Codebase list libseccomp / 58fc540
Imported Debian patch 2.1.1-1 Kees Cook authored 10 years ago Luca Bruno committed 8 years ago
176 changed file(s) with 20344 addition(s) and 9 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 libseccomp: Releases
1 ===============================================================================
4 * Version 2.1.1 - October 31, 2013
5 - Build system improvements
6 - Automated test improvments, including a "check" target for use by
7 packagers to verify the build
8 - Numerous bug fixes related to the filter's internal rule database which
9 affect those creating rules with syscall arguments
10 - Introduced tools to verify the style/formatting of the code, including a
11 "check-syntax" target for use by developers
12 - Non-public symbols are now hidden in the library
14 * Version 2.1.0 - June 11, 2013
15 - Add support for the x32 and ARM architectures
16 - Improvements to the regression tests, including support for live tests
17 - More verbose PFC output, including translation of syscall numbers to names
18 - Several assorted bugfixes affecting the seccomp BPF generation
19 - The syscall number/name resolver tool is now available to install
21 * Version 2.0.0 - January 28, 2013
22 - Fixes for the x86 multiplexed syscalls
23 - Additions to the API to better support non-native architecures
24 - Additions to the API to support multiple architecures in one filter
25 - Additions to the API to resolve syscall name/number mappings
26 - Assorted minor bug fixes
27 - Improved build messages regardless of build verbosity
28 - More automated tests added as well as a number of improvements to the test
29 harness
31 * Version 1.0.1 - November 12, 2012
32 - The header file is now easier to use with C++ compilers
33 - Minor documentation fixes
34 - Minor memory leak fixes
35 - Corrected x86 filter generation on x86_64 systems
36 - Corrected problems with small filters and filters with arguments
38 * Version 1.0.0 - July 31, 2012
39 - Change the API to be context-aware; eliminates all internal state but breaks
40 compatibility with the previous 0.1.0 release
41 - Added support for multiple build jobs ("make -j8") and verbose builds using
42 the "V=1" build variable ("make V=1")
43 - Minor tweaks to the regression test script output
45 * Version 0.1.0 - June 8, 2012
46 - Initial release
0 libseccomp: Contributors
1 ===============================================================================
4 Andy Lutomirski <>
5 Ashley Lai <>
6 Corey Bryant <>
7 Eduardo Otubo <>
8 Eric Paris <>
9 Jake Edge <>
10 Joe MacDonald <>
11 Kees Cook <>
12 Paul Moore <>
13 Thiago Marcos P. Santos <>
14 Vitaly Vi Shukela <>
1 Version 2.1, February 1999
3 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
5 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
6 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
8 [This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
9 as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
10 the version number 2.1.]
12 Preamble
14 The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
15 freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
16 Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
17 free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
19 This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
20 specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
21 Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
22 can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
23 this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
24 strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
26 When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
27 not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
28 you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
29 for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
30 it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
31 it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
32 these things.
34 To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
35 distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
36 rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
37 you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
39 For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
40 or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
41 you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
42 code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
43 complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
44 with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
45 it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
47 We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
48 library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
49 permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
51 To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
52 there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
53 modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
54 that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
55 author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
56 introduced by others.
58 Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
59 any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
60 effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
61 restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
62 any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
63 consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
65 Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
66 ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
67 General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
68 is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
69 this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
70 libraries into non-free programs.
72 When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
73 a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
74 combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
75 General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
76 entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
77 Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
78 the library.
80 We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
81 does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
82 Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
83 of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
84 are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
85 libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
86 special circumstances.
88 For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
89 encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
90 a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be
91 allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
92 library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
93 case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
94 software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
96 In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
97 programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
98 free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
99 non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
100 operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
101 system.
103 Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
104 users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
105 linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
106 that program using a modified version of the Library.
108 The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
109 modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
110 "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
111 former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
112 be combined with the library in order to run.
117 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
118 program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
119 other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
120 this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
121 Each licensee is addressed as "you".
123 A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
124 prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
125 (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
127 The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
128 which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
129 Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
130 copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
131 portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
132 straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
133 included without limitation in the term "modification".)
135 "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
136 making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
137 all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
138 interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
139 and installation of the library.
141 Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
142 covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
143 running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
144 such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
145 on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
146 writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
147 and what the program that uses the Library does.
149 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
150 complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
151 you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
152 appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
153 all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
154 warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
155 Library.
157 You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
158 and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
159 fee.
161 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
162 of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
163 distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
164 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
166 a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
168 b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
169 stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
171 c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
172 charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
174 d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
175 table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
176 the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
177 is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
178 in the event an application does not supply such function or
179 table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
180 its purpose remains meaningful.
182 (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
183 a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
184 application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
185 application-supplied function or table used by this function must
186 be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
187 root function must still compute square roots.)
189 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
190 identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
191 and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
192 themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
193 sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
194 distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
195 on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
196 this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
197 entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
198 it.
200 Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
201 your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
202 exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
203 collective works based on the Library.
205 In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
206 with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
207 a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
208 the scope of this License.
210 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
211 License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
212 this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
213 that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
214 instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
215 ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
216 that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
217 these notices.
219 Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
220 that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
221 subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
223 This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
224 the Library into a program that is not a library.
226 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
227 derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
228 under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
229 it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
230 must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
231 medium customarily used for software interchange.
233 If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
234 from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
235 source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
236 distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
237 compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
239 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
240 Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
241 linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
242 work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
243 therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
245 However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
246 creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
247 contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
248 library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
249 Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
251 When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
252 that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
253 derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
254 Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
255 linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
256 threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
258 If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
259 structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
260 functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
261 file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
262 work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
263 Library will still fall under Section 6.)
265 Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
266 distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
267 Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
268 whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
270 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
271 link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
272 work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
273 under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
274 modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
275 engineering for debugging such modifications.
277 You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
278 Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
279 this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
280 during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
281 copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
282 directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
283 of these things:
285 a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
286 machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
287 changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
288 Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
289 with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
290 uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
291 user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
292 executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
293 that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
294 Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
295 to use the modified definitions.)
297 b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
298 Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
299 copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
300 rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
301 will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
302 the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
303 interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
305 c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
306 least three years, to give the same user the materials
307 specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
308 than the cost of performing this distribution.
310 d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
311 from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
312 specified materials from the same place.
314 e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
315 materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
317 For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
318 Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
319 reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
320 the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
321 normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
322 components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
323 which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
324 the executable.
326 It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
327 restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
328 accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
329 use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
330 distribute.
332 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
333 Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
334 facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
335 library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
336 the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
337 permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
339 a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
340 based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
341 facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
342 Sections above.
344 b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
345 that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
346 where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
348 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
349 the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
350 attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
351 distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
352 rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
353 or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
354 terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
356 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
357 signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
358 distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
359 prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
360 modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
361 Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
362 all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
363 the Library or works based on it.
365 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
366 Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
367 original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
368 subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
369 restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
370 You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
371 this License.
373 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
374 infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
375 conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
376 otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
377 excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
378 distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
379 License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
380 may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
381 license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
382 all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
383 the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
384 refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
386 If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
387 particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
388 and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
390 It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
391 patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
392 such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
393 integrity of the free software distribution system which is
394 implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
395 generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
396 through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
397 system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
398 to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
399 impose that choice.
401 This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
402 be a consequence of the rest of this License.
404 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
405 certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
406 original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
407 an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
408 so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
409 excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
410 written in the body of this License.
412 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
413 versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
414 Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
415 but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
417 Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
418 specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
419 "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
420 conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
421 the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
422 license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
423 the Free Software Foundation.
425 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
426 programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
427 write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
428 copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
429 Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
430 decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
431 of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
432 and reuse of software generally.
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 -include
32 -include
33 include
35 #
36 # targets
37 #
39 CONFIGS = configure.h libseccomp.pc
40 SUBDIRS_BUILD = include src tests tools
41 SUBDIRS_INSTALL = include src tools doc
43 .PHONY: tarball install check check-syntax ctags cstags clean dist-clean \
46 all: $(SUBDIRS_BUILD)
48 $(CONFIGS): version_info
49 @$(ECHO_INFO) "automatically generating configuration ..."
50 @./configure
52 tarball: dist-clean
53 @ver=$(VERSION_RELEASE); \
54 tarball=libseccomp-$$ver.tar.gz; \
55 $(ECHO_INFO) "creating the tarball ../$$tarball"; \
56 tmp_dir=$$(mktemp -d /tmp/libseccomp.XXXXX); \
57 rel_dir=$$tmp_dir/libseccomp-$$ver; \
58 $(MKDIR) $$rel_dir; \
59 $(TAR) cf - --exclude=*~ --exclude=.git* --exclude=.stgit* . | \
60 (cd $$rel_dir; tar xf -); \
61 (cd $$tmp_dir; $(TAR) zcf $$tarball libseccomp-$$ver); \
62 $(MV) $$tmp_dir/$$tarball ..; \
63 $(RM) -rf $$tmp_dir;
66 @$(ECHO_INFO) "creating the version header file"
67 @hdr="$(VERSION_HDR)"; \
68 $(ECHO) "/* automatically generated - do not edit */" > $$hdr; \
69 $(ECHO) "#ifndef _VERSION_H" >> $$hdr; \
70 $(ECHO) "#define _VERSION_H" >> $$hdr; \
71 $(ECHO) "#define VERSION_RELEASE \"$(VERSION_RELEASE)\"" >> $$hdr; \
72 $(ECHO) "#define VERSION_MAJOR $(VERSION_MAJOR)" >> $$hdr; \
73 $(ECHO) "#define VERSION_MINOR $(VERSION_MINOR)" >> $$hdr; \
74 $(ECHO) "#define VERSION_MICRO $(VERSION_MICRO)" >> $$hdr; \
75 $(ECHO) "#endif" >> $$hdr;
77 include: $(VERSION_HDR) $(CONFIGS)
78 @$(ECHO_INFO) "building in directory $@/ ..."
79 @$(MAKE) -C $@
81 src: $(VERSION_HDR) $(CONFIGS) include
82 @$(ECHO_INFO) "building in directory $@/ ..."
83 @$(MAKE) -C $@
85 tests: src include
86 @$(ECHO_INFO) "building in directory $@/ ..."
87 @$(MAKE) -C $@
89 tools: src include
90 @$(ECHO_INFO) "building in directory $@/ ..."
91 @$(MAKE) -C $@
93 install: $(SUBDIRS_BUILD)
94 @$(ECHO_INFO) "installing in $(INSTALL_PREFIX) ..."
95 $(INSTALL_PC_MACRO) libseccomp.pc
96 @for dir in $(SUBDIRS_INSTALL); do \
97 $(ECHO_INFO) "installing from $$dir/"; \
98 $(MAKE) -C $$dir install; \
99 done
101 check: tools tests
102 @$(ECHO_INFO) "checking in directory tests/ ..."
103 @$(MAKE) -C tests check
105 check-syntax:
106 @./tools/check-syntax
108 ctags:
109 @$(ECHO_INFO) "generating ctags for the project ..."
110 @ctags -R *
112 cstags:
113 @$(ECHO_INFO) "generating cscope tags for the project ..."
114 @find -iname *.[ch] > cscope.files
115 @cscope -b -q -k
117 clean:
118 @$(ECHO_INFO) "cleaning up libseccomp"
119 @for dir in $(SUBDIRS_BUILD); do \
120 $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \
121 done
123 dist-clean: clean
124 @$(ECHO_INFO) "removing the configuration files"
125 @$(RM) $(CONFIGS)
0 libseccomp: An Enhanced Seccomp (mode 2) Helper Library
1 ===============================================================================
4 The libseccomp library provides and easy to use, platform independent,
5 interface to the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering mechanism: seccomp. The
6 libseccomp API is designed to abstract away the underlying BPF based syscall
7 filter language and present a more conventional function-call based filtering
8 interface that should be familiar to, and easily adopted by application
9 developers.
11 * Documentation
13 The "doc/" directory contains all of the documentation aside from the README
14 file (this file) and the LICENSE file which can be found in the top level
15 directory.
17 * Building and Installing the Library
19 In order to build the library you should follow the familiar three step
20 process used by most applications:
22 # ./configure
23 # make [V=0|1]
24 # make install
26 As usual, running "./configure -h" will display a list of build-time
27 configuration options.
29 * Testing the Library
31 There are a number of tests located in the "tests/" directory and a script
32 which can be used to help automate their execution, "regression". If you want
33 to run all of the tests you can simply run the script:
35 # ./configure
36 # make
37 # cd tests
38 # ./regression
40 However, the script takes a number of options to customize its execution; the
41 options can be displayed by running "./regression -h".
43 * Other Useful Tools
45 The "tools/" directory includes a number of tools which may be helpful in the
46 development of the library, or applications using the library, but for various
47 reasons are not installed by default.
0 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Configure Script
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 # configuration defaults
24 opt_prefix="/usr/local"
25 opt_libdir=""
26 opt_sysinc_seccomp="yes"
27 opt_bindings_python="no"
29 # output files
30 cnf_mk_file=""
31 cnf_h_file="configure.h"
33 ####
34 # functions
36 function test_deps() {
37 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 0
38 which "$1" >& /dev/null && return 0
39 return 1
40 }
42 function verify_deps() {
43 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
44 if ! test_deps "$1"; then
45 echo "error: install \"$1\" and include it in your \$PATH"
46 exit 1
47 fi
48 }
50 function msg_usage() {
51 cat << EOF
52 Configure the enhanced seccomp library, libseccomp, for this system.
54 Usage:
55 ./configure <options>
57 Options:
58 * general configuration
59 -h, --help display this help and exit
60 * installation configuration
61 --prefix=PREFIX installation base [/usr/local]
62 --libdir=DIR library directory [/usr/local/lib]
63 EOF
64 }
66 function msg_summary() {
67 cat << EOF
69 libseccomp version: ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_MICRO}
70 installation base: $opt_prefix
71 library directory: $opt_libdir
72 use system includes: $opt_sysinc_seccomp
73 EOF
74 }
76 function msg_error() {
77 echo "error: $@"
78 }
80 function cnf_mk_header() {
81 echo "# generated by configure on $(date -R)" >> $cnf_mk_file
82 echo "# options: \"$opt_str\"" >> $cnf_mk_file
83 echo "" >> $cnf_mk_file
84 }
86 function cnf_mk_footer() {
87 echo "" >> $cnf_mk_file
88 }
90 function cnf_mk_entry() {
91 [[ $# -ne 2 ]] && return
92 case "$2" in
93 no)
94 echo "$1 = 0" >> $cnf_mk_file
95 ;;
96 yes)
97 echo "$1 = 1" >> $cnf_mk_file
98 ;;
99 *)
100 echo "$1 = \"$2\"" >> $cnf_mk_file
101 esac
102 }
104 function cnf_h_header() {
105 echo "/* generated by configure on $(date -R) */" >> $cnf_h_file
106 echo "/* options: \"$opt_str\" */" >> $cnf_h_file
107 echo "" >> $cnf_h_file
108 echo "#ifndef _CONFIGURE_H" >> $cnf_h_file
109 echo "#define _CONFIGURE_H" >> $cnf_h_file
110 echo "" >> $cnf_h_file
111 }
113 function cnf_h_footer() {
114 echo "" >> $cnf_h_file
115 echo "#endif" >> $cnf_h_file
116 echo "" >> $cnf_h_file
117 }
119 function cnf_h_entry() {
120 [[ $# -ne 2 ]] && return
121 case "$2" in
122 no)
123 echo "#undef $1" >> $cnf_h_file
124 ;;
125 yes)
126 echo "#define $1 1" >> $cnf_h_file
127 ;;
128 *)
129 echo "#define $1 $2" >> $cnf_h_file
130 esac
131 }
133 function cnf_reset() {
134 cat /dev/null > $cnf_mk_file
135 cat /dev/null > $cnf_h_file
136 }
138 function cnf_header() {
139 cnf_mk_header
140 cnf_h_header
141 }
143 function cnf_entry() {
144 cnf_mk_entry "$1" "$2"
145 cnf_h_entry "$1" "$2"
146 }
148 function cnf_footer() {
149 cnf_mk_footer
150 cnf_h_footer
151 }
153 function tmpl_filter() {
154 name="echo \$$1"
155 val="$(eval $name)"
156 cat - | sed -e 's/%%'"$1"'%%/'"${val//\//\\/}"'/g;'
157 }
159 ####
160 # main
162 #
163 # setup
164 #
166 # verify script dependencies
167 verify_deps getopt
169 # parse the command line options
170 opt_str="$@"
171 opt=$(getopt -n "$0" --options "h" --longoptions "help,prefix:,libdir:" -- "$@")
172 eval set -- "$opt"
173 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
174 case "$1" in
175 --prefix)
176 opt_prefix="$2"
177 shift 2
178 ;;
179 --libdir)
180 opt_libdir="$2"
181 shift 2
182 ;;
183 -h|--help)
184 msg_usage
185 exit 0
186 ;;
187 --)
188 shift
189 ;;
190 *)
191 msg_usage
192 exit 1
193 esac
194 done
196 #
197 # validate the command line options
198 #
200 if [[ -e "$opt_prefix" && ! -d "$opt_prefix" ]]; then
201 msg_error "install prefix ($opt_prefix) is not a directory"
202 exit 1
203 fi
205 if [[ -z $opt_libdir ]]; then
206 opt_libdir="$opt_prefix/lib"
207 fi
208 if [[ -e "$opt_libdir" && ! -d "$opt_libdir" ]]; then
209 msg_error "libdir ($opt_libdir) is not a directory"
210 exit 1
211 fi
213 if [[ "$opt_bindings_python" = "yes" ]]; then
214 if ! test_deps cython; then
215 msg_error "python bindings require the cython package"
216 exit 1
217 fi
218 cython_ver=$(cython -V 2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f 3)
219 if [[ $(echo $cython_ver | cut -d'.' -f 1) -lt 1 &&
220 $(echo $cython_ver | cut -d'.' -f 2) -lt 16 ]]; then
221 msg_error "python bindings require cython 0.16 or higher"
222 exit 1
223 fi
224 fi
226 #
227 # automatic configuration
228 #
230 # system seccomp includes
231 if [[ -r "/usr/include/linux/seccomp.h" ]]; then
232 opt_sysinc_seccomp="yes"
233 else
234 opt_sysinc_seccomp="no"
235 fi
237 # generate the version files
238 . ./version_info
240 rm -f ./
241 echo "# generated by configure on $(date -R)" >> ./
247 # generate the pkg-config metadata
248 INSTALL_PREFIX="$opt_prefix"
249 INSTALL_LIBDIR="$opt_libdir"
250 rm -f ./libseccomp.pc
251 cat ./ | \
252 tmpl_filter INSTALL_PREFIX | \
253 tmpl_filter INSTALL_LIBDIR | \
254 tmpl_filter VERSION_RELEASE \
255 >> ./libseccomp.pc
257 #
258 # finish
259 #
261 # reset the configuration files
262 cnf_reset
263 cnf_header
265 # output the configuration files
266 cnf_mk_entry "CONF_INSTALL_PREFIX" "$opt_prefix"
267 cnf_mk_entry "CONF_INSTALL_LIBDIR" "$opt_libdir"
268 cnf_entry "CONF_SYSINC_SECCOMP" "$opt_sysinc_seccomp"
269 cnf_entry "CONF_BINDINGS_PYTHON" "$opt_bindings_python"
271 # configuration footer
272 cnf_footer
274 # display a summary and exit
275 msg_summary
276 exit 0
0 libseccomp (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
2 * New upstream release (Closes: 733293).
3 * copyright: add a few missed people.
4 * rules: adjusted for new test target.
5 * libseccomp2.symbols: drop accidentally exported functions.
6 * control:
7 - bump standards, no changes needed.
8 - add armel target
10 -- Kees Cook <> Sat, 12 Apr 2014 10:44:22 -0700
12 libseccomp (2.1.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
14 * Rebuild source package without accidental binaries (Closes: 725617).
15 - debian/watch: mangle upstream version check.
16 * debian/rules: make tests non-fatal while upstream fixes them
17 (Closes: 721292).
19 -- Kees Cook <> Sun, 06 Oct 2013 15:05:51 -0700
21 libseccomp (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
23 * New upstream release (Closes: 718398):
24 - dropped debian/patches/manpage-dashes.patch: taken upstream.
25 - dropped debian/patches/include-unistd.patch: not needed.
26 - debian/patches/testsuite-x86-write.patch: taken upstream.
27 - ABI bump: moved from libseccomp1 to libseccomp2.
28 * debian/control:
29 - added Arch: armhf, now supported upstream.
30 - added seccomp binary package for helper tools.
31 * Added debian/patches/manpage-typo.patch: spelling fix.
32 * Added debian/patches/build-ldflags.patch: fix LDFLAGS handling.
34 -- Kees Cook <> Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:02:01 -0700
36 libseccomp (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
38 * debian/rules: enable testsuite at build time, thanks to
39 Stéphane Graber (Closes: 698803).
40 * Added debian/patches/include-unistd.patch: detect location of
41 asm/unistd.h correctly.
42 * Added debian/patches/testsuite-x86-write.patch: skip the "write"
43 syscall correctly on x86.
44 * debian/control: bump standards to 3.9.4, no changes needed.
46 -- Kees Cook <> Wed, 23 Jan 2013 13:11:53 -0800
48 libseccomp (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
50 * New upstream release.
51 * debian/control: only build on amd64 and i386 (Closes: 687368).
53 -- Kees Cook <> Fri, 07 Dec 2012 11:38:03 -0800
55 libseccomp (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
57 * New upstream release.
58 - bump ABI.
59 - drop build verbosity patch, use upstream V=1 instead.
60 * libseccomp-dev.manpages: fix build location (Closes: 682152, 682471).
61 * debian/patches/pkgconfig-macro.patch: use literals for macro.
63 -- Kees Cook <> Fri, 03 Aug 2012 16:59:41 -0700
65 libseccomp (0.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
67 * New upstream release.
68 - drop patches taken upstream:
69 - libexecdir.patch
70 - pass-flags.patch
72 -- Kees Cook <> Fri, 08 Jun 2012 12:32:22 -0700
74 libseccomp (0.0.0~20120605-1) unstable; urgency=low
76 * Initial release (Closes: #676257).
78 -- Kees Cook <> Tue, 05 Jun 2012 11:28:07 -0700
0 Source: libseccomp
1 Section: libs
2 Priority: optional
3 Maintainer: Kees Cook <>
4 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), linux-libc-dev
5 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
6 Homepage:
8 Package: libseccomp-dev
9 Section: libdevel
10 Architecture: i386 amd64 armhf armel
11 Multi-Arch: same
12 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
13 Depends: libseccomp2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
14 Suggests: seccomp
15 Description: high level interface to Linux seccomp filter (development files)
16 This library provides a high level interface to constructing, analyzing
17 and installing seccomp filters via a BPF passed to the Linux Kernel's
18 prctl() syscall.
19 .
20 This package contains the development files.
22 Package: libseccomp2
23 Architecture: i386 amd64 armhf armel
24 Multi-Arch: same
25 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
26 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
27 Description: high level interface to Linux seccomp filter
28 This library provides a high level interface to constructing, analyzing
29 and installing seccomp filters via a BPF passed to the Linux Kernel's
30 prctl() syscall.
32 Package: seccomp
33 Section: utils
34 Architecture: i386 amd64 armhf armel
35 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
36 Suggests: libseccomp-dev
37 Description: helper tools for high level interface to Linux seccomp filter
38 Provides helper tools for interacting with libseccomp. Currently, only
39 a single tool exists, providing a way to easily enumerate syscalls across
40 the supported architectures.
0 Format:
1 Upstream-Name: libseccomp
2 Source:
4 Files: *
5 Copyright: 2012 Paul Moore <>
6 2012 Ashley Lai <>
7 2012 Corey Bryant <>
8 2012 Eduardo Otubo <>
9 2012 Eric Paris <>
10 License: LGPL-2.0+
12 Files: tests/22-sim-basic_chains_array.tests
13 Copyright: 2013 Vitaly Shukela <>
14 License: LGPL-2.0+
16 Files: src/hash.*
17 Copyright: 2006 Bob Jenkins <>
18 License: LGPL-2.0+
20 Files: debian/*
21 Copyright: 2012 Kees Cook <>
22 License: LGPL-2.0+
24 License: LGPL-2.0+
25 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
26 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
27 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
28 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
29 .
30 This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
31 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
33 Lesser General Public License for more details.
34 .
35 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
36 along with this program. If not, see <>.
37 .
38 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General
39 Public License can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2".
debian/gbp.conf less more
1 upstream-tag = upstream/%(version)s
2 debian-tag = debian/%(version)s
3 pristine-tar = True
4 upstream-branch = upstream
5 debian-branch = debian/sid
7 [buildpackage]
8 submodules = True
0 usr/include/*
1 usr/lib/*/lib*.so
2 usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/*
0 debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man3/*
0 usr/lib/*/lib*.so.*
0 libseccomp2 #MINVER#
1 arch_arg_count_max@Base 0.0.0~20120605
2 arch_arg_offset_hi@Base 0.0.0~20120605
3 arch_arg_offset_lo@Base 0.0.0~20120605
4 arch_def_native@Base 0.0.0~20120605
5 arch_filter_rewrite@Base 0.0.0~20120605
6 arch_syscall_rewrite@Base 0.0.0~20120605
7 db_action_valid@Base 0.0.0~20120605
8 db_init@Base 0.0.0~20120605
9 db_release@Base 0.0.0~20120605
10 db_reset@Base 1.0.0
11 db_rule_add@Base 0.0.0~20120605
12 db_syscall_priority@Base 0.0.0~20120605
13 gen_bpf_generate@Base 0.0.0~20120605
14 gen_bpf_release@Base 0.0.0~20120605
15 gen_pfc_generate@Base 0.0.0~20120605
16 jhash@Base 0.0.0~20120605
17 seccomp_attr_get@Base 0.0.0~20120605
18 seccomp_attr_set@Base 0.0.0~20120605
19 seccomp_export_bpf@Base 0.0.0~20120605
20 seccomp_export_pfc@Base 0.0.0~20120605
21 seccomp_init@Base 0.0.0~20120605
22 seccomp_load@Base 0.0.0~20120605
23 seccomp_release@Base 0.0.0~20120605
24 seccomp_reset@Base 0.0.0~20120605
25 seccomp_rule_add@Base 0.0.0~20120605
26 seccomp_rule_add_exact@Base 0.0.0~20120605
27 seccomp_syscall_priority@Base 0.0.0~20120605
28 seccomp_syscall_resolve_name@Base 1.0.1
29 x86_64_syscall_table@Base 1.0.1
30 seccomp_merge@Base 1.0.1
31 seccomp_arch_add@Base 1.0.1
32 seccomp_arch_exist@Base 1.0.1
33 seccomp_arch_remove@Base 1.0.1
34 arch_def_lookup@Base 1.0.1
35 arch_def_x86_64@Base 1.0.1
36 arch_syscall_resolve_name@Base 1.0.1
37 arch_syscall_resolve_num@Base 1.0.1
38 arch_syscall_translate@Base 1.0.1
39 arch_valid@Base 1.0.1
40 db_col_arch_exist@Base 1.0.1
41 db_col_attr_get@Base 1.0.1
42 db_col_attr_set@Base 1.0.1
43 db_col_db_add@Base 1.0.1
44 db_col_db_remove@Base 1.0.1
45 db_col_init@Base 1.0.1
46 db_col_merge@Base 1.0.1
47 db_col_release@Base 1.0.1
48 db_col_reset@Base 1.0.1
49 db_col_valid@Base 1.0.1
50 arch_def_arm@Base 2.1.0
51 arch_def_x32@Base 2.1.0
52 arch_def_x86@Base 2.1.0
53 arm_syscall_resolve_name@Base 2.1.0
54 arm_syscall_resolve_num@Base 2.1.0
55 arm_syscall_table@Base 2.1.0
56 seccomp_arch_native@Base 2.1.0
57 seccomp_rule_add_array@Base 2.1.0
58 seccomp_rule_add_exact_array@Base 2.1.0
59 seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch@Base 2.1.0
60 seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch@Base 2.1.0
61 x32_syscall_resolve_name@Base 2.1.0
62 x32_syscall_resolve_num@Base 2.1.0
63 x86_64_syscall_resolve_name@Base 2.1.0
64 x86_64_syscall_resolve_num@Base 2.1.0
65 x86_filter_rewrite@Base 2.1.0
66 x86_syscall_resolve_name@Base 2.1.0
67 x86_syscall_resolve_num@Base 2.1.0
68 x86_syscall_rewrite@Base 2.1.0
0 Description: LIBFLAGS are for libraries, LDFLAGS are for linker arguments.
1 Author: Kees Cook <>
3 Index: libseccomp-2.1.0/
4 ===================================================================
5 --- libseccomp-2.1.0.orig/ 2013-08-13 00:55:29.615739819 -0700
6 +++ libseccomp-2.1.0/ 2013-08-13 01:00:12.123634186 -0700
7 @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
8 ifeq ($(V),0)
9 COMPILE_EXEC = @echo " CC $@";
10 endif
14 ifeq ($(V),0)
15 ARCHIVE = @echo " AR $@";
16 Index: libseccomp-2.1.0/tools/Makefile
17 ===================================================================
18 --- libseccomp-2.1.0.orig/tools/Makefile 2013-05-29 11:46:02.000000000 -0700
19 +++ libseccomp-2.1.0/tools/Makefile 2013-08-13 00:58:11.025965101 -0700
20 @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
21 include $(TOPDIR)/
22 include $(TOPDIR)/
24 -LDFLAGS := ../src/libseccomp.a
25 +LIBFLAGS := ../src/libseccomp.a
27 TOOLS = scmp_bpf_disasm \
28 scmp_bpf_sim \
29 Index: libseccomp-2.1.0/tests/Makefile
30 ===================================================================
31 --- libseccomp-2.1.0.orig/tests/Makefile 2013-05-23 13:53:11.000000000 -0700
32 +++ libseccomp-2.1.0/tests/Makefile 2013-08-13 00:59:44.707256337 -0700
33 @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
35 OBJS = util.o
37 -LDFLAGS := ../src/libseccomp.a $(OBJS)
38 +LIBFLAGS := ../src/libseccomp.a $(OBJS)
40 TEST_PRIVATE = 00-test
0 Description: fix typo in manpage, noticed by lintian.
1 Author: Kees Cook <>
3 Index: libseccomp-2.1.0/doc/man/man1/scmp_sys_resolver.1
4 ===================================================================
5 --- libseccomp-2.1.0.orig/doc/man/man1/scmp_sys_resolver.1 2013-05-29 11:46:16.000000000 -0700
6 +++ libseccomp-2.1.0/doc/man/man1/scmp_sys_resolver.1 2013-08-13 00:34:46.002565608 -0700
7 @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
8 values are "x86", "x86_64", "x32", and "arm".
9 .TP
10 .B \-t
11 -If neccessary, translate the system call name to the proper system call number,
12 +If necessary, translate the system call name to the proper system call number,
13 even if the system call name is different, e.g. socket(2) on x86.
14 .TP
15 .B \-h
0 Description: this bash trick doesn't work for some reason, so just replace
1 with the needed literal "libseccomp.pc" instead.
2 Author: Kees Cook <>
4 Index: libseccomp-2.1.0/
5 ===================================================================
6 --- libseccomp-2.1.0.orig/ 2013-08-13 00:02:48.756235141 -0700
7 +++ libseccomp-2.1.0/ 2013-08-13 00:02:48.752235086 -0700
8 @@ -185,15 +185,13 @@
10 ifeq ($(V),0)
12 - @echo " INSTALL $$(cat /proc/$$$$/cmdline | awk '{print $$(NF)}')" \
13 - " ($(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig)";
14 + @echo " INSTALL libseccomp.pc ($(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig)";
15 endif
18 -d "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig"; \
19 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0644 \
20 - "$$(cat /proc/$$$$/cmdline | awk '{print $$(NF)}')" \
21 - "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig"; \#
22 + "libseccomp.pc" "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig"; \#
24 ifeq ($(V),0)
0 pkgconfig-macro.patch
1 manpage-typo.patch
2 build-ldflags.patch
0 #!/usr/bin/make -f
1 # -*- makefile -*-
3 # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
4 #export DH_VERBOSE=1
5 DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
7 # Enable verbose build details.
8 export V=1
10 %:
11 dh $@ --parallel
13 override_dh_auto_clean:
14 $(MAKE) dist-clean
15 rm -f regression.out
17 override_dh_auto_configure:
18 ./configure --prefix=/usr \
19 --libdir=/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
21 override_dh_auto_test:
22 ifeq (,$(findstring nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
23 make check 2>&1 | tee regression.out && \
24 grep -q "^ tests failed: 0" regression.out || true
25 endif
0 debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/*
0 3.0 (quilt)
0 # See uscan(1) for format
1 version=3
2 opts=dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg// \
3*)\.tar\.gz \
4 debian uupdate
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include ../
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 include $(TOPDIR)/
32 include $(TOPDIR)/
33 include $(TOPDIR)/
35 MAN1 = \
36 man/man1/scmp_sys_resolver.1
38 MAN3 = \
39 man/man3/seccomp_init.3 \
40 man/man3/seccomp_load.3 \
41 man/man3/seccomp_release.3 \
42 man/man3/seccomp_reset.3 \
43 man/man3/seccomp_rule_add.3 \
44 man/man3/seccomp_rule_add_exact.3 \
45 man/man3/seccomp_syscall_priority.3 \
46 man/man3/seccomp_syscall_resolve_name.3 \
47 man/man3/seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch.3 \
48 man/man3/seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch.3 \
49 man/man3/seccomp_export_bpf.3 \
50 man/man3/seccomp_export_pfc.3 \
51 man/man3/seccomp_attr_set.3 \
52 man/man3/seccomp_attr_get.3 \
53 man/man3/seccomp_arch_add.3 \
54 man/man3/seccomp_arch_exist.3 \
55 man/man3/seccomp_arch_native.3 \
56 man/man3/seccomp_arch_remove.3 \
57 man/man3/seccomp_merge.3
59 #
60 # targets
61 #
63 .PHONY: all install install_man1 install_man3
65 all:
67 install: install_man1 install_man3
69 install_man1: $(MAN1)
72 install_man3: $(MAN3)
0 .TH "scmp_sys_resolver" 1 "23 May 2013" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 scmp_sys_resolver \- Resolve system calls
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .B scmp_sys_resolver
9 [\-h] [\-a
10 .I ARCH
11 ] [\-t]
13 |
15 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 .P
19 This command resolves both system call names and numbers with respect to the
20 given architecture supplied in the optional
21 .I ARCH
22 argument. If the architecture is not supplied on the command line then the
23 native architecture is used. If the "\-t" argument is specified along with a
24 system call name, then the system call will be translated as necessary for the
25 given architecture. The "\-t" argument has no effect if a system call number
26 is specified.
27 .P
28 In some combinations of architecture and system call, a negative system call
29 number will be displayed. A negative system call number indicates that the
30 system call is not defined for the given architecture and is treated in a
31 special manner by libseccomp depending on the operation.
32 .TP
33 .B \-a \fIARCH
34 The architecture to use for resolving the system call. Valid
35 .I ARCH
36 values are "x86", "x86_64", "x32", and "arm".
37 .TP
38 .B \-t
39 If neccessary, translate the system call name to the proper system call number,
40 even if the system call name is different, e.g. socket(2) on x86.
41 .TP
42 .B \-h
43 A simple one-line usage display.
44 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 Returns zero on success, errno values on failure.
48 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51 .P
52 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
53 repository, can be found at This tool, as well as
54 the libseccomp library, is currently under development, please report any bugs
55 at the project site or directly to the author.
56 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
58 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 Paul Moore <>
0 .TH "seccomp_arch_add" 3 "26 November 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_arch_add, seccomp_arch_remove, seccomp_arch_exist, seccomp_arch_native \- Manage seccomp filter architectures
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .B #define SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE
14 .B #define SCMP_ARCH_X86
15 .B #define SCMP_ARCH_X86_64
16 .sp
17 .BI "uint32_t seccomp_arch_native();"
18 .BI "int seccomp_arch_exist(const scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", uint32_t " arch_token ");"
19 .BI "int seccomp_arch_add(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", uint32_t " arch_token ");"
20 .BI "int seccomp_arch_remove(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", uint32_t " arch_token ");"
21 .sp
22 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
23 .fi
24 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 .P
28 The
29 .BR seccomp_arch_exist ()
30 function tests to see if a given architecture has been added to the seccomp
31 filter in
32 .I ctx
33 , where the
34 .BR seccomp_arch_add ()
35 and
36 .BR seccomp_arch_remove ()
37 add and remove, respectively, architectures from the seccomp filter. In all
38 three functions, the architecture values given in
39 .I arch_token
40 should be the
42 defined constants; with the
44 constant always referring to the native compiled architecture. The
45 .BR seccomp_arch_native ()
46 function returns the system's architecture such that it will match one of the
48 constants.
49 .P
50 When a seccomp filter is initialized with the call to
51 .BR seccomp_init (3)
52 the native architecture is automatically added to the filter. If you want to
53 remove the native architecture from the filter, you first need to add another
54 architecture to the filter as a seccomp filter must contain at least one
55 architecture at all times. After you have added a second architecture to the
56 seccomp filter, you can remove the native architecture.
57 .P
58 When adding a new architecture to an existing filter, the existing rules will
59 not be added to the new architecture. However, rules added after adding the
60 new architecture will be added to all of the architectures in the filter.
61 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
64 The
65 .BR seccomp_arch_add ()
66 and
67 .BR seccomp_arch_remove ()
68 functions return zero on success, negative errno values on failure. The
69 .BR seccomp_arch_exist ()
70 function returns zero if the architecture exists, \-EEXIST if it does not, and
71 other negative errno values on failure.
72 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
74 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 .nf
76 #include <seccomp.h>
78 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
79 {
80 int rc = \-1;
81 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
83 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
84 if (ctx == NULL)
85 goto out;
87 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86) == \-EEXIST) {
88 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
89 if (rc != 0)
90 goto out_all;
91 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
92 if (rc != 0)
93 goto out_all;
94 }
96 /* ... */
98 out:
99 seccomp_release(ctx);
100 return \-rc;
101 }
102 .fi
103 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
106 .P
107 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
108 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
109 libseccomp.
110 .P
111 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
112 repository, can be found at This library is currently
113 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
114 the author.
115 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 Paul Moore <>
119 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
121 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
122 .BR seccomp_init (3),
123 .BR seccomp_reset (3),
124 .BR seccom_merge (3)
0 .so man3/seccomp_arch_add.3
0 .so man3/seccomp_arch_add.3
0 .so man3/seccomp_arch_add.3
0 .so man3/seccomp_attr_set.3
0 .TH "seccomp_attr_set" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_attr_set, seccomp_attr_get \- Manage the seccomp filter attributes
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .B enum scmp_filter_attr;
13 .sp
14 .BI "int seccomp_attr_set(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ","
15 .BI " enum scmp_filter_attr " attr ", uint32_t " value ");"
16 .BI "int seccomp_attr_get(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ","
17 .BI " enum scmp_filter_attr " attr ", uint32_t *" value ");"
18 .sp
19 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
20 .fi
21 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 .P
25 The
26 .BR seccomp_attr_set ()
27 function sets the different seccomp filter attributes while the
28 .BR seccomp_attr_get ()
29 function fetches the filter attributes. The seccomp filter attributes are
30 tunable values that affect how the library behaves when generating and loading
31 the seccomp filter into the kernel. The attributes are reset to their default
32 values whenever the filter is initialized or reset via
33 .BR seccomp_filter_init (3)
34 or
35 .BR seccomp_filter_reset (3).
36 .P
37 The filter context
38 .I ctx
39 is the value returned by the call to
40 .BR seccomp_init (3).
41 .P
42 Valid
43 .I attr
44 values are as follows:
45 .TP
47 The default filter action as specified in the call to
48 .BR seccomp_filter_init (3)
49 or
50 .BR seccomp_filter_reset (3).
51 This attribute is read-only.
52 .TP
54 The filter action taken when the loaded filter does not match the architecture
55 of the executing application. Defaults to the
57 action.
58 .TP
60 A flag to specify if the NO_NEW_PRIVS functionality should be enabled before
61 loading the seccomp filter into the kernel. If set to off (
62 .I value
63 == 0) then loading the seccomp filter into the kernel will fail if CAP_SYS_ADMIN
64 is not set. Defaults to on (
65 .I value
66 == 1).
67 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
69 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
70 Returns zero on success, negative errno values on failure.
71 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
73 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
74 .nf
75 #include <seccomp.h>
77 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
78 {
79 int rc = \-1;
80 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
82 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
83 if (ctx == NULL)
84 goto out;
86 /* ... */
88 rc = seccomp_attr_set(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_BADARCH, SCMP_ACT_TRAP);
89 if (rc < 0)
90 goto out;
92 /* ... */
94 out:
95 seccomp_release(ctx);
96 return \-rc;
97 }
98 .fi
99 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
101 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102 .P
103 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
104 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
105 libseccomp.
106 .P
107 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
108 repository, can be found at This library is currently
109 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
110 the author.
111 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
114 Paul Moore <>
115 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 .BR seccomp_init (3),
119 .BR seccomp_reset (3),
120 .BR seccomp_load (3)
0 .TH "seccomp_export_bpf" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_export_bpf, seccomp_export_pfc \- Export the seccomp filter
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "int seccomp_export_bpf(const scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", int " fd ");"
14 .BI "int seccomp_export_pfc(const scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", int " fd ");"
15 .sp
16 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
17 .fi
18 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 .P
22 The
23 .BR seccomp_export_bpf ()
24 and
25 .BR seccomp_export_pfc ()
26 functions generate and output the current seccomp filter in either BPF (Berkley
27 Packet Filter) or PFC (Pseudo Filter Code). The output of
28 .BR seccomp_export_bpf ()
29 is suitable for loading into the kernel, while the output of
30 .BR seccomp_export_pfc ()
31 is human readable and is intended primarily as a debugging tool for developers
32 using libseccomp. Both functions write the filter to the
33 .I fd
34 file descriptor.
35 .P
36 The filter context
37 .I ctx
38 is the value returned by the call to
39 .BR seccomp_init (3).
40 .P
41 While the two output formats are guaranteed to be functionally equivalent for
42 the given seccomp filter configuration, the filter instructions, and their
43 ordering, are not guaranteed to be the same in both the BPF and PFC formats.
44 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 Returns zero on success, negative errno values on failure.
48 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51 .nf
52 #include <seccomp.h>
54 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
55 {
56 int rc = \-1;
57 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
58 int filter_fd;
60 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
61 if (ctx == NULL)
62 goto out;
64 /* ... */
66 filter_fd = open("/tmp/seccomp_filter.bpf", O_WRONLY);
67 if (filter_fd == \-1) {
68 rc = \-errno;
69 goto out;
70 }
72 rc = seccomp_export_bpf(ctx, filter_fd);
73 if (rc < 0) {
74 close(filter_fd);
75 goto out;
76 }
77 close(filter_fd);
79 /* ... */
81 out:
82 seccomp_release(ctx);
83 return \-rc;
84 }
85 .fi
86 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
88 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
89 .P
90 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
91 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
92 libseccomp.
93 .P
94 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
95 repository, can be found at This library is currently
96 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
97 the author.
98 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
101 Paul Moore <>
102 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105 .BR seccomp_init (3),
106 .BR seccomp_release (3)
0 .so man3/seccomp_export_bpf.3
0 .TH "seccomp_init" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_init, seccomp_reset \- Initialize the seccomp filter state
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "scmp_filter_ctx seccomp_init(uint32_t " def_action ");"
14 .BI "int seccomp_reset(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", uint32_t " def_action ");"
15 .sp
16 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
17 .fi
18 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 .P
22 The
23 .BR seccomp_init ()
24 and
25 .BR seccomp_reset ()
26 functions (re)initialize the internal seccomp filter state, prepares it for
27 use, and sets the default action based on the
28 .I def_action
29 parameter. The
30 .BR seccomp_init ()
31 function must be called before any other libseccomp functions as the rest
32 of the library API will fail if the filter context is not initialized properly.
33 The
34 .BR seccomp_reset ()
35 function releases the existing filter context state before reinitializing it
36 and can only be called after a call to
37 .BR seccomp_init ()
38 has succeeded.
39 .P
40 When the caller is finished configuring the seccomp filter and has loaded it
41 into the kernel, the caller should call
42 .BR seccomp_release (3)
43 to release all of the filter context state.
44 .P
45 Valid
46 .I def_action
47 values are as follows:
48 .TP
50 The process will be killed by the kernel when it calls a syscall that does not
51 match any of the configured seccomp filter rules.
52 .TP
54 The process will throw a SIGSYS signal when it calls a syscall that does not
55 match any of the configured seccomp filter rules.
56 .TP
57 .B SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(uint16_t errno)
58 The process will receive a return value of
59 .I errno
60 when it calls a syscall that does not match any of the configured seccomp filter
61 rules.
62 .TP
63 .B SCMP_ACT_TRACE(uint16_t msg_num)
64 If the process is being traced and the tracing process specified the
66 option in the call to
67 .BR ptrace (2),
68 the tracing process will be notified, via
70 , and the value provided in
71 .I msg_num
72 can be retrieved using the
74 option.
75 .TP
77 The seccomp filter will have no effect on the process calling the syscall if it
78 does not match any of the configured seccomp filter rules.
79 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
81 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 The
83 .BR seccomp_init ()
84 function returns a filter context on success, NULL on failure. The
85 .BR seccomp_reset ()
86 function returns zero on success, negative errno values on failure.
87 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
89 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
90 .nf
91 #include <seccomp.h>
93 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
94 {
95 int rc = \-1;
96 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
98 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
99 if (ctx == NULL)
100 goto out;
102 /* ... */
104 rc = seccomp_reset(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL);
105 if (rc < 0)
106 goto out;
108 /* ... */
110 out:
111 seccomp_release(ctx);
112 return \-rc;
113 }
114 .fi
115 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 .P
119 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
120 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
121 libseccomp.
122 .P
123 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
124 repository, can be found at This library is currently
125 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
126 the author.
127 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
130 Paul Moore <>
131 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
133 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134 .BR seccomp_release (3)
0 .TH "seccomp_load" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_load \- Load the current seccomp filter into the kernel
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "int seccomp_load(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ");"
14 .sp
15 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
16 .fi
17 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 .P
21 Loads the seccomp filter provided by
22 .I ctx
23 into the kernel; if the function
24 succeeds the new seccomp filter will be active when the function returns.
25 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 Returns zero on success, negative errno values on failure.
29 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 .nf
33 #include <seccomp.h>
35 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
36 {
37 int rc = \-1;
38 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
40 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
41 if (ctx == NULL)
42 goto out;
44 /* ... */
46 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
47 if (rc < 0)
48 goto out;
50 /* ... */
52 out:
53 seccomp_release(ctx);
54 return \-rc;
55 }
56 .fi
57 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 .P
61 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
62 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
63 libseccomp.
64 .P
65 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
66 repository, can be found at This library is currently
67 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
68 the author.
69 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
72 Paul Moore <>
73 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 .BR seccomp_init (3),
77 .BR seccomp_reset (3),
78 .BR seccomp_release (3),
79 .BR seccomp_rule_add (3),
80 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact (3)
0 .TH "seccomp_merge" 3 "28 September 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_merge \- Merge two seccomp filters
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "int seccomp_merge(scmp_filter_ctx " dst ", scmp_filter_ctx " src ");"
14 .sp
15 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
16 .fi
17 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 .P
21 The
22 .BR seccomp_merge ()
23 function merges the seccomp filter in
24 .I src
25 with the filter in
26 .I dst
27 and stores the resulting in the
28 .I dst
29 filter. If successfull, the
30 .I src
31 seccomp filter is released and all internal memory assocated with the filter
32 is freed; there is no need to call
33 .BR seccomp_release (3)
34 on
35 .I src
36 and the caller should discard any references to the filter.
37 .P
38 In order to merge two seccomp filters, both filters must have the same
39 attribute values and no overlapping architectures.
40 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 Returns zero on success and negative values on failure.
44 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 .nf
48 #include <seccomp.h>
50 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
51 {
52 int rc = \-1;
53 scmp_filter_ctx ctx_32, ctx_64;
55 ctx_32 = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
56 if (ctx_32 == NULL)
57 goto out_all;
58 ctx_64 = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
59 if (ctx_64 == NULL)
60 goto out_all;
62 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx_32, SCMP_ARCH_X86) == \-EEXIST) {
63 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx_32, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
64 if (rc != 0)
65 goto out_all;
66 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx_32, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
67 if (rc != 0)
68 goto out_all;
69 }
70 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx_64, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64) == \-EEXIST) {
71 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx_64, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64);
72 if (rc != 0)
73 goto out_all;
74 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx_64, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
75 if (rc != 0)
76 goto out_all;
77 }
79 /* ... */
81 rc = seccomp_merge(ctx_64, ctx_32);
82 if (rc != 0)
83 goto out_all;
85 /* NOTE: the 'ctx_32' filter is no longer valid at this point */
87 /* ... */
89 out:
90 seccomp_release(ctx_64);
91 return \-rc;
92 out_all:
93 seccomp_release(ctx_32);
94 goto out;
95 }
96 .fi
97 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
99 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 .P
101 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
102 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
103 libseccomp.
104 .P
105 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
106 repository, can be found at This library is currently
107 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
108 the author.
109 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112 Paul Moore <>
113 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
116 .BR seccomp_init (3),
117 .BR seccomp_reset (3),
118 .BR seccomp_arch_add (3),
119 .BR seccomp_arch_remove (3),
120 .BR seccomp_attr_get (3),
121 .BR seccomp_attr_set (3)
0 .TH "seccomp_release" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_release \- Release the seccomp filter state
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "void seccomp_release(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ");"
14 .sp
15 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
16 .fi
17 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 .P
21 Releases the seccomp filter in
22 .I ctx
23 which was first initialized by
24 .BR seccomp_init (3)
25 or
26 .BR seccomp_reset (3)
27 and frees any memory associated with the given seccomp filter context.
28 Any seccomp filters loaded into the kernel are not affected.
29 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 Does not return a value.
33 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
35 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36 .nf
37 #include <seccomp.h>
39 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
40 {
41 int rc;
42 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
44 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
45 if (ctx == NULL)
46 return \-1;
48 /* ... */
50 seccomp_release(ctx);
51 return 0;
52 }
53 .fi
54 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 .P
58 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
59 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
60 libseccomp.
61 .P
62 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
63 repository, can be found at This library is currently
64 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
65 the author.
66 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
68 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
69 Paul Moore <>
70 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
72 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
73 .BR seccomp_init (3),
74 .BR seccomp_reset (3)
0 .so man3/seccomp_init.3
0 .TH "seccomp_rule_add" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_rule_add, seccomp_rule_add_exact \- Add a seccomp filter rule
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "int SCMP_SYS(" syscall_name ");"
14 .sp
15 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_CMP(unsigned int " arg ","
16 .BI " enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
17 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_A0(enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
18 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_A1(enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
19 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_A2(enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
20 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_A3(enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
21 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_A4(enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
22 .BI "struct scmp_arg_cmp SCMP_A5(enum scmp_compare " op ", " ... ");"
23 .sp
24 .BI "int seccomp_rule_add(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", uint32_t " action ","
25 .BI " int " syscall ", unsigned int " arg_cnt ", " ... ");"
26 .BI "int seccomp_rule_add_exact(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ", uint32_t " action ","
27 .BI " int " syscall ", unsigned int " arg_cnt ", " ... ");"
28 .sp
29 .BI "int seccomp_rule_add_array(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ","
30 .BI " uint32_t " action ", int " syscall ","
31 .BI " unsigned int " arg_cnt ","
32 .BI " const struct scmp_arg_cmp *"arg_array ");"
33 .BI "int seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ","
34 .BI " uint32_t " action ", int " syscall ","
35 .BI " unsigned int " arg_cnt ","
36 .BI " const struct scmp_arg_cmp *"arg_array ");"
37 .sp
38 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
39 .fi
40 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 .P
44 The
45 .BR seccomp_rule_add (),
46 .BR seccomp_rule_add_array (),
47 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact (),
48 and
49 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact_array ()
50 functions all add a new filter rule to the current seccomp filter. The
51 .BR seccomp_rule_add ()
52 and
53 .BR seccomp_rule_add_array ()
54 functions will make a "best effort" to add the rule as specified, but may alter
55 the rule slightly due to architecture specifics, e.g. socket and ipc functions
56 on x86. The
57 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact ()
58 and
59 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact_array ()
60 functions will attempt to add the rule exactly as specified so it may behave
61 differently on different architectures. While it does not guarantee a exact
62 filter ruleset,
63 .BR seccomp_rule_add ()
64 and
65 .BR seccomp_rule_add_array ()
66 do guarantee the same behavior regardless of the architecture.
67 .P
68 The newly added filter rule does not take effect until the entire filter is
69 loaded into the kernel using
70 .BR seccomp_load (3).
71 .P
72 The
73 .BR SCMP_CMP ()
74 and
75 .BR SCMP_A{0-5} ()
76 macros generate a scmp_arg_cmp structure for use with the above functions. The
77 .BR SCMP_CMP ()
78 macro allows the caller to specify an arbitrary argument along with the
79 comparison operator, mask, and datum values where the
80 .BR SCMP_A{0-5} ()
81 macros are specific to a certain argument. See the EXAMPLES section below.
82 .P
83 While it is possible to specify the
84 .I syscall
85 value directly using the standard
86 .B __NR_syscall
87 values, in order to ensure proper operation across multiple architectures it
88 is highly recommended to use the
89 .BR SCMP_SYS ()
90 macro instead. See the EXAMPLES section below.
91 .P
92 The filter context
93 .I ctx
94 is the value returned by the call to
95 .BR seccomp_init (3).
96 .P
97 Valid
98 .I action
99 values are as follows:
100 .TP
102 The process will be killed by the kernel when it calls a syscall that does not
103 match any of the configured seccomp filter rules.
104 .TP
106 The process will throw a SIGSYS signal when it calls a syscall that does not
107 match any of the configured seccomp filter rules.
108 .TP
109 .B SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(uint16_t errno)
110 The process will receive a return value of
111 .I errno
112 when it calls a syscall that does not match any of the configured seccomp filter
113 rules.
114 .TP
115 .B SCMP_ACT_TRACE(uint16_t msg_num)
116 If the process is being traced and the tracing process specified the
118 option in the call to
119 .BR ptrace (2),
120 the tracing process will be notified, via
122 , and the value provided in
123 .I msg_num
124 can be retrieved using the
126 option.
127 .TP
129 The seccomp filter will have no effect on the process calling the syscall if it
130 does not match any of the configured seccomp filter rules.
131 .P
132 Valid comparison
133 .I op
134 values are as follows:
135 .TP
137 Matches when the argument value is not equal to the datum value, example:
138 .sp
140 .I arg
141 , SCMP_CMP_NE ,
142 .I datum
143 )
144 .TP
146 Matches when the argument value is less than the datum value, example:
147 .sp
149 .I arg
150 , SCMP_CMP_LT ,
151 .I datum
152 )
153 .TP
155 Matches when the argument value is less than or equal to the datum value,
156 example:
157 .sp
159 .I arg
160 , SCMP_CMP_LE ,
161 .I datum
162 )
163 .TP
165 Matches when the argument value is equal to the datum value, example:
166 .sp
168 .I arg
169 , SCMP_CMP_EQ ,
170 .I datum
171 )
172 .TP
174 Matches when the argument value is greater than or equal to the datum value,
175 example:
176 .sp
178 .I arg
179 , SCMP_CMP_GE ,
180 .I datum
181 )
182 .TP
184 Matches when the argument value is greater than the datum value, example:
185 .sp
187 .I arg
188 , SCMP_CMP_GT ,
189 .I datum
190 )
191 .TP
193 Matches when the masked argument value is equal to the masked datum value,
194 example:
195 .sp
197 .I arg
199 .I mask
200 ,
201 .I datum
202 )
203 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
206 The
207 .BR seccomp_rule_add (),
208 .BR seccomp_rule_add_array (),
209 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact (),
210 and
211 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact_array ()
212 functions return zero on success, negative errno values on failure.
213 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
215 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
216 .nf
217 #include <fcntl.h>
218 #include <seccomp.h>
219 #include <sys/stat.h>
220 #include <sys/types.h>
222 #define BUF_SIZE 256
224 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
225 {
226 int rc = \-1;
227 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
228 struct scmp_arg_cmp arg_cmp[] = { SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2) };
229 int fd;
230 unsigned char buf[BUF_SIZE];
232 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
233 if (ctx == NULL)
234 goto out;
236 /* ... */
238 fd = open("file.txt", 0);
240 /* ... */
242 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
243 if (rc < 0)
244 goto out;
246 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 3,
247 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, fd),
248 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)buf),
250 if (rc < 0)
251 goto out;
253 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
254 SCMP_CMP(0, SCMP_CMP_EQ, fd));
255 if (rc < 0)
256 goto out;
258 rc = seccomp_rule_add_array(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
259 arg_cmp);
260 if (rc < 0)
261 goto out;
263 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
264 if (rc < 0)
265 goto out;
267 /* ... */
269 out:
270 seccomp_release(ctx);
271 return \-rc;
272 }
273 .fi
274 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
276 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
277 .P
278 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
279 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
280 libseccomp.
281 .P
282 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
283 repository, can be found at This library is currently
284 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
285 the author.
286 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
288 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
289 Paul Moore <>
290 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
292 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
293 .BR seccomp_syscall_priority (3),
294 .BR seccomp_load (3)
0 .so man3/seccomp_rule_add.3
0 .so man3/seccomp_rule_add.3
0 .so man3/seccomp_rule_add.3
0 .TH "seccomp_syscall_priority" 3 "25 July 2012" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_syscall_priority \- Prioritize syscalls in the seccomp filter
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .B typedef void * scmp_filter_ctx;
12 .sp
13 .BI "int SCMP_SYS(" syscall_name ");"
14 .sp
15 .BI "int seccomp_syscall_priority(scmp_filter_ctx " ctx ","
16 .BI " int " syscall ", uint8_t " priority ");"
17 .sp
18 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
19 .fi
20 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 .P
24 The
25 .BR seccomp_syscall_priority ()
26 function provides a priority hint to the seccomp filter generator in libseccomp
27 such that higher priority syscalls are placed earlier in the seccomp filter code
28 so that they incur less overhead at the expense of lower priority syscalls. A
29 syscall's priority can be set regardless of if any rules currently exist for
30 that syscall; the library will remember the priority and it will be assigned to
31 the syscall if and when a rule for that syscall is created.
32 .P
33 While it is possible to specify the
34 .I syscall
35 value directly using the standard
36 .B __NR_syscall
37 values, in order to ensure proper operation across multiple architectures it
38 is highly recommended to use the
39 .BR SCMP_SYS ()
40 macro instead. See the EXAMPLES section below.
41 .P
42 The
43 .I priority
44 parameter takes an 8-bit value ranging from 0 \- 255; a higher value represents
45 a higher priority.
46 .P
47 The filter context
48 .I ctx
49 is the value returned by the call to
50 .BR seccomp_init ().
51 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
53 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54 The
55 .BR seccomp_syscall_priority ()
56 function returns zero on success, negative errno values on failure. The
57 .BR SCMP_SYS ()
58 macro returns a value suitable for use as the
59 .I syscall
60 value in
61 .BR seccomp_syscall_priority ().
62 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
64 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
65 .nf
66 #include <seccomp.h>
68 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
69 {
70 int rc = \-1;
71 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
73 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
74 if (ctx == NULL)
75 goto out;
77 /* ... */
79 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, SCMP_SYS(read), 200);
80 if (rc < 0)
81 goto out;
83 /* ... */
85 out:
86 seccomp_release(ctx);
87 return \-rc;
88 }
89 .fi
90 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
92 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
93 .P
94 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
95 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
96 libseccomp.
97 .P
98 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
99 repository, can be found at This library is currently
100 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
101 the author.
102 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105 Paul Moore <>
106 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
109 .BR seccomp_rule_add (3),
110 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact (3)
0 .TH "seccomp_syscall_resolve_name" 3 "7 January 2013" "" "libseccomp Documentation"
1 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 seccomp_syscall_resolve_name \- Resolve a syscall name
5 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 .nf
9 .B #include <seccomp.h>
10 .sp
11 .BI "int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(const char *" name ");"
12 .BI "int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(uint32_t " arch_token ","
13 .BI " const char *" name ");"
14 .BI "char *seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(uint32_t " arch_token ", int " num ");"
15 .sp
16 Link with \fI\-lseccomp\fP.
17 .fi
18 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 .P
22 The
23 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_name ()
24 and
25 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch()
26 functions resolve the commonly used syscall name to the syscall number used by
27 the kernel and the rest of the libseccomp API. The
28 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch()
29 function resolves the syscall number used by the kernel to the commonly used
30 syscall name.
31 .P
32 The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string from
33 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch() .
34 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 .P
38 In the case of
39 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_name ()
40 and
41 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch()
42 the associated syscall number is returned, with the negative pseudo syscall
43 number being returned in cases where the given syscall does not exist for the
44 architeture. The value
46 is returned in case of error. In all cases, the return value is suitable for
47 use in any libseccomp API function which requires the syscall number, examples include
48 .BR seccomp_rule_add ()
49 and
50 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact ().
51 .P
52 In the case of
53 .BR seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch()
54 the associated syscall name is returned and it remains the callers
55 responsibility to free the returned string via
56 .BR free (3).
57 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 .nf
61 #include <seccomp.h>
63 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
64 {
65 int rc = \-1;
66 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
68 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
69 if (ctx == NULL)
70 goto out;
72 /* ... */
74 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
75 seccomp_syscall_resolve_name("open"), 0);
76 if (rc < 0)
77 goto out;
79 /* ... */
81 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
82 if (rc < 0)
83 goto out;
85 /* ... */
87 out:
88 seccomp_release(ctx);
89 return \-rc;
90 }
91 .fi
92 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
94 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95 .P
96 While the seccomp filter can be generated independent of the kernel, kernel
97 support is required to load and enforce the seccomp filter generated by
98 libseccomp.
99 .P
100 The libseccomp project site, with more information and the source code
101 repository, can be found at This library is currently
102 under development, please report any bugs at the project site or directly to
103 the author.
