Codebase list libclass-c3-xs-perl / bfbc82b
add travis config Graham Knop 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 17 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 language: perl
1 perl:
2 - "5.8"
3 - "5.10"
4 - "5.12"
5 - "5.14"
6 - "5.16"
7 - "5.18"
8 - "5.20"
9 - "5.22"
10 - "5.24"
11 - "5.26"
12 - "dev"
13 - "blead"
14 sudo: false
15 before_install:
16 - eval $(curl --auto