Codebase list libmodule-build-tiny-perl / 03d16aa
dzil: list Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuildSelf explicitely To make 'dzil authordeps | cpanm' work (which means listing every plugin necessary to at least be able to run 'dzil listdeps --author'), we add Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuildSelf as an '; authordep' line in dist.ini. The alternative would be to add Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuildSelf as a hard dependency of Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::LEONT, but using BuildSelf is quite infrequent. Olivier Mengué authored 10 years ago Leon Timmermans committed 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 ;Building
88 [@LEONT]
9 ; List explicitely for 'dzil authodeps'
10 ;authordep Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuildSelf
911 install_tool = self
1012 BuildSelf.auto_configure_requires = 1
1113 AutoPrereqs.skip = File::ShareDir