104 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
106 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107 Paul Moore <>
108 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
110 .\" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111 .BR seccomp_rule_add (3),
112 .BR seccomp_rule_add_exact (3)
0 .so man3/seccomp_syscall_resolve_name.3
0 .so man3/seccomp_syscall_resolve_name.3
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include ../
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 include $(TOPDIR)/
32 include $(TOPDIR)/
33 include $(TOPDIR)/
35 HDR_BUILD = seccomp.h
37 #
38 # targets
39 #
41 .PHONY: all install clean
43 all: $(HDR_BUILD)
45 install: $(HDR_BUILD)
48 seccomp.h:
49 @$(ECHO) " GEN $@"
50 $(CAT) $< | \
51 $(SED) -e 's/%%VERSION_MAJOR%%/$(VERSION_MAJOR)/g' | \
52 $(SED) -e 's/%%VERSION_MINOR%%/$(VERSION_MINOR)/g' | \
53 $(SED) -e 's/%%VERSION_MICRO%%/$(VERSION_MICRO)/g' > $@
55 clean:
56 @$(RM) $(HDR_BUILD)
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _SECCOMP_H
22 #define _SECCOMP_H
24 #include <elf.h>
25 #include <inttypes.h>
26 #include <asm/unistd.h>
27 #include <linux/audit.h>
29 #ifdef __cplusplus
30 extern "C" {
31 #endif
33 /*
34 * version information
35 */
41 /*
42 * types
43 */
45 /**
46 * Filter context/handle
47 */
48 typedef void *scmp_filter_ctx;
50 /**
51 * Filter attributes
52 */
53 enum scmp_filter_attr {
55 SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_DEFAULT = 1, /**< default filter action */
56 SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_BADARCH = 2, /**< bad architecture action */
57 SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP = 3, /**< set NO_NEW_PRIVS on filter load */
59 };
61 /**
62 * Comparison operators
63 */
64 enum scmp_compare {
65 _SCMP_CMP_MIN = 0,
66 SCMP_CMP_NE = 1, /**< not equal */
67 SCMP_CMP_LT = 2, /**< less than */
68 SCMP_CMP_LE = 3, /**< less than or equal */
69 SCMP_CMP_EQ = 4, /**< equal */
70 SCMP_CMP_GE = 5, /**< greater than or equal */
71 SCMP_CMP_GT = 6, /**< greater than */
72 SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ = 7, /**< masked equality */
74 };
76 /**
77 * Argument datum
78 */
79 typedef uint64_t scmp_datum_t;
81 /**
82 * Argument / Value comparison definition
83 */
84 struct scmp_arg_cmp {
85 unsigned int arg; /**< argument number, starting at 0 */
86 enum scmp_compare op; /**< the comparison op, e.g. SCMP_CMP_* */
87 scmp_datum_t datum_a;
88 scmp_datum_t datum_b;
89 };
91 /*
92 * macros/defines
93 */
95 /**
96 * The native architecture token
97 */
98 #define SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE 0
100 /**
101 * The x86 (32-bit) architecture token
102 */
103 #define SCMP_ARCH_X86 AUDIT_ARCH_I386
105 /**
106 * The x86-64 (64-bit) architecture token
107 */
108 #define SCMP_ARCH_X86_64 AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64
110 /**
111 * The x32 (32-bit x86_64) architecture token
112 *
113 * NOTE: this is different from the value used by the kernel because we need to
114 * be able to distinguish between x32 and x86_64
115 */
116 #define SCMP_ARCH_X32 (EM_X86_64|__AUDIT_ARCH_LE)
118 /**
119 * The ARM architecture token
120 */
123 /**
124 * Convert a syscall name into the associated syscall number
125 * @param x the syscall name
126 */
127 #define SCMP_SYS(x) (__NR_##x)
129 /**
130 * Specify an argument comparison struct for use in declaring rules
131 * @param arg the argument number, starting at 0
132 * @param op the comparison operator, e.g. SCMP_CMP_*
133 * @param datum_a dependent on comparison
134 * @param datum_b dependent on comparison, optional
135 */
136 #define SCMP_CMP(...) ((struct scmp_arg_cmp){__VA_ARGS__})
138 /**
139 * Specify an argument comparison struct for argument 0
140 */
141 #define SCMP_A0(...) SCMP_CMP(0, __VA_ARGS__)
143 /**
144 * Specify an argument comparison struct for argument 1
145 */
146 #define SCMP_A1(...) SCMP_CMP(1, __VA_ARGS__)
148 /**
149 * Specify an argument comparison struct for argument 2
150 */
151 #define SCMP_A2(...) SCMP_CMP(2, __VA_ARGS__)
153 /**
154 * Specify an argument comparison struct for argument 3
155 */
156 #define SCMP_A3(...) SCMP_CMP(3, __VA_ARGS__)
158 /**
159 * Specify an argument comparison struct for argument 4
160 */
161 #define SCMP_A4(...) SCMP_CMP(4, __VA_ARGS__)
163 /**
164 * Specify an argument comparison struct for argument 5
165 */
166 #define SCMP_A5(...) SCMP_CMP(5, __VA_ARGS__)
168 /*
169 * seccomp actions
170 */
172 /**
173 * Kill the process
174 */
175 #define SCMP_ACT_KILL 0x00000000U
176 /**
177 * Throw a SIGSYS signal
178 */
179 #define SCMP_ACT_TRAP 0x00030000U
180 /**
181 * Return the specified error code
182 */
183 #define SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(x) (0x00050000U | ((x) & 0x0000ffffU))
184 /**
185 * Notify a tracing process with the specified value
186 */
187 #define SCMP_ACT_TRACE(x) (0x7ff00000U | ((x) & 0x0000ffffU))
188 /**
189 * Allow the syscall to be executed
190 */
191 #define SCMP_ACT_ALLOW 0x7fff0000U
193 /*
194 * functions
195 */
197 /**
198 * Initialize the filter state
199 * @param def_action the default filter action
200 *
201 * This function initializes the internal seccomp filter state and should
202 * be called before any other functions in this library to ensure the filter
203 * state is initialized. Returns a filter context on success, NULL on failure.
204 *
205 */
206 scmp_filter_ctx seccomp_init(uint32_t def_action);
208 /**
209 * Reset the filter state
210 * @param ctx the filter context
211 * @param def_action the default filter action
212 *
213 * This function resets the given seccomp filter state and ensures the
214 * filter state is reinitialized. This function does not reset any seccomp
215 * filters already loaded into the kernel. Returns zero on success, negative
216 * values on failure.
217 *
218 */
219 int seccomp_reset(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t def_action);
221 /**
222 * Destroys the filter state and releases any resources
223 * @param ctx the filter context
224 *
225 * This functions destroys the given seccomp filter state and releases any
226 * resources, including memory, associated with the filter state. This
227 * function does not reset any seccomp filters already loaded into the kernel.
228 * The filter context can no longer be used after calling this function.
229 *
230 */
231 void seccomp_release(scmp_filter_ctx ctx);
233 /**
234 * Merge two filters
235 * @param ctx_dst the destination filter context
236 * @param ctx_src the source filter context
237 *
238 * This function merges two filter contexts into a single filter context and
239 * destroys the second filter context. The two filter contexts must have the
240 * same attribute values and not contain any of the same architectures; if they
241 * do, the merge operation will fail. On success, the source filter context
242 * will be destroyed and should no longer be used; it is not necessary to
243 * call seccomp_release() on the source filter context. Returns zero on
244 * success, negative values on failure.
245 *
246 */
247 int seccomp_merge(scmp_filter_ctx ctx_dst, scmp_filter_ctx ctx_src);
249 /**
250 * Return the native architecture token
251 *
252 * This function returns the native architecture token value, e.g. SCMP_ARCH_*.
253 *
254 */
255 uint32_t seccomp_arch_native(void);
257 /**
258 * Check to see if an existing architecture is present in the filter
259 * @param ctx the filter context
260 * @param arch_token the architecture token, e.g. SCMP_ARCH_*
261 *
262 * This function tests to see if a given architecture is included in the filter
263 * context. If the architecture token is SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE then the native
264 * architecture will be assumed. Returns zero if the architecture exists in
265 * the filter, -EEXIST if it is not present, and other negative values on
266 * failure.
267 *
268 */
269 int seccomp_arch_exist(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token);
271 /**
272 * Adds an architecture to the filter
273 * @param ctx the filter context
274 * @param arch_token the architecture token, e.g. SCMP_ARCH_*
275 *
276 * This function adds a new architecture to the given seccomp filter context.
277 * Any new rules added after this function successfully returns will be added
278 * to this architecture but existing rules will not be added to this
279 * architecture. If the architecture token is SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE then the native
280 * architecture will be assumed. Returns zero on success, negative values on
281 * failure.
282 *
283 */
284 int seccomp_arch_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token);
286 /**
287 * Removes an architecture from the filter
288 * @param ctx the filter context
289 * @param arch_token the architecture token, e.g. SCMP_ARCH_*
290 *
291 * This function removes an architecture from the given seccomp filter context.
292 * If the architecture token is SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE then the native architecture
293 * will be assumed. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
294 *
295 */
296 int seccomp_arch_remove(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token);
298 /**
299 * Loads the filter into the kernel
300 * @param ctx the filter context
301 *
302 * This function loads the given seccomp filter context into the kernel. If
303 * the filter was loaded correctly, the kernel will be enforcing the filter
304 * when this function returns. Returns zero on success, negative values on
305 * error.
306 *
307 */
308 int seccomp_load(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx);
310 /**
311 * Get the value of a filter attribute
312 * @param ctx the filter context
313 * @param attr the filter attribute name
314 * @param value the filter attribute value
315 *
316 * This function fetches the value of the given attribute name and returns it
317 * via @value. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
318 *
319 */
320 int seccomp_attr_get(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
321 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t *value);
323 /**
324 * Set the value of a filter attribute
325 * @param ctx the filter context
326 * @param attr the filter attribute name
327 * @param value the filter attribute value
328 *
329 * This function sets the value of the given attribute. Returns zero on
330 * success, negative values on failure.
331 *
332 */
333 int seccomp_attr_set(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
334 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t value);
336 /**
337 * Resolve a syscall number to a name
338 * @param arch_token the architecture token, e.g. SCMP_ARCH_*
339 * @param num the syscall number
340 *
341 * Resolve the given syscall number to the syscall name for the given
342 * architecture; it is up to the caller to free the returned string. Returns
343 * the syscall name on success, NULL on failure.
344 *
345 */
346 char *seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(uint32_t arch_token, int num);
348 /**
349 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
350 * @param arch_token the architecture token, e.g. SCMP_ARCH_*
351 * @param name the syscall name
352 *
353 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number for the given
354 * architecture. Returns the syscall number on success, including negative
355 * pseudo syscall numbers (e.g. __PNR_*); returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
356 *
357 */
358 int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(uint32_t arch_token, const char *name);
360 /**
361 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
362 * @param name the syscall name
363 *
364 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number. Returns the syscall
365 * number on success, including negative pseudo syscall numbers (e.g. __PNR_*);
366 * returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
367 *
368 */
369 int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name);
371 /**
372 * Set the priority of a given syscall
373 * @param ctx the filter context
374 * @param syscall the syscall number
375 * @param priority priority value, higher value == higher priority
376 *
377 * This function sets the priority of the given syscall; this value is used
378 * when generating the seccomp filter code such that higher priority syscalls
379 * will incur less filter code overhead than the lower priority syscalls in the
380 * filter. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
381 *
382 */
383 int seccomp_syscall_priority(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
384 int syscall, uint8_t priority);
386 /**
387 * Add a new rule to the filter
388 * @param ctx the filter context
389 * @param action the filter action
390 * @param syscall the syscall number
391 * @param arg_cnt the number of argument filters in the argument filter chain
392 * @param ... scmp_arg_cmp structs (use of SCMP_ARG_CMP() recommended)
393 *
394 * This function adds a series of new argument/value checks to the seccomp
395 * filter for the given syscall; multiple argument/value checks can be
396 * specified and they will be chained together (AND'd together) in the filter.
397 * If the specified rule needs to be adjusted due to architecture specifics it
398 * will be adjusted without notification. Returns zero on success, negative
399 * values on failure.
400 *
401 */
402 int seccomp_rule_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
403 uint32_t action, int syscall, unsigned int arg_cnt, ...);
406 /**
407 * Add a new rule to the filter
408 * @param ctx the filter context
409 * @param action the filter action
410 * @param syscall the syscall number
411 * @param arg_cnt the number of elements in the arg_array parameter
412 * @param arg_array array of scmp_arg_cmp structs
413 *
414 * This function adds a series of new argument/value checks to the seccomp
415 * filter for the given syscall; multiple argument/value checks can be
416 * specified and they will be chained together (AND'd together) in the filter.
417 * If the specified rule needs to be adjusted due to architecture specifics it
418 * will be adjusted without notification. Returns zero on success, negative
419 * values on failure.
420 *
421 */
422 int seccomp_rule_add_array(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
423 uint32_t action, int syscall, unsigned int arg_cnt,
424 const struct scmp_arg_cmp *arg_array);
426 /**
427 * Add a new rule to the filter
428 * @param ctx the filter context
429 * @param action the filter action
430 * @param syscall the syscall number
431 * @param arg_cnt the number of argument filters in the argument filter chain
432 * @param ... scmp_arg_cmp structs (use of SCMP_ARG_CMP() recommended)
433 *
434 * This function adds a series of new argument/value checks to the seccomp
435 * filter for the given syscall; multiple argument/value checks can be
436 * specified and they will be chained together (AND'd together) in the filter.
437 * If the specified rule can not be represented on the architecture the
438 * function will fail. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
439 *
440 */
441 int seccomp_rule_add_exact(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t action,
442 int syscall, unsigned int arg_cnt, ...);
444 /**
445 * Add a new rule to the filter
446 * @param ctx the filter context
447 * @param action the filter action
448 * @param syscall the syscall number
449 * @param arg_cnt the number of elements in the arg_array parameter
450 * @param arg_array array of scmp_arg_cmp structs
451 *
452 * This function adds a series of new argument/value checks to the seccomp
453 * filter for the given syscall; multiple argument/value checks can be
454 * specified and they will be chained together (AND'd together) in the filter.
455 * If the specified rule can not be represented on the architecture the
456 * function will fail. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
457 *
458 */
459 int seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
460 uint32_t action, int syscall,
461 unsigned int arg_cnt,
462 const struct scmp_arg_cmp *arg_array);
464 /**
465 * Generate seccomp Pseudo Filter Code (PFC) and export it to a file
466 * @param ctx the filter context
467 * @param fd the destination fd
468 *
469 * This function generates seccomp Pseudo Filter Code (PFC) and writes it to
470 * the given fd. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
471 *
472 */
473 int seccomp_export_pfc(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd);
475 /**
476 * Generate seccomp Berkley Packet Filter (BPF) code and export it to a file
477 * @param ctx the filter context
478 * @param fd the destination fd
479 *
480 * This function generates seccomp Berkley Packer Filter (BPF) code and writes
481 * it to the given fd. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
482 *
483 */
484 int seccomp_export_bpf(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd);
486 /*
487 * pseudo syscall definitions
488 */
490 /* NOTE - pseudo syscall values {-1..-99} are reserved */
491 #define __NR_SCMP_ERROR -1
493 /* socket syscalls */
495 #define __PNR_socket -101
496 #ifndef __NR_socket
497 #define __NR_socket __PNR_socket
498 #endif /* __NR_socket */
500 #define __PNR_bind -102
501 #ifndef __NR_bind
502 #define __NR_bind __PNR_bind
503 #endif /* __NR_bind */
505 #define __PNR_connect -103
506 #ifndef __NR_connect
507 #define __NR_connect __PNR_connect
508 #endif /* __NR_connect */
510 #define __PNR_listen -104
511 #ifndef __NR_listen
512 #define __NR_listen __PNR_listen
513 #endif /* __NR_listen */
515 #define __PNR_accept -105
516 #ifndef __NR_accept
517 #define __NR_accept __PNR_accept
518 #endif /* __NR_accept */
520 #define __PNR_getsockname -106
521 #ifndef __NR_getsockname
522 #define __NR_getsockname __PNR_getsockname
523 #endif /* __NR_getsockname */
525 #define __PNR_getpeername -107
526 #ifndef __NR_getpeername
527 #define __NR_getpeername __PNR_getpeername
528 #endif /* __NR_getpeername */
530 #define __PNR_socketpair -108
531 #ifndef __NR_socketpair
532 #define __NR_socketpair __PNR_socketpair
533 #endif /* __NR_socketpair */
535 #define __PNR_send -109
536 #ifndef __NR_send
537 #define __NR_send __PNR_send
538 #endif /* __NR_send */
540 #define __PNR_recv -110
541 #ifndef __NR_recv
542 #define __NR_recv __PNR_recv
543 #endif /* __NR_recv */
545 #define __PNR_sendto -111
546 #ifndef __NR_sendto
547 #define __NR_sendto __PNR_sendto
548 #endif /* __NR_sendto */
550 #define __PNR_recvfrom -112
551 #ifndef __NR_recvfrom
552 #define __NR_recvfrom __PNR_recvfrom
553 #endif /* __NR_recvfrom */
555 #define __PNR_shutdown -113
556 #ifndef __NR_shutdown
557 #define __NR_shutdown __PNR_shutdown
558 #endif /* __NR_shutdown */
560 #define __PNR_setsockopt -114
561 #ifndef __NR_setsockopt
562 #define __NR_setsockopt __PNR_setsockopt
563 #endif /* __NR_getsockopt */
565 #define __PNR_getsockopt -115
566 #ifndef __NR_getsockopt
567 #define __NR_getsockopt __PNR_getsockopt
568 #endif /* __NR_getsockopt */
570 #define __PNR_sendmsg -116
571 #ifndef __NR_sendmsg
572 #define __NR_sendmsg __PNR_sendmsg
573 #endif /* __NR_sendmsg */
575 #define __PNR_recvmsg -117
576 #ifndef __NR_recvmsg
577 #define __NR_recvmsg __PNR_recvmsg
578 #endif /* __NR_recvmsg */
580 #define __PNR_accept4 -118
581 #ifndef __NR_accept4
582 #define __NR_accept4 __PNR_accept4
583 #endif /* __NR_accept4 */
585 #define __PNR_recvmmsg -119
586 #ifndef __NR_recvmmsg
587 #define __NR_recvmmsg __PNR_recvmmsg
588 #endif /* __NR_recvmmsg */
590 #define __PNR_sendmmsg -120
591 #ifndef __NR_sendmmsg
592 #define __NR_sendmmsg __PNR_sendmmsg
593 #endif /* __NR_sendmmsg */
595 /* ipc syscalls */
597 #define __PNR_semop -201
598 #ifndef __NR_semop
599 #define __NR_semop __PNR_semop
600 #endif /* __NR_semop */
602 #define __PNR_semget -202
603 #ifndef __NR_semget
604 #define __NR_semget __PNR_semget
605 #endif /* __NR_semget */
607 #define __PNR_semctl -203
608 #ifndef __NR_semctl
609 #define __NR_semctl __PNR_semctl
610 #endif /* __NR_semctl */
612 #define __PNR_semtimedop -204
613 #ifndef __NR_semtimedop
614 #define __NR_semtimedop __PNR_semtimedop
615 #endif /* __NR_semtime */
617 #define __PNR_msgsnd -211
618 #ifndef __NR_msgsnd
619 #define __NR_msgsnd __PNR_msgsnd
620 #endif /* __NR_msgsnd */
622 #define __PNR_msgrcv -212
623 #ifndef __NR_msgrcv
624 #define __NR_msgrcv __PNR_msgrcv
625 #endif /* __NR_msgrcv */
627 #define __PNR_msgget -213
628 #ifndef __NR_msgget
629 #define __NR_msgget __PNR_msgget
630 #endif /* __NR_msgget */
632 #define __PNR_msgctl -214
633 #ifndef __NR_msgctl
634 #define __NR_msgctl __PNR_msgctl
635 #endif /* __NR_msgctl */
637 #define __PNR_shmat -221
638 #ifndef __NR_shmat
639 #define __NR_shmat __PNR_shmat
640 #endif /* __NR_shmat */
642 #define __PNR_shmdt -222
643 #ifndef __NR_shmdt
644 #define __NR_shmdt __PNR_shmdt
645 #endif /* __NR_shmdt */
647 #define __PNR_shmget -223
648 #ifndef __NR_shmget
649 #define __NR_shmget __PNR_shmget
650 #endif /* __NR_shmget */
652 #define __PNR_shmctl -224
653 #ifndef __NR_shmctl
654 #define __NR_shmctl __PNR_shmctl
655 #endif /* __NR_shmctl */
657 /* single syscalls */
659 #define __PNR_arch_prctl -10001
660 #ifndef __NR_arch_prctl
661 #define __NR_arch_prctl __PNR_arch_prctl
662 #endif /* __NR_arch_prctl */
664 #define __PNR_bdflush -10002
665 #ifndef __NR_bdflush
666 #define __NR_bdflush __PNR_bdflush
667 #endif /* __NR_bdflush */
669 #define __PNR_break -10003
670 #ifndef __NR_break
671 #define __NR_break __PNR_break
672 #endif /* __NR_break */
674 #define __PNR_chown32 -10004
675 #ifndef __NR_chown32
676 #define __NR_chown32 __PNR_chown32
677 #endif /* __NR_chown32 */
679 #define __PNR_epoll_ctl_old -10005
680 #ifndef __NR_epoll_ctl_old
681 #define __NR_epoll_ctl_old __PNR_epoll_ctl_old
682 #endif /* __NR_epoll_ctl_old */
684 #define __PNR_epoll_wait_old -10006
685 #ifndef __NR_epoll_wait_old
686 #define __NR_epoll_wait_old __PNR_epoll_wait_old
687 #endif /* __NR_epoll_wait_old */
689 #define __PNR_fadvise64_64 -10007
690 #ifndef __NR_fadvise64_64
691 #define __NR_fadvise64_64 __PNR_fadvise64_64
692 #endif /* __NR_fadvise64_64 */
694 #define __PNR_fchown32 -10008
695 #ifndef __NR_fchown32
696 #define __NR_fchown32 __PNR_fchown32
697 #endif /* __NR_fchown32 */
699 #define __PNR_fcntl64 -10009
700 #ifndef __NR_fcntl64
701 #define __NR_fcntl64 __PNR_fcntl64
702 #endif /* __NR_fcntl64 */
704 #define __PNR_fstat64 -10010
705 #ifndef __NR_fstat64
706 #define __NR_fstat64 __PNR_fstat64
707 #endif /* __NR_fstat64 */
709 #define __PNR_fstatat64 -10011
710 #ifndef __NR_fstatat64
711 #define __NR_fstatat64 __PNR_fstatat64
712 #endif /* __NR_fstatat64 */
714 #define __PNR_fstatfs64 -10012
715 #ifndef __NR_fstatfs64
716 #define __NR_fstatfs64 __PNR_fstatfs64
717 #endif /* __NR_fstatfs64 */
719 #define __PNR_ftime -10013
720 #ifndef __NR_ftime
721 #define __NR_ftime __PNR_ftime
722 #endif /* __NR_ftime */
724 #define __PNR_ftruncate64 -10014
725 #ifndef __NR_ftruncate64
726 #define __NR_ftruncate64 __PNR_ftruncate64
727 #endif /* __NR_ftruncate64 */
729 #define __PNR_getegid32 -10015
730 #ifndef __NR_getegid32
731 #define __NR_getegid32 __PNR_getegid32
732 #endif /* __NR_getegid32 */
734 #define __PNR_geteuid32 -10016
735 #ifndef __NR_geteuid32
736 #define __NR_geteuid32 __PNR_geteuid32
737 #endif /* __NR_geteuid32 */
739 #define __PNR_getgid32 -10017
740 #ifndef __NR_getgid32
741 #define __NR_getgid32 __PNR_getgid32
742 #endif /* __NR_getgid32 */
744 #define __PNR_getgroups32 -10018
745 #ifndef __NR_getgroups32
746 #define __NR_getgroups32 __PNR_getgroups32
747 #endif /* __NR_getgroups32 */
749 #define __PNR_getresgid32 -10019
750 #ifndef __NR_getresgid32
751 #define __NR_getresgid32 __PNR_getresgid32
752 #endif /* __NR_getresgid32 */
754 #define __PNR_getresuid32 -10020
755 #ifndef __NR_getresuid32
756 #define __NR_getresuid32 __PNR_getresuid32
757 #endif /* __NR_getresuid32 */
759 #define __PNR_getuid32 -10021
760 #ifndef __NR_getuid32
761 #define __NR_getuid32 __PNR_getuid32
762 #endif /* __NR_getuid32 */
764 #define __PNR_gtty -10022
765 #ifndef __NR_gtty
766 #define __NR_gtty __PNR_gtty
767 #endif /* __NR_gtty */
769 #define __PNR_idle -10023
770 #ifndef __NR_idle
771 #define __NR_idle __PNR_idle
772 #endif /* __NR_idle */
774 #define __PNR_ipc -10024
775 #ifndef __NR_ipc
776 #define __NR_ipc __PNR_ipc
777 #endif /* __NR_ipc */
779 #define __PNR_lchown32 -10025
780 #ifndef __NR_lchown32
781 #define __NR_lchown32 __PNR_lchown32
782 #endif /* __NR_lchown32 */
784 #define __PNR__llseek -10026
785 #ifndef __NR__llseek
786 #define __NR__llseek __PNR__llseek
787 #endif /* __NR__llseek */
789 #define __PNR_lock -10027
790 #ifndef __NR_lock
791 #define __NR_lock __PNR_lock
792 #endif /* __NR_lock */
794 #define __PNR_lstat64 -10028
795 #ifndef __NR_lstat64
796 #define __NR_lstat64 __PNR_lstat64
797 #endif /* __NR_lstat64 */
799 #define __PNR_mmap2 -10029
800 #ifndef __NR_mmap2
801 #define __NR_mmap2 __PNR_mmap2
802 #endif /* __NR_mmap2 */
804 #define __PNR_mpx -10030
805 #ifndef __NR_mpx
806 #define __NR_mpx __PNR_mpx
807 #endif /* __NR_mpx */
809 #define __PNR_newfstatat -10031
810 #ifndef __NR_newfstatat
811 #define __NR_newfstatat __PNR_newfstatat
812 #endif /* __NR_newfstatat */
814 #define __PNR__newselect -10032
815 #ifndef __NR__newselect
816 #define __NR__newselect __PNR__newselect
817 #endif /* __NR__newselect */
819 #define __PNR_nice -10033
820 #ifndef __NR_nice
821 #define __NR_nice __PNR_nice
822 #endif /* __NR_nice */
824 #define __PNR_oldfstat -10034
825 #ifndef __NR_oldfstat
826 #define __NR_oldfstat __PNR_oldfstat
827 #endif /* __NR_oldfstat */
829 #define __PNR_oldlstat -10035
830 #ifndef __NR_oldlstat
831 #define __NR_oldlstat __PNR_oldlstat
832 #endif /* __NR_oldlstat */
834 #define __PNR_oldolduname -10036
835 #ifndef __NR_oldolduname
836 #define __NR_oldolduname __PNR_oldolduname
837 #endif /* __NR_oldolduname */
839 #define __PNR_oldstat -10037
840 #ifndef __NR_oldstat
841 #define __NR_oldstat __PNR_oldstat
842 #endif /* __NR_oldstat */
844 #define __PNR_olduname -10038
845 #ifndef __NR_olduname
846 #define __NR_olduname __PNR_olduname
847 #endif /* __NR_olduname */
849 #define __PNR_prof -10039
850 #ifndef __NR_prof
851 #define __NR_prof __PNR_prof
852 #endif /* __NR_prof */
854 #define __PNR_profil -10040
855 #ifndef __NR_profil
856 #define __NR_profil __PNR_profil
857 #endif /* __NR_profil */
859 #define __PNR_readdir -10041
860 #ifndef __NR_readdir
861 #define __NR_readdir __PNR_readdir
862 #endif /* __NR_readdir */
864 #define __PNR_security -10042
865 #ifndef __NR_security
866 #define __NR_security __PNR_security
867 #endif /* __NR_security */
869 #define __PNR_sendfile64 -10043
870 #ifndef __NR_sendfile64
871 #define __NR_sendfile64 __PNR_sendfile64
872 #endif /* __NR_sendfile64 */
874 #define __PNR_setfsgid32 -10044
875 #ifndef __NR_setfsgid32
876 #define __NR_setfsgid32 __PNR_setfsgid32
877 #endif /* __NR_setfsgid32 */
879 #define __PNR_setfsuid32 -10045
880 #ifndef __NR_setfsuid32
881 #define __NR_setfsuid32 __PNR_setfsuid32
882 #endif /* __NR_setfsuid32 */
884 #define __PNR_setgid32 -10046
885 #ifndef __NR_setgid32
886 #define __NR_setgid32 __PNR_setgid32
887 #endif /* __NR_setgid32 */
889 #define __PNR_setgroups32 -10047
890 #ifndef __NR_setgroups32
891 #define __NR_setgroups32 __PNR_setgroups32
892 #endif /* __NR_setgroups32 */
894 #define __PNR_setregid32 -10048
895 #ifndef __NR_setregid32
896 #define __NR_setregid32 __PNR_setregid32
897 #endif /* __NR_setregid32 */
899 #define __PNR_setresgid32 -10049
900 #ifndef __NR_setresgid32
901 #define __NR_setresgid32 __PNR_setresgid32
902 #endif /* __NR_setresgid32 */
904 #define __PNR_setresuid32 -10050
905 #ifndef __NR_setresuid32
906 #define __NR_setresuid32 __PNR_setresuid32
907 #endif /* __NR_setresuid32 */
909 #define __PNR_setreuid32 -10051
910 #ifndef __NR_setreuid32
911 #define __NR_setreuid32 __PNR_setreuid32
912 #endif /* __NR_setreuid32 */
914 #define __PNR_setuid32 -10052
915 #ifndef __NR_setuid32
916 #define __NR_setuid32 __PNR_setuid32
917 #endif /* __NR_setuid32 */
919 #define __PNR_sgetmask -10053
920 #ifndef __NR_sgetmask
921 #define __NR_sgetmask __PNR_sgetmask
922 #endif /* __NR_sgetmask */
924 #define __PNR_sigaction -10054
925 #ifndef __NR_sigaction
926 #define __NR_sigaction __PNR_sigaction
927 #endif /* __NR_sigaction */
929 #define __PNR_signal -10055
930 #ifndef __NR_signal
931 #define __NR_signal __PNR_signal
932 #endif /* __NR_signal */
934 #define __PNR_sigpending -10056
935 #ifndef __NR_sigpending
936 #define __NR_sigpending __PNR_sigpending
937 #endif /* __NR_sigpending */
939 #define __PNR_sigprocmask -10057
940 #ifndef __NR_sigprocmask
941 #define __NR_sigprocmask __PNR_sigprocmask
942 #endif /* __NR_sigprocmask */
944 #define __PNR_sigreturn -10058
945 #ifndef __NR_sigreturn
946 #define __NR_sigreturn __PNR_sigreturn
947 #endif /* __NR_sigreturn */
949 #define __PNR_sigsuspend -10059
950 #ifndef __NR_sigsuspend
951 #define __NR_sigsuspend __PNR_sigsuspend
952 #endif /* __NR_sigsuspend */
954 #define __PNR_socketcall -10060
955 #ifndef __NR_socketcall
956 #define __NR_socketcall __PNR_socketcall
957 #endif /* __NR_socketcall */
959 #define __PNR_ssetmask -10061
960 #ifndef __NR_ssetmask
961 #define __NR_ssetmask __PNR_ssetmask
962 #endif /* __NR_ssetmask */
964 #define __PNR_stat64 -10062
965 #ifndef __NR_stat64
966 #define __NR_stat64 __PNR_stat64
967 #endif /* __NR_stat64 */
969 #define __PNR_statfs64 -10063
970 #ifndef __NR_statfs64
971 #define __NR_statfs64 __PNR_statfs64
972 #endif /* __NR_statfs64 */
974 #define __PNR_stime -10064
975 #ifndef __NR_stime
976 #define __NR_stime __PNR_stime
977 #endif /* __NR_stime */
979 #define __PNR_stty -10065
980 #ifndef __NR_stty
981 #define __NR_stty __PNR_stty
982 #endif /* __NR_stty */
984 #define __PNR_truncate64 -10066
985 #ifndef __NR_truncate64
986 #define __NR_truncate64 __PNR_truncate64
987 #endif /* __NR_truncate64 */
989 #define __PNR_tuxcall -10067
990 #ifndef __NR_tuxcall
991 #define __NR_tuxcall __PNR_tuxcall
992 #endif /* __NR_tuxcall */
994 #define __PNR_ugetrlimit -10068
995 #ifndef __NR_ugetrlimit
996 #define __NR_ugetrlimit __PNR_ugetrlimit
997 #endif /* __NR_ugetrlimit */
999 #define __PNR_ulimit -10069
1000 #ifndef __NR_ulimit
1001 #define __NR_ulimit __PNR_ulimit
1002 #endif /* __NR_ulimit */
1004 #define __PNR_umount -10070
1005 #ifndef __NR_umount
1006 #define __NR_umount __PNR_umount
1007 #endif /* __NR_umount */
1009 #define __PNR_vm86 -10071
1010 #ifndef __NR_vm86
1011 #define __NR_vm86 __PNR_vm86
1012 #endif /* __NR_vm86 */
1014 #define __PNR_vm86old -10072
1015 #ifndef __NR_vm86old
1016 #define __NR_vm86old __PNR_vm86old
1017 #endif /* __NR_vm86old */
1019 #define __PNR_waitpid -10073
1020 #ifndef __NR_waitpid
1021 #define __NR_waitpid __PNR_waitpid
1022 #endif /* __NR_waitpid */
1024 #define __PNR_create_module -10074
1025 #ifndef __NR_create_module
1026 #define __NR_create_module __PNR_create_module
1027 #endif /* __NR_create_module */
1029 #define __PNR_get_kernel_syms -10075
1030 #ifndef __NR_get_kernel_syms
1031 #define __NR_get_kernel_syms __PNR_get_kernel_syms
1032 #endif /* __NR_get_kernel_syms */
1034 #define __PNR_get_thread_area -10076
1035 #ifndef __NR_get_thread_area
1036 #define __NR_get_thread_area __PNR_get_thread_area
1037 #endif /* __NR_get_thread_area */
1039 #define __PNR_nfsservctl -10077
1040 #ifndef __NR_nfsservctl
1041 #define __NR_nfsservctl __PNR_nfsservctl
1042 #endif /* __NR_nfsservctl */
1044 #define __PNR_query_module -10078
1045 #ifndef __NR_query_module
1046 #define __NR_query_module __PNR_query_module
1047 #endif /* __NR_query_module */
1049 #define __PNR_set_thread_area -10079
1050 #ifndef __NR_set_thread_area
1051 #define __NR_set_thread_area __PNR_set_thread_area
1052 #endif /* __NR_set_thread_area */
1054 #define __PNR__sysctl -10080
1055 #ifndef __NR__sysctl
1056 #define __NR__sysctl __PNR__sysctl
1057 #endif /* __NR__sysctl */
1059 #define __PNR_uselib -10081
1060 #ifndef __NR_uselib
1061 #define __NR_uselib __PNR_uselib
1062 #endif /* __NR_uselib */
1064 #define __PNR_vserver -10082
1065 #ifndef __NR_vserver
1066 #define __NR_vserver __PNR_vserver
1067 #endif /* __NR_vserver */
1069 #define __PNR_arm_fadvise64_64 -10083
1070 #ifndef __NR_arm_fadvise64_64
1071 #define __NR_arm_fadvise64_64 __PNR_arm_fadvise64_64
1072 #endif /* __NR_arm_fadvise64_64 */
1074 #define __PNR_arm_sync_file_range -10084
1075 #ifndef __NR_arm_sync_file_range
1076 #define __NR_arm_sync_file_range __PNR_arm_sync_file_range
1077 #endif /* __NR_arm_sync_file_range */
1079 #define __PNR_finit_module -10085
1080 #ifndef __NR_finit_module
1081 #define __NR_finit_module __PNR_finit_module
1082 #endif /* __NR_finit_module */
1084 #define __PNR_pciconfig_iobase -10086
1085 #ifndef __NR_pciconfig_iobase
1086 #define __NR_pciconfig_iobase __PNR_pciconfig_iobase
1087 #endif /* __NR_pciconfig_iobase */
1089 #define __PNR_pciconfig_read -10087
1090 #ifndef __NR_pciconfig_read
1091 #define __NR_pciconfig_read __PNR_pciconfig_read
1092 #endif /* __NR_pciconfig_read */
1094 #define __PNR_pciconfig_write -10088
1095 #ifndef __NR_pciconfig_write
1096 #define __NR_pciconfig_write __PNR_pciconfig_write
1097 #endif /* __NR_pciconfig_write */
1099 #define __PNR_sync_file_range2 -10089
1100 #ifndef __NR_sync_file_range2
1101 #define __NR_sync_file_range2 __PNR_sync_file_range2
1102 #endif /* __NR_sync_file_range2 */
1104 #define __PNR_syscall -10090
1105 #ifndef __NR_syscall
1106 #define __NR_syscall __PNR_syscall
1107 #endif /* __NR_syscall */
1109 #define __PNR_afs_syscall -10091
1110 #ifndef __NR_afs_syscall
1111 #define __NR_afs_syscall __PNR_afs_syscall
1112 #endif /* __NR_afs_syscall */
1114 #define __PNR_fadvise64 -10092
1115 #ifndef __NR_fadvise64
1116 #define __NR_fadvise64 __PNR_fadvise64
1117 #endif /* __NR_fadvise64 */
1119 #define __PNR_getpmsg -10093
1120 #ifndef __NR_getpmsg
1121 #define __NR_getpmsg __PNR_getpmsg
1122 #endif /* __NR_getpmsg */
1124 #define __PNR_ioperm -10094
1125 #ifndef __NR_ioperm
1126 #define __NR_ioperm __PNR_ioperm
1127 #endif /* __NR_ioperm */
1129 #define __PNR_iopl -10095
1130 #ifndef __NR_iopl
1131 #define __NR_iopl __PNR_iopl
1132 #endif /* __NR_iopl */
1134 #define __PNR_kcmp -10096
1135 #ifndef __NR_kcmp
1136 #define __NR_kcmp __PNR_kcmp
1137 #endif /* __NR_kcmp */
1139 #define __PNR_migrate_pages -10097
1140 #ifndef __NR_migrate_pages
1141 #define __NR_migrate_pages __PNR_migrate_pages
1142 #endif /* __NR_migrate_pages */
1144 #define __PNR_modify_ldt -10098
1145 #ifndef __NR_modify_ldt
1146 #define __NR_modify_ldt __PNR_modify_ldt
1147 #endif /* __NR_modify_ldt */
1149 #define __PNR_putpmsg -10099
1150 #ifndef __NR_putpmsg
1151 #define __NR_putpmsg __PNR_putpmsg
1152 #endif /* __NR_putpmsg */
1154 #define __PNR_sync_file_range -10100
1155 #ifndef __NR_sync_file_range
1156 #define __NR_sync_file_range __PNR_sync_file_range
1157 #endif /* __NR_sync_file_range */
1159 #ifdef __cplusplus
1160 }
1161 #endif
1163 #endif
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Installation Defaults
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
29 INSTALL_OWNER ?= $$(id -u)
30 INSTALL_GROUP ?= $$(id -g)
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library pkg-config Configuration
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 prefix=%%INSTALL_PREFIX%%
22 libdir=%%INSTALL_LIBDIR%%
23 includedir=${prefix}/include
25 Name: libseccomp
26 Description: The enhanced seccomp library
27 URL:
28 Version: %%VERSION_RELEASE%%
29 Cflags: -I${includedir}
30 Libs: -L${libdir} -lseccomp
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Build Macros
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 SHELL = /bin/bash
23 #
24 # simple /bin/bash script to find the top of the tree
25 #
27 TOPDIR := $(shell \
28 ftd() { \
29 cd $$1; \
30 if [[ -r "" ]]; then \
31 pwd; \
32 else \
33 ftd "../"; \
34 fi \
35 }; \
36 ftd .)
38 #
39 # build configuration
40 #
42 V ?= 0
44 CPPFLAGS += -I$(TOPDIR) -I$(TOPDIR)/include
47 CFLAGS ?= -Wl,-z,relro -Wall -O0 -g -fvisibility=hidden
48 CFLAGS += -fPIC
49 PYCFLAGS ?= -fvisibility=default
50 LDFLAGS ?= -z relro -g
52 #
53 # build tools
54 #
56 LN ?= ln
57 MV ?= mv
58 CAT ?= cat
59 ECHO ?= echo
60 TAR ?= tar
61 MKDIR ?= mkdir
63 SED ?= sed
64 AWK ?= awk
66 PYTHON ?= /usr/bin/env python
68 # we require gcc specific functionality
69 GCC ?= gcc
71 INSTALL ?= install
73 ifeq ($(V),0)
74 MAKE += --quiet --no-print-directory
75 ECHO_INFO ?= $(ECHO) ">> INFO:"
76 else
77 ECHO_INFO ?= /bin/true || $(ECHO) ">> INFO:"
78 endif
80 #
81 # auto dependencies
82 #
84 MAKEDEP = @$(GCC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@) $<;
86 @$(GCC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MT $(patsubst %.d,%,$@) \
87 -MF $@ $(patsubst %.d,%.c,$@);
89 ADDDEP = \
90 @adddep_func() { \
91 $(MV) $$1 $$1.dtmp; \
92 $(CAT) $$1.dtmp | $(SED) -e 's/\([^\]\)$$/\1 \\/' | \
93 ( $(CAT) - && $(ECHO) " $$2" ) > $$1; \
94 $(RM) -f $@.dtmp; \
95 }; \
96 adddep_func
98 #
99 # build constants
100 #
102 VERSION_HDR = version.h
104 #
105 # build macros
106 #
111 $(PYTHON) ./
113 ifeq ($(V),0)
114 PY_BUILD = @echo " PYTHON build";
115 endif
117 ifeq ($(V),0)
118 PY_BUILD += -q
119 endif
120 PY_BUILD += build
122 ifeq ($(V),0)
123 PY_INSTALL = @echo " PYTHON install";
124 endif
126 ifeq ($(V),0)
127 PY_INSTALL += -q
128 endif
129 PY_INSTALL += install
131 ifeq ($(V),0)
132 COMPILE = @echo " CC $@";
133 endif
134 COMPILE += $(GCC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<;
136 ifeq ($(V),0)
137 COMPILE_EXEC = @echo " CC $@";
138 endif
141 ifeq ($(V),0)
142 ARCHIVE = @echo " AR $@";
143 endif
144 ARCHIVE += $(AR) -cru $@ $?;
146 ifeq ($(V),0)
147 LINK_EXEC = @echo " LD $@";
148 endif
149 LINK_EXEC += $(GCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBFLAGS);
151 ifeq ($(V),0)
152 LINK_LIB = @echo " LD $@" \
153 "($(patsubst$(VERSION_RELEASE),$(VERSION_MAJOR),$@))";
154 endif
155 LINK_LIB += $(GCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -shared \
156 -Wl,-soname=$(patsubst$(VERSION_RELEASE),$(VERSION_MAJOR),$@)
158 #
159 # install macros
160 #
162 ifeq ($(V),0)
164 endif
166 basename=$$(echo $^ | sed -e 's/.so.*$$/.so/'); \
167 soname=$$(objdump -p $^ | grep "SONAME" | awk '{print $$2}'); \
169 -d "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)"; \
170 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0755 \
171 $^ "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)"; \
172 (cd "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)"; $(RM) $$soname); \
173 (cd "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)"; $(LN) -s $^ $$soname); \
174 (cd "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)"; $(RM) $$basname); \
175 (cd "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)"; $(LN) -s $^ $$basename);
177 ifeq ($(V),0)
179 endif
182 -d "$(INSTALL_BIN_DIR)"; \
183 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0755 \
184 $^ "$(INSTALL_BIN_DIR)";
186 ifeq ($(V),0)
188 @echo " INSTALL $$(cat /proc/$$$$/cmdline | awk '{print $$(NF)}')" \
189 " ($(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig)";
190 endif
193 -d "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig"; \
194 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0644 \
195 "$$(cat /proc/$$$$/cmdline | awk '{print $$(NF)}')" \
196 "$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig"; \#
198 ifeq ($(V),0)
200 endif
203 -d "$(INSTALL_INC_DIR)"; \
204 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0644 \
205 $^ "$(INSTALL_INC_DIR)";
207 ifeq ($(V),0)
209 @echo " INSTALL manpages ($(INSTALL_MAN_DIR)/man1)";
210 endif
213 -d "$(INSTALL_MAN_DIR)/man1"; \
214 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0644 \
215 $^ "$(INSTALL_MAN_DIR)/man1";
217 ifeq ($(V),0)
219 @echo " INSTALL manpages ($(INSTALL_MAN_DIR)/man3)";
220 endif
223 -d "$(INSTALL_MAN_DIR)/man3"; \
224 $(INSTALL) -o $(INSTALL_OWNER) -g $(INSTALL_GROUP) -m 0644 \
225 $^ "$(INSTALL_MAN_DIR)/man3";
227 #
228 # default build targets
229 #
231 %.o: %.c
232 $(MAKEDEP)
233 $(COMPILE)
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include ../
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 include $(TOPDIR)/
32 include $(TOPDIR)/
33 include $(TOPDIR)/
35 LIB_STATIC = libseccomp.a
38 OBJS = \
39 api.o db.o arch.o \
40 arch-x86.o arch-x86-syscalls.o \
41 arch-x86_64.o arch-x86_64-syscalls.o \
42 arch-x32.o arch-x32-syscalls.o \
43 arch-arm.o arch-arm-syscalls.o \
44 hash.o \
45 gen_pfc.o gen_bpf.o
47 DEPS = $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
49 #
50 # bindings configuration
51 #
55 ifeq ($(CONF_BINDINGS_PYTHON), 1)
56 BINDINGS += python
57 endif
59 #
60 # targets
61 #
63 .PHONY: all install clean python
67 -include $(DEPS)
73 $(LINK_LIB)
75 python: $(LIB_STATIC)
76 @$(ECHO_INFO) "building in directory $@/ ..."
77 @$(MAKE) -C $@
79 install: $(LIB_SHARED)
81 @for dir in $(BINDINGS); do \
82 $(ECHO) ">> INFO: installing from $$dir/"; \
83 $(MAKE) -C $$dir install; \
84 done
86 clean:
87 $(RM) $(DEPS) $(OBJS) $(LIB_STATIC)*
88 @for dir in python; do \
89 $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \
90 done
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library API
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <endian.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <inttypes.h>
24 #include <unistd.h>
25 #include <stdarg.h>
26 #include <stdlib.h>
27 #include <string.h>
28 #include <stdbool.h>
29 #include <sys/prctl.h>
31 #include <seccomp.h>
33 #include "arch.h"
34 #include "db.h"
35 #include "gen_pfc.h"
36 #include "gen_bpf.h"
37 #include "system.h"
39 #define API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
41 /**
42 * Validate a filter context
43 * @param ctx the filter context
44 *
45 * Attempt to validate the provided filter context. Returns zero if the
46 * context is valid, negative values on failure.
47 *
48 */
49 static int _ctx_valid(const scmp_filter_ctx *ctx)
50 {
51 return db_col_valid((struct db_filter_col *)ctx);
52 }
54 /**
55 * Validate a syscall number
56 * @param syscall the syscall number
57 *
58 * Attempt to perform basic syscall number validation. Returns zero of the
59 * syscall appears valid, negative values on failure.
60 *
61 */
62 static int _syscall_valid(int syscall)
63 {
64 if (syscall <= -1 && syscall >= -99)
65 return -EINVAL;
66 return 0;
67 }
69 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
70 API scmp_filter_ctx seccomp_init(uint32_t def_action)
71 {
72 struct db_filter_col *col;
73 struct db_filter *db;
75 if (db_action_valid(def_action) < 0)
76 return NULL;
78 col = db_col_init(def_action);
79 if (col == NULL)
80 return NULL;
81 db = db_init(arch_def_native);
82 if (db == NULL)
83 goto init_failure_col;
85 if (db_col_db_add(col, db) < 0)
86 goto init_failure_db;
88 return col;
90 init_failure_db:
91 db_release(db);
92 init_failure_col:
93 db_col_release(col);
94 return NULL;
95 }
97 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
98 API int seccomp_reset(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t def_action)
99 {
100 int rc;
101 struct db_filter_col *col = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx;
102 struct db_filter *db;
104 if (db_col_valid(col) || db_action_valid(def_action) < 0)
105 return -EINVAL;
107 db_col_reset(col, def_action);
109 db = db_init(arch_def_native);
110 if (db == NULL)
111 return -ENOMEM;
112 rc = db_col_db_add(col, db);
113 if (rc < 0)
114 db_release(db);
116 return rc;
117 }
119 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
120 API void seccomp_release(scmp_filter_ctx ctx)
121 {
122 if (_ctx_valid(ctx))
123 return;
125 db_col_release((struct db_filter_col *)ctx);
126 }
128 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
129 API int seccomp_merge(scmp_filter_ctx ctx_dst,
130 scmp_filter_ctx ctx_src)
131 {
132 struct db_filter_col *col_dst = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx_dst;
133 struct db_filter_col *col_src = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx_src;
135 if (db_col_valid(col_dst) || db_col_valid(col_src))
136 return -EINVAL;
138 /* NOTE: only the default action and NNP settings must match */
139 if ((col_dst->attr.act_default != col_src->attr.act_default) ||
140 (col_dst->attr.nnp_enable != col_src->attr.nnp_enable))
141 return -EINVAL;
143 return db_col_merge(col_dst, col_src);
144 }
146 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
147 API uint32_t seccomp_arch_native(void)
148 {
149 return arch_def_native->token;
150 }
152 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
153 API int seccomp_arch_exist(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
154 uint32_t arch_token)
155 {
156 struct db_filter_col *col = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx;
158 if (arch_token == 0)
159 arch_token = arch_def_native->token;
161 if (arch_valid(arch_token))
162 return -EINVAL;
164 return (db_col_arch_exist(col, arch_token) ? 0 : -EEXIST);
165 }
167 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
168 API int seccomp_arch_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)
169 {
170 int rc;
171 const struct arch_def *arch;
172 struct db_filter *db;
173 struct db_filter_col *col = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx;
175 if (arch_token == 0)
176 arch_token = arch_def_native->token;
178 if (arch_valid(arch_token))
179 return -EINVAL;
180 if (db_col_arch_exist(col, arch_token))
181 return -EEXIST;
183 arch = arch_def_lookup(arch_token);
184 if (arch == NULL)
185 return -EFAULT;
186 db = db_init(arch);
187 if (db == NULL)
188 return -ENOMEM;
189 rc = db_col_db_add(col, db);
190 if (rc < 0)
191 db_release(db);
193 return rc;
194 }
196 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
197 API int seccomp_arch_remove(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)
198 {
199 struct db_filter_col *col = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx;
201 if (arch_token == 0)
202 arch_token = arch_def_native->token;
204 if (arch_valid(arch_token))
205 return -EINVAL;
206 if (db_col_arch_exist(col, arch_token) != -EEXIST)
207 return -EEXIST;
209 return db_col_db_remove(col, arch_token);
210 }
212 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
213 API int seccomp_load(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx)
214 {
215 int rc;
216 struct db_filter_col *col;
217 struct bpf_program *program;
219 if (_ctx_valid(ctx))
220 return -EINVAL;
221 col = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx;
223 program = gen_bpf_generate((struct db_filter_col *)ctx);
224 if (program == NULL)
225 return -ENOMEM;
226 /* attempt to set NO_NEW_PRIVS */
227 if (col->attr.nnp_enable) {
228 rc = prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0);
229 if (rc < 0)
230 return -errno;
231 }
232 /* load the filter into the kernel */
233 rc = prctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP, SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER, program);
234 gen_bpf_release(program);
235 if (rc < 0)
236 return -errno;
238 return 0;
239 }
241 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
242 API int seccomp_attr_get(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
243 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t *value)
244 {
245 if (_ctx_valid(ctx))
246 return -EINVAL;
248 return db_col_attr_get((const struct db_filter_col *)ctx, attr, value);
249 }
251 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
252 API int seccomp_attr_set(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
253 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t value)
254 {
255 if (_ctx_valid(ctx))
256 return -EINVAL;
258 return db_col_attr_set((struct db_filter_col *)ctx, attr, value);
259 }
261 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
262 API char *seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(uint32_t arch_token, int num)
263 {
264 const struct arch_def *arch;
265 const char *name;
267 if (arch_token == 0)
268 arch_token = arch_def_native->token;
269 if (arch_valid(arch_token))
270 return NULL;
271 arch = arch_def_lookup(arch_token);
272 if (arch == NULL)
273 return NULL;
275 name = arch_syscall_resolve_num(arch, num);
276 if (name == NULL)
277 return NULL;
279 return strdup(name);
280 }
282 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
283 API int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(uint32_t arch_token, const char *name)
284 {
285 const struct arch_def *arch;
287 if (name == NULL)
288 return -EINVAL;
290 if (arch_token == 0)
291 arch_token = arch_def_native->token;
292 if (arch_valid(arch_token))
293 return -EINVAL;
294 arch = arch_def_lookup(arch_token);
295 if (arch == NULL)
296 return -EFAULT;
298 return arch_syscall_resolve_name(arch, name);
299 }
301 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
302 API int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)
303 {
304 return seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE, name);
305 }
307 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
308 API int seccomp_syscall_priority(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
309 int syscall, uint8_t priority)
310 {
311 int rc = 0, rc_tmp;
312 unsigned int iter;
313 int sc_tmp;
314 struct db_filter_col *col;
315 struct db_filter *filter;
317 if (_ctx_valid(ctx) || _syscall_valid(syscall))
318 return -EINVAL;
319 col = (struct db_filter_col *)ctx;
321 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++) {
322 filter = col->filters[iter];
323 sc_tmp = syscall;
325 rc_tmp = arch_syscall_translate(filter->arch, &sc_tmp);
326 if (rc_tmp < 0)
327 goto syscall_priority_failure;
329 /* if this is a pseudo syscall (syscall < 0) then we need to
330 * rewrite the syscall for some arch specific reason */
331 if (sc_tmp < 0) {
332 /* we set this as a strict op - we don't really care
333 * since priorities are a "best effort" thing - as we
334 * want to catch the -EDOM error and bail on this
335 * architecture */
336 rc_tmp = arch_syscall_rewrite(filter->arch, 1, &sc_tmp);
337 if (rc_tmp == -EDOM)
338 continue;
339 if (rc_tmp < 0)
340 goto syscall_priority_failure;
341 }
343 rc_tmp = db_syscall_priority(filter, sc_tmp, priority);
345 syscall_priority_failure:
346 if (rc == 0 && rc_tmp < 0)
347 rc = rc_tmp;
348 }
350 return rc;
351 }
353 /**
354 * Add a new rule to the current filter
355 * @param col the filter collection
356 * @param strict the strict flag
357 * @param action the filter action
358 * @param syscall the syscall number
359 * @param arg_cnt the number of argument filters in the argument filter chain
360 * @param arg_list the argument filter chain, (uint, enum scmp_compare, ulong)
361 *
362 * This function adds a new argument/comparison/value to the seccomp filter for
363 * a syscall; multiple arguments can be specified and they will be chained
364 * together (essentially AND'd together) in the filter. When the strict flag
365 * is true the function will fail if the exact rule can not be added to the
366 * filter, if the strict flag is false the function will not fail if the
367 * function needs to adjust the rule due to architecture specifics. Returns
368 * zero on success, negative values on failure.
369 *
370 */
371 static int _seccomp_rule_add(struct db_filter_col *col,
372 bool strict, uint32_t action, int syscall,
373 unsigned int arg_cnt,
374 const struct scmp_arg_cmp *arg_array)
375 {
376 int rc = 0, rc_tmp;
377 int sc_tmp;
378 unsigned int iter;
379 unsigned int chain_len;
380 unsigned int arg_num;
381 size_t chain_size;
382 struct db_filter *filter;
383 struct db_api_arg *chain = NULL, *chain_tmp;
384 struct scmp_arg_cmp arg_data;
386 if (arg_cnt > 0 && arg_array == NULL)
387 return -EINVAL;
389 if (db_col_valid(col) || _syscall_valid(syscall))
390 return -EINVAL;
392 rc = db_action_valid(action);
393 if (rc < 0)
394 return rc;
395 if (action == col->attr.act_default)
396 return -EPERM;
398 if (strict && col->filter_cnt > 1)
399 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
401 /* collect the arguments for the filter rule */
402 chain_len = ARG_COUNT_MAX;
403 chain_size = sizeof(*chain) * chain_len;
404 chain = malloc(chain_size);
405 if (chain == NULL)
406 return -ENOMEM;
407 memset(chain, 0, chain_size);
408 for (iter = 0; iter < arg_cnt; iter++) {
409 arg_data = arg_array[iter];
410 arg_num = arg_data.arg;
411 if (arg_num < chain_len && chain[arg_num].valid == 0) {
412 chain[arg_num].valid = 1;
413 chain[arg_num].arg = arg_num;
414 chain[arg_num].op = arg_data.op;
415 /* XXX - we should check datum/mask size against the
416 * arch definition, e.g. 64 bit datum on x86 */
417 switch (chain[arg_num].op) {
418 case SCMP_CMP_NE:
419 case SCMP_CMP_LT:
420 case SCMP_CMP_LE:
421 case SCMP_CMP_EQ:
422 case SCMP_CMP_GE:
423 case SCMP_CMP_GT:
424 chain[arg_num].mask = DATUM_MAX;
425 chain[arg_num].datum = arg_data.datum_a;
426 break;
428 chain[arg_num].mask = arg_data.datum_a;
429 chain[arg_num].datum = arg_data.datum_b;
430 break;
431 default:
432 rc = -EINVAL;
433 goto rule_add_return;
434 }
435 } else {
436 rc = -EINVAL;
437 goto rule_add_return;
438 }
439 }
441 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++) {
442 filter = col->filters[iter];
443 sc_tmp = syscall;
445 rc_tmp = arch_syscall_translate(filter->arch, &sc_tmp);
446 if (rc_tmp < 0)
447 goto rule_add_failure;
449 /* if this is a pseudo syscall (syscall < 0) then we need to
450 * rewrite the rule for some arch specific reason */
451 if (sc_tmp < 0) {
452 /* make a private copy of the chain */
453 chain_tmp = malloc(chain_size);
454 if (chain_tmp == NULL) {
455 rc = -ENOMEM;
456 goto rule_add_failure;
457 }
458 memcpy(chain_tmp, chain, chain_size);
460 /* mangle the private chain copy */
461 rc_tmp = arch_filter_rewrite(filter->arch, strict,
462 &sc_tmp, chain_tmp);
463 if ((rc == -EDOM) && (!strict)) {
464 free(chain_tmp);
465 continue;
466 }
467 if (rc_tmp < 0) {
468 free(chain_tmp);
469 goto rule_add_failure;
470 }
472 /* add the new rule to the existing filter */
473 rc_tmp = db_rule_add(filter, action, sc_tmp, chain_tmp);
474 free(chain_tmp);
475 } else
476 /* add the new rule to the existing filter */
477 rc_tmp = db_rule_add(filter, action, sc_tmp, chain);
479 rule_add_failure:
480 if (rc == 0 && rc_tmp < 0)
481 rc = rc_tmp;
482 }
484 rule_add_return:
485 if (chain != NULL)
486 free(chain);
487 return rc;
488 }
490 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
491 API int seccomp_rule_add_array(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
492 uint32_t action, int syscall,
493 unsigned int arg_cnt,
494 const struct scmp_arg_cmp *arg_array)
495 {
496 if (arg_cnt < 0 || arg_cnt > ARG_COUNT_MAX)
497 return -EINVAL;
499 return _seccomp_rule_add((struct db_filter_col *)ctx,
500 0, action, syscall, arg_cnt, arg_array);
501 }
503 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
504 API int seccomp_rule_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
505 uint32_t action, int syscall,
506 unsigned int arg_cnt, ...)
507 {
508 int rc;
509 int iter;
510 struct scmp_arg_cmp arg_array[ARG_COUNT_MAX];
511 va_list arg_list;
513 if (arg_cnt < 0 || arg_cnt > ARG_COUNT_MAX)
514 return -EINVAL;
516 va_start(arg_list, arg_cnt);
517 for (iter = 0; iter < arg_cnt; ++iter)
518 arg_array[iter] = va_arg(arg_list, struct scmp_arg_cmp);
519 rc = seccomp_rule_add_array(ctx, action, syscall, arg_cnt, arg_array);
520 va_end(arg_list);
522 return rc;
523 }
525 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
526 API int seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
527 uint32_t action, int syscall,
528 unsigned int arg_cnt,
529 const struct scmp_arg_cmp *arg_array)
530 {
531 if (arg_cnt < 0 || arg_cnt > ARG_COUNT_MAX)
532 return -EINVAL;
534 return _seccomp_rule_add((struct db_filter_col *)ctx,
535 1, action, syscall, arg_cnt, arg_array);
536 }
538 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
539 API int seccomp_rule_add_exact(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
540 uint32_t action, int syscall,
541 unsigned int arg_cnt, ...)
