Codebase list libnice / c4b50bf
Fix udp-turn returning wrong message length in socket_recv_messages. When using optimal path where recv message has only one buffer, the buffer length was set to the size of the buffer, not its length, which was causing the wrong message length to be returned causing the agent to discard STUN messages because their size doesn't match received data length. Youness Alaoui authored 10 years ago Olivier CrĂȘte committed 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
353353 message->buffers[0].buffer != NULL &&
354354 message->buffers[1].buffer == NULL)) {
355355 buffer = message->buffers[0].buffer;
356 buffer_length = message->buffers[0].size;
356 buffer_length = message->length;
357357 } else {
358358 nice_debug ("%s: **WARNING: SLOW PATH**", G_STRFUNC);