始填補"
462 #. label: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
322463 msgctxt "#30089"
323464 msgid "Global end padding"
324465 msgstr "全域結束填補"
467 #. label-group: Backend - Device Info
326468 msgctxt "#30090"
327469 msgid "Device Info"
328470 msgstr "設備資訊"
472 #. label: Backend - webifversion
330473 msgctxt "#30091"
331474 msgid "WebIf version"
332475 msgstr "WebIf 版本"
477 #. label: Backend - autotimertagintags
334478 msgctxt "#30092"
335479 msgid "AutoTimer tag in timer tags"
336480 msgstr "定時器標記中的自動定時標記"
482 #. label: Backend - autotimernameintags
338483 msgctxt "#30093"
339484 msgid "AutoTimer name in timer tags"
340485 msgstr "定時器標記中的自動定時名稱"
487 #. application: Admin
342488 msgctxt "#30094"
343489 msgid "N/A"
344490 msgstr "N/A"
492 #. application: Admin
346493 msgctxt "#30095"
347494 msgid "True"
348495 msgstr "真實"
497 #. application: Admin
350498 msgctxt "#30096"
351499 msgid "False"
352500 msgstr "錯誤"
502 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
354503 msgctxt "#30097"
355504 msgid "Standby"
356505 msgstr "備用"
507 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
358508 msgctxt "#30098"
359509 msgid "Deep standby"
360510 msgstr "深度待機"
512 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
362513 msgctxt "#30099"
363514 msgid "Wakeup, then standby"
364515 msgstr "喚醒, 然後待機"
517 #. label: General - updatemode
366518 msgctxt "#30100"
367519 msgid "Update mode"
368520 msgstr "更新模式"
522 #. label-option: General - updatemode
370523 msgctxt "#30101"
371524 msgid "Timers and recordings"
372525 msgstr "定時器和錄製"
527 #. label-option: General - updatemode
374528 msgctxt "#30102"
375529 msgid "Timers only"
376530 msgstr "僅限定時器"
532 #. label: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
378533 msgctxt "#30103"
379534 msgid "Use OpenWebIf picon path"
380535 msgstr "使用 OpenWebIf picon 路徑"
537 #. label: Advanced - tracedebug
382538 msgctxt "#30104"
383539 msgid "Enable trace logging in debug mode"
384540 msgstr "在偵錯模式下啟用跟蹤日誌記錄"
542 #. label-group - EPG - Other
386543 msgctxt "#30105"
387544 msgid "Other"
388545 msgstr "其他"
547 #. label: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
390548 msgctxt "#30106"
391549 msgid "EPG update delay per channel"
392550 msgstr "EPG 每個頻道的更新延遲"
552 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)
553 msgctxt "#30107"
554 msgid "Recording EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)"
555 msgstr ""
557 #. label: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
558 msgctxt "#30108"
559 msgid "Enable EDLs support"
560 msgstr ""
562 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
563 msgctxt "#30109"
564 msgid "EDL start time padding"
565 msgstr ""
567 #. label: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
568 msgctxt "#30110"
569 msgid "EDL stop time padding"
570 msgstr ""
572 #. label: Advanced - debugnormal
573 msgctxt "#30111"
574 msgid "Enable debug logging in normal mode"
575 msgstr ""
577 #. application: ChannelGroups
578 msgctxt "#30112"
579 msgid "Last Scanned (TV)"
580 msgstr ""
582 #. application: ChannelGroups
583 msgctxt "#30113"
584 msgid "Last Scanned (Radio)"
585 msgstr ""
587 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
588 #. label: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
589 msgctxt "#30114"
590 msgid "Exclude last scanned bouquet"
591 msgstr ""
593 #. label: EPG - skipinitialepg
594 msgctxt "#30115"
595 msgid "Skip Initial EPG Load"
596 msgstr ""
598 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
599 msgctxt "#30116"
600 msgid "Channels and groups update mode"
601 msgstr ""
603 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
394604 msgctxt "#30117"
395605 msgid "Disabled"
396606 msgstr "關閉"
608 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
609 msgctxt "#30118"
610 msgid "Notify on UI and Log"
611 msgstr ""
613 #. label-option: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
614 msgctxt "#30119"
615 msgid "Reload Channels and Groups"
616 msgstr ""
