Codebase list libfile-flat-perl / 8e58165
Adding 01_compile.t. Making calls to CORE::open explicit Adam Kennedy 16 years ago
6 changed file(s) with 861 addition(s) and 848 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
186186 my $file = shift;
187187 local $/ = undef;
188188 local *SLURP;
189 open( SLURP, "<$file" ) or return undef;
189 CORE::open( SLURP, "<$file" ) or return undef;
190190 my $source = <SLURP>;
191 close( SLURP ) or return undef;
191 CORE::close( SLURP ) or return undef;
192192 \$source;
193193 }
t/01_api.t less more
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Basic first pass API testing for File::Flat
4 use strict;
6 $| = 1;
7 $^W = 1;
8 }
10 # Execute the tests
11 use Test::More 'tests' => 63;
12 use File::Flat;
14 # Execute the tests
15 use Test::ClassAPI;
16 Test::ClassAPI->execute('complete');
17 exit(0);
19 # Define the API
20 __DATA__
21 File::Flat=class
22 File::Flat::Object=class
24 [File::Flat]
25 exists=method
26 isaFile=method
27 isaDirectory=method
28 canRead=method
29 canWrite=method
30 canReadWrite=method
31 canExecute=method
32 canOpen=method
33 canRemove=method
34 isText=method
35 isBinary=method
36 fileSize=method
38 open=method
39 getReadHandle=method
40 getWriteHandle=method
41 getAppendHandle=method
42 getReadWriteHandle=method
43 slurp=method
44 read=method
45 write=method
46 overwrite=method
47 append=method
48 truncate=method
50 copy=method
51 move=method
52 remove=method
53 prune=method
54 makeDirectory=method
55 errstr=method
57 [File::Flat::Object]
58 File::Flat=implements
59 new=method
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
4 $| = 1;
5 $^W = 1;
6 }
8 use Test::More tests => 2;
10 ok( $] >= 5.005, 'Perl version is new enough' );
12 use_ok( 'File::Flat' );
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Basic first pass API testing for File::Flat
4 use strict;
6 $| = 1;
7 $^W = 1;
8 }
10 # Execute the tests
11 use Test::More 'tests' => 63;
12 use File::Flat;
14 # Execute the tests
15 use Test::ClassAPI;
16 Test::ClassAPI->execute('complete');
17 exit(0);
19 # Define the API
20 __DATA__
21 File::Flat=class
22 File::Flat::Object=class
24 [File::Flat]
25 exists=method
26 isaFile=method
27 isaDirectory=method
28 canRead=method
29 canWrite=method
30 canReadWrite=method
31 canExecute=method
32 canOpen=method
33 canRemove=method
34 isText=method
35 isBinary=method
36 fileSize=method
38 open=method
39 getReadHandle=method
40 getWriteHandle=method
41 getAppendHandle=method
42 getReadWriteHandle=method
43 slurp=method
44 read=method
45 write=method
46 overwrite=method
47 append=method
48 truncate=method
50 copy=method
51 move=method
52 remove=method
53 prune=method
54 makeDirectory=method
55 errstr=method
57 [File::Flat::Object]
58 File::Flat=implements
59 new=method
t/02_main.t less more
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Formal testing for File::Flat
4 use strict;
5 use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
7 $| = 1;
8 $^W = 1;
9 }
11 use File::Copy 'copy';
12 use File::Remove 'remove';
13 use File::Find 'find';
15 # If we are root, some things we WANT to fail won't,
16 # and we'll have to skip some tests.
17 use vars qw{$root $win32};
18 BEGIN {
19 $root = ($> == 0) ? 1 : 0;
20 $win32 = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
21 }
23 # cygwin permissions are insane, so lets treat everyone like
24 # root and skip all the relevant tests.
25 # we ALSO want to skip all the tests (mostly related to canExecute)
26 # that fail on Win32.
27 BEGIN {
28 if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) {
29 $root = 1;
30 $win32 = 1;
31 }
32 }
34 use Test::More tests => 269;
36 # Set up any needed globals
37 use vars qw{$loaded $ci $bad};
38 use vars qw{$content_string @content_array $content_length};
39 use vars qw{$curdir %f};
40 BEGIN {
41 $loaded = 0;
42 $| = 1;
43 $content_string = "one\ntwo\nthree\n\n";
44 @content_array = ( 'one', 'two', 'three', '' );
45 $content_length = length $content_string;
47 # Define all the paths we are going to need in advance
48 $curdir = curdir();
49 %f = (
50 null => catfile( $curdir, 'null' ),
51 something => catfile( $curdir, 'something' ),
53 rwx => catfile( $curdir, '0000' ),
54 Rwx => catfile( $curdir, '0400' ),
55 rWx => catfile( $curdir, '0200' ),
56 rwX => catfile( $curdir, '0100' ),
57 RWx => catfile( $curdir, '0600' ),
58 RwX => catfile( $curdir, '0500' ),
59 rWX => catfile( $curdir, '0300' ),
60 RWX => catfile( $curdir, '0700' ),
61 gooddir => catdir( $curdir, 'gooddir' ),
62 baddir => catdir( $curdir, 'baddir' ),
64 ff_handle => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_handle' ),
65 ff_binary => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_binary' ),
66 ff_text => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_text' ),
67 ff_content => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_content' ),
69 ff_content2 => catfile( $curdir, 'ff_content2' ),
70 a_ff_text3 => catfile( $curdir, 'a', 'ff_text3' ),
71 abcde_ff_text3 => catfile( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'ff_text3' ),
72 abdde_ff_text3 => catfile( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'ff_text3' ),
73 abc => catdir( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'c' ),
74 abd => catdir( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'd' ),
75 a => catdir( $curdir, 'a' ),
76 b => catdir( $curdir, 'b' ),
78 moved_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'moved_1' ),
79 moved_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'moved_2' ),
81 write_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_1' ),
82 write_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_2' ),
83 write_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_3' ),
84 write_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_4' ),
85 write_5 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_5' ),
86 write_6 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_6' ),
88 over_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_1' ),
89 over_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_2' ),
90 over_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_3' ),
91 over_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_4' ),
93 append_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_1' ),
94 append_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_2' ),
95 append_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_3' ),
96 append_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_4' ),
98 size_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'size_1' ),
99 size_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'size_2' ),
100 size_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'size_3' ),
102 trunc_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'trunc_1' ),
104 prune => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir' ),
105 prune_1 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'single' ),
106 prune_2 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'multiple', 'lots', 'of', 'dirs' ),
107 prune_2a => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'multiple' ),
108 prune_3 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone', 'thisone' ),
109 prune_4 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone', 'notthis' ),
110 prune_4a => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone' ),
111 prune_5 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone', 'notthis', 'orthis' ),
113 remove_prune_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_1' ),
114 remove_prune_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_2' ),
115 remove_prune_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_3' ),
116 remove_prune_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_4' ),
117 remove_prune_5 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_5' ),
118 remove_prune_6 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_6' ),
119 );
121 # Avoid some 'only used once' warnings
122 $File::Flat::errstr = $File::Flat::errstr;
123 $File::Flat::AUTO_PRUNE = $File::Flat::AUTO_PRUNE;
124 }
126 # Convenience functions to avoid system calls
127 sub touch_test_file($) {
128 # Do the 'touch' part
129 my $file = catfile( $curdir, $_[0] );
130 open FILE, ">>$file" or return undef;
131 close FILE;
133 # And now the chmod part
134 my $mask = oct($_[0]);
135 chmod $mask, $file or return undef;
137 1;
138 }
140 sub chmod_R($$) {
141 my($mask, $dir) = @_;
142 chmod $mask, $dir;
143 find( sub { chmod $mask, $File::Find::name }, $dir );
144 }
146 # Check their perl version, and that modules are installed
147 ok( $] >= 5.005, "Your perl is new enough" );
148 use_ok( 'File::Flat' );
153 # Check for the three files that should already exist
154 ok( -f $f{ff_text}, 'ff_text exists' );
155 ok( -f $f{ff_binary}, 'ff_binary exists' );
156 ok( -f $f{ff_content}, 'ff_content exists' );
158 # Create the files for the file test section
159 touch_test_file('0000') or die "Failed to create file we can do anything to";
160 touch_test_file('0400') or die "Failed to create file we can only read";
161 touch_test_file('0200') or die "Failed to create file we can only write";
162 touch_test_file('0100') or die "Failed to create file we can only execute";
163 touch_test_file('0600') or die "Failed to create file we can read and write";
164 touch_test_file('0500') or die "Failed to create file we can read and execute";
165 touch_test_file('0300') or die "Failed to create file we can write and execute";
166 touch_test_file('0700') or die "Failed to create file we can read, write and execute";
168 unless ( chmod 0777, $curdir ) {
169 die "Failed to set current directory to mode 777";
170 }
171 unless ( -e $f{gooddir} ) {
172 unless ( mkdir $f{gooddir}, 0755 ) {
173 die "Failed to create mode 0755 directory";
174 }
175 }
176 unless ( -e $f{baddir} ) {
177 unless ( mkdir $f{baddir}, 0000 ) {
178 die "Failed to create mode 0000 directory";
179 }
180 }
182 # We are also going to use a file called "./null" to represent
183 # a file that doesn't exist.
