Codebase list libmath-prime-util-perl / 274aad6
Imported Upstream version 0.20 gregor herrmann 11 years ago
24 changed file(s) with 792 addition(s) and 212 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1313 - cpanm Math::MPFR
1515 env:
16 -
17 - MPU_NO_GMP=1
18 - MPU_NO_MPFR=1
17 - MPU_NO_MPFR=1
18 - MPU_NO_GMP=1
2223 install:
00 Revision history for Perl extension Math::Prime::Util.
2 0.20 3 February 2012
4 - Speedup for PP AKS, and turn off test on 32-bit machines.
6 - Replaced fast sqrt detection in with a slightly slower version.
7 The bloom filter doesn't work right in 32-bit Perl. These two changes
8 should speed up testing on some machines by a huge amount.
10 - Fix is_perfect_power in XS AKS.
12 0.19 1 February 2012
14 - Update MR bases with newest from
16 - Fixed some issues when using bignum and Calc BigInt backend, and bignum
17 and Perl 5.6.
19 - Added tests for bigint is_provable_prime.
21 - Added a few tests to give better coverage.
23 - Adjust some validation subroutines to cut down on overhead.
25 0.18 14 January 2012
27 - Add random_strong_prime.
29 - Fix builds with Solaris 9 and older.
31 - Add some debug info to perhaps find out why old ActiveState Perls are
32 dying in Math::BigInt::Calc, as if they were using really old versions
33 that run out of memory trying to calculate '2 ** 66'.
236 0.17 20 December 2012
3838 examples/
3939 examples/
4040 examples/
41 examples/
42 examples/
43 examples/
4144 examples/
4245 examples/
4346 examples/
4548 examples/
4649 examples/
4750 examples/
51 examples/
4852 examples/
4953 examples/
5054 examples/
7680 t/31-threading.t
7781 t/50-factoring.t
7882 t/51-primearray.t
83 t/70-rt-bignum.t
7984 t/80-pp.t
8085 t/81-bignum.t
8186 t/90-release-perlcritic.t
33 "Dana A Jacobsen <>"
44 ],
55 "dynamic_config" : 1,
6 "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.6302, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921",
6 "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.64, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921",
77 "license" : [
88 "perl_5"
99 ],
3232 },
3333 "runtime" : {
3434 "recommends" : {
35 "Math::MPFR" : "0"
35 "Math::BigInt::GMP" : "0",
36 "Math::MPFR" : "2.03",
37 "Math::Prime::Util::GMP" : "0.06"
3638 },
3739 "requires" : {
3840 "Carp" : "0",
4850 }
4951 },
5052 "release_status" : "stable",
51 "version" : "0.17"
53 "resources" : {
54 "homepage" : "",
55 "repository" : {
56 "url" : ""
57 }
58 },
59 "version" : "0.20"
5260 }
77 configure_requires:
88 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
99 dynamic_config: 1
10 generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.6302, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921'
10 generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.64, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921'
1111 license: perl
1212 meta-spec:
1313 url:
1818 - t
1919 - inc
2020 recommends:
21 Math::MPFR: 0
21 Math::BigInt::GMP: 0
22 Math::MPFR: 2.03
23 Math::Prime::Util::GMP: 0.06
2224 requires:
2325 Carp: 0
2426 Config: 0
2931 XSLoader: 0.01
3032 base: 0
3133 perl: 5.006002
32 version: 0.17
34 resources:
35 homepage:
36 repository:
37 version: 0.20
2121 'Test::More' => '0.45',
22 'bignum' => '0.22', # Used for bigint tests
22 'bignum' => '0.22', # 'use bigint' in tests
2323 },
2424 PREREQ_PM => {
2525 'Exporter' => '5.562',
3232 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.59',
3333 },
3434 META_MERGE => {
35 recommends => { 'Math::Prime::Util::GMP' => 0.06, },
36 recommends => { 'Math::BigInt::GMP' => 0, },
37 recommends => { 'Math::MPFR' => 0, },
38 },
35 resources => {
36 homepage => '',
37 repository => '',
38 },
39 recommends => {
40 'Math::Prime::Util::GMP' => 0.06,
41 'Math::BigInt::GMP' => 0,
42 'Math::MPFR' => 2.03,
43 },
44 },
4046 MIN_PERL_VERSION => 5.006002,
4147 );
0 Math::Prime::Util version 0.17
0 Math::Prime::Util version 0.20
22 A set of utilities related to prime numbers. These include multiple sieving
33 methods, is_prime, prime_count, nth_prime, approximations and bounds for
3434 - Tests for:
36 is_provable_prime
3736 RiemannZeta
3837 RiemannR
4443 tinymt32, seed it using the system rand (multiple calls, just use 8-bits
4544 each), then use it to get 32-bit irands. This would only be used if they
4645 didn't give us a RNG (so they don't care about strict crypto).
47 - Add PE 35 Circular primes and PE 291 Panatoipal primes to bin/
11 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <string.h>
33 #include <math.h>
4 #include <float.h>
56 /*
67 * The AKS v6 algorithm, for native integers. Based on the AKS v6 paper.
3637 return log2n;
3738 }
39 /* See Bach and Sorenson (1993) for much better algorithm */
40 static int is_perfect_power(UV x) {
40 /* Bach and Sorenson (1993) would be better */
41 static int is_perfect_power(UV n) {
4142 UV b, last;
42 if ((x & (x-1)) == 0) return 1; /* powers of 2 */
43 b = sqrt(x); if (b*b == x) return 1; /* perfect square */
44 last = log2floor(x) + 1;
45 for (b = 3; b < last; b = _XS_next_prime(b)) {
46 UV root = pow(x, 1.0 / (double)b);
47 if (pow(root, b) == x) return 1;
43 if ((n <= 3) || (n == UV_MAX)) return 0;
44 if ((n & (n-1)) == 0) return 1; /* powers of 2 */
45 last = log2floor(n-1) + 1;
46 #if (BITS_PER_WORD == 32) || (DBL_DIG > 19)
47 if (1) {
48 #elif DBL_DIG == 10
49 if (n < UVCONST(10000000000)) {
50 #elif DBL_DIG == 15
51 if (n < UVCONST(1000000000000000)) {
52 #else
53 if ( n < (UV) pow(10, DBL_DIG) ) {
54 #endif
55 /* Simple floating point method. Fast, but need enough mantissa. */
56 b = sqrt(n)+0.5; if (b*b == n) return 1; /* perfect square */
57 for (b = 3; b < last; b = _XS_next_prime(b)) {
58 UV root = pow(n, 1.0 / (double)b) + 0.5;
59 if ( ((UV)(pow(root, b)+0.5)) == n) return 1;
60 }
61 } else {
62 /* Dietzfelbinger, algorithm 2.3.5 (without optimized exponential) */
63 for (b = 2; b <= last; b++) {
64 UV a = 1;
65 UV c = n;
66 while (c >= HALF_WORD) c = (1+c)>>1;
67 while ((c-a) >= 2) {
68 UV m, maxm, p, i;
69 m = (a+c) >> 1;
70 maxm = UV_MAX / m;
71 p = m;
72 for (i = 2; i <= b; i++) {
73 if (p > maxm) { p = n+1; break; }
74 p *= m;
75 }
76 if (p == n) return 1;
77 if (p < n)
78 a = m;
79 else
80 c = m;
81 }
82 }
4883 }
4984 return 0;
5085 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 use Math::Prime::Util;
4 use Math::Prime::Util::GMP;
5 use Math::Primality;
6 use Benchmark qw/:all/;
7 my $count = shift || -2;
8 srand(29); # So we have repeatable results
10 test_at_digits($_, 1000) for (5, 15, 25, 50, 200);
12 sub test_at_digits {
13 my($digits, $numbers) = @_;
14 die "Digits must be > 0" unless $digits > 0;
16 my $start = Math::Prime::Util::random_ndigit_prime($digits) - 3;
17 my $end = $start;
18 $end = Math::Prime::Util::GMP::next_prime($end) for 1 .. $numbers;
20 print "next_prime x $numbers starting at $start\n";
22 cmpthese($count,{
23 'MP' => sub { my $n = $start; $n = Math::Primality::next_prime($n) for 1..$numbers; die "MP ended with $n instead of $end" unless $n == $end; },
24 'MPU' => sub { my $n = $start; $n = Math::Prime::Util::next_prime($n) for 1..$numbers; die "MPU ended with $n instead of $end" unless $n == $end; },
25 'MPU GMP' => sub { my $n = $start; $n = Math::Prime::Util::GMP::next_prime($n) for 1..$numbers; die "MPU GMP ended with $n instead of $end" unless $n == $end; },
26 });
27 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 use Math::Prime::Util;
4 use Math::Prime::Util::GMP;
5 use Math::Primality;
6 use Benchmark qw/:all/;
7 my $count = shift || -2;
9 #my($n, $exp) = (100000,9592);
10 my($n, $exp) = (1000000,78498);
11 #my($n, $exp) = (10000000,664579);
12 cmpthese($count,{
13 'MP' =>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Primality::prime_count($n); },
14 'MPU default' =>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Prime::Util::prime_count($n); },
15 'MPU XS Sieve' =>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Prime::Util::_XS_prime_count($n); },
16 'MPU XS Lehmer'=>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Prime::Util::_XS_lehmer_pi($n); },
17 'MPU PP Sieve' =>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Prime::Util::PP::_sieve_prime_count($n); },
18 'MPU PP Lehmer'=>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Prime::Util::PP::_lehmer_pi($n); },
19 'MPU GMP Trial'=>sub { die unless $exp == Math::Prime::Util::GMP::prime_count(2,$n); },
20 });
0 #!/usr/bin/env perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 use Math::Prime::Util;
4 use Math::Prime::Util::GMP;
5 use Math::Primality;
6 use Benchmark qw/:all/;
7 use List::Util qw/min max/;
8 my $count = shift || -2;
9 srand(29); # So we have repeatable results
11 test_at_digits($_, 1000) for (5, 15, 25, 50, 200);
13 sub test_at_digits {
14 my($digits, $numbers) = @_;
15 die "Digits must be > 0" unless $digits > 0;
17 # We get a mix of primes and non-primes.
