Codebase list libattean-perl / d1ea599
Fix projection string formatting in bin/ Gregory Todd Williams 9 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5555 my ($canon, $mapping) = $bgp->canonical_bgp_with_mapping();
5656 my $hash = sha1_hex( join("\n", map { $_->tuples_string } (@{$canon->triples}) ) );
57 my @proj = sort map { sprintf("(?v_%03d AS $_)", $mapping->{$_}{id}) } grep { $mapping->{$_}{type} eq 'variable' } (keys %$mapping);
57 my @proj = sort map { sprintf("(?%s AS $_)", $mapping->{$_}{id}) } grep { $mapping->{$_}{type} eq 'variable' } (keys %$mapping);
5858 say "# Hash key: $hash";
5959 say "SELECT " . join(' ', @proj) . " WHERE {";
6060 foreach my $t (@{$canon->triples}) {