Codebase list libcrypt-cbc-perl / 14fd769
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0 package Crypt::CBC;
2 use Digest::MD5 'md5';
3 use Carp;
4 use strict;
5 use bytes;
6 use vars qw($VERSION);
7 $VERSION = '2.33';
9 use constant RANDOM_DEVICE => '/dev/urandom';
11 sub new {
12 my $class = shift;
14 my $options = {};
16 # hashref arguments
17 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
18 $options = shift;
19 }
21 # CGI style arguments
22 elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-[a-zA-Z_]{1,20}$/) {
23 my %tmp = @_;
24 while ( my($key,$value) = each %tmp) {
25 $key =~ s/^-//;
26 $options->{lc $key} = $value;
27 }
28 }
30 else {
31 $options->{key} = shift;
32 $options->{cipher} = shift;
33 }
35 my $cipher_object_provided = $options->{cipher} && ref $options->{cipher};
37 # "key" is a misnomer here, because it is actually usually a passphrase that is used
38 # to derive the true key
39 my $pass = $options->{key};
41 if ($cipher_object_provided) {
42 carp "Both a key and a pre-initialized Crypt::* object were passed. The key will be ignored"
43 if defined $pass;
44 $pass ||= '';
45 }
46 elsif (!defined $pass) {
47 croak "Please provide an encryption/decryption passphrase or key using -key"
48 }
50 # header mode
51 my %valid_modes = map {$_=>1} qw(none salt randomiv);
52 my $header_mode = $options->{header};
53 $header_mode ||= 'none' if exists $options->{prepend_iv} && !$options->{prepend_iv};
54 $header_mode ||= 'none' if exists $options->{add_header} && !$options->{add_header};
55 $header_mode ||= 'salt'; # default
56 croak "Invalid -header mode '$header_mode'" unless $valid_modes{$header_mode};
58 croak "The -salt argument is incompatible with a -header mode of $header_mode"
59 if exists $options->{salt} && $header_mode ne 'salt';
61 my $cipher = $options->{cipher};
62 $cipher = 'Crypt::DES' unless $cipher;
63 my $cipherclass = ref $cipher || $cipher;
65 unless (ref $cipher) { # munge the class name if no object passed
66 $cipher = $cipher=~/^Crypt::/ ? $cipher : "Crypt::$cipher";
67 $cipher->can('encrypt') or eval "require $cipher; 1" or croak "Couldn't load $cipher: $@";
68 # some crypt modules use the class Crypt::, and others don't
69 $cipher =~ s/^Crypt::// unless $cipher->can('keysize');
70 }
72 # allow user to override these values
73 my $ks = $options->{keysize};
74 my $bs = $options->{blocksize};
76 # otherwise we get the values from the cipher
77 $ks ||= eval {$cipher->keysize};
78 $bs ||= eval {$cipher->blocksize};
80 # Some of the cipher modules are busted and don't report the
81 # keysize (well, Crypt::Blowfish in any case). If we detect
82 # this, and find the blowfish module in use, then assume 56.
83 # Otherwise assume the least common denominator of 8.
84 $ks ||= $cipherclass =~ /blowfish/i ? 56 : 8;
85 $bs ||= $ks;
87 my $pcbc = $options->{'pcbc'};
89 # Default behavior is to treat -key as a passphrase.
90 # But if the literal_key option is true, then use key as is
91 croak "The options -literal_key and -regenerate_key are incompatible with each other"
92 if exists $options->{literal_key} && exists $options->{regenerate_key};
93 my $key;
94 $key = $pass if $options->{literal_key};
95 $key = $pass if exists $options->{regenerate_key} && !$options->{regenerate_key};
97 # Get the salt.
98 my $salt = $options->{salt};
99 my $random_salt = 1 unless defined $salt && $salt ne '1';
100 croak "Argument to -salt must be exactly 8 bytes long" if defined $salt && length $salt != 8 && $salt ne '1';
102 # note: iv will be autogenerated by start() if not specified in options
103 my $iv = $options->{iv};
104 my $random_iv = 1 unless defined $iv;
105 croak "Initialization vector must be exactly $bs bytes long when using the $cipherclass cipher" if defined $iv and length($iv) != $bs;
107 my $literal_key = $options->{literal_key} || (exists $options->{regenerate_key} && !$options->{regenerate_key});
108 my $legacy_hack = $options->{insecure_legacy_decrypt};
109 my $padding = $options->{padding} || 'standard';
111 if ($padding && ref($padding) eq 'CODE') {
112 # check to see that this code does its padding correctly
113 for my $i (1..$bs-1) {
114 my $rbs = length($padding->(" "x$i,$bs,'e'));
115 croak "padding method callback does not behave properly: expected $bs bytes back, got $rbs bytes back."
116 unless ($rbs == $bs);
117 }
118 } else {
119 $padding = $padding eq 'none' ? \&_no_padding
120 :$padding eq 'null' ? \&_null_padding
121 :$padding eq 'space' ? \&_space_padding
122 :$padding eq 'oneandzeroes' ? \&_oneandzeroes_padding
123 :$padding eq 'rijndael_compat'? \&_rijndael_compat
124 :$padding eq 'standard' ? \&_standard_padding
125 :croak "'$padding' padding not supported. See perldoc Crypt::CBC for instructions on creating your own.";
126 }
129 # HEADER consistency
130 if ($header_mode eq 'salt') {
131 croak "Cannot use salt-based key generation if literal key is specified"
132 if $options->{literal_key};
133 croak "Cannot use salt-based IV generation if literal IV is specified"
134 if exists $options->{iv};
135 }
136 elsif ($header_mode eq 'randomiv') {
137 croak "Cannot encrypt using a non-8 byte blocksize cipher when using randomiv header mode"
138 unless $bs == 8 || $legacy_hack;
139 }
140 elsif ($header_mode eq 'none') {
141 croak "You must provide an initialization vector using -iv when using -header=>'none'"
142 unless exists $options->{iv};
143 }
145 # KEYSIZE consistency
146 if (defined $key && length($key) != $ks) {
147 croak "If specified by -literal_key, then the key length must be equal to the chosen cipher's key length of $ks bytes";
148 }
150 # IV consistency
151 if (defined $iv && length($iv) != $bs) {
152 croak "If specified by -iv, then the initialization vector length must be equal to the chosen cipher's blocksize of $bs bytes";
153 }
156 return bless {'cipher' => $cipher,
157 'passphrase' => $pass,
158 'key' => $key,
159 'iv' => $iv,
160 'salt' => $salt,
161 'padding' => $padding,
162 'blocksize' => $bs,
163 'keysize' => $ks,
164 'header_mode' => $header_mode,
165 'legacy_hack' => $legacy_hack,
166 'literal_key' => $literal_key,
167 'pcbc' => $pcbc,
168 'make_random_salt' => $random_salt,
169 'make_random_iv' => $random_iv,
170 },$class;
171 }
173 sub encrypt (\$$) {
174 my ($self,$data) = @_;
175 $self->start('encrypting');
176 my $result = $self->crypt($data);
177 $result .= $self->finish;
178 $result;
179 }
181 sub decrypt (\$$){
182 my ($self,$data) = @_;
183 $self->start('decrypting');
184 my $result = $self->crypt($data);
185 $result .= $self->finish;
186 $result;
187 }
189 sub encrypt_hex (\$$) {
190 my ($self,$data) = @_;
191 return join('',unpack 'H*',$self->encrypt($data));
192 }
194 sub decrypt_hex (\$$) {
195 my ($self,$data) = @_;
196 return $self->decrypt(pack'H*',$data);
197 }
199 # call to start a series of encryption/decryption operations
200 sub start (\$$) {
201 my $self = shift;
202 my $operation = shift;
203 croak "Specify <e>ncryption or <d>ecryption" unless $operation=~/^[ed]/i;
205 $self->{'buffer'} = '';
206 $self->{'decrypt'} = $operation=~/^d/i;
207 }
209 # call to encrypt/decrypt a bit of data
210 sub crypt (\$$){
211 my $self = shift;
212 my $data = shift;
214 my $result;
216 croak "crypt() called without a preceding start()"
217 unless exists $self->{'buffer'};
219 my $d = $self->{'decrypt'};
221 unless ($self->{civ}) { # block cipher has not yet been initialized
222 $result = $self->_generate_iv_and_cipher_from_datastream(\$data) if $d;
223 $result = $self->_generate_iv_and_cipher_from_options() unless $d;
224 }
226 my $iv = $self->{'civ'};
227 $self->{'buffer'} .= $data;
229 my $bs = $self->{'blocksize'};
231 croak "When using no padding, plaintext size must be a multiple of $bs"
232 if $self->{'padding'} eq \&_no_padding
233 and length($data) % $bs;
235 croak "When using rijndael_compat padding, plaintext size must be a multiple of $bs"
236 if $self->{'padding'} eq \&_rijndael_compat
237 and length($data) % $bs;
239 return $result unless (length($self->{'buffer'}) >= $bs);
241 my @blocks = unpack("a$bs "x(int(length($self->{'buffer'})/$bs)) . "a*", $self->{'buffer'});
242 $self->{'buffer'} = '';
244 if ($d) { # when decrypting, always leave a free block at the end
245 $self->{'buffer'} = length($blocks[-1]) < $bs ? join '',splice(@blocks,-2) : pop(@blocks);
246 } else {
247 $self->{'buffer'} = pop @blocks if length($blocks[-1]) < $bs; # what's left over
248 }
250 foreach my $block (@blocks) {
251 if ($d) { # decrypting
252 $result .= $iv = $iv ^ $self->{'crypt'}->decrypt($block);
253 $iv = $block unless $self->{pcbc};
254 } else { # encrypting
255 $result .= $iv = $self->{'crypt'}->encrypt($iv ^ $block);
256 }
257 $iv = $iv ^ $block if $self->{pcbc};
258 }
259 $self->{'civ'} = $iv; # remember the iv
260 return $result;
261 }
263 # this is called at the end to flush whatever's left
264 sub finish (\$) {
265 my $self = shift;
266 my $bs = $self->{'blocksize'};
267 my $block = defined $self->{'buffer'} ? $self->{'buffer'} : '';
269 $self->{civ} ||= '';
271 my $result;
272 if ($self->{'decrypt'}) { #decrypting
273 $block = length $block ? pack("a$bs",$block) : ''; # pad and truncate to block size
275 if (length($block)) {
276 $result = $self->{'civ'} ^ $self->{'crypt'}->decrypt($block);
277 $result = $self->{'padding'}->($result, $bs, 'd');
278 } else {
279 $result = '';
280 }
282 } else { # encrypting
283 $block = $self->{'padding'}->($block,$bs,'e') || '';
284 $result = length $block ? $self->{'crypt'}->encrypt($self->{'civ'} ^ $block) : '';
285 }
286 delete $self->{'civ'};
287 delete $self->{'buffer'};
288 return $result;
289 }
291 # this subroutine will generate the actual {en,de}cryption key, the iv
292 # and the block cipher object. This is called when reading from a datastream
293 # and so it uses previous values of salt or iv if they are encoded in datastream
294 # header
295 sub _generate_iv_and_cipher_from_datastream {
296 my $self = shift;
297 my $input_stream = shift;
298 my $bs = $self->blocksize;
300 # use our header mode to figure out what to do with the data stream
301 my $header_mode = $self->header_mode;
303 if ($header_mode eq 'none') {
304 croak "You must specify a $bs byte initialization vector by passing the -iv option to new() when using -header_mode=>'none'"
305 unless exists $self->{iv};
306 $self->{civ} = $self->{iv}; # current IV equals saved IV
307 $self->{key} ||= $self->_key_from_key($self->{passphrase});
308 }
310 elsif ($header_mode eq 'salt') {
311 my ($salt) = $$input_stream =~ /^Salted__(.{8})/s;
312 croak "Ciphertext does not begin with a valid header for 'salt' header mode" unless defined $salt;
313 $self->{salt} = $salt; # new salt
314 substr($$input_stream,0,16) = '';
315 my ($key,$iv) = $self->_salted_key_and_iv($self->{passphrase},$salt);
316 $self->{iv} = $self->{civ} = $iv;
317 $self->{key} = $key;
318 }
320 elsif ($header_mode eq 'randomiv') {
321 my ($iv) = $$input_stream =~ /^RandomIV(.{8})/s;
322 croak "Ciphertext does not begin with a valid header for 'randomiv' header mode" unless defined $iv;
323 croak "randomiv header mode cannot be used securely when decrypting with a >8 byte block cipher.\nUse the -insecure_legacy_decrypt flag if you are sure you want to do this" unless $self->blocksize == 8 || $self->legacy_hack;
324 $self->{iv} = $self->{civ} = $iv;
325 $self->{key} = $self->_key_from_key($self->{passphrase});
326 undef $self->{salt}; # paranoia
327 substr($$input_stream,0,16) = ''; # truncate
328 }
330 else {
331 croak "Invalid header mode '$header_mode'";
332 }
334 # we should have the key and iv now, or we are dead in the water
335 croak "Cipher stream did not contain IV or salt, and you did not specify these values in new()"
336 unless $self->{key} && $self->{civ};
338 # now we can generate the crypt object itself
339 $self->{crypt} = ref $self->{cipher} ? $self->{cipher}
340 : $self->{cipher}->new($self->{key})
341 or croak "Could not create $self->{cipher} object: $@";
342 return '';
343 }
345 sub _generate_iv_and_cipher_from_options {
346 my $self = shift;
347 my $blocksize = $self->blocksize;
349 my $result = '';
351 my $header_mode = $self->header_mode;
352 if ($header_mode eq 'none') {
353 croak "You must specify a $blocksize byte initialization vector by passing the -iv option to new() when using -header_mode=>'none'"
354 unless exists $self->{iv};
355 $self->{civ} = $self->{iv};
356 $self->{key} ||= $self->_key_from_key($self->{passphrase});
357 }
359 elsif ($header_mode eq 'salt') {
360 $self->{salt} = $self->_get_random_bytes(8) if $self->{make_random_salt};
361 defined (my $salt = $self->{salt}) or croak "No header_mode of 'salt' specified, but no salt value provided"; # shouldn't happen
362 length($salt) == 8 or croak "Salt must be exactly 8 bytes long";
363 my ($key,$iv) = $self->_salted_key_and_iv($self->{passphrase},$salt);
364 $self->{key} = $key;
365 $self->{civ} = $self->{iv} = $iv;
366 $result = "Salted__${salt}";
367 }
369 elsif ($header_mode eq 'randomiv') {
370 croak "randomiv header mode cannot be used when encrypting with a >8 byte block cipher. There is no option to allow this"
371 unless $blocksize == 8;
372 $self->{key} ||= $self->_key_from_key($self->{passphrase});
373 $self->{iv} = $self->_get_random_bytes(8) if $self->{make_random_iv};
374 length($self->{iv}) == 8 or croak "IV must be exactly 8 bytes long when used with header mode of 'randomiv'";
375 $self->{civ} = $self->{iv};
376 $result = "RandomIV$self->{iv}";
377 }
379 croak "key and/or iv are missing" unless defined $self->{key} && defined $self->{civ};
381 $self->_taintcheck($self->{key});
382 $self->{crypt} = ref $self->{cipher} ? $self->{cipher}
383 : $self->{cipher}->new($self->{key})
384 or croak "Could not create $self->{cipher} object: $@";
385 return $result;
386 }
388 sub _taintcheck {
389 my $self = shift;
390 my $key = shift;
391 return unless ${^TAINT};
393 my $has_scalar_util = eval "require Scalar::Util; 1";
394 my $tainted;
397 if ($has_scalar_util) {
398 $tainted = Scalar::Util::tainted($key);
399 } else {
400 local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
401 local $^W = 0;
402 eval { kill 0 * $key };
403 $tainted = $@ =~ /^Insecure/;
404 }
406 croak "Taint checks are turned on and your key is tainted. Please untaint the key and try again"
407 if $tainted;
408 }
410 sub _key_from_key {
411 my $self = shift;
412 my $pass = shift;
413 my $ks = $self->{keysize};
415 return $pass if $self->{literal_key};
417 my $material = md5($pass);
418 while (length($material) < $ks) {
419 $material .= md5($material);
420 }
421 return substr($material,0,$ks);
422 }
424 sub _salted_key_and_iv {
425 my $self = shift;
426 my ($pass,$salt) = @_;
428 croak "Salt must be 8 bytes long" unless length $salt == 8;
430 my $key_len = $self->{keysize};
431 my $iv_len = $self->{blocksize};
433 my $desired_len = $key_len+$iv_len;
435 my $data = '';
436 my $d = '';
438 while (length $data < $desired_len) {
439 $d = md5($d . $pass . $salt);
440 $data .= $d;
441 }
442 return (substr($data,0,$key_len),substr($data,$key_len,$iv_len));
443 }
445 sub random_bytes {
446 my $self = shift;
447 my $bytes = shift or croak "usage: random_bytes(\$byte_length)";
448 $self->_get_random_bytes($bytes);
449 }
451 sub _get_random_bytes {
452 my $self = shift;
453 my $length = shift;
454 my $result;
456 if (-r RANDOM_DEVICE && open(F,RANDOM_DEVICE)) {
457 read(F,$result,$length);
458 close F;
459 } else {
460 $result = pack("C*",map {rand(256)} 1..$length);
461 }
462 # Clear taint and check length
463 $result =~ /^(.+)$/s;
464 length($1) == $length or croak "Invalid length while gathering $length random bytes";
465 return $1;
466 }
468 sub _standard_padding ($$$) {
469 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
470 $b = length $b ? $b : '';
471 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
472 my $pad_length = unpack("C",substr($b,-1));
474 # sanity check for implementations that don't pad correctly
475 return $b unless $pad_length >= 0 && $pad_length <= $bs;
476 my @pad_chars = unpack("C*",substr($b,-$pad_length));
477 return $b if grep {$pad_length != $_} @pad_chars;
479 return substr($b,0,$bs-$pad_length);
480 }
481 my $pad = $bs - length($b) % $bs;
482 return $b . pack("C*",($pad)x$pad);
483 }
485 sub _space_padding ($$$) {
486 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
487 return unless length $b;
488 $b = length $b ? $b : '';
489 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
490 $b=~ s/ *\z//s;
491 return $b;
492 }
493 return $b . pack("C*", (32) x ($bs - length($b) % $bs));
494 }
496 sub _no_padding ($$$) {
497 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
498 return $b;
499 }
501 sub _null_padding ($$$) {
502 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
503 return unless length $b;
504 $b = length $b ? $b : '';
505 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
506 $b=~ s/\0*\z//s;
507 return $b;
508 }
509 return $b . pack("C*", (0) x ($bs - length($b) % $bs));
510 }
512 sub _oneandzeroes_padding ($$$) {
513 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
514 $b = length $b ? $b : '';
515 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
516 $b=~ s/\x80\0*\z//s;
517 return $b;
518 }
519 return $b . pack("C*", 128, (0) x ($bs - length($b) % $bs - 1) );
520 }
522 sub _rijndael_compat ($$$) {
523 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
524 return unless length $b;
525 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
526 $b=~ s/\x80\0*\z//s;
527 return $b;
528 }
529 return $b . pack("C*", 128, (0) x ($bs - length($b) % $bs - 1) );
530 }
532 sub get_initialization_vector (\$) {
533 my $self = shift;
534 $self->iv();
535 }
537 sub set_initialization_vector (\$$) {
538 my $self = shift;
539 my $iv = shift;
540 my $bs = $self->blocksize;
541 croak "Initialization vector must be $bs bytes in length" unless length($iv) == $bs;
542 $self->iv($iv);
543 }
545 sub salt {
546 my $self = shift;
547 my $d = $self->{salt};
548 $self->{salt} = shift if @_;
549 $d;
550 }
552 sub iv {
553 my $self = shift;
554 my $d = $self->{iv};
555 $self->{iv} = shift if @_;
556 $d;
557 }
559 sub key {
560 my $self = shift;
561 my $d = $self->{key};
562 $self->{key} = shift if @_;
563 $d;
564 }
566 sub passphrase {
567 my $self = shift;
568 my $d = $self->{passphrase};
569 if (@_) {
570 undef $self->{key};
571 undef $self->{iv};
572 $self->{passphrase} = shift;
573 }
574 $d;
575 }
577 sub cipher { shift->{cipher} }
578 sub padding { shift->{padding} }
579 sub keysize { shift->{keysize} }
580 sub blocksize { shift->{blocksize} }
581 sub pcbc { shift->{pcbc} }
582 sub header_mode {shift->{header_mode} }
583 sub legacy_hack { shift->{legacy_hack} }
585 1;
586 __END__
588 =head1 NAME
590 Crypt::CBC - Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
592 =head1 SYNOPSIS
594 use Crypt::CBC;
595 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key => 'my secret key',
596 -cipher => 'Blowfish'
597 );
599 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
600 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
602 $cipher->start('encrypting');
603 open(F,"./BIG_FILE");
604 while (read(F,$buffer,1024)) {
605 print $cipher->crypt($buffer);
606 }
607 print $cipher->finish;
609 # do-it-yourself mode -- specify key, initialization vector yourself
610 $key = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8); # assuming a 8-byte block cipher
611 $iv = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8);
612 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-literal_key => 1,
613 -key => $key,
614 -iv => $iv,
615 -header => 'none');
617 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
618 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
620 # RANDOMIV-compatible mode
621 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'Super Secret!'
