Codebase list libblockdev / 20e7bae
Require newer version of cryptsetup for LUKS2 tests We need at least cryptsetup 2.0.3 for LUKS2 support in the crypto plugin so we should required the same version in the tests. Vojtech Trefny 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1818 def have_luks2():
1919 try:
20 succ = BlockDev.utils_check_util_version("cryptsetup", "2.0.0", "--version", r"cryptsetup ([0-9+\.]+)")
20 succ = BlockDev.utils_check_util_version("cryptsetup", "2.0.3", "--version", r"cryptsetup ([0-9+\.]+)")
2121 except GLib.GError:
2222 return False
2323 else: