Codebase list libany-moose-perl / f5b5256
use new-style authority config Karen Etheridge 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 copyright_year = 2009
99 [@Author::ETHER]
10 :version = 0.097
10 :version = 0.117
1111 installer = MakeMaker ; MBT does not like dynamic_config = 1
12 Authority.authority = cpan:SARTAK
12 authority = cpan:SARTAK
1313 Test::MinimumVersion.max_target_perl = 5.006002
1414 -remove = PodCoverageTests
1515 -remove = Test::CleanNamespaces