542 {
543 int rc;
544 int iter;
545 struct scmp_arg_cmp arg_array[ARG_COUNT_MAX];
546 va_list arg_list;
548 if (arg_cnt < 0 || arg_cnt > ARG_COUNT_MAX)
549 return -EINVAL;
551 va_start(arg_list, arg_cnt);
552 for (iter = 0; iter < arg_cnt; ++iter)
553 arg_array[iter] = va_arg(arg_list, struct scmp_arg_cmp);
554 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(ctx,
555 action, syscall, arg_cnt, arg_array);
556 va_end(arg_list);
558 return rc;
559 }
561 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
562 API int seccomp_export_pfc(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd)
563 {
564 if (_ctx_valid(ctx))
565 return -EINVAL;
567 return gen_pfc_generate((struct db_filter_col *)ctx, fd);
568 }
570 /* NOTE - function header comment in include/seccomp.h */
571 API int seccomp_export_bpf(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd)
572 {
573 int rc;
574 struct bpf_program *program;
576 if (_ctx_valid(ctx))
577 return -EINVAL;
579 program = gen_bpf_generate((struct db_filter_col *)ctx);
580 if (program == NULL)
581 return -ENOMEM;
582 rc = write(fd, program->blks, BPF_PGM_SIZE(program));
583 gen_bpf_release(program);
584 if (rc < 0)
585 return -errno;
587 return 0;
588 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp ARM Syscall Table
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <string.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-arm.h"
28 #define __NR_OABI_SYSCALL_BASE 0x900000
30 /* NOTE: we currently only support the ARM EABI, more info at the URL below:
31 * -> */
32 #if 1
33 #define __NR_SYSCALL_BASE 0
34 #else
36 #endif
38 /* NOTE: based on Linux 3.8.0-rc5 */
39 const struct arch_syscall_def arm_syscall_table[] = { \
40 /* NOTE: arm_sync_file_range() and sync_file_range2() share values */
41 { "accept", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 285) },
42 { "accept4", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 366) },
43 { "access", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 33) },
44 { "acct", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 51) },
45 { "add_key", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 309) },
46 { "adjtimex", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 124) },
47 { "afs_syscall", __PNR_afs_syscall },
48 { "alarm", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 27) },
49 { "arm_fadvise64_64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 270) },
50 { "arm_sync_file_range", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 341) },
51 { "arch_prctl", __PNR_arch_prctl },
52 { "bdflush", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 134) },
53 { "bind", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 282) },
54 { "break", __PNR_break },
55 { "brk", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 45) },
56 { "capget", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 184) },
57 { "capset", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 185) },
58 { "chdir", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 12) },
59 { "chmod", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 15) },
60 { "chown", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 182) },
61 { "chown32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 212) },
62 { "chroot", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 61) },
63 { "clock_adjtime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 372) },
64 { "clock_getres", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 264) },
65 { "clock_gettime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 263) },
66 { "clock_nanosleep", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 265) },
67 { "clock_settime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 262) },
68 { "clone", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 120) },
69 { "close", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 6) },
70 { "connect", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 283) },
71 { "creat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 8) },
72 { "create_module", __PNR_create_module },
73 { "delete_module", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 129) },
74 { "dup", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 41) },
75 { "dup2", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 63) },
76 { "dup3", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 358) },
77 { "epoll_create", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 250) },
78 { "epoll_create1", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 357) },
79 { "epoll_ctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 251) },
80 { "epoll_ctl_old", __PNR_epoll_ctl_old },
81 { "epoll_pwait", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 346) },
82 { "epoll_wait", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 252) },
83 { "epoll_wait_old", __PNR_epoll_wait_old },
84 { "eventfd", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 351) },
85 { "eventfd2", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 356) },
86 { "execve", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 11) },
87 { "exit", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 1) },
88 { "exit_group", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 248) },
89 { "faccessat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 334) },
90 { "fadvise64", __PNR_fadvise64 },
91 { "fadvise64_64", __PNR_fadvise64_64 },
92 { "fallocate", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 352) },
93 { "fanotify_init", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 367) },
94 { "fanotify_mark", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 368) },
95 { "fchdir", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 133) },
96 { "fchmod", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 94) },
97 { "fchmodat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 333) },
98 { "fchown", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 95) },
99 { "fchown32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 207) },
100 { "fchownat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 325) },
101 { "fcntl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 55) },
102 { "fcntl64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 221) },
103 { "fdatasync", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 148) },
104 { "fgetxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 231) },
105 { "finit_module", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 379) },
106 { "flistxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 234) },
107 { "flock", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 143) },
108 { "fork", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 2) },
109 { "fremovexattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 237) },
110 { "fsetxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 228) },
111 { "fstat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 108) },
112 { "fstat64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 197) },
113 { "fstatat64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 327) },
114 { "fstatfs", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 100) },
115 { "fstatfs64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 267) },
116 { "fsync", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 118) },
117 { "ftime", __PNR_ftime },
118 { "ftruncate", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 93) },
119 { "ftruncate64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 194) },
120 { "futex", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 240) },
121 { "futimesat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 326) },
122 { "get_kernel_syms", __PNR_get_kernel_syms },
123 { "get_mempolicy", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 320) },
124 { "get_robust_list", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 339) },
125 { "get_thread_area", __PNR_get_thread_area },
126 { "getcpu", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 345) },
127 { "getcwd", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 183) },
128 { "getdents", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 141) },
129 { "getdents64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 217) },
130 { "getegid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 50) },
131 { "getegid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 202) },
132 { "geteuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 49) },
133 { "geteuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 201) },
134 { "getgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 47) },
135 { "getgid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 200) },
136 { "getgroups", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 80) },
137 { "getgroups32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 205) },
138 { "getitimer", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 105) },
139 { "getpeername", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 287) },
140 { "getpgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 132) },
141 { "getpgrp", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 65) },
142 { "getpid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 20) },
143 { "getpmsg", __PNR_getpmsg },
144 { "getppid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 64) },
145 { "getpriority", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 96) },
146 { "getresgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 171) },
147 { "getresgid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 211) },
148 { "getresuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 165) },
149 { "getresuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 209) },
150 { "getrlimit", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 76) },
151 { "getrusage", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 77) },
152 { "getsid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 147) },
153 { "getsockname", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 286) },
154 { "getsockopt", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 295) },
155 { "gettid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 224) },
156 { "gettimeofday", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 78) },
157 { "getuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 24) },
158 { "getuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 199) },
159 { "getxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 229) },
160 { "gtty", __PNR_gtty },
161 { "idle", __PNR_idle },
162 { "init_module", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 128) },
163 { "inotify_add_watch", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 317) },
164 { "inotify_init", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 316) },
165 { "inotify_init1", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 360) },
166 { "inotify_rm_watch", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 318) },
167 { "io_cancel", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 247) },
168 { "io_destroy", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 244) },
169 { "io_getevents", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 245) },
170 { "io_setup", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 243) },
171 { "io_submit", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 246) },
172 { "ioctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 54) },
173 { "ioperm", __PNR_ioperm },
174 { "iopl", __PNR_iopl },
175 { "ioprio_get", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 315) },
176 { "ioprio_set", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 314) },
177 { "ipc", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 117) },
178 { "kcmp", __PNR_kcmp },
179 { "kexec_load", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 347) },
180 { "keyctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 311) },
181 { "kill", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 37) },
182 { "lchown", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 16) },
183 { "lchown32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 198) },
184 { "lgetxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 230) },
185 { "link", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 9) },
186 { "linkat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 330) },
187 { "listen", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 284) },
188 { "listxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 232) },
189 { "llistxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 233) },
190 { "_llseek", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 140) },
191 { "lock", __PNR_lock },
192 { "lookup_dcookie", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 249) },
193 { "lremovexattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 236) },
194 { "lseek", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 19) },
195 { "lsetxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 227) },
196 { "lstat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 107) },
197 { "lstat64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 196) },
198 { "madvise", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 220) },
199 { "mbind", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 319) },
200 { "migrate_pages", __PNR_migrate_pages },
201 { "mincore", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 219) },
202 { "mkdir", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 39) },
203 { "mkdirat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 323) },
204 { "mknod", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 14) },
205 { "mknodat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 324) },
206 { "mlock", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 150) },
207 { "mlockall", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 152) },
208 { "mmap", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 90) },
209 { "mmap2", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 192) },
210 { "modify_ldt", __PNR_modify_ldt },
211 { "mount", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 21) },
212 { "move_pages", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 344) },
213 { "mprotect", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 125) },
214 { "mpx", __PNR_mpx },
215 { "mq_getsetattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 279) },
216 { "mq_notify", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 278) },
217 { "mq_open", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 274) },
218 { "mq_timedreceive", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 277) },
219 { "mq_timedsend", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 276) },
220 { "mq_unlink", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 275) },
221 { "mremap", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 163) },
222 { "msgctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 304) },
223 { "msgget", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 303) },
224 { "msgrcv", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 302) },
225 { "msgsnd", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 301) },
226 { "msync", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 144) },
227 { "munlock", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 151) },
228 { "munlockall", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 153) },
229 { "munmap", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 91) },
230 { "name_to_handle_at", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 370) },
231 { "nanosleep", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 162) },
232 { "_newselect", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 142) },
233 { "newfstatat", __PNR_newfstatat },
234 { "nfsservctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 169) },
235 { "nice", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 34) },
236 { "oldfstat", __PNR_oldfstat },
237 { "oldlstat", __PNR_oldlstat },
238 { "oldolduname", __PNR_oldolduname },
239 { "oldstat", __PNR_oldstat },
240 { "olduname", __PNR_olduname },
241 { "open", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 5) },
242 { "open_by_handle_at", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 371) },
243 { "openat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 322) },
244 { "pause", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 29) },
245 { "pciconfig_iobase", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 271) },
246 { "pciconfig_read", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 272) },
247 { "pciconfig_write", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 273) },
248 { "perf_event_open", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 364) },
249 { "personality", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 136) },
250 { "pipe", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 42) },
251 { "pipe2", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 359) },
252 { "pivot_root", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 218) },
253 { "poll", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 168) },
254 { "ppoll", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 336) },
255 { "prctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 172) },
256 { "pread64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 180) },
257 { "preadv", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 361) },
258 { "prlimit64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 369) },
259 { "process_vm_readv", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 376) },
260 { "process_vm_writev", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 377) },
261 { "prof", __PNR_prof },
262 { "profil", __PNR_profil },
263 { "pselect6", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 335) },
264 { "ptrace", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 26) },
265 { "putpmsg", __PNR_putpmsg },
266 { "pwrite64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 181) },
267 { "pwritev", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 362) },
268 { "query_module", __PNR_query_module },
269 { "quotactl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 131) },
270 { "read", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 3) },
271 { "readahead", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 225) },
272 { "readdir", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 89) },
273 { "readlink", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 85) },
274 { "readlinkat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 332) },
275 { "readv", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 145) },
276 { "reboot", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 88) },
277 { "recv", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 291) },
278 { "recvfrom", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 292) },
279 { "recvmmsg", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 365) },
280 { "recvmsg", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 297) },
281 { "remap_file_pages", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 253) },
282 { "removexattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 235) },
283 { "rename", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 38) },
284 { "renameat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 329) },
285 { "request_key", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 310) },
286 { "restart_syscall", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 0) },
287 { "rmdir", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 40) },
288 { "rt_sigaction", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 174) },
289 { "rt_sigpending", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 176) },
290 { "rt_sigprocmask", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 175) },
291 { "rt_sigqueueinfo", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 178) },
292 { "rt_sigreturn", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 173) },
293 { "rt_sigsuspend", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 179) },
294 { "rt_sigtimedwait", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 177) },
295 { "rt_tgsigqueueinfo", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 363) },
296 { "sched_get_priority_max", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 159) },
297 { "sched_get_priority_min", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 160) },
298 { "sched_getaffinity", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 242) },
299 { "sched_getparam", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 155) },
300 { "sched_getscheduler", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 157) },
301 { "sched_rr_get_interval", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 161) },
302 { "sched_setaffinity", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 241) },
303 { "sched_setparam", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 154) },
304 { "sched_setscheduler", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 156) },
305 { "sched_yield", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 158) },
306 { "security", __PNR_security },
307 { "select", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 82) },
308 { "semctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 300) },
309 { "semget", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 299) },
310 { "semop", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 298) },
311 { "semtimedop", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 312) },
312 { "send", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 289) },
313 { "sendfile", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 187) },
314 { "sendfile64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 239) },
315 { "sendmmsg", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 374) },
316 { "sendmsg", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 296) },
317 { "sendto", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 290) },
318 { "set_mempolicy", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 321) },
319 { "set_robust_list", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 338) },
320 { "set_thread_area", __PNR_set_thread_area },
321 { "set_tid_address", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 256) },
322 { "setdomainname", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 121) },
323 { "setfsgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 139) },
324 { "setfsgid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 216) },
325 { "setfsuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 138) },
326 { "setfsuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 215) },
327 { "setgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 46) },
328 { "setgid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 214) },
329 { "setgroups", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 81) },
330 { "setgroups32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 206) },
331 { "sethostname", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 74) },
332 { "setitimer", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 104) },
333 { "setns", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 375) },
334 { "setpgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 57) },
335 { "setpriority", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 97) },
336 { "setregid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 71) },
337 { "setregid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 204) },
338 { "setresgid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 170) },
339 { "setresgid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 210) },
340 { "setresuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 164) },
341 { "setresuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 208) },
342 { "setreuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 70) },
343 { "setreuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 203) },
344 { "setrlimit", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 75) },
345 { "setsid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 66) },
346 { "setsockopt", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 294) },
347 { "settimeofday", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 79) },
348 { "setuid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 23) },
349 { "setuid32", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 213) },
350 { "setxattr", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 226) },
351 { "sgetmask", __PNR_sgetmask },
352 { "shmat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 305) },
353 { "shmctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 308) },
354 { "shmdt", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 306) },
355 { "shmget", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 307) },
356 { "shutdown", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 293) },
357 { "sigaction", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 67) },
358 { "sigaltstack", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 186) },
359 { "signal", __PNR_signal },
360 { "signalfd", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 349) },
361 { "signalfd4", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 355) },
362 { "sigpending", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 73) },
363 { "sigprocmask", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 126) },
364 { "sigreturn", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 119) },
365 { "sigsuspend", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 72) },
366 { "socket", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 281) },
367 { "socketcall", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 102) },
368 { "socketpair", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 288) },
369 { "splice", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 340) },
370 { "ssetmask", __PNR_ssetmask },
371 { "stat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 106) },
372 { "stat64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 195) },
373 { "statfs", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 99) },
374 { "statfs64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 266) },
375 { "stime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 25) },
376 { "stty", __PNR_stty },
377 { "swapoff", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 115) },
378 { "swapon", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 87) },
379 { "symlink", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 83) },
380 { "symlinkat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 331) },
381 { "sync", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 36) },
382 { "sync_file_range", __PNR_sync_file_range },
383 { "sync_file_range2", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 341) },
384 { "syncfs", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 373) },
385 { "syscall", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 113) },
386 { "_sysctl", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 149) },
387 { "sysfs", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 135) },
388 { "sysinfo", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 116) },
389 { "syslog", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 103) },
390 { "tee", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 342) },
391 { "tgkill", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 268) },
392 { "time", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 13) },
393 { "timer_create", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 257) },
394 { "timer_delete", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 261) },
395 { "timer_getoverrun", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 260) },
396 { "timer_gettime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 259) },
397 { "timer_settime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 258) },
398 { "timerfd_create", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 350) },
399 { "timerfd_gettime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 354) },
400 { "timerfd_settime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 353) },
401 { "times", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 43) },
402 { "tkill", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 238) },
403 { "truncate", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 92) },
404 { "truncate64", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 193) },
405 { "tuxcall", __PNR_tuxcall },
406 { "ugetrlimit", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 191) },
407 { "ulimit", __PNR_ulimit },
408 { "umask", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 60) },
409 { "umount", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 22) },
410 { "umount2", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 52) },
411 { "uname", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 122) },
412 { "unlink", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 10) },
413 { "unlinkat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 328) },
414 { "unshare", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 337) },
415 { "uselib", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 86) },
416 { "ustat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 62) },
417 { "utime", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 30) },
418 { "utimensat", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 348) },
419 { "utimes", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 269) },
420 { "vfork", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 190) },
421 { "vhangup", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 111) },
422 { "vm86", __PNR_vm86 },
423 { "vm86old", __PNR_vm86old },
424 { "vmsplice", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 343) },
425 { "vserver", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 313) },
426 { "wait4", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 114) },
427 { "waitid", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 280) },
428 { "waitpid", __PNR_waitpid },
429 { "write", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 4) },
430 { "writev", (__NR_SYSCALL_BASE + 146) },
431 { NULL, __NR_SCMP_ERROR },
432 };
434 /**
435 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
436 * @param name the syscall name
437 *
438 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number using the syscall table.
439 * Returns the syscall number on success, including negative pseudo syscall
440 * numbers; returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
441 *
442 */
443 int arm_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)
444 {
445 unsigned int iter;
446 const struct arch_syscall_def *table = arm_syscall_table;
448 /* XXX - plenty of room for future improvement here */
449 for (iter = 0; table[iter].name != NULL; iter++) {
450 if (strcmp(name, table[iter].name) == 0)
451 return table[iter].num;
452 }
454 return __NR_SCMP_ERROR;
455 }
457 /**
458 * Resolve a syscall number to a name
459 * @param num the syscall number
460 *
461 * Resolve the given syscall number to the syscall name using the syscall table.
462 * Returns a pointer to the syscall name string on success, including pseudo
463 * syscall names; returns NULL on failure.
464 *
465 */
466 const char *arm_syscall_resolve_num(int num)
467 {
468 unsigned int iter;
469 const struct arch_syscall_def *table = arm_syscall_table;
471 /* XXX - plenty of room for future improvement here */
472 for (iter = 0; table[iter].num != __NR_SCMP_ERROR; iter++) {
473 if (num == table[iter].num)
474 return table[iter].name;
475 }
477 return NULL;
478 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp ARM Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <linux/audit.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-arm.h"
28 const struct arch_def arch_def_arm = {
29 .token = SCMP_ARCH_ARM,
30 .token_bpf = AUDIT_ARCH_ARM,
31 .size = ARCH_SIZE_32,
32 .endian = ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE,
33 };
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp ARM Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _ARCH_ARM_H
22 #define _ARCH_ARM_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
26 #include "arch.h"
27 #include "system.h"
29 #define arm_arg_count_max 6
31 extern const struct arch_def arch_def_arm;
33 int arm_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name);
34 const char *arm_syscall_resolve_num(int num);
36 #endif
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x32 Syscall Table
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <string.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-x86_64.h"
27 #include "arch-x32.h"
29 /**
30 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
31 * @param name the syscall name
32 *
33 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number using the syscall table.
34 * Returns the syscall number on success, including negative pseudo syscall
35 * numbers; returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
36 *
37 */
38 int x32_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)
39 {
40 int syscall;
42 syscall = x86_64_syscall_resolve_name(name);
43 if (syscall >= 0)
44 syscall |= X32_SYSCALL_BIT;
46 return syscall;
47 }
49 /**
50 * Resolve a syscall number to a name
51 * @param num the syscall number
52 *
53 * Resolve the given syscall number to the syscall name using the syscall table.
54 * Returns a pointer to the syscall name string on success, including pseudo
55 * syscall names; returns NULL on failure.
56 *
57 */
58 const char *x32_syscall_resolve_num(int num)
59 {
60 int syscall = num;
62 if (syscall >= 0)
63 syscall &= (~X32_SYSCALL_BIT);
65 return x86_64_syscall_resolve_num(syscall);
66 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x32 Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <linux/audit.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-x32.h"
28 const struct arch_def arch_def_x32 = {
29 .token = SCMP_ARCH_X32,
30 /* NOTE: this seems odd but the kernel treats x32 like x86_64 here */
31 .token_bpf = AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64,
32 .size = ARCH_SIZE_32,
33 .endian = ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE,
34 };
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x32 Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _ARCH_X32_H
22 #define _ARCH_X32_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
26 #include "arch.h"
27 #include "system.h"
29 #define X32_SYSCALL_BIT 0x40000000
31 #define x32_arg_count_max 6
33 extern const struct arch_def arch_def_x32;
35 int x32_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name);
36 const char *x32_syscall_resolve_num(int num);
38 #endif
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x86 Syscall Table
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <string.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-x86.h"
28 /* NOTE: based on Linux 3.4.7 */
29 static const struct arch_syscall_def x86_syscall_table[] = { \
30 { "accept", __PNR_accept },
31 { "accept4", __PNR_accept4 },
32 { "access", 33 },
33 { "acct", 51 },
34 { "add_key", 286 },
35 { "adjtimex", 124 },
36 { "afs_syscall", 137 },
37 { "alarm", 27 },
38 { "arm_fadvise64_64", __PNR_arm_fadvise64_64 },
39 { "arm_sync_file_range", __PNR_arm_sync_file_range },
40 { "arch_prctl", __PNR_arch_prctl },
41 { "bdflush", 134 },
42 { "bind", __PNR_bind },
43 { "break", 17 },
44 { "brk", 45 },
45 { "capget", 184 },
46 { "capset", 185 },
47 { "chdir", 12 },
48 { "chmod", 15 },
49 { "chown", 182 },
50 { "chown32", 212 },
51 { "chroot", 61 },
52 { "clock_adjtime", 343 },
53 { "clock_getres", 266 },
54 { "clock_gettime", 265 },
55 { "clock_nanosleep", 267 },
56 { "clock_settime", 264 },
57 { "clone", 120 },
58 { "close", 6 },
59 { "connect", __PNR_connect },
60 { "creat", 8 },
61 { "create_module", 127 },
62 { "delete_module", 129 },
63 { "dup", 41 },
64 { "dup2", 63 },
65 { "dup3", 330 },
66 { "epoll_create", 254 },
67 { "epoll_create1", 329 },
68 { "epoll_ctl", 255 },
69 { "epoll_ctl_old", __PNR_epoll_ctl_old },
70 { "epoll_pwait", 319 },
71 { "epoll_wait", 256 },
72 { "epoll_wait_old", __PNR_epoll_wait_old },
73 { "eventfd", 323 },
74 { "eventfd2", 328 },
75 { "execve", 11 },
76 { "exit", 1 },
77 { "exit_group", 252 },
78 { "faccessat", 307 },
79 { "fadvise64", 250 },
80 { "fadvise64_64", 272 },
81 { "fallocate", 324 },
82 { "fanotify_init", 338 },
83 { "fanotify_mark", 339 },
84 { "fchdir", 133 },
85 { "fchmod", 94 },
86 { "fchmodat", 306 },
87 { "fchown", 95 },
88 { "fchown32", 207 },
89 { "fchownat", 298 },
90 { "fcntl", 55 },
91 { "fcntl64", 221 },
92 { "fdatasync", 148 },
93 { "fgetxattr", 231 },
94 { "finit_module", __PNR_finit_module },
95 { "flistxattr", 234 },
96 { "flock", 143 },
97 { "fork", 2 },
98 { "fremovexattr", 237 },
99 { "fsetxattr", 228 },
100 { "fstat", 108 },
101 { "fstat64", 197 },
102 { "fstatat64", 300 },
103 { "fstatfs", 100 },
104 { "fstatfs64", 269 },
105 { "fsync", 118 },
106 { "ftime", 35 },
107 { "ftruncate", 93 },
108 { "ftruncate64", 194 },
109 { "futex", 240 },
110 { "futimesat", 299 },
111 { "get_kernel_syms", 130 },
112 { "get_mempolicy", 275 },
113 { "get_robust_list", 312 },
114 { "get_thread_area", 244 },
115 { "getcpu", 318 },
116 { "getcwd", 183 },
117 { "getdents", 141 },
118 { "getdents64", 220 },
119 { "getegid", 50 },
120 { "getegid32", 202 },
121 { "geteuid", 49 },
122 { "geteuid32", 201 },
123 { "getgid", 47 },
124 { "getgid32", 200 },
125 { "getgroups", 80 },
126 { "getgroups32", 205 },
127 { "getitimer", 105 },
128 { "getpeername", __PNR_getpeername },
129 { "getpgid", 132 },
130 { "getpgrp", 65 },
131 { "getpid", 20 },
132 { "getpmsg", 188 },
133 { "getppid", 64 },
134 { "getpriority", 96 },
135 { "getresgid", 171 },
136 { "getresgid32", 211 },
137 { "getresuid", 165 },
138 { "getresuid32", 209 },
139 { "getrlimit", 76 },
140 { "getrusage", 77 },
141 { "getsid", 147 },
142 { "getsockname", __PNR_getsockname },
143 { "getsockopt", __PNR_getsockopt },
144 { "gettid", 224 },
145 { "gettimeofday", 78 },
146 { "getuid", 24 },
147 { "getuid32", 199 },
148 { "getxattr", 229 },
149 { "gtty", 32 },
150 { "idle", 112 },
151 { "init_module", 128 },
152 { "inotify_add_watch", 292 },
153 { "inotify_init", 291 },
154 { "inotify_init1", 332 },
155 { "inotify_rm_watch", 293 },
156 { "io_cancel", 249 },
157 { "io_destroy", 246 },
158 { "io_getevents", 247 },
159 { "io_setup", 245 },
160 { "io_submit", 248 },
161 { "ioctl", 54 },
162 { "ioperm", 101 },
163 { "iopl", 110 },
164 { "ioprio_get", 290 },
165 { "ioprio_set", 289 },
166 { "ipc", 117 },
167 { "kcmp", 349 },
168 { "kexec_load", 283 },
169 { "keyctl", 288 },
170 { "kill", 37 },
171 { "lchown", 16 },
172 { "lchown32", 198 },
173 { "lgetxattr", 230 },
174 { "link", 9 },
175 { "linkat", 303 },
176 { "listen", __PNR_listen },
177 { "listxattr", 232 },
178 { "llistxattr", 233 },
179 { "_llseek", 140 },
180 { "lock", 53 },
181 { "lookup_dcookie", 253 },
182 { "lremovexattr", 236 },
183 { "lseek", 19 },
184 { "lsetxattr", 227 },
185 { "lstat", 107 },
186 { "lstat64", 196 },
187 { "madvise", 219 },
188 { "mbind", 274 },
189 { "migrate_pages", 294 },
190 { "mincore", 218 },
191 { "mkdir", 39 },
192 { "mkdirat", 296 },
193 { "mknod", 14 },
194 { "mknodat", 297 },
195 { "mlock", 150 },
196 { "mlockall", 152 },
197 { "mmap", 90 },
198 { "mmap2", 192 },
199 { "modify_ldt", 123 },
200 { "mount", 21 },
201 { "move_pages", 317 },
202 { "mprotect", 125 },
203 { "mpx", 56 },
204 { "mq_getsetattr", 282 },
205 { "mq_notify", 281 },
206 { "mq_open", 277 },
207 { "mq_timedreceive", 280 },
208 { "mq_timedsend", 279 },
209 { "mq_unlink", 278 },
210 { "mremap", 163 },
211 { "msgctl", __PNR_msgctl },
212 { "msgget", __PNR_msgget },
213 { "msgrcv", __PNR_msgrcv },
214 { "msgsnd", __PNR_msgsnd },
215 { "msync", 144 },
216 { "munlock", 151 },
217 { "munlockall", 153 },
218 { "munmap", 91 },
219 { "name_to_handle_at", 341 },
220 { "nanosleep", 162 },
221 { "_newselect", 142 },
222 { "newfstatat", __PNR_newfstatat },
223 { "nfsservctl", 169 },
224 { "nice", 34 },
225 { "oldfstat", 28 },
226 { "oldlstat", 84 },
227 { "oldolduname", 59 },
228 { "oldstat", 18 },
229 { "olduname", 109 },
230 { "open", 5 },
231 { "open_by_handle_at", 342 },
232 { "openat", 295 },
233 { "pause", 29 },
234 { "pciconfig_iobase", __PNR_pciconfig_iobase },
235 { "pciconfig_read", __PNR_pciconfig_read },
236 { "pciconfig_write", __PNR_pciconfig_write },
237 { "perf_event_open", 336 },
238 { "personality", 136 },
239 { "pipe", 42 },
240 { "pipe2", 331 },
241 { "pivot_root", 217 },
242 { "poll", 168 },
243 { "ppoll", 309 },
244 { "prctl", 172 },
245 { "pread64", 180 },
246 { "preadv", 333 },
247 { "prlimit64", 340 },
248 { "process_vm_readv", 347 },
249 { "process_vm_writev", 348 },
250 { "prof", 44 },
251 { "profil", 98 },
252 { "pselect6", 308 },
253 { "ptrace", 26 },
254 { "putpmsg", 189 },
255 { "pwrite64", 181 },
256 { "pwritev", 334 },
257 { "query_module", 167 },
258 { "quotactl", 131 },
259 { "read", 3 },
260 { "readahead", 225 },
261 { "readdir", 89 },
262 { "readlink", 85 },
263 { "readlinkat", 305 },
264 { "readv", 145 },
265 { "reboot", 88 },
266 { "recv", __PNR_recv },
267 { "recvfrom", __PNR_recvfrom },
268 { "recvmmsg", 337 },
269 { "recvmsg", __PNR_recvmsg },
270 { "remap_file_pages", 257 },
271 { "removexattr", 235 },
272 { "rename", 38 },
273 { "renameat", 302 },
274 { "request_key", 287 },
275 { "restart_syscall", 0 },
276 { "rmdir", 40 },
277 { "rt_sigaction", 174 },
278 { "rt_sigpending", 176 },
279 { "rt_sigprocmask", 175 },
280 { "rt_sigqueueinfo", 178 },
281 { "rt_sigreturn", 173 },
282 { "rt_sigsuspend", 179 },
283 { "rt_sigtimedwait", 177 },
284 { "rt_tgsigqueueinfo", 335 },
285 { "sched_get_priority_max", 159 },
286 { "sched_get_priority_min", 160 },
287 { "sched_getaffinity", 242 },
288 { "sched_getparam", 155 },
289 { "sched_getscheduler", 157 },
290 { "sched_rr_get_interval", 161 },
291 { "sched_setaffinity", 241 },
292 { "sched_setparam", 154 },
293 { "sched_setscheduler", 156 },
294 { "sched_yield", 158 },
295 { "security", __PNR_security },
296 { "select", 82 },
297 { "semctl", __PNR_semctl },
298 { "semget", __PNR_semget },
299 { "semop", __PNR_semop },
300 { "semtimedop", __PNR_semtimedop },
301 { "send", __PNR_send },
302 { "sendfile", 187 },
303 { "sendfile64", 239 },
304 { "sendmmsg", 345 },
305 { "sendmsg", __PNR_sendmsg },
306 { "sendto", __PNR_sendto },
307 { "set_mempolicy", 276 },
308 { "set_robust_list", 311 },
309 { "set_thread_area", 243 },
310 { "set_tid_address", 258 },
311 { "setdomainname", 121 },
312 { "setfsgid", 139 },
313 { "setfsgid32", 216 },
314 { "setfsuid", 138 },
315 { "setfsuid32", 215 },
316 { "setgid", 46 },
317 { "setgid32", 214 },
318 { "setgroups", 81 },
319 { "setgroups32", 206 },
320 { "sethostname", 74 },
321 { "setitimer", 104 },
322 { "setns", 346 },
323 { "setpgid", 57 },
324 { "setpriority", 97 },
325 { "setregid", 71 },
326 { "setregid32", 204 },
327 { "setresgid", 170 },
328 { "setresgid32", 210 },
329 { "setresuid", 164 },
330 { "setresuid32", 208 },
331 { "setreuid", 70 },
332 { "setreuid32", 203 },
333 { "setrlimit", 75 },
334 { "setsid", 66 },
335 { "setsockopt", __PNR_setsockopt },
336 { "settimeofday", 79 },
337 { "setuid", 23 },
338 { "setuid32", 213 },
339 { "setxattr", 226 },
340 { "sgetmask", 68 },
341 { "shmat", __PNR_shmat },
342 { "shmctl", __PNR_shmctl },
343 { "shmdt", __PNR_shmdt },
344 { "shmget", __PNR_shmget },
345 { "shutdown", __PNR_shutdown },
346 { "sigaction", 67 },
347 { "sigaltstack", 186 },
348 { "signal", 48 },
349 { "signalfd", 321 },
350 { "signalfd4", 327 },
351 { "sigpending", 73 },
352 { "sigprocmask", 126 },
353 { "sigreturn", 119 },
354 { "sigsuspend", 72 },
355 { "socket", __PNR_socket },
356 { "socketcall", 102 },
357 { "socketpair", __PNR_socketpair },
358 { "splice", 313 },
359 { "ssetmask", 69 },
360 { "stat", 106 },
361 { "stat64", 195 },
362 { "statfs", 99 },
363 { "statfs64", 268 },
364 { "stime", 25 },
365 { "stty", 31 },
366 { "swapoff", 115 },
367 { "swapon", 87 },
368 { "symlink", 83 },
369 { "symlinkat", 304 },
370 { "sync", 36 },
371 { "sync_file_range", 314 },
372 { "sync_file_range2", __PNR_sync_file_range2 },
373 { "syncfs", 344 },
374 { "syscall", __PNR_syscall },
375 { "_sysctl", 149 },
376 { "sysfs", 135 },
377 { "sysinfo", 116 },
378 { "syslog", 103 },
379 { "tee", 315 },
380 { "tgkill", 270 },
381 { "time", 13 },
382 { "timer_create", 259 },
383 { "timer_delete", 263 },
384 { "timer_getoverrun", 262 },
385 { "timer_gettime", 261 },
386 { "timer_settime", 260 },
387 { "timerfd_create", 322 },
388 { "timerfd_gettime", 326 },
389 { "timerfd_settime", 325 },
390 { "times", 43 },
391 { "tkill", 238 },
392 { "truncate", 92 },
393 { "truncate64", 193 },
394 { "tuxcall", __PNR_tuxcall },
395 { "ugetrlimit", 191 },
396 { "ulimit", 58 },
397 { "umask", 60 },
398 { "umount", 22 },
399 { "umount2", 52 },
400 { "uname", 122 },
401 { "unlink", 10 },
402 { "unlinkat", 301 },
403 { "unshare", 310 },
404 { "uselib", 86 },
405 { "ustat", 62 },
406 { "utime", 30 },
407 { "utimensat", 320 },
408 { "utimes", 271 },
409 { "vfork", 190 },
410 { "vhangup", 111 },
411 { "vm86", 166 },
412 { "vm86old", 113 },
413 { "vmsplice", 316 },
414 { "vserver", 273 },
415 { "wait4", 114 },
416 { "waitid", 284 },
417 { "waitpid", 7 },
418 { "write", 4 },
419 { "writev", 146 },
420 { NULL, __NR_SCMP_ERROR },
421 };
423 /**
424 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
425 * @param name the syscall name
426 *
427 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number using the syscall table.
428 * Returns the syscall number on success, including negative pseudo syscall
429 * numbers; returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
430 *
431 */
432 int x86_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)
433 {
434 unsigned int iter;
435 const struct arch_syscall_def *table = x86_syscall_table;
437 /* XXX - plenty of room for future improvement here */
438 for (iter = 0; table[iter].name != NULL; iter++) {
439 if (strcmp(name, table[iter].name) == 0)
440 return table[iter].num;
441 }
443 return __NR_SCMP_ERROR;
444 }
446 /**
447 * Resolve a syscall number to a name
448 * @param num the syscall number
449 *
450 * Resolve the given syscall number to the syscall name using the syscall table.
451 * Returns a pointer to the syscall name string on success, including pseudo
452 * syscall names; returns NULL on failure.
453 *
454 */
455 const char *x86_syscall_resolve_num(int num)
456 {
457 unsigned int iter;
458 const struct arch_syscall_def *table = x86_syscall_table;
460 /* XXX - plenty of room for future improvement here */
461 for (iter = 0; table[iter].num != __NR_SCMP_ERROR; iter++) {
462 if (num == table[iter].num)
463 return table[iter].name;
464 }
466 return NULL;
467 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x86 Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <linux/audit.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-x86.h"
28 /* x86 syscall numbers */
29 #define __x86_NR_socketcall 102
30 #define __x86_NR_ipc 117
32 const struct arch_def arch_def_x86 = {
33 .token = SCMP_ARCH_X86,
34 .token_bpf = AUDIT_ARCH_I386,
35 .size = ARCH_SIZE_32,
36 .endian = ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE,
37 };
39 /**
40 * Rewrite a syscall value to match the architecture
41 * @param arch the architecture definition
42 * @param strict strict flag
43 * @param syscall the syscall number
44 *
45 * Syscalls can vary across different architectures so this function rewrites
46 * the syscall into the correct value for the specified architecture. If
47 * @strict is true then the function will fail if the syscall can not be
48 * preservered, however, if @strict is false the function will do a "best
49 * effort" rewrite and not fail. Returns zero on success, negative values on
50 * failure.
51 *
52 */
53 int x86_syscall_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict, int *syscall)
54 {
55 if ((*syscall) <= -100 && (*syscall) >= -117)
56 *syscall = __x86_NR_socketcall;
57 else if ((*syscall) <= -200 && (*syscall) >= -211)
58 *syscall = __x86_NR_ipc;
59 else if (((*syscall) < 0) && (strict))
60 return -EDOM;
62 return 0;
63 }
65 /**
66 * Rewrite a filter rule to match the architecture specifics
67 * @param arch the architecture definition
68 * @param strict strict flag
69 * @param syscall the syscall number
70 * @param chain the argument filter chain
71 *
72 * Syscalls can vary across different architectures so this function handles
73 * the necessary seccomp rule rewrites to ensure the right thing is done
74 * regardless of the rule or architecture. If @strict is true then the
75 * function will fail if the entire filter can not be preservered, however,
76 * if @strict is false the function will do a "best effort" rewrite and not
77 * fail. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
78 *
79 */
80 int x86_filter_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict,
81 int *syscall, struct db_api_arg *chain)
82 {
83 unsigned int iter;
85 if ((*syscall) <= -100 && (*syscall) >= -117) {
86 for (iter = 0; iter < x86_arg_count_max; iter++) {
87 if ((chain[iter].valid != 0) && (strict))
88 return -EINVAL;
89 }
90 chain[0].arg = 0;
91 chain[0].op = SCMP_CMP_EQ;
92 chain[0].mask = DATUM_MAX;
93 chain[0].datum = abs(*syscall) % 100;
94 chain[0].valid = 1;
95 *syscall = __x86_NR_socketcall;
96 } else if ((*syscall) <= -200 && (*syscall) >= -211) {
97 for (iter = 0; iter < x86_arg_count_max; iter++) {
98 if ((chain[iter].valid != 0) && (strict))
99 return -EINVAL;
100 }
101 chain[0].arg = 0;
102 chain[0].op = SCMP_CMP_EQ;
103 chain[0].mask = DATUM_MAX;
104 chain[0].datum = abs(*syscall) % 200;
105 chain[0].valid = 1;
106 *syscall = __x86_NR_ipc;
107 } else if (((*syscall) < 0) && (strict))
108 return -EDOM;
110 return 0;
111 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x86 Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _ARCH_X86_H
22 #define _ARCH_X86_H
24 #include <stdbool.h>
26 #include "arch.h"
27 #include "db.h"
28 #include "system.h"
30 #define x86_arg_count_max 6
32 extern const struct arch_def arch_def_x86;
34 int x86_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name);
35 const char *x86_syscall_resolve_num(int num);
37 int x86_syscall_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict, int *syscall);
39 int x86_filter_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict,
40 int *syscall, struct db_api_arg *chain);
42 #endif
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x86_64 Syscall Table
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <string.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-x86_64.h"
28 /* NOTE: based on Linux 3.4.7 */
29 const struct arch_syscall_def x86_64_syscall_table[] = { \
30 { "accept", 43 },
31 { "accept4", 288 },
32 { "access", 21 },
33 { "acct", 163 },
34 { "add_key", 248 },
35 { "adjtimex", 159 },
36 { "afs_syscall", 183 },
37 { "alarm", 37 },
38 { "arm_fadvise64_64", __PNR_arm_fadvise64_64 },
39 { "arm_sync_file_range", __PNR_arm_sync_file_range },
40 { "arch_prctl", 158 },
41 { "bdflush", __PNR_bdflush },
42 { "bind", 49 },
43 { "break", __PNR_break },
44 { "brk", 12 },
45 { "capget", 125 },
46 { "capset", 126 },
47 { "chdir", 80 },
48 { "chmod", 90 },
49 { "chown", 92 },
50 { "chown32", __PNR_chown32 },
51 { "chroot", 161 },
52 { "clock_adjtime", 305 },
53 { "clock_getres", 229 },
54 { "clock_gettime", 228 },
55 { "clock_nanosleep", 230 },
56 { "clock_settime", 227 },
57 { "clone", 56 },
58 { "close", 3 },
59 { "connect", 42 },
60 { "creat", 85 },
61 { "create_module", 174 },
62 { "delete_module", 176 },
63 { "dup", 32 },
64 { "dup2", 33 },
65 { "dup3", 292 },
66 { "epoll_create", 213 },
67 { "epoll_create1", 291 },
68 { "epoll_ctl", 233 },
69 { "epoll_ctl_old", 214 },
70 { "epoll_pwait", 281 },
71 { "epoll_wait", 232 },
72 { "epoll_wait_old", 215 },
73 { "eventfd", 284 },
74 { "eventfd2", 290 },
75 { "execve", 59 },
76 { "exit", 60 },
77 { "exit_group", 231 },
78 { "faccessat", 269 },
79 { "fadvise64", 221 },
80 { "fadvise64_64", __PNR_fadvise64_64 },
81 { "fallocate", 285 },
82 { "fanotify_init", 300 },
83 { "fanotify_mark", 301 },
84 { "fchdir", 81 },
85 { "fchmod", 91 },
86 { "fchmodat", 268 },
87 { "fchown", 93 },
88 { "fchown32", __PNR_fchown32 },
89 { "fchownat", 260 },
90 { "fcntl", 72 },
91 { "fcntl64", __PNR_fcntl64 },
92 { "fdatasync", 75 },
93 { "fgetxattr", 193 },
94 { "finit_module", __PNR_finit_module },
95 { "flistxattr", 196 },
96 { "flock", 73 },
97 { "fork", 57 },
98 { "fremovexattr", 199 },
99 { "fsetxattr", 190 },
100 { "fstat", 5 },
101 { "fstat64", __PNR_fstat64 },
102 { "fstatat64", __PNR_fstatat64 },
103 { "fstatfs", 138 },
104 { "fstatfs64", __PNR_fstatfs64 },
105 { "fsync", 74 },
106 { "ftime", __PNR_ftime },
107 { "ftruncate", 77 },
108 { "ftruncate64", __PNR_ftruncate64 },
109 { "futex", 202 },
110 { "futimesat", 261 },
111 { "get_kernel_syms", 177 },
112 { "get_mempolicy", 239 },
113 { "get_robust_list", 274 },
114 { "get_thread_area", 211 },
115 { "getcpu", 309 },
116 { "getcwd", 79 },
117 { "getdents", 78 },
118 { "getdents64", 217 },
119 { "getegid", 108 },
120 { "getegid32", __PNR_getegid32 },
121 { "geteuid", 107 },
122 { "geteuid32", __PNR_geteuid32 },
123 { "getgid", 104 },
124 { "getgid32", __PNR_getgid32 },
125 { "getgroups", 115 },
126 { "getgroups32", __PNR_getgroups32 },
127 { "getitimer", 36 },
128 { "getpeername", 52 },
129 { "getpgid", 121 },
130 { "getpgrp", 111 },
131 { "getpid", 39 },
132 { "getpmsg", 181 },
133 { "getppid", 110 },
134 { "getpriority", 140 },
135 { "getresgid", 120 },
136 { "getresgid32", __PNR_getresgid32 },
137 { "getresuid", 118 },
138 { "getresuid32", __PNR_getresuid32 },
139 { "getrlimit", 97 },
140 { "getrusage", 98 },
141 { "getsid", 124 },
142 { "getsockname", 51 },
143 { "getsockopt", 55 },
144 { "gettid", 186 },
145 { "gettimeofday", 96 },
146 { "getuid", 102 },
147 { "getuid32", __PNR_getuid32 },
148 { "getxattr", 191 },
149 { "gtty", __PNR_gtty },
150 { "idle", __PNR_idle },
151 { "init_module", 175 },
152 { "inotify_add_watch", 254 },
153 { "inotify_init", 253 },
154 { "inotify_init1", 294 },
155 { "inotify_rm_watch", 255 },
156 { "io_cancel", 210 },
157 { "io_destroy", 207 },
158 { "io_getevents", 208 },
159 { "io_setup", 206 },
160 { "io_submit", 209 },
161 { "ioctl", 16 },
162 { "ioperm", 173 },
163 { "iopl", 172 },
164 { "ioprio_get", 252 },
165 { "ioprio_set", 251 },
166 { "ipc", __PNR_ipc },
167 { "kcmp", 312 },
168 { "kexec_load", 246 },
169 { "keyctl", 250 },
170 { "kill", 62 },
171 { "lchown", 94 },
172 { "lchown32", __PNR_lchown32 },
173 { "lgetxattr", 192 },
174 { "link", 86 },
175 { "linkat", 265 },
176 { "listen", 50 },
177 { "listxattr", 194 },
178 { "llistxattr", 195 },
179 { "_llseek", __PNR__llseek },
180 { "lock", __PNR_lock },
181 { "lookup_dcookie", 212 },
182 { "lremovexattr", 198 },
183 { "lseek", 8 },
184 { "lsetxattr", 189 },
185 { "lstat", 6 },
186 { "lstat64", __PNR_lstat64 },
187 { "madvise", 28 },
188 { "mbind", 237 },
189 { "migrate_pages", 256 },
190 { "mincore", 27 },
191 { "mkdir", 83 },
192 { "mkdirat", 258 },
193 { "mknod", 133 },
194 { "mknodat", 259 },
195 { "mlock", 149 },
196 { "mlockall", 151 },
197 { "mmap", 9 },
198 { "mmap2", __PNR_mmap2 },
199 { "modify_ldt", 154 },
200 { "mount", 165 },
201 { "move_pages", 279 },
202 { "mprotect", 10 },
203 { "mpx", __PNR_mpx },
204 { "mq_getsetattr", 245 },
205 { "mq_notify", 244 },
206 { "mq_open", 240 },
207 { "mq_timedreceive", 243 },
208 { "mq_timedsend", 242 },
209 { "mq_unlink", 241 },
210 { "mremap", 25 },
211 { "msgctl", 71 },
212 { "msgget", 68 },
213 { "msgrcv", 70 },
214 { "msgsnd", 69 },
215 { "msync", 26 },
216 { "munlock", 150 },
217 { "munlockall", 152 },
218 { "munmap", 11 },
219 { "name_to_handle_at", 303 },
220 { "nanosleep", 35 },
221 { "_newselect", __PNR__newselect },
222 { "newfstatat", 262 },
223 { "nfsservctl", 180 },
224 { "nice", __PNR_nice },
225 { "oldfstat", __PNR_oldfstat },
226 { "oldlstat", __PNR_oldlstat },
227 { "oldolduname", __PNR_oldolduname },
228 { "oldstat", __PNR_oldstat },
229 { "olduname", __PNR_olduname },
230 { "open", 2 },
231 { "open_by_handle_at", 304 },
232 { "openat", 257 },
233 { "pause", 34 },
234 { "pciconfig_iobase", __PNR_pciconfig_iobase },
235 { "pciconfig_read", __PNR_pciconfig_read },
236 { "pciconfig_write", __PNR_pciconfig_write },
237 { "perf_event_open", 298 },
238 { "personality", 135 },
239 { "pipe", 22 },
240 { "pipe2", 293 },
241 { "pivot_root", 155 },
242 { "poll", 7 },
243 { "ppoll", 271 },
244 { "prctl", 157 },
245 { "pread64", 17 },
246 { "preadv", 295 },
247 { "prlimit64", 302 },
248 { "process_vm_readv", 310 },
249 { "process_vm_writev", 311 },
250 { "prof", __PNR_prof },
251 { "profil", __PNR_profil },
252 { "pselect6", 270 },
253 { "ptrace", 101 },
254 { "putpmsg", 182 },
255 { "pwrite64", 18 },
256 { "pwritev", 296 },
257 { "query_module", 178 },
258 { "quotactl", 179 },
259 { "read", 0 },
260 { "readahead", 187 },
261 { "readdir", __PNR_readdir },
262 { "readlink", 89 },
263 { "readlinkat", 267 },
264 { "readv", 19 },
265 { "reboot", 169 },
266 { "recv", __PNR_recv },
267 { "recvfrom", 45 },
268 { "recvmmsg", 299 },
269 { "recvmsg", 47 },
270 { "remap_file_pages", 216 },
271 { "removexattr", 197 },
272 { "rename", 82 },
273 { "renameat", 264 },
274 { "request_key", 249 },
275 { "restart_syscall", 219 },
276 { "rmdir", 84 },
277 { "rt_sigaction", 13 },
278 { "rt_sigpending", 127 },
279 { "rt_sigprocmask", 14 },
280 { "rt_sigqueueinfo", 129 },
281 { "rt_sigreturn", 15 },
282 { "rt_sigsuspend", 130 },
283 { "rt_sigtimedwait", 128 },
284 { "rt_tgsigqueueinfo", 297 },
285 { "sched_get_priority_max", 146 },
286 { "sched_get_priority_min", 147 },
287 { "sched_getaffinity", 204 },
288 { "sched_getparam", 143 },
289 { "sched_getscheduler", 145 },
290 { "sched_rr_get_interval", 148 },
291 { "sched_setaffinity", 203 },
292 { "sched_setparam", 142 },
293 { "sched_setscheduler", 144 },
294 { "sched_yield", 24 },
295 { "security", 185 },
296 { "select", 23 },
297 { "semctl", 66 },
298 { "semget", 64 },
299 { "semop", 65 },
300 { "semtimedop", 220 },
301 { "send", __PNR_send },
302 { "sendfile", 40 },
303 { "sendfile64", __PNR_sendfile64 },
304 { "sendmmsg", 307 },
305 { "sendmsg", 46 },
306 { "sendto", 44 },
307 { "set_mempolicy", 238 },
308 { "set_robust_list", 273 },
309 { "set_thread_area", 205 },
310 { "set_tid_address", 218 },
311 { "setdomainname", 171 },
312 { "setfsgid", 123 },
313 { "setfsgid32", __PNR_setfsgid32 },
314 { "setfsuid", 122 },
315 { "setfsuid32", __PNR_setfsuid32 },
316 { "setgid", 106 },
317 { "setgid32", __PNR_setgid32 },
318 { "setgroups", 116 },
319 { "setgroups32", __PNR_setgroups32 },
320 { "sethostname", 170 },
321 { "setitimer", 38 },
322 { "setns", 308 },
323 { "setpgid", 109 },
324 { "setpriority", 141 },
325 { "setregid", 114 },
326 { "setregid32", __PNR_setregid32 },
327 { "setresgid", 119 },
328 { "setresgid32", __PNR_setresgid32 },
329 { "setresuid", 117 },
330 { "setresuid32", __PNR_setresuid32 },
331 { "setreuid", 113 },
332 { "setreuid32", __PNR_setreuid32 },
333 { "setrlimit", 160 },
334 { "setsid", 112 },
335 { "setsockopt", 54 },
336 { "settimeofday", 164 },
337 { "setuid", 105 },
338 { "setuid32", __PNR_setuid32 },
339 { "setxattr", 188 },
340 { "sgetmask", __PNR_sgetmask },
341 { "shmat", 30 },
342 { "shmctl", 31 },
343 { "shmdt", 67 },
344 { "shmget", 29 },
345 { "shutdown", 48 },
346 { "sigaction", __PNR_sigaction },
347 { "sigaltstack", 131 },
348 { "signal", __PNR_signal },
349 { "signalfd", 282 },
350 { "signalfd4", 289 },
351 { "sigpending", __PNR_sigpending },
352 { "sigprocmask", __PNR_sigprocmask },
353 { "sigreturn", __PNR_sigreturn },
354 { "sigsuspend", __PNR_sigsuspend },
355 { "socket", 41 },
356 { "socketcall", __PNR_socketcall },
357 { "socketpair", 53 },
358 { "splice", 275 },
359 { "ssetmask", __PNR_ssetmask },
360 { "stat", 4 },
361 { "stat64", __PNR_stat64 },
362 { "statfs", 137 },
363 { "statfs64", __PNR_statfs64 },
364 { "stime", __PNR_stime },
365 { "stty", __PNR_stty },
366 { "swapoff", 168 },
367 { "swapon", 167 },
368 { "symlink", 88 },
369 { "symlinkat", 266 },
370 { "sync", 162 },
371 { "sync_file_range", 277 },
372 { "sync_file_range2", __PNR_sync_file_range2 },
373 { "syncfs", 306 },
374 { "syscall", __PNR_syscall },
375 { "_sysctl", 156 },
376 { "sysfs", 139 },
377 { "sysinfo", 99 },
378 { "syslog", 103 },
379 { "tee", 276 },
380 { "tgkill", 234 },
381 { "time", 201 },
382 { "timer_create", 222 },
383 { "timer_delete", 226 },
384 { "timer_getoverrun", 225 },
385 { "timer_gettime", 224 },
386 { "timer_settime", 223 },
387 { "timerfd_create", 283 },
388 { "timerfd_gettime", 287 },
389 { "timerfd_settime", 286 },
390 { "times", 100 },
391 { "tkill", 200 },
392 { "truncate", 76 },
393 { "truncate64", __PNR_truncate64 },
394 { "tuxcall", 184 },
395 { "ugetrlimit", __PNR_ugetrlimit },
396 { "ulimit", __PNR_ulimit },
397 { "umask", 95 },
398 { "umount", __PNR_umount },
399 { "umount2", 166 },
400 { "uname", 63 },
401 { "unlink", 87 },
402 { "unlinkat", 263 },
403 { "unshare", 272 },
404 { "uselib", 134 },
405 { "ustat", 136 },
406 { "utime", 132 },
407 { "utimensat", 280 },
408 { "utimes", 235 },
409 { "vfork", 58 },
410 { "vhangup", 153 },
411 { "vm86", __PNR_vm86 },
412 { "vm86old", __PNR_vm86old },
413 { "vmsplice", 278 },
414 { "vserver", 236 },
415 { "wait4", 61 },
416 { "waitid", 247 },
417 { "waitpid", __PNR_waitpid },
418 { "write", 1 },
419 { "writev", 20 },
420 { NULL, __NR_SCMP_ERROR },
421 };
423 /**
424 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
425 * @param name the syscall name
426 *
427 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number using the syscall table.
428 * Returns the syscall number on success, including negative pseudo syscall
429 * numbers; returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
430 *
431 */
432 int x86_64_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)
433 {
434 unsigned int iter;
435 const struct arch_syscall_def *table = x86_64_syscall_table;
437 /* XXX - plenty of room for future improvement here */
438 for (iter = 0; table[iter].name != NULL; iter++) {
439 if (strcmp(name, table[iter].name) == 0)
440 return table[iter].num;
441 }
443 return __NR_SCMP_ERROR;
444 }
446 /**
447 * Resolve a syscall number to a name
448 * @param num the syscall number
449 *
450 * Resolve the given syscall number to the syscall name using the syscall table.
451 * Returns a pointer to the syscall name string on success, including pseudo
452 * syscall names; returns NULL on failure.
453 *
454 */
455 const char *x86_64_syscall_resolve_num(int num)
456 {
457 unsigned int iter;
458 const struct arch_syscall_def *table = x86_64_syscall_table;
460 /* XXX - plenty of room for future improvement here */
461 for (iter = 0; table[iter].num != __NR_SCMP_ERROR; iter++) {
462 if (num == table[iter].num)
463 return table[iter].name;
464 }
466 return NULL;
467 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x86_64 Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <linux/audit.h>
25 #include "arch.h"
26 #include "arch-x86_64.h"
28 const struct arch_def arch_def_x86_64 = {
29 .token = SCMP_ARCH_X86_64,
30 .token_bpf = AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64,
31 .size = ARCH_SIZE_64,
32 .endian = ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE,
33 };
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp x86_64 Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _ARCH_x86_64_H
22 #define _ARCH_x86_64_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
26 #include "arch.h"
27 #include "system.h"
29 #define x86_64_arg_count_max 6
31 extern const struct arch_def arch_def_x86_64;
33 #define x86_64_arg_offset_lo(x) (arch_arg_offset(x))
34 #define x86_64_arg_offset_hi(x) (arch_arg_offset(x) + 4)
36 int x86_64_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name);
37 const char *x86_64_syscall_resolve_num(int num);
39 #endif
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp Architecture/Machine Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <elf.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <asm/bitsperlong.h>
26 #include <linux/audit.h>
27 #include <stdbool.h>
29 #include <seccomp.h>
31 #include "arch.h"
32 #include "arch-x86.h"
33 #include "arch-x86_64.h"
34 #include "arch-x32.h"
35 #include "arch-arm.h"
36 #include "system.h"
38 #if __i386__
39 const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_x86;
40 #elif __x86_64__
41 #ifdef __ILP32__
42 const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_x32;
43 #else
44 const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_x86_64;
45 #endif /* __ILP32__ */
46 #elif __arm__
47 const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_arm;
48 #else
49 #error the arch code needs to know about your machine type
50 #endif /* machine type guess */
52 /**
53 * Validate the architecture token
54 * @param arch the architecture token
55 *
56 * Verify the given architecture token; return zero if valid, -EINVAL if not.
57 *
58 */
59 int arch_valid(uint32_t arch)
60 {
61 switch (arch) {
62 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
63 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
64 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
65 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
66 return 0;
67 }
69 return -EINVAL;
70 }
72 /**
73 * Lookup the architecture definition
74 * @param token the architecure token
75 *
76 * Return the matching architecture definition, returns NULL on failure.
77 *
78 */
79 const struct arch_def *arch_def_lookup(uint32_t token)
80 {
81 switch (token) {
82 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
83 return &arch_def_x86;
84 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
85 return &arch_def_x86_64;
86 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
87 return &arch_def_x32;
88 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
89 return &arch_def_arm;
90 }
92 return NULL;
93 }
95 /**
96 * Determine the maximum number of syscall arguments
97 * @param arch the architecture definition
98 *
99 * Determine the maximum number of syscall arguments for the given architecture.
100 * Returns the number of arguments on success, negative values on failure.
101 *
102 */
103 int arch_arg_count_max(const struct arch_def *arch)
104 {
105 switch (arch->token) {
106 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
107 return x86_arg_count_max;
108 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
109 return x86_64_arg_count_max;
110 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
111 return x32_arg_count_max;
112 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
113 return arm_arg_count_max;
114 }
116 return -EDOM;
117 }
119 /**
120 * Determine the argument offset for the lower 32 bits
121 * @param arch the architecture definition
122 * @param arg the argument number
123 *
124 * Determine the correct offset for the low 32 bits of the given argument based
125 * on the architecture definition. Returns the offset on success, negative
126 * values on failure.
127 *
128 */
129 int arch_arg_offset_lo(const struct arch_def *arch, unsigned int arg)
130 {
131 switch (arch->token) {
132 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
133 return x86_64_arg_offset_lo(arg);
134 default:
135 return -EDOM;
136 }
137 }
139 /**
140 * Determine the argument offset for the high 32 bits
141 * @param arch the architecture definition
142 * @param arg the argument number
143 *
144 * Determine the correct offset for the high 32 bits of the given argument
145 * based on the architecture definition. Returns the offset on success,
146 * negative values on failure.
147 *
148 */
149 int arch_arg_offset_hi(const struct arch_def *arch, unsigned int arg)
150 {
151 switch (arch->token) {
152 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
153 return x86_64_arg_offset_hi(arg);
154 default:
155 return -EDOM;
156 }
157 }
159 /**
160 * Resolve a syscall name to a number
161 * @param arch the architecture definition
162 * @param name the syscall name
163 *
164 * Resolve the given syscall name to the syscall number based on the given
165 * architecture. Returns the syscall number on success, including negative
166 * pseudo syscall numbers; returns __NR_SCMP_ERROR on failure.
167 *
168 */
169 int arch_syscall_resolve_name(const struct arch_def *arch, const char *name)
170 {
171 switch (arch->token) {
172 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
173 return x86_syscall_resolve_name(name);
174 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
175 return x86_64_syscall_resolve_name(name);
176 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
177 return x32_syscall_resolve_name(name);
178 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
179 return arm_syscall_resolve_name(name);
180 }
182 return __NR_SCMP_ERROR;
183 }
185 /**
186 * Resolve a syscall number to a name
187 * @param arch the architecture definition
188 * @param num the syscall number
189 *
190 * Resolve the given syscall number to the syscall name based on the given
191 * architecture. Returns a pointer to the syscall name string on success,
192 * including pseudo syscall names; returns NULL on failure.
193 *
194 */
195 const char *arch_syscall_resolve_num(const struct arch_def *arch, int num)
196 {
197 switch (arch->token) {
198 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
199 return x86_syscall_resolve_num(num);
200 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
201 return x86_64_syscall_resolve_num(num);
202 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
203 return x32_syscall_resolve_num(num);
204 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
205 return arm_syscall_resolve_num(num);
206 }
208 return NULL;
209 }
211 /**
212 * Translate the syscall number
213 * @param arch the architecture definition
214 * @param syscall the syscall number
215 *
216 * Translate the syscall number, in the context of the native architecure, to
217 * the provided architecure. Returns zero on success, negative values on
218 * failure.
219 *
220 */
221 int arch_syscall_translate(const struct arch_def *arch, int *syscall)
222 {
223 int sc_num;
224 const char *sc_name;
226 if (arch->token != arch_def_native->token) {
227 sc_name = arch_syscall_resolve_num(arch_def_native, *syscall);
228 if (sc_name == NULL)
229 return -EFAULT;
231 sc_num = arch_syscall_resolve_name(arch, sc_name);
232 if (sc_num == __NR_SCMP_ERROR)
233 return -EFAULT;
235 *syscall = sc_num;
236 }
238 return 0;
239 }
241 /**
242 * Rewrite a syscall value to match the architecture
243 * @param arch the architecture definition
244 * @param strict strict flag
245 * @param syscall the syscall number
246 *
247 * Syscalls can vary across different architectures so this function rewrites
248 * the syscall into the correct value for the specified architecture. If
249 * @strict is true then the function will fail if the syscall can not be
250 * preservered, however, if @strict is false the function will do a "best
251 * effort" rewrite and not fail. Returns zero on success, negative values on
252 * failure.
253 *
254 */
255 int arch_syscall_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict, int *syscall)
256 {
257 int sys = *syscall;
259 if (sys >= 0) {
260 /* we shouldn't be here - no rewrite needed */
261 return 0;
262 } else if (sys < 0 && sys > -100) {
263 /* reserved values */
264 return -EINVAL;
265 } else if (sys <= -100 && sys > -10000) {
266 /* rewritable syscalls */
267 switch (arch->token) {
268 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
269 return x86_syscall_rewrite(arch, strict, syscall);
270 }
271 /* NOTE: we fall through to the default handling (strict?) if
272 * we don't support any rewriting for the architecture */
273 }
275 /* syscalls not defined on this architecture */
276 if (strict)
277 return -EDOM;
278 return 0;
279 }
281 /**
282 * Rewrite a filter rule to match the architecture specifics
283 * @param arch the architecture definition
284 * @param strict strict flag
285 * @param syscall the syscall number
286 * @param chain the argument filter chain
287 *
288 * Syscalls can vary across different architectures so this function handles
289 * the necessary seccomp rule rewrites to ensure the right thing is done
290 * regardless of the rule or architecture. If @strict is true then the
291 * function will fail if the entire filter can not be preservered, however,
292 * if @strict is false the function will do a "best effort" rewrite and not
293 * fail. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
294 *
295 */
296 int arch_filter_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch,
297 bool strict, int *syscall, struct db_api_arg *chain)
298 {
299 int sys = *syscall;
301 if (sys >= 0) {
302 /* we shouldn't be here - no rewrite needed */
303 return 0;
304 } else if (sys < 0 && sys > -100) {
305 /* reserved values */
306 return -EINVAL;
307 } else if (sys <= -100 && sys > -10000) {
308 /* rewritable syscalls */
309 switch (arch->token) {
310 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
311 return x86_filter_rewrite(arch, strict, syscall, chain);
312 }
313 /* NOTE: we fall through to the default handling (strict?) if
314 * we don't support any rewriting for the architecture */
315 }
317 /* syscalls not defined on this architecture */
318 if (strict)
319 return -EDOM;
320 return 0;
321 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp Architecture/Machine Specific Code
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _ARCH_H
22 #define _ARCH_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
25 #include <stddef.h>
26 #include <stdbool.h>
28 #include <seccomp.h>
30 #include "system.h"
32 struct db_api_arg;
34 struct arch_def {
35 uint32_t token;
36 uint32_t token_bpf;
37 enum {
39 ARCH_SIZE_32 = 32,
40 ARCH_SIZE_64 = 64,
41 } size;
42 enum {
46 } endian;
47 };
49 /* arch_def for the current architecture */
50 extern const struct arch_def *arch_def_native;
52 /* NOTE: Syscall mappings can be found by running the following commands
53 * on the specific architecture's include file:
54 * # gcc -E -dM <file> | grep '__NR_'
55 * where <file> in many cases is /usr/include/asm/unistd.h, however,
56 * depending on the architecture you may need to use a different header.
57 * Further, you can automatically format this list for use as a struct
58 * initializer with the following command:
59 * # gcc -E -dM <file> | grep '__NR_' | \
60 * sed -e 's/#define[ \t]\+__NR_//' | sort | \
61 * sed -e 's/\([^ \t]\+\)\([ \t]\+\)\([0-9]\+\)/\t{ \"\1\", \3 },/'
62 * Finally, when creating a table/array of this structure, the final
63 * sentinel entry should be "{ NULL, __NR_SCMP_ERROR }"; see the existing
64 * tables as an example.
65 */
66 struct arch_syscall_def {
67 const char *name;
68 unsigned int num;
69 };
71 #define DATUM_MAX ((scmp_datum_t)-1)
72 #define D64_LO(x) ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)(x) & 0x00000000ffffffff))
73 #define D64_HI(x) ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)(x) >> 32))
75 #define ARG_COUNT_MAX 6
77 int arch_valid(uint32_t arch);
79 const struct arch_def *arch_def_lookup(uint32_t token);
81 int arch_arg_count_max(const struct arch_def *arch);
83 /**
84 * Determine the argument offset
85 * @param _arg the argument number
86 *
87 * Return the correct offset of the given argument.
88 *
89 */
90 #define arch_arg_offset(_arg) (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, args[_arg]))
92 int arch_arg_offset_lo(const struct arch_def *arch, unsigned int arg);
93 int arch_arg_offset_hi(const struct arch_def *arch, unsigned int arg);
95 int arch_syscall_resolve_name(const struct arch_def *arch, const char *name);
96 const char *arch_syscall_resolve_num(const struct arch_def *arch, int num);
98 int arch_syscall_translate(const struct arch_def *arch, int *syscall);
99 int arch_syscall_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict,
100 int *syscall);
102 int arch_filter_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch,
103 bool strict, int *syscall, struct db_api_arg *chain);
105 #endif
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp Filter DB
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <assert.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <inttypes.h>
24 #include <stdlib.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <stdarg.h>
28 #include <seccomp.h>
30 #include "arch.h"
31 #include "db.h"
33 /* state values */
34 #define _DB_STA_VALID 0xA1B2C3D4
35 #define _DB_STA_FREED 0x1A2B3C4D
37 /* the priority field is fairly simple - without any user hints, or in the case
38 * of a hint "tie", we give higher priority to syscalls with less chain nodes
39 * (filter is easier to evaluate) */
40 #define _DB_PRI_MASK_CHAIN 0x0000FFFF
41 #define _DB_PRI_MASK_USER 0x00FF0000
42 #define _DB_PRI_USER(x) (((x) << 16) & _DB_PRI_MASK_USER)
44 /* private structure for tracking the state of the sub-tree "pruning" */
45 struct db_prune_state {
46 bool prefix_exist;
47 bool prefix_new;
48 bool matched;
49 };
51 static unsigned int _db_tree_free(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree);
53 /**
54 * Do not call this function directly, use _db_tree_free() instead
55 */
56 static unsigned int __db_tree_free(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree)
57 {
58 int cnt;
60 if (tree == NULL || --(tree->refcnt) > 0)
61 return 0;
63 /* we assume the caller has ensured that 'tree->lvl_prv == NULL' */
64 cnt = __db_tree_free(tree->lvl_nxt);
65 cnt += _db_tree_free(tree->nxt_t);
66 cnt += _db_tree_free(tree->nxt_f);
68 free(tree);
69 return cnt + 1;
70 }
72 /**
73 * Free a syscall filter argument chain tree
74 * @param list the argument chain list
75 *
76 * This function frees a syscall argument chain list and returns the number of
77 * nodes freed.
78 *
79 */
80 static unsigned int _db_tree_free(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree)
81 {
82 struct db_arg_chain_tree *iter;
84 if (tree == NULL)
85 return 0;
87 iter = tree;
88 while (iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
89 iter = iter->lvl_prv;
91 return __db_tree_free(iter);
92 }
94 /**
95 * Remove a node from an argument chain tree
96 * @param tree the pointer to the tree
97 * @param node the node to remove
98 *
99 * This function searches the tree looking for the node and removes it once
100 * found. Returns the number of nodes freed.
101 *
102 */
103 static unsigned int _db_tree_remove(struct db_arg_chain_tree **tree,
104 struct db_arg_chain_tree *node)
105 {
106 int cnt = 0;
107 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter;
109 if (tree == NULL || *tree == NULL || node == NULL)
110 return 0;
112 c_iter = *tree;
113 while (c_iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
114 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_prv;
116 do {
117 if (c_iter == node || db_chain_zombie(c_iter)) {
118 /* remove from the tree */
119 if (c_iter == *tree) {
120 if (c_iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
121 *tree = c_iter->lvl_prv;
122 else
123 *tree = c_iter->lvl_nxt;
124 }
125 if (c_iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
126 c_iter->lvl_prv->lvl_nxt = c_iter->lvl_nxt;
127 if (c_iter->lvl_nxt != NULL)
128 c_iter->lvl_nxt->lvl_prv = c_iter->lvl_prv;
130 /* free and return */
131 c_iter->lvl_prv = NULL;
132 c_iter->lvl_nxt = NULL;
133 cnt += _db_tree_free(c_iter);
134 return cnt;
135 }
137 /* check the true/false sub-trees */
138 cnt += _db_tree_remove(&(c_iter->nxt_t), node);
139 cnt += _db_tree_remove(&(c_iter->nxt_f), node);
141 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_nxt;
142 } while (c_iter != NULL);
144 return cnt;
145 }
147 /**
148 * Traverse a tree checking the action values
149 * @param tree the pointer to the tree
150 * @param action the action
151 *
152 * Traverse the tree inspecting each action to see if it matches the given
153 * action. Returns zero if all actions match the given action, negative values
154 * on failure.
