Codebase list libmango-perl / 958b8b6
fix tests for newer versions of Mojolicious Olivier Duclos 8 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
22 - Fix Collection::rename (bug #12 - thanks Isage)
33 - Change 'insert' behavior to avoid modifying the original document
44 during serialization. The documentation has also been updated. (#11)
5 - Fix 2 tests which failed with newer versions of Mojolicious.
67 1.23 2015-11-12
78 - Fix a nasty bug where Mango would not finish to authenticate to the
553553 );
554554 Mojo::IOLoop->start;
555555 Mojo::IOLoop->remove($id);
556 like $fail, qr/Connect timeout/, 'right error';
556 like $fail, qr/timeout|Premature/, 'right error';
557557 ok !$result->{n}, 'remove was not successful';
559559 done_testing();
123123 );
124124 Mojo::IOLoop->start;
125125 Mojo::IOLoop->remove($id);
126 like $fail, qr/Connect timeout/, 'right error';
126 like $fail, qr/timeout|Premature/, 'right error';
128128 done_testing();