18 my @nums = map { Math::Prime::Util::random_ndigit_prime($digits)+2 } 1 .. $numbers;
19 print "is_strong_pseudoprime for $numbers random $digits-digit numbers",
20 " (", min(@nums), " - ", max(@nums), ")\n";
22 cmpthese($count,{
23 'MP' =>sub {Math::Primality::is_strong_pseudoprime($_,3) for @nums;},
24 'MPU' =>sub {Math::Prime::Util::is_strong_pseudoprime($_,3) for @nums;},
25 'MPU PP' =>sub {Math::Prime::Util::PP::miller_rabin($_,3) for @nums;},
26 'MPU GMP' =>sub {Math::Prime::Util::GMP::is_strong_pseudoprime($_,3) for @nums;},
27 });
28 }
3131 # Parallel:
3232 my $maxn :shared;
33 my $start = 1; # People have mined below ~ 2^52
33 my $start = int(2**59+2**41); # People have mined below 2^55
3434 $maxn = 2047;
3535 my $nextn = 2049;
3636 my @threads;
8282 2012-07-02 base 64390572806844 good up to 161701
8383 2012-10-15 base 1769236083487960 good up to 192001
8484 2012-10-17 base 1948244569546278 good up to 212321
85 2013-01-14 base 34933608779780163 good up to 218245
0 #!/usr/bin/env perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 $| = 1; # fast pipes
5 # Make sure the is_prob_prime functionality is working for small inputs.
6 # Good for making sure the first few M-R bases are set up correctly.
8 use Math::Prime::Util qw/is_prob_prime/;
9 use Math::Prime::Util::PrimeArray;
11 my @primes; tie @primes, 'Math::Prime::Util::PrimeArray';
13 # Test just primes
14 if (0) {
15 foreach my $i (1 .. 10000000) {
16 my $n = shift @primes;
17 die unless is_prob_prime($n);
18 #print "." unless $i % 16384;
19 print "$i $n\n" unless $i % 262144;
20 }
21 }
23 # Test every number up to the 100Mth prime (about 2000M)
24 if (1) {
25 die "2 should be prime" unless is_prob_prime(2);
26 shift @primes;
27 my $n = shift @primes;
28 foreach my $i (2 .. 100_000_000) {
29 die "$n should be prime" unless is_prob_prime($n);
30 print "$i $n\n" unless $i % 262144;
31 my $next = shift @primes;
32 my $diff = ($next - $n) >> 1;
33 if ($diff > 1) {
34 foreach my $d (1 .. $diff-1) {
35 my $cn = $n + 2*$d;
36 die "$cn should be composite" if is_prob_prime($cn);
37 }
38 }
39 $n = $next;
40 }
41 }
207207 }
208208 #else
209209 #if 1
210 /* Better bases from: */
211 if (n < UVCONST(212321)) {
212 bases[0] = UVCONST(1948244569546278);
210 /* Better bases from, 30 Jan 2013 */
211 if (n < UVCONST(272161)) {
212 bases[0] = UVCONST(62769592775616394);
213213 nbases = 1;
214 } else if (n < UVCONST(360018361)) {
215 bases[0] = UVCONST( 1143370 );
216 bases[1] = UVCONST( 2350307676 );
214 } else if (n < UVCONST(466758181)) {
215 bases[0] = UVCONST( 91869414 );
216 bases[1] = UVCONST( 6346128598129234 );
217217 nbases = 2;
218 } else if (n < UVCONST(105936894253)) {
218 } else if (n < UVCONST(109134866497)) {
219219 bases[0] = 2;
220 bases[1] = UVCONST( 1005905886 );
221 bases[2] = UVCONST( 1340600841 );
220 bases[1] = UVCONST( 45650740 );
221 bases[2] = UVCONST( 3722628058 );
222222 nbases = 3;
223 } else if (n < UVCONST(31858317218647)) {
223 } else if (n < UVCONST(47636622961201)) {
224224 bases[0] = 2;
225 bases[1] = UVCONST( 642735 );
226 bases[2] = UVCONST( 553174392 );
227 bases[3] = UVCONST( 3046413974 );
225 bases[1] = UVCONST( 2570940 );
226 bases[2] = UVCONST( 211991001 );
227 bases[3] = UVCONST( 3749873356 );
228228 nbases = 4;
229 } else if (n < UVCONST(3071837692357849)) {
229 } else if (n < UVCONST(3770579582154547)) {
230230 bases[0] = 2;
231 bases[1] = UVCONST( 75088 );
232 bases[2] = UVCONST( 642735 );
233 bases[3] = UVCONST( 203659041 );
234 bases[4] = UVCONST( 3613982119 );
231 bases[1] = UVCONST( 2570940 );
232 bases[2] = UVCONST( 880937 );
233 bases[3] = UVCONST( 610386380 );
234 bases[4] = UVCONST( 4130785767 );
235235 nbases = 5;
236236 } else {
237237 bases[0] = 2;
55 BEGIN {
66 $Math::Prime::Util::PP::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DANAJ';
7 $Math::Prime::Util::PP::VERSION = '0.14';
7 $Math::Prime::Util::PP::VERSION = '0.20';
88 }
1010 # The Pure Perl versions of all the Math::Prime::Util routines.
6464 sub _validate_positive_integer {
6565 my($n, $min, $max) = @_;
6666 croak "Parameter must be defined" if !defined $n;
67 croak "Parameter '$n' must be a positive integer" if $n =~ tr/0123456789//c;
67 croak "Parameter '$n' must be a positive integer"
68 if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n =~ tr/0123456789//c;
6869 croak "Parameter '$n' must be >= $min" if defined $min && $n < $min;
6970 croak "Parameter '$n' must be <= $max" if defined $max && $n > $max;
7071 if ($n <= ~0) {
7374 } elsif (ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt') {
7475 croak "Parameter '$n' outside of integer range" if !defined $bigint::VERSION;
7576 $_[0] = Math::BigInt->new("$n"); # Make $n a proper bigint object
77 $_[0]->upgrade(undef) if $_[0]->upgrade(); # Stop BigFloat upgrade
78 } else {
79 $_[0]->upgrade(undef) if $_[0]->upgrade(); # Stop BigFloat upgrade
7680 }
7781 # One of these will be true:
7882 # 1) $n <= max and $n is not a bigint
665669 sub _is_perfect_power {
666670 my $n = shift;
667 my $log2n = _log2($n);
671 return 0 if $n <= 3 || $n != int($n);
672 return 1 if ($n & ($n-1)) == 0; # Power of 2
668673 $n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
669 for my $e (@{primes($log2n)}) {
674 # Perl 5.6.2 chokes on this, so do it via as_bin
675 # my $log2n = 0; { my $num = $n; $log2n++ while $num >>= 1; }
676 my $log2n = length($n->as_bin) - 2;
677 for (my $e = 2; $e <= $log2n; $e = next_prime($e)) {
670678 return 1 if $n->copy()->broot($e)->bpow($e) == $n;
671679 }
672680 0;
844852 # Check for perfect square
845853 if (ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt') {
846 my $mcheck = int(($n & 127)->bstr);
847 if (($mcheck*0x8bc40d7d) & ($mcheck*0xa1e2f5d1) & 0x14020a) {
848 # ~82% of non-squares were rejected by the bloom filter
854 my $mc = int(($n & 31)->bstr);
855 if ($mc==0||$mc==1||$mc==4||$mc==9||$mc==16||$mc==17||$mc==25) {
849856 my $sq = $n->copy->bsqrt->bfloor;
850857 $sq->bmul($sq);
851858 return 0 if $sq == $n;
852859 }
853860 } else {
854 my $mcheck = $n & 127;
855 if (($mcheck*0x8bc40d7d) & ($mcheck*0xa1e2f5d1) & 0x14020a) {
861 my $mc = $n & 31;
862 if ($mc==0||$mc==1||$mc==4||$mc==9||$mc==16||$mc==17||$mc==25) {
856863 my $sq = int(sqrt($n));
857864 return 0 if ($sq*$sq) == $n;
858865 }
870877 # It's now time to perform the Lucas pseudoprimality test using $D.
872879 if (ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt') {
873 require Math::BigInt;
880 if (!defined $MATH::BigInt::VERSION) {
881 eval { require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
882 or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigInt "; }
883 }
874884 $n = Math::BigInt->new("$n");
875885 }
973983 for (my $ix = 0; $ix <= $px_degree; $ix++) {
974984 my $px_at_ix = $px->[$ix];
975985 next unless $px_at_ix;
976 foreach my $iy (@indices_y) {
977 my $py_at_iy = $py->[$iy];
978 my $rindex = ($ix + $iy) % $r; # reduce mod X^r-1
979 if (!defined $res[$rindex]) {
980 $res[$rindex] = $_poly_bignum ? Math::BigInt->bzero : 0
981 }
982 $res[$rindex] = ($res[$rindex] + ($py_at_iy * $px_at_ix)) % $n;
986 if ($_poly_bignum) {
987 foreach my $iy (@indices_y) {
988 my $py_px = $py->[$iy] * $px_at_ix;
989 my $rindex = ($ix + $iy) % $r; # reduce mod X^r-1
990 $res[$rindex] = Math::BigInt->bzero unless defined $res[$rindex];
991 $res[$rindex]->badd($py_px)->bmod($n);
992 }
993 } else {
994 foreach my $iy (@indices_y) {
995 my $py_px = $py->[$iy] * $px_at_ix;
996 my $rindex = ($ix + $iy) % $r; # reduce mod X^r-1
997 $res[$rindex] = 0 unless defined $res[$rindex];
998 $res[$rindex] = ($res[$rindex] + $py_px) % $n;
999 }
9831000 }
9841001 }
9851002 # In case we had upper terms go to zero after modulo, reduce the degree.
10121029 sub is_aks_prime {
10131030 my $n = shift;
1015 if (ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt') {
1016 if (!defined $MATH::BigInt::VERSION) {
1017 eval { require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
1018 or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigInt "; }
1019 }
1020 if (!defined $MATH::BigFloat::VERSION) {
1021 eval { require Math::BigFloat; Math::BigFloat->import(); 1; }
1022 or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigFloat "; }
1023 }
1024 $n = Math::BigInt->new("$n");
1025 }
1032 if (!defined $MATH::BigInt::VERSION) {
1033 eval { require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
1034 or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigInt "; }
1035 }
1036 if (!defined $MATH::BigFloat::VERSION) {
1037 eval { require Math::BigFloat; Math::BigFloat->import(); 1; }
1038 or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigFloat "; }
1039 }
1040 $n = Math::BigInt->new("$n") unless ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt';
10271042 return 0 if $n < 2;
10281043 return 0 if _is_perfect_power($n);
10711086 return ($_[0]) if $_[0] < 4;
10731088 my @factors;
1074 while ( !($_[0] % 2) ) { push @factors, 2; $_[0] = int($_[0] / 2); }
1075 while ( !($_[0] % 3) ) { push @factors, 3; $_[0] = int($_[0] / 3); }
1076 while ( !($_[0] % 5) ) { push @factors, 5; $_[0] = int($_[0] / 5); }
1078 # Stop using bignum if we can
1079 $_[0] = int($_[0]->bstr) if ref($_[0]) eq 'Math::BigInt' && $_[0] <= ~0;
1089 if (ref($_[0]) ne 'Math::BigInt') {
1090 while ( !($_[0] % 2) ) { push @factors, 2; $_[0] = int($_[0] / 2); }
1091 while ( !($_[0] % 3) ) { push @factors, 3; $_[0] = int($_[0] / 3); }
1092 while ( !($_[0] % 5) ) { push @factors, 5; $_[0] = int($_[0] / 5); }
1093 } else {
1094 if (Math::BigInt::bgcd($_[0], 2*3*5) != 1) {
1095 while ( $_[0]->is_even) { push @factors, 2; $_[0]->brsft(1); }
1096 foreach my $div (3, 5) {
1097 my ($q, $r) = $_[0]->copy->bdiv($div);
1098 while ($r->is_zero) {
1099 push @factors, $div;
1100 $_[0] = $q;
1101 ($q, $r) = $_[0]->copy->bdiv($div);
1102 }
1103 }
1104 }
1105 $_[0] = int($_[0]->bstr) if $_[0] <= ~0;
1106 }
10811108 if ( ($_[0] > 1) && _is_prime7($_[0]) ) {
10821109 push @factors, $_[0];
12091236 if ($f == $n) {
12101237 last if $inloop++; # We've been here before
12111238 } elsif ($f != 1) {
1212 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f);
1239 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f)->as_int;
12131240 push @factors, $f;
12141241 push @factors, $f2;
12151242 croak "internal error in prho" unless ($f * $f2) == $n;
12821309 $Xi->bmul($Xi); $Xi->badd($a); $Xi->bmod($n);
12831310 my $f = Math::BigInt::bgcd( ($Xi > $Xm) ? $Xi-$Xm : $Xm-$Xi, $n);
12841311 if ( ($f != 1) && ($f != $n) ) {
1285 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f);
1312 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f)->as_int;
12861313 push @factors, $f;
12871314 push @factors, $f2;
12881315 croak "internal error in pbrent" unless ($f * $f2) == $n;
13421369 $kf = $n if $kf == 0;
13431370 my $f = Math::BigInt::bgcd( $kf-1, $n );
13441371 if ( ($f != 1) && ($f != $n) ) {
1345 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f);
1372 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f)->as_int;
13461373 push @factors, $f;
13471374 push @factors, $f2;
13481375 croak "internal error in pminus1" unless ($f * $f2) == $n;
13791406 if ( ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt' ) {
13801407 for my $i ($startrounds .. $rounds) {
13811408 my $ni = $n->copy->bmul($i);
1382 my $s = $ni->copy->bsqrt->bfloor;
1409 my $s = $ni->copy->bsqrt->bfloor->as_int;
13831410 $s->binc if ($s * $s) != $ni;
13841411 my $m = $s->copy->bmul($s)->bmod($n);
13851412 # Check for perfect square
1386 my $mcheck = int(($m & 127)->bstr);
1387 next if (($mcheck*0x8bc40d7d) & ($mcheck*0xa1e2f5d1) & 0x14020a);
1388 # ... 82% of non-squares were rejected by the bloom filter
1389 my $f = $m->copy->bsqrt->bfloor;
1413 my $mc = int(($m & 31)->bstr);
1414 next unless $mc==0||$mc==1||$mc==4||$mc==9||$mc==16||$mc==17||$mc==25;
1415 my $f = $m->copy->bsqrt->bfloor->as_int;
13901416 next unless ($f*$f) == $m;
13911417 $f = Math::BigInt::bgcd( ($s > $f) ? $s-$f : $f-$s, $n);
13921418 last if $f == 1 || $f == $n; # Should never happen
1393 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f);
1419 my $f2 = $n->copy->bdiv($f)->as_int;
13941420 push @factors, $f;
13951421 push @factors, $f2;
13961422 croak "internal error in HOLF" unless ($f * $f2) == $n;
14031429 $s++ if ($s * $s) != ($n * $i);
14041430 my $m = ($s < $_half_word) ? ($s*$s) % $n : _mulmod($s, $s, $n);
14051431 # Check for perfect square
1406 my $mcheck = $m & 127;
1407 next if (($mcheck*0x8bc40d7d) & ($mcheck*0xa1e2f5d1) & 0x14020a);
1408 # ... 82% of non-squares were rejected by the bloom filter
1432 my $mc = $m & 31;
1433 next unless $mc==0||$mc==1||$mc==4||$mc==9||$mc==16||$mc==17||$mc==25;
14091434 my $f = int(sqrt($m));
14101435 next unless $f*$f == $m;
14111436 $f = _gcd_ui( ($s > $f) ? $s - $f : $f - $s, $n);
55 BEGIN {
66 $Math::Prime::Util::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DANAJ';
7 $Math::Prime::Util::VERSION = '0.17';
7 $Math::Prime::Util::VERSION = '0.20';
88 }
1010 # parent is cleaner, and in the Perl 5.10.1 / 5.12.0 core, but not earlier.
2121 next_prime prev_prime
2222 prime_count prime_count_lower prime_count_upper prime_count_approx
2323 nth_prime nth_prime_lower nth_prime_upper nth_prime_approx
24 random_prime random_ndigit_prime random_nbit_prime random_maurer_prime
24 random_prime random_ndigit_prime random_nbit_prime
25 random_strong_prime random_maurer_prime
2526 primorial pn_primorial
2627 factor all_factors
2728 moebius euler_phi jordan_totient
8283 *fermat_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::fermat_factor;
8384 *holf_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::holf_factor;
8485 *squfof_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::squfof_factor;
86 *rsqufof_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::squfof_factor;
8587 *pbrent_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::pbrent_factor;
8688 *prho_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::prho_factor;
8789 *pminus1_factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::pminus1_factor;
206208 1;
207209 }
211 my $_bigint_small;
209212 sub _validate_positive_integer {
210213 my($n, $min, $max) = @_;
211214 croak "Parameter must be defined" if !defined $n;
212 croak "Parameter '$n' must be a positive integer" if $n =~ tr/0123456789//c;
215 if (ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt') {
216 croak "Parameter '$n' must be a positive integer" unless $n->sign() eq '+';
217 } else {
218 croak "Parameter '$n' must be a positive integer"
219 if $n eq '' || $n =~ tr/0123456789//c;
220 }
213221 croak "Parameter '$n' must be >= $min" if defined $min && $n < $min;
214222 croak "Parameter '$n' must be <= $max" if defined $max && $n > $max;
215 # The second term is used instead of '<=' to fix strings like ~0+delta.
216 # The third works around a rare BigInt bug (e.g. 23 > 18446744073709551615 !!)
217 if ($n < $_Config{'maxparam'} || int($n) eq $_Config{'maxparam'} || "$n" < $_Config{'maxparam'}) {
218 $_[0] = $_[0]->as_number() if ref($_[0]) eq 'Math::BigFloat';
219 $_[0] = int($_[0]->bstr) if ref($_[0]) eq 'Math::BigInt';
220 } elsif (ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt') {
221 croak "Parameter '$n' outside of integer range" if !defined $bigint::VERSION;
222 $_[0] = Math::BigInt->new("$n"); # Make $n a proper bigint object
224 if (ref($_[0])) {
225 $_[0] = Math::BigInt->new("$_[0]") unless ref($_[0]) eq 'Math::BigInt';
226 $_bigint_small = Math::BigInt->new("$_Config{'maxparam'}")
227 unless defined $_bigint_small;
228 if ($_[0]->bacmp($_bigint_small) <= 0) {
229 $_[0] = int($_[0]->bstr);
230 } else {
231 $_[0]->upgrade(undef) if $_[0]->upgrade(); # Stop BigFloat upgrade
232 }
233 } else {
234 # The second term is used instead of '<=' to fix strings like ~0+delta.
235 if ( ! ($n < $_Config{'maxparam'} || int($n) eq $_Config{'maxparam'}) ) {
236 # We were handed a string representing a big number.
237 croak "Parameter '$n' outside of integer range" if !defined $bigint::VERSION;
238 $_[0] = Math::BigInt->new("$n"); # Make $n a proper bigint object
239 $_[0]->upgrade(undef) if $_[0]->upgrade(); # Stop BigFloat upgrade
240 }
223241 }
224242 # One of these will be true:
225243 # 1) $n <= max and $n is not a bigint
445463 my $p1 = primorial(Math::BigInt->new(2052));
446464 my $p2 = primorial(Math::BigInt->new(6028));
447465 my $p3 = primorial(Math::BigInt->new($_big_gcd_top));
448 $_big_gcd[0] = $p0 / 223092870;
449 $_big_gcd[1] = $p1 / $p0;
450 $_big_gcd[2] = $p2 / $p1;
451 $_big_gcd[3] = $p3 / $p2;
466 $_big_gcd[0] = $p0->bdiv(223092870)->bfloor->as_int;
467 $_big_gcd[1] = $p1->bdiv($p0)->bfloor->as_int;
468 $_big_gcd[2] = $p2->bdiv($p1)->bfloor->as_int;
469 $_big_gcd[3] = $p3->bdiv($p2)->bfloor->as_int;
452470 }
454472 # Returns a function that will get a uniform random number between 0 and
517535 $U = ($irandf->() << 32) + $irandf->();
518536 } while $U >= (18446744073709551615 - $remainder);
519537 }
520 #return $U % $range;
521 $U %= $range;
522 die "random failure: $max $U\n" if $U > $max;
523 return $U;
538 return $U % $range;
524539 };
525540 return $randf;
526541 }
550565 }
552567 $low-- if $low == 2; # Low of 2 becomes 1 for our program.
553 croak "Invalid _random_prime parameters" if ($low % 2) == 0 || ($high % 2) == 0;
568 confess "Invalid _random_prime parameters: $low, $high" if ($low % 2) == 0 || ($high % 2) == 0;
555570 # We're going to look at the odd numbers only.
556571 #my $range = $high - $low + 1;
637652 my($nbins, $rem);
638653 ($nbins, $rem) = $oddrange->copy->bdiv( "$rand_part_size" );
639654 $nbins++ if $rem > 0;
655 $nbins = $nbins->as_int();
640656 ($binsize,$rem) = $oddrange->copy->bdiv($nbins);
641657 $binsize++ if $rem > 0;
642 $nparts = $oddrange->copy->bdiv($binsize);
658 $binsize = $binsize->as_int();
659 $nparts = $oddrange->copy->bdiv($binsize)->as_int();
643660 $low = $high->copy->bzero->badd($low) if ref($low) ne 'Math::BigInt';
644661 } else {
645662 my $nbins = int($oddrange / $rand_part_size);
790807 _validate_positive_integer($bits, 2);
792809 if (!defined $_random_nbit_ranges[$bits]) {
793 my $bigbits = $bits > $_Config{'maxbits'};
810 my $bigbits = $bits > $_Config{'maxbits'}; # || ($] < 5.8 && $bits > 49);
794811 if ($bigbits) {
795812 if (!defined $Math::BigInt::VERSION) {
796813 eval { require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
823840 # could go even higher if we used is_provable_prime or looked for is_prime
824841 # returning 2. This should be reasonably fast to ~128 bits with MPU::GMP.
825842 my $p0 = $_Config{'maxbits'};
843 $p0 = 32 if $] < 5.8 && $p0 > 32;
827845 return random_nbit_prime($k) if $k <= $p0;
857875 # I've seen +0, +1, and +2 here. Maurer uses +0. Menezes uses +1.
858876 my $q = random_maurer_prime( ($r * $k)->bfloor + 1 );
859877 $q = Math::BigInt->new("$q") unless ref($q) eq 'Math::BigInt';
860 my $I = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow($k-2)->bdiv($q)->bfloor;
878 my $I = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow($k-2)->bdiv($q)->bfloor->as_int();
861879 print "B = $B r = $r k = $k q = $q I = $I\n" if $verbose && $verbose != 3;
863881 # Big GCD's are hugely fast with GMP or Pari, but super slow with Calc.
939957 }
940958 croak "Failure in random_maurer_prime, could not find a prime\n";
941959 } # End of random_maurer_prime
961 # Gordon's algorithm for generating a strong prime.
962 sub random_strong_prime {
963 my($t) = @_;
964 _validate_positive_integer($t, 128);
966 if (!defined $Math::BigInt::VERSION) {
967 eval { require Math::BigInt; Math::BigInt->import(try=>'GMP,Pari'); 1; }
968 or do { croak "Cannot load Math::BigInt"; };
969 }
970 my $irandf = _get_rand_func();
972 my $l = (($t+1) >> 1) - 2;
973 my $lp = int($t/2) - 20;
974 my $lpp = $l - 20;
975 while (1) {
976 my $qp = random_nbit_prime($lp);
977 my $qpp = random_nbit_prime($lpp);
978 $qp = Math::BigInt->new("$qp") unless ref($qp) eq 'Math::BigInt';
979 $qpp = Math::BigInt->new("$qpp") unless ref($qpp) eq 'Math::BigInt';
980 my ($il, $rem) = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow($l-1)->bsub(1)->bdiv(2*$qpp);
981 $il++ if $rem > 0;
982 $il = $il->as_int();
983 my $iu = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow($l)->bsub(2)->bdiv(2*$qpp)->as_int();
984 my $istart = $il + $irandf->($iu - $il);
985 for (my $i = $istart; $i <= $iu; $i++) { # Search for q
986 my $q = 2 * $i * $qpp + 1;
987 next unless is_prob_prime($q);
988 my $pp = $qp->copy->bmodpow($q-2, $q)->bmul(2)->bmul($qp)->bsub(1);
989 my ($jl, $rem) = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow($t-1)->bsub($pp)->bdiv(2*$q*$qp);
990 $jl++ if $rem > 0;
991 $jl = $jl->as_int();
992 my $ju = Math::BigInt->new(2)->bpow($t)->bsub(1)->bsub($pp)->bdiv(2*$q*$qp)->as_int();
993 my $jstart = $jl + $irandf->($ju - $jl);
994 for (my $j = $jstart; $j <= $ju; $j++) { # Search for p
995 my $p = $pp + 2 * $j * $q * $qp;
996 return $p if is_prob_prime($p);
997 }
998 }
999 }
1000 }
9431002 } # end of the random prime section
11561215 return 0 if defined $n && $n < 2;
11571216 _validate_positive_integer($n);
1159 return _XS_is_prime($n) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
1218 return _XS_is_prime($n) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
11601219 return Math::Prime::Util::GMP::is_prime($n) if $_HAVE_GMP;
11611220 return is_prob_prime($n);
11621221 }
11781237 _validate_positive_integer($n);
11801239 # If we have XS and n is either small or bigint is unknown, then use XS.
1181 return _XS_next_prime($n) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL
1240 return _XS_next_prime($n) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL
11821241 && (!defined $bigint::VERSION || $n < $_Config{'maxprime'} );
11841243 # Try to stick to the plan with respect to maximum return values.
11971256 my($n) = @_;
11981257 _validate_positive_integer($n);
1200 return _XS_prev_prime($n) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
1259 return _XS_prev_prime($n) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
12011260 if ($_HAVE_GMP) {
12021261 # If $n is a bigint object, try to make the return value the same
12031262 return (ref($n) eq 'Math::BigInt')
12541313 my($n) = @_;
12551314 _validate_positive_integer($n);
1257 return _XS_factor($n) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
1316 return _XS_factor($n) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
12591318 if ($_HAVE_GMP) {
12601319 my @factors = Math::Prime::Util::GMP::factor($n);
12711330 my($n) = shift;
12721331 _validate_positive_integer($n);
12731332 # validate bases?
1274 return _XS_miller_rabin($n, @_) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
1333 return _XS_miller_rabin($n, @_) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
12751334 return Math::Prime::Util::GMP::is_strong_pseudoprime($n, @_) if $_HAVE_GMP;
12761335 return Math::Prime::Util::PP::miller_rabin($n, @_);
12771336 }
13171376 return 0 if defined $n && $n < 2;
13181377 _validate_positive_integer($n);
1320 return _XS_is_prob_prime($n) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
1379 return _XS_is_prob_prime($n) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
13211380 return Math::Prime::Util::GMP::is_prob_prime($n) if $_HAVE_GMP;
13231382 return 2 if $n == 2 || $n == 3 || $n == 5 || $n == 7;
13591418 _validate_positive_integer($n);
13611420 # Shortcut some of the calls.
1362 return _XS_is_prime($n) if $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
1421 return _XS_is_prime($n) if ref($n) ne 'Math::BigInt' && $n <= $_XS_MAXVAL;
13631422 return Math::Prime::Util::GMP::is_provable_prime($n) if $_HAVE_GMP
13641423 && defined &Math::Prime::Util::GMP::is_provable_prime;
13921451 next if $ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1, $n) != 1;
13931452 # 2. a^((n-1)/f) != 1 mod n for all f.
13941453 next if (scalar grep { $_ == 1 }
1395 map { $ap->copy->bmodpow($nm1/$_,$n); }
1454 map { $ap->copy->bmodpow(int($nm1/$_),$n); }
13961455 @factors) > 0;
13971456 return 2;
13981457 }
17471806 =head1 VERSION
1749 Version 0.17
1808 Version 0.20
17521811 =head1 SYNOPSIS
18491908 my $rand_prime = random_prime(100, 10000); # random prime within a range
18501909 my $rand_prime = random_ndigit_prime(6); # random 6-digit prime
18511910 my $rand_prime = random_nbit_prime(128); # random 128-bit prime
1911 my $rand_prime = random_strong_prime(256); # random 256-bit strong prime
18521912 my $rand_prime = random_maurer_prime(256); # random 256-bit provable prime
19191979 =over 4
1921 =item Install L<Math::Prime::Util::GMP>, as that will vastly increase the
1922 speed of many of the functions. This does require the
1923 L<GMP|gttp://> library be installed on your system, but this
1924 increasingly comes pre-installed or easily available using the OS vendor
1925 package installation tool.
1927 =item Install and use L<Math::BigInt::GMP> or L<Math::BigInt::Pari>, then use
1928 C<use bigint try =E<gt> 'GMP,Pari'> in your script, or on the command
1929 line C<-Mbigint=lib,GMP>. Large modular exponentiation is much faster
1930 using the GMP or Pari backends, as are the math and approximation
1931 functions when called with very large inputs.
1933 =item Install L<Math::MPFR> if you use the Ei, li, Zeta, or R functions. If
1934 that module can be loaded, these functions will run much faster on
1935 bignum inputs, and are able to provide higher accuracy.
1937 =item Having run these functions on many versions of Perl, if you're using
1938 anything older than Perl 5.14, I would recommend you upgrade if you
1939 are using bignums a lot. There are some brittle behaviors on
1940 5.12.4 and earlier with bignums.
1981 =item *
1983 Install L<Math::Prime::Util::GMP>, as that will vastly increase the speed
1984 of many of the functions. This does require the L<GMP|gttp://>
1985 library be installed on your system, but this increasingly comes
1986 pre-installed or easily available using the OS vendor package installation tool.
1988 =item *
1990 Install and use L<Math::BigInt::GMP> or L<Math::BigInt::Pari>, then use
1991 C<use bigint try =E<gt> 'GMP,Pari'> in your script, or on the command line
1992 C<-Mbigint=lib,GMP>. Large modular exponentiation is much faster using the
1993 GMP or Pari backends, as are the math and approximation functions when
1994 called with very large inputs.
1996 =item *
1998 Install L<Math::MPFR> if you use the Ei, li, Zeta, or R functions. If that
1999 module can be loaded, these functions will run much faster on bignum inputs,
2000 and are able to provide higher accuracy.
2002 =item *
2004 Having run these functions on many versions of Perl, if you're using anything
2005 older than Perl 5.14, I would recommend you upgrade if you are using bignums
2006 a lot. There are some brittle behaviors on 5.12.4 and earlier with bignums.
19422008 =back
24442510 L<Math::BigInt::GMP>.
2513 =head2 random_strong_prime
2515 my $bigprime = random_strong_prime(512);
2517 Constructs an n-bit strong prime using Gordon's algorithm. We consider a
2518 strong prime I<p> to be one where
2520 =over
2522 =item * I<p> is large. This function requires at least 128 bits.
2524 =item * I<p-1> has a large prime factor I<r>.
2526 =item * I<p+1> has a large prime factor I<s>
2528 =item * I<r-1> has a large prime factor I<t>
2530 =back
2532 Using a strong prime in cryptography guards against easy factoring with
2533 algorithms like Pollard's Rho. Rivest and Silverman (1999) present a case
2534 that using strong primes is unnecessary, and most modern cryptographic systems
2535 agree. First, the smoothness does not affect more modern factoring methods
2536 such as ECM. Second, modern factoring methods like GNFS are far faster than
2537 either method so make the point moot. Third, due to key size growth and
2538 advances in factoring and attacks, for practical purposes, using large random
2539 primes offer security equivalent to using strong primes.
24472542 =head2 random_maurer_prime
24492544 my $bigprime = random_maurer_prime(512);
28252920 # perl -MMath::Pari=:int,PARI,nextprime -E 'my $start = PARI "100000000000000000000"; my $end = $start+1000; my $p=nextprime($start); while ($p <= $end) { say $p; $p = nextprime($p+1); }'
2923 Project Euler, problem 3 (Largest prime factor):
2925 use Math::Prime::Util qw/factor/;
2926 use bigint; # Only necessary for 32-bit machines.