187 ### Test Section 1
188 # Here we will test all the static methods that are handled directly, and
189 # not passed on to the object form of the methods.
191 # Test the error message handling
192 my $error_message = 'foo';
193 my $rv = File::Flat->_error( $error_message );
194 ok( ! defined $rv, "->_error returns undef" );
195 ok( $File::Flat::errstr eq $error_message, "->_error sets error message" );
196 ok( File::Flat->errstr eq $error_message, "->errstr retrieves error message" );
198 # Test the static ->exists method
199 ok( ! File::Flat->exists( $f{null} ), "Static ->exists doesn't see missing file" );
200 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 000 file" );
201 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 400 file" );
202 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 700 file" );
203 ok( File::Flat->exists( $curdir ), "Static ->exists sees . directory" );
204 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 000 directory" );
206 # Test the static ->isaFile method
207 ok( ! File::Flat->isaFile( $f{null} ), "Static ->isaFile returns false for missing file" );
208 ok( File::Flat->isaFile( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->isaFile returns true for mode 000 file" );
209 ok( File::Flat->isaFile( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->isaFile returns true for mode 700 file" );
210 ok( ! File::Flat->isaFile( $curdir ), "Static ->isaFile returns false for current directory" );
211 ok( ! File::Flat->isaFile( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isaFile returns false for subdirectory" );
213 # Test the static ->isaDirectory method
214 ok( ! File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{null} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns false for missing directory" );
215 ok( ! File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns false for mode 000 file" );
216 ok( ! File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns false for mode 700 file" );
217 ok( File::Flat->isaDirectory( $curdir ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns true for current directory" );
218 ok( File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns true for readable subdirectory" );
219 ok( File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->isaDirectory return true for unreadable subdirectory" );
221 # Test the static ->canRead method
222 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{null} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for missing file" );
223 SKIP: {
224 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
225 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for mode 000 file" );
226 }
227 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 400 file" );
228 SKIP: {
229 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
230 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for mode 200 file" );
231 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for mode 100 file" );
232 }
233 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 500 file" );
234 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 300 file" );
235 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 700 file" );
236 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $curdir ), "Static ->canRead returns true for current directory" );
237 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for readable subdirectory" );
238 SKIP: {
239 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
240 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for unreadable subdirectory" );
241 }
244 # Test the static ->canWrite method
245 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{null} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for missing, creatable, file" );
246 SKIP: {
247 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
248 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 000 file" );
249 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 400 file" );
250 }
251 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for mode 200 file" );
252 SKIP: {
253 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
254 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 100 file" );
255 }
256 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for mode 500 file" );
257 SKIP: {
258 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
259 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 300 file" );
260 }
261 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for mode 700 file" );
262 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $curdir ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for current directory" );
263 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for writable subdirectory" );
264 SKIP: {
265 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
266 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for unwritable subdirectory" );
267 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( catfile($f{baddir}, 'file') ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for missing, non-creatable file" );
268 }
270 # Test the static ->canReadWrite method
271 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{null} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for missing file" );
272 SKIP: {
273 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 4 if $root;
274 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 000 file" );
275 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 400 file" );
276 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 200 file" );
277 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 100 file" );
278 }
279 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for mode 500 file" );
280 SKIP: {
281 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
282 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 300 file" );
283 }
284 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for mode 700 file" );
285 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $curdir ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for current directory" );
286 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for readwritable subdirectory" );
287 SKIP: {
288 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
289 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for unreadwritable subdirectory" );
290 }
292 # Test the static ->canExecute method
293 SKIP: {
294 skip( "Skipping tests known to falsely fail on Win32", 11 ) if $win32;
296 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{null} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for missing file" );
297 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 000 file" );
298 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 400 file" );
299 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 200 file" );
300 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for mode 100 file" );
301 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 500 file" );
302 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for mode 300 file" );
303 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for mode 700 file" );
304 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $curdir ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for current directory" );
305 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for executable subdirectory" );
307 skip( "Skipping tests known to falsely fail for root", 1 ) if $root;
308 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for unexecutable subdirectory" );
309 }
311 # Test the static ->canOpen method
312 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{null} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for missing file" );
313 SKIP: {
314 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
315 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for mode 000 file" );
316 }
317 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 400 file" );
318 SKIP: {
319 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
320 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for mode 200 file" );
321 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for mode 100 file" );
322 }
323 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 500 file" );
324 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 300 file" );
325 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 700 file" );
326 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $curdir ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for current directory" );
327 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for readable subdirectory" );
328 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for unreadable subdirectory" );
330 # Test the existance of normal and/or binary files
331 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{null} ), "Static ->isText returns false for missing file" );
332 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{ff_binary} ), "Static ->isText returns false for binary file" );
333 ok( File::Flat->isText( $f{ff_text} ), "Static ->isText returns true for text file" );
334 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isText returns false for good subdirectory" );
335 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->isText returns false for bad subdirectory" );
336 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{null} ), "Static ->isBinary returns false for missing file" );
337 ok( File::Flat->isBinary( $f{ff_binary} ), "Static ->isBinary returns true for binary file" );
338 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{ff_text} ), "Static ->isBinary returns false for text file" );
339 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isBinary return false for good subdirectory" );
340 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->isBinary returns false for bad subdirectory" );
342 my %handle = ();
344 # Do open handle methods return false for bad values
345 $handle{generic} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
346 $handle{readhandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
347 $handle{writehandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
348 $handle{appendhandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
349 $handle{readwritehandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
350 ok( ! defined $handle{generic}, "Static ->open call returns undef on bad file name" );
351 ok( ! defined $handle{readhandle}, "Static ->getReadHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
352 ok( ! defined $handle{writehandle}, "Static ->getWriteHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
353 ok( ! defined $handle{appendhandle}, "Static ->getAppendHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
