Codebase list metche / 84b8fb4
Tell mutt *not* to save outgoing email. This fixes Debian bug #657071. intrigeri 11 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
8181 _mail() {
8282 local subject="$1"
8383 if which mutt > /dev/null ; then
84 LC_ALL="$LOCALE" mutt -F/dev/null -s "$subject" "$EMAIL_ADDRESS"
84 LC_ALL="$LOCALE" mutt -F/dev/null -e 'set record="/dev/null"' -s "$subject" "$EMAIL_ADDRESS"
8585 elif which mail > /dev/null ; then
8686 LC_ALL="$LOCALE" mail -s "$subject" "$EMAIL_ADDRESS"
8787 elif [ -x /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; then