155 *
156 */
157 static int _db_tree_act_check(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree, uint32_t action)
158 {
159 int rc;
160 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter;
162 if (tree == NULL)
163 return 0;
165 c_iter = tree;
166 while (c_iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
167 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_prv;
169 do {
170 if (c_iter->act_t_flg && c_iter->act_t != action)
171 return -EEXIST;
172 if (c_iter->act_f_flg && c_iter->act_f != action)
173 return -EEXIST;
175 rc = _db_tree_act_check(c_iter->nxt_t, action);
176 if (rc < 0)
177 return rc;
178 rc = _db_tree_act_check(c_iter->nxt_f, action);
179 if (rc < 0)
180 return rc;
182 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_nxt;
183 } while (c_iter != NULL);
185 return 0;
186 }
188 /**
189 * Checks for a sub-tree match in an existing tree and prunes the tree
190 * @param prev the head of the existing tree or sub-tree
191 * @param existing the starting point into the existing tree
192 * @param new pointer to the new tree
193 * @param state pointer to the pruning state
194 *
195 * This function searches the existing and new trees trying to prune each to
196 * eliminate redundancy. Returns the number of nodes removed from the tree on
197 * success, zero if no changes were made, and negative values if the new tree
198 * should be discarded.
199 *
200 */
201 static int _db_tree_sub_prune(struct db_arg_chain_tree **prev,
202 struct db_arg_chain_tree *existing,
203 struct db_arg_chain_tree *new,
204 struct db_prune_state *state)
205 {
206 int rc = 0;
207 int rc_tmp;
208 struct db_arg_chain_tree *ec_iter;
209 struct db_arg_chain_tree *ec_iter_tmp;
210 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter;
211 struct db_prune_state state_new;
213 if (!state || !existing || !new)
214 return 0;
216 ec_iter = existing;
217 c_iter = new;
218 do {
219 if (db_chain_eq(ec_iter, c_iter)) {
220 /* equal */
222 if (db_chain_leaf(c_iter)) {
223 /* leaf */
224 if (db_chain_eq_result(ec_iter, c_iter)) {
225 /* identical results */
226 if (prev != NULL)
227 return _db_tree_remove(prev,
228 ec_iter);
229 else
230 return -1;
231 }
232 if (c_iter->act_t_flg && ec_iter->nxt_t) {
233 /* new is shorter (true) */
234 if (prev == NULL)
235 return -1;
236 rc += _db_tree_remove(&(ec_iter->nxt_t),
237 ec_iter->nxt_t);
238 ec_iter->act_t = c_iter->act_t;
239 ec_iter->act_t_flg = true;
240 }
241 if (c_iter->act_f_flg && ec_iter->nxt_f) {
242 /* new is shorter (false) */
243 if (prev == NULL)
244 return -1;
245 rc += _db_tree_remove(&(ec_iter->nxt_f),
246 ec_iter->nxt_f);
247 ec_iter->act_f = c_iter->act_f;
248 ec_iter->act_f_flg = true;
249 }
251 return rc;
252 }
254 if (c_iter->nxt_t && ec_iter->act_t_flg)
255 /* existing is shorter (true) */
256 return -1;
257 if (c_iter->nxt_f && ec_iter->act_f_flg)
258 /* existing is shorter (false) */
259 return -1;
261 if (c_iter->nxt_t) {
262 state_new = *state;
263 state_new.matched = true;
264 rc_tmp = _db_tree_sub_prune((prev ?
265 &ec_iter : NULL),
266 ec_iter->nxt_t,
267 c_iter->nxt_t,
268 &state_new);
269 rc += (rc_tmp > 0 ? rc_tmp : 0);
270 if (state->prefix_new && rc_tmp < 0)
271 return (rc > 0 ? rc : rc_tmp);
272 }
273 if (c_iter->nxt_f) {
274 state_new = *state;
275 state_new.matched = true;
276 rc_tmp = _db_tree_sub_prune((prev ?
277 &ec_iter : NULL),
278 ec_iter->nxt_f,
279 c_iter->nxt_f,
280 &state_new);
281 rc += (rc_tmp > 0 ? rc_tmp : 0);
282 if (state->prefix_new && rc_tmp < 0)
283 return (rc > 0 ? rc : rc_tmp);
284 }
285 } else if (db_chain_lt(ec_iter, c_iter)) {
286 /* less than */
287 if (state->matched || state->prefix_new)
288 goto next;
289 state_new = *state;
290 state_new.prefix_exist = true;
292 if (ec_iter->nxt_t) {
293 rc_tmp = _db_tree_sub_prune((prev ?
294 &ec_iter : NULL),
295 ec_iter->nxt_t,
296 c_iter,
297 &state_new);
298 rc += (rc_tmp > 0 ? rc_tmp : 0);
299 }
300 if (ec_iter->nxt_f) {
301 rc_tmp = _db_tree_sub_prune((prev ?
302 &ec_iter : NULL),
303 ec_iter->nxt_f,
304 c_iter,
305 &state_new);
306 rc += (rc_tmp > 0 ? rc_tmp : 0);
307 }
308 } else if (db_chain_gt(ec_iter, c_iter)) {
309 /* greater than */
310 if (state->matched || state->prefix_exist)
311 goto next;
312 state_new = *state;
313 state_new.prefix_new = true;
315 if (c_iter->nxt_t) {
316 rc_tmp = _db_tree_sub_prune(NULL,
317 ec_iter,
318 c_iter->nxt_t,
319 &state_new);
320 rc += (rc_tmp > 0 ? rc_tmp : 0);
321 if (rc_tmp < 0)
322 return (rc > 0 ? rc : rc_tmp);
323 }
324 if (c_iter->nxt_f) {
325 rc_tmp = _db_tree_sub_prune(NULL,
326 ec_iter,
327 c_iter->nxt_f,
328 &state_new);
329 rc += (rc_tmp > 0 ? rc_tmp : 0);
330 if (rc_tmp < 0)
331 return (rc > 0 ? rc : rc_tmp);
332 }
333 }
335 next:
336 /* re-check current node and advance to the next node */
337 if (db_chain_zombie(ec_iter)) {
338 ec_iter_tmp = ec_iter->lvl_nxt;
339 rc += _db_tree_remove(prev, ec_iter);
340 ec_iter = ec_iter_tmp;
341 } else
342 ec_iter = ec_iter->lvl_nxt;
343 } while (ec_iter);
345 return rc;
346 }
348 /**
349 * Validate the seccomp action
350 * @param action the seccomp action
351 *
352 * Verify that the given action is a valid seccomp action; return zero if
353 * valid, -EINVAL if invalid.
354 */
355 int db_action_valid(uint32_t action)
356 {
357 if (action == SCMP_ACT_KILL)
358 return 0;
359 else if (action == SCMP_ACT_TRAP)
360 return 0;
361 else if (action == SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(action & 0x0000ffff))
362 return 0;
363 else if (action == SCMP_ACT_TRACE(action & 0x0000ffff))
364 return 0;
365 else if (action == SCMP_ACT_ALLOW)
366 return 0;
368 return -EINVAL;
369 }
371 /**
372 * Free and reset the seccomp filter collection
373 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
374 * @param def_action the default filter action
375 *
376 * This function frees any existing filter DBs and resets the collection to a
377 * default state.
378 *
379 */
380 void db_col_reset(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t def_action)
381 {
382 unsigned int iter;
384 if (col == NULL)
385 return;
387 /* free any filters */
388 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++)
389 db_release(col->filters[iter]);
390 col->filter_cnt = 0;
391 free(col->filters);
392 col->filters = NULL;
394 /* set the default attribute values */
395 col->attr.act_default = def_action;
396 col->attr.act_badarch = SCMP_ACT_KILL;
397 col->attr.nnp_enable = 1;
399 /* set the state */
400 col->state = _DB_STA_VALID;
401 }
403 /**
404 * Intitalize a seccomp filter collection
405 * @param def_action the default filter action
406 *
407 * This function initializes a seccomp filter collection and readies it for
408 * use. Returns a pointer to the collection on success, NULL on failure.
409 *
410 */
411 struct db_filter_col *db_col_init(uint32_t def_action)
412 {
413 struct db_filter_col *col;
415 col = malloc(sizeof(*col));
416 if (col == NULL)
417 return NULL;
419 /* clear the buffer for the first time */
420 memset(col, 0, sizeof(*col));
422 /* reset the DB to a known state */
423 db_col_reset(col, def_action);
425 return col;
426 }
428 /**
429 * Destroy a seccomp filter collection
430 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
431 *
432 * This function destroys a seccomp filter collection. After calling this
433 * function, the filter should no longer be referenced.
434 *
435 */
436 void db_col_release(struct db_filter_col *col)
437 {
438 if (col == NULL)
439 return;
441 /* set the state, just in case */
442 col->state = _DB_STA_FREED;
444 /* free and reset the DB */
445 db_col_reset(col, 0);
446 free(col);
447 }
449 /**
450 * Validate a filter collection
451 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
452 *
453 * This function validates a seccomp filter collection. Returns zero if the
454 * collection is valid, negative values on failure.
455 *
456 */
457 int db_col_valid(struct db_filter_col *col)
458 {
459 if (col != NULL && col->state == _DB_STA_VALID)
460 return 0;
461 return -EINVAL;
462 }
464 /**
465 * Merge two filter collections
466 * @param col_dst the destination filter collection
467 * @param col_src the source filter collection
468 *
469 * This function merges two filter collections into the given destination
470 * collection. The source filter collection is no longer valid if the function
471 * returns successfully. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
472 *
473 */
474 int db_col_merge(struct db_filter_col *col_dst, struct db_filter_col *col_src)
475 {
476 unsigned int iter_a, iter_b;
477 struct db_filter **dbs;
479 /* make sure we don't have any arch/filter collisions */
480 for (iter_a = 0; iter_a < col_dst->filter_cnt; iter_a++) {
481 for (iter_b = 0; iter_b < col_src->filter_cnt; iter_b++) {
482 if (col_dst->filters[iter_a]->arch->token ==
483 col_src->filters[iter_b]->arch->token)
484 return -EEXIST;
485 }
486 }
488 /* expand the destination */
489 dbs = realloc(col_dst->filters,
490 sizeof(struct db_filter *) *
491 (col_dst->filter_cnt + col_src->filter_cnt));
492 if (dbs == NULL)
493 return -ENOMEM;
494 col_dst->filters = dbs;
496 /* transfer the architecture filters */
497 for (iter_a = col_dst->filter_cnt, iter_b = 0;
498 iter_b < col_src->filter_cnt; iter_a++, iter_b++) {
499 col_dst->filters[iter_a] = col_src->filters[iter_b];
500 col_dst->filter_cnt++;
501 }
503 /* free the source */
504 col_src->filter_cnt = 0;
505 db_col_release(col_src);
507 return 0;
508 }
510 /**
511 * Check to see if an architecture filter exists in the filter collection
512 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
513 * @param arch_token the architecture token
514 *
515 * Iterate through the given filter collection checking to see if a filter
516 * exists for the specified architecture. Returns -EEXIST if a filter is found,
517 * zero if a matching filter does not exist.
518 *
519 */
520 int db_col_arch_exist(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t arch_token)
521 {
522 unsigned int iter;
524 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++)
525 if (col->filters[iter]->arch->token == arch_token)
526 return -EEXIST;
528 return 0;
529 }
531 /**
532 * Get a filter attribute
533 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
534 * @param attr the filter attribute
535 * @param value the filter attribute value
536 *
537 * Get the requested filter attribute and provide it via @value. Returns zero
538 * on success, negative values on failure.
539 *
540 */
541 int db_col_attr_get(const struct db_filter_col *col,
542 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t *value)
543 {
544 int rc = 0;
546 switch (attr) {
548 *value = col->attr.act_default;
549 break;
551 *value = col->attr.act_badarch;
552 break;
554 *value = col->attr.nnp_enable;
555 break;
556 default:
557 rc = -EEXIST;
558 break;
559 }
561 return rc;
562 }
564 /**
565 * Set a filter attribute
566 * @param db the seccomp filter collection
567 * @param attr the filter attribute
568 * @param value the filter attribute value
569 *
570 * Set the requested filter attribute with the given value. Returns zero on
571 * success, negative values on failure.
572 *
573 */
574 int db_col_attr_set(struct db_filter_col *col,
575 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t value)
576 {
577 int rc = 0;
579 switch (attr) {
581 /* read only */
582 return -EACCES;
583 break;
585 if (db_action_valid(value) == 0)
586 col->attr.act_badarch = value;
587 else
588 return -EINVAL;
589 break;
591 col->attr.nnp_enable = (value ? 1 : 0);
592 break;
593 default:
594 rc = -EEXIST;
595 break;
596 }
598 return rc;
599 }
601 /**
602 * Add a new filter DB to a filter collection
603 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
604 * @param db the seccomp filter DB
605 *
606 * This function adds an existing seccomp filter DB to an existing seccomp
607 * filter collection assuming there isn't a filter DB already present with the
608 * same architecture. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
609 *
610 */
611 int db_col_db_add(struct db_filter_col *col, struct db_filter *db)
612 {
613 struct db_filter **dbs;
615 if (db_col_arch_exist(col, db->arch->token))
616 return -EEXIST;
618 dbs = realloc(col->filters,
619 sizeof(struct db_filter *) * (col->filter_cnt + 1));
620 if (dbs == NULL)
621 return -ENOMEM;
622 col->filters = dbs;
623 col->filter_cnt++;
624 col->filters[col->filter_cnt - 1] = db;
626 return 0;
627 }
629 /**
630 * Remove a filter DB from a filter collection
631 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
632 * @param arch_token the architecture token
633 *
634 * This function removes an existing seccomp filter DB from an existing seccomp
635 * filter collection. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
636 *
637 */
638 int db_col_db_remove(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t arch_token)
639 {
640 unsigned int iter;
641 unsigned int found;
642 struct db_filter **dbs;
644 if ((col->filter_cnt <= 1) || (db_col_arch_exist(col, arch_token) == 0))
645 return -EINVAL;
647 for (found = 0, iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++) {
648 if (found)
649 col->filters[iter - 1] = col->filters[iter];
650 else if (col->filters[iter]->arch->token == arch_token) {
651 db_release(col->filters[iter]);
652 found = 1;
653 }
654 }
655 col->filters[--col->filter_cnt] = NULL;
657 /* NOTE: if we can't do the realloc it isn't fatal, we just have some
658 * extra space that will get cleaned up later */
659 dbs = realloc(col->filters,
660 sizeof(struct db_filter *) * col->filter_cnt);
661 if (dbs != NULL)
662 col->filters = dbs;
664 return 0;
665 }
667 /**
668 * Free and reset the seccomp filter DB
669 * @param db the seccomp filter DB
670 * @param def_action the default filter action
671 *
672 * This function frees any existing filters and resets the filter DB to a
673 * default state; only the DB architecture is preserved.
674 *
675 */
676 void db_reset(struct db_filter *db)
677 {
678 struct db_sys_list *s_iter;
680 if (db == NULL)
681 return;
683 /* free any filters */
684 if (db->syscalls != NULL) {
685 s_iter = db->syscalls;
686 while (s_iter != NULL) {
687 db->syscalls = s_iter->next;
688 _db_tree_free(s_iter->chains);
689 free(s_iter);
690 s_iter = db->syscalls;
691 }
692 db->syscalls = NULL;
693 }
694 }
696 /**
697 * Intitalize a seccomp filter DB
698 * @param arch the architecture definition
699 *
700 * This function initializes a seccomp filter DB and readies it for use.
701 * Returns a pointer to the DB on success, NULL on failure.
702 *
703 */
704 struct db_filter *db_init(const struct arch_def *arch)
705 {
706 struct db_filter *db;
708 db = malloc(sizeof(*db));
709 if (db == NULL)
710 return NULL;
712 /* clear the buffer for the first time and set the arch */
713 memset(db, 0, sizeof(*db));
714 db->arch = arch;
716 /* reset the DB to a known state */
717 db_reset(db);
719 return db;
720 }
722 /**
723 * Destroy a seccomp filter DB
724 * @param db the seccomp filter DB
725 *
726 * This function destroys a seccomp filter DB. After calling this function,
727 * the filter should no longer be referenced.
728 *
729 */
730 void db_release(struct db_filter *db)
731 {
732 if (db == NULL)
733 return;
735 /* free and reset the DB */
736 db_reset(db);
737 free(db);
738 }
740 /**
741 * Update the user specified portion of the syscall priority
742 * @param db the seccomp filter db
743 * @param syscall the syscall number
744 * @param priority the syscall priority
745 *
746 * This function sets, or updates, the syscall priority; the highest priority
747 * value between the existing and specified value becomes the new syscall
748 * priority. If the syscall entry does not already exist, a new phantom
749 * syscall entry is created as a placeholder. Returns zero on success,
750 * negative values on failure.
751 *
752 */
753 int db_syscall_priority(struct db_filter *db,
754 unsigned int syscall, uint8_t priority)
755 {
756 unsigned int sys_pri = _DB_PRI_USER(priority);
757 struct db_sys_list *s_new, *s_iter, *s_prev = NULL;
759 assert(db != NULL);
761 s_iter = db->syscalls;
762 while (s_iter != NULL && s_iter->num < syscall) {
763 s_prev = s_iter;
764 s_iter = s_iter->next;
765 }
767 /* matched an existing syscall entry */
768 if (s_iter != NULL && s_iter->num == syscall) {
769 if (sys_pri > (s_iter->priority & _DB_PRI_MASK_USER)) {
770 s_iter->priority &= (~_DB_PRI_MASK_USER);
771 s_iter->priority |= sys_pri;
772 }
773 return 0;
774 }
776 /* no existing syscall entry - create a phantom entry */
777 s_new = malloc(sizeof(*s_new));
778 if (s_new == NULL)
779 return -ENOMEM;
780 memset(s_new, 0, sizeof(*s_new));
781 s_new->num = syscall;
782 s_new->priority = sys_pri;
783 s_new->valid = false;
785 /* add it before s_iter */
786 if (s_prev != NULL) {
787 s_new->next = s_prev->next;
788 s_prev->next = s_new;
789 } else {
790 s_new->next = db->syscalls;
791 db->syscalls = s_new;
792 }
794 return 0;
795 }
797 /**
798 * Fixup the node based on the op/mask
799 * @param node the chain node
800 *
801 * Apply some simplifications based on the comparison op and mask value.
802 *
803 */
804 static void _db_node_mask_fixup(struct db_arg_chain_tree *node)
805 {
806 if (node->op == SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ && node->mask == 0) {
807 node->op = SCMP_CMP_EQ;
808 node->mask = ARG_MASK_MAX;
809 node->datum = 0;
810 } else
811 node->datum &= node->mask;
812 }
814 /**
815 * Generate a new filter rule for a 64 bit system
816 * @param arch the architecture definition
817 * @param action the filter action
818 * @param syscall the syscall number
819 * @param chain argument filter chain
820 *
821 * This function generates a new syscall filter for a 64 bit system. Returns
822 * zero on success, negative values on failure.
823 *
824 */
825 static struct db_sys_list *_db_rule_gen_64(const struct arch_def *arch,
826 uint32_t action,
827 unsigned int syscall,
828 struct db_api_arg *chain)
829 {
830 unsigned int iter;
831 int chain_len_max;
832 struct db_sys_list *s_new;
833 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter_hi = NULL, *c_iter_lo = NULL;
834 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_prev_hi = NULL, *c_prev_lo = NULL;
835 bool tf_flag;
837 s_new = malloc(sizeof(*s_new));
838 if (s_new == NULL)
839 return NULL;
840 memset(s_new, 0, sizeof(*s_new));
841 s_new->num = syscall;
842 s_new->valid = true;
843 /* run through the argument chain */
844 chain_len_max = arch_arg_count_max(arch);
845 for (iter = 0; iter < chain_len_max; iter++) {
846 if (chain[iter].valid == 0)
847 continue;
849 c_iter_hi = malloc(sizeof(*c_iter_hi));
850 if (c_iter_hi == NULL)
851 goto gen_64_failure;
852 memset(c_iter_hi, 0, sizeof(*c_iter_hi));
853 c_iter_hi->refcnt = 1;
854 c_iter_lo = malloc(sizeof(*c_iter_lo));
855 if (c_iter_lo == NULL) {
856 free(c_iter_hi);
857 goto gen_64_failure;
858 }
859 memset(c_iter_lo, 0, sizeof(*c_iter_lo));
860 c_iter_lo->refcnt = 1;
862 /* link this level to the previous level */
863 if (c_prev_lo != NULL) {
864 if (!tf_flag) {
865 c_prev_lo->nxt_f = c_iter_hi;
866 c_prev_hi->nxt_f = c_iter_hi;
867 c_iter_hi->refcnt++;
868 } else
869 c_prev_lo->nxt_t = c_iter_hi;
870 } else
871 s_new->chains = c_iter_hi;
872 s_new->node_cnt += 2;
874 /* set the arg, op, and datum fields */
875 c_iter_hi->arg = chain[iter].arg;
876 c_iter_lo->arg = chain[iter].arg;
877 c_iter_hi->arg_offset = arch_arg_offset_hi(arch,
878 c_iter_hi->arg);
879 c_iter_lo->arg_offset = arch_arg_offset_lo(arch,
880 c_iter_lo->arg);
881 switch (chain[iter].op) {
882 case SCMP_CMP_GT:
883 c_iter_hi->op = SCMP_CMP_GE;
884 c_iter_lo->op = SCMP_CMP_GT;
885 tf_flag = true;
886 break;
887 case SCMP_CMP_NE:
888 c_iter_hi->op = SCMP_CMP_EQ;
889 c_iter_lo->op = SCMP_CMP_EQ;
890 tf_flag = false;
891 break;
892 case SCMP_CMP_LT:
893 c_iter_hi->op = SCMP_CMP_GE;
894 c_iter_lo->op = SCMP_CMP_GE;
895 tf_flag = false;
896 break;
897 case SCMP_CMP_LE:
898 c_iter_hi->op = SCMP_CMP_GE;
899 c_iter_lo->op = SCMP_CMP_GT;
900 tf_flag = false;
901 break;
902 default:
903 c_iter_hi->op = chain[iter].op;
904 c_iter_lo->op = chain[iter].op;
905 tf_flag = true;
906 }
907 c_iter_hi->mask = D64_HI(chain[iter].mask);
908 c_iter_lo->mask = D64_LO(chain[iter].mask);
909 c_iter_hi->datum = D64_HI(chain[iter].datum);
910 c_iter_lo->datum = D64_LO(chain[iter].datum);
912 /* fixup the mask/datum */
913 _db_node_mask_fixup(c_iter_hi);
914 _db_node_mask_fixup(c_iter_lo);
916 /* link the hi and lo chain nodes */
917 c_iter_hi->nxt_t = c_iter_lo;
919 c_prev_hi = c_iter_hi;
920 c_prev_lo = c_iter_lo;
921 }
922 if (c_iter_lo != NULL) {
923 /* set the leaf node */
924 if (!tf_flag) {
925 c_iter_lo->act_f_flg = true;
926 c_iter_lo->act_f = action;
927 c_iter_hi->act_f_flg = true;
928 c_iter_hi->act_f = action;
929 } else {
930 c_iter_lo->act_t_flg = true;
931 c_iter_lo->act_t = action;
932 }
933 } else
934 s_new->action = action;
936 return s_new;
938 gen_64_failure:
939 /* free the new chain and its syscall struct */
940 _db_tree_free(s_new->chains);
941 free(s_new);
942 return NULL;
943 }
945 /**
946 * Generate a new filter rule for a 32 bit system
947 * @param arch the architecture definition
948 * @param action the filter action
949 * @param syscall the syscall number
950 * @param chain argument filter chain
951 *
952 * This function generates a new syscall filter for a 32 bit system. Returns
953 * zero on success, negative values on failure.
954 *
955 */
956 static struct db_sys_list *_db_rule_gen_32(const struct arch_def *arch,
957 uint32_t action,
958 unsigned int syscall,
959 struct db_api_arg *chain)
960 {
961 unsigned int iter;
962 int chain_len_max;
963 struct db_sys_list *s_new;
964 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter = NULL, *c_prev = NULL;
965 bool tf_flag;
967 s_new = malloc(sizeof(*s_new));
968 if (s_new == NULL)
969 return NULL;
970 memset(s_new, 0, sizeof(*s_new));
971 s_new->num = syscall;
972 s_new->valid = true;
973 /* run through the argument chain */
974 chain_len_max = arch_arg_count_max(arch);
975 for (iter = 0; iter < chain_len_max; iter++) {
976 if (chain[iter].valid == 0)
977 continue;
979 c_iter = malloc(sizeof(*c_iter));
980 if (c_iter == NULL)
981 goto gen_32_failure;
982 memset(c_iter, 0, sizeof(*c_iter));
983 c_iter->refcnt = 1;
984 c_iter->arg = chain[iter].arg;
985 c_iter->arg_offset = arch_arg_offset(c_iter->arg);
986 c_iter->op = chain[iter].op;
987 c_iter->mask = chain[iter].mask;
988 c_iter->datum = chain[iter].datum;
990 /* link in the new node and update the chain */
991 if (c_prev != NULL) {
992 if (tf_flag)
993 c_prev->nxt_t = c_iter;
994 else
995 c_prev->nxt_f = c_iter;
996 } else
997 s_new->chains = c_iter;
998 s_new->node_cnt++;
1000 /* rewrite the op to reduce the op/datum combos */
1001 switch (c_iter->op) {
1002 case SCMP_CMP_NE:
1003 c_iter->op = SCMP_CMP_EQ;
1004 tf_flag = false;
1005 break;
1006 case SCMP_CMP_LT:
1007 c_iter->op = SCMP_CMP_GE;
1008 tf_flag = false;
1009 break;
1010 case SCMP_CMP_LE:
1011 c_iter->op = SCMP_CMP_GT;
1012 tf_flag = false;
1013 break;
1014 default:
1015 tf_flag = true;
1016 }
1018 /* fixup the mask/datum */
1019 _db_node_mask_fixup(c_iter);
1021 c_prev = c_iter;
1022 }
1023 if (c_iter != NULL) {
1024 /* set the leaf node */
1025 if (tf_flag) {
1026 c_iter->act_t_flg = true;
1027 c_iter->act_t = action;
1028 } else {
1029 c_iter->act_f_flg = true;
1030 c_iter->act_f = action;
1031 }
1032 } else
1033 s_new->action = action;
1035 return s_new;
1037 gen_32_failure:
1038 /* free the new chain and its syscall struct */
1039 _db_tree_free(s_new->chains);
1040 free(s_new);
1041 return NULL;
1042 }
1044 /**
1045 * Add a new rule to the seccomp filter DB
1046 * @param db the seccomp filter db
1047 * @param action the filter action
1048 * @param syscall the syscall number
1049 * @param chain argument filter chain
1050 *
1051 * This function adds a new syscall filter to the seccomp filter DB, adding to
1052 * the existing filters for the syscall, unless no argument specific filters
1053 * are present (filtering only on the syscall). When adding new chains, the
1054 * shortest chain, or most inclusive filter match, will be entered into the
1055 * filter DB. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure.
1056 *
1057 */
1058 int db_rule_add(struct db_filter *db, uint32_t action, unsigned int syscall,
1059 struct db_api_arg *chain)
1060 {
1061 int rc = -ENOMEM;
1062 struct db_sys_list *s_new, *s_iter, *s_prev = NULL;
1063 struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter = NULL, *c_prev = NULL;
1064 struct db_arg_chain_tree *ec_iter;
1065 struct db_prune_state state;
1066 bool rm_flag = false;
1067 unsigned int new_chain_cnt = 0;
1068 unsigned int n_cnt;
1070 assert(db != NULL);
1072 /* do all our possible memory allocation up front so we don't have to
1073 * worry about failure once we get to the point where we start updating
1074 * the filter db */
1075 if (db->arch->size == ARCH_SIZE_64)
1076 s_new = _db_rule_gen_64(db->arch, action, syscall, chain);
1077 else if (db->arch->size == ARCH_SIZE_32)
1078 s_new = _db_rule_gen_32(db->arch, action, syscall, chain);
1079 else
1080 return -EFAULT;
1081 if (s_new == NULL)
1082 return -ENOMEM;
1083 new_chain_cnt = s_new->node_cnt;
1085 /* no more failures allowed after this point that would result in the
1086 * stored filter being in an inconsistent state */
1088 /* find a matching syscall/chain or insert a new one */
1089 s_iter = db->syscalls;
1090 while (s_iter != NULL && s_iter->num < syscall) {
1091 s_prev = s_iter;
1092 s_iter = s_iter->next;
1093 }
1094 add_reset:
1095 s_new->node_cnt = new_chain_cnt;
1096 s_new->priority = _DB_PRI_MASK_CHAIN - s_new->node_cnt;
1097 c_prev = NULL;
1098 c_iter = s_new->chains;
1099 if (s_iter != NULL)
1100 ec_iter = s_iter->chains;
1101 else
1102 ec_iter = NULL;
1103 if (s_iter == NULL || s_iter->num != syscall) {
1104 /* new syscall, add before s_iter */
1105 if (s_prev != NULL) {
1106 s_new->next = s_prev->next;
1107 s_prev->next = s_new;
1108 } else {
1109 s_new->next = db->syscalls;
1110 db->syscalls = s_new;
1111 }
1112 return 0;
1113 } else if (s_iter->chains == NULL) {
1114 if (rm_flag || !s_iter->valid) {
1115 /* we are here because our previous pass cleared the
1116 * entire syscall chain when searching for a subtree
1117 * match or the existing syscall entry is a phantom,
1118 * so either way add the new chain */
1119 s_iter->chains = s_new->chains;
1120 s_iter->action = s_new->action;
1121 s_iter->node_cnt = s_new->node_cnt;
1122 if (s_iter->valid)
1123 s_iter->priority = s_new->priority;
1124 s_iter->valid = true;
1125 free(s_new);
1126 rc = 0;
1127 goto add_priority_update;
1128 } else
1129 /* syscall exists without any chains - existing filter
1130 * is at least as large as the new entry so cleanup and
1131 * exit */
1132 goto add_free_ok;
1133 } else if (s_iter->chains != NULL && s_new->chains == NULL) {
1134 /* syscall exists with chains but the new filter has no chains
1135 * so we need to clear the existing chains and exit */
1136 _db_tree_free(s_iter->chains);
1137 s_iter->chains = NULL;
1138 s_iter->node_cnt = 0;
1139 s_iter->action = action;
1140 goto add_free_ok;
1141 }
1143 /* check for sub-tree matches */
1144 memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
1145 rc = _db_tree_sub_prune(&(s_iter->chains), ec_iter, c_iter, &state);
1146 if (rc > 0) {
1147 rm_flag = true;
1148 s_iter->node_cnt -= rc;
1149 goto add_reset;
1150 } else if (rc < 0)
1151 goto add_free_ok;
1153 /* syscall exists and has at least one existing chain - start at the
1154 * top and walk the two chains */
1155 do {
1156 /* insert the new rule into the existing tree */
1157 if (db_chain_eq(c_iter, ec_iter)) {
1158 /* found a matching node on this chain level */
1159 if (db_chain_action(c_iter) &&
1160 db_chain_action(ec_iter)) {
1161 /* both are "action" nodes */
1162 if (c_iter->act_t_flg && ec_iter->act_t_flg) {
1163 if (ec_iter->act_t != action)
1164 goto add_free_exist;
1165 } else if (c_iter->act_t_flg) {
1166 ec_iter->act_t_flg = true;
1167 ec_iter->act_t = action;
1168 }
1169 if (c_iter->act_f_flg && ec_iter->act_f_flg) {
1170 if (ec_iter->act_f != action)
1171 goto add_free_exist;
1172 } else if (c_iter->act_f_flg) {
1173 ec_iter->act_f_flg = true;
1174 ec_iter->act_f = action;
1175 }
1176 if (ec_iter->act_t_flg == ec_iter->act_f_flg &&
1177 ec_iter->act_t == ec_iter->act_f) {
1178 n_cnt = _db_tree_remove(
1179 &(s_iter->chains),
1180 ec_iter);
1181 s_iter->node_cnt -= n_cnt;
1182 goto add_free_ok;
1183 }
1184 } else if (db_chain_action(c_iter)) {
1185 /* new is shorter */
1186 if (c_iter->act_t_flg) {
1187 rc = _db_tree_act_check(ec_iter->nxt_t,
1188 action);
1189 if (rc < 0)
1190 goto add_free;
1191 n_cnt = _db_tree_free(ec_iter->nxt_t);
1192 ec_iter->nxt_t = NULL;
1193 ec_iter->act_t_flg = true;
1194 ec_iter->act_t = action;
1195 } else {
1196 rc = _db_tree_act_check(ec_iter->nxt_f,
1197 action);
1198 if (rc < 0)
1199 goto add_free;
1200 n_cnt = _db_tree_free(ec_iter->nxt_f);
1201 ec_iter->nxt_f = NULL;
1202 ec_iter->act_f_flg = true;
1203 ec_iter->act_f = action;
1204 }
1205 s_iter->node_cnt -= n_cnt;
1206 }
1207 if (c_iter->nxt_t != NULL) {
1208 if (ec_iter->nxt_t != NULL) {
1209 /* jump to the next level */
1210 c_prev = c_iter;
1211 c_iter = c_iter->nxt_t;
1212 ec_iter = ec_iter->nxt_t;
1213 s_new->node_cnt--;
1214 } else if (ec_iter->act_t_flg) {
1215 /* existing is shorter */
1216 if (ec_iter->act_t == action)
1217 goto add_free_ok;
1218 goto add_free_exist;
1219 } else {
1220 /* add a new branch */
1221 c_prev = c_iter;
1222 ec_iter->nxt_t = c_iter->nxt_t;
1223 s_iter->node_cnt +=
1224 (s_new->node_cnt - 1);
1225 goto add_free_match;
1226 }
1227 } else if (c_iter->nxt_f != NULL) {
1228 if (ec_iter->nxt_f != NULL) {
1229 /* jump to the next level */
1230 c_prev = c_iter;
1231 c_iter = c_iter->nxt_f;
1232 ec_iter = ec_iter->nxt_f;
1233 s_new->node_cnt--;
1234 } else if (ec_iter->act_f_flg) {
1235 /* existing is shorter */
1236 if (ec_iter->act_f == action)
1237 goto add_free_ok;
1238 goto add_free_exist;
1239 } else {
1240 /* add a new branch */
1241 c_prev = c_iter;
1242 ec_iter->nxt_f = c_iter->nxt_f;
1243 s_iter->node_cnt +=
1244 (s_new->node_cnt - 1);
1245 goto add_free_match;
1246 }
1247 } else
1248 goto add_free_ok;
1249 } else {
1250 /* need to check other nodes on this level */
1251 if (db_chain_lt(c_iter, ec_iter)) {
1252 if (ec_iter->lvl_prv == NULL) {
1253 /* add to the start of the level */
1254 ec_iter->lvl_prv = c_iter;
1255 c_iter->lvl_nxt = ec_iter;
1256 if (ec_iter == s_iter->chains)
1257 s_iter->chains = c_iter;
1258 s_iter->node_cnt += s_new->node_cnt;
1259 goto add_free_match;
1260 } else
1261 ec_iter = ec_iter->lvl_prv;
1262 } else {
1263 if (ec_iter->lvl_nxt == NULL) {
1264 /* add to the end of the level */
1265 ec_iter->lvl_nxt = c_iter;
1266 c_iter->lvl_prv = ec_iter;
1267 s_iter->node_cnt += s_new->node_cnt;
1268 goto add_free_match;
1269 } else if (db_chain_lt(c_iter,
1270 ec_iter->lvl_nxt)) {
1271 /* add new chain in between */
1272 c_iter->lvl_nxt = ec_iter->lvl_nxt;
1273 ec_iter->lvl_nxt->lvl_prv = c_iter;
1274 ec_iter->lvl_nxt = c_iter;
1275 c_iter->lvl_prv = ec_iter;
1276 s_iter->node_cnt += s_new->node_cnt;
1277 goto add_free_match;
1278 } else
1279 ec_iter = ec_iter->lvl_nxt;
1280 }
1281 }
1282 } while ((c_iter != NULL) && (ec_iter != NULL));
1284 /* we should never be here! */
1285 return -EFAULT;
1287 add_free_exist:
1288 rc = -EEXIST;
1289 goto add_free;
1290 add_free_ok:
1291 rc = 0;
1292 add_free:
1293 /* free the new chain and its syscall struct */
1294 _db_tree_free(s_new->chains);
1295 free(s_new);
1296 goto add_priority_update;
1297 add_free_match:
1298 /* free the matching portion of new chain */
1299 if (c_prev != NULL) {
1300 c_prev->nxt_t = NULL;
1301 c_prev->nxt_f = NULL;
1302 _db_tree_free(s_new->chains);
1303 }
1304 free(s_new);
1305 rc = 0;
1306 add_priority_update:
1307 /* update the priority */
1308 if (s_iter != NULL) {
1309 s_iter->priority &= (~_DB_PRI_MASK_CHAIN);
1310 s_iter->priority |= (_DB_PRI_MASK_CHAIN - s_iter->node_cnt);
1311 }
1312 return rc;
1313 }
0 /**
1 * Enhanced Seccomp Filter DB
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _FILTER_DB_H
22 #define _FILTER_DB_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
25 #include <stdbool.h>
27 #include <seccomp.h>
29 #include "arch.h"
31 /* XXX - need to provide doxygen comments for the types here */
33 struct db_api_arg {
34 unsigned int arg;
35 unsigned int op;
36 scmp_datum_t mask;
37 scmp_datum_t datum;
39 bool valid;
40 };
42 struct db_arg_chain_tree {
43 /* argument number (a0 = 0, a1 = 1, etc.) */
44 unsigned int arg;
45 /* argument bpf offset */
46 unsigned int arg_offset;
48 /* comparison operator */
49 enum scmp_compare op;
50 /* syscall argument value */
51 uint32_t mask;
52 uint32_t datum;
54 /* actions */
55 bool act_t_flg;
56 bool act_f_flg;
57 uint32_t act_t;
58 uint32_t act_f;
60 /* list of nodes on this level */
61 struct db_arg_chain_tree *lvl_prv, *lvl_nxt;
63 /* next node in the chain */
64 struct db_arg_chain_tree *nxt_t;
65 struct db_arg_chain_tree *nxt_f;
67 unsigned int refcnt;
68 };
69 #define ARG_MASK_MAX ((uint32_t)-1)
70 #define db_chain_lt(x,y) \
71 (((x)->arg < (y)->arg) || \
72 (((x)->arg == (y)->arg) && \
73 (((x)->op < (y)->op) || (((x)->mask & (y)->mask) == (y)->mask))))
74 #define db_chain_eq(x,y) \
75 (((x)->arg == (y)->arg) && \
76 ((x)->op == (y)->op) && ((x)->datum == (y)->datum) && \
77 ((x)->mask == (y)->mask))
78 #define db_chain_gt(x,y) \
79 (((x)->arg > (y)->arg) || \
80 (((x)->arg == (y)->arg) && \
81 (((x)->op > (y)->op) || (((x)->mask & (y)->mask) != (y)->mask))))
82 #define db_chain_action(x) \
83 (((x)->act_t_flg) || ((x)->act_f_flg))
84 #define db_chain_zombie(x) \
85 ((x)->nxt_t == NULL && !((x)->act_t_flg) && \
86 (x)->nxt_f == NULL && !((x)->act_f_flg))
87 #define db_chain_leaf(x) \
88 ((x)->nxt_t == NULL && (x)->nxt_f == NULL)
89 #define db_chain_eq_result(x,y) \
90 ((((x)->nxt_t != NULL && (y)->nxt_t != NULL) || \
91 ((x)->nxt_t == NULL && (y)->nxt_t == NULL)) && \
92 (((x)->nxt_f != NULL && (y)->nxt_f != NULL) || \
93 ((x)->nxt_f == NULL && (y)->nxt_f == NULL)) && \
94 ((x)->act_t_flg == (y)->act_t_flg) && \
95 ((x)->act_f_flg == (y)->act_f_flg) && \
96 (((x)->act_t_flg && (x)->act_t == (y)->act_t) || \
97 (!((x)->act_t_flg))) && \
98 (((x)->act_f_flg && (x)->act_f == (y)->act_f) || \
99 (!((x)->act_f_flg))))
101 struct db_sys_list {
102 /* native syscall number */
103 unsigned int num;
105 /* priority - higher is better */
106 unsigned int priority;
108 /* the argument chain heads */
109 struct db_arg_chain_tree *chains;
110 unsigned int node_cnt;
112 /* action in the case of no argument chains */
113 uint32_t action;
115 struct db_sys_list *next;
116 /* temporary use only by the BPF generator */
117 struct db_sys_list *pri_prv, *pri_nxt;
119 bool valid;
120 };
122 struct db_filter_attr {
123 /* action to take if we don't match an explicit allow/deny */
124 uint32_t act_default;
125 /* action to take if we don't match the architecture */
126 uint32_t act_badarch;
127 /* NO_NEW_PRIVS related attributes */
128 uint32_t nnp_enable;
129 };
131 struct db_filter {
132 /* target architecture */
133 const struct arch_def *arch;
135 /* syscall filters, kept as a sorted single-linked list */
136 struct db_sys_list *syscalls;
137 };
139 struct db_filter_col {
140 /* verification / state */
141 int state;
143 /* attributes */
144 struct db_filter_attr attr;
146 /* individual filters */
147 struct db_filter **filters;
148 unsigned int filter_cnt;
149 };
151 /**
152 * Iterate over each item in the DB list
153 * @param iter the iterator
154 * @param list the list
155 *
156 * This macro acts as for()/while() conditional and iterates the following
157 * statement for each item in the given list.
158 *
159 */
160 #define db_list_foreach(iter,list) \
161 for (iter = (list); iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
163 int db_action_valid(uint32_t action);
165 struct db_filter_col *db_col_init(uint32_t def_action);
166 void db_col_reset(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t def_action);
167 void db_col_release(struct db_filter_col *col);
169 int db_col_valid(struct db_filter_col *col);
171 int db_col_merge(struct db_filter_col *col_dst, struct db_filter_col *col_src);
173 int db_col_arch_exist(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t arch_token);
175 int db_col_attr_get(const struct db_filter_col *col,
176 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t *value);
177 int db_col_attr_set(struct db_filter_col *col,
178 enum scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t value);
180 int db_col_db_add(struct db_filter_col *col, struct db_filter *db);
181 int db_col_db_remove(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t arch_token);
183 struct db_filter *db_init(const struct arch_def *arch);
184 void db_reset(struct db_filter *db);
185 void db_release(struct db_filter *db);
187 int db_syscall_priority(struct db_filter *db,
188 unsigned int syscall, uint8_t priority);
190 int db_rule_add(struct db_filter *db, uint32_t action, unsigned int syscall,
191 struct db_api_arg *chain);
193 #endif
0 /**
1 * Seccomp BPF Translator
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <inttypes.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <stdbool.h>
28 #include <seccomp.h>
30 #include "arch.h"
31 #include "arch-x32.h"
32 #include "gen_bpf.h"
33 #include "db.h"
34 #include "hash.h"
35 #include "system.h"
37 /* allocation increments */
38 #define AINC_BLK 2
39 #define AINC_PROG 64
41 struct acc_state {
42 int32_t offset;
43 uint32_t mask;
44 };
46 enum bpf_jump_type {
47 TGT_NONE = 0,
48 TGT_K, /* immediate "k" value */
49 TGT_NXT, /* fall through to the next block */
50 TGT_IMM, /* resolved immediate value */
51 TGT_PTR_DB, /* pointer to part of the filter db */
52 TGT_PTR_BLK, /* pointer to an instruction block */
53 TGT_PTR_HSH, /* pointer to a block hash table */
54 };
56 struct bpf_jump {
57 union {
58 uint8_t imm_j;
59 uint32_t imm_k;
60 uint64_t hash;
61 struct db_arg_chain_tree *db;
62 struct bpf_blk *blk;
63 unsigned int nxt;
64 } tgt;
65 enum bpf_jump_type type;
66 };
67 #define _BPF_JMP_NO \
68 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_NONE })
69 #define _BPF_JMP_NXT(x) \
70 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_NXT, .tgt = { .nxt = (x) } })
71 #define _BPF_JMP_IMM(x) \
72 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_IMM, .tgt = { .imm_j = (x) } })
73 #define _BPF_JMP_DB(x) \
74 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_PTR_DB, .tgt = { .db = (x) } })
75 #define _BPF_JMP_BLK(x) \
76 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_PTR_BLK, .tgt = { .blk = (x) } })
77 #define _BPF_JMP_HSH(x) \
78 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_PTR_HSH, .tgt = { .hash = (x) } })
79 #define _BPF_K(x) \
80 ((struct bpf_jump) { .type = TGT_K, .tgt = { .imm_k = (x) } })
81 #define _BPF_JMP_MAX 255
82 #define _BPF_JMP_MAX_RET 255
84 struct bpf_instr {
85 uint16_t op;
86 struct bpf_jump jt;
87 struct bpf_jump jf;
88 struct bpf_jump k;
89 };
90 #define _BPF_OFFSET_SYSCALL (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))
93 struct bpf_blk {
94 struct bpf_instr *blks;
95 unsigned int blk_cnt;
96 unsigned int blk_alloc;
98 /* priority - higher is better */
99 unsigned int priority;
101 /* status flags */
102 bool flag_hash; /* added to the hash table */
103 bool flag_dup; /* duplicate block and in use */
104 bool flag_unique; /* ->blks is unique to this block */
106 /* original db_arg_chain_tree node */
107 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *node;
109 /* used during block assembly */
110 uint64_t hash;
111 struct bpf_blk *hash_nxt;
112 struct bpf_blk *prev, *next;
113 struct bpf_blk *lvl_prv, *lvl_nxt;
114 struct acc_state acc_state;
115 };
116 #define _BLK_MSZE(x) \
117 ((x)->blk_cnt * sizeof(*((x)->blks)))
119 struct bpf_hash_bkt {
120 struct bpf_blk *blk;
121 struct bpf_hash_bkt *next;
122 unsigned int found;
123 };
125 #define _BPF_HASH_BITS 8
126 #define _BPF_HASH_SIZE (1 << _BPF_HASH_BITS)
127 #define _BPF_HASH_MASK (_BPF_HASH_BITS - 1)
128 struct bpf_state {
129 /* block hash table */
130 struct bpf_hash_bkt *htbl[_BPF_HASH_SIZE];
132 /* filter attributes */
133 const struct db_filter_attr *attr;
134 /* default action */
135 uint64_t def_hsh;
137 /* target arch - NOTE: be careful, temporary use only! */
138 const struct arch_def *arch;
140 /* bpf program */
141 struct bpf_program *bpf;
142 };
144 /**
145 * Populate a BPF instruction
146 * @param _ins the BPF instruction
147 * @param _op the BPF operand
148 * @param _jt the BPF jt value
149 * @param _jf the BPF jf value
150 * @param _k the BPF k value
151 *
152 * Set the given values on the provided bpf_instr struct.
153 *
154 */
155 #define _BPF_INSTR(_ins,_op,_jt,_jf,_k) \
156 do { \
157 memset(&(_ins), 0, sizeof(_ins)); \
158 (_ins).op = (_op); \
159 (_ins).jt = _jt; \
160 (_ins).jf = _jf; \
161 (_ins).k = _k; \
162 } while (0)
164 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_chain(struct bpf_state *state,
165 const struct db_sys_list *sys,
166 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *chain,
167 const struct bpf_jump *nxt_jump,
168 struct acc_state *a_state);
170 static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_remove(struct bpf_state *state, uint64_t h_val);
171 static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_find(const struct bpf_state *state, uint64_t h_val);
173 /**
174 * Free the BPF instruction block
175 * @param state the BPF state
176 * @param blk the BPF instruction block
177 *
178 * Free the BPF instruction block, any linked blocks are preserved and the hash
179 * table is not modified. In general, you probably want to use _blk_free()
180 * instead.
181 *
182 */
183 static void __blk_free(struct bpf_state *state, struct bpf_blk *blk)
184 {
185 struct bpf_blk *b_tmp;
187 while (blk->hash_nxt != NULL) {
188 b_tmp = blk->hash_nxt;
189 blk->hash_nxt = b_tmp->hash_nxt;
190 if (!b_tmp->flag_dup)
191 free(b_tmp);
192 }
193 if (blk->blks != NULL && blk->flag_unique)
194 free(blk->blks);
195 free(blk);
196 }
198 /**
199 * Free the BPF instruction block
200 * @param state the BPF state
201 * @param blk the BPF instruction block
202 *
203 * Free the BPF instruction block including any linked blocks. The hash table
204 * is updated to reflect the newly removed block(s).
205 *
206 */
207 static void _blk_free(struct bpf_state *state, struct bpf_blk *blk)
208 {
209 int iter;
210 struct bpf_blk *b_iter;
211 struct bpf_instr *i_iter;
213 if (blk == NULL)
214 return;
216 /* remove this block from the hash table */
217 _hsh_remove(state, blk->hash);
219 /* run through the block freeing TGT_PTR_{BLK,HSH} jump targets */
220 for (iter = 0; iter < blk->blk_cnt; iter++) {
221 i_iter = &blk->blks[iter];
222 switch (i_iter->jt.type) {
223 case TGT_PTR_BLK:
224 _blk_free(state, i_iter->jt.tgt.blk);
225 break;
226 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
227 b_iter = _hsh_find(state, i_iter->jt.tgt.hash);
228 _blk_free(state, b_iter);
229 break;
230 default:
231 /* do nothing */
232 break;
233 }
234 switch (i_iter->jf.type) {
235 case TGT_PTR_BLK:
236 _blk_free(state, i_iter->jf.tgt.blk);
237 break;
238 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
239 b_iter = _hsh_find(state, i_iter->jf.tgt.hash);
240 _blk_free(state, b_iter);
241 break;
242 default:
243 /* do nothing */
244 break;
245 }
246 }
247 __blk_free(state, blk);
248 }
250 /**
251 * Append a new BPF instruction to an instruction block
252 * @param state the BPF state
253 * @param blk the existing instruction block, or NULL
254 * @param instr the new instruction
255 *
256 * Add the new BPF instruction to the end of the give instruction block. If
257 * the given instruction block is NULL, a new block will be allocated. Returns
258 * a pointer to the block on success, NULL on failure, and in the case of
259 * failure the instruction block is free'd.
260 *
261 */
262 static struct bpf_blk *_blk_append(struct bpf_state *state,
263 struct bpf_blk *blk,
264 const struct bpf_instr *instr)
265 {
266 struct bpf_instr *new;
268 if (blk == NULL) {
269 blk = malloc(sizeof(*blk));
270 if (blk == NULL)
271 return NULL;
272 memset(blk, 0, sizeof(*blk));
273 blk->flag_unique = true;
274 }
275 if ((blk->blk_cnt + 1) > blk->blk_alloc) {
276 blk->blk_alloc += AINC_BLK;
277 new = realloc(blk->blks, blk->blk_alloc * sizeof(*(blk->blks)));
278 if (new == NULL) {
279 _blk_free(state, blk);
280 return NULL;
281 }
282 blk->blks = new;
283 }
284 memcpy(&blk->blks[blk->blk_cnt++], instr, sizeof(*instr));
286 return blk;
287 }
289 /**
290 * Append a block of BPF instructions to the final BPF program
291 * @param prg the BPF program
292 * @param blk the BPF instruction block
293 *
294 * Add the BPF instruction block to the end of the BPF program and perform the
295 * necssary translation. Returns zero on success, negative values on failure
296 * and in the case of failure the BPF program is free'd.
297 *
298 */
299 static int _bpf_append_blk(struct bpf_program *prg, const struct bpf_blk *blk)
300 {
301 int rc;
302 bpf_instr_raw *i_new;
303 bpf_instr_raw *i_iter;
304 unsigned int old_cnt = prg->blk_cnt;
305 unsigned int iter;
307 /* (re)allocate the program memory */
308 prg->blk_cnt += blk->blk_cnt;
309 i_new = realloc(prg->blks, BPF_PGM_SIZE(prg));
310 if (i_new == NULL) {
311 rc = -ENOMEM;
312 goto bpf_append_blk_failure;
313 }
314 prg->blks = i_new;
316 /* transfer and translate the blocks to raw instructions */
317 for (iter = 0; iter < blk->blk_cnt; iter++) {
318 i_iter = &(prg->blks[old_cnt + iter]);
320 i_iter->code = blk->blks[iter].op;
321 switch (blk->blks[iter].jt.type) {
322 case TGT_NONE:
323 i_iter->jt = 0;
324 break;
325 case TGT_IMM:
326 /* jump to the value specified */
327 i_iter->jt = blk->blks[iter].jt.tgt.imm_j;
328 break;
329 default:
330 /* fatal error - we should never get here */
331 rc = -EFAULT;
332 goto bpf_append_blk_failure;
333 }
334 switch (blk->blks[iter].jf.type) {
335 case TGT_NONE:
336 i_iter->jf = 0;
337 break;
338 case TGT_IMM:
339 /* jump to the value specified */
340 i_iter->jf = blk->blks[iter].jf.tgt.imm_j;
341 break;
342 default:
343 /* fatal error - we should never get here */
344 rc = -EFAULT;
345 goto bpf_append_blk_failure;
346 }
347 switch (blk->blks[iter].k.type) {
348 case TGT_NONE:
349 i_iter->k = 0;
350 break;
351 case TGT_K:
352 i_iter->k = blk->blks[iter].k.tgt.imm_k;
353 break;
354 default:
355 /* fatal error - we should never get here */
356 rc = -EFAULT;
357 goto bpf_append_blk_failure;
358 }
359 }
361 return prg->blk_cnt;
363 bpf_append_blk_failure:
364 prg->blk_cnt = 0;
365 free(prg->blks);
366 return rc;
367 }
369 /**
370 * Free the BPF program
371 * @param prg the BPF program
372 *
373 * Free the BPF program. None of the associated BPF state used to generate the
374 * BPF program is released in this function.
375 *
376 */
377 static void _program_free(struct bpf_program *prg)
378 {
379 if (prg == NULL)
380 return;
382 if (prg->blks != NULL)
383 free(prg->blks);
384 free(prg);
385 }
387 /**
388 * Free the BPF state
389 * @param the BPF state
390 *
391 * Free all of the BPF state, including the BPF program if present.
392 *
393 */
394 static void _state_release(struct bpf_state *state)
395 {
396 unsigned int bkt;
397 struct bpf_hash_bkt *iter;
399 if (state == NULL)
400 return;
402 /* release all of the hash table entries */
403 for (bkt = 0; bkt < _BPF_HASH_SIZE; bkt++) {
404 while (state->htbl[bkt]) {
405 iter = state->htbl[bkt];
406 state->htbl[bkt] = iter->next;
407 __blk_free(state, iter->blk);
408 free(iter);
409 }
410 }
411 _program_free(state->bpf);
413 memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
414 }
416 /**
417 * Add an instruction block to the BPF state hash table
418 * @param state the BPF state
419 * @param blk_p pointer to the BPF instruction block
420 * @param found initial found value (see _hsh_find_once() for description)
421 *
422 * This function adds an instruction block to the hash table, and frees the
423 * block if an identical instruction block already exists, returning a pointer
424 * to the original block in place of the given block. Returns zero on success
425 * and negative values on failure.
426 *
427 */
428 static int _hsh_add(struct bpf_state *state, struct bpf_blk **blk_p,
429 unsigned int found)
430 {
431 uint64_t h_val;
432 struct bpf_hash_bkt *h_new, *h_iter, *h_prev = NULL;
433 struct bpf_blk *blk = *blk_p;
434 struct bpf_blk *b_iter;
436 if (blk->flag_hash)
437 return 0;
439 h_new = malloc(sizeof(*h_new));
440 if (h_new == NULL)
441 return -ENOMEM;
442 memset(h_new, 0, sizeof(*h_new));
444 /* generate the hash */
445 h_val = jhash(blk->blks, _BLK_MSZE(blk), 0);
446 blk->hash = h_val;
447 blk->flag_hash = true;
448 blk->node = NULL;
449 h_new->blk = blk;
450 h_new->found = (found ? 1 : 0);
452 /* insert the block into the hash table */
453 h_iter = state->htbl[h_val & _BPF_HASH_MASK];
454 if (h_iter != NULL) {
455 do {
456 if ((h_iter->blk->hash == h_val) &&
457 (_BLK_MSZE(h_iter->blk) == _BLK_MSZE(blk)) &&
458 (memcmp(h_iter->blk->blks, blk->blks,
459 _BLK_MSZE(blk)) == 0)) {
460 /* duplicate block */
461 free(h_new);
463 /* store the duplicate block */
464 b_iter = h_iter->blk;
465 while (b_iter->hash_nxt != NULL)
466 b_iter = b_iter->hash_nxt;
467 b_iter->hash_nxt = blk;
469 /* in some cases we want to return the
470 * duplicate block */
471 if (found) {
472 blk->flag_dup = true;
473 return 0;
474 }
476 /* update the priority if needed */
477 if (h_iter->blk->priority < blk->priority)
478 h_iter->blk->priority = blk->priority;
480 /* try to save some memory */
481 free(blk->blks);
482 blk->blks = h_iter->blk->blks;
483 blk->flag_unique = false;
485 *blk_p = h_iter->blk;
486 return 0;
487 } else if (h_iter->blk->hash == h_val) {
488 /* hash collision */
489 if ((h_val >> 32) == 0xffffffff) {
490 /* overflow */
491 blk->flag_hash = false;
492 blk->hash = 0;
493 return -EFAULT;
494 }
495 h_val += ((uint64_t)1 << 32);
496 h_new->blk->hash = h_val;
498 /* restart at the beginning of the bucket */
499 h_iter = state->htbl[h_val & _BPF_HASH_MASK];
500 } else {
501 /* no match, move along */
502 h_prev = h_iter;
503 h_iter = h_iter->next;
504 }
505 } while (h_iter != NULL);
506 h_prev->next = h_new;
507 } else
508 state->htbl[h_val & _BPF_HASH_MASK] = h_new;
510 return 0;
511 }
513 /**
514 * Remove an entry from the hash table
515 * @param state the BPF state
516 * @param h_val the hash value
517 *
518 * Remove an entry from the hash table and return it to the caller, NULL is
519 * returned if the entry can not be found.
520 *
521 */
522 static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_remove(struct bpf_state *state, uint64_t h_val)
523 {
524 unsigned int bkt = h_val & _BPF_HASH_MASK;
525 struct bpf_blk *blk;
526 struct bpf_hash_bkt *h_iter, *h_prev = NULL;
528 h_iter = state->htbl[bkt];
529 while (h_iter != NULL) {
530 if (h_iter->blk->hash == h_val) {
531 if (h_prev != NULL)
532 h_prev->next = h_iter->next;
533 else
534 state->htbl[bkt] = h_iter->next;
535 blk = h_iter->blk;
536 free(h_iter);
537 return blk;
538 }
539 h_prev = h_iter;
540 h_iter = h_iter->next;
541 }
543 return NULL;
544 }
546 /**
547 * Find and return a hash bucket
548 * @param state the BPF state
549 * @param h_val the hash value
550 *
551 * Find the entry associated with the given hash value and return it to the
552 * caller, NULL is returned if the entry can not be found. This function
553 * should not be called directly; use _hsh_find() and _hsh_find_once() instead.
554 *
555 */
556 static struct bpf_hash_bkt *_hsh_find_bkt(const struct bpf_state *state,
557 uint64_t h_val)
558 {
559 struct bpf_hash_bkt *h_iter;
561 h_iter = state->htbl[h_val & _BPF_HASH_MASK];
562 while (h_iter != NULL) {
563 if (h_iter->blk->hash == h_val)
564 return h_iter;
565 h_iter = h_iter->next;
566 }
568 return NULL;
569 }
571 /**
572 * Find and only return an entry in the hash table once
573 * @param state the BPF state
574 * @param h_val the hash value
575 *
576 * Find the entry associated with the given hash value and return it to the
577 * caller if it has not be returned previously by this function; returns NULL
578 * if the entry can not be found or has already been returned in a previous
579 * call.
580 *
581 */
582 static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_find_once(const struct bpf_state *state,
583 uint64_t h_val)
584 {
585 struct bpf_hash_bkt *h_iter;
587 h_iter = _hsh_find_bkt(state, h_val);
588 if (h_iter == NULL || h_iter->found != 0)
589 return NULL;
590 h_iter->found = 1;
591 return h_iter->blk;
592 }
594 /**
595 * Finds an entry in the hash table
596 * @param state the BPF state
597 * @param h_val the hash value
598 *
599 * Find the entry associated with the given hash value and return it to the
600 * caller, NULL is returned if the entry can not be found.
601 *
602 */
603 static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_find(const struct bpf_state *state, uint64_t h_val)
604 {
605 struct bpf_hash_bkt *h_iter;
607 h_iter = _hsh_find_bkt(state, h_val);
608 if (h_iter == NULL)
609 return NULL;
610 return h_iter->blk;
611 }
613 /**
614 * Generate a BPF action instruction
615 * @param state the BPF state
616 * @param blk the BPF instruction block, or NULL
617 * @param action the desired action
618 *
619 * Generate a BPF action instruction and append it to the given instruction
620 * block. Returns a pointer to the instruction block on success, NULL on
621 * failure.
622 *
623 */
624 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_action(struct bpf_state *state,
625 struct bpf_blk *blk, uint32_t action)
626 {
627 struct bpf_instr instr;
629 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_RET, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_K(action));
630 return _blk_append(state, blk, &instr);
631 }
633 /**
634 * Generate a BPF action instruction and insert it into the hash table
635 * @param state the BPF state
636 * @param action the desired action
637 *
638 * Generate a BPF action instruction and insert it into the hash table.
639 * Returns a pointer to the instruction block on success, NULL on failure.
640 *
641 */
642 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_action_hsh(struct bpf_state *state,
643 uint32_t action)
644 {
645 struct bpf_blk *blk;
647 blk = _gen_bpf_action(state, NULL, action);
648 if (blk == NULL)
649 return NULL;
650 if (_hsh_add(state, &blk, 0) < 0) {
651 _blk_free(state, blk);
652 return NULL;
653 }
655 return blk;
656 }
658 /**
659 * Generate a BPF instruction block for a given chain node
660 * @param state the BPF state
661 * @param node the filter chain node
662 * @param a_state the accumulator state
663 *
664 * Generate BPF instructions to execute the filter for the given chain node.
665 * Returns a pointer to the instruction block on success, NULL on failure.
666 *
667 */
668 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_node(struct bpf_state *state,
669 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *node,
670 struct acc_state *a_state)
671 {
672 int32_t acc_offset;
673 uint32_t acc_mask;
674 uint64_t act_t_hash = 0, act_f_hash = 0;
675 struct bpf_blk *blk = NULL, *b_act;
676 struct bpf_instr instr;
677 struct acc_state a_state_orig = *a_state;
679 /* generate the action blocks */
680 if (node->act_t_flg) {
681 b_act = _gen_bpf_action_hsh(state, node->act_t);
682 if (b_act == NULL)
683 goto node_failure;
684 act_t_hash = b_act->hash;
685 }
686 if (node->act_f_flg) {
687 b_act = _gen_bpf_action_hsh(state, node->act_f);
688 if (b_act == NULL)
689 goto node_failure;
690 act_f_hash = b_act->hash;
691 }
693 /* check the accumulator state */
694 acc_offset = node->arg_offset;
695 acc_mask = node->mask;
696 if (acc_offset < 0)
697 goto node_failure;
698 if ((acc_offset != a_state->offset) ||
699 ((acc_mask & a_state->mask) != acc_mask)) {
700 /* reload the accumulator */
701 a_state->offset = acc_offset;
702 a_state->mask = ARG_MASK_MAX;
703 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_LD + BPF_ABS,
704 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_K(acc_offset));
705 blk = _blk_append(state, blk, &instr);
706 if (blk == NULL)
707 goto node_failure;
708 }
709 if (acc_mask != a_state->mask) {
710 /* apply the bitmask */
711 a_state->mask = acc_mask;
712 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_ALU + BPF_AND,
713 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_K(acc_mask));
714 blk = _blk_append(state, blk, &instr);
715 if (blk == NULL)
716 goto node_failure;
717 }
719 /* check the accumulator against the datum */
720 switch (node->op) {
722 case SCMP_CMP_EQ:
723 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ,
724 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_K(node->datum));
725 break;
726 case SCMP_CMP_GT:
727 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JGT,
728 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_K(node->datum));
729 break;
730 case SCMP_CMP_GE:
731 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JGE,
732 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_K(node->datum));
733 break;
734 case SCMP_CMP_NE:
735 case SCMP_CMP_LT:
736 case SCMP_CMP_LE:
737 /* if we hit here it means the filter db isn't correct */
738 default:
739 /* fatal error, we should never get here */
740 goto node_failure;
741 }
743 /* fixup the jump targets */
744 if (node->nxt_t != NULL)
745 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_DB(node->nxt_t);
746 else if (node->act_t_flg)
747 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(act_t_hash);
748 else
749 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_NXT(0);
750 if (node->nxt_f != NULL)
751 instr.jf = _BPF_JMP_DB(node->nxt_f);
752 else if (node->act_f_flg)
753 instr.jf = _BPF_JMP_HSH(act_f_hash);
754 else
755 instr.jf = _BPF_JMP_NXT(0);
756 blk = _blk_append(state, blk, &instr);
757 if (blk == NULL)
758 goto node_failure;
760 blk->node = node;
761 blk->acc_state = a_state_orig;
762 return blk;
764 node_failure:
765 _blk_free(state, blk);
766 return NULL;
767 }
769 /**
770 * Resolve the jump targets in a BPF instruction block
771 * @param state the BPF state
772 * @param sys the syscall filter
773 * @param blk the BPF instruction block
774 * @param nxt_jump the jump to fallthrough to at the end of the level
775 *
776 * Resolve the jump targets in a BPF instruction block generated by the
777 * _gen_bpf_chain_lvl() function and adds the resulting block to the hash
778 * table. Returns a pointer to the new instruction block on success, NULL on
779 * failure.