622 -header => 'randomiv');
625 =head1 DESCRIPTION
627 This module is a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher
628 block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as
629 DES or IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long
630 length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption
631 format used by the B<OpenSSL> package.
633 To use this module, you will first create a Crypt::CBC cipher object
634 with new(). At the time of cipher creation, you specify an encryption
635 key to use and, optionally, a block encryption algorithm. You will
636 then call the start() method to initialize the encryption or
637 decryption process, crypt() to encrypt or decrypt one or more blocks
638 of data, and lastly finish(), to pad and encrypt the final block. For
639 your convenience, you can call the encrypt() and decrypt() methods to
640 operate on a whole data value at once.
642 =head2 new()
644 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key => 'my secret key',
645 -cipher => 'Blowfish',
646 );
648 # or (for compatibility with versions prior to 2.13)
649 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( {
650 key => 'my secret key',
651 cipher => 'Blowfish'
652 }
653 );
656 # or (for compatibility with versions prior to 2.0)
657 $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('my secret key' => 'Blowfish');
659 The new() method creates a new Crypt::CBC object. It accepts a list of
660 -argument => value pairs selected from the following list:
662 Argument Description
663 -------- -----------
665 -key The encryption/decryption key (required)
667 -cipher The cipher algorithm (defaults to Crypt::DES), or
668 a preexisting cipher object.
670 -salt Enables OpenSSL-compatibility. If equal to a value
671 of "1" then causes a random salt to be generated
672 and used to derive the encryption key and IV. Other
673 true values are taken to be the literal salt.
675 -iv The initialization vector (IV)
677 -header What type of header to prepend to ciphertext. One of
678 'salt' -- use OpenSSL-compatible salted header
679 'randomiv' -- Randomiv-compatible "RandomIV" header
680 'none' -- prepend no header at all
682 -padding The padding method, one of "standard" (default),
683 "space", "oneandzeroes", "rijndael_compat",
684 "null", or "none" (default "standard").
686 -literal_key If true, the key provided by "key" is used directly
687 for encryption/decryption. Otherwise the actual
688 key used will be a hash of the provided key.
689 (default false)
691 -pcbc Whether to use the PCBC chaining algorithm rather than
692 the standard CBC algorithm (default false).
694 -keysize Force the cipher keysize to the indicated number of bytes.
696 -blocksize Force the cipher blocksize to the indicated number of bytes.
698 -insecure_legacy_decrypt
699 Allow decryption of data encrypted using the "RandomIV" header
700 produced by pre-2.17 versions of Crypt::CBC.
702 -add_header [deprecated; use -header instread]
703 Whether to add the salt and IV to the header of the output
704 cipher text.
706 -regenerate_key [deprecated; use literal_key instead]
707 Whether to use a hash of the provided key to generate
708 the actual encryption key (default true)
710 -prepend_iv [deprecated; use add_header instead]
711 Whether to prepend the IV to the beginning of the
712 encrypted stream (default true)
714 Crypt::CBC requires three pieces of information to do its job. First
715 it needs the name of the block cipher algorithm that will encrypt or
716 decrypt the data in blocks of fixed length known as the cipher's
717 "blocksize." Second, it needs an encryption/decryption key to pass to
718 the block cipher. Third, it needs an initialization vector (IV) that
719 will be used to propagate information from one encrypted block to the
720 next. Both the key and the IV must be exactly the same length as the
721 chosen cipher's blocksize.
723 Crypt::CBC can derive the key and the IV from a passphrase that you
724 provide, or can let you specify the true key and IV manually. In
725 addition, you have the option of embedding enough information to
726 regenerate the IV in a short header that is emitted at the start of
727 the encrypted stream, or outputting a headerless encryption stream. In
728 the first case, Crypt::CBC will be able to decrypt the stream given
729 just the original key or passphrase. In the second case, you will have
730 to provide the original IV as well as the key/passphrase.
732 The B<-cipher> option specifies which block cipher algorithm to use to
733 encode each section of the message. This argument is optional and
734 will default to the quick-but-not-very-secure DES algorithm unless
735 specified otherwise. You may use any compatible block encryption
736 algorithm that you have installed. Currently, this includes
737 Crypt::DES, Crypt::DES_EDE3, Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::Blowfish,
738 Crypt::CAST5 and Crypt::Rijndael. You may refer to them using their
739 full names ("Crypt::IDEA") or in abbreviated form ("IDEA").
741 Instead of passing the name of a cipher class, you may pass an
742 already-created block cipher object. This allows you to take advantage
743 of cipher algorithms that have parameterized new() methods, such as
744 Crypt::Eksblowfish:
746 my $eksblowfish = Crypt::Eksblowfish->new(8,$salt,$key);
747 my $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=>$eksblowfish);
749 The B<-key> argument provides either a passphrase to use to generate
750 the encryption key, or the literal value of the block cipher key. If
751 used in passphrase mode (which is the default), B<-key> can be any
752 number of characters; the actual key will be derived by passing the
753 passphrase through a series of MD5 hash operations. To take full
754 advantage of a given block cipher, the length of the passphrase should
755 be at least equal to the cipher's blocksize. To skip this hashing
756 operation and specify the key directly, pass a true value to the
757 B<-literal_key> option. In this case, you should choose a key of
758 length exactly equal to the cipher's key length. You should also
759 specify the IV yourself and a -header mode of 'none'.
761 If you pass an existing Crypt::* object to new(), then the -key
762 argument is ignored and the module will generate a warning.
764 The B<-header> argument specifies what type of header, if any, to
765 prepend to the beginning of the encrypted data stream. The header
766 allows Crypt::CBC to regenerate the original IV and correctly decrypt
767 the data without your having to provide the same IV used to encrypt
768 the data. Valid values for the B<-header> are:
770 "salt" -- Combine the passphrase with an 8-byte random value to
771 generate both the block cipher key and the IV from the
772 provided passphrase. The salt will be appended to the
773 beginning of the data stream allowing decryption to
774 regenerate both the key and IV given the correct passphrase.
775 This method is compatible with current versions of OpenSSL.
777 "randomiv" -- Generate the block cipher key from the passphrase, and
778 choose a random 8-byte value to use as the IV. The IV will
779 be prepended to the data stream. This method is compatible
780 with ciphertext produced by versions of the library prior to
781 2.17, but is incompatible with block ciphers that have non
782 8-byte block sizes, such as Rijndael. Crypt::CBC will exit
783 with a fatal error if you try to use this header mode with a
784 non 8-byte cipher.
786 "none" -- Do not generate a header. To decrypt a stream encrypted
787 in this way, you will have to provide the original IV
788 manually.
790 B<The "salt" header is now the default as of Crypt::CBC version 2.17. In
791 all earlier versions "randomiv" was the default.>
793 When using a "salt" header, you may specify your own value of the
794 salt, by passing the desired 8-byte salt to the B<-salt>
795 argument. Otherwise, the module will generate a random salt for
796 you. Crypt::CBC will generate a fatal error if you specify a salt
797 value that isn't exactly 8 bytes long. For backward compatibility
798 reasons, passing a value of "1" will generate a random salt, the same
799 as if no B<-salt> argument was provided.
801 The B<-padding> argument controls how the last few bytes of the
802 encrypted stream are dealt with when they not an exact multiple of the
803 cipher block length. The default is "standard", the method specified
804 in PKCS#5.
806 The B<-pcbc> argument, if true, activates a modified chaining mode
807 known as PCBC. It provides better error propagation characteristics
808 than the default CBC encryption and is required for authenticating to
809 Kerberos4 systems (see RFC 2222).
811 The B<-keysize> and B<-blocksize> arguments can be used to force the
812 cipher's keysize and/or blocksize. This is only currently useful for
813 the Crypt::Blowfish module, which accepts a variable length
814 keysize. If -keysize is not specified, then Crypt::CBC will use the
815 maximum length Blowfish key size of 56 bytes (448 bits). The Openssl
816 library defaults to 16 byte Blowfish key sizes, so for compatibility
817 with Openssl you may wish to set -keysize=>16. There are currently no
818 Crypt::* modules that have variable block sizes, but an option to
819 change the block size is provided just in case.
821 For compatibility with earlier versions of this module, you can
822 provide new() with a hashref containing key/value pairs. The key names
823 are the same as the arguments described earlier, but without the
824 initial hyphen. You may also call new() with one or two positional
825 arguments, in which case the first argument is taken to be the key and
826 the second to be the optional block cipher algorithm.
828 B<IMPORTANT NOTE:> Versions of this module prior to 2.17 were
829 incorrectly using 8-byte IVs when generating the "randomiv" style of
830 header, even when the chosen cipher's blocksize was greater than 8
831 bytes. This primarily affects the Rijndael algorithm. Such encrypted
832 data streams were B<not secure>. From versions 2.17 onward, Crypt::CBC
833 will refuse to encrypt or decrypt using the "randomiv" header and non-8
834 byte block ciphers. To decrypt legacy data encrypted with earlier
835 versions of the module, you can override the check using the
836 B<-insecure_legacy_decrypt> option. It is not possible to override
837 encryption. Please use the default "salt" header style, or no headers
838 at all.
840 =head2 start()
842 $cipher->start('encrypting');
843 $cipher->start('decrypting');
845 The start() method prepares the cipher for a series of encryption or
846 decryption steps, resetting the internal state of the cipher if
847 necessary. You must provide a string indicating whether you wish to
848 encrypt or decrypt. "E" or any word that begins with an "e" indicates
849 encryption. "D" or any word that begins with a "d" indicates
850 decryption.
852 =head2 crypt()
854 $ciphertext = $cipher->crypt($plaintext);
856 After calling start(), you should call crypt() as many times as
857 necessary to encrypt the desired data.
859 =head2 finish()
861 $ciphertext = $cipher->finish();
863 The CBC algorithm must buffer data blocks internally until they are
864 even multiples of the encryption algorithm's blocksize (typically 8
865 bytes). After the last call to crypt() you should call finish().
866 This flushes the internal buffer and returns any leftover ciphertext.
868 In a typical application you will read the plaintext from a file or
869 input stream and write the result to standard output in a loop that
870 might look like this:
872 $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('hey jude!');
873 $cipher->start('encrypting');
874 print $cipher->crypt($_) while <>;
875 print $cipher->finish();
877 =head2 encrypt()
879 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext)
881 This convenience function runs the entire sequence of start(), crypt()
882 and finish() for you, processing the provided plaintext and returning
883 the corresponding ciphertext.
885 =head2 decrypt()
887 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext)
889 This convenience function runs the entire sequence of start(), crypt()
890 and finish() for you, processing the provided ciphertext and returning
891 the corresponding plaintext.
893 =head2 encrypt_hex(), decrypt_hex()
895 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt_hex($plaintext)
896 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt_hex($ciphertext)
898 These are convenience functions that operate on ciphertext in a
899 hexadecimal representation. B<encrypt_hex($plaintext)> is exactly
900 equivalent to B<unpack('H*',encrypt($plaintext))>. These functions
901 can be useful if, for example, you wish to place the encrypted in an
902 email message.
904 =head2 get_initialization_vector()
906 $iv = $cipher->get_initialization_vector()
908 This function will return the IV used in encryption and or decryption.
909 The IV is not guaranteed to be set when encrypting until start() is
910 called, and when decrypting until crypt() is called the first
911 time. Unless the IV was manually specified in the new() call, the IV
912 will change with every complete encryption operation.
914 =head2 set_initialization_vector()
916 $cipher->set_initialization_vector('76543210')
918 This function sets the IV used in encryption and/or decryption. This
919 function may be useful if the IV is not contained within the
920 ciphertext string being decrypted, or if a particular IV is desired
921 for encryption. Note that the IV must match the chosen cipher's
922 blocksize bytes in length.
924 =head2 iv()
926 $iv = $cipher->iv();
927 $cipher->iv($new_iv);
929 As above, but using a single method call.
931 =head2 key()
933 $key = $cipher->key();
934 $cipher->key($new_key);
936 Get or set the block cipher key used for encryption/decryption. When
937 encrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until start() is
938 called, and when decrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until
939 after the first call to crypt(). The key must match the length
940 required by the underlying block cipher.
942 When salted headers are used, the block cipher key will change after
943 each complete sequence of encryption operations.
945 =head2 salt()
947 $salt = $cipher->salt();
948 $cipher->salt($new_salt);
950 Get or set the salt used for deriving the encryption key and IV when
951 in OpenSSL compatibility mode.
953 =head2 passphrase()
955 $passphrase = $cipher->passphrase();
956 $cipher->passphrase($new_passphrase);
958 This gets or sets the value of the B<key> passed to new() when
959 B<literal_key> is false.
961 =head2 $data = random_bytes($numbytes)
963 Return $numbytes worth of random data. On systems that support the
964 "/dev/urandom" device file, this data will be read from the
965 device. Otherwise, it will be generated by repeated calls to the Perl
966 rand() function.
968 =head2 cipher(), padding(), keysize(), blocksize(), pcbc()
970 These read-only methods return the identity of the chosen block cipher
971 algorithm, padding method, key and block size of the chosen block
972 cipher, and whether PCBC chaining is in effect.
974 =head2 Padding methods
976 Use the 'padding' option to change the padding method.
978 When the last block of plaintext is shorter than the block size,
979 it must be padded. Padding methods include: "standard" (i.e., PKCS#5),
980 "oneandzeroes", "space", "rijndael_compat", "null", and "none".
982 standard: (default) Binary safe
983 pads with the number of bytes that should be truncated. So, if
984 blocksize is 8, then "0A0B0C" will be padded with "05", resulting
985 in "0A0B0C0505050505". If the final block is a full block of 8
986 bytes, then a whole block of "0808080808080808" is appended.
988 oneandzeroes: Binary safe
989 pads with "80" followed by as many "00" necessary to fill the
990 block. If the last block is a full block and blocksize is 8, a
991 block of "8000000000000000" will be appended.
993 rijndael_compat: Binary safe, with caveats
994 similar to oneandzeroes, except that no padding is performed if
995 the last block is a full block. This is provided for
996 compatibility with Crypt::Rijndael only and can only be used
997 with messages that are a multiple of the Rijndael blocksize
998 of 16 bytes.
1000 null: text only
1001 pads with as many "00" necessary to fill the block. If the last
1002 block is a full block and blocksize is 8, a block of
1003 "0000000000000000" will be appended.
1005 space: text only
1006 same as "null", but with "20".
1008 none:
1009 no padding added. Useful for special-purpose applications where
1010 you wish to add custom padding to the message.
1012 Both the standard and oneandzeroes paddings are binary safe. The
1013 space and null paddings are recommended only for text data. Which
1014 type of padding you use depends on whether you wish to communicate
1015 with an external (non Crypt::CBC library). If this is the case, use
1016 whatever padding method is compatible.
1018 You can also pass in a custom padding function. To do this, create a
1019 function that takes the arguments:
1021 $padded_block = function($block,$blocksize,$direction);
1023 where $block is the current block of data, $blocksize is the size to
1024 pad it to, $direction is "e" for encrypting and "d" for decrypting,
1025 and $padded_block is the result after padding or depadding.
1027 When encrypting, the function should always return a string of
1028 <blocksize> length, and when decrypting, can expect the string coming
1029 in to always be that length. See _standard_padding(), _space_padding(),
1030 _null_padding(), or _oneandzeroes_padding() in the source for examples.
1032 Standard and oneandzeroes padding are recommended, as both space and
1033 null padding can potentially truncate more characters than they should.
1035 =head1 EXAMPLES
1037 Two examples, and can be found in the eg/ subdirectory
1038 of the Crypt-CBC distribution. These implement command-line DES and
1039 IDEA encryption algorithms.
1041 =head1 LIMITATIONS
1043 The encryption and decryption process is about a tenth the speed of
1044 the equivalent SSLeay programs (compiled C). This could be improved
1045 by implementing this module in C. It may also be worthwhile to
1046 optimize the DES and IDEA block algorithms further.
1048 =head1 BUGS
1050 Please report them.
1052 =head1 AUTHOR
1054 Lincoln Stein,
1056 This module is distributed under the ARTISTIC LICENSE using the same
1057 terms as Perl itself.
1059 =head1 SEE ALSO
1061 perl(1), Crypt::DES(3), Crypt::IDEA(3), rfc2898 (PKCS#5)
1063 =cut
00 Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::CBC.
1 3.04 Mon 17 May 2021 10:58:37 AM EDT
2 - Fixed bug involving manually-specified IV not being used in some circumstances.
4 3.03 Sun 18 Apr 2021 10:54:19 PM EDT
5 - Fixed bug which caused an extraneous block of garbage data to be appended to encrypted
6 string when "nopadding" specified and plaintext is even multiple of blocksize.
8 3.02
9 - CTR mode now requires the Math::Int128 module, which gives a ~5x performance
10 boost over Math::BigInt.
12 3.01
13 - Warn when the deprecated opensslv1 PBKDF (key derivation function) is used
14 for encryption. Turn off with -nodeprecate=>1 or by choosing a different
15 PBKDF, such as -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2'.
16 - Fix a regression when passing the legacy -salt=>1 argument.
18 3.00 Sun Feb 7 10:28:08 EST 2021
19 - Released version 3.00 in recognition of multiple new features
20 and cleanups.
22 2.37 Sun Feb 7 10:20:17 EST 2021
23 - Added better argument checking.
24 - Fixed long-standing standard padding bug: plaintext ending with
25 bytes between 0x00 and 0x0A would be truncated in some conditions.
26 - Fixed Rijndael_compat padding.
28 2.36 Wed 03 Feb 2021 09:19:06 AM EST
29 - Add support for OFB, CFB and CTR chain modes.
30 - New dependency: Math::BigInt
32 2.35 Sun Jan 31 22:02:42 EST 2021
33 - Add support for PBKDF2 key derivation algorithm
34 - New dependencies: Digest::SHA, Crypt::PBKDF2, Crypt::Cipher::AES
36 2.34 Fri Jan 29 18:08:12 EST 2021
37 - Support for openssl SHA-256 key derivation algorithm
139 2.33 Tue Jul 30 16:02:04 EDT 2013
240 - Fix minor RT bugs 83175 and 86455.