2927 say "", (factor(600851475143))[-1]
2929 Project Euler, problem 7 (10001st prime):
2931 use Math::Prime::Util qw/nth_prime/;
2932 say nth_prime(10_001);
2934 Project Euler, problem 10 (summation of primes):
2936 use Math::Prime::Util qw/primes/;
2937 my $sum = 0;
2938 $sum += $_ for @{primes(2_000_000)};
2939 say $sum;
2941 Project Euler, problem 21 (Amicable numbers):
2943 use Math::Prime::Util qw/divisor_sum/;
2944 sub dsum { my $n = shift; divisor_sum($n, sub {$_[0]}) - $n; }
2945 my $sum = 0;
2946 foreach my $a (1..10000) {
2947 my $b = dsum($a);
2948 $sum += $a + $b if $b > $a && dsum($b) == $a;
2949 }
2950 say $sum;
2952 Project Euler, problem 41 (Pandigital prime), brute force command line:
2954 perl -MMath::Prime::Util=:all -E 'my @p = grep { /1/&&/2/&&/3/&&/4/&&/5/&&/6/&&/7/} @{primes(1000000,9999999)}; say $p[-1];
2956 Project Euler, problem 47 (Distinct primes factors):
2958 use Math::Prime::Util qw/factor/;
2959 use List::MoreUtils qw/distinct/;
2960 sub nfactors { scalar distinct factor(shift); }
2961 my $n = pn_primorial(4); # Start with the first 4-factor number
2962 $n++ while (nfactors($n) != 4 || nfactors($n+1) != 4 || nfactors($n+2) != 4 || nfactors($n+3) != 4);
2963 say $n;
2965 Project Euler, problem 69, stupid brute force solution (about 5 seconds):
2967 use Math::Prime::Util qw/euler_phi/;
2968 my ($n, $max) = (0,0);
2969 do {
2970 my $ndivphi = $_/euler_phi($_);
2971 ($n, $max) = ($_, $ndivphi) if $ndivphi > $max;
2972 } for 1..1000000;
2973 say "$n $max";
2975 Here's the right way to do PE problem 69 (under 0.03s):
2977 use Math::Prime::Util qw/pn_primorial/;
2978 my $n = 0;
2979 $n++ while pn_primorial($n+1) < 1000000;
2980 say pn_primorial($n);'
28282983 =head1 LIMITATIONS
28302985 I have not completed testing all the functions near the word size limit
28793034 --------- -------------------------- ------- -----------
28803035 0.03 Math::Prime::Util 0.12 using Lehmer's method
28813036 0.28 Math::Prime::Util 0.17 segmented mod-30 sieve
2882 0.52 Math::Prime::Util::PP 0.14 Perl (Lehmer's method)
3037 0.47 Math::Prime::Util::PP 0.14 Perl (Lehmer's method)
28833038 0.9 Math::Prime::Util 0.01 mod-30 sieve
28843039 2.9 Math::Prime::FastSieve 0.12 decent odd-number sieve
28853040 11.7 Math::Prime::XS 0.29 "" but needs a count API
28863041 15.0 Bit::Vector 7.2
2887 57.3 Math::Prime::Util::PP 0.14 Perl (fastest I know of)
3042 48.9 Math::Prime::Util::PP 0.14 Perl (fastest I know of)
28883043 170.0 Faster Perl sieve (net) 2012-01 array of odds
28893044 548.1 RosettaCode sieve (net) 2012-06 simplistic Perl
3045 3048.1 Math::Primality 0.08 Perl + Math::GMPz
28903046 ~11000 Math::Primality 0.04 Perl + Math::GMPz
28913047 >20000 Math::Big 1.12 Perl, > 26GB RAM used
29203076 =over 4
2922 =item L<Math::Prime::Util> looks in the sieve for a fast bit lookup if that
2923 exists (default up to 30,000 but it can be expanded, e.g.
2924 C<prime_precalc>), uses trial division for numbers higher than this but
2925 not too large (0.1M on 64-bit machines, 100M on 32-bit machines), a
2926 deterministic set of Miller-Rabin tests for 64-bit and smaller numbers,
2927 and a BPSW test for bigints.
2929 =item L<Math::Prime::XS> does trial divisions, which is wonderful if the input
2930 has a small factor (or is small itself). But if given a large prime it
2931 can take orders of magnitude longer. It does not support bigints.
2933 =item L<Math::Prime::FastSieve> only works in a sieved range, which is really
2934 fast if you can do it (M::P::U will do the same if you call
2935 C<prime_precalc>). Larger inputs just need too much time and memory
2936 for the sieve.
2938 =item L<Math::Primality> uses GMP for all work. Under ~32-bits it uses 2 or 3
2939 MR tests, while above 4759123141 it performs a BPSW test. This is is
2940 fantastic for bigints over 2^64, but it is significantly slower than
2941 native precision tests. With 64-bit numbers it is generally an order of
2942 magnitude or more slower than any of the others. Once bigints are being
2943 used, its performance is quite good. It is faster than this module unless
2944 L<Math::Prime::Util::GMP> has been installed, in which case this module
2945 is just a little bit faster.
2947 =item L<Math::Pari> has some very effective code, but it has some overhead to
2948 get to it from Perl. That means for small numbers it is relatively slow:
2949 an order of magnitude slower than M::P::XS and M::P::Util (though arguably
2950 this is only important for benchmarking since "slow" is ~2 microseconds).
2951 Large numbers transition over to smarter tests so don't slow down much.
2952 The C<ispseudoprime(n,0)> function will perform the BPSW test and is
2953 fast even for large inputs.
3078 =item L<Math::Prime::Util>
3080 looks in the sieve for a fast bit lookup if that exists (default up to 30,000
3081 but it can be expanded, e.g. C<prime_precalc>), uses trial division for
3082 numbers higher than this but not too large (0.1M on 64-bit machines,
3083 100M on 32-bit machines), a deterministic set of Miller-Rabin tests for
3084 64-bit and smaller numbers, and a BPSW test for bigints.
3086 =item L<Math::Prime::XS>
3088 does trial divisions, which is wonderful if the input has a small factor
3089 (or is small itself). But if given a large prime it can take orders of
3090 magnitude longer. It does not support bigints.
3092 =item L<Math::Prime::FastSieve>
3094 only works in a sieved range, which is really fast if you can do it
3095 (M::P::U will do the same if you call C<prime_precalc>). Larger inputs
3096 just need too much time and memory for the sieve.
3098 =item L<Math::Primality>
3100 uses GMP for all work. Under ~32-bits it uses 2 or 3 MR tests, while
3101 above 4759123141 it performs a BPSW test. This is is fantastic for
3102 bigints over 2^64, but it is significantly slower than native precision
3103 tests. With 64-bit numbers it is generally an order of magnitude or more
3104 slower than any of the others. Once bigints are being used, its
3105 performance is quite good. It is faster than this module unless
3106 L<Math::Prime::Util::GMP> has been installed, in which case this module
3107 is just a little bit faster.
3109 =item L<Math::Pari>
3111 has some very effective code, but it has some overhead to get to it from
3112 Perl. That means for small numbers it is relatively slow: an order of
3113 magnitude slower than M::P::XS and M::P::Util (though arguably this is
3114 only important for benchmarking since "slow" is ~2 microseconds). Large
3115 numbers transition over to smarter tests so don't slow down much. The
3116 C<ispseudoprime(n,0)> function will perform the BPSW test and is fast
3117 even for large inputs.
29553119 =back
30193183 =over 4
3021 =item Pierre Dusart, "Estimates of Some Functions Over Primes without R.H.", preprint, 2010. L<>
3023 =item Pierre Dusart, "Autour de la fonction qui compte le nombre de nombres premiers", PhD thesis, 1998. In French, but the mathematics is readable and highly recommended reading if you're interesting in prime number bounds. L<>
3025 =item Gabriel Mincu, "An Asymptotic Expansion", Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, v4, n2, 2003. A very readable account of Cipolla's 1902 nth prime approximation. L<>
3027 =item David M. Smith, "Multiple-Precision Exponential Integral and Related Functions".
3029 =item Vincent Pegoraro and Philipp Slusallek, "On the Evaluation of the Complex-Valued Exponential Integral".
3031 =item William H. Press et al., "Numerical Recipes", 3rd edition.
3033 =item W. J. Cody and Henry C. Thacher, Jr., "Rational Chevyshev Approximations for the Exponential Integral E_1(x)".
3035 =item W. J. Cody, K. E. Hillstrom, and Henry C. Thacher Jr., "Chebyshev Approximations for the Riemann Zeta Function", Mathematics of Computation, v25, n115, pp 537-547, July 1971.
3037 =item Ueli M. Maurer, "Fast Generation of Prime Numbers and Secure Public-Key Cryptographic Parameters", 1995. L<>
3039 =item Pierre-Alain Fouque and Mehdi Tibouchi, "Close to Uniform Prime Number Generation With Fewer Random Bits", 2011. L<>
3041 =item Douglas A. Stoll and Patrick Demichel , "The impact of ζ(s) complex zeros on π(x) for x E<lt> 10^{10^{13}}", Mathematics of Computation, v80, n276, pp 2381-2394, October 2011. L<>
3043 =item L<OEIS: Primorial|>.