618 #. label: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
619 msgctxt "#30120"
620 msgid "Channels and groups update hour (24h)"
621 msgstr ""
623 #. label: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
624 msgctxt "#30121"
625 msgid "Connection check timeout"
626 msgstr ""
628 #. label: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
629 msgctxt "#30122"
630 msgid "Connection check interval"
631 msgstr ""
633 #. label: Timers - Autotimers
634 msgctxt "#30123"
635 msgid "Autotimers"
636 msgstr ""
638 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
639 msgctxt "#30124"
640 msgid "Limit 'Any Channel' autotimers to TV or Radio"
641 msgstr ""
643 #. label: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
644 msgctxt "#30125"
645 msgid "Limit to groups of original EPG channel"
646 msgstr ""
648 #. label: Channels - usestandardserviceref
649 msgctxt "#30126"
650 msgid "Use standard channel service reference"
651 msgstr ""
653 #. label: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
654 msgctxt "#30127"
655 msgid "Store last played/play count on the backend"
656 msgstr ""
658 #. label: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
659 msgctxt "#30128"
660 msgid "Share last played across:"
661 msgstr ""
663 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
664 msgctxt "#30129"
665 msgid "Kodi instances"
666 msgstr ""
668 #. label-option: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
669 msgctxt "#30130"
670 msgid "Kodi/E2 instances"
671 msgstr ""
673 #. label-option: Channels - tvgroupmode
674 #. label-option: Channels - radiogroupmode
675 msgctxt "#30131"
676 msgid "Custom bouquets"
677 msgstr ""
679 #. label: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
680 msgctxt "#30132"
681 msgid "Custom TV bouquets file"
682 msgstr ""
684 #. label: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
685 msgctxt "#30133"
686 msgid "Custom Radio bouquets file"
687 msgstr ""
689 #. label: Channels - numtvgroups
690 msgctxt "#30134"
691 msgid "Number of TV bouquets"
692 msgstr ""
694 #. label: Channels - twotvgroup
695 msgctxt "#30135"
696 msgid "TV bouquet 2"
697 msgstr ""
699 #. label: Channels - threetvgroup
700 msgctxt "#30136"
701 msgid "TV bouquet 3"
702 msgstr ""
704 #. label: Channels - fourtvgroup
705 msgctxt "#30137"
706 msgid "TV bouquet 4"
707 msgstr ""
709 #. label: Channels - fivetvgroup
710 msgctxt "#30138"
711 msgid "TV bouquet 5"
712 msgstr ""
714 #. label: Channels - numradiogroups
715 msgctxt "#30139"
716 msgid "Number of radio bouquets"
717 msgstr ""
719 #. label: Channels - tworadiogroup
720 msgctxt "#30140"
721 msgid "Radio bouquet 2"
722 msgstr ""
724 #. label: Channels - threeradiogroup
725 msgctxt "#30141"
726 msgid "Radio bouquet 3"
727 msgstr ""
729 #. label: Channels - fourradiogroup
730 msgctxt "#30142"
731 msgid "Radio bouquet 4"
732 msgstr ""
734 #. label: Channels - fiveradiogroup
735 msgctxt "#30143"
736 msgid "Radio bouquet 5"
737 msgstr ""
739 #. label: Advanced - ignoredebug
740 msgctxt "#30144"
741 msgid "No addon debug logging in Kodi debug mode"
742 msgstr ""
744 #. label-group: Backend - Power Settings
745 msgctxt "#30145"
746 msgid "Power Settings"
747 msgstr ""
749 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
750 msgctxt "#30146"
751 msgid "Wake On LAN MAC"
752 msgstr ""
754 #. label: Timeshift - IPTV
755 msgctxt "#30147"
756 msgid "IPTV"
757 msgstr ""
759 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
760 msgctxt "#30148"
761 msgid "Enable timeshift for IPTV streams"
762 msgstr ""
764 #. label: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
765 msgctxt "#30149"
766 msgid "Use FFmpeg http reconnect options if possible"
767 msgstr ""
769 #. label: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
770 msgctxt "#30150"
771 msgid "Use mpegts MIME type for unknown streams"
772 msgstr ""
774 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
775 msgctxt "#30151"
776 msgid "- Modify inputstream.ffmpegdirect settings..."