10 Changes
3 META.yml Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
4 Makefile.PL
61 Crypt-CBC-2.16-vulnerability.txt
72 eg/
83 eg/
94 eg/
5 lib/Crypt/
6 lib/Crypt/CBC/
7 lib/Crypt/CBC/PBKDF/
8 lib/Crypt/CBC/PBKDF/
9 lib/Crypt/CBC/PBKDF/
10 lib/Crypt/CBC/PBKDF/
11 lib/Crypt/CBC/PBKDF/
12 Makefile.PL
14 META.yml Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
17 t/AES.t
1018 t/Blowfish.t
1119 t/Blowfish_PP.t
1220 t/CAST5.t
1321 t/DES.t
22 t/func.t
1423 t/IDEA.t
24 t/null_data.t
25 t/nopadding.t
26 t/OFB.t
27 t/onezeropadding.t
28 t/parameters.t
29 t/pbkdf.t
1530 t/PCBC.t
31 t/preexisting.t
1632 t/Rijndael.t
17 t/onezeropadding.t
1833 t/Rijndael_compat.t
19 t/func.t
20 t/null_data.t
21 t/parameters.t
22 t/preexisting.t
2434 META.json Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
33 "unknown"
44 ],
55 "dynamic_config" : 1,
6 "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.68, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621",
6 "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.34, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
77 "license" : [
88 "unknown"
99 ],
1010 "meta-spec" : {
1111 "url" : "",
12 "version" : "2"
12 "version" : 2
1313 },
1414 "name" : "Crypt-CBC",
1515 "no_index" : {
2121 "prereqs" : {
2222 "build" : {
2323 "requires" : {
24 "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : 0
24 "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
2525 }
2626 },
2727 "configure" : {
2828 "requires" : {
29 "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : 0
29 "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
3030 }
3131 },
3232 "runtime" : {
3333 "requires" : {
34 "Digest::MD5" : "2.00"
34 "Crypt::Cipher::AES" : "0",
35 "Crypt::PBKDF2" : "0",
36 "Digest::MD5" : "0",
37 "Digest::SHA" : "0"
3538 }
3639 }
3740 },
3841 "release_status" : "stable",
39 "version" : "2.33"
42 "version" : "3.04",
43 "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 4.02"
4044 }
22 author:
33 - unknown
44 build_requires:
5 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
5 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
66 configure_requires:
7 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
7 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
88 dynamic_config: 1
9 generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.68, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621'
9 generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.34, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
1010 license: unknown
1111 meta-spec:
1212 url:
13 version: 1.4
13 version: '1.4'
1414 name: Crypt-CBC
1515 no_index:
1616 directory:
1717 - t
1818 - inc
1919 requires:
20 Digest::MD5: 2.00
21 version: 2.33
20 Crypt::Cipher::AES: '0'
21 Crypt::PBKDF2: '0'
22 Digest::MD5: '0'
23 Digest::SHA: '0'
24 version: '3.04'
25 x_serialization_backend: 'CPAN::Meta::YAML version 0.018'
22 # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
33 WriteMakefile(
44 'NAME' => 'Crypt::CBC',
5 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
6 'PREREQ_PM' => {'Digest::MD5' => '2.00' },
5 'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Crypt/', # finds $VERSION
6 'PREREQ_PM' => {
7 'Digest::MD5' => 0,
8 'Digest::SHA' => 0,
9 'Crypt::PBKDF2' => 0,
10 'Crypt::Cipher::AES' => 0,
11 },
712 'LIBS' => [''], # e.g., '-lm'
813 'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
914 'INC' => '', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
0 # NAME
2 Crypt::CBC - Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
6 use Crypt::CBC;
7 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -pass => 'my secret password',
8 -cipher => 'Cipher::AES'
9 );
11 # one shot mode
12 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
13 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
15 # stream mode
16 $cipher->start('encrypting');
17 open(F,"./BIG_FILE");
18 while (read(F,$buffer,1024)) {
19 print $cipher->crypt($buffer);
20 }
21 print $cipher->finish;
23 # do-it-yourself mode -- specify key && initialization vector yourself
24 $key = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8); # assuming a 8-byte block cipher
25 $iv = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8);
26 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-pbkdf => 'none',
27 -key => $key,
28 -iv => $iv);
30 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
31 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
33 # encrypting via a filehandle (requires Crypt::FileHandle>
34 $fh = Crypt::CBC->filehandle(-pass => 'secret');
35 open $fh,'>','encrypted.txt" or die $!
36 print $fh "This will be encrypted\n";
37 close $fh;
41 This module is a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher
42 block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as
43 AES or Blowfish, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily
44 long length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the
45 encryption format used by the **OpenSSL** package.
47 To use this module, you will first create a Crypt::CBC cipher object
48 with new(). At the time of cipher creation, you specify an encryption
49 key to use and, optionally, a block encryption algorithm. You will
50 then call the start() method to initialize the encryption or
51 decryption process, crypt() to encrypt or decrypt one or more blocks
52 of data, and lastly finish(), to pad and encrypt the final block. For
53 your convenience, you can call the encrypt() and decrypt() methods to
54 operate on a whole data value at once.
56 ## new()
58 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -pass => 'my secret key',
59 -cipher => 'Cipher::AES',
60 );
62 # or (for compatibility with versions prior to 2.0)
63 $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('my secret key' => 'Cipher::AES');
65 The new() method creates a new Crypt::CBC object. It accepts a list of
66 \-argument => value pairs selected from the following list:
68 Argument Description
69 -------- -----------
71 -pass,-key The encryption/decryption passphrase. These arguments
72 are interchangeable, but -pass is preferred
73 ("key" is a misnomer, as it is not the literal
74 encryption key).
76 -cipher The cipher algorithm (defaults to Crypt::Cipher:AES), or
77 a previously created cipher object reference. For
78 convenience, you may omit the initial "Crypt::" part
79 of the classname and use the basename, e.g. "Blowfish"
80 instead of "Crypt::Blowfish".
82 -keysize Force the cipher keysize to the indicated number of bytes. This can be used
83 to set the keysize for variable keylength ciphers such as AES.
85 -chain_mode The block chaining mode to use. Current options are:
86 'cbc' -- cipher-block chaining mode [default]
87 'pcbc' -- plaintext cipher-block chaining mode
88 'cfb' -- cipher feedback mode
89 'ofb' -- output feedback mode
90 'ctr' -- counter mode
92 -pbkdf The passphrase-based key derivation function used to derive
93 the encryption key and initialization vector from the
94 provided passphrase. For backward compatibility, Crypt::CBC
95 will default to "opensslv1", but it is recommended to use
96 the standard "pbkdf2"algorithm instead. If you wish to interoperate
97 with OpenSSL, be aware that different versions of the software
98 support a series of derivation functions.
100 'none' -- The value provided in -pass/-key is used directly.
101 This is the same as passing true to -literal_key.
102 You must also manually specify the IV with -iv.
103 The key and the IV must match the keylength
104 and blocklength of the chosen cipher.
105 'randomiv' -- Use insecure key derivation method found
106 in prehistoric versions of OpenSSL (dangerous)
107 'opensslv1' -- [default] Use the salted MD5 method that was default
108 in versions of OpenSSL through v1.0.2.
109 'opensslv2' -- [better] Use the salted SHA-256 method that was
110 the default in versions of OpenSSL through v1.1.0.
111 'pbkdf2' -- [best] Use the PBKDF2 method that was first
112 introduced in OpenSSL v1.1.1.
114 More derivation functions may be added in the future. To see the
115 supported list, use the command
116 perl -MCrypt::CBC::PBKDF -e 'print join "\n",Crypt::CBC::PBKDF->list'
118 -iter If the 'pbkdf2' key derivation algorithm is used, this specifies the number of
119 hashing cycles to be applied to the passphrase+salt (longer is more secure).
120 [default 10,000]
122 -hasher If the 'pbkdf2' key derivation algorithm is chosen, you can use this to provide
123 an initialized Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash object.
124 [default HMACSHA2 for OpenSSL compatability]
126 -header What type of header to prepend to the ciphertext. One of
127 'salt' -- use OpenSSL-compatible salted header (default)
128 'randomiv' -- Randomiv-compatible "RandomIV" header
129 'none' -- prepend no header at all
130 (compatible with prehistoric versions
131 of OpenSSL)
133 -iv The initialization vector (IV). If not provided, it will be generated
134 by the key derivation function.
136 -salt The salt passed to the key derivation function. If not provided, will be
137 generated randomly (recommended).
139 -padding The padding method, one of "standard" (default),
140 "space", "oneandzeroes", "rijndael_compat",
141 "null", or "none" (default "standard").
143 -literal_key [deprected, use -pbkdf=>'none']
144 If true, the key provided by "-key" or "-pass" is used
145 directly for encryption/decryption without salting or
146 hashing. The key must be the right length for the chosen
147 cipher.
148 [default false)
150 -pcbc [deprecated, use -chaining_mode=>'pcbc']
151 Whether to use the PCBC chaining algorithm rather than
152 the standard CBC algorithm (default false).
154 -add_header [deprecated; use -header instead]
155 Whether to add the salt and IV to the header of the output
156 cipher text.
158 -regenerate_key [deprecated; use -literal_key instead]
159 Whether to use a hash of the provided key to generate
160 the actual encryption key (default true)
162 -prepend_iv [deprecated; use -header instead]
163 Whether to prepend the IV to the beginning of the
164 encrypted stream (default true)
166 Crypt::CBC requires three pieces of information to do its job. First
167 it needs the name of the block cipher algorithm that will encrypt or
168 decrypt the data in blocks of fixed length known as the cipher's
169 "blocksize." Second, it needs an encryption/decryption key to pass to
170 the block cipher. Third, it needs an initialization vector (IV) that
171 will be used to propagate information from one encrypted block to the
172 next. Both the key and the IV must be exactly the same length as the
173 chosen cipher's blocksize.
175 Crypt::CBC can derive the key and the IV from a passphrase that you
176 provide, or can let you specify the true key and IV manually. In
177 addition, you have the option of embedding enough information to
178 regenerate the IV in a short header that is emitted at the start of
179 the encrypted stream, or outputting a headerless encryption stream. In
180 the first case, Crypt::CBC will be able to decrypt the stream given
181 just the original key or passphrase. In the second case, you will have
182 to provide the original IV as well as the key/passphrase.
184 The **-cipher** option specifies which block cipher algorithm to use to
185 encode each section of the message. This argument is optional and
186 will default to the secure Crypt::Cipher::AES algorithm.
187 You may use any compatible block encryption
188 algorithm that you have installed. Currently, this includes
189 Crypt::Cipher::AES, Crypt::DES, Crypt::DES\_EDE3, Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::Blowfish,
190 Crypt::CAST5 and Crypt::Rijndael. You may refer to them using their
191 full names ("Crypt::IDEA") or in abbreviated form ("IDEA").
193 Instead of passing the name of a cipher class, you may pass an
194 already-created block cipher object. This allows you to take advantage
195 of cipher algorithms that have parameterized new() methods, such as
196 Crypt::Eksblowfish:
198 my $eksblowfish = Crypt::Eksblowfish->new(8,$salt,$key);
199 my $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=>$eksblowfish);
201 The **-pass** argument provides a passphrase to use to generate the
202 encryption key or the literal value of the block cipher key. If used
203 in passphrase mode (which is the default), **-pass** can be any number
204 of characters; the actual key will be derived by passing the
205 passphrase through a series of hashing operations. To take full
206 advantage of a given block cipher, the length of the passphrase should
207 be at least equal to the cipher's blocksize. For backward
208 compatibility, you may also refer to this argument using **-key**.
210 To skip this hashing operation and specify the key directly, provide
211 the actual key as a string to **-key** and specify a key derivation
212 function of "none" to the **-pbkdf** argument. Alternatively, you may
213 pass a true value to the **-literal\_key** argument. When you manually
214 specify the key in this way, should choose a key of length exactly
215 equal to the cipher's key length. You will also have to specify an IV
216 equal in length to the cipher's blocksize. These choices imply a
217 header mode of "none."
219 If you pass an existing Crypt::\* object to new(), then the
220 **-pass**/**-key** argument is ignored and the module will generate a
221 warning.
223 The **-pbkdf** argument specifies the algorithm used to derive the true
224 key and IV from the provided passphrase (PBKDF stands for
225 "passphrase-based key derivation function"). Valid values are:
227 "opensslv1" -- [default] A fast algorithm that derives the key by
228 combining a random salt values with the passphrase via
229 a series of MD5 hashes.
231 "opensslv2" -- an improved version that uses SHA-256 rather
232 than MD5, and has been OpenSSL's default since v1.1.0.
233 However, it has been deprecated in favor of pbkdf2
234 since OpenSSL v1.1.1.
236 "pbkdf2" -- a better algorithm implemented in OpenSSL v1.1.1,
237 described in RFC 2898 L<>
239 "none" -- don't use a derivation function, but treat the passphrase
240 as the literal key. This is the same as B<-literal_key> true.
242 "nosalt" -- an insecure key derivation method used by prehistoric versions
243 of OpenSSL, provided for backward compatibility. Don't use.
245 "opensslv1" was OpenSSL's default key derivation algorithm through
246 version 1.0.2, but is susceptible to dictionary attacks and is no
247 longer supported. It remains the default for Crypt::CBC in order to
248 avoid breaking compatibility with previously-encrypted messages. Using
249 this option will issue a deprecation warning when initiating
250 encryption. You can suppress the warning by passing a true value to
251 the **-nodeprecate** option.
253 It is recommended to specify the "pbkdf2" key derivation algorithm
254 when compatibility with older versions of Crypt::CBC is not
255 needed. This algorithm is deliberately computationally expensive in
256 order to make dictionary-based attacks harder. As a result, it
257 introduces a slight delay before an encryption or decryption
258 operation starts.
260 The **-iter** argument is used in conjunction with the "pbkdf2" key
261 derivation option. Its value indicates the number of hashing cycles
262 used to derive the key. Larger values are more secure, but impose a
263 longer delay before encryption/decryption starts. The default is
264 10,000 for compatibility with OpenSSL's default.
266 The **-hasher** argument is used in conjunction with the "pbkdf2" key
267 derivation option to pass the reference to an initialized
268 Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash object. If not provided, it defaults to the
269 OpenSSL-compatible hash function HMACSHA2 initialized with its default
270 options (SHA-256 hash).
272 The **-header** argument specifies what type of header, if any, to
273 prepend to the beginning of the encrypted data stream. The header
274 allows Crypt::CBC to regenerate the original IV and correctly decrypt
275 the data without your having to provide the same IV used to encrypt
276 the data. Valid values for the **-header** are:
278 "salt" -- Combine the passphrase with an 8-byte random value to
279 generate both the block cipher key and the IV from the
280 provided passphrase. The salt will be appended to the
281 beginning of the data stream allowing decryption to
282 regenerate both the key and IV given the correct passphrase.
283 This method is compatible with current versions of OpenSSL.
285 "randomiv" -- Generate the block cipher key from the passphrase, and
286 choose a random 8-byte value to use as the IV. The IV will
287 be prepended to the data stream. This method is compatible
288 with ciphertext produced by versions of the library prior to
289 2.17, but is incompatible with block ciphers that have non
290 8-byte block sizes, such as Rijndael. Crypt::CBC will exit
291 with a fatal error if you try to use this header mode with a
292 non 8-byte cipher. This header type is NOT secure and NOT
293 recommended.
295 "none" -- Do not generate a header. To decrypt a stream encrypted
296 in this way, you will have to provide the true key and IV
297 manually.
299 **The "salt" header is now the default as of Crypt::CBC version 2.17. In
300 all earlier versions "randomiv" was the default.**
302 When using a "salt" header, you may specify your own value of the
303 salt, by passing the desired 8-byte character string to the **-salt**
304 argument. Otherwise, the module will generate a random salt for
305 you. Crypt::CBC will generate a fatal error if you specify a salt
306 value that isn't exactly 8 bytes long. For backward compatibility
307 reasons, passing a value of "1" will generate a random salt, the same
308 as if no **-salt** argument was provided.
310 The **-padding** argument controls how the last few bytes of the
311 encrypted stream are dealt with when they not an exact multiple of the
312 cipher block length. The default is "standard", the method specified
313 in PKCS#5.
315 The **-chaining\_mode** argument will select among several different
316 block chaining modes. Values are:
318 'cbc' -- [default] traditional Cipher-Block Chaining mode. It has
319 the property that if one block in the ciphertext message
320 is damaged, only that block and the next one will be
321 rendered un-decryptable.
323 'pcbc' -- Plaintext Cipher-Block Chaining mode. This has the property
324 that one damaged ciphertext block will render the
325 remainder of the message unreadable
327 'cfb' -- Cipher Feedback Mode. In this mode, both encryption and decryption
328 are performed using the block cipher's "encrypt" algorithm.
329 The error propagation behaviour is similar to CBC's.
331 'ofb' -- Output Feedback Mode. Similar to CFB, the block cipher's encrypt
332 algorithm is used for both encryption and decryption. If one bit
333 of the plaintext or ciphertext message is damaged, the damage is
334 confined to a single block of the corresponding ciphertext or
335 plaintext, and error correction algorithms can be used to reconstruct
336 the damaged part.
338 'ctr' -- Counter Mode. This mode uses a one-time "nonce" instead of
339 an IV. The nonce is incremented by one for each block of
340 plain or ciphertext, encrypted using the chosen
341 algorithm, and then applied to the block of text. If one
342 bit of the input text is damaged, it only affects 1 bit
343 of the output text. To use CTR mode you will need to
344 install the Perl Math::Int128 module.
346 Passing a **-pcbc** argument of true will have the same effect as
347 \-chaining\_mode=>'pcbc', and is included for backward
348 compatibility. \[deprecated\].
350 For more information on chaining modes, see
351 [](
353 The **-keysize** argument can be used to force the cipher's
354 keysize. This is useful for several of the newer algorithms, including
355 AES, ARIA, Blowfish, and CAMELLIA. If -keysize is not specified, then
356 Crypt::CBC will use the value returned by the cipher's max\_keylength()
357 method. Note that versions of CBC::Crypt prior to 2.36 could also
358 allow you to set the blocksie, but this was never supported by any
359 ciphers and has been removed.
361 For compatibility with earlier versions of this module, you can
362 provide new() with a hashref containing key/value pairs. The key names
363 are the same as the arguments described earlier, but without the
364 initial hyphen. You may also call new() with one or two positional
365 arguments, in which case the first argument is taken to be the key and
366 the second to be the optional block cipher algorithm.
368 ## start()
370 $cipher->start('encrypting');
371 $cipher->start('decrypting');
373 The start() method prepares the cipher for a series of encryption or
374 decryption steps, resetting the internal state of the cipher if
375 necessary. You must provide a string indicating whether you wish to
376 encrypt or decrypt. "E" or any word that begins with an "e" indicates
377 encryption. "D" or any word that begins with a "d" indicates
378 decryption.
380 ## crypt()
382 $ciphertext = $cipher->crypt($plaintext);
384 After calling start(), you should call crypt() as many times as
385 necessary to encrypt the desired data.
387 ## finish()
389 $ciphertext = $cipher->finish();
391 The CBC algorithm must buffer data blocks internally until they are
392 even multiples of the encryption algorithm's blocksize (typically 8
393 bytes). After the last call to crypt() you should call finish().
394 This flushes the internal buffer and returns any leftover ciphertext.
396 In a typical application you will read the plaintext from a file or
397 input stream and write the result to standard output in a loop that
398 might look like this:
400 $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('hey jude!');
401 $cipher->start('encrypting');
402 print $cipher->crypt($_) while <>;
403 print $cipher->finish();
405 ## encrypt()
407 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext)
409 This convenience function runs the entire sequence of start(), crypt()
410 and finish() for you, processing the provided plaintext and returning
411 the corresponding ciphertext.
413 ## decrypt()
415 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext)
417 This convenience function runs the entire sequence of start(), crypt()
418 and finish() for you, processing the provided ciphertext and returning
419 the corresponding plaintext.
421 ## encrypt\_hex(), decrypt\_hex()
423 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt_hex($plaintext)
424 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt_hex($ciphertext)
426 These are convenience functions that operate on ciphertext in a
427 hexadecimal representation. **encrypt\_hex($plaintext)** is exactly
428 equivalent to **unpack('H\*',encrypt($plaintext))**. These functions
429 can be useful if, for example, you wish to place the encrypted in an
430 email message.
432 ## filehandle()
434 This method returns a filehandle for transparent encryption or
435 decryption using Christopher Dunkle's excellent [Crypt::FileHandle](
436 module. This module must be installed in order to use this method.
438 filehandle() can be called as a class method using the same arguments
439 as new():
441 $fh = Crypt::CBC->filehandle(-cipher=> 'Blowfish',
442 -pass => "You'll never guess");
444 or on a previously-created Crypt::CBC object:
446 $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=> 'Blowfish',
447 -pass => "You'll never guess");
448 $fh = $cbc->filehandle;
450 The filehandle can then be opened using the familiar open() syntax.
451 Printing to a filehandle opened for writing will encrypt the
452 data. Filehandles opened for input will be decrypted.
454 Here is an example:
456 # transparent encryption
457 open $fh,'>','encrypted.out' or die $!;
458 print $fh "You won't be able to read me!\n";
459 close $fh;
461 # transparent decryption
462 open $fh,'<','encrypted.out' or die $!;
463 while (<$fh>) { print $_ }
464 close $fh;
466 ## get\_initialization\_vector()
468 $iv = $cipher->get_initialization_vector()
470 This function will return the IV used in encryption and or decryption.
471 The IV is not guaranteed to be set when encrypting until start() is
472 called, and when decrypting until crypt() is called the first
473 time. Unless the IV was manually specified in the new() call, the IV
474 will change with every complete encryption operation.