780 *
781 */
782 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_chain_lvl_res(struct bpf_state *state,
783 const struct db_sys_list *sys,
784 struct bpf_blk *blk,
785 const struct bpf_jump *nxt_jump)
786 {
787 int rc;
788 unsigned int iter;
789 struct bpf_blk *b_new;
790 struct bpf_instr *i_iter;
791 struct db_arg_chain_tree *node;
793 if (blk->flag_hash)
794 return blk;
796 /* convert TGT_PTR_DB to TGT_PTR_HSH references */
797 for (iter = 0; iter < blk->blk_cnt; iter++) {
798 i_iter = &blk->blks[iter];
799 switch (i_iter->jt.type) {
800 case TGT_NONE:
801 case TGT_IMM:
802 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
803 /* ignore these jump types */
804 break;
805 case TGT_PTR_BLK:
806 b_new = _gen_bpf_chain_lvl_res(state, sys,
807 i_iter->jt.tgt.blk,
808 nxt_jump);
809 if (b_new == NULL)
810 return NULL;
811 i_iter->jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_new->hash);
812 break;
813 case TGT_PTR_DB:
814 node = (struct db_arg_chain_tree *)i_iter->jt.tgt.db;
815 b_new = _gen_bpf_chain(state, sys, node,
816 nxt_jump, &blk->acc_state);
817 if (b_new == NULL)
818 return NULL;
819 i_iter->jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_new->hash);
820 break;
821 default:
822 /* we should not be here */
823 return NULL;
824 }
825 switch (i_iter->jf.type) {
826 case TGT_NONE:
827 case TGT_IMM:
828 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
829 /* ignore these jump types */
830 break;
831 case TGT_PTR_BLK:
832 b_new = _gen_bpf_chain_lvl_res(state, sys,
833 i_iter->jf.tgt.blk,
834 nxt_jump);
835 if (b_new == NULL)
836 return NULL;
837 i_iter->jf = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_new->hash);
838 break;
839 case TGT_PTR_DB:
840 node = (struct db_arg_chain_tree *)i_iter->jf.tgt.db;
841 b_new = _gen_bpf_chain(state, sys, node,
842 nxt_jump, &blk->acc_state);
843 if (b_new == NULL)
844 return NULL;
845 i_iter->jf = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_new->hash);
846 break;
847 default:
848 /* we should not be here */
849 return NULL;
850 }
851 switch (i_iter->k.type) {
852 case TGT_NONE:
853 case TGT_K:
854 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
855 /* ignore these jump types */
856 break;
857 default:
858 /* we should not be here */
859 return NULL;
860 }
861 }
863 /* insert the block into the hash table */
864 rc = _hsh_add(state, &blk, 0);
865 if (rc < 0)
866 return NULL;
868 return blk;
869 }
871 /**
872 * Generates the BPF instruction blocks for a given filter chain
873 * @param state the BPF state
874 * @param sys the syscall filter
875 * @param chain the filter chain
876 * @param nxt_jump the jump to fallthrough to at the end of the level
877 * @param a_state the accumulator state
878 *
879 * Generate the BPF instruction blocks for the given filter chain and return
880 * a pointer to the first block on success; returns NULL on failure.
881 *
882 */
883 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_chain(struct bpf_state *state,
884 const struct db_sys_list *sys,
885 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *chain,
886 const struct bpf_jump *nxt_jump,
887 struct acc_state *a_state)
888 {
889 struct bpf_blk *b_head = NULL, *b_tail = NULL;
890 struct bpf_blk *b_prev, *b_next, *b_iter;
891 struct bpf_instr *i_iter;
892 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter;
893 unsigned int iter;
894 struct bpf_jump nxt_jump_tmp;
896 if (chain == NULL) {
897 b_head = _gen_bpf_action(state, NULL, sys->action);
898 if (b_head == NULL)
899 goto chain_failure;
900 b_tail = b_head;
901 } else {
902 /* find the starting node of the level */
903 c_iter = chain;
904 while (c_iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
905 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_prv;
907 /* build all of the blocks for this level */
908 do {
909 b_iter = _gen_bpf_node(state, c_iter, a_state);
910 if (b_iter == NULL)
911 goto chain_failure;
912 if (b_head != NULL) {
913 b_iter->lvl_prv = b_tail;
914 b_tail->lvl_nxt = b_iter;
915 b_tail = b_iter;
916 } else {
917 b_head = b_iter;
918 b_tail = b_iter;
919 }
920 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_nxt;
921 } while (c_iter != NULL);
923 /* resolve the TGT_NXT jumps */
924 b_iter = b_head;
925 do {
926 b_next = b_iter->lvl_nxt;
927 for (iter = 0; iter < b_iter->blk_cnt; iter++) {
928 i_iter = &b_iter->blks[iter];
929 if (i_iter->jt.type == TGT_NXT) {
930 if (i_iter->jt.tgt.nxt != 0)
931 goto chain_failure;
932 if (b_next == NULL)
933 i_iter->jt = *nxt_jump;
934 else
935 i_iter->jt =
936 _BPF_JMP_BLK(b_next);
937 }
938 if (i_iter->jf.type == TGT_NXT) {
939 if (i_iter->jf.tgt.nxt != 0)
940 goto chain_failure;
941 if (b_next == NULL)
942 i_iter->jf = *nxt_jump;
943 else
944 i_iter->jf =
945 _BPF_JMP_BLK(b_next);
946 }
947 }
948 b_iter = b_next;
949 } while (b_iter != NULL);
950 }
952 /* resolve all of the blocks */
953 memset(&nxt_jump_tmp, 0, sizeof(nxt_jump_tmp));
954 b_iter = b_tail;
955 do {
956 /* b_iter may change after resolving, so save the linkage */
957 b_prev = b_iter->lvl_prv;
958 b_next = b_iter->lvl_nxt;
960 nxt_jump_tmp = _BPF_JMP_BLK(b_next);
961 b_iter = _gen_bpf_chain_lvl_res(state, sys, b_iter,
962 (b_next == NULL ?
963 nxt_jump :
964 &nxt_jump_tmp));
965 if (b_iter == NULL)
966 goto chain_failure;
968 /* restore the block linkage on this level */
969 if (b_prev != NULL)
970 b_prev->lvl_nxt = b_iter;
971 b_iter->lvl_prv = b_prev;
972 b_iter->lvl_nxt = b_next;
973 if (b_next != NULL)
974 b_next->lvl_prv = b_iter;
975 if (b_iter->lvl_prv == NULL)
976 b_head = b_iter;
978 b_iter = b_prev;
979 } while (b_iter != NULL);
981 return b_head;
983 chain_failure:
984 while (b_head != NULL) {
985 b_iter = b_head;
986 b_head = b_iter->lvl_nxt;
987 _blk_free(state, b_iter);
988 }
989 return NULL;
990 }
992 /**
993 * Generate the BPF instruction blocks for a given syscall
994 * @param state the BPF state
995 * @param sys the syscall filter DB entry
996 * @param nxt_hash the hash value of the next syscall filter DB entry
997 * @param acc_reset accumulator reset flag
998 *
999 * Generate the BPF instruction blocks for the given syscall filter and return
1000 * a pointer to the first block on success; returns NULL on failure. It is
1001 * important to note that the block returned has not been added to the hash
1002 * table, however, any linked/referenced blocks have been added to the hash
1003 * table.
1004 *
1005 */
1006 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_syscall(struct bpf_state *state,
1007 const struct db_sys_list *sys,
1008 uint64_t nxt_hash,
1009 bool acc_reset)
1010 {
1011 int rc;
1012 struct bpf_instr instr;
1013 struct bpf_blk *blk_c, *blk_s = NULL;
1014 struct bpf_jump def_jump;
1015 struct acc_state a_state;
1017 /* we do the memset before the assignment to keep valgrind happy */
1018 memset(&def_jump, 0, sizeof(def_jump));
1019 def_jump = _BPF_JMP_HSH(state->def_hsh);
1021 /* setup the accumulator state */
1022 if (acc_reset) {
1025 blk_s = _blk_append(state, NULL, &instr);
1026 if (blk_s == NULL)
1027 return NULL;
1028 a_state.offset = _BPF_OFFSET_SYSCALL;
1029 a_state.mask = ARG_MASK_MAX;
1030 } else {
1031 /* set the accumulator state to an unknown value */
1032 a_state.offset = -1;
1033 a_state.mask = ARG_MASK_MAX;
1034 }
1036 /* generate the argument chains */
1037 blk_c = _gen_bpf_chain(state, sys, sys->chains, &def_jump, &a_state);
1038 if (blk_c == NULL)
1039 return NULL;
1041 /* syscall check */
1042 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ,
1043 _BPF_JMP_HSH(blk_c->hash), _BPF_JMP_HSH(nxt_hash),
1044 _BPF_K(sys->num));
1045 blk_s = _blk_append(state, blk_s, &instr);
1046 if (blk_s == NULL)
1047 return NULL;
1048 blk_s->priority = sys->priority;
1050 /* add to the hash table */
1051 rc = _hsh_add(state, &blk_s, 1);
1052 if (rc < 0) {
1053 _blk_free(state, blk_s);
1054 return NULL;
1055 }
1057 return blk_s;
1058 }
1060 /**
1061 * Generate the BPF instruction blocks for a given filter/architecture
1062 * @param state the BPF state
1063 * @param db the filter DB
1064 * @param db_secondary the secondary DB
1065 *
1066 * Generate the BPF instruction block for the given filter DB(s)/architecture(s)
1067 * and return a pointer to the block on succes, NULL on failure. The resulting
1068 * block assumes that the architecture token has already been loaded into the
1069 * BPF accumulator.
1070 *
1071 */
1072 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_arch(struct bpf_state *state,
1073 const struct db_filter *db,
1074 const struct db_filter *db_secondary)
1075 {
1076 int rc;
1077 unsigned int blk_cnt = 0;
1078 bool acc_reset;
1079 struct bpf_instr instr;
1080 struct db_sys_list *s_head = NULL, *s_tail = NULL, *s_iter, *s_iter_b;
1081 struct bpf_blk *b_head = NULL, *b_tail = NULL, *b_iter, *b_new;
1083 state->arch = db->arch;
1085 /* sort the syscall list */
1086 db_list_foreach(s_iter, db->syscalls) {
1087 if (s_head != NULL) {
1088 s_iter_b = s_head;
1089 while ((s_iter_b->pri_nxt != NULL) &&
1090 (s_iter->priority <= s_iter_b->priority))
1091 s_iter_b = s_iter_b->pri_nxt;
1093 if (s_iter->priority > s_iter_b->priority) {
1094 s_iter->pri_prv = s_iter_b->pri_prv;
1095 s_iter->pri_nxt = s_iter_b;
1096 if (s_iter_b == s_head) {
1097 s_head->pri_prv = s_iter;
1098 s_head = s_iter;
1099 } else {
1100 s_iter->pri_prv->pri_nxt = s_iter;
1101 s_iter->pri_nxt->pri_prv = s_iter;
1102 }
1103 } else {
1104 s_iter->pri_prv = s_tail;
1105 s_iter->pri_nxt = NULL;
1106 s_iter->pri_prv->pri_nxt = s_iter;
1107 s_tail = s_iter;
1108 }
1109 } else {
1110 s_head = s_iter;
1111 s_tail = s_iter;
1112 s_head->pri_prv = NULL;
1113 s_head->pri_nxt = NULL;
1114 }
1115 }
1116 if (db_secondary != NULL) {
1117 db_list_foreach(s_iter, db_secondary->syscalls) {
1118 if (s_head != NULL) {
1119 s_iter_b = s_head;
1120 while ((s_iter_b->pri_nxt != NULL) &&
1121 (s_iter->priority <= s_iter_b->priority))
1122 s_iter_b = s_iter_b->pri_nxt;
1124 if (s_iter->priority > s_iter_b->priority) {
1125 s_iter->pri_prv = s_iter_b->pri_prv;
1126 s_iter->pri_nxt = s_iter_b;
1127 if (s_iter_b == s_head) {
1128 s_head->pri_prv = s_iter;
1129 s_head = s_iter;
1130 } else {
1131 s_iter->pri_prv->pri_nxt =
1132 s_iter;
1133 s_iter->pri_nxt->pri_prv =
1134 s_iter;
1135 }
1136 } else {
1137 s_iter->pri_prv = s_tail;
1138 s_iter->pri_nxt = NULL;
1139 s_iter->pri_prv->pri_nxt = s_iter;
1140 s_tail = s_iter;
1141 }
1142 } else {
1143 s_head = s_iter;
1144 s_tail = s_iter;
1145 s_head->pri_prv = NULL;
1146 s_head->pri_nxt = NULL;
1147 }
1148 }
1149 }
1151 if ((db->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X86_64 ||
1152 db->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X32) && (db_secondary == NULL))
1153 acc_reset = false;
1154 else
1155 acc_reset = true;
1157 /* create the syscall filters and add them to block list group */
1158 for (s_iter = s_tail; s_iter != NULL; s_iter = s_iter->pri_prv) {
1159 if (!s_iter->valid)
1160 continue;
1162 /* build the syscall filter */
1163 b_new = _gen_bpf_syscall(state, s_iter,
1164 (b_head == NULL ?
1165 state->def_hsh : b_head->hash),
1166 (s_iter == s_head ?
1167 acc_reset : false));
1168 if (b_new == NULL)
1169 goto arch_failure;
1171 /* add the filter to the list head */
1172 b_new->prev = NULL;
1173 b_new->next = b_head;
1174 if (b_tail != NULL) {
1175 b_head->prev = b_new;
1176 b_head = b_new;
1177 } else {
1178 b_head = b_new;
1179 b_tail = b_head;
1180 }
1182 if (b_tail->next != NULL)
1183 b_tail = b_tail->next;
1184 blk_cnt++;
1185 }
1187 /* additional ABI filtering */
1188 if ((db->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X86_64 ||
1189 db->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X32) && (db_secondary == NULL)) {
1192 b_new = _blk_append(state, NULL, &instr);
1193 if (b_new == NULL)
1194 goto arch_failure;
1195 if (db->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X86_64) {
1196 /* filter out x32 */
1197 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JGE,
1198 _BPF_JMP_NXT(blk_cnt++), _BPF_JMP_NO,
1199 _BPF_K(X32_SYSCALL_BIT));
1200 if (b_head != NULL)
1201 instr.jf = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_head->hash);
1202 else
1203 instr.jf = _BPF_JMP_HSH(state->def_hsh);
1204 } else if (db->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X32) {
1205 /* filter out x86_64 */
1206 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JGE,
1207 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NXT(blk_cnt++),
1208 _BPF_K(X32_SYSCALL_BIT));
1209 if (b_head != NULL)
1210 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_head->hash);
1211 else
1212 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(state->def_hsh);
1213 } else
1214 /* we should never get here */
1215 goto arch_failure;
1216 b_new = _blk_append(state, b_new, &instr);
1217 if (b_new == NULL)
1218 goto arch_failure;
1219 b_new->next = b_head;
1220 if (b_head != NULL)
1221 b_head->prev = b_new;
1222 b_head = b_new;
1223 rc = _hsh_add(state, &b_head, 1);
1224 if (rc < 0)
1225 goto arch_failure;
1226 }
1228 /* do the ABI/architecture check */
1229 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ,
1230 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NXT(blk_cnt++),
1231 _BPF_K(db->arch->token_bpf));
1232 if (b_head != NULL)
1233 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_head->hash);
1234 else
1235 instr.jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(state->def_hsh);
1236 b_new = _blk_append(state, NULL, &instr);
1237 if (b_new == NULL)
1238 goto arch_failure;
1239 b_new->next = b_head;
1240 if (b_head != NULL)
1241 b_head->prev = b_new;
1242 b_head = b_new;
1243 rc = _hsh_add(state, &b_head, 1);
1244 if (rc < 0)
1245 goto arch_failure;
1247 state->arch = NULL;
1248 return b_head;
1250 arch_failure:
1251 /* NOTE: we do the cleanup here and not just return an error as all of
1252 * the instruction blocks may not be added to the hash table when we
1253 * hit an error */
1254 state->arch = NULL;
1255 b_iter = b_head;
1256 while (b_iter != NULL) {
1257 b_new = b_iter->next;
1258 _blk_free(state, b_iter);
1259 b_iter = b_new;
1260 }
1261 return NULL;
1262 }
1264 /**
1265 * Find the target block for the "next" jump
1266 * @param blk the instruction block
1267 * @param nxt the next offset
1268 *
1269 * Find the target block for the TGT_NXT jump using the given offset. Returns
1270 * a pointer to the target block on success or NULL on failure.
1271 *
1272 */
1273 static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_find_nxt(const struct bpf_blk *blk,
1274 unsigned int nxt)
1275 {
1276 struct bpf_blk *iter = blk->next;
1278 for (; (iter != NULL) && (nxt > 0); nxt--)
1279 iter = iter->next;
1281 return iter;
1282 }
1284 /**
1285 * Manage jumps to return instructions
1286 * @param state the BPF state
1287 * @param blk the instruction block to check
1288 * @param offset the instruction offset into the instruction block
1289 * @param blk_ret the return instruction block
1290 *
1291 * Using the given block and instruction offset, calculate the jump distance
1292 * between the jumping instruction and return instruction block. If the jump
1293 * distance is too great, duplicate the return instruction to reduce the
1294 * distance to the maximum value. Returns 1 if a long jump was added, zero if
1295 * the existing jump is valid, and negative values on failure.
1296 *
1297 */
1298 static int _gen_bpf_build_jmp_ret(struct bpf_state *state,
1299 struct bpf_blk *blk, unsigned int offset,
1300 struct bpf_blk *blk_ret)
1301 {
1302 unsigned int j_len;
1303 uint64_t tgt_hash = blk_ret->hash;
1304 struct bpf_blk *b_jmp, *b_new;
1306 /* calculate the jump distance */
1307 j_len = blk->blk_cnt - (offset + 1);
1308 b_jmp = blk->next;
1309 while (b_jmp != NULL && b_jmp != blk_ret && j_len < _BPF_JMP_MAX_RET) {
1310 j_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1311 b_jmp = b_jmp->next;
1312 }
1313 if (j_len <= _BPF_JMP_MAX_RET && b_jmp == blk_ret)
1314 return 0;
1315 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1316 return -EFAULT;
1318 /* we need a closer return instruction, see if one already exists */
1319 j_len = blk->blk_cnt - (offset + 1);
1320 b_jmp = blk->next;
1321 while (b_jmp != NULL && b_jmp->hash != tgt_hash &&
1322 j_len < _BPF_JMP_MAX_RET) {
1323 j_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1324 b_jmp = b_jmp->next;
1325 }
1326 if (j_len <= _BPF_JMP_MAX_RET && b_jmp->hash == tgt_hash)
1327 return 0;
1328 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1329 return -EFAULT;
1331 /* we need to insert a new return instruction - create one */
1332 b_new = _gen_bpf_action(state, NULL, blk_ret->blks[0].k.tgt.imm_k);
1333 if (b_new == NULL)
1334 return -EFAULT;
1336 /* NOTE - we need to be careful here, we're giving the block a hash
1337 * value (this is a sneaky way to ensure we leverage the
1338 * inserted long jumps as much as possible) but we never add the
1339 * block to the hash table so it won't get cleaned up
1340 * automatically */
1341 b_new->hash = tgt_hash;
1343 /* insert the jump after the current jumping block */
1344 b_new->prev = blk;
1345 b_new->next = blk->next;
1346 blk->next->prev = b_new;
1347 blk->next = b_new;
1349 return 1;
1350 }
1352 /**
1353 * Manage jump lengths by duplicating and adding jumps if needed
1354 * @param state the BPF state
1355 * @param tail the tail of the instruction block list
1356 * @param blk the instruction block to check
1357 * @param offset the instruction offset into the instruction block
1358 * @param tgt_hash the hash of the jump destination block
1359 *
1360 * Using the given block and instruction offset, calculate the jump distance
1361 * between the jumping instruction and the destination. If the jump distance
1362 * is too great, add a long jump instruction to reduce the distance to a legal
1363 * value. Returns 1 if a new instruction was added, zero if the existing jump
1364 * is valid, and negative values on failure.
1365 *
1366 */
1367 static int _gen_bpf_build_jmp(struct bpf_state *state,
1368 struct bpf_blk *tail,
1369 struct bpf_blk *blk, unsigned int offset,
1370 uint64_t tgt_hash)
1371 {
1372 int rc;
1373 unsigned int jmp_len;
1374 struct bpf_instr instr;
1375 struct bpf_blk *b_new, *b_jmp, *b_tgt;
1377 /* find the jump target */
1378 b_tgt = tail;
1379 while (b_tgt != blk && b_tgt->hash != tgt_hash)
1380 b_tgt = b_tgt->prev;
1381 if (b_tgt == blk)
1382 return -EFAULT;
1384 if (b_tgt->blk_cnt == 1 && b_tgt->blks[0].op == BPF_RET) {
1385 rc = _gen_bpf_build_jmp_ret(state, blk, offset, b_tgt);
1386 if (rc == 1)
1387 return 1;
1388 else if (rc < 0)
1389 return rc;
1390 }
1392 /* calculate the jump distance */
1393 jmp_len = blk->blk_cnt - (offset + 1);
1394 b_jmp = blk->next;
1395 while (b_jmp != NULL && b_jmp != b_tgt && jmp_len < _BPF_JMP_MAX) {
1396 jmp_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1397 b_jmp = b_jmp->next;
1398 }
1399 if (jmp_len <= _BPF_JMP_MAX && b_jmp == b_tgt)
1400 return 0;
1401 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1402 return -EFAULT;
1404 /* we need a long jump, see if one already exists */
1405 jmp_len = blk->blk_cnt - (offset + 1);
1406 b_jmp = blk->next;
1407 while (b_jmp != NULL && b_jmp->hash != tgt_hash &&
1408 jmp_len < _BPF_JMP_MAX) {
1409 jmp_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1410 b_jmp = b_jmp->next;
1411 }
1412 if (jmp_len <= _BPF_JMP_MAX && b_jmp->hash == tgt_hash)
1413 return 0;
1414 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1415 return -EFAULT;
1417 /* we need to insert a long jump - create one */
1418 _BPF_INSTR(instr, BPF_JMP + BPF_JA,
1419 _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_NO, _BPF_JMP_HSH(tgt_hash));
1420 b_new = _blk_append(state, NULL, &instr);
1421 if (b_new == NULL)
1422 return -EFAULT;
1424 /* NOTE - we need to be careful here, we're giving the block a hash
1425 * value (this is a sneaky way to ensure we leverage the
1426 * inserted long jumps as much as possible) but we never add the
1427 * block to the hash table so it won't get cleaned up
1428 * automatically */
1429 b_new->hash = tgt_hash;
1431 /* insert the jump after the current jumping block */
1432 b_new->prev = blk;
1433 b_new->next = blk->next;
1434 blk->next->prev = b_new;
1435 blk->next = b_new;
1437 return 1;
1438 }
1440 /**
1441 * Generate the BPF program for the given filter collection
1442 * @param state the BPF state
1443 * @param col the filter collection
1444 *
1445 * Generate the BPF program for the given filter collection. Returns zero on
1446 * success, negative values on failure.
1447 *
1448 */
1449 static int _gen_bpf_build_bpf(struct bpf_state *state,
1450 const struct db_filter_col *col)
1451 {
1452 int rc;
1453 int iter;
1454 uint64_t h_val;
1455 unsigned int res_cnt;
1456 unsigned int jmp_len;
1457 int arch_x86_64 = -1, arch_x32 = -1;
1458 struct bpf_instr instr;
1459 struct bpf_instr *i_iter;
1460 struct bpf_blk *b_badarch, *b_default;
1461 struct bpf_blk *b_head = NULL, *b_tail = NULL, *b_iter, *b_new, *b_jmp;
1462 struct db_filter *db_secondary = NULL;
1464 if (col->filter_cnt == 0)
1465 return -EINVAL;
1467 /* generate the badarch action */
1468 b_badarch = _gen_bpf_action(state, NULL, state->attr->act_badarch);
1469 if (b_badarch == NULL)
1470 return -ENOMEM;
1471 rc = _hsh_add(state, &b_badarch, 1);
1472 if (rc < 0)
1473 return rc;
1475 /* generate the default action */
1476 b_default = _gen_bpf_action(state, NULL, state->attr->act_default);
1477 if (b_default == NULL)
1478 return -ENOMEM;
1479 rc = _hsh_add(state, &b_default, 0);
1480 if (rc < 0)
1481 return rc;
1482 state->def_hsh = b_default->hash;
1484 /* load the architecture token/number */
1486 _BPF_K(offsetof(struct seccomp_data, arch)));
1487 b_head = _blk_append(state, NULL, &instr);
1488 if (b_head == NULL)
1489 return -ENOMEM;
1490 rc = _hsh_add(state, &b_head, 1);
1491 if (rc < 0)
1492 return rc;
1493 b_tail = b_head;
1495 /* generate the per-architecture filters */
1496 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++) {
1497 if (col->filters[iter]->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X86_64)
1498 arch_x86_64 = iter;
1499 if (col->filters[iter]->arch->token == SCMP_ARCH_X32)
1500 arch_x32 = iter;
1501 }
1502 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++) {
1503 /* figure out the secondary arch filter mess */
1504 if (iter == arch_x86_64) {
1505 if (arch_x32 > iter)
1506 db_secondary = col->filters[arch_x32];
1507 else if (arch_x32 >= 0)
1508 continue;
1509 } else if (iter == arch_x32) {
1510 if (arch_x86_64 > iter)
1511 db_secondary = col->filters[arch_x86_64];
1512 else if (arch_x86_64 >= 0)
1513 continue;
1514 } else
1515 db_secondary = NULL;
1517 /* create the filter for the architecture(s) */
1518 b_new = _gen_bpf_arch(state, col->filters[iter], db_secondary);
1519 if (b_new == NULL)
1520 return -ENOMEM;
1521 b_new->prev = b_tail;
1522 b_tail->next = b_new;
1523 b_tail = b_new;
1524 while (b_tail->next != NULL)
1525 b_tail = b_tail->next;
1526 }
1528 /* add a badarch action to the end */
1529 b_badarch->prev = b_tail;
1530 b_badarch->next = NULL;
1531 b_tail->next = b_badarch;
1532 b_tail = b_badarch;
1534 /* resolve any TGT_NXT jumps at the top level */
1535 b_iter = b_head;
1536 do {
1537 for (iter = 0; iter < b_iter->blk_cnt; iter++) {
1538 i_iter = &b_iter->blks[iter];
1539 if (i_iter->jt.type == TGT_NXT) {
1540 b_jmp = _gen_bpf_find_nxt(b_iter,
1541 i_iter->jt.tgt.nxt);
1542 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1543 return -EFAULT;
1544 i_iter->jt = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_jmp->hash);
1545 }
1546 if (i_iter->jf.type == TGT_NXT) {
1547 b_jmp = _gen_bpf_find_nxt(b_iter,
1548 i_iter->jf.tgt.nxt);
1549 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1550 return -EFAULT;
1551 i_iter->jf = _BPF_JMP_HSH(b_jmp->hash);
1552 }
1553 /* we shouldn't need to worry about a TGT_NXT in k */
1554 }
1555 b_iter = b_iter->next;
1556 } while (b_iter != NULL && b_iter->next != NULL);
1558 /* pull in all of the TGT_PTR_HSH jumps, one layer at a time */
1559 b_iter = b_tail;
1560 do {
1561 b_jmp = NULL;
1562 /* look for jumps - backwards (shorter jumps) */
1563 for (iter = b_iter->blk_cnt - 1;
1564 (iter >= 0) && (b_jmp == NULL);
1565 iter--) {
1566 i_iter = &b_iter->blks[iter];
1567 if (i_iter->jt.type == TGT_PTR_HSH)
1568 b_jmp = _hsh_find_once(state,
1569 i_iter->jt.tgt.hash);
1570 if (b_jmp == NULL && i_iter->jf.type == TGT_PTR_HSH)
1571 b_jmp = _hsh_find_once(state,
1572 i_iter->jf.tgt.hash);
1573 if (b_jmp == NULL && i_iter->k.type == TGT_PTR_HSH)
1574 b_jmp = _hsh_find_once(state,
1575 i_iter->k.tgt.hash);
1576 if (b_jmp != NULL) {
1577 /* insert the new block after this block */
1578 b_jmp->prev = b_iter;
1579 b_jmp->next = b_iter->next;
1580 b_iter->next = b_jmp;
1581 if (b_jmp->next)
1582 b_jmp->next->prev = b_jmp;
1583 }
1584 }
1585 if (b_jmp != NULL) {
1586 while (b_tail->next != NULL)
1587 b_tail = b_tail->next;
1588 b_iter = b_tail;
1589 } else
1590 b_iter = b_iter->prev;
1591 } while (b_iter != NULL);
1593 /* NOTE - from here to the end of the function we need to fail via the
1594 * the build_bpf_free_blks label, not just return an error; see
1595 * the _gen_bpf_build_jmp() function for details */
1597 /* check for long jumps and insert if necessary, we also verify that
1598 * all our jump targets are valid at this point in the process */
1599 b_iter = b_tail;
1600 do {
1601 res_cnt = 0;
1602 for (iter = b_iter->blk_cnt - 1; iter >= 0; iter--) {
1603 i_iter = &b_iter->blks[iter];
1604 switch (i_iter->jt.type) {
1605 case TGT_NONE:
1606 case TGT_IMM:
1607 break;
1608 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
1609 h_val = i_iter->jt.tgt.hash;
1610 rc = _gen_bpf_build_jmp(state, b_tail,
1611 b_iter, iter,
1612 h_val);
1613 if (rc < 0)
1614 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1615 res_cnt += rc;
1616 break;
1617 default:
1618 /* fatal error */
1619 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1620 }
1621 switch (i_iter->jf.type) {
1622 case TGT_NONE:
1623 case TGT_IMM:
1624 break;
1625 case TGT_PTR_HSH:
1626 h_val = i_iter->jf.tgt.hash;
1627 rc = _gen_bpf_build_jmp(state, b_tail,
1628 b_iter, iter,
1629 h_val);
1630 if (rc < 0)
1631 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1632 res_cnt += rc;
1633 break;
1634 default:
1635 /* fatal error */
1636 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1637 }
1638 }
1639 if (res_cnt == 0)
1640 b_iter = b_iter->prev;
1641 } while (b_iter != NULL);
1643 /* build the bpf program */
1644 do {
1645 b_iter = b_head;
1646 /* resolve the TGT_PTR_HSH jumps */
1647 for (iter = 0; iter < b_iter->blk_cnt; iter++) {
1648 i_iter = &b_iter->blks[iter];
1649 if (i_iter->jt.type == TGT_PTR_HSH) {
1650 h_val = i_iter->jt.tgt.hash;
1651 jmp_len = b_iter->blk_cnt - (iter + 1);
1652 b_jmp = b_iter->next;
1653 while (b_jmp != NULL && b_jmp->hash != h_val) {
1654 jmp_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1655 b_jmp = b_jmp->next;
1656 }
1657 if (b_jmp == NULL || jmp_len > _BPF_JMP_MAX)
1658 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1659 i_iter->jt = _BPF_JMP_IMM(jmp_len);
1660 }
1661 if (i_iter->jf.type == TGT_PTR_HSH) {
1662 h_val = i_iter->jf.tgt.hash;
1663 jmp_len = b_iter->blk_cnt - (iter + 1);
1664 b_jmp = b_iter->next;
1665 while (b_jmp != NULL && b_jmp->hash != h_val) {
1666 jmp_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1667 b_jmp = b_jmp->next;
1668 }
1669 if (b_jmp == NULL || jmp_len > _BPF_JMP_MAX)
1670 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1671 i_iter->jf = _BPF_JMP_IMM(jmp_len);
1672 }
1673 if (i_iter->k.type == TGT_PTR_HSH) {
1674 h_val = i_iter->k.tgt.hash;
1675 jmp_len = b_iter->blk_cnt - (iter + 1);
1676 b_jmp = b_tail;
1677 while (b_jmp->hash != h_val)
1678 b_jmp = b_jmp->prev;
1679 b_jmp = b_jmp->prev;
1680 while (b_jmp != b_iter) {
1681 jmp_len += b_jmp->blk_cnt;
1682 b_jmp = b_jmp->prev;
1683 }
1684 if (b_jmp == NULL)
1685 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1686 i_iter->k = _BPF_K(jmp_len);
1687 }
1688 }
1690 /* build the bpf program */
1691 if (_bpf_append_blk(state->bpf, b_iter) < 0)
1692 goto build_bpf_free_blks;
1694 /* we're done with the block, free it */
1695 b_head = b_iter->next;
1696 _blk_free(state, b_iter);
1697 } while (b_head != NULL);
1699 return 0;
1701 build_bpf_free_blks:
1702 b_iter = b_head;
1703 while (b_iter != NULL) {
1704 b_jmp = b_iter->next;
1705 _hsh_remove(state, b_iter->hash);
1706 __blk_free(state, b_iter);
1707 b_iter = b_jmp;
1708 }
1709 return -EFAULT;
1710 }
1712 /**
1713 * Generate a BPF representation of the filter DB
1714 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
1715 *
1716 * This function generates a BPF representation of the given filter collection.
1717 * Returns a pointer to a valid bpf_program on success, NULL on failure.
1718 *
1719 */
1720 struct bpf_program *gen_bpf_generate(const struct db_filter_col *col)
1721 {
1722 int rc;
1723 struct bpf_state state;
1725 memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
1726 state.attr = &col->attr;
1728 state.bpf = malloc(sizeof(*(state.bpf)));
1729 if (state.bpf == NULL)
1730 return NULL;
1731 memset(state.bpf, 0, sizeof(*(state.bpf)));
1733 rc = _gen_bpf_build_bpf(&state, col);
1734 if (rc < 0)
1735 goto bpf_generate_end;
1737 bpf_generate_end:
1738 if (rc < 0)
1739 _state_release(&state);
1740 return state.bpf;
1741 }
1743 /**
1744 * Free memory associated with a BPF representation
1745 * @param fprog the BPF representation
1746 *
1747 * Free the memory associated with a BPF representation generated by the
1748 * gen_bpf_generate() function.
1749 *
1750 */
1751 void gen_bpf_release(struct bpf_program *program)
1752 {
1753 _program_free(program);
1754 }
0 /**
1 * Seccomp BPF Translator
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _TRANSLATOR_BPF_H
22 #define _TRANSLATOR_BPF_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
26 #include "arch.h"
27 #include "db.h"
28 #include "system.h"
30 /* NOTE - do not change this structure, it is part of the prctl() API */
31 struct bpf_program {
32 uint16_t blk_cnt;
33 bpf_instr_raw *blks;
34 };
35 #define BPF_PGM_SIZE(x) \
36 ((x)->blk_cnt * sizeof(*((x)->blks)))
38 struct bpf_program *gen_bpf_generate(const struct db_filter_col *col);
39 void gen_bpf_release(struct bpf_program *program);
41 #endif
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Pseudo Filter Code (PFC) Generator
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <inttypes.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <unistd.h>
28 /* NOTE: needed for the arch->token decoding in _pfc_arch() */
29 #include <linux/audit.h>
31 #include <seccomp.h>
33 #include "arch.h"
34 #include "db.h"
35 #include "gen_pfc.h"
37 struct pfc_sys_list {
38 struct db_sys_list *sys;
39 struct pfc_sys_list *next;
40 };
42 /* XXX - we should check the fprintf() return values */
44 /**
45 * Display a string representation of the architecture
46 * @param arch the architecture definition
47 */
48 static const char *_pfc_arch(const struct arch_def *arch)
49 {
50 switch (arch->token) {
51 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
52 return "x86";
53 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
54 return "x86_64";
55 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
56 return "x32";
57 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
58 return "arm";
59 default:
60 return "UNKNOWN";
61 }
62 }
64 /**
65 * Display a string representation of the node argument
66 * @param fds the file stream to send the output
67 * @param arch the architecture definition
68 * @param node the node
69 */
70 static void _pfc_arg(FILE *fds,
71 const struct arch_def *arch,
72 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *node)
73 {
74 if (arch->size == ARCH_SIZE_64) {
75 if (arch_arg_offset_hi(arch, node->arg) == node->arg_offset)
76 fprintf(fds, "$a%d.hi32", node->arg);
77 else
78 fprintf(fds, "$a%d.lo32", node->arg);
79 } else
80 fprintf(fds, "$a%d", node->arg);
81 }
83 /**
84 * Display a string representation of the filter action
85 * @param fds the file stream to send the output
86 * @param action the action
87 */
88 static void _pfc_action(FILE *fds, uint32_t action)
89 {
90 switch (action & 0xffff0000) {
91 case SCMP_ACT_KILL:
92 fprintf(fds, "action KILL;\n");
93 break;
94 case SCMP_ACT_TRAP:
95 fprintf(fds, "action TRAP;\n");
96 break;
97 case SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(0):
98 fprintf(fds, "action ERRNO(%u);\n", (action & 0x0000ffff));
99 break;
100 case SCMP_ACT_TRACE(0):
101 fprintf(fds, "action TRACE(%u);\n", (action & 0x0000ffff));
102 break;
103 case SCMP_ACT_ALLOW:
104 fprintf(fds, "action ALLOW;\n");
105 break;
106 default:
107 fprintf(fds, "action 0x%x;\n", action);
108 }
109 }
111 /**
112 * Indent the output stream
113 * @param fds the file stream to send the output
114 * @param lvl the indentation level
115 *
116 * This function indents the output stream with whitespace based on the
117 * requested indentation level.
118 */
119 static void _indent(FILE *fds, unsigned int lvl)
120 {
121 while (lvl-- > 0)
122 fprintf(fds, " ");
123 }
125 /**
126 * Generate the pseudo filter code for an argument chain
127 * @param arch the architecture definition
128 * @param node the head of the argument chain
129 * @param lvl the indentation level
130 * @param fds the file stream to send the output
131 *
132 * This function generates the pseudo filter code representation of the given
133 * argument chain and writes it to the given output stream.
134 *
135 */
136 static void _gen_pfc_chain(const struct arch_def *arch,
137 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *node,
138 unsigned int lvl, FILE *fds)
139 {
140 const struct db_arg_chain_tree *c_iter;
142 /* get to the start */
143 c_iter = node;
144 while (c_iter->lvl_prv != NULL)
145 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_prv;
147 while (c_iter != NULL) {
148 /* comparison operation */
149 _indent(fds, lvl);
150 fprintf(fds, "if (");
151 _pfc_arg(fds, arch, c_iter);
152 switch (c_iter->op) {
153 case SCMP_CMP_EQ:
154 fprintf(fds, " == ");
155 break;
156 case SCMP_CMP_GE:
157 fprintf(fds, " >= ");
158 break;
159 case SCMP_CMP_GT:
160 fprintf(fds, " > ");
161 break;
163 fprintf(fds, " & 0x%.8x == ", c_iter->mask);
164 break;
165 default:
166 fprintf(fds, " ??? ");
167 }
168 fprintf(fds, "%u)\n", c_iter->datum);
170 /* true result */
171 if (c_iter->act_t_flg) {
172 _indent(fds, lvl + 1);
173 _pfc_action(fds, c_iter->act_t);
174 } else if (c_iter->nxt_t != NULL)
175 _gen_pfc_chain(arch, c_iter->nxt_t, lvl + 1, fds);
177 /* false result */
178 if (c_iter->act_f_flg) {
179 _indent(fds, lvl);
180 fprintf(fds, "else\n");
181 _indent(fds, lvl + 1);
182 _pfc_action(fds, c_iter->act_f);
183 } else if (c_iter->nxt_f != NULL) {
184 _indent(fds, lvl);
185 fprintf(fds, "else\n");
186 _gen_pfc_chain(arch, c_iter->nxt_f, lvl + 1, fds);
187 }
189 c_iter = c_iter->lvl_nxt;
190 }
191 }
193 /**
194 * Generate pseudo filter code for a syscall
195 * @param arch the architecture definition
196 * @param sys the syscall filter
197 * @param fds the file stream to send the output
198 *
199 * This function generates a pseduo filter code representation of the given
200 * syscall filter and writes it to the given output stream.
201 *
202 */
203 static void _gen_pfc_syscall(const struct arch_def *arch,
204 const struct db_sys_list *sys, FILE *fds)
205 {
206 unsigned int sys_num = sys->num;
207 const char *sys_name = arch_syscall_resolve_num(arch, sys_num);
209 _indent(fds, 1);
210 fprintf(fds, "# filter for syscall \"%s\" (%d) [priority: %d]\n",
211 (sys_name ? sys_name : "UNKNOWN"), sys_num, sys->priority);
212 _indent(fds, 1);
213 fprintf(fds, "if ($syscall == %d)\n", sys_num);
214 if (sys->chains == NULL) {
215 _indent(fds, 2);
216 _pfc_action(fds, sys->action);
217 } else
218 _gen_pfc_chain(arch, sys->chains, 2, fds);
219 }
221 /**
222 * Generate pseudo filter code for an architecture
223 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
224 * @param db the single seccomp filter
225 * @param fds the file stream to send the output
226 *
227 * This function generates a pseudo filter code representation of the given
228 * filter DB and writes it to the given output stream. Returns zero on
229 * success, negative values on failure.
230 *
231 */
232 static int _gen_pfc_arch(const struct db_filter_col *col,
233 const struct db_filter *db, FILE *fds)
234 {
235 int rc;
236 struct db_sys_list *s_iter;
237 struct pfc_sys_list *p_iter = NULL, *p_new, *p_head = NULL, *p_prev;
239 /* sort the syscall list */
240 db_list_foreach(s_iter, db->syscalls) {
241 p_new = malloc(sizeof(*p_new));
242 if (p_new == NULL) {
243 rc = -ENOMEM;
244 goto arch_return;
245 }
246 memset(p_new, 0, sizeof(*p_new));
247 p_new->sys = s_iter;
249 p_prev = NULL;
250 p_iter = p_head;
251 while (p_iter != NULL &&
252 s_iter->priority < p_iter->sys->priority) {
253 p_prev = p_iter;
254 p_iter = p_iter->next;
255 }
256 if (p_head == NULL)
257 p_head = p_new;
258 else if (p_prev == NULL) {
259 p_new->next = p_head;
260 p_head = p_new;
261 } else {
262 p_new->next = p_iter;
263 p_prev->next = p_new;
264 }
265 }
267 fprintf(fds, "# filter for arch %s (%u)\n",
268 _pfc_arch(db->arch), db->arch->token_bpf);
269 fprintf(fds, "if ($arch == %u)\n", db->arch->token_bpf);
270 p_iter = p_head;
271 while (p_iter != NULL) {
272 if (!p_iter->sys->valid)
273 continue;
274 _gen_pfc_syscall(db->arch, p_iter->sys, fds);
275 p_iter = p_iter->next;
276 }
277 _indent(fds, 1);
278 fprintf(fds, "# default action\n");
279 _indent(fds, 1);
280 _pfc_action(fds, col->attr.act_default);
282 arch_return:
283 while (p_head != NULL) {
284 p_iter = p_head;
285 p_head = p_head->next;
286 free(p_iter);
287 }
288 return rc;
289 }
291 /**
292 * Generate a pseudo filter code string representation
293 * @param col the seccomp filter collection
294 * @param fd the fd to send the output
295 *
296 * This function generates a pseudo filter code representation of the given
297 * filter collection and writes it to the given fd. Returns zero on success,
298 * negative values on failure.
299 *
300 */
301 int gen_pfc_generate(const struct db_filter_col *col, int fd)
302 {
303 int rc = 0;
304 int newfd;
305 unsigned int iter;
306 FILE *fds;
308 newfd = dup(fd);
309 if (newfd < 0)
310 return errno;
311 fds = fdopen(newfd, "a");
312 if (fds == NULL) {
313 close(newfd);
314 return errno;
315 }
317 /* generate the pfc */
318 fprintf(fds, "#\n");
319 fprintf(fds, "# pseudo filter code start\n");
320 fprintf(fds, "#\n");
322 for (iter = 0; iter < col->filter_cnt; iter++)
323 _gen_pfc_arch(col, col->filters[iter], fds);
325 fprintf(fds, "# invalid architecture action\n");
326 _pfc_action(fds, col->attr.act_badarch);
327 fprintf(fds, "#\n");
328 fprintf(fds, "# pseudo filter code end\n");
329 fprintf(fds, "#\n");
331 fflush(fds);
332 fclose(fds);
334 return rc;
335 }
0 /**
1 * Seccomp String Translator
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _TRANSLATOR_STR_H
22 #define _TRANSLATOR_STR_H
24 #include "db.h"
26 int gen_pfc_generate(const struct db_filter_col *col, int fd);
28 #endif
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library hash code
2 *
3 * Release under the Public Domain
4 * Author: Bob Jenkins <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * lookup3.c, by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain.
9 *
10 * These are functions for producing 32-bit hashes for hash table lookup.
11 * jhash_word(), jhash_le(), jhash_be(), mix(), and final() are externally useful
12 * functions. Routines to test the hash are included if SELF_TEST is defined.
13 * You can use this free for any purpose. It's in the public domain. It has
14 * no warranty.
15 *
16 * You probably want to use jhash_le(). jhash_le() and jhash_be() hash byte
17 * arrays. jhash_le() is is faster than jhash_be() on little-endian machines.
18 * Intel and AMD are little-endian machines.
19 *
20 * If you want to find a hash of, say, exactly 7 integers, do
21 * a = i1; b = i2; c = i3;
22 * mix(a,b,c);
23 * a += i4; b += i5; c += i6;
24 * mix(a,b,c);
25 * a += i7;
26 * final(a,b,c);
27 *
28 * then use c as the hash value. If you have a variable length array of
29 * 4-byte integers to hash, use jhash_word(). If you have a byte array (like
30 * a character string), use jhash_le(). If you have several byte arrays, or
31 * a mix of things, see the comments above jhash_le().
32 *
33 * Why is this so big? I read 12 bytes at a time into 3 4-byte integers, then
34 * mix those integers. This is fast (you can do a lot more thorough mixing
35 * with 12*3 instructions on 3 integers than you can with 3 instructions on 1
36 * byte), but shoehorning those bytes into integers efficiently is messy.
37 */
39 #include <stdint.h>
41 #include "arch.h"
42 #include "hash.h"
44 #define hashsize(n) ((uint32_t)1<<(n))
45 #define hashmask(n) (hashsize(n)-1)
46 #define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) | ((x)>>(32-(k))))
48 /**
49 * Mix 3 32-bit values reversibly
50 * @param a 32-bit value
51 * @param b 32-bit value
52 * @param c 32-bit value
53 *
54 * This is reversible, so any information in (a,b,c) before mix() is still
55 * in (a,b,c) after mix().
56 *
57 * If four pairs of (a,b,c) inputs are run through mix(), or through mix() in
58 * reverse, there are at least 32 bits of the output that are sometimes the
59 * same for one pair and different for another pair.
60 *
61 * This was tested for:
62 * - pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination of top
63 * bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of (a,b,c).
64 * - "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^. For + and -, I transformed the
65 * output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as is commonly
66 * produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit difference.
67 * - the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or all zero
68 * plus a counter that starts at zero.
69 *
70 * Some k values for my "a-=c; a^=rot(c,k); c+=b;" arrangement that
71 * satisfy this are
72 * 4 6 8 16 19 4
73 * 9 15 3 18 27 15
74 * 14 9 3 7 17 3
75 *
76 * Well, "9 15 3 18 27 15" didn't quite get 32 bits diffing for "differ"
77 * defined as + with a one-bit base and a two-bit delta. I used
78 * to choose the operations,
79 * constants, and arrangements of the variables.
80 *
81 * This does not achieve avalanche. There are input bits of (a,b,c) that fail
82 * to affect some output bits of (a,b,c), especially of a. The most thoroughly
83 * mixed value is c, but it doesn't really even achieve avalanche in c.
84 *
85 * This allows some parallelism. Read-after-writes are good at doubling the
86 * number of bits affected, so the goal of mixing pulls in the opposite
87 * direction as the goal of parallelism. I did what I could. Rotates seem to
88 * cost as much as shifts on every machine I could lay my hands on, and rotates
89 * are much kinder to the top and bottom bits, so I used rotates.
90 *
91 */
92 #define mix(a,b,c) \
93 { \
94 a -= c; a ^= rot(c, 4); c += b; \
95 b -= a; b ^= rot(a, 6); a += c; \
96 c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 8); b += a; \
97 a -= c; a ^= rot(c,16); c += b; \
98 b -= a; b ^= rot(a,19); a += c; \
99 c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 4); b += a; \
100 }
102 /**
103 * Final mixing of 3 32-bit values (a,b,c) into c
104 * @param a 32-bit value
105 * @param b 32-bit value
106 * @param c 32-bit value
107 *
108 * Pairs of (a,b,c) values differing in only a few bits will usually produce
109 * values of c that look totally different. This was tested for:
110 * - pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination of top
111 * bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of (a,b,c).
112 * - "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^. For + and -, I transformed the
113 * output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as is commonly
114 * produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit difference.
115 * - the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or all zero
116 * plus a counter that starts at zero.
117 *
118 * These constants passed:
119 * 14 11 25 16 4 14 24
120 * 12 14 25 16 4 14 24
121 * and these came close:
122 * 4 8 15 26 3 22 24
123 * 10 8 15 26 3 22 24
124 * 11 8 15 26 3 22 24
125 *
126 */
127 #define final(a,b,c) \
128 { \
129 c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14); \
130 a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11); \
131 b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25); \
132 c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16); \
133 a ^= c; a -= rot(c,4); \
134 b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14); \
135 c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24); \
136 }
138 /**
139 * Hash an array of 32-bit values
140 * @param k the key, an array of uint32_t values
141 * @param length the number of array elements
142 * @param initval the previous hash, or an arbitrary value
143 *
144 * This works on all machines. To be useful, it requires:
145 * - that the key be an array of uint32_t's, and
146 * - that the length be the number of uint32_t's in the key
147 *
148 * The function jhash_word() is identical to jhash_le() on little-endian
149 * machines, and identical to jhash_be() on big-endian machines, except that
150 * the length has to be measured in uint32_ts rather than in bytes. jhash_le()
151 * is more complicated than jhash_word() only because jhash_le() has to dance
152 * around fitting the key bytes into registers.
153 *
154 */
155 static uint32_t jhash_word(const uint32_t *k, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
156 {
157 uint32_t a, b, c;
159 /* set up the internal state */
160 a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + (((uint32_t)length) << 2) + initval;
162 /* handle most of the key */
163 while (length > 3) {
164 a += k[0];
165 b += k[1];
166 c += k[2];
167 mix(a, b, c);
168 length -= 3;
169 k += 3;
170 }
172 /* handle the last 3 uint32_t's */
173 switch(length) {
174 case 3 :
175 c += k[2];
176 case 2 :
177 b += k[1];
178 case 1 :
179 a += k[0];
180 final(a, b, c);
181 case 0:
182 /* nothing left to add */
183 break;
184 }
186 return c;
187 }
189 /**
190 * Hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value
191 * @param k the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
192 * @param length the length of the key, counting by bytes
193 * @param initval can be any 4-byte value
194 *
195 * Returns a 32-bit value. Every bit of the key affects every bit of the
196 * return value. Two keys differing by one or two bits will have totally
197 * different hash values.
198 *
199 * The best hash table sizes are powers of 2. There is no need to do mod a
200 * prime (mod is sooo slow!). If you need less than 32 bits, use a bitmask.
201 * For example, if you need only 10 bits, do:
202 * h = (h & hashmask(10));
203 * In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements.
204 *
205 * If you are hashing n strings (uint8_t **)k, do it like this:
206 * for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = jhash_le( k[i], len[i], h);
207 *
208 */
209 static uint32_t jhash_le(const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
210 {
211 uint32_t a, b, c;
212 union {
213 const void *ptr;
214 size_t i;
215 } u; /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
217 /* set up the internal state */
218 a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + initval;
220 u.ptr = key;
221 if ((arch_def_native->endian == ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE) &&
222 ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
223 /* read 32-bit chunks */
224 const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;
226 while (length > 12) {
227 a += k[0];
228 b += k[1];
229 c += k[2];
230 mix(a, b, c);
231 length -= 12;
232 k += 3;
233 }
235 /* "k[2]&0xffffff" actually reads beyond the end of the string,
236 * but then masks off the part it's not allowed to read.
237 * Because the string is aligned, the masked-off tail is in the
238 * same word as the rest of the string. Every machine with
239 * memory protection I've seen does it on word boundaries, so
240 * is OK with this. But VALGRIND will still catch it and
241 * complain. The masking trick does make the hash noticably
242 * faster for short strings (like English words). */
243 #ifndef VALGRIND
245 switch(length) {
246 case 12:
247 c += k[2];
248 b += k[1];
249 a += k[0];
250 break;
251 case 11:
252 c += k[2] & 0xffffff;
253 b += k[1];
254 a += k[0];
255 break;
256 case 10:
257 c += k[2] & 0xffff;
258 b += k[1];
259 a += k[0];
260 break;
261 case 9 :
262 c += k[2] & 0xff;
263 b += k[1];
264 a += k[0];
265 break;
266 case 8 :
267 b += k[1];
268 a += k[0];
269 break;
270 case 7 :
271 b += k[1] & 0xffffff;
272 a += k[0];
273 break;
274 case 6 :
275 b += k[1] & 0xffff;
276 a += k[0];
277 break;
278 case 5 :
279 b += k[1] & 0xff;
280 a += k[0];
281 break;
282 case 4 :
283 a += k[0];
284 break;
285 case 3 :
286 a += k[0] & 0xffffff;
287 break;
288 case 2 :
289 a += k[0] & 0xffff;
290 break;
291 case 1 :
292 a += k[0] & 0xff;
293 break;
294 case 0 :
295 /* zero length strings require no mixing */
296 return c;
297 }
299 #else /* make valgrind happy */
301 k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
302 switch(length) {
303 case 12:
304 c += k[2];
305 b += k[1];
306 a += k[0];
307 break;
308 case 11:
309 c += ((uint32_t)k8[10]) << 16;
310 case 10:
311 c += ((uint32_t)k8[9]) << 8;
312 case 9 :
313 c += k8[8];
314 case 8 :
315 b += k[1];
316 a += k[0];
317 break;
318 case 7 :
319 b += ((uint32_t)k8[6]) << 16;
320 case 6 :
321 b += ((uint32_t)k8[5]) << 8;
322 case 5 :
323 b += k8[4];
324 case 4 :
325 a += k[0];
326 break;
327 case 3 :
328 a += ((uint32_t)k8[2]) << 16;
329 case 2 :
330 a += ((uint32_t)k8[1]) << 8;
331 case 1 :
332 a += k8[0];
333 break;
334 case 0 :
335 return c;
336 }
338 #endif /* !valgrind */
340 } else if ((arch_def_native->endian == ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE) &&
341 ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
342 /* read 16-bit chunks */
343 const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key;
344 const uint8_t *k8;
346 while (length > 12) {
347 a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16);
348 b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3]) << 16);
349 c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5]) << 16);
350 mix(a, b, c);
351 length -= 12;
352 k += 6;
353 }
355 k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
356 switch(length) {
357 case 12:
358 c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5]) << 16);
359 b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3]) << 16);
360 a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16);
361 break;
362 case 11:
363 c += ((uint32_t)k8[10]) << 16;
364 case 10:
365 c += k[4];
366 b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3]) << 16);
367 a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16);
368 break;
369 case 9 :
370 c += k8[8];
371 case 8 :
372 b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3]) << 16);
373 a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16);
374 break;
375 case 7 :
376 b += ((uint32_t)k8[6]) << 16;
377 case 6 :
378 b += k[2];
379 a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16);
380 break;
381 case 5 :
382 b += k8[4];
383 case 4 :
384 a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16);
385 break;
386 case 3 :
387 a += ((uint32_t)k8[2]) << 16;
388 case 2 :
389 a += k[0];
390 break;
391 case 1 :
392 a += k8[0];
393 break;
394 case 0 :
395 /* zero length requires no mixing */
396 return c;
397 }
399 } else {
400 /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
401 const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
403 while (length > 12) {
404 a += k[0];
405 a += ((uint32_t)k[1]) << 8;
406 a += ((uint32_t)k[2]) << 16;
407 a += ((uint32_t)k[3]) << 24;
408 b += k[4];
409 b += ((uint32_t)k[5]) << 8;
410 b += ((uint32_t)k[6]) << 16;
411 b += ((uint32_t)k[7]) << 24;
412 c += k[8];
413 c += ((uint32_t)k[9]) << 8;
414 c += ((uint32_t)k[10]) << 16;
415 c += ((uint32_t)k[11]) << 24;
416 mix(a, b, c);
417 length -= 12;
418 k += 12;
419 }
421 switch(length) {
422 case 12:
423 c += ((uint32_t)k[11]) << 24;
424 case 11:
425 c += ((uint32_t)k[10]) << 16;
426 case 10:
427 c += ((uint32_t)k[9]) << 8;
428 case 9 :
429 c += k[8];
430 case 8 :
431 b += ((uint32_t)k[7]) << 24;
432 case 7 :
433 b += ((uint32_t)k[6]) << 16;
434 case 6 :
435 b += ((uint32_t)k[5]) << 8;
436 case 5 :
437 b += k[4];
438 case 4 :
439 a += ((uint32_t)k[3]) << 24;
440 case 3 :
441 a += ((uint32_t)k[2]) << 16;
442 case 2 :
443 a += ((uint32_t)k[1]) << 8;
444 case 1 :
445 a += k[0];
446 break;
447 case 0 :
448 return c;
449 }
450 }
452 final(a, b, c);
453 return c;
454 }
456 /**
457 * Hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value
458 * @param k the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
459 * @param length the length of the key, counting by bytes
460 * @param initval can be any 4-byte value
461 *
462 * This is the same as jhash_word() on big-endian machines. It is different
463 * from jhash_le() on all machines. jhash_be() takes advantage of big-endian
464 * byte ordering.
465 *
466 */
467 static uint32_t jhash_be( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
468 {
469 uint32_t a, b, c;
470 union {
471 const void *ptr;
472 size_t i;
473 } u; /* to cast key to (size_t) happily */
475 /* set up the internal state */
476 a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + initval;
478 u.ptr = key;
479 if ((arch_def_native->endian == ARCH_ENDIAN_BIG) &&
480 ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
481 /* read 32-bit chunks */
482 const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;
484 while (length > 12) {
485 a += k[0];
486 b += k[1];
487 c += k[2];
488 mix(a, b, c);
489 length -= 12;
490 k += 3;
491 }
493 /* "k[2]<<8" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
494 * then shifts out the part it's not allowed to read. Because
495 * the string is aligned, the illegal read is in the same word
496 * as the rest of the string. Every machine with memory
497 * protection I've seen does it on word boundaries, so is OK
498 * with this. But VALGRIND will still catch it and complain.
499 * The masking trick does make the hash noticably faster for
500 * short strings (like English words). */
501 #ifndef VALGRIND
503 switch(length) {
504 case 12:
505 c += k[2];
506 b += k[1];
507 a += k[0];
508 break;
509 case 11:
510 c += k[2] & 0xffffff00;
511 b += k[1];
512 a += k[0];
513 break;
514 case 10:
515 c += k[2] & 0xffff0000;
516 b += k[1];
517 a += k[0];
518 break;
519 case 9 :
520 c += k[2] & 0xff000000;
521 b += k[1];
522 a += k[0];
523 break;
524 case 8 :
525 b += k[1];
526 a += k[0];
527 break;
528 case 7 :
529 b += k[1] & 0xffffff00;
530 a += k[0];
531 break;
532 case 6 :
533 b += k[1] & 0xffff0000;
534 a += k[0];
535 break;
536 case 5 :
537 b += k[1] & 0xff000000;
538 a += k[0];
539 break;
540 case 4 :
541 a += k[0];
542 break;
543 case 3 :
544 a += k[0] & 0xffffff00;
545 break;
546 case 2 :
547 a += k[0] & 0xffff0000;
548 break;
549 case 1 :
550 a += k[0] & 0xff000000;
551 break;
552 case 0 :
553 /* zero length strings require no mixing */
554 return c;
555 }
557 #else /* make valgrind happy */
559 k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
560 switch(length) {
561 case 12:
562 c += k[2];
563 b += k[1];
564 a += k[0];
565 break;
566 case 11:
567 c += ((uint32_t)k8[10]) << 8;
568 case 10:
569 c += ((uint32_t)k8[9]) << 16;
570 case 9 :
571 c += ((uint32_t)k8[8]) << 24;
572 case 8 :
573 b += k[1];
574 a += k[0];
575 break;
576 case 7 :
577 b += ((uint32_t)k8[6]) << 8;
578 case 6 :
579 b += ((uint32_t)k8[5]) << 16;
580 case 5 :
581 b += ((uint32_t)k8[4]) << 24;
582 case 4 :
583 a += k[0];
584 break;
585 case 3 :
586 a += ((uint32_t)k8[2]) << 8;
587 case 2 :
588 a += ((uint32_t)k8[1]) << 16;
589 case 1 :
590 a += ((uint32_t)k8[0]) << 24;
591 break;
592 case 0 :
593 return c;
594 }
596 #endif /* !VALGRIND */
598 } else {
599 /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
600 const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
602 while (length > 12) {
603 a += ((uint32_t)k[0]) << 24;
604 a += ((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16;
605 a += ((uint32_t)k[2]) << 8;
606 a += ((uint32_t)k[3]);
607 b += ((uint32_t)k[4]) << 24;
608 b += ((uint32_t)k[5]) << 16;
609 b += ((uint32_t)k[6]) << 8;
610 b += ((uint32_t)k[7]);
611 c += ((uint32_t)k[8]) << 24;
612 c += ((uint32_t)k[9]) << 16;
613 c += ((uint32_t)k[10]) << 8;
614 c += ((uint32_t)k[11]);
615 mix(a, b, c);
616 length -= 12;
617 k += 12;
618 }
620 switch(length) {
621 case 12:
622 c += k[11];
623 case 11:
624 c += ((uint32_t)k[10]) << 8;
625 case 10:
626 c += ((uint32_t)k[9]) << 16;
627 case 9 :
628 c += ((uint32_t)k[8]) << 24;
629 case 8 :
630 b += k[7];
631 case 7 :
632 b += ((uint32_t)k[6]) << 8;
633 case 6 :
634 b += ((uint32_t)k[5]) << 16;
635 case 5 :
636 b += ((uint32_t)k[4]) << 24;
637 case 4 :
638 a += k[3];
639 case 3 :
640 a += ((uint32_t)k[2]) << 8;
641 case 2 :
642 a += ((uint32_t)k[1]) << 16;
643 case 1 :
644 a += ((uint32_t)k[0]) << 24;
645 break;
646 case 0 :
647 return c;
648 }
649 }
651 final(a, b, c);
652 return c;
653 }
655 /**
656 * Hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value
657 * @param k the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
658 * @param length the length of the key, counting by bytes
659 * @param initval can be any 4-byte value
660 *
661 * A small wrapper function that selects the proper hash function based on the
662 * native machine's byte-ordering.
663 *
664 */
665 uint32_t jhash(const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
666 {
667 if (length % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0)
668 return jhash_word(key, (length / sizeof(uint32_t)), initval);
669 else if (arch_def_native->endian == ARCH_ENDIAN_BIG)
670 return jhash_be(key, length, initval);
671 else
672 return jhash_le(key, length, initval);
673 }
0 /**
1 * The "lookup3.c" Hash Implementation from Bob Jenkins
2 *
3 * Original Author: Bob Jenkins <>
4 * Source:
5 */
7 /*
8 * Original License:
9 *
10 * These are functions for producing 32-bit hashes for hash table lookup.
