Codebase list libmawk / 70499808-c2b9-4be2-ae11-0ab4b3a1a115/main src / libmawk / array.h

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libmawk changes (C) 2009-2010, Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas;
based on mawk code coming with the below copyright:

copyright 1991-96, Michael D. Brennan

This is a source file for mawk, an implementation of
the AWK programming language.

Mawk is distributed without warranty under the terms of
the GNU General Public License, version 2, 1991.

This file originally had been generated with the command

   notangle -R'"array.h"' array.w > array.h

but is maintained as .h in libmawk.

(Notangle is part of Norman Ramsey's noweb literate programming package
available from CTAN(

#ifndef ARRAY_H
#define ARRAY_H 1

#define AY_NULL         0
#define AY_INT          1
#define AY_STR          2
#define AY_SPLIT        4

#define NO_MAWK_CREATE  0
#define MAWK_CREATE     1

#include "cell.h"
#include "array_orig.h"

/* create a new, empty array, copying implementation from imp; if imp is NULL,
   use the default (original) implementation. */
mawk_array_t mawk_array_new(mawk_state_t *MAWK, const array_imp_t *imp);

/* free all memory used by ARR */
void mawk_array_destroy(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_array_t ARR);

/* concat multiple expressions separated by SUBSEP to be an array index */
mawk_cell_t *mawk_array_cat(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_cell_t *sp, int cnt);

/* clear the common administrative part of the array, leaving imp alone;
   this must be used instead of memsetting the mawk_array_t */
void mawk_array_clear_common(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_array_t A);

/* wrappers for accessing the implementations; a layer of macros is introduced
   here to guarantee future flexibility */
/* **** WARNING: these macros will ecaluate ARR_ at least twice!  **** */
#define mawk_array_find(MAWK_, ARR_, idx_, result_, create_)  (ARR_)->imp.find((MAWK_), (ARR_), (idx_), (result_), (create_))
#define mawk_array_set(MAWK_, ARR_, idx_, val_)      (ARR_)->imp.set((MAWK_), (ARR_), (idx_), (val_))
#define mawk_array_delete(MAWK_, ARR_, cell_)        (ARR_)->imp.delet((MAWK_), (ARR_), (cell_))
#define mawk_array_clear(MAWK_, ARR_)                (ARR_)->imp.clear((MAWK_), (ARR_))
#define mawk_array_loop_vector(MAWK_, ARR_, sizep_)  (ARR_)->imp.loop_vect((MAWK_), (ARR_), (sizep_))
#define mawk_array_load(MAWK_, ARR_, cnt_)           (ARR_)->imp.load((MAWK_), (ARR_), (cnt_))

/* The following macros are used in execute.c for fast and convenient access
   to cells on SP */

/* check whether an array is pure (no side effects, aka orig implementation) for
   read or read+write */
#define mawk_array_pure4wr(MAWK, ARR_) (ARR_)->imp.set == mawk_array_orig_imp.set
#define mawk_array_pure4del(MAWK, ARR_) (ARR_)->imp.delet == mawk_array_orig_imp.delet
#define mawk_array_pure4rd(MAWK, ARR_) (ARR_)->imp.find == mawk_array_orig_imp.find
#define mawk_array_pure4rdwr(MAWK, ARR_) ((mawk_array_pure4wr((MAWK), (ARR_))) && (mawk_array_pure4del((MAWK), (ARR_))) && (mawk_array_pure4rd((MAWK), (ARR_))))

#define mawk_array_pure(MAWK, ARR_REF_, for_write) ((for_write) ? (mawk_array_pure4rdwr((MAWK), (mawk_array_t)(ARR_REF_)->ptr)) : (mawk_array_pure4rd((MAWK), (mawk_array_t)(ARR_REF_)->ptr)))

/* change the value of an array pointed to by ARR_REF_ (typer C_ARR_REF).
   This wrapper is useful from execute.c where multiple assignments
   to array elemts will have to do the same:
    - look up the index in the array
    - modify the content of the array element
    - destroy the index and the rvalue
    - put the value of the expr in res_

   Note: mawk_cell_destroy(MAWK, (mawk_cell_t *)(ARR_REF_)) is not required: destroy of C_ARR_REF is a nop
#define mawk_array_set_execute_(MAWK, res_, ARR_REF_, IDX_, rvalue_) \
do { \
	mawk_array_set(MAWK, (mawk_array_t)((ARR_REF_)->ptr), (IDX_), rvalue_); \
	mawk_cell_destroy(MAWK, (mawk_cell_t *)(IDX_)); \
	if (IDX_ != res_) \
		mawk_cell_destroy(MAWK, res_); \
	mawk_cellcpy(MAWK, res_, rvalue_); \
	mawk_cell_destroy(MAWK, rvalue_); \
} while(0)

/* look up an array element; place the resulting cell in res_

   Does not destroy IDX_.

   Note: mawk_cell_destroy(MAWK, (mawk_cell_t *)(ARR_REF_)) is not required: destroy of C_ARR_REF is a nop
#define mawk_array_get_execute_(MAWK, res_, ARR_REF_, IDX_) \
do { \
	mawk_array_find(MAWK, (mawk_array_t)((ARR_REF_)->ptr), (IDX_), (res_), MAWK_CREATE); \
} while(0)

/* this must not be used on arrays with side effects */
mawk_cell_t *mawk_array_find_orig_(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_array_t A, const mawk_cell_t *cp, int create_flag);
#define mawk_array_getptr_execute_(MAWK, res_, ARR_REF_, IDX_) \
do { \
	res_ = mawk_array_find_orig_(MAWK, (mawk_array_t)((ARR_REF_)->ptr), (IDX_), MAWK_CREATE); \
} while(0)

/* same as mawk_arra_get_execute plus cast the result to number if it is not
   a number already
   does not destroy IDX
#define mawk_array_getnum_execute_(MAWK, res_, ARR_REF_, IDX_) \
do { \
	mawk_array_get_execute(MAWK, (res_), (ARR_REF_), (IDX_)); \
	if ((res_)->type != C_NUM) \
		mawk_cast1_to_num(MAWK, (res_)); \
} while(0)

#ifdef DEBUG
	/* in debug mode use static inlines for easier debugging */
	static inline void mawk_array_get_execute(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_cell_t *res, mawk_cell_t *arr_ref, mawk_cell_t *idx)
		mawk_array_get_execute_(MAWK, res, arr_ref, idx);

	static inline void mawk_array_getptr_execute(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_cell_t *res, mawk_cell_t *arr_ref, mawk_cell_t *idx)
		mawk_array_getptr_execute_(MAWK, res, arr_ref, idx);

	static inline void mawk_array_getnum_execute(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_cell_t *res, mawk_cell_t *arr_ref, mawk_cell_t *idx)
		mawk_array_getnum_execute_(MAWK, res, arr_ref, idx);

	static inline void mawk_array_set_execute(mawk_state_t *MAWK, mawk_cell_t *res, mawk_cell_t *arr_ref, mawk_cell_t *idx, mawk_cell_t *rvalue)
		mawk_array_set_execute_(MAWK, res, arr_ref, idx, rvalue);
#define mawk_array_getnum_execute mawk_array_getnum_execute_
#define mawk_array_getptr_execute mawk_array_getptr_execute_
#define mawk_array_get_execute mawk_array_get_execute_
#define mawk_array_set_execute mawk_array_set_execute_

#endif /* ARRAY_H */