777 msgstr ""
779 #. label: Channels - retrieveprovidername
780 msgctxt "#30152"
781 msgid "Retrieve provider name for channels"
782 msgstr ""
784 #. label: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
785 msgctxt "#30153"
786 msgid "Enable timeshift disk limit"
787 msgstr ""
789 #. label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
790 msgctxt "#30154"
791 msgid "Timeshift disk limit"
792 msgstr ""
794 #. format-label: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
795 msgctxt "#30155"
796 msgid "{0:.1f} GiB"
797 msgstr ""
799 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Paths
800 msgctxt "#30157"
801 msgid "Recording Paths"
802 msgstr ""
804 #. label-group: Recordings - Recording Locations
805 msgctxt "#30158"
806 msgid "Recording Locations"
807 msgstr ""
809 #. ##############
810 #. application #
811 #. ##############
812 #. application: Timers
398813 msgctxt "#30410"
399814 msgid "Automatic"
400815 msgstr "自動"
817 # empty strings from id 30411 to 30419
818 #. application: Timers
819 msgctxt "#30420"
820 msgid "Once off timer (auto)"
821 msgstr ""
823 #. application: Timers
824 msgctxt "#30421"
825 msgid "Once off timer (repeating)"
826 msgstr ""
828 #. application: Timers
829 msgctxt "#30422"
830 msgid "Once off timer (channel)"
831 msgstr ""
833 #. application: Timers
834 msgctxt "#30423"
835 msgid "Repeating time/channel based"
836 msgstr ""
838 #. application: Timers
839 msgctxt "#30424"
840 msgid "One time guide-based"
841 msgstr ""
843 #. application: Timers
844 msgctxt "#30425"
845 msgid "Repeating guide-based"
846 msgstr ""
848 #. application: Timers
849 msgctxt "#30426"
850 msgid "Auto guide-based"
851 msgstr ""
853 #. label-option: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
854 #. label-option: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
855 #. label-option: Advanced - powerstatemode
856 #. application: Timers
402857 msgctxt "#30430"
403858 msgid "Disabled"
404859 msgstr "關閉"
861 #. application: Timers
406862 msgctxt "#30431"
407863 msgid "Record if EPG title differs"
408864 msgstr "記錄 EPG 名稱是否不同"
866 #. application: Timers
410867 msgctxt "#30432"
411868 msgid "Record if EPG title and short description differs"
412869 msgstr "記錄 EPG 標題和簡短說明是否不同"
871 #. application: Timers
414872 msgctxt "#30433"
415873 msgid "Record if EPG title and all descriptions differ"
416874 msgstr "記錄 EPG 標題和所有描述是否不同"
876 #. ################
877 #. notifications #
878 #. ################
879 #. notification: Client
418880 msgctxt "#30514"
419881 msgid "Timeshift buffer path does not exist"
420882 msgstr "時間篩選的緩衝路徑不存在"
884 #. notification: Enigma2
422885 msgctxt "#30515"
423886 msgid "Enigma2: Could not reach web interface"
424887 msgstr "Enigma2: 無法訪問網路介面"
889 #. notification: Enigma2
426890 msgctxt "#30516"
427891 msgid "Enigma2: No channel groups found"
428892 msgstr "Enigma2: 未找到頻道群組"
894 #. notification: Enigma2
430895 msgctxt "#30517"
431896 msgid "Enigma2: No channels found"
432897 msgstr "Enigma2: 找不到頻道"
899 #. notification: Enigma2
900 msgctxt "#30518"
901 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, please restart to load changes"
902 msgstr ""
904 #. notification: Enigma2
905 msgctxt "#30519"
906 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, please restart to load changes"
907 msgstr ""
909 #. application: AutoTimer
910 #. application: Timer
911 msgctxt "#30520"
912 msgid "Invalid Channel"
913 msgstr ""
915 #. notification: Enigma2
916 msgctxt "#30521"
917 msgid "Enigma2: Channel group changes detected, reloading..."
918 msgstr ""
920 #. notification: Enigma2
921 msgctxt "#30522"
922 msgid "Enigma2: Channel changes detected, reloading..."
923 msgstr ""
925 # empty strings from id 30523 to 30599
926 #. ############
927 #. help info #
928 #. ############
929 #. help info - Connection
930 #. help-category: connection
931 msgctxt "#30600"
932 msgid "This category cotains the settings for connecting to the Enigma2 device"
933 msgstr ""
935 #. help: Connection - host
936 msgctxt "#30601"
937 msgid "The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based set-top box."
938 msgstr ""
940 #. help: Connection - webport
941 msgctxt "#30602"
942 msgid "The port used to connect to the web interface."
943 msgstr ""
945 #. help: Connection - use_secure
946 msgctxt "#30603"
947 msgid "Use https to connect to the web interface."
948 msgstr ""
950 #. help: Connection - user
951 msgctxt "#30604"
952 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
953 msgstr ""
955 #. help: Connection - pass
956 msgctxt "#30605"
957 msgid "If the webinterface of the set-top box is protected with a username/password combination this needs to be set in this option."
958 msgstr ""
960 #. help: Connection - autoconfig
961 msgctxt "#30606"
962 msgid "When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U8 file. When disabled it is constructed based on the service reference of the channel. This option is rarely required and should not be enbaled unless you have a special use case. If viewing an IPTV Stream this option has no effect on those channels."
963 msgstr ""
965 #. help: Connection - streamport
966 msgctxt "#30607"
967 msgid "This option defines the streaming port the set-top box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface."
