Codebase list libcryptx-perl / e2a581d
verify_message_rfc7518 + sign_message_rfc7518 do update - related to #45 Karel Miko 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 8 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
827827 Same as L<sign_message|/sign_message> only the signature format is as defined by L<>
828828 (JWA - JSON Web Algorithms).
830 B<BEWARE:> This creates signatures according to the structure that RFC 7518 describes but does not apply
831 the RFC logic for the hashing algorithm selection. You'll still need to specify, e.g., SHA256 for a P-256 key
832 to get a fully RFC-7518-compliant signature.
830834 =head2 verify_message
832836 my $pk = Crypt::PK::ECC->new($pub_key_filename);
843847 Same as L<verify_message|/verify_message> only the signature format is as defined by L<>
844848 (JWA - JSON Web Algorithms).
850 B<BEWARE:> This verifies signatures according to the structure that RFC 7518 describes but does not apply
851 the RFC logic for the hashing algorithm selection. You'll still need to specify, e.g., SHA256 for a P-256 key
852 to get a fully RFC-7518-compliant signature.
846854 =head2 sign_hash