476 ## set\_initialization\_vector()
478 $cipher->set_initialization_vector('76543210')
480 This function sets the IV used in encryption and/or decryption. This
481 function may be useful if the IV is not contained within the
482 ciphertext string being decrypted, or if a particular IV is desired
483 for encryption. Note that the IV must match the chosen cipher's
484 blocksize bytes in length.
486 ## iv()
488 $iv = $cipher->iv();
489 $cipher->iv($new_iv);
491 As above, but using a single method call.
493 ## key()
495 $key = $cipher->key();
496 $cipher->key($new_key);
498 Get or set the block cipher key used for encryption/decryption. When
499 encrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until start() is
500 called, and when decrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until
501 after the first call to crypt(). The key must match the length
502 required by the underlying block cipher.
504 When salted headers are used, the block cipher key will change after
505 each complete sequence of encryption operations.
507 ## salt()
509 $salt = $cipher->salt();
510 $cipher->salt($new_salt);
512 Get or set the salt used for deriving the encryption key and IV when
513 in OpenSSL compatibility mode.
515 ## passphrase()
517 $passphrase = $cipher->passphrase();
518 $cipher->passphrase($new_passphrase);
520 This gets or sets the value of the **passphrase** passed to new() when
521 **literal\_key** is false.
523 ## $data = random\_bytes($numbytes)
525 Return $numbytes worth of random data. On systems that support the
526 "/dev/urandom" device file, this data will be read from the
527 device. Otherwise, it will be generated by repeated calls to the Perl
528 rand() function.
530 ## cipher(), pbkdf(), padding(), keysize(), blocksize(), chain\_mode()
532 These read-only methods return the identity of the chosen block cipher
533 algorithm, the key derivation function (e.g. "opensslv1"), padding
534 method, key and block size of the chosen block cipher, and what
535 chaining mode ("cbc", "ofb" ,etc) is being used.
537 ## Padding methods
539 Use the 'padding' option to change the padding method.
541 When the last block of plaintext is shorter than the block size,
542 it must be padded. Padding methods include: "standard" (i.e., PKCS#5),
543 "oneandzeroes", "space", "rijndael\_compat", "null", and "none".
545 standard: (default) Binary safe
546 pads with the number of bytes that should be truncated. So, if
547 blocksize is 8, then "0A0B0C" will be padded with "05", resulting
548 in "0A0B0C0505050505". If the final block is a full block of 8
549 bytes, then a whole block of "0808080808080808" is appended.
551 oneandzeroes: Binary safe
552 pads with "80" followed by as many "00" necessary to fill the
553 block. If the last block is a full block and blocksize is 8, a
554 block of "8000000000000000" will be appended.
556 rijndael_compat: Binary safe, with caveats
557 similar to oneandzeroes, except that no padding is performed if
558 the last block is a full block. This is provided for
559 compatibility with Crypt::Rijndael's buit-in MODE_CBC.
560 Note that Crypt::Rijndael's implementation of CBC only
561 works with messages that are even multiples of 16 bytes.
563 null: text only
564 pads with as many "00" necessary to fill the block. If the last
565 block is a full block and blocksize is 8, a block of
566 "0000000000000000" will be appended.
568 space: text only
569 same as "null", but with "20".
571 none:
572 no padding added. Useful for special-purpose applications where
573 you wish to add custom padding to the message.
575 Both the standard and oneandzeroes paddings are binary safe. The
576 space and null paddings are recommended only for text data. Which
577 type of padding you use depends on whether you wish to communicate
578 with an external (non Crypt::CBC library). If this is the case, use
579 whatever padding method is compatible.
581 You can also pass in a custom padding function. To do this, create a
582 function that takes the arguments:
584 $padded_block = function($block,$blocksize,$direction);
586 where $block is the current block of data, $blocksize is the size to
587 pad it to, $direction is "e" for encrypting and "d" for decrypting,
588 and $padded\_block is the result after padding or depadding.
590 When encrypting, the function should always return a string of
591 &lt;blocksize> length, and when decrypting, can expect the string coming
592 in to always be that length. See \_standard\_padding(), \_space\_padding(),
593 \_null\_padding(), or \_oneandzeroes\_padding() in the source for examples.
595 Standard and oneandzeroes padding are recommended, as both space and
596 null padding can potentially truncate more characters than they should.
598 # Comparison to Crypt::Mode::CBC
600 The [CryptX]( modules [Crypt::Mode::CBC](, [Crypt::Mode::OFB](,
601 [Crypt::Mode::CFB](, and [Crypt::Mode::CTR]( provide fast
602 implementations of the respective cipherblock chaining modes (roughly
603 5x the speed of Crypt::CBC). Crypt::CBC was designed to encrypt and
604 decrypt messages in a manner compatible with OpenSSL's "enc"
605 function. Hence it handles the derivation of the key and IV from a
606 passphrase using the same conventions as OpenSSL, and it writes out an
607 OpenSSL-compatible header in the encrypted message in a manner that
608 allows the key and IV to be regenerated during decryption.
610 In contrast, the CryptX modules do not automatically derive the key
611 and IV from a passphrase or write out an encrypted header. You will
612 need to derive and store the key and IV by other means (e.g. with
613 CryptX's Crypt::KeyDerivation module, or with Crypt::PBKDF2).
617 Three examples,, and can be found in the eg/
618 subdirectory of the Crypt-CBC distribution. These implement
619 command-line DES and IDEA encryption algorithms using default
620 parameters, and should be compatible with recent versions of
621 OpenSSL. Note that uses the "pbkdf2" key derivation function to
622 generate its keys. The other two were distributed with pre-PBKDF2
623 versions of Crypt::CBC, and use the older "opensslv1" algorithm.
627 The encryption and decryption process is about a tenth the speed of
628 the equivalent OpenSSL tool and about a fifth of the Crypt::Mode::CBC
629 module (both which use compiled C).
631 # BUGS
633 Please report them.
635 # AUTHOR
637 Lincoln Stein,
639 This module is distributed under the ARTISTIC LICENSE v2 using the
640 same terms as Perl itself.
642 # SEE ALSO
644 perl(1), CryptX, Crypt::FileHandle, Crypt::Cipher::AES,
645 Crypt::Blowfish, Crypt::CAST5, Crypt::DES, Crypt::IDEA,
646 Crypt::Rijndael
88 my %options;
10 getopts('edk:i:o:',\%options) || die <<USAGE;
10 getopts('edk:p:i:o:',\%options) || die <<USAGE;
1111 Usage: [options] file1 file2 file3...
12 AES encrypt/decrypt files using Cipher Block Chaining mode.
12 AES encrypt/decrypt files using Cipher Block Chaining mode, and
13 the PBKDF2 key derivation function.
15 It is compatible with files encrypted using
16 "openssl enc -pbkdf2 -aes-256-cbc".
1317 Options:
14 -e encrypt (default)
15 -d decrypt
16 -k 'key' provide key on command line
17 -i file input file
18 -o file output file
20 (NB: The Rijndael cipher is the basis for AES)
18 -e encrypt (default)
19 -d decrypt
20 -p,-k 'passphrase' provide passphrase on command line
21 -i file input file
22 -o file output file
2123 USAGE
2224 ;
2628 open(STDOUT,">$options{'o'}") or die "$options{'o'}: $!"
2729 if $options{'o'};
29 my $key = $options{'k'} || get_key();
30 my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => $key,
31 -cipher => 'Rijndael',
32 -salt => 1,
31 my $decrypt = $options{'d'} and !$options{'e'};
32 my $key = $options{'k'} || $options{'p'} || get_key(!$decrypt);
33 my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass => $key,
34 -cipher => 'Crypt::Cipher::AES',
35 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2',
36 -chain_mode => 'ctr',
3337 ) || die "Couldn't create CBC object";
34 my $decrypt = $options{'d'} and !$options{'e'};
3538 $cipher->start($decrypt ? 'decrypt' : 'encrypt');
3740 my $in;
4447 print $cipher->finish;
4649 sub get_key {
50 my $verify = shift;
4752 local($|) = 1;
4853 local(*TTY);
4954 open(TTY,"/dev/tty");
5257 do {
5358 print STDERR "AES key: ";
5459 chomp($key1 = <TTY>);
55 print STDERR "\r\nRe-type key: ";
56 chomp($key2 = <TTY>);
57 print STDERR "\r\n";
58 print STDERR "The two keys don't match. Try again.\r\n"
59 unless $key1 eq $key2;
60 if ($verify) {
61 print STDERR "\r\nRe-type key: ";
62 chomp($key2 = <TTY>);
63 print STDERR "\r\n";
64 print STDERR "The two keys don't match. Try again.\r\n"
65 unless $key1 eq $key2;
66 } else {
67 $key2 = $key1;
68 }
6069 } until $key1 eq $key2;
6170 system "stty echo </dev/tty";
6271 close(TTY);
1010 getopts('edk:i:o:',\%options) || die <<USAGE;
1111 Usage: [options] file1 file2 file3...
12 DES encrypt/decrypt files using Cipher Block Chaining mode.
12 DES encrypt/decrypt files using Cipher Block Chaining mode.
14 It is compatible with files encrypted using
15 "openssl enc -des-cbc -md md5".
1316 Options:
1417 -e encrypt (default)
1518 -d decrypt
0 package Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::none;
1 use strict;
2 use Carp 'croak';
3 use base 'Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::opensslv1';
5 # options:
6 # key_len => 32 default
7 # iv_len => 16 default
9 sub generate_hash {
10 my $self = shift;
11 my ($salt,$passphrase) = @_;
12 # ALERT: in this case passphrase IS the key and the salt is ignored
13 # Croak unless key matches key length
14 my $keylen = $self->{key_len};
15 length($passphrase) == $keylen or croak "For selected cipher, the key must be exactly $keylen bytes long";
16 return $passphrase;
17 }
19 1;
0 package Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::opensslv1;
1 use strict;
2 use base 'Crypt::CBC::PBKDF';
3 use Digest::MD5 'md5';
5 # options:
6 # salt_len => 8 default
7 # key_len => 32 default
8 # iv_len => 16 default
10 sub create {
11 my $class = shift;
12 my %options = @_;
13 $options{salt_len} ||= 8;
14 $options{key_len} ||= 32;
15 $options{iv_len} ||= 16;
16 return bless \%options,$class;
17 }
19 sub generate_hash {
20 my $self = shift;
21 my ($salt,$passphrase) = @_;
22 my $desired_len = $self->{key_len} + $self->{iv_len};
23 my $data = '';
24 my $d = '';
25 while (length $data < $desired_len) {
26 $d = md5($d . $passphrase . $salt);
27 $data .= $d;
28 }
29 return $data;
30 }
32 1;
0 package Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::opensslv2;
1 use strict;
2 use base 'Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::opensslv1';
3 use Digest::SHA 'sha256';
5 # options:
6 # key_len => 32 default
7 # iv_len => 16 default
9 sub generate_hash {
10 my $self = shift;
11 my ($salt,$passphrase) = @_;
12 my $desired_len = $self->{key_len} + $self->{iv_len};
13 my $data = '';
14 my $d = '';
15 while (length $data < $desired_len) {
16 $d = sha256($d . $passphrase . $salt);
17 $data .= $d;
18 }
19 return $data;
20 }
22 1;
0 package Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::pbkdf2;
1 use strict;
3 use base 'Crypt::CBC::PBKDF';
4 use Crypt::PBKDF2;
6 # options:
7 # key_len => 32 default
8 # iv_len => 16 default
9 # iterations => 10000 default
10 # hash_class => 'HMACSHA2' default
12 sub create {
13 my $class = shift;
14 my %options = @_;
15 $options{key_len} ||= 32;
16 $options{iv_len} ||= 16;
17 $options{iterations} ||= 10_000;
18 $options{hash_class} ||= 'HMACSHA2';
19 return bless \%options,$class;
20 }
22 sub generate_hash {
23 my $self = shift;
24 my ($salt,$passphrase) = @_;
25 my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new(%$self,
26 output_len => $self->{key_len} + $self->{iv_len});
27 return $pbkdf2->PBKDF2($salt,$passphrase);
28 }
30 1;
0 package Crypt::CBC::PBKDF::randomiv;
2 # This is for compatibility with early (pre v1.0) versions of OpenSSL
4 use strict;
5 use base 'Crypt::CBC::PBKDF';
6 use Digest::MD5 'md5';
8 # options:
9 # salt_len => 8 default
10 # key_len => 32 default
11 # iv_len => 16 default
13 sub create {
14 my $class = shift;
15 my %options = @_;
16 $options{salt_len} ||= 8;
17 $options{key_len} ||= 32;
18 $options{iv_len} ||= 16;
19 return bless \%options,$class;
20 }
22 sub generate_hash {
23 my $self = shift;
24 my ($salt,$passphrase) = @_;
25 my $desired_len = $self->{key_len};
26 my $material = md5($passphrase);
27 while (length($material) < $desired_len) {
28 $material .= md5($material);
29 }
30 substr($material,$desired_len) = '';
31 $material .= Crypt::CBC->_get_random_bytes($self->{iv_len});
32 return $material;
33 }
35 1;
0 package Crypt::CBC::PBKDF;
2 # just a virtual base class for passphrase=>key derivation functions
3 use strict;
4 use File::Basename 'dirname','basename';
5 use Carp 'croak';
7 sub new {
8 my $class = shift;
9 my $subclass = shift;
10 my $options = shift;
12 my $package = __PACKAGE__."::$subclass";
13 eval "use $package; 1" or
14 croak "Could not load $subclass: $@";
16 return $package->create(%$options);
17 }
19 # returns a series of subclasses
20 sub list {
21 my $self = shift;
22 my $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
23 my @pm_files = <$dir/PBKDF/*.pm>;
24 my @subclasses;
25 foreach (@pm_files) {
26 my $base = basename($_);
27 $base =~ s/\.pm$//;
28 push @subclasses,$base;
29 }
30 return @subclasses;
31 }
33 sub generate_hash {
34 my $self = shift;
35 my ($salt,$passphrase) = @_;
36 croak "generate() method not implemented in this class. Use one of the subclasses",join(',',$self->list);
37 }
39 sub key_and_iv {
40 my $self = shift;
41 croak 'usage $obj->salt_key_iv($salt,$passphrase)' unless @_ == 2;
43 my $hash = $self->generate_hash(@_);
45 my $key = substr($hash,0,$self->{key_len});
46 my $iv = substr($hash,$self->{key_len},$self->{iv_len});
47 return ($key,$iv);
48 }
50 1;
0 package Crypt::CBC;
2 use strict;
3 use Carp 'croak','carp';
4 use Crypt::CBC::PBKDF;
5 use bytes;
6 use vars qw($VERSION);
7 no warnings 'uninitialized';
8 $VERSION = '3.04';
10 use constant RANDOM_DEVICE => '/dev/urandom';
11 use constant DEFAULT_PBKDF => 'opensslv1';
12 use constant DEFAULT_ITER => 10_000; # same as OpenSSL default
14 my @valid_options = qw(
15 pass
16 key
17 cipher
18 keysize
19 chain_mode
20 pbkdf
21 nodeprecate
22 iter
23 hasher
24 header
25 iv
26 salt
27 padding
28 literal_key
29 pcbc
30 add_header
31 generate_key
32 prepend_iv
33 );
35 sub new {
36 my $class = shift;
38 # the _get_*() methods move a lot of the ugliness/legacy logic
39 # out of new(). But the ugliness is still there!
40 my $options = $class->_get_options(@_);
41 eval {$class->_validate_options($options)} or croak $@;
43 my $cipher = $class->_get_cipher_obj($options);
44 my $header_mode = $class->_get_header_mode($options);
45 my ($ks,$bs) = $class->_get_key_and_block_sizes($cipher,$options);
46 my ($pass,$iv,$salt,$key,
47 $random_salt,$random_iv) = $class->_get_key_materials($options);
48 my $padding = $class->_get_padding_mode($bs,$options);
49 my ($pbkdf,$iter,
50 $hc,$nodeprecate) = $class->_get_key_derivation_options($options,$header_mode);
51 my $chain_mode = $class->_get_chain_mode($options);
55 # set literal key flag if a key was passed in or the key derivation algorithm is none
56 $key ||= $pass if $pbkdf eq 'none'; # just in case
57 my $literal_key = defined $key;
59 # check length of initialization vector
60 croak "Initialization vector must be exactly $bs bytes long when using the $cipher cipher"
61 if defined $iv and length($iv) != $bs;
63 # chaining mode check
64 croak "invalid cipher block chain mode: $chain_mode"
65 unless $class->can("_${chain_mode}_encrypt");
67 # KEYSIZE consistency
68 if (defined $key && length($key) != $ks) {
69 croak "If specified by -literal_key, then the key length must be equal to the chosen cipher's key length of $ks bytes";
70 }
72 # HEADER consistency
73 if ($header_mode eq 'salt') {
74 croak "Cannot use salt-based key generation if literal key is specified"
75 if $literal_key;
76 }
77 elsif ($header_mode eq 'randomiv') {
78 croak "Cannot encrypt using a non-8 byte blocksize cipher when using randomiv header mode"
79 unless $bs == 8
80 }
82 croak "If a key derivation function (-pbkdf) of 'none' is provided, a literal key and iv must be provided"
83 if $pbkdf eq 'none' && (!defined $key || !defined $iv);
85 croak "If a -header mode of 'randomiv' is provided, then the -pbkdf key derivation function must be 'randomiv' or undefined"
86 if $header_mode eq 'randomiv' and $pbkdf ne 'randomiv';
88 return bless {
89 'cipher' => $cipher,
90 'passphrase' => $pass,
91 'key' => $key,
92 'iv' => $iv,
93 'salt' => $salt,
94 'padding' => $padding,
95 'blocksize' => $bs,
96 'keysize' => $ks,
97 'header_mode' => $header_mode,
98 'literal_key' => $literal_key,
99 'literal_iv' => defined $iv,
100 'chain_mode' => $chain_mode,
101 'make_random_salt' => $random_salt,
102 'make_random_iv' => $random_iv,
103 'pbkdf' => $pbkdf,
104 'iter' => $iter,
105 'hasher' => $hc,
106 'nodeprecate' => $nodeprecate,
107 },$class;
108 }
110 sub filehandle {
111 my $self = shift;
112 $self->_load_module('Crypt::FileHandle')
113 or croak "Optional Crypt::FileHandle module must be installed to use the filehandle() method";
115 if (ref $self) { # already initialized
116 return Crypt::FileHandle->new($self);
117 }
118 else { # create object
119 return Crypt::FileHandle->new($self->new(@_));
120 }
121 }
123 sub encrypt (\$$) {
124 my ($self,$data) = @_;
125 $self->start('encrypting');
126 my $result = $self->crypt($data);
127 $result .= $self->finish;
128 $result;
129 }
131 sub decrypt (\$$){
132 my ($self,$data) = @_;
133 $self->start('decrypting');
134 my $result = $self->crypt($data);
135 $result .= $self->finish;
136 $result;
137 }
139 sub encrypt_hex (\$$) {
140 my ($self,$data) = @_;
141 return join('',unpack 'H*',$self->encrypt($data));
142 }
144 sub decrypt_hex (\$$) {
145 my ($self,$data) = @_;
146 return $self->decrypt(pack 'H*',$data);
147 }
149 # call to start a series of encryption/decryption operations
150 sub start (\$$) {
151 my $self = shift;
152 my $operation = shift;
153 croak "Specify <e>ncryption or <d>ecryption" unless $operation=~/^[ed]/i;
155 delete $self->{'civ'};
156 $self->{'buffer'} = '';
157 $self->{'decrypt'} = $operation=~/^d/i;
158 $self->_deprecation_warning;
159 }
161 sub chain_mode { shift->{chain_mode} || 'cbc' }
163 sub chaining_method {
164 my $self = shift;
165 my $decrypt = shift;
167 # memoize this result
168 return $self->{chaining_method}{$decrypt}
169 if exists $self->{chaining_method}{$decrypt};
171 my $cm = $self->chain_mode;
172 my $code = $self->can($decrypt ? "_${cm}_decrypt" : "_${cm}_encrypt");
173 croak "Chain mode $cm not supported" unless $code;
174 return $self->{chaining_method}{$decrypt} = $code;
175 }
177 # call to encrypt/decrypt a bit of data
178 sub crypt (\$$){
179 my $self = shift;
180 my $data = shift;
182 my $result;
184 croak "crypt() called without a preceding start()"
185 unless exists $self->{'buffer'};
187 my $d = $self->{'decrypt'};
189 unless ($self->{civ}) { # block cipher has not yet been initialized
190 $result = $self->_generate_iv_and_cipher_from_datastream(\$data) if $d;
191 $result = $self->_generate_iv_and_cipher_from_options() unless $d;
192 }
194 my $iv = $self->{'civ'};
195 $self->{'buffer'} .= $data;
197 my $bs = $self->{'blocksize'};
199 croak "When using no padding, plaintext size must be a multiple of $bs"
200 if $self->_needs_padding
201 and $self->{'padding'} eq \&_no_padding
202 and length($data) % $bs;
204 croak "When using rijndael_compat padding, plaintext size must be a multiple of $bs"
205 if $self->_needs_padding
206 and $self->{'padding'} eq \&_rijndael_compat
207 and length($data) % $bs;
209 return $result unless (length($self->{'buffer'}) >= $bs);
211 my @blocks = unpack("(a$bs)*",$self->{buffer});
212 $self->{buffer} = '';
214 # if decrypting, leave the last block in the buffer for padding
215 if ($d) {
216 $self->{buffer} = pop @blocks;
217 } else {
218 $self->{buffer} = pop @blocks if length $blocks[-1] < $bs;
219 }
221 my $code = $self->chaining_method($d);
222 # $self->$code($self->{crypt},\$iv,\$result,\@blocks);
223 # calling the code sub directly is slightly faster for some reason
224 $code->($self,$self->{crypt},\$iv,\$result,\@blocks);
226 $self->{'civ'} = $iv; # remember the iv
227 return $result;
228 }
230 # this is called at the end to flush whatever's left
231 sub finish (\$) {
232 my $self = shift;
233 my $bs = $self->{'blocksize'};
235 my $block = $self->{buffer}; # what's left
237 # Special case hack for backward compatibility with Crypt::Rijndael's CBC_MODE.