354 ok( ! defined $handle{readwritehandle}, "Static ->getReadWriteHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
356 # Do the open methods at least return a file handle
357 copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{ff_handle} ) or die "Failed to copy file in preperation for test";
358 $handle{generic} = File::Flat->open( $f{ff_handle} );
359 $handle{readhandle} = File::Flat->getReadHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
360 $handle{writehandle} = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
361 $handle{appendhandle} = File::Flat->getAppendHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
362 $handle{readwritehandle} = File::Flat->getReadWriteHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
363 isa_ok( $handle{generic}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->open call returns IO::File object
364 isa_ok( $handle{readhandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getReadHandle returns IO::File object
365 isa_ok( $handle{writehandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getWriteHandle returns IO::File object
366 isa_ok( $handle{appendhandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getAppendHandle returns IO::File object
367 isa_ok( $handle{readwritehandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getReadWriteHandle returns IO::File object
374 # Test the static ->copy method
375 ok( ! defined File::Flat->copy(), '->copy() returns error' );
376 ok( ! defined File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_content} ), '->copy( file ) returns error' );
378 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_content}, $f{ff_content2} );
379 ok( $rv, "Static ->copy returns true correctly for same directory copy" );
380 ok( -e $f{ff_content2}, "Static ->copy actually created the file for same directory copy" );
381 ok( check_content_file( $f{ff_content2} ), "Static ->copy copies the file without breaking it" );
383 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{a_ff_text3} );
384 ok( $rv, "Static ->copy returns true correctly for single sub-directory copy" );
385 ok( -e $f{a_ff_text3}, "Static ->copy actually created the file for single sub-directory copy" );
387 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{abcde_ff_text3} );
388 ok( $rv, "Static ->copy returns true correctly for multiple sub-directory copy" );
389 ok( -e $f{abcde_ff_text3}, "Static ->copy actually created the file for multiple sub-directory copy" );
391 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{null}, $f{something} );
392 ok( ! $rv, "Static ->copy return undef when file does not exist" );
394 # Directory copying
395 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{abc}, $f{abd} );
396 SKIP: {
397 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
398 ok( $rv, '->copy( dir, dir ) returns true' );
399 }
400 ok( -d $f{abd}, '->copy( dir, dir ): New dir exists' );
401 ok( -f $f{abdde_ff_text3}, '->copy( dir, dir ): Files within directory were copied' );
403 # Test the static ->move method
404 $rv = File::Flat->move( $f{abcde_ff_text3}, $f{moved_1} );
405 ok( $rv, "Static ->move for move to existing directory returns true " );
406 ok( ! -e $f{abcde_ff_text3}, "Static ->move for move to existing directory actually removes the old file" );
407 ok( -e $f{moved_1}, "Static ->move for move to existing directory actually creates the new file" );
409 $rv = File::Flat->move( $f{ff_content2}, $f{moved_2} );
410 ok( $rv, "Static ->move for move to new directory returns true " );
411 ok( ! -e $f{ff_content2}, "Static ->move for move to new directory actually removes the old file" );
412 ok( -e $f{moved_2}, "Static ->move for move to new directory actually creates the new file" );
413 ok( check_content_file( $f{moved_2} ), "Static ->move moved the file without breaking it" );
420 # Test the static ->slurp method
421 ok( check_content_file( $f{ff_content} ), "Content tester works" );
422 my $content = File::Flat->slurp();
423 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns error on no arguments" );
424 $content = File::Flat->slurp( $f{null} );
425 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns error on bad file" );
426 $content = File::Flat->slurp( $f{ff_content} );
427 ok( defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns defined" );
428 ok( defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns something" );
429 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $content, 'SCALAR' ), "Static ->slurp returns a scalar reference" );
430 ok( length $$content, "Static ->slurp returns content" );
431 ok( $$content eq $content_string, "Static ->slurp returns the correct file contents" );
433 # Test the static ->read
434 $content = File::Flat->read();
435 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->read returns error on no arguments" );
436 $content = File::Flat->read( $f{null} );
437 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->read returns error on bad file" );
438 $content = File::Flat->read( $f{ff_content} );
439 ok( defined $content, "Static ->read doesn't error on good file" );
440 ok( $content, "Static ->read returns true on good file" );
441 ok( ref $content, "Static ->read returns a reference on good file" );
442 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $content, 'ARRAY' ), "Static ->read returns an array ref on good file" );
443 ok( scalar @$content == 4, "Static ->read returns the correct length of data" );
444 my $matches = (
445 $content->[0] eq 'one'
446 and $content->[1] eq 'two'
447 and $content->[2] eq 'three'
448 and $content->[3] eq ''
449 ) ? 1 : 0;
450 ok( $matches, "Static ->read returns the expected content" );
452 # And again in an array context
453 my @content = File::Flat->read();
454 ok( ! scalar @content, "Static ->read (array context) returns error on no arguments" );
455 @content = File::Flat->read( $f{null} );
456 ok( ! scalar @content, "Static ->read (array context) returns error on bad file" );
457 @content = File::Flat->read( $f{ff_content} );
458 ok( scalar @content, "Static ->read (array context) doesn't error on good file" );
459 ok( scalar @content == 4, "Static ->read (array context) returns the correct length of data" );
460 $matches = (
461 $content[0] eq 'one'
462 and $content[1] eq 'two'
463 and $content[2] eq 'three'
464 and $content[3] eq ''
465 ) ? 1 : 0;
466 ok( $matches, "Static ->read (array context) returns the expected content" );
472 # Test the many and varies write() options.
473 ok( ! File::Flat->write(), "->write() fails correctly" );
474 ok( ! File::Flat->write( $f{write_1} ), "->write( file ) fails correctly" );
475 ok( ! -e $f{write_1}, "->write( file ) doesn't actually create a file" );
477 $rv = File::Flat->write( $f{write_1}, $content_string );
478 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( file, string ) returns true" );
479 ok( -e $f{write_1}, "->write( file, string ) actually creates a file" );
480 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_1} ), "->write( file, string ) writes the correct content" );
482 $rv = File::Flat->write( $f{write_2}, $content_string );
483 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( file, string_ref ) returns true" );
484 ok( -e $f{write_2}, "->write( file, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
485 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_2} ), "->write( file, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
487 $rv = File::Flat->write( $f{write_3}, \@content_array );
488 ok( $rv, "->write( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
489 ok( -e $f{write_3}, "->write( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
490 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_3} ), "->write( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
492 # Repeat with a handle first argument
493 my $handle = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{write_4} );
494 ok( ! File::Flat->write( $handle ), "->write( handle ) fails correctly" );
495 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $handle, 'IO::Handle' ), 'Got write handle for test' );
496 $rv = File::Flat->write( $handle, $content_string );
497 $handle->close();
498 ok( $rv, "->write( handle, string ) returns true" );
499 ok( -e $f{write_4}, "->write( handle, string ) actually creates a file" );
500 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_1} ), "->write( handle, string ) writes the correct content" );
502 $handle = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{write_5} );
503 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $handle, 'IO::Handle' ), 'Got write handle for test' );
504 $rv = File::Flat->write( $handle, $content_string );
505 $handle->close();
506 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( handle, string_ref ) returns true" );
507 ok( -e $f{write_5}, "->write( handle, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
508 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_5} ), "->write( handle, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
510 $handle = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{write_6} );
511 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $handle, 'IO::Handle' ), 'Got write handle for test' );
512 $rv = File::Flat->write( $handle, \@content_array );
513 $handle->close();
514 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( handle, array_ref ) returns true" );
515 ok( -e $f{write_6}, "->write( handle, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
516 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_6} ), "->write( handle, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
523 # Check the ->overwrite method
524 ok( ! File::Flat->overwrite(), "->overwrite() fails correctly" );
525 ok( ! File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_1} ), "->overwrite( file ) fails correctly" );
526 ok( ! -e $f{over_1}, "->overwrite( file ) doesn't actually create a file" );
528 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_1}, $content_string );
529 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->overwrite( file, string ) returns true" );
530 ok( -e $f{over_1}, "->overwrite( file, string ) actually creates a file" );
531 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_1} ), "->overwrite( file, string ) writes the correct content" );
533 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_2}, $content_string );
534 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->overwrite( file, string_ref ) returns true" );
535 ok( -e $f{over_2}, "->overwrite( file, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
536 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_2} ), "->overwrite( file, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
538 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_3}, \@content_array );
