Codebase list libcryptx-perl / e247ef5
more wycheproof tests Karel Miko 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 37 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1212 use CryptX;
1313 use Crypt::Misc 'read_rawfile';
1414 use Crypt::Digest 'digest_data';
16 if (1) {
17 use Crypt::Mac::OMAC;
19 my $tests = CryptX::_decode_json read_rawfile 't/wycheproof/aes_cmac_test.json';
20 for my $g (@{$tests->{testGroups}}) {
21 my $type = $g->{type};
22 my $tsize = $g->{tagSize} / 8;
23 my $ksize = $g->{keySize} / 8;
24 for my $t (@{$g->{tests}}) {
25 my $tcId = $t->{tcId}; # 1
26 my $comment = $t->{comment}; # ""
27 my $result = $t->{result}; # "valid"
28 my $key = pack "H*", $t->{key}; # "ee8e1ed9ff2540ae8f2ba9f50bc2f27c"
29 my $msg = pack "H*", $t->{msg}; # "48656c6c6f20776f726c64"
30 my $tag = pack "H*", $t->{tag}; # "4fbcdeb7e4793f4a1d7e4faa70100af1"
31 # do the test
32 #my $tag2 = substr($m->add($msg)->mac, 0, $tsize);
33 my $tag2 = eval { Crypt::Mac::OMAC->new("AES", $key)->add($msg)->mac };
34 my $testname = "type=$type tcId=$tcId comment='$comment' expected-result=$result";
35 if ($result eq 'valid' || $result eq 'acceptable') {
36 is(unpack("H*", substr($tag2, 0, $tsize)), $t->{tag}, "$testname TAG-v");
37 }
38 elsif ($result eq 'invalid') {
39 if (defined $tag2) {
40 isnt(unpack("H*", substr($tag2, 0, $tsize)), $t->{tag}, "$testname TAG-i");
41 }
42 else {
43 is($tag2, undef, "$testname PT-i");
44 }
45 }
46 else {
47 ok(0, "UNEXPECTED result=$result");
48 }
49 }
50 }
51 }
1653 if (0) {
1754 use Crypt::Mode::CBC;