238 if (length $block == 0 && $self->{padding} eq \&_rijndael_compat) {
239 delete $self->{'civ'};
240 delete $self->{'buffer'};
241 return '';
242 }
244 $self->{civ} ||= '';
245 my $iv = $self->{civ};
246 my $code = $self->chaining_method($self->{decrypt});
248 my $result = '';
249 if ($self->{decrypt}) {
250 $self->$code($self->{crypt},\$iv,\$result,[$block]);
251 $result = $self->{padding}->($result,$bs,'d') if $self->_needs_padding;
252 } else {
253 $block = $self->{padding}->($block,$bs,'e') if $self->_needs_padding;
254 $self->$code($self->{crypt},\$iv,\$result,[$block]) unless length $block==0 && !$self->_needs_padding
255 }
257 delete $self->{'civ'};
258 delete $self->{'buffer'};
259 return $result;
260 }
262 ############# Move the boring new() argument processing here #######
263 sub _get_options {
264 my $class = shift;
266 my $options = {};
268 # hashref arguments
269 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
270 $options = shift;
271 }
273 # CGI style arguments
274 elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-[a-zA-Z_]{1,20}$/) {
275 my %tmp = @_;
276 while ( my($key,$value) = each %tmp) {
277 $key =~ s/^-//;
278 $options->{lc $key} = $value;
279 }
280 }
282 else {
283 $options->{key} = shift;
284 $options->{cipher} = shift;
285 }
286 return $options;
287 }
289 sub _get_cipher_obj {
290 my $class = shift;
291 my $options = shift;
293 my $cipher = $options->{cipher};
294 $cipher = 'Crypt::Cipher::AES' unless $cipher;
296 unless (ref $cipher) { # munge the class name if no object passed
297 $cipher = $cipher=~/^Crypt::/ ? $cipher : "Crypt::$cipher";
298 $cipher->can('encrypt') or eval "require $cipher; 1" or croak "Couldn't load $cipher: $@";
299 # some crypt modules use the class Crypt::, and others don't
300 $cipher =~ s/^Crypt::// unless $cipher->can('keysize');
301 }
303 return $cipher;
304 }
306 sub _validate_options {
307 my $self = shift;
308 my $options = shift;
309 my %valid_options = map {$_=>1} @valid_options;
310 for my $o (keys %$options) {
311 die "'$o' is not a recognized argument" unless $valid_options{$o};
312 }
313 return 1;
314 }
316 sub _get_header_mode {
317 my $class = shift;
318 my $options = shift;
320 # header mode checking
321 my %valid_modes = map {$_=>1} qw(none salt randomiv);
322 my $header_mode = $options->{header};
323 $header_mode ||= 'none' if exists $options->{prepend_iv} && !$options->{prepend_iv};
324 $header_mode ||= 'none' if exists $options->{add_header} && !$options->{add_header};
325 $header_mode ||= 'none' if $options->{literal_key} || (exists $options->{pbkdf} && $options->{pbkdf} eq 'none');
326 $header_mode ||= 'salt'; # default
327 croak "Invalid -header mode '$header_mode'" unless $valid_modes{$header_mode};
329 return $header_mode;
330 }
332 sub _get_padding_mode {
333 my $class = shift;
334 my ($bs,$options) = @_;
336 my $padding = $options->{padding} || 'standard';
338 if ($padding && ref($padding) eq 'CODE') {
339 # check to see that this code does its padding correctly
340 for my $i (1..$bs-1) {
341 my $rbs = length($padding->(" "x$i,$bs,'e'));
342 croak "padding method callback does not behave properly: expected $bs bytes back, got $rbs bytes back."
343 unless ($rbs == $bs);
344 }
345 } else {
346 $padding = $padding eq 'none' ? \&_no_padding
347 :$padding eq 'null' ? \&_null_padding
348 :$padding eq 'space' ? \&_space_padding
349 :$padding eq 'oneandzeroes' ? \&_oneandzeroes_padding
350 :$padding eq 'rijndael_compat'? \&_rijndael_compat
351 :$padding eq 'standard' ? \&_standard_padding
352 :croak "'$padding' padding not supported. See perldoc Crypt::CBC for instructions on creating your own.";
353 }
354 return $padding;
355 }
357 sub _get_key_and_block_sizes {
358 my $class = shift;
359 my $cipher = shift;
360 my $options = shift;
362 # allow user to override the keysize value
363 my $ks = $options->{keysize} || eval {$cipher->keysize} || eval {$cipher->max_keysize}
364 or croak "Cannot derive keysize from $cipher";
366 my $bs = eval {$cipher->blocksize}
367 or croak "$cipher did not provide a blocksize";
369 return ($ks,$bs);
370 }
372 sub _get_key_materials {
373 my $self = shift;
374 my $options = shift;
376 # "key" is a misnomer here, because it is actually usually a passphrase that is used
377 # to derive the true key
378 my $pass = $options->{pass} || $options->{key};
380 my $cipher_object_provided = $options->{cipher} && ref $options->{cipher};
381 if ($cipher_object_provided) {
382 carp "Both a key and a pre-initialized Crypt::* object were passed. The key will be ignored"
383 if defined $pass;
384 $pass ||= '';
385 }
387 croak "Please provide an encryption/decryption passphrase using -pass or -key"
388 unless defined $pass;
390 # Default behavior is to treat -key as a passphrase.
391 # But if the literal_key option is true, then use key as is
392 croak "The options -literal_key and -regenerate_key are incompatible with each other"
393 if exists $options->{literal_key} && exists $options->{regenerate_key};
395 my $key = $pass if $options->{literal_key};
396 $key = $pass if exists $options->{regenerate_key} && !$options->{regenerate_key};
398 # Get the salt.
399 my $salt = $options->{salt};
400 my $random_salt = 1 unless defined $salt && $salt ne '1';
401 croak "Argument to -salt must be exactly 8 bytes long" if defined $salt && length $salt != 8 && $salt ne '1';
403 # note: iv will be autogenerated by start() if not specified in options
404 my $iv = $options->{iv};
405 my $random_iv = 1 unless defined $iv;
407 my $literal_key = $options->{literal_key} || (exists $options->{regenerate_key} && !$options->{regenerate_key});
408 undef $pass if $literal_key;
410 return ($pass,$iv,$salt,$key,$random_salt,$random_iv);
411 }
413 sub _get_key_derivation_options {
414 my $self = shift;
415 my ($options,$header_mode) = @_;
418 # Some special cases here
419 # 1. literal key has been requested - use algorithm 'none'
420 # 2. headerless mode - use algorithm 'none'
421 # 3. randomiv header - use algorithm 'nosalt'
422 my $pbkdf = $options->{pbkdf} || ($options->{literal_key} ? 'none'
423 :$header_mode eq 'randomiv' ? 'randomiv'
425 # iterations
426 my $iter = $options->{iter} || DEFAULT_ITER;
427 $iter =~ /[\d_]+/ && $iter >= 1 or croak "-iterations argument must be greater than or equal to 1";
428 $iter =~ /[\d_]+/ && $iter >= 1 or croak "-iterations argument must be greater than or equal to 1";
430 # hasher
431 my $hc = $options->{hasher};
432 my $nodeprecate = $options->{nodeprecate};
434 return ($pbkdf,$iter,$hc,$nodeprecate);
435 }
437 sub _get_chain_mode {
438 my $self = shift;
439 my $options = shift;
440 return $options->{chain_mode} ? $options->{chain_mode}
441 :$options->{pcbc} ? 'pcbc'
442 :'cbc';
443 }
445 sub _load_module {
446 my $self = shift;
447 my ($module,$args) = @_;
448 my $result = eval "use $module $args; 1;";
449 warn $@ if $@;
450 return $result;
451 }
453 sub _deprecation_warning {
454 my $self = shift;
455 return if $self->nodeprecate;
456 return if $self->{decrypt};
457 my $pbkdf = $self->pbkdf;
458 carp <<END if $pbkdf =~ /^(opensslv1|randomiv)$/;
459 WARNING: The key derivation method "$pbkdf" is deprecated. Using -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2' would be better.
460 Pass -nodeprecate=>1 to inhibit this message.
461 END
464 }
466 ######################################### chaining mode methods ################################3
467 sub _needs_padding {
468 my $self = shift;
469 $self->chain_mode =~ /^p?cbc$/ && $self->padding ne \&_no_padding;
470 }
472 sub _cbc_encrypt {
473 my $self = shift;
474 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
475 # the copying looks silly, but it is slightly faster than dereferencing the
476 # variables each time
477 my ($i,$r) = ($$iv,$$result);
478 foreach (@$blocks) {
479 $r .= $i = $crypt->encrypt($i ^ $_);
480 }
481 ($$iv,$$result) = ($i,$r);
482 }
484 sub _cbc_decrypt {
485 my $self = shift;
486 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
487 # the copying looks silly, but it is slightly faster than dereferencing the
488 # variables each time
489 my ($i,$r) = ($$iv,$$result);
490 foreach (@$blocks) {
491 $r .= $i ^ $crypt->decrypt($_);
492 $i = $_;
493 }
494 ($$iv,$$result) = ($i,$r);
495 }
497 sub _pcbc_encrypt {
498 my $self = shift;
499 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
500 foreach my $plaintext (@$blocks) {
501 $$result .= $$iv = $crypt->encrypt($$iv ^ $plaintext);
502 $$iv ^= $plaintext;
503 }
504 }
506 sub _pcbc_decrypt {
507 my $self = shift;
508 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
509 foreach my $ciphertext (@$blocks) {
510 $$result .= $$iv = $$iv ^ $crypt->decrypt($ciphertext);
511 $$iv ^= $ciphertext;
512 }
513 }
515 sub _cfb_encrypt {
516 my $self = shift;
517 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
518 my ($i,$r) = ($$iv,$$result);
519 foreach my $plaintext (@$blocks) {
520 $r .= $i = $plaintext ^ $crypt->encrypt($i)
521 }
522 ($$iv,$$result) = ($i,$r);
523 }
525 sub _cfb_decrypt {
526 my $self = shift;
527 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
528 my ($i,$r) = ($$iv,$$result);
529 foreach my $ciphertext (@$blocks) {
530 $r .= $ciphertext ^ $crypt->encrypt($i);
531 $i = $ciphertext;
532 }
533 ($$iv,$$result) = ($i,$r);
534 }
536 sub _ofb_encrypt {
537 my $self = shift;
538 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
539 my ($i,$r) = ($$iv,$$result);
540 foreach my $plaintext (@$blocks) {
541 my $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ ($i = $crypt->encrypt($i));
542 substr($ciphertext,length $plaintext) = ''; # truncate
543 $r .= $ciphertext;
544 }
545 ($$iv,$$result) = ($i,$r);
546 }
548 *_ofb_decrypt = \&_ofb_encrypt; # same code
550 # According to RFC3686, the counter is 128 bits (16 bytes)
551 # The first 32 bits (4 bytes) is the nonce
552 # The next 64 bits (8 bytes) is the IV
553 # The final 32 bits (4 bytes) is the counter, starting at 1
554 # BUT, the way that openssl v1.1.1 does it is to generate a random
555 # IV, treat the whole thing as a blocksize-sized integer, and then
556 # increment.
557 sub _ctr_encrypt {
558 my $self = shift;
559 my ($crypt,$iv,$result,$blocks) = @_;
560 my $bs = $self->blocksize;
562 $self->_upgrade_iv_to_ctr($iv);
563 my ($i,$r) = ($$iv,$$result);
565 foreach my $plaintext (@$blocks) {
566 my $bytes = int128_to_net($i++);
568 # pad with leading nulls if there are insufficient bytes
569 # (there's gotta be a better way to do this)
570 if ($bs > length $bytes) {
571 substr($bytes,0,0) = "\000"x($bs-length $bytes) ;
572 }
574 my $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ ($crypt->encrypt($bytes));
575 substr($ciphertext,length $plaintext) = ''; # truncate
576 $r .= $ciphertext;
577 }
578 ($$iv,$$result) = ($i,$r);
579 }
581 *_ctr_decrypt = \&_ctr_encrypt; # same code
583 # upgrades instance vector to a CTR counter
584 # returns 1 if upgrade performed
585 sub _upgrade_iv_to_ctr {
586 my $self = shift;
587 my $iv = shift; # this is a scalar reference
588 return if ref $$iv; # already upgraded to an object
590 $self->_load_module("Math::Int128" => "'net_to_int128','int128_to_net'")
591 or croak "Optional Math::Int128 module must be installed to use the CTR chaining method";
593 $$iv = net_to_int128($$iv);
594 return 1;
595 }
597 ######################################### chaining mode methods ################################3
599 sub pbkdf { shift->{pbkdf} }
601 # get the initialized PBKDF object
602 sub pbkdf_obj {
603 my $self = shift;
604 my $pbkdf = $self->pbkdf;
605 my $iter = $self->{iter};
606 my $hc = $self->{hasher};
607 my @hash_args = $hc ? ref ($hc) ? (hasher => $hc) : (hash_class => $hc)
608 : ();
609 return Crypt::CBC::PBKDF->new($pbkdf =>
610 {
611 key_len => $self->{keysize},
612 iv_len => $self->{blocksize},
613 iterations => $iter,
614 @hash_args,
615 }
616 );
617 }
619 ############################# generating key, iv and salt ########################
620 # hopefully a replacement for mess below
621 sub set_key_and_iv {
622 my $self = shift;
624 if (!$self->{literal_key}) {
625 my ($key,$iv) = $self->pbkdf_obj->key_and_iv($self->{salt},$self->{passphrase});
626 $self->{key} = $key;
627 $self->{iv} = $iv if $self->{make_random_iv};
628 } else {
629 $self->{iv} = $self->_get_random_bytes($self->blocksize) if $self->{make_random_iv};
630 }
632 length $self->{salt} == 8 or croak "Salt must be exactly 8 bytes long";
633 length $self->{iv} == $self->{blocksize} or croak "IV must be exactly $self->{blocksize} bytes long";
634 }
636 # derive the salt, iv and key from the datastream header + passphrase
637 sub _read_key_and_iv {
638 my $self = shift;
639 my $input_stream = shift;
640 my $bs = $self->blocksize;
642 # use our header mode to figure out what to do with the data stream
643 my $header_mode = $self->header_mode;
645 if ($header_mode eq 'none') {
646 $self->{salt} ||= $self->_get_random_bytes(8);
647 return $self->set_key_and_iv;
648 }
650 elsif ($header_mode eq 'salt') {
651 ($self->{salt}) = $$input_stream =~ /^Salted__(.{8})/s;
652 croak "Ciphertext does not begin with a valid header for 'salt' header mode" unless defined $self->{salt};
653 substr($$input_stream,0,16) = '';
654 my ($k,$i) = $self->pbkdf_obj->key_and_iv($self->{salt},$self->{passphrase});
655 $self->{key} = $k unless $self->{literal_key};
656 $self->{iv} = $i unless $self->{literal_iv};
657 }
659 elsif ($header_mode eq 'randomiv') {
660 ($self->{iv}) = $$input_stream =~ /^RandomIV(.{8})/s;
661 croak "Ciphertext does not begin with a valid header for 'randomiv' header mode" unless defined $self->{iv};
662 croak "randomiv header mode cannot be used securely when decrypting with a >8 byte block cipher.\n"
663 unless $self->blocksize == 8;
664 (undef,$self->{key}) = $self->pbkdf_obj->key_and_iv(undef,$self->{passphrase});
665 substr($$input_stream,0,16) = ''; # truncate
666 }
668 else {
669 croak "Invalid header mode '$header_mode'";
670 }
671 }
673 # this subroutine will generate the actual {en,de}cryption key, the iv
674 # and the block cipher object. This is called when reading from a datastream
675 # and so it uses previous values of salt or iv if they are encoded in datastream
676 # header
677 sub _generate_iv_and_cipher_from_datastream {
678 my $self = shift;
679 my $input_stream = shift;
681 $self->_read_key_and_iv($input_stream);
682 $self->{civ} = $self->{iv};
684 # we should have the key and iv now, or we are dead in the water
685 croak "Could not derive key or iv from cipher stream, and you did not specify these values in new()"
686 unless $self->{key} && $self->{civ};
688 # now we can generate the crypt object itself
689 $self->{crypt} = ref $self->{cipher} ? $self->{cipher}
690 : $self->{cipher}->new($self->{key})
691 or croak "Could not create $self->{cipher} object: $@";
692 return '';
693 }
695 sub _generate_iv_and_cipher_from_options {
696 my $self = shift;
698 $self->{salt} = $self->_get_random_bytes(8) if $self->{make_random_salt};
699 $self->set_key_and_iv;
700 $self->{civ} = $self->{iv};
702 my $result = '';
703 my $header_mode = $self->header_mode;
705 if ($header_mode eq 'salt') {
706 $result = "Salted__$self->{salt}";
707 }
709 elsif ($header_mode eq 'randomiv') {
710 $result = "RandomIV$self->{iv}";
711 undef $self->{salt}; # shouldn't be there!