539 ok( $rv, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
540 ok( -e $f{over_3}, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
541 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_3} ), "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
543 # Check actually overwriting a file
544 ok ( File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{over_4} ), "Preparing for overwrite test" );
545 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_4}, \$content_string );
546 ok( $rv, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
547 ok( -e $f{over_4}, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
548 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_4} ), "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
554 # Check the basics of the ->remove method
555 ok( ! File::Flat->remove(), "->remove() correctly return an error" );
556 ok( ! File::Flat->remove( $f{null} ), "->remove( file ) returns an error for a nonexistant file" );
557 ok( File::Flat->remove( $f{over_4} ), "->remove( file ) returns true for existing file" );
558 ok( ! -e $f{over_4}, "->remove( file ) actually removes the file" );
559 ok( File::Flat->remove( $f{a} ), "->remove( directory ) returns true for existing directory" );
560 ok( ! -e $f{a}, "->remove( directory ) actually removes the directory" );
566 # Check the append method
567 ok( ! File::Flat->append(), "->append() correctly returns an error" );
568 ok( ! File::Flat->append( $f{append_1} ), "->append( file ) correctly returns an error" );
569 ok( ! -e $f{append_1}, "->append( file ) doesn't actually create a file" );
571 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_1}, $content_string );
572 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->append( file, string ) returns true" );
573 ok( -e $f{append_1}, "->append( file, string ) actually creates a file" );
574 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_1} ), "->append( file, string ) writes the correct content" );
576 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_2}, $content_string );
577 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->append( file, string_ref ) returns true" );
578 ok( -e $f{append_2}, "->append( file, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
579 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_2} ), "->append( file, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
581 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_3}, \@content_array );
582 ok( $rv, "->append( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
583 ok( -e $f{append_3}, "->append( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
584 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_3} ), "->append( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
586 # Now let's try an actual append
587 ok( File::Flat->append( $f{append_4}, "one\ntwo\n" ), "Preparing for real append" );
588 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_4}, "three\n\n" );
589 ok( $rv, "->append( file, array_ref ) for an actual append returns true" );
590 ok( -e $f{append_4}, "->append( file, array_ref ): File still exists" );
591 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_4} ), "->append( file, array_ref ) results in the correct file contents" );
597 # Test the ->fileSize method
598 ok( File::Flat->write( $f{size_1}, 'abcdefg' )
599 && File::Flat->write( $f{size_2}, join '', ( 'd' x 100000 ) )
600 && File::Flat->write( $f{size_3}, '' ),
601 "Preparing for file size tests"
602 );
603 ok( ! defined File::Flat->fileSize(), "->fileSize() correctly returns error" );
604 ok( ! defined File::Flat->fileSize( $f{null} ), '->fileSize( file ) returns error for nonexistant file' );
605 ok( ! defined File::Flat->fileSize( $f{a} ), '->fileSize( directory ) returns error' );
606 $rv = File::Flat->fileSize( $f{size_1} );
607 ok( defined $rv, "->fileSize( file ) returns true for small file" );
608 ok( $rv == 7, "->fileSize( file ) returns the correct size for small file" );
609 $rv = File::Flat->fileSize( $f{size_2} );
610 ok( defined $rv, "->fileSize( file ) returns true for big file" );
611 ok( $rv == 100000, "->fileSize( file ) returns the correct size for big file" );
612 $rv = File::Flat->fileSize( $f{size_3} );
613 ok( defined $rv, "->fileSize( file ) returns true for empty file" );
614 ok( $rv == 0, "->fileSize( file ) returns the correct size for empty file" );
622 # Test the ->truncate method. Use the append files
623 ok( ! defined File::Flat->truncate(), '->truncate() correctly returns error' );
624 SKIP: {
625 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
626 ok( ! defined File::Flat->truncate( $f{rwx} ), '->truncate( file ) returns error when no permissions' );
627 }
628 ok( ! defined File::Flat->truncate( './b' ), '->truncate( directory ) returns error' );
629 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{trunc_1} );
630 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file ) returns true for non-existant file' );
631 ok( -e $f{trunc_1}, '->truncate( file ) creates new file' );
632 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{trunc_1} ) == 0, '->truncate( file ) creates file of 0 bytes' );
634 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{append_1} );
635 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file ) returns true for existing file' );
636 ok( -e $f{append_1}, '->truncate( file ): File still exists' );
637 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{append_1} ) == 0, '->truncate( file ) truncates to 0 bytes' );
639 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{append_2}, 0 );
640 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file, 0 ) returns true for existing file' );
641 ok( -e $f{append_2}, '->truncate( file, 0 ): File still exists' );
642 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{append_2} ) == 0, '->truncate( file, 0 ) truncates to 0 bytes' );
644 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{append_3}, 5 );
645 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file, 5 ) returns true for existing file' );
646 ok( -e $f{append_3}, '->truncate( file, 5 ): File still exists' );
647 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{append_3} ) == 5, '->truncate( file, 5 ) truncates to 5 bytes' );
653 #####################################################################
654 # Test the prune method
656 # Create the test directories
657 foreach ( 1 .. 5 ) {
658 my $directory = $f{"prune_$_"};
659 ok( File::Flat->makeDirectory( $directory ), "Created test directory '$directory'" );
660 }
662 # Prune beneath the single dir
663 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_1}, 'file.txt') );
664 ok( $rv, '->prune(single) returned true' );
665 ok( ! -e $f{prune_1}, '->prune(single) removed the single' );
666 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(single) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
668 # Prune beneath the multiple dir
669 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_2}, 'here') );
670 ok( $rv, '->prune(multiple) returned true' );
671 ok( ! -e $f{prune_2}, '->prune(multiple) removed the top dir' );
672 ok( ! -e $f{prune_2a}, '->prune(multiple) removed all the dirs' );
673 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(multiple) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
675 # Prune stops correctly
676 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_3}, 'foo') );
677 ok( $rv, '->prune(branched) returned true' );
678 ok( ! -e $f{prune_3}, '->prune(branched) removed the correct directory' );
679 ok( -d $f{prune_4}, '->prune(branched) doesn\'t remove side directory' );
680 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(branched) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
682 # Don't prune anything
683 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_4a}, 'blah') );
684 ok( $rv, '->prune(nothing) returned true' );
685 ok( -d $f{prune_4}, '->prune(nothing) doesn\'t remove side directory' );
686 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(nothing) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
688 # Error when used as delete
689 $rv = File::Flat->prune( $f{prune_5} );
690 is( $rv, undef, '->prune(existing) returns an error' );
691 ok( File::Flat->errstr, '->prune(existing) sets ->errstr' );
693 # Test remove, with the prune option.
695 # Start by copying in some files to work with.
696 # We'll use the last of the untouched append files
697 foreach ( 1 .. 6 ) {
698 ok( File::Flat->copy( $f{append_4}, catdir( $f{"remove_prune_$_"}, 'file' ) ), 'Copied in delete/prune test file' );
699 }
701 # By default, AUTOPRUNE is off and we don't tell ->remove to prune
702 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_1}, 'file' ) ), '->remove(default) returns true' );
703 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_1}, '->remove(default) leaves dir intact' );
705 # Try with AUTOPRUNE on
707 local $File::Flat::AUTO_PRUNE = 1;
708 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_2}, 'file' ) ), '->remove(AUTO_PRUNE) returns true' );
709 ok( ! -e $f{remove_prune_2}, '->remove(AUTO_PRUNE) prunes directory' );
710 }
712 # By default, AUTOPRUNE is off
713 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_3}, 'file' ) ), '->remove(default) returns true' );
714 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_3}, '->remove(default) leaves dir intact (AUTO_PRUNE used locally localises correctly)' );
716 # Tell ->remove to prune
717 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_4}, 'file' ), 1 ), '->remove(prune) returns true' );
718 ok( ! -e $f{remove_prune_4}, '->remove(AUTO_PRUNE) prunes directory' );
720 # Tell ->remove explicitly not to prune
721 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_5}, 'file' ), '' ), '->remove(noprune) returns true' );
722 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_5}, '->remove(noprune) leaves dir intact' );
724 # Make sure there's no warning with undef false value
725 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_6}, 'file' ), undef ), '->remove(noprune) returns true' );
726 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_6}, '->remove(noprune) leaves dir intact' );
728 exit();
734 sub check_content_file {
735 my $file = shift;
736 return undef unless -e $file;
737 return undef unless -r $file;
739 open( FILE, $file ) or return undef;
740 @content = <FILE>;
741 chomp @content;
742 close FILE;
744 return undef unless scalar @content == 4;
745 return undef unless $content[0] eq 'one';
746 return undef unless $content[1] eq 'two';
747 return undef unless $content[2] eq 'three';
748 return undef unless $content[3] eq '';
750 return 1;
751 }
753 END {
754 # When we finish there are going to be some pretty fucked up files.
755 # Make them less so.