11 * hashword(), hashlittle(), hashlittle2(), hashbig(), mix(), and final()
12 * are externally useful functions. Routines to test the hash are included
13 * if SELF_TEST is defined. You can use this free for any purpose. It's in
14 * the public domain. It has no warranty.
15 */
17 #ifndef _HASH_H
18 #define _HASH_H
20 #include <inttypes.h>
22 uint32_t jhash(const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval);
24 #endif
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Python Bindings Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include ../../
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 include $(TOPDIR)/
32 include $(TOPDIR)/
33 include $(TOPDIR)/
35 LIB_STATIC = ../libseccomp.a
37 #
38 # targets
39 #
41 .PHONY: all install clean
43 all: build
45 build: $(LIB_STATIC) libseccomp.pxd seccomp.pyx
46 @$(RM) seccomp.c
47 $(PY_BUILD) && touch build
49 install: build
50 $(PY_INSTALL) install --prefix=$(DESTDIR)/$(INSTALL_PREFIX)
52 clean:
53 $(RM) -rf build seccomp.c
0 #
1 # Seccomp Library Python Bindings
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
23 cdef extern from "seccomp.h":
25 ctypedef void* scmp_filter_ctx
27 cdef enum:
30 SCMP_ARCH_X86_64
34 cdef enum scmp_filter_attr:
39 cdef enum scmp_compare:
48 cdef enum:
52 unsigned int SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(int errno)
53 unsigned int SCMP_ACT_TRACE(int value)
55 ctypedef uint64_t scmp_datum_t
57 cdef struct scmp_arg_cmp:
58 unsigned int arg
59 scmp_compare op
60 scmp_datum_t datum_a
61 scmp_datum_t datum_b
63 scmp_filter_ctx seccomp_init(uint32_t def_action)
64 int seccomp_reset(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t def_action)
65 void seccomp_release(scmp_filter_ctx ctx)
67 int seccomp_merge(scmp_filter_ctx ctx_dst, scmp_filter_ctx ctx_src)
69 uint32_t seccomp_arch_native()
70 int seccomp_arch_exist(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)
71 int seccomp_arch_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)
72 int seccomp_arch_remove(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)
74 int seccomp_load(scmp_filter_ctx ctx)
76 int seccomp_attr_get(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
77 scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t* value)
78 int seccomp_attr_set(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
79 scmp_filter_attr attr, uint32_t value)
81 char *seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(uint32_t arch_token, int num)
82 int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(uint32_t arch_token, char *name)
83 int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(char *name)
84 int seccomp_syscall_priority(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,
85 int syscall, uint8_t priority)
87 int seccomp_rule_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t action,
88 int syscall, unsigned int arg_cnt, ...)
90 int seccomp_rule_add_exact(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t action,
91 int syscall, unsigned int arg_cnt, ...)
93 int seccomp_export_pfc(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd)
94 int seccomp_export_bpf(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd)
96 # kate: syntax python;
97 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # Seccomp Library Python Bindings
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 """ Python bindings for the libseccomp library
23 The libseccomp library provides and easy to use, platform independent,
24 interface to the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering mechanism: seccomp. The
25 libseccomp API is designed to abstract away the underlying BPF based
26 syscall filter language and present a more conventional function-call
27 based filtering interface that should be familiar to, and easily adopted
28 by application developers.
30 Filter action values:
31 KILL - kill the process
32 ALLOW - allow the syscall to execute
33 TRAP - a SIGSYS signal will be thrown
34 ERRNO(x) - syscall will return (x)
35 TRACE(x) - if the process is being traced, (x) will be returned to the
36 tracing process via PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP and the
39 Argument comparison values (see the Arg class):
41 NE - arg != datum_a
42 LT - arg < datum_a
43 LE - arg <= datum_a
44 EQ - arg == datum_a
45 GT - arg > datum_a
46 GE - arg >= datum_a
47 MASKED_EQ - (arg & datum_b) == datum_a
50 Example:
52 import sys
53 from seccomp import *
55 # create a filter object with a default KILL action
56 f = SyscallFilter(defaction=KILL)
58 # add syscall filter rules to allow certain syscalls
59 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "open")
60 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "close")
61 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin))
62 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout))
63 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr))
64 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn")
66 # load the filter into the kernel
67 f.load()
68 """
69 __author__ = 'Paul Moore <>'
70 __date__ = "7 January 2013"
72 from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
73 import errno
75 cimport libseccomp
77 KILL = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_KILL
78 TRAP = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_TRAP
79 ALLOW = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_ALLOW
80 def ERRNO(int errno):
81 return libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(errno)
82 def TRACE(int value):
83 return libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_TRACE(value)
85 NE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_NE
86 LT = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_LT
87 LE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_LE
88 EQ = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_EQ
89 GE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_GE
90 GT = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_GT
93 def system_arch():
94 """ Return the system architecture value.
96 Description:
97 Returns the native system architecture value.
98 """
99 return libseccomp.seccomp_arch_native()
101 def resolve_syscall(arch, syscall):
102 """ Resolve the syscall.
104 Arguments:
105 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
106 syscall - the syscall name or number
108 Description:
109 Resolve an architecture's syscall name to the correct number or the
110 syscall number to the correct name.
111 """
112 if (isinstance(syscall, basestring)):
113 return libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(arch, syscall)
114 elif (isinstance(syscall, int)):
115 return libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(arch, syscall)
116 else:
117 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
119 cdef class Arch:
120 """ Python object representing the SyscallFilter architecture values.
122 Data values:
123 NATIVE - the native architecture
124 X86 - 32-bit x86
125 X86_64 - 64-bit x86
126 X32 - 64-bit x86 using the x32 ABI
127 ARM - ARM
128 """
130 NATIVE = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE
131 X86 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86
132 X86_64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86_64
133 X32 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X32
134 ARM = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_ARM
136 cdef class Attr:
137 """ Python object representing the SyscallFilter attributes.
139 Data values:
140 ACT_DEFAULT - the filter's default action
141 ACT_BADARCH - the filter's bad architecture action
142 CTL_NNP - the filter's "no new privileges" flag
143 """
146 CTL_NNP = libseccomp.SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP
148 cdef class Arg:
149 """ Python object representing a SyscallFilter syscall argument.
150 """
151 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp _arg
153 def __cinit__(self, arg, op, datum_a, datum_b = 0):
154 """ Initialize the argument comparison.
156 Arguments:
157 arg - the arguement number, starting at 0
158 op - the argument comparison operator, e.g. {NE,LT,LE,...}
159 datum_a - argument value
160 datum_b - argument value, only valid when op == MASKED_EQ
162 Description:
163 Create an argument comparison object for use with SyscallFilter.
164 """
165 self._arg.arg = arg
166 self._arg.op = op
167 self._arg.datum_a = datum_a
168 self._arg.datum_b = datum_b
170 def to_c(self):
171 """ Convert the object into a C structure.
173 Description:
174 Helper function which should only be used internally by
175 SyscallFilter objects and exists for the sole purpose of making it
176 easier to deal with the varadic functions of the libseccomp API,
177 e.g. seccomp_rule_add().
178 """
179 return self._arg
181 cdef class SyscallFilter:
182 """ Python object representing a seccomp syscall filter. """
183 cdef int _defaction
184 cdef libseccomp.scmp_filter_ctx _ctx
186 def __cinit__(self, int defaction):
187 self._ctx = libseccomp.seccomp_init(defaction)
188 if self._ctx == NULL:
189 raise RuntimeError("Library error")
190 _defaction = defaction
192 def __init__(self, defaction):
193 """ Initialize the filter state
195 Arguments:
196 defaction - the default filter action
198 Description:
199 Initializes the seccomp filter state to the defaults.
200 """
202 def __dealloc__(self):
203 """ Destroys the filter state and releases any resources.
205 Description:
206 Destroys the seccomp filter state and releases any resources
207 associated with the filter state. This function does not affect
208 any seccomp filters already loaded into the kernel.
209 """
210 if self._ctx != NULL:
211 libseccomp.seccomp_release(self._ctx)
213 def reset(self, int defaction = -1):
214 """ Reset the filter state.
216 Arguments:
217 defaction - the default filter action
219 Description:
220 Resets the seccomp filter state to an initial default state, if a
221 default filter action is not specified in the reset call the
222 original action will be reused. This function does not affect any
223 seccomp filters alread loaded into the kernel.
224 """
225 if defaction == -1:
226 defaction = self._defaction
227 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_reset(self._ctx, defaction)
228 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
229 raise ValueError("Invalid action")
230 if rc != 0:
231 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
232 _defaction = defaction
234 def merge(self, SyscallFilter filter):
235 """ Merge two existing SyscallFilter objects.
237 Arguments:
238 filter - a valid SyscallFilter object
240 Description:
241 Merges a valid SyscallFilter object with the current SyscallFilter
242 object; the passed filter object will be reset on success. In
243 order to successfully merge two seccomp filters they must have the
244 same attribute values and not share any of the same architectures.
245 """
246 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_merge(self._ctx, filter._ctx)
247 if rc != 0:
248 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
249 filter._ctx = NULL
250 filter = SyscallFilter(filter._defaction)
252 def exist_arch(self, arch):
253 """ Check if the seccomp filter contains a given architecture.
255 Arguments:
256 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
258 Description:
259 Test to see if a given architecture is included in the filter.
260 Return True is the architecture exists, False if it does not
261 exist.
262 """
263 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_exist(self._ctx, arch)
264 if rc == 0:
265 return True
266 elif rc == -errno.EEXIST:
267 return False
268 elif rc == -errno.EINVAL:
269 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
270 else:
271 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
273 def add_arch(self, arch):
274 """ Add an architecture to the filter.
276 Arguments:
277 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
279 Description:
280 Add the given architecture to the filter. Any new rules added
281 after this method returns successfully will be added to this new
282 architecture, but any existing rules will not be added to the new
283 architecture.
284 """
285 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_add(self._ctx, arch)
286 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
287 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
288 elif rc != 0:
289 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
291 def remove_arch(self, arch):
292 """ Remove an architecture from the filter.
294 Arguments:
295 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
297 Description:
298 Remove the given architecture from the filter. The filter must
299 always contain at least one architecture, so if only one
300 architecture exists in the filter this method will fail.
301 """
302 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_remove(self._ctx, arch)
303 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
304 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
305 elif rc != 0:
306 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
308 def load(self):
309 """ Load the filter into the Linux Kernel.
311 Description:
312 Load the current filter into the Linux Kernel. As soon as the
313 method returns the filter will be active and enforcing.
314 """
315 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_load(self._ctx)
316 if rc != 0:
317 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
319 def get_attr(self, attr):
320 """ Get an attribute value from the filter.
322 Arguments:
323 attr - the attribute, e.g. Attr.*
325 Description:
326 Lookup the given attribute in the filter and return the
327 attribute's value to the caller.
328 """
329 value = 0
330 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_attr_get(self._ctx,
331 attr, <uint32_t *>&value)
332 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
333 raise ValueError("Invalid attribute")
334 elif rc != 0:
335 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
336 return value
338 def set_attr(self, attr, int value):
339 """ Set a filter attribute.
341 Arguments:
342 attr - the attribute, e.g. Attr.*
343 value - the attribute value
345 Description:
346 Lookup the given attribute in the filter and assign it the given
347 value.
348 """
349 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_attr_set(self._ctx, attr, value)
350 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
351 raise ValueError("Invalid attribute")
352 elif rc != 0:
353 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
355 def syscall_priority(self, syscall, int priority):
356 """ Set the filter priority of a syscall.
358 Arguments:
359 syscall - the syscall name or number
360 priority - the priority of the syscall
362 Description:
363 Set the filter priority of the given syscall. A syscall with a
364 higher priority will have less overhead in the generated filter
365 code which is loaded into the system. Priority values can range
366 from 0 to 255 inclusive.
367 """
368 if priority < 0 or priority > 255:
369 raise ValueError("Syscall priority must be between 0 and 255")
370 if isinstance(syscall, str):
371 syscall_str = syscall.encode()
372 syscall_num = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(syscall_str)
373 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
374 syscall_num = syscall
375 else:
376 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
377 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_priority(self._ctx,
378 syscall_num, priority)
379 if rc != 0:
380 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
382 def add_rule(self, int action, syscall, *args):
383 """ Add a new rule to filter.
385 Arguments:
386 action - the rule action: KILL, TRAP, ERRNO(), TRACE(), or ALLOW
387 syscall - the syscall name or number
388 args - variable number of Arg objects
390 Description:
391 Add a new rule to the filter, matching on the given syscall and an
392 optional list of argument comparisons. If the rule is triggered
393 the given action will be taken by the kernel. In order for the
394 rule to trigger, the syscall as well as each argument comparison
395 must be true.
397 In the case where the specific rule is not valid on a specific
398 architecture, e.g. socket() on 32-bit x86, this method rewrites
399 the rule to the best possible match. If you don't want this fule
400 rewriting to take place use add_rule_exactly().
401 """
402 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp c_arg[6]
403 if isinstance(syscall, str):
404 syscall_str = syscall.encode()
405 syscall_num = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(syscall_str)
406 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
407 syscall_num = syscall
408 else:
409 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
410 """ NOTE: the code below exists solely to deal with the varadic
411 nature of seccomp_rule_add() function and the inability of Cython
412 to handle this automatically """
413 for i, arg in enumerate(args):
414 c_arg[i] = arg.to_c()
415 if len(args) == 0:
416 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num, 0)
417 elif len(args) == 1:
418 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
419 len(args),
420 c_arg[0])
421 elif len(args) == 2:
422 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
423 len(args),
424 c_arg[0],
425 c_arg[1])
426 elif len(args) == 3:
427 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
428 len(args),
429 c_arg[0],
430 c_arg[1],
431 c_arg[2])
432 elif len(args) == 4:
433 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
434 len(args),
435 c_arg[0],
436 c_arg[1],
437 c_arg[2],
438 c_arg[3])
439 elif len(args) == 5:
440 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
441 len(args),
442 c_arg[0],
443 c_arg[1],
444 c_arg[2],
445 c_arg[3],
446 c_arg[4])
447 elif len(args) == 6:
448 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
449 len(args),
450 c_arg[0],
451 c_arg[1],
452 c_arg[2],
453 c_arg[3],
454 c_arg[4],
455 c_arg[5])
456 else:
457 raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of arguments exceeded")
458 if rc != 0:
459 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
461 def add_rule_exactly(self, int action, syscall, *args):
462 """ Add a new rule to filter.
464 Arguments:
465 action - the rule action: KILL, TRAP, ERRNO(), TRACE(), or ALLOW
466 syscall - the syscall name or number
467 args - variable number of Arg objects
469 Description:
470 Add a new rule to the filter, matching on the given syscall and an
471 optional list of argument comparisons. If the rule is triggered
472 the given action will be taken by the kernel. In order for the
473 rule to trigger, the syscall as well as each argument comparison
474 must be true.
476 This method attempts to add the filter rule exactly as specified
477 which can cause problems on certain architectures, e.g. socket()
478 on 32-bit x86. For a architecture independent version of this
479 method use add_rule().
480 """
481 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp c_arg[6]
482 if isinstance(syscall, str):
483 syscall_str = syscall.encode()
484 syscall_num = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(syscall_str)
485 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
486 syscall_num = syscall
487 else:
488 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
489 """ NOTE: the code below exists solely to deal with the varadic
490 nature of seccomp_rule_add_exact() function and the inability of
491 Cython to handle this automatically """
492 for i, arg in enumerate(args):
493 c_arg[i] = arg.to_c()
494 if len(args) == 0:
495 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
496 syscall_num, 0)
497 elif len(args) == 1:
498 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
499 syscall_num, len(args),
500 c_arg[0])
501 elif len(args) == 2:
502 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
503 syscall_num, len(args),
504 c_arg[0],
505 c_arg[1])
506 elif len(args) == 3:
507 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
508 syscall_num, len(args),
509 c_arg[0],
510 c_arg[1],
511 c_arg[2])
512 elif len(args) == 4:
513 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
514 syscall_num, len(args),
515 c_arg[0],
516 c_arg[1],
517 c_arg[2],
518 c_arg[3])
519 elif len(args) == 5:
520 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
521 syscall_num, len(args),
522 c_arg[0],
523 c_arg[1],
524 c_arg[2],
525 c_arg[3],
526 c_arg[4])
527 elif len(args) == 6:
528 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
529 syscall_num, len(args),
530 c_arg[0],
531 c_arg[1],
532 c_arg[2],
533 c_arg[3],
534 c_arg[4],
535 c_arg[5])
536 else:
537 raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of arguments exceeded")
538 if rc != 0:
539 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
541 def export_pfc(self, file):
542 """ Export the filter in PFC format.
544 Arguments:
545 file - the output file
547 Description:
548 Output the filter in Pseudo Filter Code (PFC) to the given file.
549 The output is functionally equivalent to the BPF based filter
550 which is loaded into the Linux Kernel.
551 """
552 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_export_pfc(self._ctx, file.fileno())
553 if rc != 0:
554 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
556 def export_bpf(self, file):
557 """ Export the filter in BPF format.
559 Arguments:
560 file - the output file
562 Output the filter in Berkley Packet Filter (BPF) to the given
563 file. The output is identical to what is loaded into the
564 Linux Kernel.
565 """
566 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_export_bpf(self._ctx, file.fileno())
567 if rc != 0:
568 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
570 # kate: syntax python;
571 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Python Module Build Script
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import os
25 from distutils.core import setup
26 from distutils.extension import Extension
27 from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
29 setup(
30 name = "seccomp",
31 version = os.environ["VERSION_RELEASE"],
32 description = "Python binding for libseccomp",
33 long_description = "Python API for the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering capability, seccomp.",
34 url = "",
35 maintainer = "Paul Moore",
36 maintainer_email = "",
37 license = "LGPLv2.1",
38 platforms = "Linux",
39 cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
40 ext_modules = [
41 Extension("seccomp", ["seccomp.pyx"],
42 extra_objects=["../libseccomp.a"])
43 ]
44 )
0 /**
1 * Seccomp System Information
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _SYSTEM_H
22 #define _SYSTEM_H
24 #include <linux/filter.h>
25 #include <linux/prctl.h>
27 #include <configure.h>
31 /* system header file */
32 #include <linux/seccomp.h>
34 #else
36 /* NOTE: the definitions below were taken from the Linux Kernel sources */
37 #include <linux/types.h>
39 /* Valid values for seccomp.mode and prctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP, <mode>) */
40 #define SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED 0 /* seccomp is not in use. */
41 #define SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT 1 /* uses hard-coded filter. */
42 #define SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER 2 /* uses user-supplied filter. */
44 /*
45 * All BPF programs must return a 32-bit value.
46 * The bottom 16-bits are for optional return data.
47 * The upper 16-bits are ordered from least permissive values to most.
48 *
49 * The ordering ensures that a min_t() over composed return values always
50 * selects the least permissive choice.
51 */
52 #define SECCOMP_RET_KILL 0x00000000U /* kill the task immediately */
53 #define SECCOMP_RET_TRAP 0x00030000U /* disallow and force a SIGSYS */
54 #define SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO 0x00050000U /* returns an errno */
55 #define SECCOMP_RET_TRACE 0x7ff00000U /* pass to a tracer or disallow */
56 #define SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW 0x7fff0000U /* allow */
58 /* Masks for the return value sections. */
59 #define SECCOMP_RET_ACTION 0x7fff0000U
60 #define SECCOMP_RET_DATA 0x0000ffffU
62 /*
63 * struct seccomp_data - the format the BPF program executes over.
64 * @nr: the system call number
65 * @arch: indicates system call convention as an AUDIT_ARCH_* value
66 * as defined in <linux/audit.h>.
67 * @instruction_pointer: at the time of the system call.
68 * @args: up to 6 system call arguments always stored as 64-bit values
69 * regardless of the architecture.
70 */
71 struct seccomp_data {
72 int nr;
73 __u32 arch;
74 __u64 instruction_pointer;
75 __u64 args[6];
76 };
78 #endif /* CONF_SYSINC_SECCOMP */
80 /* rename some of the socket filter types to make more sense */
81 typedef struct sock_filter bpf_instr_raw;
83 #ifndef PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS
84 #define PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS 38
85 #endif /* PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS */
87 #ifndef PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS
88 #define PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS 39
89 #endif /* PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS */
91 #endif
tags less more
0 !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
1 !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
2 !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
3 !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
4 !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
6 ACT_BADARCH src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ ACT_BADARCH = libseccomp.SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_BADARCH$/;" v class:Attr
7 ACT_DEFAULT src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ ACT_DEFAULT = libseccomp.SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_DEFAULT$/;" v class:Attr
8 ADDDEP /^ADDDEP = \\$/;" m
9 AINC_BLK src/gen_bpf.c 39;" d file:
10 AINC_PROG src/gen_bpf.c 40;" d file:
11 ALLOW src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ALLOW = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_ALLOW$/;" v
12 ARCHIVE /^ ARCHIVE = @echo " AR $@";$/;" m
13 ARCH_ENDIAN_BIG src/arch.h /^ ARCH_ENDIAN_BIG,$/;" e enum:arch_def::__anon3
14 ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE src/arch.h /^ ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE,$/;" e enum:arch_def::__anon3
15 ARCH_ENDIAN_UNSPEC src/arch.h /^ ARCH_ENDIAN_UNSPEC = 0,$/;" e enum:arch_def::__anon3
16 ARCH_SIZE_32 src/arch.h /^ ARCH_SIZE_32 = 32,$/;" e enum:arch_def::__anon2
17 ARCH_SIZE_64 src/arch.h /^ ARCH_SIZE_64 = 64,$/;" e enum:arch_def::__anon2
18 ARCH_SIZE_UNSPEC src/arch.h /^ ARCH_SIZE_UNSPEC = 0,$/;" e enum:arch_def::__anon2
19 ARG_COUNT_MAX src/arch.h 76;" d
20 ARG_MASK_MAX src/db.h 70;" d
21 ARM src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ ARM = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_ARM$/;" v class:Arch
22 AWK /^AWK ?= awk$/;" m
23 Arch src/python/seccomp.pyx /^cdef class Arch:$/;" c
24 Arg src/python/seccomp.pyx /^cdef class Arg:$/;" c
25 Attr src/python/seccomp.pyx /^cdef class Attr:$/;" c
26 BINDINGS src/Makefile /^BINDINGS =$/;" m
27 BPF_A tools/bpf.h 117;" d
28 BPF_ABS tools/bpf.h 87;" d
29 BPF_ADD tools/bpf.h 95;" d
30 BPF_ALU tools/bpf.h 75;" d
31 BPF_AND tools/bpf.h 100;" d
32 BPF_B tools/bpf.h 84;" d
33 BPF_CLASS tools/bpf.h 70;" d
34 BPF_DIV tools/bpf.h 98;" d
35 BPF_H tools/bpf.h 83;" d
36 BPF_IMM tools/bpf.h 86;" d
37 BPF_IND tools/bpf.h 88;" d
38 BPF_JA tools/bpf.h 105;" d
39 BPF_JEQ tools/bpf.h 106;" d
40 BPF_JGE tools/bpf.h 108;" d
41 BPF_JGT tools/bpf.h 107;" d
42 BPF_JMP tools/bpf.h 76;" d
43 BPF_JSET tools/bpf.h 109;" d
44 BPF_K tools/bpf.h 112;" d
45 BPF_LD tools/bpf.h 71;" d
46 BPF_LDX tools/bpf.h 72;" d
47 BPF_LEN tools/bpf.h 90;" d
48 BPF_LSH tools/bpf.h 101;" d
49 BPF_MEM tools/bpf.h 89;" d
50 BPF_MISC tools/bpf.h 78;" d
51 BPF_MISCOP tools/bpf.h 120;" d
52 BPF_MODE tools/bpf.h 85;" d
53 BPF_MSH tools/bpf.h 91;" d
54 BPF_MUL tools/bpf.h 97;" d
55 BPF_NEG tools/bpf.h 103;" d
56 BPF_OP tools/bpf.h 93;" d
57 BPF_OR tools/bpf.h 99;" d
58 BPF_PGM_SIZE src/gen_bpf.h 36;" d
59 BPF_PRG_MAX_LEN tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c 36;" d file:
60 BPF_RET tools/bpf.h 77;" d
61 BPF_RSH tools/bpf.h 102;" d
62 BPF_RVAL tools/bpf.h 116;" d
63 BPF_SCRATCH_SIZE tools/bpf.h 33;" d
64 BPF_SIZE tools/bpf.h 81;" d
65 BPF_SRC tools/bpf.h 111;" d
66 BPF_ST tools/bpf.h 73;" d
67 BPF_STX tools/bpf.h 74;" d
68 BPF_SUB tools/bpf.h 96;" d
69 BPF_SYSCALL_MAX tools/bpf.h 45;" d
70 BPF_SYS_ARG_MAX tools/bpf.h 38;" d
71 BPF_TAX tools/bpf.h 121;" d
72 BPF_TXA tools/bpf.h 122;" d
73 BPF_W tools/bpf.h 82;" d
74 BPF_X tools/bpf.h 113;" d
75 CAT /^CAT ?= cat$/;" m
76 CFLAGS /^CFLAGS ?= -Wl,-z,relro -Wall -O0 -g$/;" m
77 COMPILE /^ COMPILE = @echo " CC $@";$/;" m
78 COMPILE_EXEC /^ COMPILE_EXEC = @echo " CC $@";$/;" m
79 CONFIGS Makefile /^CONFIGS = configure.h libseccomp.pc$/;" m
80 CONF_BINDINGS_PYTHON configure.h 8;" d
82 CONF_INSTALL_LIBDIR /^CONF_INSTALL_LIBDIR = "\/usr\/local\/lib"$/;" m
84 CONF_SYSINC_SECCOMP configure.h 7;" d
86 CTL_NNP src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ CTL_NNP = libseccomp.SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP$/;" v class:Attr
87 D64_HI src/arch.h 74;" d
88 D64_LO src/arch.h 73;" d
89 DATUM_MAX src/arch.h 72;" d
90 DEPS src/Makefile /^DEPS = $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)$/;" m
91 DEPS tools/Makefile /^DEPS = $(TOOLS:%=%.d)$/;" m
92 DEPS_OBJS tests/Makefile /^DEPS_OBJS = $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)$/;" m
93 DEPS_TESTS tests/Makefile /^DEPS_TESTS = $(TESTS:%=%.d)$/;" m
94 ECHO /^ECHO ?= echo$/;" m
95 ECHO_INFO /^ ECHO_INFO ?= $(ECHO) ">> INFO:"$/;" m
96 ECHO_INFO /^ ECHO_INFO ?= \/bin\/true || $(ECHO) ">> INFO:"$/;" m
97 EQ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^EQ = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_EQ$/;" v
98 ERRNO src/python/seccomp.pyx /^def ERRNO(int errno):$/;" f
99 Extension src/python/ /^from distutils.extension import Extension$/;" i
100 GCC /^GCC ?= gcc$/;" m
101 GE src/python/seccomp.pyx /^GE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_GE$/;" v
102 GT src/python/seccomp.pyx /^GT = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_GT$/;" v
103 HASH_BIG_ENDIAN src/hash.c 55;" d file:
104 HASH_BIG_ENDIAN src/hash.c 60;" d file:
105 HASH_BIG_ENDIAN src/hash.c 63;" d file:
106 HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN src/hash.c 54;" d file:
107 HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN src/hash.c 59;" d file:
108 HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN src/hash.c 62;" d file:
109 HDR_BUILD include/Makefile /^HDR_BUILD = seccomp.h$/;" m
110 INSTALL /^INSTALL ?= install$/;" m
113 INSTALL_GROUP /^INSTALL_GROUP ?= $$(id -g)$/;" m
121 INSTALL_OWNER /^INSTALL_OWNER ?= $$(id -u)$/;" m
125 KILL src/python/seccomp.pyx /^KILL = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_KILL$/;" v
126 LDFLAGS /^LDFLAGS ?= -z relro -g$/;" m
127 LDFLAGS tests/Makefile /^LDFLAGS := ..\/src\/libseccomp.a $(OBJS)$/;" m
128 LDFLAGS tools/Makefile /^LDFLAGS := ..\/src\/libseccomp.a$/;" m
129 LE src/python/seccomp.pyx /^LE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_LE$/;" v
131 LIB_SHARED src/Makefile /^LIB_SHARED =$(VERSION_RELEASE)$/;" m
132 LIB_STATIC src/Makefile /^LIB_STATIC = libseccomp.a$/;" m
133 LIB_STATIC src/python/Makefile /^LIB_STATIC = ..\/libseccomp.a$/;" m
134 LINK_EXEC /^ LINK_EXEC = @echo " LD $@";$/;" m
135 LINK_LIB /^ LINK_LIB = @echo " LD $@" \\$/;" m
136 LN /^LN ?= ln$/;" m
137 LT src/python/seccomp.pyx /^LT = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_LT$/;" v
138 MAKEDEP /^MAKEDEP = @$(GCC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@) $<;$/;" m
140 MAN1 doc/Makefile /^MAN1 = \\$/;" m
141 MAN3 doc/Makefile /^MAN3 = \\$/;" m
142 MASKED_EQ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^MASKED_EQ = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ$/;" v
143 MKDIR /^MKDIR ?= mkdir$/;" m
144 MV /^MV ?= mv$/;" m
145 NATIVE src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ NATIVE = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE$/;" v class:Arch
146 NE src/python/seccomp.pyx /^NE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_NE$/;" v
147 OBJS src/Makefile /^OBJS = \\$/;" m
148 OBJS tests/Makefile /^OBJS = util.o$/;" m
149 PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS src/system.h 89;" d
150 PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS src/system.h 85;" d
151 PYTHON /^PYTHON ?= \/usr\/bin\/env python$/;" m
152 PY_BUILD /^ PY_BUILD = @echo " PYTHON build";$/;" m
154 PY_INSTALL /^ PY_INSTALL = @echo " PYTHON install";$/;" m
155 SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED src/system.h 41;" d
156 SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER src/system.h 43;" d
157 SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT src/system.h 42;" d
158 SECCOMP_RET_ACTION src/system.h 60;" d
159 SECCOMP_RET_ACTION tools/bpf.h 59;" d
160 SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW src/system.h 57;" d
161 SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW tools/bpf.h 67;" d
162 SECCOMP_RET_DATA src/system.h 61;" d
163 SECCOMP_RET_DATA tools/bpf.h 60;" d
164 SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO src/system.h 55;" d
165 SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO tools/bpf.h 65;" d
166 SECCOMP_RET_KILL src/system.h 53;" d
167 SECCOMP_RET_KILL tools/bpf.h 63;" d
168 SECCOMP_RET_TRACE src/system.h 56;" d
169 SECCOMP_RET_TRACE tools/bpf.h 66;" d
170 SECCOMP_RET_TRAP src/system.h 54;" d
171 SECCOMP_RET_TRAP tools/bpf.h 64;" d
172 SED /^SED ?= sed$/;" m
173 SHELL /^SHELL = \/bin\/bash$/;" m
174 SUBDIRS_BUILD Makefile /^SUBDIRS_BUILD = include src tests tools$/;" m
175 SUBDIRS_INSTALL Makefile /^SUBDIRS_INSTALL = include src tools doc$/;" m
176 SyscallFilter src/python/seccomp.pyx /^cdef class SyscallFilter:$/;" c
177 TAR /^TAR ?= tar$/;" m
178 TESTS tests/Makefile /^TESTS = 01-sim-allow \\$/;" m
179 TEST_PRIVATE tests/Makefile /^TEST_PRIVATE = 00-test$/;" m
180 TGT_IMM src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_IMM, \/* resolved immediate value *\/$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
181 TGT_K src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_K, \/* immediate "k" value *\/$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
182 TGT_NONE src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_NONE = 0,$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
183 TGT_NXT src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_NXT, \/* fall through to the next block *\/$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
184 TGT_PTR_BLK src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_PTR_BLK, \/* pointer to an instruction block *\/$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
185 TGT_PTR_DB src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_PTR_DB, \/* pointer to part of the filter db *\/$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
186 TGT_PTR_HSH src/gen_bpf.c /^ TGT_PTR_HSH, \/* pointer to a block hash table *\/$/;" e enum:bpf_jump_type file:
187 TOOLS tools/Makefile /^TOOLS = scmp_bpf_disasm \\$/;" m
188 TOOLS_INSTALL tools/Makefile /^TOOLS_INSTALL = scmp_sys_resolver$/;" m
189 TOPDIR /^TOPDIR := $(shell \\$/;" m
190 TRACE src/python/seccomp.pyx /^def TRACE(int value):$/;" f
191 TRAP src/python/seccomp.pyx /^TRAP = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_TRAP$/;" v
192 V /^V ?= 0$/;" m
193 VERSION_HDR /^VERSION_HDR = version.h$/;" m
194 VERSION_MAJOR version.h 5;" d
196 VERSION_MICRO version.h 7;" d
198 VERSION_MINOR version.h 6;" d
200 VERSION_RELEASE version.h 4;" d
202 X32 src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ X32 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X32$/;" v class:Arch
203 X32_SYSCALL_BIT src/arch-x32.h 30;" d
204 X86 src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ X86 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86$/;" v class:Arch
205 X86_64 src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ X86_64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86_64$/;" v class:Arch
206 _ARCH_ARM_H src/arch-arm.h 23;" d
207 _ARCH_H src/arch.h 23;" d
208 _ARCH_X32_H src/arch-x32.h 23;" d
209 _ARCH_X86_H src/arch-x86.h 23;" d
210 _ARCH_x86_64_H src/arch-x86_64.h 23;" d
211 _BLK_MSZE src/gen_bpf.c 117;" d file:
212 _BPF_H tools/bpf.h 23;" d
213 _BPF_HASH_BITS src/gen_bpf.c 126;" d file:
214 _BPF_HASH_MASK src/gen_bpf.c 128;" d file:
215 _BPF_HASH_SIZE src/gen_bpf.c 127;" d file:
216 _BPF_INSTR src/gen_bpf.c 156;" d file:
217 _BPF_JMP_BLK src/gen_bpf.c 76;" d file:
218 _BPF_JMP_DB src/gen_bpf.c 74;" d file:
219 _BPF_JMP_HSH src/gen_bpf.c 78;" d file:
220 _BPF_JMP_IMM src/gen_bpf.c 72;" d file:
221 _BPF_JMP_MAX src/gen_bpf.c 82;" d file:
222 _BPF_JMP_MAX_RET src/gen_bpf.c 83;" d file:
223 _BPF_JMP_NO src/gen_bpf.c 68;" d file:
224 _BPF_JMP_NXT src/gen_bpf.c 70;" d file:
225 _BPF_K src/gen_bpf.c 80;" d file:
226 _BPF_OFFSET_SYSCALL src/gen_bpf.c 91;" d file:
227 _BPF_SYSCALL src/gen_bpf.c 92;" d file:
228 _CONFIGURE_H configure.h 5;" d
229 _DB_PRI_MASK_CHAIN src/db.c 41;" d file:
230 _DB_PRI_MASK_USER src/db.c 42;" d file:
231 _DB_PRI_USER src/db.c 43;" d file:
232 _DB_STA_FREED src/db.c 36;" d file:
233 _DB_STA_VALID src/db.c 35;" d file:
234 _FILTER_DB_H src/db.h 23;" d
235 _HASH_H src/hash.h 19;" d
236 _OP_FMT tools/scmp_bpf_disasm.c 35;" d file:
237 _SYSTEM_H src/system.h 23;" d
238 _TRANSLATOR_BPF_H src/gen_bpf.h 23;" d
239 _TRANSLATOR_STR_H src/gen_pfc.h 23;" d
240 _UTIL_TEST_H tests/util.h 23;" d
241 _VERSION_H version.h 3;" d
242 __NR_OABI_SYSCALL_BASE src/arch-arm-syscalls.c 29;" d file:
243 __NR_SYSCALL_BASE src/arch-arm-syscalls.c 34;" d file:
244 __NR_SYSCALL_BASE src/arch-arm-syscalls.c 36;" d file:
245 __author__ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^__author__ = 'Paul Moore <>'$/;" v
246 __blk_free src/gen_bpf.c /^static void __blk_free(struct bpf_state *state, struct bpf_blk *blk)$/;" f file:
247 __cinit__ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def __cinit__(self, arg, op, datum_a, datum_b = 0):$/;" m class:Arg file:
248 __cinit__ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def __cinit__(self, int defaction):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter file:
249 __date__ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^__date__ = "7 January 2013"$/;" v
250 __db_tree_free src/db.c /^static unsigned int __db_tree_free(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree)$/;" f file:
251 __dealloc__ src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def __dealloc__(self):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter file:
252 __x86_NR_ipc src/arch-x86.c 31;" d file:
253 __x86_NR_socketcall src/arch-x86.c 30;" d file:
254 _blk_append src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_blk_append(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
255 _blk_free src/gen_bpf.c /^static void _blk_free(struct bpf_state *state, struct bpf_blk *blk)$/;" f file:
256 _bpf_append_blk src/gen_bpf.c /^static int _bpf_append_blk(struct bpf_program *prg, const struct bpf_blk *blk)$/;" f file:
257 _ctx_valid src/api.c /^static int _ctx_valid(const scmp_filter_ctx *ctx)$/;" f file:
258 _db_node_mask_fixup src/db.c /^static void _db_node_mask_fixup(struct db_arg_chain_tree *node)$/;" f file:
259 _db_rule_gen_32 src/db.c /^static struct db_sys_list *_db_rule_gen_32(const struct arch_def *arch,$/;" f file:
260 _db_rule_gen_64 src/db.c /^static struct db_sys_list *_db_rule_gen_64(const struct arch_def *arch,$/;" f file:
261 _db_tree_act_check src/db.c /^static int _db_tree_act_check(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree, uint32_t action)$/;" f file:
262 _db_tree_free src/db.c /^static unsigned int _db_tree_free(struct db_arg_chain_tree *tree)$/;" f file:
263 _db_tree_remove src/db.c /^static unsigned int _db_tree_remove(struct db_arg_chain_tree **tree,$/;" f file:
264 _db_tree_sub_prune src/db.c /^static int _db_tree_sub_prune(struct db_arg_chain_tree **tree_head,$/;" f file:
265 _gen_bpf_action src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_action(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
266 _gen_bpf_action_hsh src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_action_hsh(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
267 _gen_bpf_arch src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_arch(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
268 _gen_bpf_build_bpf src/gen_bpf.c /^static int _gen_bpf_build_bpf(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
269 _gen_bpf_build_jmp src/gen_bpf.c /^static int _gen_bpf_build_jmp(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
270 _gen_bpf_build_jmp_ret src/gen_bpf.c /^static int _gen_bpf_build_jmp_ret(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
271 _gen_bpf_chain src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_chain(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
272 _gen_bpf_chain_lvl_res src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_chain_lvl_res(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
273 _gen_bpf_find_nxt src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_find_nxt(const struct bpf_blk *blk,$/;" f file:
274 _gen_bpf_node src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_node(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
275 _gen_bpf_syscall src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_gen_bpf_syscall(struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
276 _gen_pfc_arch src/gen_pfc.c /^static int _gen_pfc_arch(const struct db_filter_col *col,$/;" f file:
277 _gen_pfc_chain src/gen_pfc.c /^static void _gen_pfc_chain(const struct arch_def *arch,$/;" f file:
278 _gen_pfc_syscall src/gen_pfc.c /^static void _gen_pfc_syscall(const struct arch_def *arch,$/;" f file:
279 _hsh_add src/gen_bpf.c /^static int _hsh_add(struct bpf_state *state, struct bpf_blk **blk_p,$/;" f file:
280 _hsh_find src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_find(const struct bpf_state *state, uint64_t h_val)$/;" f file:
281 _hsh_find_bkt src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_hash_bkt *_hsh_find_bkt(const struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
282 _hsh_find_once src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_find_once(const struct bpf_state *state,$/;" f file:
283 _hsh_remove src/gen_bpf.c /^static struct bpf_blk *_hsh_remove(struct bpf_state *state, uint64_t h_val)$/;" f file:
284 _indent src/gen_pfc.c /^static void _indent(FILE *fds, unsigned int lvl)$/;" f file:
285 _pfc_action src/gen_pfc.c /^static void _pfc_action(FILE *fds, uint32_t action)$/;" f file:
286 _pfc_arch src/gen_pfc.c /^static const char *_pfc_arch(const struct arch_def *arch)$/;" f file:
287 _pfc_arg src/gen_pfc.c /^static void _pfc_arg(FILE *fds,$/;" f file:
288 _program_free src/gen_bpf.c /^static void _program_free(struct bpf_program *prg)$/;" f file:
289 _seccomp_rule_add src/api.c /^static int _seccomp_rule_add(struct db_filter_col *col,$/;" f file:
290 _state_release src/gen_bpf.c /^static void _state_release(struct bpf_state *state)$/;" f file:
291 _syscall_valid src/api.c /^static int _syscall_valid(int syscall)$/;" f file:
292 _trap_handler tests/util.c /^static void _trap_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *ctx)$/;" f file:
293 acc tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^ uint32_t acc;$/;" m struct:sim_state file:
294 acc_state src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct acc_state acc_state;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk::acc_state file:
295 acc_state src/gen_bpf.c /^struct acc_state {$/;" s file:
296 act_badarch src/db.h /^ uint32_t act_badarch;$/;" m struct:db_filter_attr
297 act_default src/db.h /^ uint32_t act_default;$/;" m struct:db_filter_attr
298 act_f src/db.h /^ uint32_t act_f;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
299 act_f_flg src/db.h /^ bool act_f_flg;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
300 act_t src/db.h /^ uint32_t act_t;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
301 act_t_flg src/db.h /^ bool act_t_flg;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
302 action src/db.h /^ uint32_t action;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list
303 add_arch src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def add_arch(self, arch):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
304 add_rule src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def add_rule(self, int action, syscall, *args):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
305 add_rule_exactly src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def add_rule_exactly(self, int action, syscall, *args):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
306 arch src/db.h /^ const struct arch_def *arch;$/;" m struct:db_filter typeref:struct:db_filter::arch_def
307 arch src/gen_bpf.c /^ const struct arch_def *arch;$/;" m struct:bpf_state typeref:struct:bpf_state::arch_def file:
308 arch src/system.h /^ __u32 arch;$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
309 arch tools/bpf.h /^ uint32_t arch;$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
310 arch_arg_count_max src/arch.c /^int arch_arg_count_max(const struct arch_def *arch)$/;" f
311 arch_arg_offset src/arch.h 91;" d
312 arch_arg_offset_hi src/arch.c /^int arch_arg_offset_hi(const struct arch_def *arch, unsigned int arg)$/;" f
313 arch_arg_offset_lo src/arch.c /^int arch_arg_offset_lo(const struct arch_def *arch, unsigned int arg)$/;" f
314 arch_def src/arch.h /^struct arch_def {$/;" s
315 arch_def_arm src/arch-arm.c /^const struct arch_def arch_def_arm = {$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
316 arch_def_lookup src/arch.c /^const struct arch_def *arch_def_lookup(uint32_t token)$/;" f
317 arch_def_native src/arch.c /^const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_arm;$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
318 arch_def_native src/arch.c /^const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_x32;$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
319 arch_def_native src/arch.c /^const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_x86;$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
320 arch_def_native src/arch.c /^const struct arch_def *arch_def_native = &arch_def_x86_64;$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
321 arch_def_x32 src/arch-x32.c /^const struct arch_def arch_def_x32 = {$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
322 arch_def_x86 src/arch-x86.c /^const struct arch_def arch_def_x86 = {$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
323 arch_def_x86_64 src/arch-x86_64.c /^const struct arch_def arch_def_x86_64 = {$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_def
324 arch_filter_rewrite src/arch.c /^int arch_filter_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch,$/;" f
325 arch_syscall_def src/arch.h /^struct arch_syscall_def {$/;" s
326 arch_syscall_resolve_name src/arch.c /^int arch_syscall_resolve_name(const struct arch_def *arch, const char *name)$/;" f
327 arch_syscall_resolve_num src/arch.c /^const char *arch_syscall_resolve_num(const struct arch_def *arch, int num)$/;" f
328 arch_syscall_rewrite src/arch.c /^int arch_syscall_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict, int *syscall)$/;" f
329 arch_syscall_translate src/arch.c /^int arch_syscall_translate(const struct arch_def *arch, int *syscall)$/;" f
330 arch_valid src/arch.c /^int arch_valid(uint32_t arch)$/;" f
331 arg src/db.h /^ unsigned int arg;$/;" m struct:db_api_arg
332 arg src/db.h /^ unsigned int arg;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
333 arg_offset src/db.h /^ unsigned int arg_offset;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
334 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
335 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
336 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
337 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
338 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
339 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
340 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
341 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
342 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
343 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
344 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
345 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
346 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
347 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
348 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
349 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
350 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
351 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
352 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
353 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
354 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
355 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
356 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
357 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
358 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
359 argparse tests/ /^import argparse$/;" i
360 args src/system.h /^ __u64 args[6];$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
361 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
362 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
363 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
364 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
365 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
366 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
367 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
368 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
369 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
370 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
371 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
372 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
373 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
374 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
375 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
376 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
377 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
378 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
379 args tests/ /^args = util.get_opt()$/;" v
380 args tools/bpf.h /^ uint64_t args[BPF_SYS_ARG_MAX];$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
381 arm_arg_count_max src/arch-arm.h 30;" d
382 arm_syscall_resolve_name src/arch-arm-syscalls.c /^int arm_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)$/;" f
383 arm_syscall_resolve_num src/arch-arm-syscalls.c /^const char *arm_syscall_resolve_num(int num)$/;" f
384 arm_syscall_table src/arch-arm-syscalls.c /^const struct arch_syscall_def arm_syscall_table[] = \\$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_syscall_def
385 attr src/db.h /^ struct db_filter_attr attr;$/;" m struct:db_filter_col typeref:struct:db_filter_col::db_filter_attr
386 attr src/gen_bpf.c /^ const struct db_filter_attr *attr;$/;" m struct:bpf_state typeref:struct:bpf_state::db_filter_attr file:
387 blk src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *blk;$/;" m union:bpf_jump::__anon1 typeref:struct:bpf_jump::__anon1::bpf_blk file:
388 blk src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *blk;$/;" m struct:bpf_hash_bkt typeref:struct:bpf_hash_bkt::bpf_blk file:
389 blk_alloc src/gen_bpf.c /^ unsigned int blk_alloc;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
390 blk_cnt src/gen_bpf.c /^ unsigned int blk_cnt;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
391 blk_cnt src/gen_bpf.h /^ uint16_t blk_cnt;$/;" m struct:bpf_program
392 blks src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_instr *blks;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk::bpf_instr file:
393 blks src/gen_bpf.h /^ bpf_instr_raw *blks;$/;" m struct:bpf_program
394 bpf src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_program *bpf;$/;" m struct:bpf_state typeref:struct:bpf_state::bpf_program file:
395 bpf_blk src/gen_bpf.c /^struct bpf_blk {$/;" s file:
396 bpf_decode tools/scmp_bpf_disasm.c /^static int bpf_decode(FILE *file)$/;" f file:
397 bpf_decode_args tools/scmp_bpf_disasm.c /^static void bpf_decode_args(const bpf_instr_raw *bpf, unsigned int line)$/;" f file:
398 bpf_decode_op tools/scmp_bpf_disasm.c /^static void bpf_decode_op(const bpf_instr_raw *bpf)$/;" f file:
399 bpf_execute tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^static void bpf_execute(const struct bpf_program *prg,$/;" f file:
400 bpf_flg tests/util.h /^ int bpf_flg;$/;" m struct:util_options
401 bpf_hash_bkt src/gen_bpf.c /^struct bpf_hash_bkt {$/;" s file:
402 bpf_instr src/gen_bpf.c /^struct bpf_instr {$/;" s file:
403 bpf_instr_raw src/system.h /^typedef struct sock_filter bpf_instr_raw;$/;" t typeref:struct:sock_filter
404 bpf_instr_raw tools/bpf.h /^typedef struct sock_filter bpf_instr_raw;$/;" t typeref:struct:sock_filter
405 bpf_jump src/gen_bpf.c /^struct bpf_jump {$/;" s file:
406 bpf_jump_type src/gen_bpf.c /^enum bpf_jump_type {$/;" g file:
407 bpf_program src/gen_bpf.h /^struct bpf_program {$/;" s
408 bpf_program tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^struct bpf_program {$/;" s file:
409 bpf_state src/gen_bpf.c /^struct bpf_state {$/;" s file:
410 build_ext src/python/ /^from Cython.Distutils import build_ext$/;" i
411 chains src/db.h /^ struct db_arg_chain_tree *chains;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list typeref:struct:db_sys_list::db_arg_chain_tree
412 cmdclass src/python/ /^ cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},$/;" v
413 cnf_entry configure /^function cnf_entry() {$/;" f
414 cnf_footer configure /^function cnf_footer() {$/;" f
415 cnf_h_entry configure /^function cnf_h_entry() {$/;" f
416 cnf_h_footer configure /^function cnf_h_footer() {$/;" f
417 cnf_h_header configure /^function cnf_h_header() {$/;" f
418 cnf_header configure /^function cnf_header() {$/;" f
419 cnf_mk_entry configure /^function cnf_mk_entry() {$/;" f
420 cnf_mk_footer configure /^function cnf_mk_footer() {$/;" f
421 cnf_mk_header configure /^function cnf_mk_header() {$/;" f
422 cnf_reset configure /^function cnf_reset() {$/;" f
423 code tools/bpf.h /^ uint16_t code;$/;" m struct:sock_filter
424 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
425 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
426 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
427 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
428 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
429 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
430 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
431 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
432 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
433 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
434 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
435 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
436 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
437 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
438 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
439 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
440 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
441 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
442 ctx tests/ /^ctx = test(args)$/;" v
443 datum src/db.h /^ scmp_datum_t datum;$/;" m struct:db_api_arg
444 datum src/db.h /^ uint32_t datum;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
445 db src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct db_arg_chain_tree *db;$/;" m union:bpf_jump::__anon1 typeref:struct:bpf_jump::__anon1::db_arg_chain_tree file:
446 db_action_valid src/db.c /^int db_action_valid(uint32_t action)$/;" f
447 db_api_arg src/db.h /^struct db_api_arg {$/;" s
448 db_arg_chain_tree src/db.h /^struct db_arg_chain_tree {$/;" s
449 db_chain_eq src/db.h 75;" d
450 db_chain_eq_result src/db.h 85;" d
451 db_chain_gt src/db.h 79;" d
452 db_chain_leaf src/db.h 83;" d
453 db_chain_lt src/db.h 71;" d
454 db_col_arch_exist src/db.c /^int db_col_arch_exist(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t arch_token)$/;" f
455 db_col_attr_get src/db.c /^int db_col_attr_get(const struct db_filter_col *col,$/;" f
456 db_col_attr_set src/db.c /^int db_col_attr_set(struct db_filter_col *col,$/;" f
457 db_col_db_add src/db.c /^int db_col_db_add(struct db_filter_col *col, struct db_filter *db)$/;" f
458 db_col_db_remove src/db.c /^int db_col_db_remove(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t arch_token)$/;" f
459 db_col_init src/db.c /^struct db_filter_col *db_col_init(uint32_t def_action)$/;" f
460 db_col_merge src/db.c /^int db_col_merge(struct db_filter_col *col_dst, struct db_filter_col *col_src)$/;" f
461 db_col_release src/db.c /^void db_col_release(struct db_filter_col *col)$/;" f
462 db_col_reset src/db.c /^void db_col_reset(struct db_filter_col *col, uint32_t def_action)$/;" f
463 db_col_valid src/db.c /^int db_col_valid(struct db_filter_col *col)$/;" f
464 db_filter src/db.h /^struct db_filter {$/;" s
465 db_filter_attr src/db.h /^struct db_filter_attr {$/;" s
466 db_filter_col src/db.h /^struct db_filter_col {$/;" s
467 db_init src/db.c /^struct db_filter *db_init(const struct arch_def *arch)$/;" f
468 db_list_foreach src/db.h 156;" d
469 db_release src/db.c /^void db_release(struct db_filter *db)$/;" f
470 db_reset src/db.c /^void db_reset(struct db_filter *db)$/;" f
471 db_rule_add src/db.c /^int db_rule_add(struct db_filter *db, uint32_t action, unsigned int syscall,$/;" f
472 db_sys_list src/db.h /^struct db_sys_list {$/;" s
473 db_syscall_priority src/db.c /^int db_syscall_priority(struct db_filter *db,$/;" f
474 def_hsh src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint64_t def_hsh;$/;" m struct:bpf_state file:
475 description src/python/ /^ description = "Python binding for libseccomp",$/;" v
476 end_action tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^static void end_action(uint32_t action, unsigned int line)$/;" f file:
477 endian src/arch.h /^ } endian;$/;" m struct:arch_def typeref:enum:arch_def::__anon3
478 errno src/python/seccomp.pyx /^import errno$/;" i
479 errno tests/ /^import errno$/;" i
480 exist_arch src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def exist_arch(self, arch):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
481 exit_error tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^static void exit_error(unsigned int rc, unsigned int line)$/;" f file:
482 exit_fault tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^static void exit_fault(unsigned int rc)$/;" f file:
483 exit_usage tools/scmp_arch_detect.c /^static void exit_usage(const char *program)$/;" f file:
484 exit_usage tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^static void exit_usage(const char *program)$/;" f file:
485 exit_usage tools/scmp_sys_resolver.c /^static void exit_usage(const char *program)$/;" f file:
486 export_bpf src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def export_bpf(self, file):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
487 export_pfc src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def export_pfc(self, file):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
488 ext_modules src/python/ /^ ext_modules = [$/;" v
489 extra_objects src/python/ /^ extra_objects=["..\/libseccomp.a"])$/;" v
490 filter_cnt src/db.h /^ unsigned int filter_cnt;$/;" m struct:db_filter_col
491 filter_output tests/ /^def filter_output(args, ctx):$/;" f
492 filters src/db.h /^ struct db_filter **filters;$/;" m struct:db_filter_col typeref:struct:db_filter_col::db_filter
493 final src/hash.c 149;" d file:
494 flag_dup src/gen_bpf.c /^ bool flag_dup; \/* duplicate block and in use *\/$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
495 flag_hash src/gen_bpf.c /^ bool flag_hash; \/* added to the hash table *\/$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
496 flag_unique src/gen_bpf.c /^ bool flag_unique; \/* ->blks is unique to this block *\/$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
497 found src/gen_bpf.c /^ unsigned int found;$/;" m struct:bpf_hash_bkt file:
498 gen_bpf_generate src/gen_bpf.c /^struct bpf_program *gen_bpf_generate(const struct db_filter_col *col)$/;" f
499 gen_bpf_release src/gen_bpf.c /^void gen_bpf_release(struct bpf_program *program)$/;" f
500 gen_pfc_generate src/gen_pfc.c /^int gen_pfc_generate(const struct db_filter_col *col, int fd)$/;" f
501 generate_random_data tests/regression /^function generate_random_data() {$/;" f
502 generate_test_num tests/regression /^function generate_test_num() {$/;" f
503 get_attr src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def get_attr(self, attr):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
504 get_opt tests/ /^def get_opt():$/;" f
505 get_range tests/regression /^function get_range() {$/;" f
506 hash src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint64_t hash;$/;" m union:bpf_jump::__anon1 file:
507 hash src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint64_t hash;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
508 hash_nxt src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *hash_nxt;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk::bpf_blk file:
509 hashbig src/hash.c /^uint32_t hashbig( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)$/;" f
510 hashlittle src/hash.c /^uint32_t hashlittle( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)$/;" f
511 hashlittle src/hash.c 44;" d file:
512 hashlittle2 src/hash.c /^void hashlittle2($/;" f
513 hashmask src/hash.c 67;" d file:
514 hashsize src/hash.c 66;" d file:
515 hashword src/hash.c /^uint32_t hashword($/;" f
516 hashword2 src/hash.c /^void hashword2 ($/;" f
517 htbl src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_hash_bkt *htbl[_BPF_HASH_SIZE];$/;" m struct:bpf_state typeref:struct:bpf_state::bpf_hash_bkt file:
518 i tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^ bpf_instr_raw *i;$/;" m struct:bpf_program file:
519 i_cnt tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^ size_t i_cnt;$/;" m struct:bpf_program file:
520 imm_j src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint8_t imm_j;$/;" m union:bpf_jump::__anon1 file:
521 imm_k src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint32_t imm_k;$/;" m union:bpf_jump::__anon1 file:
522 install_trap tests/ /^def install_trap():$/;" f
523 instruction_pointer src/system.h /^ __u64 instruction_pointer;$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
524 instruction_pointer tools/bpf.h /^ uint64_t instruction_pointer;$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
525 jf src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_jump jf;$/;" m struct:bpf_instr typeref:struct:bpf_instr::bpf_jump file:
526 jf tools/bpf.h /^ uint8_t jf;$/;" m struct:sock_filter
527 jt src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_jump jt;$/;" m struct:bpf_instr typeref:struct:bpf_instr::bpf_jump file:
528 jt tools/bpf.h /^ uint8_t jt;$/;" m struct:sock_filter
529 k src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_jump k;$/;" m struct:bpf_instr typeref:struct:bpf_instr::bpf_jump file:
530 k tools/bpf.h /^ uint32_t k;$/;" m struct:sock_filter
531 libseccomp src/python/seccomp.pyx /^cimport libseccomp$/;" i
532 license src/python/ /^ license = "LGPLv2.1",$/;" v
533 load src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def load(self):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
534 long_description src/python/ /^ long_description = "Python API for the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering capability, seccomp.",$/;" v
535 lvl_nxt src/db.h /^ struct db_arg_chain_tree *lvl_prv, *lvl_nxt;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree typeref:struct:db_arg_chain_tree::
536 lvl_nxt src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *lvl_prv, *lvl_nxt;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk:: file:
537 lvl_prv src/db.h /^ struct db_arg_chain_tree *lvl_prv, *lvl_nxt;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree typeref:struct:db_arg_chain_tree::db_arg_chain_tree
538 lvl_prv src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *lvl_prv, *lvl_nxt;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk::bpf_blk file:
539 main tests/00-test.c /^int main(void)$/;" f
540 main tests/01-sim-allow.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
541 main tests/02-sim-basic.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
542 main tests/03-sim-basic_chains.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
543 main tests/04-sim-multilevel_chains.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
544 main tests/05-sim-long_jumps.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
545 main tests/06-sim-actions.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
546 main tests/07-sim-db_bug_looping.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
547 main tests/08-sim-subtree_checks.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
548 main tests/09-sim-syscall_priority_pre.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
549 main tests/10-sim-syscall_priority_post.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
550 main tests/11-basic-basic_errors.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
551 main tests/12-sim-basic_masked_ops.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
552 main tests/13-basic-attrs.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
553 main tests/14-sim-reset.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
554 main tests/15-basic-resolver.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
555 main tests/16-sim-arch_basic.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
556 main tests/17-sim-arch_merge.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
557 main tests/18-sim-basic_whitelist.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
558 main tests/19-sim-missing_syscalls.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
559 main tests/20-live-basic_die.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
560 main tests/21-live-basic_allow.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
561 main tests/22-sim-basic_chains_array.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
562 main tests/23-sim-arch_all_basic.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
563 main tests/24-live-arg_allow.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
564 main tests/25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
565 main tools/scmp_arch_detect.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
566 main tools/scmp_bpf_disasm.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
567 main tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
568 main tools/scmp_sys_resolver.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
569 maintainer src/python/ /^ maintainer = "Paul Moore",$/;" v
570 maintainer_email src/python/ /^ maintainer_email = "",$/;" v
571 mask src/db.h /^ scmp_datum_t mask;$/;" m struct:db_api_arg
572 mask src/db.h /^ uint32_t mask;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
573 mask src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint32_t mask;$/;" m struct:acc_state file:
574 merge src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def merge(self, SyscallFilter filter):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
575 mix src/hash.c 114;" d file:
576 msg_error configure /^function msg_error() {$/;" f
577 msg_summary configure /^function msg_summary() {$/;" f
578 msg_usage configure /^function msg_usage() {$/;" f
579 name src/arch.h /^ const char *name;$/;" m struct:arch_syscall_def
580 name src/python/ /^ name = "seccomp",$/;" v
581 next src/db.h /^ struct db_sys_list *next;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list typeref:struct:db_sys_list::db_sys_list
582 next src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *prev, *next;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk:: file:
583 next src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_hash_bkt *next;$/;" m struct:bpf_hash_bkt typeref:struct:bpf_hash_bkt::bpf_hash_bkt file:
584 next src/gen_pfc.c /^ struct pfc_sys_list *next;$/;" m struct:pfc_sys_list typeref:struct:pfc_sys_list::pfc_sys_list file:
585 nnp_enable src/db.h /^ uint32_t nnp_enable;$/;" m struct:db_filter_attr
586 node src/gen_bpf.c /^ const struct db_arg_chain_tree *node;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk::db_arg_chain_tree file:
587 node_cnt src/db.h /^ unsigned int node_cnt;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list
588 nr src/system.h /^ int nr;$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
589 nr tools/bpf.h /^ int32_t nr;$/;" m struct:seccomp_data
590 num src/arch.h /^ unsigned int num;$/;" m struct:arch_syscall_def
591 num src/db.h /^ unsigned int num;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list
592 nxt src/gen_bpf.c /^ unsigned int nxt;$/;" m union:bpf_jump::__anon1 file:
593 nxt_f src/db.h /^ struct db_arg_chain_tree *nxt_f;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree typeref:struct:db_arg_chain_tree::db_arg_chain_tree
594 nxt_t src/db.h /^ struct db_arg_chain_tree *nxt_t;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree typeref:struct:db_arg_chain_tree::db_arg_chain_tree
595 offset src/gen_bpf.c /^ int32_t offset;$/;" m struct:acc_state file:
596 op src/db.h /^ enum scmp_compare op;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree typeref:enum:db_arg_chain_tree::scmp_compare
597 op src/db.h /^ unsigned int op;$/;" m struct:db_api_arg
598 op src/gen_bpf.c /^ uint16_t op;$/;" m struct:bpf_instr file:
599 opt_verbose tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^static unsigned int opt_verbose = 0;$/;" v file:
600 os src/python/ /^import os$/;" i
601 os tests/ /^import os$/;" i
602 os tests/ /^import os$/;" i
603 parse_action tests/ /^def parse_action(action):$/;" f
604 pfc_sys_list src/gen_pfc.c /^struct pfc_sys_list {$/;" s file:
605 platforms src/python/ /^ platforms = "Linux",$/;" v
606 prev src/gen_bpf.c /^ struct bpf_blk *prev, *next;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk typeref:struct:bpf_blk::bpf_blk file:
607 pri_nxt src/db.h /^ struct db_sys_list *pri_prv, *pri_nxt;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list typeref:struct:db_sys_list::
608 pri_prv src/db.h /^ struct db_sys_list *pri_prv, *pri_nxt;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list typeref:struct:db_sys_list::db_sys_list
609 print_data tests/regression /^function print_data() {$/;" f
610 print_result tests/regression /^function print_result() {$/;" f
611 print_valgrind tests/regression /^function print_valgrind() {$/;" f
612 priority src/db.h /^ unsigned int priority;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list
613 priority src/gen_bpf.c /^ unsigned int priority;$/;" m struct:bpf_blk file:
614 refcnt src/db.h /^ unsigned int refcnt;$/;" m struct:db_arg_chain_tree
615 remove_arch src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def remove_arch(self, arch):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
616 reset src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def reset(self, int defaction = -1):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
617 resolve_syscall src/python/seccomp.pyx /^def resolve_syscall(arch, syscall):$/;" f
618 rot src/hash.c 68;" d file:
619 run_test tests/regression /^function run_test() {$/;" f
620 run_test_basic tests/regression /^function run_test_basic() {$/;" f
621 run_test_bpf_sim tests/regression /^function run_test_bpf_sim() {$/;" f
622 run_test_bpf_sim_fuzz tests/regression /^function run_test_bpf_sim_fuzz() {$/;" f
623 run_test_command tests/regression /^function run_test_command() {$/;" f
624 run_test_live tests/regression /^function run_test_live() {$/;" f
625 run_tests tests/regression /^function run_tests() {$/;" f
626 seccomp_arch_add src/api.c /^int seccomp_arch_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)$/;" f
627 seccomp_arch_exist src/api.c /^int seccomp_arch_exist(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)$/;" f
628 seccomp_arch_native src/api.c /^uint32_t seccomp_arch_native(void)$/;" f
629 seccomp_arch_remove src/api.c /^int seccomp_arch_remove(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t arch_token)$/;" f
630 seccomp_attr_get src/api.c /^int seccomp_attr_get(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx,$/;" f
631 seccomp_attr_set src/api.c /^int seccomp_attr_set(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,$/;" f
632 seccomp_data src/system.h /^struct seccomp_data {$/;" s
633 seccomp_data tools/bpf.h /^struct seccomp_data {$/;" s
634 seccomp_export_bpf src/api.c /^int seccomp_export_bpf(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd)$/;" f
635 seccomp_export_pfc src/api.c /^int seccomp_export_pfc(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int fd)$/;" f
636 seccomp_init src/api.c /^scmp_filter_ctx seccomp_init(uint32_t def_action)$/;" f
637 seccomp_load src/api.c /^int seccomp_load(const scmp_filter_ctx ctx)$/;" f
638 seccomp_merge src/api.c /^int seccomp_merge(scmp_filter_ctx ctx_dst, scmp_filter_ctx ctx_src)$/;" f
639 seccomp_release src/api.c /^void seccomp_release(scmp_filter_ctx ctx)$/;" f
640 seccomp_reset src/api.c /^int seccomp_reset(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t def_action)$/;" f
641 seccomp_rule_add src/api.c /^int seccomp_rule_add(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,$/;" f
642 seccomp_rule_add_array src/api.c /^int seccomp_rule_add_array(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,$/;" f
643 seccomp_rule_add_exact src/api.c /^int seccomp_rule_add_exact(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, uint32_t action,$/;" f
644 seccomp_rule_add_exact_array src/api.c /^int seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(scmp_filter_ctx ctx,$/;" f
645 seccomp_syscall_priority src/api.c /^int seccomp_syscall_priority(scmp_filter_ctx ctx, int syscall, uint8_t priority)$/;" f
646 seccomp_syscall_resolve_name src/api.c /^int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)$/;" f
647 seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch src/api.c /^int seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(uint32_t arch_token, const char *name)$/;" f
648 seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch src/api.c /^char *seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(uint32_t arch_token, int num)$/;" f
649 set_attr src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def set_attr(self, attr, int value):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
650 setup src/python/ /^from distutils.core import setup$/;" i
651 signal tests/ /^import signal$/;" i
652 sim_state tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^struct sim_state {$/;" s file:
653 size src/arch.h /^ } size;$/;" m struct:arch_def typeref:enum:arch_def::__anon2
654 sock_filter tools/bpf.h /^struct sock_filter {$/;" s
655 state src/db.h /^ int state;$/;" m struct:db_filter_col
656 sys src/gen_pfc.c /^ struct db_sys_list *sys;$/;" m struct:pfc_sys_list typeref:struct:pfc_sys_list::db_sys_list file:
657 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
658 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
659 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
660 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
661 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
662 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
663 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
664 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
665 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
666 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
667 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
668 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
669 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
670 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
671 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
672 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
673 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
674 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
675 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
676 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
677 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
678 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
679 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
680 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
681 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
682 sys tests/ /^import sys$/;" i
683 syscall_priority src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def syscall_priority(self, syscall, int priority):$/;" m class:SyscallFilter
684 syscalls src/db.h /^ struct db_sys_list *syscalls;$/;" m struct:db_filter typeref:struct:db_filter::db_sys_list
685 system_arch src/python/seccomp.pyx /^def system_arch():$/;" f
686 temp tools/scmp_bpf_sim.c /^ uint32_t temp[BPF_SCRATCH_SIZE];$/;" m struct:sim_state file:
687 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
688 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
689 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
690 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
691 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
692 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
693 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
694 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
695 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
696 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
697 test tests/ /^def test():$/;" f
698 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
699 test tests/ /^def test():$/;" f
700 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
701 test tests/ /^def test():$/;" f
702 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
703 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
704 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
705 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
706 test tests/ /^def test():$/;" f
707 test tests/ /^def test():$/;" f
708 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
709 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
710 test tests/ /^def test():$/;" f
711 test tests/ /^def test(args):$/;" f
712 test_deps configure /^function test_deps() {$/;" f
713 tgt src/gen_bpf.c /^ } tgt;$/;" m struct:bpf_jump typeref:union:bpf_jump::__anon1 file:
714 tmpl_filter configure /^function tmpl_filter() {$/;" f
715 to_c src/python/seccomp.pyx /^ def to_c(self):$/;" m class:Arg
716 token src/arch.h /^ uint32_t token;$/;" m struct:arch_def
717 token_bpf src/arch.h /^ uint32_t token_bpf;$/;" m struct:arch_def
718 trap_handler tests/ /^def trap_handler(signum, frame):$/;" f
719 type src/gen_bpf.c /^ enum bpf_jump_type type;$/;" m struct:bpf_jump typeref:enum:bpf_jump::bpf_jump_type file:
720 uint32_t src/python/libseccomp.pxd /^from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t$/;" i
721 uint32_t src/python/seccomp.pyx /^from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t$/;" i
722 uint64_t src/python/libseccomp.pxd /^from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t$/;" i
723 uint8_t src/python/libseccomp.pxd /^from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t$/;" i
724 url src/python/ /^ url = "http:\/\/",$/;" v
725 usage tests/regression /^function usage() {$/;" f
726 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
727 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
728 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
729 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
730 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
731 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
732 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
733 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
734 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
735 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
736 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
737 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
738 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
739 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
740 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
741 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
742 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
743 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
744 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
745 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
746 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
747 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
748 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
749 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
750 util tests/ /^import util$/;" i
751 util_action_parse tests/util.c /^int util_action_parse(const char *action)$/;" f
752 util_file_write tests/util.c /^int util_file_write(const char *path)$/;" f
753 util_filter_output tests/util.c /^int util_filter_output(const struct util_options *opts,$/;" f
754 util_getopt tests/util.c /^int util_getopt(int argc, char *argv[], struct util_options *opts)$/;" f
755 util_options tests/util.h /^struct util_options {$/;" s
756 util_trap_install tests/util.c /^int util_trap_install(void)$/;" f
757 valid src/db.h /^ bool valid;$/;" m struct:db_api_arg
758 valid src/db.h /^ bool valid;$/;" m struct:db_sys_list
759 verify_deps configure /^function verify_deps() {$/;" f
760 verify_deps tests/regression /^function verify_deps() {$/;" f
761 verify_deps tools/scmp_app_inspector /^function verify_deps() {$/;" f
762 version src/python/ /^ version = os.environ["VERSION_RELEASE"],$/;" v
763 write_file tests/ /^def write_file(path):$/;" f
764 x32_arg_count_max src/arch-x32.h 32;" d
765 x32_syscall_resolve_name src/arch-x32-syscalls.c /^int x32_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)$/;" f
766 x32_syscall_resolve_num src/arch-x32-syscalls.c /^const char *x32_syscall_resolve_num(int num)$/;" f
767 x86_64_arg_count_max src/arch-x86_64.h 30;" d
768 x86_64_arg_offset_hi src/arch-x86_64.h 35;" d
769 x86_64_arg_offset_lo src/arch-x86_64.h 34;" d
770 x86_64_syscall_resolve_name src/arch-x86_64-syscalls.c /^int x86_64_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)$/;" f
771 x86_64_syscall_resolve_num src/arch-x86_64-syscalls.c /^const char *x86_64_syscall_resolve_num(int num)$/;" f
772 x86_64_syscall_table src/arch-x86_64-syscalls.c /^const struct arch_syscall_def x86_64_syscall_table[] = \\$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_syscall_def
773 x86_arg_count_max src/arch-x86.h 31;" d
774 x86_filter_rewrite src/arch-x86.c /^int x86_filter_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict,$/;" f
775 x86_syscall_resolve_name src/arch-x86-syscalls.c /^int x86_syscall_resolve_name(const char *name)$/;" f
776 x86_syscall_resolve_num src/arch-x86-syscalls.c /^const char *x86_syscall_resolve_num(int num)$/;" f
777 x86_syscall_rewrite src/arch-x86.c /^int x86_syscall_rewrite(const struct arch_def *arch, bool strict, int *syscall)$/;" f
778 x86_syscall_table src/arch-x86-syscalls.c /^static const struct arch_syscall_def x86_syscall_table[] = \\$/;" v typeref:struct:arch_syscall_def file:
1 /*
2 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
3 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
4 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
5 *
6 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
7 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
8 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
9 * for more details.
