Codebase list libblockdev / 7a3fd3d
tests: Add null-byte exec tests Some commands may print out NULL bytes in the middle of their output, make sure everything works correctly. Tomas Bzatek authored 3 years ago Vojtech Trefny committed 3 years ago
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279279 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo \"%s\"; echo \"%s\" >&2; done" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, None)
280280 self.assertTrue(status)
282 def test_exec_null_bytes(self):
283 """Verify that null bytes in the output are processed properly"""
285 TEST_DATA = ["First line", "Second line", "Third line"]
287 status, out = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_capture_output(["bash", "-c", "echo -e \"%s\\0%s\\n%s\"" % (TEST_DATA[0], TEST_DATA[1], TEST_DATA[2])])
288 self.assertTrue(status)
289 self.assertTrue(TEST_DATA[0] in out)
290 self.assertTrue(TEST_DATA[1] in out)
291 self.assertTrue(TEST_DATA[2] in out)
292 self.assertFalse("kuku!" in out)
294 # ten matches
295 cnt = 10
296 self.num_matches = 0
297 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo -e \"%s\\0%s\"; done" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, self.my_exec_progress_func)
298 self.assertTrue(status)
299 self.assertEqual(self.num_matches, cnt * 2)
301 # 100k matches
302 cnt = 100000
303 self.num_matches = 0
304 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo -e \"%s\\0%s\"; done" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, self.my_exec_progress_func)
305 self.assertTrue(status)
306 self.assertEqual(self.num_matches, cnt * 2)
308 # 100k matches on stderr
309 self.num_matches = 0
310 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo -e \"%s\\0%s\" >&2; done" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, self.my_exec_progress_func)
311 self.assertTrue(status)
312 self.assertEqual(self.num_matches, cnt * 2)
314 # 100k matches on stderr and stdout
315 self.num_matches = 0
316 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo -e \"%s\\0%s\"; echo -e \"%s\\0%s\" >&2; done" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, self.my_exec_progress_func)
317 self.assertTrue(status)
318 self.assertEqual(self.num_matches, cnt * 4)
320 # stdout and stderr output, non-zero return from the command and very long exception message
321 self.num_matches = 0
322 with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, GLib.GError, r"Process reported exit code 66"):
323 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo -e \"%s\\0%s\"; echo -e \"%s\\0%s\" >&2; done; exit 66" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, self.my_exec_progress_func)
324 self.assertEqual(self.num_matches, cnt * 4)
326 # no progress reporting callback given, tests slightly different code path
327 status = BlockDev.utils_exec_and_report_progress(["bash", "-c", "for i in {1..%d}; do echo -e \"%s\\0%s\"; echo -e \"%s\\0%s\" >&2; done" % (cnt, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG, self.EXEC_PROGRESS_MSG)], None, None)
328 self.assertTrue(status)
283331 class UtilsDevUtilsTestCase(UtilsTestCase):
284332 @tag_test(TestTags.NOSTORAGE, TestTags.CORE)