756 foreach my $clean1 ( qw{
757 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700
758 ff_handle moved_1
759 write_1 write_2 write_3 write_4 write_5 write_6
760 over_1 over_2 over_3 over_4
761 append_1 append_2 append_3 append_4
762 size_1 size_2 size_3
763 trunc_1
764 } ) {
765 if ( -e $clean1 ) {
766 chmod 0600, $clean1;
767 unlink $clean1;
768 next;
769 }
770 my $clean2 = catfile( 't', $clean1 );
771 if ( -e $clean2 ) {
772 chmod 0600, $clean2;
773 unlink $clean2;
774 next;
775 }
776 }
778 foreach my $dir ( qw{a b baddir gooddir} ) {
779 next unless -e $f{$dir};
780 chmod_R( 0700, $f{$dir} );
781 remove \1, $f{$dir};
782 }
784 remove \1, $f{prune};
785 }
0 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Formal testing for File::Flat
4 use strict;
5 use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
7 $| = 1;
8 $^W = 1;
9 }
11 use File::Copy 'copy';
12 use File::Remove 'remove';
13 use File::Find 'find';
15 # If we are root, some things we WANT to fail won't,
16 # and we'll have to skip some tests.
17 use vars qw{$root $win32};
18 BEGIN {
19 $root = ($> == 0) ? 1 : 0;
20 $win32 = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
21 }
23 # cygwin permissions are insane, so lets treat everyone like
24 # root and skip all the relevant tests.
25 # we ALSO want to skip all the tests (mostly related to canExecute)
26 # that fail on Win32.
27 BEGIN {
28 if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) {
29 $root = 1;
30 $win32 = 1;
31 }
32 }
34 use Test::More tests => 269;
36 # Set up any needed globals
37 use vars qw{$loaded $ci $bad};
38 use vars qw{$content_string @content_array $content_length};
39 use vars qw{$curdir %f};
40 BEGIN {
41 $loaded = 0;
42 $| = 1;
43 $content_string = "one\ntwo\nthree\n\n";
44 @content_array = ( 'one', 'two', 'three', '' );
45 $content_length = length $content_string;
47 # Define all the paths we are going to need in advance
48 $curdir = curdir();
49 %f = (
50 null => catfile( $curdir, 'null' ),
51 something => catfile( $curdir, 'something' ),
53 rwx => catfile( $curdir, '0000' ),
54 Rwx => catfile( $curdir, '0400' ),
55 rWx => catfile( $curdir, '0200' ),
56 rwX => catfile( $curdir, '0100' ),
57 RWx => catfile( $curdir, '0600' ),
58 RwX => catfile( $curdir, '0500' ),
59 rWX => catfile( $curdir, '0300' ),
60 RWX => catfile( $curdir, '0700' ),
61 gooddir => catdir( $curdir, 'gooddir' ),
62 baddir => catdir( $curdir, 'baddir' ),
64 ff_handle => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_handle' ),
65 ff_binary => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_binary' ),
66 ff_text => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_text' ),
67 ff_content => catfile( $curdir, 't', 'ff_content' ),
69 ff_content2 => catfile( $curdir, 'ff_content2' ),
70 a_ff_text3 => catfile( $curdir, 'a', 'ff_text3' ),
71 abcde_ff_text3 => catfile( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'ff_text3' ),
72 abdde_ff_text3 => catfile( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'ff_text3' ),
73 abc => catdir( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'c' ),
74 abd => catdir( $curdir, 'a', 'b', 'd' ),
75 a => catdir( $curdir, 'a' ),
76 b => catdir( $curdir, 'b' ),
78 moved_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'moved_1' ),
79 moved_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'moved_2' ),
81 write_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_1' ),
82 write_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_2' ),
83 write_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_3' ),
84 write_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_4' ),
85 write_5 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_5' ),
86 write_6 => catfile( $curdir, 'write_6' ),
88 over_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_1' ),
89 over_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_2' ),
90 over_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_3' ),
91 over_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'over_4' ),
93 append_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_1' ),
94 append_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_2' ),
95 append_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_3' ),
96 append_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'append_4' ),
98 size_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'size_1' ),
99 size_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'size_2' ),
100 size_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'size_3' ),
102 trunc_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'trunc_1' ),
104 prune => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir' ),
105 prune_1 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'single' ),
106 prune_2 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'multiple', 'lots', 'of', 'dirs' ),
107 prune_2a => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'multiple' ),
108 prune_3 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone', 'thisone' ),
109 prune_4 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone', 'notthis' ),
110 prune_4a => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone' ),
111 prune_5 => catdir( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'onlyone', 'notthis', 'orthis' ),
113 remove_prune_1 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_1' ),
114 remove_prune_2 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_2' ),
115 remove_prune_3 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_3' ),
116 remove_prune_4 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_4' ),
117 remove_prune_5 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_5' ),
118 remove_prune_6 => catfile( $curdir, 'prunedir', 'remove', 'prune_6' ),
119 );
121 # Avoid some 'only used once' warnings
122 $File::Flat::errstr = $File::Flat::errstr;
123 $File::Flat::AUTO_PRUNE = $File::Flat::AUTO_PRUNE;
124 }
126 # Convenience functions to avoid system calls
127 sub touch_test_file($) {
128 # Do the 'touch' part
129 my $file = catfile( $curdir, $_[0] );
130 open FILE, ">>$file" or return undef;
131 close FILE;
133 # And now the chmod part
134 my $mask = oct($_[0]);
135 chmod $mask, $file or return undef;
137 1;
138 }
140 sub chmod_R($$) {
141 my($mask, $dir) = @_;
142 chmod $mask, $dir;
143 find( sub { chmod $mask, $File::Find::name }, $dir );
144 }
146 # Check their perl version, and that modules are installed
147 ok( $] >= 5.005, "Your perl is new enough" );
148 use_ok( 'File::Flat' );
153 # Check for the three files that should already exist
154 ok( -f $f{ff_text}, 'ff_text exists' );
155 ok( -f $f{ff_binary}, 'ff_binary exists' );
156 ok( -f $f{ff_content}, 'ff_content exists' );
158 # Create the files for the file test section
159 touch_test_file('0000') or die "Failed to create file we can do anything to";
160 touch_test_file('0400') or die "Failed to create file we can only read";
161 touch_test_file('0200') or die "Failed to create file we can only write";
162 touch_test_file('0100') or die "Failed to create file we can only execute";
163 touch_test_file('0600') or die "Failed to create file we can read and write";
164 touch_test_file('0500') or die "Failed to create file we can read and execute";
165 touch_test_file('0300') or die "Failed to create file we can write and execute";
166 touch_test_file('0700') or die "Failed to create file we can read, write and execute";
168 unless ( chmod 0777, $curdir ) {
169 die "Failed to set current directory to mode 777";
170 }
171 unless ( -e $f{gooddir} ) {
172 unless ( mkdir $f{gooddir}, 0755 ) {
173 die "Failed to create mode 0755 directory";
174 }
175 }
176 unless ( -e $f{baddir} ) {
177 unless ( mkdir $f{baddir}, 0000 ) {
178 die "Failed to create mode 0000 directory";
179 }
180 }
182 # We are also going to use a file called "./null" to represent
183 # a file that doesn't exist.
187 ### Test Section 1
188 # Here we will test all the static methods that are handled directly, and
189 # not passed on to the object form of the methods.