712 }
714 croak "key and/or iv are missing" unless defined $self->{key} && defined $self->{civ};
716 $self->_taintcheck($self->{key});
717 $self->{crypt} = ref $self->{cipher} ? $self->{cipher}
718 : $self->{cipher}->new($self->{key})
719 or croak "Could not create $self->{cipher} object: $@";
720 return $result;
721 }
723 sub _taintcheck {
724 my $self = shift;
725 my $key = shift;
726 return unless ${^TAINT};
728 my $has_scalar_util = eval "require Scalar::Util; 1";
729 my $tainted;
732 if ($has_scalar_util) {
733 $tainted = Scalar::Util::tainted($key);
734 } else {
735 local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
736 local $^W = 0;
737 eval { kill 0 * $key };
738 $tainted = $@ =~ /^Insecure/;
739 }
741 croak "Taint checks are turned on and your key is tainted. Please untaint the key and try again"
742 if $tainted;
743 }
745 sub _digest_obj {
746 my $self = shift;
748 if ($self->{digest_obj}) {
749 $self->{digest_obj}->reset();
750 return $self->{digest_obj};
751 }
753 my $alg = $self->{digest_alg};
754 return $alg if ref $alg && $alg->can('digest');
755 my $obj = eval {Digest->new($alg)};
756 croak "Unable to instantiate '$alg' digest object: $@" if $@;
758 return $self->{digest_obj} = $obj;
759 }
761 sub random_bytes {
762 my $self = shift;
763 my $bytes = shift or croak "usage: random_bytes(\$byte_length)";
764 $self->_get_random_bytes($bytes);
765 }
767 sub _get_random_bytes {
768 my $self = shift;
769 my $length = shift;
770 my $result;
772 if (-r RANDOM_DEVICE && open(F,RANDOM_DEVICE)) {
773 read(F,$result,$length);
774 close F;
775 } else {
776 $result = pack("C*",map {rand(256)} 1..$length);
777 }
778 # Clear taint and check length
779 $result =~ /^(.+)$/s;
780 length($1) == $length or croak "Invalid length while gathering $length random bytes";
781 return $1;
782 }
784 sub _standard_padding ($$$) {
785 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
787 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
788 my $pad_length = unpack("C",substr($b,-1));
789 return substr($b,0,$bs-$pad_length);
790 }
791 my $pad = $bs - length($b);
792 return $b . pack("C*",($pad)x$pad);
793 }
795 sub _space_padding ($$$) {
796 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
798 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
799 $b=~ s/ *\z//s;
800 } else {
801 $b .= pack("C*", (32) x ($bs-length($b)));
802 }
803 return $b;
804 }
806 sub _no_padding ($$$) {
807 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
808 return $b;
809 }
811 sub _null_padding ($$$) {
812 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
813 return unless length $b;
814 $b = length $b ? $b : '';
815 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
816 $b=~ s/\0*\z//s;
817 return $b;
818 }
819 return $b . pack("C*", (0) x ($bs - length($b) % $bs));
820 }
822 sub _oneandzeroes_padding ($$$) {
823 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
824 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
825 $b=~ s/\x80\0*\z//s;
826 return $b;
827 }
828 return $b . pack("C*", 128, (0) x ($bs - length($b) - 1) );
829 }
831 sub _rijndael_compat ($$$) {
832 my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
834 return unless length $b;
835 if ($decrypt eq 'd') {
836 $b=~ s/\x80\0*\z//s;
837 return $b;
838 }
839 return $b . pack("C*", 128, (0) x ($bs - length($b) % $bs - 1) );
840 }
842 sub get_initialization_vector (\$) {
843 my $self = shift;
844 $self->iv();
845 }
847 sub set_initialization_vector (\$$) {
848 my $self = shift;
849 my $iv = shift;
850 my $bs = $self->blocksize;
851 croak "Initialization vector must be $bs bytes in length" unless length($iv) == $bs;
852 $self->iv($iv);
853 }
855 sub salt {
856 my $self = shift;
857 my $d = $self->{salt};
858 $self->{salt} = shift if @_;
859 $d;
860 }
862 sub iv {
863 my $self = shift;
864 my $d = $self->{iv};
865 $self->{iv} = shift if @_;
866 $d;
867 }
869 sub key {
870 my $self = shift;
871 my $d = $self->{key};
872 $self->{key} = shift if @_;
873 $d;
874 }
876 sub passphrase {
877 my $self = shift;
878 my $d = $self->{passphrase};
879 if (@_) {
880 undef $self->{key};
881 undef $self->{iv};
882 $self->{passphrase} = shift;
883 }
884 $d;
885 }
887 sub keysize {
888 my $self = shift;
889 $self->{keysize} = shift if @_;
890 $self->{keysize};
891 }
893 sub cipher { shift->{cipher} }
894 sub padding { shift->{padding} }
895 sub blocksize { shift->{blocksize} }
896 sub pcbc { shift->{pcbc} }
897 sub header_mode {shift->{header_mode} }
898 sub literal_key {shift->{literal_key}}
899 sub nodeprecate {shift->{nodeprecate}}
901 1;
902 __END__
904 =head1 NAME
906 Crypt::CBC - Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
908 =head1 SYNOPSIS
910 use Crypt::CBC;
911 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -pass => 'my secret password',
912 -cipher => 'Cipher::AES'
913 );
915 # one shot mode
916 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
917 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
919 # stream mode
920 $cipher->start('encrypting');
921 open(F,"./BIG_FILE");
922 while (read(F,$buffer,1024)) {
923 print $cipher->crypt($buffer);
924 }
925 print $cipher->finish;
927 # do-it-yourself mode -- specify key && initialization vector yourself
928 $key = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8); # assuming a 8-byte block cipher
929 $iv = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8);
930 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-pbkdf => 'none',
931 -key => $key,
932 -iv => $iv);
934 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
935 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
937 # encrypting via a filehandle (requires Crypt::FileHandle>
938 $fh = Crypt::CBC->filehandle(-pass => 'secret');
939 open $fh,'>','encrypted.txt" or die $!
940 print $fh "This will be encrypted\n";
941 close $fh;
943 =head1 DESCRIPTION
945 This module is a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher
946 block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as
947 AES or Blowfish, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily
948 long length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the
949 encryption format used by the B<OpenSSL> package.
951 To use this module, you will first create a Crypt::CBC cipher object
952 with new(). At the time of cipher creation, you specify an encryption
953 key to use and, optionally, a block encryption algorithm. You will
954 then call the start() method to initialize the encryption or
955 decryption process, crypt() to encrypt or decrypt one or more blocks
956 of data, and lastly finish(), to pad and encrypt the final block. For
957 your convenience, you can call the encrypt() and decrypt() methods to
958 operate on a whole data value at once.
960 =head2 new()
962 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -pass => 'my secret key',
963 -cipher => 'Cipher::AES',
964 );
966 # or (for compatibility with versions prior to 2.0)
967 $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('my secret key' => 'Cipher::AES');
969 The new() method creates a new Crypt::CBC object. It accepts a list of
970 -argument => value pairs selected from the following list:
972 Argument Description
973 -------- -----------
975 -pass,-key The encryption/decryption passphrase. These arguments
976 are interchangeable, but -pass is preferred
977 ("key" is a misnomer, as it is not the literal
978 encryption key).
980 -cipher The cipher algorithm (defaults to Crypt::Cipher:AES), or
981 a previously created cipher object reference. For
982 convenience, you may omit the initial "Crypt::" part
983 of the classname and use the basename, e.g. "Blowfish"
984 instead of "Crypt::Blowfish".
986 -keysize Force the cipher keysize to the indicated number of bytes. This can be used
987 to set the keysize for variable keylength ciphers such as AES.
989 -chain_mode The block chaining mode to use. Current options are:
990 'cbc' -- cipher-block chaining mode [default]
991 'pcbc' -- plaintext cipher-block chaining mode
992 'cfb' -- cipher feedback mode
993 'ofb' -- output feedback mode
994 'ctr' -- counter mode
996 -pbkdf The passphrase-based key derivation function used to derive
997 the encryption key and initialization vector from the
998 provided passphrase. For backward compatibility, Crypt::CBC
999 will default to "opensslv1", but it is recommended to use
1000 the standard "pbkdf2"algorithm instead. If you wish to interoperate
1001 with OpenSSL, be aware that different versions of the software
1002 support a series of derivation functions.
1004 'none' -- The value provided in -pass/-key is used directly.
1005 This is the same as passing true to -literal_key.
1006 You must also manually specify the IV with -iv.
1007 The key and the IV must match the keylength
1008 and blocklength of the chosen cipher.
1009 'randomiv' -- Use insecure key derivation method found
1010 in prehistoric versions of OpenSSL (dangerous)
1011 'opensslv1' -- [default] Use the salted MD5 method that was default
1012 in versions of OpenSSL through v1.0.2.
1013 'opensslv2' -- [better] Use the salted SHA-256 method that was
1014 the default in versions of OpenSSL through v1.1.0.
1015 'pbkdf2' -- [best] Use the PBKDF2 method that was first
1016 introduced in OpenSSL v1.1.1.
1018 More derivation functions may be added in the future. To see the
1019 supported list, use the command
1020 perl -MCrypt::CBC::PBKDF -e 'print join "\n",Crypt::CBC::PBKDF->list'
1022 -iter If the 'pbkdf2' key derivation algorithm is used, this specifies the number of
1023 hashing cycles to be applied to the passphrase+salt (longer is more secure).
1024 [default 10,000]
1026 -hasher If the 'pbkdf2' key derivation algorithm is chosen, you can use this to provide
1027 an initialized Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash object.
1028 [default HMACSHA2 for OpenSSL compatability]
1030 -header What type of header to prepend to the ciphertext. One of
1031 'salt' -- use OpenSSL-compatible salted header (default)
1032 'randomiv' -- Randomiv-compatible "RandomIV" header
1033 'none' -- prepend no header at all
1034 (compatible with prehistoric versions
1035 of OpenSSL)
1037 -iv The initialization vector (IV). If not provided, it will be generated
1038 by the key derivation function.
1040 -salt The salt passed to the key derivation function. If not provided, will be
1041 generated randomly (recommended).
1043 -padding The padding method, one of "standard" (default),
1044 "space", "oneandzeroes", "rijndael_compat",
1045 "null", or "none" (default "standard").
1047 -literal_key [deprected, use -pbkdf=>'none']
1048 If true, the key provided by "-key" or "-pass" is used
1049 directly for encryption/decryption without salting or
1050 hashing. The key must be the right length for the chosen
1051 cipher.
1052 [default false)
1054 -pcbc [deprecated, use -chaining_mode=>'pcbc']
1055 Whether to use the PCBC chaining algorithm rather than
1056 the standard CBC algorithm (default false).
1058 -add_header [deprecated; use -header instead]
1059 Whether to add the salt and IV to the header of the output
1060 cipher text.
1062 -regenerate_key [deprecated; use -literal_key instead]
1063 Whether to use a hash of the provided key to generate
1064 the actual encryption key (default true)
1066 -prepend_iv [deprecated; use -header instead]
1067 Whether to prepend the IV to the beginning of the
1068 encrypted stream (default true)
1070 Crypt::CBC requires three pieces of information to do its job. First
1071 it needs the name of the block cipher algorithm that will encrypt or
1072 decrypt the data in blocks of fixed length known as the cipher's
1073 "blocksize." Second, it needs an encryption/decryption key to pass to
1074 the block cipher. Third, it needs an initialization vector (IV) that
1075 will be used to propagate information from one encrypted block to the
1076 next. Both the key and the IV must be exactly the same length as the
1077 chosen cipher's blocksize.
1079 Crypt::CBC can derive the key and the IV from a passphrase that you
1080 provide, or can let you specify the true key and IV manually. In
1081 addition, you have the option of embedding enough information to
1082 regenerate the IV in a short header that is emitted at the start of
1083 the encrypted stream, or outputting a headerless encryption stream. In
1084 the first case, Crypt::CBC will be able to decrypt the stream given
1085 just the original key or passphrase. In the second case, you will have
1086 to provide the original IV as well as the key/passphrase.
1088 The B<-cipher> option specifies which block cipher algorithm to use to
1089 encode each section of the message. This argument is optional and
1090 will default to the secure Crypt::Cipher::AES algorithm.
1091 You may use any compatible block encryption
1092 algorithm that you have installed. Currently, this includes
1093 Crypt::Cipher::AES, Crypt::DES, Crypt::DES_EDE3, Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::Blowfish,
1094 Crypt::CAST5 and Crypt::Rijndael. You may refer to them using their
1095 full names ("Crypt::IDEA") or in abbreviated form ("IDEA").
1097 Instead of passing the name of a cipher class, you may pass an
1098 already-created block cipher object. This allows you to take advantage
1099 of cipher algorithms that have parameterized new() methods, such as
1100 Crypt::Eksblowfish:
1102 my $eksblowfish = Crypt::Eksblowfish->new(8,$salt,$key);
1103 my $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=>$eksblowfish);
1105 The B<-pass> argument provides a passphrase to use to generate the
1106 encryption key or the literal value of the block cipher key. If used
1107 in passphrase mode (which is the default), B<-pass> can be any number
1108 of characters; the actual key will be derived by passing the
1109 passphrase through a series of hashing operations. To take full
1110 advantage of a given block cipher, the length of the passphrase should
1111 be at least equal to the cipher's blocksize. For backward
1112 compatibility, you may also refer to this argument using B<-key>.
1114 To skip this hashing operation and specify the key directly, provide
1115 the actual key as a string to B<-key> and specify a key derivation
1116 function of "none" to the B<-pbkdf> argument. Alternatively, you may
1117 pass a true value to the B<-literal_key> argument. When you manually
1118 specify the key in this way, should choose a key of length exactly
1119 equal to the cipher's key length. You will also have to specify an IV
1120 equal in length to the cipher's blocksize. These choices imply a
1121 header mode of "none."
1123 If you pass an existing Crypt::* object to new(), then the
1124 B<-pass>/B<-key> argument is ignored and the module will generate a
1125 warning.
1127 The B<-pbkdf> argument specifies the algorithm used to derive the true
1128 key and IV from the provided passphrase (PBKDF stands for
1129 "passphrase-based key derivation function"). Valid values are:
1131 "opensslv1" -- [default] A fast algorithm that derives the key by
1132 combining a random salt values with the passphrase via
1133 a series of MD5 hashes.
1135 "opensslv2" -- an improved version that uses SHA-256 rather
1136 than MD5, and has been OpenSSL's default since v1.1.0.
1137 However, it has been deprecated in favor of pbkdf2
1138 since OpenSSL v1.1.1.
1140 "pbkdf2" -- a better algorithm implemented in OpenSSL v1.1.1,
1141 described in RFC 2898 L<>
1143 "none" -- don't use a derivation function, but treat the passphrase
1144 as the literal key. This is the same as B<-literal_key> true.
1146 "nosalt" -- an insecure key derivation method used by prehistoric versions
1147 of OpenSSL, provided for backward compatibility. Don't use.
1149 "opensslv1" was OpenSSL's default key derivation algorithm through
1150 version 1.0.2, but is susceptible to dictionary attacks and is no
1151 longer supported. It remains the default for Crypt::CBC in order to
1152 avoid breaking compatibility with previously-encrypted messages. Using
1153 this option will issue a deprecation warning when initiating
1154 encryption. You can suppress the warning by passing a true value to
1155 the B<-nodeprecate> option.
1157 It is recommended to specify the "pbkdf2" key derivation algorithm
1158 when compatibility with older versions of Crypt::CBC is not
1159 needed. This algorithm is deliberately computationally expensive in
1160 order to make dictionary-based attacks harder. As a result, it
1161 introduces a slight delay before an encryption or decryption
1162 operation starts.
1164 The B<-iter> argument is used in conjunction with the "pbkdf2" key
1165 derivation option. Its value indicates the number of hashing cycles
1166 used to derive the key. Larger values are more secure, but impose a
1167 longer delay before encryption/decryption starts. The default is
1168 10,000 for compatibility with OpenSSL's default.
1170 The B<-hasher> argument is used in conjunction with the "pbkdf2" key
1171 derivation option to pass the reference to an initialized
1172 Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash object. If not provided, it defaults to the
1173 OpenSSL-compatible hash function HMACSHA2 initialized with its default
1174 options (SHA-256 hash).
1176 The B<-header> argument specifies what type of header, if any, to
1177 prepend to the beginning of the encrypted data stream. The header
1178 allows Crypt::CBC to regenerate the original IV and correctly decrypt
1179 the data without your having to provide the same IV used to encrypt
1180 the data. Valid values for the B<-header> are:
1182 "salt" -- Combine the passphrase with an 8-byte random value to
1183 generate both the block cipher key and the IV from the
1184 provided passphrase. The salt will be appended to the
1185 beginning of the data stream allowing decryption to
1186 regenerate both the key and IV given the correct passphrase.
1187 This method is compatible with current versions of OpenSSL.
1189 "randomiv" -- Generate the block cipher key from the passphrase, and
1190 choose a random 8-byte value to use as the IV. The IV will
1191 be prepended to the data stream. This method is compatible
1192 with ciphertext produced by versions of the library prior to
1193 2.17, but is incompatible with block ciphers that have non
1194 8-byte block sizes, such as Rijndael. Crypt::CBC will exit
1195 with a fatal error if you try to use this header mode with a
1196 non 8-byte cipher. This header type is NOT secure and NOT
1197 recommended.
1199 "none" -- Do not generate a header. To decrypt a stream encrypted
1200 in this way, you will have to provide the true key and IV
1201 manually.
1203 B<The "salt" header is now the default as of Crypt::CBC version 2.17. In
1204 all earlier versions "randomiv" was the default.>
1206 When using a "salt" header, you may specify your own value of the
1207 salt, by passing the desired 8-byte character string to the B<-salt>
1208 argument. Otherwise, the module will generate a random salt for
1209 you. Crypt::CBC will generate a fatal error if you specify a salt
1210 value that isn't exactly 8 bytes long. For backward compatibility
1211 reasons, passing a value of "1" will generate a random salt, the same
1212 as if no B<-salt> argument was provided.
1214 The B<-padding> argument controls how the last few bytes of the
1215 encrypted stream are dealt with when they not an exact multiple of the
1216 cipher block length. The default is "standard", the method specified
1217 in PKCS#5.
1219 The B<-chaining_mode> argument will select among several different
1220 block chaining modes. Values are:
1222 'cbc' -- [default] traditional Cipher-Block Chaining mode. It has
1223 the property that if one block in the ciphertext message
1224 is damaged, only that block and the next one will be
1225 rendered un-decryptable.
1227 'pcbc' -- Plaintext Cipher-Block Chaining mode. This has the property
1228 that one damaged ciphertext block will render the
1229 remainder of the message unreadable
1231 'cfb' -- Cipher Feedback Mode. In this mode, both encryption and decryption
1232 are performed using the block cipher's "encrypt" algorithm.
1233 The error propagation behaviour is similar to CBC's.
1235 'ofb' -- Output Feedback Mode. Similar to CFB, the block cipher's encrypt
1236 algorithm is used for both encryption and decryption. If one bit
1237 of the plaintext or ciphertext message is damaged, the damage is
1238 confined to a single block of the corresponding ciphertext or
1239 plaintext, and error correction algorithms can be used to reconstruct
1240 the damaged part.
1242 'ctr' -- Counter Mode. This mode uses a one-time "nonce" instead of
1243 an IV. The nonce is incremented by one for each block of
1244 plain or ciphertext, encrypted using the chosen
1245 algorithm, and then applied to the block of text. If one
1246 bit of the input text is damaged, it only affects 1 bit
1247 of the output text. To use CTR mode you will need to
1248 install the Perl Math::Int128 module. This chaining method
1249 is roughly half the speed of the others due to integer
1250 arithmetic.
1252 Passing a B<-pcbc> argument of true will have the same effect as
1253 -chaining_mode=>'pcbc', and is included for backward
1254 compatibility. [deprecated].
1256 For more information on chaining modes, see
1257 L<>.
1259 The B<-keysize> argument can be used to force the cipher's
1260 keysize. This is useful for several of the newer algorithms, including
1261 AES, ARIA, Blowfish, and CAMELLIA. If -keysize is not specified, then
1262 Crypt::CBC will use the value returned by the cipher's max_keylength()
1263 method. Note that versions of CBC::Crypt prior to 2.36 could also
1264 allow you to set the blocksie, but this was never supported by any
1265 ciphers and has been removed.
1267 For compatibility with earlier versions of this module, you can
1268 provide new() with a hashref containing key/value pairs. The key names
1269 are the same as the arguments described earlier, but without the
1270 initial hyphen. You may also call new() with one or two positional
1271 arguments, in which case the first argument is taken to be the key and
1272 the second to be the optional block cipher algorithm.
1275 =head2 start()
1277 $cipher->start('encrypting');
1278 $cipher->start('decrypting');
1280 The start() method prepares the cipher for a series of encryption or
1281 decryption steps, resetting the internal state of the cipher if
1282 necessary. You must provide a string indicating whether you wish to
1283 encrypt or decrypt. "E" or any word that begins with an "e" indicates
1284 encryption. "D" or any word that begins with a "d" indicates
1285 decryption.
1287 =head2 crypt()
1289 $ciphertext = $cipher->crypt($plaintext);
1291 After calling start(), you should call crypt() as many times as
1292 necessary to encrypt the desired data.
1294 =head2 finish()
1296 $ciphertext = $cipher->finish();
1298 The CBC algorithm must buffer data blocks internally until they are
1299 even multiples of the encryption algorithm's blocksize (typically 8
1300 bytes). After the last call to crypt() you should call finish().
