Codebase list libtest-cpan-meta-perl / 29c4cb7
removed Test::CPAN::Meta from the recommends list Barbie 9 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 4 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 Revision history for Test-CPAN-Meta
11 ===================================
3 - POD fixes (by Olivier Mengué (DOLMEN)).
4 - removed Test::CPAN::Meta from the recommends list, as tries
5 to install it first. (RT#104023 Steve Hay (SHAY)).
37 0.24 2015-01-13
48 - extended META test suite.
3535 "Test::Builder": "0"
3636 },
3737 "recommends": {
38 "Test::CPAN::Meta": "0.13",
3938 "Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON": "0",
4039 "Test::More": "0.70",
4140 "Test::Pod": "1.00",