191 # Test the error message handling
192 my $error_message = 'foo';
193 my $rv = File::Flat->_error( $error_message );
194 ok( ! defined $rv, "->_error returns undef" );
195 ok( $File::Flat::errstr eq $error_message, "->_error sets error message" );
196 ok( File::Flat->errstr eq $error_message, "->errstr retrieves error message" );
198 # Test the static ->exists method
199 ok( ! File::Flat->exists( $f{null} ), "Static ->exists doesn't see missing file" );
200 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 000 file" );
201 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 400 file" );
202 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 700 file" );
203 ok( File::Flat->exists( $curdir ), "Static ->exists sees . directory" );
204 ok( File::Flat->exists( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->exists sees mode 000 directory" );
206 # Test the static ->isaFile method
207 ok( ! File::Flat->isaFile( $f{null} ), "Static ->isaFile returns false for missing file" );
208 ok( File::Flat->isaFile( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->isaFile returns true for mode 000 file" );
209 ok( File::Flat->isaFile( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->isaFile returns true for mode 700 file" );
210 ok( ! File::Flat->isaFile( $curdir ), "Static ->isaFile returns false for current directory" );
211 ok( ! File::Flat->isaFile( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isaFile returns false for subdirectory" );
213 # Test the static ->isaDirectory method
214 ok( ! File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{null} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns false for missing directory" );
215 ok( ! File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns false for mode 000 file" );
216 ok( ! File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns false for mode 700 file" );
217 ok( File::Flat->isaDirectory( $curdir ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns true for current directory" );
218 ok( File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isaDirectory returns true for readable subdirectory" );
219 ok( File::Flat->isaDirectory( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->isaDirectory return true for unreadable subdirectory" );
221 # Test the static ->canRead method
222 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{null} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for missing file" );
223 SKIP: {
224 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
225 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for mode 000 file" );
226 }
227 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 400 file" );
228 SKIP: {
229 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
230 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for mode 200 file" );
231 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for mode 100 file" );
232 }
233 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 500 file" );
234 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 300 file" );
235 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for mode 700 file" );
236 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $curdir ), "Static ->canRead returns true for current directory" );
237 ok( File::Flat->canRead( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canRead returns true for readable subdirectory" );
238 SKIP: {
239 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
240 ok( ! File::Flat->canRead( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canRead returns false for unreadable subdirectory" );
241 }
244 # Test the static ->canWrite method
245 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{null} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for missing, creatable, file" );
246 SKIP: {
247 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
248 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 000 file" );
249 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 400 file" );
250 }
251 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for mode 200 file" );
252 SKIP: {
253 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
254 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 100 file" );
255 }
256 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for mode 500 file" );
257 SKIP: {
258 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
259 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for mode 300 file" );
260 }
261 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for mode 700 file" );
262 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $curdir ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for current directory" );
263 ok( File::Flat->canWrite( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canWrite returns true for writable subdirectory" );
264 SKIP: {
265 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
266 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for unwritable subdirectory" );
267 ok( ! File::Flat->canWrite( catfile($f{baddir}, 'file') ), "Static ->canWrite returns false for missing, non-creatable file" );
268 }
270 # Test the static ->canReadWrite method
271 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{null} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for missing file" );
272 SKIP: {
273 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 4 if $root;
274 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 000 file" );
275 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 400 file" );
276 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 200 file" );
277 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 100 file" );
278 }
279 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for mode 500 file" );
280 SKIP: {
281 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
282 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for mode 300 file" );
283 }
284 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for mode 700 file" );
285 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $curdir ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for current directory" );
286 ok( File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns true for readwritable subdirectory" );
287 SKIP: {
288 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
289 ok( ! File::Flat->canReadWrite( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canReadWrite returns false for unreadwritable subdirectory" );
290 }
292 # Test the static ->canExecute method
293 SKIP: {
294 skip( "Skipping tests known to falsely fail on Win32", 11 ) if $win32;
296 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{null} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for missing file" );
297 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 000 file" );
298 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 400 file" );
299 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 200 file" );
300 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for mode 100 file" );
301 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for mode 500 file" );
302 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for mode 300 file" );
303 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for mode 700 file" );
304 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $curdir ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for current directory" );
305 ok( File::Flat->canExecute( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canExecute returns true for executable subdirectory" );
307 skip( "Skipping tests known to falsely fail for root", 1 ) if $root;
308 ok( ! File::Flat->canExecute( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canExecute returns false for unexecutable subdirectory" );
309 }
311 # Test the static ->canOpen method
312 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{null} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for missing file" );
313 SKIP: {
314 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
315 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{rwx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for mode 000 file" );
316 }
317 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{Rwx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 400 file" );
318 SKIP: {
319 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 2 if $root;
320 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{rWx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for mode 200 file" );
321 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{rwX} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for mode 100 file" );
322 }
323 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{RWx} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 500 file" );
324 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{RwX} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 300 file" );
325 ok( File::Flat->canOpen( $f{RWX} ), "Static ->canOpen returns true for mode 700 file" );
326 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $curdir ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for current directory" );
327 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for readable subdirectory" );
328 ok( ! File::Flat->canOpen( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->canOpen returns false for unreadable subdirectory" );
330 # Test the existance of normal and/or binary files
331 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{null} ), "Static ->isText returns false for missing file" );
332 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{ff_binary} ), "Static ->isText returns false for binary file" );
333 ok( File::Flat->isText( $f{ff_text} ), "Static ->isText returns true for text file" );
334 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isText returns false for good subdirectory" );
335 ok( ! File::Flat->isText( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->isText returns false for bad subdirectory" );
336 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{null} ), "Static ->isBinary returns false for missing file" );
337 ok( File::Flat->isBinary( $f{ff_binary} ), "Static ->isBinary returns true for binary file" );
338 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{ff_text} ), "Static ->isBinary returns false for text file" );
339 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{gooddir} ), "Static ->isBinary return false for good subdirectory" );
340 ok( ! File::Flat->isBinary( $f{baddir} ), "Static ->isBinary returns false for bad subdirectory" );
342 my %handle = ();
344 # Do open handle methods return false for bad values
345 $handle{generic} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
346 $handle{readhandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
347 $handle{writehandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
348 $handle{appendhandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
349 $handle{readwritehandle} = File::Flat->open( $f{null} );
350 ok( ! defined $handle{generic}, "Static ->open call returns undef on bad file name" );
