Codebase list libdata-printer-perl / 52ef5a6
make failures more verbose Breno G. de Oliveira 3 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
44 my $success = eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04; 1";
55 if ($success) {
6 plan tests => 17;
6 plan tests => 21;
77 foreach my $m (grep $_ !~ /(?:SCALAR|LVALUE|ARRAY|CODE|VSTRING|REF|GLOB|HASH|FORMAT|GenericClass|Regexp|Common)\z/, all_modules()) {
8 my $params;
8 my $params = {};
99 if ($m =~ /\AData::Printer::Theme::/) {
1010 $params = { also_private => [qr/\Acolors\z/] };
1111 }
1212 elsif ($m =~ /\AData::Printer::Profile::/) {
1313 $params = { also_private => [qr/\Aprofile\z/] };
1414 }
15 pod_coverage_ok($m, $params);
15 pod_coverage_ok($m, $params, "$m is covered");
1616 }
1717 }
1818 else {