3185 =item *
3187 Pierre Dusart, "Estimates of Some Functions Over Primes without R.H.", preprint, 2010. L<>
3189 =item *
3191 Pierre Dusart, "Autour de la fonction qui compte le nombre de nombres premiers", PhD thesis, 1998. In French, but the mathematics is readable and highly recommended reading if you're interesting in prime number bounds. L<>
3193 =item *
3195 Gabriel Mincu, "An Asymptotic Expansion", Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, v4, n2, 2003. A very readable account of Cipolla's 1902 nth prime approximation. L<>
3197 =item *
3199 David M. Smith, "Multiple-Precision Exponential Integral and Related Functions".
3201 =item *
3203 Vincent Pegoraro and Philipp Slusallek, "On the Evaluation of the Complex-Valued Exponential Integral".
3205 =item *
3207 William H. Press et al., "Numerical Recipes", 3rd edition.
3209 =item *
3211 W. J. Cody and Henry C. Thacher, Jr., "Rational Chevyshev Approximations for the Exponential Integral E_1(x)".
3213 =item *
3215 W. J. Cody, K. E. Hillstrom, and Henry C. Thacher Jr., "Chebyshev Approximations for the Riemann Zeta Function", Mathematics of Computation, v25, n115, pp 537-547, July 1971.
3217 =item *
3219 Ueli M. Maurer, "Fast Generation of Prime Numbers and Secure Public-Key Cryptographic Parameters", 1995. L<>
3221 =item *
3223 Pierre-Alain Fouque and Mehdi Tibouchi, "Close to Uniform Prime Number Generation With Fewer Random Bits", 2011. L<>
3225 =item *
3227 Douglas A. Stoll and Patrick Demichel , "The impact of ζ(s) complex zeros on π(x) for x E<lt> 10^{10^{13}}", Mathematics of Computation, v80, n276, pp 2381-2394, October 2011. L<>
3229 =item *
3231 L<OEIS: Primorial|>.
30453233 =back
00 #ifndef MPU_PTYPES_H
11 #define MPU_PTYPES_H
3 #ifndef _MSC_VER
5 #include <stdint.h>
6 #else
3 #ifdef _MSC_VER
74 /* No stdint.h for MS C, so we lose the chance to possibly optimize
85 * some operations on 64-bit machines running a 32-bit Perl. It's probably
96 * a rare enough case that we don't need to be too concerned. If we do want,
1310 * Thanks to Sisyphus for bringing the MSC issue to my attention (and even
1411 * submitting a working patch!).
1512 */
13 #elif defined(__sun) || defined(__sun__)
14 /* stdint.h is only in Solaris 10+. */
15 #if defined(__SunOS_5_10) || defined(__SunOS_5_11) || defined(__SunOS_5_12)
16 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
17 #include <stdint.h>
18 #endif
19 #else
20 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
21 #include <stdint.h>
1622 #endif
1824 #include "EXTERN.h"
44 use Test::More;
55 use Math::Prime::Util qw/prime_count prime_count_lower prime_count_upper prime_count_approx/;
7 my $isxs = Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{'xs'};
78 my $use64 = Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{'maxbits'} > 32;
89 my $extra = defined $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} && $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};
8182 + scalar(keys %pivals_small)
8283 + $use64 * 3 * scalar(keys %pivals64)
8384 + scalar(keys %intervals)
84 + 1;
85 + 1
86 + 6; # prime count specific methods
8688 ok( eval { prime_count(13); 1; }, "prime_count in void context");
147149 # 109726486, // prime count 2^32 interval starting at 10^17
148150 # 103626726, // prime count 2^32 interval starting at 10^18
149151 # 98169972}; // prime count 2^32 interval starting at 10^19
153 # Make sure each specific algorithm isn't broken.
154 SKIP: {
155 skip "Not XS -- skipping direct primecount tests", 4 unless $isxs;
156 is(Math::Prime::Util::_XS_lehmer_pi (3456789), 247352, "XS Lehmer count");
157 is(Math::Prime::Util::_XS_meissel_pi (3456789), 247352, "XS Meissel count");
158 is(Math::Prime::Util::_XS_legendre_pi(3456789), 247352, "XS Legendre count");
159 is(Math::Prime::Util::_XS_prime_count(3456789), 247352, "XS sieve count");
160 }
161 is(Math::Prime::Util::PP::_lehmer_pi (3456789), 247352, "PP Lehmer count");
162 is(Math::Prime::Util::PP::_sieve_prime_count(3456789), 247352, "PP sieve count");
3434 #diag "Unfortunately these tests are very slow.";
3636 SKIP: {
37 skip "Skipping PP AKS on 32-bit -- just too slow.", 1 if $ispp && !$use64;
37 # If we're pure Perl, then this is definitely too slow.
38 # Arguably we should check to see if they have the GMP code.
39 skip "Skipping PP AKS on PP -- just too slow.", 1 if $ispp;
40 # If we have 64-bit available in the compiler (e.g. uint64_t), this can
41 # still be quite fast. However for pretty much everyone else, this is
42 # just far too slow for running in a test suite.
43 skip "Skipping PP AKS on 32-bit -- just too slow.", 1 if !$use64;
3844 # The first number that makes it past the sqrt test to actually run.
3945 is( is_aks_prime(69197), 1, "is_aks_prime(69197) is true" );
4046 }
2929 1363 989 779 629 403
3030 547308031
3131 808 2727 12625 34643 134431 221897 496213 692759 1228867
32 2463289 3008891 5115953 6961021 8030207 10486123
32 2231139 2463289 3008891 5115953 6961021 8030207 10486123
3333 10893343 12327779 701737021
34 549900
3435 /;
3637 my @testn64 = qw/37607912018 346065536839 600851475143
7172 0 => [],
7273 );
74 plan tests => (2 * scalar @testn) + scalar(keys %all_factors) + 6*7;
75 plan tests => (2 * scalar @testn) + scalar(keys %all_factors) + 7*8;
7677 foreach my $n (@testn) {
7778 my @f = factor($n);
99100 extra_factor_test("fermat_factor", sub {Math::Prime::Util::fermat_factor(shift)});
100101 extra_factor_test("holf_factor", sub {Math::Prime::Util::holf_factor(shift)});
101102 extra_factor_test("squfof_factor", sub {Math::Prime::Util::squfof_factor(shift)});
103 extra_factor_test("rsqufof_factor", sub {Math::Prime::Util::rsqufof_factor(shift)});
102104 extra_factor_test("pbrent_factor", sub {Math::Prime::Util::pbrent_factor(shift)});
103105 extra_factor_test("prho_factor", sub {Math::Prime::Util::prho_factor(shift)});
104106 extra_factor_test("pminus1_factor",sub {Math::Prime::Util::pminus1_factor(shift)});
110112 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(1) ], [1], "$fname(1)" );
111113 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(4) ], [2, 2], "$fname(4)" );
112114 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(9) ], [3, 3], "$fname(9)" );
113 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(25) ], [5, 5], "$fname(9)" );
115 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(25) ], [5, 5], "$fname(25)" );
114116 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(175) ], [5, 5, 7], "$fname(175)" );
115117 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(403) ], [13, 31], "$fname(403)" );
118 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} $fsub->(549900) ], [2,2,3,3,5,5,13,47], "$fname(549900)" );
116119 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env perl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 # I found these issues when doing some testing of is_provable_prime. When
5 # bignum is loaded, we get some strange behavior. There are two fixes for
6 # it in the code:
7 # 1) make sure every divide and bdiv is coerced back to an integer.
8 # 2) turn off upgrade in input validation.
9 # The second method in theory is all that is needed.
11 use Math::Prime::Util qw/:all/;
12 use bignum;
14 use Test::More tests => 1;
16 if ($] < 5.008) {
17 diag "A prototype warning was expected with old, old Perl";
18 }
20 my $n = 100199294509778143137521762187425301691197073534078445671945250753109628678272;
21 # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 7 509 277772399 263650456338779643073784729209358382310353002641378210462709359
23 my @partial_factor = Math::Prime::Util::PP::prho_factor(100199294509778143137521762187425301691197073534078445671945250753109628678272, 5);
25 is_deeply( \@partial_factor,
26 [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,7,37276523255125797298185179385202865212498911284999421752955822452793760669],
27 "PP prho factors correctly with 'use bignum'" );
29 # The same thing happens in random primes, PP holf factoring,
30 # PP is_provable_primes, and possibly elsewhere
5454 61 => [ qw/217 341 1261 2701 3661 6541 6697 7613 13213 16213 22177 23653 23959 31417 50117 61777 63139 67721 76301 77421 79381 80041/ ],
5555 73 => [ qw/205 259 533 1441 1921 2665 3439 5257 15457 23281 24617 26797 27787 28939 34219 39481 44671 45629 64681 67069 76429 79501 93521/ ],
5656 );
57 # Test a pseudoprime larger than 2^32.
