Codebase list libhtml-wikiconverter-wikkawiki-perl / f0b1f6c
remove 'debian svn-upgrade' from debian/watch. there are a few reasons why this is bad, feel free to ask me about them. I understand why people used to do this, but now you can just do 'svn-upgrade --uscan' to get the same affect (without the bad side affects), so there is no reason for this to happen. Ryan Niebur 14 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 # Run the "uscan" command to check for upstream updates and more.
11 version=3
22 \
3 .*/HTML-WikiConverter-WikkaWiki-(\d.+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade
3 .*/HTML-WikiConverter-WikkaWiki-(\d.+).tar.gz