10 *
11 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
12 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
13 */
15 #include <signal.h>
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <unistd.h>
19 #include <seccomp.h>
21 #include "util.h"
23 int main(void)
24 {
25 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
26 int status;
28 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
29 if (ctx == NULL)
30 return 1;
32 status = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(prctl), 0);
33 if (status < 0)
34 return 1;
36 status = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(exit_group), 0);
37 if (status < 0)
38 return 1;
40 #if 1
41 status = seccomp_load(ctx);
42 if (status < 0)
43 return 1;
44 #endif
46 status = seccomp_reset(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
47 if (status < 0)
48 return 1;
50 #if 0
51 status = seccomp_load(ctx);
52 if (status < 0)
53 return 1;
54 #endif
56 write(2, "OK\n", 3);
58 return 0;
59 }
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
42 if (rc)
43 goto out;
45 out:
46 seccomp_release(ctx);
47 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
48 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
32 return f
34 args = util.get_opt()
35 ctx = test(args)
36 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
38 # kate: syntax python;
39 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 01-sim-allow all 0-350 N N N N N N ALLOW
12 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
14 # Testname StressCount
15 01-sim-allow 50
17 test type: bpf-valgrind
19 # Testname
20 01-sim-allow
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 /*
22 * Just like mode 1 seccomp we allow 4 syscalls:
23 * read, write, exit, and rt_sigreturn
24 */
26 #include <unistd.h>
28 #include <seccomp.h>
30 #include "util.h"
32 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
33 {
34 int rc;
35 struct util_options opts;
36 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
38 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
39 if (rc < 0)
40 goto out;
42 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
43 if (ctx == NULL)
44 goto out;
47 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 0);
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 0);
52 if (rc != 0)
53 goto out;
55 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
56 if (rc != 0)
57 goto out;
59 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
60 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
64 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
65 if (rc)
66 goto out;
68 out:
69 seccomp_release(ctx);
70 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
71 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "read");
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write");
34 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close");
35 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn");
36 return f
38 args = util.get_opt()
39 ctx = test(args)
40 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
42 # kate: syntax python;
43 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 02-sim-basic all read 0 0x856B008 40 N N N ALLOW
11 02-sim-basic all write 1 0x856B008 40 N N N ALLOW
12 02-sim-basic all close 4 N N N N N ALLOW
13 02-sim-basic all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N ALLOW
14 02-sim-basic all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
15 02-sim-basic x86 0-2 N N N N N N KILL
16 02-sim-basic x86 7-172 N N N N N N KILL
17 02-sim-basic x86 174-350 N N N N N N KILL
18 02-sim-basic x86_64 4-14 N N N N N N KILL
19 02-sim-basic x86_64 16-350 N N N N N N KILL
21 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
23 # Testname StressCount
24 02-sim-basic 50
26 test type: bpf-valgrind
28 # Testname
29 02-sim-basic
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
43 if (rc != 0)
44 goto out;
46 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
53 if (rc != 0)
54 goto out;
56 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
57 if (rc != 0)
58 goto out;
60 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
61 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
62 if (rc != 0)
63 goto out;
65 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
66 if (rc)
67 goto out;
69 out:
70 seccomp_release(ctx);
71 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
72 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()));
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()));
34 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()));
35 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close");
36 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn");
37 return f
39 args = util.get_opt()
40 ctx = test(args)
41 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
43 # kate: syntax python;
44 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 03-sim-basic_chains all read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
11 03-sim-basic_chains all read 1-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
12 03-sim-basic_chains all write 1-2 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
13 03-sim-basic_chains all write 3-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
14 03-sim-basic_chains all close N N N N N N ALLOW
15 03-sim-basic_chains all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N ALLOW
16 03-sim-basic_chains all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
17 03-sim-basic_chains x86 0-2 N N N N N N KILL
18 03-sim-basic_chains x86 7-172 N N N N N N KILL
19 03-sim-basic_chains x86 174-350 N N N N N N KILL
20 03-sim-basic_chains x86_64 4-14 N N N N N N KILL
21 03-sim-basic_chains x86_64 16-350 N N N N N N KILL
23 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
25 # Testname StressCount
26 03-sim-basic_chains 50
28 test type: bpf-valgrind
30 # Testname
31 03-sim-basic_chains
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <limits.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 struct util_options opts;
32 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
34 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
35 if (rc < 0)
36 goto out;
38 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
39 if (ctx == NULL)
40 goto out;
42 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(open), 0);
43 if (rc != 0)
44 goto out;
46 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out;
50 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 3,
52 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 0x0),
54 if (rc != 0)
55 goto out;
57 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 3,
59 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 0x0),
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
63 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 3,
65 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 0x0),
67 if (rc != 0)
68 goto out;
70 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
71 if (rc != 0)
72 goto out;
74 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
75 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
76 if (rc != 0)
77 goto out;
79 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
80 if (rc)
81 goto out;
83 out:
84 seccomp_release(ctx);
85 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
86 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "open");
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close");
34 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "read",
35 Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()),
36 Arg(1, NE, 0),
37 Arg(2, LT, sys.maxsize));
38 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write",
39 Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()),
40 Arg(1, NE, 0),
41 Arg(2, LT, sys.maxsize));
42 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write",
43 Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()),
44 Arg(1, NE, 0),
45 Arg(2, LT, sys.maxsize));
46 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close");
47 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn");
48 return f
50 args = util.get_opt()
51 ctx = test(args)
52 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
54 # kate: syntax python;
55 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 04-sim-multilevel_chains all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N ALLOW
11 04-sim-multilevel_chains all close 4 N N N N N ALLOW
12 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 read 0 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
13 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 read 0 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
14 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 read 0 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFF N N N KILL
15 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 read 0 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF N N N KILL
16 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 read 0 0 0x7FFFFFFE N N N KILL
17 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 read 0 0 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N KILL
18 04-sim-multilevel_chains all read 1-10 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N KILL
19 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 write 1-2 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
20 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 write 1-2 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
21 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 write 1-2 0 0x7FFFFFFE N N N KILL
22 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 write 1-2 0 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N KILL
23 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 write 1-2 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFF N N N KILL
24 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 write 1-2 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF N N N KILL
25 04-sim-multilevel_chains all write 3-10 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N KILL
26 04-sim-multilevel_chains all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N ALLOW
27 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 0-2 N N N N N N KILL
28 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 7-172 N N N N N N KILL
29 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86 174-350 N N N N N N KILL
30 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 4-14 N N N N N N KILL
31 04-sim-multilevel_chains x86_64 16-350 N N N N N N KILL
33 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
35 # Testname StressCount
36 04-sim-multilevel_chains 50
38 test type: bpf-valgrind
40 # Testname
41 04-sim-multilevel_chains
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <limits.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 int iter;
32 struct util_options opts;
33 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
35 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
36 if (rc < 0)
37 goto out;
39 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
40 if (ctx == NULL)
41 goto out;
43 /* NOTE - syscalls referenced by number to make the test simpler */
45 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1, 0);
46 if (rc != 0)
47 goto out;
49 /* same syscall, many chains */
50 for (iter = 0; iter < 100; iter++) {
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 3,
52 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, iter),
53 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 0x0),
55 if (rc != 0)
56 goto out;
57 }
59 /* many syscalls, same chain */
60 for (iter = 100; iter < 200; iter++) {
61 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, iter, 1,
62 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_NE, 0));
63 if (rc != 0)
64 goto out;
65 }
67 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 4, 0);
68 if (rc != 0)
69 goto out;
71 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
72 if (rc)
73 goto out;
75 out:
76 seccomp_release(ctx);
77 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
78 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # syscalls referenced by number to make the test simpler
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1)
34 i = 0
35 while i < 100:
36 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
37 Arg(0, EQ, i),
38 Arg(1, NE, 0),
39 Arg(2, LT, sys.maxsize))
40 i += 1
41 i = 100
42 while i < 200:
43 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, i,
44 Arg(0, NE, 0))
45 i += 1
46 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 4)
47 return f
49 args = util.get_opt()
50 ctx = test(args)
51 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
53 # kate: syntax python;
54 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 05-sim-long_jumps all 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALLOW
11 05-sim-long_jumps all 2 N N N N N N KILL
12 05-sim-long_jumps all 999 N N N N N N KILL
13 05-sim-long_jumps x86 1000 0-5 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
14 05-sim-long_jumps x86_64 1000 0-5 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
15 05-sim-long_jumps x86 1000 95-99 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
16 05-sim-long_jumps x86_64 1000 95-99 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N ALLOW
17 05-sim-long_jumps x86 1000 100 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFE N N N KILL
18 05-sim-long_jumps x86_64 1000 100 0x856B008 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE N N N KILL
19 05-sim-long_jumps all 1001 N N N N N N KILL
20 05-sim-long_jumps all 99 1 N N N N N KILL
21 05-sim-long_jumps all 100-105 1 N N N N N ALLOW
22 05-sim-long_jumps all 195-199 1 N N N N N ALLOW
23 05-sim-long_jumps all 200 1 N N N N N KILL
24 05-sim-long_jumps all 3 N N N N N N KILL
25 05-sim-long_jumps all 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALLOW
26 05-sim-long_jumps all 5 N N N N N N KILL
28 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
30 # Testname StressCount
31 05-sim-long_jumps 50
33 test type: bpf-valgrind
35 # Testname
36 05-sim-long_jumps
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 struct util_options opts;
32 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
34 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
35 if (rc < 0)
36 goto out;
38 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
39 if (ctx == NULL)
40 goto out;
42 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 0);
43 if (rc != 0)
44 goto out;
46 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_TRAP, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
52 if (rc != 0)
53 goto out;
55 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
56 SCMP_ACT_TRACE(1234), SCMP_SYS(open), 0);
57 if (rc != 0)
58 goto out;
60 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
61 if (rc)
62 goto out;
64 out:
65 seccomp_release(ctx);
66 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
67 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import errno
25 import sys
27 import util
29 from seccomp import *
31 def test(args):
32 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
33 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read")
34 f.add_rule(ERRNO(errno.EPERM), "write")
35 f.add_rule(TRAP, "close")
36 f.add_rule(TRACE(1234), "open")
37 return f
39 args = util.get_opt()
40 ctx = test(args)
41 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
43 # kate: syntax python;
44 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 06-sim-actions all read 4 0x856B008 80 N N N ALLOW
11 06-sim-actions all write 1 0x856B008 N N N N ERRNO(1)
12 06-sim-actions all close 4 N N N N N TRAP
13 06-sim-actions all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N TRACE(1234)
14 06-sim-actions x86 0-2 N N N N N N KILL
15 06-sim-actions x86 7-350 N N N N N N KILL
16 06-sim-actions x86_64 4-350 N N N N N N KILL
18 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
20 # Testname StressCount
21 06-sim-actions 50
23 test type: bpf-valgrind
25 # Testname
26 06-sim-actions
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 * Author: Ashley Lai <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 /* The next three seccomp_rule_add_exact() calls for read must
42 * go together in this order to catch an infinite loop. */
44 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
46 if (rc != 0)
47 goto out;
49 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
50 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0x0));
51 if (rc != 0)
52 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
56 if (rc != 0)
57 goto out;
59 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
60 if (rc)
61 goto out;
63 out:
64 seccomp_release(ctx);
65 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
66 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # the next three seccomp_rule_add_exact() calls for read must go together
33 # in this order to catch an infinite loop.
34 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()))
35 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(1, EQ, 0))
36 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()))
37 return f
39 args = util.get_opt()
40 ctx = test(args)
41 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
43 # kate: syntax python;
44 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 07-sim-db_bug_looping all read 1 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
11 07-sim-db_bug_looping all read 2-10 0 10 N N N ALLOW
12 07-sim-db_bug_looping all read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
14 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
16 # Testname StressCount
17 07-sim-db_bug_looping 50
19 test type: bpf-valgrind
21 # Testname
22 07-sim-db_bug_looping
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 /* the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test
42 * simpler */
44 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 2,
46 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1));
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out;
49 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 1,
50 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1));
51 if (rc != 0)
52 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1001, 1,
55 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1));
56 if (rc != 0)
57 goto out;
58 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1001, 2,
60 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1));
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
64 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1002, 4,
68 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 3));
69 if (rc != 0)
70 goto out;
71 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1002, 2,
73 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
74 if (rc != 0)
75 goto out;
77 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1003, 2,
79 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
80 if (rc != 0)
81 goto out;
82 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1003, 4,
86 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 3));
87 if (rc != 0)
88 goto out;
90 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1004, 4,
94 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 3));
95 if (rc != 0)
96 goto out;
97 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1004, 2,
99 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 11));
100 if (rc != 0)
101 goto out;
102 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1004, 4,
103 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0),
104 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
105 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2),
106 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 33));
107 if (rc != 0)
108 goto out;
109 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1004, 2,
110 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
111 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
112 if (rc != 0)
113 goto out;
115 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1005, 2,
116 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
117 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
118 if (rc != 0)
119 goto out;
120 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1005, 4,
121 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0),
122 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
123 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2),
124 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 3));
125 if (rc != 0)
126 goto out;
127 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1005, 2,
128 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0),
129 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 11));
130 if (rc != 0)
131 goto out;
132 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1005, 4,
133 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0),
134 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
135 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2),
136 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 33));
137 if (rc != 0)
138 goto out;
140 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1006, 2,
141 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 1),
142 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0));
143 if (rc != 0)
144 goto out;
145 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1006, 2,
146 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
147 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
148 if (rc != 0)
149 goto out;
150 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1006, 1,
151 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 1));
152 if (rc != 0)
153 goto out;
155 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_TRAP, 1007, 2,
156 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
157 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 3));
158 if (rc != 0)
159 goto out;
160 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1007, 2,
161 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1),
162 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_NE, 3));
163 if (rc != 0)
164 goto out;
165 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1007, 1,
166 SCMP_A3(SCMP_CMP_NE, 3));
167 if (rc != 0)
168 goto out;
170 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
171 if (rc)
172 goto out;
174 out:
175 seccomp_release(ctx);
176 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
177 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test simpler
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
34 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
35 Arg(1, EQ, 1))
36 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
37 Arg(1, EQ, 1))
39 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1001,
40 Arg(1, EQ, 1))
41 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1001,
42 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
43 Arg(1, EQ, 1))
45 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1002,
46 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
47 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
48 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
49 Arg(3, EQ, 3))
50 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1002,
51 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
52 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
54 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1003,
55 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
56 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
57 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1003,
58 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
59 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
60 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
61 Arg(3, EQ, 3))
63 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1004,
64 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
65 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
66 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
67 Arg(3, EQ, 3))
68 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1004,
69 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
70 Arg(1, EQ, 11))
71 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1004,
72 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
73 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
74 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
75 Arg(3, EQ, 33))
76 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1004,
77 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
78 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
80 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1005,
81 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
82 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
83 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1005,
84 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
85 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
86 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
87 Arg(3, EQ, 3))
88 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1005,
89 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
90 Arg(1, EQ, 11))
91 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1005,
92 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
93 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
94 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
95 Arg(3, EQ, 33))
97 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1006,
98 Arg(1, NE, 1),
99 Arg(2, EQ, 0))
100 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1006,
101 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
102 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
103 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1006,
104 Arg(1, NE, 1))
106 f.add_rule_exactly(TRAP, 1007,
107 Arg(2, EQ, 1),
108 Arg(3, EQ, 3))
109 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1007,
110 Arg(2, EQ, 1),
111 Arg(3, NE, 3))
112 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1007,
113 Arg(3, NE, 3))
114 return f
116 args = util.get_opt()
117 ctx = test(args)
118 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
120 # kate: syntax python;
121 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1000 0-10 1 N N N N ALLOW
11 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1000 0-10 0 N N N N KILL
12 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1001 0-10 1 N N N N ALLOW
13 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1001 0-10 0 N N N N KILL
14 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1002 0-5 1 2 0-5 N N ALLOW
15 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1002 0-5 2 1 0-5 N N KILL
16 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1003 0-5 1 2 0-5 N N ALLOW
17 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1003 0-5 2 1 0-5 N N KILL
18 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1004 0 11 5-10 10 10 1-5 ALLOW
19 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1004 0 1 2 0-5 N N ALLOW
20 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1004 1-5 1 2 0-5 N N ALLOW
21 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1004 1-5 1 2 30-35 N N ALLOW
22 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1004 1-5 2 1 30-35 N N KILL
23 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1005 0 11 5-10 10 10 1-5 ALLOW
24 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1005 0 1 2 0-5 N N ALLOW
25 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1005 1-5 1 2 0-5 N N ALLOW
26 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1005 1-5 1 2 30-35 N N ALLOW
27 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1005 1-5 2 1 30-35 N N KILL
28 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1006 0-10 1 2 N N N ALLOW
29 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1006 0-10 1 3 N N N KILL
30 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1006 10 2-100 2 N N N ALLOW
31 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1007 0 0 1 3 N N TRAP
32 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1007 1 1 1 0-2 1 1 ALLOW
33 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1007 1 1 2 0-2 1 1 ALLOW
34 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1007 1 1 2 4-6 1 1 ALLOW
35 08-sim-subtree_checks all 1007 1 1 0 3 1 1 KILL
37 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
39 # Testname StressCount
40 08-sim-subtree_checks 50
43 test type: bpf-valgrind
45 # Testname
46 08-sim-subtree_checks
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 /* the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test
42 * simpler */
44 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, 1000, 3);
45 if (rc != 0)
46 goto out;
47 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, 1001, 2);
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
50 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, 1002, 1);
51 if (rc != 0)
52 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 2,
56 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1));
57 if (rc != 0)
58 goto out;
59 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1001, 1,
60 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0));
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
63 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1002, 0);
64 if (rc != 0)
65 goto out;
67 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
68 if (rc)
69 goto out;
71 out:
72 seccomp_release(ctx);
73 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
74 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test simpler
33 f.syscall_priority(1000, 3)
34 f.syscall_priority(1001, 2)
35 f.syscall_priority(1002, 1)
36 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000, Arg(0, EQ, 0), Arg(1, EQ, 1))
37 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1001, Arg(0, EQ, 0))
38 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1002)
39 return f
41 args = util.get_opt()
42 ctx = test(args)
43 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
45 # kate: syntax python;
46 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre all 999 N N N N N N KILL
11 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre all 1000-1002 0 1 N N N N ALLOW
12 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre all 1000 0 2 N N N N KILL
13 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre all 1001-1002 0 2 N N N N ALLOW
14 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre all 1000-1001 1 1 N N N N KILL
15 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre all 1003 N N N N N N KILL
17 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
19 # Testname StressCount
20 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre 50
22 test type: bpf-valgrind
24 # Testname
25 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 /* the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test
42 * simpler */
44 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 2,
46 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 1));
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out;
49 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1001, 1,
50 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0));
51 if (rc != 0)
52 goto out;
53 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1002, 0);
54 if (rc != 0)
55 goto out;
57 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, 1000, 3);
58 if (rc != 0)
59 goto out;
60 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, 1001, 2);
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
63 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, 1002, 1);
64 if (rc != 0)
65 goto out;
67 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
68 if (rc)
69 goto out;
71 out:
72 seccomp_release(ctx);
73 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
74 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test simpler
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000, Arg(0, EQ, 0), Arg(1, EQ, 1))
34 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1001, Arg(0, EQ, 0))
35 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1002)
36 f.syscall_priority(1000, 3)
37 f.syscall_priority(1001, 2)
38 f.syscall_priority(1002, 1)
39 return f
41 args = util.get_opt()
42 ctx = test(args)
43 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
45 # kate: syntax python;
46 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 10-sim-syscall_priority_post all 999 N N N N N N KILL
11 10-sim-syscall_priority_post all 1000-1002 0 1 N N N N ALLOW
12 10-sim-syscall_priority_post all 1000 0 2 N N N N KILL
13 10-sim-syscall_priority_post all 1001-1002 0 2 N N N N ALLOW
14 10-sim-syscall_priority_post all 1000-1001 1 1 N N N N KILL
15 10-sim-syscall_priority_post all 1003 N N N N N N KILL
17 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
19 # Testname StressCount
20 10-sim-syscall_priority_post 50
22 test type: bpf-valgrind
24 # Testname
25 10-sim-syscall_priority_post
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 * Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
27 {
28 int rc;
29 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
31 /* seccomp_init errors */
32 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW + 1);
33 if (ctx != NULL)
34 return -1;
36 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
37 if (ctx == NULL)
38 return -1;
39 seccomp_release(ctx);
40 ctx = NULL;
42 /* seccomp_reset error */
43 rc = seccomp_reset(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL + 1);
44 if (rc != -EINVAL)
45 return -1;
46 rc = seccomp_reset(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL);
47 if (rc != -EINVAL)
48 return -1;
50 /* seccomp_load error */
51 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
52 if (rc != -EINVAL)
53 return -1;
55 /* seccomp_syscall_priority errors */
56 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, SCMP_SYS(read), 1);
57 if (rc != -EINVAL)
58 return -1;
60 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
61 if (ctx == NULL)
62 return -1;
63 else {
64 rc = seccomp_syscall_priority(ctx, -10, 1);
65 if (rc != -EINVAL)
66 return -1;
67 }
68 seccomp_release(ctx);
69 ctx = NULL;
71 /* seccomp_rule_add errors */
72 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
73 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0));
74 if (rc != -EINVAL)
75 return -1;
77 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
78 if (ctx == NULL)
79 return -1;
80 else {
81 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 0);
82 if (rc != -EPERM)
83 return -1;
84 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL - 1, SCMP_SYS(read), 0);
85 if (rc != -EINVAL)
86 return -1;
87 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(read), 6);
88 if (rc != -EINVAL)
89 return -1;
90 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(read), 7,
97 SCMP_CMP(6, SCMP_CMP_EQ, 0));
98 if (rc != -EINVAL)
99 return -1;
100 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
101 SCMP_A0(_SCMP_CMP_MIN, 0));
102 if (rc != -EINVAL)
103 return -1;
104 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
105 SCMP_A0(_SCMP_CMP_MAX, 0));
106 if (rc != -EINVAL)
107 return -1;
108 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, -10001, 0);
109 if (rc != -EDOM)
110 return -1;
111 }
112 seccomp_release(ctx);
113 ctx = NULL;
115 /* seccomp_rule_add_exact error */
116 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
117 if (ctx == NULL)
118 return -1;
119 if (seccomp_arch_native() != SCMP_ARCH_X86) {
120 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
121 if (rc != 0)
122 return -1;
123 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
124 if (rc != 0)
125 return -1;
126 }
127 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(socket), 1,
128 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
129 if (rc != -EINVAL)
130 return -1;
131 seccomp_release(ctx);
132 ctx = NULL;
134 /* seccomp_export_pfc errors */
135 rc = seccomp_export_pfc(ctx, STDOUT_FILENO);
136 if (rc != -EINVAL)
137 return -1;
139 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
140 if (ctx == NULL)
141 return -1;
142 else {
143 rc = seccomp_export_pfc(ctx, sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 1);
144 if (rc != EBADF)
145 return -1;
146 }
147 seccomp_release(ctx);
148 ctx = NULL;
150 /* seccomp_export_bpf errors */
151 rc = seccomp_export_bpf(ctx, STDOUT_FILENO);
152 if (rc != -EINVAL)
153 return -1;
155 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
156 if (ctx == NULL)
157 return -1;
158 else {
159 rc = seccomp_export_bpf(ctx, sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 1);
160 if (rc != -EBADF)
161 return -1;
162 }
163 seccomp_release(ctx);
164 ctx = NULL;
166 return 0;
167 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test():
31 # this test differs from the native test for obvious reasons
32 try:
33 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW + 1)
34 except RuntimeError:
35 pass
37 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
38 try:
39 f.reset(KILL + 1)
40 except ValueError:
41 pass
43 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
44 try:
45 f.syscall_priority(-10000, 1)
46 except RuntimeError:
47 pass
49 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
50 try:
51 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read")
52 except RuntimeError:
53 pass
54 try:
55 f.add_rule(KILL - 1, "read")
56 except RuntimeError:
57 pass
58 try:
59 f.add_rule(KILL, "read",
60 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
61 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
62 Arg(2, EQ, 2),
63 Arg(3, EQ, 3),
64 Arg(4, EQ, 4),
65 Arg(5, EQ, 5),
66 Arg(6, EQ, 6),
67 Arg(7, EQ, 7))
68 except RuntimeError:
69 pass
70 try:
71 f.add_rule(KILL, -1001)
72 except RuntimeError:
73 pass
75 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
76 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X86):
77 f.add_arch(Arch.X86)
78 f.remove_arch(Arch.NATIVE)
79 try:
80 f.add_rule_exactly(KILL, "socket", Arg(0, EQ, 2))
81 except RuntimeError:
82 pass
84 test()
86 # kate: syntax python;
87 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: basic
9 # Test command
10 11-basic-basic_errors
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 /* the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test
42 * simpler */
44 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 3,
47 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 3,
53 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, 0x00ff, 1),
54 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
55 if (rc != 0)
56 goto out;
58 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 3,
60 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, 0xffff, 11),
61 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
62 if (rc != 0)
63 goto out;
65 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 3,
67 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, 0xffff, 111),
68 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
69 if (rc != 0)
70 goto out;
72 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 1000, 3,
74 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, 0xff00, 1000),
75 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 2));
76 if (rc != 0)
77 goto out;
79 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
80 if (rc)
81 goto out;
83 out:
84 seccomp_release(ctx);
85 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
86 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # the syscall and argument numbers are all fake to make the test simpler
33 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
34 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
35 Arg(1, EQ, 1),
36 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
37 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
38 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
39 Arg(1, MASKED_EQ, 0x00ff, 1),
40 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
41 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
42 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
43 Arg(1, MASKED_EQ, 0xffff, 11),
44 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
45 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
46 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
47 Arg(1, MASKED_EQ, 0xffff, 111),
48 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
49 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 1000,
50 Arg(0, EQ, 0),
51 Arg(1, MASKED_EQ, 0xff00, 1000),
52 Arg(2, EQ, 2))
53 return f
55 args = util.get_opt()
56 ctx = test(args)
57 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
59 # kate: syntax python;
60 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
11 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x01 2 N N N ALLOW
12 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x02-0x0A 2 N N N KILL
13 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x101 2 N N N ALLOW
14 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 11 2 N N N ALLOW
15 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x0B 2 N N N ALLOW
16 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x0C-0x6E 2 N N N KILL
17 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x1000B 2 N N N ALLOW
18 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 111 2 N N N ALLOW
19 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x6F 2 N N N ALLOW
20 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x70-0x100 2 N N N KILL
21 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x102-0x200 2 N N N KILL
22 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x10002-0x1000A 2 N N N KILL
23 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x1000C-0x1006E 2 N N N KILL
24 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x1006F 2 N N N ALLOW
25 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 1000 2 N N N ALLOW
26 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x3E8 2 N N N ALLOW
27 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x2FF 2 N N N KILL
28 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x300-0x3FF 2 N N N ALLOW
29 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x400 2 N N N KILL
30 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x402-0x4FF 2 N N N KILL
31 12-sim-basic_masked_ops all 1000 0 0x10300-0x103FF 2 N N N ALLOW
33 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
35 # Testname StressCount
36 12-sim-basic_masked_ops 50
38 test type: bpf-valgrind
40 # Testname
41 12-sim-basic_masked_ops
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 uint32_t val = (uint32_t)(-1);
32 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
34 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
35 if (ctx == NULL)
36 goto out;
38 rc = seccomp_attr_get(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_DEFAULT, &val);
39 if (rc != 0)
40 goto out;
41 if (val != SCMP_ACT_ALLOW) {
42 rc = -1;
43 goto out;
44 }
45 rc = seccomp_attr_set(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_DEFAULT, val);
46 if (rc != -EACCES) {
47 rc = -1;
48 goto out;
49 }
51 rc = seccomp_attr_set(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_BADARCH, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
52 if (rc != 0)
53 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_attr_get(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_ACT_BADARCH, &val);
55 if (rc != 0)
56 goto out;
57 if (val != SCMP_ACT_ALLOW) {
58 rc = -1;
59 goto out;
60 }
62 rc = seccomp_attr_set(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP, 0);
63 if (rc != 0)
64 goto out;
65 rc = seccomp_attr_get(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP, &val);
66 if (rc != 0)
67 goto out;
68 if (val != 0) {
69 rc = -1;
70 goto out;
71 }
73 rc = 0;
74 out:
75 seccomp_release(ctx);
76 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
77 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test():
31 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
32 if f.get_attr(Attr.ACT_DEFAULT) != ALLOW:
33 raise RuntimeError("Failed getting Attr.ACT_DEFAULT")
34 try:
35 f.set_attr(Attr.ACT_DEFAULT, ALLOW)
36 except RuntimeError:
37 pass
38 f.set_attr(Attr.ACT_BADARCH, ALLOW)
39 if f.get_attr(Attr.ACT_BADARCH) != ALLOW:
40 raise RuntimeError("Failed getting Attr.ACT_BADARCH")
41 f.set_attr(Attr.CTL_NNP, 0)
42 if f.get_attr(Attr.CTL_NNP) != 0:
43 raise RuntimeError("Failed getting Attr.CTL_NNP")
45 test()
47 # kate: syntax python;
48 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 #
7 test type: basic
9 # Test command
10 13-basic-attrs
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
42 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 0);
43 if (rc != 0)
44 goto out;
46 rc = seccomp_reset(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL);
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out;
50 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 0);
51 if (rc != 0)
52 goto out;
54 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
55 if (rc)
56 goto out;
58 out:
59 seccomp_release(ctx);
60 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
61 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read")
33 f.reset()
34 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write")
35 return f
37 args = util.get_opt()
38 ctx = test(args)
39 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
41 # kate: syntax python;
42 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 14-sim-reset all read 0 0x856B008 40 N N N KILL
11 14-sim-reset all write 1 0x856B008 40 N N N ALLOW
12 14-sim-reset all close 4 N N N N N KILL
13 14-sim-reset all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N KILL
14 14-sim-reset all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
15 14-sim-reset x86 0-3 N N N N N N KILL
16 14-sim-reset x86 5-360 N N N N N N KILL
17 14-sim-reset x86_64 0 N N N N N N KILL
18 14-sim-reset x86_64 2-360 N N N N N N KILL
20 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
22 # Testname StressCount
23 14-sim-reset 50
25 test type: bpf-valgrind
27 # Testname
28 14-sim-reset
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <string.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
26 {
27 char *name;
29 if (seccomp_syscall_resolve_name("open") != __NR_open)
30 return 1;
31 if (seccomp_syscall_resolve_name("socket") != __NR_socket)
32 return 1;
33 if (seccomp_syscall_resolve_name("INVALID") != __NR_SCMP_ERROR)
34 return 1;
36 if (seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE,
37 "open") != __NR_open)
38 return 1;
39 if (seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE,
40 "socket") != __NR_socket)
41 return 1;
42 if (seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE,
44 return 1;
46 name = seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE, __NR_open);
47 if (name == NULL || strcmp(name, "open") != 0)
48 return 1;
49 name = seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE, __NR_socket);
50 if (name == NULL || strcmp(name, "socket") != 0)
51 return 1;
52 name = seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE,
54 if (name != NULL)
55 return 1;
57 return 0;
58 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test():
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 # this differs from the native test as we don't support the syscall
33 # resolution functions by themselves
34 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "open")
35 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "socket")
36 try:
37 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "INVALID")
38 except RuntimeError:
39 pass
41 sys_num = resolve_syscall(Arch.NATIVE, "open")
42 sys_name = resolve_syscall(Arch.NATIVE, sys_num)
43 if (sys_name != "open"):
44 raise RuntimeError("Test failure")
45 sys_num = resolve_syscall(Arch.NATIVE, "socket")
46 sys_name = resolve_syscall(Arch.NATIVE, sys_num)
47 if (sys_name != "socket"):
48 raise RuntimeError("Test failure")
50 test()
52 # kate: syntax python;
53 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 test type: basic
9 # Test command
10 15-basic-resolver
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 struct util_options opts;
32 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
34 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
35 if (rc < 0)
36 goto out;
38 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
39 if (ctx == NULL)
40 goto out;
42 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86)) {
43 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
44 if (rc != 0)
45 goto out;
46 }
47 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64)) {
48 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64);
49 if (rc != 0)
50 goto out;
51 }
52 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X32)) {
53 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X32);
54 if (rc != 0)
55 goto out;
56 }
57 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_ARM)) {
58 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_ARM);
59 if (rc != 0)
60 goto out;
61 }
63 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
65 if (rc != 0)
66 goto out;
68 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
70 if (rc != 0)
71 goto out;
73 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
75 if (rc != 0)
76 goto out;
78 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
79 if (rc != 0)
80 goto out;
82 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(socket), 0);
83 if (rc != 0)
84 goto out;
86 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(connect), 0);
87 if (rc != 0)
88 goto out;
90 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(shutdown), 0);
91 if (rc != 0)
92 goto out;
94 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
95 if (rc)
96 goto out;
98 out:
99 seccomp_release(ctx);
100 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
101 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X86):
33 f.add_arch(Arch.X86)
34 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X86_64):
35 f.add_arch(Arch.X86_64)
36 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X32):
37 f.add_arch(Arch.X32)
38 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.ARM):
39 f.add_arch(Arch.ARM)
40 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()))
41 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()))
42 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()))
43 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "close")
44 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "socket")
45 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "connect")
46 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "shutdown")
47 return f
49 args = util.get_opt()
50 ctx = test(args)
51 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
53 # kate: syntax python;
54 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 16-sim-arch_basic +all read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
11 16-sim-arch_basic +all read 1-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
12 16-sim-arch_basic +all write 1-2 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
13 16-sim-arch_basic +all write 3-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
14 16-sim-arch_basic +all close N N N N N N ALLOW
15 16-sim-arch_basic +all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
16 16-sim-arch_basic +x86 socket 1 N N N N N ALLOW
17 16-sim-arch_basic +x86 connect 3 N N N N N ALLOW
18 16-sim-arch_basic +x86 shutdown 13 N N N N N ALLOW
19 16-sim-arch_basic +x86_64 socket 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
20 16-sim-arch_basic +x86_64 connect 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
21 16-sim-arch_basic +x86_64 shutdown 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
23 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
25 # Testname StressCount
26 16-sim-arch_basic 50
28 test type: bpf-valgrind
30 # Testname
31 16-sim-arch_basic
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 struct util_options opts;
32 scmp_filter_ctx ctx_64, ctx_32;
34 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
35 if (rc < 0)
36 goto out_all;
38 ctx_32 = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
39 if (ctx_32 == NULL)
40 goto out_all;
41 ctx_64 = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
42 if (ctx_64 == NULL)
43 goto out_all;
45 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx_32, SCMP_ARCH_X86) == -EEXIST) {
46 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx_32, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out_all;
49 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx_32, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
50 if (rc != 0)
51 goto out_all;
52 }
53 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx_64, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64) == -EEXIST) {
54 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx_64, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64);
55 if (rc != 0)
56 goto out_all;
57 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx_64, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
58 if (rc != 0)
59 goto out_all;
60 }
62 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_32, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
64 if (rc != 0)
65 goto out_all;
67 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_32, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
69 if (rc != 0)
70 goto out_all;
72 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_32, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
74 if (rc != 0)
75 goto out_all;
77 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_32, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
78 if (rc != 0)
79 goto out_all;
81 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_64, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(socket), 0);
82 if (rc != 0)
83 goto out_all;
85 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_64, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(connect), 0);
86 if (rc != 0)
87 goto out_all;
89 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx_64, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(shutdown), 0);
90 if (rc != 0)
91 goto out_all;
93 rc = seccomp_merge(ctx_64, ctx_32);
94 if (rc != 0)
95 goto out_all;
97 /* NOTE: ctx_32 is no longer valid at this point */
99 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx_64);
100 if (rc)
101 goto out;
103 out:
104 seccomp_release(ctx_64);
105 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
106 out_all:
107 seccomp_release(ctx_32);
108 goto out;
109 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f32 = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 f64 = SyscallFilter(KILL)
33 if not f32.exist_arch(Arch.X86):
34 f32.add_arch(Arch.X86)
35 f32.remove_arch(Arch.NATIVE)
36 if not f64.exist_arch(Arch.X86_64):
37 f64.add_arch(Arch.X86_64)
38 f64.remove_arch(Arch.NATIVE)
39 f32.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()))
40 f32.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()))
41 f32.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()))
42 f32.add_rule(ALLOW, "close")
43 f64.add_rule(ALLOW, "socket")
44 f64.add_rule(ALLOW, "connect")
45 f64.add_rule(ALLOW, "shutdown")
46 f64.merge(f32)
47 return f64
49 args = util.get_opt()
50 ctx = test(args)
51 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
53 # kate: syntax python;
54 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 17-sim-arch_merge +x86 read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
11 17-sim-arch_merge +x86 read 1-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
12 17-sim-arch_merge +x86 write 1-2 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
13 17-sim-arch_merge +x86 write 3-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
14 17-sim-arch_merge +x86 close N N N N N N ALLOW
15 17-sim-arch_merge +x86 open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
16 17-sim-arch_merge +x86_64 socket 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
17 17-sim-arch_merge +x86_64 connect 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
18 17-sim-arch_merge +x86_64 shutdown 0 1 2 N N N ALLOW
20 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
22 # Testname StressCount
23 17-sim-arch_merge 50
25 test type: bpf-valgrind
27 # Testname
28 17-sim-arch_merge
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
43 if (rc != 0)
44 goto out;
46 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
53 if (rc != 0)
54 goto out;
56 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
57 if (rc != 0)
58 goto out;
60 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
61 SCMP_ACT_KILL, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
62 if (rc != 0)
63 goto out;
65 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
66 if (rc)
67 goto out;
69 out:
70 seccomp_release(ctx);
71 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
72 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(ALLOW)
32 f.add_rule_exactly(KILL, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()));
33 f.add_rule_exactly(KILL, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()));
34 f.add_rule_exactly(KILL, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()));
35 f.add_rule_exactly(KILL, "close");
36 f.add_rule_exactly(KILL, "rt_sigreturn");
37 return f
39 args = util.get_opt()
40 ctx = test(args)
41 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
43 # kate: syntax python;
44 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 18-sim-basic_whitelist all read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
11 18-sim-basic_whitelist all read 1-10 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
12 18-sim-basic_whitelist all write 1-2 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
13 18-sim-basic_whitelist all write 3-10 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
14 18-sim-basic_whitelist all close N N N N N N KILL
15 18-sim-basic_whitelist all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N KILL
16 18-sim-basic_whitelist all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N ALLOW
17 18-sim-basic_whitelist x86 0-2 N N N N N N ALLOW
18 18-sim-basic_whitelist x86 7-172 N N N N N N ALLOW
19 18-sim-basic_whitelist x86 174-350 N N N N N N ALLOW
20 18-sim-basic_whitelist x86_64 4-14 N N N N N N ALLOW
21 18-sim-basic_whitelist x86_64 16-350 N N N N N N ALLOW
23 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
25 # Testname StressCount
26 18-sim-basic_whitelist 50
28 test type: bpf-valgrind
30 # Testname
31 18-sim-basic_whitelist
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include <seccomp.h>
26 #include "util.h"
28 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
29 {
30 int rc;
31 struct util_options opts;
32 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
34 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
35 if (rc < 0)
36 goto out;
38 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
39 if (ctx == NULL)
40 goto out;
42 if (seccomp_arch_native() != SCMP_ARCH_X86) {
43 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
44 if (rc != 0)
45 goto out;
46 rc = seccomp_arch_remove(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE);
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out;
49 }
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(tuxcall), 0);
52 if (rc != 0)
53 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(tuxcall), 0);
55 if (rc != -EDOM)
56 goto out;
58 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
59 if (rc)
60 goto out;
62 out:
63 seccomp_release(ctx);
64 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
65 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 if not system_arch() == Arch.X86:
33 f.add_arch(Arch.X86)
34 f.remove_arch(Arch.NATIVE)
35 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "tuxcall")
36 try:
37 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "tuxcall")
38 except RuntimeError:
39 pass
40 return f
42 args = util.get_opt()
43 ctx = test(args)
44 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
46 # kate: syntax python;
47 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 19-sim-missing_syscalls +x86 0-350 N N N N N N KILL
12 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
14 # Testname StressCount
15 19-sim-missing_syscalls 50
17 test type: bpf-valgrind
19 # Testname
20 19-sim-missing_syscalls
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 int action;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_action_parse(argv[1]);
34 if (rc == -1)
35 goto out;
36 action = rc;
38 if (action == SCMP_ACT_TRAP) {
39 rc = util_trap_install();
40 if (rc != 0)
41 goto out;
42 }
44 ctx = seccomp_init(action);
45 if (ctx == NULL)
46 goto out;
47 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
48 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
49 if (rc != 0)
50 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
52 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(exit_group), 0);
53 if (rc != 0)
54 goto out;
55 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
56 if (rc != 0)
57 goto out;
59 rc = util_file_write("/dev/null");
60 if (rc != 0)
61 goto out;
63 rc = 160;
65 out:
66 seccomp_release(ctx);
67 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
68 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test():
31 action = util.parse_action(sys.argv[1])
32 if action == TRAP:
33 util.install_trap()
34 f = SyscallFilter(action)
35 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn")
36 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "exit_group")
37 f.load()
38 try:
39 util.write_file("/dev/null")
40 except OSError as ex:
41 quit(ex.errno)
42 quit(160)
44 test()
46 # kate: syntax python;
47 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <
5 #
7 test type: live
9 # Testname Result
10 20-live-basic_die KILL
11 20-live-basic_die TRAP
12 20-live-basic_die ERRNO
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
32 rc = util_action_parse(argv[1]);
33 if (rc != SCMP_ACT_ALLOW) {
34 rc = 1;
35 goto out;
36 }
38 rc = util_trap_install();
39 if (rc != 0)
40 goto out;
42 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_TRAP);
43 if (ctx == NULL)
44 goto out;
45 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(open), 0);
46 if (rc != 0)
47 goto out;
48 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 0);
49 if (rc != 0)
50 goto out;
51 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
52 if (rc != 0)
53 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
55 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
56 if (rc != 0)
57 goto out;
58 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
59 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(exit_group), 0);
60 if (rc != 0)
61 goto out;
62 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
63 if (rc != 0)
64 goto out;
66 rc = util_file_write("/dev/null");
67 if (rc != 0)
68 goto out;
70 rc = 160;
72 out:
73 seccomp_release(ctx);
74 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
75 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test():
31 action = util.parse_action(sys.argv[1])
32 if not action == ALLOW:
33 quit(1)
34 util.install_trap()
35 f = SyscallFilter(TRAP)
36 # NOTE: additional syscalls required for python
37 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "stat")
38 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "fstat")
39 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "open")
40 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "mmap")
41 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "munmap")
42 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "read")
43 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write")
44 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close")
45 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigaction")
46 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn")
47 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "exit_group")
48 f.load()
49 try:
50 util.write_file("/dev/null")
51 except OSError as ex:
52 quit(ex.errno)
53 quit(160)
55 test()
57 # kate: syntax python;
58 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <
5 #
7 test type: live
9 # Testname Result
10 21-live-basic_allow ALLOW
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Author: Paul Moore <>, Vitaly Shukela <>
4 */
6 /*
7 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
9 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
10 *
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
14 * for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
18 */
20 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <seccomp.h>
24 #include "util.h"
26 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
27 {
28 int rc;
29 struct util_options opts;
30 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
31 struct scmp_arg_cmp arg_cmp;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
42 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
43 SCMP_SYS(read), 1, &arg_cmp);
44 if (rc != 0)
45 goto out;
48 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
49 SCMP_SYS(write), 1, &arg_cmp);
50 if (rc != 0)
51 goto out;
54 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
55 SCMP_SYS(write), 1, &arg_cmp);
56 if (rc != 0)
57 goto out;
59 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
60 SCMP_SYS(close), 0, NULL);
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
64 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact_array(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
65 SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0, NULL);
66 if (rc != 0)
67 goto out;
69 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
70 if (rc)
71 goto out;
73 out:
74 seccomp_release(ctx);
75 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
76 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 # NOTE: this is identical to but is here to satisfy the
24 # need for an equivalent Python test for each native C test
26 import argparse
27 import sys
29 import util
31 from seccomp import *
33 def test(args):
34 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
35 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()));
36 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()));
37 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()));
38 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close");
39 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn");
40 return f
42 args = util.get_opt()
43 ctx = test(args)
44 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
46 # kate: syntax python;
47 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Author: Vitaly Shukela <>
4 #
6 test type: bpf-sim
8 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
9 22-sim-basic_chains_array all read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
10 22-sim-basic_chains_array all read 1-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
11 22-sim-basic_chains_array all write 1-2 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
12 22-sim-basic_chains_array all write 3-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
13 22-sim-basic_chains_array all close N N N N N N ALLOW
14 22-sim-basic_chains_array all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N ALLOW
15 22-sim-basic_chains_array all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
16 22-sim-basic_chains_array x86 0-2 N N N N N N KILL
17 22-sim-basic_chains_array x86 7-172 N N N N N N KILL
18 22-sim-basic_chains_array x86 174-350 N N N N N N KILL
19 22-sim-basic_chains_array x86_64 4-14 N N N N N N KILL
20 22-sim-basic_chains_array x86_64 16-350 N N N N N N KILL
22 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
24 # Testname StressCount
25 22-sim-basic_chains_array 50
27 test type: bpf-valgrind
29 # Testname
30 22-sim-basic_chains_array
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86)) {
42 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86);
43 if (rc != 0)
44 goto out;
45 }
46 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64)) {
47 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86_64);
48 if (rc != 0)
49 goto out;
50 }
51 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X32)) {
52 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X32);
53 if (rc != 0)
54 goto out;
55 }
56 if (seccomp_arch_exist(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_ARM)) {
57 rc = seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_ARM);
58 if (rc != 0)
59 goto out;
60 }
62 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(read), 1,
64 if (rc != 0)
65 goto out;
67 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
69 if (rc != 0)
70 goto out;
72 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
74 if (rc != 0)
75 goto out;
77 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
78 if (rc != 0)
79 goto out;
81 rc = seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
82 if (rc != 0)
83 goto out;
85 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
86 if (rc)
87 goto out;
89 out:
90 seccomp_release(ctx);
91 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
92 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X86):
33 f.add_arch(Arch.X86)
34 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X86_64):
35 f.add_arch(Arch.X86_64)
36 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.X32):
37 f.add_arch(Arch.X32)
38 if not f.exist_arch(Arch.ARM):
39 f.add_arch(Arch.ARM)
40 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin.fileno()))
41 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout.fileno()))
42 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr.fileno()))
43 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "close")
44 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn")
45 return f
47 args = util.get_opt()
48 ctx = test(args)
49 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
51 # kate: syntax python;
52 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 #
4 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
5 # Author: Paul Moore <
6 #
8 test type: bpf-sim
10 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
11 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all read 0 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
12 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all read 1-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
13 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all write 1-2 0x856B008 10 N N N ALLOW
14 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all write 3-10 0x856B008 10 N N N KILL
15 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all close N N N N N N ALLOW
16 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all rt_sigreturn N N N N N N ALLOW
17 23-sim-arch_all_basic +all open 0x856B008 4 N N N N KILL
19 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
21 # Testname StressCount
22 23-sim-arch_all_basic 50
24 test type: bpf-valgrind
26 # Testname
27 23-sim-arch_all_basic
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <fcntl.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <unistd.h>
25 #include <sys/types.h>
26 #include <sys/stat.h>
28 #include <seccomp.h>
30 #include "util.h"
32 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
33 {
34 int rc;
35 int fd;
36 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
37 const char buf[] = "testing";
38 ssize_t buf_len = strlen(buf);
40 rc = util_action_parse(argv[1]);
41 if (rc != SCMP_ACT_ALLOW) {
42 rc = 1;
43 goto out;
44 }
46 rc = util_trap_install();
47 if (rc != 0)
48 goto out;
50 fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
51 if (fd < 0) {
52 rc = errno;
53 goto out;
54 }
56 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_TRAP);
57 if (ctx == NULL)
58 goto out;
59 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(write), 1,
60 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, fd));
61 if (rc != 0)
62 goto out;
63 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(close), 0);
64 if (rc != 0)
65 goto out;
66 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
67 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn), 0);
68 if (rc != 0)
69 goto out;
70 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx,
71 SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, SCMP_SYS(exit_group), 0);
72 if (rc != 0)
73 goto out;
74 rc = seccomp_load(ctx);
75 if (rc != 0)
76 goto out;
78 if (write(fd, buf, buf_len) < buf_len) {
79 rc = errno;
80 goto out;
81 }
82 if (close(fd) < 0) {
83 rc = errno;
84 goto out;
85 }
87 rc = 160;
89 out:
90 seccomp_release(ctx);
91 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
92 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import os
25 import sys
27 import util
29 from seccomp import *
31 def test():
32 action = util.parse_action(sys.argv[1])
33 if not action == ALLOW:
34 quit(1)
35 util.install_trap()
37 fd ="/dev/null", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT, 0600)
39 f = SyscallFilter(TRAP)
40 # NOTE: additional syscalls required for python
41 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, fd))
42 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "close")
43 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigaction")
44 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn")
45 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, "exit_group")
46 f.load()
48 try:
49 if not os.write(fd, "testing") == len("testing"):
50 raise IOError("failed to write the full test string")
51 quit(160)
52 except OSError as ex:
53 quit(ex.errno)
54 os.close(fd)
56 test()
58 # kate: syntax python;
59 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <
5 #
7 test type: live
9 # Testname Result
10 24-live-arg_allow ALLOW
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library test program
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <seccomp.h>
25 #include "util.h"
27 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
28 {
29 int rc;
30 struct util_options opts;
31 scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
33 rc = util_getopt(argc, argv, &opts);
34 if (rc < 0)
35 goto out;
37 ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_KILL);
38 if (ctx == NULL)
39 goto out;
41 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 10, 2,
42 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 11),
43 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 12));
44 if (rc != 0)
45 goto out;
47 rc = seccomp_rule_add_exact(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, 20, 3,
48 SCMP_A0(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 21),
49 SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_NE, 22),
50 SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_EQ, 23));
51 if (rc != 0)
52 goto out;
54 rc = util_filter_output(&opts, ctx);
55 if (rc)
56 goto out;
58 out:
59 seccomp_release(ctx);
60 return (rc < 0 ? -rc : rc);
61 }
0 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Seccomp Library test program
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 import argparse
24 import sys
26 import util
28 from seccomp import *
30 def test(args):
31 f = SyscallFilter(KILL)
32 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 10,
33 Arg(0, EQ, 11),
34 Arg(1, NE, 12));
35 f.add_rule_exactly(ALLOW, 20,
36 Arg(0, EQ, 21),
37 Arg(1, NE, 22),
38 Arg(2, EQ, 23));
39 return f
41 args = util.get_opt()
42 ctx = test(args)
43 util.filter_output(args, ctx)
45 # kate: syntax python;
46 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # libseccomp regression test automation data
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <
5 #
7 test type: bpf-sim
9 # Testname Arch Syscall Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg5 Result
10 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv all 0-9 N N N N N N KILL
11 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv all 10 0x0000000b 0x00000000 N N N N ALLOW
12 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv x86_64 10 0x10000000b 0x00000000 N N N N KILL
13 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv x86_64 10 0x0000000b 0x10000000c N N N N ALLOW
14 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv all 11-19 N N N N N N KILL
15 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv all 20 0x00000015 0x00000000 0x00000017 N N N ALLOW
16 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv all 20 0x00000015 0x00000016 0x00000017 N N N KILL
17 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv x86_64 20 0x100000015 0x00000000 0x00000017 N N N KILL
18 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv x86_64 20 0x00000015 0x00000000 0x100000017 N N N KILL
19 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv all 21-30 N N N N N N KILL
21 test type: bpf-sim-fuzz
23 # Testname StressCount
24 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv 50
26 test type: bpf-valgrind
28 # Testname
29 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include ../
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 include $(TOPDIR)/
32 include $(TOPDIR)/
34 OBJS = util.o
36 LDFLAGS := ../src/libseccomp.a $(OBJS)
38 TEST_PRIVATE = 00-test
40 TESTS = 01-sim-allow \
41 02-sim-basic \
42 03-sim-basic_chains \
43 04-sim-multilevel_chains \
44 05-sim-long_jumps \
45 06-sim-actions \
46 07-sim-db_bug_looping \
47 08-sim-subtree_checks \
48 09-sim-syscall_priority_pre \
49 10-sim-syscall_priority_post \
50 11-basic-basic_errors \
51 12-sim-basic_masked_ops \
52 13-basic-attrs \
53 14-sim-reset \
54 15-basic-resolver \
55 16-sim-arch_basic \
56 17-sim-arch_merge \
57 18-sim-basic_whitelist \
58 19-sim-missing_syscalls \
59 20-live-basic_die \
60 21-live-basic_allow \
61 22-sim-basic_chains_array \
62 23-sim-arch_all_basic \
63 24-live-arg_allow \
64 25-sim-multilevel_chains_adv
66 DEPS_OBJS = $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
67 DEPS_TESTS = $(TESTS:%=%.d)
69 #
70 # targets
71 #
73 .PHONY: check clean
75 all: $(TESTS) $(OBJS)
77 -include $(DEPS_TESTS) $(DEPS_OBJS)
81 $(ADDDEP) $@ ../src/libseccomp.a
82 $(ADDDEP) $@ $(OBJS)
84 $(TESTS):
87 $(TEST_PRIVATE): 00-test.c $(OBJS) ../src/libseccomp.a
90 check: $(TESTS)
91 ./regression
93 clean:
0 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # libseccomp regression test automation script
4 #
5 # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
6 # Author: Corey Bryant <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 GLBL_ARCH_SUPPORT="x86 x86_64 x32 arm"
25 GLBL_SYS_ARCH="../tools/scmp_arch_detect"
26 GLBL_SYS_RESOLVER="../tools/scmp_sys_resolver"
27 GLBL_SYS_SIM="../tools/scmp_bpf_sim"
29 ####
30 # functions
32 #
33 # Dependency check
34 #
35 # Arguments:
36 # 1 Dependency to check for
37 #
38 function check_deps() {
39 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
40 which "$1" >& /dev/null
41 return $?
42 }
44 #
45 # Dependency verification
46 #
47 # Arguments:
48 # 1 Dependency to check for
49 #
50 function verify_deps() {
51 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
52 if ! check_deps "$1"; then
53 echo "error: install \"$1\" and include it in your \$PATH"
54 exit 1
55 fi
56 }
58 #
59 # Print out script usage details
60 #
61 function usage() {
62 cat << EOF
63 usage: regression [-h] [-v] [-m MODE] [-a] [-b BATCH_NAME] [-l <LOG>]
64 [-s SINGLE_TEST] [-t <TEMP_DIR>] [-T <TEST_TYPE>]
66 libseccomp regression test automation script
67 optional arguments:
68 -h show this help message and exit
69 -m MODE specified the test mode [c (default), python]
70 -a specifies all tests are to be run
71 -b BATCH_NAME specifies batch of tests to be run
72 -l [LOG] specifies log file to write test results to
73 -s SINGLE_TEST specifies individual test number to be run
74 -t [TEMP_DIR] specifies directory to create temporary files in
75 -T [TEST_TYPE] only run tests matching the specified type
76 -v specifies that verbose output be provided
77 EOF
78 }
80 #
81 # Generate a string representing the test number
82 #
83 # Arguments:
84 # 1 string containing the batch name
85 # 2 value of the test number from the input test data file
86 # 3 value of the subtest number that corresponds to argument 1
87 #
88 # The actual test number from the input test data file is 1 for the first
89 # test found in the file, 2 for the second, etc.
90 #
91 # The subtest number is useful for batches that generate multiple tests based
92 # on a single line of input from the test data file. The subtest number
93 # should be set to zero if the corresponding test data is actual test data
94 # that was read from the input file, and should be set to a value greater than
95 # zero if the corresponding test data is generated.