968 msgstr ""
970 #. help: Connection - use_secure_stream
971 msgctxt "#30608"
972 msgid "Use https to connect to streams."
973 msgstr ""
975 #. help: Connection - use_login_stream
976 msgctxt "#30609"
977 msgid "Use the login username and password for streams."
978 msgstr ""
980 #. help: Connection - connectionchecktimeout
981 msgctxt "#30610"
982 msgid "The value in seconds to wait for a connection check to complete before failure. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Note, this setting should rarely need to be changed. It's more likely the `Connection check interval` setting will have the desired effect. Default is 30 seconds."
983 msgstr ""
985 #. help: Connection - connectioncheckinterval
986 msgctxt "#30611"
987 msgid "The value in seconds to wait between connection checks. Useful for tuning on older Enigma2 devices. Default is 10 seconds."
988 msgstr ""
990 # empty strings from id 30612 to 30619
991 #. help info - General
992 #. help-category: general
993 msgctxt "#30620"
994 msgid "This category cotains the settings whivh generally need to be set by the user"
995 msgstr ""
997 #. help: General - onlinepicons
998 msgctxt "#30621"
999 msgid "Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 set-top box."
1000 msgstr ""
1002 #. help: General - useopenwebifpiconpath
1003 msgctxt "#30622"
1004 msgid "Fetch the picon path from OpenWebIf instead of constructing from ServiceRef. Requires OpenWebIf 1.3.5 or higher. There is no effect if used on a lower version of OpenWebIf."
1005 msgstr ""
1007 #. help: General - usepiconseuformat
1008 msgctxt "#30623"
1009 msgid "Assume all picons files fetched from the set-top box start with '1_1_1_' and end with '_0_0_0'."
1010 msgstr ""
1012 #. help: General - iconpath
1013 msgctxt "#30624"
1014 msgid "In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your set-top box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property."
1015 msgstr ""
1017 #. help: General - updateint
1018 msgctxt "#30625"
1019 msgid "As the set-top box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the set-top box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates. Please note that updating the recordings frequently can keep your receiver and it's harddisk from entering standby automatically."
1020 msgstr ""
1022 #. help: General - updatemode
1023 msgctxt "#30626"
1024 msgid "The mode used when the update interval is reached. Note that if there is any timer change detected a recordings update will always occur regardless of the update mode. Choose from one of the following two modes: [B]Timers and Recordings[/B] Update all timers and recordings; [B]Timers only[/B] Only update the timers. If it's important to not spin up the HDD on your STB use this option. The HDD should then only spin up when a timer event occurs."
1025 msgstr ""
1027 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatemode
1028 msgctxt "#30627"
1029 msgid "The mode used when the hour in the next settings is reached. Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]Disabled[/B] Never check for channel and group changes; [B]Notify on UI and Log[/B] Display a notice in the UI and log the fact that a change was detectetd[/B]; [B]Reload Channels and Groups[/B] Disconnect and reconnect with E2 device to reload channels only if a change is detected."
1030 msgstr ""
1032 #. help: General - channelandgroupupdatehour
1033 msgctxt "#30628"
1034 msgid "The hour of the day when the check for new channels should occur. Default is 4h as the Auto Bouquet Maker (ABM) on the E2 device defaults to 3AM."
1035 msgstr ""
1037 #. help: Channels - setprogramid
1038 msgctxt "#30629"
1039 msgid "Some TV Providers (e.g. Nos - Portugal) using MPTS send extra program stream information. Setting the program id allows kodi to select the correct stream and therefore makes the channel/recording playable. Note that it takes approx 33% longer to open any stream with this option enabled."
1040 msgstr ""
1042 # empty strings from id 30630 to 30639
1043 #. help info - Channels
1044 #. help-category: channels
1045 msgctxt "#30640"
1046 msgid "This category cotains the settings for channels. When changing bouquets you may need to clear the channel cache to the settings to take effect. You can do this by going to the following in Kodi settings: 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->General->Clear cache'."
1047 msgstr ""
1049 #. help: Channels - usestandardserviceref
1050 msgctxt "#30641"
1051 msgid "Usually service reference's for the channels are in a standard format like '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'. On occasion depending on provider they can be extended with some text e.g. '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV' or '1:0:1:27F6:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0::UTV + 1'. If this option is enabled then all read service reference's will be read as standard. This is default behaviour. Functionality like autotimers will always convert to a standard reference."
1052 msgstr ""
1054 #. help: Channels - zap
1055 msgctxt "#30642"
1056 msgid "When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the set-top box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the set-top box. Please note that [B]allow channel switching[/B] needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the set-top box."