58 push @{$pseudoprimes{2}}, 75792980677 if $use64;
5759 my $num_pseudoprimes = 0;
5860 foreach my $ppref (values %pseudoprimes) {
5961 push @composites, @$ppref;
220222 2*scalar(keys %pivals_small) + scalar(keys %nthprimes_small) +
221223 4 + scalar(keys %pseudoprimes) +
222224 scalar(keys %eivals) + scalar(keys %livals) + scalar(keys %rvals) +
223 1 + 1 +
225 1 + 1 + # factor
226 8 + 4*3 + # factoring subs
227 10 + # AKS
224228 0;
226230 use Math::Prime::Util qw/primes prime_count_approx prime_count_lower/;
231 use Math::BigInt try => 'GMP';
227232 require_ok 'Math::Prime::Util::PP';
228233 # This function skips some setup
229234 undef *primes;
237242 *prev_prime = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::prev_prime;
239244 *miller_rabin = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::miller_rabin;
245 *is_aks_prime = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::is_aks_prime;
241247 *factor = \&Math::Prime::Util::PP::factor;
395401 }
396402 }
397403 is_deeply( \@gotfactor, \@expfactor, "test factoring for $ntests composites");
404 }
406 # The PP factor code does small trials, then loops doing 64k rounds of HOLF
407 # if the composite is less than a half word, followed by 64k rounds each of
408 # prho with a = {3,5,7,11,13}. Most numbers are handled by these. The ones
409 # that aren't end up being too slow for us to put in a test. So we'll try
410 # running the various factoring methods manually.
411 {
412 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::holf_factor(403) ],
413 [ 13, 31 ],
414 "holf(403)" );
415 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::prho_factor(403) ],
416 [ 13, 31 ],
417 "prho(403)" );
418 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::pbrent_factor(403) ],
419 [ 13, 31 ],
420 "pbrent(403)" );
421 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::pminus1_factor(403) ],
422 [ 13, 31 ],
423 "pminus1(403)" );
424 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::prho_factor(851981) ],
425 [ 13, 65537 ],
426 "prho(851981)" );
427 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::pbrent_factor(851981) ],
428 [ 13, 65537 ],
429 "pbrent(851981)" );
430 my $n64 = $use64 ? 55834573561 : Math::BigInt->new("55834573561");
431 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::prho_factor($n64) ],
432 [ 13, 4294967197 ],
433 "prho(55834573561)" );
434 is_deeply( [ sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::pbrent_factor($n64) ],
435 [ 13, 4294967197 ],
436 "pbrent(55834573561)" );
437 # 1013 4294967197 4294967291
438 my $nbig = Math::BigInt->new("18686551294184381720251");
439 my @nfac;
440 @nfac = sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::holf_factor($nbig);
441 is(scalar @nfac, 2, "holf finds a factor of 18686551294184381720251");
442 is($nfac[0] * $nfac[1], $nbig, "holf found a correct factor");
443 ok($nfac[0] != 1 && $nfac[1] != 1, "holf didn't return a degenerate factor");
444 @nfac = sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::prho_factor($nbig);
445 is(scalar @nfac, 2, "prho finds a factor of 18686551294184381720251");
446 is($nfac[0] * $nfac[1], $nbig, "prho found a correct factor");
447 ok($nfac[0] != 1 && $nfac[1] != 1, "prho didn't return a degenerate factor");
448 @nfac = sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::pbrent_factor($nbig);
449 is(scalar @nfac, 2, "pbrent finds a factor of 18686551294184381720251");
450 is($nfac[0] * $nfac[1], $nbig, "pbrent found a correct factor");
451 ok($nfac[0] != 1 && $nfac[1] != 1, "pbrent didn't return a degenerate factor");
452 @nfac = sort {$a<=>$b} Math::Prime::Util::PP::pminus1_factor($nbig);
453 is(scalar @nfac, 2, "pminus1 finds a factor of 18686551294184381720251");
454 is($nfac[0] * $nfac[1], $nbig, "pminus1 found a correct factor");
455 ok($nfac[0] != 1 && $nfac[1] != 1, "pminus1 didn't return a degenerate factor");
456 }
458 ##### AKS primality test. Be very careful with performance.
459 is( is_aks_prime(1), 0, "AKS: 1 is composite (less than 2)" );
460 is( is_aks_prime(2), 1, "AKS: 2 is prime" );
461 is( is_aks_prime(3), 1, "AKS: 3 is prime" );
462 is( is_aks_prime(4), 0, "AKS: 4 is composite" );
463 is( is_aks_prime(64), 0, "AKS: 64 is composite (perfect power)" );
464 is( is_aks_prime(65), 0, "AKS: 65 is composite (caught in trial)" );
465 is( is_aks_prime(23), 1, "AKS: 23 is prime (r >= n)" );
466 is( is_aks_prime(101), 1, "AKS: 101 is prime (passed anr test)" );
467 is( is_aks_prime(70747), 0, "AKS: 70747 is composite (n mod r)" );
468 SKIP: {
469 skip "Skipping PP AKS test on 32-bit machine", 1 unless $use64 || $extra;
470 is( is_aks_prime(74513), 0, "AKS: 74513 is composite (failed anr test)" );
398471 }
400473 ###############################################################################
2424 my @composites = qw/
2525 777777777777777777777777 877777777777777777777777
2626 87777777777777777777777795475 890745785790123461234805903467891234681234
27 /;
29 # Primes where n-1 is easy to factor, so we finish quickly.
30 my @proveprimes = qw/
31 65635624165761929287 1162566711635022452267983 77123077103005189615466924501
32 3991617775553178702574451996736229 273952953553395851092382714516720001799
2733 /;
2935 # pseudoprimes to various small prime bases
5864 );
6066 plan tests => 0
61 + 2*(@primes + @composites)
67 + 2*(@primes + @composites + @proveprimes)
6268 + 1 # primes
6369 + 2 # next/prev prime
6470 + 1 # primecount large base small range
6874 + scalar(keys %factors)
6975 + scalar(keys %allfactors)
7076 + 2 # moebius, euler_phi
71 + 12 # random primes
77 + 15 # random primes
7278 + 0;
7480 # Using GMP makes these tests run about 2x faster on some machines
95101 prime_count
96102 nth_prime
97103 is_prime
104 is_provable_prime
98105 next_prime
99106 prev_prime
100107 is_strong_pseudoprime
101108 random_prime
102109 random_ndigit_prime
103110 random_nbit_prime
111 random_strong_prime
104112 random_maurer_prime
105113 /;
106114 # TODO: is_strong_lucas_pseudoprime
108116 # LogarithmicIntegral
109117 # RiemannR
119 my $bignumver = $bigint::VERSION;
120 my $bigintver = $Math::BigInt::VERSION;
111121 my $bigintlib = Math::BigInt->config()->{lib};
112122 $bigintlib =~ s/^Math::BigInt:://;
113123 my $mpugmpver = Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{gmp}
114124 ? $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION : "<none>";
115 diag "BigInt library: $bigintlib, MPU::GMP $mpugmpver\n";
125 diag "BigInt $bignumver/$bigintver, lib: $bigintlib. MPU::GMP $mpugmpver\n";
118128 ###############################################################################
124134 foreach my $n (@composites) {
125135 ok( !is_prime($n), "$n is not prime" );
126136 ok( !is_prob_prime($n), "$n is not probably prime");
137 }
138 foreach my $n (@proveprimes) {
139 ok( is_prime($n), "$n is prime" );
140 ok( is_provable_prime($n), "$n is provably prime" );
127141 }
129143 ###############################################################################
205219 cmp_ok( $randprime, '<', 2**80, "random 80-bit prime isn't too big");
206220 ok( is_prime($randprime), "random 80-bit prime is prime");
222 $randprime = random_strong_prime(256);
223 cmp_ok( $randprime, '>', 2**255, "random 256-bit strong prime isn't too small");
224 cmp_ok( $randprime, '<', 2**256, "random 256-bit strong prime isn't too big");
225 ok( is_prime($randprime), "random 80-bit strong prime is prime");
208227 SKIP: {
209228 skip "Your 64-bit Perl is broken, skipping maurer prime", 3 if $broken64;
210229 $randprime = random_maurer_prime(80);
229248 prime_set_config(assume_rh=>1);
230249 my $pclo_rh = prime_count_lower($n);
231250 my $pcup_rh = prime_count_upper($n);
232 prime_set_config(assume_rh=>0);
251 prime_set_config(assume_rh => undef);
234253 #diag "lower: " . $pclo->bstr() . " " . ($pcap-$pclo)->bstr;
235254 #diag "rh lower: " . $pclo_rh->bstr() . " " . ($pcap-$pclo_rh)->bstr;