Codebase list libfile-mimeinfo-perl / a7673f6
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.33' Update to upstream version '0.33' with Debian dir 306b7c9ff90705729212dee996c3777c1d90c097 gregor herrmann 1 year, 9 months ago
10 changed file(s) with 19 addition(s) and 12 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Revision history for Perl extension File::MimeInfo.
11 Versions up to 0.15 by Jaap Karssenberg <>
22 Versions starting 0.16 by Michiel Beijen <>
4 0.33 2022-07-12
5 - Fix uninitialized value warning in File::MimeInfo::Applications,
6 provided by SPFabGerman
48 0.32 2022-03-06
59 - Fix uninitialized values in _read_list() call, provided by mazunki
33 "Jaap Karssenberg <>"
44 ],
55 "dynamic_config" : 1,
6 "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.34, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
6 "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
77 "license" : [
88 "perl_5"
99 ],
5656 "url" : ""
5757 }
5858 },
59 "version" : "0.32",
59 "version" : "0.33",
6060 "x_contributors" : [
6161 "Bernhard Rosenkränzer <>",
6262 "Christian Ludwig <>",
7171 "Patrick Burroughs (Celti) <>",
7272 "Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <>",
7373 "Rudolf Leermakers <>",
74 "SPFabGerman <>",
7475 "Sean Smith <>",
7576 "Stefan Seifert <>",
7677 "brian m. carlson <>",
7778 "gregor herrmann <>",
7879 "mazunki <>"
7980 ],
80 "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 4.02"
81 "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 4.06"
8182 }
77 configure_requires:
88 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '6.30'
99 dynamic_config: 1
10 generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.34, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
10 generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
1111 license: perl
1212 meta-spec:
1313 url:
2929 resources:
3030 bugtracker:
3131 repository:
32 version: '0.32'
32 version: '0.33'
3333 x_contributors:
3434 - 'Bernhard Rosenkränzer <>'
3535 - 'Christian Ludwig <>'
4444 - 'Patrick Burroughs (Celti) <>'
4545 - 'Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <>'
4646 - 'Rudolf Leermakers <>'
47 - 'SPFabGerman <>'
4748 - 'Sean Smith <>'
4849 - 'Stefan Seifert <>'
4950 - 'brian m. carlson <>'
5858 'Patrick Burroughs (Celti) <>',
5959 'Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <>',
6060 'Rudolf Leermakers <>',
61 'SPFabGerman <>',
6162 'Sean Smith <>',
6263 'Stefan Seifert <>',
6364 'brian m. carlson <>',
88 use File::DesktopEntry;
99 require Exporter;
11 our $VERSION = '0.32';
11 our $VERSION = '0.33';
1313 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1414 our @EXPORT = qw(
177177 }
179179 sub _find_file {
180 my @list = shift;
180 my @list = @_;
181181 for (@list) {
182182 my $file = data_files('applications', $_);
183183 return File::DesktopEntry->new($file) if $file;
1616 our @ISA = qw(Exporter File::MimeInfo);
1717 our @EXPORT = qw(mimetype);
1818 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(extensions describe globs inodetype magic);
19 our $VERSION = '0.32';
19 our $VERSION = '0.33';
2020 our $DEBUG;
2222 our $_hashed = 0;
1010 our @EXPORT = qw(mime_exec mime_system);
1111 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(suggest_script_name);
1212 our %EXPORT_TAGS = (magic => \@EXPORT);
13 our $VERSION = '0.32';
13 our $VERSION = '0.33';
1414 our @choicespath = (
1515 config_home(''),
1616 File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME}, 'Choices'),
1010 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1111 our @EXPORT = qw(mimetype);
1212 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(extensions describe globs inodetype mimetype_canon mimetype_isa);
13 our $VERSION = '0.32';
13 our $VERSION = '0.33';
1414 our $DEBUG;
1616 our ($_hashed, $_hashed_aliases, $_hashed_subclasses, $_has_mimeinfo_database);
22 use strict;
33 use warnings;
4 our $VERSION = '0.32';
4 our $VERSION = '0.33';
55 $|++;
77 # ########## #
22 use strict;
33 use warnings;
4 our $VERSION = '0.32';
4 our $VERSION = '0.33';
55 $|++;
77 # ########## #