1057 msgstr ""
1059 #. help: Channels - tvgroupmode
1060 msgctxt "#30643"
1061 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all TV bouquets from the set-top box; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for TV favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1062 msgstr ""
1064 #. help: Channels - onetvgroup
1065 #. help: Channels - twotvgroup
1066 #. help: Channels - threetvgroup
1067 #. help: Channels - fourtvgroup
1068 #. help: Channels - fivetvgroup
1069 msgctxt "#30644"
1070 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a TV bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (TV)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1071 msgstr ""
1073 #. help: Channels - tvfavouritesmode
1074 msgctxt "#30645"
1075 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch TV favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1076 msgstr ""
1078 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedtv
1079 msgctxt "#30646"
1080 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any TV channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (TV)' in Kodi. For TV this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to exclude this group. Note that if no TV groups are loaded the Last Scanned group for TV will be loaded by default regardless of this setting."
1081 msgstr ""
1083 #. help: Channels - radiogroupmode
1084 msgctxt "#30647"
1085 msgid "Choose from one of the following three modes: [B]All bouquets[/B] Fetch all Radio bouquets from the set-top box[/B]; [B]Some bouquets[/B] Only fetch the bouquets specified in the next options; [B]Favourites group[/B] Only fetch the system bouquet for Radio favourites; [B]Custom groups[/B] Fetch a set of bouquets from the Set-top box whose names are loaded from an XML file."
1086 msgstr ""
1088 #. help: Channels - oneradiogroup
1089 #. help: Channels - tworadiogroup
1090 #. help: Channels - threeradiogroup
1091 #. help: Channels - fourradiogroup
1092 #. help: Channels - fiveradiogroup
1093 msgctxt "#30648"
1094 msgid "If the previous option has been has been set to 'Some bouquets' you need to specify a Radio bouquet to be fetched from the set-top box. Please note that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the set-top box (i.e. 'Favourites (Radio)'). This setting is case-sensitive."
1095 msgstr ""
1097 #. help: Channels - radiofavouritesmode
1098 msgctxt "#30649"
1099 msgid "If the fetch mode is 'All bouquets' or 'Some bouquets' depending on your Enigma2 image you may need to explicitly fetch favourites if you require them. The options are: [B]Disabled[/B] Don't explicitly fetch Radio favourites; [B]As first bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the first bouquet; [B]As last bouquet[/B] Explicitly fetch them as the last bouquet."
1100 msgstr ""
1102 #. help: Channels - excludelastscannedradio
1103 msgctxt "#30650"
1104 msgid "Last scanned is a system bouquet containing all the TV and Radio channels found in the last scan. Any Radio channels found in the Last Scanned bouquet can be displayed as a group called 'Last Scanned (Radio)' in Kodi. For Radio this group is excluded by default. Disable this option to show this group."
1105 msgstr ""
1107 #. help: Channels - customtvgroupsfile
1108 msgctxt "#30651"
1109 msgid "The file used to load the custom TV bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (TV)'. The default file is `customTVGroups-example.xml`."
1110 msgstr ""
1112 #. help: Channels - customradiogroupsfile
1113 msgctxt "#30652"
1114 msgid "The file used to load the custom Radio bouquets (groups). If no groups can be matched the channel list will default to 'Last Scanned (Radio)'. The default file is `customRadioGroups-example.xml`."
1115 msgstr ""
1117 #. help: Channels - numtvgroups
1118 msgctxt "#30653"
1119 msgid "The number of TV bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1120 msgstr ""
1122 #. help: Channels - numradiogroups
1123 msgctxt "#30654"
1124 msgid "The number of Radio bouquets to load when `Some bouquets` is the selected fetch mode. Up to 5 can be chosen. If more than 5 are required the 'Custom bouquets' fetch mode should be used instead."
1125 msgstr ""
1127 #. help: Channels - usegroupspecificnumbers
1128 msgctxt "#30655"
1129 msgid "If this option is enabled then each group in kodi will match the exact channel numbers used on the backend bouquets. If disabled (default) each channel will only have a single backend channel number (first occurence when loaded)."
1130 msgstr ""
1132 #. help: Channels - retrieveprovidername
1133 msgctxt "#30656"
1134 msgid "Retrieve provider name from the backend when fetching channels. Default is enabled but disabling can speed up fetch times on older devices."
1135 msgstr ""
1137 # empty strings from id 30657 to 30659
1138 #. help info - EPG
1139 #. help-category: epg
1140 msgctxt "#30660"
1141 msgid "This category cotains the settings for EPG (Electronic Programme Guide). Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to 'Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache' in Kodi after the addon restarts."
1142 msgstr ""
1144 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfoenabled
1145 msgctxt "#30661"
1146 msgid "Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible. In addtion can also extract properties like new, live and premiere info."