1301 This flushes the internal buffer and returns any leftover ciphertext.
1303 In a typical application you will read the plaintext from a file or
1304 input stream and write the result to standard output in a loop that
1305 might look like this:
1307 $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('hey jude!');
1308 $cipher->start('encrypting');
1309 print $cipher->crypt($_) while <>;
1310 print $cipher->finish();
1312 =head2 encrypt()
1314 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext)
1316 This convenience function runs the entire sequence of start(), crypt()
1317 and finish() for you, processing the provided plaintext and returning
1318 the corresponding ciphertext.
1320 =head2 decrypt()
1322 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext)
1324 This convenience function runs the entire sequence of start(), crypt()
1325 and finish() for you, processing the provided ciphertext and returning
1326 the corresponding plaintext.
1328 =head2 encrypt_hex(), decrypt_hex()
1330 $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt_hex($plaintext)
1331 $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt_hex($ciphertext)
1333 These are convenience functions that operate on ciphertext in a
1334 hexadecimal representation. B<encrypt_hex($plaintext)> is exactly
1335 equivalent to B<unpack('H*',encrypt($plaintext))>. These functions
1336 can be useful if, for example, you wish to place the encrypted in an
1337 email message.
1339 =head2 filehandle()
1341 This method returns a filehandle for transparent encryption or
1342 decryption using Christopher Dunkle's excellent L<Crypt::FileHandle>
1343 module. This module must be installed in order to use this method.
1345 filehandle() can be called as a class method using the same arguments
1346 as new():
1348 $fh = Crypt::CBC->filehandle(-cipher=> 'Blowfish',
1349 -pass => "You'll never guess");
1351 or on a previously-created Crypt::CBC object:
1353 $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=> 'Blowfish',
1354 -pass => "You'll never guess");
1355 $fh = $cbc->filehandle;
1357 The filehandle can then be opened using the familiar open() syntax.
1358 Printing to a filehandle opened for writing will encrypt the
1359 data. Filehandles opened for input will be decrypted.
1361 Here is an example:
1363 # transparent encryption
1364 open $fh,'>','encrypted.out' or die $!;
1365 print $fh "You won't be able to read me!\n";
1366 close $fh;
1368 # transparent decryption
1369 open $fh,'<','encrypted.out' or die $!;
1370 while (<$fh>) { print $_ }
1371 close $fh;
1373 =head2 get_initialization_vector()
1375 $iv = $cipher->get_initialization_vector()
1377 This function will return the IV used in encryption and or decryption.
1378 The IV is not guaranteed to be set when encrypting until start() is
1379 called, and when decrypting until crypt() is called the first
1380 time. Unless the IV was manually specified in the new() call, the IV
1381 will change with every complete encryption operation.
1383 =head2 set_initialization_vector()
1385 $cipher->set_initialization_vector('76543210')
1387 This function sets the IV used in encryption and/or decryption. This
1388 function may be useful if the IV is not contained within the
1389 ciphertext string being decrypted, or if a particular IV is desired
1390 for encryption. Note that the IV must match the chosen cipher's
1391 blocksize bytes in length.
1393 =head2 iv()
1395 $iv = $cipher->iv();
1396 $cipher->iv($new_iv);
1398 As above, but using a single method call.
1400 =head2 key()
1402 $key = $cipher->key();
1403 $cipher->key($new_key);
1405 Get or set the block cipher key used for encryption/decryption. When
1406 encrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until start() is
1407 called, and when decrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until
1408 after the first call to crypt(). The key must match the length
1409 required by the underlying block cipher.
1411 When salted headers are used, the block cipher key will change after
1412 each complete sequence of encryption operations.
1414 =head2 salt()
1416 $salt = $cipher->salt();
1417 $cipher->salt($new_salt);
1419 Get or set the salt used for deriving the encryption key and IV when
1420 in OpenSSL compatibility mode.
1422 =head2 passphrase()
1424 $passphrase = $cipher->passphrase();
1425 $cipher->passphrase($new_passphrase);
1427 This gets or sets the value of the B<passphrase> passed to new() when
1428 B<literal_key> is false.
1430 =head2 $data = random_bytes($numbytes)
1432 Return $numbytes worth of random data. On systems that support the
1433 "/dev/urandom" device file, this data will be read from the
1434 device. Otherwise, it will be generated by repeated calls to the Perl
1435 rand() function.
1437 =head2 cipher(), pbkdf(), padding(), keysize(), blocksize(), chain_mode()
1439 These read-only methods return the identity of the chosen block cipher
1440 algorithm, the key derivation function (e.g. "opensslv1"), padding
1441 method, key and block size of the chosen block cipher, and what
1442 chaining mode ("cbc", "ofb" ,etc) is being used.
1444 =head2 Padding methods
1446 Use the 'padding' option to change the padding method.
1448 When the last block of plaintext is shorter than the block size,
1449 it must be padded. Padding methods include: "standard" (i.e., PKCS#5),
1450 "oneandzeroes", "space", "rijndael_compat", "null", and "none".
1452 standard: (default) Binary safe
1453 pads with the number of bytes that should be truncated. So, if
1454 blocksize is 8, then "0A0B0C" will be padded with "05", resulting
1455 in "0A0B0C0505050505". If the final block is a full block of 8
1456 bytes, then a whole block of "0808080808080808" is appended.
1458 oneandzeroes: Binary safe
1459 pads with "80" followed by as many "00" necessary to fill the
1460 block. If the last block is a full block and blocksize is 8, a
1461 block of "8000000000000000" will be appended.
1463 rijndael_compat: Binary safe, with caveats
1464 similar to oneandzeroes, except that no padding is performed if
1465 the last block is a full block. This is provided for
1466 compatibility with Crypt::Rijndael's buit-in MODE_CBC.
1467 Note that Crypt::Rijndael's implementation of CBC only
1468 works with messages that are even multiples of 16 bytes.
1470 null: text only
1471 pads with as many "00" necessary to fill the block. If the last
1472 block is a full block and blocksize is 8, a block of
1473 "0000000000000000" will be appended.
1475 space: text only
1476 same as "null", but with "20".
1478 none:
1479 no padding added. Useful for special-purpose applications where
1480 you wish to add custom padding to the message.
1482 Both the standard and oneandzeroes paddings are binary safe. The
1483 space and null paddings are recommended only for text data. Which
1484 type of padding you use depends on whether you wish to communicate
1485 with an external (non Crypt::CBC library). If this is the case, use
1486 whatever padding method is compatible.
1488 You can also pass in a custom padding function. To do this, create a
1489 function that takes the arguments:
1491 $padded_block = function($block,$blocksize,$direction);
1493 where $block is the current block of data, $blocksize is the size to
1494 pad it to, $direction is "e" for encrypting and "d" for decrypting,
1495 and $padded_block is the result after padding or depadding.
1497 When encrypting, the function should always return a string of
1498 <blocksize> length, and when decrypting, can expect the string coming
1499 in to always be that length. See _standard_padding(), _space_padding(),
1500 _null_padding(), or _oneandzeroes_padding() in the source for examples.
1502 Standard and oneandzeroes padding are recommended, as both space and
1503 null padding can potentially truncate more characters than they should.
1505 =head1 Comparison to Crypt::Mode::CBC
1507 The L<CryptX> modules L<Crypt::Mode::CBC>, L<Crypt::Mode::OFB>,
1508 L<Crypt::Mode::CFB>, and L<Crypt::Mode::CTR> provide fast
1509 implementations of the respective cipherblock chaining modes (roughly
1510 5x the speed of Crypt::CBC). Crypt::CBC was designed to encrypt and
1511 decrypt messages in a manner compatible with OpenSSL's "enc"
1512 function. Hence it handles the derivation of the key and IV from a
1513 passphrase using the same conventions as OpenSSL, and it writes out an
1514 OpenSSL-compatible header in the encrypted message in a manner that
1515 allows the key and IV to be regenerated during decryption.
1517 In contrast, the CryptX modules do not automatically derive the key
1518 and IV from a passphrase or write out an encrypted header. You will
1519 need to derive and store the key and IV by other means (e.g. with
1520 CryptX's Crypt::KeyDerivation module, or with Crypt::PBKDF2).
1522 =head1 EXAMPLES
1524 Three examples,, and can be found in the eg/
1525 subdirectory of the Crypt-CBC distribution. These implement
1526 command-line DES and IDEA encryption algorithms using default
1527 parameters, and should be compatible with recent versions of
1528 OpenSSL. Note that uses the "pbkdf2" key derivation function to
1529 generate its keys. The other two were distributed with pre-PBKDF2
1530 versions of Crypt::CBC, and use the older "opensslv1" algorithm.
1532 =head1 LIMITATIONS
1534 The encryption and decryption process is about a tenth the speed of
1535 the equivalent OpenSSL tool and about a fifth of the Crypt::Mode::CBC
1536 module (both which use compiled C).
1538 =head1 BUGS
1540 Please report them.
1542 =head1 AUTHOR
1544 Lincoln Stein,
1546 This module is distributed under the ARTISTIC LICENSE v2 using the
1547 same terms as Perl itself.
1549 =head1 SEE ALSO
1551 perl(1), CryptX, Crypt::FileHandle, Crypt::Cipher::AES,
1552 Crypt::Blowfish, Crypt::CAST5, Crypt::DES, Crypt::IDEA,
1553 Crypt::Rijndael
1555 =cut
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use lib '../lib','./lib','./blib/lib';
4 eval "use Crypt::Cipher::AES()";
5 if ($@) {
6 print "1..0 # Skipped: Crypt::Cipher::AES not installed\n";
7 exit;
8 }
10 print "1..33\n";
12 sub test {
13 local($^W) = 0;
14 my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
15 print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
16 }
18 $test_data = <<END;
19 Mary had a little lamb,
20 Its fleece was black as coal,
21 And everywere that Mary went,
22 That lamb would dig a hole.
23 END
24 ;
26 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
28 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass=>'secret',
30 -cipher => 'Cipher::AES',
31 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2'
32 ),"Couldn't create new object");
33 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
34 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
35 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
37 # now try various truncations of the whole
38 for (my $c=1;$c<=7;$c++) {
39 substr($test_data,-$c) = ''; # truncate
40 test(5+$c,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
41 }
43 # now try various short strings
44 for (my $c=0;$c<=18;$c++) {
45 $test_data = 'i' x $c;
46 test (13+$c,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
47 }
50 # make sure that strings that end in spaces or nulls are treated correctly
51 $test_data = "This string ends in a null\0";
52 test (32,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
54 $test_data = "This string ends in some spaces ";
55 test (33,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','../lib','./blib/lib';
44 eval "use Crypt::Blowfish()";
55 if ($@) {
2626 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key=>'secret',-cipher=>'Blowfish'),"Couldn't create new object");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass=>'secret',-cipher=>'Blowfish',-nodeprecate=>1),"Couldn't create new object");
3030 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3131 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
3232 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
5050 $test_data = "This string ends in some spaces ";
5151 test (33,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
00 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
44 eval "use Crypt::Blowfish_PP()";
55 if ($@) {
2626 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new('secret','Blowfish_PP'),"Couldn't create new object");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass=>'secret',-cipher=>'Blowfish_PP',-nodeprecate=>1),"Couldn't create new object");
3030 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3131 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
3232 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
44 eval "use Crypt::CAST5()";
55 if ($@) {
2626 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new({key=>'secret',cipher=>'CAST5'}),"Couldn't create new object");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new({key=>'secret',cipher=>'CAST5',nodeprecate=>1}),"Couldn't create new object");
3030 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3131 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
3232 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
44 eval "use Crypt::DES()";
55 if ($@) {
2626 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new('secret','DES'),"Couldn't create new object");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass=>'secret',-cipher=>'DES',-pbkdf=>'pbkdf2'),"Couldn't create new object");
3030 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3131 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
3232 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
00 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
44 eval "use Crypt::IDEA()";
55 if ($@) {
2626 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new('secret','IDEA'),"Couldn't create new object");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass=>'secret',
30 -cipher=>'IDEA',
31 -nodeprecate=>1,
32 ),"Couldn't create new object");
3033 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3134 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
3235 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib','../lib';
4 eval "use Crypt::Cipher::AES";
5 if ($@) {
6 print "1..0 # Skipped: Crypt::Cipher::AES not installed\n";
7 exit;
8 }
10 print "1..33\n";
12 sub test {
13 local($^W) = 0;
14 my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
15 print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
16 }
18 $test_data = <<END;
19 Mary had a little lamb,
20 Its fleece was black as coal,
21 And everywere that Mary went,
22 That lamb would dig a big hole.
23 END
24 ;
26 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
28 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'secret',
30 -cipher => 'Cipher::AES',
31 -chain_mode => 'ofb',
32 -pbkdf => 'opensslv2',
33 ),"Couldn't create new object");
34 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
35 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
36 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
38 # now try various truncations of the whole
39 for (my $c=1;$c<=7;$c++) {
40 substr($test_data,-$c) = ''; # truncate
41 test(5+$c,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
42 }
44 # now try various short strings
45 for (my $c=0;$c<=18;$c++) {
46 $test_data = 'i' x $c;
47 test (13+$c,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
48 }
51 # make sure that strings that end in spaces or nulls are treated correctly
52 $test_data = "This string ends in a null\0";
53 test (32,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
55 $test_data = "This string ends in some spaces ";
56 test (33,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
4 eval "use Crypt::DES()";
4 eval "use Crypt::Cipher::AES";
55 if ($@) {
6 print "1..0 # Skipped: Crypt::DES not installed\n";
6 print "1..0 # Skipped: Crypt::Cipher::AES not installed\n";
77 exit;
88 }
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
2929 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key=>'secret',
30 -cipher=>'DES',
31 -pcbc=>1,
30 -cipher=>'Cipher::AES',
31 -chain_mode => 'pcbc',
32 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2',
3233 ),"Couldn't create new object");
3334 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3435 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
00 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
44 eval "use Crypt::Rijndael()";
55 if ($@) {
2626 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
2828 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new('secret','Rijndael'),"Couldn't create new object");
29 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-pass=>'secret',-cipher=>'Rijndael',-pbkdf=>'opensslv2'),"Couldn't create new object");
3030 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
3131 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
3232 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
22 use strict;
3 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
3 use lib '../lib','./lib','./blib/lib';
55 my ($i, $j, $test_data);
4545 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'a' x $ks,
4646 -cipher => 'Rijndael',
4747 -iv => 'f' x $bs,
48 -literal_key => 1,
48 -pbkdf => 'none',
4949 -header => 'none',
5050 -padding => 'rijndael_compat',
5151 ),
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib '../lib','./lib','./blib/lib';
5 sub test;
4 # using globals and uninit variables here for convenience
5 no warnings;
7 my (@mods,@pads,@in,$pad,$test_data,$mod,$tnum,$c,$i,$p);
9 @mods = qw/Rijndael
10 Blowfish
11 Blowfish_PP
13 DES
7 @mods = qw/
8 Cipher::AES
9 Rijndael
10 Blowfish
11 Blowfish_PP
13 DES
1414 /;
1515 @pads = qw/standard oneandzeroes space null/;
2626 # ($#in + 1): number of installed modules
2727 # ($#pads + 1): number of padding methods
28 # 32: number of per-module, per-pad tests
28 # 64: number of per-module, per-pad tests
2929 # 1: the first test -- loading Crypt::CBC module
31 print '1..', ($#in + 1) * ($#pads + 1) * 32 + 1, "\n";
33 sub test {
34 local($^W) = 0;
35 my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
36 $$num++;
37 print($true ? "ok $$num\n" : "not ok $$num $msg\n");
38 }
31 print '1..', ($#in + 1) * ($#pads + 1) * 64 + 1, "\n";
4033 $tnum = 0;
5649 test(\$tnum,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'secret',
5750 -cipher => $mod,
5851 -padding => $pad,
52 -pbkdf => 'opensslv2',
5953 ),
6054 "Couldn't create new object");
6256 test(\$tnum,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
6357 test(\$tnum,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
64 test(\$tnum,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
58 test(\$tnum,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext with cipher=$mod, pad=$pad and plaintext size=".length $test_data);
6660 # now try various truncations of the whole string.
6761 # iteration 3 ends in ' ' so 'space should fail
8276 for ($c=0;$c<=18;$c++) {
8377 $test_data = 'i' x $c;
8478 test(\$tnum,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
79 }
81 # try adding a "\001" to the end of the string
82 for ($c=0;$c<=31;$c++) {
83 $test_data = 'i' x $c;
84 $test_data .= "\001";
85 test(\$tnum,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data,"failed to decrypt with cipher=$mod, padding=$pad, and plaintext length=".($c+1));
8586 }
8788 # 'space' should fail. others should succeed.
