Codebase list libjira-rest-perl / b1e23a9
Pedantic change of 'hash-ref' to 'hash reference' Packy Anderson 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 6 addition(s) and 6 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
8080 }
8282 $rest_client_config = {} unless defined $rest_client_config;
83 croak __PACKAGE__ . "::new: REST_CLIENT_CONFIG argument must be a hash-ref.\n"
83 croak __PACKAGE__ . "::new: REST_CLIENT_CONFIG argument must be a hash reference.\n"
8484 unless
8585 defined $rest_client_config
8686 && ref $rest_client_config
255255 $path = $self->{path} . $path unless $path =~ m:^/rest/:;
257257 if (defined $query) {
258 croak $self->_error("The QUERY argument must be a hash-ref.")
258 croak $self->_error("The QUERY argument must be a hash reference.")
259259 unless ref $query && ref $query eq 'HASH';
260260 return $path . '?'. join('&', map {$_ . '=' . uri_escape($query->{$_})} keys %$query);
261261 } else {
595595 =item * VALUE
597597 This is the "entity" being PUT or POSTed. It can be any value, but
598 usually is a hash-ref. The value is encoded as a
598 usually is a hash reference. The value is encoded as a
599599 L<JSON|> string using the C<JSON::encode> method
600600 and sent with a Content-Type of C<application/json>.
623623 The majority of the API's resources return JSON values. Those are
624624 decoded using the C<decode> method of a C<JSON> object. Most of the
625 endpoints return hashes, which are returned as a Perl hash-ref.
625 endpoints return hashes, which are returned as a Perl hash reference.
627627 =item * text/plain
669669 =head2 B<set_search_iterator> PARAMS
671 Sets up an iterator for the search specified by the hash-ref PARAMS. It must
672 be called before calls to B<next_issue>.
671 Sets up an iterator for the search specified by the hash reference PARAMS.
672 It must be called before calls to B<next_issue>.
674674 PARAMS must conform with the query parameters allowed for the
675675 C</rest/api/2/search> JIRA REST endpoint.