1147 msgstr ""
1149 #. help: EPG - extractshowinfofile
1150 msgctxt "#30662"
1151 msgid "The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is `English-ShowInfo.xml`."
1152 msgstr ""
1154 #. help: EPG - genreidmapenabled
1155 msgctxt "#30663"
1156 msgid "If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your set-top box are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi."
1157 msgstr ""
1159 #. help: EPG - genreidmapfile
1160 msgctxt "#30664"
1161 msgid "The config used to map set-top box EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is `Sky-UK.xml`."
1162 msgstr ""
1164 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapenabled
1165 msgctxt "#30665"
1166 msgid "If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs."
1167 msgstr ""
1169 #. help: EPG - rytecgenretextmapfile
1170 msgctxt "#30666"
1171 msgid "The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is `Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml`."
1172 msgstr ""
1174 #. help: EPG - logmissinggenremapping
1175 msgctxt "#30667"
1176 msgid "If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [B]TV Drama[/B], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [B]TV Drama. Soap Opera[/B]"
1177 msgstr ""
1179 #. help: EPG - epgdelayperchannel
1180 msgctxt "#30668"
1181 msgid "For older Enigma2 devices EPG updates can effect streaming quality (such as buffer timeouts). A delay of between 250ms and 5000ms can be introduced to improve quality. Only recommended for older devices. Choose the lowest value that avoids buffer timeouts."
1182 msgstr ""
1184 #. help: EPG - skipinitialepg
1185 msgctxt "#30669"
1186 msgid "Ignore the intial EPG load (now and next). Enabled by default to prevent crash issues on LibreElec/CoreElec."
1187 msgstr ""
1189 # empty strings from id 30670 to 30679
1190 #. help info - Recordings
1191 #. help-category: recordings
1192 msgctxt "#30680"
1193 msgid "This category cotains the settings for recordings"
1194 msgstr ""
1196 #. help: Recordings - storeextrarecordinginfo
1197 msgctxt "#30681"
1198 msgid "Store last played position and count on the backend so they can be shared across kodi instances. Only supported on OpenWebIf version 1.3.6+."
1199 msgstr ""
1201 #. help: Recordings - sharerecordinglastplayed
1202 msgctxt "#30682"
1203 msgid "The options are: [B]Kodi instances[/B] Only use the value in kodi and will not affect last played on the E2 device; [B]Kodi/E2 instances[/B] Use the value across kodi and the E2 device so they stay in sync. Last played will be synced with the E2 device once every 5-10 minutes per recording if the PVR menus are in use. Note that only a single kodi instance is required to have this option enabled."
1204 msgstr ""
1206 #. help: Timers - recordingpath
1207 msgctxt "#30683"
1208 msgid "Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the set-top box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option."
1209 msgstr ""
1211 #. help: Recordings - onlycurrent
1212 msgctxt "#30684"
1213 msgid "If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the set-top box. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the 'current recording path' on the set-top box."
1214 msgstr ""
1216 #. help: Recordings - keepfolders
1217 msgctxt "#30685"
1218 msgid "If enabled use the real path from the backend to dictate the folder structure."
1219 msgstr ""
1221 #. help: Recordings - enablerecordingedls
1222 msgctxt "#30686"
1223 msgid "EDLs are used to define commericals etc. in recordings. If a tool like Comskip is used to generate EDL files enabling this will allow Kodi PVR to use them. E.g. if there is a file called 'my recording.ts' the EDL file should be call 'my recording.edl'. Note: enabling this setting has no effect if the files are not present."
1224 msgstr ""
1226 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstart
1227 msgctxt "#30687"
1228 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to start the cut earlier and positive to start the cut later. Default 0."
1229 msgstr ""
1231 #. help: Recordings - edlpaddingstop
1232 msgctxt "#30688"
1233 msgid "Padding to use at an EDL stop. I.e. use a negative number to stop the cut earlier and positive to stop the cut later. Default 0."
1234 msgstr ""
1236 #. help: Recordings - recordingsrecursive
1237 msgctxt "#30689"
1238 msgid "By default only the root of the location will be used to list recordings. When enabled the contents of child folders will be included."
1239 msgstr ""
1241 #. help: Recordings - keepfoldersomitlocation
1242 msgctxt "#30690"
1243 msgid "When using the folder structure from the backend omit the location path from the directory. Useful as it can remove the need to traverse unused folders each time recordings are accessed."
1244 msgstr ""
1246 #. help: Recordings - virtualfolders
1247 msgctxt "#30691"
1248 msgid "Create a virtual structure grouping recordings with the same name into folders. Will be applied to all recordings unless keeping the folder structure on the backend. In that case it will only be applied to the recordings in the root of each recording location."
