Codebase list libcryptx-perl / v0.049
v0.049 Karel Miko 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 4 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
22 TODO:
33 - XS croaks should report the "real caller" (Crypt::Mac::*, Crypt::Mode::*, ...)
4 - CCM interface - new-add-add-done mode
6 0.048_* 2017/07/14
7 - libtomcrypt updated to 1.18 (+ some extra patches)
4 - CCM interface new-add-add-done
6 0.049 2017/07/18
7 - libtomcrypt updated to 1.18-rc2 (+ some extra patches)
88 - REMOVED: Crypt::PK::DH encrypt decrypt sign_message verify_message sign_hash verify_hash
99 - NEW: Crypt::Misc - encode_b32*, decode_b32*, encode_b58*, decode_b58*
1010 - Crypt::PK::RSA: import public key from X509 certificate