105106 }
106107 }
107108 }
110 sub test {
111 my($num, $true, $msg) = @_;
112 $msg ||= "cipher=$mod, padding=$pad, plaintext length=$c";
113 $$num++;
114 print($true ? "ok $$num\n" : "not ok $$num $msg\n");
115 }
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use lib '../lib','./lib','./blib/lib';
4 my (@mods,@pads,@in,$tnum);
6 @mods = qw/
7 Cipher::AES
8 Rijndael
9 Blowfish
10 Blowfish_PP
12 DES
13 /;
15 for $mod (@mods) {
16 eval "use Crypt::$mod(); 1" && push @in,$mod;
17 }
19 unless ($#in > -1) {
20 print "1..0 # Skipped: no cryptographic modules found\n";
21 exit;
22 } else {
23 print "1..2\n";
24 }
26 sub test {
27 local($^W) = 0;
28 my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
29 $$num++;
30 print($true ? "ok $$num\n" : "not ok $$num $msg\n");
31 }
33 $tnum = 0;
35 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
36 print STDERR "using Crypt\:\:$in[0] for testing\n";
37 test(\$tnum,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
39 my $key = "\x00" x "Crypt::$in[0]"->keysize;
40 my $iv = "\x00" x "Crypt::$in[0]"->blocksize;
42 my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
43 {
44 cipher => $in[0],
45 key => $key,
46 iv => $iv,
47 literal_key => 1,
48 header => 'none',
49 padding => 'none',
50 nodeprecate=>1,
51 }
52 );
53 my $string = 'A' x "Crypt::$in[0]"->blocksize;
55 test(\$tnum,length $cipher->encrypt($string) == "Crypt::$in[0]"->blocksize,"nopadding not working\n");
57 exit 0;
0 #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
22 use strict;
3 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
3 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
55 sub test;
77 my (@mods,@pads,@in,$pad,$test_data,$mod,$tnum,$c,$i,$p);
9 @mods = qw/Rijndael
10 Blowfish
11 Blowfish_PP
13 DES
14 /;
9 @mods = qw/
10 Cipher::AES
11 Rijndael
12 Blowfish
13 Blowfish_PP
15 DES
16 /;
1517 @pads = qw/standard oneandzeroes space null/;
1719 for $mod (@mods) {
4244 my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'secret',
4345 -cipher => $mod,
4446 -padding => $pad,
47 -pbkdf => 'opensslv2',
4548 );
4649 for my $length (1..128) {
4750 my $test_data = 'a'x$length . '0';
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
2 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
44 my (@mods,@pads,@in,$tnum);
6 @mods = qw/Rijndael
7 Blowfish
8 Blowfish_PP
10 DES
6 @mods = qw/
7 Cipher::AES
8 Rijndael
9 Blowfish
10 Blowfish_PP
12 DES
1113 /;
1315 for $mod (@mods) {
3840 my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
39 -key => 'aaab',
40 -cipher => $in[0],
41 -padding => "oneandzeroes",
41 -key => 'aaab',
42 -cipher => $in[0],
43 -padding => "oneandzeroes",
44 -pbkdf => 'opensslv2',
4245 );
0 #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
22 use strict;
3 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
5 sub test ($$$);
3 use lib '../lib','./lib','./blib/lib';
5 sub test ($$);
77 my $plaintext = <<END;
88 Mary had a little lamb,
1212 END
1313 ;
15 print "1..63\n";
15 print "1..82\n";
1717 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
18 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
18 test(!$@,"Couldn't load module");
2020 my ($crypt,$ciphertext1,$ciphertext2);
22 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
23 -key => 'test key') };
24 test(2,defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
25 test(3,$crypt->header_mode eq 'salt',"Default header mode is not 'salt'");
22 # test whether a bad parameter is caught
23 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-bad_parm=>1,-pass=>'test')};
24 test(!$crypt,"new() accepted an unknown parameter");
25 test($@ =~ /not a recognized argument/,"bad parameter error message not emitted");
27 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(
28 -cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
29 -key => 'test key',
30 -nodeprecate=>1)
31 };
32 test(defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
33 test($crypt->header_mode eq 'salt',"Default header mode is not 'salt'");
2634 exit 0 unless $crypt;
2937 # tests for the salt header
3038 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
3139 -key => 'test key',
32 -header => 'salt') };
33 test(4,defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
34 exit 0 unless $crypt;
36 test(5,!defined $crypt->iv, "IV is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
37 test(6,!defined $crypt->salt,"salt is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
38 test(7,!defined $crypt->key, "key is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
40 -header => 'salt',
41 -nodeprecate=>1,
42 ) };
43 test(defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
44 exit 0 unless $crypt;
46 test(!defined $crypt->iv, "IV is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
47 test(!defined $crypt->salt,"salt is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
48 test(!defined $crypt->key, "key is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
4050 $ciphertext1 = $crypt->encrypt($plaintext);
41 test(8,$ciphertext1 =~ /^Salted__/s,"salted header not present");
42 test(9, defined $crypt->iv, "IV not defined after encrypt");
43 test(10,defined $crypt->salt, "salt not defined after encrypt");
44 test(11,defined $crypt->key, "key not defined after encrypt");
51 test($ciphertext1 =~ /^Salted__/s,"salted header not present");
52 test(defined $crypt->iv, "IV not defined after encrypt");
53 test(defined $crypt->salt, "salt not defined after encrypt");
54 test(defined $crypt->key, "key not defined after encrypt");
4656 my ($old_iv,$old_salt,$old_key) = ($crypt->iv,$crypt->salt,$crypt->key);
4757 $ciphertext2 = $crypt->encrypt($plaintext);
48 test(12,$ciphertext2 =~ /^Salted__/s,"salted header not present");
49 test(13,$old_iv ne $crypt->iv, "IV didn't change after an encrypt");
50 test(14,$old_salt ne $crypt->salt, "salt didn't change after an encrypt");
51 test(15,$old_key ne $crypt->key, "key didn't change after an encrypt");
53 test(16,$plaintext eq $crypt->decrypt($ciphertext1),"decrypted text doesn't match original");
54 test(17,$old_iv eq $crypt->iv, "original IV wasn't restored after decryption");
55 test(18,$old_salt eq $crypt->salt, "original salt wasn't restored after decryption");
56 test(19,$old_key eq $crypt->key, "original key wasn't restored after decryption");
58 test(20,$crypt->passphrase eq 'test key',"get passphrase()");
58 test($ciphertext2 =~ /^Salted__/s,"salted header not present");
59 test($old_iv ne $crypt->iv, "IV didn't change after an encrypt");
60 test($old_salt ne $crypt->salt, "salt didn't change after an encrypt");
61 test($old_key ne $crypt->key, "key didn't change after an encrypt");
63 test($plaintext eq $crypt->decrypt($ciphertext1),"decrypted text doesn't match original");
64 test($old_iv eq $crypt->iv, "original IV wasn't restored after decryption");
65 test($old_salt eq $crypt->salt, "original salt wasn't restored after decryption");
66 test($old_key eq $crypt->key, "original key wasn't restored after decryption");
68 test($crypt->passphrase eq 'test key',"get passphrase()");
5969 $crypt->passphrase('new key');
60 test(21,$crypt->passphrase eq 'new key',"set passphrase()");
62 test(22,length($crypt->random_bytes(20)) == 20,"get_random_bytes()");
70 test($crypt->passphrase eq 'new key',"set passphrase()");
72 test(length($crypt->random_bytes(20)) == 20,"get_random_bytes()");
6474 # tests for the randomiv header
6575 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
6676 -key => 'test key',
67 -header => 'randomiv') };
68 test(23,defined $crypt,"$@\nCan't continue!");
69 exit 0 unless $crypt;
71 test(24,$crypt->header_mode eq 'randomiv',"wrong header mode");
72 test(25,!defined $crypt->iv, "IV is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
73 test(26,!defined $crypt->salt,"salt is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
74 test(27,!defined $crypt->key, "key is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
77 -header => 'randomiv',
78 -nodeprecate=>1,
79 ) };
80 test(defined $crypt,"$@\nCan't continue!");
81 exit 0 unless $crypt;
83 test($crypt->header_mode eq 'randomiv',"wrong header mode");
84 test($crypt->pbkdf eq 'randomiv',"wrong key derivation mode");
85 test(!defined $crypt->iv, "IV is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
86 test(!defined $crypt->salt,"salt is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
87 test(!defined $crypt->key, "key is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
7689 $ciphertext1 = $crypt->encrypt($plaintext);
77 test(28,$ciphertext1 =~ /^RandomIV/s,"RandomIV header not present");
78 test(29, defined $crypt->iv, "IV not defined after encrypt");
79 test(30,!defined $crypt->salt, "salt defined after encrypt");
80 test(31,defined $crypt->key, "key not defined after encrypt");
90 test($ciphertext1 =~ /^RandomIV/s,"RandomIV header not present");
91 test(defined $crypt->iv, "IV not defined after encrypt");
92 test(!defined $crypt->salt, "there shouldn't be a salt after randomIV encryption");
93 test(defined $crypt->key, "key not defined after encrypt");
8295 ($old_iv,$old_salt,$old_key) = ($crypt->iv,$crypt->salt,$crypt->key);
8396 $ciphertext2 = $crypt->encrypt($plaintext);
84 test(32,$ciphertext2 =~ /^RandomIV/s,"RandomIV header not present");
85 test(33,$old_iv ne $crypt->iv, "IV didn't change after an encrypt");
86 test(34,$old_key eq $crypt->key, "key changed after an encrypt");
88 test(35,$plaintext eq $crypt->decrypt($ciphertext1),"decrypted text doesn't match original");
89 test(36,$old_iv eq $crypt->iv, "original IV wasn't restored after decryption");
97 test($ciphertext2 =~ /^RandomIV/s,"RandomIV header not present");
98 test($old_iv ne $crypt->iv, "IV didn't change after an encrypt");
99 test($old_key eq $crypt->key, "key changed after an encrypt");
101 test($plaintext eq $crypt->decrypt($ciphertext1),"decrypted text doesn't match original");
102 test($old_iv eq $crypt->iv, "original IV wasn't restored after decryption");
91104 # tests for headerless operation
92105 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
93106 -key => 'test key',
94107 -iv => '01234567',
108 -nodeprecate=>1,
95109 -header => 'none') };
96 test(37,defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
97 exit 0 unless $crypt;
98 test(38,$crypt->header_mode eq 'none',"wrong header mode");
99 test(39,$crypt->iv eq '01234567', "IV doesn't match settings");
100 test(40,!defined $crypt->key, "key is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
110 test(defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
111 exit 0 unless $crypt;
112 test($crypt->header_mode eq 'none',"wrong header mode");
113 test($crypt->iv eq '01234567', "IV doesn't match settings");
114 test(!defined $crypt->key, "key is defined after new() but it shouldn't be");
101115 $ciphertext1 = $crypt->encrypt($plaintext);
102 test(41,length($ciphertext1) - length($plaintext) <= 8, "ciphertext grew too much");
103 test(42,$crypt->decrypt($ciphertext1) eq $plaintext,"decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
116 test(length($ciphertext1) - length($plaintext) <= 8, "ciphertext grew too much");
117 test($crypt->decrypt($ciphertext1) eq $plaintext,"decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
104118 my $crypt2 = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
119 -salt => $crypt->salt,
105120 -key => 'test key',
106121 -iv => '01234567',
122 -nodeprecate=>1,
107123 -header => 'none');
108 test(43,$crypt2->decrypt($ciphertext1) eq $plaintext,"decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
124 test($crypt2->decrypt($ciphertext1) eq $plaintext,"decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
109125 $crypt2 = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
110126 -key => 'test key',
111127 -iv => '76543210',
128 -nodeprecate=>1,
112129 -header => 'none');
113 test(44,$crypt2->decrypt($ciphertext1) ne $plaintext,"decrypted ciphertext matches plaintext but shouldn't");
114 test(45,$crypt->iv eq '01234567',"iv changed and it shouldn't have");
115 test(46,$crypt2->iv eq '76543210',"iv changed and it shouldn't have");
130 test($crypt2->decrypt($ciphertext1) ne $plaintext,"decrypted ciphertext matches plaintext but shouldn't");
131 test($crypt->iv eq '01234567',"iv changed and it shouldn't have");
132 test($crypt2->iv eq '76543210',"iv changed and it shouldn't have");
117134 # check various bad combinations of parameters that should cause a fatal error
118135 my $good_key = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(Crypt::Crypt8->keysize);
119136 my $bad_key = 'foo';
120137 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
121 -header => 'randomiv',
122138 -key => $good_key,
123139 -iv => '01234567',
124 -literal_key => 1)};
125 test(47,defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
126 exit 0 unless $crypt;
127 test(48,$crypt->key eq $good_key,"couldn't set literal key");
128 test(49,
140 -nodeprecate=>1,
141 -pbkdf => 'none'
142 )};
143 test(defined $crypt,"$@Can't continue!");
144 exit 0 unless $crypt;
145 test($crypt->literal_key,"pbkdf 'none' should set literal key flag, but didn't");
146 test($crypt->key eq $good_key,"couldn't set literal key");
147 test($crypt->header_mode eq 'none',"-pbkdf=>'none' should set header_mode to 'none', but didn't");
148 test(
129149 !eval{
130150 Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
131151 -header => 'randomiv',
132152 -key => $bad_key,
133153 -iv => '01234567',
134 -literal_key => 1)
154 -nodeprecate=>1,
155 -pbkdf => 'none',
156 )
135157 },
136158 "module accepted a literal key of invalid size");
137 test(50,
159 test(
138160 !eval{
139161 Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
140162 -header => 'randomiv',
141163 -key => $good_key,
142164 -iv => '01234567',
143 -literal_key => 1)
165 -nodeprecate=>1,
166 -pbkdf => 'none',
167 )
144168 },
145169 "module accepted a literal key of invalid size");
146 test(51,
170 test(
147171 !eval{
148172 Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
149173 -header => 'randomiv',
150174 -key => $good_key,
151175 -iv => '01234567891',
152 -literal_key => 1)
176 -nodeprecate=>1,
177 -pbkdf => 'none'
178 )
153179 },
154180 "module accepted an IV of invalid size");
156 test(52,
182 test(
157183 !eval{
158184 Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
159185 -header => 'randomiv',
186 -nodeprecate=>1,
160187 -key => 'test key')
161188 },
162189 "module allowed randomiv headers with a 16-bit blocksize cipher");
164 $crypt = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
165 -header => 'randomiv',
166 -key => 'test key',
167 -insecure_legacy_decrypt => 1);
168 test(53,defined $crypt,"module didn't honor the -insecure_legacy_decrypt flag:$@Can't continue!");
169 exit 0 unless $crypt;
171 test(54,$crypt->decrypt("RandomIV01234567".'a'x256),"module didn't allow legacy decryption");
172 test(55,!defined eval{$crypt->encrypt('foobar')},"module allowed legacy encryption and shouldn't have");
175 test(56,
191 if (0) {
192 $crypt = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
193 -header => 'randomiv',
194 -key => 'test key',
195 -nodeprecate => 1,
196 -insecure_legacy_decrypt => 1);
197 test(defined $crypt,"module didn't honor the -insecure_legacy_decrypt flag:$@Can't continue!");
198 exit 0 unless $crypt;
199 test($crypt->decrypt("RandomIV01234567".'a'x256),"module didn't allow legacy decryption");
200 test(!defined eval{$crypt->encrypt('foobar')},"module allowed legacy encryption and shouldn't have");
201 } else {
202 skip ('-insecure_legacy_decrypt is no longer supported') foreach (53..55);
203 }
205 test(
176206 !defined eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
177207 -header => 'salt',
178208 -key => 'test key',
209 -nodeprecate => 1,
179210 -salt => 'bad bad salt!');
180211 },
181212 "module allowed setting of a bad salt");
183 test(57,
214 test(
184215 defined eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
185216 -header => 'salt',
186217 -key => 'test key',
218 -nodeprecate => 1,
187219 -salt => 'goodsalt');
188220 },
189221 "module did not allow setting of a good salt");
191 test(58,
223 test(
192224 Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
193225 -header => 'salt',
194226 -key => 'test key',
227 -nodeprecate => 1,
195228 -salt => 'goodsalt')->salt eq 'goodsalt',
196229 "module did not allow setting and retrieval of a good salt");
198 test(59,
231 test(
199232 !defined eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
200233 -header => 'badheadermethod',
234 -nodeprecate => 1,
201235 -key => 'test key')},
202236 "module allowed setting of an invalid header method, and shouldn't have");
204 test(60,
238 test(
205239 !defined eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
206240 -header => 'none',
241 -pbkdf => 'none',
207242 -key => 'a'x16)
208243 },
209 "module allowed initialization of header_mode 'none' without an iv");
211 test(61,
244 "module allowed initialization of pbkdf method 'none' without an iv");
246 test(
212247 !defined eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt16',
213248 -header => 'none',
249 -nodeprecate => 1,
214250 -iv => 'a'x16)
215251 },
216252 "module allowed initialization of header_mode 'none' without a key");
220256 -header => 'none',
221257 -key => 'a'x56,
222258 -iv => 'b'x8,
259 -nodeprecate => 1,
223260 ) };
224 test(62,defined $crypt,"unable to create a Crypt::CBC object with the -literal_key option: $@");
225 test(63,$plaintext eq $crypt->decrypt($crypt->encrypt($plaintext)),'cannot decrypt encrypted data using -literal_key');
261 test(defined $crypt,"unable to create a Crypt::CBC object with the -literal_key option: $@");
262 test($plaintext eq $crypt->decrypt($crypt->encrypt($plaintext)),'cannot decrypt encrypted data using -literal_key');
263 test($crypt->passphrase eq '','passphrase should be empty when -literal_key specified');
264 test($crypt->key eq 'a'x56,'key should match provided -key argument when -literal_key specified');
266 # test behavior of pbkdf option
267 test($crypt->pbkdf eq 'none','PBKDF should default to "none" when -literal_key provided, but got '.$crypt->pbkdf);
269 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',-pass=>'very secret',-nodeprecate=>1)} or warn $@;
270 test($crypt->pbkdf eq 'opensslv1','PBKDF should default to "opensslv1", but got '.$crypt->pbkdf);
272 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',-pass=>'very secret',-pbkdf=>'pbkdf2')} or warn $@;
273 test($crypt->pbkdf eq 'pbkdf2','PBKDF not setting properly. Expected "pbkdf2" but got '.$crypt->pbkdf);
275 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
276 -pass=>'very secret',
277 -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2',
278 -hasher=>'HMACSHA3',
279 -iter=>1000)} or warn $@;
280 my $pbkdf = $crypt->pbkdf_obj;
281 test(defined $pbkdf,"PBKDF object not created as expected");
282 test($pbkdf->{hash_class} eq 'HMACSHA3','pbkdf object hasher not initialized to correct class');
283 test($pbkdf->{iterations} == 1000,'pbkdf object hasher not initialized to correct number of iterations');
285 test( !eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
286 -pass=>'very secret',
287 -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2',
288 -iv => 'b'x8,
289 -header=>'randomiv')
290 },
291 'module should not allow a header mode of randomiv and a pbkdf not equal to randomiv'
292 );
294 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
295 -pass=>'very secret',
296 -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2',
297 -iv => 'b'x8,
298 -header=>'none'),
299 } or warn $@;
300 # not sure this test is correct behaviour
301 # test(73,$crypt->pbkdf eq 'none','pbkdf should be set to "none" when header mode of "none" used');
303 # now test that setting the -salt generates the same key and IV
304 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
305 -pass => 'baby knows me well',
306 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2',
307 -salt => '01234567')} or warn $@;
308 test($crypt->salt eq '01234567',"can't set salt properly");
309 $crypt->set_key_and_iv(); # need to do this before there is a key and iv
310 my ($key,$iv) = ($crypt->key,$crypt->iv);
311 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
312 -pass => 'baby knows me well',
313 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2',
314 -salt => '01234567')} or warn $@;
315 $crypt->set_key_and_iv();
316 test($crypt->key eq $key,"key changed even when salt was forced");
317 test($crypt->iv eq $iv,"iv changed even when salt was forced");
318 $crypt = eval {Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
319 -pass => 'baby knows me well',
320 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2',
321 -salt => '76543210')} or warn $@;
322 $crypt->set_key_and_iv();
323 test($crypt->key ne $key,"key didn't change when salt was changed");
324 $crypt = eval {
325 Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => 'Crypt::Crypt8',
326 -key => 'xyz',
327 -header => 'salt',
328 -salt => 1);
329 };
330 test($crypt,"-salt=>1 is generating an exception: $@");
227332 exit 0;
229 sub test ($$$){
334 my $number = 1;
336 sub test ($$){
230337 local($^W) = 0;
231 my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
232 print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
338 my($true,$msg) = @_;
339 $msg =~ s/\n$//;
340 ++$number;
341 print($true ? "ok $number\n" : "not ok $number # $msg\n");
342 }
344 sub skip {
345 my ($msg) = @_;
346 ++$number;
347 print "ok $number # skip $msg\n";
233348 }
235350 package Crypt::Crypt16;
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 use lib '../blib/lib','../lib','./lib';
3 use strict;
4 use Test;
6 my $open_ssl_expected;
9 $open_ssl_expected = {
10 opensslv1 => {key => 'DFB4CADC622054E432B94423894DED3FF1CD3887DED9E23EB943C316F57A7901',
11 iv => 'A43CCFB9D40566E759BF1E890833C05D' },
12 opensslv2 => {key => '429D56D40A7BAEB4462F9024DB29AD7C3F1ABF6DF91A6AA4EB461D76CA238317',
13 iv => '104179D56A0EB898EF3254F3F81901C5' },
14 pbkdf2 => {iv => '8BD84A68D9F1C640A1530C21D31CAF7C',
15 key=> 'F383A9DF2698C85EF21FCC8C3394182BAA344E733D71A11F65FEE88DC001C01A'},
16 };
17 plan tests => keys(%$open_ssl_expected) * 2;
18 }
20 use Crypt::CBC::PBKDF;
22 for my $method (keys %$open_ssl_expected) {
23 my $pb = Crypt::CBC::PBKDF->new($method);
24 my ($key,$iv) = $pb->key_and_iv('12345678','foobar');
25 ok(uc unpack('H*',$key),$open_ssl_expected->{$method}{key});
26 ok(uc unpack('H*',$iv),$open_ssl_expected->{$method}{iv});
27 }
29 exit 0;
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw
0 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
22 use strict;
3 use lib '..','../blib/lib','.','./blib/lib';
3 use lib './lib','./blib/lib';
55 my (@mods,$cipherclass,$i,$c,$p,$test_data);
7 @mods = qw/Eksblowfish
8 Rijndael
9 Blowfish
10 Blowfish_PP
12 DES
13 /;
7 @mods = qw/
8 Cipher::AES
9 Eksblowfish
10 Rijndael
11 Blowfish
12 Blowfish_PP
14 DES
15 /;
1517 for my $mod (@mods) {
1618 if (eval "use Crypt::$mod(); 1") {
2527 exit;
2628 }
28 print "1..33\n";
30 print "1..34\n";
3032 sub test {
3133 local($^W) = 0;
5153 my $cipher = $cipherclass eq 'Crypt::Eksblowfish' ? $cipherclass->new(8,Crypt::CBC->_get_random_bytes(16),$key)
5254 :$cipherclass->new($key);
54 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=>$cipher),"Couldn't create new object");
56 test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher=>$cipher,-pbkdf=>'opensslv2'),"Couldn't create new object");
5557 test(3,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");
5658 test(4,$p = $i->decrypt($c),"Couldn't decrypt");
5759 test(5,$p eq $test_data,"Decrypted ciphertext doesn't match plaintext");
7678 $test_data = "This string ends in some spaces ";
7779 test (33,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
81 # test that we can change the hasher
82 if (eval "use Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA1; 1") {
83 my $hasher = Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA1->new;
84 $i = Crypt::CBC->new(-cipher => $cipher,
85 -hasher => $hasher,
86 -pbkdf => 'pbkdf2',
87 );
88 test(34,$i->decrypt($i->encrypt($test_data)) eq $test_data);
89 } else {
90 print "ok 34 # skip Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA1 not found\n";
91 }