1249 msgstr ""
1251 # empty strings from id 30692 to 30699
1252 #. help info - Timers
1253 #. help-category: timers
1254 msgctxt "#30700"
1255 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timers (regular and auto)"
1256 msgstr ""
1258 #. help: Timers - enablegenrepeattimers
1259 msgctxt "#30701"
1260 msgid "Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer."
1261 msgstr ""
1263 #. help: Timers - numgenrepeattimers
1264 msgctxt "#30702"
1265 msgid "The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate."
1266 msgstr ""
1268 #. help: Timers - timerlistcleanup
1269 msgctxt "#30703"
1270 msgid "If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the set-top box after each update interval."
1271 msgstr ""
1273 #. help: Timers - enableautotimers
1274 msgctxt "#30704"
1275 msgid "When this is enabled there are some settings required on the set-top box to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. The addon attempts to set these automatically on boot."
1276 msgstr ""
1278 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimers
1279 msgctxt "#30705"
1280 msgid "If last scanned groups are excluded attempt to limit new autotimers to either TV or Radio (dependent on channel used to create the autotimer). Note that if last scanned groups are enabled this is not possible and the setting will be ignored."
1281 msgstr ""
1283 #. help: Timers - limitanychannelautotimerstogroups
1284 msgctxt "#30706"
1285 msgid "For the channel used to create the autotimer limit to channel groups that this channel is a member of."
1286 msgstr ""
1288 # empty strings from id 30707 to 30719
1289 #. help info - Timeshift
1290 #. help-category: timeshift
1291 msgctxt "#30720"
1292 msgid "This category cotains the settings for timeshift. Timeshifting allows you to pause live TV as well as move back and forward from your current position similar to playing back a recording. The buffer is deleted each time a channel is changed or stopped."
1293 msgstr ""
1295 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshift
1296 msgctxt "#30721"
1297 msgid "What timeshift option do you want: [B]Disabled[/B] No timeshifting; [B]On Pause[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing; [B]On Playback[/B] Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened."
1298 msgstr ""
1300 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftbufferpath
1301 msgctxt "#30722"
1302 msgid "The path used to store the timeshift buffer. The default is the `addon_data/pvr.vuplus` folder in userdata."
1303 msgstr ""
1305 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftEnabled
1306 msgctxt "#30723"
1307 msgid "Enable the timeshift feature for IPTV streams using inputstream.ffmpegdirect. Note that this feature only works on playback and will ignore the timeshift mode used for regular channel playback."
1308 msgstr ""
1310 #. help: Timeshift - useFFmpegReconnect
1311 msgctxt "#30724"
1312 msgid "Note this can only apply to http/https streams that are processed by libavformat (e.g. M3u8/HLS)."
1313 msgstr ""
1315 #. help: Timeshift - useMpegtsForUnknownStreams
1316 msgctxt "#30725"
1317 msgid "If the type of stream cannot be determined assume it's an MPEG TS stream."
1318 msgstr ""
1320 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftFFmpegdirectSettings
1321 msgctxt "#30726"
1322 msgid "Open settings dialog for inputstream.ffmpegdirect for modification of timeshift and other settings."
1323 msgstr ""
1325 #. help: Timeshift - enabletimeshiftdisklimit
1326 msgctxt "#30727"
1327 msgid "For devices with limited disk space a limit in Gigabytes can be set whereby timeshift will be switched off and playback will return to the live stream. Note that for timeshift on playback it will not be possible to timeshift again until a stream is restarted once this limit is reached."
1328 msgstr ""
1330 #. help: Timeshift - timeshiftdisklimit
1331 msgctxt "#30728"
1332 msgid "The disk space limit to use for the timeshift buffer in Gigabytes."
1333 msgstr ""
1335 # empty strings from id 30729 to 30739
1336 #. help info - Advanced
1337 #. help-category: advanced
1338 msgctxt "#30740"
1339 msgid "This category cotains advanced/expert settings"
1340 msgstr ""
1342 #. help: Advanced - prependoutline
1343 msgctxt "#30741"
1344 msgid "By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache `Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache` for it to take effect."
1345 msgstr ""
1347 #. help: Advanced - powerstatemode
1348 msgctxt "#30742"
1349 msgid "If this option is set to a value other than `Disabled` then the addon will send a Powerstate command to the set-top box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated): [B]Disabled[/B] No command sent when the addon exits; [B]Standby[/B] Send the standby command on exit; [B]Deep standby[/B] Send the deep standby command on exit. Note, the set-top box will not respond to Kodi after this command is sent; [B]Wakeup, then standby[/B] Similar to standby but first sends a wakeup command. Can be useful if you want to ensure all streams have stopped. Note: if you use CEC this could cause your TV to wake."