96 #
97 function generate_test_num() {
98 local testnumstr=$(printf '%s%%%%%03d-%05d' "$1" $2 $3)
99 echo "$testnumstr"
100 }
102 #
103 # Print the test data to the log file
104 #
105 # Arguments:
106 # 1 string containing generated test number
107 # 2 string containing line of test data
108 #
109 function print_data() {
110 if [[ -n $verbose ]]; then
111 printf "Test %s data: %s\n" "$1" "$2" >&$logfd
112 fi
113 }
115 #
116 # Print the test result to the log file
117 #
118 # Arguments:
119 # 1 string containing generated test number
120 # 2 string containing the test result (INFO, SUCCESS, ERROR, or FAILURE)
121 # 3 string containing addition details
122 #
123 function print_result() {
124 if [[ $2 == "INFO" && -z $verbose ]]; then
125 return
126 fi
127 if [[ $3 == "" ]]; then
128 printf "Test %s result: %s\n" "$1" "$2" >&$logfd
129 else
130 printf "Test %s result: %s %s\n" "$1" "$2" "$3" >&$logfd
131 fi
132 }
134 #
135 # Print the valgrind header to the log file
136 #
137 # Arguments:
138 # 1 string containing generated test number
139 #
140 function print_valgrind() {
141 if [[ -n $verbose ]]; then
142 printf "Test %s valgrind output\n" "$1" >&$logfd
143 fi
144 }
146 #
147 # Get the low or high range value from a range specification
148 #
149 # Arguments:
150 # 1 value specifying range value to retrieve: low (1) or high (2)
151 # 2 string containing dash-separated range or a single value
152 #
153 function get_range() {
154 if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9a-fA-Fx]+-[0-9a-fA-Fx]+$ ]]; then
155 # if there's a dash, get the low or high range value
156 range_val=$(echo "$2" | cut -d'-' -f "$1")
157 else
158 # otherwise there should just be a single value
159 range_val="$2"
160 fi
161 echo "$range_val"
162 }
164 #
165 # Run the specified test command (with valgrind if requested)
166 #
167 # Arguments:
168 # 1 string containing generated test number
169 # 2 string containing command name
170 # 3 string containing command options
171 # 4 number for the stdout fd
172 # 5 number for the stderr fd
173 #
174 function run_test_command() {
175 local cmd
177 if [[ $mode == "python" ]]; then
179 cmd="$cmd:$(cd $(pwd)/../src/python/build/lib.*; pwd)"
180 cmd="$cmd /usr/bin/env python $ $3"
181 else
182 cmd="$2 $3"
183 fi
185 # setup the stdout/stderr redirects
186 local stdout=$4
187 local stderr=$5
188 [[ -z $stdout ]] && stdout=$logfd
189 [[ -z $stderr ]] && stderr=$logfd
191 # run the command
192 eval "$cmd" 1>&$stdout 2>&$stderr
194 # return the command's return code
195 return $?
196 }
198 #
199 # Generate pseudo-random string of alphanumeric characters
200 #
201 # The generated string will be no larger than the corresponding
202 # architecture's register size.
203 #
204 function generate_random_data() {
205 local rcount
206 local rdata
207 if [[ $arch == "x86_64" ]]; then
208 rcount=$[ ($RANDOM % 16) + 1 ]
209 else
210 rcount=$[ ($RANDOM % 8) + 1 ]
211 fi
212 rdata=$(echo $(</dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c"$rcount"))
213 echo "$rdata"
214 }
216 #
217 # Run the specified "bpf-sim-fuzz" test
218 #
219 # Tests that belong to the "bpf-sim-fuzz" test type generate a BPF filter and
220 # then run a simulated system call test with pseudo-random fuzz data for the
221 # syscall and argument values. Tests that belong to this test type provide the
222 # following data on a single line in the input batch file:
223 #
224 # Testname - The executable test name (e.g. 01-allow, 02-basic, etc.)
225 # StressCount - The number of fuzz tests to run against the filter
226 #
227 # The following test data is output to the logfile for each generated test:
228 #
229 # Testname - The executable test name (e.g. 01-allow, 02-basic, etc.)
230 # Syscall - The fuzzed syscall value to be simulated against the filter
231 # Arg0-5 - The fuzzed syscall arg values to be simulated against the filter
232 #
233 # Arguments:
234 # 1 string containing the batch name
235 # 2 value of test number from batch file
236 # 3 string containing line of test data from batch file
237 #
238 function run_test_bpf_sim_fuzz() {
239 local rc
241 # begin splitting the test data from the line into individual variables
242 local line=($3)
243 local testname=${line[0]}
244 local stress_count=${line[1]}
246 for i in $(seq 1 $stress_count); do
247 local sys=$(generate_random_data)
248 local -a arg=($(generate_random_data) $(generate_random_data) \
249 $(generate_random_data) $(generate_random_data) \
250 $(generate_random_data) $(generate_random_data))
252 # get the generated sub-test num string
253 local testnumstr=$(generate_test_num "$1" $2 $i)
255 # set up log file test data line for this individual test,
256 # spacing is added to align the output in the correct columns
257 local -a COL_WIDTH=(26 17 17 17 17 17 17)
258 local testdata=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[0]}s" $testname)
259 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[1]}s" $sys)
260 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[2]}s" ${arg[0]})
261 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[3]}s" ${arg[1]})
262 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[4]}s" ${arg[2]})
263 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[5]}s" ${arg[3]})
264 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[6]}s" ${arg[4]})
265 testdata+=$(printf "%s" ${arg[5]})
267 # print out the generated test data to the log file
268 print_data "$testnumstr" "$testdata"
270 # set up the syscall argument values to be passed to bpf_sim
271 for i in {0..5}; do
272 arg[$i]=" -$i ${arg[$i]} "
273 done
275 # run the test command and put the BPF filter in a temp file
276 exec 4>$tmpfile
277 run_test_command "$testnumstr" "./$testname" "-b" 4 ""
278 rc=$?
279 exec 4>&-
280 if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
281 print_result $testnumstr "ERROR" "$testname rc=$rc"
282 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
283 return
284 fi
286 # simulate the fuzzed syscall data against the BPF filter, we
287 # don't verify the resulting action since we're just testing for
288 # stability
289 allow=$($GLBL_SYS_SIM -f $tmpfile -s $sys \
290 ${arg[0]} ${arg[1]} ${arg[2]} ${arg[3]} ${arg[4]} \
291 ${arg[5]})
292 rc=$?
293 if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
294 print_result $testnumstr "ERROR" "bpf_sim rc=$rc"
295 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
296 else
297 print_result $testnumstr "SUCCESS" ""
298 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
299 fi
300 stats_all=$(($stats_all+1))
301 done
302 }
304 #
305 # Run the specified "bpf-sim" test
306 #
307 # Tests that belong to the "bpf-sim" test type generate a BPF filter and then
308 # run a simulated system call test to validate the filter. Tests that belong to
309 # this test type provide the following data on a single line in the input batch
310 # file:
311 #
312 # Testname - The executable test name (e.g. 01-allow, 02-basic, etc.)
313 # Arch - The architecture that the test should be run on (all, x86, x86_64)
314 # Syscall - The syscall to simulate against the generated filter
315 # Arg0-5 - The syscall arguments to simulate against the generated filter
316 # Result - The expected simulation result (ALLOW, KILL, etc.)
317 #
318 # If a range of syscall or argument values are specified (e.g. 1-9), a test is
319 # generated for every combination of range values. Otherwise, the individual
320 # test is run.
321 #
322 # Arguments:
323 # 1 string containing the batch name
324 # 2 value of test number from batch file
325 # 3 string containing line of test data from batch file
326 #
327 function run_test_bpf_sim() {
328 local rc
329 local LOW=1
330 local HIGH=2
331 local -a arg_empty=(false false false false false false)
333 # begin splitting the test data from the line into individual variables
334 local line=($3)
335 local testname=${line[0]}
336 local testarch=${line[1]}
337 local low_syscall #line[2]
338 local high_syscall #line[2]
339 local -a low_arg #line[3-8]
340 local -a high_arg #line[3-8]
341 local result=${line[9]}
343 if [[ "${testarch:0:1}" == "+" ]]; then
344 # run the tests on the specified architecture(s)
345 simarch_list="${testarch:1}"
346 if [[ "$simarch_list" == "all" ]]; then
347 simarch_list="$GLBL_ARCH_SUPPORT"
348 fi
349 elif [[ "$testarch" != "all" ]] && [[ "$testarch" != "$arch" ]]; then
350 # only run tests that match the current architecture
351 print_result $(generate_test_num "$1" $2 1) "INFO" \
352 "Test skipped due to test/system architecture difference"
353 stats_skipped=$(($stats_skipped+1))
354 return
355 else
356 # run the tests on the native architecture
357 simarch_list="$arch"
358 fi
360 # get low and high range arg values
361 line_i=3
362 for arg_i in {0..5}; do
363 low_arg[$arg_i]=$(get_range $LOW "${line[$line_i]}")
364 high_arg[$arg_i]=$(get_range $HIGH "${line[$line_i]}")
366 # fix up empty arg values so the nested loops work
367 if [[ ${low_arg[$arg_i]} == "N" ]]; then
368 arg_empty[$arg_i]=true
369 low_arg[$arg_i]=0
370 high_arg[$arg_i]=0
371 fi
373 line_i=$(($line_i+1))
374 done
376 # loop through the selected architectures
377 for simarch in $simarch_list; do
378 # print architecture header if necessary
379 if [[ $simarch != $simarch_list ]]; then
380 echo " test arch: $simarch" >&$logfd
381 fi
383 # reset the subtest number
384 local subtestnum=1
386 # get low and high syscall values and convert them to numbers
387 low_syscall=$(get_range $LOW "${line[2]}")
388 if [[ ! $low_syscall =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
389 low_syscall=$($GLBL_SYS_RESOLVER -a $simarch -t \
390 $low_syscall)
391 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
392 print_result $(generate_test_num "$1" $2 1) \
393 "ERROR" "sys_resolver rc=$?"
394 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
395 return
396 fi
397 fi
398 high_syscall=$(get_range $HIGH "${line[2]}")
399 if [[ ! $high_syscall =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
400 high_syscall=$($GLBL_SYS_RESOLVER -a $simarch -t \
401 $high_syscall)
402 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
403 print_result $(generate_test_num "$1" $2 1) \
404 "ERROR" "sys_resolver rc=$?"
405 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
406 return
407 fi
408 fi
410 # if ranges exist, the following will loop through all syscall
411 # and arg ranges and generate/run every combination of requested
412 # tests; if no ranges were specifed, then the single test is
413 # run
414 for sys in $(seq -f "%1.0f" $low_syscall $high_syscall); do
415 for arg0 in $(seq -f "%1.0f" ${low_arg[0]} ${high_arg[0]}); do
416 for arg1 in $(seq -f "%1.0f" ${low_arg[1]} ${high_arg[1]}); do
417 for arg2 in $(seq -f "%1.0f" ${low_arg[2]} ${high_arg[2]}); do
418 for arg3 in $(seq -f "%1.0f" ${low_arg[3]} ${high_arg[3]}); do
419 for arg4 in $(seq -f "%1.0f" ${low_arg[4]} ${high_arg[4]}); do
420 for arg5 in $(seq -f "%1.0f" ${low_arg[5]} ${high_arg[5]}); do
421 local -a arg=($arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 $arg5)
423 # Get the generated sub-test num string
424 local testnumstr=$(generate_test_num "$1" $2 \
425 $subtestnum)
427 # format any empty args to print to log file
428 for i in {0..5}; do
429 if ${arg_empty[$i]}; then
430 arg[$i]="N"
431 fi
432 done
434 # set up log file test data line for this
435 # individual test, spacing is added to align
436 # the output in the correct columns
437 local -a COL_WIDTH=(26 08 14 11 17 21 09 06 06)
438 local testdata=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[0]}s" $testname)
439 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[1]}s" $simarch)
440 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[2]}s" $sys)
441 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[3]}s" ${arg[0]})
442 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[4]}s" ${arg[1]})
443 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[5]}s" ${arg[2]})
444 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[6]}s" ${arg[3]})
445 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[7]}s" ${arg[4]})
446 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[8]}s" ${arg[5]})
447 testdata+=$(printf "%-${COL_WIDTH[9]}s" $result)
449 # print out the test data to the log file
450 print_data "$testnumstr" "$testdata"
452 # set up the syscall arguments to be passed to bpf_sim
453 for i in {0..5}; do
454 if ${arg_empty[$i]}; then
455 arg[$i]=""
456 else
457 arg[$i]=" -$i ${arg[$i]} "
458 fi
459 done
461 # run the test command and put the BPF in a temp file
462 exec 4>$tmpfile
463 run_test_command "$testnumstr" "./$testname" "-b" 4 ""
464 rc=$?
465 exec 4>&-
466 if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
467 print_result $testnumstr \
468 "ERROR" "$testname rc=$rc"
469 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
470 return
471 fi
473 # simulate the specifed syscall against the BPF filter
474 # and verify the results
475 action=$($GLBL_SYS_SIM -a $simarch -f $tmpfile \
476 -s $sys ${arg[0]} ${arg[1]} ${arg[2]} \
477 ${arg[3]} ${arg[4]} ${arg[5]})
478 rc=$?
479 if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
480 print_result $testnumstr \
481 "ERROR" "bpf_sim rc=$rc"
482 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
483 elif [[ "$action" != "$result" ]]; then
484 print_result $testnumstr "FAILURE" \
485 "bpf_sim resulted in $action"
486 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure+1))
487 else
488 print_result $testnumstr "SUCCESS" ""
489 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
490 fi
491 stats_all=$(($stats_all+1))
493 subtestnum=$(($subtestnum+1))
494 done # syscall
495 done # arg0
496 done # arg1
497 done # arg2
498 done # arg3
499 done # arg4
500 done # arg5
501 done # architecture
502 }
504 #
505 # Run the specified "basic" test
506 #
507 # Tests that belong to the "basic" test type will simply have the command
508 # specified in the input batch file. The command must return zero for success
509 # and non-zero for failure.
510 #
511 # Arguments:
512 # 1 value of test number from batch file
513 # 2 string containing line of test data from batch file
514 #
515 function run_test_basic() {
516 local rc
518 # print out the input test data to the log file
519 print_data "$1" "$2"
521 # run the command
522 run_test_command "$1" "./$2" "" "" ""
523 rc=$?
524 if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
525 print_result $1 "FAILURE" "$2 rc=$rc"
526 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure+1))
527 else
528 print_result $1 "SUCCESS" ""
529 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
530 fi
531 stats_all=$(($stats_all+1))
532 }
534 #
535 # Run the specified "bpf-valgrind" test
536 #
537 # Tests that belong to the "bpf-valgrind" test type generate a BPF filter
538 # while running under valgrind to detect any memory errors.
539 #
540 # Arguments:
541 # 1 value of test number from batch file
542 # 2 string containing line of test data from batch file
543 #
544 function run_test_bpf_valgrind() {
545 local rc
546 local testcmd
548 # we only support the native/c test mode here
549 if [[ $mode != "c" ]]; then
550 stats_skipped=$(($stats_skipped+1))
551 return
552 fi
554 # print out the input test data to the log file
555 print_data "$1" "$2"
557 # build the command
558 testcmd="$2"
559 testvalgrind="valgrind \
560 --tool=memcheck \
561 --error-exitcode=1 \
562 --leak-check=full \
563 --read-var-info=yes \
564 --track-origins=yes"
565 if [[ -n $logfile ]]; then
566 testvalgrind+=" --log-fd=$logfd"
567 fi
568 if [[ -z $verbose ]]; then
569 testvalgrind+=" --quiet --log-fd=4"
570 fi
572 # run the command
573 exec 4>/dev/null
574 print_valgrind "$1"
575 run_test_command "$1" "$testvalgrind --" "./$testcmd -b" 4 2
576 rc=$?
577 exec 4>&-
578 if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
579 print_result $1 "FAILURE" "$2 rc=$rc"
580 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure+1))
581 else
582 print_result $1 "SUCCESS" ""
583 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
584 fi
585 stats_all=$(($stats_all+1))
586 }
588 #
589 # Run the specified "live" test
590 #
591 # Tests that belong to the "live" test type will attempt to run a live test
592 # of the libseccomp library on the host system; for obvious reasons the host
593 # system must support seccomp mode 2 for this to work correctly.
594 #
595 # Arguments:
596 # 1 value of test number from batch file
597 # 2 string containing line of test data from batch file
598 #
599 function run_test_live() {
600 local rc
601 local line=($2)
603 # parse the test line
604 line_cmd=${line[0]}
605 line_act=${line[1]}
606 line_test="$line_cmd $line_act"
608 # print out the input test data to the log file
609 print_data "$1" "$2"
611 # run the command
612 exec 4>/dev/null
613 run_test_command "$1" "./$line_cmd" "$line_act" "" 4
614 rc=$?
615 exec 4>&-
617 # return value codes for this test type:
618 # 159: KILL
619 # 160: ALLOW
620 # 161: TRAP
621 # 162: TRACE (currently unsupported)
622 # 163: ERRNO
623 if [[ $line_act == "KILL" && $rc -eq 159 ]]; then
624 print_result $1 "SUCCESS" ""
625 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
626 elif [[ $line_act == "ALLOW" && $rc -eq 160 ]]; then
627 print_result $1 "SUCCESS" ""
628 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
629 elif [[ $line_act == "TRAP" && $rc -eq 161 ]]; then
630 print_result $1 "SUCCESS" ""
631 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
632 elif [[ $line_act == "TRACE" ]]; then
633 print_result $1 "ERROR" "unsupported action \"$line_act\""
634 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
635 elif [[ $line_act == "ERRNO" && $rc -eq 163 ]]; then
636 print_result $1 "SUCCESS" ""
637 stats_success=$(($stats_success+1))
638 else
639 print_result $1 "FAILURE" "$line_test rc=$rc"
640 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure+1))
641 fi
642 stats_all=$(($stats_all+1))
643 }
645 #
646 # Run a single test from the specified batch
647 #
648 # Arguments:
649 # 1 string containing the batch name
650 # 2 value of test number from batch file
651 # 3 string containing line of test data from batch file
652 # 4 string containing test type that this test belongs to
653 #
654 function run_test() {
655 # generate the test number string for the line of batch test data
656 local testnumstr=$(generate_test_num "$1" $2 1)
658 # ensure we only run tests which match the specified type
659 [[ -n $type && "$4" != "$type" ]] && return
661 # execute the function corresponding to the test type
662 if [[ "$4" == "basic" ]]; then
663 run_test_basic "$testnumstr" "$3"
664 elif [[ "$4" == "bpf-sim" ]]; then
665 run_test_bpf_sim "$1" $2 "$3"
666 elif [[ "$4" == "bpf-sim-fuzz" ]]; then
667 run_test_bpf_sim_fuzz "$1" $2 "$3"
668 elif [[ "$4" == "bpf-valgrind" ]]; then
669 # only run this test if valgrind is installed
670 if check_deps valgrind; then
671 run_test_bpf_valgrind "$testnumstr" "$3"
672 else
673 stats_skipped=$(($stats_skipped+1))
674 fi
675 elif [[ "$4" == "live" ]]; then
676 # only run this test if explicitly requested
677 if [[ -n $type ]]; then
678 run_test_live "$testnumstr" "$3"
679 else
680 stats_skipped=$(($stats_skipped+1))
681 fi
682 else
683 print_result $testnumstr "ERROR" "test type $4 not supported"
684 stats_error=$(($stats_error+1))
685 fi
686 }
688 #
689 # Run the requested tests
690 #
691 function run_tests() {
692 # loop through all test files
693 for file in *.tests; do
694 local testnum=1
695 local batch_requested=false
696 local batch_name=""
698 # extract the batch name from the file name
699 batch_name=$(basename $file .tests)
701 # check if this batch was requested
702 if [[ ${batch_list[@]} ]]; then
703 for b in ${batch_list[@]}; do
704 if [[ $b == $batch_name ]]; then
705 batch_requested=true
706 break
707 fi
708 done
709 if ! $batch_requested; then
710 continue
711 fi
712 fi
714 # print a test batch header
715 echo " batch name: $batch_name" >&$logfd
717 # loop through each line and run the requested tests
718 while read line; do
719 # strip whitespace, comments, and blank lines
720 line=$(echo "$line" | \
721 sed -e 's/^[\t ]*//;s/[\t ]*$//;' | \
722 sed -e '/^[#].*$/d;/^$/d')
723 if [[ -z $line ]]; then
724 continue
725 fi
727 if [[ $line =~ ^"test type": ]]; then
728 test_type=$(echo "$line" | \
729 sed -e 's/^test type: //;')
730 # print a test mode and type header
731 echo " test mode: $mode" >&$logfd
732 echo " test type: $test_type" >&$logfd
733 continue
734 fi
736 if [[ ${single_list[@]} ]]; then
737 for i in ${single_list[@]}; do
738 if [ $i -eq $testnum ]; then
739 # we're running a single test
740 run_test "$batch_name" \
741 $testnum "$line" \
742 "$test_type"
743 fi
744 done
745 else
746 # we're running a test from a batch
747 run_test "$batch_name" \
748 $testnum "$line" "$test_type"
749 fi
750 testnum=$(($testnum+1))
751 done < "$file"
752 done
753 }
755 ####
756 # main
758 # verify general script dependencies
759 verify_deps head
760 verify_deps sed
761 verify_deps seq
762 verify_deps tr
764 # global variables
765 declare -a batch_list
766 declare -a single_list
767 arch=
768 batch_count=0
769 logfile=
770 logfd=
771 mode_list=""
772 runall=
773 singlecount=0
774 tmpfile=""
775 tmpdir=""
776 type=
777 verbose=
778 stats_all=0
779 stats_skipped=0
780 stats_success=0
781 stats_failure=0
782 stats_error=0
784 while getopts "ab:gl:m:s:t:T:vh" opt; do
785 case $opt in
786 a)
787 runall=1
788 ;;
789 b)
790 batch_list[batch_count]="$OPTARG"
791 batch_count=$(($batch_count+1))
792 ;;
793 l)
794 logfile="$OPTARG"
795 ;;
796 m)
797 case $OPTARG in
798 c)
799 mode_list="$mode_list c"
800 ;;
801 python)
802 verify_deps python
803 mode_list="$mode_list python"
804 ;;
805 *)
806 usage
807 exit 1
808 esac
809 ;;
810 s)
811 single_list[single_count]=$OPTARG
812 single_count=$(($single_count+1))
813 ;;
814 t)
815 tmpdir="$OPTARG"
816 ;;
817 T)
818 type="$OPTARG"
819 ;;
820 v)
821 verbose=1
822 ;;
823 h|*)
824 usage
825 exit 1
826 ;;
827 esac
828 done
830 # default to running the C tests
831 if [[ -z $mode_list ]]; then
832 mode_list="c"
833 fi
835 # default to all tests if batch or single tests not requested
836 if [[ -z $batch_list ]] && [[ -z $single_list ]]; then
837 runall=1
838 fi
840 # drop any requested batch and single tests if all tests were requested
841 if [[ -n $runall ]]; then
842 batch_list=()
843 single_list=()
844 fi
846 # open log file for append (default to stdout)
847 if [[ -n $logfile ]]; then
848 logfd=3
849 exec 3>>"$logfile"
850 else
851 logfd=1
852 fi
854 # open temporary file
855 if [[ -n $tmpdir ]]; then
856 tmpfile=$(mktemp -t regression_XXXXXX --tmpdir=$tmpdir)
857 else
858 tmpfile=$(mktemp -t regression_XXXXXX)
859 fi
861 # determine the current system's architecture
862 arch=$($GLBL_SYS_ARCH)
864 # display the test output and run the requested tests
865 echo "=============== $(date) ===============" >&$logfd
866 echo "Regression Test Report (\"regression $*\")" >&$logfd
867 for mode in $mode_list; do
868 run_tests
869 done
870 echo "Regression Test Summary" >&$logfd
871 echo " tests run: $stats_all" >&$logfd
872 echo " tests skipped: $stats_skipped" >&$logfd
873 echo " tests passed: $stats_success" >&$logfd
874 echo " tests failed: $stats_failure" >&$logfd
875 echo " tests errored: $stats_error" >&$logfd
876 echo "============================================================" >&$logfd
878 # cleanup and exit
879 rm -f $tmpfile
880 rc=0
881 [[ $stats_failure -gt 0 ]] && rc=$(($rc + 2))
882 [[ $stats_error -gt 0 ]] && rc=$(($rc + 4))
884 exit $rc
0 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # libseccomp test diff generator
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 ####
24 # functions
26 #
27 # Print out script usage details
28 #
29 function usage() {
30 cat << EOF
31 usage: regression [-h] LABEL_1 LABEL_2
33 libseccomp test diff generator script
34 optional arguments:
35 -h show this help message and exit
36 EOF
37 }
39 #
40 # Print the test header
41 #
42 # Arguments:
43 # 1 string containing generated test number
44 #
45 function print_test() {
46 printf "Test %s comparison:\n" "$1"
47 }
49 #
50 # Compare the tests
51 #
52 # Arguments:
53 # 1 string containing first test label
54 # 2 string containing second test label
55 #
56 function diff_tests() {
57 local batch_name
58 local label_a
59 local label_b
60 local file_a
61 local file_b
63 if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
64 label_a=".$1"
65 else
66 label_a=""
67 fi
69 if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
70 label_b=".$2"
71 else
72 label_b=""
73 fi
75 for file in *-sim-*.tests; do
76 # extract the batch name from the file name
77 batch_name=$(basename $file .tests)
79 print_test "$batch_name"
81 file_a="${batch_name}${label_a}"
82 file_b="${batch_name}${label_b}"
84 if [[ -r "$file_a.pfc" && -r "$file_b.pfc" ]]; then
85 diff -pu "$file_a.pfc" "$file_b.pfc"
86 fi
88 if [[ -r "$file_a.bpf" && -r "$file_b.bpf" ]]; then
89 diff -pu "$file_a.bpf" "$file_b.bpf"
90 fi
92 if [[ -r "$file_a.bpfd" && -r "$file_b.bpfd" ]]; then
93 diff -pu "$file_a.bpfd" "$file_b.bpfd"
94 fi
95 done
97 return
98 }
100 ####
101 # main
103 opt_label=
104 opt_disasm=0
106 while getopts "h" opt; do
107 case $opt in
108 h|*)
109 usage
110 exit 1
111 ;;
112 esac
113 done
115 stats_all=0
116 stats_failure=0
118 # display the test output and run the requested tests
119 echo "=============== $(date) ==============="
120 echo "Comparing Test Output (\"testdiff $*\")"
121 diff_tests "$1" "$2"
122 echo "============================================================"
124 # exit
125 exit 0
0 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # libseccomp test output generator
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 ####
24 # functions
26 #
27 # Dependency verification
28 #
29 # Arguments:
30 # 1 Dependency to check for
31 #
32 function verify_deps() {
33 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
34 if ! which "$1" >& /dev/null; then
35 echo "error: install \"$1\" and include it in your \$PATH"
36 exit 1
37 fi
38 }
40 #
41 # Print out script usage details
42 #
43 function usage() {
44 cat << EOF
45 usage: regression [-h] [-d] [-l LABEL]
47 libseccomp test output generator script
48 optional arguments:
49 -h show this help message and exit
50 -b generate BPF output
51 -d generate disassembled BPF output
52 -p generate PFC output
53 -v perform valgrind checks
54 -l [LABEL] specifies label for the test output
55 EOF
56 }
58 #
59 # Print the test result
60 #
61 # Arguments:
62 # 1 string containing generated test number
63 # 2 string containing the test result
64 #
65 function print_result() {
66 printf "Test %s result: %s\n" "$1" "$2"
67 }
69 #
70 # Run the tests
71 #
72 # Arguments:
73 # 1 string containing output label
74 #
75 function run_tests() {
76 local batch_name
77 local label
78 local rc
80 if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
81 label=".$1"
82 else
83 label=""
84 fi
86 for file in *-sim-*.tests; do
87 # extract the batch name from the file name
88 batch_name=$(basename $file .tests)
90 if [[ -x "$batch_name" ]]; then
91 if [[ $opt_pfc -eq 1 ]]; then
92 ./$batch_name > ${batch_name}${label}.pfc
93 rc=$?
94 stats_all=$(($stats_all + 1))
95 if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then
96 print_result "$batch_name [pfc]" "SUCCESS"
97 else
98 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure + 1))
99 print_result "$batch_name [pfc]" "FAILURE"
100 fi
101 fi
103 if [[ $opt_bpf -eq 1 ]]; then
104 ./$batch_name -b > ${batch_name}${label}.bpf
105 rc=$?
106 stats_all=$(($stats_all + 1))
107 if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then
108 print_result "$batch_name [bpf]" "SUCCESS"
109 else
110 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure + 1))
111 print_result "$batch_name [bpf]" "FAILURE"
112 fi
113 fi
115 if [[ $opt_disasm -eq 1 ]]; then
116 ./$batch_name -b | \
117 ../tools/scmp_bpf_disasm > ${batch_name}${label}.bpfd
118 rc=$?
119 stats_all=$(($stats_all + 1))
120 if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then
121 print_result "$batch_name [bpfd]" "SUCCESS"
122 else
123 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure + 1))
124 print_result "$batch_name [bpfd]" "FAILURE"
125 fi
126 fi
128 if [[ $opt_valgrind -eq 1 ]]; then
129 valgrind --tool=memcheck \
130 --quiet --error-exitcode=1 \
131 --leak-check=full \
132 --read-var-info=yes \
133 --track-origins=yes \
134 -- ./$batch_name -b > /dev/null
135 rc=$?
136 stats_all=$(($stats_all + 1))
137 if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then
138 print_result "$batch_name [valgrind]" "SUCCESS"
139 else
140 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure + 1))
141 print_result "$batch_name [valgrind]" "FAILURE"
142 fi
143 fi
144 else
145 stats_failure=$(($stats_failure + 1))
146 print_result "$batch_name" "FAILURE"
147 fi
148 done
150 return
151 }
153 ####
154 # main
156 opt_label=
157 opt_bpf=0
158 opt_disasm=0
159 opt_pfc=0
160 opt_valgrind=0
162 while getopts "bphdl:v" opt; do
163 case $opt in
164 b)
165 opt_bpf=1
166 ;;
167 d)
168 opt_disasm=1
169 ;;
170 l)
171 opt_label="$OPTARG"
172 ;;
173 p)
174 opt_pfc=1
175 ;;
176 v)
177 opt_valgrind=1
178 ;;
179 h|*)
180 usage
181 exit 1
182 ;;
183 esac
184 done
186 # verify valgrind
187 [[ $opt_valgrind -eq 1 ]] && verify_deps valgrind
189 stats_all=0
190 stats_failure=0
192 # display the test output and run the requested tests
193 echo "=============== $(date) ==============="
194 echo "Collecting Test Output (\"testgen $*\")"
195 run_tests "$opt_label"
196 echo "Test Summary"
197 echo " tests run: $stats_all"
198 echo " tests failed: $stats_failure"
199 echo "============================================================"
201 # cleanup and exit
202 rc=0
203 [[ $stats_failure -gt 0 ]] && rc=$(($rc + 2))
205 exit $rc
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library utility code for tests
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Eric Paris <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <fcntl.h>
23 #include <getopt.h>
24 #include <signal.h>
25 #include <stdio.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <unistd.h>
28 #include <sys/types.h>
29 #include <sys/stat.h>
31 #include <seccomp.h>
33 #include "util.h"
35 /**
36 * SIGSYS signal handler
37 * @param nr the signal number
38 * @param info siginfo_t pointer
39 * @param void_context handler context
40 *
41 * Simple signal handler for SIGSYS which exits with error code 161.
42 *
43 */
44 static void _trap_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *ctx)
45 {
46 _exit(161);
47 }
49 /**
50 * Parse the arguments passed to main
51 * @param argc the argument count
52 * @param argv the argument pointer
53 * @param opts the options structure
54 *
55 * This function parses the arguments passed to the test from the command line.
56 * Returns zero on success and negative values on failure.
57 *
58 */
59 int util_getopt(int argc, char *argv[], struct util_options *opts)
60 {
61 int rc = 0;
63 if (opts == NULL)
64 return -EFAULT;
66 memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts));
67 while (1) {
68 int c, option_index = 0;
69 const struct option long_options[] = {
70 {"bpf", no_argument, &(opts->bpf_flg), 1},
71 {"pfc", no_argument, &(opts->bpf_flg), 0},
72 {0, 0, 0, 0},
73 };
75 c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "bp",
76 long_options, &option_index);
77 if (c == -1)
78 break;
80 switch (c) {
81 case 0:
82 break;
83 case 'b':
84 opts->bpf_flg = 1;
85 break;
86 case 'p':
87 opts->bpf_flg = 0;
88 break;
89 default:
90 rc = -EINVAL;
91 break;
92 }
93 }
95 if (rc == -EINVAL || optind < argc) {
96 fprintf(stderr, "usage %s: [--bpf,-b] [--pfc,-p]\n", argv[0]);
97 rc = -EINVAL;
98 }
100 return rc;
101 }
103 /**
104 * Output the filter in either BPF or PFC
105 * @param opts the options structure
106 * @param ctx the filter context
107 *
108 * This function outputs the seccomp filter to stdout in either BPF or PFC
109 * format depending on the test paramaeters supplied by @opts.
110 *
111 */
112 int util_filter_output(const struct util_options *opts,
113 const scmp_filter_ctx ctx)
114 {
115 int rc;
117 if (opts == NULL)
118 return -EFAULT;
120 if (opts->bpf_flg)
121 rc = seccomp_export_bpf(ctx, STDOUT_FILENO);
122 else
123 rc = seccomp_export_pfc(ctx, STDOUT_FILENO);
125 return rc;
126 }
128 /**
129 * Install a TRAP action signal handler
130 *
131 * This function installs the TRAP action signal handler and is based on
132 * examples from Will Drewry and Kees Cook. Returns zero on success, negative
133 * values on failure.
134 *
135 */
136 int util_trap_install(void)
137 {
138 struct sigaction signal_handler;
139 sigset_t signal_mask;
141 memset(&signal_handler, 0, sizeof(signal_handler));
142 sigemptyset(&signal_mask);
143 sigaddset(&signal_mask, SIGSYS);
145 signal_handler.sa_sigaction = &_trap_handler;
146 signal_handler.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
147 if (sigaction(SIGSYS, &signal_handler, NULL) < 0)
148 return -errno;
149 if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &signal_mask, NULL))
150 return -errno;
152 return 0;
153 }
155 /**
156 * Parse a filter action string into an action value
157 * @param action the action string
158 *
159 * Parse a seccomp action string into the associated integer value. Returns
160 * the correct value on success, -1 on failure.
161 *
162 */
163 int util_action_parse(const char *action)
164 {
165 if (action == NULL)
166 return -1;
168 if (strcasecmp(action, "KILL") == 0)
169 return SCMP_ACT_KILL;
170 else if (strcasecmp(action, "TRAP") == 0)
171 return SCMP_ACT_TRAP;
172 else if (strcasecmp(action, "ERRNO") == 0)
173 return SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(163);
174 else if (strcasecmp(action, "TRACE") == 0)
175 return -1; /* not yet supported */
176 else if (strcasecmp(action, "ALLOW") == 0)
177 return SCMP_ACT_ALLOW;
179 return -1;
180 }
182 /**
183 * Write a string to a file
184 * @param path the file path
185 *
186 * Open the specified file, write a string to the file, and close the file.
187 * Return zero on success, negative values on error.
188 *
189 */
190 int util_file_write(const char *path)
191 {
192 int fd;
193 const char buf[] = "testing";
194 ssize_t buf_len = strlen(buf);
196 fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
197 if (fd < 0)
198 return errno;
199 if (write(fd, buf, buf_len) < buf_len) {
200 int rc = errno;
201 close(fd);
202 return rc;
203 }
204 if (close(fd) < 0)
205 return errno;
207 return 0;
208 }
0 /**
1 * Seccomp Library utility code for tests
2 *
3 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
4 * Author: Corey Bryant <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _UTIL_TEST_H
22 #define _UTIL_TEST_H
24 struct util_options {
25 int bpf_flg;
26 };
28 int util_getopt(int argc, char *argv[], struct util_options *opts);
30 int util_filter_output(const struct util_options *opts,
31 const scmp_filter_ctx ctx);
33 int util_trap_install(void);
35 int util_action_parse(const char *action);
37 int util_file_write(const char *path);
39 #endif
0 #
1 # Seccomp Library utility code for tests
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 """ Python utility code for the libseccomp test suite """
23 import argparse
24 import os
25 import sys
26 import signal
28 from seccomp import *
30 def trap_handler(signum, frame):
31 """ SIGSYS signal handler, internal use only
32 """
33 os._exit(161)
35 def get_opt():
36 """ Parse the arguments passed to main
38 Description:
39 Parse the arguments passed to the test from the command line. Returns
40 a parsed argparse object.
41 """
42 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
43 parser.add_argument("-b", "--bpf", action="store_true")
44 parser.add_argument("-p", "--pfc", action="store_true")
45 return parser.parse_args()
47 def filter_output(args, ctx):
48 """ Output the filter in either BPF or PFC
50 Arguments:
51 args - an argparse object from UtilGetOpt()
52 ctx - a seccomp SyscallFilter object
54 Description:
55 Output the SyscallFilter to stdout in either BPF or PFC format depending
56 on the test's command line arguments.
57 """
58 if (args.bpf):
59 ctx.export_bpf(sys.stdout)
60 else:
61 ctx.export_pfc(sys.stdout)
63 def install_trap():
64 """ Install a TRAP action signal handler
66 Description:
67 Install the TRAP action signal handler.
68 """
69 signal.signal(signal.SIGSYS, trap_handler)
71 def parse_action(action):
72 """ Parse a filter action string into an action value
74 Arguments:
75 action - the action string
77 Description:
78 Parse a seccomp action string into the associated integer value.
79 """
80 if action == "KILL":
81 return KILL
82 elif action == "TRAP":
83 return TRAP
84 elif action == "ERRNO":
85 return ERRNO(163)
86 elif action == "TRACE":
87 raise RuntimeError("the TRACE action is not currently supported")
88 elif action == "ALLOW":
89 return ALLOW
90 raise RuntimeError("invalid action string")
93 def write_file(path):
94 """ Write a string to a file
96 Arguments:
97 path - the file path
99 Description:
100 Open the specified file, write a string to the file, and close the file.
101 """
102 fd =, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT, 0600)
103 if not os.write(fd, "testing") == len("testing"):
104 raise IOError("failed to write the full test string in write_file()")
105 os.close(fd)
107 # kate: syntax python;
108 # kate: indent-mode python; space-indent on; indent-width 4; mixedindent off;
0 #
1 # Enhanced Seccomp Library Makefile
2 #
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 # Author: Paul Moore <>
5 #
7 #
8 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 #
12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 # for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 #
21 #
22 # macros
23 #
25 include ../
27 #
28 # configuration
29 #
31 include $(TOPDIR)/
32 include $(TOPDIR)/
34 LDFLAGS := ../src/libseccomp.a
36 TOOLS = scmp_bpf_disasm \
37 scmp_bpf_sim \
38 scmp_sys_resolver \
39 scmp_arch_detect
41 TOOLS_INSTALL = scmp_sys_resolver
43 DEPS = $(TOOLS:%=%.d)
45 #
46 # targets
47 #
49 .PHONY: install clean
51 all: $(TOOLS)
53 -include $(DEPS)
55 $(DEPS):
58 $(TOOLS):
61 install: $(TOOLS_INSTALL)
64 clean:
65 $(RM) $(DEPS) $(TOOLS)
0 /**
1 * BPF Language Definitions
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #ifndef _BPF_H
22 #define _BPF_H
24 #include <inttypes.h>
25 #include <stddef.h>
27 /* most of these structures and values are designed to match the Linux Kernel's
28 * BPF interface (see /usr/include/linux/{filter,seccomp}.h), but we define our
29 * own here so that we can function independent of the host OS */
31 /* XXX - need to verify these values */
32 #define BPF_SCRATCH_SIZE 6
34 /**
35 * Syscall record data format used by seccomp
36 */
37 #define BPF_SYS_ARG_MAX 6
38 struct seccomp_data {
39 int32_t nr;
40 uint32_t arch;
41 uint64_t instruction_pointer;
42 uint64_t args[BPF_SYS_ARG_MAX];
43 };
44 #define BPF_SYSCALL_MAX (sizeof(struct seccomp_data))
46 /**
47 * BPF instruction format
48 */
49 struct sock_filter {
50 uint16_t code;
51 uint8_t jt;
52 uint8_t jf;
53 uint32_t k;
54 } __attribute__ ((packed));
55 typedef struct sock_filter bpf_instr_raw;
57 /* seccomp return masks */
58 #define SECCOMP_RET_ACTION 0x7fff0000U
59 #define SECCOMP_RET_DATA 0x0000ffffU
61 /* seccomp action values */
62 #define SECCOMP_RET_KILL 0x00000000U
63 #define SECCOMP_RET_TRAP 0x00030000U
64 #define SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO 0x00050000U
65 #define SECCOMP_RET_TRACE 0x7ff00000U
66 #define SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW 0x7fff0000U
68 /* bpf command classes */
69 #define BPF_CLASS(code) ((code) & 0x07)
70 #define BPF_LD 0x00
71 #define BPF_LDX 0x01
72 #define BPF_ST 0x02
73 #define BPF_STX 0x03
74 #define BPF_ALU 0x04
75 #define BPF_JMP 0x05
76 #define BPF_RET 0x06
77 #define BPF_MISC 0x07
79 /* BPF_LD and BPF_LDX */
80 #define BPF_SIZE(code) ((code) & 0x18)
81 #define BPF_W 0x00
82 #define BPF_H 0x08
83 #define BPF_B 0x10
84 #define BPF_MODE(code) ((code) & 0xe0)
85 #define BPF_IMM 0x00
86 #define BPF_ABS 0x20
87 #define BPF_IND 0x40
88 #define BPF_MEM 0x60
89 #define BPF_LEN 0x80
90 #define BPF_MSH 0xa0
92 #define BPF_OP(code) ((code) & 0xf0)
93 /* BPF_ALU */
94 #define BPF_ADD 0x00
95 #define BPF_SUB 0x10
96 #define BPF_MUL 0x20
97 #define BPF_DIV 0x30
98 #define BPF_OR 0x40
99 #define BPF_AND 0x50
100 #define BPF_LSH 0x60
101 #define BPF_RSH 0x70
102 #define BPF_NEG 0x80
103 /* BPF_JMP */
104 #define BPF_JA 0x00
105 #define BPF_JEQ 0x10
106 #define BPF_JGT 0x20
107 #define BPF_JGE 0x30
108 #define BPF_JSET 0x40
110 #define BPF_SRC(code) ((code) & 0x08)
111 #define BPF_K 0x00
112 #define BPF_X 0x08
114 /* BPF_RET (BPF_K and BPF_X also apply) */
115 #define BPF_RVAL(code) ((code) & 0x18)
116 #define BPF_A 0x10
118 /* BPF_MISC */
119 #define BPF_MISCOP(code) ((code) & 0xf8)
120 #define BPF_TAX 0x00
121 #define BPF_TXA 0x80
123 #endif
0 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # libseccomp code syntax checking tool
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 CHK_C_LIST="include/ \
24 src/*.c src/*.h \
25 tests/*.c tests/*.h \
26 tools/*.c tools/*.h"
29 ####
30 # functions
32 #
33 # Dependency verification
34 #
35 # Arguments:
36 # 1 Dependency to check for
37 #
38 function verify_deps() {
39 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
40 if ! which "$1" >& /dev/null; then
41 echo "error: install \"$1\" and include it in your \$PATH"
42 exit 1
43 fi
44 }
46 #
47 # Print out script usage details
48 #
49 function usage() {
50 cat << EOF
51 usage: check-syntax [-h]
53 libseccomp code syntax checking tool
54 optional arguments:
55 -h show this help message and exit
56 EOF
57 }
59 #
60 # Check the formatting on a C source/header file
61 #
62 # Arguments:
63 # 1 File to check
64 #
65 function tool_c_style() {
66 [[ -z "$1" || ! -r "$1" ]] && return
68 astyle --options=none --lineend=linux --mode=c \
69 --style=linux \
70 --indent=force-tab=8 \
71 --indent-preprocessor \
72 --indent-col1-comments \
73 --min-conditional-indent=0 \
74 --max-instatement-indent=80 \
75 --pad-oper \
76 --align-pointer=name \
77 --align-reference=name \
78 --max-code-length=80 \
79 --break-after-logical < "$1" \
80 | diff -pu --label="$1" "$1" --label="$1 [CORRECTED]" -
81 }
83 #
84 # Perform all known syntax checks for the configured C sources/headers
85 #
86 function check_c() {
87 for i in $CHK_C_LIST; do
88 echo "$CHK_C_EXCLUDE" | grep -q "$i" && continue
89 echo "Differences for $i"
90 tool_c_style "$i"
91 done
92 }
94 ####
95 # main
97 verify_deps astyle
99 while getopts "h" opt; do
100 case $opt in
101 h|*)
102 usage
103 exit 1
104 ;;
105 esac
106 done
108 # display the results
109 echo "=============== $(date) ==============="
110 echo "Code Syntax Check Results (\"check-syntax $*\")"
111 check_c
112 echo "============================================================"
114 # exit
115 exit 0
0 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # Runtime syscall inspector
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
6 # Author: Paul Moore <>
7 #
9 #
10 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
12 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
13 #
14 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 # for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 # along with this library; if not, see <>.
21 #
23 ####
24 # functions
26 function verify_deps() {
27 [[ -z "$1" ]] && return
28 if ! which "$1" >& /dev/null; then
29 echo "error: install \"$1\" and include it in your \$PATH"
30 exit 1
31 fi
32 }
34 ####
35 # main
37 # verify script dependencies
38 verify_deps strace
39 verify_deps sed
40 verify_deps sort
41 verify_deps uniq
43 # get the command line arguments
44 opt_freq=0
45 opt_args=0
46 opt_out="/proc/self/fd/1"
47 while getopts "afo:h" opt; do
48 case $opt in
49 a)
50 opt_args=1
51 ;;
52 f)
53 opt_freq=1
54 ;;
55 o)
56 opt_out="$OPTARG"
57 ;;
58 h|*)
59 echo "usage $0 [-f] [-a] [-o <file>] <command> [<args>]"
60 exit 1
61 esac
62 done
63 shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
65 # generate a temporary output file
66 raw=$(mktemp -t strace-raw_XXXXXX)
67 out="$raw-out"
69 # capture the strace output
70 strace -o $raw -- $*
72 # filter the raw strace
73 if [[ $opt_args -eq 0 ]]; then
74 if [[ $opt_freq -eq 0 ]]; then
75 cat $raw | sed -e 's/(.*//' | sort -u > $out
76 else
77 cat $raw | sed -e 's/(.*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > $out
78 fi
79 else
80 if [[ $opt_freq -eq 0 ]]; then
81 cat $raw | sed -e 's/)[ \t]*=.*$/)/' \
82 | sed -e 's/".*,/"...",/g;s/\/\*.*\*\//.../g' \
83 | sed -e 's/0x[a-f0-9]\+/.../g' \
84 | sort -u > $out
85 else
86 cat $raw | sed -e 's/)[ \t]*=.*$/)/' \
87 | sed -e 's/".*,/"...",/g;s/\/\*.*\*\//.../g' \
88 | sed -e 's/0x[a-f0-9]\+/.../g' \
89 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > $out
90 fi
91 fi
93 # display the output
94 echo "============================================================" > $opt_out
95 echo "Syscall Report (\"$*\")" >> $opt_out
96 [[ $opt_freq -eq 1 ]] && echo " freq syscall" >> $opt_out
97 echo "============================================================" >> $opt_out
98 cat $out >> $opt_out
100 # cleanup and exit
101 rm -f $raw $out
102 exit 0
0 /**
1 * Architecture Detector
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <unistd.h>
26 #include <seccomp.h>
28 /**
29 * Print the usage information to stderr and exit
30 * @param program the name of the current program being invoked
31 *
32 * Print the usage information and exit with EINVAL.
33 *
34 */
35 static void exit_usage(const char *program)
36 {
37 fprintf(stderr,
38 "usage: %s [-h] [-t]\n",
39 program);
40 exit(EINVAL);
41 }
43 /**
44 * main
45 */
46 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
47 {
48 int opt;
49 int token = 0;
50 uint32_t arch;
52 /* parse the command line */
53 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ht")) > 0) {
54 switch (opt) {
55 case 't':
56 token = 1;
57 break;
58 case 'h':
59 default:
60 /* usage information */
61 exit_usage(argv[0]);
62 }
63 }
65 arch = seccomp_arch_native();
66 if (token == 0) {
67 switch (arch) {
68 case SCMP_ARCH_X86:
69 printf("x86\n");
70 break;
71 case SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
72 printf("x86_64\n");
73 break;
74 case SCMP_ARCH_X32:
75 printf("x32\n");
76 break;
77 case SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
78 printf("arm\n");
79 break;
80 default:
81 printf("unknown\n");
82 }
83 } else
84 printf("%d\n", arch);
86 return 0;
87 }
0 /**
1 * BPF Disassembler
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <fcntl.h>
23 #include <inttypes.h>
24 #include <limits.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <string.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
29 #include <sys/types.h>
30 #include <sys/stat.h>
32 #include "bpf.h"
34 #define _OP_FMT "%-3s"
36 /**
37 * Decode the BPF operand
38 * @param bpf the BPF instruction
39 *
40 * Decode the BPF operand and print it to stdout.
41 *
42 */
43 static void bpf_decode_op(const bpf_instr_raw *bpf)
44 {
45 switch (bpf->code) {
52 printf(_OP_FMT, "ld");
53 break;
60 printf(_OP_FMT, "ldh");
61 break;
68 printf(_OP_FMT, "ldb");
69 break;
88 printf(_OP_FMT, "ldx");
89 break;
90 case BPF_ST:
91 printf(_OP_FMT, "st");
92 break;
93 case BPF_STX:
94 printf(_OP_FMT, "stx");
95 break;
98 printf(_OP_FMT, "add");
99 break;
102 printf(_OP_FMT, "sub");
103 break;
106 printf(_OP_FMT, "mul");
107 break;
110 printf(_OP_FMT, "div");
111 break;
112 case BPF_ALU+BPF_OR+BPF_K:
113 case BPF_ALU+BPF_OR+BPF_X:
114 printf(_OP_FMT, "or");
115 break;
118 printf(_OP_FMT, "and");
119 break;
122 printf(_OP_FMT, "lsh");
123 break;
126 printf(_OP_FMT, "rsh");
127 break;
130 printf(_OP_FMT, "neg");
131 break;
132 case BPF_JMP+BPF_JA+BPF_K:
133 case BPF_JMP+BPF_JA+BPF_X:
134 printf(_OP_FMT, "jmp");
135 break;
138 printf(_OP_FMT, "jeq");
139 break;
142 printf(_OP_FMT, "jgt");
143 break;
146 printf(_OP_FMT, "jge");
147 break;
150 printf(_OP_FMT, "jset");
151 break;
152 case BPF_RET+BPF_K:
153 case BPF_RET+BPF_X:
154 case BPF_RET+BPF_A:
155 printf(_OP_FMT, "ret");
156 break;
157 case BPF_MISC+BPF_TAX:
158 printf(_OP_FMT, "tax");
159 break;
160 case BPF_MISC+BPF_TXA:
161 printf(_OP_FMT, "txa");
162 break;
163 default:
164 printf(_OP_FMT, "???");
165 }
166 }
168 /**
169 * Decode the BPF arguments (JT, JF, and K)
170 * @param bpf the BPF instruction
171 * @param line the current line number
172 *
173 * Decode the BPF arguments (JT, JF, and K) and print the relevant information
174 * to stdout based on the operand.
175 *
176 */
177 static void bpf_decode_args(const bpf_instr_raw *bpf, unsigned int line)
178 {
179 switch (BPF_CLASS(bpf->code)) {
180 case BPF_LD:
181 case BPF_LDX:
182 switch (BPF_MODE(bpf->code)) {
183 case BPF_ABS:
184 printf("$data[%u]", bpf->k);
185 break;
186 case BPF_MEM:
187 printf("$temp[%u]", bpf->k);
188 break;
189 }
190 break;
191 case BPF_ST:
192 case BPF_STX:
193 printf("$temp[%u]", bpf->k);
194 break;
195 case BPF_ALU:
196 if (BPF_SRC(bpf->code) == BPF_K) {
197 switch (BPF_OP(bpf->code)) {
198 case BPF_OR:
199 case BPF_AND:
200 printf("0x%.8x", bpf->k);
201 break;
202 default:
203 printf("%u", bpf->k);
204 }
205 } else
206 printf("%u", bpf->k);
207 break;
208 case BPF_JMP:
209 if (BPF_OP(bpf->code) == BPF_JA) {
210 printf("%.4u", (line + 1) + bpf->k);
211 } else {
212 printf("%-4u true:%.4u false:%.4u",
213 bpf->k,
214 (line + 1) + bpf->jt,
215 (line + 1) + bpf->jf);
216 }
217 break;
218 case BPF_RET:
219 if (BPF_RVAL(bpf->code) == BPF_A) {
220 /* XXX - accumulator? */
221 printf("$acc");
222 } else if (BPF_SRC(bpf->code) == BPF_K) {
223 uint32_t act = bpf->k & SECCOMP_RET_ACTION;
224 uint32_t data = bpf->k & SECCOMP_RET_DATA;
226 switch (act) {
228 printf("KILL");
229 break;
231 printf("TRAP");
232 break;
234 printf("ERRNO(%u)", data);
235 break;
237 printf("TRACE(%u)", data);
238 break;
240 printf("ALLOW");
241 break;
242 default:
243 printf("0x%.8x", bpf->k);
244 }
245 } else if (BPF_SRC(bpf->code) == BPF_X) {
246 /* XXX - any idea? */
247 printf("???");
248 }
249 break;
250 case BPF_MISC:
251 break;
252 default:
253 printf("???");
254 }
255 }
257 /**
258 * Perform a simple decoding of the BPF program
259 * @param file the BPF program
260 *
261 * Read the BPF program and display the instructions. Returns zero on success,
262 * negative values on failure.
263 *
264 */
265 static int bpf_decode(FILE *file)
266 {
267 unsigned int line = 0;
268 size_t len;
269 bpf_instr_raw bpf;
271 /* header */
272 printf(" line OP JT JF K\n");
273 printf("=================================\n");
275 while ((len = fread(&bpf, sizeof(bpf), 1, file))) {
276 printf(" %.4u: 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.8x",
277 line, bpf.code, bpf.jt, bpf.jf, bpf.k);
279 printf(" ");
280 bpf_decode_op(&bpf);
281 printf(" ");
282 bpf_decode_args(&bpf, line);
283 printf("\n");
285 line++;
286 }
288 if (ferror(file))
289 return errno;
290 return 0;
291 }
293 /**
294 * main
295 */
296 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
297 {
298 int rc;
299 FILE *file;
301 if (argc > 2) {
302 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [<bpf_file>]\n", argv[0]);
303 return EINVAL;
304 }
306 if (argc == 2) {
307 file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
308 if (file == NULL) {
309 fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to open \"%s\" (%s)\n",
310 argv[1], strerror(errno));
311 return errno;
312 }
313 } else
314 file = stdin;
316 rc = bpf_decode(file);
317 fclose(file);
319 return rc;
320 }
0 /**
1 * BPF Simulator
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <elf.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <fcntl.h>
24 #include <inttypes.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <string.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
29 #include <linux/audit.h>
30 #include <sys/types.h>
31 #include <sys/stat.h>
33 #include "bpf.h"
35 #define BPF_PRG_MAX_LEN 4096
37 /**
38 * BPF simulator machine state
39 */
40 struct sim_state {
41 uint32_t acc;
42 uint32_t temp[BPF_SCRATCH_SIZE];
43 };
45 struct bpf_program {
46 size_t i_cnt;
47 bpf_instr_raw *i;
48 };
50 static unsigned int opt_verbose = 0;
52 /**
53 * Print the usage information to stderr and exit
54 * @param program the name of the current program being invoked
55 *
56 * Print the usage information and exit with EINVAL.
57 *
58 */
59 static void exit_usage(const char *program)
60 {
61 fprintf(stderr,
62 "usage: %s -f <bpf_file> [-v]"
63 " -a <arch> -s <syscall_num> [-0 <a0>] ... [-5 <a5>]\n",
64 program);
65 exit(EINVAL);
66 }
68 /**
69 * Handle a simulator fault
70 * @param rc the error or return code
71 *
72 * Print a "FAULT" to stderr to indicate a simulator fault, and an errno value
73 * if the simulator is running in verbose mode, then exit with EFAULT.
74 *
75 */
76 static void exit_fault(unsigned int rc)
77 {
78 if (opt_verbose)
79 fprintf(stderr, "FAULT: errno = %d\n", rc);
80 else
81 fprintf(stderr, "FAULT\n");
82 exit(EFAULT);
83 }
85 /**
86 * Handle a BPF program error
87 * @param rc the error or return code
88 * @param line the line number
89 *
90 * Print an "ERROR" to stderr to indicate a program error, and an errno value
91 * if the simulator is running in verbose mode, then exit with ENOEXEC.
92 *
93 */
94 static void exit_error(unsigned int rc, unsigned int line)
95 {
96 if (opt_verbose)
97 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: errno = %d, line = %d\n", rc, line);
98 else
99 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR\n");
100 exit(ENOEXEC);
101 }
103 /**
104 * Handle a simulator return/action
105 * @param action the return value
106 * @param line the line number
107 *
108 * Display the action to stdout and exit with 0.
109 *
110 */
111 static void end_action(uint32_t action, unsigned int line)
112 {
113 uint32_t act = action & SECCOMP_RET_ACTION;
114 uint32_t data = action & SECCOMP_RET_DATA;
116 switch (act) {
118 fprintf(stdout, "KILL\n");
119 break;
121 fprintf(stdout, "TRAP\n");
122 break;
124 fprintf(stdout, "ERRNO(%u)\n", data);
125 break;
127 fprintf(stdout, "TRACE(%u)\n", data);
128 break;
130 fprintf(stdout, "ALLOW\n");
131 break;
132 default:
133 exit_error(EDOM, line);
134 }
136 exit(0);
137 }
139 /**
140 * Execute a BPF program
141 * @param prg the loaded BPF program
142 * @param sys_data the syscall record being tested
143 *
144 * Simulate the BPF program with the given syscall record.
145 *
146 */
147 static void bpf_execute(const struct bpf_program *prg,
148 const struct seccomp_data *sys_data)
149 {
150 unsigned int ip, ip_c;
151 struct sim_state state;
152 bpf_instr_raw *bpf;
153 unsigned char *sys_data_b = (unsigned char *)sys_data;
155 /* initialize the machine state */
156 ip_c = 0;
157 ip = 0;
158 memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
160 while (ip < prg->i_cnt) {
161 /* get the instruction and bump the ip */
162 ip_c = ip;
163 bpf = &prg->i[ip++];
165 switch (bpf->code) {
166 case BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS:
167 if (bpf->k < BPF_SYSCALL_MAX)
168 state.acc = *((uint32_t *)&sys_data_b[bpf->k]);
169 else
170 exit_error(ERANGE, ip_c);
171 break;
172 case BPF_ALU+BPF_OR+BPF_K:
173 state.acc |= bpf->k;
174 break;
176 state.acc &= bpf->k;
177 break;
178 case BPF_JMP+BPF_JA:
179 ip += bpf->k;
180 break;
182 if (state.acc == bpf->k)
183 ip += bpf->jt;
184 else
185 ip += bpf->jf;
186 break;
188 if (state.acc > bpf->k)
189 ip += bpf->jt;
190 else
191 ip += bpf->jf;
192 break;
194 if (state.acc >= bpf->k)
195 ip += bpf->jt;
196 else
197 ip += bpf->jf;
198 break;
199 case BPF_RET+BPF_K:
200 end_action(bpf->k, ip_c);
201 break;
202 default:
203 /* since we don't support the full bpf language just
204 * yet, this could be either a fault or an error, we'll
205 * treat it as a fault until we provide full support */
206 exit_fault(EOPNOTSUPP);
207 }
208 }
210 /* if we've reached here there is a problem with the program */
211 exit_error(ERANGE, ip_c);
212 }
214 /**
215 * main
216 */
217 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
218 {
219 int opt;
220 char *opt_file = NULL;
221 FILE *file;
222 size_t file_read_len;
223 struct seccomp_data sys_data;
224 struct bpf_program bpf_prg;
226 /* clear the syscall record */
227 memset(&sys_data, 0, sizeof(sys_data));
229 /* parse the command line */
230 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:f:h:s:v0:1:2:3:4:5:")) > 0) {
231 switch (opt) {
232 case 'a':
233 if (strcmp(optarg, "x86") == 0)
234 sys_data.arch = AUDIT_ARCH_I386;
235 else if (strcmp(optarg, "x86_64") == 0)
236 sys_data.arch = AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64;
237 else if (strcmp(optarg, "x32") == 0)
238 sys_data.arch = AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64;
239 else if (strcmp(optarg, "arm") == 0)
240 sys_data.arch = AUDIT_ARCH_ARM;
241 else
242 exit_fault(EINVAL);
243 break;
244 case 'f':
245 opt_file = strdup(optarg);
246 if (opt_file == NULL)
247 exit_fault(ENOMEM);
248 break;
249 case 's':
250 = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
251 break;
252 case 'v':
253 opt_verbose = 1;
254 break;
255 case '0':
256 sys_data.args[0] = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
257 break;
258 case '1':
259 sys_data.args[1] = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
260 break;
261 case '2':
262 sys_data.args[2] = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
263 break;
264 case '3':
265 sys_data.args[3] = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
266 break;
267 case '4':
268 sys_data.args[4] = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
269 break;
270 case '5':
271 sys_data.args[5] = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
272 break;
273 case 'h':
274 default:
275 /* usage information */
276 exit_usage(argv[0]);
277 }
278 }
280 /* allocate space for the bpf program */
281 /* XXX - we should make this dynamic */
282 bpf_prg.i_cnt = 0;
283 bpf_prg.i = calloc(BPF_PRG_MAX_LEN, sizeof(*bpf_prg.i));
284 if (bpf_prg.i == NULL)
285 exit_fault(ENOMEM);
287 /* load the bpf program */
288 file = fopen(opt_file, "r");
289 if (file == NULL)
290 exit_fault(errno);
291 do {
292 file_read_len = fread(&(bpf_prg.i[bpf_prg.i_cnt]),
293 sizeof(*bpf_prg.i), 1, file);
294 if (file_read_len == 1)
295 bpf_prg.i_cnt++;
297 /* check the size */
298 if (bpf_prg.i_cnt == BPF_PRG_MAX_LEN)
299 exit_fault(E2BIG);
300 } while (file_read_len > 0);
301 fclose(file);
303 /* execute the bpf program */
304 bpf_execute(&bpf_prg, &sys_data);
306 /* we should never reach here */
307 exit_fault(EFAULT);
308 return 0;
309 }
0 /**
1 * Syscall resolver
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat <>
4 * Author: Paul Moore <>
5 */
7 /*
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
10 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18 * along with this library; if not, see <>.
19 */
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <ctype.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <unistd.h>
28 #include "../src/arch.h"
29 #include "../src/arch-x86.h"
30 #include "../src/arch-x86_64.h"
31 #include "../src/arch-x32.h"
32 #include "../src/arch-arm.h"
34 /**
35 * Print the usage information to stderr and exit
36 * @param program the name of the current program being invoked
37 *
38 * Print the usage information and exit with EINVAL.
39 *
40 */
41 static void exit_usage(const char *program)
42 {
43 fprintf(stderr,
44 "usage: %s [-h] [-a <arch>] [-t] <name>|<number>\n",
45 program);
46 exit(EINVAL);
47 }
49 /**
50 * main
51 */
52 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
53 {
54 int opt;
55 int translate = 0;
56 const struct arch_def *arch = arch_def_native;
57 int sys_num;
58 const char *sys_name;
60 /* parse the command line */
61 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:ht")) > 0) {
62 switch (opt) {
63 case 'a':
64 if (strcmp(optarg, "x86") == 0)
65 arch = &arch_def_x86;
66 else if (strcmp(optarg, "x86_64") == 0)
67 arch = &arch_def_x86_64;
68 else if (strcmp(optarg, "x32") == 0)
69 arch = &arch_def_x32;
70 else if (strcmp(optarg, "arm") == 0)
71 arch = &arch_def_arm;
72 else
73 exit_usage(argv[0]);
74 break;
75 case 't':
76 translate = 1;
77 break;
78 case 'h':
79 default:
80 /* usage information */
81 exit_usage(argv[0]);
82 }
83 }
85 /* sanity checks */
86 if (optind >= argc)
87 exit_usage(argv[0]);
89 /* perform the syscall lookup */
90 if (isdigit(argv[optind][0]) || argv[optind][0] == '-') {
91 sys_num = atoi(argv[optind]);
92 sys_name = arch_syscall_resolve_num(arch, sys_num);
93 printf("%s\n", sys_name);
94 } else {
95 sys_num = arch_syscall_resolve_name(arch, argv[optind]);
96 if (translate != 0)
97 /* ignore errors and just output the resolved number */
98 arch_syscall_rewrite(arch, 0, &sys_num);
99 printf("%d\n", sys_num);
100 }
102 return 0;
103 }
0 /* automatically generated - do not edit */
1 #ifndef _VERSION_H
2 #define _VERSION_H
3 #define VERSION_RELEASE "2.1.1"
4 #define VERSION_MAJOR 2
5 #define VERSION_MINOR 1
6 #define VERSION_MICRO 1
7 #endif
0 #
1 # version_info - version information for seccomp library
2 #
4 # version components