Codebase list libcapture-tiny-perl / 7a9f0dd
refactor duplicative code and fix up poor style David Golden 12 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 22 addition(s) and 30 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
275275 my ($name, $stash) = @_;
276276 my ($fh, $pos) = map { $stash->{$_}{$name} } qw/capture pos/;
277277 _debug( "# slurping captured $name from $pos with layers: @{[PerlIO::get_layers($fh)]}\n");
278 seek $fh,$pos,0; local $/; return scalar readline $fh
278 return do { local $/; seek $fh,$pos,0; scalar readline $fh };
279279 }
281281 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
285285 sub _capture_tee {
286286 _debug( "# starting _capture_tee with (@_)...\n" );
287287 my ($do_stdout, $do_stderr, $do_merge, $do_tee, $code, @opts) = @_;
288 my %do = ($do_stdout ? (stdout => 1) : (), $do_stderr ? (stderr => 1) : ());
288289 Carp::confess("Custom capture options must be given as key/value pairs\n")
289290 unless @opts % 2 == 0;
290291 my $stash = { capture => { @opts } };
291 for my $n ( keys %{$stash->{capture}} ) {
292 my $fh = $stash->{capture}{$n};
293 Carp::confess "Custom handle for $n must be seekable\n"
292 for ( keys %{$stash->{capture}} ) {
293 my $fh = $stash->{capture}{$_};
294 Carp::confess "Custom handle for $_ must be seekable\n"
294295 unless ref($fh) eq 'GLOB' || (blessed($fh) && $fh->isa("IO::Seekable"));
295296 }
296297 # save existing filehandles and setup captures
335336 # store old handles and setup handles for capture
336337 $stash->{old} = _copy_std();
337338 $stash->{new} = { %{$stash->{old}} }; # default to originals
338 if ($do_stdout) {
339 $stash->{new}{stdout} = ($stash->{capture}{stdout} ||= File::Temp->new);
340 seek $stash->{capture}{stdout}, 0, 2;
341 $stash->{pos}{stdout} = tell $stash->{capture}{stdout};
342 }
343 if ($do_stderr) {
344 $stash->{new}{stderr} = ($stash->{capture}{stderr} ||= File::Temp->new);
345 seek $stash->{capture}{stderr}, 0, 2;
346 $stash->{pos}{stderr} = tell $stash->{capture}{stderr};
347 }
348 _debug("# will capture stdout on " . fileno($stash->{capture}{stdout})."\n" ) if $do_stdout;
349 _debug("# will capture stderr on " . fileno($stash->{capture}{stderr})."\n" ) if $do_stderr;
350 # get handles for capture and apply existing IO layers
351 # tees may change $stash->{new}
352 _start_tee( stdout => $stash ) if $do_stdout && $do_tee;
353 _start_tee( stderr => $stash ) if $do_stderr && $do_tee;
339 for ( keys %do ) {
340 $stash->{new}{$_} = ($stash->{capture}{$_} ||= File::Temp->new);
341 seek $stash->{capture}{$_}, 0, 2;
342 $stash->{pos}{$_} = tell $stash->{capture}{$_};
343 _debug("# will capture $_ on " . fileno($stash->{capture}{$_})."\n" );
344 _start_tee( $_ => $stash ) if $do_tee; # tees may change $stash->{new}
345 }
354346 _wait_for_tees( $stash ) if $do_tee;
355347 # finalize redirection
356348 $stash->{new}{stderr} = $stash->{new}{stdout} if $do_merge;
378370 _debug( "# killing tee subprocesses ...\n" ) if $do_tee;
379371 _kill_tees( $stash ) if $do_tee;
380372 # return captured output
381 _relayer($stash->{capture}{stdout}, $layers{stdout}) if $do_stdout;
382 _relayer($stash->{capture}{stderr}, $layers{stderr}) if $do_stderr;
383 my $got_out = $do_stdout ? _slurp('stdout', $stash) : q();
384 my $got_err = $do_stderr ? _slurp('stderr', $stash) : q();
385 _debug("# slurped " . length($got_out) . " bytes from stdout\n");
386 _debug("# slurped " . length($got_err) . " bytes from stderr\n");
387 print CT_ORIG_STDOUT $got_out
373 my %got;
374 for ( keys %do ) {
375 _relayer($stash->{capture}{$_}, $layers{$_});
376 $got{$_} = _slurp($_, $stash);
377 _debug("# slurped " . length($got{$_}) . " bytes from $_\n");
378 }
379 print CT_ORIG_STDOUT $got{stdout}
388380 if $do_stdout && $do_tee && $localize{stdout};
389 print CT_ORIG_STDERR $got_err
381 print CT_ORIG_STDERR $got{stderr}
390382 if $do_stderr && $do_tee && $localize{stderr};
391383 $? = $exit_code;
392384 $@ = $inner_error if $inner_error;
393385 die $outer_error if $outer_error;
394386 _debug( "# ending _capture_tee with (@_)...\n" );
395387 my @return;
396 push @return, $got_out if $do_stdout;
397 push @return, $got_err if $do_stderr;
388 push @return, $got{stdout} if $do_stdout;
389 push @return, $got{stderr} if $do_stderr;
398390 push @return, @result;
399391 return wantarray ? @return : $return[0];
400392 }