1350 msgstr ""
1352 #. help: Advanced - readtimeout
1353 msgctxt "#30743"
1354 msgid "The timemout to use when trying to read live streams. Default for live streams is 0. Default for for timeshifting is 10 seconds."
1355 msgstr ""
1357 #. help: Advanced - streamreadchunksize
1358 msgctxt "#30744"
1359 msgid "The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default at 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide. Can be useful to set manually when viewing streams remotely where buffering can occur as PVR is optimised for a local network."
1360 msgstr ""
1362 #. help: Advanced - debugnormal
1363 msgctxt "#30745"
1364 msgid "Debug log statements will display for the addon even though debug logging may not be enabled in Kodi. Note that all debug log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1365 msgstr ""
1367 #. help: Advanced - tracedebug
1368 msgctxt "#30746"
1369 msgid "Very detailed and verbose log statements will display in addition to standard debug statements. If enabled along with `Enable debug logging in normal mode` both trace and debug will display without debug logging enabled. In this case both debug and trace log statements will display at NOTICE level."
1370 msgstr ""
1372 #. help: Advanced - ignoredebug
1373 msgctxt "#30747"
1374 msgid "Debug log statements will not be displayed for the addon even though debug logging is enabled in Kodi. This can be useful when trying to debug an issue in Kodi which is not addon related."
1375 msgstr ""
1377 # empty strings from id 30748 to 30759
1378 #. help info - Backend
1379 #. help-category: backend
1380 msgctxt "#30760"
1381 msgid "This category contains information and settings on/about the Enigma2 STB."
1382 msgstr ""
1384 #. help: Backend - webifversion
1385 msgctxt "#30761"
1386 msgid "webifversion"
1387 msgstr ""
1389 #. help: Backend - autotimertagintags
1390 msgctxt "#30762"
1391 msgid "autotimertagintags"
1392 msgstr ""
1394 #. help: Backend - autotimernameintags
1395 msgctxt "#30763"
1396 msgid "autotimernameintags"
1397 msgstr ""
1399 #. help: Backend - globalstartpaddingstb
1400 msgctxt "#30764"
1401 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin before recording[/B]. It will be applied to the start of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1402 msgstr ""
1404 #. help: Backend - globalendpaddingstb
1405 msgctxt "#30765"
1406 msgid "This value reflects the backend setting [B]Margin after recording[/B]. It will be applied to the end of all new regular timers created including those created from Autotimers. Note that if a padding/margin is set on an Autotimer it will be custom for that Autotimer and will override this value."
1407 msgstr ""
1409 #. label: Backend - wakeonlanmac
1410 msgctxt "#30766"
1411 msgid "The MAC address of the Engima2 STB to be used for WoL (Wake On LAN)."
1412 msgstr ""
1414 #~ msgctxt "#30017"
1415 #~ msgid "Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path"
1416 #~ msgstr "只使用DVB數位機上盒目前的錄影路徑"
1418 #~ msgctxt "#30023"
1419 #~ msgid "Recording folder on the receiver"
1420 #~ msgstr "接收器上的錄影資料夾"
1422 #~ msgctxt "#30030"
1423 #~ msgid "Keep folder structure for records"
1424 #~ msgstr "保留錄影的資料夾架構"
221221 if (found != std::string::npos)
222222 radioServiceType = radioServiceType.substr(0, found);
224 return radioServiceType == RADIO_SERVICE_TYPE;
224 return std::find(RADIO_SERVICE_TYPES.begin(), RADIO_SERVICE_TYPES.end(), radioServiceType) != RADIO_SERVICE_TYPES.end();
225225 }
227227 void Channel::UpdateTo(kodi::addon::PVRChannel& left) const
1212 #include <memory>
1313 #include <string>
1414 #include <vector>
15 #include <array>
1617 #include <kodi/addon-instance/pvr/Channels.h>
1718 #include <tinyxml.h>
2728 public:
2829 const std::string SERVICE_REF_GENERIC_PREFIX = "1:0:1:";
2930 const std::string SERVICE_REF_GENERIC_POSTFIX = ":0:0:0";
30 const std::string RADIO_SERVICE_TYPE = "2";
31 // There are at least two different service types for radio, see EN300468 Table 87
32 const std::array<std::string, 3> RADIO_SERVICE_TYPES = {"2", "A", "a"};
3234 Channel() = default;
3335 Channel(const Channel &c) : BaseChannel(c), m_channelNumber(c.GetChannelNumber()), m_standardServiceReference(c.GetStandardServiceReference()),