Codebase list libhttp-browserdetect-perl / 6436d27
Manage Travis via App::CISetup Olaf Alders 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 39 addition(s) and 28 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 ---
1 dist: trusty
12 addons:
23 apt:
34 packages:
45 - aspell
56 - aspell-en
6 before_install:
7 - 'eval $(curl --auto'
8 - 'cpanm -n App::cpm'
7 language: perl
8 perl:
9 - blead
10 - dev
11 - "5.30"
12 - "5.28"
13 - "5.26"
14 - "5.24"
15 - "5.22"
16 - "5.20"
17 - "5.18"
18 - "5.16"
19 - "5.14"
20 - "5.12"
21 - "5.10"
922 cache:
1023 directories:
11 - '~/perl5'
12 dist: trusty
13 install:
14 - 'cpan-install --coverage # installs coverage prereqs, if enabled'
15 - 'cpm install -g --workers $(test-jobs)'
16 language: perl
24 - "~/perl5"
1725 matrix:
1826 allow_failures:
19 -
20 env: COVERAGE=1
21 fast_finish: 'true'
27 - env: COVERAGE=1
28 - perl: blead
29 fast_finish: 1
2230 include:
23 -
24 env: COVERAGE=1
25 perl: '5.28'
31 - env: COVERAGE=1
32 perl: "5.30"
33 env:
34 global:
37 before_install:
38 - eval $(curl --auto --always-upgrade-modules
39 install:
40 - cpanm --notest App::cpm
41 - cpm install -g --workers $(test-jobs)
42 script:
43 - prove -lr -j$(test-jobs) t
2644 notifications:
2745 email:
2846 on_failure: always
2947 on_success: always
3048 recipients:
3149 -
32 perl:
33 - '5.10'
34 - '5.12'
35 - '5.14'
36 - '5.16'
37 - '5.18'
38 - '5.20'
39 - '5.22'
40 - '5.24'
41 - '5.26'
42 - '5.28'
43 script:
44 - 'prove -lr -j$(test-jobs) t'
50 ### __app_cisetup__
51 # ---
52 # force_threaded_perls: 0
53 # perl_caching: 1
55 ### __app_cisetup__