Codebase list libmodule-build-tiny-perl / 85734ec
Drop .modulebuildrc support Per Lancaster consensus, .modulebuildrc is deprecated Leon Timmermans 11 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
44 our @EXPORT = qw/Build Build_PL/;
66 use CPAN::Meta;
7 use ExtUtils::BuildRC 0.003 qw/read_config/;
87 use ExtUtils::Config 0.003;
98 use ExtUtils::Helpers 0.016 qw/make_executable split_like_shell man1_pagename man3_pagename detildefy/;
109 use ExtUtils::Install qw/pm_to_blib install/;
8281 my $bpl = decode_json(read_file('_build_params', 'utf8'));
8382 my $action = @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /\A\w+\z/ ? shift @ARGV : 'build';
8483 die "No such action '$action'\n" if not $actions{$action};
85 my $rc_opts = read_config();
8684 my @env = defined $ENV{PERL_MB_OPT} ? split_like_shell($ENV{PERL_MB_OPT}) : ();
87 unshift @ARGV, map { @{$_} } grep { defined } $rc_opts->{'*'}, $bpl, $rc_opts->{$action}, \@env;
85 unshift @ARGV, map { @{$_} } $bpl, \@env;
8886 GetOptions(\my %opt, qw/install_base=s install_path=s% installdirs=s destdir=s prefix=s config=s% uninst:1 verbose:1 dry_run:1/);
8987 $_ = detildefy($_) for grep { defined } @opt{qw/install_base destdir prefix/}, values %{ $opt{install_path} };
9088 @opt{'config', 'meta'} = (ExtUtils::Config->new($opt{config}), get_meta());