351 ok( ! defined $handle{readhandle}, "Static ->getReadHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
352 ok( ! defined $handle{writehandle}, "Static ->getWriteHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
353 ok( ! defined $handle{appendhandle}, "Static ->getAppendHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
354 ok( ! defined $handle{readwritehandle}, "Static ->getReadWriteHandle returns undef on bad file name" );
356 # Do the open methods at least return a file handle
357 copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{ff_handle} ) or die "Failed to copy file in preperation for test";
358 $handle{generic} = File::Flat->open( $f{ff_handle} );
359 $handle{readhandle} = File::Flat->getReadHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
360 $handle{writehandle} = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
361 $handle{appendhandle} = File::Flat->getAppendHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
362 $handle{readwritehandle} = File::Flat->getReadWriteHandle( $f{ff_handle} );
363 isa_ok( $handle{generic}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->open call returns IO::File object
364 isa_ok( $handle{readhandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getReadHandle returns IO::File object
365 isa_ok( $handle{writehandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getWriteHandle returns IO::File object
366 isa_ok( $handle{appendhandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getAppendHandle returns IO::File object
367 isa_ok( $handle{readwritehandle}, 'IO::File' ); # Static ->getReadWriteHandle returns IO::File object
374 # Test the static ->copy method
375 ok( ! defined File::Flat->copy(), '->copy() returns error' );
376 ok( ! defined File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_content} ), '->copy( file ) returns error' );
378 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_content}, $f{ff_content2} );
379 ok( $rv, "Static ->copy returns true correctly for same directory copy" );
380 ok( -e $f{ff_content2}, "Static ->copy actually created the file for same directory copy" );
381 ok( check_content_file( $f{ff_content2} ), "Static ->copy copies the file without breaking it" );
383 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{a_ff_text3} );
384 ok( $rv, "Static ->copy returns true correctly for single sub-directory copy" );
385 ok( -e $f{a_ff_text3}, "Static ->copy actually created the file for single sub-directory copy" );
387 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{abcde_ff_text3} );
388 ok( $rv, "Static ->copy returns true correctly for multiple sub-directory copy" );
389 ok( -e $f{abcde_ff_text3}, "Static ->copy actually created the file for multiple sub-directory copy" );
391 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{null}, $f{something} );
392 ok( ! $rv, "Static ->copy return undef when file does not exist" );
394 # Directory copying
395 $rv = File::Flat->copy( $f{abc}, $f{abd} );
396 SKIP: {
397 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
398 ok( $rv, '->copy( dir, dir ) returns true' );
399 }
400 ok( -d $f{abd}, '->copy( dir, dir ): New dir exists' );
401 ok( -f $f{abdde_ff_text3}, '->copy( dir, dir ): Files within directory were copied' );
403 # Test the static ->move method
404 $rv = File::Flat->move( $f{abcde_ff_text3}, $f{moved_1} );
405 ok( $rv, "Static ->move for move to existing directory returns true " );
406 ok( ! -e $f{abcde_ff_text3}, "Static ->move for move to existing directory actually removes the old file" );
407 ok( -e $f{moved_1}, "Static ->move for move to existing directory actually creates the new file" );
409 $rv = File::Flat->move( $f{ff_content2}, $f{moved_2} );
410 ok( $rv, "Static ->move for move to new directory returns true " );
411 ok( ! -e $f{ff_content2}, "Static ->move for move to new directory actually removes the old file" );
412 ok( -e $f{moved_2}, "Static ->move for move to new directory actually creates the new file" );
413 ok( check_content_file( $f{moved_2} ), "Static ->move moved the file without breaking it" );
420 # Test the static ->slurp method
421 ok( check_content_file( $f{ff_content} ), "Content tester works" );
422 my $content = File::Flat->slurp();
423 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns error on no arguments" );
424 $content = File::Flat->slurp( $f{null} );
425 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns error on bad file" );
426 $content = File::Flat->slurp( $f{ff_content} );
427 ok( defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns defined" );
428 ok( defined $content, "Static ->slurp returns something" );
429 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $content, 'SCALAR' ), "Static ->slurp returns a scalar reference" );
430 ok( length $$content, "Static ->slurp returns content" );
431 ok( $$content eq $content_string, "Static ->slurp returns the correct file contents" );
433 # Test the static ->read
434 $content = File::Flat->read();
435 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->read returns error on no arguments" );
436 $content = File::Flat->read( $f{null} );
437 ok( ! defined $content, "Static ->read returns error on bad file" );
438 $content = File::Flat->read( $f{ff_content} );
439 ok( defined $content, "Static ->read doesn't error on good file" );
440 ok( $content, "Static ->read returns true on good file" );
441 ok( ref $content, "Static ->read returns a reference on good file" );
442 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $content, 'ARRAY' ), "Static ->read returns an array ref on good file" );
443 ok( scalar @$content == 4, "Static ->read returns the correct length of data" );
444 my $matches = (
445 $content->[0] eq 'one'
446 and $content->[1] eq 'two'
447 and $content->[2] eq 'three'
448 and $content->[3] eq ''
449 ) ? 1 : 0;
450 ok( $matches, "Static ->read returns the expected content" );
452 # And again in an array context
453 my @content = File::Flat->read();
454 ok( ! scalar @content, "Static ->read (array context) returns error on no arguments" );
455 @content = File::Flat->read( $f{null} );
456 ok( ! scalar @content, "Static ->read (array context) returns error on bad file" );
457 @content = File::Flat->read( $f{ff_content} );
458 ok( scalar @content, "Static ->read (array context) doesn't error on good file" );
459 ok( scalar @content == 4, "Static ->read (array context) returns the correct length of data" );
460 $matches = (
461 $content[0] eq 'one'
462 and $content[1] eq 'two'
463 and $content[2] eq 'three'
464 and $content[3] eq ''
465 ) ? 1 : 0;
466 ok( $matches, "Static ->read (array context) returns the expected content" );
472 # Test the many and varies write() options.
473 ok( ! File::Flat->write(), "->write() fails correctly" );
474 ok( ! File::Flat->write( $f{write_1} ), "->write( file ) fails correctly" );
475 ok( ! -e $f{write_1}, "->write( file ) doesn't actually create a file" );
477 $rv = File::Flat->write( $f{write_1}, $content_string );
478 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( file, string ) returns true" );
479 ok( -e $f{write_1}, "->write( file, string ) actually creates a file" );
480 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_1} ), "->write( file, string ) writes the correct content" );
482 $rv = File::Flat->write( $f{write_2}, $content_string );
483 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( file, string_ref ) returns true" );
484 ok( -e $f{write_2}, "->write( file, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
485 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_2} ), "->write( file, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
487 $rv = File::Flat->write( $f{write_3}, \@content_array );
488 ok( $rv, "->write( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
489 ok( -e $f{write_3}, "->write( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
490 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_3} ), "->write( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
492 # Repeat with a handle first argument
493 my $handle = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{write_4} );
494 ok( ! File::Flat->write( $handle ), "->write( handle ) fails correctly" );
495 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $handle, 'IO::Handle' ), 'Got write handle for test' );
496 $rv = File::Flat->write( $handle, $content_string );
497 $handle->close();
498 ok( $rv, "->write( handle, string ) returns true" );
499 ok( -e $f{write_4}, "->write( handle, string ) actually creates a file" );
500 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_1} ), "->write( handle, string ) writes the correct content" );
502 $handle = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{write_5} );
503 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $handle, 'IO::Handle' ), 'Got write handle for test' );
504 $rv = File::Flat->write( $handle, $content_string );
505 $handle->close();
506 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( handle, string_ref ) returns true" );
507 ok( -e $f{write_5}, "->write( handle, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
508 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_5} ), "->write( handle, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
510 $handle = File::Flat->getWriteHandle( $f{write_6} );
511 ok( UNIVERSAL::isa( $handle, 'IO::Handle' ), 'Got write handle for test' );
512 $rv = File::Flat->write( $handle, \@content_array );
513 $handle->close();
514 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->write( handle, array_ref ) returns true" );
515 ok( -e $f{write_6}, "->write( handle, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
516 ok( check_content_file( $f{write_6} ), "->write( handle, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
523 # Check the ->overwrite method
524 ok( ! File::Flat->overwrite(), "->overwrite() fails correctly" );
525 ok( ! File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_1} ), "->overwrite( file ) fails correctly" );
526 ok( ! -e $f{over_1}, "->overwrite( file ) doesn't actually create a file" );
528 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_1}, $content_string );
529 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->overwrite( file, string ) returns true" );
530 ok( -e $f{over_1}, "->overwrite( file, string ) actually creates a file" );
531 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_1} ), "->overwrite( file, string ) writes the correct content" );
533 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_2}, $content_string );
534 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->overwrite( file, string_ref ) returns true" );
535 ok( -e $f{over_2}, "->overwrite( file, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
536 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_2} ), "->overwrite( file, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
538 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_3}, \@content_array );
539 ok( $rv, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
