Codebase list libfurl-perl / 9a3d34b
Test request target for SSL over proxy. tarao 9 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 50 addition(s) and 6 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 use Plack::Request;
88 use Test::Requires qw(Plack::Request HTTP::Body), 'HTTP::Proxy';
10 plan tests => 9*3*2;
10 plan tests => (10*2 + 8)*3;
1212 my $verbose = 1;
1313 {
6565 my $env = shift;
6767 my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
68 is $req->header('X-Foo'), "ppp" if $env->{REQUEST_URI} eq '/foo';
68 is $req->path, '/foo';
69 is $req->header('X-Foo'), "ppp";
6970 like $req->header('User-Agent'), qr/\A Furl::HTTP /xms;
7071 my $content = "Hello, foo";
7172 return [ 200,
7677 });
7879 sub client (%) {
79 my (%url) = @_;
80 my (%args) = @_;
8081 for (1..3) { # run some times for testing keep-alive.
81 my $furl = Furl::HTTP->new(proxy => $url{proxy});
82 my $furl = Furl::HTTP->new(proxy => $args{proxy});
8283 my ( undef, $code, $msg, $headers, $content ) =
8384 $furl->request(
84 url => $url{request},
85 url => $args{request},
8586 headers => [ "X-Foo" => "ppp" ]
8687 );
8788 is $code, 200, "request()";
8889 is $msg, "OK";
8990 is Furl::HTTP::_header_get($headers, 'Content-Length'), 10;
90 is Furl::HTTP::_header_get($headers, 'Via'), "1.0 $via";
91 is Furl::HTTP::_header_get($headers, 'Via'), $args{via};
9192 is $content, 'Hello, foo'
9293 or do{ require Devel::Peek; Devel::Peek::Dump($content) };
9394 }
112113 client(
113114 proxy => "$proxy_port",
114115 request => "$httpd_port/foo",
116 via => '1.0 VIA!VIA!VIA!',
115117 );
116118 },
117119 server => sub { # proxy server
131133 client(
132134 proxy => "$proxy_port",
133135 request => "", # default port
136 via => '1.0 VIA!VIA!VIA!',
134137 );
135138 },
136139 server => sub { # proxy server
141144 $proxy->start();
142145 },
143146 );
148 # SSL over proxy
150 test_tcp(
151 client => sub {
152 # emulate CONNECT for SSL proxying without a real SSL connection
153 no warnings 'redefine';
154 local *Furl::HTTP::connect_ssl_over_proxy = sub {
155 my ($self, $proxy_host, $proxy_port, $host, $port, $timeout_at, $proxy_authorization) = @_;
156 my $sock = $self->connect($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $timeout_at);
157 my $p = "CONNECT $host:$port HTTP/1.0\015\012Server: $host\015\012";
158 $p .= "\015\012";
159 $self->write_all($sock, $p, $timeout_at) or fail;
161 # read the entire response of CONNECT method
162 my $buf = '';
163 while ($buf !~ qr!(?:\015\012){2}!) {
164 my $read = $self->read_timeout(
165 $sock, \$buf, $self->{bufsize}, length($buf), $timeout_at
166 );
167 defined $read or fail;
168 $read != 0 or fail;
169 }
171 $sock;
172 };
174 my $proxy_port = shift;
175 my $httpd_port = $httpd->port;
176 client(
177 proxy => "$proxy_port",
178 request => "$httpd_port/foo",
179 # no via since the request goes directly to the origin server
180 );
181 },
182 server => sub { # proxy server
183 my $proxy_port = shift;
184 my $proxy = Test::HTTP::Proxy->new(port => $proxy_port, via => $via);
185 $proxy->start();
186 },
187 );