540 ok( -e $f{over_3}, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
541 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_3} ), "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
543 # Check actually overwriting a file
544 ok ( File::Flat->copy( $f{ff_text}, $f{over_4} ), "Preparing for overwrite test" );
545 $rv = File::Flat->overwrite( $f{over_4}, \$content_string );
546 ok( $rv, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
547 ok( -e $f{over_4}, "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
548 ok( check_content_file( $f{over_4} ), "->overwrite( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
554 # Check the basics of the ->remove method
555 ok( ! File::Flat->remove(), "->remove() correctly return an error" );
556 ok( ! File::Flat->remove( $f{null} ), "->remove( file ) returns an error for a nonexistant file" );
557 ok( File::Flat->remove( $f{over_4} ), "->remove( file ) returns true for existing file" );
558 ok( ! -e $f{over_4}, "->remove( file ) actually removes the file" );
559 ok( File::Flat->remove( $f{a} ), "->remove( directory ) returns true for existing directory" );
560 ok( ! -e $f{a}, "->remove( directory ) actually removes the directory" );
566 # Check the append method
567 ok( ! File::Flat->append(), "->append() correctly returns an error" );
568 ok( ! File::Flat->append( $f{append_1} ), "->append( file ) correctly returns an error" );
569 ok( ! -e $f{append_1}, "->append( file ) doesn't actually create a file" );
571 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_1}, $content_string );
572 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->append( file, string ) returns true" );
573 ok( -e $f{append_1}, "->append( file, string ) actually creates a file" );
574 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_1} ), "->append( file, string ) writes the correct content" );
576 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_2}, $content_string );
577 ok( $rv, "->File::Flat->append( file, string_ref ) returns true" );
578 ok( -e $f{append_2}, "->append( file, string_ref ) actually creates a file" );
579 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_2} ), "->append( file, string_ref ) writes the correct content" );
581 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_3}, \@content_array );
582 ok( $rv, "->append( file, array_ref ) returns true" );
583 ok( -e $f{append_3}, "->append( file, array_ref ) actually creates a file" );
584 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_3} ), "->append( file, array_ref ) writes the correct content" );
586 # Now let's try an actual append
587 ok( File::Flat->append( $f{append_4}, "one\ntwo\n" ), "Preparing for real append" );
588 $rv = File::Flat->append( $f{append_4}, "three\n\n" );
589 ok( $rv, "->append( file, array_ref ) for an actual append returns true" );
590 ok( -e $f{append_4}, "->append( file, array_ref ): File still exists" );
591 ok( check_content_file( $f{append_4} ), "->append( file, array_ref ) results in the correct file contents" );
597 # Test the ->fileSize method
598 ok( File::Flat->write( $f{size_1}, 'abcdefg' )
599 && File::Flat->write( $f{size_2}, join '', ( 'd' x 100000 ) )
600 && File::Flat->write( $f{size_3}, '' ),
601 "Preparing for file size tests"
602 );
603 ok( ! defined File::Flat->fileSize(), "->fileSize() correctly returns error" );
604 ok( ! defined File::Flat->fileSize( $f{null} ), '->fileSize( file ) returns error for nonexistant file' );
605 ok( ! defined File::Flat->fileSize( $f{a} ), '->fileSize( directory ) returns error' );
606 $rv = File::Flat->fileSize( $f{size_1} );
607 ok( defined $rv, "->fileSize( file ) returns true for small file" );
608 ok( $rv == 7, "->fileSize( file ) returns the correct size for small file" );
609 $rv = File::Flat->fileSize( $f{size_2} );
610 ok( defined $rv, "->fileSize( file ) returns true for big file" );
611 ok( $rv == 100000, "->fileSize( file ) returns the correct size for big file" );
612 $rv = File::Flat->fileSize( $f{size_3} );
613 ok( defined $rv, "->fileSize( file ) returns true for empty file" );
614 ok( $rv == 0, "->fileSize( file ) returns the correct size for empty file" );
622 # Test the ->truncate method. Use the append files
623 ok( ! defined File::Flat->truncate(), '->truncate() correctly returns error' );
624 SKIP: {
625 skip "Skipping tests known to fail for root", 1 if $root;
626 ok( ! defined File::Flat->truncate( $f{rwx} ), '->truncate( file ) returns error when no permissions' );
627 }
628 ok( ! defined File::Flat->truncate( './b' ), '->truncate( directory ) returns error' );
629 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{trunc_1} );
630 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file ) returns true for non-existant file' );
631 ok( -e $f{trunc_1}, '->truncate( file ) creates new file' );
632 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{trunc_1} ) == 0, '->truncate( file ) creates file of 0 bytes' );
634 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{append_1} );
635 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file ) returns true for existing file' );
636 ok( -e $f{append_1}, '->truncate( file ): File still exists' );
637 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{append_1} ) == 0, '->truncate( file ) truncates to 0 bytes' );
639 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{append_2}, 0 );
640 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file, 0 ) returns true for existing file' );
641 ok( -e $f{append_2}, '->truncate( file, 0 ): File still exists' );
642 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{append_2} ) == 0, '->truncate( file, 0 ) truncates to 0 bytes' );
644 $rv = File::Flat->truncate( $f{append_3}, 5 );
645 ok( $rv, '->truncate( file, 5 ) returns true for existing file' );
646 ok( -e $f{append_3}, '->truncate( file, 5 ): File still exists' );
647 ok( File::Flat->fileSize( $f{append_3} ) == 5, '->truncate( file, 5 ) truncates to 5 bytes' );
653 #####################################################################
654 # Test the prune method
656 # Create the test directories
657 foreach ( 1 .. 5 ) {
658 my $directory = $f{"prune_$_"};
659 ok( File::Flat->makeDirectory( $directory ), "Created test directory '$directory'" );
660 }
662 # Prune beneath the single dir
663 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_1}, 'file.txt') );
664 ok( $rv, '->prune(single) returned true' );
665 ok( ! -e $f{prune_1}, '->prune(single) removed the single' );
666 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(single) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
668 # Prune beneath the multiple dir
669 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_2}, 'here') );
670 ok( $rv, '->prune(multiple) returned true' );
671 ok( ! -e $f{prune_2}, '->prune(multiple) removed the top dir' );
672 ok( ! -e $f{prune_2a}, '->prune(multiple) removed all the dirs' );
673 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(multiple) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
675 # Prune stops correctly
676 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_3}, 'foo') );
677 ok( $rv, '->prune(branched) returned true' );
678 ok( ! -e $f{prune_3}, '->prune(branched) removed the correct directory' );
679 ok( -d $f{prune_4}, '->prune(branched) doesn\'t remove side directory' );
680 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(branched) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
682 # Don't prune anything
683 $rv = File::Flat->prune( catfile($f{prune_4a}, 'blah') );
684 ok( $rv, '->prune(nothing) returned true' );
685 ok( -d $f{prune_4}, '->prune(nothing) doesn\'t remove side directory' );
686 ok( -d $f{prune}, '->prune(nothing) didn\'t remove the master prunedir' );
688 # Error when used as delete
689 $rv = File::Flat->prune( $f{prune_5} );
690 is( $rv, undef, '->prune(existing) returns an error' );
691 ok( File::Flat->errstr, '->prune(existing) sets ->errstr' );
693 # Test remove, with the prune option.
695 # Start by copying in some files to work with.
696 # We'll use the last of the untouched append files
697 foreach ( 1 .. 6 ) {
698 ok( File::Flat->copy( $f{append_4}, catdir( $f{"remove_prune_$_"}, 'file' ) ), 'Copied in delete/prune test file' );
699 }
701 # By default, AUTOPRUNE is off and we don't tell ->remove to prune
702 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_1}, 'file' ) ), '->remove(default) returns true' );
703 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_1}, '->remove(default) leaves dir intact' );
705 # Try with AUTOPRUNE on
707 local $File::Flat::AUTO_PRUNE = 1;
708 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_2}, 'file' ) ), '->remove(AUTO_PRUNE) returns true' );
709 ok( ! -e $f{remove_prune_2}, '->remove(AUTO_PRUNE) prunes directory' );
710 }
712 # By default, AUTOPRUNE is off
713 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_3}, 'file' ) ), '->remove(default) returns true' );
714 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_3}, '->remove(default) leaves dir intact (AUTO_PRUNE used locally localises correctly)' );
716 # Tell ->remove to prune
717 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_4}, 'file' ), 1 ), '->remove(prune) returns true' );
718 ok( ! -e $f{remove_prune_4}, '->remove(AUTO_PRUNE) prunes directory' );
720 # Tell ->remove explicitly not to prune
721 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_5}, 'file' ), '' ), '->remove(noprune) returns true' );
722 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_5}, '->remove(noprune) leaves dir intact' );
724 # Make sure there's no warning with undef false value
725 ok( File::Flat->remove( catdir( $f{remove_prune_6}, 'file' ), undef ), '->remove(noprune) returns true' );
726 ok( -d $f{remove_prune_6}, '->remove(noprune) leaves dir intact' );
728 exit();
734 sub check_content_file {
735 my $file = shift;
736 return undef unless -e $file;
737 return undef unless -r $file;
739 open( FILE, $file ) or return undef;
740 @content = <FILE>;
741 chomp @content;
742 close FILE;
744 return undef unless scalar @content == 4;
745 return undef unless $content[0] eq 'one';
746 return undef unless $content[1] eq 'two';
747 return undef unless $content[2] eq 'three';
748 return undef unless $content[3] eq '';
750 return 1;
751 }
753 END {
754 # When we finish there are going to be some pretty fucked up files.
755 # Make them less so.
756 foreach my $clean1 ( qw{
757 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700
758 ff_handle moved_1
759 write_1 write_2 write_3 write_4 write_5 write_6
760 over_1 over_2 over_3 over_4
761 append_1 append_2 append_3 append_4
762 size_1 size_2 size_3
763 trunc_1
764 } ) {
765 if ( -e $clean1 ) {
766 chmod 0600, $clean1;
767 unlink $clean1;
768 next;
769 }
770 my $clean2 = catfile( 't', $clean1 );
771 if ( -e $clean2 ) {
772 chmod 0600, $clean2;
773 unlink $clean2;
774 next;
775 }
776 }
778 foreach my $dir ( qw{a b baddir gooddir} ) {
779 next unless -e $f{$dir};
780 chmod_R( 0700, $f{$dir} );
781 remove \1, $f{$dir};
782 }
784 remove \1, $f{prune};
785 }